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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 851220
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/26/1985
From: Rehm T
WIR-851220, NUDOCS 8601020248
Download: ML20136A693 (35)


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.O December 26, 1985 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 20, 1985 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A -

Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D Nuclear Regulatory Research E Executive Legal Director F*

International Programs G State Programs H*

Resource Management I*

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization'& Civil Rights V,*

Regional Offices L CRGR Monthly Report M*

Executive Director for Operations N*

, Items Addressed by the Commission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external d*1tribution)

  • No input this week.


,_ fA 0 R601020248 es1226 apa coMMS NRcc ~

  1. 'U /M[> fo'r Operations T. A. Rehm,(Assistar}t ,

PEEKLY INFOREPT ,y Office of the Executive Director for Operations l


T. A. Rehm, EDO 492-7781-

1 e


Seabrook Region I inspectors are at Seabrook to perform an on-site emergency.

preparedness program appraisal during the week of December 9 and December 16, 1985. Based on the evaluation made during the last several days, Region I has determined that the original two week appraisal program will be suspended after less .than a week's effort. -

Significant portions of each of the five review areas (primarily in the implementing procedure and training areas) were not complete enough to permit Region I evaluation and appraisal. Region I expects to reschedule completion of the appraisal program the latter part of January 1986. The inadequate applicant preparations for this scheduled activity is being brought to the applicant's management attention.

Spent Fuel Storace .

NRC staff met with General Nuclear Systems, Inc. (GNSI) regarding GNSI's -

preliminary report on cracks observed in a CASTOR V/21 dry storage cask basket

- during an unlicensed demonstration at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

In response to staff comments GNSI will provide additional structural analysis, material property data, and basket drawings to the staff to complete its explana-tion of the causes of the incident, its significance with respect to basket structural integrity, and what remedial action may be taken to preclude such an event occurring under design basis conditions.

Implementation of US/IAEA Safeguards Due to control rod difficulties, the operator of the Arkansas-2 reactor had to break three of five IAEA seals to perform maintenance. The IAEA was notified of this event through the State Department. Since the reactor is due N

.to go off of IAEA safeguards 12/31/85, no follow-up by the IAEA is anticipated.s FEMA Notifications FEMA provided their evaluation of Trojan's alert and notification .

system which was then forwarded to Region V and the licensee. FEMA provided emergency preparedness exercise reports for Brunswick, Fort l Calhoun, Oconee and Summer.

l 1

l DEC 2 01985

OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending December 20, 1985 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers ,1984 179 23 Received, 1985 833 41 Granted 648 32 Denied 186 19 Pending 178 13 ACTIONS THIS WEEK .

Received Michael K. O'Mealia, Requests a copy of SECY-85-262.

Doc-Search Associates (85-820)

(An individual Requests a copy of a specified memorandum, requesting information about himself)

(85-821) .

Terri Katzen, Requests a copy of contract NRC-33-86-288.

Digital Equipment N Corporation .


(N1C employee) Requests a copy of the latest approved staffing plan (85-823) for the Division of Budget and Analysis, Office of' Resource Management.

Sally Bourgeois, Requests records related to Docket 40-7233, Lakeview Lakeview Radiation Uranium Reduction Plant, including the final AEC Educatiot Council inspection report of 1965.


Cindee Virostek, Requests copies of three specified records regarding the Kiski Valley nuclear fuel facilities in Apollo and Parks Township, Coalition- Pennsylvania.


CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 DEC 2 0 EES ENCLOSURE A

4 _

O 2

Received, Cont'd Robert M. Rader, Requests copies of SECY-85-367A and SECY-85-371.

Conner &

Wetterhahn, P.C.


Kathryn H. Urban, Requests a list of licensees under codes Cintichem, Inc. 02201 and 02110.


Garth L. Wilson, Requests five categories of DOE records on DOE's The Argee Corp. Vitro UMTRA Project.


James J. Capone, Requests a list of the names, mailing addresses, United Technologies and license numbers for all NRC licensees except Packard nuclear power plants.

(85-829) .

Jim Pedro, Requests a copy of the report of NRC's finding on the NUS Corporation Mojave coal plant pressurized steam line pipe failure (85-830) event.

Jim Pedro, Requests NUREG-0040, Volume 2, #5,-Volume 3, #2, NUS Corporation Volume 4, #2, Volume 4, #3.


Douglas Hausenbauer Requests a copy of Northern Wisconsin Medical (85-832) Imaging's Radioactive Material' License #48-17543-01, with all amendments.


Jack D. Lail, Requests five categories of records regarding TVA and The Knoxville News- the Watts Bar nuclear power plant.

Sentinel s (85-833)

Granted Margaret L. Ryan, In response to a request for all records generated by Inside NRC the NRC and Florida Power and Light Company in any (85-663) meetings held during the past year regarding development of " integrated living schedules" for Turkey Point 3 and 4, made available 13 records. Informed the requester that one additional record subject to this request is already available at the PDR.

Marvin S. Lieberman, In response to a request for copies of a qualification Zuckert, Scoutt, report for in_ containment radiation, or a similar Rasenberger and record, and any other records submitted by Kaman Johnson Instrumentation Corporation or Westinghouse Corporation (85-680) concerning instrumentation that can survive LOCA and qualification of equipment, instruments, or other devices under requirements of Reg. Guide 1.97, made available  :

12 records, i


3 l Granted, Cont'd Brandon Blatt, In response to a r? quest for selected records Sterling Medical regarding Request 'or Quotation RI-85-04 entitled Associates, Inc. " Medical Services Frogram for 200 Nuclear Regulatory

.(85-688) Personnel Located 11 King of Prussia, PA," made available nine reco ds.

Francis John Kreysa, In response to a request for copies of six records and Neutron Products, attachments which a e included by reference in AECL of Inc. Canada's By-Product Materials License Number 54-00300-(85-721) 04, Amendment No. 35, made available seven records.

Steven Aftergood, ~ In response to a request for records pertaining to an Committee to October 9-11, 1985, meeting held on "IAEA Technical Bridge the Gap Committee Meeting on Preparation of Guidebooks on (85-737) Conversion of Research Reactors from High to Low Enriched Uranium Fuels," in Vienna, Austria, made available five records.

