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Rev 3 to Calculation 52308.04-C-004, A-46 Evaluation of RWST Tag Number 105.TK-1,2-QS-TK-1
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/1999
Shared Package
ML20205K224 List:
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR 52308.04-C-004, 52308.04-C-004-R03, 52308.04-C-4, 52308.04-C-4-R3, NUDOCS 9904130056
Download: ML20205K244 (43)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ T (NN G ENGINEERING CALCULATION COVER SHEET CONSULTANTS nn;mw;lvamMAmws4g%%%Ctatusnnnwngny:uany,mmspigw>nm a;g rem w: m -a , ~ Calculation No: 6 7 2. e et . ok - C - CC 4 Pro}ect: \1l # e, I a owes - Ale,tu Anna '* Calculation


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4-- y IT i Attachments: b I 9 ** 5,1( k s% , C L i @ , b ( 4 s. T - l Total Number of Pages (including Cover Sheet): 4 , b\ J a u" u t. a ^t A I Revision Approval Number Date Description of Revision Originator Checker Approver D *N' G ',-/rai Ise:, o F tu  % %k


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1 0 CALCULATION COVER SHEET l Type Sub Station Unit Status System Code (s) [ CALC) [ ] [ NAPS) [1&2) [ ] [1/2-QS-TK-1] Calc. Number Rev. QA Cat. [ EQE Calc. No. 52809.04-C-004, ) [3) [ SR ) COlc Title (Subject) : USI A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tanks (RWST) l ct North Anna K y Words: USI A-46, Seismic, RWST Reference Numbers: IR leo.: N/A Job No. N/A Initiating Document: (Response to Request for Additional Information (RAI) in NRC's Letter dated January 6, 1999 regarding USI A-46 Submittal in May 1997) Originator: [X) Virginia Power Discipline: NUCLEAR ENGINEERING [ ] Other Firm Name: Vendor Code: EDS Mark Number


Station Unit System Prefix Sequence Co'ap. Code Suffix [3 18% [ 0 1 ] [QS ] [TK-lj [ ] [ ] [ ] [.lHf [02) [QS ] [TK-1) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ __ ] [_ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [_) [_] [ ] [. ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [_ ) [_) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Y) Additional Mark Numbers? (Check if "yes"). . Objective: Ravise the Calculation No. 52809-C-004, Rev. 2, A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tenk Mark N a. 1-QS-TK-1 and 2-QS-TK-1 previously prepared by EQE. The revision is made to clarify some ' ext provided in the calculation, and add source computations referenced in tha calculation but were not included. This is in response to the NRC's Request for Additional Information (RAI), on Virginia Power's USI A-46 submittal, specifically for the qu:stion #8 related to RWST.


Sse Section 7.4 Superseded Cales: EQE Calculation No. 52809.04-C-004, Rev. 2, Dated 5/12/97. Prepared By (Print Name) Signature Date T. W. Hsu

                                                                           &                    3-lFf f I R viewed By (Print Name)                                Signature                              Date K. K. Dwivady                                                     - K'        #

3 - T' 77 Approved By (Print Name) Signat re Date J M. F. WALKER - 3 -/5-19 I

wumammeasume ENGINEERING WORK SHEET Ccle N:mber: EQE Cele. Ns. 52308.04-C-004 Rev. 3 Add. N/A Sheet: 2 cf 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K K Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna Table of Contents No. Description Pags No. Calculation Cover Sheet 1 Table of Contents 2 1.0 Purpose 3 2.0 Methodology 3 3.0 References 3 4.0 General Description 3 5.0 Tank Responses at SSE level 6 5.1 Existing Calculations 6 5.2 Tank Response per GIP 6 6.0 Estimate Capacity 7 6.1 Bolt Capacity 7 6.1.1 Bolt Tensile Capacity 7 6.1.2 Top Plate Check 10 6.1.3 Tank Shell Check 11 6.1.4 Vertical Stiffener Plates 12 6.1.5 Chair-to-Tank Wall Weld 12 6.1.6 Summary of Allowable Bolt Force 13 6.2 Estimated Permissible Uplift 14 6.3 Determine Moment, Shear Capacity 15 6.4 Determine Free-Board Clearance 15 7.0 Capacity to Demand Checks 17 7.1 Moment 17 7.2 Shear 17 7.3 Slosh Height 17 7.4 Moment with Top Plate Capacity of 50 Kip 17 8.0 References 18 ATTACHMENTS (A) Response Computations Al-A4 (B) Overturning Moment - With a Top Plate Capacity of 8.4 Kip B1-B4 (C) Design Basis Response Spectra C1 (D) Overturning Moment - With a Top Plate Capacity of 50 kip D1-D4 (E) Derivation of Permissible Top Plat Capacity El-E6 Attachment A, B, C, and D are from EQE calculation No. 52182.04-C-004, Rev. 2. Attachment E is from EQE calculation No. 52182-C-039, Rev. 2.

  - O ------                               euniaeeniwawoax sweet C:,lc N mber: EQE Celc. N s. 52308.04-C-004                Rev.3     Add. N/A Sheet: J of 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu                                                        Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy                                                    Date: 3-15-99           i A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna 1O       Purpose The purpose of this calculation is to assess the capability of the RWST to withstand SSEL level ground motion.

