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Forwards Regulatory History for AF89-2, Statement of Organization & General Info;Minor Amends, (Final Rule) 10CFR Parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,16,76 & 110
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/19/1998
From: Golden B
Shared Package
ML20195J731 List:
FRN-63FR15740, RULE-PR-1, RULE-PR-110, RULE-PR-15, RULE-PR-16, RULE-PR-2, RULE-PR-4, RULE-PR-7, RULE-PR-76, RULE-PR-9 AF89-2-001, AF89-2-1, NUDOCS 9811250053
Download: ML20195J726 (8)


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i I  !

APl%s l

' Date: November 19,1998 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL l

TO Building and mail stop initials Date l

j 1. NUDOCS e 3 p.{ <g .



i 4.

1 5.


I e



, Attached is the Regulatory History for AF89, " Statement of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments,"(final rule) 4 10 CFR Pads 1, 2, 4, 7, 9,15,16, 76, and 110 i- If you have any questions please call me at 415-6863.

Thank you, h/

l a -


' i ,

  • f- f FROM: (Name, Ization) Building / mail stop Betty K. Golden


  • T-6 DS9 Rules and Directives ranch
l. Office of Administration Telephone number 415-6863 I

9811250053 981119 PDR PR 1 63FR15740 PDR

['4'/. 4 '

f[i?A j

M%A Pog l

Regulatory History for AF89 :

Final rule: Statement of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments

~ 10 CFR Pads 1, 2, 4, 7, 9,15,16, 76, and 110 ,

1. 04/01/98 Federal Register notice: Statement of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments (5 pages)
2. 03/16/98 Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan from Edward L. Halman,


Statement of Organization and General Information: Minor Amendments l (1 page) i

3. 03/04/98 Memorandum to David L. Meyer from Brenda Jo Shelton,


Request for comment and concurrence on a final rule entitled " Statement l

l of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments" 10 CFR parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,16,76, and 110 (1 page)

4. 03/03/98 Memorandum to David L. Meyer from Brenda Jo Shelton,


Request for comment and concurrence on a final rule entitled " Statement I of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments" 10 CFR parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,16,76, and 110 (1 page),



Miscellaneous marked pages of Federal Register notice (8 pages)

'5. 02/26/98 Memorandum to Brenda Shelton from Alzonia Shepard,



. for comment and concurrence on a final rule entitled " Statement of Organization and general Information; Minor Amendments" (1 page)

6. 01/27/98 Memorandum to Edward L. Halman, from Peter J. Rabideau,


Request for review and concurrence on a final rule: " Statement of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments" (10 CFR

' Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 9,15,16, 76, and 110) (1 page)


7. 01/22/98 E-mail to DLM1 from Maryann Grodin,


Minor Amendments /10 1 CFR Prts, 1,2,4,7,9,15,76,110 (1 page)

8. 01/20/98 . Memorandum to Edward L. Halman, from Paul E. bird,


Request for Review and concurrence en a final rule: " Statement of Organization j and general Informatior,: Minor Amendments: (10 CFR Parts 1,2,4,7,9, 15,76 and 110) (1 page)

, 9. 01/14/98 Memorandum to Edward L. Halman from A. J. Galante,


Request for review and concurrence on a final rule " Statement or Organization and

General Information
Minor Amendments" (10 CFR Parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,
i. 16,76, and 110) (1 pages), Attachment (5 pages)


10. 01/14/98 E-mail to AMS from Suzanne Schuyler-Hayes,


Concurrence on a Final rule, Statement of Org. and Gen. Info. (1 page) l l


e IN ytq.x Fog Regulatory History (AF89) '

.11. 01/05/98 E-mail to ELH from Betty Summers,


Statement of organization and generalinfor (1 page)

12. 12/23/98 Memorandum to Those on Attached List from Edward L. Halman,


Request for review and concurrence on a final rule " Statement of Organization and General Information; Minor Amendments" (10 CFR  ;

parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,76 and 110)(2 pages),


Federal Register notice (14 pages) -)

13. 07/21/97 NRC Organizational Listing (11 pages)
14. 04/16/97 Memorandum to Office of Administration Employees from Edward L. i Halman,


Reorganization of the Office of Administration (1 page), J


Organizational chart (4 pages)

15. Undated Marked copy of Federal Register notice (1 page) l
16. Undated Approved for Publication page (1page) l
17. Undated Daily Staff Notices (Office of Administration) (1 page)
18. Undated Federal Register notice,


Statement of Organization and General r Information; Minor Amendments (AF89)(21 pages) i l

