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Comment (062) of Douglas True on Behalf of the Nuclear Energy Institute on PR-53 - Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 09/28/2021
From: True D, True D
Nuclear Energy Institute
85FR71002, NRC-2019-0062, PR-53
Download: ML21274A070 (46)


From: TRUE, Doug To: Doane, Margaret Cc: Lubinski, John; Tappert, John; Veil, Andrea; Furstenau, Raymond; Taylor, Robert; Shams, Mohamed; Beall, Bob; Reckley, William; Valliere, Nanette; Nakanishi, Tony; Walker, Shakur; Widmayer, Derek; Krsek, Robert


[External_Sender] NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 2:39:45 PM Attachments: 09-28-21_NRC_Industry Paper on Part 53 Licensing Approaches.pdf NEI White Paper -Technology-inclusive, Risk-informed, Performance-based Approaches.pdf THE ATTACHMENT CONTAINS THE COMPLETE CONTENTS OF THE LETTER September 28, 2021 Ms. Margaret Doane Executive Director of Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

Project Number: 689

Dear Ms. Doane:


Over the past year, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and its members have been engaging with the NRC staff on the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) development of a technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based regulatory framework for advanced reactors, commonly referred to as the Part 53 rulemaking. Over that time, we have promptly identified our concerns to the staff and have anticipated constructive dialog and evolution of Part 53 toward the framework that is needed to enable the timely, efficient, and cost-effective deployment of the next generation of reactors to meet our nations carbon reduction goals. While there has been some progress, there is currently little industry support among prospective applicants for the use of Part 53, as drafted.

This is a significant issue, since the purpose of developing Part 53 is to provide a more efficient licensing framework for advanced reactors. Some of the areas of greatest concern include: the lack of flexibility in the role of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), design requirements for as-low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), proliferation of program overlays, and circumvention of the backfit rule, among others. We intend to provide a more comprehensive set of feedback on our major concerns in a separate letter in October, once we have reviewed the remaining portions of Part 53 preliminary rule language scheduled to be released by the staff.

Our hope is that the attached paper describing the variety of licensing approaches that qualify as risk-informed will enable the staff to pursue an inclusive and efficient rule. As stated above, the industry stands ready to assist in the adoption of these alternatives in the rule, including the development of necessary guidance. We appreciate the NRCs consideration of these licensing approaches in the formation of Part 53. If you have questions concerning our input, please contact me, or Marc Nichol at 202-739-8131 or


Doug True l Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 l Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8093 M: 925.998.8810


The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is responsible for establishing unified policy on behalf of its members relating to matters affecting the nuclear energy industry, including the regulatory aspects of generic operational and technical issues. NEIs members include entities licensed to operate commercial nuclear power plants in the United States, nuclear plant designers, major architect and engineering firms, fuel cycle facilities, nuclear materials licensees, and other organizations involved in the nuclear energy industry.

This electronic message transmission contains information from the Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc. The information is intended solely for the use of the addressee and its use by any other person is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you have received this communication in error, and any review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution of the contents of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or by electronic mail and permanently delete the original message. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS and other taxing authorities, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.

DOUGLAS E. TRUE Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer 1201 F Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8083 September 28, 2021 Ms. Margaret Doane Executive Director of Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

Project Number: 689

Dear Ms. Doane:

Over the past year, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 1 and its members have been engaging with the NRC staff on the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) development of a technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based regulatory framework for advanced reactors, commonly referred to as the Part 53 rulemaking. Over that time, we have promptly identified our concerns to the staff and have anticipated constructive dialog and evolution of Part 53 toward the framework that is needed to enable the timely, efficient, and cost-effective deployment of the next generation of reactors to meet our nations carbon reduction goals. While there has been some progress, there is currently little industry support among prospective applicants for the use of Part 53, as drafted. This is a significant issue, since the purpose of developing Part 53 is to provide a more efficient licensing framework for advanced reactors. Some of the areas of greatest concern include: the lack of flexibility in the role of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA),

design requirements for as-low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), proliferation of program overlays, and circumvention of the backfit rule, among others. We intend to provide a more comprehensive set of feedback on our major concerns in a separate letter in October, once we have reviewed the remaining portions of Part 53 preliminary rule language scheduled to be released by the staff.

The purpose of this letter is to provide input related to one of those areas, the role of the PRA, which is central to ensuring that the rule is used and useful as described in the July 8, 2021 Unified Industry Position letter. As discussed in various previous letters and through numerous NRC public stakeholder meetings over the last year, the industry desires a Part 53 rule that is compatible with a variety of risk-informed licensing approaches. In this letter, we describe why a Part 53 rule that only allows the use of one type of licensing 1 The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is responsible for establishing unified policy on behalf of its members relating to matters affecting the nuclear energy industry, including the regulatory aspects of generic operational and technical issues. NEIs members include entities licensed to operate commercial nuclear power plants in the United States, nuclear plant designers, major architect and engineering firms, fuel cycle facilities, nuclear materials licensees, and other organizations involved in the nuclear energy industry.

Ms. Margaret Doane September 28, 2021 Page 2 approach is mis-guided, and would unnecessarily disadvantage various types of risk-informed licensing approaches that industry is interested in using for advanced reactors under Part 53. The attached paper, Technology-inclusive, Risk-informed, Performance-based Approaches for Development of Licensing Bases Under Part 53, describes four examples of risk-informed approaches that should be allowed to be used in Part 53, and which, with relatively few straightforward changes to the NRCs current Part 53 preliminary rule language, could be used. Industry stands ready to facilitate the incorporation of these alternative approaches through public interactions and the development of the necessary guidance for NRC review and approval.

One fatal flaw in the NRC staffs development of Part 53 to date, that we have raised continuously over the past year, is that the staff is intentionally developing Part 53 rule language to favor only one known type of risk-informed licensing approach. The NRC staff calls this approach a leading role of the PRA, but it has never before been approved by the NRC (or any other nuclear regulator worldwide) in a license application.

Simultaneously, the NRC is making it more difficult to use all other known risk-informed licensing approaches, most of which have been previously approved by the NRC in a license application. In doing so, the NRC staff is developing a rule that we believe is inconsistent with the direction from the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) and the Commissions SRM-SECY-20-0032. Specifically, NEIMA and the Commission envisioned that in order to establish an inclusive rule, the staff may need to develop requirements at a high level and utilize guidance documents to address details; however, the NRCs preliminary Part 53 rule language associated with the use of PRAs contains detail that is typically found in guidance (examples 53.220 and 53.450) and is far beyond what has been used in Parts 50 and 52. The result is to establish a Part 53 that will not achieve the commitments made by the staff in SECY 20-0032, specifically to include appropriate use of risk-informed and performance-based techniques to provide the necessary flexibility for licensing and regulating a variety of advanced reactor technologies and build additional procedural flexibility into the licensing process The NRC staff has defended their pursuit of an unnecessarily narrowly focused rule by stating in public meetings that NEIMA directs them to establish a Part 53 that uses PRA in a way that is not currently available under Parts 50 and 52. We do not read NEIMA that way, since it states, The term technology-inclusive regulatory framework means a regulatory framework developed using methods of evaluation that are flexible and practicable for application to a variety of reactor technologies, including, where appropriate, the use of risk-informed and performance-based techniques and other tools and methods, (emphasis added). The NRC staff has also publicly said that the agency decided years ago that Part 53 would be to codify a leading PRA approach; the staff appears to be referring to a prior Part 53 effort that was terminated by SECY 07-0101. Even if this current Part 53 effort is based on resurrecting earlier work, which was not discussed in SECY 20-0032, the earlier effort did not restrict licensing to only the use of the PRA in a leading role, and in fact it permitted approaches that use the PRA in a confirmatory role, like the licensing approach pursued by the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) that was associated with those efforts. The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) recommendation at that time, that the framework be tested on an actual design, is a prescient warning for the current approach to only allow an untested leading role of the PRA in Part 53. Finally, the proposal for Part 53 in SECY 20-0032 did not inform the Commission that Part 53 would be developed to allow only one type of risk-informed licensing approach. While the SECY said it would build upon the recently approved SECY-19-0117, Technology-Inclusive Risk-Informed and

Ms. Margaret Doane September 28, 2021 Page 3 Performance-Based Methodology to Inform the Licensing Basis and Content of Applications for Licenses, Certifications and Approvals for Non-Light-Water Reactors, it did not say that Part 53 would be developed to exclude other known risk-informed approaches.

There are several issues with the manner in which the NRC staff is pursuing this interpretation of the NEIMA and Commission direction. First, to have decided a priori that Part 53 would allow only one licensing approach is inconsistent with the NRCs Principles of Good Regulation (especially Openness) and the Commission direction to seek stakeholder input. The NRC staff has routinely reflected this posture in public meetings where the staff immediately rejects stakeholder suggestions that differ from their preconceived views, especially stakeholder suggestions to create a rule that would allow other risk-informed licensing approaches. Second, for nearly a year, stakeholders have been urging the NRC to establish a Part 53 that allows a variety of risk-informed licensing approaches (our first formal submission of this comment was in our letter dated October 21, 2020, ML20301A437). Around March of 2021, the NRC staff initially stated that approaches that did not use PRA in a leading role would need to be licensed under Parts 50 and 52. After continued objections by stakeholders, the NRC staff later stated on a number of occasions, and implied in multiple publicly-released drafts of Part 53 language, that they would look into the changes to rule language that would be needed to allow other risk-informed approaches to use Part 53.

To our surprise, the NRC staff recently presented to the ACRS plans that would preclude approaches that do not conform to the NRCs preferred leading role of the PRA from being able to utilize much, if any, of the Part 53 rule. At the ACRS meeting, the NRC staff said that they are developing an alternative Technology-Inclusive Deterministic 2 framework for use by risk-informed approaches that use PRA in a confirmatory role.

The NRC staff indicated that this alternative framework to the current Part 53 preliminary rule language would be a modified Part 50/52, and would utilize very little of Part 53. 3 While the staff described an approach that would allow more flexibility in the use of the PRA by relying on the NRC Safety Goal Policy Statement to ensure the Quantitative Health Objectives are met and not prescribing specific uses of the PRA (e.g., the basis for selecting events), we note that the NRC could also do the same for the current Part 53 preliminary rule language, as there is no reason that these details must be prescribed in the Part 53 rule language. For the deterministic framework, the NRC staff said that it would require certain elements of the safety paradigm, such as single failure criterion, principle design criteria, design requirements for anticipated operation occurrences and design basis accidents, and beyond design basis events and severe accidents.