2.0 Methodology The response of the RWST to the SSE ground level motion provided in Attachment C is calculated and the capacity to demand is compared. The capacity is determined by following the methodology presented in the GIP, Reference 1, with the following exceptions: The methodology in Reference 5 Appendix H has been applied in performing the overturning moment calculations. This approach accounts for anchor bolt tensile strength at their as-built locations. Two other concepts pertaining to the tank permissible uplift displacements, and fluid hold-down forces, provided in Section 5.11 and 5.12 respe-tively, of the j October 1995 version of BNL 52361 report, Reference 12, were utilized. J 3.0 References A list of the references is provided on page 18, 4.0 General Description The Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) is a large flat-bottom water storags tank that is mounted in the yard. The foundation consists of low strengt! reinforced concrete (1000 psi) that has been poured on to bedrock (DWG. 11715-FC-12B-13). The tank is anchored to the foundation through the use of 44 -2" diamete.r anchor bolts (A325), and carbon steel chairs that are welded to the tank. The tank is 57'-6" to the spring line, and has a domed roof that extends at :ther 5'-1" above the spring line for a total height of 62'-7" (DWG. 11715-FV-44A-3). The manufacturer of the tank is Nooter Corp. It has a nominal capacity of 48,000 gallons. The weight of the tank when empty is 102,000 lbs and it is 4,272,000 lbs when full. The calculations determine the most likely failure mode, or limiting capccity of the RWST tank to seisric input motion. The demand to capacity ratio (D/C) checks were made for the effects of overturning moment, sliding (shear), and fluid sloshing. The moment due to overturning determined the capacity of the j tank. Based on the GIP criteria, the demand to capacity ratio from the moment  ! of ove turning is 4.3 and it is greater than the allowable of 1. This low l cap.m ,y is due to a utilization of 8.4 kip bolt load derived from the elastic limi;_ of the anchor chair top plate before yielding. Other factors contribute to low capacity of the tank is that the weight of the tank shall and fluid hold-down forces were neglected from the computation of the moment capacity. 1

0-- anoineenina woax suasT Calc Nrmber: EQE Calc. N2. $2308.04-C-004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: 4 cf 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna ( 4.0 General Description (continued) f An additional analysis was performed and it is provided in Section 7.4 An anchor chair Top plate bending was reevaluated using the yielding line analysis as recommended Dr. R. P. Kennedy of Structural Mechanics Consulting, to determine permissible load capacity of the top plate. This approach can be referenced in Attachment E. Using the permissible load capacity of 50 kip for the top plate, the overturning capacity of the tank was determined using MATHCAD (Appendix D) . As a result, a overturning moment capacity, D/C ratio of l 1.03 is achieved. An acceptability of the anchor bolt capacity due to 50 kip ! loading was evaluated using inelastic bending analysis (Appendix E). l l l l l l l l l l l I l L

o U-- ENGINEERifD WORK SHEET Ccle Nxmber: EQE C:le. N2. 52308.04-C 004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: f cf 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna EGE

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O - ---- asaiweeniao woax sweet Ccle N mber: EQE CcIc. Nr. 52308 04-C-004 Rev. 3 Add. N/A Sheet: // cf 18 Prepared By: T.W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K K Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna eof- seg psaNAMONAL

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be===a '**"" ENGINEERIN3 WORK SHEET Calc Nzmber: EQE C:le. NA 52308.04-C-004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: 12 of 18 i Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 t Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna l EGE

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n U nummmenie==r ENGINEERINS WORK SHEET Cale N;mber: EQE Ccic. NL 52308.04-C-004 Rev. 3 Add. N/A Sheet: fJ cf 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K K Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna M.- ten eatmusom kN -

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emesses,winn ENGINEERING WORK SHEET Cric N1mtgr: EQE Calc. Ns. 52308.04-C-004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: f4 of 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna 6.2 Estimate Permissible Uplift The permissible uplift is limited to 1% bolt strain per GIP. Therefere S,.x = (44.5 in) X (0.01) = 0.445 in However, the anchor chair top plate bending limits the force that can be resisted by the tank. The BNL 52361, Reference 11, allows the uplift limit to 0.25 inch when other failure modes control. This value will be used.

I O- ENGINEERIN3 WORK SHEET f Cdc N:mber: EQE C:le. Nr. 52308.04-C-004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: /5' of 18 l Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99


Reviewed By: K K Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A 46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna 1 EGE.

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() - a=== ENIINEERIN2 WORK SHEET C:Ic Nimber: EQE C Ic. Nr. 52308.04-C-004 Rev. 3 Add. N/A Sheet: /6 of 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3 15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna l f EGE 3 mmmwon I

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O-- ewoiseeniwo woak ssear Cale Nxmber: EQE Calc. Ns. 52308.04-C-004 Rev.3 Add. N/A Sheet: 17 cf 18 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna 7.0 ' amand to Capacity (D/C) Check 7.1 Moment Check: D e = 29,520 ft-kip (from Section 5.2) Coe= 6,852 ft-kip (from Section 6.3) D /C.o e = 4.3 > 1.0 Demand exceeded capacity. Further evaluation is performed and Provided in Section 7.4. 7.2 Shear Check: D,m , = 1190 kip (see Section 5.2) C,s , = 2839 kip (see Section 6.3) D,3 ,/C,s ,= < 1 (OK) 7.3 Slosh Height Check: D,1..a = (0.318 f t) (1. 33) * (see Attachment A) C,1..a = 2.03 ft (see Section 6.4) D,t .n/C,3..n = 0. 21 << 1 (OK) The fluid slosh height is factored by an additional safety factor of 1.33 in order to provide some conservatism that is approximately equal to that for determining moment and shear. J 7.4 Moment with Top Plate Load Capacity of 50 kip For a further evaluation, the tank overturning capacity was reevaluated. First, the load capacity of the top plate was determined using the yield line analysis suggested by Dr. R. P. Kennedy of Structural Mechanics Consulting. The permissible bolt load capacity based on top plate I analysis was determined to be 50 kip. The calculations of the bolt capacity and top plate analyses are provided in Attachment E. Using the permissible bolt load capacity, the tank overturning moment capacity was evaluated to ce 28,570 ft-kip. A derivation of overturning moment capacity is provided in Attachment D. ( Overturning Moment Check: D . = 29,520 ft-kip (see Section 5.2) l C.o .e = 28,570 ft-kip (see Attachment D) l D o .t/C . = 1. 03 is about 1. This is acceptable. l