1 i l l  ;



I l

I 3


l l .

ggt 6

! '- 15740 fC8

, F:d:r:1 Registir/Vol 63, No. 62/ Wednesday, April 1,1998/ Rules and Regulations i

i. plan coviring both slaughtzt and l processing. Developing and Office ofInformation Resources 10 CFR Part 9 1

Management were abolished. In i

' implementing a single HACCP plan for addition, pubilcations, graphics, Cn, penalties, Freedom of a single product often would be more printing, and Freedom ofInformation Inf rmation Pnvacy, Reporting and afficient and cost effective than Act and Privacy Act functions were mcordkeeping requirements, Sunshine producing two plans (one for slaughter Act.

transferred from the Office of and one for processing). In many cases, FSIS inspection personnel will be able Adtninistration (ADM) to the OCIO. 10 CFR Part IS This final rule also notes the name to more efficiently and effectively change of the Office of Personnel to the Administrative practice and review a single HACCP plan that covers Office of Human Resources and other Procedure, Debt collection.

all of the processing (including slaughter) within a meat or poultry minor Because administrative these amendments changes' deal 10 CFRwith Part 16 Establishment, agency practice and procedures, the Administrative practice and Done in Washington, DC March 18,1998. notice and comment provisions of the procedure, Debt collection.

Thomas J. Billy, Administrative Procedure Act do not dm n/strator, Food Safety inspection apply pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(A). 10 CFR Part 76 The amendments are effective upon publication in the Federal Register. Certification, Criminal penalties, IFR Doc. 98-8432 Filed 3-31-98; 8:45 aml Good cause exists to dispense with the Radiation protection, Reporting and o m coos w e usual 30-day delay in the effective date recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Special nuclear material, because these amendments are of a Uranium enrichment by gaseous NUCLEAR REGULATORY minor and administrative nature, dealing with the agency's diffusion' COMMISSION reorganization. 10 CFR Part 110 10 CFR Parts 1,2,4,7,9,15,16,76, EnvironmentalImpact: Categorical End 110 - Adminiskative practice and Exclusion procedure. Classified information, RIN 3150-AF89 Criminal penalties Export, Import, The NRC has determined that this final rule is the type of action described intngownmental mlatms, Ndar Statement of Organization and General in categorical exclusion to CFR 51.22 m ria s uc ea information; Minor Amendments (c) (2). Therefore, neither an g ,

9 n n e r eep g A1ENCY: Nuc1 ear Regu1atory envimnmental impact statement nor an requirements, Scientific equipment.

Commission. environmental assessment has been For the reasons set out in the '

ACTION: Final rule. prepared for this final rule, preamble and under the authority of the Paperwork Reductm.n Act Statement Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended,


The Nuclear Regulatory the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, Commission is revising its statement of This final rule contains no as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553, organization and general information to information collection requirements the NRC is adopting the following reflect the creation of the Office of the and, therefore, is not subject to the amendments to 10 CFR parts 1,2,4,7, Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and the mquiremnts of the Paperwork 9,15,16, 76, and 110.

Office of the ChiefInformation Officer Re ion Act of1995 (44 U.S.C 3501

[OClO), the reorganization of the Office -

of Administration (ADM),and other List of Subjects ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL minor changes. These amendments are INFORMATION necessary to inform the pubhc of 20 CFR Part I administrative changes within the NRC. Orgam.zation and functions 1. The authority citation for part 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 1,1998. . (Government agencies) continues to read as follows:

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 10 CFR Part 2 Authority: Secs. 23.161,68 Stat. 925,948, David L. Meyer, Chief, Rules and as amended (42 U.S.C 2033,22011; sec. 29, Directives Branch, Office of Administrative practice and Pub. L. 8$-256. 71 Stat. 579. Pub. L 95-209.

Administration, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory pmcedum, Antitmst, Bypmduct 91 Stat 1483 (4 2 U.S.C 2039); sec.191, Pub.

L.87-615,76 Stat. 409 (42 U.S C 2241); secs.

Commission, Washington, DC 20555- matprial, Classified information-0001. telePh one (301) 415-7162, e-mail: Envimnmental pmtection, Nuclear 201,203,204. 205,209,88 Stat.1242,1244.

