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Title List of Publicly Available Documents, TMI-2, Cumulated to 790630
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/03/1979
Shared Package
ML20125B432 List:
NUREG-0568, NUREG-568, NUDOCS 7911080297
Download: ML20125B435 (229)


{{#Wiki_filter:__ NUREG-0568 Rev.1 Title List Publicly Available Documents Three Mile Island Unit 2 Docket 50-320 Cumulated to June 30,1979 l t l Offico of Administration

       . uclear Regulatory pa aeouq s,      ,     e

( Available from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Congnir,sion Washington, D.C. 20555 Available from National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 i

NUREG-0568 Rev.1 Title List Publicly Available Documents Three Mile Island Unit 2 Docket 50-320 Cumulated to June 30,1979 Division of Technical Information and Document Control Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 pm , k~ $h$

CONTENTS Page Preface . . . .. . v Preincident Docurnents . . 1 A. Application / construction stage documents and correspondence .

                                                                                                                                      .                                 I B. Utility Preliminary Safety Analysis Report and amendments                                                                                35 C.      Utility Environmental Report (ER), amendments and correspondence                                                                                                                           37 D. NRC Draft / Final Environmental Statements, supplements and correspondence         .      .

38 E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supplements and correspondence . 41 F. Security, medical, emergency and fire protection plans 44 G. Adjudicatory correspondence . 46

11. General correspondence .


1. Financial infonnation .
                                                                                                                                         ....               6C J. Insurance and indemnity information .                                                                      ..                        61 K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and amendments                                     .                                      ..                                              61 O.      Advisory Comrnittee on Reactor Safeguards reports and correspondence          .                      .                                                 .                                     63 P. Operating license stage documents and correspondence .                                                                                66 Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins and correspondence                                                                .                  73 R. Periodic operating reports and related correspondence                                                                                87 S. Reportable occurrences. LERs and related correspondence .                                                                            88 T. Ilearing transcripts on non antitrust matters                                                                                       95 U. Congressional / Executive correspondence                                                             .    .

95 Postincident Documents . . . 97 E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER). supplements and correspondence . .

                                                                                                                                    .                    47 F. Security, medical, emergency and fire-protection plans                                                               .             97 G. Adjudicatory correspondence                                    .                                       ..        .       .         98 lii

4 CONTENTS (Cont'd.)

11. General correspondence . . . . 99
1. I mancial information .

105 J. Insurance and indemnity informatmn . .. 105 O. Advisory Committee on lleactor Safeguards reports and cor r espondence . 105 P. Operating license stage documents and correspondence . . 108 Q. Inspection reports, Ili 11ulletms and correspondence . 138 It. Periodic operating reports and related cortespondence 14l S. Iteportable occurrences, I. lilts and related correspondence . 145

     'I .               lleatmg transcripts on non-antitrust matters                                       147 (J.               Congressional /lixecutive coirespondence            .                              149 151
  • Personal Author index . . .

Corporate Source Index-Ily Corporate Typen 177 Citizen Group / Individual / Media . 177

       !!nginee r i ng/ Cons t r u c t ion /Consull m g                                                    177 1 ducational institutions                                                                           179 I:oreign Goverrunents and Agencies                                                          .       179 legal / 1 irms/Insmance Companies                                                               179 Incal Government and Agencies                        .             .                 .               180 Manufactmers/Equipinent and Supplies                                                                 180 180 Medical Institutions /1.aboratories .               .

Professional / industrial Institutions, Societics . . 181 State Governments and Agencies . 181 lJ.S. li ederal Government and Agencies . 181 (Jtilities, l'ower lleactors . 182 f(esearch Institutions and I.aboratories . 188 (J.S. Nuclear f(egulatory Commi% ion Organizational Source Index . . . . . I89 f(eport Number Index . 209 Appendix A-Definitium of ik>eket 50 Categories . 21I iv

PREFACE This title list of publicly available documents pertainmg to Three Mile Island Unit 2, Docket 50 320, includes those preincident and postincident documents filed in the NRC Public Document Room as of June 30, 1979 It is divided into preincident and postincident listmgs, with both listings sub-divided into the categories used for filing and !.carching in the NRC Public Document Room. Those categories are: A. Application / construction stage documents and correspondence

11. Utility Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) and amendments C. Utility Enviromnental Report (ER), amendments and correspondence D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental (Impact) Statements (DES and FES), supplements and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supplements and correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency and fire protection plans G. Adjudicatory correspondence
11. General correspondence I. I inancial information J. Insurance and indemnity information K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and amendments I .. Limited work authorization and related correspondence M. Antitrust correspondence N. Antitrust hearing transcripts O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) reports and correspondence P. Operating license stage documents and correspondence Q. Inspection reports, IE Ilulletins and correspondence R. Periodic operating reports and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences, ! ERs and related correspondence T. llearing transcripts on non antitrust matters v

U. Congressional / Executive correspondence V. Operator Examinations Appendix A sets forth these categories and describes the materials available m each. Omission of a category in this report indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. Title list reports on Three Mde bland may contain titles that refer to Oyster Creek Unit 2 because prior to March 10, 1969 the design vas to be used for that plant. When the designation became Three Mile Island Unit 2, the NRC docket number was not changed. The principal elements of the entries in the list are: O A I ,POperating license stage documents & conespondence

          @            G t

7904170015 Forwards info on TMI:JM llendrie 790410 testimony, pieliminary chronology of NRC actions, description of events & generic considerations of incidept. REllM, T. A. Office of the Executive Director for Operations. 79/04/12. 93pp. 4 s e O @

1. NRC/PDR document category (see Appendix A).
2. NRC Accession Number.
3. Description of information contained in the document.
4. Personal author. An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal author.
5. Corporate, agency or nonindividual source.
6. Date of document described.
7. Pages in document.
8. If this space is blank, the document is available to the public only in the NRC Public Document Room and the State Library of Pennsylvania (see notes for instructions on how to obtain copies). If this space is filled, il gives other sources for copies of the document. The entry may be "Available at NTIS" or "Available at GPO." If the docketed document has a contract (FIN) number or a formal report number, it will appear in the last line following entry 5.

The entries are arranged essentially by date order within each category. In this initial collective report on Three Mile Island, there is often no correlation of accession number and date of the document because much of the material origmated prior to initiation of the automated system for entering these documents. In routine daily entry of incoming and outgoing documents there would be close correlation of accession number and date of origination or receipt of a document. This relationship will appear in supplements to this document. vi

Entries indented and preceded by a dash are items that were submitted as enclosures to the unin-dented document. Supplements to this document will be issued as sufficient material becomes available. These sup-plements may appear as regularly as monthly while the incident investigations are under way. When activity on this docket subsides, a cumulated document will be issued periodically. Copies of this document and microBche of the listed information are available at the NRC Public Document Room for a fee. We would appreciate your comments, criticisms and suggestions regarding this document. In par-ticular, if there are title descriptions that are not meaningful, please let us know so that we can correct our data base. NOTES:

1. The address for NTIS is:

National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 To place orders for or to obtain price information about NRC publications at NTIS, either write to NTIS or call the Sales Desk at (703) 557 4650. Specify the NRC report number and title when you place your order. Publications can be charged to American Express credit cards; supply the chargecard number when placing your order.

2. The address for GPO is:

Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 To place orders for or to obtain price information about NRC publications at GPO, either write to GPO or call the Inquiry Desk at (202) 783-3238. Publications can be charged to VISA or Mastercharge credit cards; supply the chargecard number when placing your order.

3. The address for the PDR is:

1717 11 Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20555 To place orders, either write to the NRC PDR or call (202) 634 3274. When ordering documents listed in this publication, please identify the following elements for each citation:

1. Whether the document is " Pre " or " Post " Incident 2 Document Accession Number Paper copy and microfiche of the documents listed in this title list may be purchased. Repro-duction charges for duplication are as follows: 8d per page for standard site paper; lld per page for oversized paper (drav,ings); 25d per microfiche for 24x diato duplicates. A minimum charge of 52.00 plus postage is charged for mail orders. Copies of this Title document (NUREG-0568) may r i be purchased.

Please acknowledge a willingness to assume charges for all orders but do not send payments. Orders will be processed and mailed with a bill from Potomac Research, Inc. vii

4. The address of the TMI local Public Document Roorn is:

State Library of Pennsylvania Governrnent Publications Section Education lluilding Commonwealth and Walnut Streets liarrisburg, Pennsylvania 17126 Iloth preincident and postincident documents are available in paper copy and imcrofiche and may be purchased. viii

 \                                        _   _.

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS A App lic at i on/c ons truc t e un stage docueents & correspondence 7903070669 forwarde comments on SA#s requested in AEC 680326.680419.

    .. . . ..                     . .__. . . . . . _ _ _ ..... ._. _ . . ....- --                                                       6BOSie & 690523 ltro S>$ew. M                     Aloesc Energy Cometssion (Pre 19738                               68/06/06                     1p 79044Hv016 Forweeds Amend 1 to appl 6censon for t eac t or CP & OL Ceet8 acete of Esc enc!

LDGAN.J E Je+new Central Power & Light Co e.9 /04 / 22 Jpp 7904230046 Summary of 680328 meetsng re prelaesterg review ples of Oyster Crees unit 2 Revt w plen & eseegneente enct MOHN I S. P A Ateest leerge Cameletion (Pre 1975: 60/06/10 4pp

--7904680028 4*end I to app lic et ton for CP Restates inst 441 & pltteete thermal power levels in teres of reactor power level LOGAN. J F          dereeg Centrol Powee & Lsght Co                    6H/?S/22                            2pp            7904190010 F o rwards natsce of receipt of applicetton foe CP Doctet 50- 320 es t a g ned to proposed Dyster Creek pleet MORRIS P A                                Atoesc Energy Comesesson (Pro 19751                                      6a/06/11        19 79042GO L 23 Ap p l i c a t i on for CP & OL e           Joegey Central Power & Lnght Ce               66/04/22            60pp
                                                                                                                                     -- 7904 b HOO23 No t t e e of teceapt of applicatson for CP & OL MOHN i s. P A                            A t oo l c Fnergy Coeosesson iPte 1975)                                   68/06/11        lp 1904180027 9 cewar d s app lic e t t on for reactor CP & OL & connes of PSAN Cert 4ftcete of Sv c enc !

LDGAN.J E Jersey Central Power & Lpgnt Co 60/04/29 3p p 7904230049 Forweeds notice of recogpt of applicetgen for CP & OL wro enct BOY D. R B Atoest Energy Commiselon-Deputy Dneectet foe Reactor 7904J30140 F orwarde general a nf o pot tlon of spe llc a t ion to contt & opetete serend t eac ter Rogueets tev6ew & nottfacetton of need for addl anfo 7904270002 Forwards FR notare of receipt of ap plic e t ton for CP & OL TE Dt EC O. R L Atomne feetgy C o** t t s i on. Directorate of Lacenssos Mc COOL , w 0 08fice of the secretety of tre Coesiteten IPte-19758 6H/OS'O2 19 68/06/63 gp 7903070313 Requests review of lic ente application Questions applicent'* e4Lamotee of const cotto of proposed plant +-7904270009 F R notate of receipt of application foe CP & DL ggen g g p A Aggggg (Mergy Comenetton IPro l975) TEDt SCO. R L Ateesc Eneegg Cometesson (Pre 19??* 68/05/02 1p 60/06/13 Ip 7904210376 Announceeert of recenot of acrittetton d'on Jersey Central 7905070206 forweeda relevant docueente te l a s ense ops t ic at ion. per Power & Lnght for perost to Duttd second teacto* et Ogtte' understendseg reached w/HFW on 690101 C'oes DEYOUNG R S . BOVD. H E Atoenc Energy Comesseton iPre 19753 HARRIE.J A 6B/06/14 16pp At oesc Enve g g tomentoson (Pro 19731 60/05/03 2pp PWrS070892 Forwerde Vote 1. 2 & 3 et PGAR pequeste Justifacetion of 7903020204 Inferos of Jersey Centeel Power & Light Ce esplacetion to first core fuel requirpeente foe teactor of tais dettga & conet nuc lear powet plant et Oytter Creet site Forwarde po*** epe l a c et s on & P6AN vols 6. 2 & 3 lere! fi l>t $CD # L PRICE . H L At oe s t Energy Comeleston (Pre 1973). 60/06/16 Ateenc feetqq Comenssion (Pre 19756 6B/OS/Go IP is 7904230142 Informs of Jersey Central Power & LIpht applicatten to const 79030'0264 la ordet to perant seeningful review of revised draft of " " ** '# * * ' ' *

  • cmp o l e t ed no later than 7312'08 IOCFRSO re ftnancial queltfacetions.requitse beeshdown of fuel & non-stette* forglitsee PR ICf. . H L tosac Energy Commission (Pre 1975: 68/06/17 la CHITTENDfN $D Atoont ( no r g y C ome i s s ion 4 Pro 1975: 66/0S#14 lp 7994210002 Manutes of peesentetton of grouted tendan test retutte to
                                                                                                                                       ^                     ** #' '' 

7903000342 Fo*=evda Vols 126 3 of P5A9 Re guv e t s towseu of Geologteel ***" " 4 kg deolog s t el aspects of proposed site Wo enc 1 t e l e st e'" t on of streated tendon"& 'yde"#og h e n" 'st e r i t t'l e'me n t 90V D. h H At oe s c Eneegg Coe*4ee&on-Deputy Direttet for Reactor PDwtLL. R R Ateelt Energg Commission iPre 197S6 60<06/20 4pp Projects 60/03/16 Ap 7904180015 Forweede reguest for edel hgdeologteel into to possttle hurescene flood height et snie 7903090427 Foewatde Vols 1,2 & 3 of PSAR filed by Jersey Cent ral p ower gappl$.P A Atoete Energy Cc *setton IPre 1975) 3pp

  & Lsght Co w>eppittetton for author &setton to conet &                                                                                                                                                                                                   60/06/25 seetate TMI-2 pequeste review of geologscal & hv e tological aspecte of ofoposed este w/o enc a BO* D, R 6             At omi c E ner s, C oom h e t t on (Pte 19756              6B/OS/l6                           1p 7904230157 In tesponse to CP app l a ce t ton did 6DO4J9. requests addl tefe to pe,ett evenuetten of een possible hurricene flood heteht et este MORp !G P A                               Ateosc Energy Cosettelon. Datec torate of Ltcensing 7905160514 F o r we e d e vel 1. 2. & 3 of PSAR UE Weether B ur e e n teviewed                                                          ap,e.gg756 preisennery safeguards eumeeeg rest & Amend 2 to                                                                                                                               68/06/25     3pp applicotton PACK.D H               Enwstonmental Peetectson Agency              60/05/16                                  1p                  7904180073 Forwards Amend 2 to application for CP & OL Certtftcete of Svc enct 7904250340 Responds to NHC 680507 Ite reguvetteg assistence in                                                                                                                                               '

evaluettng water eurge & wave eunup espec t s Further enelyste of desagn water level. tur ge & wave t unup should to tequired .-790413007p Amend 2 revoeing potes for PSAR Section S & furn6 thing add' bAvit L.E , 7 Aeeg. Dept of 69/05/23 Sp inf o te grouted tendons for prostressang of containment structure LOG AN. J E Jersey Central Power & Light Ce 68/06/26 3pp 1905070676 Cnement s on PBAR Vol 1.2 & 3 dte 6D0429 Aseventtons of dtepersten iteted in Tetle 2-2 for three post-etcadent peenede see eeeeenetly conserwetsve 7904230001 Not ic e of teceapt of application foe CP & OL BHAW. M Atomie foergy Coe*neston iPre 197S1 6B/05/27 IP DUBE.N L Ateetc Energy Cometesten (Pre 197S8 60/07/02 1p. 7905070271 Porwards Amend 1 to license apelstation reste' tag inttnel 7904230003 Forweede Amend 2 to license appitration consnettet of power le,p1 es 2,432 Mwt W/o enti tevised pages, eppend a c es & strate sheete Vf DE SCO. R L A e oe s t Enetgg Cemenetton (Pee 1975) 68 06/06 to TEDESCO. R L Ateenc Ensegg Comenssion (Pre 1675p 6B/07/02 lp 1


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D voo e C low A t ee t , toe.g, Co**, ..on ,,,e i973, ..,0H,oi n ,, ,,,g,,,,,,, ,,,,d,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                                                                                                      of ete.. ..                                                      on 4.r..e.
                                                                                                               **< n4* . .<ti il, 6 effe i of i a i ed                                               -e ie ai <as .e-790 27066,              .. war.. re. aw       ,u   .rg ,e o. . tent,ei ,, .                             6M AR . 'W        Anomat teetog C ome n t e s en (Pre 1975l                                              60/09/21          3pp eequeett edel info DffuUNG.R C              A t ee 6 4 thergy C ommi e s s en (Pro 1975)       cH/00s03             3p p 79041H0005 Forwards roguest for eddi info re ECCG tad 6elgt ti hydrogen 790e2/09HO Requeste addl topo re doesgn gesterse for Cleet i not han k t a l generetten.eeergentg d6esel. fuel handlang,iseletton velvet, De etc618ettene.peensure veteel 4 Tech 6pete sys b theteel eheft on reester toeponente                                                                  Mapp l 6. P A         A t oo n s Energy Canesetten iPre 19 7$ 1                                              60/lO/l9          9pp Dt YOUNG. N C            Ateelt Energy Co**ggegen fPts 1975s                6H/OO/OS             3p p 7904270631 Destuseos 6U6016 neeting w/tonsultante re foundettont.

1904/90111 forwafde te** ente te resnow of PLAP Suettbent thould to geolegg 6 sesemolegg submitted to espletent to foundation levels w/tegard to CAPWpe.A T A t om i c fnergg Cometseson (Pre 1975) 6H/10/23 2pp esatting gfede. finished grade 4 underlging soil etrate M WMA#e . N M NM howsert Centelllng E ng tneet a ng Gee v 6( e e 6H/DH/QH epp 190ts00041 Forwards AI C 6U1019 Itr requesting eddl spie ce FCCG. Conte 6pment c epen a li ty wes te dtsposal & #4D settere W/ o 74042/0497 forwette edel questsent to to sent to appl 6 tent te eng g sastrumentation.eentreLe & power D0Y D. # 6 Alpois C ner gg Coomattton (8re 19798 6H/10/di ip PM N FF. V A Ateenc I no r g, C ome s s e l en Deputy D6tector foe forknical Peelow iPte 1975I 60/09/93 2pp 7904BHO401 7orwards Amend 4 to appin(etton for CP & DL. Certtricate of Bvc enc t F994 DMO 28S Sumestg of 6HOH27 meetnog w/ Jersey Central Power & Caght. p g g gg p. 0 H derteg tent.el Power b Ctght to 60/10/34 kpp Generel Put!6c Util 6 gonsultents to sittust les hast el dete6ts PIDWEL C . R R A l pe l f (norgy Cometeston IPfe L979) 6H/09/01 Spp - 74041 RO404 Amend 4 to CP appl 6 cation t hang s rig conteel rod frave merhentem.eddtng **ergency plan.geologital it f e 4 (hangLeg

                                                                                                                    #"    # "**" "'"                       #                            **" ' 0 Y' 790418406S Porwaree A*end 3 to applacetion for CP & Ot 6u/09/06     3,,
                                                                                                                    " 8 "i "- S " "*"*** C
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t ocAa. J e ;er.e, Centrei Power 5 tight C. 7904111006G Amene 3 to (P espittelten supplement 6pg 6efe *e probable mes 7904d40029 9orwards A*end 4J t o 04 applisetten & three NRC ltre to butr84ene flood height Certifhtete of Gw( engi utal re44etting e4dl sofo te greposed teettof h/o enc t PRICE'M L A t ** 4 4 Inorgy Comenetton (Pre 1973> 601lI/03 1p L DGAN. J E aersey Centrol Power % L teht Ce 6H/09/01 Lp

                                                                                                             #YO* 2SOE 3' 06888"I8           0"            CU 4ppI4teti8p Indt8ete* E#p(8Pn F#f 7904/DOJH1 0 eewe+ d e litt of guestions laten free Newmar$ % Hell structuten tept                                                                                            tediolagLtel ef f et te en fish & wildlife 60/09/09              3pp       C A Y T DN C f       I'"o r g y. De p t of                                6H/nl/OS         2pp Of 10uwo H C             At oe t t toergy Cameiseson (Pte 1975D 7904J40600 forwards Amend 4 to 66 tense espl6 cation in support of CP.

7904400B04 Mesos forweeding Amend 3 to license appittatson.dtd t HOVW1 to addl info en probelle ses korracene ficed height W/s tone 84ttng of Vel 4 to P6AN 4 (ontegring entwers le eng l queettant tested in AEC 6HO419 itr W/o ent!

     $UYD. R 6 Atomat Energy feestat6en tPro 1974)                         6H/09/Il      esp                    P# lCL. H L         A t ee n c E' n ergy Cosetteson iPro 1974l                                             6H/ll/12          la 7905190760 fotweeds Amend 4 to 46 tense appl 6tetten tenteining enemert 790414014J Feewerde Amend 3 to fitente applitetten for Dyster Creel to AI C 600919 questiene 4 esvloed pages to PSAR w/o enti Unit 4 Inc lt des addl info to probelle ese huertrene                                                                                                                                                                                 Lp Buf D. R 6        A l oe i t t oet g v C osel e t i on (Pr. 19718                                        60>ll/12 flood besghts w/o ent!

WO Y D. R E Atoene inergy Comenss6en tPte 19FSs 60/09/18 lp 7905160498 9orwards Amend 4 to i ts enes espl6tation to Oyster Creet Unit YWOS160440 Forweeds Amend 1 to latense appligetton includen info re 2 includes AE.C questions subeatted 680986 re PBAR W/o enti probable ses autricane flood height 6 et Oggler Creek w/o BOV D. R S Ateele E ne r g y Comessesen-Deputy D6 tetter ser Reetter ProJette aH/II/12 Sp one i SOYD. P D Atoest Energy Commission (Pte 19156 6H/MJ/tl lp 790$460522 fotwaree Amend 4 to Outlet Crest Un64 2 % Amend 46 le Ogttee

 ,9090JG224 Supp lement s prey n ous ltre te proposed feeglity Forwerd*
 ,                                                                                                               Creet Unit i l at enes appl 6tattent Amend 46 gente6ne info re Amend 3 to appl 6 cation w/inte on ees hurrirene flood height                                               ses peobenle buerncene flood penghts W/o en(1
                                                                                                                  " '                   *                              I ******* "' " Y                       '' "" #*' **'**

P IC HL Atoont lose gg Ce**6esten irre 19151 68/09/12 la Ptsjette 6H/11/12 "* " 'I p 79041HOl6J Rogu e n t e edel an#o re appl 6tetson by utti for CP 6 DC in 7904440600 Buemeraret test p rogr ee c orieuc t ed on 661100-09 undee e'ese of containment design & struttural design evep sc et of sectog & C 6gh Ce b Svens b Roe. MOHRIS.P A Al oe 6 C inergy Cuomienton 8P'e 197S3 6H/09/19 17pp g n, ,g gg,,,, gg,,g C(,., e n t r yo l ,P owe rgg,,_g,,,, p,t ,g,,g ADNDIiE Q Ateelt l' .G r g y Coomme6 bon (Pfe 19791 60/ll/14 1pp 7904J 1060 F F eewee d e roguest for eddl info to @c 4 QA.centenneent desig,

      % other $ttuttural detegn Settert fo Unit 2                                                                                                                        & Wntdlife B er                                              of proposed MONN Ib P A           Ateens I fie t g g Comesseien 'Pte 19/54           60/D9/19              16pp     790,4100013
                                                                                                                   ,,,3,g        fotwerde,fseh p,,,,,,,      , ,,,, g ,,,g_,y,,,g c ,,,                                 a eee,,, n t el,,v eg,,les, eg s e t eVPwegt 40 antibde bey & otten ered 7T042 70231 f orwar d o A*end 2 to epplitektin f or litente Cons 44tlng of fevbeed peget fot settient of PbAR w/ App S4 - 5# % ettete theele fee PEAR                                                                                         19t)4 8 00010 Foeworde Amend 5 Le applatetten for reac tor CP 4 DL BOYD. R B          Aloels E nergy Creelecton (Pre 19153                60/09/20       lp Cet t s # st ate of 6vc enc t LOQAN.J E           Jersey Cents 41 Power % Lgght CO                                               6fi/11/26         2pp 7904200406 fatweede AEC 680919 itr roguestlng addl info re GA & QC .

tentainment d e s t en, & structural design w/o onel

                                                                                                              --7404 50033 Amends enswerang questsent in At t 7DD919 lte that were not ROYD. R 6           Ateetc Enetgg Cometteion tPre 197SB                >H/09/20       lp entwered by Amend 4 LOGAA J E           Jersag Central Power & Light Co                                                60/11/26          opp 7909140145 forwerde Amend 2 te lic ente app lic at s o3 for cyster Creet Unit 2 Inglpdet tow 1 God paget to PbAR.Arp SH Shrough 79f42SOile        Amend 3 adding 4uff6s A to tetend tel of questions in SM 4 errete sheet W/e ent !                                                                                 /

WQVD. R $ Atombt Enetgg Cosettelen-Deputg DArettef for heettet dafferentiate thee from fttet set W/o ent! L DGAM. J E Jersey Con 2*al Power & Light Ce 60/11/26 1p Presette 6A/D9/20 1p

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 3 ite .t. 6.ii26 tr.ase.tting Amen. S t. found n.e att. 79o425o.2o7 , , i, .,piu 790.Si6o. n D.u,h 2.A ,i. cent,A..e.,Re.esign.ted P A w.e sent ,.e.ctor..s P re. . en T i-, . booSi6

                .of, i 6.c09i
                           . t ,i o.n 6e,ioi.c n.e   Cen.t. ..gesree,,enses re,ise             or P AR to ~#C 4.estion.                                   .ovD. R . n C Atoott o.n t g. Com.ts.ien cPte i975             69/02/i.         i.

SOVD. R S Ateetc Eneegg Comesselen (Pre 19751 60/12/02 Ip 7904270163 Guemary of 690 Central Power & Light Ce 79o42.o02. P erw.,d s i, conte .epiic. tion w,respen,e. t e AE C in et e.d.. no re .,,i 214c.ntsee ts t design ng w/Jer s ey crite,l. for far. A.e.n 6 0d,3, i t 6 ioi. A.end inciu.e, ,e.t.ed ,c ,cogr.* sur.ein.nce ,rege.e

                 ..e.AR s t i..go on e.s u,..s                                                                                                                                                                                     1 P                     or to,,t.P t ed    C,ees 2    ,e enti                                                           Pootectt.n..A EL . R P      Ateetc Eno,gg C.eeassion <P,e >975 <             69/o2/24          S.,     ,

govD. R E Atoons Energy Comentaten (Pte l975) 60/12/03 1p i for CP & P EAR to reflect

             ,9aSi4eo6. Pe.w.r.s . mend                5 to i n       e.,          te o,ste, unit                       790,4:30314 c enge. inForwards site ioc.tAmen.den appl 6 cation .g metre,eiit.n
                                                                                                                                                                     ,.rtict, w re...ases to A,C            ..estions
                                                                . .e      6 iao3 inci.ees                                       Ed. son in                  Co tific.te ., .etten .c e 2, e.,c o e d         ,.goe                                                                                    plTTER.o ..ownerth.,

serse, Centre, Po.or . L i t Co 6,/o3,io 3,,

                 .ovr e       .D. R..P.        ARA.t ,,  ee n c E,ne r g , Come...Lon-De,ut, o rector ,or Re.cto,
                        ,ec .        6 /12/o 7904210523 Regveste rewtow                     esto for TMI-2 Since e                   Tat-2 s             to 1 i-i. i t e.,of.newe , t. c.f      .,,nc..ste for i n t, 79o5:5o77: - ...rd. Amen. S te in en,e                   .,p nc.t..n. cont.ining .newe,s                           o, ss.,tt vn i ., e ,e,t to AEC quest 6er.. . 'estted 680919 & 00:010 includes revised                                                 80VD.R S        Atomic Energy Come t e s t on iPro 8975>          69/03/to         13 paget                   w/o en i BOf D. R t.o PEAR   Aloeit Tn rgy Coasteeton qPre 197S1           68/12/03    lp 7904200091 A*end 6 to application for CP 6 OL                                                         * *
  • Metropenaten Edteon Ce 69/03/10 7tep 7903160456 Fsewarde seend S te i ncente applicat ten W/o enc t ODVD. R S A t oa . c Energy Comesselen-Deputg Directe* f o* Reetter 7904250700 Amend 7 correcting PSAR & edding Supp1 6 w/ info re plant Projecte 68/12/03 Lp primary e e 4 ,co,osed method for assuring that onespected groes deternoration has not occutted RI T TE R,0 M sereeg Central Power & Light Co NCIDIC.R E 790S220301 *Reactoe Oldg. Plan et Elevatten -

sp Metro,ettten Fdison Co 69/03/13 1p e Burns & Ree Co 68/12/03 7904250023 Butette comeents on PSAR to evppott of CP appl 3 cation re 7904240029 Amend 6 to facility incente application has e'gentsation.teepenst6ttattes,tretring esplacement teen filed Sg setoeg Centeel Power & Llght Co & Metropoltten p e r s onne l . eee r g enc g plan procedures 4 recorde Edtson Co New ente selected Utils wtl1 share financteg SE ARS. J R Atost c Energy C oas t o s ion ePre 1975) 60/12/1L 15p p 1EDESCO.R i Atoetc Ene*gg Co*mtesson iPre 1975) 69/03/14 1p 04240035 Amend 6 to factiety license esplacation by Jereg Centes! 7903220246 " Reactor Bide Foundation Plan-Dowels b Letedded Itees . ***" * '" '*" " * ** *** '** e turne & Roe Co 60/12/16 1p 'I Requests c omment s re '*eatonableness r cf const cost eetteates TEDESCO. R L Atomic Energy Co*alssion (Pfe 1975D 69/03/14 lp 7904230027 Inforet of plant nome chenge from Ugster Creek 2 to Metropolitan Edison TM1. Unit 2 Public announcement to be made in one weet 790516043o Forward e PSAR vols I-4.containing all previous info to MORRIS P A A t om i c Energy Comenoston LPro 1975) 60/12/19 13 Dyster Creet Stetton 6 new info re site-related chenges Requests testew & c omeent s W/o enc ! BOYD. R S At ee s c Energy Coesteeton iPro 1975 69/03/14 le 7904730^)4 7 Svesseg of 601210 eeeting w/sereeg Central Power 4 Ltent Co in Betheode,MD to discuse todtne receval capah61 tty of erowesed ogs 7905 20250

  • Power Distributton key Diagrea " ,

P DWE'LL . R R Ateetc Energ e Commi s s t en (Pt? 197S) 68/12/24 2pp

  • Burns & Roe Co 69/03/15 lp 790301057S Evaluates B&W rotter-nut control rod deswe mechantee design 7905220277 *Genere! Arrang eme n t , R eac t or & Control Bldg Area ~ Bection cratoria,efg.penstion nndication. comparison of drave '8-8" *C-C*. "D-D" sec hent see. f a t t ure analy s t s. & solemic desten
  • Burne & Roe Co 69/03/1S 1p POWELL. R R Atoonc Energy C ome t e e t on Detectcrate of Ltranstng (Pre-19?Si 69/01/15 Sep 7904LD0429 Forweeds Amend 7 t o app licat ion for CP 6 DL Certificate of Svc enc!
              '90S010$07 Sweestg of 6e0815 seeting w/sereeg Central Power & Light ce                                            RITTER.G H         serseg Centeel Power & Light Co             69/03/17        2pp f or t t.c oming action to relocate Oyster Crest 2 to Tai TF DE SCO. R L         Aloesc Energy Cemeteston, Directorate of L ic ensing                                 --7904L9r432 Amend 7 c orrec t tng PSAR suppl info re svevettlance of 19te-19751            69/01/17       ip                                                                           prieerg ogs & proposed method to assure no geets deterneretton of prestressing sys occurred RITTER, G H       sersey Centest Powet & Ltqht Ce             69/03/11         3p p
              ?90*010S00 Discusses esclusion red nus dose talculet tone for factitty Fands shift of site to TM! wtl1 not alter conclusten dtd 601129 that proposed containment opre, sus to tnadequate                                                    7904210501 Forwards announcement of application seend to change
                  >*DWE,P W          Atoete Energg Cometeeton. Detec torate of Liceneteg                                         locetton 6 ownecento of TMl-2 Da c ec tor of Regun.tton hoe                                      ,      ,

tPre-1975D 69/01/27 1p approved announc ement HARRIS.J A *tomac Energy Coesiesson cPee 1975: 69/03/21 app 7904270216 Boematg of 690115 meeting w/sertog Central Powee b Light Co in Bethesda.MD re proposed actton on Aeond 6 fot retoretang 790S220292 " Reactor Bldg. Foundation Plan botice.Lanet Sup por t nga " Ovetor Creet Un s t 2 to TM1 eate e Burne & Roe Ce 69/03/25 Ip BOY D. R S AtostJ foergy Comenesson Daroc torate of Lsceneteg (Pre-197SD 69/01/2H bop 7904230004 Responds to 690314 request for revtow of applic ant

  • s cons t '

cost estimate Consteet, conet cost andet everage for nation . 7904260073 Coomente en PSAR Aeonds 4 & S Ftede no spectets outline of CHITTENDEN.S D At omic E ner g, Cometteson (Pre 19754 69/03/26 1p pre- 6 pos t-op et et t onal biological surveg methodologg Recommende spectee to to inc1.ded an samples & surveys PAUTimE.C J Interter, Dept of 69/02/10 1p 7904270333 Svemary of 690314 eeeting w/sersey Centest Powet & Laget ce in Bethesda.MD re proposed reactor bidg sur ve n t lanc e progree

                                                                                                                                 & possible design bests actedent 7905220172 "Nucteor Insteweentetson & Protectton Sgs " Swteeseebig *A"                                             P OWELL, R R       Atoenc Energg C omes s e s on iPro 1975>          69/03/26         3pp e Batley Controls Ce coute of Baecoca b Watcom Co 6                      69/02/17 Ip 7905220290 " Reactor 91dg, Foundation-Embedded itsee.Gections & Detaats *
  • Burns & Roe Co 69/03/26 to 7904240026 Notifies review of Ogeter Creet 2 PGAR may te disc ont anved due to todetegnetton et TMI-2 90YD.R $ Atostc Energy Cosenselon (Pee 19758 69/02/10 to 7904190019
  • Rep t on Grovted Tendon Program. Phase Ill.for Unit 2' e Jersey Centeel Power & Light Ca 69/03/29 74pp 1904240070 Nottfacation or proposed eits change for Ogster Creet.PA to Dauphin County.PA poector tedesignated se TMI+2 Lic ense 790$090097 Potwards comments on BARS requested by AEC 690822>693207 6 esplacetion seend & PSAH der new ette will to forwerded 690314 Itrs BOVD. R 8 Ateest Energy Coesiaston (Pre 1975) 69/02/lB 1p S**AW. M Atomic Energy Comen ta t on EPts 19798 69/04/04 ap 7904240002 Nottfles of proposed ette change for Oyster Creek 2 as --7903090101 Coneent s on SAR site f eatutes & me teorologic al documentatten D4Vphtne County.PA Hgdro!Ogital featuree of TMI-2 were & conc lue t ons der TMia2 efe identical to those for Unit I formeely evalueted for TMI-1 Originel 67069 c omments are now appiscaele to TM1-2 90VD R 9 atoest Energq Comesse6en sPre 1975l 69/02/19 1p. E**AW. M Atomic Energe C omen ssion (Pre 1975) 69/03/26 1p w...._,-. . .. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 5 7905210398 *Instromenteteen 6 Centrol Scheestat Level Centre 1.Hestet 790S220147 " Instrumentation 4 Control Sc h ema t ic Block valves.flectr6c Dregne a Meter Operated *

 * #wene 6 Ree Ce                                                  69/03/19         to
  • Swene 4 Ree Co 69/05/19 1p 7905210359 * !as trueentes s en 4 Cont r ol Sc hemet.c Ps ees. Measurement #er 79052 Jot 49 " Instrumentation 4 Conteel Sc h ema t ic Pressure 1ndicallen bete-Loggee/Computec
  • 6 De t e-Log g er /C eep u t er
  • e Svens 4 Ree Ce 69/03/19 la e Burns & Roc Co 69/05/19 1p 790S210366 "Instrueentatsen 4 Centeel Schematic feeperstwro. input to 7905220130 6 Control Scheestic Bloc k velves. Electric n,g,, g,,,",l a g,4s t r u.een t a t i on Date Legger/Ceepvter "

1p e Burne & Roe Ce 69/0S/19 Lp e Svens & Roe Ce 69/0$/19 790S210'J7 8 *In,trumentatten 4 Control Sc hematic Flow Centrel' 79052201 S3 " I ns t r ume n t a t i on 4 Control Sche

  • etic Pre ***re laput to Da t e-L og g e r /C ompu t e r "

Pneu*etta " e Owens 6 poe Co e Scene 6 Roe Ce 1p 69/05/19 Ip 69/0S/19 790S220157 "Insteveentetton 4 C enteel Scheest le Temp indteetten 6 7905210316 *lastrumentessen & Cont ral Sc hema tic Level Centr ol.Hester Date-Logger / Computer " D' $w e # 8 s"e'n & Roe " Ce 69/OS/19 1p e $wres 6 Roe Ce 69/OS/19 13 7905220161 " Ins trueentat ion 4 Control Sc hematic feep Input to 7903210100 " Instrumentation & Cen t e e l Sc h ees t ic LoveL.Svep. Measure *ent 6 61ste

  • Date-Legger/Computee e Svens 6 Roe Ce 69/03/19 ap e Burne 6 Roe Co 69/0S/19 1p 790S22017S "lattrumentetsen & Conttel Sche *ette Redsetten Monttetteg 79052LO302 "Instrumentetson 4 control Sche +4tsc piect Ve l v e t. D 6 ep h r e ge Operated
  • 6 vsd.DFf Ltue e Burne 6 Roe Ce 69/0$/19 1p e Svens & Roe Co 69/0S/19 le 7903210J04 "Instrueentation 6 Control Sc heae t a c Fl ow. Mea s uremen t To 7905220179 "Instrumentetsen & Control Schoes Flow Recorder 4/or Coopwter "

Ind ic e t t en "

  • Svens 6 Roe Ce 69/05/19 1p e turne & Roe Co 69/05/19 13 7903210386 "inettueentetson & Conteel Sc h e*e t i c L eve L. led 6c ation 6 7905220233 "Instrueentation & Control Schomet6c Condeneste Booster &

Date-Logger Comewter georgency r,eewater Pumpt Pectrculetson Control " e sven, 6 Roe Co 69/05/19 17 e evene & Roe Co 69/05/19 to 7905210390 *Instrumentetson & Control Schemette Block Velves.Diephreg* 7905220237 "instrumentetson & Conttel Scheestic condensate Booster 6 Operated " toergency Feedwater Pumpe Recseculation Control *

  • Burne 4 Roe Co 69/05/19 le e garn, g po, Co 69/05/19 to 190S250393 *instrumentatten 6 Centrol Scheestic Pressure-ladteetten 4 7905220242
  • Instrumentation & Contret Schemette Bloch Ve l ve s. E lec t r ic Date-Legger/Coesuler
  • Motee operated "
  • Sutne 6 Roe Ce 69/01/19 18 e Burne & Roe Ce 69/0S/19 Ip 7905280743 "Instrueentation & Control Schemette Pressure. Indication 6 7905220402 afnettveentetton & Control Sc h pas t i c Preetwee Mann Blese 6 Da te-L o6 g e t /C omp u t e t " Condenter Turbane Bypees C3ntrole "

e 8vene & Roe Ca 69/05/19 1p e gutne & Roe re 69/OS/19 Ip 7905210407 *Instrumentotton 6 Control Schematic Block Velve s. Elec tr ic Meter Operated " 790S220433 *Instrueentatten & Controt Schemette Svesels " e Byens & Ree to 69/01/19 1p e Butes & Ree Co 6V/0S/19 Ip 7 903220002 " I n s t r ume n t a t i on 6 Contret S c hema t i c femp.2-Pen Recorde* 7904230026 Forwardo Amend 9 to applic etion te orgen s set tonal c henges placEng responetaality for design. c onst. operet ten & me ant on e Svene 6 Roe Co 69/05/19 10 utste eheetog equenIg in financ e & ownetehsp W/o enct 80VD. R S Atoste Etiergy Coe*isesen-Deputy Dstec tor for Reac tor 790S220000 *Instrumennetton & Centrol Schemetsc feep. Input to Date-Logget/ Computer "

  • Evens & Ree to 69/05/19 IP 7904230568 Respond, to telcon reevent free Div e8 Reacter Ltcensing 8er emptsfacetson of public need fet powee generetten free TMl 790522D010 " Ins trumentation & Centrol Sc hemet 6 c Temp. Input to in 1973 Date-Legger/ Computer " MI LL E R. G Metropeltten id 6 een C4 RITTER. G H Jersey Centre!

Powee & Lnght Co 69/05/22 3e p e Byens & Roe to 69/05/19 to 19052200L2 anniteveentetsen 6 Contral Ec keestic Preetwee. Ind a c et ton 6 9 SO413 Feewarde evelwetton of plant GA subesttet GA progree Le in Date-Logger /Computee

  • genstel ac c ord w/NRC guidelinet e Burne 6 Roe Ce 69/05/19 1p DROMER ICL A W Aloele Energy Coastesson iPre 1973) 69/05/23 4pp 790Sa200L3 *Insteveestatten & Control Scheestic feeperature Inout to '

Date-Leggee/Coopwter fff fff C 9 S2 1 e Svene 6 Roe to 69/05/19 Ap 79052202S8 "4160V Gwitchgear one Ltne Diagree " 790522001e 'Instrumentatten & Conteel Schematic feep.Indacetion , e Burne Roe e /05/23 la e Svent & Hoe Co 69/OS/19 lp 790S220263 "6900V Line Diagree F9052200lS alastrueentation & Control Schomette Teeperature Indncetten e Bueng ne o /05/23 1p

 & Date-Legget/Ceeputer *
  • Borne 6 Roe Co 69/0S/19 le 7905220266
  • Genet et nr. 500mv 6 230mv Sy s. One L i ne Ds eg ree
  • e svens 6 Roe Co 69/03/23 17 79052200;6 =1nstrumentation & Conteel Sc hemet t e f ece i nd s t e t t en. Al ere.

Date L es

  • e Burns & Roe Co 69/OS/t9 la 7904JeO282 Feeweede setety oneLyote to instrumentation.contrel &

emergensg power.for inc1veton an fept betag propetod for consideretten by ACAS et Jul meeting 790S220010 "Insteunentation 6 Centrol Schemat ic Pressure Meta T ut t i ne . MODRE. V A Almeis Entreg C eme t s s t en (Pro 1979) 69/09/20 t opp. F& cst Stage *

  • Svens & Roe Ce 69/0S/19 Ip 7904250096 Suomeeg of 690313 eesting in Betheses.MD w/ Jersey Central Power & Light Co 6 Metropellten Edison Ce to centeel red 790S220059 "Instrumentatten & Contest Scheestic Temp.Indicetten " et6ve 6 emergencg powee sue e Burns & Roe Ce 69/0S/19 3p PDWELL,R R Ato*6c Energy Commistien iPro 197S) 49/05/29 4pp

6 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 790 2 ,0669 rorw.ed, re,veste. rept on esi.eicity of site & evaivation 79050 02i. D .c.e..e 69050 re,veet .y M.tropeiiian Ed .on Ce & Jerseg of PBAR Conc urs w/ applicant 's f andings Velves prov4de Centeel Power & Le ght Ce f or esemption free Coasteston rules adequate tesse f or designing earthtvete proteciton to perett const of tenden access tellery A* commends JPE B. O A Commerce. Dept of 69/06/02 3pp esenetton se granted RupR18,P A Atomac Energy Comenssion (Pre 1975 69/06/19 2pp 79041903SJ Perweeds Amend 9 to esplicetten for CP & DL CertAficate of 7904190036 Forwards 690617 Itr free Fish & Wildl19e Syc ee impacts of Svc enct profeted fac61 sty Radiologisel safety espects will be R f 77ER.G H Jersey Centre! Power & Light Ce 69/06/04 28p a nc luded in eefetg evaluation for public hearing MOHR IS. P A Atomac Energy Cometssion (Pre 197Sa 69/06/24 3pp

  --790418038$ Amend 10 to CP spanication adding sofo re reactor coolent guae figwhee t. preoperet tonel envleen surveys. fire protectlen                    --7904190047 Forwerde consente ce proposed CP Concerned w/serety of fish in Class I t!dge & core internels earthquate detign centerne                               & waldlife Requests meaevtes to monster effects of project &

RITTER. 0 H Jersey Centeel Power & Light Ce 69/06/04 2pp ettagetton of adverse effecte e gnterier. Dept of. Fish & W41618fe Gervace 69/06/17 4pe 7905160589 Detrusses 690604 telcon w/C Jacobson re reserve capacattes 7904210 Sol Regvesto eseeption prom provistens of 10CFRSO 1046i te of public power need for 1973 Utile were granted esemptione peregt pourtng of concrete for tendon access ge11 erg for Free NRC rulee le beg an c onst tefore receiving pereste TP1-2 prier to essvence of CP. ROVD. R E Ateele Energy Cometeston-Deputy Director for Reactor PRICE.H L. Ateekt Energy Cemetssion (Pre 1975 69/06/24 2pp Projects 69/06/04 1p 7905160S21 Summary of 690617 eesting w/Jerseg Central Power & Lnght Co 7905240409 *Insteveentotton & Centrol Schematit piect Valves. Electric ' 8'"' "" ***" meter Operated

  • P'wELL.R D R A t oe g e En'e r'g y' 8 'c o'm# ' (Pre 19753 eteston 69/06/25 3pp e Svens & Ree Ce 69/06/04 13 790S220222 '4BOV Motor Control Ctr Austiteeg One Line Diagree
  • e svene & Roe Co 69/06/2S lp 7903220140
  • Instrumentation & Contee n Schematic: 01ec t Velves. Electric Meter Oserated "

e Evens & Ree Ce 69/06/04 13

  • 7909220241 "480V Motor contral Cte. Avs nitary One Laie Diagree e evens & Ree Co 69/06/25 le 7905000145 Forwards Amend 10 filed by Jerseg Central Power & Light &

Metropoliten Ed geon c ono 6 e t ing of revteed pages f or PGAR & centstelag addl tech date an support of CP application 790S220252 *400V Motor Control Ctr Aust11 erg One Line Diagrams " e Burne & Roe Co 69/06/25 1p 50VD.R S Atests Energy Coasteston-Deputy Darector der Reacter Projecte 69/06/05 1p 79052202S4 "490V Motor Control Ctr Ausallarg One Lins Diagree " 7905000150 10 filed lP & Light & e Svens & Roe Co 69/06/2S to Me t re,o n Forwa.rdo t.n E ison A*endcoast. tans e,av Jerse,pages

                                                   ,evised    Centra,er ,ower SAR l'";";"' " ' , !'e '",'" :'sn';e*:' ' " ;*".e              ,or Reactor      7905070's* actification of . entin. e ee.t'ea fr e fr visions f Act re.viaisono to eitow insisiistion of tena.n ecess .aiiero Pro,ects       69,06/05       i, prior to      ...ance e, CP PRICE,H L        Atoont Energy Comesseson (Pre 1973)               69/06/27       ap 790$000162 Forwerde Amend 50 faled by Jersey Central Power & Lsgat &

Metropol e ten Edison c one 6 st ang of revised pages for PEAR 790S220007 '400 Volt Unit SubstationtaOne Lare Diagree ' contaansag addl sate in support of CP applacetten e Svens & Roe Co 69/06/27 sp 50YD. R S Atoont Energy Coomss e kon-Deputy Director for Reactor Pro}ects 69106/05 1p 790S220260 *490V Unit Subetettons.One Lane Onegree "

  • Dvens & Roe Co 69/06/27 1p 7905160476 Disc uo tes 690603 telcon re mas prosebto flood dtecharge calculat Bene Further reytow $6 Deceelseg DJfere these calc ulatione bec eos of fic al Natsftee of 690604 eeeting 7906070303 "480 Volt un6t Sotstettons.One Line Diagree
  • w/Me trope 16 tan Ed e sen e Burne & Ree Co 69/06/27 1p.