O -- - euriweeniwo woax sweer Cric Nymber: EQE Cric. Ns. 52308.04-C-004 Add. N/A Sheet: If cf 18 l R:v.3 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 , Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 1 A-46 Evaluation of Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna Reference

1. SQUG, 1991, " Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) for Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment," Rev. 2, Corrected 6/28/91
2. EPRI, 1991, " Seismic Verification of Nuclear Plant Equipment Anchorage (Revision 1), Volume 4, Guidelines on Tanks and Heat Exchangers," Rev.1, V;1ume 4, EPRI NP-5228-SL, Electrical Power Research Institate < Pal Alto, CA, final Report, June 1991
3. EPRI, 1994, " Methodology for Developing Seismic Fragility," EPRITR-103959, E13ctric Research Institute, Pal Alto, CA, Final Report, June 1994
4. EPRI, " Add-on Seismic IPE Training Course," Course Workshop Note, Dallar, TX, December 1, 1991
5. EPRI, "A Methodology of Assessment of Nuclear Plant Seismic Margin", (Rev. 1),

EPRI NP-6041 SL, August 1991

6. Stone and Webster Specification, " Specification for Field Fabrication Storage Tanks for North Anna Power Station, Order No. NAC-152/NAC-1152 7, Stone and Webster Calculation, #293-IA, Rev. O, " Refueling Water Storage Tank Embedment Loads," Transmittal Date, April 25, 1978
8. Stone and Webster Drawing: 11715-FV-44A-3, 11715-FV-44B-1, 11715-FC-12F-7
9. American Iron and Steel' Institute, "Useful Information on the Design of Plate Structure," AISI Plate Engineerires, Data - Volume 2, Plate VII, Anchor Bolt Chair, 1979
10. Deleted
11. Bandyopadhyay K., et. al., BNL 52361, Rev. 10/95, " Seismic Design and Evaluation Guidelines for Energy High Level Waste Storage Tanks and Appurtenances," prepared by Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associated University, Inc., for United States Department of Energy i


Response Computations GlPRSP.MCD 12/20/95 Q) Refueling Water Storage Tank,

                                                                                                   % pr           Page 1/9 A-46 Evaluation RWST A 48 Evaluation:                                                                                                !

This MATHCAD template computes the response parameters which are needed in performing a tank evaluation per EPRI NP 6041 methodology for vertcal tanks. This template may also be used in A-46 evaluations when the appropriate changes are made. For A-46 evaluations, no fluid hold forces should be neglected, and the buckling capacity should knoced down by an addtional factor of safety of 1.25. Inputs required are an assumed earthquake, and the necessary tank parameters. Two non-dimensional parameters are also needed for the calculation of the diamond-buckling capacity, I and for the calculation of the compressive buckling capacity (elephant's foot buckling). Base units are feet, seconds, and pounds. The computations in this template incorporate the latest recommendations given in EPRI TR 103959. l Derived Units: kip:1000 lbf hze l sec'3 ksis 1000 psi Define Tank Geometry: R = 19 ft Nominalinner Tank Radius R d = 38 ft Dome Radius (estimated) H = 56.5 ft . Height to Water Elevation t b = 0.25 in Bottom Plate thickness t d = 0.3125 in Dome thickness h d=Rd 1 - cos asin Clearance between peak of dome to spring line nrings = 4 Number of different diameter nngs composing the tank shell

               ' O.375 0.3125          Shell Thickness at each nng from bottom of the tank to the top.

t= in l 0.1875, i

                  '8.0            Height of each nng measured from the bottom of the tank to the top.

8' Hr = ft l 10.0 31.5, Define Anchormae Detalls-n = 44 Number of equally spaced anchor bolts ( = 2.00 in Anchor bolt diameter


I t l m'"j! Refueling Water Storage Tank, Response Computations GtPRSP.MCD 12/20/95

  "'                                                                                                p , p,,      Page 2/'y A-46 Evaluation Defins Material Pmporties:

E , := 27.7 10' psi Young's Modulus for Shell Material (SA 240. 304 SS) Eb := 2910' psi Young's Moduluis for Bolt Materia (A 325)! 3 a y, := 3010 psi : Effective yield stress for shell material, GIP procedure uses minimum specified of 30, IPEEE approach uses effectin yield of 44 r,n m .2.M W.d Ibf y i = 62.4 3 Unit Weight for liquid A l Ibf Unit Weight for shell material y , = 490 p t ic :3.2510 5psi Bulk Modtlus of fluid,3.2.%10-5 psi for water l i l l . l l [ i i I

    .:. U

I f

 /1  Refueling Water Storage Tank,                      Response Computations                 GIPRCP.MCD 12/20/95
                                                                                                  , pr,  p,g, 3,9 l     A-46 Evaluaton i

C._T-* ;;;.= r shall tblehman. and total shell helaht i := 1 nrings H , :={Hrg . H s = 57.5 A ,, t  ; t, Hr, t s" H, I s = 0.242*in ,. Define Dimensionless Parameters from Refs. 2 and 4: Obtain Cwi from Reference 2, Table 7.4: Parameters needed for table 7.4: H t, y = 2.974 y = 0.001 Read-off value for Cwi: C wj = 0.079 Tank Weicht and C.G. Components