Leslie R. Axelrod, In response to a request for a copy of Berthold Systems, Kay-Ray, Inc. Inc., license No. 37-21226-02G, along with supporting (85-773) documentation, made available five records.

Sister Barbara Bacci, In response to a request for records regarding land Sisters, Servants surveys and water tables at Detroit Edison's Enrico of the Immaculate Fermi 1 and 2 nuclear power plants located in Monroe,

, Heart of Mary Michigan, made available six records. Informed the (85-776) requester that additional records subject to this request may be purchased through the Government Printing Office.

Also, suggested that she review records located at the LPDR in Monroe, Michigan.

Edward R. DeLouise, In response to a request for a listing of the names and City of New Haven addresses of NRC licensees in the City of New Havan, (85-810) Connecticut, made available a copy of the requested listi Denied Nina Bell, In response to requests for copies of records related to Nuclear Information the changes in the NRC's Government in the Sunshine Act and Resource Service Regulations, made available 16 records. Informed the (85-422 & 85-536) requester that three additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied 50 records in their entirety and portions of three records, release of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Steven Aftergood, In response to a request for copies of two reports Committee to prepared by the Office of Inspector and Auditor dealing Bridge the Gap with the.NRC's reactor safeguards program, denied the (85-577) reports in their entirety because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional DEC 2 01985 process of the agency.




"Information Technology Services (ITS) Training Laboratory"


Operation and maintenance of the ITS Training Laboratory, including the provision of ADP training to managers and other ;echnical and nontechnical end users.

Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: RFP issued on December 16, 1985. Proposals due January 16, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-ADM-86-216


"The Regulatory Process"


Presentation of two-day course entitled, "The Regulatory Process.'L Period of Performance: 24 months Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: RFP issued on December 16, 1986. Proposals due January 16, 1986.



" Course "NRC: What It Is and What It Does"


Presentation and development of material for the above course to be presented approximately four times per year in Bethesda, Md.

Period of Performance: Two years Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: RFP closed on December 17, 1985. Proposals forwarded to Source .

Evaluation Panel for. review on December 17,1985.

"FP R No.: RS-SDB-85-387


" Development of Business Opportunities for High Technology Small Business Firms with the U.S. NRC"


The contractor shall analyze the nature of the prime contract sad subcontract market within the nuclear arena to establish a comprehensive listing of small business firms, including 8(a) firms, capable of performing NRC's technical requirements.

Period of Performance: One year Sponsor: Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization / Civil Rights Status: Negotiations completed on December 17, 1985. Best and Final offers are due on December 23, 1985.

EmME A DEC 2 01985

Weekly Information Report Division of Contracts PROPOSALS UNDER EVALUATION (Cont'd)

RFP No.: RS-0IE-85-156


" Technical Assistance in Developing and Implementing Programs and Procedures

' for Reactors Requiring Special Inspection Resources"


The objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the NRC for activities pertaining to problem reactors during construction and operation, including development of an NRC program that standardizes inspection procedures for significant problem areas and emergency outages, and assisting in inspections.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Inspection & Enforcement Status: The date for receipt of Best and Final offers has been extended to January 3, 1986.

RFP No.: RS-0IE-S5-158


" Technical Assistance in Developing and Implementing Programs and Procedures for Inspection of Operating Reactors During Major Outages"


The objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the NRC for activities pertaining to planned outages of operating reactors. This includes the d^velopment of standardized inspection procedures for planned outages as well as providing assistance to the regional offices for conducting inspections during planned outages of operating reactors.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Inspection & Enforcement Status: Best and Final offers received on December 12 and fo-- *

-a to Source Evaluators for review on December 12, 1985. ,



" Stenographic Reporting Services"


Contractor will provide stenographic reporting services for NRC Commission meetings held in the Washington, D.C. Metropoli':an Area.

Period of Performance: Two years with an option to extend one additional year.

Sponsor: Office of the Secretary Status: Fixed Price Requirements Contract No. NRC-17-86-201, awarded to Ann Riley & Associates, Ltd., in the estimated amount of $140,350.80, effective December 16, 1985.



0FFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending December 20, 1985 Seabrook Region I inspectors are at Seabrook to perform an on-site emergency preparedness program appraisal during the week of December 9 and December 16, 1985. Based on the evaluation made during the last several days, Region I hhs determined that the original two week appraisal program will be suspended after less than a week's effort. -

Significant portions of each of the five review areas (primarily in the implementing procedure and training area's) were not complete enough to i

permit Region I evaluation and appraisal. Region I expects to reschedule completion of the appraisal program the latter part of January 1986. The inadequate applicant preparations for this scheduled activity is being brought to the applicant's management attention.

Waterford 3 At approximately 7:26 p.m. CST on December 12, 1985, Louisiana Power and Light Company's Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3

. experienced a loss of offsite power due to a severe electrical storm which knocked out an offsite switchyard. Little Gypsy Units 1 and 2 -

and Waterford Units 1 and 2 (fossil) also tripped off the grid.

Waterford 3 was in Mode 5 (cold shutdown) at the time of the. LOOP for ,

replacement of an RTD and a RCP seal package and was on SDCS. The '

emergency diesel generators at Waterford 3 functioned as required. -

Offsite power was restored at 8:00 p.m. CST.

Fatality at Dresden Unit 3 The body of an employee of J. L. Manta, Inc., a contractor who is doing the pre-painting sand blasting of the torus for Dresden. Unit 3 during' the present outage, was found at the bottom of the torus areas containment at 7:20 p.m. CST December 14, 1985. The employee, who was a QA inspector, is conjectured to have fallen 45-50 feet from a ladder leading to the torus. There were no witnesses to the incident.

The employee had ' checked in to the station at 1:45 CST and was wearing the proper clothing for work in the torus area. Contamination of approximately 2000 dpm was found on the employee's hair and scalp and these areas were decontaminated before the body was removed from the station. The incident is still being investigated by station personnel and local authorities.