1245,1246.1248, as amended (42 U.S.C dim 1@nrc. gov materials, Nuclear power plants and 5841,5843. 5844,5845. 5849h 5 U.S C 552, reactors, Penalties, Sex discrimination, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: O January 5,1997, the Commission

,n Source material, Special nuclear 553; Reorganization Pian No.1 of 1980. 45 FR 40561, lune 16,1980, announced the creation of the OCFO material, Waste treatment and disposal, and the OCIO. These offices report 20 CFR Part l 2 In S t.3, paragraph (c), the first directly to the Chairman. These offices sentence is revised to read as follows:

. Administrative practice and were established pursuant to the Chief procedure, Blind, Buildings, Civil 61.3 sources of additionalinformation.

Financial Officers Act of 1990 and the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, respectively. rights Employment, Equal employment The responsibilities and functions of opportunity, Federal aid programs, (c)Information regarding the i

their predecessor organizations that Grant programs, Handicapped Loan availability of NRC records under the i I reported to the Executive Director for programs, Reporting and recordkeeping Freedom ofInformation Act and the requirements, Sex discrimination. j 1

Ope 6ns (EDO) were transferred to Privacy Act of 1974 may be obtained I l these offices, respectively. Accordingly, 10 CFR Part 7 from the information Management

. the Office of the Controller and the Advisory committees. Sunshine Act. Division. Office of the Chiefinformation Officer * *

  • G

some u _._ .

s-Fed:r:1 Regist:r/Vol. 63 No. 62/Wodnesday, April 1,1998/ Rules and Regulations 15741


. g 1.25 (Amended)

Rights, the Office of liuman Resources,

3. In $ 1.25, paragraph (h)is removed, the Office of State Programs, and other Chief FinancialOf cer and paragraphs (1) through (1) are organizational units as shall be assigned $ 1.31 Office of the Chief Financial Officer, redesignated as paragraphs th) through by the Commission. The EDO is also

-(k). The Office of the Chief Financial responsible for implementation of the Officer-

. g L34 [Remmed] Commission's policy directives (a) Oversees all financial management pertaining to these offices.

4. Section 1.34 is removed. . . .

activities relating to NRC's programs

. 5; Sections 1.32 and 1.33 are .

and operations and provides advice to redesignated as $$ 1.33 and 1,34 and 7. A new undesignated center headin8 the Chairman on financial mana8ement revised to read as follows: matters:

and a new $ 1.30 are added to read as l 8: (b) Develops and transmits the NRC's

$ 1,33 Office of Enforcement. budget estimates to the Office of The Office of Enforcement- Chiefinfonnation Officer Management and Budget (OMB) and (a) Develops policles and programs for enforcement of NRC requirements: $ 1.30 Office of the chief information ( Establishes financial management (b) Manages maior enforcement Officer-actions; and policy includin8 accountin8 Principles The Office of the ChiefInformation and standards for the agency and (c) Assesses the effectiveness and Officer- Provides policy guidance to senior uniformity of Regional enforcement actions-

' (a) Plans, directs, and oversees the * ""8 " " 8* * ""

NRC's information resources, including financial management activities, 5 1.34 office of Administration. technology mfrastructure and delivery (d) Provides an agencywide The Office of Administration- finf rmation management services, to management control program for (a) Develops and implements meet the mission and goals of the financial and program managers that agencywide contracting policies and 88e"CY; establishes internal control processes procedures: and provides for timely corrective (b) Provides principal advice to the actions regarding material weaknesses (b) Develops p'o licies and procedures Chairman to ensure that information and manages the operation and that are disclosed to comply with the technology (IT)is acquired and Federal Manager's Financial integrity maintenance of NRC offices, facilities, and equipment; information resources across the agency Act of 1982 (c) Plans, develops, establishes, and are manas ed in a manner consistent (e) Develops and manages an administers policies, standards, and with Federalinformation resources agencywide planning, budgeting, and management (IRM) laws and procedures for the overall NRC security regulations: performance management process; program; and (f) Develops and maintains an (d) Develops and implements policies (c) Assists senior management in integrated agency accounting and and procedures for the review and recognizing where information financial management system, including publication of NRC rulemakings, and technology can add value while an accounting system, and financial ensures compliance with the Regulatory improving NRC operations and service rep rting and internal controls; Flexibility Act and the Small Business delivery. (g) Directs, manages, and provides

- Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act.

policy guidance and oversight of agency (d) Directs the implementation of a manages the NRC management sound and integrated IT architecture t financial management personnel directives program, and provides achieve NRC's strategic and IRM goals: cctivities and operations; translations services. (h) Prepares and transmits an annual

6. Under the undesignated center (e) Monitors and evaluates the financial management report to the heading " Executive Direttoc for performance of information technology Chairman and the Director. Office of Operations," 51.31 is redesignated as and information management programs Management and Budget, including an based on applicable performance audited financial statement:

S 1.32, paragraph (d) is removed, and aragraph (b) is revised to read as measures and assesses the adequacy of (1) Monitors the financial execution of U "8 IRM skills of the agency: NRC's budget in relation to actual (f) Provides guidance and oversight expenditures, controls the use of NRC Ext :utive Director for Operations for the selection, control and evaluation funds to ensure that they are expended

$ 1.32 Office of the Executive Director for ofinformation technology investments; in accordance with applicable laws and operations. and financial management principles, and

. . . . . prepares and submits to the Chairman (g) Provides oversight and quelity (b) The EDO supervises and assurance for the design and opeistion timely cost and performance reports; coordinates policy development and f the Licensing Support System (l.SS)

(j) Establishes, maintains, and operational activities in the following services and for the completeness acd oversees the implementation oflicense meegrity of the LSS database, ensures fee polices and regulations: and line offices: the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Office of that the LSS meets the requirements of (k) Reviews, on a periodic basis, fees Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. 10 CFR part 2, subpart I, concerning the and other charges imposed by NRC for services provided and makes' the Office of Nuclear Regulatory use of the LSS in the Commission s Research, and the NRC Regiond! Offices: high-level waste licensing proceedings, recommendations fel revising those and the following staff offices: The and provides technical oversight of DOE, charges, as appropriate.

Office of Enforcement, the Office of in the design, development and Administration, the Office of operanon of the LSS. $ 1.38 (nemoved)

>lnvestigations, the Office for Analysis 9. Section 1.38 is removed.

8. A new undesignated center heading 10. In % 1.39, the section heading and and Evaluation of Operational Dat'a, the and a new % 1.31 are added to read as the introductory paragraph are revised Office of Small Business and Civil fo!!ows: to read as follows:

15742 Fedml Register /Vol. 63, No. 62 / Wednesday, April 1,1998/ Rules and Regulations

$ 1,39 Office of Human Resouren i Brinch on (301) 415-7163 or toll free on (42 U S.C 5891). Subpart B also issued under The Office of fluman Resources (800) 368-5642. sec. 504, pub. L 93-112,87 Stat. 394 (29

. . . . . . . . . . U.S.C 706); sec.119. Pub, L 95402,92 Stat.

(e) If it is that the petitton 2984 (29 U.S C 794); sec.122. Pub. L 95-PART 2-RULES OF PRACTICE FOR includes the information required by 602,92 Stat. 2964 (29 U.S C 706(6)) Subpart DOMESTIC LICENSING PROCEEDINGS paragraph (c) of this section and i$ C also issued under Title III of Pub. L 94-AND ISSUANCE OF ORDERS 135,89 Stat. 728, as amended (42 U.S.C complete, the Chief, Rules and 6101). Subpart E also issued under 29 U.S.C 1L The authority citation for part 2 Directives Branch, or designee, will 794.

continues to read as follows: assjg ca s9 doc } \et nn fo tjin, 15. In S 4 aragraph (i)is revised to Authorityt Secs. 161,181,68 Stat. 948, 953, as amended (42 U.S.C 2201,2231), sec. docketed, and ill deposit a copy cf the '

191, as amended, Pub. L 87415, 76 Stat. 409 docketed petition in the Commission's $ 4.4 Definitions.

(42 U.S C 2241); sec. 201,88 Stat.1242, as Public Document Room. Public * * * *

  • amended (42 U.S.C 5841); 5 U.S.C 552. comment may be requested by (i) Responsible NRC officiol means the Section 2.101 also issued under secs. 53 Publication of a notice of the docketmg 62,63,81,103,104,105,68 Stat. 930,932, of the petition in the Federal Register Director of the Office of Small Business 933,935,936,937,938, as amended (42 and Civil PJghts or any other officer to or, in appropriate cases, may be invited U.S.C 2073, 2c92, 2093, 2111, 2133, 2134, whom the Executive Director for 2135); sec.114(f), Pub. L 97-425,96 Stat. for the first time upon publication in the Operations has delegated the authority 2213, as amended (42 U.S.C 10134(f)). sec.

Federal Register of a proposed rule to act.

102, Pub. L 91-190,83 Stat. 853, as amended developed in response to the petition. . . . . .

(42 U.S C 4332); sec. 301,88 Stat.1248 (42 publication will be limited by the requirements of section 181 of the " " " '

U.S.C 5871). Sections 2.102,2.103,2.104, 2.105,2.721 also issued under secs. 102,103, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

104,105,183,189,68 Stat 936,937,938, and may be limited by order of the $ 4.5 communications and reports.