However, the safety paradigm forming the basis of the current Part 53 rule language also includes these elements, or more performance-based alternatives to achieve their underlying intent, which licensing approaches with a confirmatory role could also meet. Finally, the NRC staff stated that Part 53 can only be used by an approach that uses the PRA in a leading role, reiterating their position documented at the May 27, 2021 stakeholder meeting; however, the NRC staff provided no technical basis for excluding other risk-informed approaches.

2 We note that the staffs use of this term is inaccurate since it would be risk-informed and it would require the use of a PRA.

3 NRC staff stated that they are still assessing where to place the Technology Inclusive Deterministic framework in the regulations (e.g., in Part 50 or another part).

Ms. Margaret Doane September 28, 2021 Page 4 The NRC staffs basis for excluding other risk-informed approaches from using Part 53 appears to be based on an unnecessary distinction between a leading role and confirmatory role of the PRA, since all agree that both are risk-informed. The NRC staff has not defined what constitutes a leading role of the PRA, but has stated that the methodology approved by SECY 19-0117 is the only method that they know of that is considered a leading role of the PRA. As we show in the attached paper, the distinction between a leading versus confirmatory role of a PRA is a distinction without meaning, since it has no impact on the ability to meet the underlying safety paradigm that the NRC has developed in the current Part 53 preliminary rule language. In fact, there is no basis for the NRC staffs insistence that the PRA must be used in a leading role for the safety case in a truly risk-informed framework. After all, the NRCs own definition 4 of risk-informed approaches says, A riskinformed approach to regulatory decisionmaking represents a philosophy whereby risk insights are considered together with other factors to establish requirements that better focus licensee and regulatory attention on design and operational issues commensurate with their importance to health and safety, (emphasis added).

The flaw in the NRC staffs reasoning is that Parts 50 and 52 do not preclude the use of a leading role of the PRA, and, while Part 53 does include enhancements over Parts 50 and 52, especially in the reduction in the need for exemptions, nearly all of these enhancements can apply equally, or nearly equally, to both the NRCs preferred leading role of PRA and other risk-informed approaches that use the PRA in a confirmatory role. In fact, as discussed in the attached paper, each of the examples for other risk-informed approaches are able to meet all of the elements of the NRCs preliminary rule language for a risk-informed approach, including:

1. The plant meets the established limits for the adequate protection of the public health and safety.
2. The safety functions, design features and functional design criteria relied upon to meet the safety criteria are defined.
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range of hazards that a specific design is exposed to.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their safety significance.
5. The design reflects the application of an appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, including accounting for important uncertainties associated with the design and the response of SSCs to plant challenges.
6. The special treatment for SSCs, and associated programmatic controls and human actions, provide reasonable assurance that the SSCs will perform the safety functions for which they are relied upon.

Thus, the NRC staff is artificially excluding all known risk-informed licensing approaches from Part 53 except for the staffs preferred leading role of PRA approach, which has never been approved by the NRC in a license application, by the use of preliminary rule language that is overly detailed and prescriptive, in contrast to the NEIMA and Commission directed use of higher-level performance-based rule language that relies on guidance for details.

The net result is that the NRC staff is developing a Part 53 that we believe will be less flexible than licensing advanced reactors under Parts 50 and 52, and which will exclude many companies from its use solely 4 NUREG2122, Glossary of RiskRelated Terms in Support of RiskInformed Decisionmaking. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report, November 2013

Ms. Margaret Doane September 28, 2021 Page 5 because they did not utilize the NRC staffs preference for using the PRA in a leading role. We do not believe that this is the outcome envisioned by NEIMA, nor is it the outcome that the industry desires.

We are vested in the NRC developing a successful Part 53 that will be used and useful. The industry has invested significant resources in participating in the public meetings the NRC has held, and in reviewing and commenting on the draft rule language, in the hope of having an inclusive and efficient Part 53. We firmly believe the ability of the nation to reduce carbon emissions depends on a successful Part 53 rulemaking. We also believe it is clear that, with relatively straight forward changes to the NRC staffs Part 53 preliminary rule language, primarily by removal of unnecessarily prescriptive details usually found in guidance, the NRC can establish a Part 53 rule that allows the variety of risk-informed licensing approaches that industry plans to use for advanced reactors and this can be accomplished on the Commission directed schedule.

Our hope is that the attached paper describing the variety of licensing approaches that qualify as risk-informed will enable the staff to pursue an inclusive and efficient rule. As stated above, the industry stands ready to assist in the adoption of these alternatives in the rule, including the development of necessary guidance. We appreciate the NRCs consideration of these licensing approaches in the formation of Part 53.

If you have questions concerning our input, please contact me, or Marc Nichol at 202-739-8131 or

Sincerely, Douglas E. True Attachment Mr. John Lubinski, NMSS, NRC Mr. John Tappert, NMSS, NRC Ms. Andrea Veil, NRR, NRC Mr. Raymund Furstenau, RES, NRC Mr. Rob Taylor, NRR, NRC Mr. Mohamed K. Shams, NRR/DANU, NRC Mr. Robert H. Beall, NMSS/REFS/RRPB, NRC Mr. William D. Reckley, NRR/DANU/UARP, NRC Ms. Nanette Valliere, NRR/DANU/UARP, NRC Mr. Tony Nakanishi, Office of Chairman Hanson, NRC Mr. Shakur Walker, Office of Commissioner Wright, NRC Mr. Rob Krsek, Office of Commissioner Baran, NRC Mr. Derek Widmayer, NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

WHITE PAPER Technology-inclusive, Risk-informed, Performance-based Approaches for Development of Licensing Bases Under Part 53 Prepared by the Nuclear Energy Institute September 2021

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved.

September 2021 Acknowledgements This document was developed by the Nuclear Energy Institute. NEI acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of NEI members and other organizations in providing input, reviewing and commenting on the document including NEI Project Lead: Marc Nichol, Contractor: Stuart Lewis Notice Neither NEI, nor any of its employees, members, supporting organizations, contractors, or consultants make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of, or assume any liability for damages resulting from any use of, any information apparatus, methods, or process disclosed in this report or that such may not infringe privately owned rights.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved.

September 2021 Executive Summary The Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) directs the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to develop a technology-inclusive, performance-based and risk-informed rule for advanced reactors that minimizes the need for exemptions [1]. In response, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of completing a new rule, 10 CFR Part 53, that will establish the foundation for a technology-inclusive, performance-based and risk-informed process to be used in the licensing of advanced reactors. It is to be expected that different applications will reflect differences in the design and analysis processes for establishing the safety case and licensing basis to meet the Part 53 requirements. Insight into the aspects of a variety of risk-informed licensing processes that use different combinations of risk information and deterministic safety analysis, sufficient to demonstrate the safety of the design, will help to inform the development of the Part 53 requirements.

This white paper describes a set of principles that constitute a flexible framework for a technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based (TI-RIPB) design and analysis process for assessing the safety adequacy of advanced designs. NEI previously developed a guidance document, NEI 18-04, that describes one approach to addressing the TI-RIPB process. This white paper illustrates the flexibility that should be available in implementing a TI-RIPB process by outlining three additional examples of approaches. Each of these four examples (including that presented in NEI 18-04) reflects a different degree of reliance on deterministic safety analyses relative to risk information. Each of the four examples includes selection of Licensing Basis Events; safety classification of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) and associated risk-informed special treatments; and determination of defense-in-depth (DID) adequacy. Rather than detailing a specific process as in NEI 18-04, however, this white paper focuses on the attributes and outcomes associated with the principles for a TI-RIPB process. It does so by describing how different approaches may be employed to satisfy the principles such that such that an appropriate determination of safety adequacy may be made by the NRC.

The intent of this white paper is to seek concurrence on the principles for appropriate approaches to a TI-RIPB licensing process to aid in the further development of Part 53. Additional guidance will be developed as this concurrence is reached.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved.

September 2021 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Terminology ........................................................................................................................ 3 The Value of Risk-Informed Approaches ......................................................................................... 4 2.1 The Nature of Risk-Informed Approaches .......................................................................... 4 2.2 The Benefits of Risk-Informing Nuclear Safety Assessments ............................................. 6 Safety Design and Analysis Process ................................................................................................. 8 3.1 Scope of Considerations ..................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Guiding Principles for Acceptable Processes ...................................................................... 9 Outline of Example Approaches .................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Example A: Process Using NEI 18¬04 ................................................................................ 11 4.2 Example B: Process with Confirmatory Use of PRA .......................................................... 18 4.3 Example C: Approach Based on IAEA Guidance................................................................ 21 4.4 Example D: Risk-Informed Bounding Approach................................................................ 26 4.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 29 Next Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 30 References ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Table of Figures Figure 1: Viable Risk-Informed Approaches .................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Overview of PRA Process and Applications ................................................................................... 6 Figure 3: Spectrum of Possible Risk-Informed Approaches .......................................................................... 8 Figure 4: Process for Selecting and Evaluating LBEs ................................................................................... 12 Figure 5: Frequency-Consequence Curve ................................................................................................... 14 Figure 6: Elements of the Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Evaluation of Defense in Depth ......... 15 Figure 7: Elements of the Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Evaluation of Defense in Depth ......... 29 Table of Tables Table 1: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example A ........................................................................... 17 Table 2: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example B ........................................................................... 19 Table 3: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example C ........................................................................... 24 Table 4: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example D ........................................................................... 27

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved.

September 2021 INTRODUCTION The Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) directs the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to develop a technology-inclusive, performance-based and risk-informed rule for advanced reactors that minimizes the need for exemptions [1]. In response, the NRC is in the process of completing a new rule, 10 CFR Part 53, that will establish the regulatory foundation to implement such a regulatory framework [2]. Part 53 will need to be structured to be flexible enough to accommodate the variety of approaches to licensing that different applicants may take. The applicants will need to present information demonstrating that a design will achieve reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety. As part of a performance-based and risk-informed framework, however, it is to be expected that different applications will reflect differences in the design and analysis processes for establishing the safety case and licensing basis to meet the Part 53 requirements. Insight into the aspects of a variety of risk-informed licensing processes that use different combinations of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and deterministic safety analysis, sufficient to demonstrate the safety of the design, will help inform the development of the Part 53 requirements.

1.1 Purpose The goal of this document is to present a flexible framework for a technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based (TI-RIPB) design and analysis process for assessing the safety adequacy of the design under Part 53. In implementing the PRA Policy Statement [3], the NRC has included risk-informed considerations as part of the licensing process for operating plants that were licensed under Part 50 [4],

and for plants that have sought combined licenses under Part 52 [5]. For current plants, these considerations have taken the form of a variety of specific risk-informed applications (both mandatory and voluntary in nature) and NRC programs to monitor safety performance. Plants applying for licenses under Part 52 are required to perform a PRA and to report the results as part of their license application.