- -+ - . , , - - - -

t Kewaunee Plant-EQ of Limitorque Motor Operators By an oral notification by the Kewaunee Senior Resident Inspector, on December 11, 1985, the Wisconsin Public Service Corporation was informed of ,

a Part 21 letter, from Commonwealth Edison to.IE, regarding inadequate documentation of the qualification of wires to the torque switches and limit switches on Limitorque motor operators at several Commonwealth Edison operating plants. Region III management requested that all Regional Resident Inspectors inform their licensees of the Part 21 letter.

During the December 14-15 weekend, the Kewaunee licensee took aggressive corrective action and replaced the original wire in all the Limitorque motor operators that were found to be unqualified and had to operate in a harsh post-accident environment. A plant shutdown was not required.

Our Generic Letter 85-15, dated August 6,1985, requests licensees on discovery of 50.49 non-compliance or suspected non-compliance to report the discovery per the requirements of 50.72 or.50.73 and to document the findings and corrective actions in the plant files. The licensee l is following these procedures.

IE plans to issue an Information Notice and ORAS plans to address generic aspects of the Limitorque motor operators in a memorandum.

Palo Verde Unit 2 Initial fuel loading was completed on the evening of December 16, i 1985. _ Initial reactor vessel ~ head closure is expected within the next -

few days.  ;

Kewaunee Plant-EQ of Limitorque Motor Operators '

The Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPSC) will meet with Region III, IE, and representatives of NRR PWR-A project and technical staffs on Friday, December 20, 1985. The NRR staff will participate with Region III in their continuing assessment of the licensee's action at i Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant where the wiring on some of the Limitorque

. motor operators had been replaced in response to an oral notification of their unqualified status. Others were determined to not be required to be environmentally qualified. The licensee believes he has replaced all the wires which he identified as unqualified to operate in a harsh, post-accident environment. This updates the Daily Highlight of


December 16, 1985.

Millstone 3 On December 18, 1985, the staff issued a request for information in the form of a 50.54(f) letter related to Station Blackout at Millstone  !

3. The letter requires a response from the licensee in 30 days.

DEC 2 01965 ENCLOSURE B  :

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1. DEFUELING Licensee's corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the dropped canister and canister positioning system sleeve (reported in Weekly Status Report dated December 16,1985) includes ~prccedural changes that will require verification of engagement of the sleeve locking mechanism by close video examination. In addition, the procedures will require use of a load cell during crane operations having the .

potential to exert an unplanned excessive lifting force.

On December 17, 1985, the licensee successfully freed the stuck end-fitting and long handled tool from the canister that had been dropped the previous week. A video survey was performed on the inside of the canister. The lining of the canister's boral shroud does not appear to have suffered any major damage. Further review of the video tapes of the. inspection will be done prior to continued loading of that canister.

On December 19, 1985, operators began loading a debris bucket with pieces of broken fuel rods. The buckets will than be placed inside the canisters. Use of the buckets to fill the fuel canisters is .

expected to increase loading efficiency.

1 Installation of the debris vacuum system is complete and startup and s test is ir, progress. Testing of the system with actual core debris is expected to start the week of December 30, 1985.

2. PLANT STATUS The facility remains in long' term cold shutdown with the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) vented to the reactor building atmosphere and the reactor vessel head and plenum assembly removed from the reactor vessel.

The plenum is on its storage stand in the deep end of the fuel transfer canal. A dam has been installed between the deep and shallow ends of the fuel transfer canal. The deep end is filled with water to a depth of about 20 feet (about 5 feet above the top of the plenum).

DEC 2 01985


i l




- The modified internals indexing fixture is installed on the reactor I vessel flange and is flooded to elevation 327 feet 6 inches (151 feet above the top of the core region). The defueling platform is installed over the internals indexing fixture.

- Calculated reactor decay heat is less than 12 kilowatts.

- RCS cooling is by natural heat loss to the reactor building ambient atmosphere. Incore thermocouple readings range from 68 F to 95 F with an average of 82 F.

- The average reactor building temperature is 59 F. The reactor building airborne activity at the Westinghouse platform is 5.3 E-8 uCi/cc Tritium and.2.2 E-10 uCi/cc particulate, predominantly Cesium 137.

- Spent Fuel Pool "A" is flooded to a depth of 20 feet. About 6 feet of water is over the fuel canister storage racks.


3. WASTE MANAGEMENT The "B" train of the DWCS reactor vessel filtration system was operated at reduced flow intermittently as needed to maintain RCS clarity for defueling operations. The licensee is still studying the DWCS filter fouling problems and is planning to conduct tests to evaluate the use of filter precoat materials to alleviate the problem.

Submerged Demineralizer System (SDS) is temporarily shutdown.

- EPICOR II began processing of Batch 271, which consists of about 3,900 gallons of water in CC-T-2 to be recycled through the system and returned to CC-T-2.

Total volume processed through SDS to date is 3,598,397 gallons, and the total volume processed through EPICOR II is 2,704,615 gallons. -


- Decontamination activities are continuing on the 281' level of the auxiliary building. Scabbling and painting of the decay heat vaults is in progress.

- Average general area radiation dose rate is 40 mrem per hour on the 347' level of the reactor building and is 67 mrem per hour on the 305' level of the reactor building.

Decontamination of the "A" D-ring is in progress.

- Decontamination cf the elevator pit and the underside of the elevator car was completed.


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show TMI site liquid effluents to be in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.



- TMI water samples taken by EPA at the plant discharge to the river consisted of seven daily compositt samples taken from November 30 through December 7, 1985. A gamma scan detected no reactor related activity.

The Lancaster water sample taken at the water works intake and analyzed by EPA consisted of a seven day composited sample taken from December 1 through December 7,1985. A gamma scan detected no reactor related radioactivity.

- The NRC outdoor airborne particulate sampler at the TMI site collected a sample between December 12 and December 18, 1985. No reactor related radioactivity was detected. Analysis showed Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 concentrations to be.less than the lower limits of detectability.


- The initial phase of defueling the reactor core is in progress.

Installation of the vacuum defueling system is in progress.