  • Note that the distance to the component C.G. is measured from the bottom of the tank.
(Shell) (Bottom Plate) i j : I .. nrings 2 I Wb = (n R ) tb'7 s W, : 2 n R y , Hr,1, Wb = ll.577 kip W , = { W, ty W 3= 67.789
  • kip Xb*f j

Xb = 0.01 A eg. = { Hr,-(i fj) - l \ { W,.cg, Xs' w, d.J X , = 24.528 A l

m Refueling Water Storage Tank, Response Computations GIPRSP MCD 12/20/95

 '7f m , pr     Page 4/9 A-46 Evaluation (Uquid)

(Dome) W,:=x R 2H y1 W h ::(2 s Rd hd) t gy, ww .3,993 30.3kip Wh = 15.511 kip i ' .fRi Xw :"

            "***'"Ef(d                                              X , = 28.25 A i

s 1I xh =H + s h d- R g 1 2 sin 3., (a), fI X* t s

  • K),

x h = 60.859 A Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure: Maximum fluid pressure occurs at base of tank Pst

  • 71 H Pst = 24.483 psi t

i l

1 Refueling Water Storage Tank, Response Computations GIPRSP MCD 12/20195 A-46 Evaluation  %, y Page5/f l Carr~da Horizontal tre-d-bre aaM= Rannonse: Impulsive Mode Frequency: 0.127 y, C u := C wg - (Reference 1, equation H-2) 3 71 Cu E,g

  • 2 n H\ (ys) f ; = 3.597 hz .

Jnpst Spectral Acceleration at this frequency, damping for the impulshte mode is taken as 4% in accordance with GlP rules. From the design response spectrum. at 5% damping the spectral acceleration is about 0.32. At 2% damping, the spectral acceleration is abouut 0.42. Using log-log interpolation between these known values gives a spectrs; acceleration of about 0.34g: S ah : 0.34 g Compute Weight of fluid effective in the impu'sive Mode, and its corresponding C.G.: 3 W i i "- 5 3 ,1.0 - 0.436 Ww

                                                                ; ;R       (Ref. 3, Eqn. C3500-1, 2,-3,-4)

R 1.732p ( ef. . qn 350M. 2,-3,4) X ; =if 5f,0.375,0.5- 0.188-H 3 W ; = 3.41210 kip X j = 24.678 ft Compute impulsive Mode Base Shear and Overturning Moment: Sah Vj= (Ref.1. Egn. H-3)

                               -(Wh , W 3+ W ;)                                                                          ,

I Sah (Ref.1. Eqn. H-4) M g =7-(Wh X h + WsX , + W ; X ;) 3 { l V; = 1.18810 kip \ M g = 2.95210' kip ft , i l l

 .m.                                                                                                        GIPRSP.MCD 12/20'95 Refueling Water Storage Tank,                         Response Computations li)                                                                                                       gy         Page6/9 A-46 Evaluahn Estimate hydrodynamic fluid pressure on the tank at the bottom plate S

W g.X g - sh (Ref.1, eqn. H-8: Note this is conservative at fluid P g := 7.36 R H2 de ths less than about 0.15*H) P j = 2.41

  • psi Comoute Horizontal Convective (Sloshina) Mode Resoonse:

Convective Mode frequency i

                             'f 13    A\                                                                                        l (Ref.1, egn. H-10) fe:           R tanh 1.835-f e= 0.281 hz Spectral Acceleration at this frequency, damping for the convective mode is taken as 0.5% in accordance with GIP rules. From the design respense spectrum, at 0.5%

damping the spectral acceleration is about 0.02g. S ,e = 0.02 g Compute Weight of Fluid acting in the convective mode and its C G. location We: 0.46- tanh 1.835 - W* (Ref.1. egn. H-13) l cosh!!.835 - - 1.0 X : 1.0- H

                                                                              ' '9"'

1.835-sinh (1.835-W e= 618.497 kip Xe = 46.234 A Compute Convective Mode Base Shear and Overtuming Moment: Ve: -W e (Ref.1, egn. H-13) i Ses (Ref.1, egn. H-14) WX e e

  ._            Mc : 8

( V e= 12.37 kip M e = 571.909 ftkip

Response Computations GIPRSP MCD 12/20!95 h Refueling Water Storage Tank, A-46 Evaluation g, g Page 7/9 Compute' Hydrodynamic Convective Pressure at fluid depth "y" y := H This maximizes the hydrodynamic convective pressure f H- y\ 0.267 WwS se cosh' 1.835 3 'J (Ref.1, egn. H-16) pC:= gRH cosh 1.835-P e = 0.001

  • psi Compute the fundamental mode fluid slosh height S* (Ref.1, egn. H-17) h , 2 0.837 R. . .

8 h , = 0.318 ft Comoute Vertical Fluid Mode Resoonse: Compute the vertical fluid mode fundamental frequency I

                                                      'l I

rv :TIl. b.f2.R g tE M (Ref. 3, eqn. C3500-13) s -s K 1/ f y = 4.52 *hz Input the horizontal spectral acceleration at 4% damping (for the fluid response in the vertical mode), and compute the corrresponding vertical spectral acceleration as 2/3 of the horizontal response. Note that the North Anna Design Basis curves are at a maximum acceleration between about 2 and 10 hz. 2 Sy  : S a 3 ah Compute the hyt'rodynamic vertical fluid response mode pressure, based on a tank on a ngid foundation, note this pressure is also at y=H, which maximizes p. Py = 0.8 y 3 H av S c

                                                    /H- y{

2'( H ), P y = 4.44

  • psi
   + g N*

s --

f l l l

 .~,                                                                                              GIPRSP MCD 12/20.'95 Response Computations
  -li Refueling Veter Storage Tank, 6, g           Page 8/9 A-46 E Maation Cr T.M..; in#iMaat ha Pa*Mnses to est Total Seismic Demand:

Base Shear: V ts; (VI+Vc) i 3 Vtm = 1.18910 kip . Overtuming Moment 2 M tot : (Mg+Mc) . d M tot =2.95210

  • kip A Fluid Pressures:

P sh :: Pj2 ,pe Total Horizontal Seismic Response P cmax :: Pst + Psh + 0.4 P y Maximum and minimum compression zone pressures at the time of maximum base moment. (Ref.1, egn. H-22) P emin .: Pst + Psh - 0.4 P y Maximum and minimum tension zone fluid pressure at the time of P tmin : P st - P sh - 0.4 PV maximum base moment (Ref.1, eqn. H-23) P tmax .= Pst - Psh + 0.4 P y Minimum avemge fluid presssure on the base plate P avg : P st- 0.4 P v at the time of maximum base shear (Ref.1. eqn H-14) P cmax = 28.669 psi P tmin = 20.297 psi Pcmin = 25.118 psi P tmax = 23.849 psi P ayg = 22.707 psi 1 l i I l 1 I

I I Response Computations GIPRSP.MCD 12/20/95 Refueling Water Storage Tank, A-46 Evaluation g,p Page9ly i


1. A Methodology for Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Seismi Margin (Revision 1),

EPRI NP 6041-SL, Final Report, Electnc Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, August, 1991.

2. A.S. Venetsos, " Seismic Response and Design of Liquid Storage Tanks", Chapter 7, Guidelines for the Raiamic Desian of Oil and n== Pioeline Systems. ASCE,1984.
3. ASCE Standard and Commentary -Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear )

S' wtures, ASCE 4-86, ASCE, September 1986.

4. Buckline of Thin-Waflad Circular Cvfinders. NASA SP-8007, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, August 1986.
5. Newmark, N.M., and Hall, W.J., Deveicoment of Criteria for Seismic Review of Selected Nuclear Power Plants. NUREG-CR 0098 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,1978.
6. Methodology for Develoning Seismic Fragilities, EPRI TR-103959. Project 2722-23, Final Report, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, June 1994.

I I l l i l f 1

E~ GIPMCAP.MCD 12/27/05 .

  @    Refueling Water Storage Tank A-46 Evaluation Capacity Computations Attachment B Page 1'4 Overtumino Moment "=~dv                 W 'TbATt CAT PrcQ op t'.P The overtuming moment capacity of anchored tanks is computed in an iterative process. EPRI NP4041, A .c.1=' -w for Amamamment of Nuelaar Power Plant Seismic Marain (Revision it appendix H, contains procedure for calculating the overtuming moment capacity. This template has modified the procedure slightly to yield results consistent with A-46 evaluations.

This Mathcad template follows the procedure in EPRI NP4041 for determining the overtuming l moment capacity of tanks. This template is intended to be used in conjunction with the template FLUIDHD. The FLUIDHD template calculates the fluid hold-down forces which lead to slightly ir: creased capacities for marginal tanks. This template may be used with or without consideration of the FLUID hold-down forces. Derived Units: kip n 1000-lbf hzul sec'I ksis1000 psi l Define Tank Parameters l R 19-ft Tank Radius 1 V = 0 kip Expected Minimum Total Effective Tank Weight. must be zero for A 46 computations N 1 Number of equally spaced anchor bolts E ,o 0.25 in Permissible uphft elongation 3 Young's Modulus for the Tank Material E 3 = 27.7-10 ksi t 3= 0.375 in Tank wall t.'.ickness at bolt chair location Pcmin :25.1 psi Minimum pressure in compression zone at the time of maximum moment Pcmax = 28.7 psi Maximum pressure in com.;<ession zone at the time of maximum moment P ,g g = 22.7 psi Average pressure at base plate (used for sliding capacity calc) Coefficieent of friction between base of tank and supporting medium (EPRI-NP 6041 COF = 0'55 recommends using 0.70 for steellsand, GlP recommends using 0.55 for steellsand) o y, : 25 ksi Effective yield stress for tank material l Define Anchor Bolt Parameters Depth to embedded anchor bearing surface l h a = 36 in h c :ll.53 in Height of anchor bolt chair above tank foundation ' 2 Ab : 3.14 in Nominal Area for each anchor 3 E b =2910 ksi Anchor modulus of elasticity (ksi) Tbp = 0.0 kip Anchor bolt pre-load (kips)

  ,s' TBC 's 8.4 kip Maximum anchor bolt load (anchor capacity) l l


i 1 l Capacity Computations GIPMCAP MCD 12/27/95

 /h     Refuelmg Water Storage Tank                                                                          Attachment B Page 2 4
  #-    A 46 Evaluation C'u6ln d' r.c,nd hur* lina from Reference 4. Fioure 6:

Parameter needed for Figure 6- I P cmin f R 12 Es (Y;l s " Read-off value for delta-gamma Ay 2 0.16 inout Linear Anoreximation to fluid hold-down forces (from temolate FLUIDHD) l Mp zero delta fluid hold-down force. Note that the fluid hold down forces are neglected in the GIP Tfn 2 0.0 7 approach. kip Slope of linear approximation ate : 0.0 7 l Comoute the Bucklino Cacacity of the Tank Shell: Additional factor of safety of 1.25 is used in limiting allowable compressive stress per GIP Fgip :1.25 cnteria. axial stress limit at the onset of elephant's foot buckling: sy= . S g = 1.52 0 ye ) { 0.6 E3 I /P cmax R)21 s3 36 ksi


P* ,R\~ga ye t sf 1.12+S'If\S 1-I / (Ref.1. egn. H-27) l \'sl

                  .o  p
                         = 8.204103 psi diamond buckling capacity based on NASA SP-8007:

1 I l-

                     $ : 16 it s I                      y : 1 - 0.73-(1 - c'*)

Ests o eb :(0.6 7 + Ay). R o be = 1.894 !D'* psi Compressive shell capacity:  ; J t s CB :ik' cb<(0.9 op ),o e3,(0.9 op)] p SD ,P

s. .