They are also required to use the results, for example, to identify non-safety equipment that could be important to safety. The NRCs Part 52 Lessons Learned rulemaking is seeking to include these same provisions for new reactors licensed under Part 50.

Part 53 will also need to consider risk-informed approaches to the licensing of new nuclear power plants in light of the PRA Policy Statement. The NRC is seeking stakeholder input as it considers rule language that would allow a range of approaches in applying risk information. While the Part 53 requirements are still being developed, the following elements of a TI-RIPB framework in current draft sections of Part 53 indicate expectations for the safety case [6]:

  • In §53.210, §53.220 and §53.260 the NRC requires that the established limits for the adequate protection of the public health and safety be met.
  • In §53.230, the NRC requires that the safety functions of the design be defined.
  • In §53.240, the NRC requires that the licensing basis events of the design be identified and analyzed.
  • In §53.250, the NRC requires that the design include adequate provisions for defense in depth.
  • In §53.400, the NRC requires that design features be provided such that the plant will satisfy the safety criteria in §§53.210 and 53.220 and the safety functions in §53.230 will be maintained.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 1

September 2021

  • In §53.410 and §53.420, the NRC requires that the functional design criteria for the design be defined.
  • In §53.460, the NRC requires that the safety categorization and special-treatment provisions of the design be established.

It is noted that the NRC is still developing the Part 53 requirements, and the specific provisions are subject to change. Furthermore, referencing these requirements does not imply that this paper endorses their current form, but rather recognizes that these aspects of the design and safety case are highly likely to be included, in some form, in the final Part 53 rule. The concepts they represent will have a key bearing on the development of the flexible framework for a TI-RIPB process to establish the safety case and licensing basis, as it is described in this paper. It is noted that there are other Part 53 requirements relevant to the licensing basis and safety case (e.g., §53.450 Analysis, and numerous requirements related to programmatic controls and human actions), however, these requirements are not listed here since they do not have a primary effect on the establishment of a TI-RIPB process. It is expected that this paper will help to inform the nature and details of relevant Part 53 requirements.

The framework for the TI-RIPB design and analysis process established in this white paper is based upon a set of over-arching guiding principles. The framework allows for varying degrees of emphasis with respect to the relative roles of risk information and deterministic safety analyses to meet these TI-RIPB process principles. NEI developed a guidance document, NEI 18-04 [7], that describes one way to address the TI-RIPB process. The TI-RIPB process in this paper covers the scope of NEI 18-04, including selection of Licensing Basis Events (LBEs); safety classification of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) and associated risk-informed special treatments; and determination of defense-in-depth (DID) adequacy. Rather than detailing a specific process as in NEI 18-04, however, this white paper focuses on the attributes and outcomes associated with the principles for a TI-RIPB process. It does so by describing how different approaches may be employed to satisfy the principles such that such that an appropriate determination of safety adequacy may be made by the NRC. The TI-RIPB process, which is illustrated by examples in this paper, is more flexible in affording applicants a range of acceptable approaches for establishing the elements identified above for Part 53 as part of demonstrating that a specific design provides reasonable assurance of adequate radiological protection.

This white paper presents four examples of approaches to implementing a TI-RIPB design and analysis process. These examples help to explain further the nature and intent of the elements that comprise the framework and to illustrate its flexibility in promoting efficient assessments to achieve reasonable assurance of adequate protection of public health and safety. While NEI 18-04 was limited in applicability to advanced non-light water reactors, the TI-RIPB process outlined in this white paper can be applied to advanced reactors of all types, including advanced light-water reactors, molten salt reactors, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, microreactors, and a variety of fast reactors, at all thermal power capacities. These alternative approaches remain consistent with the principles and philosophy presented in NEI 18-04 and in the positions on advanced reactors and risk-informed, performance-based approaches set forth by NRC Commission policies.

While this white paper does not attempt to provide detailed guidance for carrying out each of the four example approaches (such guidance is already provided for one of the examples in NEI 18-04), it does describe the nature and attributes of the examples in sufficient detail to demonstrate that each approach to implementing the TI-RIPB process would result in a sufficient safety case for a design, and to formulate Part 53 requirements that would allow for this spectrum of TI-RIPB licensing approaches.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 2

September 2021 1.2 Terminology The definition of the licensing basis under Part 53 uses some specific terminology that merits explanation in the context of these approaches. The following provides the definitions as used in this document.

Deterministic safety analysis - As applied in nuclear technology, deterministic safety analysis generally deals with evaluating the safety of a nuclear power plant in terms of the consequences of a predetermined bounding subset of accident sequences [8].

Probabilistic risk assessment - A quantitative assessment of the risk associated with plant operation and maintenance that is measured in terms of frequency of occurrence and consequences of event sequences, event sequence families, or release categories. Also referred to as a probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) [9].

PRA confirmatory role - The use of results and insights from a PRA in a manner complementary to deterministic safety analysis to provide further confidence of the safety adequacy for a plant or design.

PRA foundational role - The use of the PRA as the primary tool to establish the safety adequacy of a plant or design and to provide perspective on the selection of cases and outcomes of deterministic safety analyses.

Risk-informed approach - A risk-informed approach to regulatory decision-making represents a philosophy whereby risk insights are considered together with other factors to establish requirements that better focus licensee and regulatory attention on design and operational issues commensurate with their importance to health and safety [10].

Risk insights - The understanding about a facilitys response to postulated accidents [8].

Risk-informed regulation - An approach which incorporates an assessment of safety significance or relative risk. This approach ensures that the regulatory burden imposed by an individual regulation or process is appropriate to its importance in protecting the health and safety of the public and the environment [8].

Risk information - Information that can demonstrate the significance or relative risk of an issue or design feature. The results and insights from a probabilistic risk assessment that meets the ASME/ANS PRA Standard [9] (i.e., that addresses significant contributors to risk in an adequately detailed, realistic, and plant-specific manner and that includes a quantitative characterization of uncertainties) is one form of risk information. Risk information can also take the form of results from bounding analyses that can demonstrate significance, or lack thereof, based on assessing the impacts of an issue or design feature using simpler, conservative inputs and models. Combinations of results from detailed PRAs and from bounding analysis are also viable forms of risk information, as long as the limitations of each are understood and accounted for in the decision-making process.

Performance-based - An approach that focuses on desired, measurable outcomes, rather than prescriptive processes, techniques, or procedures. Performance-based regulation leads to defined results without specific direction regarding how those results are to be obtained [5].

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September 2021 Technology-inclusive -Broadly applicable across the spectrum of advanced reactor, small modular reactor (SMR), and microreactor designs, including light water reactors and non-light water reactors without need for extensive exemptions or alternative regulatory requirements due to unique technology features.

Technology-inclusive, risk-informed, performance-based process - A process that uses a combination of risk information and deterministic analyses to establish the safety adequacy of the design. The process may use risk information in either a foundational role or one that is confirmatory in nature. The TI-RIPB process is based on principles that guide the development of a specific approach for establishing the safety case.

THE VALUE OF RISK-INFORMED APPROACHES The use of risk-informed approaches in regulation was ushered in by the NRCs issuance of the 1995 PRA Policy Statement [8], which states that, The use of PRA technology should be increased in all regulatory matters to the extent supported by the state-of-the-art in PRA methods and data and in a manner that complements the NRC's deterministic approach and supports the NRC's traditional defense-in-depth philosophy. What is important about the concept of a risk-informed process (rather than one that is risk-based) is that it is intended to use risk information in combination with deterministic approaches that have proven to be effective, to obtain the benefits of both approaches.

2.1 The Nature of Risk-Informed Approaches Over the years since the issuance of the PRA Policy Statement, the NRC has used risk-informed approaches in a variety of manners. The practice of combining risk information and deterministic approaches has taken a variety of forms, from assessments of risk focused heavily on quantitative results to application of risk insights to adapt deterministic requirements. As shown in Figure 1, this fundamentally comes down to the degree of dependence on the traditional deterministic approaches versus the dependence on the risk information. The first case begins with primarily deterministic information (DID and safety margins) and is complemented by risk information in a confirmatory role.

This approach is similar to what has been done with the current fleet where deterministic assessments have been complemented by risk information in order to better understand the residual risks associated with the design. In the second case, risk information plays a primary role, and it is complemented by considerations of DID and safety margins. This is the approach taken in NEI 18-04, which calls for the PRA to be used as the foundation for the safety case. This white paper provides examples of how the first case could work in a TI-RIPB framework per Part 53.

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September 2021 Figure 1: Viable Risk-Informed Approaches A very high-level summary of how the PRA results and insights are used is provided in Figure 2. The insights derive from answering the three questions posed in any risk assessment:

  • What can go wrong?
  • How likely is it?
  • What are the consequences?

A comprehensive understanding of potential plant challenges, the probabilistic perspective afforded by quantifying the frequencies of those challenges, and as realistic an understanding as possible of the nature of the outcomes together inform a variety of processes, including those of interest in the licensing of new nuclear power plants. This approach is valuable both for managing the safety of an individual plant and for enhancing the effectiveness of regulations and regulatory processes.

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September 2021 Figure 2: Overview of PRA Process and Applications 2.2 The Benefits of Risk-Informing Nuclear Safety Assessments The benefits of risk-informed approaches - from the early use of risk assessments to search in a systematic way for opportunities to improve safety, to more formal applications that have yielded operational flexibility while improving safety focus - are well documented [11, 12]. The use of PRA and the risk insights gained from a risk-informed approach to plant licensing are substantial. The systematic nature of a PRA provides a valuable complement to deterministic approaches which are, by nature, more focused on defining success and on bounding uncertainties. Risk-informed approaches have been used by the NRC and industry to identify and address weaknesses in deterministic requirements and to identify where they are unduly restrictive. What is equally important is the fact that the integrated nature of a PRA provides a means not only to understand the level of residual risk associated with meeting the deterministic requirements (since there is no such thing as zero risk even for a fully compliant design), but also to reveal the important - and unimportant - contributors to that residual risk.

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September 2021 A thorough assessment of the safety of a new design is best achieved through a blend of complementary deterministic and PRA approaches. It is important to note that the PRA itself relies extensively on deterministic analyses:

  • As inputs to the PRA models (e.g., to identify potential initiating events, to understand potential failure modes, to establish success criteria for systems and components, etc.); and
  • To characterize consequences at different levels (e.g., the timing of accident progression, the temperature and pressure loading on containment and other structures, tracking the transport and release of fission products, etc.).

Perhaps the most important distinctions between the general nature of deterministic safety analyses and that of PRA are that:

  • Deterministic safety analyses necessarily cover a relatively small number of accident scenarios in an explicit manner and rely on conservative or bounding inputs to envelope other possible accidents and to compensate for uncertainties.
  • PRA models can account for a very large number of accident scenarios, and use frequencies and probabilities of events to bring a realistic perspective to the spectrum of accidents.