The pressurizer manway cover has been removed and the access port shielded. Examination of the pressurizer, which includes collection of sludge samples from inside is in progress.


Installation of the balance of DWCS continued.

Spent Fuel Pool "A" has been flooded to a. depth of about 20 feet (about 6 feet above the top of the fuel canister storage racks).



Technical Specification Change Request number 49.

Recovery Operations Plan Change number 31. '

SDS Technical Evaluation and System Description Update.

Core Stratification Sample Safety Evaluation.

Detueling Water Cleanup System Technical Evaluation Report, Revision 7.

Containment Air Control Envelope Technical Evaluation Report, Revision 5.

Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

9. PUBLIC MEETINGS The next meeting of the panel is scheduled for February 12, 1986 in the Harrisburg area from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at a place to be determined.

Persons desiring the opportunity to speak before the panel are asked to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 717-291-1042 or write to him at 2122 Ma-ietta Avenue, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603.


f l


' Items of Interest Week Ending December 20, 1985

-Near-Term NRC Actions Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA)

Section: ll4(e) of NWPA: Requirements under draft Project Decision Schedule (PDS)

Status: In the draft PDS, DOE requested that affected Federal agencies review Section 10 - Compliance with Federal Statutes, Regulations, and Permits, and submit a report to DOE by January 1, 1986. ,

t Action: The requested report was submitted by NMSS to DOE on December 16, 1985 Section: 137 of NWPA: Transportation of HLW Status: DOE. issued the draft Transportation Business Plan in August, 1985, t with comments due by September 30, 1985.

l Action: NRC had no formal comments and the Final Transportation Business Plan is expected by the end of 1985.

Section: 137 of NWPA: Transportation of HLW



Status: DOE' issued the draft Transportation Institutional Plan in September,-


, 1985, with commegts due to DOE by December 31, 1985.


< Action: NRC'staf f is currently preparing formal comments for transmittal to DOE by December 31, 1985. DOE expects to issue the Final

) - --c - TranyportationInstitutionalPlanbyMay,1986.

m, .


~ 'Section: 141(b) of NWPA: .Submittaliof MRS Proposal i

Status: -Submittal by. DOE to the-Commission-of the Monitored Retrievable

Storage Facility proposal is' expected by December 23, 1985.

,' Action: NRC will have 45 days'to re' view the proposal and transmit comments to DOE. _NRC's comments will be submitted with the proposal to Congress in early February,1986.  !


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. _ _ . _ _ , - -._. . - - _ - .,~ _ - _ _ , - _ , , . _ . . . . - . _ _ _ . , .


. Section: 306 of NWPA: Regulations for Training of Power Plant Personnel Status: The final rulemaking package on Part 55 dealing with simulator training requirements and three associated regulatory guides is currantly undergoing Office review.

Action: The final rule will be submitted to CRGR for review in January,1986, and then to the Commission for approval.

Section: 141(d) of NWPA: Licensing of MRS Status: NRC is currently developing revisions to 10 CFR Part 72 to prov'Je the licensing framework for the MRS, should it be authorized by Congress.

Action: The proposed rule on 10 CFR Part 72 was submitted to the Commission-on November 25, 1985 for approval, which is expected in January,1986.

Implementation of US/IAEA Safeguards Due to control rod difficulties, the operator of the Arkansas-2 reactor had to break three of five IAEA seals to perform maintenance. The IAEA was notified of this event through the State Department. Since the reactor is due to go off of IAEA safeguards 12/31/85, no follow-up by the IAEA is anticipated.

NFS-Erwin Strike by OCAW members continues. There has been almost no negotiating between the Union and NFS within the last 10 weeks. Resolution of the differences -

between the parties is not expected in the near term. NFS is conducting limited

, operations of the HEU production, scrap recovery and R&D facilities.

An event related to the site occurred on December 11, 1985, when a driver, leaving the site with a shipment of liquid low enriched uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, discharged a weapon near : cme of the OCAW Union pickets. The region is investi-gating the event.

Weloon Spring Chemical Plant Source Materials License No. SMB-1314, which authorized the 0epartment of the s

Army possession of source material in the form of contamindled facilities at the Weldon Spring Chemical Plant in Welaon Spring, Missouri, was terminated on December 19, 1985. Responsibility for the facility was transferred from the Department of the Army to the Department of Energy on October 1,1985. The 4


,% w p - - - - y

Weldon Spring Chemical Plant was operated between 1957 and 1966 by Mallinckrodt Chemical Comatny under contract to the Atomic Energy Commission as a uranium feed materf :s plant for the conversion and purification of uranium ore con-centrates <.d recycled scrap to uranium compounds and metal. The facility was transferred to the Army in 1967 to be converted in.o a plant to manufacture terbicides, however, the Army was never able to decontaminate the facility to acceptable levels.

Mallinckrodt, Inc. Site Visit On December 11, 1985, members of NMSS and Region III accompanied the Oak Ridge National Laboratory environmental assessment team to Mallinckrodt, Inc. , in St.

Louis, Missouri. The purpose of the visit was site familiarization and to discuss additional information needed to conduct the environmental assessment related to Mallinckrodt's license renewal.

Spent Fuel Storage NRC staff met with General Nuclear Systems, Inc. (GNSI) regarding GNSI's preliminary report on cracks observed in a CASTOR V/21 dry storage cask basket during an unlicensed demonstration at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

In response to staff comments GNSI will provide additional structural analysis, material property data, and basket drawings to the staff to complete its explana-tion of the causes of the incident, its significance with respect to basket structural integrity, and what remedial action may be taken to preclude such an event occurring under design basis conditions.

t I


0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Items of Interest Week Ending December 20, 1985

1. The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:
a. EN 85-45A, Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $25,000 was issued December 9,1985 to Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron Nuclear Power Station). The licensee responded to the Notice (EN-85-45, June 3, 1985, $50,000) in a letter dated July 18, 1985. After careful consideration of the licensee's response, the staff has concluded that the violations did occur as set forth in the Notice. However, the licensee has provided sufficient basis for mitigation of the civil penalty because of its prompt identification, reporting, and evaluation of the incident. .
b. EN 85-82, a Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of