954,955, as amended (42 U.S.C 2132,2133, Commission.

2134,2135,2233,2239). Section 2.105 also * * * *

  • Except as otherwise indicated, all issued under Pub. L 97 415,96 Stat. 2073 communications and reports relating to (g) The Chief, Rules and Directives this part should be addressed to the U.S.

(42 U.S.C 2239). Sections 2.200-2.206 also issued under secs.161 b, I, o,182,186,234. Branch, will prepare on a semiannual Nuclear Regulatory Commission, basis a summary of petitions for Washington, DC 70555-0001.

d ( S. 2'201 ,(i) ( ) 2236, rulemaking before the Commission, Communications and reports may be 2282); sec. 206,88 Stat 1246 (42 U.S C 5846). including the status of each petition. A delivered in person to the Commission's Sections 2.205(j) also issued under Pub. L copy of the report will be available for offices at 11555 Rockville Pike, 101-410,104 Stat. 890, as amended by sec. Public inspection and copying for a fee 31001(s), Pub. L 104-134,110 Stat.1321- Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738.

in the Commission's Public Document 373 (28 U.S.C 2461 note). Sections 2.600- Room,2120 L Street, NW., Washington, PART 7-ADVISORY COMMITTEES 2.606 also issued undet sec.102, Pub. L 91-190. 83 Stat. 853, as amended (42 U.S C DC 20555-0001 4332). Sections 2.700a,2.719 also issued 13. In S 2,1007, p agraph (a)(2) is 17. The authority citation for part 7 under 5 U.S.C 554. Sections 2.754,2.760. revised to read as fo lows: continues to read as follows:

2.770,2.780 also issued under 5 U.S C 557. Authority
Sec.161,68 Stat. 948, as

$ 2.1007 Access. amended (42 U.S.C 2201); sec. 201,88 Stat.

Section 2.764 also issued under sees.135.

141, Pub. L 97-425,96 Stat. 2232,2241 (42 (3) . . . 1242, as amended (42 U.S.C 5841); Pub. L U.S.C 10155,10161). Section 2.790 also (2) Terminals for access t 92-463. 86 Stat. 770 (5 U.S C App ).

issued under sec.103,68 Stat. 936 as headers for all documents the m.o full 18, [n g 7.22, paragraphs (a) and (b) i amecded (42 U S C 2133) and 5 U.S.C 552. Licensing Support System during the are revised to read as follows:

! Sections 2.800 and 2,808 also issued under l

pre. license application phase, and 5 U.S.C 553. Section 2.809 also issued under images of the non-privileged documents 9 7.22 Fiscal and administrative 5 U.S.C $53 and sec. 29. Pub. L 85-256,71 of NRC will be provided at the responsibilities.

Stat. 579. as amended (42 U.S.C 2039).

Subpart K also issued under hec.189. 68 Stat. Commission's Public Document Room (a) The Office of the Chief Financial of NRC, and at all NRC Local Public Officer shall keep such records as will 955 (42 U.S C 2239h sec.134. Puo. L 97-42$,96 Stat. 2230 (42 U.S C 10154). Subpart Document Rooms established in the fully disclose the disposition of any L aho issued under sec.189. 68 Stat. 955 (42 vicinity of the likely candidate site for . funds that may be at the disposal of

"" NRC advisory committees.

sc u L9 56 84 Stat 473 4 a geologic Regional Fie refd Offices.ository, and at(b) the NRC The Office of the ChiefInformation U.S.C 2135)' . . . . .

Officer shall keep such records as wtli

12. In $ 2.802, the introductory text of fully disclose the nature and extent of paragraph (b), and paragraphs (e), and PART 4-NONDISCRIMINATION IN activities of NRC advisory committees.
l. (g) are revised to read as follows: FEDERALLY ASSISTED COMMISSION * * * *

$ 2.802 Petition for rulemaking. ,


~* * * *

  • 14. The authority citation for part 4


(b) A prospective petitioner may continues to read as follow: 19. The authority citation for part 9 consult with the NRC before filing a Authority: Sec.161,68 Stat. 948. as continues to read es follows:

, petition for rulemaking by writing to the amended (42 U.S C 2201); sec. 274,73 Stat. Authority: Sec.161. 68 Stat. 948, as Chief, Rules and Directives Branch. U.S. 688. as amended (42 U.S,C 2021), sec. 201, amended (42 U.S.C 2201); sec 201,88 Stat.

88 Stat.1242, as amended 142 U.S C 584 th Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1242. as amended (42 U.S C 5641).