Uncertainties are also characterized to the extent practical.

A major benefit of PRA has often been found to be the orderly, systematic, modeling of complex systems. A PRA is therefore an extremely valuable tool when the plant designs are complex and rely on active safety features and extensive human actions for compliance, as is the case for the current fleet of light water reactors. The interdependent active systems of a traditional light water reactor, combined with over 50 years of operating experience, has enabled risk-approaches to bring improved safety focus to both NRC and plant activities.

Uncertainties in the design, operation, and plant response are another important place for risk-informed approaches. Traditionally, deterministic approaches have addressed unknowns and uncertainties through the use of bounding analyses. While expedient, this can result in requirements that can lead to overbuilt SSCs that can increase costs without necessarily enhancing safety. The PRA approaches uncertainties by characterizing their contribution directly in the model and propagating those uncertainties through the model so that their impact on overall results and insights can be understood.

This approach is beneficial in avoiding the compounding of conservatisms common in strictly deterministic approaches.

When it comes to advanced reactors, the fundamental approaches to safety often yield much simpler designs, relying more on passive safety features than active safety systems and human actions. Because of the limited amount of directly relevant operating experience, assessment using elements of a PRA can be valuable in performing a systematic search for potential plant challenges. It can, however, be challenging to quantify the reliability and characterize the uncertainties associated with passive systems in a traditional PRA framework. In such cases, to compensate for uncertainties, confidence in passive system performance may better be addressed through incorporation of additional safety margin in the design than by attempting to drive all considerations into a PRA model. In addition to these fundamental differences, some designs are expected to employ fuel designs and small reactor cores that present the potential for very small source terms. These considerations result in the need for a spectrum of possible

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September 2021 approaches to be available for advanced reactors. In summary, risk information should be provided and used where it is most valuable and not overly relied upon when it is less so.

A variety of approaches can be envisioned to blend deterministic safety analyses and risk information in the licensing of new reactors. In fact, a continuum of such blends could be envisioned, as illustrated conceptually in Figure 3. The continuum ranges from an extreme that relies predominantly on bounding deterministic safety analyses, augmented by insights from risk assessment, to one that focuses on the results of a PRA, with support as needed from deterministic analyses. The approach described in NEI 18-04 is toward the right-hand side of this conceptual continuum, with the PRA serving as the central or foundational tool for assessing the safety of the design. Approaches in between, including those previously approved by the NRC with respect to applications for new LWRs, such as the AP1000 and the NuScale SMR, would typically reflect a balance in which the deterministic safety analyses represent the foundation for the safety case (as in more traditional approaches that have been employed in the past),

but risk information plays a vital confirmatory role.

Figure 3: Spectrum of Possible Risk-Informed Approaches While viable approaches may fall anywhere along the spectrum in Figure 3, this paper characterizes the continuum in the context of four example approaches. Variations on these approaches can be envisioned and should be acceptable, as long as the guiding TI-RIPB principles outlined in Section 3.2 are maintained.

The TI-RIPB process and corresponding example approaches outlined in this paper do not exempt any reactor designer from the applicable regulations, nor do they address all regulations applicable to nuclear power plants. Rather, employing an approach such as one of the examples presented in this paper is intended to inform the safety design approach, which can then be applied to demonstrate compliance with the regulations applicable to a reactor design.

SAFETY DESIGN AND ANALYSIS PROCESS This document describes the principles for a TI-RIPB process for assuring the safety of new designs as they are designed and licensed, including:

  • Selecting the LBEs relevant to a particular design,

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  • Establishing the safety classification of SSCs and associated special treatments for them, and
  • Determining the adequacy of provisions for defense in depth.

3.1 Scope of Considerations The scope of this document is focused on identifying example approaches that meet the principles for acceptable TI-RIBP processes for advanced designs so that license applicants can develop inputs that can be used to demonstrate compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. These requirements, as incorporated in Part 53, continue to evolve. Thus, this paper is intended to help to inform and focus those evolving requirements, and to expand the options for approaches for TI-RIPB processes that might be considered in the licensing of advanced reactors. While the process detailed in NEI 18-04 is comprehensive in nature, it is recognized that Part 53 should allow for other alternatives to meet a TI-RIPB process for assessing the safety adequacy of the design.

Based on regulatory requirements, an applicant must answer the following questions to assure itself that a plant design and its operating practices achieve the requisite level of safety and to demonstrate to the regulator that this is the case:

  • What are the plant initiating events and event sequences that are associated with the design and site?
  • How do the proposed design and its SSCs respond to initiating events, and what roles do the SSCs play in the event sequences?
  • What are the margins provided by the facilitys response, as it relates to prevention and mitigation of radiological releases within limits prescribed for the protection of public health and safety?
  • Is the philosophy of DID adequately reflected in the design and operation of the facility? 1 The incorporation of potential safety features is an aspect of the design that should be an important consideration starting soon after a conceptual design has been created. As the plant design evolves, an understanding of the potential for various plant challenges helps to shape the types and configurations of safety features included. Dedicated safety analyses determine the adequacy of the safety features, and the results of the analyses provide insights to refine the design further. This is the case for the use both of deterministic safety analyses and PRA.

3.2 Guiding Principles for Acceptable Processes To support an effective safety case for consideration by the regulator, the safety analyses must ultimately answer the questions posed in Section 3.1 and must produce the outcomes listed below.

These outcomes, in effect, constitute a set of seven guiding principles for an acceptable TI-RIPB process must meet. For some of these principles, additional attributes have been delineated.

1 Note that in Parts 50 and 52, the NRC built DID adequacy into the regulations by establishing requirements for inclusion of technology specific features and prescribing design approaches, such as the single failure criterion. Part 53 is seeking to establish performance-based requirements that would allow flexibility in approaches for different technologies and designs to incorporate the philosophy of DID.

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1. The plant meets the established limits for the adequate protection of the public health and safety.
  • The plant must be capable of responding to credible challenges in a safe manner.
  • There must be reasonable confidence that the plant will not present a challenge to the NRCs Safety Goal Policy [13, 14]. Note that this has been done in the past by comparing a plants core-damage frequency and large early release frequency to the surrogate criteria established with respect to the quantitative health objectives (QHOs). Other approaches may, however, be taken to establish this confidence.
2. The safety functions, design features and functional design criteria relied upon to meet the safety criteria are defined.
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range of hazards that a specific design is exposed to.
  • A comprehensive list of design-specific plant challenges (initiating events in the context of the PRA) has been developed.
  • The relative credibility of each challenge is understood.
  • The plant response to credible challenges has been adequately characterized.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their safety significance.
5. The design reflects the application of an appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, including accounting for important uncertainties associated with the design and the response of SSCs to plant challenges.
6. The special treatment for SSCs, and associated programmatic controls and human actions, provide reasonable assurance that the SSCs will perform the safety functions for which they are relied upon.
7. The scope and level of detail for the design and analysis of the plant in the licensing-basis information adequately describes the safety case. (Note that the white paper does not address this principle at this time.)

Each of the four example approaches described in Section 4 employs a risk-informed process to satisfy the principles listed above. Each example represents a different relative emphasis on deterministic safety analyses and risk information.

OUTLINE OF EXAMPLE APPROACHES As described in Section 2, a continuum of possible approaches can be envisioned; each approach uses risk information to different degrees to create a TI-RIPB licensing basis. The guiding principles outlined in Section 3.2 must always be met, but the manner in which these are accomplished can vary. This document outlines four examples of acceptable approaches and describes how each approach meets the guiding principles:

  • Example A: A process that corresponds to that detailed in NEI 18-04, in which PRA plays a foundational role in assessing various aspects of safety, with deterministic analyses playing essential complementary parts.

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  • Example B: A process that is similar in many respects to the one presented in NEI 18-04, except that the PRA plays a confirmatory role. In this respect, the primary emphasis is on the use deterministic analyses for the safety case. As in Example A, insights from the PRA remain key considerations in various aspects of the safety case.
  • Example C: A process that utilizes standards and guidance developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in which deterministic assessments, including a comprehensive assessment of DID, are supplemented and confirmed by insights from the PRA (called a PSA, by the IAEA).
  • Example D: A process that focuses on the identification and deterministic analysis of a bounding accident (or, potentially, on a set of such accidents). In this example, PRA is used to a more limited extent to provide perspective on specific aspects of the plants safety case, since the deterministic analyses are more bounding/conservative than in the other examples.

While these examples employ PRA insights and results in somewhat different ways, it is expected that all designers will continue to develop PRAs and make use of the insights they provide as the designs evolve.

Designers are encouraged to begin the use of PRA tools as early in the design process as is practical, and to continue to develop the PRAs to obtain the benefits available from the insights relating to safety challenges and opportunities to optimize various aspects of the designs.

Each of the four examples is described in the sections that follow.

4.1 Example A: Process Using NEI 18¬04 Example A is a process that employs the approach described in NEI 18-04. Since that document already provides detailed guidance, only a summary of the features and attributes of the approach are provided here to establish context for the other examples presented.

The overall process for selecting and evaluating LBEs as described in NEI 18-04 is shown in Figure 4. The results of these evaluations form the basis for the classification of SSCs for assessing DID. This approach envisions beginning to develop a PRA model for the plant as early as possible following definition of a conceptual design. As the design evolves, the PRA is developed in more depth. In addition to serving as a primary tool for assessing the safety of the plant, the parallel and iterative development provides an opportunity to identify potential improvements to the design in a timely manner.

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September 2021 Figure 4: Process for Selecting and Evaluating LBEs (Figure 3-2 from NEI 18-04)

As part of developing the design, events that could pose possible challenges to the plant are identified.