$20,000 was issued December 13, 1985 to Virginia Electric and Power Company (North Anna' Units 1 and 2). This action is based on a Severity Level III violation involving the falsification of records regarding deficiencies in the application of unqualified protective coatings in the Units 1 and 2 reactor containment buildings.

c. EN-85-83, a Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of

$50,000 was issued December 18, 1985 to Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre Unit 1). This action involves a violation of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B which resulted in an improper and an unauthorized repair to the oil sight glass for the turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump which is a safety-related component.

d. EN 85-84, a Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in the amount of

$900,000 was issued December 13, 1985 to Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse). This action was based on two violations which resulted in the failure of the auxiliary feedwater system on June 9, 1985 to perform its intended function as a result of improper torque bypass settings for certain safety-related motor-operated valves; six additional violations involving failures in the licensee's maintenance, testing, training, analysis, and corrective action programs which led to the June 9, 1985 failure; and two violations involving generic problems related to maintenance and troubleshooting of pipe supports which were included in this action, although identified separately from the June 9 event.

2. The following IE Preliminary Notifica'*]ns were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-II-85-118, Tennessee Valey Authority (Browns Feiry Units 1, 2,

& 3), Small~011 Spill From Shutdown Units.

b. ~ PNO-II-85-119, Georgia Power Company (Vogtle Unit 1), Contractor Employee Injured. ENCLOSURE D DEC 2 01985


c. PN0-III-85-95C, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station), Damage to Diesel Generator During Testing (Third Update).
d. PNO-III-85-101 , Commonwealth Edison (Dresden Unit 3), Fatality During Outage.
e. PNO-III-85-102, Comonwealth Edison Company (Zion Unit 2), Failure of RHR System During Shutdown.
f. PN0-IV-85-64A, Louisiana Power and Light Company (Waterford 3), Loss of Offsite Power at Waterford 3 (Update).
g. PN0-IV-85-65, Koony X-Ray, Incorporated (Houston, TX), Stolen Radiography Truck.
h. PN0-IV-85-65A, Koony X-Ray, Incorporated (Houston, TX), Stolen Radiography Truck Found.

.i. PNS-V-85-07A, Portland General Electric Company (Trojan Nuclear Power Plant), Possible Sabotage (Update).

j. PNO-V-05-86, Industrial Nuclear Company, Inc. (Foster City, CA),

Unauthorized Foreign Shipment With Falsification Of Shipping Papers.

k. PNO-V-85-87, Sacramento Municipal Utility Dktrict (Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant), Unidentified Reactor Coolant Leak at Rancho Seco.
1. PNO-V-85-88, Arizona' Nuclear Power Project (Palo Verde Unit 1),

Inadvertent Engineered Safety Features Actuation and Subsequent Reactor Trip.


3. The following IE Information Notices and IE Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice 85-94, Potential for Loss of Minimum Flow Paths Leading to ECCS Pump Damage During a LOCA was issued December 13, 1985 to all nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license or.a construction permit.



4. Other Items
a. Civil Penalties Paid None
b. Civil Penaltics Proposed (1) EA 85-80 issued 12/11/85 to E.~L. Conway & Company (Bridgeport,

, PA),$500.

(2) EA 85-129 issued 12/12/85 to Quality Assurance Laboratories, Inc.

(South Portland, ME), $5,000.

(3) EA 85-68 issued 12/13/85 to Virginia Electric and Power Company -

(North Anna 1 & 2), $20,000.

(4) EA 85-107 issued 12/13/85 to Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse),


(5) EA 85-128 issued 12/18/85 to Southern California Edison Company (San Onfre 1),$50,000.

c. Part 21 Notifications (1) Fairbank Morse Engine Division, Colt Industries on nuts used to hold diesel generator engine connecting rod and rod bearing caps. .


(2) Portland General Eletric on low speed shaft keyway in speed '

increaser lube oil pumps produced by NUTTAIL Gear Corp.

(3) Anerican Electric Power on weld electrodes with incomplete flux coatings produced by Welding Products Division, AIRCO.

d. Readiness Review Report Chief and staff of the Quality Assurance Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs met with Region V and Washington Public Power Supply System representatives on December 13, 1985. Staff of this Branch inspected Vogtle l's civil structural model December 16-19.
e. Comanche Peak Meeting Representatives of the Quality Assurance Branch and others participated in a. December 18, 19 public meting on Comanche Peak. design review project.


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.f. FEMA Meeting A representative of the Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response met with FEMA and FEMA's con-tractor.on December 18 to discuss the graded Shoreham exercise..
g. Incident Response Briefing The Incident Response Branch sponsored briefings by the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST), and the Airborne Radiological . Monitoring Survey (ARMS) on December 16 at Andrews Air Force Base. A briefing was given by this Branch on December 20 to the Department of Energy's Director of Emergency Operations. The subject was incident response and Operations Center lessons learned.


h. Simulator l The final contract'for lease-purchase of the Black Fox simulator was j signed by the General Electric Company and the NRC.
i. Inspection Accompaniment -

A representative of the Safeguards & Materials Program Branch,

Division of Inspection (DI) accompanied materials inspection in Texas and New Mexico. The Director,.DI and representatives of that Division's Reactor Construction Programs Branch accompanied the exit meeting of the. Fort Calhoun outage inspection.


j. FEMA Notifications FEMA provided their. evaluation of Trojan's alert and notification N system which was then forwarded to Region V and the licensee. FEMA .

provided emergency preparedness exercise reports for Brunswick, Fort Calhoun, Oconee and Summer.

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. DEC 2 0 M85

U OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending December 20, 1985 FLHT-2 Test A nuclear heated assembly of twelve full length, commercial enrichment fuel rods was subjected to a TMI-2 accident type coolant boilaway in which fuel rod cladding reached measured temperatures in excess of 2422K (3900 F). This severe fuel damage test, FLHT-2, was performed December 11 in the NRU reactor at Chalk River National Laboratory, Ontario, Canada.

