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Newsarticle Entitled, NRC Says Pilgrim Skipped Routine Tests
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 06/18/1985
From: Kaplan F
CON-#487-5038 2.206, PR-850618, NUDOCS 8712140325
Download: ML20237A198 (2)


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  • AttEMIb@ ad,

,awasta.c ey pt.ed Kap %.y v.iS.erophWit ccprantWintmswet ig; WASHINGTON - Dostoo Edl.' Union ta/A$rt!, US~iilficials and

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.'une ,tsecuthys a( $ blip!)grlss;nteg.,puclear in ustry;execu ves az .

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.destr . plant.havtnor, coo gpased d6tabtthatsucha desesser o d .go;peremt 4 t' he routine,. could!hAppenhbeestise tJS

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tests sowlted G.t: beck, plants ' haw'speciaf tsotakunent eigned w.contain the spread of a atsdeleakask,,P,?w?"T .structates;that ' wookFliian rush- .y

@# . Iadionettw kakin onesdan acep

  • Hoemver.mi $the com-p@a dent.scoording to's Nuclear Regu' .1 story Coannission separtQ?;i Q 'scisak l'

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. They also failed,td U fmant than 'a .thtrd;d, tests re- the, t tconduct that Boston p' F*

cal,workinp ann has d tbese centabunee fs$ @ incasure .11mr ,pell,visi.Jl. Oy,faued to s rucPilgrten.

testjat ures y( tous devices in t!ie plant are able .7.. ichard Hubbardna nuclear l

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to. detect and. measure leaks. ac. engineer fortnerffwith'Oeneral Electric,twhich but!tWP11 grim '

Gi c' ording to the[reporti wbJch.waa r p i obtained bj the 01cbc yesterday.4 plantf now with' the. HanJJose ,

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- . A nnatner Edison /spokaimangbased consulting finn #f MHB AD. -

O,4 , Carl, Gustin; said.yesterdayJthat*;'sociates,"said yesterday / fir (Pil-mer'tfves at the Plymouth based grim)had b6en dgerating,bne d. ,

If,'h plant notifled the,commlasjon:cf. its safety. .tnight not hye ,

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been.there if upon.**7. f.y ..

does n,ot, agree i

  • [I,partthe minaerF. of ar> 1nternal tests'. last '.Fridayiasj'7 P1}h., 'th Hubbard'af said v,iew that the system. Gusrevnew,of Oustin V

t grfin's managemait ' ,

f.' h ' tin aald the tests were minaa<1 :'ts, .ure1to; conduct; tests might.have

,k 4 i ecuse of a lack of clar:tyin defini 4 Posed a'dar@r if the plant.wede tions .in [ Boston' Edison'ai own} c.attll operating. However. he added.

W l DO techalcal

!wt!! bespecifications..The done.before ?t tests we" !!.notjonerate resume opC,. in the, future." ,Ts.theHe type of situ

$.h . .eratum,wty ne.9,..


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~ 40 :vtpy< psNy.}l-l- l .:fit. ' ygrdjMa%'r e ,hDr gg .%pernwesr5'y1.'s'

' Continued frdii l'48 PedE,lxit Rep.. Edwa Nfe 'vsf tr.

$cg '.f wra .meu m... 90 .'hst,yMass.), chairman :cf.tha,,ysubcommittee en3 energ I p;dhO si , .cgtly said operations ag gmonth,c; might y aresumeAs

' . ,)vationinnd power.'atW M'ap -


~~ ,ef pebbiamiwouM Eeff>

Oj7? i hhftigrim n"pm .staptasente:af mian-since: April.J haa;,bera,#,sbut ,dow. . . *ThisetyAnd insem..t itfhog . manag ment.K.after.iproMarma.were.'ubGet de : bHakedu. 'a gameHam.

  1. $ics . .* tected.,Quotisg said ihat.during,the 'as whether



"*:242 i phutdown,haa Edison,,las sq- hfety;

,.'4 aced.,the 1 plant'l manager.. ope" 't

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.ations manspr, pad other 5 l eyg j.heAM a'l e hald he InQ,W !t , Mark]y,i:Pt I QM3

'cjgh ervisors.

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.... isalon rep 6rt.,, says plans,to hearthg&.flye witMa s os m

. C r Jbston(.Edtson..'mtssed',58 commisslanar of 66 neWmonth.'stestifyingl<L:

c/..Mjf 4

W! ' jicheduled, valve,' tests and 38 of 107 lentage-detection;,testiz.'The 'i *6While Edt-the plant we

,3yj ,on purchased replamment power m@Ns:y report,pso asys 1 from other utilities to supply its G.gMg j

, power pla,nt astaridby, ,t did no(test liquid 600,000 the medential'custdmess in Qj.Mp . control, system." a valve that re- '40 Boston area communities.

kjd leases'.s baron ''to. the nuclest. core to slow down the np ,That cost about $250.000 a'dey -

W p @prj Cleaf'fisa!an process in case of,an for a tohl of nearly $16 militan.

NfM ~ 8.CCIMi .t it. .I i , w . .e funtin said. @ "

  • A I.a Z ktNU ,c.. Thatcould mean extra charges Qh

% 2rrV When p granted aY, i,about' 43.80. for, anos(, Minna cense.tooperate a nwiear power ,cuatamers.;.r. 3,,,,...4 plant. part, of the condition la.a -( ..The company w!!!;as$cthe Qpda%

QM. Yh promise that it will conduct a ceo . Massachusetie Department.,of tain number of periodic testa to Pubtle, Utilities to let'.:lt, charge k.% M *' determineiwhether the plant's . those costa to. customers. Gustin I'.

A *h $<. i containme91 tyatem 1s. tight dald.butit has,not daridad'sheth-d'? .enough to' prevent leaka.The com*.. er to ask custornert to giay for the -

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ntestori corpidep. these M"0/' ~' ' . vttal to safety that itoutlines also, testa ao m.' six V week.;m,ansgement

, ' A , / . reform the test procedtires in the commle 3 GlobestagmemberIdry'Tyd contributed to this report.) '-- -

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ston's;ou)cial regu}stions.

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