As in the development of a PRA, this process relies on the use of complementary, systematic assessment tools (e.g., reviews of operating experience from other nuclear power plants, failure modes and effects analyses, and process hazard analyses) to ensure that the set of events identified is as complete as possible. These tools are also used to explore possible failure modes for the design. In addition to allowing the designers to understand the potential challenges to the design, this information constitutes essential input to the development of the PRA models. The intent is for the construction of the PRA

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September 2021 models to begin early in the design process. As the PRA is developed further, the process of searching for potential challenges (i.e., initiating events) continues. When the initial models have been completed, they can be used to begin to characterize the frequencies of these challenges. As the events are identified, deterministic analyses are performed to assess the corresponding physical response of the design and to assess the consequences (including the state of the core or other sources of radionuclides and the magnitude of any resulting radionuclide releases). The nature of each challenge determines the category of LBE to which it corresponds. Drawing upon the definitions from various NRC sources, the categories of LBEs as defined in NEI 18-04 are as follows:

  • Abnormal operating occurrences (AOOs): anticipated event sequences expected to occur one or more times during the life of a nuclear power plant, which may include one or more reactor modules. AOOs take into account the expected response of all SSCs within the plant, regardless of safety classification.
  • Design basis events (DBEs): infrequent event sequences that are not expected to occur in the life of a nuclear power plant, which may include one or more reactor modules, but are less likely than AOOs. DBEs take into account the expected response of all SSCs within the plant regardless of safety classification.
  • Beyond design basis events (BDBEs): rare event sequences that are not expected to occur in the life of a nuclear power plant, which may include one or more reactor modules, but are less likely than a DBE. BDBEs take into account the expected response of all SSCs within the plant regardless of safety classification.
  • Design basis accidents (DBAs): postulated event sequences that are used to set design criteria and performance objectives for the design of safety-related SSCs. DBAs are derived from DBEs based on the capabilities and reliabilities of safety-related SSCs needed to mitigate and prevent event sequences, respectively. DBAs are derived from the DBEs by prescriptively assuming that only safety-related SSCs are available to mitigate postulated event sequence consequences to within the dose limits set by 10 CFR 50.34.

NEI 18-04 also proposed targets for these categories of LBEs in the form of a frequency-consequence (FC) curve. This curve is provided in Figure 5. The intent is for each LBE to be assessed relative to this target F-C curve in terms of mean annual frequency of occurrence and realistic (mechanistic) consequences. NEI 18-04 also calls for a full quantitative assessment of uncertainties in both the frequencies and consequences. The list of LBEs and their assessments relative to the F-C curve continue to be refined in an iterative fashion as the design and PRA evolve and mature.

Mean estimates from the PRA are also compared to the NRCs QHOs to provide further indication of the overall level of safety associated with the design. Note that these calculations are performed for all radionuclide sources within a plant. Therefore, they take into account interactions among multiple units that might exist and address sources beyond the reactor core, for all modes of operation of the plant and for all relevant hazards.

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September 2021 Figure 5: Frequency-Consequence Curve (Figure 3-1 from NEI 18-04)

This process does not obviate the need to perform deterministic assessments as required by 10 CFR 50.34. The PRA results, however, may inform these analyses such that it is possible to focus on the most relevant accident scenarios and to reduce the compounding of conservatisms that can result from using bounding characterizations for a variety of inputs.

A review of the DBEs and high-consequence BDBEs is made to identify required safety functions. These required safety functions form the basis for considering which SSCs should be classified as safety-related. This assessment includes consideration of DBEs due to external hazards (e.g., earthquakes, flooding, high winds, etc.) as well. Because these evaluations will largely be completed during various design stages, the assessment of external events will necessarily be more constrained than it would be for an actual plant. The use of bounding site parameters may be required during these assessments.

Both deterministic inputs and those from the PRA are also used extensively to guide a systematic assessment of the adequacy of provisions for DID. The process emphasizes consideration of both the

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September 2021 provisions for DID incorporated into the plant design and those that relate to programmatic aspects of plant design, construction, and operation, as summarized in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Elements of the Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Evaluation of Defense in Depth (Figure 5-2 from NEI 18-04)

At a higher level, the process is consistent with guidance for assessing DID from the IAEA [15]. The IAEA suggests a logical framework that addresses DID at five levels:

  • Level 1: preventing deviations from normal operations - avoidance of AOOs.
  • Level 2: detection and control of deviations from normal operation - avoiding escalation of AOOs to accident conditions.
  • Level 3: prevention of accident conditions from proceeding to damage to the plant that could lead to a release of radioactivity.
  • Level 4: mitigation of a severe accident (i.e., one that has progressed to the point at which the release of radioactivity is possible).
  • Level 5: mitigation of the consequences through appropriate onsite and offsite emergency response.

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September 2021 Although the PRA can provide input to the assessment of DID adequacy at each of these levels, the focus in the process described in NEI 18-04 is on levels 2 through 4. The IAEA guidance for assessing DID is discussed further in Section 4.3.

As part of this process, reliability targets are established for SSCs that play a role in the LBEs. Tracking these targets is one means of assessing plant performance on an ongoing basis.

The relevant safety functions for the design are defined in the course of developing the PRA models.

These are referred to in NEI 18-04 as the PRA safety functions. The design criteria and design features are then aligned to satisfy these PRA safety functions. Similarly, the PRA is used to establish the design features and functional design criteria. NEI 18-04 states, The final element of the LBE evaluation in this task [7a] is to identify design features that are responsible for keeping the LBEs within the F-C Target including those design features that are responsible for preventing or mitigating risk-significant releases for those LBEs with this potential. This evaluation leads to performance requirements and design criteria that are developed within the process of the SSC classification task in the risk-informed, performance-based approach.

Based on the definitions of the LBEs and the importance of specific SSCs, the process relies heavily on the PRA results as an input to an integrated decision-making process to categorize the SSCs and to determine special-treatment requirements. In delineating the accident sequences associated with various LBES, the PRA defines the relevant safety functions. Design features and functional design criteria are then defined for the SSCs that must function to satisfy the safety functions, commensurate with their importance for various types of LBEs. This leads to the identification of SSCs classified as safety-related because they are important for response to DBAs. These SSCs require special treatment to ensure that they are capable of functioning during a DBA. The PRA also identifies non-safety-related SSCs that may not be needed for DBAs but that play a role in the risk profile. These SSCs may also require some forms of special treatment. As part of this process, NEI 18-04 calls for establishing reliability targets for safety-related SSCs and for non-safety-related SSCs requiring special treatment.

The PRA is the primary tool to establish the safety case. In fact, the deterministic safety analyses for the DBAs have little influence over the key activities of selecting LBEs, safety classification, demonstrating that high-level safety criteria are met, and establishing safety functions, design features and functional design criteria. This raises questions as to whether the NRC will expect that the role of the PRA in the licensing basis will be different than in the past (e.g., the PRA would need to be on the Docket, the NRC would need to review the PRA, or the PRA would need to be performed according to an appropriate quality assurance program). Maintenance and update of the PRA in this context could therefore also require processes different from current practices. The NRCs preliminary Part 53 rule text based on a foundational role for the PRA suggests that the NRCs review and oversight of the PRA would be more extensive than for a PRA used in a confirmatory role. This may be a key factor for some applicants in choosing a TI-RIPB approach and should be clarified by the NRC early in the Part 53 rulemaking process.

The seven principles for an effective TI-RIPB process are presented in Section 3. Table 1 provides a summary of the elements of Example A with respect to satisfying each of these seven principles.

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September 2021 Table 1: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example A TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example A

1. The plant meets the established limits for the
  • The PRA is used to establish the set of adequate protection of the public health and challenges to be addressed and, together safety. with the deterministic analyses, determine
  • The plant must be capable of responding whether the plant is capable of responding in to credible challenges in a safe manner. a safe manner.
  • There must be confidence that the plant
  • The PRA characterizes the frequencies and will not present a challenge to the NRCs consequences associated with the LBEs, and Safety Goal Policy. these are compared to targets presented in the form of a F-C curve to help ensure that the plant is capable of responding to challenges safely and with margin.
  • Mean results from the PRA demonstrate that the QHOs are not challenged.
2. The safety functions, design features and The PRA delineates the relevant safety functions functional design criteria relied upon to meet for each type of LBE. These safety functions, in the safety criteria are defined. turn, are used to define the design features to select the appropriate functional design criteria.
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range
  • After the preliminary identification of of hazards that a specific design is exposed to. potential initiating events, the systematic
  • A comprehensive list of design-specific searches for initiating events and the plant challenges has been developed. delineation of event sequences integral to the PRA lead to identifying the LBEs in a
  • The relative credibility of each challenge comprehensive manner.

is understood.

  • The frequencies of the LBEs, complemented
  • The plant response to credible challenges by engineering reviews, determine the extent has been adequately characterized.

to which each LBE is credible.

  • Plant response is characterized through deterministic analyses (realistic analyses supporting the PRA and conservative analyses for DBAs) that provide information regarding the outcomes for each LBE.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their SSCs are categorized according to the roles they safety significance. play in satisfying the safety functions defined in the PRA.
5. The design reflects the application of an
  • Provisions for defense-in-depth are evaluated appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, by examining the LBEs identified and including accounting for important analyzed via the PRA. Systematic uncertainties associated with the design and determinations are made regarding the the response of SSCs to plant challenges. adequacy of these provisions.
  • Consideration of DID adequacy includes the need to account for uncertainties in the plant

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September 2021 Table 1: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example A TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example A response and the characterization of the LBEs.

6. The special treatment for SSCs, and
  • The need for special treatments is associated programmatic controls and human determined based on the categorization of actions, provide reasonable assurance that the SSCs. The PRA provides input to the the SSCs will perform the safety functions for integrated decision-making panel to identify which they are relied upon. special treatments needed beyond those required for safety-related SSCs.
  • Quantitative reliability targets are defined for SSCs that play a significant role in the LBEs.
7. The scope and level of detail for the design (Not addressed at this time.)

and analysis of the plant in the licensing-basis information adequately describes the safety case.

4.2 Example B: Process with Confirmatory Use of PRA Example B is similar to Example A; the major difference is that the role of the PRA in Example B is confirmatory whereas the role of the PRA in Example A is foundational. Thus, the methodology in Example B is a variation on the process detailed in NEI 18-04. While Example B largely conforms to the NEI 18-04 approach, it differs primarily in that it relies first and foremost on more traditional deterministic assessments. For example, the functional design criteria are established deterministically (e.g., through the General Design Criteria (GDC) for LWRs or the applicable Advanced Reactor Design Criteria (ARDC) for non-LWRs), rather than through the use of a PRA process as described in NEI 18-04.

Insights from the PRA play important confirmatory roles in assuring that the spectrum of potential challenges to the plant has been adequately defined and in guiding the other elements of the process.

The PRA, however, intentionally plays a secondary role.

The GDC/ARDC play an important and foundational role in this example. The designer would rely on the GDC/ARDC, the design concept, and the design goals to define the safety functions, design features and functional design criteria for the design. As the design and supporting analysis proceeds, the means to meet these design criteria may also evolve. Thus, it would be the responsibility of the designer to provide the resultant principal design criteria.