The success of test FLHT-2 should permit early safety approval of the next NRU severe fuel damage test, FLHT-4, in which the fuel rod assembly will be fission heated at full decay heat power levels for twenty minutes or longer after fuel cladding has reached temperatures of 2400K. Holding the hot FLHT-4. assembly at power in this fashion will permit the e/aluation of Zircaloy oxidation and hydrogen release and transport after much of the Zircaloy has reloca.ted toward the bottom of the core, as projected in some accidents. Test FLHT-4 is scheduled for June 1986. Preliminary examination of FLHT-2 test data indicates that all test instrumentation performed as planned and all test objectives were met. The FLHT-2 test used special insulating shroud materials developed by Battelle Northwest Laboratory and used for the PBF and NRU severe fuel damage tests and successfully modified ~

by INEL for the LOFT severe fuel damage tests FP-1 and FP-2.

NRU severe fuel damage reactor tests like FLHT-2 are the only full s length tests of their type. Test FLHT-2 provides a unique set of cladding oxidation and hydrogen generation and transport data including prototypic full length axial relationship information needed to assess models in NRC codes such as MARCH, SCDAP, MELPROG, and the IDCOR MAAP code, which are used for analysis of severe accident fuel damage progression and fission product source term to predict public risk.

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Multiloop Integral System Test (MIST)

The MIST testing program is designed to provide thermal hydraulic data related to small-break loss-of-coolant accident transients to benchmark


analysis models used to analyze reactors designed by the Babcock and Wilcox Company. Debug testing is ongoing at the MIST facility. As part of the debug testing, the facility was taken to hot standby conditions

'(primary pressure at 1150 psia, temperature of hot leg at 500 F) on December 3, 1985. Subsequently, the facility was operated at various loop conditions and reached full pressure (2200 psia) and 10.0 percent of scaled' core power (330 kW). The measured loop heat loss is well within the original projections, thus requiring no further modifications. All equipment is performing well. Debug testing will be completed by the end of CY 1985. The MIST program is' currently on schedule with actual testing ,

scheduled for the sacond half of FY 1986.

- BEIR Committee to Conduct a New Study of Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation On December 6, 1985, the Board on Radiation Effects Research, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, approved a new study (tentatively designated BEIR V) to update BEIR III, the 1980 BEIR Report, "The Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiations." Dr. S. S.

Yaniv, RES, addressed the Board on the need for BEIR V. A revision is needed because of the reassessment of radiation. doses received by the Japanese atomic-bomb survivors and additional radioepidemiological data accumulated -

since publication of the 1980 report. The new information is likely to affect estimates of risk from low level radiation. The BEIR V Committee s is to be formed in 1986; its report is scheduled for 1989. Funding of

this ef. fort is not resolved. EPA and NRC are currently funding the BEIR IV Committee which is preparing a report on risks from internally deposited alpha emitters.

Dr. S. S. Yaniv 42-74581 Recently Issued Publication Draft Regulatory Guide and Value/ Impact Statement: Standard Format and Content of Decomnissioning Plans for 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, and 70 Licensees, Task CE 304-4.

Comments requested by February 17, 1986. Con tact: C. R. Mattsen (301) 443-7661.




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RES Rulemaking Activities Consideration of Earthquakes in the Context of Emergency Prepared' ness (Part 50)

The proposed rule would not consider the need to take into account the complicating effects of earthquakes on emergency preparedness. Existing regulations require that nuclear power plants be designed to safely shut down for most earthquakes. The probability of earthquakes large enough to cause major onsite damage that would result in a significant radiological release from the plant is low; and for large earthquakes, offsite damage could make prior offsite emergency plans premised on normal conditions marginally useful.

One alternative to the proposed rule change would Le to require that the emergency plans specifically address the complicating impact of earthquakes.

Another alternative would be to adjudicate the issue on a case-by-case basis.-

On December 4,1985, the Chairman requested OPE to provide insight on the positions taken by the staff and the ACRS relative to SECY-85-283. RES and IE are working with OPE to develop a position that does not focus on the frequency of the natural phenomena but on the codification of elements in an emergency plan that assures the necessary flexibility that can assist emergency planners in'the event of any natural phenomena regardless of the specific phenomena and its probability.

Standards for Protection Against Radiation (Part 20)

Radiation protection philosophy and technology have changed markedly since the present Part 20 was promulgated nearly 30 years ago. Because the present Part 20 has become outdated, most radiation protection actions occur through licensing actions independent of Part 20. A complete revision is necessary to provide better assurance of protection against radiation; establish a clear N health protection basis for the limits; reflect current information on health risk, dosimetry, and radiation protection practices and experience; provide NRC.

with a health protection base from which it may consider other regulatory actions taken to protect public health; be consistent with recommendations of world authorities (ICRP); and apply to all licensees in a consistent manner.

The Federal Register notice of proposed rulemaking for 10 CFR Part 20 was provided to DRR, ADM, on November 29, 1985. DRR has incorporated comments from Chairman Palladino and Comissioner Asselstine into the preamble. The notico is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on December 20, 1985, for a 120-day public comment period.


ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL PROGR/MS WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 20, 19E5 Foreign Trip Reports E. C. Beahm, Chemical Technology Division, ORNL September 10-16, 1985; Visited the UK and the FRG:

The purpose of this trip was to participate in an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Workshop held at Harwell, UK, on iodine chemistry in reactor accidents and to exchange information on iodine chemistry at Kraftwerk Union at Erlangen, FRG.

Clemens J. Heltenes, Director, AE0D September 17-20, 1985; Visited Austria:

Mr. Heltemes attended the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)/ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting on the assessment of operating incidents in Vienna. The meeting was well attended by both NEA and IAEA countries. All countries presented at least one paper.

H. J. Faulkner, Chief, Technical Liaison Section, IP November 20-26, 1985; Visited Japan:

The purpose of this trip was to meet with representatives of the J&panese Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Science -

and Technology Agency for a series of discussions that addressed the renewal of the trilateral arrangement between those two agencies and ,

NRC. Mr. J. Cortez of RES was also present for part of these '

discussions. Mr. Faulkner also had discussions with the Nuclear Power -

Engineering Test Center relating to the drafting of formal agreenents by NRC and BNL for a cooperative seismic experiment:at the Todatsu facility.