P DWE LL. R P Atoens Energy Comesselon (Pro 1973) 69/06/OS 2pp 7906070387 *400 Voit Unit Butstations.One Lane Diagrees

  • 7905220145 ' instrumentation & Control Scaenette Yeep. Indication " e Byens & Roe Co 69/06/29 to e Durne & Roe Ce 69/06/OS 1p 7906000167 *Floo Daegree Reactor Bldg. Ventilation & Purge
  • 7905220006 "feetrumentat t en & Control Sc hemat s e # 5 Air Recteculatoe e 8vene & Roe Co 69/06/29 1p Coeling Celle "
  • Dvene & Roe Ce 69/06/06 Ap 7904250496 Buppi to 690610 3tr Evaluation of application andacetes no adverte effects upon ang Natl Regbeter propertnes 790SOBOO2S Supp l to prevleus correspondence ce const of TMI-2 Forwards WHi fL DC K,1 Adyngory Council on Historic Preservation. 69/06/30 Aeond to to latente applic al ton. c ons g e t ing of revssed pages 2pp to PEAR PRICE.H L Ateetc Energy Cometeston (Pre 1973) 69/06/09 1p 7904230499 Forwards hydrolog6c & geologic revsew Major hydrologic concern is potential flood hasard & site should be accepted

[ 7905210301 ' Int tveen ta t ion & Con t r o l Sc hema t 6 c Leve l Con t r o l only sf teopererg flood protection een be prevnded C 6ct.1 sting water Coeling tower -

  • Interior, Dept of. vs coological svevey 69/06/30 app e Burne & Roe Ce 69 / D6 / D9 1p 7e05160514 Metropolaten fdnoon & Jersey Cen tre! Power & Light were 7 95220018 'Instrumentatten & Centtel 6 thematic R S Aar Recservletor granted esenttanne free previsions of IOCFRSO & SO 10(63 to Coeling Cegle a evthertse installation of tendon access gallerg
  • Evens & Roe Co. 69/06/09 1, BOYD.R S Atoons Energy Cometssion EPro 197Si 69/07/02 le l PM 4230102 Evenery of 690611 meeting w/ Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co 7904190012 F 6 he t valve f or mas flood peetection seg inc reces Pr oposed

! 6 Me tropellten Ed s son Ce re review method of calculation design deatures will be autettled for review l & reewit toe PMr MILLER,J O Metropoliten Edison Co 69/07/03 1r ! POWELL.R R Aloeit Energy Commies ton (Pre 197S1 69/06/16 app l 7904210697 Certificate of Eyc of application for reacter CP & OL en 690787 79042504e9 p orwar de cwomente r e proposed RafffR 0 H seeeeg Central Power & Ltght Ce 69/07/17 2pp C,P.

                                                          ,,6 Concerned     w/tedtologitel l    is,erte en fi.h & .tidise. & den,er .f                     meing attracted 6, water antate
  • Interior. Dept of 69/06/17 4pp 790S130600 Forwerte pub lic encouncement of receipt of rept free ACRS re proposed second west at TMI .

HARR IS. J A Atests Energy Comea ssion (Pre 19754 69/07/10 2pp 790S160492 Forward s f &nal rest ce adequacy of structural centeria f or TMI-2 New sectaen en fleed protestaen het been added htWMARK.N M NM howear t Consulting Eng kneering Eervas ee 7904250116 Forwerde 690717 ACPS rept 69/06/10 fp PRICE.H L. Atomic Eners, Coselosion EPre 197St 69/07/21 1p. , l

 -~790S160913 " Rep t to AEC Regulateeg Steff Adequece of Structural                       --7904250123 Discussee 690710-12 ACRB revs ew of to Metropoliten Edsson &                            1 Cest**ie fee YMs-2
  • Jersey Ce
       ~E MAR A. M , HALT.      J. .AiPER.w a            M ~eweert                   HA~AuER. -nteelACR  Power   & L6ght#e
                                                                                                                         - Advisory           proposalenteReacter Comenttee        constevcese T,MI-2 es. erd.

l, Enganeering Seev4ces. 69/06/10 lipp 69/07/17. 3pp. 1

I PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7 tenden e ~oheering t ic e o f Hee, t ng 790.90,o.07.Cee.ents on Aepi.cetton ,or P.ovlsten.i lmR AteetcenEne g,Co.mtssten

                                       .. eve t ilenc e p rog iPte  iv7Sre,. 9/07,22      2,p  7,0507 Con t3,34    rero. . ,d wbnc to se heid 69 306 BOYD. R S Atomic Energy Commassion-Deputy Director for Reactor Projecte 69/08/24 1p 790421053S Forwards ennevntement of ACR$ tep t on TMI-2 HARRIS.J A Atomes Energy Conateston (Pee 197S) 69/07/23 2pp 790$210637 Farwarde 690027 teetteong te f&nancial quatefications of uts!

 **7904210544 ACRS rep t an TMI-2 to tecetten,mes flood discharge.R&D                      C HAR MOFF. G     Sh aw. P s t tmen. Potts. & froenesege             69/09/03    2pp of allatine todave thiesulfets sprev edditive.pvege sge to t ape w/hgeregen buildup & new f eatvees HANAUER.B H                                                                      . 7904210644 Statement re f6nenctel qualificattent e4 vtil ACRS - Ad visory Comet tlee on Rees ter Saf ogwards 69/07/17      3pp                                                                      BURCHELL. J S         Jersey Centeet power & Light C6              69/08/27     Sep 7904210642 Summerg descripteen of appatcetion for CP & DL 79010000S4 Instrueentatten & protection egs shown in Figure 7-28 of                       e Metropotstan Edsoon Co                  69/09/03      72pp ateense Amend 10.dtd 690604.As in error Applecant & B&W have teen snfe*med Design seg se thenged Betee PDWELL.R R       Atoene thergy Cometee ton IPre 1973)             69/07/24       sp 7904250209 Forwarde 690822 nettce of hearing on applicatten for provstional CP.W/o enen PR ICE. M L      Atoetc Eneteg Commission (Pro 1975)                 69/D9/03     1p 7904190014 Foremeds 690717 ACRS lte te review of CP applacetion MURR 15, P A     Ateetc Energy Cometesten (Pre 197SI              69/07/25      13 9          4 p               P p                    for    i nte n ord r to detetesne amount of radioactave dascharge
 ~~ 790418004 7 Rep t of ACRS review of proposed CP llees to te resolved                   MAR #19.w M       Monroe County Conservetten Countil                 69/09/04     to include inettementation design. purge sve.inseevice monitoring of yeimacy ege 6 cooling eye 79042H004 7 Forward a notic e of hearing en applicat6en #pe CP W/o enc!

HANALKR. B H ACRS = Ad visorg Commi t tee on Resttet Befeguards TE DEsco. R L Atoote Energy comessenen (Pee 197S t . 69/07/17 3pp 69/09/00 2pp 690610 & 30 7903090132 Foreetes Metropolttan f:eseen Itc coneenting on matter 4 1 7904190040 to .c ,Fotoarde consent e of Adviso.ry.noCouncil on ds, cussed an Fish & Walelife 690617 t*pt H resee..t .n in etc.rd.nce wsth ,r.v.s of ,ovo. P , Atee c Ene,,, Co seton-De,ang D6recter for Reector ) Mat t enal Ma ster t e Presetvet ton Ac t p,, jec t e &9/09/10 1p 1 MunR I S. P A Atoeta Energy Comesseson (Pre 19738 69/07/25 2pp 4 { 7904J10632 Announces potlication & release of safety evalvetton for

 --7904890045 Act teceipt of 690609 Itr to apJ11catton of Jersey Central                   plant Plant meets safety requiremente & recommende t o evenc e Power & tsght Co & Metropoltsen Edison Ce to operate PWR                            of CP Comments es!! te e v ensehed upon evaluetten
  • Atools Energy C ome t e s t on (Pro 1979e 69/09/11 2pp WH I TLDCM.1 Advlsory Couns El on Hasteric Preservatton 69/06/1e ip 7906070140
  • General Aree gesent Aust11 erg & Fuel Hendtlng B1dg F'coe P lan, E levo t t on 2SP ' . 6 Inc hes & 290 Ft &6 inches *
 --7904180054 C e**e n t s en appletation 99 Jetoeg Centeel Power & Laght Co &
  • 8vens & "os e, 69/09/12 la Metropol6 ten Ed n een Ce to operate & c onstruc t PWR Concivdes na Natl Regleter propertg will adverse 1g affected WHITLOCo,I Advisorg Counc61 on Hinteetc Preservatten 69/06/30 7905070S32 Forward s tef e ty evaluation relatteg to proposed c ons t w/

g, comments bg Att Nesoveces Laboratoeg et App C BOYD.R S Atomic Energy Cometsston-Deputy Directot for Reactor Projects 69/09/16 Ip

 ?904210371 Pre- & post-operettonal radiological sveveys of visanste are
'*:s;:**es';;":'&'",1"."c'"'"' 790'oaoi22 r to 4- fi. i ii a .f arot -/ - i-MILLER.J G 3pp "

Metropolt tan E d n oon Co 69/07/23 h# *h'* Pro,sec t e

                                                                                                         '4 ,' f' *            "f'V    es en-Deputy Director for Reactor 69/09/16         1p 7904210 P49 F ee we r d e ACRS r e s t t o AEC on proposed second nuc lear
                                                                                                                *' '**' '                 *"  '**8'   '* '*^* '

e Ato Ene gg Cemet son (Pre 19751 69/07/2S 1p 79lfft2, co 8 * { 00VD. R 6 Atoste Energy Cosateston-Deputy Director for Reactor 7904250110 Ovandeg of 690709 meetsng w/Jerseg Centeel Power t Lsght Ce rejeckt 69/09/16 1p

    & Mettepolitan E d tsen Ce to provsde NRC w/analgt as al result o of Westen margtne for grooted tendens Attendence last eaci P DwCLL. R     Ateesc Energy Comen ess on (Pre 1975#            64/07<24     ( Se p 790510014S Forwar d e es f e t y eweluetten propeced Og Dty of Neactor                        '

l ensta to one TMI-2 c enet in Dauphin County.PA gneluding coements tg Fash & Wildlife Erc W/4 enc t 79C,5000299 For=*rde ACRS 690717 lte to AEC Cnetrean te ACNS tev&ow of 80YD. R E A t oo t c Energy Ceemsesion (Pre 197S8 69/09/16 1p itsense applacetton feled by Jersey Central Power & Ligh t & Metropelsten Edison W/s east ScyD, R 9 Atoong Ensegg Conesseson (Pre IW7S) 69/07/29 19 905/20224 "Vatal Powee Supple Sgs Regulated Voltage sgo *

  • Burns & Roe C e o9/09/16 Ip 790$8 D0100 Fetwerde ACRS 690717 lte to AEC Ches eeen te ACRS r est ow of license appite etten filed tg Jereeg Central Power & Lnght & List
  • 790,522,02,29 *E,lectrual , S,yes
                                                                                                                           , ,e,l Mottotellten Edtoon W/o enct 90VD,R 8       Atoenc Energy Cometenten (Pre 1979)              69/07/28     1p 7905220245 *Pha e t ag D 6ag r ee *
  • Suens & Roe Co 69/09/16 1, 7905220J90 "400v Vn t t Bup s t at t ene, Reac ter S id e Ale C oe l t r$ 9 Fan AH-E*!!C
  • e Svens & Roe Ce 69/08/12 to 7904210612 Suppl to summary desceiption of esplicatten for CP & DL e Jertog C enteel Power & Light Co 69/10/01 21pp 7905420394 "480V Unit sv6stettone 2-IRE,Reac'er Badg Air Cooling Fans AH-t-ilAND = 7906080199 " Flow Dlegree Redweste Oleposal. Misc ellenesus Le sund e *
  • Buens & Roe Co 69/08/12 lp e puens & Roe Co 69/10/08 lp 7904230584 Forwarde announs eeens of 693006 e 241tc hearing en prosesed 7906070024 *0eneral Arrangement Turbins Bldg East Bade Floor Plan.

TMI-2 E l e vat t en Ust F4 &6 Inchee

  • HARR IL J A Ateelt Energy Canelsesen (Pre 1975) 69/09/22 23, e Burne & Roe Co 69/10/28 to F9D4270302 Feewards FN notice se heatsag en app!stetten fee CP 7906070029
  • General Arrangeoent Tureine Oldg. west 6tde Floor Plan, MCCDOL. W 9 Offsco of the Esc r eteeg of the Cemelssten 69/06/22 Elevotton 281 F4 66 inches
  • 1p e Svens & pee Co 69/t0/28 to l

7904270305 FR pettce of 691006 heettet on applicatten for CP 790607003S *Genetel Arcangement Tvettne 31dg. East side Floor Plan, MCCDOLeW 8 D/ftce

                       /     of the Secreteeg of the C e me t s e ien        69/08/22     E l e ve t t on 305 F t
  • 12pp e Burne & Ree Ce 69/10/29 sp 7904250S16 Announcement of 691006 petitc neering a n Midd le town, PA to 790607D039 " General Arrangement turbine $1dg.keet Side Fleet Plan.

discute oppl6cellen fee CP Elevation 30$ F4 *

  • Atomic Energg Ceestetten (Pre 19758 69/08/26 Pop e Burns & Pos Ce 69/10/28 Ip l

8 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7,0 0700$2 0ener.i Arrangement Yve. ine . a g. Eso t .t de o,e,e t ing F i o.e 79052,0359 .inete.a.nt.tton & C e n t r e i .c h .e. t . c . .ch iew en 3 6 i Pi.e.f,no e c. .tR.e

                   . C.3 r.t 96,io, h.e      i, -                                         0, e e.r .. t ens e d & Ree Ce      69,i2/i>         i, 7,06070059                                                              ...e 0,er. ling Fio.r  7,03,iO262 -instr.nent. tion & Cente.i .ch.e.tte .iock Oe n. 23 r s i ,.,c 4&6 r an, In e.e n t ,.r.tne .ide Wo.t Pie.n.fie..
    *     .ene & tion Ree Ce        69,io,2.c h e i, s-                                           0., e.rvene s t ed -& Re.Co      69n 2,i7         i, 790S2 036. .,nete.eentet.on & Contrei . chem.tte Dif,erenttei e     .ene &   -Oeners ReeCe Ar    em,e.n 69,iO    2    t 7.r.ane i,
                                                            .ide . .estten . . .

ind.ic.t e vene t en -

                                                                                                                  .ReeCo       69,ia , rr       ip 1906)P00e9 " General Arrangement fort 6ne Bldt " Sectsons A-A & C-C e Svene & Roe Ce               69/10/29         Ip                                          7905210374 *Instrumentatten b Centrol schenetic Leve! ledscotion.

Contro! 4 Alere Sves "

  • Svens 6 Roe Co 69/12/17 lp 1906070094 *0*neren Areen seent Turbine ends " sectient 0-D b E E e Svene 6 Roe Co 69/60/28 to 7905210378 " Instrumentation & Centrol Schema tic Level fent.indscation 6 Alere
  • 7904270666 Forward s ova l se announc ement et CP s e svanc e to Metropointen
  • Burne & Roe Co 69/12'17 Ip Edison 6 Jerseg Centtel Power 6 L ight HAN# 18. J A Df fic e of Pollic Affeart 69/B0/31 2pp 790$210392 "Instrumentatten & Centro! Scheestic Slect volves.Diapneage Operated "

7904260543 Forwarde CPPR-66 & notace et s o ewenc e e Svene & Roe Co 69/12/L7 to MORR 19. P A Atoegt Energy Cometeston (Pre 19751 69/11/04 ty 7905220003 "Instrumentatten 4 Contre! Schenetic Love t Yant,1ndtcetten 6

 *-7904280546 Prevlesenal CPPR-66 authoriseng Jersey Central Power 6 Lsght                        Alere "

Ce & Metropellten Edison Ce to constevet fMI-2 in Devehen e Burne & Roe Co 69/12/l7 to C oun t g. P A MORRIG.P A Ateelt Energy Comenesson (Pre 1979). 69/ll/04 2pp 7405220155 "inettveentesson & Control Schematic Block valves.Pteten Operated

  • 7904210948 Notsce of toevence of previsional CP e Svens 6 Roe Co 69/12/17 17 MORR I S. P A Ateetc Inergy Coastosson (Pre 197S6 69/11/04 Sp 7905220l$9 " Instrumentation & Contral Schema tic Blott valvee.Ptston 7904250070 Forwarde copg of previttenal CPPR-66 & FN notic e W/s enc t Operated BOYD. R S Ateetc Energy Cometteten IPro 1975) 69/15/04 lp e 8vens & Poe Co 69/12/17 1p 7404J700J7 Inferes of f &nding s re provleienal CP Applic ant e have 7905220170 "Instrumentatten & Centrol Sc hemat ic Rad <at ion Monitor tog 6est e tted proposed design avether technical er desten info Oso E f f! vent Centro 1
  • mag to regvared to complete oefety enelysis e Svens & Roe Ce 69/12/17 Ip MUNRIS.P A Atests Energy Ceeenseton (Pro 1975) 69/11/04 2pp 7905220177 " I n s t r umen t a t i on 1905000194 p erwardo CPPR-66 & relat ed FR not a t e Wie enc t velves. Selector Ew i t t h * & Contro5 Sc hemat ic p low Contre t. 7wo BOYD. R 8 Atoest Energy Cometeston-Deputy Director for koactor e Svens & Poe Co 69/12/17 1p Projects 69/11/04 to 790522019J "Instrueestation & Control $chematsc Differentaal Presevre 790S090127 p erwards FR netsee of in evanc e of previgtonal CP W/o enc 1 Indicetton "

SovD, R 9 Ateens Energy Commission iPre 1975: 69/11/04 3, e 8vene & Roe Co 69/12/17 Ip 7e04240986 porwarde PR notice of ineconce of provtsionel CP 790$220209 " Instrumentation & Control Schemettc Level f eat. Indic ation & MC C OOL . W D A t ee l t Energy Cometseson iPre 19PS) 69/11/0S Lp Alere "

  • Burne & Roe Ce 69/12/17 to 1904270592 CP inoved to Jereeg C entral Power 6 Light Ce 6 Metropensten Edsson Ce to cenet TMI-2 7903220211 "Insteveentetson & Control Schenst ic L eve t fent.indicatson &

e Office of Pv$lst Affetet 69/II/0$ lp AIdre

  • e Svene & Roe Ca 69/12/17 1p 790eOH0175 " Flow Daegree Heating & Ventilation.Aussiteeg 914g
  • e Svens & RoeCe 69/11/06 7905220253 "Instrumentet&on & Control Schematic Blech Velves.Diephtege 19 Op e r a t e d "

e Svane & Ree Ce 69/12/17 Ip 7906090094 " Flow Diagree Hesttog & Vent & le t ten, Fue l Hendling Bldg * ) e evene 6 Roe Ce 69/16/07 19 790S220253 ainstrumentatten & Centrol Schematic Bloct Valves.Diephrage Operated

  • 7905080030 perwards cesg of CPPN +66 4 related FR netste W/s encle
  • I"'*
  • b N ** S
  • 09#I2#I7 II l PRfCE.M L Atoont Energy C eme t e s t on tore 197S1 69/11/10 Ip I l

7905d20269 "Instrumentat t en & Control Schemat .c Level Tent. Indication & 790$080032 Porwares cogg of CPPR +66 & t e la t ed F A netsco W/e enc t AI*'* " PRICE.M L At oe t s Energy (seeggggen spre 39y59 69/ll/10 1p

  • Svens & Ree Co 69/12/L7 13 7903220276 " instrumentation & Control Scheme'tc WDS Bys Heating 7906040417 'F les D64 gree M4teve Water Treetoont & Condeneste Pettenang
  • Controls
  • e # vent & Ree Ce 69/11/10 tp
  • 8vens & Ree Co 69/12/17 la 7905220359
  • Instrumentation 6 Conh ol Schemat c Level Indicetten,
 /90S220234 *490V Unit Sv4s t a t t en s. One L ine Diag ree "

e Svens & Ree Ce 69/11/57 lp Control 6 Alare Sver e turne & Roe Ca 69/12/87 Sp 79050e0332 AFC hee e sswed Previelenal CPFR-66 to Jereeg Central Power & Metropolitan Edison.euttettling const of PWR. des s taaled at 790ST20112 "huc lear laetrosentetton & Protect 6sa Sys." Eutaneestig "C" fat-2.on oppilcants* Daup h i n County.PA ette /

  • Betley Centrole Ce teste of Oetcoc e & Wtitec Co 1 69/12/18 PRICE.M L Ateetc Energy Ceemseeson, Directorate et Licensing lp Pre-19753 69/11/26 1p 7905220ii9 -=vcieer l

, 790 0 0i.2 -riew D.ege.e seating. vent i. tion & Air Cend.ttening. Conte.i e aoeg Contreis Ito ns e re. ve.en e et a t ,i on..&.c &ocW.kPr ic oote ecC.. t i on ag69 s ",i2set.e s,ee,ig.. "Ca I 9183

  • to l e svens & noe Ce 69/is/2e 1, 7905220126 *p00 Nuclear Instrueentetton & Protectten Sqe 7*0S210354 'Insteveentat t ei % Centrol Setematic Level Cen trol & Alarm Dogstal-Logic "

In Svege Tant *

  • Datteg Controle Ce tsubs of Detceck & Walcos Co i 69/12/18
  • Dvene & Roe Co o9 /12 / I F. Is ip l

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 9 7905220513 '5vs See baring Detested Scheaette Olegrams

  • Butesseetly 79041B0433 *Containeene Struc twee Post-f ens s oning Anc horage Sus "
          *0" e pelley Conteels Ce touts of Setcect & Wilces Co 1                                 e Svens & Ree Co            70/02/28      10 Spy 69/12/18                                                                                                 I le 1

79050103S5 Svenoeg of 700212 eeeting w/Me tropoliten Edisen Co to 7905220l63 *Nuc 8 eer Instrueestation b Peelectnen Sys " $wtesseet!g disc uss centrol of post-sceident hgdregen c onc en tra t ion &

                                                                                    "A"       use of sodium thiosulfate edditive in c en te n neon t sge e gesley Centeole Co (sues of Betract & Wilces Ce i             69/12/18            PDWELL. R R 1p                                                                                                   Ateetc Energy Goemiss t en 4 Pre 197S1           70/03/02     6pp 79042202iS
  • uncle.e lasteueenteinen .nd Peet.ction sgs " solessentiv 7904190300 Mec hanic al drawings of me an stese reac tor tidg.feedweter )
          "0"                                                                                 reacter tids & r..ciee tidg e.orgence . eeg KOT. J M , ROZA.R M           seesey Central Power & Light Ce         70/03/12       )
  • Betley Centrols to touts of Settect & Wilcos Co ) 69/12/10 Spr  ;

Ip 1 7905220413 "Me an Stese Reac tor Olds-Plan 790522D219 *Mucleer Instrumentatten and Protec tion Bys " Svtesteetly ' ' ' # ' '

          "D*                                                                                                                                                                      -
  • Selleg Centeels Co isets of 8eacott & Wtices Ce 8. 69/12/18 1p 7903220425 *Mean Steee Reet toe B id g-Sec tions
  • e Burns & Ree Ce 70/03/12 sp 7904220226 *DBO Nuc l e ar Instrumentatten 6 Protection Bus Digital Logic tl of 38 " 7906080166
  • Flow Otegram Heating 6 Ventaletion. Emergenc y Diesel e selleg Conicels Ce asuts of seccoct 6 Wsicas Co 1 Ip 6*/12/18 seneratee,olde e ,,,,, nos Co" 70/o4/24 1, I

i 7903220256 "NucLeer lostrumentation 6 Peotection Bye " Suteesseetle "B. 905220420 "Feedwater Reactor 31de-Plan

  • l
  • Be t ley Centee l e Ce esvts of Betcech & Wtices Ce ) 69/12/18 e Owens & Roe Co 70/OS/01 1p '

13 7905220427 "Feedwater Reester Sidg-Bettaens " 790S220261 " Nuclear lesteunentetton & Peelection Sgs

  • Sutesteetig "S*
  • Sealey Controle Ce techs of Bab c oc k & Wilcos te ) 69/12/18 I8 7904230138 Forwerde descenetsen of actions utti hos taken to ellesnete use of all furnace-senstesaed stainless steel free pressure-7905220340 "Non-Nucteet Instrumentatten. Detailed SCheaetic " LDNG.C Q Me t r op"o l t e t'n Edison e Seeley Conteele Ce fewes of Setcock & wticos Ce 1 69/12/10 Ce' 70/06/03 lopp l l

Ip 790S2202HS

  • Genera l Arrent emen t. Reec tor 6 Control Bldg Aree
  • Bection 7904230033 Forwards rest tg Glitett Associates. entitled "Dgneetc "A-A". Aneigses of Vate! Piping Ggs Subjected to Sensetc Motton" e Svens & Ree Co dtd 700520 W/o enct 69/12/23 la MacCARY.R R Atoesc Energy Comeissten, Deputy Director for Technical Review iPre-19798 70/06/10 Ip 790SJ20297 " General Aerengement. Reactor Side F leer Plan. E leva t ion 34f Feet 6 6 Inches "

e Svens 6 Roe Co 69/12/23 Ep 7904070464 Regveste responses to queettens to review of proposed ogs of prostreestog tendent CASE E O A t ee l t Energy Comeission iPre 197Ss 70/06/11 3pp 7906090162

  • Flow Diegese Heating 6 Ventitetaon. Circulating 6 River water Pwsphouse 6 Fles Pumphouse
  • e #vens & Roe Co 69/12/23 ap 790S070306 Feewards request for addl info en st ruc tural des sen for eev,ew of epplacetton C ASE. E O Atoest Energy Commession. Directorate of L& censing (Pee-1975l 70/06/24 6pp 79060e0092 "Fl ow Diag ree Hea t ing Vent a le t t en & Ai r Conditioning Svc Dieg "

e Svens & Roe Ce 69/12/28 lp 790421 D616 Informs of compleston of first phase of tevtew of post

  • tenstontrg encherego sys to be used in centenneent structure Regvests add 1 inf o to c omplete review 790S420134 *Neclear Instrumentet6on & Protection Sys. Inter Subessentig MORR i $. P A ateetc Energy Cemetssten (Pee 197$p. 70/06/2S 3p p Wietng "

e Be t ley Centee ls Co E out s of 9encect & Wtices Co 1 69/12/31 g, 7904280117 Mesos forweeding AEC 7DO62S lte requesting edel info te complete review of rMI-2 W/o enct DEVDUNO R C Atomic Eeergy Co**teston (Pee 1975) 70/06/29 1p 790h070403

  • General Arrangement Reac tor Bldg Floor Plan.Elevetten 347 Ft &6 lashes *
  • Ovens & Roe Ce 69/12/11 ap 7904210799 Forweeds 73062$ regvest to appi nc ent for edel sofo W/o ent!

DEVDUNO. R C Atomic Eneegg Commissten (Pee 19798 70/07/02 1p P906070111 "Genere! Arrangement Reacter & Control Bldg Aces " 6ection A-A 790427040$ Discusses utti responst6 tittles in c ontest of 1969 MEP A 6 e burns & Roe Ce 69/1J/31 1p 1970 bete' OuelltV leprovement s Ac t Forwards reques t for inte reeviced for propeestion of environ statement MORRIS.P A Atomic Energy Commission (Pre 1975) 70/07/15 opp 79C6070127 "Generen Arrangement Reacter & Control Bldg Aree " Section B-9.C-CC & D-0 e Svens & Roe Ce 69/12/31 13 7906070220 *0eneral Aerangement Control & Svc Side " Bections A-A, 3-0 C-C 6 D-D 7905210373* *Insteveentetten 6 Centrol Scheestic Block Velves.Diepheage e evens & Ree Co 70/07/18 Lp Dpeisted e Svens & Roe Co 70/08/0G 1p 7904270241 F or wa r d s legislet ten. AEC Statement of Genete! Policg 6 CEQ seterte tvide16ces outlinsng Cesissten's oespensthaltetes 790608011B "Flev Diagree Deelnereltsed Svc Weter

  • fee toplementing environ quality W/o enst e Bueno & %se Ce 70/01/1$ 1p PRICE.H L Atomac Energy Cometssten (Pre 1979) 70/07/22 2pp 7904250189 Sweee e g of 700122 eeeting an Bethende.MD w/metropelsten 7906070217 *0ene'el Artengemen t Con t eel & Syc Sidg Plan et Elevetton Eds son Ce te discuss teste peefereed en Stressteel-Howlett 331 F t 6 Inches
  • 361 ft 6 Inc hes "

wedge enc herese sus Attendence list enct

  • Svens 6 Ree Co 70/07/23 Ip PDWELL.R R Atoolc Enefgg Co**testen (Pre 197$6 70/08/29 239 7906070211 " General Areengement Control & Svc Side Pled at Elevotton 200 F t 6 inc h e s b 30$ p t "

790SD80117 Utti is estag streesteel BH tenden & enchorage sus in e Burne 6 Ree Ce 70/07/28 teacter tlds Forwards stressteel repts resulting # tee stat &c se

        & doneelt testo perfereed on tenden enchocege sus Results ehem enchetage oss is acceptatte w/o enci MILLER J G    Metropellten Edisen Ce 79042tOA0$ Act receipt of 147 f ormeeding AEC peel t ten es net ton 's 70/02/09       13                          enviten quality MCCDRM!CE. R C.       Pennsylvente. State of           70/07/79     1p 7906090690 *Fice 64egree Steee Generater Besonderg Sade, Vents &


  • 7905210344 "Decey Heat Reesval Avs tilary Sidg *
  • Svens & Ree Ce 70/02/17 la e Svens & Ree Co 70/DB/OS Ip

1 1 10 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS I m..eum n . . .o ., . u , . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . n . . , . u , i . .

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  • 480v Me te r C en t r o l C t e Reester Coelant Pumps Cooling 7905220194 *Non-Nuclear lastrumentation Ego Detailed Schemat6c Inlet " Reactor Coelent,Peet 4 "
  • Svens & Roe Ce 70/12/IS $p e Belley Controle Co (sube of Babcoc h & Wtices Co a 7i/03/09 13 790$070509 Reguette technLcal ess a stance to tevtes prostress ogs dtesvesed in 69991 7 to License Amend 13 790S220123 "Non-Nuclear Instrumentation Sgs Detailed Schematic Reector MURR j 5. P A Atomic Eneegg Comess eson IPro 197S) 78/01/11 13 Cooient Par t 9 "

e Sealog Controle Ce towbo of Beecoct & Walcos Ce 1 71/03e12 IP 790S22011S "Non-Nuc l ear ine ttveentation Bys Detailed Schematic Reac tor Costant Pee t 9 *

  • Baslog Centrols Co iso 6e of 34ecock & W61ces Co ) 71/01/12 7905220141 *Non-Nucteer lastueentation 6 s9 Dete11ed Schematic Spent 19- Fuel Coo 1&ng "
  • Be61eg Controle Co (auto of Babcock & Wtices Cs a 71/03/12 19 7904210798 Petwards ite 4td 710106 transettesng Amend at to applicat40n for license i I

MORR IS. P A Atoetc Energy Cometetson (Pee 197S) 71/01/16 tp 7905220160 "Non-Nuc lear Inttrumentation Sgs Detelled Scheestic 3 Sec onder, Plant Part S" (SP4A,48.6A & 68) e Betteg Controle Co (ewbe of Be6coct & Wticos Co 1 71/03/12 7904210683 Retuette republacetson of FR notice origanding appearsng on Ip 701106 acanowledging that environ rest se equally app 16catie to TMI-2 MILLER.J G Metropet a ten Edison Co 75/08/23 g, 7905220191 "Non-Nocleer Instrueentation Eye Dete!!ed Scheest6c Sec onderg Plant. Par t t * '

  • Salley Controle Co doute of Sebcock & Walcos to i 71/03/12 7906070203
  • General Arrangement geersency Diesel Generator s teg a 3,

e avene & Ree Ce 71/D1/25 tp I 7903220170 "Non-Nvc lear Instrumentation Sys Detelled Scheedtsc 7906000t92

  • Flow Dsegram Nest ang & ventilation.Ceagulatoe S t eg, seconderg Plant Part 2
  • fSPIS 2 SPIB-3.5P3A,EP33)

Cte<wleting Watee Chloesnator Howge & Mechenscal Draft e gastes Controls to (swks of 34bcock & Wtices Co I Coeling f oser Pumphouse

  • 71/03/12 1,

e Svens & Roe Co 71/01/27 Ip 1 7,oSo7o3e4 R. 790S2201V2 *Non-Nuc lear Instrumentation Sgt Detailed ScheedtSc c i.. &.on.eeenis on su ,, a 7 c. Fir.t .tre..-.te.i ) p.

             .,   .,nv . ten.        .nch.r..-       ... ,e, c   en t. ne.nt s                    se c .o ie, e        n.,.cg  Piant.P.rt Controis   Co3.. ..e o, ...c oc t & W,ico. C. ,      7i/o3,i2 i                 te .,   7, : ,,

1, C.s.i:. .e.comei .t, D .ector for ...ct.f P,e ,ec t. A4..,c 7,ia2/oo,n.r,r,.Com..ssion-De 790S220382 'Non-Nutteer Instrumentation Sys. Detested Scheestle I

         ,90S2,7;77,;Det.:ied oc.e                 t.c 3 .g..e red A.e,.ge Pe..e -

sc;;;;;;;;;;;,;;r;,&,;,,, ,, , , , , , , , , ,,,,,, c, , ,,,,,,,,  ! e Belleg Contrain Co (outs of Gabcost & Walcos to n 71/02/12 I8 1p l 1 790S220139

  • No n-Nuc l ear Instrueentatson 5us Detailed Schematic Reactor 790S22OIS$ *Non-Nucleer inetrumentellen Sgt Detelled Sc heed t s c Sidg Spreg * (85 3 & 71 Seconderg Plent Part 4 * (RFSS.73 61833 e Bailey Controls Co (subs of Babcoct & W61Cos Co ) 7L/03/IS e Santog Controle Ce tsube of Babcock & wticos Co ) 71/02/12 IP 1p 7905,2o ..

7905220143 "Non-Nuclear Instrumentatten Sgs Detailed Schematic Coes

                           ~.n-N.cie.,         instr..ent.t..a ...                                            rioed n. Part 2 -

and Purif ic a t ion Pert-2 * (MUR 7. 3 7. 5 8. 23,De t. , i ed .chee.t.c M.t.-op e Bailey Controls Ce toets of Sebcock & Walces Co 1 71/03/15 e telley Controle Co toute of Baecoct & Walc os Co ) 71/03/OS I' i, 7905220149 *Non-Nuclear Insteweentatten. Detailed Schematic Power 7905,2oi9 -No _ in,te..ent.t..n .,s Det. ne. .che 4,< Deca, D.. u .d Po.or-N~i-No.t

                              .    ..t . -                                                                     e    .e,6ution-r
                                                                                                                     .iie, Controis      Co <s...     .P.r.t 9  .. c 3.c- t & W,icos Co , 7i/o3/iS e     ..iieg Centroi. Ce          <s..e    of .e.c .c t & W,ic os Ce ,         7,,o3,oS           i.

lp I vo..S22o353 ie.c 7 sn.trumentation 89. Det.nled schematic 79 522o2o$ *Non-Nuclear Insteveentation $ge Detailed Scheedtac Cheetcal c nderg ',Non-Noc i.nt. Pert - ^**>"n <Ca ia ia & i4' -

                    . ie, C.ntreis Co is...             o, ... cock & Wiic.s Co ,           7i,e3/oS           - >+ii v C ntr i- C. <-                f ' *c ch & witc s C>        ii/os/iS M4       up &P .          e    on. P                                                                    8 I V C'" "* ' ' ' * *  I**'*"h               b ~II" O' I  7I#03'II e     ..oeg Centrei, C.            .su.ts  e,    ...c er t & Wo c.s Co ,        71/o3,oS           i, 1p 7905220230 'Non-Noclear Instrumentation Detailed Scheaetts Power
                      ;"6'":r,7":!;*;n'"'"" "'*" *"                  ""- 'I*" " ' ' ' * * " '                  " M"E ::!" I:;*'!*:~~'~If'cic                    &   ic.s C.  > 7 /03/iS
            .     ..n eg C ntrois C. ..... ., ...c.cs & Woces Co 1                          7i/oa,oS          i.

i, 79eS2,o3 S -Non -M.c o... i n s tr.e.n t e t t en ., s. Se t. , i e. .c h em. t . c 790%220246

  • Instrumentallen Detailed Schematic.Powee te-up & P...f.c.t.en. Pert - D e

s.t r i s,t .Non-Nuc l e a.r on-NNi-t

                                                                                                                     . ieg Controi. Ce is .s e     Batteg Centrols Co (sube of Sabcest & W64ces Co I
                                                                                                                                                    .f   ... cock & wtices C. ,    ,i,o3,iS 71/03/0S          la i,

7909,20273 ,e.ctor . .g Pr,s.., & .ec.n..r, ..teids.Cros, sect .n . 790S,220399 a guens & Ree Co

            , e.d ng - *Non-Nuc l ose Insteesentatten.Deletled Schematic Core                                                             75/03/1S      1p
  • Santog Controle Ce touts of Dancock & Wticos Co 3. 7t/03/OS to 7905220270
  • Asec t ee Bldg.Pensary & Seconderv Satelds. Cross Section "

e Svens & Roe Co 71/03/15 Ip. 7904270360 Forwards Amend it end 7801D6 consisting of reveted & edd! pages to PhAA & Supp! 7 Se applicatten in response to AEC enestions en post-teestoning ses for reactor tids 7905220328 *Non-Nuc lear Instrueentatten Detailed Echoedlic. Power PF TUUNO. R C . Ds s t ri b u t t on-Fue ed Power *NN t -L Par t 3

  • Aloe 6c Energy Cemetssien (Pre 19?S1 71/03/06 1p e Batisy Controls Ce tsves of Babcoct & Wilcos Ce > 71/03/15 19 P9042703P9 Forwards Amend il dtd 710106 centseting of revised & addl pages to PSAN & Suppl 7 to applicet ten. responding to AEC 7905220332 *Non-Nucleet lettrumentetten Sgs Detailed Scheestic questtens en poet-tensioning ogs for reacher tide w/o enc! Intermediate Cooling DE M)UNG. E C Ateetc Enefg4 COee49 tion-Deputy Dir ec tor f0F Reacter * $441eg Contre!9 Co (spes SF Sabcock & Walcos Co i Projects 71/ DJ/06. lp 75/03/IS 19


                                                                             . chem. tic                           Det.,ied oc e      t.c Dieg...e <ii e, So,.Pe..e ..nge Chenn.i 790S2,039...t Non-N.c.ies,           i nsNN t r..en,t.t  .en.i De                                    7905220,     3.  !-v. - t.i i e. ti e 2>. ...e.setig .- 71,0S,i4 D e , e.t..iew

             ..                    P e.e.e..e e      of ..e r cect
                                                             .t     . W ic e. Ce 1     7 ,02,19          e     .. ie, Cent.eis Co ..... of .e. cec. . W ices Ce , Co is it 6cheestic' Power Schematic D# agrees (3 er 7904220409 ' *Non-Nuc l em e 790S2,2013U."Sevec e M A- ang e Ch anne L. De t a t t ed

                 . tion-,..ed      Pe.elasteveentatten.Detelled
                                          . NN I - t,P. r .t 2-                                       So Centroi. Co ....e     of ... cost & Woce. Ce >       7 /04,i4 D
    . i,Centeeis
                .                 C.   (....      e    .a cett . W oce. Ce ,           7i/02/19          e ip is Nen-N. ties.     , note..ent. .en.Dete ned sch .e. c Po.or                                  i,, -sh.tdo.n      .,,es t. De t.o ed oc hem.t ic  Die...e. <i7 of $0, 790S.,.204      7. tion-W,,i-v -                                                                     7,042.20
                                                                                                        .. ee...ig -.-


    .     .tsos, e       contrei. Ce .e...             of .e. cec. . Woco. C. i             Fi/03/i:         e .soeg Co ....e                of ee. cost . W. ice. Ce >     Fi/05/i4 lp It
                                                                                         *s age ag e  790S220224 "Detelled Schematte Diagrees Eloof 50s " Guteessetty                   "A" 7909070400 Fetweede request for addl nnfo te ofres+** I c                                               e Belley Centrols Ce toute of aabcect & W6tces Co 3                     75/OS/84 fo                         rewte, ip C A.r,a,p
            . 0p l a c e.t  .t C o.. e . . on-De,. tv D . ,0c t e.

oe.c f., ne.cte PreJects 71/03/16 Sep se. c o enge Ch.npe i D.t e ,i ed .c h ee. t i c Dieg,..e 790S2202,3.50, - .........ig - 79042SOSi. .c. recet,t e, ,iO,0. end ii te .,,o ,et,e, one,egit.I

     .spect. of see,e.e4 e,ie ..ii .e .e., es, ef.ect
                                                                                                         <ie.e.. i.y Cent.ei. Co e                               .e...-. of ...ces.    . Wo c o. Ce ,    7i/05,,.


     ..fot, ,e ne.