The iterative review of the design (starting at the conceptual stage) to identify potential challenges is similar in principle to that for Example A. This process iterates between deterministic inputs based on a variety of engineering reviews and assessments (including, for example, FMEA and process hazards analyses) and risk insights from a PRA. As in Example A, the identification of potential challenges continues both as the design evolves and as the PRA models are developed, and any additional initiating events identified as a result are incorporated into the safety analysis as needed. In this approach, the plant response to potential challenges is analyzed using the same deterministic safety-analysis tools as in Example A. Based on the qualitative definitions of these challenges and the results of the deterministic analyses, the plant challenges are organized according to the categories of LBEs cited in

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September 2021 the last section (i.e., AOOs, DBEs, BDBEs, and DBAs). The PRA results are used to provide perspective regarding how the LBEs align with the F-C targets in Figure 4. As in Example A, the mean results are also used to assure that the Safety Goal QHOs are not challenged. In this process, however, the ultimate determination of the initiating events and event sequences is based upon the deterministic analyses, as validated by the use of risk insights, whereas using the process from NEI 18-04, risk insights from the PRA determine the initiating events and event sequences.

Because the PRA results are used primarily in a confirmatory manner under this approach, some aspects of the PRA may not necessarily be developed to the same level of detail and realism as is envisioned for Example A. For example, the PRA may reflect more conservative treatment of some accident scenarios that are not important contributors to risk. While this would be expected in any PRA to a degree, the extensive use of the PRA results for each of the aspects in Example A would tend to necessitate a more detailed, explicit PRA treatment. This would also be the case for the treatment of uncertainties; explicit quantitative treatment of all uncertainties might in some cases be found to be resource-intensive while yielding minimal practical benefits when the primary assessment tools are deterministic in nature.

Therefore, PRAs that provide input under Example B might make more extensive use of sensitivity studies and qualitative considerations of uncertainty.

Because the PRA plays a confirmatory role, rather than being central to the safety assessment, it is expected that the PRA itself would not be submitted as part of the formal safety analysis report. Instead, a summary would be submitted, consistent with current requirements under 10 CFR 52. The full PRA would be available for audit by the regulator.

The process for categorizing SSCs and for identifying special treatments is essentially the same as for Example A. The primary difference is, again, that the identification of safety functions that underlies these elements of the process are driven primarily by deterministic assessments, with confirmation by the PRA. In this example, it is also reasonable to expect that requirements for SSCs could be established without defining quantitative reliability targets.

As was done for Example A, Table 2 summarizes the attributes associated with Example B relative to the seven principles listed in Section 2.

Table 2: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example B TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example B

1. The plant meets the established limits for the
  • Deterministic analyses and reviews of the adequate protection of the public health and plant design, complimented by confirmatory safety. application of the PRA, determine whether
  • The plant must be capable of responding the plant is capable of responding in a safe to credible challenges in a safe manner. manner.
  • There must be confidence that the plant
  • The PRA characterizes the frequencies and will not present a challenge to the NRCs consequences associated with the LBEs, and Safety Goal Policy. these are compared to targets presented in the form of a F-C curve to help confirm that the plant is capable of responding to challenges safely and with margin.

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September 2021 Table 2: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example B TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example B

  • Mean results from the PRA demonstrate that the QHOs are not challenged.
2. The safety functions, design features and
  • Deterministic assessments systematically functional design criteria relied upon to meet identify relevant safety functions for each the safety criteria are defined. LBE.
  • PRA complements the deterministic analyses to provide further assurance that LBEs have been adequately captured.
  • These safety functions, in turn, are used to define the design features to select the appropriate functional design criteria (which could be derived from pre-established generic or technology-specific design criteria, e.g., the Advanced Reactor Design Criteria.
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range
  • Deterministic safety reviews lead to of hazards that a specific design is exposed to. identification of potential initiating events
  • A comprehensive list of design-specific progressively throughout the design process.

plant challenges has been developed.

  • PRA confirms selection of LBEs through
  • The relative credibility of each challenge systematic searches for initiating events and is understood. the delineation of event sequences.
  • The plant response to credible challenges
  • PRA provides perspective on the frequencies has been adequately characterized. of the LBEs. Together with engineering reviews, a determination is made with regard to the extent to which each LBE is credible.
  • Deterministic analyses (realistic analyses supporting the PRA and conservative analyses for DBAs) characterize plant response, including information regarding the outcomes for each LBE.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their
  • Deterministic assessments of DBAs identify safety significance. SSCs to be categorized as safety-related.
  • PRA provides perspective with regard to safety significance to determine additional non-safety SSCs that may require special treatment.
5. The design reflects the application of an
  • Deterministic analyses include assessments of appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, provisions for defense-in-depth in the context including accounting for important of adequacy relative to plant response for uncertainties associated with the design and each type of LBE.

the response of SSCs to plant challenges.

  • PRA event sequences provide further insight into the adequacy of DID provisions.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 20

September 2021 Table 2: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example B TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example B

  • Consideration of DID adequacy includes the need to account for uncertainties in the plant response and the characterization of the LBEs.
6. The special treatment for SSCs, and
  • Deterministic assessments leading to associated programmatic controls and human categorization establishes need for special actions, provide reasonable assurance that treatments for safety-related SSCs.

the SSCs will perform the safety functions for

  • PRA provides input to the integrated which they are relied upon. decision-making panel to identify special treatments needed beyond those required for safety-related SSCs.
7. The scope and level of detail for the design (Not addressed at this time.)

and analysis of the plant in the licensing-basis information adequately describes the safety case.

4.3 Example C: Approach Based on IAEA Guidance The third example is consistent with requirements and guidance from the IAEA. This approach provides for a graded process that allows the relative roles of deterministic safety assessment and risk information to be determined by the designer, taking into account the nature of the design.

Recognizing that different member states have different regulations and requirements, the IAEA safety standards provide support for states in meeting their obligations under general principles of international law, such as those relating to environmental protection. International safety standards also promote and assure confidence in safety and facilitate international commerce and trade. The IAEA safety standards reflect an international consensus on what constitutes a high level of safety for protecting people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation by establishing safety fundamentals, safety requirements and safety guides. Within this framework, the IAEA has identified a higher-level set of principal technical requirements that include requirements aimed at assuring that the design is capable of satisfying fundamental safety functions and incorporates adequate provisions for defense-in-depth [15]. The designer is required to define the relevant design criteria, consistent with the needs to satisfy the principal technical requirements and taking into account the demands posed by the DBAs. The IAEA has also identified more specific requirements for design and safety assessment, some of which are very similar to principal design requirements. These include, for example, requirements for physical separation and independence of safety systems; incorporation of redundancy and diversity to address the potential for common-cause failures; and application of the single failure criterion to each safety group in the plant design. In general, this approach would appear to be consistent with the evolving Part 53 requirements [16].

The IAEA process also requires considering a set of plant states comparable to LBEs. This is addressed in the context of postulated initiating events (PIEs) and event sequences that could result from a PIE combined with additional failures of SSCs. The set of PIEs must be comprehensive and must include all

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 21

September 2021 foreseeable events with the potential for serious consequences and those with a significant frequency of occurrence. This process relies on engineering judgment and a combination of deterministic analysis and risk information. The IAEA also provides guidance for performing the deterministic analyses needed to support this process [17]. The designer is required to justify the extent to which deterministic analyses and risk information are used to provide confidence that the search has been adequately comprehensive.

As shown below, the IAEA plant states align reasonably well with the set of LBEs discussed in Section 4.1:

IAEA Plant States [15] Equivalent LBEs per Part 53 Normal Operation Not explicitly considered an LBE, although potential releases during normal operation must be addressed Anticipated operational occurrences, which are Abnormal operating occurrence expected to occur over the lifetime of the plant (No direct equivalent - see design-basis accidents) Unlikely event sequences Design extension conditions, including accidents with Very unlikely event sequences core melting Design basis accidents Design-basis accidents Thus, the PIEs and event sequences referred to in IAEA publications can be considered to be equivalent to LBEs in the U.S. context. Most significantly, the IAEA requires a systematic approach to identifying a comprehensive set of PIEs and event sequences that specifically consider all foreseeable failures of SSCs.

These failures include those arising from internal or external hazards and take into account potential operating errors. This must be done for all operating modes. Potential interactions among multiple units at a site must also be considered.

The IAEA requirements do not establish dose limits for each category of event (i.e., normal operation, accident, or beyond-design-basis). The IAEA leaves it to each member states regulatory body to establish consequence limits. This is compatible with Part 53, in that the designer would apply the consequence limits from the NRC regulations. Guidance could be established to provide more details on how the IAEA approach would incorporate the NRC consequence limits. One option would be to assess the LBEs in the context of a F-C curve such as that shown in Figure 5. It is reasonable, however, to expect that an applicant in the U.S. would apply insights from the PRA to determine whether there were any aspects of the design that would cause one or more of the targets to be approached.

Likewise, there is no explicit IAEA requirement to address the design in the context of a safety goal comparable to the quantitative health objectives. An applicant in the U.S. would be expected to apply results from the PRA to confirm the QHOs were not challenged.

The IAEA does not explicitly address uncertainties in the context of the PRA results, in large part because of the greater reliance on the results of deterministic safety analyses. It requires that uncertainties be

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 22

September 2021 given adequate consideration in the design of the plant and in particular that the design includes adequate margin to avoid cliff-edge effects 2 and large or early releases of radionuclides. This is appropriate given the prominent role of deterministic analyses and is consistent with the emphasis on defense-in-depth elements in the IAEAs approach, as well as the somewhat more limited role of the risk information.

Defense in depth plays a prominent role in the IAEA approach, and it is discussed in some detail in a variety of IAEA publications [15, 18]. Indeed, the IAEA notes that [15]:

The primary means of preventing accidents in a nuclear power plant and mitigating the consequences of accidents if they do occur is the application of the concept of defence in depth.

The IAEA suggests a logical framework that addresses DID at five levels:

  • Level 1: preventing deviations from normal operations - avoidance of AOOs.
  • Level 2: detection and control of deviations from normal operation - avoiding escalation of AOOs to accident conditions.
  • Level 3: prevention of accident conditions from proceeding to damage to the plant that could lead to a release of radioactivity.
  • Level 4: mitigation of a severe accident (i.e., one that has progressed to the point at which the release of radioactivity is possible).
  • Level 5: mitigation of the consequences through appropriate onsite and offsite emergency response.

The IAEA has established a series of requirements for deterministic assessment of the adequacy of DID provisions. There is also an expectation that the results of the PRA will be used in a confirmatory manner


The design shall take due account of the probabilistic safety analysis of the plant for all modes of operation and for all plant states, including shutdown, with particular reference to:

(a) Establishing that a balanced design has been achieved such that no particular feature or postulated initiating event makes a disproportionately large or significantly uncertain contribution to the overall risks, and that, to the extent practicable, the levels of defence in depth are independent 2

A cliff edge effect in a nuclear power plant is an instance of severely abnormal plant behavior caused by an abrupt transition from one plant status to another following a small deviation in a plant parameter, and thus a sudden large variation in plant conditions in response to a small variation in an input [19].

