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Newsarticle Entitled, Two Towns Want Out of Pilgrim Evacuation Plan
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/28/1986
From: Bartlett A
CON-#487-5043 2.206, PR-860628, NUDOCS 8712140197
Download: ML20237A017 (2)



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/ Tvgo towns want i out of Pilgrim _ . .

i evacuation plan '

10. mile zone around the plant.


b By Anne Bartlett / Related story - Page 41 The state would bring in showers 1 The Patriot 1. edger for people exposed to radioactivity, M HANOVER - Officials from ' We can't say north is better, or and vehicles would be washed off in yT.,

Hanover and Norwell yesterday one town is better than another," the bay of the Sears automotrve center at the mall.. g 4 asked state civil defense authorities said Buzz Hausner of the state civil Hanover and Norwell officials y to' look elsewhere ~ perhaps to defense agency. claim th,e plan is a poor one because fm Qcincy. Weymouth or Braintree - " Plans can and should be revised radioactive runoff could flow into the y M; to wash radioactivity off people and whenever a question arises," said Third Herring Brook, seep into the j -

vehicles after an accident at Boston Roger Silva, Boston Edison's emer- a a s gro ndwa ,a e d up n; .

E P 'P" " P eparedness coordinator for n 1 ou .

e ant q I> Current evacuation

  • plans call for Under current state emergency wens in b,oth towns.

"It. is that meumbent on us that to find ,5 :

Hanover Mall to be used as the wash- puns for Pilgrim, up to 65,000 resi. I cation is reasonable, traf-a $' ,

down site. State officials minimized dents of Kingston, Duxbury, North fic will go through or by,that will,not b the ' possibility that the mau would Plymouth and part of Marshfield contaminate groundwater that might, f ever be used for a major decontami* could go to a reception center at the used for human consumption, y nation effort, but said they will Hanover Mall on Route 53 if the be,d sai Hanover Selectman A. Donald g survey alternative sites. state ordered an evacuation from a I j

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Deluse. decontamination site in communi. saidBut, Silva.

they emphasized that they 9

H:nover officials said they have ties such as Quincy. Weymouth or @

been trying for three years to change Braintree. Since those communities don't think there is rnuch chance of - '

the location of the decontamination have sewers, contaminated water the mall becoming a major decon-center. The most recent emergency could be kept separate from the tamination center because evacua. \1 phn dated August,1985 stillirnplies groundwater supply, he said. Hano- tion would take place before people $

r,Qf that the mall would be used, said ver and Norwell do not have sewers. are contaminated.

Hanover Civil Defense Director Hanover Selectman Janet O'Brien 11anover officials also expressed N..


James Purcell. proposed that the state consider concern that the town's police, fire, ,

An outdated 1983 emergency plan us,tng the South Weymouth, Naval school and public works departments ME

' " v d have ' I, e tat n capa ouun uTs~"

Sch a s $ont ina ns Norwell Civil Defense Director Her, ing large numbers of evacuees she

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said. Hausner u,di the state can supple..;

bert Fulton said the high school site Silva and the state offic,als sa,d i i ment Hanover's emergency crews.a Q:;

would be as bad as the mall, because they were amenable,to finding a new perhaps with, the NatiEonuard y;J it also is near the wells. decontamination site. "What we and state pohee. Hanover itself can .

call on neighboring towns under its :

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Fulton suggested the civil defense should do is find an area that's not a V agency look to the north for a new potential threat to a water supply" mutual aid agreements, he said. .t Q:s'f y



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