WALD#f#4. H H In t er l ee. Dept of, UH Geelegscal Bueveg 71/03/19 ip 790S220249 " strang c2 et al,Detalled schemetsc Diegesee 09 of SO,Dieteele Trip e seiley Centeele Ce (sutt of Debrect & Whites Ce 1 71/0$/14 79032JOIS4 'Non-Nuc lede latteunentatten Sve Delet led Schemat Ac Mats-Up Is end Purific at s en Pet t 3" qMUN 3.24.23 & 40) e Salleg Centrnia Co (oute of sencoct & Wsicos Co 1 71/03/19 Ip 7405220272 "Bastable Trip Ctring it of 21.Detenled Sc h emat ic Diege ems (7 of Son " Evbeteeably *A" e Betley Centeels Ce < suns of Batcect & Walces to ) 71/05/14 7904220164 "Non-Neclear inettumennetten $gt Detailed Sc h eas t i c peactor jp Coelant Peet 2

  • t#Cl.3.3A & 386
  • Saaney Centeele Ce doubs of Debcect 6 Walcon Ce > 71/03/19 7904220279 *psetable Trip Steing cl of 23. Detailed Scheest6c Diogene Sp (19 of Soi
  • Gubesteestg '9" e gasley Centeone Ce : outs of $4tc ot b 4 Wtices Ce ) 71/0$/14 7903220169 "Non-Nisc l ea r lasteueentatten Egt Detailed Sc hemet te Reac tee lp Coetant Par t 3 " ERC3A.4A.49.6A.AS 7A b 70>

a negley Centrole Ce toute of Bassett & Wtices Ce 1 71/03/19 700S22029S *Bastable Tens string, Detailed Scheest6c Diagreas' 1p 71/OS/14 s Realog Centrolo Ce asuas et peacecs & Walces Ce 1 le 7905220l$9 *Non-Nu(lear Insteveentetten Sys Detalled 6cheestic Reester Coelent Part 4 t#C 44,45.3.388 7904220303 " Shutdown #gsaes. Detailed Gcaematic Deegreme (6 ef 50) *

  • Battes Centrete Co 4evhe of Settect & Waltos Ce t 75/03/l9 Bubaseeetly "A" 13 e Betley Centrole Co (sves of Netc es s 6 Wilc es Ce p 71/05/l4 to 790SJ20202 'Non-Nuc l e a r teetcomentetsen age Delanted Schematic Reacter Coelent Pert S* 7903220321 " Power Range Channel (1 of 2 h Det# 6 ted Sc hemat 6c Diegr ees e patte, Centrole Ce Eevte of Batt et k 6 Wilces Ce > 75/03/19 it of Sob
  • Sutaeseemly "A" le 75/OS/14 e Belleg Contf els Ce dowbe of Ba6cest & W6ttes Ce 1 ap 790SJ20336 *Non-Nualeer Insleweentetten 99 9 Detailed Sc hemet te Reac tet 7905220164 " Temp 6 Presswre Channele. Detaaled Scheadtsc D6egreme C oe l an t. Pe r t j
  • e Baileg Controla Ce toute of Babc oc k & Walc es Ce s 71/03/19 iS*f 50) " Beta ****b!v *A" e Betleg Centrole Ce 4sobe of Batcock & Walcos Ce J 71/05/14 13 1p 790S2203?0
  • Nun-Noclear Instrumentatten Bye,Detettes Scheestic #eactor 7905220399
  • Power Dastr8tutten Drawing. Detailed Schematic Diagreet Coolant. Pert 7
  • e Belleg Controle Ce 8oube of pe6tect 6 Waltos Ce 1 71/OJ/19 19 ef SOS " Sunessemelv 'A" e Bailey Conteele Ce toute of Sebcoct 4 Wilces Ce p 11/OS/14 le 1p 7904240013 #eepende to treneetttel ite f rom 8 Landenaloget to nuc leae 7905220393 "eewee Aange Channe l 12 of Pl. Detailed Beheestic 06egrees power plante an esteepe16 ten Philadelphie aree Dt itsved te (12 of 506 " subesseetly ~5" so. eeg Centeel Power b Lseht Ce on 690409 e gegleg gentrol, Ce tevee of gebe es t 6 Wilc ea Ce > 71/05/14 P# l CE , H L Ateels gnergy Ceestelsen (Pro 1977) 75/03/27 2pp g,
  --7e&4240057 Supporting doc umenta t s en to applicatten to be fereerded                             790$gpo4ov ape,e,          Diet,stegten     Dresseg. Detailed Bshematic Diegtens
  • Rogueste tieculetten of me t t to reea6n internet ental final g,g ,, ,,,g g g -g adjudicatten of esplication i s c omp l e t e d e Setley Contrene Ce tev6s of 84Dtect & Wilces Ce 3 71/05/14 EW4 NEON. C v. Offise of the Secreteeg of the Ceentes t en 78/04/30 I, 19 7eO6000129 *Detealed Er t eme ' Diagrees (B of Sol Bletehle tete Stetog 7904330146 Foeweede hgdeeletic eng6neering eummeeg fee AC#9 rest W/o (2 ef 26
  • Seeb e s t eet i g
  • en81 e setley Controle Ce soa. of peacock & Wsicos Ce i 71/09/14 CA%E , O At ees c Energy Canal es s en iPre 197Si 71/04/2a is I, 7903210409
  • Detailed Schemat&c Dnegemes poec tor Coolent Puse 7905220171 "Non~Nuc l e e f lnetrueentatten betelled Ethematic Power Menttee/Weectet Ce61ent Flow
  • Bubaseestly *9 Di st r i b w e t en-f used Powee-NNI-X Pee t 4 *
  • Basley Centest e Ce tevne et peacect 6 W41c es Ce f 75/0S/06
  • Set ley Controle Ce toute of pattoce & Wlaces to i 76/OS/lS I8 1p 790SJ20137 ' Power Dange Channel Detelled Scheest6c Diagrees
  • 7905220136 afemp & Presevee channels. Detailed Scheestts Diagreet "

Svtessentig "A" 8vbeseestig *D" e Detley Centeele Ce (svts of 8shcoct & Wticos Ce ) 71/0S/04 e Basley Contfels Co (suto of 9etcoct & wtIcos Ce i 75/09/16 I' Sp 7909220210 "S t e tab l e Te lp S t e lng in of 21. Detalled Sc heest ic Diagrees 790S260379 *9ourc e Rang e High Voltele Cotof f Dete t t ed Sc hematic (39 ef 50)

  • Buteeseatig *D* Diagrees
  • e Setleg Centeele Co (eves of Debc ec h & Wiltee Co 1 7s/OS/12
  • Baileg Centrole Ce towDe of Batcect & Wilc es Ce ). 76/09/17 Ip 1$


1 l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 13 79052 03., -intermediate Range C.ennei De..t ie. .c he t ic Di.g .es - 7903220307 .t . t ng . Mod. i e in t e. ioc . . C-7,i, -.cCont.ois

                                                                                                                            . e.a, t So i c , D t.g . .e . i s.t a. i e.1, t p
   .....see.i, e .. tie, Cont ei. C. < , . . . . o ,          ...c e s . . W a c.. C o ..      7i,0S,i7              .e,, T              .7e Co -.S..asese
                                                                                                                                                   .... of .i,       -- .
                                                                                                                                                                  .tc.c.      W ic.. Ce ,           vi/05/i7 is                                                                                                    i,.
/905210385 "Reecte. Co                   Puee Moniter/Reac toe Ceolant Flow Cetailed Sc..       ttc .o.lant, -o-                                                     7905220310 ye t    *$c<..h of emaSo Ste t i c- , .D i a.g, 1, e.ta.le tesp $ttine. Module interlock.
                                                                                                                                                                    -D-e 3461ag Contpolo Ce touts of Babcock & wticos Ce ).                            71/05/17              e gesley controle Co (subs of Beacoct & Wticos Co a Ip                                                                                                                                                                                              71/05/17 1p 7905210389 *Reac tee Coolant Pues Monitor /Reac tor Coolent Flow Detailed                             79052203 S ' Detailed Schematic D6 agrees (32 of 50) " Sutesseettg *C" Sch.ematts
   .              Diegree,s
        . o e, C.ntre     s Co* Su.te.sseetLgs
                                 .. o               e ..'Cc"oc
                                                             . tW,ico. Co ,        7 ,o$,i7 e gasleg Conteele Co (evts of Batcott b Walcos Co 3                                        75/OS/17 1,

is Re.ct., 52

  • Power Range Channel (1 of 2h Detailed Scheadttc (22 of
1. Det. Dch. tts D,.g.a.s . 790,0,20317.t.s..eti, C-

e no, Cont.oi. C.1,..... .,,...c.c.ti.ed

                                             .f                 W,ico    C. >

ip 7i/05/i7 e ,a n e, Centreis Co <s.ts of ...c oc . . W, i c o. C e > 71,05/i7 i,. 7905210397

  • Rod withdre.41 Detetted Sc hees t i c Daegrees
  • 7905220323
  • Power. Range Channel (2 of 21. Detailed Sc hemat ic Diageaes

( " Sv 4eseesty "

    ,, Salley Controle Co inven of 84.coct 6 Wticos Ce >

7L/05/t7 23.of.. 50)

                                                                                                                    .. Coni.ois to <s..C"              . e, ..tcoc. & Wtico. Co ,                 7i,0$,i, i, Sc,em 79052,0403,Re.c t.e D,.g.aes pe.ctor.C..ient ..e, 2 er 2>.Det.6 ed Sc,eestic o ,. 6 4.c. s7903220373 Power D..g..e. M.n a t o.,i e, C on t.o i. .C.C .. o o i a n t. ico, .,a tCoi ,c..i .w ee.1,oc 5 . W,A e ,1,0,,,, <> - S..R.nge.Channei

                                                                                                                                  ..see              -


    ,,                                                                                                  e     .of. i.0>
                                                                                                                     , Controi.         Co
                                                                                                                                                       . o, ...coct . Wtice Co ,                  7i,0$,i7 1p 7905210405 "Inteeeed        s ste Range Channel Deta t t ed Sc hema tic Diagtens
  • 7905220379 " Power Range Channel (1 ef 21. Detailed Scheestnc Dasgrams
          ...ies Centrois to is..e           of .atcoc. . W,ico Co ,               7i,0,,,,
                                                                                                        ;33,:,;;>c;,;;;;; ;;-l:,;; ,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, c, ,                                         ,,,,,,,,


       !' ? . ;" *:;' 7 ' ;  ;' " ' ' '" "' *- ' " ' ' '" '  "* * * ** * " "' ' ** * ~         790S220403             - ear Wi in              oet.iie< Schematic Diet -- <=> of 50> -
   -         "*, cant i. c. < . - so ci & Wiic - c. >         7i/0$/i7             !**,a;;;oni,~oisto
                                                                                                                     ,                         ,,,,,       o, ..tcoe, & W,ic o Co ,                 ,,,oS,i7 i,

8 8 3 f 50 9 na ett C 790$2204 30 "R eac t or Bldg.Praeaev 6 Seconder, Shields. Plan et Elevation

  • Batteg Controlo Ce levte of Babcoca b Wilcoe Co ) 71/0$/t7 367 Feet - 4 Inc hes & Eleva t ton 371 Feet - 10 Inchee a g, e Burns 6 Roe Co 71/06/22 13 7904220162 *Dietaese Yese 6trang 42 of 26. Detested Schematic Dtagesse 7906000152 ' Reactor Protection Sye
  • 440 of S0) " Swbasteetly *D" e Batley Conteele Ce ftute of Sabt oc e & Wtic0e Co a 71/0$/17 e Beac oc t 6 Wa lcos Co 71/07/29 is 1p 7905020023 Requeste addl info showing ECCS eeets general cetteria of 790S220873 " Schematic Diagese Sovec e Range Rod Hold & H W Cutoff = Section IV A esteg a tuttable evaluation model Forwards (50 of Sol antofte po!Lcy statement W/o enci e Batteg Controle Co (subs of Babcott & Wilcos Ce i MORR]S.P A Ateetc Energy C o me t s s s on (Pre 1975) 71/0G/13 2pp 74/05/17 13 7904270365 Forwards Div of Reactee Licensing 710813 lte to Metropelttan 790522017e " Shutdown Supase Detstled Sche *4ttc Daageses ( 39 o f 50)
  • Edison Co W/o ent t Gunassentig *A" DEYOUNO. R C A t oe t c Energy Comesssion tPre 19753 71/08/1B 1p e Battev Conteels Ce teves of Babcoct & Walcos Co 1 7t/OS/17 790510013S Forwarde AEC 710813 lte reguseting aedt tafo t o c oep l e t e evaluation of ECCE FARAG,F.W At omac Energy Coomneston-Deputy Director for Reactor 7905220t81 " Schematic Diagrees Statante Trip Strang, Module Inteelock. **J'#I* '#O # 8 Test Tftp (46 et Sol
  • Subasseemly "C" e Seelev Conteons to (eves of Babcoch & Wnicos Ce > 71/05/17 Sp 7904190312 AEC has adopted encleted rewtsson of App D to 10CFR Part 50 poetaining to amp l ementa t t er of kationaL Environ Pol 6cq Act of 1969 w/o ent!

7903220183 'Sc hema t ic Di ag r am 81stacle Trte String, Module Interlock. ** ' "II ***" ' ' Test Trip (45 of SO) " Seb a s s eet i g "A*

  • Batley Controle Ce teves of Batcoct & Walcos Co ) 7t/05/17 38 790S000181 Notifscation of testignment of engineering.deelta & const responentsI6ttet for TM1 Peattencent is designed to esve effect to estat!sshment of GPU Svc Corp w/ General Public Ut s is Corp 7905220204 *Bistat t e Te mp String (1 of 21 Detstled Schees tic Diagrams (25 of 50)
  • Sveasseetig "C" MILLER.J 0 Metropelaten EdLeon Co 71/09/10 Pop
  • Betley Contraig Co (swts of Baecect L Wticos Ce ) 71/0S/17 le 790$020020 Requests addl info re Amend 11. Suppl 7.Stresstell/Howlett anchorage sge 7905220209 asistaste Trns Steing (2 of 25.Detetted Schematsc Diagedes *' " ' ' ' ** '" ' '

r30 of 50) " Butassembig "C" e Bailey Controls Ce tests of Babcoct & Wilcos Ce 1 71/OS/17 i8 7904270276 Forweeds Div of Reacter Licensing 710933 14e to Metropelstan Edison Ce W/o enct DE rDUNO. R C Atoonc Ener gy Commissten-Deputy Director for Reactor 7905220236 "Teme & Pesseure Channene.Detaaled Schematic Diagraee #'8l'C 7I/O'#II 38 127 of 50)." Swtassemaly "C"

  • Batteg Ceett-els to (svas of Babcech & Wsicos Ce 1 78/05/17 79ci..t 42 0S,19 Forwards amend to. App D to 1DCFRSO whic h
                                                                                                                 , cation      as te      whtch         .cti ttee w,ii .. .,f.ct.d         i nc l.ud
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,   es Sectlen E of App D 790S220240
  • Shutdown Supase4 Detatted Schematic Diagrees (28 of 50, . PRICE.M L Ateetc Energy C ommi s s i on (Pre 1979) 71/09/21 (p Sebasseest, "C' e Saileg Controle Ce teves of Betcott & Wticos to a 71/05/17 g, 7904210690 Foewards regutted water quetsty certtiscation ste 710823 W/o enc!

MILLER.J G Metropolitan Edteen Ce 71/10/01 1p 790S220269 " Temp & Pressvee Channels Detested Sc henatic D6 agrees

  • Suteeseenig "D" e hatley Centtels Ce tsv a s of Satcast & Wilcos ce )

7904270646 Advises of p refec t responetttittles res14gnment & gives 71/05/17 anstructions for rovtang of f utues c ommunic at t ens 13 MILLER,J 0 Metropoliten Edseen Co 71/10/13 1p


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1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 15 l Cent,ei .che. etic , vri, C ....t - 790,22 2 3 -in. t ,..en t.t i on . C en t r e .che

              .n. .i.n,eet Ce     ,..ent.t72,..en.,.ir r9o,2.ios,o                                                                                                                                                                                t.c .iect v.ive..riectric e                                                      ip                                                                                -

e e no .tedCe

                                                                                                                                         .e.             72,os,i7             1,                                                  ,

790s,io223 rn.t...ent.t.en . C en t r e i .c h e..t ,< i .e i.t .en ve i .e ' 79os%202 7 se.tro.entatten . Centres sc he tic .ies t v.sve..rtectric l C e en.i .en.c eel ese C. 72/ose 7 i, - Me e t..en. e , op e.r o.see e dCe 72,os,i, ip in.t .che tic o. . , Logic - l 79e 42.,or,

              .,n.      $ no. CO ent.t,On,. 72 o3 i7Cent.oi   i,                                                  790s22o22s                                                                  ..c st e, Chec t veive ist.4e      ;

t.g in.t r.o.ent.i

                                                                                                                                                  .ett .n en . Centre    e.ter t sc he                                           .
                                                                                                                     .th i..ene rd         ...e.

to C. 72,t.gose,i 7 i, , an e.., 6 c = 1 79052.o336.rn.

       .                    s .e
                              .nee. t r o.en72teot ,s en,,6,7,Cent, re s se s e.e t s c un i n. t r                                               t.c .t e, Chec t v.iv. int.4e      ;

79o322,.22. t. en.t

                                                                                                                                                  ..t      e.t t i en       . C en us.ter      t r e i- och.

79o 2io279 . Centrei .che.. tic

                        - i n . t . ..e n t a t, ,i, o, n r, Dra n      ..n.               erhi.d.en.      . aos Ce           72,.g ose, i ?        i, o,      . l i en.en.eer.r.,no,2,o,,,,

e o.r ..n, Ce i, 7905220244 "Instew.entett.n 4 Cente-i Sc h e.4 t t s Mabe-9, 6 Pve t ric at 6en

    ,90.g.2,o340         -inet.        e..telien . Centrei          che..t.c A        en,e , sed Cent,ei             e    ..en.

C en t.r aeoe iCe 72 osei7 i,

       .    ...n o . .ee C e                72 M3,i,          i,
                                                                                                                                                                     & Centrol .che.464c Austiterg Ste..


                                                                                                                         ..ig-~..t.e     *l nsme.t ru.en 2A       ts.t 2 -a en.

e . wens . R.e Co 72/oS/17 1p 790125034,J e..t,. - " Ins t ro.entet s en 6 C en t re i Sc he.e s i c Modula t l eg F le. e .. p. . . e. C e 72,o3,i7 i, j 79aegip,;;;,not...eni. tion . Cent.ei .che t.c . ec t v. we..D .,he...  ; ;;;;*,' ;';;,M;; 2^;,"=,;, , ,,

       .    ...n. . .e. Ce                  ,2,os,i7          i, 7,osa,o2 3           in.t ..eni.t.en . Centrei                      .c h e.. t . c . i ec t v.i.e..o

790s2io..: o,e .ted int...ent.t.en . Cent,si .che t.c v.i.e.D.. h,.ge  ;>e;;;;;;,,,c, ,,,,,,,, ,, e .en. . .ee Ce 72,o,,i, ,, 7905220267 "I n s t r u.en ta t 6 en . Centre! .che.etac . l oc k Valves.Didekrag. 790,2ioie.

      .,,te. . Cenire. .che.. tic o2 Centrei ;e;;;;;;,,ec, ,,,,,,,, ,, e ..en. . ..e Ce 72<os,i7 i, 2 1 790SJao3s3 'Instru.entatsen . Centrol Sc h e.a t a c . loc k I 790S210348 "insteu.entetten 6 Centrol Sc h t e .tect Velves.Diechrsg. '*h*,f n operated Hoe Ce 72/09/17 10 e vent & #ee Ce 72/OS/IP 10 79052403u4 "Instro.entatte, . C en t r o l Sc he.a t ic .l oc k Velves. Die hreg. 790s,lo3.. ,n.4,..ent.t.en . Centr.i .c h e t , < . i ec , v.i.e.o,.,hr.g.

                                                                                                                     ;fe;;;;;;,,eC,                     ,,,,,,,, ,,

o,e.r e .t ed .

              .rn,       .ee C e           72,        ,i?    i, 7905210396 "Instru.entation . Centret Sche.atsc . loc k valve Dia.hrsg.

79 e2io,99 -in.t...ent.t.en . Cent,ei ..he.atic .iech v.i e D..,hr.g. o,.r.ted e ..rn, . ,,e Ce ,,,os,1, ,, o,e .t.d - e .,n, . .ee Ce 72 o,,i, ,,

                                                                                                                                                                          ,e.    .. vie    e, ,,e e.ed     re,..e p.eeed....

79o,,o4e.>,. or .e g .e . t,e. c.nt,Si o . .d.

                                                                                                                                                         . ., e    t 79o ,,io4o.,

int....n..t.en . C.nt,ei .che..t,< .inct v.i.. D .,h..g.

                                                                                                                     .,,iA...,               At so,,. A 72,e.,c.En...,
                                                                                                                        , e . , 97 C.     .....
                                                                                                                                                                                 ...en. D,recter.te e, L, con.,ng o,e.r.

e t e 6-vene Woe Ce 72/OS/17 to

o. 0 I, 7904280472 Forweres A.end 1 te enytren rept.DtB 6 fN net sc o W/0 enci 790iJt0402 "Instru.entatsen & Centeel Sc h e.a t i c . sect Velves.Diephr*,* DEWDUNG.R C Ate.t c E ner gy C o a s t ion, Direc torate of Licenelng 0,erated
  • IPre-197$4 72/06/23 19 e turne 6 pee Co 72/0S/17 1p 7904210416 ", petro.entatten 6 Centrol .che.atic . lock vaive s. E lec t r ic 7905020015 F or wa r d s NHC 72Q 717 lte to .&W requee og odd 4 inf o en
                                                                                                                     *gtudses of D a nc ent tav 6 t t e e in Centeel Red Deswe Metoe Tube Meter Op**sted
  • e totenesens.* did Jun. 1972
           .vene & Ree Ce                  72/03/17          1, DC YOUNG. M C   Energy Co i t t e en-Dep u t y 91tector for Reester Pro,ects            72/01/87           2,9 7905220003 "Instev.entatten 4 C ent r 91 Sc he.e t t s M.te-V, 6 Purific etten Pu., Centtel "

e .wres & Mee CO 72/05/17 1, --7905020019 Requeste addl ande ce "Studlee of D6scentinottnee in Centeel Red Delve Metoe Tube E s tent sent

  • DEYOUNG.R C Energy Ca ttelen-Deputy Director for Reactor 7905220164 "Insten.entallen & Centrol .che.4 tic PH And1gste.petetdsng & Projects 72/07/17 4pp A
  • t e.e.


  • 4 Sea Ce 72/05/17 39 7904270 44 Prevades info te status of ECC8 for nuc l ear st, on- 4 e.o r g enc y plans for safogoerding pot!!c heenth Forwarde 7904220167 *initev.entetten 4 conteel sche.atic $ O2 reievant literature G l 4M.UBBo. A Ate.a c Energ y C o I t a len-Deputy Director for R
  • ser Ane.igsas
  • urne &* Ree Ce ?2/05/17 1, Projecte 72/07/27 3pp 7905220160 *Instev.entation &* Centrol Sche.atic Hand Centrolled 790S$60484 veriftee a d e quec y of fleed design taoes an vie. of June 1972 Peerd C enteel kropical eter. Agnee 8.pect en Susquetenne & Schuylbtli Ve e l u.v at e s& -P Roee%e Ce l 72/03/l7 1p Rivers DfNfpN.H R At e.ic Energ y Co 6 e t t en. Direc torate of Licenssag cPre-1979> 72/08/23 6,p
                                                                  .c h e. ell t . Cend uc t i vi t y Ana ly s t s 79o522o190
  • f ne t.tu.entell en & Cen tr o l
  • vens 6 Wee Alee CO" 72/03/t7 19 7904250670 Feeweeds regvett for info ee nonradselegtral Tech 9,ece Mon t tering & surve n llanc e progre.t should be d*veloped. &

eve 19st6en progre.s for effecto en plants & ana.els needed Centeelled MULLER. D R Energy Co 6ssten. Dstec torate of L tc ensing 790S22019S " Ins.teo.entationeard Centret " & Centrol Hand (Pre-197S) 72/09/00 'Je g va e vene s-Pene

                      & ReetCe             72/05/17          sp 7904250094 Co ents en June 1912 DE S d t er wstes nie ter ac el signtitcanc e.

7905J20200 *tnettu.entetten 4 Con tee l Sc he.a t ic B 6 N4. N2H4 & DJ enver c harac let t s t i c s. f oune. squet ic life. heat. wastes & An.lvets

  • enviren effects of actidente
      #    .wrne & Ree Ce                  72/05/17          Lp
  • Interior, Dept er 72/D9/jg 7pp

16 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 1 rWO4J.o.2, e..eete ...,ew e, ,M to 7904Jio,9. Ar. .e.olet of 7 .2 it. to im M.nt, ng ,e 4 et eettet. e,.6,.ent , . d .e ig .ete.eine,w,ethe, e,.ee,

e. e.e.a. e fe e..or e.epending ,enet e , Jen, f ,et of J.nt.t. .eeting ,
e. .i f

e.folg-,eisted e..t to.. ,44 e,e.f e, eet ,e e..tdown n oe ne e.,ne,M) e

                                                                                                                                                                            .2 .e t i eo fte.tlen                    ,

Dr.Ou~0.. C,,, Ate...eent ine.., Co .ee,an De, 4g D,,ette, ,et oe. te, iAM v se.en t t, Co i e e l en. D,tette..te e, L...netng O. P t1,.,O, e , . A , A2,it e., ,.0.

       ,,0,et t e               04 / 2.. 2p ,                                                                                                                 i,                                                     ,

l 7,e42,>O4 3 . , ..W 790,0,00 A,C ..g.i.t..,

                                       ,et                               72,011 ile to             .e A, C                                                      .400, .e.,*ete D.te en Pi,. .re. e in ev.i..t.en     ,,r w o,e.,.d eW . i OO4,n.e . .t , e ie s Ae ..t.d, A. C     ,                                      ..

iO, ienie. n.wo.. e. e,t.cie tloo .n . ..,. e ed l enDei.e meter .e.e . retene,en e i 0ie.t Am F Ateei. enetgg Ceemise,en .Pte i9,,, 72/i2/12 is Die

       .C Wt     <enti.n.
                   -2 .A        Atos.Centrei
                                         . r ae t e, C ome. s e , e,. D6te.tetste e,t,,e en,ing (Pre-1975)            7g/10/l2            des 19042 KX}OS Nele s C and i da tes A. G. C 4 D neelneted an util 7J10lt itt are quellised es ehlft fetemen.6vt Cond& dele E neede eere
    -" 79042 4KPt0 F orward s evaluetten of 9AW- 3 DO41. Re v 4 e t en 4                         *%tudy op           e s po r t enc e D64.ontinuettes in Control #od Detvo meter fute                                                           14 VO0h0. 8 C         A t ee t e 4nergy Ceeesenten. De tec tera te of L t r ene t'q tstonelens
  • IPte-1979D 7J/12/14 dyp D4: YtFANG. M C Atee6s inergy Cometeelen Dttec terete ed Liconetog LPPe-IV73D 72/10/12 lp f9040JDOO4 Requeste 6pfe to effecte of piping eye treet euteide tentenneent & eetteetes of schedule det de e i g h. Pettatellen 4
    --7*04J90097 E v o l u s t e e 8 AW~ l OO4 7. N e w l e g en 1.          "Bl ud g of Di et ent ibui t ies in      Instelletaan of an, **de Cente.* Red                                rute 4stonesen a Criteria provideo                             GI AM8UB'I'J A        A t e* 6 e ede,....             Drive,Notee
                           . erg,n    .      eefel,                                                         te         ?2ilJ/2)          E n,2, s p e g g Comeste6en-Deputy Director f or Maer t er e Ateelt t nergy Cnemi se s en Ostec tetete of Ltienesng IPre-59fSt 72/10/12           Jp p 1905160491 Desponde to 721820 request for snelvese te deteretne r enee.uent o s of foot doneLF4(etten States NsHtG supplier will 7904 JOO10J Re so one s to Pequest fee sofo to reecler teelent pump                                              evbe64 generet t op it e t rept dur6ng                   =*ek of 7'0108 1     & tovtew eW$p0F8 Ha l f of weight is euppetted by deed weight hengets $                                                ef gnfe in rest will be filed later othet helf by paptag Be t ee 6 e onwbbero slee veed                                                           M tti tP. J G       Mettepoliten id6eun Ce                  72/lJ/29     1p MALL A W. J P          bete ac k & Weltes Ce              12/10/66         lp 79044701681 Di sc usses aspect enelvete b esheduling of foot dene t f a r st e on 79047100 F9 F orwar d s r eque s t fet addl info for r e vi ew of B AW -l OO J f, B AW-                          evalvettene fet fertittlee IOO)G.9AW-lOOiG & 8AW 800SI Wequeete ethodule For estettting                                                 F AUL ANI N. H J        A t ee l f inergy C omes se t en-Dep ut y Direc t nt for Meetter eoestete response w6than seven degt of re4*ipt of lle                                                         Pro jet t e      73/01/01            le Dff@e$.# C               A s ce t t E ne r g g C amel s e 6 en. D6tettstate of Llienelng (Pre - 19 #3 4         )JilO/lH           Sep 1999J10170 " Logic Daegree 944(6 Montter l eek ine t it Flow Cuntrol *
  • Ovene & Poe Ce 7 'J / 01/15 Ir 7904J4063J F erwe rd e e va l ua t i on of rest BAW-lool 3 ' study of intetgtenulet $4peretiene in Law Alleg Rtee! Hessed-Affected fense Under Austenstle 6telnieep Steel Weld Claddeng 79052 B O'J.)!
  • Instrumentation 4 Centrol B(eemannt Redtellen Atenopherst 60 HWe Ni ( p . A Ateete Eneegy Comessenon-beputy Dste< tot fat Nestter Monster Interleg6 L og it "

Ptejos te 14/lO/1H 2pp e Burne & Woe to 71/01/19 13 7904210944 Fne=Arde responese to temments se d e 6g federal & state 1994J400He Forweede 7}O1/4 lte presenttng AF C evelwelton of DAW-lOOJe> egenttee re De S "Centrol Nod Deave Mothentee feet Progtee " Pept le BMi f H2F J Mettepeteten aeaeen Co 7J/IO/19 1, re#eteneed in P9AN BC HWE Nt f P . A Ateelt Inergy Cemesselen Daterterete of Lisensing sPee-1971s 7J/OS/J4 lp 790423OOOH etid eeste RAW lOOJf.9AW LOU 1H.BA* LOO 30 & BAW-80011.eII dtd gest l9/H well to referenied in F SAM Fatweede ltt to 94W tequesting eddl info en reple W/n enc t -19042e00H9 8erwarde topit el rept eve 19etten of D AW LOO 29. "C ore t t e l Rod Of.bWI NCI N. A Atom q ( &nergg femesesten D6tet ocrete of ILceno6ng Delwe Meshentes Teet Ptegtee iPve-1979) 7J/10/20 2pp DE VDitND. 8 C Ateest thetgy C ees t o s t en. Ottettoeste of Ltreneing (Pte-89794 11/Ol/JJ Lp 790eJ10184 Deelen of red <ter geolent pump suppette to sottofettorg Formerde related #4W lte W/s one 1 1904Je0093 tvelvetten of BAW lOOJ9 "Conteel Red Detve Me<bentee feet RC D8WF NC L N . A Atools toergy Comelesson-Deputy Datetter for #eettet Progree " Prevades setlefertory beste fer operating PteJette 14/10/20 le p e r f orment e of ObW contpel red detwo methensee e Ateelt Instgg tones e e l en. Dsrectorate eF L e s ens t ag IPre-1975) 7J/Ol/24 #pp 1904J4044) in roepense to NRC 720926 Itr to eleswieting water espenelen joint fetiete 6nvestigeL6en to 6eeng tenducted to de t ereine potential failurte en oefett-related eqwip*ent 7905020006 Formerde strete skeet for " General Info Nequired for MILL Ek. J G Metropelsten Edison Ce 7J/lO/16 Ip Ceneldetetten of f f f ec t e of Pipsne Gys Beedh Outside Centeineopt

  • GC HWi Ni t M , A Aluett E ner gy C ome s t a t en -Dep u t y Dtte(Let foe Peacter 7909JJOOOS
  • DC Power Penel G4 hee 91ee " Propecte 71/08/11 3p p e Rotne 4 Poe Le 12/11/04 lp
                                                                                                                   - 7e050J0D01 Requeste that every effort he *ede le *46nteln othedule re 7906070393 "Masselleneeve Powee Penal 9thodulee                                                                      esp l e t et s en for l ac et ee e 9vene 4 Ree Ce                    /J/ll/04          lp 0 LF AH f. J F        Atoote inergy C emei e s t en. Diretterate of Laconsing Pre-19713         71/l1/09             Le 7904260675 #egveet by applatente that ewsponeten of tonel scitvities en Juntate t enessessen lane 6e 148ted                                                                        7903J80111 'Tooewete' Letthang Bye "

MIL L t R. J G Mottopeliten feiten Ce 72/l1/13 2pp e purne 4 hoe Ce 7]'OJrO6 le 79090J0014 Nequeste edel ante for determ6nseg eensequenese of 790$420J12 "Lefetg F*sto se Actuetson Bye Aler 6 Daegree

  • Ac tuellen *A dens i f ic en sen 4 offeeto en notoel op et et t en. ent ic 6pe ted e Burne 6 Wee Ce 71/ 0J /15 treastente b 4< < 6 dent e ve teg enc i evidente le OlAM8VERO A A t ee l t ane*gg Co**testen. Oleectorate Of L6teneing sere-19731 72/11/JO Jeg 790SJJO2iH 'Mafety Feetotee Attveteen Gye B!st e Diegree
  • Actuelsen *9*
  • gerne 6 Hoe ce 73/OJ/19 ip 7904J 70173 No t e e t end n e ele s A. S. C 4 D eestnoted in utti 721016 lte e's quallfted es ehlft f etesen- 999 tendidate E needs more 79042'0 6 PD F orweede eveluation of effett of fMI-2 en upettede e s p ef ient e fleeding W /o GM41 Df VDs.JNO N C S t ee 6 c F rio r g g C osel s e l e n- De p u t y Difectet fet Reacter Df NT[p4. H p Atesig (nergy Cemeletion. Depyty Difetter for Tothaltel P* elects 72/12/01 2p p #eview IPte-19fSi 7 3 / 02 /JG 2pp 7904J70179 Dec wasn t e 721129 conference telfen w/util 4 engineet to 79090DO3*JS Ac t receipt of 730JJi ltr fetweeding rept RAW-8402 did Jan fleet potentsal free propeted uretream puer storage 1973 Pept eutrently under towlew & teoults will to devolepeent remooniteted thteugh Newere kJ #ft Q l v l %G. W 8 Aeoese Energy Cemetee6en (Pre 1975i 72/12/01 dy p eMJE RI. F E Ateels Energy Commiseten (Pre 19758 7 3/0 J/ 01 lp 7904470564 Svggeste deletion of eerend peregteph of pretened ite le 7904/10a04 Mequeste notefication of subetetel date of draft Tech Spete util t0 Jensate te4neeIselon llne pellet #e SUepenglen thewld se liteneing review eghedule oeV be set met te lifted prior to ABLB denetderation Mut t.E #. D R A t eel e Fnergy C eme l e e l en. Ottettotete of Lteensing GALL O. J. A t me t e f.ner g y C oma n e s t en tPro 19738 72/t2/06 1, (Pre-1973: 73/04/14 Sp 1

l f PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 17 7900210609 in toepense to 730486 Itr.infores that revised draft of noncedtetsgical Tech Spece otil to setettled tg 730315 790S2203SS *lasteveentation & Centrol Schematic Level Conteel Suas " MILLER,J G Metropoliten Es t een Ce e Svene & Roe Co 73/12s 6 le 73/04/26 1p 790$160431 Ceepletten & filing of hsgh energy 4tne snelysse will be 7904220002 Discusses reasone for detaes te plant conet.formerig listed in 731026 lte requesting entensten of const completion date deleged wetti July 1971 MILLER, J 0 Metropoliten Edtoen Co MILLER. J G Metropels ten Ed t son Co 73/12/19 3pp 73/09/07 to. 7904240t 75 Revsew of 731D09 i t e r e ATWS & WASH-1270 " ATWB for 790S210367 ' Ins teunenta tion & Contre t Sc hemat &c Cteculating Wete, Weter Cooled Power Reacters" te complete concurs that TM1-1 Cenductivity Centrol

  • te Categorg "C' plant & TMI-2 to Categeeg "B" plant e Evens & Roe Ce 73/06/t3 ty. MILLER,J G Metropoliten Edison Co 73/12/31 to 7903220136 "Instrueentetten & Centrol Sche *4tsc Ctrevleting Water Acad 7904210631 Forwards seder estending const completion date free Pump Control
  • 73120! to 770501
  • Burne & Roe Ce 73/06/13 Sp kNIEL.K Atomic Energy Cometeston. Ditectorate of Licensing (Pre-19793 74/01/13 3pp 7900240011 AEC has eeended eegulattens to require reector & produc tion f ac t in ts operators to c omplete approved requel&#tcatten --7904210735 Order estonding const completion date fees 731201 to Oregree or tone reessetnetton betere each license reneweg 770$01 SmDYHULT. D J Atootc Energy Commission. Darectorate e8 Licensing GIAM8u5SO.A Atomte Energy Coastesten, Direc torate of Licensing (Pre-197S) 73/08/23 Pop (Pre-19797 74/01/15 2pp 790S0003S7 Rossends to 730719 request for review et r e f ue l tng wa te, 7904300097 Fermerds order estending const coepletaan date.nemo ce storage tank ogs des sen Rev tew showed all tent s over f low tesuance of provisional CP & eene re hear nes.

to c ontrolled water petnwe9 ENIEL.K Ateelt Energy Cemetesten, Direc tatete of Liceneteg MILLER, J Q Metropelaten Edison Co 73/09.'18 1p (Pee-1975) 74/01/13 1p 790424001S Utsi-peeposed tesolution of ottennet end cap cracting -7904300101 Nottracation of FR no t ic e of issuance of provietonal peetlem in circuit trester devices le not acceetable CPPR-66 was tesved on 691104 Outl a nes prec educe to be amplemented before DL to tesved DUBE,N L Ateetc Energy Comenssion. Direc tora te of L teensing DE YDUNG. R C Ateesc Energy C ome t s s i on. Direc toeste of Lic ensing (Pre-197S) 69/11/12 1p (Pre-197S1 73/09/24 Sp

                                                                                        --7904300106 Nottetcetion of FR notice of hearing on application for provastanal CPPR-66 will be held 691006 in Mtedletown.PA 7900240127 Forwarde *fechancel Rept on ATWS for Weter Cooled Power                            DVDE.N L      AtomLc Energy Commissten, Osrec torate of Ltcensing Reetters* dte Sept 1973 Requeste info on util satent to teprove seasures evtlaned in Ape A EPre-197SI       69/09/10       la GI AMBUSGO. A       Ateetc Energy Conaiselon. Directorate of Latenstag (Pre-197S)        73/10/10     3pp 7904240580 Forweede info re personnel changes effective 740801 JG Hot t e 6 m p romo t ed to Sweernetendent MILLER.J G        Metropelsten Edison Co          74/01/22    Ip 790 SOB 03S6 Advises that Stos delay danneet end cape contained on engineered safeguaed strcust treeters util be replaced prive to Inastal fuel loadings                                                            7905020005 Questtens whether or not GA personnel have suf fic ient MILLER J G         Metropolttan Edison Ce      73/s0/24      to                         authority 4 organtaattonal freedom to perfere effectiveig MOORE. V A      Atoesc Energy C ome t s s t en. Directorate of Licensing EPre-1975p       74/01/22      2pp 7904290003 Requests ettension to entiested eerl6est & latest dates fee complotton of const Descritee varaove problems & changes teswiring addl const & enginestant thee                                             7905210373 " Analog Logic Drawtag Nuclear lostrumentation System "

M1LLER.J G e Batiev Controls Co (sots of Babc oc t & Welcer Co ) Metropellten Edison Co 73/10/26 2pp 74/02/11 1p 7905210350 "inserveentataan & Control Scheestic Weter Treatment Gump pH Conteel

  • 7904300071 Regves t s DL applic at ion review reets by 740305 Forweeds
  • Svens & Roe Ce 73/11/03 eeeting not tc o 6 accep tance tevt ew schedule le WAsu8vRN.8 Ateesc Energy C ommi s o t on, Directorate of Licensing (Pre-197S3 74/02/14 2pp 7909210352
  • insteveentat ten 6 Cont rol Schematic Water freeteent Eves PM Control "

e Burns & Roe Ce 73/11/03 Sp --7904300074 Notifscatton of 740220 eestsag w/ assigned reviewers from vaesous tranches to Bethesda.MD to discuss review of FSAR WASH 9JPN,9 W Ateetc Energy Commission Directorate of Licenetag 7905210337 "Instrumentatten & Control Schematic HTR Drate Control e re-1 S) 74/02/14 la Velve Operatten e Duens & Roe Co 73/11/07 le 7905210404 4a0 volt unit Botstation 2-21E Reactor Olds Air Coelteg Fans AH-E- 11 D4E

  • 7904280232 Suppoets estenston of c ons t c omp le tion dates from 721201 % "' ' '

73120s to 760508 6 770501 due to const prottees & mods reqvtred tv more stringent safety regulations WASH 9vpN,8 W . kNIEL.* Atomic Eneegg C ommi s s ion-De p ut y Director for 790429002,3 Forweed e app lic at t en for OL which compenses Amend 13 t o e ggp w , ne g Reactor Prosects 73/II/19 288 MILLER. J G Metropelsten Edtson Co 74/02/1S 1p 7904260120 Eseetnetton Rept en senace operator license tesved for 7905210341 ".lasteveentatten & Control Scheaetsc. Radiation Monitoring Tri-2 Wrttten etaetnetten ete 740117-18 encl Operating test Off-Line e 8vres & Roe Ce 73/11/27 Ap *****' 7"02I C OLL INS','P F'd Operator Licensing Beench 74/02/20 app 7905210332 D*f-Lane

                 ", Ins trumentat ion & Centrol Scheest ic Radiation Monttoring         790426030S Esseanation Sept en eenior operator license lesved for o Burns & Ree Ce           73/11/20     to                                              TMI-2 written eenntnetton did 740117 enct Operating teet administered 740213 CDNNER, f L . COLL INS, P F              Operator Licensing Branc h    74/02/20 7905210334 " Ins trumentat t en 6 Centeel Sc hemat ic Radiet t on Mons ter ing            2pp Of f-L a ne (Legic8."

e Burne 4 Roe Co 73/11/29 18 7905160490 A c t tecetat of license applicellen std 740215 G I AMBJESO. e Atoote Energy C =ee s s e t on, Dttectneste of Licensseg IPee-1975) 74/02/21 2p3 790$21034 7*

  • Ins te ueenta t ten & Control Sc heestic Radiation Monitoring Off-Line e Svene 6 Ree Co 73/11/28 Ip 7904260107 Esse >petten Rept on senior operatoe 11cesse aneved for TMI-2 Wettten is s em a na t i on die 740117-18 encl. Operating test edennistered 740213 7900280296 Provides into en const schedule of Junneta transetesten COLLINS.P F Opees tee L tc ene nng 9eenc h 74/02/22 2pp line Reviews develop *ent of legal proceedings 6 veges 09LB to toceinste peaceedinge as tequested 64 enc t metton
   $1LSERG J        Sh aw, Pittman. Potts, & Teowtendge        73/12/CS      3p p       7904290037 Catee deficiencies identsfled during prettetnarg review of Section 6 2 of FSAT pegve ste addl info re model & computer codes used to predatt contenneent peessves response 7905220196 "Insteveentatten 6 Conteel Schematic. Level Centrol Svar "                     TEDESCO.R L         Ateelt Energg C omm a e s t en. Directorate of Lacensing e turne 4 Ree Ce           73/12/09    1p                                               (Pre-1973). 74/02/20            lopp

l 1a PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l 7,or.o22,,.,,..,,.n.............,.......,,..en r,. .ooo. ... ... ..... e, .,,n...... ... cP..,......i. ,.,

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74,OJ/07 (Pr.-lT 74/0$ ,Q1 (Pre-1975) Ip th en t. quit..ents ,or subesLisi 8 eet.iled

  ,,oso o4 , ....,                   ..n .. ., ,402i,               .....n, ./ ..r...nt.. .....n c ..                7904J.012J.A.vis.e..,....