Washington, DC 20555-0001. A sec. 207. Pub. L U-604. 92 stat. 3033. Subpart A also issued under 5 U.S C 552; prospective petitioner also may Subpan A also issued under secs 602405. 31 U.S C 9701: Pub. L 9%570. Subpart B

' Pub. L 88-352,78 Stat. 252. 253 (42 U.S.C also issued under 5 U.S C 552a. Subpart C telephone the Rules and Directives 2000d-1-2000d-4); sec. 401,88 Stat. I254 also issued under 5 U.S C 552b.


' Federal Register /Vol. 63, No. 62/ Wednesday, April 1,1998/ Rules and Regulations 15743 Ir j $ 9.53 [ Amended) must be filed within 60 days of the

20. In S 9.53, paragraph (a), remove

\Vhite Flint North, Rockville, Maryland receipt of the initial determination The 20852-2738.

the words " Director, Office of appeal must be in writing and addressed Administration" and " Director, or his 29. In S 15.35, the introductory text of to the Freedom ofInformation Act and paragraph (c)is revised to read as designee" each time they appear, and Privacy Act Officer, U.S. Nuclear follows:

add in their place the words " Freedom Regulatory Commission, Washington DC ofInformation Act and Privacy Act 20555-0001, for submission to the $ 15.35 Payments.

Officer," and in paragraph (b), remove * * * *

  • appropriate appellate authority for a the words " Director, Office of final determination. The appeal should (c) To whom payment is made.

Administration" each time they appear, clearly state on the envelope and in the Payment of a debt is made by check, and add in their place the words letter " Privacy Act Correction Appeal." electrome transfer, draft, or money order

" Freedom ofInformation Act and The NRC does not consider an appeal Payable to the Uni,ted States Nuclear Privacy Act Officer." that is not marked as indicated in this Regulatory Commtsston and mailed or paragraph as received until it is actually delivered to the Division of Accounting IW IAm*"d*dl received by the Inspector General or and Finance, Office of the Chief 21, in S 9.54, paragraph (b), remove Executive Director for Operations. Financial Officer, U.S. Nuclear the words " Director, Office of Requests for Enal review must set forth Regulatory Commission, Washington.

Administration" and add in their place the specific item of information sought DC 20555-0001, unless payment is-the words " Freedom ofInformation Act , to be corrected or amended and should * * * *

  • and Privacy Act Officer." ' include, where appropriate, documents

$ 9.60 (AmeMedl supporting the correction or PART 16-SALARY OFFSET amendment. PROCEDURES FOR COLLECTING _

22. In S 9.60, paragraph (a), remove the words " Director, Office of

. . . . . DEBTS OWED BY FEDERAL EMPLOYEES TO THE FEDERAL Administration, or his designee " and g 9.69 (Amended] GOVERNMENT add in their place the words " Freedom

25. In S 9.69, paragraph (a), remove 30. The authority citation for part 16 ofInformation Act and Privacy Act the words, " Director, Ofilce of Officer. continues to read as follows:

Administration, or his designee" and 5 (Amende,,) add in their place the words " Freedom Authority: Secs. 161,186,68 Stat. 948, 955, as amended (42 U.S.C 2201,2236); sec.

23. In S 9.65, in paragraph (a), the Unformation Act and Privacy Act 201,88 Stat.1242, as amended (42 U.S C introductory text, and paragraph (b), Officer 5841); sec. 3, Pub. L.89-508,80 Stat. 308 remove the words " Director Office of ' '(

9 9.85 [Amendedl ,c [" Nt L 97 2 96 at. 7 (3 t C Admmisgation, or the Director s 26. In S 9.85, remove the words, designee each time they appear, and 3713); sec. 5. Pub. L as-Soa. 80 Stat. 308, add in that place the words " Freedom " Director, Division of Freedom of as amended (31 U S.C 3716); Pub. L 97-365.

Information and Publications Services" 96 Stat.1749 (31 U.S.C 3719); Federal ofInformation Act and Privacy Act claims Collection Standards,4 CFR 101-105.

Officer and remove the words the and add in their place the words Assistant inspector General for Audits.,, " Freedom ofInformation Act and 31. In S 16.1, paragraph (e) is revised )

24. In S 9.66, paragraph (a)(1), the Privacy Act Officer." 'O1d as follows:

introductory text, and in paragraphs PART 15--DEBT COLLECTION g 16.1 Purpose and scope.