CB C B = 2.215:n* kip = 5.W ksi l t3 f i

r I Refueling Water Storage Tank Capacity Computations GIPMCAP.MCD 12/27/E5 (

 )* A-46 Evaluation Attachment B Page 3'4 1

l Comoute dimensionless carameters for solution scheme Note: the angle Bets represents the angle to the neutral axis, it is assumed prior to the start of the algorithm. l '( ) @2 sin (S) cos(S) ~ x - S C I(S) ': sin (S) + (x - D) cos(S) 1 + cos(S)

                    *        ~                  '                            "'
  • 3 C4(S) : 1 - cos( )

C (S) : sin (S) + (n- S) cos( ) 1 - cos(S) Comoute Anchor Tension in Each Anchor Bolt as a Function of Location i : 1.2..N a, = i(i- 1) 360 ' deg - 6 eo AE b T B, : Tbp - h e+h e b'gf cosf 1 - cos(S) a )- cos(S)1 [ T B, if;'T Bi sTBC.TB,,TBC) T B : if 'T B 10.0 Ibf,TB .0.0 e s e lbf)i , l The stress in the compressive side of the tank shellis balanced by the sum of the tensile forces. These include the effective weight of the tank, the anchor bolt tension, and the additional forces mobilced by the fluid hold down. lw n

                             ,-      T B,           I C m(0)                             + fn           l@ , ATeC3@)

2R The moment capacity is taken ast the sum of the tension and compressive forces acting about the neutral axis. l 2 2 2 T B, R cos(a i ) + Tfn R 2 sin (S)+ AT e C 4()R M SC(0)

  • C m( ) C2(S) R +


7- . I I h GIPMCAP MCD 12'27/95 Refuelmg Water Storage Tank Capacity Computations

    * ?.                                                                                                        Attachment B Pape 4 4 M    A-46 Evaluation l

Assume a beta value to beoin solut;on: Note that the angle beta represents the angle between the maximum tension side of the tank arid the neutral axis. For a lightly arichorea tank the angle beta should approach pi. For anchored tanks, the angle should be between zero and pi. Th3 assumed beta and the calculated angle _ I below should be identical for the final solution. S m2.678 assumed beta Solve for beta. Note that this is an iterative process. The beta printed below should be equal to the assumed beta for the final solution. Therefore. the user must input a new assumed beta which is equal to the assumed beta for the final run. The plot below shows the difference between the compressive stress in the tank wall and the calculated ( = 1,1.1. 3 buckling stress as a funciton of an assumed angle. The point at which the curves intersect is the correct angle beta. f(q) = C' m(()- C B 6

                                                                               ** 10             6
            $ = 2.678 angle = root (f($),$)                                              1 10 6  _                    _

g4) oD a angle = 2.678 ,, 6 i i

                                                                              - 10 Final Results-                                                                                    ,

C Moment Capacity: h1 SC(angle) = 6.85210' kip ft Shear Capacity 2 Shear Capacity according to GIP (A-46) procedures V gip =(COF) P avg (n R ) 3 V g;p = 2.03910 kip 2 V helpf :(COF) W p P,yg-(n R )- {TB[ i 3 Vhelpf = 2.21 10 kip Where: W TE = 0 lb ft sec' Effective weight of tank and shell acting on the base plate {TB = i 310.8 kip Summation of anchor bolt tension forces. I

                                                                                      %m                                                            .

'3 - n..u, ~ , i~d rcn - xx ^ nte v fx A


w vvv A ^ es, m

                                                < /x NpJ'NMW,%'

V // /% V \ _,,/ / '4%WI\r\ A L vs m., vx 9 emv,,v xo t

                   .<// g VN N ?y 4//
                                          .xxA                        v//

y$\xx MNM. 4 e 3 7 .- y N m/ / /> , t[ 7 // %nAJN Zy I,M AWN T X 'X / / -

                                                                        '; '                         1 7

g / w n ,g ,  ; . p'+m.g,y. ,

                                                              %4^ d/N/

n \/\, .. e

                        <                          N,                      ,
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  • 7h  %  ;

Q% 'N.:,8 R k 7Mf x : ./k @ '^ x M "d .c.'j('~'

                                                                                                                                  %                   a               / ;f
                                        .x.x                            m. u                         .
                                                                                                       .       yg .m%-4 x .,s.                    4-g mw Ng.v8N- g_
                                                                                                           ^                          - -
                 -r                                                     tyr-
                 -,"~K,W?t::N-- Sm q ,. 3                                                  .t                             .

m, , 'g-; s n 3,

                                                                        .w : :. e p,4                     .pn8            x:g\                                                                            .w D. ' h\ I\ A
                 .h ,'*., ,'3 s
f. ,M ((
                                                                              'y K/
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g E C 3 Q'. '", t ., , ,[ i N/ ~

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  • p .
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n I q s I