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tree 19158 14/03/01 Jyp FVO4J /OhMJ Forwar d s t ev. R D & Level C .l!..t.n.e ,or 1,0 Sol 0J/2 h.14 s.o of s.aple.6en .f f B AR r ,v i ew Rec e**end s at t er tent . *<he,. vie e.g g e l og o c 41 esfot, portion o Ot ee, sew w/o ene l MI)V.A. T M Ateelt to.rgy Ceeestelen. D4 0 sc let ete of i4tenein, 0 4 f ANY. J f Al oe t c $n.rgy t.eelteLen IPre 19153 14/0S/11 Jp p erre-19#St "4/0'l/00 wpp 7904 /ftOJ 30 farget dele for draft 0-8 sa F40712 4 for beginntag e64. visit is /40/17 190502007h Bose t ier t fit ellen as warranted t. .esur. orderig WA968UNN.9 Ateelt in. egg Co.mtellen LPte 19/Sl 74/05/13 lp edointetrat6.n of $ndvetreal secventy plan 4 ettste*L heterd analgets F.wl.e pl RNE RO. R M Ateelt insegg C eme t t e l en. Die.ctorate of Las enelng 79040f0231 Applacente have requetted tteref6(atten of Info te se6elt (Pee-19731 74/03/DH Ap torsten41 ef t.c t o c onte 6ned i n NP C 740304 Itr WAbespvpN,B W Light Water Reeslors grench 2 74/OS/14 2pp 790%06DJ04 Natiftet of rnepletion er eceoptance review 6 reteneende applatellen te ettepted pf0Vid.d oppttfont estellt required pyO4J300 j 4 M.trepeilten Idison Co Jere.g Centeel Power & L1g44 C o. & PA edel info within 30 dege Guest 6ennente snel tiertr6c Ce fsled OL epsltseteen Fotweeds no t i t . Of DtNION H R Ateelt E nergy Co*eletten. Diretterate of L4tentief eppl et et ten regenpt 4 opportunity for he#Fing dere-tytS) #4/0J/15 IHep kwl e tsu A t ee n s inergy C ome t e e s en. Dirert. rete of L 6t ent ing IPro 897St 14/OS/WO 1p 790$0108 2J F a nd o en i g info lec t 6ag for f NAN rown.w tenteene dae.netone 6 talerentes. whish see ette6netje in first round que s t s ens' 7904JS006J Potweed s DL appletetten & FR n.44ce W/o enc 1 se Mett6en 4 Jet ten be reviewed Deview enti MN i g.L. s Ateess Energy Commestion. 06tetteedle of Licentang Rn68. D F Ateess Energy C eme t e s t em Deputy Det.< tee for T ec hni c a l spre 39pSe /4/03/10 tp poweew (Pre-19759 74/03/13 Ja p 7904J70ff2S Appletetten for (M wee ecsopted for full review on 740404 7904J40185 Forweeds info te see of new specif6e heet toeve for UtlJ e t f orwards # # no t h c e not 6c e of opportwelty for evtlls

                                                                                                                         ' * " ' ' ' P'I"               * **I         * * " 'O  " I 'd ' ' # O 9 etallged in e see trenoient tempyter godes fee plant oefety enelgted N.w surve walt 6. refletted in FCCS veenelge64
                                                                                                                                             ***#       "*#II "** * ""                    #   # * * ' #
  • I
                                                                                                                         ###'#0'            #4#"'##"            #P8 ANNiltO. R C                me t ros eli ten Ed s een to                  14/03/65       ty                                fee M e netite
  ?904 )OO4e6 F er mo e d t FEAA restew eemments an form of draft inittel                                            -+ #404J 7004p 7 No, t,,it e,of  , , p    ,            e,r applicotton g    g, g , ,        ,       ,,g ,,g      o, ,f, queslient te geolegg.hydrelegg 4 meteorotegg                                                                            heering GAMMILL.W P                   Ateels festgg comatostem Depotu D6,eeter fee f acentt el                                  RNIIL , M       Ateelt fnergg C oom s e s e en.              Directerate of L6(enstag Review (Pte+49/SI                        74/O'J/15           lopp                                                        (Pee.IV/Sp           14/OS/&D           9pp 7904210714 Arn receipt on 740J19 of G appl 6tetten Besed on acceptance                                             -- 790477 DOS 3 N:s t 6 t e o f opportunity f.r puellt peettispetten in **epeted review.contled.s IBAR % financial &nfo see templete forwards                                                             L&4entang a< tion addl info needed for safeng revsew                                                                                      FNI(L,E         Ateele t oer gy Comm6telen. Datec torate of Lit.nting GIAM2Uns10.A                 Atuels (norgy C omm 4 0 s t eru D6tetterate of Licensing                                    8Pfe*19751           74/03/20            3p p (P r e o t v/3 ) .          7 4 /07J/ l O      Sepp 7 ?O4J 706M1 F o rwar d t fe petite of eeealpt of feesistg OL applicat som 1904300154 Reeste, of ac t es tanc e rev sew of FEA9 ove sufficientig                                                  not 4t e of consideestten of 6sowente of DL & notate of temelete to deshet applicellen                                                                                      opportenttg for 6eering MMDME, V A                Ateelt snergy Chemi sS tem D&F.Clarete of L$teng$ng                                       FNltle M         Aloeit l' ner gg C Oest eq 6 0s, D&rettafete of litenteng t#fe-l97Si                  74/0J/lH           Jpp                                                                  (Pre lV/11            74/03/20            lp

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 19 790SO60062 in,et.s e, str.ct rMi-2 Fe..erds 7 ,0 0 0040

   .ppi c                      .,s i.ic.t notice         ion .g f     pt .t, e t.i,s,iic.t to c on.en W,e enc i                              Av.tii.r, & ,.ei H.nd iing .id e JOS F t Ei evet iam C.t i e
   .NiEL. tion     . rR At.eic   Fners, Ceenist,en. torate of ticensing                        1r4.,.Pien e       .n. & - Roe    C. 74,07,03     ip (Pre-197S8         74/05/20      2pp 760530               in Bethesda. MD w/ General      7906090044 "Aus(liarg & Feel Handling Side 30S F t Elevation. Cat t e 79050.H0192 P. i tt UtiiNotsftcetten to discus, needof     ,er e,ee  t ing i..d b iet t & c entaine.nt                                  -

penetc. tion ,tesswei,etten age 1, e., .P i a n& R e Ce ens 74/07/03 i, RNIEL, M. Light Weter Reac ters Seanc h 2. 74/OS/24 2pp 79G4250666 Requeste participation en 740787 to TMI-2 79ogs 4240i.9 Fe,.a,rds in,e ,e fived . iec t & ,enet,etion pres.r... tion HuLMAN. L. O At.mac En.,g, Cee.ts, ten <P,e gate iTFS v,isit74,07/OS i, e

   .nn. cess.,g & not c ost e,clestoiegg of ective          indicate s,s as ARNULD.R C        Metropoliten Ed t sen Ce           74/05/29      3p p                 7905100062 No t i f ic a t s on of 740711 e t te visit w/Metropoliten Edison Ce to discuss ings of steas & ac tivt tles ad jac ent to site &

environ senttering stations 7904210654 F orwar d s UL safety teview othedule WASH 8URM.8 W Ateens Energy Coastselen. Directorate of Licensing GI AM8vtiSO. A Atemte Energy Ceemission. Direc torate of Lic ensing (Pre-197St 74/07/05 1p IPre-19FS) 74/05/30 esp 7905020029 Feemords schedvie to esotet in proposed Level D DL tevtew 7905090437 Nottfacetsen of 740725 meeting in Betheede.MD w/Mettopolitan MN!EL. R Atomic Energy Cemetesten. Directorate of Licensing Edsoon Co te dlocuse reacter tidg teenste facter & general g,,g g,,g,,q (Pre-197$6 74/06/03 2pp WASHBURN. 8 w Atomic Energy Commissten (Pre 1975) 74/07/09 2p p . 7905220009 "490 Volt unit SubetettenssOne Line Diagree

  • e Svens & Ree Co 74/06/03 le 7905090415 Nottftcation of 740717-18 eeeting m/Generen Public Utt! &

Metropoliten Edsoon Ce to dascuss ans, of hydreingtc. geologic & metectelegic features of eate & everowndtog area 79043900S3 Nettestation of anattitte to meet 740418 schedule to provide WASH 8UNN 8 W Atomic Energy Cometseten. Direc torate of Lic ensing

  .ddl tafe to i.eget d.tet for f.ei le. ding & c ommerc ial                                 (Pre-197$1           74/07/10     2pp                                                   I operation                                                                                                                                                                         i ANNOLD. R C       Metropelatan (dison Co             74/06/13      Ip 7905090421 Nottfacetion           of 740729 meeting w/ General Pvtlic Util &

Metropel s ten E dison Ce to inspect hydrologisegeologic & ' ~~7904190056 Responds to NNC 740S30 Itt regvesting review of dates meteorologsc features of area surroundtog fec116tg l WASMBURN.D W Atoelt Energy Comelssten (Pre 1975) 74/07/10 essocsated w/schedvie ellestones Dates are realtatic in view Ip of target eateg for fuel leadtog & commercial operation , ARNULD.R C Metropelstan Edtson Ce l 74/06/13 2pp 7906060051 *Avealtary & Fuel Handling Olde 200 Ft 6 inc h e s Eiev.tten.Cahie rea, Pi.n - J 7905070369 Responds to NRC /40509 request for add! info Forwatdo Burns '

  & Ree drawings & F5AH cross-reference Piping &

Instrumentation stegrams forthcoming ARNOLD.R C Metropolitan Edison Co 74/06/l4 2pp 7906000059 *Ausellerg & Fuel Hendling Bldg 200 F t a lac Bes Elevetten.Catte Trag Plan

  • e Burne & Roe Co 74/0//1S 13 7904280$9S Forwards Amend 14 to CP & DL which addresses addl info coeviremente trensmitted to apaticent on 740314 ARNULD.R C Meteopoli ten E d t sen Co 74/06/18 1p 7906080062 "Austinarg & Fuel Handi nag Oleg 290 F t 6 Inc hes Elevation.Ceble Treg Plan *
  • Svens & Rio Co 74/07/4S 1p

--7904210997 Appittetton for CP & DL Cer tificate of Syc enc ! ARNULD. R C Metropellten Ed6 son Ce 74/06/l3 6pp > 7906080065 "Av Litary & Fuel Handiles Olds 200 Ft 6 laches Elevotten.Catie Trog Plan

  • i r906080002 "Aven!serg & puel Handitng Oldg 32H Ft Elevation. Cet te
  • 8 vent & Roe Co 74/07/15 Ip j Trag Plan *
  • Svens & Roe Co 74/06/28 Ip 7906090077 "Avetiteeg & Fuel Handisng gldg 290 Ft 6 Inches Llevatten.Catte Trey Plan
  • 790h000077 "Austlierg & Fuel Handling andge 329 F t Elevet t on. Cab le e Burns & Roe Ce 74/07/1S 1p frag Plan *
  • Burne & Ree Co 74/06/21 1p 7906000074 "Availlate & Fuel Handitng steg 200 Ft 6 inc h e s 7904J10SS7 Forwards Amend 87 to CP & OL which address addl ente Elevation,Catte Trog Plan
  • fegetrosents teensettled to applicant on 740319 e Burns & Roe Co 74/07/15 1p AHNDLD. R C Metropellten Edsson Ce 74/07/Oi Ip

--7904210S60 App l icat ion for CP & UL. Cer tificate of Svc encl 7903090439 Notificetten of 740729 meeting in Middletown.PA AANULD.R C Metropelttan Edtsen Ce w/Metropoliten Edison Co & Genere t Put!!c Ut ti te discuss 74/06/27 4pp generic intereits of Reac tor Bgs Branch WASHBURN,0 W Atoetc Energy Comesseson. Direc torate of L6 censing 7906000001 *Avatiserg & Fuel Handitag Badg 328 F t E l eva t i on. C at l e (Pre-697S) 74/07/17 Spp frag Plas

  • e Burns & Ree Ce 74/07/03 Ip 79058S0694 Sweeary of 740711 otte visit to TM1 to confire theracter of certent populetton & pesettle safety-related activilles on 7*06080003 "Austitary & F ue l Handling Badg 329 Ft Elevat ten. Cable river & to areas everounding site Teag Plan
  • WASHBURN. B Atoetc Energy Coest es ton. Deretterete of Lic ensing (Pee-g975 74/07/19 23p e evens & Roe Co 74/07/03 le 7906000004 *Aus titate & Fuel Hand t gne Ridge 305 Ft Elevet ten. cas t e 790419Gl95 Netstication of 740724 eeeting w/utti in Roc kville.MD to Trag Plan
  • discuss updating environ rept due 750228 e seres & Roe Ce 74/07/03 1, ST MARY.F.A Atosta Energy Cnemission (Pre 1975) 74/07/23 1p 7906090006 9,,, pg,,"A.ustiserg & Fuel Handling S id g e 3OS F t Elevatten.Catte 7904270601 Suneatg of 740719 site visit Esaetnettens of cote borings
  • Svens & Ree Ce 74/07/03 ap indicetes foundellens are ede4 Vale for e*pp**t of all structures PELLER.L W Ateetc Energy Commiselon. Deputy Director for Technical 7906000009 *Avaliterg & Fuel Handling $1dge 30S F t Elevot ten. Cable Review (Pre-19751 74/07/23 2p p .

Trag Plan

  • e evens & Ree Ca 74'07/03 to 7904270604 Forwards first round guestions to Sec tion 4 21 et FBAR STELLD.V. Atomac Energy Cooma s s & on. Depute Direc tor for Technicat 7906090017 *Avn t i tety & Fee t Handling Bldg. 305 Ft Elevet ten.Cet te Review (Pte-lT75) 74/07/23 3p p .

Trag Plan

  • e turns & Roe Co 74/07/03 to 79067802S9 Sweearg of 740717 tite visit flees of interest inc lud e lect ed eterop toe in vicently & notth of Unit I intate 79060HOO39 "Austlaaty & Fuel Handling Ridg 305 Ft Elevet ten. Cat te s truc ture frog Plow a BIVIMS. W . JUHNSON,7. Atomic Energy Comessaien. Directorate of a svens & Ree Co 74/07/03 ip Licensing (Pre-197S8 74/07/23 2pp

20 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ) 7904,,o.i9 .eview o f no t r ep.ii t.n ed i s on Ce 7402 5 ist ,.epiele 79041 004. t .ensing et.,,,ted e.fot, ,eieied e. l ee n . geeieg t. . I suffiesent e theitig s I,eedom esiste to enetie oA pereennel fe.ndelsen engineering fee ores me,.eeis evtline se to perfere seessi6ed funatiene esepenees by 740913 & complete reopenses tg 741013 SMDVHDL h D J Ateels leergy Cemettelen, Deputy D6retter fet FNICL. E Ateelt inergy Cenel eg t en (Pte 1971) 74/0G/06 Spp feshnstel Neview (Pre-1973a 74#07/24 1p I

                                                                                               --7904190041 Sweene r g of 740148 (M safety review elle vielt to inspett sve fe04290118 8venerg of 14071D elle visit to inspect eefety-teleted                             water intete s truc ture & dite Ltot of pertet6pente enti selsels e f eelegit b foundetten engineering feelytee                                     WASHhuRN.B           Ateelt Energy Cameleelen (Pte 1975)                 74/01/24        Sp p WASHOURN.9         A t ee t ( En*'Og C o**i s e l em Ostecterete of Lteeneang (Pte-197St         74/07/25       Sep 79041 RO4 383 F etwer d s teewltg of QA poteennel review Conc lvges that suffjssent auther$ty & ergentactional freedes estete for 1904/50130 Summerg of 740/17 site vsell to inopert hverelegtral                             e# #ec tive per f ormenc e o f writitel functlene features f or portsen ed esfely feview four antivded ensp of                            NRMf V A         Atee,c E nergg C eme t s t l on (Pre 19138             74/08/06       2pp dies 4 r e prep, evt water intete strwc evres & elle dregnege WAGH5UDN 8         Ateelt Energy Comesselen, Diretterste of Lggone6pg                7904J40lG4 Fetware e requette for addl infe re esteerelegg fet (Pro *lT751        74/07/29       4pp                                                   treneelltel la applicent DeNfDN.H R          A t ee l t Energy C eoe t t e l en. Detectorate of L.trencing (Pre-19758         74/06/OH          dyp 19050503H4 Svemoeg of 740747 sans vsett to taspect dibe 6 reprep evt water intene stewstures.ette dre4nego & effluent dietharge ett                                                                                 7904240 t he Forwer d e first eet of questione by flestrical.

WASHOUNN.5 Ateelt inorgg Cemeletten. Diretterste of Licensing Instrueentatten & Centeel 99e prench Revtew requited se (Pre-1973# 74/07/29 dpp eesselg & environ qualifsretten of eefety equipment G Ft'l LD. V Alemat Energy C eme l e e t en. Direc t orate of Licenelng (Pre 19/SI 74/06/DH 17pp 7904040122 Nettfttellen of scepletten of fleet teund review of # EAN FetwerGe retweet for addl inee MAC C AN f, N N Ateelt energy C ome t t e t en. Diretterate of Llienel"9 7404260J90 Etee6nellen Rept on operator 16(ente leeued for IME-2 IPte-89758 74/07/29 2pp Weasten essetnetten did 740/22 enc! Operating test edelnistered 140/24

      + 1904990524 Pequeste edel into re age quality greve & eelseit                             C OLL ! kR, P F           Operegor Lgeensang Deensh               74/0H/OH     2pp r i st e l f it et t ens of flw6d eye to toeplete FbAN revsew E f f LLO. V   A t ee t s Energy Cemettesen. Olrectorate of Lteeneing (Pre +1TFSI       74/0#/29         4pp                                           7974300145 Summary of 740723 meeting w/ app!stante to addl info regetteeente for # EAR WASHRURN.8               Light Water Neoc tore Seanch 2              74/ON/12      'lp p 7404J 706S6 Reque s t e sof e re sett enganee*Ing last of c old wet t e6 ewetentP14 etelettet s teel e 4 t enf erment e of reatter vessel                     y su r v e i l l ane. e progree to AsfM i-lUS-73
                                                                                                                      , , 74 7                          f g g ,, 4 g ,, ,,           g,,,,,,,

MAf C A# v. R R A t ees t Energy C oom i s o l en. D6tec torate of Lscenelag for truc tural (ngineering franch for pbAR (Pre 19/SP 74 07/30 3pp WAn popN.B Atem t Energy C eme t t e t en. Dtrestorate of L te ent sht p tPr 19151 14/DHile th e 1903140193 Forwards # test townd sweettene free Artident Analgelo B* ent h te coeplete feetilly review Pte,lttene for ede(wete /40eJ40190 Ferwarde draft request f or 4441 6pfe te foundellen protettlen egegnet shierine telease entI engengering.eeeed en 740719 otte visit pt' N f t)N. H A Angets Inorgg C emel e e l en. Diretterate of Ltteneing l ' M f f PP. J C Ateels (norgy C o se t e e l ens Dltetterete of 6. i t e n e i n g (Pre-591Si 74/07/Ji Sep  : Pro.3975) 14 / Dil / t e gpp 79Q41U0055 Summerg of 740/J4 eseggnq w/will in Rottvllle MD to 7994p40lv; Forwards request for eqqj GA inte pande atti theule emend preparetten of suppl to environ f or t due 750420 Preliennerg P SAN te compig w/Greg & Green Deels peepenes required by othedule & tiet of stendose enel 74 ggt) 91 M A9 V . F A Atomic E ner gy Cemeteeton iPro 1975: 14/Od/01 3a# SkovHot f. D J Atee6 r Fnergy C ome s s e l en. Directorate of Licensing sPre-L9/Sp 74 /Ofl/15 /p p 79041904J4 Forwe'de Amend 19 tt applitetten of DL Amend c onelete er tev8eed pages te te Interperated inte f6AR % suppt to FSAR 7YQ4J40t f 3 F orwer d e first reved questlene free Reettet bye Brenth re ARPER D. # C Metropoliten fdtsen Ce 74/ue/01 1, ,hugdewn ego design GTtLLO.V At ee t c E ne r g y C ome t e s t en. Datetterate of Ltceneong (Pro-19751 74/DU/19 app j --7904l90421 Amend 19 to CP & DL Certifttete of E tt ent! ANWh D4RC Metfopellten Edtoen Ce 74/07/29 4pp 7404230034 8erwerde lie 4 of petticapente en 740/25 eesting to Dotheede. MD t o doetwee tentainment oge 1994260114 tae*Instten Nept en senter operator A tt enes toeved for WAGHBUWN,N Ateelt thergy Cemeletten. Detectorate of Licengang TMl.2 Written eseelnellen 6td 740722 enti Opefeting teet tPre-19153 7d / DB/19 3p p edesaloteted 740724 CULLINL P F Opeteter Ltrenetog Scench 14/08/08 2pp 7904100051 Forwerde faret toond questione for 8 5AR 7V04260344 steelnellen pept en eenior opetetet incense leeued for TMl43 Wettten essennetten 4td 740723 enti Operettng test ede4nteleted 740723 7V94230412 Formerde faret teved requeste for addl info to potentiel Cut L IN4 P F Operatee LScensing B r enc h 14/0H/01 Ip addL energy release free stede generatore after c ore re fleed 6 fCCS eweluetten WASHRL8HN. S W Ateelt Fnergy Comentslen Ottetterete of L s( eneing 7904 )OOO34 F orwa r d e r ound one queetiene swtettled tg n t.eester of (Pee-1975) 14/Ge/21 lp y Medastegical Aetesteent Branch to ted s eleg tt e t een s tor ing dose retee 6 weets DE NT ON. H R Ateelt Faetsy C amel e e l en. Directerste of Llienelng 7905070342 $thedules reopense to "Requett for Addl I n f o. F i t e l-R ound IPre-19FSI 74/DH/02 ;1p p ouestaant

  • eepenses to all quettient #6enaed for 1440111 etept for Ovettiene 03 4 6 41 6.esheduled for Jen 1975 &

Nov 1974.teepettively 7904100039 Forweeds toond one queellene te effluent treeleent.neteeserg Ap MOL D , 3 C Metropoliten Edloon Ce to toeplete teview of FEAR 74/DC/30 1p T FDL ECO. R Ateele E ner g, Ceme t s s t en. Diesctetste of L6tenstes (Pte-197SI 74/0H/0J 3pp 7904gpoo;7 gue org of 740019 longen w/epplicent*e represef*tetewet te adel eteveteral **gineerleg infe tetvitemente WASHBvpN.B W Alemic Enefgg Cooeletten. Ditectorate of Litenolpe 79Q300004S f orwer d e Mot hen a c e l Engineering St enc h tommente en #GAA spre.1975) 74/09/04 app througn heend le Responses to these s omeent e are vioed ed Defete t r enc h ten templete review MACC A# V. A N Atents toer gy Cemettelen. Diretterate of Lateneang 7904230108 AC Arnold replette JG Millet de vtal regtotent for ell fete *19755 74/00/02 $ 3pp serrespondence re facsittees LAWVE R. L L Metropol6 ten Edleen Ce 74/09/03 le 7904240879 Forwards hydtele64c engineering first cound queellene to F54# 7905110374 Forweede siteetene & eettelty tiet for TMt.etelve did DONTON,H W Ateent Cnergy C oom s e s g en. Diretterete et Licensing 740614.far petted endtng 740907 (sp leine e s tene t en of # vel (Pee =397tl 74/D9/09 ley lead date 4 tonet schedule OUhN. W f OPU 9ervu o Cote 74/D9/0A 4pp 7904240604 Forwetde requeet for eddl info re ava t t lety & power conveceten eye fee p GAN Response sevght by 740pO2 & eheold 7904 700267 Net 6 f le elien of reethodotteg 74tOJ! **eting w/Metrepellten etteet espects effes46eg venteel of testoectiv6tv Edtoen Ce to diet ve t structural design change deletle TE Df GCO. A L A t ee l e Eneegg C ooml e s t en. Directorate of Licene teg WASH 90RN.9 W Ateelt Energy Commise4en Diretterete of Ltieneing IPf e* 19 731 74/OH'DS 14pp (Pre-19758 74/09/11 lp

                                                                                    - . .                    =        .       -                  .                          .


                  . of 74 Oi2 teiten ,e meeting w,Mel,epeiiton Edison     7,0425032.

790.Si,D00 C. siiewing meeiing.NRC wi Perw.res first revnd ques,t,i.n re e,iectricai. instrument. tion de.swe.enta. tion to temper.rg ,ii regvest.necess.,y design eier cran so, pert towers. & contre.i .ogs .for t,.nseittei to e iic.nt. esponse g 7 ii22 WA ~ URN. W Ateels Energy Cemeission. Directorate of Licensing .r rELLO. e que sv.t e Atomic E,e,g, Com.i ss ion. Direct, rate of Licensing cP r e- 1973 ). 74/09/12 Jap (Pre-1979) 74/11/04. 303 79052 0360 " Instrumentation & Centret scheestic.Radweste Disposag 7904230:49 Forwarde last of electrical.insteveentation & centrol eye Neutraliser Tante,e drawings ev6ettled on 741018 e Burne & Ree Co. 74/09/12 to ARNDLD. R. C. Metropolitan Edison Ce 74/11/08 7p p . 790S210364

  • f ne ttueentation & Centre t Schematic: Tuttine Bypese Cent & 7904250S27 Perwards firs t round questions of Reacter Pngsics Section of Dues Valve Air Operation " Core Perfernanc e Sce nc h re FSAR Chapters 4.14 & 13
e. svens & Roe Ce 74/09/12 Ip, STELLO.R Ateets Erergy Cemelselen. Directorate of Licensing (Pre-1979). 74/18/12 2pp.

7904210713 Responds to request for info to cenet schedules & vellow 79042S0127 Recipient for all terrespondence re TMI-1 & 2 shevid be ANNOLD.R.C. Metropoliten Edison Ce 74/09/L3 to. "C(ERLL. LAW Metropoliten Edison Co. 74/11/18 1p. 7904250t01 Reepende to 740006 guentiens te seismic.geolog6 cal 4 fevndation engineering which were first discussed at 740718 --1904250131 As of 740901.reatplent for all correependence ce TMI-1 & 2 site visit.Answere to be evtettled as seend te FSAR. shoute te RC Arnet s l ARNULD.R C. Metrepetitan Edison Co. 74/09/13 2p 3 MILLER.J G Mette,selttan Edison Co. 74/04/30 to 7904250407 avematises Elec trical Instrumentation & Centrol Sgs Branch 79051604S9 Rest to 74410s ter concerning tempererg poter crane positten en design of manuelig centrolled electricallV setedmonts will be evnt TS0107,vpen seteittal of rep t. estrated valves- documentation will to ave 11stle for review at site. KN!EL. R. Ateelt Energy Coseission. Directorate of Licensing ARNOLD. R. C. Metropeatten Edisen Ce 74/11/18 1p EPre-1975)< 74/09/13 2pp. P9042$0241 New date fet sute!4tet of second round guestions is 7S0138. 7904210717 Nettficellen that info regvested in 740919 telegree was Requests applicant's ressense by 741219. previsuele estettled PAWLICMI.8 g Ateste Energy Commission. Directorate of Licensing , ARNDLD.R C. Metrepe16 ten Edison Co. 74/09/23 2pp. (Pre-19753 74 / l l / 2C.. 1p l 4


7909040117 Forwarde deeveentation of recipient's intervention 7904270338 Presente results of Tech Specs review to inservice test 6ng per 760917 request.W/e east of eveps & valves Applicant ehew1d provide info re pump kNIEL.R Light Water Rees ters Branch 2 74/09/24 2p p . performance paraeeters. vibration mentteeing & leakage MACC AR Y. R. R. Ateetc ' Energy Ceeelselen. Directorate of Licensing (Pre-1975). 74/11/20 2pp. 7904210SF7 Forwards Amend 20 to application for DL which addresses aedt anfo retutremente treneettled to appl 6 cant tg AEC en 740906 ARNDLD. R. C. Metropelttan Edison Co. 74/09/27 2p p 7904190003 Notificatten of 741216 eeeting w/etti in Meckville.MD to discuse final plans 4 s update environ rept for evbeittal 4g 790228

   -~7904210583 Amend 20 to app 1(cation der CP & OL, revising FSAR re             ST MARY.F.A. Ateetc Knorgy Ceemiss ten (Pre 1975).                 74/12/11       13 esteels. geological & f evndation aspec ts Certificate of Syc enc l .

ARNOLD. R C. Metropolitan Edison Ce 74/09/20 4pp. 7905070175 Forward s sta tus of applicant's response to Revnd i guestions Discussions w/f actitty representatives teve not been produc tive on several s tems. 7904290264 Notification of 744010 meeting in Betheede.MD w/Citisens for WASHSURN.H W Ateetc Energy Coseiss t en. Directorate of Licensing Eaf e Environ & Vert Cemetttee der Saf e Environ to discuse E Pr e-1975 3. 74/12/11 Se p . intervener c oncerne & NRC ac tivities. WASHpunN.8 W Atests Energy Comelesien. Directorate of Licensing ) (Pre-1975). 74/09/30 2pp 7904250236 Requests adel info in order to complete second revad l guestsens to conduct of operattens. j CDLLINS,P.F. Ateetc Energy Ceselssion. Directorate of Licensing i 79042S0091 In roepense to MRC regvest.0&W will svteit ATW9 rest en EPre-1975). 74/12/66. 4pp. 741213 & interia stalve rept en analgets progress on 741001. ARNDLD, R. C. Metrepetitan Edison Ce 74/10/01 2pp. 7904250337 Regvests addl info &/or positten statements to review of BAR for transetttal to applicant. 7904250532 Forwards first round FEAR questions free Radielegical HOUSTDN.R W Ateetc Eneegg Cemetselen. Directorate of Licensing Assesseent Oranch. (Pre-1975). 74/12/19 2pp. DENTON.H A Ateelt Enstgg Comesselen, Directorate of Licensing (Pre-197S1. 74/10/07. Spp 7904250093 Forwards draeings.gerd piping plan & gard plying enlarged plane te f acilitate first round saf ety review W/o enc 1, 790S220004 'O C.. One Lane Diagram

  • ARNOLD. R C. Metropolitan Edison Co. 74/12/23 (p.

e Svene & Ree Co 74/10/09 ip. 7904240118 Act receipt of 746001 itt to tact of tieely respone, to grWg 7904250106 Responds to 7412L8 lte requesting answers te guestions toeve.Faitvre due to detag of ATWs info free vender. Grants 13-39 1}-43.1}-44 & 14-45 Answere espected by 7S0131.escept estensten untti 741231 in which to respond for 13-3T.which will be answered 750228 GIAMSUBSD.A Ateetc Energy Commission. Directorate of Licensing ARNOLD.R.C Metropolitan Edison Co. 74/12/23 lp (Pre *1975). 74/10/09. 1p 7904210664 Sweearg 39 740724 seeting w/vsil in Rockettle.MD re approach to be used in vedetteg enytten rest.

  • P904250144 Responde to 740821 ite & will forward electrical.

instrueestation & rentrol ogs drawings forwarded en 741010 ST MARY.F.A Atomic Energy Ceemiselon (Pro 1975). 74/12/31, 3p p , ARNOLD. R C. Metropellten Edison Co. 74/10/23 (p. 7904240634 Reviews BAW-30099. *8&W ATW8 Analysis." Concludes neitner 7904300168 Svesary of 741010 eest6ag w/citisens groups in Bethesda.MD hardware meds ner FEAR changes wit! to required.Finde rept n re sente,tions eleted in 740620 petitlen for intervention reopensive to WASH-1270 licensing pegitten. WASHBURN,g Light Water Reacters Scench 2. 74/10/24 See ARNDLD. R C Metrepetitan Edison Co. 74/12/31. Ip.

 -7905040122 Forwards Reg Guide 4.42.Licente DPR-$0 App 5, WASH-128$ 6           79042$0085 Forwards info re temporarg polar crane eme*edeonts.per WASH =l3tB per 741010 discuesten.W/o enci                                     741021 telcon Info includes analgste of concrete osed in EM[Cle n.         Light Water Reacteel Branca 2        74/10/2S     2pp.      # vel handling peel suppsetang waits ARNOLD. R C.       Me tropoliten Es teen Co. 73/08/07      10pp.

F9042 SOS 30 Forwards detailed schedule of DL saf ety review Proposet if . weet et topage to complete review allestones. 7904240620 Forwards electetcal instrumentation & centre! drawings WASHSURN.B W Atests Energy Ceemission. Directorate of Licensing seteitted per 74042S

  • Electrical instrumentation & Control cPre-19FSI. 74/10/30 app Drawing Sete14tal Precedure.* W/s engl.

ARNOLD.R C, Metrepellten Edison Co, 75/01/17. 4pp 7904300166 Svemary of 741021 eesting w/appiscente in Bethesda.MD re structural design changee 7904250090 Feewarde list af electrical instrumentation & centrol WAsHOURN.S. Ateetc Energy Cemeteston-Deputg Director for Reactew deowings seteatted 741018 Ne drawings ens 1. PreJecte 74/10/30, Sp p ' ARNOLD. R. C. Metropoliten Edison Co- 75/01/17. 6p p .

22 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS na,,.......n.............nup. . .n. m.m.

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                                                                                        , ...,5/02/07             2,.        --7904230074 .....s. ,.e ,e. low ., .441'.                               73o220 6.p,1 !! to .n.s,.a
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                                                                                                                                        .. w                      A.u ,u . oi..o.,                ..,cno....e. .i ...,- .
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   . win-N.                w,- n a      u .h. W. .. ..~ .... . . ..a 2                         n ,u , , o         3,,                            ............. ...,.... u .                   c..,-      ..n               .d .. ...n 7,o42,,oi.n     . . . . . . , .           . .. . . . . . . .. . i . , n . . r e .. c .. m..
                                                                                                                                 .ien . .                        ...nci..

n e,, . n.o,.. W-m . t .e . .. .Ai .nca on. r . . . , c . . . u .n ,,.. i,73, n,u o i, nu ma r or2 ... , c. .....u., .n ., iou mo.A.,u . .o.i ., ,o.m., 4 un e ,,, om

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                                                                                                                                           ... B. ...Dt.gst.n mu.N.               .,. ...iu,.n...
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isc..seng (N..-i97$ onigl 7904J00027 .e ..,ues. .., $ p, o , r .. Ph g . l c e 8.c t i on ., c e,. 75/03/11 lp Pe. .. Sr.nch h... .een ...s.w.d . ,o.nd to 6.

    .. t ! . ..ct.rq nc . N. ..c.ed ...nd g.. s.t a .n.

S IE L Lo. V Ds.teien o, ..i.w t h..-19 73 on t g ) 75/02/12 r.. a ew s c.h ed. i . in,. b c......e p, int..t .... 7904 i n'70o

                                                                                                                                      .n io... 3 F o,w.,d e .........
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m.,-4 i ., r....n.. .e ,u 23, nr , e .. . u n , ,e...e

   *Rtw Afwt3 An.igsis." neither h.rew.,e n.e                                           F SA.._ i o.. .
   "*"M,.'.~c " M .0" O., u . . .. c.
          <                                                                ,3,u, i 4         i,                              ":.=d"; ' --- a aa "-" - "- ' = ~ " ." " . ' ' a* " ~ e VAA. L ,5 . . . H               Qu.Inty As e Br..c h                75/03/18       Sep 79042301 2 ,o m.ede list ., ,16 1 trument.l ti tent.el
                     &                      to ..p,1                           n 74 808 4 75011'7 dr. wing A m ,LD.          c d,    
                                                           ..n c. ..n t7 ,o,u r i 4          h,,                             790SonOOSA
                                                                                                                                .. e .,4 t,       ,F..w.r
                                                                                                                                                   , A,,     d e 5 6 4. An. l g e n . h
                                                                                                                                                                                                    .t.t.eente re .et..rologg ,or DL um n .                  D~,....,o,...u....n...                              n ,u , i ,     3, ,
                                               . , ntn o, ... u n,                                in .. t e. . . d . . aD t.
 ~4d mo a N. n , m . u,...            e 6 gener.i                             ./.u .ui.,94W concern. ,e re.tew o                          9 751               7904200271 Nett,ge.lton                     e,    w/M.tro,ellt.n F d i .on C. t.

A.t.e.c .e s,sCc h ed

           .lL D.
                                . l re ep M.t          o l t t.n u t.on C o            75/02/15          Pp,                                dt .it.rn.ta..g                   te ,750411 luid b l oc t eye WNIHBUR.s 8 W                     L igh t W. tee oe.c te,s h 2               75/03/28        2, in,. g.D.stled by .,,                              i n F SA, t.g e..n , b .d41 7VO42,3m in .t, O4,eg.egt.d ... c omp i . 4 4.l nl e..n,.l                 19.t1.n PA.LICut.S B                   Devt.t.n e,            f.O nst.1         ev6ew (NR.-i97$ .nly)                             74051405 9 Std B,.c. d..elo,ed by . Settimo,e .re being ... lied t.

75/0J/10 3,p 'MI-2 leAGH9 URN. 8 Light W.t., Dr.nch 2 75/03/2f 1, t te b.c.m. .. anti., w/, 6 const 79090,9043J Sume.rg o, 750122,t,ap 77042110222 F orw.,d e Ac c t .en t An. l g . n o h sec.nd et..aen. Dep.ty Dir ec,ound,g..stient te e.e pe.itt.n e ,e.t.w es=,enettal

    ,               p.t qg g t &att.1ied .n              i.,ge 45.. 4e,ity            Pap.

13,, , whg, DE Nith H - (Pr.-1975,sc Atee En..gv C tor .e t'ec h o s e .1 E l f. BHE L. J .k . Mer c .1 f.nq 6 ae.. s ng h 75/02/10 Lp p..t.w 75/03/24 2, 79042901 2 ee o , .c 750224 ..eting .etwo.n 84W. 7904300164 Sume.,y e, 750306 me.46ng m/.., 6 Engineering l sra re o.reew.ede.,NRc e,e , .s.d. , ..e

                                                          .nl en cod . it...t v.             it.r. .,                    i   e iug                              ..pediu .. 6                               r e.nw                                         WuamU.N. s W                      u etW.t.,.emte, a                          neo3/24         .,,

! A hK1.D. ,a C s en..Mete.ppe i t t.n E d l e n er Co ed m u75/D2/19 e 2pp l

i. , . , r ., u e . u ,3 . . ce,,u.ned .. d 2 3 . 190siso724 s. .. ., 730320 4. i c .n .. ....t ...pd o.. t... ii ,

1 t . . mas .2.u.. h 9s een .u u.tu mne n ad ,.,#. .... g i n.g. .,, c.n n c.. ci .. .. oe.i. . u s ine. . .. ret...ei.ied u ,m compe might p.4 ..nctlen ,,...rly w/o l 44M, which Light W t., II..c t.e s 9,.or k ? 75/03/24 2pp MACC V.. 6, . 6.g D4

                                . .D 64

( 6 t. en... e fe,e tcyh n i c .1 W e. l .w LNRR-19 73 en t y l 8C S W 73/02/20 2, 7904270220 5.e..ry e, 750221 .eetsnq w/.tlisty &BW in Be MD .. 7904/MOJtl4 Fe e..d. 16st o, set.nd ,so.4 ,., con,i.iten o f OL . Atwg

   .,,Itc.48.n              re. tem re                                                                                          wengu.N, g               Di .i . i en ., .e.cte, Latenetng ENRR-1975 only)

B I LL4.0. V D t .6 e t en e,e.,ile.nt fechase.1 ( ee,

                                                                 .e.i $   e w/10CF.30 w ( NR.  = i 9 75 on l y55.

t 75/02/24 73/01/23 6,p 3p , . i e im on mt t a d tg ..m t i l .w e , r m e d., #. it.ud 79042OOJ 70 N.t t , t c. t n en e, 7$0'304 .ee t ing w/86W & ,,e t...e l t t.n F d t .en A.,3 H ea t he* 8.n*4.t'ntiv ,rn.ided *.rs.n.i ces,ons.. to e n... t ag Be.nch info ,etuest. t. which C.,to d ac... .de(..telg

      , i i t .D
               - I .9 ,b,..e f,. t ught W.t.. .Fet,.nded . t... ,                mun,               2,            r ",                     a~"-              ,'--"o.~"                    -.49"           -* ~==
                      .e.,e. ., ,r                                         ,e,..n.e te r..nd .ne .                   .u .n.

mb. . m. beenm c.fl%$n.9d .. w.edt . n.,n.c.nt.. it % e, ,0.nd g.egggen, 790420027$ No t t ,i t e t &.n ., M0417 e.. t i ng in Beth.ed. MD w/9.Pf.. 6 .ee

                                                                                                                                                                                          .e g.nd re.nd g.eetten.

        . be .new.v,.r.,

D. .i.n . r.o,, u u .. a 41.n.e,.S, 73 on i, , ,3,o3,o, 6..Me

                                                                                                                                    .. c t .op n ie.lin..n t t .n E.d.t..o en.t   e d 1.c .e ,
                                                                                                                                                                         ..,tb 1   3pp                                                                                                                         WAIDt9UPN. 9 W                    Light W.ter ...ctor. 8,.nc h 2                    75/04/Oi        3,p l



                                                                                 ,or  ..d    into    790427 252 ,erw.eds secon 7,o4,7o676
    .A            ,.rw.rds Di.status sten eo,f,
                                            ..s,onseLtcensing to NRC ,e,        vest,e73 onig,i (NRR-i
                                                                                                                                           ,ound ,vestion, en ,o nd.tten engine.,ing
                                                                                                       ,, concern is sta.ditt, of dite sec tions .d,. cent to 79,o4~.v,R.

oS . ,W ,p. C.tegory i int.te s truc tures DENT ON. H R Division et Technic al Revlew (NRR-1975 on t v l 75/03/07. 2pp s.cond . ,oes .no on 7904,2SOio9 w 79032S iteAceef ,,e,cet,t te ., inci .e ,..nd e, pense, to 75033o . men. ARNOLD. R C et ers

                              .,oisi.e Edison Co             75/04/07       13-                      79o425o337 in ,es,                                                        ,. net,.t.on
                                                                                                        ...s.v 1,.t on .en,s. i.idto.7$o42,

ieg t e,s .re cet et

                                                                                                                                                              .nne.nt.ineentce .sii review sgs .                                      is.iet,on e,s inst .,                                      ,,oe review e,     iogic   LA NA.s  . .thev C     ,e i.te t o ceo,.,onen Dt.iston               t 1.chnic.i Re. tem (~ R n 975 onigi    75,oS,i4 79e.Siio357 ,o...eds                    d i f ,erenc.e.s Fe     i n.e d en t,i i ,75
                                                                      , e n.sves d       of                      i,
       . vveiiew        de,ces,tt.ns
                       -             .etween DUNN.W T,       GPU Serv 6 t e Corp          FS/04/07-       4pp 7904240618 Forwards PR notice of evettettists of environ rest.Buppl 2 OL 4tege 75030S lte to review of meteorologac48               CHILE.3 J        Dfface of the Getretary of the Cometeston 7904t90403
    .ecktens Re,sponds e enyt ento re,tW's up,i ii D.te re.everg ..te does 75/OS/tS 1,

not meet pres.nt ,eces.end.ttons DfNTON.H R Atoetc Energy Cooma ssion. Deputy Director ps- Tec hn 6cel Revaew (Pre-19/S) 7S/04/00 3p p --7904240621 Nottre of evatlettitty of environ r ep t. Supp l 2. DL stage Updates dtoevsgton of enviten cone 6derettons re operetten 4 andstates results of ongoing monsteeing progree 7904270040 FEAR second round revite of info through Amend 26 is cow REGAN.W H Aseistent Datec tor for Environmental Projects complete 73/03/33 3e p MAC C AR Y. R R Divisten of Technacel Revtew ( NHR -19 75 un t g ) . 75/04/11. lp 7904260385 Summerg of 750512 este visit et plant re Bate Analgste Branch bgdrology concerns & questions 790$000019 Request for addl info re nedentsetton sonettivity s ted t es. WASH 9 URN. B D6visten of Reactor Licensing ( NRR-1975 on l g t pressure reseense of steeg generstat support ettet 6 73/05/15 4pp calculattenal method used tn menn etese inne breet TF DESCO. R L Davisten of Technical Revaew tNRR-1975 entgl. 7S/04/56 17pp 7904270679 Mechanitet Engsneering Branch has completed revaew of Sec t a ens 3 6. 3 9. 3 10.4 2.5 2 6 S S o f FS AH through Amend 26 7904200350 Reacter oprag pump motors were modtfled Og Westinghouse l to meet e6W spec.tidg neiers returned to site 6 .nsiaised MAC,C 73 oS/iS ANY. R Ri, Divaston of Tec hnic al Rev tew (NRR-1973 onig) Forwareg Westinghouse info en problem & tepelfs , 1 AHhKK D. H C Metropoli tan Ed t oen Co 75/04/23 Opp ' 7905160400 Nottftes that review of Secttons 1326 13 $ of FEAR as 79042700J4 Forwards swegested second round guention re vulneranslate complete Info sobettted meets requiremente for preparation ) of deseg heet removal ogs to single fatlure of EER ROSA.F Davaston of Tec hn ic a l Review (NHR- 1975 on i g i 75/04/21 COLLING.P F Davneton of Reactor L6cenetng ( NRR- 19 7S en t g i ip 75/05/15 2pp 7404270230 Soemerg of 750417 meeting w/uttitty in Bethesda.MD re 79031401B6 Forwards supplemental hydrologne engineering position re containment isolation feetwees requerements for insp 4 maant et eroston protection on date WASHRONN.9 Lgght Water Reacters Breach 2 75/04/22 12pp surrounding aslend DtNf0N.H R Dtynsion of Tec hns te! Newtes (NRR-597S ontgi 73/03/20 2pp 790424062$ Forwards second rovad queettons re quantitcation & testing , of safetg-related etuspoent. post-accasent monitoring.4 tenet j generators,avstater, feeswater ogs & Tech Sp ec s 7904280059 Summerg of 750519 eesting w/uttlattes & tolervenors to STELLO.V Divisten of Techntcel Revtew ( NRR-1975 on t v ) 75/04/23 etscuss interveners' contentaens 6 espedste 7 SOS 22 Sep preheartng conference S IL VER. H Dawssion of Reactor Lic ens tng ( NRR - 19 75 on t g > 73/05/21 79042$O698 Contivdes there are no addl questions ce setsootegy oc geoiogg section. of san DENTON, H R Dtvasten of Techntcel Review ( NHR-19/S on ly ) 79/04/2S 1, 7904290272 Nottftcetton of 750529 eeeting w/Genetet Pottle Utti to dtscuss guentions froe Mall Engsneering. Mechanical Engineertog 6 Radiological Assessments granches 7904250620 Inferes that responses to first round questions were WABHSVRN. 8 W Light Water Reactors Stanch 2 75/05.23 Ppp enedegvete Forwards poe t t ien to dec onteetnet ten factor of charcoal adsorber beds used in ventilatten sge TE DESCO. R L Division of Tec hnical R eview (NRR-1975 onlg t 790427D031 Forweeds second round questions from Radtetton Protection FS/04/2H 2pp B*citen r e F SAR W/o enc 1 DtNTON.H R Davisten of Tetbotc al Review (NRR-197S on t g l 7$/05/29 19 7904260353 Summarg of 730417 eeeting w/uttle in Bethesde.MD ee containment ets WAnH8vpN.9 Divtsten of Reacter Licensing cNRR-le7S ontv) 7904100346 Nottitcetten of 750604 **eting of environ review tese to 73/04/20 Spp scope of ef f etti DCE as signments, possag t e ge ntless & environ tite visst l NnRR IS. J A Assistant Direc tor f or Enyt ronmental Projects l 7,04270214 Reeveste review of applicant's designs to ensure that fivig 73/05/30 le b lec t 6 containment penetretten pressurteetten features will not have unaccostable deleterious effect en safety featwees RNIEL.h Divtsten of Reacter Ltcenstng E NRR-19/S oni g ! 75/04/29 7VO427DO4S Nottenes first round questgens to FSAR have not toen tp received Request for adel lefo.dtd 7S051% roma ans unc hanged MACC ARY. R R O4vitaon of Techntcel Review ( NHR 1975 onig ) 75/03/30 1p l 7904300020 Sweea r g of 750429 telcon ee containeont Sgs granch questions l re steam generater support stiet & beat trentfor l coefficients 7904300109 pcreates status of gvettient 6 applicent's responses WASHUVRNiB W D&vtsten of Reactor Licensing ( NRR- { 973 only ) WA%HBQRN.8 w Daviston of Reactor Ltcensing ( NHR-1975 eni v l l 75/04/29 Pop 75/04/03 app 1 790$ 150750 Svena r g of 750429 telcon te c ontaineent sprog ogs testing 7904290064 Fotwards second round guentions to htgh energe line broen proposed test is A4% 40fflatentig coeplete or detatled to CFiterte sentetC category 6 clestificetten 6 etr tenervete provide bettftcetion of ego pet f oteanc e capacity in diesel generetor starttog ear ogs W/o enct WABNSUkt S W Light Water Reactors $ teach 2 75/04/29 tp TEDE SCO. R L Otyteten et Tec hnac el Review (NHR-197S ontgl 75/06/04 2pp 7904270224 Forwards hydrolog(c engineetsng positsens (G-26 Pe present state of eipray protection for dites & flood protection 79042B0061 Formates request for addl e n d o r e F GAR Amend 23 Fequirements for safetg-related 61dgs MACC ARY R R Dawssion of Tec hnic al Review (NRH-197S onigi DENTON. H R Dtvasion of Techancel Review (NRR-1979 ontvl /S/04/ 30 75/06/06 3pp Sp p 7904230092 Forwards dates & environ ellestone for enytton tevtew 6 7905110310 p orwards miles tone 6 se t t vi te list for TMt. statue dtd rogues ts c omeent s i 7SO4 30. f or per s ed ending 7S0$07 GI AMBUSSO. A Divasten of Reactor Licenstag (NRR-lT73 enig) l QUNN. W T. GPU 6ervice Cets 75/05/05 4pp 75/06/13 3p p j 1 1 1 l l l


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PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 25 79043000 $2 Na t i f ic a t i on of 7SIDOI meeting s/8&W. General Put lic Ut t i & --7904300023 Evoluetten of BAW 1D003.Revisson 4. "Gua l i f i c a t i on Test 6ng Metrepeit ten Edison Ce to review applicant 's eacted up STS of Protecisen Bye jnstrumentatton

  • Rept it adequate besle sections for some equipeent quel t f tc et ton S ILVER . H Divisson of Reacter L3censtog INRR-IT75 onig8 75/09/25 e Diesenon of Technical Rev6,w ( NPR-1975 on ly s 75/st/03 Sep to 7904230$77 Forwards safety evaluation of FBAR through Amend 33 79042bO3HH tuomarg of 750917 eestang w/utti to Tech Gpece Untesolved areas soc lude p rotec t ion agains t dyneest effects j 61LVER.H Divissen of Reac ter L ic ensing ENRR-8975 ontgi 75/09/26 estoc6eted w/ postulated costure of piping 2pp TE DE SCO. R L Ateetc Energy Comette; n. Deputy Dneector for Technical Review IPre-19751 75/11/09 2pp 1903860498 Act recetyt of R&w ste Tech Specs & schedule few discutelens w/NRC States c hange s In schedule & Bnetality to send taput 7904200266 Notificatton of 75t t25 eest ang w/ app lic ant t o c omp l e t e eer Sectione 3/4 4 - 3/4 6 6 bases until 751003 inttaat Tech Spect revAew ANNOLD. R C Me tropoliten Edison Co 73/09/26 Ip B IL VER. H LRght kater Reac tors Branc h 2 7S/11/14 7pp 1

1 79042800S5 Svendeg of ?SO912 easting w/utti re open 6 tees an review 790536044S Notif6 cation that NRC 750724 request for sof o c annot be j dealing w/proepetational test 6ng entwered by 758814 Resulte of updated eingle fatture

   $ 3 L VER. H   Davlesen of Reecter Ltcenteng (NRR- 197S on ig t             75/09/30         analgens & toren precapitation analgene te be sent 761115 Spa                                                                                          ARNOLD.R C          Metropolitan Edison Ce          75/11/l4      le 7905090329 Notafsee that NR C 730724 reguest for gaf o cannot be enowered                    7904260392 Summarg of 751030 meeting w/ut a 1 & c on trac tors we                            l bg 7S1005 New date set for 7S1114                                                            contanneont eye.E CCS tac e ptesour s antegrated leak t e t t s ng.                       '

AR NOL D, 9 C Metrepelsten Ed6een Co 7S/10/01 to eteam inne treat & contaanment purge t SIL VE R . H Division of Reac tor Lic ensing (NRR-1973 onlgl 75/11/20 j 6pp 790S070lS9 Responds to 750911 eeeg Deganisettonal mattets are currently under constderetten tg QA Granch ShDv64GL T,0 J Dtvte6en of Reacter Lsceneing I NRR-197S only ) 7904200263 Notification of 75120S meeting w/ Burns & Roe & applicant to 73/10/03 la c lar s tg c apab 611tg of contenneent sub c ompat teen t s t ruc turen to reetet teenstent pressure S ILVER, H Light Water Reat toes Stanch 2 75/11/20 lp 7905110367 Forward s elles tene $ ac tivity itat der TMt. statue std 750930, f or pertea ending 731007 GUNN. W T GPU Geevice Corp 75/10/03 3pp 7904g30343 rorward, e ,ponse to request re cheetcal content of groot & teste for chlorades & nitrates GR TER. 9 H Divisson of Reestor Opetettens Inspections 75/11/21 7904230650 Nottftcetion of complotton of toview of sections 36.39. g, 3 1 .42& S S of FSAR through Amend 32 MAC C AR V. R R A t oe t c Energy Comen selon. Deputy Dsrector fee Technical t p t e- 1975 ) . 75/10/06 2pp 734023 request f review of s t r uc t ueel info y904250S$1 strength &Responto ch t,o teete gutes e,orgrout after ...en .4,e 7904270S8, ,orwar d e ..fety ev.iu.t.on taput te ,e.cte, ..eeei n,o t .p e,r f,oree.e.. D,v,s,on 4 c ..ppiteen, on