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 23

September 2021 With respect to safety classification, the IAEA process differs somewhat from that in Part 53, but would permit classification consistent with the Part 53 requirements. The IAEA process requires a combination of deterministic and probabilistic assessments that constitutes a risk-informed approach [12]:

The method for classifying the safety significance of items important to safety shall be based primarily on deterministic methods complemented, where appropriate, by probabilistic methods, with due account taken of factors such as:

(a) The safety function(s) to be performed by the item; (b) The consequences of failure to perform a safety function; (c) The frequency with which the item will be called upon to perform a safety function; (d) The time following a postulated initiating event at which, or the period for which, the item will be called upon to perform a safety function.

The IAEA approach includes a variety of programmatic requirements to establish provisions for the design, procurement, operation, and monitoring of SSCs that are the equivalent of special treatments. It does not explicitly address using a risk-informed approach to guide these processes in general, but such an approach would be consistent with the guidance for other aspects of the safety assessment.

While there are requirements related to the reliability of SSCs, they are qualitative in nature; the IAEA approach does not impose a requirement to set quantitative reliability targets for SSCs. Once again, this is consistent with the prominent role of deterministic and defense-in-depth elements in the IAEAs approach, and the more limited role of the risk information.

Table 3 summarizes the attributes associated with Example C relative to the seven principles discussed in Section 2.

Table 3: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example C TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example C

1. The plant meets the established limits for the
  • Deterministic analyses and reviews of the adequate protection of the public health and plant design, complimented by confirmatory safety. application of the PRA, determine whether
  • The plant must be capable of responding the plant is capable of responding in a safe to credible challenges in a safe manner. manner.
  • There must be confidence that the plant
  • IAEA guidance is not explicit with respect to will not present a challenge to the NRCs assessment of the frequencies and Safety Goal Policy. consequences of PIEs and event sequences (the equivalent of LBEs) to compare to a set of F-C curves, but such a comparison could be made and would be a reasonable element of this approach.
  • PRA results are used to search for cliff-edge effects and to apply relevant safety criteria.

IAEA guidance leaves consideration of safety goals to individual member states, but it

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 24

September 2021 Table 3: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example C TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example C would be expected that mean results from the PRA would be used to demonstrate that the QHOs are not challenged.

2. The safety functions, design features and
  • Deterministic assessments involve applying a functional design criteria relied upon to meet higher-level set of principal technical the safety criteria are defined. requirements related to satisfying fundamental safety functions and leading to the definition of design requirements.
  • IAEA poses some specific requirements for design and safety assessment.
  • PRA is used to confirm these elements at the discretion of the designer and subject to the requirements of the respective member state.
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range
  • Deterministic analyses lead to the of hazards that a specific design is exposed to. identification of postulated initiating events
  • A comprehensive list of design-specific and additional failures constituting event plant challenges has been developed. sequences that address combinations of failures sufficient to capture all foreseeable
  • The relative credibility of each challenge events.

is understood.

  • PRA informs this process through the
  • The plant response to credible challenges systematic search for initiating events and has been adequately characterized.

delineation of event sequences.

  • PRA provides perspective on the frequencies of the plant challenges. Together with engineering reviews, a determination is made with regard to the extent to which each LBE is credible.
  • Plant response is characterized through deterministic analyses (realistic analyses supporting the PRA and conservative analyses for DBAs) that provide information regarding the outcomes for each plant challenge.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their
  • Deterministic assessments are the primary safety significance. means of categorizing SSCs.
  • PRA results are expected to be used in combination with the deterministic assessments, taking into account the relevant safety function, consequences of failure, and frequency of demand for each SSC.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 25

September 2021 Table 3: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example C TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example C

5. The design reflects the application of an
  • Deterministic assessments of the adequacy of appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, provisions for defense-in-depth are applied in including accounting for important a formal framework.

uncertainties associated with the design and

  • PRA results are used in a confirmatory the response of SSCs to plant challenges. manner to provide further assurance of DID adequacy.
6. The special treatment for SSCs, and
  • Deterministic engineering analyses and associated programmatic controls and human judgment are used to define special actions, provide reasonable assurance that treatments and programmatic controls.

the SSCs will perform the safety functions for

  • PRA insights are used to confirm and inform which they are relied upon. the judgments.
7. The scope and level of detail for the design (Not addressed at this time.)

and analysis of the plant in the licensing-basis information adequately describes the safety case.

4.4 Example D: Risk-Informed Bounding Approach Example D entails reliance primarily on bounding deterministic assessments of a facilitys safety, with more limited use of PRA as part of the formal licensing process. This approach could be used by any design that wishes to rely on more conservative deterministic analyses in order to reduce the reliance on the PRA in the development of the safety case.

For this example, it is expected that a systematic review of potential challenges could result in the identification of a bounding scenario (or, in some cases, a very small number of different scenarios) representing a worst-case, but credible accident (or a few such accidents). Analysis of the plant response corresponding to this bounding scenario would envelope the responses from other less challenging but potentially more frequent accident scenarios. These bounding deterministic assessments would form the basis for defining the safety functions and design criteria. In that regard, the process would be similar to that described for Example B in Section 4.2.

Under this example, risk information could play a more limited role as a check on the reasonableness of selecting the bounding scenario. With the emphasis on bounding deterministic safety analyses, this approach lends itself to directly comparing the results of the safety analysis with the consequence-based safety criteria in the regulations. Thus, this approach would not need to entail a direct assessment of frequency and consequences in the context of the F-C curve in Figure 5. The risk associated with designs that might make use of this approach would also be expected to have substantial margin to the NRCs QHOs. Therefore, it could be appropriate for the risk information to be comprised to a large extent of simpler, more bounding inputs and models that provide adequate indication that the QHOs are not challenged and that postulated external hazards are adequately addressed in the context of the selected bounding scenarios. This could be through the use of surrogate criteria for the QHO, which could be demonstrated by a simplified PRA, or established based on consequences and demonstrated through

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 26

September 2021 the use of conservative assumptions about the frequencies. If any bounding results did present a challenge to the QHOs, more detailed analysis would be needed.

The categorization of SSCs and the specification of special treatments would be largely deterministic in nature, based on the plant features needed to respond to the MCA. Risk information could inform this process as well, although if a bounding PRA were employed, the insights would be of a more limited nature. Risk information could also inform the assessment of the adequacy of DID measures.

The consideration of DID is important for any plant design, but it takes on a special significance in this case. Reliance on the analysis of a small set of the most challenging accidents does not preclude the need to address DID in a systematic manner. The intent of DID is largely to compensate for uncertainties that arise because of questions regarding whether the set of challenges considered is adequately complete, whether all relevant failure modes of SSCs have been adequately captured, and potential variance in the reliability of the SSCs. In this approach, some of these uncertainties are subsumed into the bounding safety assessments that would be performed using deterministic methods. If additional uncertainties exist that are not accounted for, DID may be an appropriate measure to ensure such uncertainties are addressed.

As was the case for Examples B (Section 4.2) and C (Section 4.3), because the PRA plays a supporting role, rather than being central to the safety assessment, it is expected that the PRA itself would not be submitted as part of the formal safety analysis report. Instead, a summary would be submitted, consistent with current requirements under 10 CFR 52. The full PRA would be available for audit by the regulator as needed to support review of the license application.

Table 4summarizes the attributes associated with Example D relative to the seven principles discussed in Section 2.

Table 4: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example D TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example D

1. The plant meets the established limits for the
  • Deterministic analyses and reviews of the adequate protection of the public health and plant design provide an understanding of the safety. most challenging accidents.
  • The plant must be capable of responding
  • Bounding deterministic analyses of accident to credible challenges in a safe manner. scenarios demonstrate the ability of the plant
  • There must be confidence that the plant to respond in a safe manner.

will not present a challenge to the NRCs

  • Risk information, which may be derived from Safety Goal Policy. intentionally conservative and simplified assessments, provides perspective on the margin the design affords relative to LBEs and confidence that the QHOs are not challenged.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 27

September 2021 Table 4: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example D TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example D

2. The safety functions, design features and
  • Deterministic assessments systematically functional design criteria relied upon to meet identify relevant safety functions for the safety criteria are defined. bounding plant challenges.
  • Risk information could be used in a limited complementary role in providing additional assurance that the most challenging accidents have been adequately captured.
  • Safety functions needed to respond to plant challenges define the design features to select the appropriate functional design criteria (which could be derived from pre-established generic or technology-specific design criteria, e.g., the Advanced Reactor Design Criteria).
3. The selected LBEs adequately cover the range
  • Deterministic analyses lead to the of hazards that a specific design is exposed to. identification of postulated initiating events
  • A comprehensive list of design-specific and additional failures constituting event plant challenges has been developed. sequences that address the most severe accident scenarios.
  • The relative credibility of each challenge is understood.
  • Deterministic reviews confirm the adequacy of the selected accident scenarios.
  • The plant response to credible challenges has been adequately characterized.
  • Plant response is characterized through conservative deterministic analyses.
  • PRA may be used to provides perspective on the frequencies of the plant challenges and their likely end states.
4. The SSCs are categorized according to their Deterministic assessments are the primary means safety significance. of categorizing SSCs.
5. The design reflects the application of an
  • Deterministic assessments of the adequacy of appropriate philosophy of defense-in-depth, provisions for defense in depth are applied in including accounting for important a formal framework.

uncertainties associated with the design and

  • Risk information may be used in a the response of SSCs to plant challenges. confirmatory manner to provide further assurance of DID adequacy.
6. The special treatment for SSCs, and Deterministic engineering analyses and judgment associated programmatic controls and human are used to define special treatments and actions, provide reasonable assurance that programmatic controls.

the SSCs will perform the safety functions for which they are relied upon.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 28

September 2021 Table 4: Summary of Relevant Attributes for Example D TI-RIPB Principle Approach Embodied in Example D

7. The scope and level of detail for the design (Not addressed at this time.)

and analysis of the plant in the licensing-basis information adequately describes the safety case.

4.5 Summary This paper establishes a framework for a TI-RIPB design and analysis process that is sufficient to demonstrate the safety adequacy of the design. The paper also describes four example approaches of TI-RIPB processes that meet the frameworks guiding principles. For perspective, the respective examples can be thought of as falling on the continuum presented in Figure 3 as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Elements of the Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Evaluation of Defense in Depth Each of these examples constitutes a viable approach to a TI-RIPB assessment of the safety of an advanced nuclear power plant. Some designs, however, may be more amenable to assessment using one approach than another. For example:

  • Example A (the approach presented in NEI 18-04) entails the most reliance on PRA, and consequently the greatest formal role of the PRA. It may be best suited for a design for which the possibility of different system interactions may need to be addressed. This may be the case, for example, if the design employs a mix of both passive safety systems and active (non-safety) systems that limit the challenges to the passive systems or that could serve as a backup in the event that one of the passive systems failed to perform its intended function. This might be especially of interest for plants that used multiple units or modules among which interactions could be important. This approach also requires detailed assessment of the reliability of safety

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 29

September 2021 and relevant non-safety systems, including extensive uncertainty analyses. This approach would also yield the most extensive set of risk insights with respect to categorizing SSCs and determining special-treatment requirements.

