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10 - Overview of NRC Materials Research Supporting Long-Term Operation, NRC Presentation Slides, Industry / NRC Materials Programs Technical Information Exchange Public Meeting June 25-27, 2024
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/25/2024
From: Robert Tregoning
Rezai, A., NRR/DNRL, 301-415-1328
Shared Package
ML24159A553 List:
Download: ML24172A295 (18)


Overview of NRC Materials Research Supporting Long-Term Operation Rob Tregoning Nuclear Regulatory Commission Industry/NRC Materials Technical Exchange Meeting June 25-27, 2024 Materials and Aging Research

  • Research objectives

- Improve timeliness of regulatory decision-making on the use of new materials, manufacturing technologies, and inservice inspection techniques through independent and confirmatory research

- Address materials degradation during long-term plant operation

- Inform and enhance the use of risk information in regulatory decision making

  • Strategic Focus Areas

- Support resolution of safety-significant technical issues

- Maintain core capabilities to support emerging technical needs related to corrosion, metallurgy, component integrity assessment, and non-destructive examination

- Enhance modeling/analytical tools to support efficient regulatory decision-making

- Foster collaborations with domestic and international counterparts to stimulate information sharing and cooperative research approaches

  • More information contained in U.S.NRCs Research Prospectus for Fiscal Years 2022 - 2024 (ML22235A651)

2 Long-Term Operation (LTO) & Aging Management

  • What are w e doing? Supporting guidance development, coordinating related research activities, developing a systematic approach for harvesting materials and components from reactors.
  • Motivation: Provide assurance that aging effects will be adequately managed during LTO.
  • Regulatory Application: Refine, as appropriate, existing aging management programs and guidance
  • Significant activities

- Draft report on knowledge gaps in online monitoring and structural health management for NPP LTO in FY24

- Collaborating with EPRI on cables aging management workshop (June 13-14, 2024)

- Workshops on structural materials (metals and concrete) researchfor LTO (October 1-4, 2024)

3 Materials Harvesting

  • What are w e doing? Extracting materials from decommissioning or operating plants for laboratory testing
  • Objective: Improve understanding of material degradation associated with LTO
  • Motivation: Confirm information on aging mechanisms generated through other research programs and operating experience
  • Collaboration: DOE, EPRI, OECD/NEA, other international partners
  • Significant activities

- OECD/NEA SMILE project (2021-2025), potential SMILE 2 project (2026- )

- Obtained Ringhals A690 CRDM nozzles and SGT piece 4 - Updating NRCs harvesting priorities Irradiation Assisted Degradation (IAD)

  • What are w e doing? Testing highly irradiated materials to characterize irradiation effects on materials performance
  • Regulatory Application: Support reviews of internals inspection/ evaluation guidance, ASME Code changes and associated rulemaking
  • Significant activities

- Testing Zorita RVI materials

- Participating in OECD/NEA SMILE project

- Participating in FIDES project

5 Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking (PWSCC)

  • What are w e doing? Evaluating Alloy 690/52/152 crack growth rate (CGR), crack initiation, and long-term aging performance
  • Motivation: Provide assurance of reactor coolant pressure boundary integrity
  • Regulatory Application: Support reviews of proposed changes to the inspection requirements in the ASME Code and associated rulemaking
  • Significant activities

- Evaluating temperature and dissolved hydrogen effects on CGR

- Investigating HAZ, dilution zone, and pre-existing defects effects on crack initiation

- Participating in expert panel CGR evaluations

6 Steam Generator Tube Integrity Program (SG-TIP)

  • What are w e doing? Evaluating effectiveness of SGT NDE
  • Motivation: Confirm adequacy of industry practices and new inspection approaches used for SGT ISI
  • Regulatory Application: Review acceptability of current and new approaches to inspection techniques and changes to SG guidelines as proposed by industry
  • Collaboration: EPRI, CNSC, KINS, KAERI, GRS, MPA, and IRSN
  • Significant activities

- Report evaluating eddy current sizing capabilities for PWSCC at expansion transition regions of SG tubing

- Independent assessments of industry ET approach and probe-probe equivalency.