                                                                                                                                        ,ec,n, cal ,,v,ew   . NR,_19 73 on i, ,           )
   & re.cter cooient e,e                                                                           ,,,C,C,,04
                                                                                                            , R . , 2,,

MACC.Rv.R R Div s.on of vechnicei Review < NRR -i973 on ig , 73/10/08 3pp l

                                                                                              --7904250SS3 Pr esen t s rec ommenda t i ons w e Insp Rept $0-320/75-OS 7,04300042 Non. .c.t.on of 75,0 6 .e e t ing w/ et.o,oi t.n .dison C. to review Tec h spece sections 3/4-4 through 3/4-6 i;;;;;;;e; ;;;;;;;;            a if *-     f'd*        -   'a**

GEYF R I T . h v Office of Inspection & Enforcement 75/10/06 2pp S IL VER . H Dtvaston of Reactor Ltcensing ( NHR- 5 975 on 6g ) 75/10/00 hp 7904260393 Summerg of 7S1202 meeting w/ut t t & c ontr ac t ors w e trene sent leddeng of subcompertment ettuctures 79042706S9 Dato fee GER saput to revnted to FSB0J1 Regvest s Amend 33 se HAMLEY,6 Divassen of Reactor Laceneang (NRR-1975 ontg) 75/12/00 revlewed g,, S IL VFR, H Davssten of Reac her L tr ene Ang (NRR-8975 onigl 75/10/10 19 79042706JO Interet utt1 of potential safety gusetten re dessgn of 7*042?O260 Di scusses resul t s of review of F S AR through Amend 33 8C#8' 8'estute vesset support sye for PWRs Requeste review Outetendtag theme tensen to be r esolved pr aor to neevance se **fr#ft *4' SAR Chapter 14 KNIE L, E Div8 slop of Reetter Ltceneang (NRR-[975 onlya 75/12/09 MCDERMOT T. R J Davielen of Reec ter Lic ensing ( NRR- t9 75 on l y , 12pp 75/10/16 1p j 7904300033 Not t # tc et ton of FS1210 **e t ing w/0ene r e n Pub lic Ut t i & Burne 7904260309 Summerg of 7S1016 meeting w/uts1 re Tech specs & Roe to d asc uss open ste.e moderate energy innee,etectrical S I LVER. H Davesaon of Reatter oscensing ( NRR- 3 9 75 on t g > 75/10/22 4 tees & eeurce term for contaaneent twege 2pp WASHSURN,5 W L4ght Water Reactere Branch 2 7S/12/17 3p 7904300037 Nottficetten of 7S1030 mee t ing w/B&W. Butos & Roe & applic ent 7904270287 Responds to 751209 roguest for review of desten sesee for to dascuss open items an c onta anment eres fractor vessel support age Concludes only blowdown Jet UllVER.H Otygston of Reetter Lscenstng (NRR-197S on iq l 75/10/22 forces et loc a t a en of rupture are toten into account 2pp ARNOLD. R C Metropolitan Edison Co 76/0t/09 1p 790S160495 Forwares figures as part of response to containment Syst**s 7904290048 Scenerg of 731218 mee ting w/util & arc hitec t/ engineer te Granch questions Reepense is queettene on stese 11ne breek electrical & Enotrumentation ege.contenneent ogs & acc&dont will to provided by 751031 W/o enti considerstaan of failure of muserete energy 1snet AR NOLD. R C Metrop oli tan Es t een Ce 7S/10/26 lp S IL VE R. H Laght Water Reac tors Stench 2 76/01/09 19PP 790Sl604HS Reepense to second round revaew Quest 6ene 42 7 on steem 14ne 1904240S99 F orma t e s p r e l s o n ne t y draft Tech 6pece covering recent treet will not to outenttet untt! 7S1217 changes to B&W standard Tech Specs & *esults of recent ARNOLD, R C Mettepeitten Edison Co 75/10/31 le mee t tng s between NRC & util MMIEL. R Light Water Reectore Branch 2 76/01/14 2pp 790S!60506 f orwarde mar t ed*ve c oples of B&W 878 3/4 7 to 3/4 10 & Boses S 0 & 6 0 Confires 751825 meelang w/NRC to discues Isth 790S B 103S7 Forwet e s mi le s t ene & ac t a vi t y list for TMt status.dtd Spece 7S123? f or persed endtag 760107 AMMOLD. R C Meteopoliten Edison Co 79/10/31 Ep QUNN,W T QPV Ser v b c e C o r p 76/01/14 3p p 7904230603 Forwards results of FSAR Gestions 13 2 & 13 S review 7904170493 Forwards tevised Sectaen B 2 2. "Operetang Costs of TPI-2" Concludes inep outettted seets approval requit** ente of DE S- DL COLL IMB. P F Dtyle19e of Reactor Licensing (NHR-197S gnag) ERNST. M L. D&vielen of $143 Sefety & Env$teneental Analgelt 7S/11/03 3pp 76/01/23 Spp 7904300021 Fer.sede evaluat6on of B AW-I D01. Rev i s t en 4. " Quel s f a c e t t on 7904300079 Netsfacetion of 760206 meeting w/ General Pub lic Util & 96W Testing of Protection Sys instrumentation ' te discuse structure 1 integeity of evbcampertment walls & AGHE.F S Dsvgeten of Technsten Revnew ( NRR- 1975 en t g l 75/11/03 red drop 46ee testing (p S ILVER, H Light Watee Reac tere Branc h 2 76/02/02 to

26 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7904260009 pre. de info ,.,4stning te ..ii .entrei info re .6W e integr.ied . eni,ei s,e Re, eemen.e neert.e, oppit..n4 t.o.e

                                                                                                          --7,04 290rl2 elese iRet.eets no generic tent.ineent o.vielen .e, to                                                                                                                                                                                                          1 onR..r.e 7. J W            O.a n t,     A . .v , . n. e . . .n. h     76,02,06      2,,                      .C HWr-a R A 3pp e Lu . RR n 975 enig,                         j
                                                                                                                 /S/04/04 l

7904700073 Notifitellen of 760216 meeting w/0eneral Put it s Util, Burns 4 Roe & B6W to dieswet testing of cente6nevnt tump, f gp o C 730404 Itr te genefit B&W dettgn info )

    ..i,e      setting 6 .tese inne ereste                                                                --7906290J.40 Di... ...Responds         to NRC ii. 6 ,er. meter. ee,ioged in eeth es,.e.iod                                                                   j S ILVE R , H           Ltght Water Reactere Branth 2                      76/02/12      des                  complettag toepente to NRC request                                                             i eutekt.m E         046c et t 6 wticos Ce      75/OS/21       2p p.

7904)OO436 Svanerg of 160206 eeet tag w/epp lic an te to shtold 6 genstretten teeling.ted dree 46ee t e e l t ag. s en te nneem t pues --7906290239 Discusses llee 3 in P4RC 730404 ltt to edin etese line beset tett & sontstament poet pressute laelde containment & engsneered safety featvees estwetten SILVER.H Light Water Reac ter s Branc h 2 76/02/17 Spp sus SUHRut.M E 9ettect & Wilson Ce 75/07/24 2pp 7904240593 Feeweeds proposed reg gundes ye pre operstgenal galgggetgen gf effluent eeleasee.d6eperelen of ef f twente.setes tated

    *edastion seeen 6 test-tonefat endlysis                                                               --7906290273 Di st ueses item 6 6n MRC 740404 ltr to FCCB er tuet t en praer ML A L E.R. D R         Divisten of si t e Sef e ty 6 E n, t tenmental Andigone                              to redet** trip 5p                                                                                          EUHRFt. E E        844tect & W6 tc es Ce      75/DH/13       Sep 76/OJ/2'3 7905090113 Response to NRC 750724 tequest to show c onf ormanc e to                                      ~+ 7906290JflF Dietveses Itee, 1.7 6 5 to NRC 740SJ3 ter re antegtetoe IDCFRSO 46 re vedeted E'CCW single fettwee snelge6, 6 addl                                                   sentret eg e. safetv-related eto 6 y steckten egetnet lose of 4teme Reedinl#g info will be forwarded 760'ja t                                                              reettet feelant flow due to e6'.*ctrical grld f requenc y ARteX D,R C          Mettepoliten idesen Ce                    76/92/26       Ilpp                           trenelentt
                                                                                                                 $ 4*e E . R t      04tceth & W6scea Ce         /3/12/R)      Ilpp 7404280091 Summerg of 760219 eeeting w/vtil 4 c ontrac ter s r e                                                                                                                                                l tehkeineont ever teettng.entcooperteent strugtures,pyrge 6                                            --7906J90/96 C on f i res 740419 te lt en that B6W wall interporate en teee t ic sprog t od l eie temeval                                                                                     esselterg feedwater spatietten egg inte design to meet e n va R. H             oight W,iet Re.<te,.              e, en. h 2      76,02/27      4,,                  ,e. 6tement. of la te-479 MALL AV, J F       Sotr ac t & Walcee to       14/04/24      lp 1

1 19041903V7

  • Red lel eg ic a l Enviten Mons tering Rept, ' Jul-Det 1973 Mel,e,eliten reisen Ce v6/OJ/2e ]

e Sues __,y06y,030, D, r20:3i t e n en , 7 ese.ed- to .econddeg eye ' eggtpoent which S&W assueet to De 4*ditable nuring LOCA 7v04370513 Discveses dischasgo te*y itettelsene 6 nod 6tetes data se not been toilerted to deletelne whether dischargang teeler watet then sentent det 93 F p wowid be stressful ~~790629031U Minutee af 7002J5 eesting =<B6W re egetements fetlures of 6 f t f N. A $ E n v i t enme n t a l Spectallets Stenth 76/03/02 Ip

                                                                                                                 $tW teatter protection age IPPULif0,f A          Ateens t.norgg C eme l e s t en iPro 19731         70<04/16 79031803S4 feeweeds ellestene 6 octtwity tiet fot YMt.stelve dtd 760229. fee perled ending 160107 GUNN. W T        GFU Bervice Lerp                 76/03/0S          3pp                               7,ggjgog,j        p,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ig,g g ,g,g,, ,p           eyg,g nggn,       gg,,,   ,,

toview of Sectaen 54 of f SAR ltese 1-3 c en be teoclwe4 before HER input to ferweeded 79050/0447 Roguente Categerg A preoperettenal p r ec e dve e t 4 asetsin Goelity Aesuranca Seenth tW.L TI ME H. C J 16/04/14 3P P twens 6 Ree eye de<ttattens to be renvened after use GFK##dR.s J Region 1, Philadelphie. Heetter Op e e d t t ene Nuc l ear Support Breath 76/03/12 2pp 790444059J Preposel for stele eedel set to eatisfy Reg Gutee 1 79 Section C 3 4 t JJ ) should lnclode temperteen of eedel 6 plant,sentthevety 6 perturbetsen studies to be perfereed 7905000041 Forwarde 46et of unresolved lleen in t ne t r ument o t t en. c on t e el RN ICl.. K L4tht Water Reactero Se anc h 2 6/O / 9 2pp 6 eiette6tel eye mesponses were scheduled for 760120 6 have not been vete6ved Requests prompt repig by epelicent f f.DFBCO R 4 Attsetent Diretter for Plant Egetees 76/OJ'lJ 1904J60393 Humeerg of 760401-02 meetsne w/etti 4 c entrac tere re 2pp containment purenng.e46n stese line treet tow power nJettaen creescurrent & eues teettng 7904 10,0162 Bueme r g of 760300 eeeting w/9urne & Ree e.en e. .etween ,edes 4/e, top.i. .eed in to pees,thle,i. e

                                                                                                             ' ' ' " * " " 6'  a ' " *** r '"a' ' " " " - ' ' " *59'                       o*'u' d

e.i .f<ee,.. eent it.n.,ent p,e.e. tee

                                                                                                              'a '

91LVER.H Lteht Weter Reactere Branch 2 76/03/15 3pp 7904150406 Regwesto hellreptet en 160510 for fisght ever portion of 79030 70419 Gd**e r g of 760J10-20 eeeting we util & Burne & Neo to trenteission line connecting Sechteteville & Heeeneett.PA Petemue NJ re ele *aracel drawing audat HI G AN. W H Aelittent Detec tor fet fewarennental PreJocts AR+# . F f. l e t t r s . Insteveentatten & Centre) 6gstees Branch 76/04/2H lp 16/01/LS Fra 7994200140 Fotweeds fTS 7904270662 Forwards reguset for edel Info to reattoe gavsty AHheR D. R C Metropoliten fdtsen Ce 76/04/29 1p outsemperteente snelgett 4 main etese line stede ac e t eent. In response to t' EAR theevgh Amend 30 Asetetent Diretter for Plant Ugeteee 76/03/21 -7904200164 Etb for fecittty it DEHCO. R ( e Mottopoliten Ed t oen Ce 42pp App 76/04/29

 ?904210200 Responde to 760222 tetvest for info en measures dJepted er proposed te meet IOCP R SO 344 Info retweeted & tett/tenefit                                           7904240006 516 6 componente veed to eittgete effects of postulated e elvetten will te evbettled tg 760604                                                                    stese line breet ar e et t ep telle. p rov s dod MSIV's AhBan p. R C         Mettepelsten f4toen Ce                    76/03/23       2pp                        automatisally eeutete upon inditellen of breet in line Dt YtKPW. R C           Aossetent Detector for iight Walee Nestiert 76/05/05         2pp 7904 }O0070 Ne t t f l< e t t en of 76040l+0J eedttog w/Coneral Public Util.

Sutne 6 Ree<S&W 6 f.D6 Nutlede to Detheede.MC to digtves tent 46nment.reetter 4 surillterg power egetene 7905110406 Forwarde ellestone 6 etateltg list for TMI. statue did S ILVE R, H Light Water Reat tees ar ene h 2 16'03/30 2pp 7 604 30. f o r persed ending 760507 WUNN, W T GPU 6ee v it e Ceep 76/05/06 2pp 7904J70514 feet se requited for FMI-2 te verify vertos centro dweing in r pre, g ,,e,.r,tten e, o,e . e,ser.t ,reen ,,04,4,000,, ,e we,d,s,e., w,o,dente,en p. e,s.e 4. i n, et h oR.dL..s,eret.e,it..i.


en.i te Re..te,s.t,etes.4 .en er . mode r .n. h

                                                                  ~RC si to.4 76/04,Oiw.teie ip e..oi or e t
                                                                                                             ,lant et
                                                                                                                        ,n,he n re,. ,e med te ,*.e.,e,ete         e,..

FNlfle # Light Water ReegteFe trench 2 76/0S/10 2p p 7 906290i .9 o i .. . . .. e e nr i .6W ,e, in,e ,e gone. . identif.ed in en.we,. to to.~RC ,e..e,.t SAR-24i n.t ,,0,,000,, ,,C ,ee e,,,,e, e,e,,, ,, ,,,,, ,. ,0 , ,, ,, ,,<, ,w,,,, ,,e

    ;*";'Ca" 't' ' ' "          Ace, Di.e.te,            ,e, ,ient .,           76,04,0. i,       :;e;;4;;e;;;;;;;*             for iniaisi 'reet     at of eff "<sti n fe-90VD, R 9          Dietelen of Projec t Management           76/05/10         3pp
 ..r,06,90227 Re.,e te t.4% .4W                                      ,ee,en       ,e generi. .te.e
        .,p n..bie .e             6W .ients ...renti, det.       in n,ed&

C pe.t-C,eeteleg. of reytow 7904250084 Fermorde fewteed ethedule fee review of open steen g r. IPPOL I f0.1 A Electric. Ins teweentat ten 6 Centrol Svetees fe.ility evaluet.

         $t ent h    75/02/24             4pp                                                                FNIEL.M              Ligten t Water Reactere Drench 2          76/OS/12         3pp

l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 27 : 7904}O0069 Not t f t c e t t en of 760325 meetteg w/ General P n open ite.s of st.ublic 7ech Util & 7905140560,Regvests info re cost /tenefits.eeteorologg tes,ecte y in order t o c oep ie t e ec c ep review e,& airflow Metrepeiiian

             .,ece        Edison,Co List .#    signt ..,s,.se concerns enci S ILVER, H                                                                                      A,, i Light Water Reactors Branch 2                  76/05/12        4pp             CDLL(NS.J T           Effluent 7teeteent $gstems Branch             76/07/12       la 790504o263 Fer.ards sER nnput for section 14 of rsA                                                                                                                                                l Oper.tten - initisi test p,oge.e t. w,R.-inister                        Tests &                     orwards Meteor log e, ,ove enci stees e.ce, tion               790427,0294 Con ore wF,A,e ! Re,.tre.ents ical      I n, ofor App used
                                                                                                                                                               & Diffusion Estteates to 1 .n.igges W,o                    l enct                                                                                   1 SADVHDLT.D J           Assistant Director for Quality Assurance &                               AR NOLD. R C. Metropolitan Edison Co Operations       76/OS/14        Sep                                                                                                              76/07/14     lp 7904290177 Forwards revnstans to 750946 hydrologic engsneering sweeary                                  790425058H Guestions applicant's delay in provading data for Outstanding tesvos inc lude r epe t e deested & etssing erosten                                                    #ss'es**nt protec tion on dates                                                                              C'88  6 818 8 6 Radtologigal DNGEL.F          C 81           Assesseent Branch         76/07/20       lp QAMMILL.W P           Assistant Di*ector for Site Technology                     76/05/10 3pp 790420C735 Metropolttan Edtoen will delag tubetttal of their proposed Tech Spec revisions. scheduled for 760015.until after 79044903t9 *tveluetten of TMI .to gaaens trate ten formanc e to Desngn                                     Coomassion toeves revised App i to Tech Spect Ungetlives of 10CF R SO Ap p I                                                                    AR P4DLD. R C    Metropoliten Edison Co          76/07/>0     1p e Metropolitan Edison Ce                76/OS/11         USep 7904250133 F orwa rds e vee 6nat ion rept of HJ Hotteeter Other indsyndvals 7904200010 Feewards Tech Spets change request to amend App I et DL                                         who were gtven " cold
  • eaaetnetton did not want results ARMOLD. R C Metropoltten Edison Co. 76/06/04 la released COLLIN9. P F Operator Lt r ens ing Branc h. 76/08/03 lp
  --7904700014 Certtples toch Specs change request te App 1 of DL filed w/

NRC & served on chief esecutives of Londonderry Township. 79042706S3 Request addl info re containment eats & energy release model Davento County.PA by US mani for postulated main steme line break ARNULD R C Metropolttan Edison Ce 76/06/04 app NORIAN.P E Analgsts Branch 76/09/03 2pp 7904290067 Desc rib es pre t teina g review evaluation of F S AR C onc lud es 7904270657 Requests addl info ee atmospherte dispersion estimates for etit has provided suffnctentig coeplete FEAR to proceed spectfled locat ions Also reguests ste meteorology deck for w/debatted review calculatten of populatten dose c omet teents to 50 elles MACCARY R R Ateelt Energg Cose 6 s s t en. Direc torate of Lic ensing COTCHY.R Radiological Assessment Branch 16/08/03 2p p EPre-19751 74/02/26 1p 7904270663 Review oe App I sutettled on 760714 te complete If appittant 7904}0006S Nottftcatten of 760611 eeeting w/Metropolttan Edison Co in elects to ao cost / benefit analysts.eddl info ut11 De Bethesda.MD te discuss resolut a on of open ttees required to agttcultural producttvity in 50 elle radsus SILVER.H Lnght Water Reactors Branch 2 76/06/04 2pp CDNQEL.F Radsologtcal Assessment Granch 76/08/03 le 7905020190 Environ Rep t App 10 7-A " Cost E n t smat ing Methodologd & 7904J70652 Review of FSAR Amend 43 is c omple te Fines nothing an l Detati Cos t Est teates revision which was not adequately covered to SER revtston ' e Nuclear Safety Associates 76/06/04 60pp did 7607t0 MNIGHT,J P Assnetant Director for Engineering 76/08/04 1p 7903110397 Foewards ellestone & activity inst for TM . status dtd 760531.for period ending 760607 7905110392 Forwards ellestone & actsvitg Itst for TMI. status 4td

           @uNN, W T     GFU Servic e Corp            76/06/07         2pp                                  76073t,for persed ending 760007 GUNN W I       GPU Stevice Corp       76/08/06      290 7904270535 Requests addl vertitcetten that containment purge sys isolation valves are capable of closing fellowing LOCA                                       790S1604G2 Forwards drawnngs illustrating resvits of p o s t-repai r toe event MACC ARY, R R          Assistant Director for Engineering                    76/06/14      2p3 surveg Svevag will defene when repairs to dake ar*

necessary ARNDLD. R C Me tropol t tan E d ison Co 76/08/0e Spp 790S110331 Act rec eip t of NRC 760624 lte re const status rept "vellow Boot

  • Fotosres sweeerg of NRC " yellow Boot' activnty dates 7905040097 Disc us ses rela tive p Lvee c oncentrations (X/01 f or vertous as subettled tg General Rutits Utile AN NOLD. R C Metropolttan Edison Co 76/06/24 Pop tsee periods for use in evaluating short-tere accidental releases of radioactivatg MARMEE.E H Hydrology Meteorolegg Branch 76/08/13 Lp 7904259451 Responds to NRC 7S0724 ltr requesting add 1 n n's r e prevention of unacceptatie teren c onc en t ra t ion AR NOL D. R C Metropelsten Edison Co 76/06/25 7p 9 7904260335 Esemanation Nept on senhor operator license issued for TM1-2 Written esseinetton dtd 760726 enct Operettog test watved 7904170565 Concludes utti approach to ETS le inadequate 90HANNON.J R . CDLLING.P F Operator Licensing B*anc h 76/09/57 EISENHUT,0 L g, Assistant Director for Systees 4 PreJects 76/06/30 Ip 7904260386 Essonnation Rept on senior operator license issued for TMI-2 Westten ecomination did 760726 enci Operating test 7904300170 Requests review of desngn bases for reactor vessel support waived ses te deterenne 18 transtent loads were appropriatelg BOHANNON.J R . CDLLINS.P F Operator Ltc ensing Branch 76/08/17 accounted for in dessgn 2pp VASGALLO.D e Light Water Reactors Branch 4 76/06/30 app 7905070280 To ensure ero*pt review of S AR a* ends.reqvtres subetttal of 790%O40089 eequests review of data free mass 6 energy release model for 60 copies of 10CFRSO 4 d t s t e t h vt t on lists IDCFRSO enc 1 eatn steam lane break setettted tg applicant SOYD. R S Otvisten of Project Manageeent LAINAS,0 Centaineent Sys tees Branc h Pre 7901011 76/08/27 Op p 76/07/06 1p 7905860479 Responds to 760712 request for addl tefo re adeguacy of 7905110795 Forwards ellestene % activity list for TM1.elatus ste pressure vessel supports under loads not prevacuely 760630,for persed ending 760707 censidered Low probattling of pipe rupture OVHN. W T OPV 8ervice Carp 76/07/06 2pp ARMOLD.R C Metropelsten Edtson Co 76/08/31 2pp 7904300013 Forwards request for adel info re open stees in DL review 7904200107 Response to 760712 A t e regvesting vedated financ te t info W/o enct whil not te forwarded until 760908 VAGSALLO D D Light Water Reacters Branch 4 76/07/07. 2pp ARNOLD. R C- Metropolitan Edison Co 76/09/03 1p
                                                  ,or 4.di in,o r. e,en it.o. in oL review
 --7904:000i.,o..a.dere,.est                                                                             ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,w,,,, ,,e,, ,, ,, ,,,,,c,,,,, ,,, ,,.,,e,,,,,,, ,,
              ,A  SALLo. D ,         L,,,t N.t.r ,eactors ,ranc, .                   ,6/0,/0,       4,,    76o712 re< est f.e          *eted ftoen< tan inf. Certificate of = c
                                                                                                           .nci ARNOLD. R C-      Metropo!! tan Edison Ce         76/09/09     7pp e, generit                  A rWe 7904,50079 ,       s c.onc,iu g      s 73 ion, re s es.r,We s.i t an.i,sts     .e.ei .reyte. of Re,.ests oche.wi. .,ddi er instaiinng 70, e,. t r e. .netr.e.nts &                              --79042000., Amen. 45 to .pp uc.tton for ou DOVD. R S         Dtwnston of Pregoc t Management                  76/07/12       3pp                  ARNOLD R C       Metropellten Edison Ce         76/09/08      7pp r

I l l


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    ,61NNIMisf0N,W H               en. egg e.f fD.velopeen$

l .ete t . Admin (Ptetentig DH4' l gn eg. 4 y eo.eente en d, eft e.ppi le $ 4. I6/o'/le if r,tp. C tlAF054 4 p. L. t Nth J e p en.s e, f l .e n t free.e.nt age 6eme Drenth 74/10/1H Sep 79G4J40oJB peq.e.l. AfW9 **eling, to be h.ld 1 04JJ -d4 in fyogigggggpee sed. appl.tetbon fee by,ted.44 . 40 litea** ne v e 6...e g . PA du. dele, le lac#.f .f nettfisetsen AMNK4D.N C Mettepolit.n I d t .e" L e F4#$o/19 18 bot /t HAM D. V C6tisset fet Ref e Envitenment th/ OW / l O 1,

                                                                                                                      -79091101/0 Applieo.len fet ma66/typteduel litenes 69 Meten,cist.n 19090F0924 Meg.eete R e f e s *"' * *" 4"4 ' 84 4 %                       ,8 4 81 ***8 8..      ****nt                    6g1,.. to go, poosesenen ne an, terred.el mell w/et n lt flDM,31, P          Offlfe of butjeet Meterjel $4fely & Gefog.efdg                                    f&/04/JO              . bete belwoon i b H L C e -l J F:Am-De & Pu-lJ9 3' 8                                                                                                                 AN P# A D. R C           Metropellten Idison to                        76/10/19          L2pp 7994J00001 Notifttellen of Atl#$ 141014 16 meeteng                                                               /9948#O94J Meepenses by Actident Analygte At ent h .4 te.eente to 1604J4
    *MlYt t , J C         ACMM - Ad<lsery Ce+*attee en Meetter hefeg.e'de                                              ***e to see#4 suppl to ist
                                                                                                                        $tshtet, D P                 At e 64ea t Anelgete Brenth                       16/BO/Ji         dy p P 6 / 09 / J.)     ppy 1904#9001:5 5.mee r g ut F6041) mesterg w/ulli & a en t e es' t er e re sump test,                                #904JOOJJ7 terwarda 14tOJJ lte to M Reeden t o ACHf6 t e vt ee af 96ese 6 toe hveet 4 sheettel ed4146en 44 tentaineent opteg                                                         oppl6tellen for eserating litenee M llVf A , H             Light Weter Meettere premeh a                          fa/04/JJ        pp y               VAM4A. R A                   Light Water Mese toe e Areas h 4                         fe/ B0/J 7        dyp
                                                                                                                      ' " #          '#"#          N '' *"                I           # I I ' * **"

7904190Q19 C i t e s t emmen4 4 f ee tevsee Neq.eets peeponee by ?&poti ' # #*"U ****' '# "" * * ' ' * ' 'I"##

  • JA Divisten of Olle Wefety 6 inviteneontel Anelge4e Sh/10/dd App MM pgyng P I S,g, 9 gy
                                                                                                                      '                      "   '"#          ' "'        **"#           "       "'#**       "^" '* #D'"            
 '1904BNOOJo %*too c onse n t e for revne ,Weq.eete esepense by 761n69 W/m                                              f ot    d e e t g n'&' t en'e     t 'phase
     '";!i.. J A                                                                                                        'a t " a t >                      a i" **                          '* n'a        7'/ " 'o*         '-
                              ...teien of .ne ..,s., . Anei, sis
     ,.,09,,9            ,e
                                                                                                                    ??O4dwOJ64 Nu t t fl4 ot teh of 161109 eacting w/Mettepellten idicen L e le d6 stung taaster tevity yeessute respense.steem feet line 7904tDOUJ5 Cl4ee comment, for feriew Neq.este teopenes 64 166019 w/o                                                  b r e4 6. t wo see senese flow 6 senleel tad deep lose teet enel                                                                                                               M it V6 N, H               Lgght Water Meettere Re ens h d                           16/Bl/D4         dyp

! Nona ls. J A pi io6,n Of a n e ne f e s, 6 a n4 s e en-en t a l Ana l g n e rs/09ta9 le l ,,0$nO ,44 ,e.w. de .ii.. ene . i.e. fe, ,an4 .t.. .td t&tD31.for potted endlag 764607 l r4o4:noOsa e n e t .e ente f e, e.ise as .e.i. <e.penee og intois W/o simN. W r aru no. ,n e r e p ise s i <os app en. i NOwn la J A On.seien of elle befety 6 tuvateneental Aneigene /TOiO904 % permeede sprilratten for Close $04b .linisetten f or 614 64 IM 7,,g,,y, g, ,~,etten te d' eft e.ppi to it M

                                                                                                                         & supperseng d AH AN10. W C            I        .politen ld6een CN                     16/ll/89         die T90411RA) 3J C i t e s e**eents fet r e vl ee Meq.e s t e t o epente . /61015 W re enej
                                                                                                                    **PVU999944J Appiladalen fet fleet 104n .4688setion fat 618tg u wifelOJF NHH815. J A              Div6elen of Atle uefolg & f av 6teneental Anstgete lif ekst6ag fee $lity will bet effect hinter 64 er 14/Q9/y9            lp ershooolog6 el ettes & Inveellgelsen en fach tille ARNik D. N 4            Mettepellten Edesen Ce                         16/11/15         epp FWO4 8 tkHsj4 C ( Le s a semen t e for teyese heq.4ett teopente bg ?alQl9 W/e entl                                                                                                           *- 19tJiUVO441 (gemen t e en proposed ITE NNC het Pewritten seJefily of NOMN IS, J A              Olvlelen Sf Olte befolg & $nva'
  • ental Ans4gtit nonced s e l eg is e l 210 to genform w/eedel stonestetted tfB 74/09/79 19 surtently being devel# ped by NH C Net.sete Jan 1917 meeting M8GAN.W H fewtryneantel Projette $ tenth J 76/12/14 3p p 77Q44600J)F Cites esoments fet review Det.ette r84 pense by 14101% W/o che i 7904gyog34 p ,,,e,se e ententlene t o let hnia al stee ete.t whith h t ent h NON#48,J A 06v64 ten of Site Sefety & EnvlPeneentel Analgent will leellfy **queele list of lee 6vid. ele se peepet e 76/09/#9 le geense,nq g gg,g or ggnettee RtGAN.W H $ av 4 t enmen t e l PFpgegle $ tenth # 76/11/14 Fee 7904 L DOO )9 P yrwe e d t Fameente fer Fev60, Wetwob4 feepense 44 7&lOlO Wie earl --F704170S]9 F ormerd e 4 metentlane te let hnig el eres ete.t wh6th 6 8 ent h NGHe lS. J A blvle6en of Site Safety 4 invitenmental Anelgtie will leellfy Reg. eels liet of lndtved.els te ptopere 74/09/J9 le teetloong 6 list of witnesses etGAN WH i tiv a t enoon t a l Ptegetts 9eeneh J 7h/ll/if 2pp 7904#DOQ$8 p etweeds Amend 44 64 applasetten der (1,en tessente le 760712 Blr to .pdated finanttet info Coellf 6 tete of # <e 1904JuGOJJ Romearg of 76 610 J *ee t log w/DbW te proposed teetter veteel One l lateffeted e.tveillence pfegra#

AMPEM D, M C Moltepeliten felgen Ce 76/09/30 3p p FWrffig.0 3 opeesting poetsees prens6 4 16/31/10 4pp

l I PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 29 stene 6 ..tivity ii.t ,e, r 444 79 42So460 F.rwerd. i .. .g rA De,4 of inviron .v.s

 . r,0$ i iO4o. p e r w.e d e e l e. ng76i2o7 F..         iedd date e, tended                     p                         790,2, ,or
                                                                                                                 .e,tt,...t.en     p ere,e.tii s.ed tg 76
       .e. i.i..e 30.e et, period.end..etr..tions eg                                                             Rroviding
                                                                                                     . AN. W -          en. tene.ntoi ,,0,..t. .esech 2           77,02,o7       3,p DUNN.W T         DPU 9ervice Co*p          76/12/03     2pp S                       for oL.e.. .tte. .. Ae.nd r,    17o294 ,e          rd, d, eft er.                                                     79042 S t o oi3F 6A,,e,werd.,,

Cert Amen.e, tete .,pi...t.en

v. op.,

94LL AND. R L Environmental Specialsets tr ans h 76/12/D9 2p p . ARMOLD. R C Metropettten Edison Ca. 77/02/09 17 t Er. 4, 761,o, ... tin, w/.p.ii .e4 . <entr.. or. is 790e 23OO Met. ope.. .re,en t t...en Ce 76,i2/o9 io6,, 79042. di ...70203, teeg

                                                                                                            .,en       rg                                   
                                                                                                  , ,e.,on.e..te.e    in NRC.rev.iew i ne   re.4.n.i     on r,e..
                                                                                                                                                 . .d. tog  iew tor
                                                                                                                                                                .eneer B IL VE R. H        Light Water Reacters prench 4            77/02/09      Sep 7905070199 Forwardt addl branch input to 8estien B 3, "Senefits of Operating Plants
  • Do es us e n en lativdes planned generating Espat$ty b in9telled Cepefltg tetePwes 7904290132 Forwarde peesesen en steme line treet endigtes de not thew CLE ARY. D P Cost Senefit Aneigste Grench 76/12/16 2ipp edequate safetg grade egt etevided to es tigate c onseguenc es of postoleted breets in seconderg age R368. D F . Asttotent Darector f or Reac ter Saf ety 77/02/09 2pp 7905000304 Regvesta edvts e en ecceptetalttg of appl 6 cent 's enelge n s f ee putteleted told jeg brees Leside teater tevity BMAP Amf.R. J Containment syssess Branch (Pre 7901011 /6/12/23 7905070320 Svemeeg of 761006 eesting w/Meteepelsten fdtsen to egen lp 6tevet in rev6ew of teetter cavity pressure tempenteethield dessen & tentenneent speeg B ILYLR. H Light Water Reactere Drench 4 77/02/09 epp 790517D00 7 F orwee d s p e ep ete d reply to app! 6 t en t 's 7bOS31 seemente re f oet tet veeeel owpeert enelgens W/o enct FNIGHT,J P Astletant D4fector der Fagineering 76/12/23 13 7904290644 Ateettes generet LepllCetiene op #6te in safetg*related meter Control tenter 44 TM! IE Cletyler will De (Stued instead of belletin 7904250519 Forwarde semple Teth Spect re fare protettlen 6 eteate sheet te Branth T echn s t e l Peelllen APCBS 9 $+1 W/s engl GEYfRIT.M V Of fic e of In6pection b Enforcement 77/02/11 22p p .

VANGA.B A 5tght heter ReetLots $ Pen (h 4 76/12/31 dip 7904200243 Notifscatten of 7702tX eestang w/Metropol6 ten fassen & B&W 7904JOOO66 perwardt request for medi info re ergenisettenen setters to distwee eetn steee 16ae breet actadert S IL VE R. H Light Water Reettete Branth 4 77/02/11 2pp VANGA.8 A Lsght Water peectore 8 engh 4 77/01/05 4pp 04270LSO Forweeds eeepenses to questsens an NRC 770180 its re 7905110403 Formereg ellestone 6 estgystg list for TMI.etetos dtd 761231.eer persed endnog 17080/ "'8'"***I ' *" ****# I' # 8"# "***"8*'#II"' "**" Ov4N. W T GPU 6ervice Corp 77/04/06 2pp


A DRC M opel en F4 een Co 77/02/15 Bop 7905070429 Discuseet stree reettivity of $&W reatter6 Sesed en in-heves ante.forn Uper niette for 3/4 insertiene are nonc entervative 7904270174 Schedule for reopense to 77020) anfo request te eteam line te dettgn spece fer 4epteel fed delve mothenisme breet esc ident enelys ts wa ll be provided at 77021H meeting HEL TE Ht 9. C J GuelItg At outanc e Stent h 77/01/10 19pp 790S000097 Completed review of D&W ECCS 761220 reevaluetten de 7904230436 Respondg to NPC 761270 lte $4W tulettled ECCS Feevelvation supplemented 6 eeended tg 770JOJ lte to NRC Reevolvet t en to en 761220 4 rev6ew of 86W tospense will be c omplete by appiscoale to fMI-J 770217 AN NOt_D. R C Meteepelaten Edtoen Ce 77/02/17 la ARNOLD. R C Me tropo li t an E s t oon Go. 17/01/21 Sp 790SO4014) Forwarde teenth teetteeng en design of TMl-2 radietten 7909010049 Forwetde tegvett fee addl info to senteineent esse 4 easegg monitoring ogs Portsene of eefety rev6ew fell within demeta releese medel de pettwleted ee6n steme isne breet W/o enc 1 of ether breathes & require Jeant teetteeng NORIAN,P E Analgelo Brangh 77/01/24 Sp COLLINE.J T 77/02/19 epp fffluent Treeteent Svetece Br anc h 7901040215 Forwerte L 89 test & draft testseeng en Centent len 2. r e 79050401S1 Forweedo J Neheeses draft testseeng en lesve 21

  • Monitoring eeeling tower detten edeguacq af egethquates & toenessee Red:stten 4 Pregees Vertebles During Aceidents" per CLEARv.0 P Cost penefit Anengste Seanch 77/01/26 App NVRE G-0153 hPEGER,W E Redselegnaal Assesseent Seench 77/02/L8 2PP 790SO40l ?9 Forweeds draf t tettleeng propered by GT 64v re rete eteuttute cetoed e n C entent ion S ~~7905040157 pequeste f ur ther informatten re unit 2 Forwetas supp!

CLEAPY.0 P Coat Bene'at AnaLgelo Beenc h 77/0L/27 9pp question re scree teactsvity function NOUS.D F Reester Befety Dr enc h 77/02/17 2PP 790427D2B2 Inferes that revised (*Pleoentation date for sneeevs e tae, menes it tepeestate to theeten engeneering schedule Draft 7905010036 Inferos of Psndange re ap plic an t 's enelgens of a postvleted f or h Spec e e n upC 760114 str weil 6e septemented sold leg brest ensade reactee s ovity L s et e c onc los s ens en ARhKA D, R C Metropelsten Edseen Ce 77/01/28 2pp reactee sevstg desten BMAP AkER. S Centeineent $getese Branch (Pre 7e0101) 77/02/24 10 79042701t2 Adel ergentsettenel ante regvested an 770105 lle will be peseented et 770209 meettog in Selbstda.MD L AWyER. L L Retrepellten Edtsen Ce 71/01/20 2pp 7904390315 *Mydrodyneesce of vertes suppeession in Reetter Bade Suse Dec aw Meet Reeevel Ege " F904200296 Forwards requett for addl ante re sgs enalgsie e Metropo l 6 ten t e n een Ce 446-77/M202FF 77/02/28 Sepp VARGA,8 A L6tht bete Reettere Srench 4 77/02/01 App 7904270022 Poeworde Amend 52 to apr:Acetten f or OL Certifssato of tvc 7904240024 Sweeer g of ACR9 761015 meeting w/utti in Weensnoten.DC re **'I e*gentastion for plant egetet&en.tepulse Igne fattute 6 A ULS. C Metropolitan Edason Ce 77/02/20 app hTI'# Gen line DPeeI E!LVER.H Lteht Water Reettore Stench 4 77/02/05 Sep

                                                                                                -*7904270024 Ansad S2 te opplacetten for DL AA NDL D. R C     Meteepels ten Edloon Ce         77/02/28      3pp 7904270236 Accepte appiteent's tenelusione te design 6 enelgste of teettee tevity ten 84 51HwE lt.1              Betut tural Engineeeans trench           77/02/02    lp           79042WM12 Swo-org of 770219 eee ting w/util 4 c ontrac tee s te design of age & eqvspoent used to et t agets c anoeguenc es et store 18ne beest etsident 7904290138 DeecrL6ee Cente&neont Bys trenc h positten es tepettlity op                         S ILVER . H          Lsght Water Rees tete Granc h 4         77/03/01      See tecenderg eye to es tigene sensequentes of eqLa eteen line beset ettident TE DESCO. R L.           Aeststant D6 tester for Plant Svetess            77/02/04        --7904200013 Forweede roguest f or addl inf o to c omplete FSAR Requett e 2pp                                                                                             teteenee by 760120 RNIEL.E           Light Watet Reet tt
  • t Stenc h 2 75/II/23 4pp 790188040$ F ereerd e selettene & es tivity list fee TMI.etelve d44 770131.fer potted endant 77G207 790SO10041 Feewarde request for edda info cegatred for OL vev6ew OUNN. W T. GPU Seevnt e Ceep 77/02/04 2pp R DSA. F . Power Systees Aranch 77/03/01 3pp

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PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 31 7904200057 Feeweeds Amend 55 to OL oppincetten. 7904300333 Jg Hergeln deetgneted as applicent's Pectatent for all ARNOLD. A C Metropelsten Edtoen Co. 77/04/04 1p- of 770566 CREIT2.W M Metropoltten Edison Co 77/05/16 in 7905110400 Forw4rde ellettene b ac tivity itet for YMt.etetos dtd 770331.for perted ending 770407 Most recent fuel lead date 7905230039 Megget test results delag rept by util shecid teed Dec 1976 e Of fice of Inspec tion & Enf eec eeent 77/OS/19 app DUNN.W T OPU Bervice Ceep 77/04/04 2pp 7904300041 Di sc us ses util 's antention to retelve toeves re hermetic 7904250SLS messends to 770325 lte regvesting appeel meeting to NRC seelt of instrument bases positten en stede inne treet accident Feele meettng not HERBEIN. J G Metropoliten Edtsen Co 77/0$/26 3pp necestery RUBCHE. 8 C Of fic e of Nuc leet ReacteF Reguletten 77/04/11 3sp 7,042706S5 Discuotee SA Branch review of info evoettled in FSAR Aeonde

                                                                                          $4 4 $6 Concludes changet settefy t eenc h teguntemente & de not waerent mods to BE R 7904270069 Th ir tg -day followup ite te wnenticipatee teacter vessel                      NELTEMES. C J            Guelity Answeence arench                       1p Stift ventiletten preneure scope in teetter bldg Mods to                                                                                           77/05/27 heating vent!tetten & ear coadattentag will to toplemented ARMOLD.R C           Metropoltten Efases to      77/04/12     233                      79041703G9 Forwards comment s on procosed changes for nonradsologicaL offluent Tech Space Diseveses word changes 7904300493 Gwesorg of easttag w/Metropoliten Edteen re NHC pesatten on stese Line bredt accident inferos that planned future meeting is no longer required DE VOUNG. R C                                                                          _.7904170797 Not t f tc ot ton o f 770309 meeting w/utt! in Bethesde.MD 1/

Dtviesen of PeeJect Management 77/04/12 la discves nonfedbelogical effluent Tech Spect MORR IS. J Enytreneentel Peejecte Drench 2 77/02/20 to 7905180176 App 1tcetton fee sett/egproduct license to authorise pottettson of eng typroduct ett w/eteetc nvetere i theeugh W3 inclusive 7905110389 Forwards esteetene & activ6ty itst for TMI.ste499 dtd ARNDLD. R C Metropoliten Edison Co 77/04/18 51p3 770531.for peeted ending 770607 GUNN, W f GPV Service Corp 77/06/03 2p3 7904270065 Act receipt of 770412 lte te reac tor vessel ettet ventitetten Ventitetten will be tevtewed during outtegvent 790S110136 Addl info requested on 770325 Dy NRC re application for teep matt /typroduct 1scense dtd 761019 has not been recetved Info C ARL SON, R T Regten L. PhiladeLphle. Reacter Construction & eust be recetved within 30 dage Engineering Support Branch 77/04'21 lp SELL.J M Redto;eotopee Ltcensing B ench (Pro 790501) 77/06/16 le 7904230683 Foewerde Amend 56 to af placetten f or OL Ceettiscate of Svc

 '**I-ARNOLD.R C           Metropelsten Consen Co                   2pp                      7904250469 Forwarde 770331 worsten of noncedsological effluent Tech 77/04/22 Specs i nc orpor e t tog suggested changee w/o enct REGAN.W H            Environmental Projects Branch 2          77/06/16       2pp