  • Example B is similar in many respects to Example A, but in this case the PRA plays a somewhat less central role, with the assessment of safety reliant primarily on deterministic analyses. This approach might be best suited for a plant with a distinct set of passive safety features and less reliance on active non-safety systems because of the more limited opportunities for system interactions. This approach would also be better suited for designs for which bounding models are found to be adequate in compensating for uncertainties in plant response or to limit the expenditure of resources for extremely unlikely challenges. This approach would relay somewhat more heavily on engineering judgment for the categorizing of SSCs and for specifying necessary special-treatment provisions.
  • Example C includes the same essential elements as in Examples A and B, but it further emphasizes deterministic safety analyses, with use of PRA insights as needed to confirm deterministic assessments. It is envisioned that this approach would be suitable for any design, although, as in Example B, it might be most relevant for designs that rely on passive safety features and rather than active systems because of the more limited opportunities for system interactions. This approach requires a careful assessment of provisions for DID to help ensure that the design is adequately robust.
  • Example D entails the greatest reliance on deterministic assessments, and consequently the most limited role for PRA in the safety analysis. Designs that might pursue licensing under Example D are likely to be those that have inherently limited potential to experience an accident that could lead to a significant release (e.g., because they have a small core containing a limited inventory of fissions products; use fuel that is particularly resistant to releasing fission products; or rely on passive safety systems and make little or no use of active systems potentially subject to interactions).

NEXT STEPS This paper establishes the principles for a TI-RIPB process for assessing the safety adequacy of a new reactor design. In order to advance the discussion of how different approaches may fit under Part 53 and more clearly illuminate the role of PRA and risk information, it presents four examples across the spectrum of potential approaches. Each of these approaches meets the seven key guiding principles necessary for a sufficient safety case. One of the examples is the approach presented in NEI 18-04. The discussion of this example describes how the elements from NEI 18-04 align with the guiding principles for a TI-RIPB process described in this paper. Each example has a different balance between deterministic safety analyses and risk information in what is always a risk-informed process. The TI-RIPB process and example approaches in this paper are intended to inform the development of Part 53.

The next steps are to reach consensus on the following points:

1. That the seven guiding principles identified here are appropriate and sufficient to anchor approaches to developing safe designs for advanced reactors and for demonstrating that the designs are adequately safe.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 30

September 2021

2. That the example approaches presented in this paper, including the NEI 18-04 approach, can be applied effectively to satisfy the seven guiding principles.
3. That the TI-RIPB process and examples in this paper are acceptable for use to meet the Part 53 regulations, and Part 53 requirements should be developed to permit their use.
4. Whether more detailed guidance on the TI-RIPB design and analysis process framework, or any of the examples, should be developed to accompany the Part 53 rulemaking.

It is to be expected that, in the process of seeking consensus, some refinement of the seven principles or the concepts for these examples may be desirable. Once that is accomplished, it will be necessary to develop more detailed guidance for implementing each. It is anticipated that testing (e.g., via table-top exercises) of the guidance will be beneficial to ensure that it is practical and effective. This guidance can be developed in such a way that it supports compliance with Part 53 as it evolves.


1. Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act. U.S. Congress Public Law No. 115-439, January 14, 2019.
2. Rulemaking Plan on Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SECY-20-0032, April 13, 2020 (ML19340A056).
3. Use of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Methods in Nuclear Regulatory Activities, Federal Register, 60(158), p. 42622 [ADAMS ML021980535]. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Final Policy Statement, August 16, 1995.
4. Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.
5. Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 52.
6. Licensing and Regulation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors, Subpart A - General Provisions. U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Preliminary Rule Language, 10 CFR Part 53, April 23, 2021.

7. Risk-Informed Performance-Based Technology Inclusive Guidance for Non-Light Water Reactor Licensing Basis Development. Nuclear Energy Institute Report NEI 18-04, Revision 1, August 2019.
8. Online Glossary of Regulatory Terms. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
9. Probabilistic Risk Assessment Standard for Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants. American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Nuclear Society Standard ASME/ANS RA-S-1.4-2021, February 8, 2021.
10. Glossary of Risk-Related Terms in Support of Risk-Informed Decisionmaking. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG-2122, November 2013.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 31

September 2021

11. Gaertner, J., et al. Safety and Operational Benefits of Risk-Informed Initiatives. Electric Power Research Institute White Paper 1016308, February 2008.
12. The Nexus Between Safety and Operational Performance in the U.S. Nuclear Industry. Nuclear Energy Institute Report NEI 20-04, March 2020.
13. Safety Goals for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, Federal Register, 51, p. 30028 (Republication). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Policy Statement, August 4, 1986.
14. Implementation of the Safety Goals. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission SECY-89-102, June 15, 1990.
15. Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design. International Atomic Energy Agency Specific Safety Requirements No. SSR-2/1, Rev. 1, February 2016.
16. Licensing and Regulation of Advanced Nuclear Reactors, Supbpart B - Technology Inclusive Safety Requirements. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Preliminary Rule Language, 10 CFR Part 53, October 20, 2020.
17. Deterministic Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants. International Atomic Energy Agency Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-2 (Rev. 1), July 2019.
18. Defence in Depth in Nuclear Safety. International Atomic Energy Agency International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group Report INSAG-10, June 1996.
19. Seismic Risk Management Solution for Nuclear Power Plants. Idaho National Laboratory Report INL/JOU-14-33436, December 2014.

© NEI 2021. All rights reserved. 32

From: NICHOL, Marcus To: Beall, Bob Cc: Speiser, Herald; REKOLA, Kaitlin


[External_Sender] RE: NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

Date: Thursday, September 30, 2021 10:55:10 AM

Bob, This email is to provide permission for the NRC to make the NEI paper Technology-inclusive, Risk-informed, Performance-based Approaches for Development of Licensing Bases Under Part 53 submitted on September 28, 2021, publicly available and to upload it into ADAMS.

Thanks Marc Marcus Nichol l Senior Director, New Reactors Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 l Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8131 M: 202.316.4412 From: Beall, Bob <>

Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2021 9:28 AM To: NICHOL, Marcus <>

Cc: Speiser, Herald <>


[EXTERNAL] RE: NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NEI. DO NOT CLICK on any links or attachments unless you trust the sender, know the content is safe, and are expecting this email.

Marc: Thank you for the comment submittal on the Part 53 rulemaking. During the staffs review of NEIs white paper that was provided as part of the comment, we noticed that the document was copyrighted. This raised an issue about making the white paper publicly available in ADAMS. To ensure we can make this document publicly available, we request NEI authorize the NRC to make the white paper, Technology-inclusive, Risk-informed, Performance-based Approaches for Development of Licensing Bases Under Part 53, publicly available in ADAMS.

Please note that we will include the NEI authorization part of the comment submittal in


Let me know if you have any questions.


Robert (Bob) Beall U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission / NMSS / Reactor Rulemaking Branch l + E-mail: l ( Office: (301) 415-3874 l Fax: (301) 415-5947l From: TRUE, Doug <>

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 2:38 PM To: Doane, Margaret <>

Cc: Lubinski, John <>; Tappert, John <>; Veil, Andrea

<>; Furstenau, Raymond <>; Taylor, Robert

<>; Shams, Mohamed <>; Beall, Bob

<>; Reckley, William <>; Valliere, Nanette

<>; Nakanishi, Tony <>; Walker, Shakur

<>; Widmayer, Derek <>; Krsek, Robert



[External_Sender] NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

THE ATTACHMENT CONTAINS THE COMPLETE CONTENTS OF THE LETTER September 28, 2021 Ms. Margaret Doane Executive Director of Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


NEI Paper on Licensing Approaches for the NRCs Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN-3150-AK31; NRC-2019-0062)

Project Number: 689

Dear Ms. Doane:

Over the past year, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)[1] and its members have been engaging with the NRC staff on the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC) development of a technology-inclusive, risk-informed, and performance-based regulatory framework for advanced reactors, commonly referred to as the Part 53 rulemaking. Over that time, we have promptly identified our concerns to the staff and have anticipated constructive dialog and evolution of Part 53 toward the framework

that is needed to enable the timely, efficient, and cost-effective deployment of the next generation of reactors to meet our nations carbon reduction goals. While there has been some progress, there is currently little industry support among prospective applicants for the use of Part 53, as drafted.

This is a significant issue, since the purpose of developing Part 53 is to provide a more efficient licensing framework for advanced reactors. Some of the areas of greatest concern include: the lack of flexibility in the role of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), design requirements for as-low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), proliferation of program overlays, and circumvention of the backfit rule, among others. We intend to provide a more comprehensive set of feedback on our major concerns in a separate letter in October, once we have reviewed the remaining portions of Part 53 preliminary rule language scheduled to be released by the staff.

Our hope is that the attached paper describing the variety of licensing approaches that qualify as risk-informed will enable the staff to pursue an inclusive and efficient rule. As stated above, the industry stands ready to assist in the adoption of these alternatives in the rule, including the development of necessary guidance. We appreciate the NRCs consideration of these licensing approaches in the formation of Part 53. If you have questions concerning our input, please contact me, or Marc Nichol at 202-739-8131 or

Sincerely, Doug True l Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Nuclear Energy Institute 1201 F Street NW, Suite 1100 l Washington, DC 20004 P: 202.739.8093 M: 925.998.8810 This electronic message transmission contains information from the Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc. The information is intended solely for the use of the addressee and its use by any other person is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you have received this communication in error, and any review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution of the contents of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or by electronic mail and permanently delete the original message. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS and other taxing authorities, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.

[1] The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) is responsible for establishing unified policy on behalf of its members relating to matters affecting the nuclear energy industry, including the regulatory aspects of generic operational and technical issues. NEIs members include entities licensed to operate commercial nuclear power plants in the United States, nuclear plant designers, major architect and engineering firms, fuel cycle facilities, nuclear materials licensees, and other organizations involved in the nuclear energy industry.

This electronic message transmission contains information from the Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc. The information is intended solely for the use of the addressee and its use by any other person is not authorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you have received this communication in error, and any review, use, disclosure, copying or distribution of the contents of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or by electronic mail and permanently delete the original message. IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS and other taxing authorities, we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.