7 Probabilistic Integrity Assessment

  • What are w e doing? Developing probabilistic methods to assess structural integrity of RPV and piping components
  • Motivation: Confirm continued integrity of safety-critical components subject to degradation
  • Regulatory Application: Support review of related Code and industry applications and evaluate emergent operating experience
  • Significant activities

- Issue FAVPRO v1.0.x PFM code for RPV integrity and associated manuals and QA documentation

- Continue development and modernization of the xLPR code (i.e., V2.4) for probabilistic piping integrity

- Confirming LOCA frequency estimates from NUREG-1829

8 Piping Integrity

  • What are w e doing? Developing and enhancing analytical methods and tools for assessing structural integrity of reactor piping systems; specific topics on

- Leak-before-break (LBB)

- High energy line break (HELB)

- Thermal embrittlement (TE) of cast austenitic stainless steel (CASS) and austenitic stainless-steel welds (ASSW)

  • Motivation: Confirm integrity of safety-critical piping systems during LTO
  • Regulatory Application: Enhance guidance for piping structural integrity calculations
  • Significant Activities

- Supporting review of industrys risk-informed HELB method

- Considering developing alternative HELB framework for existing and new reactors

- Updating Flaw Evaluation Software (FES) for evaluating PWSCC in piping and CRDM nozzles 9 - Completing reports on TE of CASS and ASSW Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)

  • What are w e doing? Evaluating effectiveness and reliability of NDE techniques
  • Motivation: Confirm adequacy of industry procedures and practices
  • Regulatory Application: Support reviews of ASME Code modifications and proposed revisions of current requirements
  • Collaboration: EPRI, IRSN, and PIONIC
  • Significant activities

- Completed report on assessment of ML applied to UT NDE

- Evaluating effectiveness of virtual and synthetic flaws for training and qualification testing

- Assessing NDE capabilities for carbon fiber reinforced composite repairs

- Assessing capabilities of ML and automated data analysis in NDE

10 Concrete Research

  • What are w e doing? Evaluating concrete aging and performance for LTO
  • Motivation: Understand significance of aging mechanisms identified through research and operating experience
  • Regulatory Application: Confirm adequacy and reduce uncertainties associated with aging management programs
  • Collaboration: EPRI, DOE, and other international partners
  • Significant activities

- Evaluating effects of irradiation on concrete biological shield structures and concrete-rebar bond

- Exploring harvesting of irradiated concrete materials

- Completing study on creep and shrinkage effects on prestressed concrete containment vessels (PCCVs)

11 Cables Research

  • What are w e doing? Evaluating cable aging effects on environmental qualification (EQ) and condition monitoring (CM) for LTO NUREG 7300NUREG 7300NUREG 7300

Published 2023Published 2023Published 2023

Cable Condition Monitoring Study:Cable Condition Monitoring Study:Cable Condition Monitoring Study:

      • Condition monitoring while Condition monitoring while Condition monitoring while
  • Motivation: Ensure acceptable cable performance and reduce aging samplesaging samplesaging samples
  • Regulatory Application: Confirm adequacy of Tan Delta TestingTan Delta TestingTan Delta TestingConditionConditionConditionEMDA UncertaintiesEMDA UncertaintiesEMDA Uncertainties

Re se ar ch I nfor ma ti on L et ter R ESRe se ar ch I nfor ma ti on L et ter R ESRe se ar ch I nfor ma ti on L et ter R ES---202120212021---011011011MonitoringMonitoringMonitoring industry-proposed CM techniques to effectively identify

      • Statistical Analysis of EPRI Tan Statistical Analysis of EPRI Tan Statistical Analysis of EPRI Tan *** Review researc h effortsReview researc h effortsReview researc h efforts Delta GuidesDelta GuidesDelta GuidesSubmergedSubmergedSubmergedNRCNRCNRCMaterialMaterialMaterial*** Summarize findings and Summarize findings and Summarize findings and adverse cable performance *** Evaluated confidenc e level in Evaluated confidenc e level in Evaluated confidenc e level in Cab lesCab lesCab lesR ese a rc h R ese a rc h R ese a rc h ScienceScienceSciencea ttri b ute sa ttri b ute sa ttri b ute s EPRI recommended guidelines EPRI recommended guidelines EPRI recommended guidelines *** Evaluate conclusions and resultsEvaluate conclusions and resultsEvaluate conclusions and results for test results evaluationfor test results evaluationfor test results evaluation

Fu tureFu tureFu ture

  • Collaboration: EPRI, DOE, and other international partners Fo cusedFo cusedFo cused
  • Significant activities Mot ivat ionMot ivat ionMot ivat ion Innovati ve Condition Innovati ve Condition Innovati ve Condition NRC Commission directionNRC Commission directionNRC Commission directionMonitoringMonitoringMonitoring

Pe rform ance during L TO:Pe rform ance during L TO:Pe rform ance during L TO:

- Studied relationship between cable performance and condition *** Degradation and aging effects Degradation and aging effects Degradation and aging effects *** Identify innovative methodsIdentify innovative methodsIdentify innovative methods understandingunderstandingunderstanding *** Evaluate merits and trendsEvaluate merits and trendsEvaluate merits and trends

      • Condition monitoringCondition monitoringCondition monitoring*** Identify methods applicable to Identify methods applicable to Identify methods applicable to monitoring attributes *** EQ extension and service lifeEQ extension and service lifeEQ extension and service lifeCBQ per RG 1.89 Rev. 2CBQ per RG 1.89 Rev. 2CBQ per RG 1.89 Rev. 2
      • Aging m anageme nt Aging m anageme nt Aging m anageme nt

- Evaluated efficacy of Tan-Delta testing

- Exploring innovative CM techniques and their ability to support condition-based qualification (CBQ)

12 Summary

  • NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research conducts confirmatory research to establish technical bases that support regulatory decisions and development of regulatory guidance documents
  • NRC staff exchanges information with domestic and international counterparts on materials performance and aging management of nuclear power plant structures and components and conducts independent analyses

- Research results

- Operating experience

  • Research activities are prioritized to address potential safety -significant technical issues.
  • Long-lead-time confirmatory research is an important consideration in proactive aging management.
  • For more information contact:

14 Select Recently Published Reports

2nd Workshop on International Harvesting Cooperation: Summary Report, November 2022 (ML23347A144)

NRC Technical Assessment of Zorita Materials Testing Results, RIL 2022- 05, May 2022 (ML22132A039)

Chemical Compositional Analysis and Microstructural Characterization of Harvested Zorita Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Internals, INL/EXT 62220, March 2021 (ML22249A319)

Cracking Behavior of Irradiated Ex-Plant Materials, ANL-22/22, June 2022 (ML21124A112)

Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-Chromium Nickel-Base Welds at or Near Interfaces - 2020, NUREG/CR-7277, April 2023 (ML23095A385)

CSNI Leak-Before-Break Benchmark - Summary of Phase I, SMiRT 26, July 2022 (ML22161A476).

Technical Support for Component Integrity - Postulated Pipe Rupture Locations, TLR-RES/DE/REB-2022- 09, October 2022 (ML22277A504)

15 15 Select Recently Published Reports

Evaluation of Factors Affecting Durability of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Repairs

- Single-Ply Laminate Study, TLR-RES/DE/REB-2022- 02, April 2022 (ML22118A351)

Risk-informed Assessment of French Stress Corrosion Cracking Operational Experience Relative to US Fleet (ML23236A080)

Development and testing of coarse-grained models for ultrasonic simulations of cast austenitic stainless steel, Ultrasonics, September 2023 (ML23318A217)

Evaluating Flaw Detectability Under Limited-Coverage Conditions, NUREG/CR-7304, October 2023 (ML23284A269)

An Assessment of Machine Learning Applied to Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation, ORNL/SPR-2023/3245, February 2024 (ML24046A150)

Classification of Ultrasonic B-Scan Images from Welding Defects Using A Convolutional Neural Network, NPIC&HMIT 2023, July 2023 (ML23241A961)

16 16 Select Recently Published Reports

NUREG/CR-7280, Review of Radiation Induced Concrete Degradation and Potential Implications for Structures Exposed to High, Long-Term Radiation Levels in Nuclear Power Plants, July 2021 ( ML21202A265)

RIL 2021- 07, Radiation Effects on Concrete - An Approach for Modeling Degradation of Concrete Properties, August 2021 ( ML21238A064)

NUREG/CR-7281, Radiation Evaluation Methodology for Concrete Structures, July 2021 (ML21216A100)

RIL 2022- 06, Aging of PCCV with Emphasis on Creep and Creep Rupture, March 2022 (ML22075A007)

RIL 2022- 07, Assessment of the San Onofre Concrete Susceptibility against Radiation Damage, 2022 ( ML22119A092)

17 17 Select Recently Published Reports

Assessing In-Situ Mechanical Properties of ASR-Affected Concrete, NIST Technical Note 2121, February 2021 Assessing Bond and Anchorage of Reinforcing Bars in ASR -Affected Concrete, NIST Technical Note 2127, February 2021 Assessing Cyclic Performance of ASR-Affected Concrete Shear Walls, NIST Technical Note 2180, September 2021 Material Research Support for the Structural Performance of Nuclear Power Plant Concrete Structures Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, NISTIR 8415, May 2022

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