Refueling Water Storage Tank Capacity C?mputations GIPMCAP2.MCD May 6,1997 A-46 Evaluation Attachment D Page 1/4 Overtumino Moment Capacity - With a Too Plate Capacity of 50 kios / IM./ 2 3 The overtuming moment capacity of anchored tanks is computed in an iterative process. EPRI NP-6041. A Methodoloov for Assessment of Nuclear Power Plant Seismic Marcin (Revision 1), appendix H, contains procedure for calculating the overtuming moment capacity. EPRI NP-6041 is strictly for use only with IPEEE (Margins) cales. The GIP methodology for vertical storage tanks is slightly more conservative. This template has modified the procedure slightly to yield results consistent with A-46 evaluations. This Mathcad template follows the procedure in EPRI NP-6041 for determining the overtuming moment capacity of tanks. This template is intended to be used in conjunction with the template FLUIDHD. The FLUIDHD template calculates the fluid hold-down forces whicit lead to slightly increased capacities for marginal tanks. This template may be used with or without consideration of the FLUID hold-down forces. Derived Units: kip u l000 lbf hzst see d ksin 1000 psi Define Tank Parameters R = 19 ft Tank Radius WTE : 0 kip Expected Minimum Total Effective Tank Weight. must be zero for A-46 computations N:44 Number of equally spaced anchor bolts 5,o : 0.25 in Permissible uphft elongation 3 E s : 27.710 ksi Young's Modulus for the Tank Material t , = 0.375 in Tank wall thickness at bolt chair location Pcmin : 25.1 psi Minimum pressure in compression zone at the time of maximum moment Pcmax : 28 7 psi Maximum pressure in compression zone at tne time of maximum moment P ,yg : 22.7 psi Average pressure at base plate (used for sliding capacity calc) Coefficieent of friction between basu of tank and supporting medium (EPRI-NP 6041, COF :0'55 recommends using 0.70 for steellsand, GlP recommends using 0.55 for steet/ sand) o y, : 25 ksi Effective yield stress for tank material Define Anchor Bott Parameters h a :36 in Depth to embedded anchor bearing surface h e :ll.53 in Height of anchor bolt chair above tank foundation Ab : 3.14 in Nominal Area for each anchor E b = 2910' ksi Anchor modulus of elasticity (ksi) Tbp : 0.0 kip Anchor bolt pre-load (kips) TBC 50 kip Maximum anchor bolt load (anchor capacity)

D,\ Refueling Water Storage Tank Capacity Computations GIPMCAP2.MCD May 6,1997 A-46 Evaluation Attachment D Page 2/4 Obtain diamond bucklino coefficent from Reference 4. Ficure 6: ( i?es. z.) Parameter rieMed for Figure 6: 2 Pcmir'. r R \

         - y-     -
                             = 0.335 Read-off value for delta-gamma Ay,=0.16 Inout Linear Aporoximation to fluid hold-down forces (from temolate FLUIDHD) zero delta fluid hold-down force. Note that the fluid hold down forces are neglected in the GlP Tfn = 0.0 approach, kip AT , = 0.0 7               Slope of linear approximation Comoute the Bucklina Capacity of the Tank Shell:

F g;p = 1.25 Additional factor of safety of 1.25 is used in limiting allowable compressive stress per GIP criteria. axial stress limit at the onset of elephant's foot buckling: Sg= - S 3 = 1.52 I C yc\ 0.6 E iPcmax R)2] ) s3 36-ksi s \

                        *            '~                                                             (Ref.1, egn. H-27)

P 0 e'l sj 1.12.Sg"f(S 1*I j

                             \ s/                                                                                                    l c p= 8.204*10 3* psi diamond buckling capacity based on NASA SP-8007:

1 R

                    $=g q y :1 - 0.73-(1 - e 6)

E,t, o c3 :(0.6 7 e ay) R i d I o g3 = 1,394*10

  • psi Compressive shell capacity:

C B :if[0cb<(0.9-op),o b,(0.9 c op p gip 5.907 ksi C B = 2.215 ' S L

r RCueling Water Storage Tank Capacity Computations GIPMCAP2.MCD May 6,1997 A46 Evaluation Attachment D Page 3/4 l Compute dimensionless carameters for solution scheme Note: the angle Beta represents the angle to the neutral axis, it is assumed prio; to the start of the algorithm. C 2(E)


C g(p) =sin(p)+( - p) cos(p) 1 - cos(p)

                '#) ~ O'* #) -lI ' * #)                    C 4( p) = 0 - "I"C E)'* '( 0) 3 C (p) = in($)+(s-s              p) cos(p) kl- cos(p)                           1 - cos(p) l Compute Anchor Tension in Each Anchor Bolt as a Function of location i = 1,2.. N T

ci,= (i - I) 360 ) deg-5 co AE b b, /cos(ai)- cos(p) TBi :Tbp - h,-h e 3 . co,(p) j T B;

  • II('T B 5TBC,TB ,TBC) 3 3 T B = if TB 20.0 lbf,TB ,0.0 lbft a s i 8
                                            /                                                                             l The stress in the compressive side of the tank shell is balanced by the sum of the tensile forces. These include the effective weight of the tank, the anchor belt tension, and the additional forces mobilized by the fluid hold down.

jWTE-{T B 3

                                              !                                                                           l C m(0)                            -T fn p C 3(p)- AT, C 3(p) 2.R                  j l

The moment capacity is taken ast the sum of the tension and compressive forces acting about the neutral axis. l 2 2 2 M SC(0) C m(p) C2 (p) R - T B, R cos(ag) + Tfn R 2 sin (p)+ AT, C4 (p) R

1 i j l \ \


l . 1 O. Refueling Water Storage Tank Capacity Computations GIPMCAP2.MCD May 6.1997 A-46 Evaluation Attachment D Page 4/4 l Gee 23 Assume a beta value to beoin solution: Note that the angle beta represents the angle between the maximum tension side of the tank and the neutral axis. For a lightly anchored tank the angle beta should approach pi. For anchored tanks, the angle should be between zero and pi. The assumed beta and the calculated angle below should be identical for the final solution. l l