--79042S0687 Amead S6 te eepl 6 cation for OL ARNULD.R C Metropoltten Edison Ce 77/04/22 Sep. 7905110149 Forwards addl info re byproduc t eatl licenes roguested in NRC 770325 6 770610 1%fs 7904270061 Feewarde std for**t for provading hovelg meteorological date on magnetic tepes to factittate review of eteolphaelc diffwiton 6 cooling ey e lep ec t s. 7904280100 JQ Ho r t e ln h e t repleted RC Arnold at Vice President of VAGSALLO.D D Assistent Director fot Light Weter Reectore Generation et Metropolaten Esteen Co Regvee ts change in 77/04/22 S8p dtalesbution list ARNOLD. R C QPU Servic e Corp 77/07/05 lp 7904250597 p erward e encl identifying problee dreas a n preoperettonal testing for detsretning response (sees of teactor protection 7905110385 Forweeds elleetene & activity list for TMI. statue dtd 944 channel 8 770630 f or eerted ending 770707 Ht:L f E ME S. C . J Gwality Atturance Branch 77/04/26 4pe GUNN.W 7 GPU Servic e Corp 77/07/05 2pp 7904200303 Forwarde regvest for addl info re overgreesure protection 6 7904200179 Asstens review of steso generator & reactte coolant eve, envtron quan t f acet ten of safety-related egvapment supporte VARGA,9 A Laght Water Reactoes Branch 4 77/04/27 Sp p . SHAP AR. R P , EISENHUT.D 0 Assistent Direstoe for Enotroneental Pro jec ts 77/07/07 9pp T434230600 Regveste addl info to complete d oc umen t a t i on f or Power Sy s Beench rewtee of elec tric al og* 7904180372 Forwards stoposed totorie effluent red talog scel tech Specs ROSA.F. Power Bgtteet Branch Utti proposes that Tech Specs current 1g in effect for Unit i 77/04/29 400 he revised to inc 19d e Uni t 2 COLLINS,J T Effluent freeteent 6gstees Branch 77/07/11 2epp 7904300055 Responde to 770368 tequest to endlyce fuel henditne occ ident ine n do c ont aineont tidg Guch an event is no mere severe the those descrised in FSAR & HER tcenartoe 7904 80237 No . l f a c e t t on of 770721 eaeting w/Generet Puglic Util & B&W ARNOLD. R C Metropolsten Edgson Co 77/05/02 5p p to resolve open itses to SER to hydrogen line treet. containment eues & boten flow seeturement SILVER.H Lsght water Rees tor e Grench 4 77/07/IS. 3pp 7904300058 Maintenne that TMl-2 to sete to opeedte even te##re equipment designed to ettagate steem lies breets is modified f9042504 72 Formords proposed interne effluent Tech Space t Pedielegical Attestmente Branc h peeltton on fedtelogical enytton ARNOLD. R C Metrepels ten Edisen Ce 77/05 05 2pp eenitoring to eastet radiological Tech spece preparetton REGAN,W H. Envareceental Pro jec te Branc h 2 77/07/19 2pp 790S110396 Foewards ellestone 6 activity list for tMj.etetwa 4td 770429. f or persed ending 770S07 GUNN.W T GPU Serv 6c e Corp 77/OS/06 2pp 7904J00131 Forwar d s Amend S? to applicotton for OL . HE REEIN. J G Me tropei t ten Ed i son Co 77/07/20 Ip 7904270415 Su mme r g of 770329 meeting w/Metropelsten Edtoen Co re applicent's request for appeelt meeting concerning NRC --7904200135 Amend 57 to oppincetion foe DL Certificate of Svc enc! peettien en steen line breet actident Attendence inot enct HE kBE IN. J G Metropeltten Edteon Co 77/07/88 699 S IL VER. H. Light Watee Reet tore Branc h 4 77/05/11 4pp 7904270686 Reviewed 10 appitcettens for eenior operator 6 13 r,043000,S Re.,ond. 4. ,70,24 ,e< f.e info r. ,.ector t 4 *1uets n' 8 e f retcr 'ic nce' s f* n* e**ssc*tt n* '

g. end,neered se, , t,i, seiseint v.i.e p,.,o.c in t a en

will to supplied by 770915 ,,,,e,,,L,,e,,,,,,,,c, ,,,,,,,, ,, ARNOLD. R C Metropolitan [daten Ce V7/OS/11 to 7904290256 hottescation of 740729 meeting w/metropoliten Edtson Co. Gene. e t Put I nt Utti &Plchard & Lowe to discuse onette & 7904300135 Forwarde previeweig esteitted 770404 lte re stese Inne bred. of f s.te es teere t ogic mons tering esc adent enelve ts c riter te WASHOURN. B W Atomic Energy Cemet tlion, Otrectorate of Licensing AR NOLD. R C . Me tropoli ten Es t een Co. 77/05/11 17 (Pee.19757 74/07/22 1p --7904300157 Peewides ac tlen plan f or teplementatten et first refveling 790509040S Bueeerg of 770721 mestang w/Metropoliten Edison Co & setege of plant eeds esqvtred by stema line bredt accident contractets te open stees in NRC reva ew including hgdeogen ene a glie c riter te Itse bfeet centainment swap & Stese Inne breet ARNDLD R C Me tropell ten (d isen Ce 7'/04/04 lp SIL VER. H Light Water Reactere Brench 4 77/07/27 20pp

32 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS th.t otii 6 MMe e.ppiier 7904,7 4,7, e, 79046.50,6S4h Re,.eets mee.eting

c. te di.t..e te eteregn. fvei i no tre.t .<,, dent d.rin, ,7040, meet,ing the tret w,M.etro,eiit.n Edi.en Ce
                                                                                                                                                                  ..i cgcie Attend.nce          ce .tese ne en.i..

feilow.pgave,t..e i no tre....ii.t, t when .ere r e t.rne to p owem 4,,4 enc! Leght Water R**c ter e granc h 4 77/09/16 29pp NOVAA.T M Reacter ugsteet Dr ess n 77/07/28 Ip !LVER.H 7904240195 No t t r ac et s en of of S&W ECC9 enelgens prettee. 7904,.04,9 F .i - s , to .n r e si77o l v t .e

                                                                                                                                                            ,s on                  tor
        ,etcect 6          oe nt i Co ti,oe     ,, c . t.i A e.n-leSS Re,4      77/o7/3i      3.,e                             ,Nos e, on, .t i ga .. e ne, t c Operet Re.ctor.i..

r.nchesse.!v i 77,ees,o9,s i9 ip instr telle for intluesen 79042SO624 Util low geld ve 7909,010209 w p.e,s.ed F or, rp,etectten d e f ire de tec fechtion.pec e. ueent p e, 7 e70 707 ite ,estation, wtiiaccepts NRCente te is,ie.,sene r or 1.2 6 3 ee to coepiction of firettage MLPSE!N.J Q Me trepe titen E diten Ce 77/08/01 2pp refueling evtage

                                                                                                            &#RSEIN.J G           Metropsitten Edison Co            77/09/19       (p 790S0J0062 Forwarde *leredietten et 16 Gedet enia-U Ote:Ade Deeenstralien Fuel Rede in TML-2. Cycle !
  • 7904270690 Forweeds FR not ic e of petition for roleedelng re pagescal beRBEIN,J G Metropoliten Edasen Ce 77/DH/08 1s geerches of sadtvidv414 enteeing protec*ed eree 6 esgulation regunting clearance for vnetcorted accost C ASE. 0 0 Office of Nuclear 90ector Regulation 77/09/19 3pp
 +-790S020068 "lreadiation of 16 Gadellata-U Diestie Demonettetten Fuel Redt in f MI-2. Cyc le B." describing propetal to lead esteetites late snitial core                                                                       7904200286 Inferes of 770901-03 eeeting w/otti eepresentattves at TMI e Metropoliten Ed6een Ce                      76/12/31       lopp                                     site to evppi review et electescal desten Asende 6 list of 6teet requiring further actlen enct AGHE. F            Power Systees franch            77/09/21      13pp 7905070493 Forweeds 34W regt alreadgatten of Eight Rotensted Graphite Doesnettetten 8venetle Posen Id ad e nn TMI-2.Cgele 1
  • Concert w/ safety erotuetten Witt lead demonstratten rede w/f6rst 7905860486 Correc te einer errer en fagere of enct to 770919 Ite core " Net-Ed's reopense to Rad iolegleal As ses seent prenen HfeBEjN.J 0 Me t r op e l l Edison Co 77/08/09 1p Posttten r1 Enyteen Monstering
  • NL1DEIN. J G Metropoliten Edseen Ce 77/09/22 2pp
  --7909070490 " f e r ed 6 a t t en e9 Eight 8eroneted Graphite Deeenetrataen Svenstle Peteen Rede an TMI-2. Cycle 1 =

e Metropolsten Edison Ce 77/09/04 6pp 7905110144 Mat 1/Byproduc t Lic ense 37-17257-01 fee Metrepetitan Edison Co.evtherteseg possettion of eng typroduct met) w/ steels nuatete between 1 6 84. C o- 13 7. he-241 6 Pv-139 7904300061 Fore 4rdt trench positions to low geld voltage & Claes IE WRIGHT.E G Redtottetepee Licensing Branch : Pre 790301) eeusement eveltf6setten evteage centaineent 77/09/26 3pp TE DL EC O. R L Asesstant Dtrector for Plant Systees 77/08/16 17p p 79042602HU Esseinsteen Rept en senter operater license iteued for fMI-2 Wettten essesnation dte 770017 6 19 enc ! Operat ing 7904200099 Fetwarde Amend I te applicellen for amend to CP test edeinastered 770914 COLL INS. P F Op erater L te eneing Branc h 77/09/29 69pp T ROW 8N ! DGE , G e Show. P d t teen. Potte. 6 frowtendge 77/08/23 to 7904230054 Feewards redselegatal Tech Spect precedures for review R MC 6

  --7904200102 Amend I to applicet ten for seend to CP                                                       Telodyne L at analg s s e prec edures withheld (rof 10CFR2 7905 e Verseg Centeel Power 6 Lagat Ce                         e Metropelatan Edison Co                  *ENBE IN. J G         Meteepetiten Esteen Co            77/10/01       32pp
        ///09/15        2pp 79043004}9 Forweede Figure 1. 9 4 -C-C leadLeg be angerted in 7904290694 Ceemente on plant nonradtalogteel environ Tech spec e,                                          770004 rept te "treadsetten of Eight Geronated Graphits rerwe dad an NP C 77Q402 lte                                                                            Demonstretten Burnet t e Pe t een Rede an TMl-2. Cycle t
  • HERREIN.J G Metropelatan Edseen Ce 77/Ob/23 7pp FWR8EIN.J G Metropelsten Edseen Ce 77/10/O:1 3pp 7904270473 Forweeds Aeond 50 to appincetion for OL Certsftrate ef Syc 7905090434 Wante le determine to deutle-ended gvstlettne treat snando east reactor cavity would represent etst to public health 6 HE R8E !N. J G Metropalatan Edgeon Co 77/09/26 2p3 safety 6ER9E !N. J G Metrepeltten &desen Co 77/10/06 2pp
  --7904270679 Amend 50 to appitedtsen for OL ttPBE!N J G          Metropoliten Edison Co                  77/0H/23         4p p                79042SOOR2 F or war d s u t i l 's comment s re admin t e trative c ontrols Tech Spece forwarded Aug 1977 Reques t e f ormal repig to coeeente, giving beets fee resectnen 1904200294 Foreerd e posit t en 6 c oeeent e ce c onc erne of low geld                                     etRBEIN.J 0          Metropelstan Edtson Ce            77/10/07       34pp voltage 6 qualtfstetten of Claes IE elec te nc al equipeent VANGA.8 A              L igh t Water Re ac tere Branc t 4               77/0H/26          10pp 7904200004 p erwards Amend Se to application for DL Certiftcete of B ec enct 7904680419 Forwards coemente en draft E f6 (nonfedtelegicall dtd 770531                                    64R$EIN.J G          Mettepetitan Edison Ce            77/10/07       Pop IWE f lIG. G B            Light Water Reactere Branch 4                     77/08/29        Sep 7904290233 Not facetten of 770907 eeeting w/Genetal Publ 6c Ut t ! 6 86W                                --7904280006 Amend 99 te opplicet ten for OL to discost analgals of etes,line areat for fatet cycle                                                     HtRSEIN.J G          Mettepellten Edtsen Ce            77/10/07       6pp SIL VER. H            L igh t Wa tee N estlerg Stanch 4                7 7 / 0H / 3)     2p3 79051103n2 Forwards 'atlestone 4 octivate list fee TMI states dtd 7904200281 Liste out. standing items requitang resolutten before IE                                         77093). f or p er t ed ending 771007 L i s t e reasons for estensten ap,rev.i ef preep. .iianei te. ting sv ei ie.dtag date of                                                of f ei te.d I     77101S probatig will gity by one senth                                                                  QUNN.W 7         GPU 6erv6ce Corp         77/10/07        2pp SNIE7LK.J H             06vstion of Reacter Operatione Inspections                           77/09/31 I2pp 7904250074 Fetwards water twelity ett perett applicatten Regveste 7903130384 F orward s et tee tene 6 acttvitg iset der TMt.etatut dtd                                        transeittag ltr for perett incivde stateeent ce therest 170E36,for period ending 77090?                                                                          component inf o pr evleusly outettled GUNN.W T        GPU Servic e Cef s               77/09/02       2pp                                      HERBFIN.J Q          Metropoliten Edtsen Ce             77/10/10       17pp
 '904200333 Responds to toquest for views to 770804 lte of C Jartes en                                    790417D381 Fetweed s c emeents en facility eenttering progree Rogueste 16 c ens ing proceedings of facl16tg Dett e 66ee di f f erenc es                                        specif &c saeplang locattene be identified between ACRS mee t ing 6 NRC evidentiary heating                                                         FREGER.W E              Radieleg6cel Asteessent Beanch               77/10/11      3pp OleCES, W J         Of fice of the Esecutive Director fee Operettens 77/09/09        eps 7904270450 p orwardo Ac c ident Aneig e t s Seesc h seements en TMI Tech Spece Notes Tech Grec 0 17% c ontainment leek rete le este
 --790420033$ Forwarde ltes of C Jertoe re licensing pfecedvfes fee                                          restees t tve than O 14% value feved ecceptatte an HER reopense                                                                                              DLJNCH. 0 F.          Acc ident An41g e t e eranc h        77/10/11       le BC HWE inf R, R $        Senate          77/OS/s8        Opp
                                                                                                          -~7904210495 Het no c omment en App A Tech Specs 790%210609 "Nonrad Leleg a cel Proc edutos Doc ument
  • COLLINH.J T Effluent Treatment Systees Branch 77/10/11 to e Metrepsit ten Ed t oen Ce 77/09/16 300pp 7905020132 Cooments en proof 6 review copy of TMt Tech Space, reflecting
 '904230009 Foewards nonradiological ETS Docueents procedures 6 requette                                     inc lusten of pefiedic test requiremente of Reg Guide i 100 %

apptevel as eeen as pesettle W/o encI instrueentat t en, controls 6 elec tr gc power sge desten LAWVER.L L Netropolitan Edisen Ce 77/09/16 2pp POSA. F- Power Sgstsee Branch 77/10/12 10PP

l 1 i l l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 33 l l 4230065 'TMI- effects of 790487045$ Forwards review of esp lic ent 's proposed ETS. d te 770916 & 790,v e i dentiF o, r we e d s, cation en ,2 Dens,ificant.en l eci f.ei .pp .Aset.".An.alyset e oper. tion eediological ETS procedures document.dte 771003 No (

             .4 c.ted core , ewer io..i .i,t, 2.772 MW W,.ri           . enti cenee,                                                                                                            ,

C aLL ,N t.J e en ,,.,c e,,d ., ent r e , 4.,c .een t - .,ete.e HERBE!N. J G Metropellten Edison Ce 77/10/17. le T e.teent r.nch 77,io,,, is,, 7904260i,3 E..einet..n Rest op i.cen,e ,.e stee 6s TMi-2 Written e..ein.tten .en.en.or7 70.i 7- i.e r a t i ngencitest t o,eratin,iss.ed 7905020186,F,,or

                                                                                                                    ,,e ,e,,       ,, wa, r,,,   d,,s ,,l a,,,,

s,t e r ac t s, t,a n, d, i n g, ,,,,e,te,,

                                                                                                                                                                                               , ,        , t a, t u, ,s , o f ,,, ,
             ';';'**            eretor Lic ensing .r.nch            77,io,i,       66p,
                                                                                                                    ,,,, ,,,e,,,, ,, ,,,,, , ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,

ai i ion of Ree<'

  • oe re'i o- in <** n* 77'io

SM'rltasM t oper.ter incen is..ed f,P 7,0426,013, C..e.n.tten pe,t en , e7 n,0.e 1Mi- Writt.n ede.n.etered e. 7 /0,..,a na t ion d t d i ri7 enci o,oret n,se te,t ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,e

                                                                                                                    ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,e           ,c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                                                                                                                                                    ,,,,,,,d         ,, ,,,,e,,,,,ed
                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,d,,,,,,,c,.,,e e, ,,e ,            ,e .,,,,

COLL {NG. P F Operator Licens6ag grench 77/10/17 74ps E AN,W H Invaronmentel PreJects Bronch 2 77/10/27 IBop 79042 0,,, Re,t on oper.ter i. cense iso.ed ,.c TMi-2

                                                                                                                ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,e ,, .,,d.,,,,,e,,, e, ,,,,,, ,,,,,e,,,on ,,

written esentnat60 dte 770817 encl. Operating test

                                                                                                                   #esctor gleg $ome Decay Meat Removal 9gs," dtd Aug 1977
             "*'"';';";' " , e r.t e r L n en e i n, h                77,io,i7       39,9                   Mea'<<M-s a         M *c >eisten <**              n ce       77'io'2=        'e' g

7904260i7. E..ein.t.en e,t e, eserotor i, cense ,se.e4 ,er 1M,_ , 7,0,,40,,, ,.tw.r., rech .pec Change Re .est 6,.r.t...ttag .een. to Written esseanation dto 770817 enci Operating test Ap p A of DL r e p owe r 4tttributten & contaanoont integratg edesnastered 770422 Certif8cate of Svc enc 1 i CDLLINS.P F Operator Ltrenetag Branch 77/10/17. S6p p HER8EIN.J Q Metropoli ten Edison Ce 77/10/29 Sep 7904260192 Essonnetton Meet on operatoe license 1stved for TMI-2 7904200067 Forwards Amend 60 to ap plicot t on for OL Written essennetton dte 770017 enc! Operetang tett >ER9E IN, J 0 Metropolitan Edloon Ce 77/10/31 is edmintotered 770933 CDLL R MS. P F Operator L treneang trench 77/10/47 52pp

                                                                                                               --7904200071 Amend 60 to application for OL HERBE!N.J G         Metropeliten Ed a s.n Ce                 77/10/31        Sep 7904240198 E s eetna t ten Res t on operator license tegwed for TM1-2 Written esesination d te 7 70817 enc t Operating test admantetered 770920 COLLikS. P F                                                                                      7901180379 Forwards attestone & activsty inst for fMI, status dte Operator Licensing Branc h              77/10/17       62pe                  771031.for period endsng 771107 QVNN.W T        GPV Servtce Corp               77/11/02          2pp 7904260202 Esseanation Nept on operator tscense issued for TMI-2 W*itten eseetnetton dtd 770817 ent) Operating test                                                7994g794g, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, ,,, g ,,,,,,3,g                                 ,,,,g , ppg,,,,

edesaletered 770921 Tech speco C DL L INS. P F Operator Lic ensing Branc h 77/10/17 4 7p p ff ) f f,, **' ' '" ' *** J ' 7904260200 Eseetnetten Rept an operator license assved fea TMI-2 Westten esamthetton dtd 770817 enc! Operating test 7904170790 Notification of 771110 meeting w/utal an Bethesda,MD to enocuse redtological monitoring progree & procedures eenval OLL NS P F 0 eretor Licensing Branch 77/10/17 e$pp "#"#" * "*J' "*"' # '# ' r9042602,, E ..,n.4,en Re,, .a op. rat.c 1,cen,e ,s...d fe, 7Mi-2 'To42'oc'" c 'c " ' e 4- 't 'er e**' < c n'ets n c nc*rn c"M*M Westten eseetnatten dte 770017 enc t Operating test ' '"

  • ar e* * **'#'a=
                                                                                                                                                                        r'e "l e **

a'se*** adotnistered 7709LS # for'c "'l a c u l e t s on"#o f mess 6 er ne"g y conservattve COLLINS,P F Operator L sc ene ang Branc h ROSS,D F Agesetent D6r#Ctof fo* Reactor Safety 77/10/17 36pp 77/11/10 3pp 7904260245 Esamanetton Rest on operator license toeved ese TMI-2 * * '"' *#'"'""'"'" ' ' " * "'** '" Written eusennetton dtd 770917 enct Operating test * ''"I **##* ** ' *' ' ' "*

  • 4desatetered 770920 ' J"' '* ' " **"I " II#*" 8' CDLL INS. P F B e ro'p e stan E d t s on"'C'o 77/41/12'I"**1p Operatoe Licensing Branch 77/10/17 4 Se p 79042602$2 Eteetnetton Rept on opeestor license gesued for TMI-2 7904230146 Forwarde electrical scheestles of Class IE direct current Wessten etaetnatten dtd 770017 enc 1 Operettag test ede6 pattered 770913 ROSA F . Power Systeet Stench 77/11/13 lp COLLINS. P F Operator Ltcensing Branch 77/10/17 44pp 7904240630 Reque s ts reva ew of TMI-2 stese inne breet analysis 6 7904240267 Eteetnellen Rept on senior operater licente 14eved fe, #pprofetete 5S AR 6nput for interte operellen by 771130 TMI-2 Wettlen saaennetten dtd 770817 6 t0 enct Operating V ARGA. 6 A Light Water Reactors Branch 4 77/11/15 13 test edenntstered 770920 CDLLING.P F Operator Licensing Scench 77/10/17 66pp 7904200249 Notificetton of 771122 eesting w/ General Pvtitc Utti for P9042L3281 Esaetnetten Rept on senter operator Itcense 1ssued for applicante

to present proposed test of stees generator tube TM1-2 Written seeminetten dte 7/D910 enei Operettag test adannistered 770920 s i t vER. H L a gh t wa ter Reactors seanch 4 77/11/18 2pp CDLLINS.P F Operator Licensing Branch 77/10/17 4 Se p i l 7904240293 Esseinetten Rest on senace operater License leaved ##r 7904300425 Forwarde data re f uel per f ormance et ein spectatical mergin

                                                                                                                  & het channel thereal agerou L tc analysis fee steseline treak TMI-2 Written esdoinellen 8td 770019 er. . Operettog test                                             accident edeingeleted 77's914 HFRBE IN. J Q       Metropol6 tan Edison Co,                 77/it/18         77pp C OLL I MS. P F          Operater Licensing Branch               77/10/17       40pp 7904260329 Esse 6netten Rept on senter operator license tesved for                                   7904170293 Forwards pontestelegicet effluent Tech Spect Most essenttel TMI-2 Written esamination dtd 770617 enc! Operetteg test                                              6eeves are resolved edetnistered 770922                                                                                  S ALL ARD. R L            Environmental Specialiste Branch                        77/11/21        Pop COLL INS. P F            Dperator Licenetne Branch               77/10/17. 46pp 7905000173 Forwards safety evalvetten of stese generator 790419004S Forwarde nogetsve declaratton b EIA to support estensten of                                  instrumentetsen progree Insta!!atten sees not represent CP to 760115                                                                                         undos elsk to health 6 safety of ev61tc NORRIS.J A              fevironmental Projecte Branch 2                 77/10/24         Sep         HERSE!N.J G          Metrope11 ten (dison Ce                  77/11/22        2pp
                                                                                                              --790$090173 Sefety ev4194tsen of once-through steam generator
         --7904190046 El4 tupporting e s teneien of CPPR-66 to 790115                                                instru*entation progree e       Envareneental Projects Brench 2                   77/10/21       app.
  • Metropolitan Edison Ce 77/11/01 app 7905080068 Redundant safety grade feedwater tseletten valves enevnd to a-7904190049 Negative declaration supporting estentsen of CPPR-66 to modtfted at first refweiseg evtage to settste NPC concerne 790113 re St*seline treak occidents NORRIS.J A Enytreceental Projec ts Branch 2 77/10/21. 2pp HERBE!N.J 0 Metrope!! ten Edison Ce 77/11/23 3pp

34 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS w.r.. res,en.e to .v e, o,e, Re.ctor, co ents ,e 7,04,so.34 ,orwarde On, .te.. cener.ter instro. ort. tion 790. i .023 7 r e. ,t t e dte ,,ogr.. for

v. HER,EiN.s . rMr.2 -

tg Moe,e on.iyee.n. .77chi.o7 n st., in eper. e s .s e.s. Metre,. n ten Eat.on Co 77/12/22 3 0,p E.7tecide.w.ter ,v. ng.,

    . Alt Apo. R L             Envte.n..nt.i         .,ectoi..t. .          77,ii,2.      ,,,
                                                                                                                                                                   .te..  .ene.etor in.t,...ntetion 7,o4>eo. 9for    ,.rw.edo.
                                                                                                                                     ,Mi-2 once-,h,
                                                                                                                                               . C.rts,6c.te of .vc 79u42      024.

t in .eth.ed..M. te disco s ,ro.g a. 3pp enNot,i,n .t.o,n ., 77i20, .ee,c ng te., E# EiN.J o Metropoint.n Edto.n Ce 77/>2/22 re.ei.t o i eite t i e.s .

    .eren s..ser, .o,en       .te.. inne, e.e..e i e s. t,i ng-t.r. copiing S IL VER . H           Light Water Reactact Branch 4                   77/11/29        Ip e,~.e. C-E                           to.e .ies.e 4 . n fu et.on 79,r.gre.

3i.o,0i.,Co,tt,s,cei. etes. f ovcgener.te,

                                                ,eco             1Mi-2 .o.ed .e not,,,ed of                         44.Eim s o          Metrop. int.n Edi.on Ce             77n2/22       3,p 7904 > .s2 9 .o.r .

ste.. g.noretor no

                                                            ..di en.i e., on etea.
t. t .i , u . n ene de,r...,tten inn. .re. or it enc i
                                                                                                                -- 7.os i .0,02 . . . n g i . ro.e vt. rett.n vesting . Ev.i..tton As,0ct.te. w/rMi vA.,. ALLO,. .,e
                     .ccidentAs        et.nt s..f to. rector ,or L,ght ter Reactors                                        N.cie.r Powe,       , 77 32/0 HABL I NGE R . # H     Metopolsten st... .ener. tor -Co Edison          TR-ESE-220         77/12/23
 ?904270329 Summary of 77119S meet Ang w/etw General Pvt l a c Ut t l e &

Metropetat.n tdison an Betheese,MD to descrate instrueentataon & test p.egr.* proposed fo* etese generate, --790il60$OS "Instellation of Sleevet at TM1-2 Steae Generatore tipp SIL VE R. M Light k.ter Reactore Branch 4 77/12/07 3,P HORLACHER. W R Met opolitan Edteon Co 77/11/22 790$O10662 ,erwar d s es ses seen t of sepects of ther.el effluent --7905160508 Befety evoluotson of "C-f Doc e-Thr ough Stese Generator Tube tientotten cent.6ned an 771109 esvteed 401 Certification Gwalification P,ogree a St,uctural angegrity has not been ansved be Commonwealta of PA for TM;-2 gogged,g & p,osebility of ecctdent net increased Sep B AMwuR T H. R 8 Env6reneente! Spectantsts Branch 77/12/07 1, e Office of Nuclear Re.ctor Reguletten 77/12/31

 --7905010667 Staff essesteent of revised 401 Cer t i Change 6 eede 6n                                    79ogggo333 ro, wards EIA & nogettve declaration re proposed estension prevenue thereal effluent 11.ltet&one do not affect ortgsnel                                               to CP unt&& 790229 conclusione Affadevil of CR Mocteg enc 1                                                                   pEGAN.W H             Environmental Pro,ects BrancP 2                77/12/27          39 HICPEv.C R           Co.*tesson          77/12/06         lopp
                                                                                                                .- 7404 4 00336 E 1 A suppe,ttng entensson of CP until 790220 7904300140 Bummary of 771102 meeting w/Rurne 6 Roe & Bbw in Bethesda.MD                                                e     Davtalon of Este Safety & Environ
  • ente! Analysts 77/12/27 re t eac tor 6193 opreg pump NP bH y,,

SILVER.H Lsg%t Water 8sec ters Branc h 4 77/12/08 9p p

                                                                                                                  -7904190361 Negative decle.dtten supporting estension of LP vetal 7994 300 6 4 3 Bu.*a r g of 771109 **eting w/99fne 4 Roe 6 applicante re                                              7goggy 77/12/27         sep final steen lar e fle.etese isne breat.Deron flow eensor.                                                          FR DEL I CH. R W         Environmental Pro Jec ts Oconc h 2 electescal e s te vis 4 4 & r eac tor sprog peep Light kater Reactore Branch 4                   77/12/00       '7p p 611 VE R . H 7904180393 "En v i r on R ad t e i o g i c a l Monstering Rept," 1977 Annual Rept
                                                                                                                     * *      **P' ' ** * *"" *                                 '

7904230214 Forwarde operaftc someente to TMI-2 progree dessetetton detweent B ALL ARD. R L Fny t r onmenta l Specialtete Branch 77/12/09 1C), 7904300450 Buemary of 771208 meeting w/appLacents & contractore te escessive drawdown Of meteup tant in LDC A, ber en flow

                                                                                                                     "*'** ""            ' *' 8"*'            "     " '~** *'***' '

7904230609 Forwerde list ed evtstanding stees 4 etetus of ' proepetettonal testing & const SNIEZLs,J H 06,iston or Reactor Opeestione Inspections 77/12/09 12pp 7904300462 Forwarde "TMI-2 Peep Sueveallance Progtae & Esception."

                                                                                                                     "TMI-2 Velve Sweveallance Program & Esceptione" & "TMI-2 Intervice inspection Soundarg Drawings "

7905110376 F orwar d s

  • le t t one & ac t iva lg list for TMt.atetve ste HERsEIN.J G Metropoliten Edison Co 7B/06/03 1p 77]130,for persed ending 771207 GUNN,w T GPU Gervic e Ceep 77/12/09 2pp 7904200254 of 79081D .eeting w/84W & applicent to resolve e, e, C.,R-6. co.gistoon d.te ste.. isneNo.t t f t c e t t on 6.s.o.inci.dieg de,.rto,e fro. n.cio.te 7,o,42000
       ,o. 7 7. R e,.e oii,  t. s t .70C22.t ene t on of coest,s i e. 6,.ent                                         esiitag ,ro .r.e ie.o SILVER.H            Light water Reactore Branch 4                78/01/05        2pp probloes HEMBE IN, J G          Me tropoli ten E diten Cp              77/12/12        2pp wares mar               Section                    t               posttson.

790.J Ooi. , r o. , e e n , o .n t e on . econ. d .ft of ,ro.r.. desc.sption 740,9160462

                                                                                                                       , ,e ,,e,  F ore, ,v,e, ,ked,    up,,,,1,,e ,,,,3,ed2 6,,,,


                                                                                                                                                                                     ,n     h,,v,,,

n i c a,l

     ;"I'"'A                 tevt.o.,ent.i Pro,ecte er.nch 2                     77,ia,i.       10,,

c'S REcAS***> H a 3 2

  • d'-En..r.e.t" 2
  • n ent.i .n.e,ecte ... n'n*c*'2 h

ai *

7. ',o*i/os i.,p 7904rroi .6 F o r..r . . P.d o io. t c . i effi.ent Tec ..
                                                                                                                  --790,i.0464 , pre.eds es.tsed E1 sectio 3 2.r.dteios usi env,,on sp.ce CoLLiNo.J     r     .. sed,,en E
                                           .e i.ent iow   .e p .a.c Tre.t.ent t ai ...
                                                                ..te.e .e-
                                                                             ,e c s .77c on s i di7,p r .nc h e r e dcenterte,i2/i>
                                                                                                                          .en,tortng     p ogr.. Re,.este new n...nering s,. .e edopted for ETS l                                                                                                                          HERBEIN.J G       Metropolitan Edtoon Co              77/12/14        14pp I

790420D004 Forwerde A*end 61 to application for OL Nf'RRE IN, J G Met ropol t tan E d a son Co 77/12/l6 Ap

                                                                                                                  - .90$160469 Nonrestological ETS foe facittty e Metropolt ten Edison Co               77/12/29      47pp
                                 .. to .,            ,e, OL
  -- 790,.42mou9.

R.E im JA.end

                        .      Metro,.itt.n Edison Co                77/ia,i6          .,,

7904200305 Foemords tegvests for addl info re Tech Spect to be submitted at leset two weets pesor to planned fuel leading 7904290019 Fotwarde proposed seterte red 1ological effluent Tech Space de*p REGAN.W H Eny tronmental Pte jec ts Beenct 2 77/12/19 199p vhRGA.S A Light Water Reac tor s Branc h 4 79/01/06 3p p 7,03ii0 74 Re,.ests addi .n,o ,o, proce.o,ng ..ti/.g,,od ct inense applicetten die 770418 W/o encl 7905.00ttl Reepends to 771117 Itr ce proposed requirements of G*ction WR IGHT F G Redselectopes Licensing Branch (Pro 790501 4 6 of nontediological E TB On t e events caus teg stenaficent 77/12/19 19 onwafen 4*pect need be t9 potted FetweF#s revised Gestion 4 6 Hl RBE !N. J G Metropola ten Ed t son Ce 70/01/06 3pp 790501D091 Demonstrates eseguecy .e TMi-2 detegn te long-term teoling c apet t l e tg efte* steen lane 6eset accident App R$9 of F S AR --7905100120 Fs+werde temeents on latest revision to radiologstal Tech will be tevised to sncorporate recent gefo 6pec s te lagwsd waste emeaning & analgens Bubetta edel ante MERREIN.J 0 Metropolitan Esteen Co 77/12/20 4pp te oss teve petmissble c onc entra4 Len of senon HERBE IN. J e Metre pol t tan Edison Co 7B/01/18 ISep 7905010511 Insttet conc lusion te vee of Gadolinta U dicende demonstretsen fuel rods an inntial cete loading of TM f-2

                                                                                                                   --790S100129 Fetwares proposed intette radiologscal Tech Specs to ILqu!4 has het altered after furthof toteerch                                                                              effluente 4 sempting frequency for gamee oesttere HER9E!N.J G            Metropo!4 ten Edtson Co               77/82/20         to                                    REGAN,W H            Enytronmental Projec te Stanch 2                77/12/19         Sep

l , i 1 l 1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 35 1 u, in e ,e status e,c. l 7.o4,,0ii9 retw.,r.. test ng

               ,reeperettene               d.te, Outst.n.       .tese ,rev .ple, ded tion     o,   conet .      --79050 02 ,. rer         rd, iste t re....en t o r.d eiog.c.i .n iron moni t o .ng e.seietten ,rior t o         .e e e. . OL ng                     e,u.te                      progr.e                                                                                   l E p E iN. J .       Met,.,otit.n Edtoen Co             7./Di/24        2, ,

aNiE 1EA. J - o,v e..n of Re.cter 0,or.tione in...ct .no 7./0i/09 ia,, i l 79050,004. Re,u.ste issvence of in.o tt e for OL ,ee

                                                                                                            "'"'"'"            ' " * " ' ' " ' "*"**'"' ' ' ' " " '"'                           I list ,er 790SiiO37,3 v n 23i . erreew.ed.e     e,iesten.e
                              ,e.,e           . ., 7 0io
                                                                             ,Mi..t.tu, die GUNN. W T       GPU $# Price Corp        79/01/09     2pp                                                                                                                                ,

790427D026 F oreerds Amend 62 to application for DL Cer t titc ete of Svc 1 enc t HERREIN.J G Metropoliten Edison Co 7B/01/24 2pp 7,o4 3o0:4e ouse.c g se 77n22 meet ing w/sp,i c.nte s c ent,.c ter t re l stvoo generator tute steering tees program i S IL VER. H Leght katet Weectors Branch 4 7B/01/11 3Sep i

                                                                                                         --7904270029 Amend 62 to app lic at son for OL HERSEIN.J G         Metropelate F4Ison Co                78/01/24      2pp 79042902S6 No t a f s t et t on of 7B0120 meettng in Sothende MD w/86W.9 urns &

Ree & applacent te discust results of teseltne eddy current 7904270050 For.erde safety evaluetten of B&W 's onc e-tt t ough ste** eseetnetton of ence ' rough eteen generegge tulee genetetor tVse elsewing program SILVER H Lngh - e peec ter s Granc h 4 70/01/12 2pp HERREIN.J 0 Metropelaten Edteon Co 78/01/2S 2pp 7904290072 Forwares tosponses to draft questions te DN8R & fuel --7904270035 Safety evaluation of 'Techencel Justa#tcetton 80- Instel! Lag p er f etaanc e during stese line bredt eccidents.eevastons to & Testseg Tube Bleeves an Once-Through Steen Generator

  • 771119 itr ettechnent & reeselogstel eseesseent of accident
  • Metropelsten Edison Co 7B/01/2S 19pp 64 R8t !N. J G Metropolaten Edsoon Cu 78/01/13 SSpp 7904270569 Guten te c omen teent e made verbally to NRC to redundant 79D4200371 p'orwards order estending const gespletion date feet 770501 safety-grade meteup tant tooletaon. diesel generator ele te TRJ4 30 VARG A. 6 A starting sus & redundant fueang of DC control catling tsght Water Reactorn Branch 4 78/01/16 to HE:RBEIN.J 0 Metropolitan Edsson Co sp 79/01/2S
            - 7904200375 Ord ee ettending const completion date from 770501 to                           790427039S Forwards 16st of stees wnich will not be complete p/sor to 7BO4 30                                                                                  date requested for OL sesvence itses pertain to test VASBALLO.D 5            Aessetent Director for Ltent water Reactoes                       p r oc edur e s. eds in i s t r a t ion & GA 78/01/16      Je p                                                                       HE RBE IN. J G      Metropolsten Esasen Co               78/01/25      4pp
          --7904200379 E4fet, evaluetton of request for esteneton of provas6enal                         7904210397 In response to NRC 780106 Itr ce Tech Beece provides addl CPPR-66 VARGA.5 A                                                                                  info re solution flow rates.2-n tw rating of emetgency Lteht water Reac tore Branc h 4         78/01/16        3pp          dsesel generetor 6 coerge in trip setpoint HERDEIN.J G         Met r opo li tan E d ison Co         70/01/25      2pp 7904230623 Informs of review ed stese line trees enalysts tubeatted tg app l ac ent on 771119 Forwarde sofo retweeto resulting fro
  • 7904300360 L e t s cPect velves soproperty clessafned under ASME Sectaon 771200-09 meeting between appl 8 cent b NSSS eupplier yi. valves should be classtf ted unser ASME Categorg AC ROB 6. D F Assistent Director fat Reactor Befete 70/01/16 6pp w0vAx , 7 M peseter E1 stems Branc h 70/01/23 13 7904230155 Suseary of 7H0102-06 sete vtsit to allow NRC etaff eeeters 7903160466 eofwerds info to isoletion Of **8'"8 **nt eftet a LDCA te observe plant foetutes re #sre protection progree Lset of HERBFIN,J G Mottopeisten Edtoon to Sep particspente enc! 78/01/26 i

LET.T M Plant Sy s t e,es Br anc h 79/01/17 opp 7905030163 Forwards last of steen re*etosng to be resolved pesor to achieving e61estones 7904250205 Responds to 778212 meen ce problee involving anterruption o' SNIE EL J e Dtvasten of Peactor Opetatione inspections 76/02/02 feester coolant pump seal water flow upon loss of offstte gg,, power Informs of futsre eod hg applicent in Amend 62 Considere mod ac c ep tse le VAGEALLO D 8 Assistant Director for Light kater Reactere 79/On/17 Ap 7904210141 Forwarde Amend 1 to CPPR-66, safety evalustaan & notice of issuanc e & avatlettattg VARGA. S A L6g4% water Reactors Branch 4 70/02/03 2pp 7904250535 Inferos that applicant's dessgn for dsesel generator ear starting ego to unaccepteale Rev4 sed evaluet&on enci TL DF. 5CO. R L

                                                                                                        --7904210145 Amend 1 to provssional CPPR-66.enclustag PA Electenc Co es Asenstant Director for Plant Systeme              70e01/17                coowner of fac61stg 2pp 30vp. R s        pav;ston of Peoject Manageeent                7B/02/D6       2pp
         --7904390549 Act receipt of request foe rettet f ree c er ta an r equirement s                 _.7404210140 Safe *g evenuetton supporting Amend I t o C PPD -66 of A5ML Code Seetaan a l.19 /4 E d a t ten F orweeds sofo re                                 VARGA.6 A            Light water Aeacters stanch 4                70/02/06      2po proposed intervice testing program for pumps L valves W/o enci 00BMAn. R J           Mecaenical Enganeering Branc h          76/01/16        is
                                                                                                        -- 7904210 l S3 No t i c e of tesuence 6 evailattiaty of Aeens 1 to provisionel CPPh-66 7904240142 Forwerds FR notsce of 780110 ordet entenenne const co*pletten date to 700430 & nogettve declaration CHILE. 6 J       Offace of the Secreteeg of the Commanston                70/01/1B 1p                                                                                         1905090151 Verseus uedete sheets for Blue Boot from 720417-700203 e Comesselon           70/02/03        279pp 7904J90007 ln# pres that OL will be sesued 64 790127 Roguest s lic ense fee                                                                                        7909030007 Fo r war d s NURE G-0219. *Nuc19er Security Personnel for Power GERVICE. M            L s gh t Water Reactoes granch 4        70/03/18        go,             Plants. Content & Revte Proceduces for a Becuelty Tratnang &

Guelsfacetson Progree

  • W/o enst VA55ALLD D B Asssstant Ostertor for Lnght Water Reactors NORE G-0219 70/08/23 4pe
         --7904290094 Forwards tevteed Ac c i den t Analysts Branch SER supp1 toput of enalyste of steen 1sne treet accident Concawdes red s eleg acel c onsequenc es are ec c ep table W/o enc t VUL LMf p. R H Assastant Ottector for $ste Anaissis             76/01/19        1934300t74 Act receset of NRC 780613 request for addl nnfo re sategette 299                                                                                        et control rod guide tube TAVLDR.J H        Betcect & wttcos Co               7B/09/30     1p 7904250668 Forweeds summeeg of 771214 telcon te proposed ET6,771117 verston BERMEON.H                                                                                   B UtA[ity Prettennerg Befety Analgsse Report. emends Enyttenmente! Epoc6alists Branch            78/01/19         10pp                                                       ----

7904300259 PSAR Vols li a. 3. &4 for Dyster Creek Stetsen 79050802S1 Forwards most recent verston of noncediological EfB progree e Jersey Cente61 Power & Light Co 68/04/29 164Spp dec r te t ten doc umeet Protedures 146C 4 1461 do not appig to eli transanss6en lines. tut only these built to serve TMl-2 W/o enci HERREIN. J G Metropolstan Edason Co 79042H0062 Memos forwarding Vol 1.2 & 3 of PSAR W/s enct 79/08/19 1p BoyD. R S Atoetc Energy C ome t e e n en (Pre 197S) 60/OS/06 Spp

4 4 36 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l 1 in,. .. l ,,o.

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1994.Joufh) 7 FO,eard9 Amen. 4 .0 lis.n.9 ep p l is e t t e.n. t out l S t i ng of Vel . StivD. H $ Ata &r 49ergy Lomenegihn tete 19 7, ). . er4 /O /d1 11p p

l. H49 W/o png $

HOY D. N N A..*ll (n.tgg L h.* l t t a en- De p u t y D6fet$4, f#f U.atte, .n AS/il/lp tp 7904J,Oih, heend G tette, ting PhAN & suppl.a.nlang sofo re edel e.i t ! Projett$ of quality betegriqq ptno# t es t e. c lar l f s t e t t e,n eentrol f unc t ione & 44entif ts et son of flgwhee pte. lee RiffGM.G H Power 4 L 6ght Co M Ipf m M $ 790.100013 Foewards Amend . .e livenes ap p l(s e t t.n. t en,4 e l 4 9g of Vol . Jo,sey C en t r a,l t o P hAn W/ a ens 1 Metropol4 tan 4dison Ca 6 /04/15 Sp

                  $      Ate *6( (nergy Coom a t e 6.n-Depw t g O t t er ter for West ler
   ,SoYD, t 9 JetHt o        68/58/1M             1p 7T0.J,uOl4 Petward. .mond M to litenee appletetten.spoleintng tevteed pag.4 for PSAN W/o ens t 7403070 70 ,newerd. Ameed 4 le 4lfones .pplication sono 6stang of Vet e                                                         SUVD # R           Alvens Energy Co.*666 ton iP,e 19798                                64/0./80         lp t o P GAD Wr e ens )

SOYD R R A t em 6 4 (pesgg ( nee 8 6 4 6 Do* Depvig DAF9flaf 90f Ne4(let Ptejects 6H/51/42 lp 19044HOl24 Memot fatwatd6ng Ametid M te 44tente eypilletten.4entegeang t ev t f tent le PBAP W/s and 4 30VD. 9 9 Aloett energy Commise6cn (Pre 1973) 6V/04 / S ti ep s 7904Jb60 8 t p Mean forwerfteg spelltant's hHilJA lir Stoneettling Amend 9 to 16tente app 11lation A*end sentalet vesponeos to PT04d l0/4 7 fatmorde A**nde / 6 H aspet ellet of revised peges to Pann As C question, & ve,setens t e PHAR Wie ont ! Spp A*e d 7 also enstudes suppl t ee hois el dele Wie enti puf D. R 4 Atomes (nergy C omen e e n on IPre 19796 .9/IJ/OJ 64/D4/dl NoVl/ R S Aloeit leergy f oemi t t l en QPf6 19 /, # 13 740. )n0010 F et we r t o Aeond S te lif ence opp & lt et ten. t at lue &ng tow a ged 1905070BMG forwarde S tronne ap p lic e n s en Amenes 76 H tussle 6Deng revLeed PRAM page, W/o engi SDv0. 8 9 Atomit t siee g g Cueetessen-Depong Dae eg ter for Ree<ter pages to PGAN 6 s up p l eme n t a l totenstel data Pfeje(%6 AS / ld /m) lp OUYD P U Al e8 6 4 4not91 Ce#44444Dn"DePW%g D4fatt#P for H9e(Ser Peeperte 69/04'J1 ip 7404'300069 feessede Amend 5 to f or 6 8 6 0 s It s ones applasatten.sottudsag 7V04J70412 F#twarde Amende 7 b H to 16 tense applatation caneesting of Perleed PEA # pages W/* end a tev60*d e*ges le Pts An . 4 annual esple for seeseg central IUYDi @ S O%Jelt l' fie f o g Co**leeson-Depvtg D6 tester #ne peactor Power & L a ght Me tt opel s tan Ed4 con & General Pvtlig Uts) PtsJerts 68/12/03 ly Pp t(E H L A t uel e $nergy Commission (Pro 1975p 64/04/s2 lp 7904270d79 forweede Amene 5 t o eepl 6s ellen whis h enewees queellens reiset tg NMC 680919 4 49101D Iget Alge antlufte towlted tereipt of PhAN w/A*ende 6. 7 & H P EAM pages W## entl 7404Jt M61LLD,f.R /p A, A b Penneglwente. 4%ete of 69/04/29 to PP IC f . pt L Alem6C inorgg Comm6telen (Pro 19'96 be/ly/04 1, 1904J40 31 Farworde Amend 9 to appl 6eetgen per i g g en,e ,, 7904 MiDOO9 Perwar d s Amend 3 to fatality 64:enee appletetaan.insiveing efganteettenel thenget reflotted in tovited geget ferited PBAR pagel W/m eggj 30VD,# 6 Ateens fnergy femmes gen-Deputy Digoc t,co f ,PE ,, AM y,egge, NOVD. R E Ate 4&C e nSt gg Camel t s t en-Deputy Difegler for pgetto, Projos to 60/12/06 as PteJests 69/09/00 to PPG 6300)$$ PEAR Ve l e j , m 3 44 fee TMB-3 7904d50006 Fetweeds Amend 9 of appillallen for 16tettee fe e Melf spe! 6 ten IW t sen Ce e ser sey Central Pnwer b Light Ce e'9dnitellenel (**nnet f eflot ted in tevteed peget for PRAA 6T/O.9/80 Fl#4pp W/e ena l 90VD R h At eel t Energy Comattelen (Pro 1979p 64/OS/OH ip 7904J40036 Perwarde vel 5-4 to PGAm aentelning all prevaows info for Dgenet Cteet 7 & new inte te ette*teleted thengen Requeet, FYO4JS00de Forwarde Amene 9 et 16 sense apel6talien to organteettenel review of te(lione net alteedy stud 4ed fee IMl*l W/s ens) ebenges reflegled in tevneed pages of PSAR W/s one1 Ateels I;netog (ommi ss ion tPre 1973) 69/03/11 lp SOYD. H E Atee6c Energy Comen selon (Pte 1979) 69/04/041 1p SUVD< M S

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 37 79 42.oi22 ..... ,

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            ,. ~or                                                 ..St. . 7,...c,.....t.,.9 o7,. i?.    ,. ensi 2,,          . cie.,

ice. L .t..a rn..., c. .....a ,,,. i97,, 7 ,o3,oi 2,, 79o427 iin .....n., ,. ..., .

t. .To,,u9 .<.it., ......c.. .. 6...
                                                                                                                                                         ,.......       ..,i...        l . ..n
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           . e. L e..,n, n.t. .
                      en..., c.                       ... .n .... i97s.                 .9,09 2,         3, ,

19042 rev6e. environ re, in t.r o,r.c.nt UB c...t0528 . ei.e.w.e.c....n

                                                                                                                                                                         . t ..utalin c. i .. t ci 7904,3oodo , . . .. . . .                      n. in    t.    ... .t. 7,oia. in. .... ....i 7 to
                                                                                                                                               .ttee ..                                                 ,n.....t co...m.
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ene,,.... , c. t....ct.,,.lt.n,.