Keith G. Steyer, Chemical Entineering Branch, RES November 25-29, 1985; Visitec Japan:

Mr. Steyer attended the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Workshop on Reactor Decommissioning in Tokyo and Tokai-Mura.


1 0FFICE FOR ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF OPERATIONAL DATA ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 20, 1985 AE0D issued a Case Study report titled " Therapy Misadministrations Reported to NRC Pursuant to 10 CFR 35.42." The report documents AE0D's analysis of 16 teletherapy and 2 brachytherapy misadministrations reported to NRC for the period November 1980 to-July 1984. In addition, the report contains descrip-tive information on 11 other brachytherapy and radiopharmaceutical therapy misadministrations that were reported to NRC during the same period.

The primary finding of the analysis of the 16 teletherapy and 2 brachytherapy misadministrations was that most of the misadministrations could have been prevented by improvements in quality assurance procedures related to verifying the accuracy of patient dose calculations, performing timely and adequate '

patient chart reviews, and verifying the accuracy of brachytherapy source activity prior to, or concurrent with, implanting the sources. The analysis also found that although professional medical groups involved with radiotherapy and related government agencies encourage quality assurance programs in radio-therapy facilities, no government agency or nongovernmental accrediting body requires that radiotherapy facilities have quality assurance programs that conform to the program recommended by professional medical groups.

We have recommended that the NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) communicate the information contained in the report to the affected licensees and that NMSS should consider contacting the appropriate professional organizations to encourage and support the initiation of a voluntary, industry-diruted physical quality assurance program for radiotherapy facilities. -

.We have also recommended that 10 CFR 35.21 be amended to include the calibra- ,

tion of beam modifiers such as wedge filters, shaping filters, trays, etc., and '

that to the extent that NRC implements this recommendation, the action be made -

an item of compatibility for Agreement States.




DAVIS-BESSE LOSS OF FEEDWATER EVENT DECEMBER 19, 1985 Plant Status The plant remains in cold shutdown. The circulating water canal is drained.

Decay heat loop No. 2 is out of service for maintenance. The licensee has determined that the flow of water from Lake Erie (the plant's ultimate heat sink) to the plant is restricted due to some un6 nown phenomenon. The licensee.

is planning to have a diver investigate the cause of the restriction.

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DEC 2 0198$


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sn 1. Item: Adequacy of the licensee's management and maintenance activities ,

ACTION STATUS / COMMENTS (b) Evaluate and take action on the Region III is observing maintenance activities and evaluating LER's licensee's response to findings DVR's and other items as they relate to the control of maintenance, concerning management practices A maintenance survey team inspection conducted on September 16-20,

.(e.g., control of maintenance 1935 confirmed previous concerns identified by Region III. An programs and post-trip reviews). An IE/NRR inspection team will assess maintenance and management practices prior to restart. This inspection is currently planned for mid-January 1986.

6. Item: Reliability of the AFW containment isolation valves and other safety-related valves ACTION STATUS / COMMENTS (a) Monitor the licensee's trouble- Troubleshooting activ; ties related to containment isolation valves ++

shooting activities AF599 and AF608 are corolete. Region III specialists are evaluating and monitorir.9 M0 VATS testing on other safety-related motor operated valves. Of a total of 167 valves, 108 have been completed.

(e) Determine.that the procedures for Limitorque operators for valves AF599 cnd AF608 have been adjustments of the AFW isolation adjusted and the valves have been tested under dp valves such as torque switch bypass conditions. Procedure reviews and evaluations of the switches are clear and proper, and training program will be completed prior to restart.

that associated training programs are Confirmatory testing will be performed during startup.

adequate. Confirm that adjustment settings are consistent with plant procedures.


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8. Item: Reliability of AFW pump turbines

(( ACTION STATUS / COMMENTS s'" Troubleshooting activities are complete. Region III (a) Monitor the licensee's trouble-shooting activities including- will monitor confirmatory testing during plant.startup possible hot plant operation to as part of startup test activities.

confirm failure mode.

(d) Verify that the AFW system has been Results of test review group meetings hase culminated adequately tested to confirm system in the development of a charter outlining test review group j configuration involved with design responsibilities and activities. AFW testing will be basis events. included as part of the testing review team effort.

t (e) Review the implementation of the The licensee is developing a training program on resetting operator training program to assure of the trip throttle valve. This training will include proper operator actions, such as resetting of trip mechanism at operating conditions, resetting of trip throttle valve. therefore, the training will be completed during plant restart.


9. Item: Reliability of the FORV ACTION STATUS / COMMENTS (a) Monitor the licensee's trouble- Troubleshooting activities have been completed.

shooting activities. Confirmatory testing will be conducted at operating temperature and pressure. Testing of a modified PORV completed at the Marshall Steam Station facility on November 15, 1985, demonstrated an acceptable flow rate.

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Other Activities Installation of the new electric motor driven startup feedwater pump is complete. The licensee is making preparations for a test run of the pump. ++

Evaluations and inspections of safety system piping supports are continuing.++

The licensee has completed inspection of the 2425 supports required to be completed before restart. The licensee is continuing to inspect additional safety-related supports. Nonconformance Reports (NCRs) have been written against 2275 of 2507 pipe supports inspected. Rework is required on 221 of the 883 supports that have had NCRs dispositioned by the licensee's staff.

M0 VATS testing continues on the 167 safety-related motor-operated valves onsite. The licensee has completed 108 valves. The licensee is repairing ++

and testing valve motor operators continuously with three overlapping ten-hour shifts.

The service water structure will require ventilation improvements before ,

startup. Dampers required to correct the ventilation problem may be a long ++

term delivery item and this may be a critical path item. The licensee has completed the testing required to allow completion of the design of the ventilation improvements.

The licensee's inspection in containment of items requiring environmental ++

qualification has revealed several limit switches that require repair or replacement.