(a)(2) and (a)(3), remove the words PROCEDURES * * * * *

" Director, Office of Administration, or the Director's Designee" and add in (e) This part does not preclude an

27. The authority citation for part 15 employee from requesting waiver of an their place the words " Freedom of continues to read as follows: overpayment under 5 U.S.C 5584,10 information Act and Privacy Act Authority: Secs. 161,186,68 Stat. 948 Officer," in paragraph (c)(2), remove the U.S.C. 2774, or 32 U.S.C. 716 or in any 955, as amended (42 U.S.C 2201,2236); sec. way questioning the amount or validity words " Director, Office of 201,88 Stat.1242, as amended (42 U.S.C of the debt by submitting a subsequent Administration," and add in their place 5841), sec.1. Pub. L 89-508. 80 Stat. 308 claim to the NRC This part does not the words " Freedom ofInformation Act as amended (31 U.S C 3711,3717,3718); sec.
1. Pub. L 97-258. 96 Stat. 972 (31 U.S C, preclude an employee from requesting a and Privacy Act Officer,"in paragraphs 3713 $ ' waiver pursuant to other statutory (a)(1) and (a)(2) remove the words Assistant Inspector General for Qdi3 U$S\ $16$ P 97b65. p visions applicable to the particular 96 Stat.1749 (31 U.S.C 3719); Federal debt being collected.

l Audits "each time they appear, and revise paragraph (b) to read as follows: Claims Collection Standards. 4 CFR 101-105.


28. Section 15.3 is revised to read as G ASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANTS 5 9.66 Determinations authorizing or follows; denying correction of records; appeals. 32. The authority citation for part 76 515.3 communications. is revised to read as follows:

l (b) Appeals from initial adverse Unless otherwise specified, all Authority: Sec.161,68 Stat. 948, as determinations. If an individual's communications concerning the amended. secs. 1312.1701, as amended.106 request to amend or correct a record has regulations in this part should be Stat. 2932,2951,2952,2953.110 Stat.132 t-been de iied, in whole or in part, the addressed to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear 349 (42 U.S C 2201. 2297b-11,2297fh secs individual may appeal that action and Regulatory Commission, Washington, 201. as amended. 204,206,88 Stat.1244.

12 request a final review and determination DC 20555-0001, ATTN: Rulemakings 1246(42 g

of that individual s request by the and Adjudications Staff. 3 3 4 aa e ded Inspector General or the Executive by Pub. L 104-134.110 Stat.1321,1321-349 Communmations may be delivered in (42 U.S C 2243(an.

Director for Operations, as appropriate, person to the Commission's offic" An appeal of an initial determination sectum 70 also issued under Pub L 9L located at i1555 Roc Lviile Pike. One 6nt. wc in. 92 Stat 2951 (42 U.s C sol; I

15744' fcderal Register /Vol. 63, No 62/ Wednesday April 1,1998 / Rules and Regulations l-' Section 76.22 is also issued under sec.193(f). OEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY on which a national bank must

, , as amended,104 Stat. 2835, as er-euced oy

!- Pub. L 104-134,110 Stat 1321,1321-349 recalculate its capital and surplus. In Office of the Comptroller of the response to these requests, the OCC (42 U.S.C 2243(fi) Se:Gon 76.35(j) also Currency issued under sec.12 L 68 Stat. 939 (42 U.S C Published a notice of ProPosed 2152). 12 CFR Part 32 ru emaking (proposal) on July 17,1996 (61 FR 37227), to address these issues.

33. In S 76.7, paragraph (e) (3) is (Docket No. 98-04) The proposal also made several revised to read as follows:

R N M74B55 technical changes designed to improve

$ 76.7 Employee protection. Part 32 without changing its substance.

. . . . . Lending Limits The proposal reflected the OCC's

. .. continuing commitment to assess the Copies of NRC Form 3 may be AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the effectiveness of the rules it has revised Currency, Treasury. under the Program and to make further obtained by writing to the NRC Region ACTION: Final rule, changes where necessary to improve a III Office listed in appendix D to part 20 .

of this chapter or by contacting the NRC


The Office of the Comptroller Publishin8 Services Branch, Comments Received and Changes Made of the Currency (OCC)is revising its l lending limits regulation b making The OCC received 11 comments on seve altechnicalchanges esigned to the proposal, six of which came from PART 110--EXPORT AND IMPORT OF 'l*rify certain provisions in the current NUCLEAR EQUlPMENT AND TU g8-banks and bank holding companies and MATERIAL five from trade associations. Most EFFECT.YE DATE: May 1,1998. commenters supported the OCC adding
34. The authority citation for part 110 FOS FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: increased flexibility and clarity to the continues to read as follows: William C. Kerr, Special Assistant, lending limits regulation. Commenters Authority: Secs. 51,53,54,57,63,64,65 Special Supervision, (202) 874-5170: generally commended the OCC's efforts, 81, 82,103,104,109, t il,126,127,128,129, Saumya R. Bhavsar, Attorney, while some commenters offered 161,181,182,183,187,189,68 Stat. 929, Legislative and Regulatory Activities, alternatives to certain of the proposed 930,931,932,933.936,937,948,953,954 (202) 874-5090; or Aline J. Henderson, changes.