                                                                        .m .              .
                                                                               ..n i ,e i 7
                                                                                                  , . , , ,i.,. o2,i, enc,i       i,
                                                                                                                                                                        .st.ne6.n          ,e.* 711109 to 71121;I f or sub.itt.1 of 7904240999,p,
                                                                                                                                      .u,pi an . t.          quest.
                                                                                                                                                                  .nviron ,e.t 79042402t1 ,o                end ll.dt. 7010..conts.t.og ., t.vs... . ....

e.g.e to ,EAA . Suppl 7 he Itc.n.e e tLLER. J G M,tene.tsten ca 76/11/04 23p DE FOUNG. R C Atomic in.rgy Cae.tset.n 4, p l a,c t re.t l 4971 en 71,03/06 1p 7904210923 Gr. cts r.tvett for 8tv. .e.t .iten.lon toe .uneittal e, 790SOF0375 ,ot..ede Amend it le 36:ense applac environ t ep t r.vt.o. Mcap g s. P A

        . .ddl p.g.s t                              incl.... Swppl 7 res90mtag                   e6.n.:ent.ining t e AE C
                                                                                                                                                                .t..t c En.,g g Co.asse6en (,ee 197S4                               71/18/l.            2,p qv.ettone .n            ,c648-ten.lening PSAR                           .g.

DE f DUNO, R C Atom Projecte 7 t /03/O.i c 1, En.rgy COD *6e.sen-Deputy otrettof for R..cter 7904270190 For,.ede "fMI Enva ren Sept-DL S*.ge.* in re.pente to Section C, Ap p D pept environ rest dt. 701001 MittgR. J G metropolitan fit.en Ce 71/i2/lO 2,7 7904J40027 f ee..e d e Amen. At t o P b4A . .,Gup p l 7 to !scense oppilt.tson. te post-lensioning ogs for toester Dieg MUMPIS.P A Atoes E nerg y Comet e. h ta cres 197S8 7t/03/09 790e21DiHO f atward Metro,elsten 8 711210 Itr treneestesng te<tsed Ap enstren rept .e dl sofo entitle ieen *Reptsee to Comeents .n Environ kept " subestled 710600 h/o .nc!

     ?904240D08 p eque s t a no t t i s c at t en of recespt of Amend JS eld 750229                                                                              *                 #       '                 '                                     '

( AMM1LL. W P Davasten of bechracol Devne. ,kHR-6975 onlyD 75/D3/03 13 7904 L DO344 F d 6 putitt encouncement of erettabtling of envtron feats 79o5:ao494 ne, add! inre e.e co. #LPPLER. J G Atomte Energy Com*testen (Pro 19758 71/12/20 395 oe Pann A.end 26 revie. Pawtsces.s a civi.sen of tecann ..ietion 1 eevis. <wna-19rs ent,>  ! 75/05/11 3ep 7904 :t004 l 3 "Inviron Rept 1971 *

  • metropoltten E ds ten Ce e sortog Centrol Power & LlSh t C#

71/12/31 4LSpy C ut t:s ty Environeental Repo' t 8881 **end s & f orresp ondenc e 79D4210499 8 oteerd e net sc e of evealeh&lsty of tevised environ rept 7944240672 F eveerde envaren rest for f ac ility w/o enc } Mupp l S. P A Atestc Energy C eme t s e l en (Pro 8979) 72 / 02 e l l Ip MILLE R. J G Metropelstan Ed6 eon Ce 70/10/04 1p

                                                                                                                                 --7904210405 Notste of evealetsitty 48 revsmed environ cept DfYOUNT.R C                                                                                                                l 7904230 77 ro             ..,dt        e.reie to envi,en ,*pi w/. enci                                                                                          Ato*1c Energy Comettelen (Pee 197S1                                    72/02/11         2rp MILL ER. J 0            Meteopet6 ten (dison Ce                                               2pp                                                                                                                                                            !

70/10/07 L o~ . C o A t oe u E ne r g , C.m.. e . g.n. o ,ectorete of t u en,6ng 79042:pOO3J F oewar de 701001 Itr transet tling prospeest s ons t environ IP'e-19758 72/02/11 sp eedesectivity seevoy rest e* 700408 6 erretus to rgyt and 701007 MDM A IS. P A A t ee s t E nsegg Comet se son EPre 1975) 70/10/17 1, 7994210590 Fnew.ede revised environ tapt .td 711280 6 fesetal Reg 6 ster net s c s W/a enc t LbHG.C G Atoen thergy Coomassten (Pre i i7 s ) 72/02/11 1p 7904210She Feeeerd e environ tept & ortete sheet propered by vtal r e DL stege Comment e ete reques ted es tn e n 30 dege re mattere evet ygogggg9eg p,,,,,gg n,ggge of ,,ggjetility of revised envseen tept et ic h egency has sweseatttien W/o enct w/g engg PP itts H L Ateelt Energe Cemetteten IPro 197S> 70/10/20 3pp DtNGUNG.e C Atomac t oergy cometesien Epee 1979 72/02/11 2pp 1 790421D43S Enviten tept dla 701 DOI het been uteitted to verteve 7904210660 f eeward s tevt sed environ eept f o r Dt. stage & FR notace of

       #edesel agent 6es Fst comment & notage of evellentlety of                                                                                                                                                                                                    l evelletaaltg W/o enc !                                                                                                          '

rest nas been 9 61o f w/O*c of federal Regletoe L(WG.C 0 Atostc Energy Coossetten (Pro 19/S) 72/02/11 1p MtJRR I t. P A Ateest toergy cometeoson (Pro 197S8 70/10/2D ap 7904JtO720 Foreerde FR no tic e of evellebility of revised enviten rept. 7904210SO2 F ormer. e e nv i ron t ep t b ottete theet stepared bg ut il r e DL UL 8888' "## **'I Requette s ommentt witten 30 rd *ettere ever which DE YOUNG. R C A to*6 c E nergy Comanetton (Pte 1973) 72/02/11 10 egencg haa Jvetedtstlen Wie enct PMlCE.H L Atests Energy Ceematolen (Pre 39718 70/10/28 200 7904230019 Forweed. Amend 1 to enviten rept P1LLER.J 0 Mettepoltten Ed toen Ce 72/D3/03 13 7904210507 Fe wette environ test wh6e6 hee teen ownestted te vernous federet egenceet fee comment & nettcp of aseuence 4 evellettitty w/o enct 7904J10679 F eewards 720303 lte from ut!! transeneting Amend I to PM ICf. H L Atomic Enetgg Cemelttien (Pts 197$) 70/10/29 Sp 0"#3'## '800 W## 'n8 I RDGERS.L Aloeit t pergy Camales 6 sn (Pee 19751 72/03/07 Ip

38 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7,,. r....... ...... .. ....i...ii., .. ...i... ... ....... 7,>..,io,,e....................,.......,7.oo.,o......i RDO N .L A...l. En. gg c. s..s. 4 t. i,75 72 3,31 9,p t....$u,,i MirAN.W H 2.A D.L .6,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ...g. c. t..$.. te,. i9711 7S,oS,iG i,

                             ... S.,pi             i .. ..vt .. ,,,. 6                         .....n.. .. NMc 72o7do                                                                                                                                                                                                            .....B.p.i J.


  ..qu.a. . ... G...                                                                                                                                                          -- 79o.2 i o. 0 N.                               6. . . . .. 4 ..lii.y ., .,,,1.....' .. 8,..

M. . . . . . i t . .. E . 6 . . . C . 72,00,o9 i, at St.g. MiLLf'R.J 9 WEGAN.W H A...i. I..,$, c. A..l.. IP . i,75, 75,oi,iJ Sep ib.. .. lit., DL

                                                                 .. c. .e U.ti6...,o..

790.Jio.79 not.. sA.p ll...i..n. . . .... . n .. . .C.i . 72,o. 1, a,, 7,o.,>oi,. A.. . 3 .. ... ... .... ....... . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . to. ...... . i. N c..73o. c ....... . . .... i.,c. 73,o.,i. .,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                             . . 2 .. ....... .... ot                                   .........iio
                           ..                                                                                                                                                                                                  . . .. ..           c.      7,. ,0.s.,
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e,< < i, ,.-i,.73, os .., ts.u. .,......, p.t..t 6. NHP 7So*i3 i., ,. .up,i 2., f oo.J i...o. ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ... .T . . . e
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4 t ii. M, is G, AN. W H .,, oi,i> .., f..It.. c. 75,ou, .i 2. 8 7pp 7,oSoiol., re. 7.o i ....... . . . . , ut ...g. .... ..ppl il 6 ........ .. NHc M. . S }o i . . . . . . . . . . B u.. . i73,io,t .,26 8, r....... A.... . .. ...l... AMNOLD.N C /So Fi ...u.e. IVo.Jooo.J2 AHWE ib R C M......ii... . 4..n c. 75,0H/2. Up,

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                                                                                                                    .ve..&.n. ,.,                                                      7,0421o70 7 f                                           . .. ... .b..t C. ..t. f .. g..t 79Sv,,)5o7023. l A.c. . .n.
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                         .. ..r.e. . 6 1. .     . . .l . 2g....
                                                              . . . . ..t .l.c.
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7 0..23o.61.

            .          F.                                                                                                                                                                                                      .cr...s..D.,..ita...

i c,h.ul Dg.l. lap .. p..g... LLg... leg ,(NRe-i t e 6. l ,. H. 0 J D. 75,oS,i3 HA ., 70 12/o ap R,: DAN.W H 75 ..iv) I, 8.e,.... .. Foio28 it, ..q..e.6.g e. .. ..v4... .... . 7 0........ 27o.13 D.c i,70 H. t. e.... t.. &A..t.,."

                                         .u,,) 2           t. ..w 790 J.oo399 N.W H          ,.. ...A..l...n.              D i t . c . ..e...   , .. ,,,E..&...
                                                                                          . w , . ..e..i.i P..j.c'.                                                                                                                        "P... i .s spt...i.h H. . l . . 1                           W.[ . .                            ...c.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           . , .. i.i ,t y     73/cg,og R

75D,05/ . i, f.of i ,,50R4 W o

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 39 7904,704 0 .e...n.. to 70,02. . t.te..nt ,0. ......en....,.e. t . .. .o ent. .. .n....n 7,04,iO33. .e.. .t.e,o...... vie,,* on,i..e.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         <io..        .o.ei in . i..
                                                            ,    o e. ..o Ag .                                                                                                                                                          ,

t , s .. ... Det. lie. .. eni. .n,i ..,.e. . e. t. .. nt..n

          . e,E.eL .v.. .7. C                 C on. e. ..e t on,                                                                             i en tn,                                           ,e. ..n.e .o.,t e 7 /0i/i3 s. , outuE . ......t.D ,...e..i...e..e.t. Ate... En.rg, Co ....n. y 720 09 Di, e, (Pr.=i975) 72/07/19 2p, 10483 DOD 701204 6 HEW 710106 co.nents te ,..tlity W/o 79042.i on Ropsig. P A Ateesc Energy Co.mtselon (P,e i975) 79042105S4 C o.een t e on DES ,an.g n. .e.on..tsc.L .ctivstise 71/01/20 1, th.n t o Dt. th e. r...e.e.h,ose in AEC .r.ft e.t. n.te.e, ..ot. ,i.... . s e.,p et.ile .c t .t.t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            , o.n.... .n .,ee.nt.e

                                                              ,e...n.e                                                                      *c""'"'""

7,042.,0,00 P.,.,,.e. .. .... . . to 70.,02. st, ,. ae, con.n..e. c'* " *** *"'" '* ** *'' ""

          .i... e. . . e ..... 1o..e.o..        .. .,e,.....
                                       . . .ti.i e.             ....t.i, .t.o.r.......

HONfDN.J Q Int.rter. Dept e 74/01/20 6pp ,,04,,0.,.7, C o e n t , .n DE, .. t o .. . i o , . . , ..t. ,, 1. tn.n t. cent.sne. in DES 0.e to 1.ct of

                                                                                                                                            .o......on. .e .on.ent..t.on ..i... ..n ..t. e.t.                                   sle     . , ,n ,. . .. t . e Lafo.

ee 7,042103 9 r..w.... Ew 7icio. . Doi riciOA .o .nt. .. ,.c iit, o,e **" '"

  • a c'****** **>' '"' "' '

en.i MOHRIS.P A Atoons Eneegg Co etsenen (Pre 19756 71/02/0i to D ,8n.1 st.t.o.nt sh. 1. i n. a c .t . no k.11 790421072,1 e .t. Co .nts.on..EB

                                                                                                                                                              ,,o,s.t         .                             ,
                                                                                                                                                                                          .                        .t .t.te 7904210477 Fo...r. s DOI c ommen t s . t. 710120 re . 41 t tg w/o encl MORRIS,D A
                                                                                                                                            .....s... tion CAPvEY R R o,,i.e,        . .i to.i.e.....t...
                                                                                                                                                                                               .e       on t.. t o.t                                            ,

Aloe t t En.rgy Co.esesi.n (P,. 19753 7t/02/02 1p A.vtsorg Counct) on H&s ter ic Preserv.t &on 72/09/1 I 3, , j 7904240177 r....... .nt. ...n ..

                                          .,o            ,e...n    . i t. t. t e..n t .nt . e,. . .. oo.e, t. e                        ,9042,0627 Co                ent. .n oEs in.u.t., t
                                                                                                               . , . ,i i t t , s . ... .                                                                        .e.e..         ,otenti.ii,
         ... ore          in.i. nee.        o   ,o.           e                                                                                                                                             .t

te,i. ..iit, . ..i..

                                                                                                                                                 . o.. tt.i, e. .e.., ., .i.e
                                                                                                                                                                                   .t.o          .., no
                                                                                                                                                                            .e n tinto ......e.nn.t.........
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .        ie. o. .onito...

NAG 6tRA6.J N .e. Power Co 71/02/t.

                                                                  ,ssion                              7,7 MEfERS.S              Enytronment.1 P,otection Agency                           72/09/16         2pp m             li
                                        .,eee,.n.                                       tr.n.for of li
     ~~ 7904240
             ...ii            L.B2 Or.

e.e.. t ..t ng30 ..c.nse,& ,o. .pproving

                                                                 ., t....n....nie..cente Dr.or                           7904240187 Co.eents.on,
                                                                                                                                                                                          .loctete powet o.tput of unit                       regoire. to o, i...f,                                                                                                          ....n . DES ,o, t on ,,e
             .                                                                                                                                          .t.,e                                                      , ... n. 1974 .se oeA, i1.t..0t M                                                                                                               .e   e ,t e .t io.. ,e.

e.e,.i P..e C o.e s. .ione . .9,io/0e i4.. i97 PuttiP .7A r..e,o.o .i Po.e, C. .. .n 72/08/22 e,. 790 2 0,74 ro...r.. ,o...t ... .o ent, on o ,,n.. i 7904,103,2 .. .. t...<t on

                                         ,PC      o    ent. .t.

7i O2,,i ve.ei.t,., st.te. .ione s.......nn. .f..... c o. i.i t.te ie oR.1 .PA Ato.3, Ene.g,C. ....on .. .i97,

                                                                                   , . . .., i i ,7,,0, t , ,, o,,o
                                                                                                              , n,,
                                                                                                                  ,                        .onitore.                            - op.

8.ERLV.T C Agriculture. sept of 72/08/25 2pp 7904210S79 Suppl 710122 & 710201 itre whic h tr.nteatt.. ca.ments from 7904210531 Co.m.nte on fe .i . A Mo er 1,.g encAto... ies W/o En.,g,Co enc t

                                                                .....m D,,* of L,,en.,ng                                            conci.. ion.               f oe      r.DE
                                                                                                                                                                                   .e S ovg e ges.t . s tento.iion ing war.t ,an sues.ey b

(Pre-1975) 71/02/26 la MILLER.J G Mottopointn E. vise ston Co 72/06/29 epp i l 7 ,o. ..e i,.en,ee.. ...ii.. to ,ede..i ..ent, 79042.,0 <o ent, .e

        ,E       .,o     .no MonetS.P A              Atomic Energy Co=*iseson (Pro 1975                              71/04/23           1p                 79042]Om 7 Forw.e.g rept ,e environ lepact of TMi GILBER760N w E          State of                   72/08/31          Sep 7904210684 Foew.ede DES % notice of .w.t!.bality of DES W/o DES DEYDUNO,R C                Atomts Ener gg e t t on (Pr. 19?Si                        71/06/23           le               7904210610 Comments on DES fande no ef f ec ts on .ng flee. conteel
                                                                                                                                            .t.t .t.c. . pno, ...iit,                e...,eii,ng..e.

o, .. or in ...n,.it

    -+F9042&D694 Notate of .v. l ! .e l l i t g of revlee. enwiton rept, Amend 1 &                                                              If      M A W E              reg. Dept of           72/D9/06           24; DES DC HWE NCER, A Atomac fneegg Commaseson, of Licensing (Pre-19751              72/06/21           Jap                                                                             79042 LOS49 Forw.rds responess to sa=* ente by fedet.1 6 st.te egenctes to DES Addl sofo wall to esbestted by 720929 MILLER >J G             Metropoltt.n Edison Co                    72/09/22            9pp 7904240538 Forw.rds Metropellten Edgeon 701001 itr tr.neettting eny tt on emot & 701007 ite correcting typogr.phic.4 error ce w.tet velocity in structate W/o enct ROGERG. L              Atomat Ensegg Cosmassion (Pre 197S)                           71/09/13            lp 79 4 70333 Comments          '" E8 on DES vee of floo.8.tes as uncle.r hotos
                                                                                                                                           * * ' 8ton env6       ' ' 'so
                                                                                                                                                            * * ' n' 't t o r & n g  ' # ** ' ' ' '****** ' '*88'I*9888I DUVac. M K             He . l ' n . Educ.tson & we l Dept of                        72/09/22        to 7904210491 Const .ctavit&st snvolving of f st te por tions of t r.nsel e t t en                                                     7904230073 enct               Fore.ede so.eents free Gas 1 Consetv. tion Svc on DES w/o lanes should be suspended pendtas coesletten of NEP A enytton                                                                      pyEncy. f C revaew Other .ctivities need net be euteended                                                                                                               Ag ric ult ut e. Dep t of            72/09/2$            13 PORR16.P A                Atoete Energy Comminanon EPro 1975'                            71/11/29           3pp 7904210633               Forweeds for somment sections of DES re effects of untt on htotoric & .etheelegac.1 resources 7904J10593                forw. tee .sv.nce sofo on environ et.temente now being                                                       MULLER.D R peepeeed                                                                                                                                                    Ataett Energy Cometssion. Da*ector.te of Laceneang GI AMbt/Sno. A             Atomas Energg Cumas salon (Pre 197S7.                                              3pp (Pte-1975)              72/09/26            1p 74/12/14 F9042         30004 Fore.res 6nfo in ad e of recolet of DES                                                        79042S00.7 Reque s t e c op ies of "othee tepts" ref erenced an Di'8 re W/s enen                                                                                                                           potentl.) r.dtetton esposure .ve to pl.nt operetson MUGERN,L                                                                                                                           L Aws. P W           Dictinson College Ateest Energy Comes te nen (Pre l973)                         71/12/14            2pe                                                                               72/10/10          to 7904210S04 F o r w.r e s DES d t e June 1972 & nottte of t e g e 4                                                            79042500e9 Comeents on Df'S gener.Ilg .gesse w/ sections of st.tement
       ...a1.hsitty h/o enc 1                                                                                                             .deressing hastoest.1 sign'Fac.nce No Register sites in C inMAUGBO. A              Atomac Eneegg Comenssten (Pre 1975)                                                                     n ame d s.t e vscansty of pl.nt 72/06/23          499                   WEWER W J     St.te of                    72/10/24            to 7904210765 Forwardt DES f or revtow 6 comment on w. tee quellig .sperto et protesed action ce iseu.nce of c er t i f i c.t t en p er F eder.1 W.ter Pollotsen Control Act 6 of Cie.n Ate Act                                                                                  7904210e73 Foew.ree tevased p.ges to .polte.nt's eseponse to comments MVLLER. D R              Atomic Energy Commission. Daret terete of Licensing                                              64 feder.1 & st.te .gencies on DEB (Pte-19736               72/06/23           13                                                                                     MILLE:R. J 0            Metropolit.n Edison to                    72/10/31            6ep 7904210783 Forw.ed e sheet for DES MULLER.D R                                                                                                                      7904210634 Foewer.s FE8 W/o enct Ateest Energy C ees s s o l on. Detecteeste of Lacenesng                                                  MULLER,D R Atomic Enerse Coomsesion. Director.te of Lttenesng EPre-197Si               72/06/26          1p                                                                                      (Pre-197$1.              72/12/04            13 7904210487 Fete.ede Feeer.1 Reg s etee notice of of des                                                               7904210656 Foew.ees sues.rg sheet fet FfS Wre east MULLER. D #             Atomic Ensteg Cometaston. Director.te of Ltcensing MULLER.D R                Atomas Energy Comenesten (Pee 197Sa                            72/06/29           1p                      ( P e e-1975 ) .        72/12/06             (p

co PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS in,ut int. Dr. iO69S perw...e Fr. . FR net. W,. enc, 79042 063S Fore...s .eteoroio,,D. . s eect.e c t .en, or environ.ent.i Pro,ects DFNr0N.H R Ass,et.nt 79042.AN.W R. HAte. m ener , C. .ce es en. One.cter.te e, L uenste, 7S/09/25 7pp (Pre-19756 72/12/06 le Re, vest, c.en,e in . vie o, c.i .nout te Dr. Nee.e envir.n ..n , to, s c . e, ,e,t

n. f., s.n-sume i975 7,042 069 Di A .voo0. A rer....s Fr. . FR netn.e W,e e.,i A t ...c . ner ,, C .. i s e i .n. D .ct. rete of, 790 2500...

p or.,,c.i 1p Espects to outett input 758008 (Pte-19FSI 72/12/06 D6 vision of Techn4 cal Revnew (NRR-1975 onlyb 75/04/2S DtNTON.H R 2, , 7904230039 FE8 & FR no tic e W/o enc i Feewardsc . e s i.n. Direc te, ate of Lic ens,n, 7904270654 ,e,w.,de cest..en,,it .n.i.e.s in,vt ,*, Dc W/. ent i er0AN.W

  < Pre-i975H,     A72t e.,i2,Ene 06 r,,i,Co DENTON. H R           Dtvision of Technical Review INRR-1975 ontg)                        'S/10/10 ip 790S020216 Forwarte FR notice of evet tabili,ty of FES uL1 ,R.D R                               Co      s s i.p. D ec tor.te e,           Lic ens in,                                                                                                 eu...ti.i Ar2/t ..,2/ 06. c e n. r ., ,,                                                                                           .no, e, .n,ut sc.e.uie
   <,,e-1975,                                                                                             790.2.$05 not 2,Fo.w...s re.t.. re,u.          e. ..t. in,vi woi .fe, DE.e ,,0v e     ..i 7S1107 AL                               .e .,  Tecon c.i Re..ew <NRR-i97S           .ni,,

79042iOS99 Forw.... notn e e, . .. n.o.,, tg e, rc. oLLER. D R Ate..c ener , C. s o, . D,re c t...te et Licensin, iO/24 L 2 ,,D, vie 7S,tARD.R 4Pte-19/SP 72/12/07 ap eccedent essessment < RR-i,for DES 79042,,SO.SB.S DR E . R FDv orwar,en d s,,r

                                                                                                                                                  .fearecon,cei l i s t i c Rev,ew              7S .nio.        75/ii/04

--790 2 0603 N.t se .e ..dii.. iit, At.. c coe.., C . . .,.s, E. , e,D, ,, aecto c n .te t , ., Licene,n, t en. iO,p utLER. D R EPre-19751 72/15/28 2pp in iscusses land b water use.terrentesel 7904230352 .lopute..c e .t i o.D.ES De f,ects of not,ce e t e i .... c oci

                                                                                                                                                        .e, e t e.e. e              co,.4.on e.

7,0 2io.06 Fe w.r.s.FE . ,R, C. ....,. .on.van .. iit,te D.,ector e, L,consin,

                                                                                                                             . e t.e.s.

n i n.s.w.ter .u. n t , si t.en e.. . s int..e auLieR.D

   <P e-197S.,       A,t 7 32 o,. c,0 ne r ., ,                                                        

c..i effects 75/tt/20 800pm

  • Environmental Specialiste Granct 79043004B5.c PIB for fac Enero, Co 61. sty e s . en. Direct...te e, Licensin, ,,re-i,,S, 790.i.042 Forw...e inp ut ,o, ...w.ste section of des in,vi ...v..e.

e Ato. new sourc e for 72/82/31 252p, . terme c.nuistion.i reewas.te.ogs

                                                                                                                                                            . .is cent.tesesneon,tevnsee
                                                                                                                                                                                  .n Re, .ui.e
                                                                                                     1 90                                                                                           lopp 790425013B In reopense to 730100 e equeet. f orwar ds FES. Par t s 2,20. 50 6                                 COLLINS.J T                 Effluent 7reatment Svetees Se vnch                 76/03/38 5 00 rules w/eupple & Amt poe t tion en Fedoes! Watee Pollution Centre! Act                           W/o encl                                                          790419D019 Forwares redsologscal monstering sepact input f or Bections WILCHING.H M in      .730129      F R Commiss6on (Pep 1975) toest Energq                                                73/03/20     1p S&6 of DES W/o enc t Aesastant Director for 6ite Analgets                    76/04/19      1p VOLLMER. R H 7904230476 to respones to 730524 teque s t. f orwe*se FEB W/o enc !

Ateetc Energy Copeles sen (Pre 197Si 73/05/25 Pop OLEON.D K 7904t90349 Forwards draft suppt statement to plant FFS Roguests comments by 760709 e4/o enci NORR lB. J A Asstetant Dsrector f or Envarennental Pro jec ts 7904270942 Forweeds Sectaan 44 *Ef f ec t s en the Communi ty

  • to DES D&vasten of Site Safety 6 Envntenmental Analgene 76/06/30 tp CL f ARY. D P 7S/06/11 2pp 7904670305 Forwards DES snput to transesosion line section not 7904230099 Foteerde Amend 3 to environ rest.$td 750616 for tactpeound previousig enelgied Environeental 6pec 6*In se s Branc h 76/07/07 lopp anfo an advance of recetat of DEB W/o enct MLINE.J W RtGAN.W H Divisten of Reac t or Licenetng I NRR-1975 on t v ) 7S/06/25 6pp 7904170473 F orwardo DFS saput to 6ection S 3.tmpact of comb 6ned thermal reiseses of genotetsng factittnes on lower Busquehenna 7904270639 feewards f6rst round queettons ce DES River.

HULMAN. L 0 Hydrologg Meteoroloss Branch 76/07/09 3pp DE NTON. H R Davtalon of Tec hn6cel Revnew ( NRR- 697S only ) 75/07/10 der 7904100367 Forwards two Federal Registet notices for filln0 & 7904200052 Tesy toport en 7S0701 site visst to sospect pkant & gather p ull a c a t ion re evealansLttg of start .uppt to rFB REGAN.W H Actlegent Datector for Environmental Projects anfo fee DE9 76/07/22 le svuoGut.L M Divgeson of Tecenic al Review t NHR-19 75 enig ) 75/07/25 20p 7904200367 Fetwarde draf t suppi to FES. notice of avatlettlety & teguest 7904250012 in roepense to 7S0630 Str.fev6ew of Suppl 2 to environ rept f or commente Final supplemental statement will be prepared. inc l ud l eg dispeest6cn of 4seves ressed W/o enct is complete Dept has ne input Aosestant Director for Environmental Projects 7S/07/29 Sp REGAN.W H 00LUB, N 3 Interior. Dept of 2pp 76/07/22 7904200369 Fetweeds temmente ce env6 ton s tatement F ands no adverse 7904210152 Forwarde draft suppi to FEB & FR net tco W/o draf t suppi impact entic ipated from implementatson o f OL annD.W H Aeststent Director for Env ironmental Pr o jec t s WHlfE.R E Pennsgivente. 6 tete of 1S/09/26 3p p 76/07/22 2p0 7904230072 Forwert s r ed sological environ tes t sen-June 1975 Will autett --79042101S6 Notice of assuance 4 evailee 6la ng of draft suppl to FEB nonreitslogical env6 fen rept Jen-June iTFS by 750930 W/o REGAN.W H Assistant Direc tor der Envitenmental Pro jec ts enc i . 76/07/22 3pp ARNDLD.R C Hetropolitan Edison to 73/09/02 1p 7904210206 Fetwards environ impact doc umen ta t ion for bactground 7904230077 Fetwarde enviten tapac t documentation det background info an info an advance of recelpt of DEB W/o enc t advance of receipt of DES W/o enc t Aselstant Director fee Enytronmental Projects Divisten et Reettoe Licensing (NRR-1979 only ) 75/09/04 REGAN.W H RIGAN.W H 76/07/22 6pp lopp 7904200365 Forwarde comments to enytren statement Anticipates no 7904240055 Forweede FR notice of awa!!ahtlett of draft suppl to FES adverse tepect from operetten of plant Offics of the Escretary of the Commission 76/07/26 Pennegivente. State of 75/09/03 2pp ChlLn.6 J WHITE.R E App 7905070436 Forweeds Hydrolog Lc Fngineering Branc h input for DES -7904240058 Nettce of evellentlity of draft suppt to FES Daylston of Technical Revaew (NRR-197S only ) 75/09/22 DEHTON.H R REGAN.W H Assistant Director foe Enwteoneental Prosects 6pp, 76/07/22 3pp 7904tD0047 P=queste c omplet t en date of 750923 for coet/senefit input to 7904270336 Fetweede NPC draf t supp! to FE5 for opetatsen of TM1 nuc lear DES t o e s t end ed to 791003 stetten.dtd JulV 1976 W/e enc 3 DENTON. H R Atomic E nergg Comelssion. Depyng Ditector for Technical FFSS.G Offste of the Leecuttve Legal Detector 76/07/26 to Review (Pte-1975L 75/09/23 sp

1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 41 of Ag. n ,eeeen en o, . to L..eent. ...e.tted 6, .t. , c P. 7 04 , lo . r . . i t., .0 i t .r epie e. ., . ne,6/0 7/2,t , i, 7904i 043,4,...pi ,.rwe,de to ,,eE pee.e..n

                                                                                                                                                                   ,nfo           i..e. est...iegn .i ,,eg,e.i
m. ~oe . t e .e .on. .ered .. 1 i

eetootelegacen amput to TMl 2 FES ' 790410038.6 Ceemente en draft supon to Pf6 Bections 2 3 1-2 S 1 S S 3 & Hut.MAm L G Hydrology Meteorology Granc h 76/11/30 lp 6 3 l-6 3 2 HLA. PLAN. L G Hydrology Meleerplogg lir enc h 76/OH/le Jpp 1904190024 forwardo FR not a t e of evetlan6tity of final suppl to fER W/o en< 1 ' 7904270016 in response to 766Hl6 request.formeede verteus SEH 6 DES W/o AfGAN.H H Assistent Direc t or For Environmentel Projectg  ! enti 76/i2/iO ,, nicA% w H A.... tent oirette, for en,iceneene.! Proiett.  ! i 76/OH/19 tp I 7 042,06,6 , o r w. r d . , , noi n e op e,eine.iiiig of ,in.i .u,pi 44 fis l CH4LM.5 J Of f te e se the Sec r e t erg of tne Co**6teson 76r32/21 fYU42 MOO 26 Ne r ooment s en draft suppl to Ff 4 1p f l Dt N. M F Ceest Guard. Transport 4t60n- Dept of 76/OH/26 19 l

                                                                                                                       .,,04,SO6,m ~ot,                e ., e... .t.             .t, e,       ,i .i      ...pi     to fee l

79p42 BOO )O DGA has ou edd) toomente on dre84 toppt to FES 8t GAA W H Op et e t a ng Feat t er s 9 t ent h 3 2pp 76/12/11 DAMMOW4 H L Ag r s c u l twe e, Dep t of 76/04/Qi 17 fsnel suppi W

            ,,e4 2.OO ,, Huo h.. n.                   .n ...ft     ..p.i   4....C..i          of  ,.4,i,1,  1904J.70015
                                                                                                                        . . . H F o r me                    r d.e
                                                                                                                                                       o, e.t.rto ff5,or/oin...onment.1 ent!               ..e,eet, will not effett eng HVU prel8(t*                                                                          76/12/22             6pe TRE ADwF L L. J #       Have6ng & Urten Develepeent, Dept of                       76/09/04        1p 790427002& F orwer d t finen suppl tu FtW & notate of onellettlatg 79042/0164 tumments en draft suppl to Pf5 suppette tem tetoemendettone                                       ,tg G An, w w                 A,,jetang pseetter for Fnvironeental Projec t s for taptev66g preoperettenal t ed 6 01og L t el enviten monitet6nt                                        76/12/22             293 ptogtse CUH F AND. C     Health. fduce16en 6 welfare. Dept of                            /6rC7/10       1p
                                                                                                                     -- 7YO421002'J No t i c s o f aves 14tility of fit al suppl to FE5 HF GAA W H                   Astastent Datettet for E n y t t etime n t e l Projette 7904250563 F o rwa r d s sneeppte en dreft owppl t o Df B                                                         16/12/17            2pp ANNOLD,N C         Mettepellten tenson Ce                    76/04/13        lp 7904190021 F or wee d e add l meteorolegical input to App i evaluation to te
           --7904290364 Comments an draft **ppl to FID                                                                   edded to E f fluent fresteent Gis e Beenc h #snel suppi to t[G e Me tropel t ten Ed s ton C o                16'09/13       10pp                                     M*HulE. E M                   Hydrology Meteneelegg Breac h                            76/12/J9       tp 7904230392 Sutelbe toneent en dee't supp! to FEB re histor4tel sitet-                                     7904230573 $erwards fanel suppi to iLG W/e encl sort e cer tetteelsen.aquette aspects reddeertire weetet.                                                  ML gvhaf N. H               6t ent h !           76/12/30            2pp detneeltetenbng & land use 4 en=4 ten effettl of ettident 94 RE PMM6. B $       intetter Dept of                 76/04/85      eps 7904090145 F t ed l suppl t o FEG #er fats 13tg e Of fit s o f Nweleet Rosetot Reguletten                                     NUne G-0 412        16/12/34 79042SDOH.) Commente en deoft supp! to PfB neeet more detall en fleed                                         2nOpp protettten,waterptcofang ego b shundewn preceduret der flooding t it L O. R J     Pennsglwente. Blete of                    76/09/24        1239                       7904710012 F E 6 tesued 76072J has been reviewed 6 a s et c es tet te No etjettions to stortup 4 opetetten of fettlatg W6thee to be informed of eng ch4nge an monstersne Stedr***

7904250506 Mequests este ..on of ttee unt64 761G01 f or t oneen t e 6n spegogp.g g g;n , & t eneen t a l Protestion Agensy 77/01/20 2p p draft suppt to FFS DE f f E NHALIGEN. L E nv i reneon ta l Prot ec t a en Agency 76/09/22 13 7964JOOOSI #eepends to 7 70719 F erwerds util'e temments en ##Pluent radiolog6tel Tech Sp e( 6. P6HC red 6slogical environ monster 6ng 7*04JSO662 F orwar ds last of commente en staft suppl te S EE retet ved poe s tien & FES from fedoest,eletA 6 let a l egenties Hg N3f !N. J G Metropelaten Edegen Ce 77/09/16 34to p af GAN. W H Operatsag Gesclete Breath 3 76/10/01 3p p 790SOGC")R1 Ac t teceipt of draft wuppi to FES Offere ne temments E NhC Sefety Evelvetten Neport ( RE R ) . Supple & " or re tp ond enc e G ALL ( R . 5 R C emeee c e. be s t eP 76/10/0S is ------- ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ 79048704S6 peepenet to temeente en Sections S4 666 of FES 6g 7904270340 Of M for fecalsty egenties.anterested poteent 6 epf a tt ent e 4 t oo n t Lnergg Comenstlen (Pre 1975) 69/09/05 IO9pp Mal gtR. W E #adielegttel Assessment Acant h 76/10/13 40re 7904254333 Commente en NPCs draft suppl to FFH discogsson wee 7904290169 F o rwe e d s 8( p for factitty W/o enct inedegvate to red 4 alogical dose esteeseents.petential sepect $5 f ELF. H Aloeld Energy Ceemigtsen 4 Pre 1975) 69/09/OH lp of ges & B6guld dnocherget 6 state thereal etds SYNDER. D J Envireneental Pe elec t ten Agenc g 76/10/18 ISpp 7904210110 Fetweede 690905 safety evelvetten 6v Osv of Reactor 79042DOOSU p erweres reopenses to s eeeent s by loc al. state & fedecol Lttenteng for anflusion in trenstrlet of public h*ere"g esenc ies s ent een sng NRC 's draf t suppl to 788 for TMI-2 scheduled for 691006 ARNDLD.R C Me teepetiten E dison Ce 76/10/1R 14fp S TER LE. H Atosts &nergy Coestesten EPre 197S3 69/09/11 lp


                                                                                                    ,o4,30647 r . rwe , d e . .. . e.s 4. v e w.s t e e.       .g o.en t sett.en ,or     ee to 790.,io,63 rerw.ede eefety e,ei .t.en ste,. red ., D.v of R.ettee Lit enolog Pw&les heat ing =618 he held en 691006 la                                              BE R Aepligent peepeted wee of state-of-tae=eet technolegg Middletown.PA W/, ens i                                                                            for itquid.geoeove 6 selld vedweste ege seseptable PW it f. H L      Ateens feetgg (eamleelen (Pee 5975>            64 / D9 / j d    13               T f Df EC O. R 1.      Ateele G ner gg L emm i s s i sm Deputy Direttee fet Tet pnit el Neview (Pre-69fSi                19/10/01     alpp 79G4kUUOSF Forwerde input to B&W Wee enfl ItDEBCO.R t          Ateenf Instig Ceee6esten (Pre 49#S1           64/09/19         1pp        7v04J7D690 Forwerde fedsaective weste ett sect 6en fet use in 9f'F W/o ens l red #ntO a L           Dt.desen of tethnLtel Review (NRN 19/S enigi 7904J10737 Fer war d e Ef M to propeeed fettlity senet W/e one 1                                     73/10/03          2pp
     $0YD R $        Atuait Fnergy teemittien (Pte 1979)            64/D9/16         Sp 7904J70Ahl pe*weret eefety evoluellen input to teetter reelant eye 6 7904 JIG 13J Formeed e Bf R te ptoposed festitty genet W/s enti                                      t enn#L lo d out Ateelt Energy Ceem40elen (Ptg 19731            6T/D4/16         jp                MAC C AH f ; M N       D$wielen of fechnigel Aertow sNHH-1975 enly)

SOYD. R S IJpp 73/10/14 7904 TMND4 R F o rwa r d e et N re ptopeeed tonet & tapt by Nethen M Nepeert 7904J10604 Forwarde (teft D& R input geplegg, ceaseelegg 6 foundellen Cabewlt tog E ng sneerine Eve enti ee App F W/o enst Atee6s tnergy Ce**stesen beputy Diestlet fee Wee <ter engineer &ng espet t e of fatlllev 90VD e a D4vielen of f ec hnis el Revlow (NHN.j9/S enlyl 75/10/19 Pregodto 69/09/56 sp DtNION H R 197 7904J200S3 Forwetde loput t o St M W/p enel 69/09/16 #pp /904J5061J Perwerde dreft lnput for utp. free rev6ew of andustr6el SOfD R R Ateelt fnergy Cooelecton iPre 197S5 ee<wftly port 6en of NAR Deletled proprietary veeeten en file at brensh off Dreft input re emer g enc y planning eent 750f4Je 1, HitDVMLf.D J Davielen of fe eet t er Litentsng I P#eR -lv r5 en t g l 7904Jt0722 Ildepende to 691906 toquest f orwe* d e 6HOJOS fif R for Unit Jpp 75/11/l1 6DO4J6 addendum to Unit i lier 6VQ90% htM for Unit J6

     *F ac t ill 6e e L 6t ense App l 4 t et ten perord " W/o one i SILI.l t H      Al*eit f.ner gy C ees t e e l en (Pre 19111    69#10/20         8p 7904JiO640 Forwarde Artident Analyste Drench este seetaen 6 part of Be n toevt Rema le t ng L (K A 40000 evoluetten will te (empleted efter evoluetsen of sprog ege le geeplete
  • 7904J10 ?d0 R egwe s t e HF# fet TMl.seelgned litense nueeere 6 listing of WNWs.Y A Divlesen of Reetter Lsteneind skp# 1974 onig) 75/ll/21 pubittelsene prepared for d6stribution tg sale er thtaugh 19pp GP G FREY.( P Affiliation Unknown 69/10/06 lp i

7404J40041 ferwards fspel evaluation of lit R Dy Hearter Ugo p r ens e 19042lOAAM la Peopense to 7J1010 Stro f e r wa r d s Hf~ R W'e enti selse64 6 ese quellig alesstfitallon of fluid-tentesning A l pe 4 4 $hergq Comeleelen (Pte 1979) 72/ll/07 le te*penente 6e roseter realent pt e esure teonest y wS kW INO J D DbWiolen Of Te(hnstel Revice INPH-191$ enig) 73/82/23 OIIll u V 6pp 7VO4 FR)lW S F ormat d o GA Dr ent h tit H t of v t GA progree le ecsopteele for qpetrel of queltty teleted etliv6tles dotang operationet 79042506~l4 Forwarde open stoes 6n turrent draft of HE N Appingent knowe phase of FMS 7 of these totwitemente through eeelinge 6 to)4ene whgle etaff Ok(NtN A l, D J D6v6egen of pees ter titens6pg iNPW-19/S onlyn l hee we.ted to retoive spen stees through e-is 6 o se 7sio6/ao n,, 3,, l unsu,o r Ae,setent Directo, for e. actor safei, /6/o1/20 1994070819 After eve!uel'nq elle editch61944 befs lttil agrees 1V042600 0 6 ferverde DDR Input 6ated on info provided pg app l e t ant w/findinge detelled 6n 130711 St# VAN N!EL.C M DBviesen of Peet t Jr Llteneing 1NHA-1975 enny) threvgh Amend 31 ef I GAR gid 16014 J MAC C AM W. M P Aseletent ustestot for Inenneering 16/OJ/04 a g. , 75/08/04 Ip f909070419 Due to delege nn oppittent's subettlel of requested in f o. sbA 1904Jh0012 F orme r e s t ev n ew 6 loput of AfM.Westelen B JJpp 9 tenth will be onable to provade Rf A input for Cheeler 14 pubt p P Assistent Dires ter for Reetter Estett 16/UJ'06 untli 190HJS VIA.1 MIN,R H D696elen of Poett*' L14*no4ng I Non-19 /S on l y 4 7404270918 leeuen(e of MS N hee been deleged Pt eepnt erke4ule reggives 19/OW/le lp revised BE N anpute hg 7604JO w/ info retetved t h r e.a g h Amend 39 Dequeste towr$4 ten bt R e s t. l i en e 7V0$070343 forweeds draft input fet EE N re review of emergenig planning sit vs p- H Light watet nee, tore stenth a 16/03/16 #pp per46He of I M AM Dr a f t input to indus4F8el secu"Ild elll 88 forwereed et later date FoD%NEX I. D J Divie4en of Reet ter L$tenetkg INHR-1914 enly8 7 9042tlO 8 99 P erwar d s t unmenig 6 queettene te old applttent addeseetog 79/OM/J6 Sep 8eewee no g e t e.o r g for GI P j GM Al l. 9 messter Dysteme St eng h 76/04/J4 Jpp 1904JttOJet formerde meteorelegg topvt for (J R Darke6en of leshattel Wewtow t NHH - I V'/3 etil g t 74/09'OS 7VOS160%G 7 F orwar d s r e v t e t en t e El # re feel bleg beating ventilation 6 (M N T ON. M N ppp ett tendittoning eye, fire protection age & metn elose suppig ogs. changing original eopt ilt 756505 16 DE GCO, H L Asetetent Directee for Plent agotees 16/05/00 7904/kOJrg serward etlettng jewel "O" e<nedule for G4 9 inpute from #pp individual been< Pet Inpute should be espedited E ll VilR, H Di*teten of Neet ter L4teneing (NHR-lVIS en$gl 79/09/13 79ngg494g3 p ,,,,,g, ,ggg g,,gg,ng an,l9,g, g,,,,g pyg gg,,g ,, 38f tente6neent opteg edditive ege Present aus de ineffetlave for reeuwel of bedene in one event of design b e s s e Lilf A VtRLMtR.R H Asetetent Direrter for f6 s t e Ane l g e t s f6/OS/06 SPp 19042170d99 forwardo Ded6ollen Proteillon terllun Mk H loput e r r ep l a tty ptettee est es t for epen iteet identtfled en 14BDON *e*e e/o en61 7944dHolHJ forweres CLR anput for fattlity re Instrumentekten 6 DENIDN H R Dtwisten of fathnisel Pewtow 4NPM-19FS enng) /$/09/16 (*nt'el 1p fi l#B'Hf D. # t Ateletent Director f or L igh t kater Neer ter s 16/03/16 JHyp 1904J Je)OO6 f orwar d e Bi p loput free post ner f uele 6 Phge st e *e4 Sten 160400 feeweest revlotone to draft NJ Addl lefo needed to input goverJ nucleer destg4 power distributten reettsvety tentenneont subtempetteente snelgele>meth stes* l i tie teefflttent eenteel tequaremente 6 ( Ot' t r e l red potterne IO8"I 0"#lW008 b b'80 *"#0k '*O D8vielen of f estnStel Howaew (NMM -19 /S en i g i 75/09/$$