The NRC. test review team continues to provide weekly coverage of licensee ++

testing activities. Coverage will be. curtailed for the week of December 30, 1985 based on the level of testing activity. Presently, there are few tests ready for performance. The testing of the newly installed feedwater pump is planned for December 22 and will be monitored by the test review team.




approved a request by' Arizona Public Service Company to

approve a Sale and Leaseback Financing Transaction in l

connection with the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating i Station, Unit 1.

1 (Subsequently on December 12, 1985 the Secretary signed the order.)


FEE The Commission by a 5-0 vote approved an order which denied l!

a petition from Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc., and Western Farmers j Electric Cooperative that requested the Commission

, reconsider an NRC staff decision which denied an exemption from payment of license fees related to the Black Fox Station.

) (Subsequently on December 12, 1985 the Secretary signed the order.)



1 The Commission met with staff to be briefed on the status of l

! near term operating license plants (NTOLs).

Chairman Palladino requested that the Office'of General l Counsel review the meeting transcript and determine whether any portion'of it should be served on the parties to any

pending proceeding.

(OGC) (SECY Suspense: 12/27/85) l Commissioner Asselstine requested staff to advise hit of the

! date of the FEMA emergency planning exercise at Shorcham.

(SECY Suspense: 1/17/86)

(NRR) l DEC 2 01985 ENCLOSURE O l


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B. CONTld!!ED'- i i

commissioner Asselstine requested information on how the ~

I engineering aspirance program that Stone and Webster performs '  :

I differs from an iciependent design verification program (IDVP) >

j or an independent design inspection (IDI). Commissioner I i Asselstine also requested informaU on as to why, in c>rtain l cases, the Stone and Webster program may be more useful than  ;

either an IDVP or an IDI. l (1:RR) '(SECY Suspense: 1/10/86) (

1 i



  • 4 TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to W. J. Dircks dated 12/19/85 j i

I The Commission met with the members of the Advisory Committee [

L for Review of the Enforcecent Policy and was briefed on their report entitled, " Report of the Advisory Committee for Review of the Enforcement Policy," dated November 22, 1985. As a result of the meeting, the EDO is requested to take the following actions:

i (a) Review the findings of the Advisory Committee and submit comments to the Commission. The' staff should coordinate with other offices (e.g. , OI,- OPA, or others) those portions of the report which are appliceble to them.

i (EDO) (SECY Suspense: 2/3/86) ,

i (b) Update SECY-85-149, " Material False Statement," as neces '

j sary based on the staff's review of the Advisory Committee

! Report and resubmit it to the Commission.

,,. (EDO) (SECY Suspense: 1/17/86) .

l (c) Respond to Commissioner Bernthal's suggestion that a point  !

system be considered whereby fines'for minor infractions are levied only after a threshold of points are accumulated.

l (EDO) (SECT Suspense 2/3/86) ,

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, DEC 2 01985 t i i

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CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) Memo SECY to W. J. Dircks and J. E. Zerbe dated 12/19/85 l

The Commission met with staff to discuss SECY-85-382, the l proposed " Standardization Policy Statement."

The Commission requested staff to provide a list of nuclear plants reviewed subsequent to NUREG-0800, " Standard Review Plan i for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants."

(NRR) (SECY Suspense: 12/31/85) 4 The Commission requested the Office of Policy Evaluation to work with Commissioner assistants to reach a consensus on a revision to SECY-85-382 which will be forwarded to staff. -

(OPE) (SECY Suspense: 1/31/86)

Concurrent with development of the Commiss' ion's revision to SECY-85-382, the Commission requested that staff work with utilities, NUMARC and industry representatives such as AIF, to i

determine how nuclear utilities view the various options for new plant design and construction.

(NRR) (SECY Suspense: 2/28/86)

! The Commission requested information on how the FAA regulates i the airline industry wita.out violating antitrust laws.

J (ELD /NRR) (SECY Suspense: 1/31/86)

(Subsequently, the Commission noted that the antitrust aspects of standardization have already been developed in general in '

l SECY-85-205, as indicated in the December 11 memorandum from the General Counsel.)

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  • DECEMBER 20, 1985 E.


DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 1/7-9/86 50-410 Nine Mile Point Instrumentation and Control Niagara Mohawk M. Haughey Unit 2 Site Site Visit Power Corporation Scriba, N. Y.

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. Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms E

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. FOR WEEK ENDING: 12/20/85 Division cf Fuel Cycle and Mattrial Sarcty .



DATE/ TIE NUPSER LOCATION PURPOSE APPL.ICANT _NRC CONTACT 12/29-31/85 Wes t Valley. To meet with DOE and NRC sub- Mr. Steins (DOE) Davison NY

. contractor at West Valley site for N. Davison (FC) .

c3 demonstration of fuel rod consoli-

[] dation and a gas chromatograph.

1/7-9/85 40-8027 Ft. Smith. To attend hearing on Sequoyah Fuels D. Cool (FC) Cool s AK Corporation License Amendments for M. Horn (FC)

$ UF6 to UF4Conversion., E. Shum (FC) -

Division of Safeguards ,

None Division of Waste Management' None k

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. FOR WEEK ENDING: 12/20/85 Division ef Fuel Cyclo Knd Mat: rial Safety .


DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ' APPLICANT NRC CONTACT 12/29-31/85 Wes t Valley. To meet with DOE and NRC sub- Mr. Steins (DOE) -Davison NY contractor at West Valley site for N. Davison (FC) .

43 demonstration of fuel rod consoll-EE dation and a gas chromatograph.

> 1/7-9/85 40-8027 Ft. Smith. To attend hearing on Sequoyah Fuels D. Cool (FC) Cool E uAK Corporation License Amendments for M. Horn (FC)

E UF6 to UF4Conversion. E. Shum (FC) -

Division of Safeguards ,

None Division of Waste Management' None e

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5 cn WEEK EFOING: December 20,.1995 I


LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT 1/10/86 50-295 Glen Ellyn, IL SALP 10 c.n. Comonwealth Edison 50-304 Zion J.G. Keppler & staff 50-237 J.G. Keppler Dresden 50-249 50-254 Quad Cities 50-265 P 1 8 i

! 15 m I .

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