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Certificate of Compliance 9168,Rev 4,for Model CNS 8-120B. Approval Record Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109168
Issue date: 06/10/1987
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20214W513 List:
NUDOCS 8706160071
Download: ML20214W528 (4)


. ,,__ __mm. mmm cm.scammmacammmmme---m=*w=mm==cm*wmhMsgrrr4 NRC FORM Sig U.S. NUCLEAR r.EEULAToRY CoMMISSloN 4 m CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE h


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  • "*2s'c'eri.ficate aT is issued to certif y that tne pac = aging and contents descreeed in item s below meets the appocao'e safety 5tandards set h'ortn '

of Federal Regulations. Part 71. " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material."

b This certificate does not reheve the consignor from comphance with any requerement of the regulations of the U S. Department o' Transportation or otner k apphcaore regulatory agencies. including the government of any country through or #nto which the pacnage will be transported y

F l ' 'MsEEf,*J.'JS '*/fff 7' ***'* ' ^ **" ^**''*o"'r7tc'fNoYo'tE$fr"8N $rier"OEfa^eEIc'arlON

'E i Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. application dated i

220 Stoneridge Drive June 19, 1984, as supplemented.

l Columbia, SC 29210 ,

71-9168 c DOCKER NUM8ER l 4 CONOiTIONS This Ceftaficate is conditional upon fulfdhng the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 as apphcabie, and the conditions SDecified below l5  %

(a) Packaging j


(1) Model No.: CNS 8-1208 .

g E y (2) Description lE II i The packaging is a carbon steel-encased, lead shielded 74-inch OD by f k

N 88-inch high cask for radioactive waste materials. The cask is a l right circular cylinder with a 62-inch ID by 75-inch high cavity. They(

, walls of the cask contain a lead thickness of 3.35 inches encased in }g g 0.75-inch thick inner steel shell and 1-1/2-inch thick outer steel E q shell. The exposed sides of the package are provided with a thermal jk il barrier consisting of a 5/32-inch diameter wire wrap on 12-inch ik (l centers and covered with 3/16-inch thick steel jacket. The bottom I-d weldment is made of two, 3-1/4-inch thick carbon steel plates. The I fj primary lid is sealed with a double silicone 0-ring and 20 equally  !

q! spaced 2-inch diameter bolts. The29-inchdiametercenteredsecondaryl ql lid is sealed with a double silicone 0-ring and twelve equally spaced j I t 2-inch diameter bolts. The optional drain line is sealed with a f d

l 3/4-inch diameter cap screw and a silicone 0-ring. The lid sealing surfaces are stainless steel and the space between the double 0-ring : f

, seals is provided with a test port for leak testing. l 1

l The top and bottom of the cask is provided with steel encased, rigid l I polyurethane foam impact limiters. Theimpactlimitersaresecuredtok. l l each other about the cask with eight 1-inch diameter ratchet binders. 5 '

l The impact limiters are 102 inches in diameter and the overall height f

, of the package with the impact limiters attached is 132 inches. p I i l The package is provided with four tie-down and two removable lifting h I devices. Each lid is provided with three lifting lugs. The gross I weight of the packaging and contents is approximately 74,000 pounds.

l i i I I I I I 8706160071 870610 DR ADOCK0710g8 l______________________________________________________3

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E Page 2 - Certificate No. 9168 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-9168 E ,

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(a) (3) Drawing

),3 The packaging is constructed in accordance with Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Drawing No. C-110-E-0007, Sheets 1, 2 and 3, Revision G. ;lE (b) Contents ;E g

F (1) Type and form of material ,1 F

(i) Byproduct material in the form of dewatered resins, solids, or E solidified waste contained within secondary container (s); or (ii) Radioactive material in the form of activated reactor components.  !}i

!n I (2) Maximum quantity of material per package j

Type B quantity of radioactive material, not to exceed 2,000 times a Type A quantity,100 thermal watts, and 14,680 pounds including weight !y j

of the contents, secondary container (s) and shoring. Thecontentsmayll include fissile materials provided the mass limits of 10 CFR 671.53 i l

are not exceeded. N R


Except secondary forcontainer close fitting contents, (s) (or activatedwood sharing)must components and thebe placed cask to preventthe yl cavitybetween l movement during accident conditions of transport, p 5

7. The cask primary lid must be secured by twenty and the secondary lid by twelve, 'N 2"-8UNC-2A x 4" long hex cap screw with flat washer torqued to 500 ft-lbs 50 i i

ft-lbs(lubricated). j 3

l 8. Prior to each shipment (except for the contents meeting the requirements for low !n specific activity material which is transported by exclusive use vehicle), the lp packaging must be leak tested in accordance with Section of the application. j)

9. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:


4 (1) Each package must meet the acceptance tests and be maintained in accordanc l with the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance program of Section 8.0 of the application, and jli (ii) The seals must be replaced with new seals if inspection shows any defects )lg or every 12 months, whichever occurs first. The test ports and optional drain line must be appropriately plugged and sealed prior to transport. I n: 1

10. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by j

ly  ;

tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that p l l

the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the lg l expected shipment time: 'I ,

p l B



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l Page 3 - Certificate No. 9168 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-9168 g l o


i I:

1 I (i) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would l1 r

i be no rare than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other i I

inflammable gases) of the secondary contginer gas void if present at Il

,I STP (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-roles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or l

l (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent {Y

'g I toassurethatoxygenmustbelimitedto5%byvolumeinthoseportionsT; I of the package which could have hydrogen greater than 5%.


f i

For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the seccndary container must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which f W

q determination for gas generation is made. Shipment period begins when the !

I package is prepared (sealed) and must be completed within twice the expected I shipment time.  ;

l (b) For any package containing materials with radioactivity concentration not  !

g exceeding that for low specific activity material, and shipped within 10 If q days of preparation, or w* thin 10 days after venting of drums or other 'y l secondary containers, the determination in (a) above need not be made, and i n

I the time restriction in (a) above does not apply. 'k t

l g

11. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 971.12. l f

4 ly t N 12. Expiration date: March 31, 1990. jl i


l Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., application dated June 19, 1984. l 1' 4 Supplements dated: December 7, 1984; March 15 and December 9, 1985; April 30, 1986; '

I and March 16 and April 13, 1987.

I 1 >.

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l 4


$ /Cas Charles E. MacDonald, Chief 8 l Transportation Branch l q Division of Safeguards and 1 Transportation, NMSS !g n

I lp I! Date: JUN 10 IW l>

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) iransportation Branch Approval Record Model No. CNS 8-120B Package

Docket No. 71-9168 i

By application dated March 16, 1987, as supplemented on April 13 and May 19, 1987, Chem-Nuclear, Inc. requested minor changes to the Model No. CNS 8-120B

, package design.

The changes included modified lifting lugs, stainless steel cavity

-f liner, drain line, and lid bolt engagement and pre-load.

The above changes will not effect the ability of the package to meet

. The requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 Get Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, hMSS i Date: 10 N 1



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