955,956. as amended (42 U.S.C 2071,2073, Senior Attorney, or Laura Goldman, 2074,2077,2092-2095,2111,2112,2133, Upon further review, the OCC has Attorney, Bank Activities and Structure, decided not to adopt the pro osal's 1

!2 !23 (202) 874-5300. Office of the exemption from the lending fimit for 2 2239 sec 201 88 Sta .

1242, as amended (42 U.S.C 584th sec. 5 Comptroller of Currency,250 E Street, additional funds advanced to preserve  !

Pub. L,101-575,104 Stat 2835 (42 SW, Washmgton, DC 20219. and maintain collateral to loans secured U.S.C 224 3). $UPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: by personal property, flowever, the OCC Sections 110.1(b)(2) and no.t(b)(3) also has adopted the proposal's other issued under Pub. L. 96-92,93 Stat. 710 (22 Background U.S C 2403). Section 110.11 also issued The OCC comprehensively revised its under sec.122,68 Stat. 939 (42 U.S C 2152) regulations in 12 CFR part 32 in 1995 Discussion and secs. 54c and 57d.,88 Stat. 473,475 (42 S 4 " '

" (60 FR 8526 (February 15,1995)), as part Exemption'for Funds Advanced to d c3 P 9 0. Sec on f its Regulation Review Program Protect Personal Property Collateral 110.50(b)(3) also issued under sec.123,92 gra d M u p and shadme de @2yj))

Stat.142 (42 U.S.C 2153). Section 110 51 regulation and ehm. mate requirements also issued under sec.184,68 Stat. 954, as that imposed inefficient and costl Under S 32.2(i)(2)(i), additional funds amended (4 2 U.S C. 2234). Section 110.52 regulatory burdens on national ba ks. advanced for the benefit of a borrower also issued under sec,186,68 Stat. 955 (42 These amendments to part 32 included by a bank for the payment of certain U.S C. 2236). Sections 110.80-110.113 also changing the definition of " loans and expenses necessary to preserve the issued under 5 U.S C. 552,554. Sections value of real property are not considered also issued under 5 U,S.C.

extensions of credit" to exempt, under certain circumstances, additional funds to be a " loan or extension of credit" for 553. Sections 110.2 and 110.42 (a)(9) als Purposes of 12 U.S.C. 84 and part 32 issued under sec. 903, Pub. L.102-.496 (42 advanced for the payment of

  • I '* # ' maintenance and operating expenses under certain circumstances. The OCC necessary to preserve the value of real Proposed amending S 32.2(j)(2)(i) to
35. In $ 110.131, paragraph (a) is property securing a loan. See 12 CFR include advances to protect personal revised to read as follows: 32.2(1)(2)(i). In addition, the Property collateral and to treat any S110.131 Petition for rulemaking. amendments changed the definition of additional advance to protect

capital and surplus" to allow a collate ral-whether personal property (a) A petition for rulemaking should national bank, in most instances, to or real property--the same, be addressed to the Secretary, U.S. .

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

calculate its lending limit based on Commenters supported this proposed amendment. Upon further review, hashmgton, DC 20555-0001, Attention: information contained in the bank's most recent quarterly Consolidated however, the OCC has determined that Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff.

  • * * *
  • Report of Condition and Income (Call it would be inappropriate to adopt the ort change to S 32.2(j)(2)(i) at this time. As Dated at Rochille, Maryland, this 18th day Refome). of the part See id. 5 32.4.

32 changes prompted a result of its continued monitoring of of March 1998.

requests for: (a) further clarification and credit quality standards, the OCC is For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

l extension of the exemption for funds concemed that credit standards have LINPh Callan, advanced to preserve and maintain been relaxed since the proposed rule Executis e Directorfor Opemtions. collateral to loans secured by personal was published. Accordingly, the OCC l IFK Doc. 98-84o8 Fded 3-31-98. 8.45 aml property as well as loans secured by real has decided it would not be appropriate e@No CooE 7590-01-P property; and (b) clarification of the date at this time to modify this prudential

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