        $ s 1.518        assumed beta Solve for beta. Note that this is an iterative process. The beta printed below should be equal to the assumed beta

for the 'inal solution. Therefore, the user must input a new assumed beta which is equal to the assumed beta for the final run. The plot below shows the difference between the compressive stress in the tank wall and the calculated ( : 1.1.1. 3 buckling stress as a funciton of an assumed angle. The point at which the curves intersect is the correct angle beta. f(() : C' m(;)- C B I' 8 i

        $ = 1.586 angle : root (f((),()                                                6 510   _                        _

__g 0 angle = 1.518 , T o ,,,,, _ i Final Results- -5 106, i, 4 Moment Capacity: , q M SC(angle) = 2.85410' kip. A S1 ear Capacity 2 V g;p :(COF) P,yg-( R ) Shear Capacity according to GIP (A-46) procedures V g;p = 2.03910' kip 2 V helpf :(COF). 'Wg + P ayg-( R ) + T B; I V helpf = 2.611 10'

  • kip Where:
                                            -2         FJtective weight of tank and shell acting on the base plate W n = 0 lb A sec 3

TB; = 1.041 10 kip Summation of anchor bolt tension forces. n.

f i (n j - "'"" ENTINEERIN3 WORK SHEET Cale Number: N/A Rev.O Add.N/A Sheet:E/of E6 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 l Reviewed By K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna EGE

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SHEET NO. ) ) b~ A' JOB NO. 62 I9 2.eiJOB dor a' '8ad^' d - 4eL PE Ce lesI* f'* as BY #fulS DATE 32 I 97 CALC. NOk"@d SUluECT E w *T CHKD M OATE il4b7 C heele tota rt-,.s m Pas- m>v 9/* loe d I., 71< fe l.//o o 3 a l t ese a 1.e a-pp y K Pk- (6e 14rta ch o.,s n i S)

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ENGINEERIN3 WORK SHEET Calc Number: N/A Rev.O Add.N/A Sheet:Gof E6 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3 15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna I EGE

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Joe No. _5) eBr$ 308__ +/- r+> M M L PF gy w sa ^> OATE ~4 3 6 9 7 CALC. NO. 0'O M SU5 JECT CHKV b OATEMNN

                 'To      ys< e /Jale              Je /d tre 't ) e c.r4es                 f/hes       a      ff~ e dro /d j      -/h e       er lo s * /c         s' v /eu        d.s a e du e< v fe rr 6 to e             he r =/'y           r e.t> 1?      be len Y A A*                se /J.

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G ) U-- ENCINEERIN3 WORK SHEET Calc Nurnber: N/A Rev.O Add. N/A Sheet:EJof E6 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 I I Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 l l A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna M y fet utsomnow,AL i ' ~5 \

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SHEET N O. D JO8NO,5219E.65 JO8 Ale s v. Aasu A J ek t Pfs 8v m .a $ OAn 4 1. A 7 \ CALC. NO. h 0M SUlUECT CHKD @ DA4 HW Cens/d** % ce s a s.) h er o -1n a- ba /t '\14'ss ei I o 't he eenomos 4 Af/ w 4 h <n bo /4 io *ne*rh a *It ylasY/C *b-t D 4 *

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ENGINEERIN3 WORK SHEET Cric Number: N/A Rev. O Add. N/A Sheet:Efor E6 Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna 3-91-1985 3:57AM PMcM 8W8 83N EDY 714 777 8299 P. I

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                                          ~ wygy.                            c.                                           .
                                          *""f7J-9103 * *777 ?/47
                                          ** P33-D99                         ** 777.92 94 I

l ENGINEERING WORK SHEET Calc Number: N/A Rev.O Add. N/A Sheet:Efor E6 [ Prepared By: T. W. Hsu Date: 3-15-99 l Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 1 l A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna l i l l i l t l l MES P1/3 I 52182.05 By Mw6 Dete: T3/ 9 7 l Chk'd M Date:dh I kai

  • 1004 psi kip *10041bf b = 6 in e 8 0.Ms d s l.4s e = 2 in a 3.5 in Rb = 1.13 in t , = e = 0.75-in 13 = 0.875 in i=g 0.375 in a 3 30 ksi o 3, = 52 ksi 1

Mp 8 o ",.t *2 M p = 50 625* A *in kip Hinge capacity of the top plate 2 2 -o ,,-t , M s* 4 M , = 43.875' A ' *in kip Henge capseny of the shell l

                   " 8                          ~

M g: M g = 12.656* A ' *in kip / I M i

  • if(M g>M p. Mp M ,) Hinge capacity of chair to shen yield line M i = 43 875* A *in kip M 2 'IIIMg >Mp.M p .Mg ) Hinge capacity of chair to gussett yield line M 2 = 12.656*A *in kip 6 a 30 dega L

O---- awaiassaiaa woax ease' Calc Number: N/A Rev, O Add.N/A Sheet:Egof E6 Prepared By: T. W. lisu Date: 3-15 99 Reviewed By: K. K. Dwivedy Date: 3-15-99 A-46 Evaluation of Refuel Water Storage Tank (RWST) at North Anna r I As

  • e 7. 'l3 l 52182.05 By: Mws Date: 3 3 l 9 "i Chk'd M Date: N

[e-R'C08(8) b

         $(0) = stan      b lhi, ; - R bsin (8) ,

l e = 0 44 *in c'(0) -if c<d tan ($(0)),c,d tan ($(0))' e- RbCOS(3) b 14(0) sin (D(0)) Pc(0) 5 M i -b - 2 tan ($(0)) M e - Mp - 1 3 - l 4(0) sin ( $(0)) ^ c'(0) - P c(30 deg) = 72.15 kip i 80,1.10 P c(7 deg) = 65.326 kip 6: , P / i des) , , kip

                                                                ** >                      o e

I l
