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Xlpr Metamodeling
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/18/2021
Homiack M
Shared Package
ML21230A354 List:
Download: ML21230A364 (10)


Global Sensitivity Analysis of xLPR using Metamodeling (Machine Learning) xLPR User Group Meeting August 18, 2021 1


  • As part of applying xLPR to production analyses and to further validate the model, sensitivity analyses were conducted

- Sensitivity studies can be used to assess the impacts of uncertain parameters and analysis assumptions on the results

- Sensitivity analysis is a useful tool for identifying important uncertain model inputs that explain a large degree of the uncertainty in a quantity of interest

  • Reasons to perform a sensitivity analysis:

- Identify inputs that warrant greatest level of scrutiny, validation, and further sensitivity analysis

- Identify inputs that are key to the results

- Model validation

- Improve understanding of model behavior

- Reduction of model complexity (e.g., set unimportant inputs to constant values)

- Inform advanced Monte Carlo sampling strategies (e.g., importance sampling)

  • Available techniques (see TLR-RES/DE/CIB-2021-11; ML21133A485):

- One-at-a-time

- Local partial derivatives (e.g., Adjoint Modeling)

- Variance-based (e.g., Sobol method)

- Linear regression

- Metamodels 2

Sensitivity Analysis using Metamodels

- Can handle correlated inputs

- Accurately reflects non-monotonicity, non-linearity, and interactions

- Importance measures reflect the whole input space

- Several machine learning models automatically generate sensitivity metrics and down-select input variables based on information gained as part of the model fitting process

- Fitted model can be used in place of the original model to compute quantitative sensitivity measures at lower computational cost

  • Focus of this presentation: using built-in sensitivity metrics generated during fitting 3

Metamodeling Analysis Workflow

  • Run the probabilistic code and collect results
  • Implement metamodeling code

- Import results from probabilistic code runs

- Transform results to prepare for input to metamodel fitting (e.g., accounting for spatially sampled variables)

- Fit the metamodel, including parameter optimization using cross-validation

- Extract and report input importance metrics

  • Evaluate

- Examine goodness of fit metrics

- Compare importance ranking results from alternate metamodels

- Compare importance ranking results across different outputs of interest

  • Iterate

- Collect more inputs

- Analyze different outputs

- Run different discrete configurations of the probabilistic code

- Use different metamodels / different metamodel parameters 4

Model Implementation

  • Python 3.6 using Scikit Learn Package*

- Gradient Boosting Decision Trees

- Random Forest Decision Trees

- Linear Support Vector Machines

  • All models used are classifiers (as opposed to regressors) because the outcomes are binary (yes/no). Regressor models would be used for scalar outputs.
  • All models include metrics for feature selection / feature importance
  • Initial work focused on subset of 60 inputs:

- Inputs that are expected to have high importance

- Distributed inputs

- Constant inputs uniformly distributed from 0.8 to 1.2 times constant value

  • Outputs analyzed:

- Occurrence leak

- Occurrence rupture (with and without inservice inspection (ISI))

  • Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, Pedregosa et al., JMLR 12, pp. 2825-2830, 2011 5

Spatially Distributed Inputs / Outputs

  • Pipe section split into 19 subunits that can potentially crack
  • Some inputs sampled on a subunit basis
  • Some outputs also available on a subunit basis
  • Aggregation methodology for subunit inputs / outputs

- Pipe subunit inputs and outputs: Analyze each pipe subunit and crack direction separately and average feature importance metrics

- Pipe subunit inputs and global outputs:

Average input across all pipe subunits (and crack types) and perform single analysis to determine feature importance

- This method may cause underreporting of importance metrics in comparison to alternative methods 6

Results: Leak Output

  • Output: Leak (through wall crack) in any pipe subunit
  • Analyzed using Gradient Boosted Trees Classifier (GBC)
  • Allows comparison between averaging subunit inputs and averaging subunit analysis outputs
  • Top importance parameters for averaged subunit inputs:

- Primary water stress-corrosion cracking (PWSCC) initiation parameters

- PWSCC growth parameters

- Operating Temp./Pressure

- Pipe outside diameter /


- Welding Residual Stresses (WRS) - Hoop

- Pipe yield strength 7

Results: Rupture Output

  • Rupture full model output (not subunit basis)
  • Best prediction accuracy and CV score using Gradient Boosted Trees Classifier
  • General agreement between all three fitted models
  • Top importance parameters consistent with leak parameters

- PWSCC initiation

- Axial WRS ranked above Hoop (opposite of leak) 8

Changes in Importance Rankings

  • Importance factor results may be compared between different Most important inputs scenarios/cases to consistently drive result show changes in the relative ordering of inputs
  • Useful for:

- Comparison between alternate metamodeling approaches Scatter indicates low

- Determining differences confidence in relative in sensitivity between ranking (in the noise) different outputs of interest

- Comparing runs with different model settings (e.g., different ISI intervals) 9


  • Key findings

- Relative comparisons (e.g., Axial vs. Circ, Rupture with/without ISI) are very useful for sanity checking the model

- Relatively high confidence in the identification of highest-impact inputs but low confidence in ordering of low-impact inputs

  • General challenges

- Input distributions need to be selected carefully to get informative results

  • A default real-world analysis input set is probably not sufficient

- Special consideration needed for inputs that are not continuous variables (e.g., settings flags)

  • xLPR-specific challenges

- Prediction of simulation-wide outcomes using subunit-level sampled values

- Consideration of all inputs would be time-intensive (labor to extract sampled values and simulation time to adequately cover full input space)

  • Potential future improvements

- Include more inputs in the machine learning model

- Examine other outputs of interest (e.g., leak rate jump indicator)

- Examine alternate configurations that cant be covered automatically using input distributions

- Use more advanced methods to improve on the relative rank importance metric (e.g., variance decomposition) 10