TF D I Acetelent haeetter for P14nt 6 9 eteet 76/09/13 W g,,it L,LO. V 9PF 7904100127 Forwarde e,etter f uele het tien & Phg o tt e Wee R &en Anput to 7909560$04 in reopense to etetemente er fM1 represennettve, et f r.0913 RE M W/e ens t ,/S/09/15 mooltng,forwerde formel estatent&etten to prewteve wettel R TEL LO. V Davielen of fethensel Haview ( PaHR-le79 en n g l dietusetene ce HF# og n leewee fee P f4AP Amend 40 1p I SMAE L. E Peartet hysteme t rant h 76/09/19 1p p F9050 F0304 Rolveole 4444 19fe Desed on fpWiew of round two teopenete IG 79b9160310 forwards UFW s np ut to plant tendur.t of speesttees swold numergue StR egen $teSe Dwlllnee eejer erees of AppIttent's ergen)gelienet etrygtyre 6 meene for tevleg 6 mud 64 et plant apetettene sto acceptelle sentern Aceletant Dir et ter fee Queisty Ageweenee 6 Olvleten of Tetheirol #* view ( NPP -l VIS eni g t NH0VHDL f. D J IE Dt BCO. A L Opetettene 4pp 76/09/#7 PS/09/19 ap p

I I PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 43 790,i603o.2 Fe,werde re. .e. Acc,id,ent .n.i,sts StR anput ,e 7,o,.,o702,3 SER .up,i inpot ce emerg.ncg pien, liowing F,o,w...e 6..sta ist, e,s 6 potenttei . ,,te deseo due te design ,e.r. ting

        ..sts .ccad.nt,                                                                                  Cent.rns r.spived w,su..stt.i of          A.en    4 dtd 7e ni VOLLML R. R H         Aeststent D e t ec t or for Site Analgste      76/06/DG 3p,                                                                                         HULMAN.L.Q            Hydrelegg Meteoro!9gg Branch         76/11/24      2p3 7*0si6o,23                                                                                  7 0.o.03i, ,o weeds su,,i to SER.,,e,s,ed                                         t.nch.

conciuding that ..geented .tectup p, ogres.g, Core1M,er,s n2 4.eaece

                     ~~C ..e ,evtsed BE R 5.caten .22           n.ti... & Section 3 3
        -pe.ctor vessei int.gret, -R                                                                                                                     o ste. re                     unneces
        .tect.,e to.ghnes. testing e,.v ,e.ct.,. tons ,e.oiv,e  e,en
                                                        . esse metis                               poSS. D ,se,,

MAC C AR f, R 2. A.. Director for Re. cts, S.,ei, 76,ii/24 3,, Aselstent Director der Engineering 76/06/10 Sep 7904270292 Responde to 760o03 tegvest for entlespeted susenttal dates 790503OOL4 Discusses open stees in draft St.R . Inc lud ing reactor c ava te enalgete. main steen line treak accidents & contetneont heat for responses to open assues an GES Benedule for responses ,,..,.g og,

       *nct AR MOL D. R C      Metropoliten Edtsen Co                                                    TEDESCO R L           Assistant Director for Plant Systeme           76/12/17 76/D6/19     393                           3pp 7905040103 Fetwarde Revneton 2 to draft SER Chenges involve cent.aneent p.,ge .g. schedote                                                          7903070403,Forwarde                            suppl to plant SER re long-ter*

TEDESCO.P L t,, tine dif,.. tonmeteorological e.tteeie, w/o enti Asstatant Director for Plant Systems 76/07/11 4pp HULMAN.L Q Hydrology Meteorolegg Branch 76/12/27 lp , 790501D663 96R input for FSAR Amends 42 through 43 oce regenred bY --79050704 t > F orwar d s es t eor o l og t ce l supp l to plant SE R re long-tere l 780722 & saput for eariner 5bAR aeends are requated by trouttesi d6ffveton eettaates I 7 R0 714 gAMM[LL,w P Agesetent Director for Site Technolegg 76/12/27 l 8 3 Lvf W . H Lsght Water Reactors Branch 4 3p p 76/07/12 app 7904300487 Fotwards SER suppl input for fMI re contenneent att 790401066e s Forweeds revision to SER Section 3F Areas 6 ags required purt#tretten 6 cleanup o g s 6 c e LOC A for te e plant thwteown foliewLng phpe treets outside VOLLMER. R H Assistant Dneector foe Bate Analgste 77/01/28 containeont are edequateig pestected Spy TE DE SC O. R L Assistent Directer for Plant Sgeteos 76/07/21 Ip 7909010669 Requeste EER tevisions tg 760722 Ac t teceipt of Amend 43 on 7904270242 Forweeds suppl SE R re stotection 6 emergency iower sve 760715 6 760719 TEDE SCO. R L Assistant Director fe Plant Sveteo, 77/02/03 ap p 81Lv[R.H Ltent Water Reac tere Branc h 4 76/07/21 is 7904J706Se f oeward s revised BER anput Concludes that *od to conteel -+ 79042 70246 Protection 6 eme r g enc y power sgs. suppl SER e Ass 6stant Ottectee for Plant System, 1Gop tidd eres heating.ventitetten 6 ett c ond i t i oning ogs is 77/02/03 ecceptelle W/o enc! TEDESCO. R L Assistent Director fee Plant Byttees 7&sDB/03 2pe 7904270251 F orwer e s suppl SER *edressing stees tesolved after publ6cetion of SER, stems *eeeining under NRC review & 1 test noted in 761022 ACRS Itr W/o enc t TEDESCO.R L Assistant Director for Plant Systeme 77/02/03 7904270564 Forwards revloed Archdent Analysts Branch SER anput based on 3pp draft R/G velves Wall regutee util to revise c ontenneent sprog odditsve ege to achteve 2-h sodand dose toduc t a en VALL MER, R E To p Assistent Direc tor for Site Analgete 76/09/06 7904230409 Forwaren revtsee tranch SE R suppl input covering contespeent ase purificet ten & cleanup ogs & LDC A VOLL ME R. R H Assistant Datec tor for Site Analveas 77/02/16 6pp i 79042803 74 F orwards SFR anput update c overing evep test.sume screen development.steen line breat analysis.feedwater line bredt snelyste reytow 6 addl brese ansigste for ECCS evolvetton ROSS.D F At*1stant Director for Reactor Safety 76/06/06 7904270601 Forward, pe,4 sten I to draft SER 6 requests addl info nerel Di e r y. s,, ou t , t e nding stees free 761217 Tedesco memo teetter cavity eielgens 6 menn steen line breat accident analysis TEDEGCO. R L Assistant Director for Plant Systems 77/03/l6 epp 7904200176 Forwarde revamed SER anput ce onsste metecerological meaeueeents progree 6 short-tere caccident) 4 long-tete troottnel diffusion estimates HULMAN. L Q Mydfelogy Mete 9eolegg Branch 76/09/12 7s p 7904200206 Forwards tevised Peregraph 2 of Sectton 13 1 of SER anput ste 760527 es conduct of operettons Fende plant staff organisetton accepteele W/o enct 7905020173 8 erwerde dra f t SER 6 tegvests 14*ed t e t e c omp l e t t en of ExtN>KLf.D J Assistent Ottector for Gueltty Assurance 6 review Operettone 77/03/06 1p VARGA $A Light Water Reacters Beench 4 76/08/27 lp 790$020174 Forward s SE R anput mod re turbine etssale protec tien 7905140246 Forwards info edecessing safety features actuation see YOLLMER. R H output relag e whic h may be appropetateLq intorporated into Assistect Director for Bate Analgets 76/09/10 Section 9 3 1 of suppl to publtshed SF.R FR nettre enel 2pp TE DFSCO, R L Assastant Director for Plant Systems 77/06/29 2pp 79041000J2 Forwarde SLN 6 notice of evealettlity W/ o SE R VARGA.E A Lngnt W4ter Reac tort Branch 4 76/O9/17 299 7904280292 Forwards draft SEN suppi re some tests & ECCS emell breat

                                                                                                 ,,, g,,,

ROSS.D F Asetetant Director for Reector Safety 7//08/15 Spp 7904230089 Fere,eto s F R nettce of avallettlate of SEP CHILE S J Of fice of the Secretaeg of the Comenetton 76/09/21 lp 790420020e Forwarde suppi to BER dtd 760914 re tattial tetts 6 operetton Insttel test progte* ts acceptante E* DvHOL T. D J Guelity Assurance Branc h 77/08/22 2pp

 +-79042$0690 Notice of evetletalttg of SER VARGA.S A            Laght W4ter Roseters Granch 4         76/09/17        1p 7904260290 Forwerde Accident Branch SER suppl knput Esteting plant sga provide effectnvu matagetten 6 are acceptelle W/c enct 79041705ho SER re operetten of TN1-2 Supple 1 6 2 enct                                         VDLL MER . R H           Actident Analyste Branch                     2pp e Of fice of Muc lear Reactor Reguletten                                                                                                            77/09/14 NUREO-0107     76/09/ 30 3hopp 7905000066 Forwards GER tuppt input to tonformente w/tegotteeents of                        7904300017 Forwarde revision to draft SER te purge Igne teoletson valves W/a catL Ap p I le IOC*RSC Redweste oss suf f ts tently teduced levels of                             TEDE SCO. E L.

tedioacttve effluents Assistant Dstectee for Plent Systeet 77/12/09 299 VOLLME'R. R . Assistant Dttector fee Gate Analyste 76/10/27 14pp 790425D062 Forward e sup # 1 to SER Proposed necedtetaan of test todt poses no eefety concern Approves sveventlance 6 7,r SOB 0321 Conc ludes ap p l 6 c en t 's c hang es in Amend 44 to QA progees PSAR post-teredtation esaminetton to be performed 6 toported to are acceptante for design 6 conet phase WR C HELTEMLS. C J Gue11tg Asso?once Sreach 76/11/19 1p MEYER.R.O Core Perfoteence Branch 77/12/29 9pp

c4 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS i fe, dd info ,ree e,, re industri.i ic C 7,0Si,0,.,.7 a,a .i eder 7,042 00 0 An.ig,s e edd i t.en,e, P A f is.c t r,n te.e set,.e c a.ewnee e, ou. , sec. tg Ferw. de re,uest 6 e.e.gencu ,1.nn,ng to c o.,ie te onR

      .ctl tg 6 . ownerth ,

BFDVHDLI. D J Assistant DLtacter for Ovelity Assutence 6 teview HOU5fDN,R W Alesic Energy Cemet te len. Directorate of Licenssng Opetettene 76/01/tf Ip 74/07/31 3pp cPre+19731

 ~~ 7904290002 Gefety evolvation suppetting Amend 1 to CPPR-64.                                   7904270096 Finde indwettlel secweitg plan for TM1 acceptelle e       Asetstent Diretter for Queling Assurance 6 Operettene                                BADVHDL f. D J      Ateenc Energy Commissten. Directetete of Licene 6ng 70/01/19     2pp                                                                            (Pre-1970)       74/D9/D9        13 7904300367 Forwarde BER toview of proposed mede to etese generater                               7904210900 Forweede stateeent by Me tropoliten Ed ison Ce to changet instrumentatten program Aselstent Director fet Engineerlag                   76/01/23      le       sede en 750604 by R Neder 6 two foemer TMI guarde en EN t @ Hie J P.                                                                                  secuelty at nuc teet plante 79/06/0S       2pp HARRIS.JH A       Of fic e of Puelic Af f e tes
 -~ 79043003/S Rev iews p ropeeed mod e te stese genereter toetrumentatten progree Conc ludes proposed mode ac c ep te6 8e                     opp                  --790421D00S Responde to 750604 the re elleged escuelty prestese et e       Mechanical Enginoering Branch              76/01/23                                     plant Will &nfere of angutty 86edings in near fwtvte kNUTH.D F      Office of Inspec tion 6 Enf orc ement             79/06/16        1p 7905070JD9 Forwards input te RER evppi pr epared by Core Perte. eente B r anc h to rewteed as i n etese 8tne treet snelvete                      78/01/29      2pp 7904290044 Regveets trenoottten to applicent of enct inte request te Assistent Directer for Reester Befety ROUS, D F                                                                                       doelen cestette 6 precedvree for fire steps 6 eedle                          75/07/48 RubA.F       D6visten of Technacel Review INRR-1975 enigi 3p p 7905030178 Feeweede answt to BER Suppl 2 whic h completoe Peacter Safetg Stenc h rewtee of TMI-2 List of topace addeetted enc!                                    lip Aeststent Director f or Reactor Safetg                   78/02/06 ROGS.D F                                                                                      7904250637 Fetwerde evaluetten of propeeed Teah Spece changes en eat intate tunnel f6te protection sys TEDE BCO. R L.       Asetetent Director for Plant svetene 76/08/12 la 7904200304 Feeward e Buee t 2 to SER W/o ent !                        78/0J/22      2pp VANGA. S A           L6 pet Watee peectere Drench 4                                                                                                                                         '

7904240009 leswee 760501 revneten to Sec tion 9S 1 " Fire Protectten* of SRP Revielen espites to # s re protec tion plane for CP 790504 0J'J7 F orward e dr a f t suppl to SLR re applicant 's rew t eed enelge n e applic et tens des posed after 760701 et eve 61stle not peettive suctlen head fee containtent DOYD. R S Dtyteten of Project Management 76/05/03 7pp sp*ay age pumpe Accepte propeest to thtettle sprog pumpe70/03/23 TEDE SCO. R L Asetetant Diracter for Plant Byeteos 2pp 790S220423 Notifies of fullfillment of util escur 6tg pactet fetweet SWE ENY. M Devielen of Secuelty 76/0G/26 Ip 7904 )00036 P etweede c oneu t nant 's reg t w/f tve rec eemendet gene not locluded in 790017 dveft SFR W/ensi 79/09/21 19 790501060s Requeste re-eve 19etten of ette protectlen progree in LAINAS.G Plant Svetese Branch competteen w/guidelinee in App A to branc h techotcal peettien APC33 9 S-1 F a re hoserde one Lgele also esqueted goVD,R g Os va s ten of Projec t Menagement 76/D9/30 339 F Secwe tty, medicot, seergency 6 fire peotectlen piene ..

   ..... ...................            4..

79042LOS34 Forwards Revneten & to endwetrial security progree subaltted 7904240617 t' sports to supply reevnte of review of fire protec aten age enelgele by 761110 in response to questtent reteed at AFC 720324 6 720717 ANNDL.D. R L Me tropelt ten Ed t oen Co 76/10/27 le meetings W/o enc t MILL 8:R. J G Mettepeliten E d toen Ce 72/D9/31 sp 7905160166 Forwarde 4}0 00 eetortly s teerenc e f ee free Metropoliten 7904210793 Fe*werde Revision 2 to tadvettial securtig progree Enc! Edison Lewger W/e enc i Sp DUPP. R A Personnel Secuelty Br anc h 76/11/08 withheldtrof SOCFR2 7906 Mill ER. J G Metropoliten Edteen Ce 72 / D9 / 29 13 7904200394 Info requested in 760930 itr te fire protection evelveteen 7904210797 Forweede Revt o nen 3 to industrial secur tte progree EncI schedule will be outellted 6g June 1977 at latest setseves present #6te peetectten deeten is adequate withheldfret 10CFR2 7908 1p ARNulD.R C Metropel tten E dison Ce 76/11/10 is MILL ER. J G Metropelsten teteen Ce 73/02/12 7909160390 Forwards 630 DO esc writy c learance f ee f rom Me trepei t ten 7904210932 Forweede Revisten 4 to industrial secuetty progree Roguente &dteen representative.WM Create W/e enct tafe te cless6fted as propfteteeg DOPP. R A Pereennel Securate Stanch 76/11/19 Ip Me t rop o l i t ee- Edtoen Ce 7d/08/07 2pp MILLER.J e 7905660174 Foewards requested fangerprint seed Providee addl tpfe to 79050J0003 Act recetat of Revisten 4 to snevetetal tecurity plan 3 Fore 6 finds it propr ieterg CR[Ift.W M Metropoliten idleen Co 76/11/24 to eNIEL.k Aloeit E nerge Ceemi te ten. 06tec torate of Licensing iPre-t9731 74/02/14 2pp 7909160161 Nettfacetten of *L* sccess authetitetten for Metropol& ten Edtsen r ep res en ta t ive. LL Lawyer . ' 1904190046 Responde to 740306 tequest fet revlelen of esc ot t ty plan BRADV.R J Pereennel Betwelty Branc h 77/01/40 lp Utti eust reevelvete present polity 6 will respond # wily 6g 740608 ap p ANNOL D.R C Meteopeliten Edisen Ce 74/03/20 7904JOOZF9 Nullficetten of esende to 10CFRSO *L tc eneing of Pteduc tion & Utillset ten Fac t it t n ee* 4 IDCrR 73 *Page Ic el Protec tion of Plants & Mall Office 77/02/23 3pp 7904190# 3S Ac c ep telle phge t e s t sec uelty poet prev &de for use of armed RUSCHE,5 C of Nutteer Reacter Reguletten guarde Requeste amend withsn 30 doge deste lb ing sec ur ity erf engseents when Uni t 2 le still beang constructed74/06/06 2pp PX30Hg. V A Ateels Energy Coeelselon (Pre l975) 790422D489 Requeste three personnel security pectets be sent to Metropoliten Ed tsen Ce DDPP , # A Divisten of Serventy 77/03/17 lp 7904260701 Forweeds Supp1 i se indvetetet securing progree W/o one1 ARNOL D. R C Mettepelaten Edison Ce 74/07/12 le 7904170S77

  • Flee Protec t
  • sn Prestee Evaluet ten. TMI Nuc lear Stet t en.

Unit 2* QPy Servic e Cory ' 7909010305 Summerg of 740740 meettng w/Metropellten Edison Ce in C DMPONFLL I . R A. R AweE R. 0 T. . JACD99. P R 9etheede MD te stetien escurity NVD-77-D02 77/04/29 400pp WACHNURN. D Ateetc gnergy C eesl e e l en. Direc torate of Licensing (Pte4)T7S) 74/07/l9 3pp 790901D010 *F ate Protec tlen Pengram Eve 19et ten " 904190011 Response to 740626 itf te industle secavity plen latent e provide areed guarde for Unit i by 740919 to unacceptenje 79o9g 60159 pog g g g c ellen of receipt of request far access seewrity Requires guarde by 74DDLS & tegootts ressense in seven deve 74/07/26 Ap ,,,g,g p,.. n,g y ep e i t ten E d l een esp legee. JA H* vee ling

         ,quuPE. V A    Ateels Energy Ceem6se ten (Pro 1979)                                                                      Peteennel Security B r anc h        77/05/17         (p M IMMELRR ACH. L f

7909 60,73 ,orwarde .30 00 ees., tty c ieerence f ee f ee Meirepoii t.n 7,04i.0434 Act 74053 . 7407 S itre fe, weeding ind.etriel Recut,tg Edison representative.JA Heverting W/o east Pregten Enc! withhelettef 10CFR2 7905 Peteennel Reevetty arench 77/03/t7 1p 74/07/29 2pp DOPP, # A. MNltL E. Ateens Ensegg Cemelessen cPte 19759 i l

1 i 1 l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 45 7904200072 Forwards seended facility phgescal securing plan Enc ! 7905030192 F 6 nd s TMl-2 sec ur s t y plan acceptable No further action mathheld trof SOCFR2 790p required HEREE 14. J G Metropelsten (dtsen Co 77/05/23 2pp CL Apn. R A Descler Bef etuards Licensing Branch 78/02/02 1p 7904300044 Forwarde fate protection peegree evaluetton & resoluttons of 7904190406 Forwards addl responses to fire protection eye review. & OL ptablem 16 fare hasarde snelysie Condittens 2 ct3D 1 1 &2&G 10 o f Attecheent 2 HERSEIN.J G Metrepelsten Edison Ce 77/06/29 4ep hER RE I N. J 0 Metropoltten Esteen Co 7 bio 2/17 22pp. 79043000S0 Forwards proposed fare protection Tech Specs Instrueent 1904270306 Buteste 6nfo an reopense to NRC 700303 request te fire tables will be subeatted by 770730 Admintetratswe control protectnen secttene will be i n po s t F SAR emend HERSElN. J G Metropelsten Ed soon Co 79/03/16 19 HERIEIN.J G Metropol t tan Ed t oon Co 77/07/07 L 3p p /

                                                                                               --7904270307 Sp ec 2SSS-146. "Sp ec De ta ll e. Ade n F i r e Hos e S ta t i ons & be t 790Sibol?9 Nattfication of "L" actest author 4:ation for Metropelttan                             Pipe Sprankler Sge
  • Edteon representative.WM creata e Metropolttan Edston to 70/03/16 I Se p SRADY.R A Personnel Securtly Grench 77/09/09 1p 7904190449 *Ftre Protection Prog r ee Evalua t ion. Los s o f Cable Room. "

7904270687 7orwarde

  • Nuclear Plant Fire Protec tion Func tional movieton 1 poseenestilittes.Ad*4nistrative Coetrole & Gudl&ty e CPU Service Corp NvD-78-DO3 78/04/20 17pp Assur anc e
  • VA66 ALLO D 5 Aos s e tent D6 rec tor f or Light Water peac tere 77/09/29 23p p 7904180448 *F t re Protec t i on Pr og r ee Eva lua t i on. Cond u i t Failure Analysts Suppl
  • e GPU Service Corp 78/04/13 37pp 7904200307 Nottiscation of FR no t ic e te emend to I OCFR73 SS.
       "Requttemente for Phgettet Protec tion of Licensed Ac t ivi t t e e in Nuclear Power Reactors Against industrial Gatetage
  • 7904260028 Forwarde conduit f at ture analve to suppl & loss of caele C AhE.. E Q Offste of Nuclear Reacter Regulation 77/11/28 Po p room suppl to fare baserde aneigets HER SE IN. J G Metropolitan Edteen Co 70/09/O! 2pp l

7904270322 povsew of I TE Mo t or Control Ctr vertical terriers 4s I complete Diesgrees w/ position that ver t ic e s narrier s mus t no 790430016S Enc t r e, t.

  • Manpower Retuicements for Operettag Reactor
  • is replaced prior to fuel loading hetog used as tesis for sherang of dutnes se as to meet osa RE I NMVf HeQW Davision of Reactor Constructgon inspection este tragese staffing requirements 77/12/08 2pp STELLO.v Anststant Director for LAght hater peectore 78/06/01 lOpp 7904200160 Conf 6res 77121S vertel communication Prov6 des fire p r o t ec t ion revnew schedule Intenes t o c omp l e t e review hg 790n2SO509 Forward s addl f a re protec tion info re conduit failure 790816 analysts suppl & Loos of cable rooo suppi to fire hasards SOv D. R S Divtston of Projec t Management 77/12/19 2pp enelvste HER8E IN. J G Metropellten Edison Co 76/06/30 IOpp 7904250030 In ac c or dent s w/ 77 4 200 r eque s t, TM L-2 fire protec tion review will start namediately. liste schedule for rewtew 7904300009 Forward e NUREG/CR-01Bl. p r ov i d tog be a t s barrier &

STELLO,V Dtvseson of Operettog Reactors 77/12/21 2pp penetrat6on data needed for thysacan security ags essessment W/o each MILLER.J R Div6s6en of Project Management 78/07/13 3pp 7904230043 Nequette addl info ts complete evaluatson of fire protection progree f orwaree peettien taken to resolve outstanding leeves from bonttel revsew W/o enct 7904200019 Forwards modbi6ed amended phgescal security plan.Noviesen 2 DVfLER.W R Plant Systeet Brenc h 77/12/21 1p Enct wathheld tref 10CFR2 7906 ttRBEIN,J G Metropolaten Estoon Co 70/07/23 2pp 7904200299 Forwards requeste for addl info re fire protect &onereguest for growings & doc ueent e 790S160671 Notificetten of "L" eccess authortsation to Metrop611 ten VANGA.S A Light Water Reactors Branch 4 77/12/27 17pe Estoon r ep r e sent e t t wo, JA Heverttng BRADV.R A P ersonnel Sec urity StanC h 78/09/26 1p 79031405 40 *t eerg enc y Pr oc edur e 2202-2 1.Etation 81ecteut

  • Draft versten 7904190033 Foewerea guard training meettng schedule & contingency plan
  • Metropoltten Edtoon Ce 77/12/30 Sep for all r eac t or lic ent ee s & 51 ant reg 6stretton fore MILLER.J R Assistent Laretter for Ree4 tor Safeguards 78/09/06 7p p 7903050229 Summary of 780106 site v4mit to discuss 7B0103-05 site visat to f ace protec tion Applicant pos s t ions & c omes tment e enc t S IL VE R. H Light Water Reec tors Branc h 4 79/08/09 13pp 790S150746 Meeting to discuse guard a valification. training &

contangency planning to tenng rest heduled to 701013 VASSALLO D 8 Assistant Direc t or f or L nght water Reactors 790$010 24 in response to 771227 & 7 BOLO 6 tere. forwards add 1 ants to face protettaen

       &(RBEIN.J G       Me tropel s ten Edison Co       78/01/11     :*7 p p                   y,04400012 Notifies that fire test of full scale vertical cette treg erray wee conducted on 7BOetS at VL Mode to sertain NRC fare protectgon craterte msg te necesserg
    -*7901010130 " Fire Protection Progree Plan for TMI
  • DE N T ON. H R Of fice of Nsc lear Reac tor Reguletton 70/09/29 2pp O# ICE.F H . EL I NG AMAN. P E Metropelsten Edison Co 77/04/01 l l

15pp 7811270153 Forweres Revision a to pagsscal security plan Withheld trof ISCFR2 7906 790427053S in eesponse to NRC 77L227 ler, forwards addl info re fire HERBEIN.J G Metropol t tan Ed geen C6 79/11/l? lp protection W/o enct HE'RREIN.J G Metropelsten Edison Co 70/01/16 2pp 7902230061 Inf eros that TRADOC Peeth le t 3SO-30. "I n t er serv s c o Pr oc edure s for Insteucttenen Sgs Development" r e f e r enc ed in NUREG-0219

                                                                                                     ***8I**3'                      * * ""C 7905070226 porwarde reponsee to revised Posttsons 15 & 10-26 to fire protection Affidavit enr1                                                                    DESAW.W J        8" "'#8foreetton Technical In                & Doc umen t Control      70/11/20 ME RGE IN. J G     Metropolitan Edtson Co         78/01/27     9pp                           3f 8 7901190116 Inf orms NRC of evelleselsty of plans for fire fighting 7905160469 F orwards revised toepenses to Pe# 6 t ten 10 & Guo 4 ton 19 per                     gtrategies & trotning for safety related stees.fulf4116ng 7R0116 Itr & 790123 seeting w/ fare protection review t*                                   16 c ensleg c ond i tion 2c (31 S HERSE IN, J Q      Metropoltten Edison Ce         78/01/27     21pp                          Hf'RBEIN.J 0      Me tropolitan E d ison to       79/01/12      19                 i i

790&J10S34 f orwarde reopenses ts Pos a t tons S & 11 8 Q,estnen 94 re fire protec t nen Responess c onst a tute temp let t en of e f f or es to 7901 601B0 inferes of orhedule slap for security plan neptementation address posittons & questions tested by NRC Forwards We ston S to le rette t to se schesule 23pp e Metropolttan Edaten Co 79/05/22 1p HERTE1N.J G Metropoliten Eatson Co 7B/08/31 7903200374 Forwards App C." License Safeguards Contingency Plan " 7905010029 F anos TMI-2 escurity plan accepteele Enct wathheld trof IOCFR2 7906 GAlfANIE.M J Reactor Ref oguards L t c ens tng Granc h 7E/02/Q2 1p HEP 8EIN,J G Metropolitan Edison Co 79/03/13 la l l l

46 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 0 Ad,.. neto.g co, resp.ndence 79042ioS13 rorw.ed. .ti,.i.tton fo. Rec. apt of 7e.timeng o,

 ......+......,..... .....----

JS tvechell & RE her t s" & "Sttpulation for Receipt of restioong of CA Lovejeg

  • W/e enci NE WMAN. 98 J #tomic Energy Comesselon (Pre 1975} 69/09/30 la 790421096S No t ic e of hearing en applicatten for provi9 tonal CP fa, TMI-2 "* * * * '' ** *" * * '

PRICE.H L. Atomac Energy C oast s e t en (Pro 19756 68/08/20 lp reactor CP .' OL C HAR NOF F. G Sh ow. Patteen. Potts. 6 Trowbridge 69/10/01 Frp 7904210521 Drder confireing record suppl of 691014 & 691017 4 correctlng trenictlpts of 691989 6 691006 79042106S1 Formerde AE C retutteeente ce lietting radteactivity from SOND.J 0 Atoets Energy Cometeston (Pro 19756 69/01/29 'FP eore ther one factitty on eingle ette & free euLtiple factittles in en eree. to be included ln transcript 7904210589 Requests aperevel of appointmeng of listed bed *d e**bers for TMI-2 heeting WELL8. A A Atomic Energy Comeleston iPre 1975I 69/06/19 1p 7,042104A? Based on safety rewtow of proposed facilite.fanal de*6gn & setety analysts oust be thoroughly evaluated pr48F to 79050B0259 Announces ettettitheent of BoerJ to c onduc t app 1 tcation toevance of prowtstonal OL heering.per 690619 meeo Forwar d a Ltr to ASL8 chelteen e Aloele Energy Comessonon iPre 197S) 69/10/06 Opp WELL 6. A A Atoelc Safety and Licensing Soete Panel 64/06/30 tp 7904230021 F or war d e " Answer to Notace of Hearing on Application for

 -*7903000264 Coeftree designetton of JD Nond as chaireen of ASLS re                                              Provisional CP." ste 690829 6 lte from W Groes.Asetetent TMl-2 DLcusses f us..c t i on 4 responstbalittee of Board                                              Attorney General.PA to J Bond did 690937 WELLS.A A                 At ee n c 5efety and Ltcenetog poord Panel                69/06/30           PRICE.H L        Atomic Energy Commateten (Pre 1975)                     69/10/06      1p 200 79042 t D6S7 F or weed s prnposed inndings of fact 6 conc 1votons of law in 7904270648 Sumeaeg of ALRh 690710 meeting to revs ew ap pisc et s on for ce                                      fore of settaal decnoten Also forwarde " Radioactivity P DWELL. R R                 Ateele Energy Camelseson iPre 19751                  69/07/2S      3pp         Monstoetag Progreet sn Svegvehenne Reser & Chesapeste Beg NE wMAN. N J      AtomaC Energy Cometesten (Pre 197S1                      69/10/07      2pp 7904210513 Notice of hearing on appl sc en s on for provisional CP Certificate of Svc ench                                                                                   -79042tL64e Proposed fsedings of fact & c onc 19e tons of law an fore of HCCOOL.w 9                  Ateete Energy Co**tssion (Pre 197S1                  69/0B/22       12pp           r-oposed snatial decision seets tesuence of pr ows o tonal CP se Jersey Central Power & Laght b Metropoliten Ednoon e Ateelt Eneely Comenssion (Pra 1975)                      69/10/17        11pp 79042106H7 hotice of appearanc e of BW Churchall on behalf of applicent CHURCHILL. B W                    Bh a w. Pstteen. Pot t e. 6 Trowbetege             69/08/29        Sp 7904210493 Forwards appincent's proposed fledings of fact 4 conclusions of law & proposed transc ript correc tions Cert t# tcate of 6ve 7904210691 No t ic e of appearance of G Charnoff on behalf of applicant                                         encl CHPUCHILL,9 w           Shaw. Pattman, Po t t e.        6 frowerldge         69/10/14       3p p C H AR NOFF . O              Gh ew. Platsen Po t t e, & Troweridge              69/D0/29      1p 7904270599 An                                  receipt of 690022   notic,e to 691006 hearang in                                                         f                f *( t 6 eonclusions of law owm ,swers A      & acb              .,,eer     ., esen  e.Ldence                       --7904210499.Ap      p lei c an, ,,ovie,on.i t 's p r op o se d C,indings of Maddietceie Cert.f                       e,Aa,nc.nis
                                       .vc enci      e,ii                                                             seet, ie uence e   oh.w. P , t t aam     ,e t t s.   . frow.,,dg.        69/iO/i4       9,,

CHA#NOFF . G Sh ow. Ptateen Potts, & Trowbridge 69/09/29 epp 7904210919 te 79090$ & testnoong of *-7904210S03 P r op o s e d corrections to transcript of public hearang on C <ove, ,Per, wards safety e va,8 ,l ua w .ccee..ngang t i on.d, o enci s.vnt 69i206 in M.ddietown.PA CDNNER.T 3 Atoesg (norgy Comancenon (Pre 19754 69/09/04 1, o Shaw. Patteen. Potts. 6 frowbridge 69/10/14 3pp 7904240191 Notice of appeseente of 63 Russell on behelf of 4pplicent 7904210613 Corrections to transcript of hearing gy C ONNE R . T B Atoest Energy Co**sesion (Pro 19751 69/10/21 3pp R USHELL 4PB Rven. Rvesell & McC onaghy 64/09/05 79042,0963 noitee, for NR C co,esei . hearing . ,.cl . conciu of

       ,,ehe.eing con,e,ence . geed.                  o, .3,,e.,ence w o enci 7.cSi6o.4S7 i.w    g .,,ro,,
                                                                                                                                 ,c.nts .two         ,,o,osed ,ind,,i F.,vistorg      ste ng in s ofore f    o,    ..o,ose.ston, NtWMAN.N J                   Atoenc toeegy Coomsseton tee, 1975)                 69/09/t1       app         initial doc t e ten W/o enct PRJCE.H L        Ateenc Energy Commseeton iPre 19753                      69/10/29      Sp 7904280790 Feewards 690627 towleton of testimong to financial queLBficettens of vtll.which supercedes entire 690027                                                   7904210468 Inttsel doctston descuesteg fanding of fact & hosenas asecos C,'L'"LL...                                                                                              ** F                n '
  • F"n o i- n - 'a iani CP to <>"g<
                                        .new. P i t t..n. Po t ts. . 1,ow.r.dge         69,09,12       2p,                                     . Metro,< nten Ed , on Ce Jerse Cente.

WILLIAMS.C . WOLMAN. A . 9 0ND. J D Ateetc Energy Commise6en (Pre

  --7904210794 Revised teetteong of 690827 neartog re 7tnenctel 4ualaficattons of Jeteeg Central Power & Lnght GuMCHELL.J S                 Jersey Central Power 6 Lnght Co                69/09/03       Spp      7904270191 Intinal sectston ordeeing 1ssuanc e of provtotonal CP Dectaten will constatute final action after 40 deve
  -+7904210002 Re=tsef testle'eq of 690827 beating te f inanc tel                                                 WILLIAMS.C . WOLMAN. A , BDND, J D                  Atoest Eafety and Licensing Board 49alificettone of Metropellten Estoon                                                                Penel       69/10/38         lopp WE R TS, R E             Metropol&Len Edison Co              69/09/03     Se p 7 05000335 Forwards inattel dettenon.dte 6910J1 w/o enci 790S070157 Forwards inde of documenteeg matl to te presented es pac t                                                   .H           omic Enotgg omeiseson ( re                     i     69/10/38      la af dec l e tonal recced CHAANOFF,0                   Shaw. Patteem Potte, & Trowbttdge                  69/09/17       Se p 790S010424 Forwards order & ASLB initial decision to assuance of 790S0 0059
                               -P.s, discu,s,ng review of                 r;;;;ti; ;> c;,,,,, ,, ,,,               se,,,,,,, ,, ,,,C,e           ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,
       .ppin .t                en orhearing CP      Confo,ence it.t.nont-IP e       Aloeic         Eneegg Commissten (Pte 19758                  69/09/19      Sep 7904210651 Summerg of ASLS 690919 ptehearing c onf ot enc e re edd l info                                    --790S010436 Conftens 691031 authertsatton to sesue prov6stonal CP for needed on environ setters & P&D for presentation of 691006                                                     facility public bee'ing                                                                                                 YORE.J R      Aloeit E4fety and Licensing 90 erd Panel                      69/11/29 TEDESCO.R L                   Atoets E nergy Commission EPro 19?St                69/D9/22       3p p          2pp 79042SDO98 Affadevil averring preparation of supplemental teettoong                                          79050403S3 Memo effiretng 691031 decteten authortsing 1sevance of LOVEJOY. C A                  Ateele Energy Commite t en (Pro 19731               69/09/23        le        peevnetenel CP Conetstutee finen NRC ectton Certsfacete of Syc enc t .

YDRE.J R Atomac Bafety and Licenesng Board Panel 69/11/23 app 7904210629 ,orwards suppl to testtoong of CA Love joy w /a c c omp eng i ng affadevit Nf:WMAN. N J Atoets Energy Comessglon (Pro 1975) 69/09/26 4pp 7905000340 Forwards 691125 meen re proceedings w/o enct PRICE.H L Ateetc Energy Comantston. Directorate of Latenstne (Pre-197S). 69/12/16 1p 7904210600 Fetwards doc ument e fee incluelen in treneceipt of public hearing in eettee of TMI-2 queltfacettone .*f RL Tedesco. PW Howe & RR Powell & teetteong of CA Lovejoy 7905130736 Forwards tatlee te estgested annual discharge of ElfELE.H Atoets festgg Coe*1ssten. Directorsta of Licenetag tad 1oactivity in Ingold 6 gaseous effluents (Pre-197S), 69/09/29 1p PRICE.H L etoets Energy Comet es s on (Pro 1975) 70/01/20 Spp i 1 t 1 1

l l l l 4 1 1 I i PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 47 7,05:30736 re,wer.s taties re estimated ennuai disch.rge of 7,0S04036 Answer, & sup pe, t e 7305 2 .* ended ,e t i t len to iniervene & l redteactivity an ligold 6 geseeve effluents. request for hearing lane filed by Catisans for Safe Environ PRICE,H L. Ateelt Energy Commiselon (Pre 1975) 70/01/20. Sep & Environ Castitlen on Nuclear Power. W/ Certificate of Sve . WILCHINS,H M e DLBON. D E. Office of the Esecuttwe Legen Director

                                                                                                        /3/08/03       6p p .

7904190345 Forwarde PR notice of avattee&laty of environ rept & roguest I for comments from state & loc al agenc ies W/o encl. ' DEVDUho.A C Ateetc Cnerge Cemetseten (pre 1973) 70/10/28 to 7904290278 Adatte Citatens for Safe Enveren & Enviven Caetition on Nu neer Power es party to proceeding Petitioners have made sufficient showing of interest. Ceettficate of Svc enct HAsk!Ms.C A Atomic Bef s te and Lic ensing Board Panel. 73/08/13 79041903S4 Forwards notic e of eretteellity of revised Amand g t, 8pp environ rept & DES ENIELe E Atomic Energy Cemetesten (Pro 197S) 71/06/21 6pp 7904230173 Notice of hearing to te held in victattg of factLtty in Dauph an County, PA re of f e t te e s sh t-of-way c leer tng & const 7904230159 f orwards detereanet ton to suspend cenet. show cause eeder & of Juntate transatssion inne discussion 6 findings Buspensten of const of transelssten HAEM INS. C A Atomic Safety and Licenstng poord Panel. 73/08/3t. Lanes proposed for eesh plant Sep MUN T 2 t MO. L M Atomac Energy Comet es ton, Directorate of Licen,ang (Pre-19/Sb 71/L1/29 1p 7904240S91 Forwards notage of Deering. BENDER.P C Atomic Energy Cometssion (Pre 197S) 73/00,31. to 7909070163 #eepond s to #t:429 order to show cause whu const werk en the offsite partiene of trannstesten lines shovid not to suspended panding cempletson of environ revnew +-7904240S98 Notice of 730831 hearing to centider centinuing suspenelon MILLER,J 0 Metropellten Edesen Cs 71/12/2p 29, activittee re offette right-of-way clearing b c ont t of offette peetton of Juntate traneatesten line HASM I MS. C . A Ateelt Safety and Licensing Board Penel 73/08/31 l 7904210386 Forwards Metropolitan Edison 711229 Itr.enswering order to Sep l show cause, & suppt statement of facte re transelee6en lines l for Unit 2 W/o enct MOHRIS.P A Atosts Energy Coomissten IPre 197S) 71/12/29 gg 7904290149 Applicants' response to 730031 notice of bearing Applicants ws!! present nogettre finding to const suspension Nettce of appearance & Certificate of Svc encl 79042005S2 Forwards seended detereinatten to suspend certaan congg 6LL8ERO.J E Shaw. P14 teen. Pette, & Trowbeldge 73/09/OS Spp ac t ivalles pending c omple tion of NEPA environ review W/g enci MORRIS.P A Atuels Energy Comelecton (Pro 19757 72/02/t1 2pp 7904230023 App 1 cents' retweet that intervenees Citisent for Gefe Env e ren 6 Environ Coalition on Nuc lose Power answer enc! interrogatertes & provide portsnent documents 7904190349 Documente 7206J4 pub lic a t ten of notice of evallattltty of SILDERG,J E . BLAkE.E L. Shaw. Patteen. Pet t e, & Trostridge applicent's revised environ rep t & DES d td 720621 73/10/81 9pp M I NG. M J Ateens Eneegg Consisoten 8 Pro 1973) 72/06/20 1p 79042406t9 Forwarde applicants' interrogaternes 6 roguest for 790421&$46 Forwards deterennetton & order lifting suspenenon of production of documents to Cittsens for Esf e Env a ron 6 trenomisoton line const Drder will become effective 730S02 Evtron Coelttien en Nuclear Power ce Juniata proc eeding eniees request for hearing is filed to eleg order SLAME.E.L S h ow. Patteen. Po t te, & Trestridge 73/30/11 1p GIAMausGO.A Atoote Energy Cometssion. Direc torets of Licenssng (Pre-1975) 7:l/ D4 / 06 3pp 1 790S160516 Motion for deterennetton of default by intervenors.C146fene l

              --7904210649 Order rescinding suspension of certete coast activattes at for Safe Environ & Environ Coalttien on Nuclear Power Moves te teretnate proceedtog to Juniste Inne Certificate of Svc TMI-2 pending complotton of NEP A environ review                                   enci                                                                                 s e Atomac Energy C omenes s on. Otrectorate of Licenstas (Pre-197Si                 SILBER 0, J E        Sh aw. P 6 t teen. Potte. 6 Troweridge      73/12/05     Sep 73/04/02        3pp 7964.70349 Withdraws roguest to intervene due to lact of funds
              --790421D6S3 Deteresnation to rescind suesension of certain const                        Affsdevit af JE S a lt er e e te 73 t 226 eac h activities at TMI outhertsed per CPPR-40 & CPPR-be.                                SOUTHARD,Y          Cattaene foe Safe Envarennent.        73/12/15 pendtag completion of NEPA environ teview                                                                                                                233 e Atomic Energy Co**1esten. 04 rec torate of Lic ene tog (Pre-1975) 73/04/02        6pp 7904270326 Matton to teretnate Junista trenemieston line proceedings Certifacets of Svc enct
               -7904J1 des 9 Asended discuestont 5 find Ang s ce c onsidere t ton of suspensten pendtog NEPA environ review of provtstonel CP e Atomac Energy C ome t e s t on. Directorate of Lic enn tng (Pre-1975)          79o$o4o334 An        ,e,, 6 su,po,te oppt cent's 731215 setten to terminate 72/12/09        eos Juntate treneetselon Inne proceedings DLBON. D K        Of fic e of the Esecutive Legal Director         74/01/04      2pp 79042t0640 "Answet to obsection to const of Juntate Trantelssten Line &

roguest for heerang filed tv Cattaens for e Safe Environ 4 Enveren Coal:44en on Nuclear Power

  • Certificate of Eve --7905040337 Notate of appearance tg DK Olsen in proceeding enci Certificate of Svc enc!

OLBON,D n Office of the Esecutive Legal Director. 74/01/04 GALLO.J Ateetc Energg comessoson EPre 197S) 73/03/12 Sep 3, p , 7904210602 Applicants reply to request for hearing of Cattsens For Befe Env& con & Enytten Coalitten on Nuc lear Power v904240626 Order torennetang Juntate transeteston line proceedings C er t 18 6cete of Svc ent i. W/fR notice of hearing & Certificate of Svc . SILaf AQ. J E PEILLY.T W Atomte Safety and Licensing Board Panel 74/01/00 Show, Petteen. Potts, 4 Trower6dge 73/05/14 Bff Sep 79042701sS Delegates authority to rule 6 conduct hearsag to ASLB es 7904280234 Supports estension of plant const comptation date to designated tv chairman of ASLB pane l-geANT.0 M 770 SOL Atoesc Energy Cometssten fPro 1973) 73/06/D0 2pp WASHgURN.g . KNIEL.R Atomic Energy Cometssion. Directorate of Licenetng (Pre-1975) 74/01/10 3pp 7e04290277 Per 730600 memo & order.estatllehes Board to rule en proceeding re 7304 to de terminet ten to rescsad evepension of conet activittee. 790424060S Forwards FR notics of ordee estending const completten dato GOODRICH.N H Atents Safety end Latenstas Board Panel- /J/06/12 to 770501 lp DENDER. P C Atee&c Energy Coastetten (Pre 197S3 74/01/16 le 7904300084 Perette petitionees to fase emended plead 6ng.per 730410 - 7904240609 Notice of order estending const c omplet ten date to 770508 not&ce "Deteestnatten to Recind Suspension of Comet Const deleged due to priority given to c oep Let ten of Unit 1 Ac tive

  • Cer tificate of Svc enct 6 evolution of mere strangent safety requiremente HASk t ME C. A Ateetc 6efety and Licensing Board Panel 73/07/11 GIAMBasso.A Atoetc Energg Cometesten. Directorate of Licensing 7pp (Pre +6975). 74/08/IS. 2p p .

79042J0:35 A,sistent. repig to revised etioc se Citt eens ene safe 790$0 0336 Porw.,ds roguest for esi.nsion of compielten date,NRC Environ & Envsr.n Co.lition on Nuci..e Power r. c net of l ev.iu.iien s order .. lending compietsen order *.s beea Juntata lines & request for heartog Certificate of Svc encl transettted to Ofc of FR #er publication W/e ent! SILEERO.J., slant.E L. Sh aw. P t t teen. Potts. 6 Trowbridge GIAMauBSO,A Atoete Energy Comesselen-Deputy Director for Reactee 73/07/30. Bop PreJects 74/01/17 1p. 1 1 I l

48 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS re.,on.s to te e 7,oSO40302 ,e s,en. e t. 74 7 7 itr ce r.c.p.ent.e ret.est ,or i.etted 79 St.dy 4,,o n.?,Forwar.e r . in R..cter Licensing Process test 740Sie, orc,. set Ais,e e rest w ,erw.ed. that 74o72 to 1

     .nci                                                                                         e,,                  does not ,r e ,. 4 tco e..I ntf eree intervene                                or drig er. tden to sef, e ,eear.

t i t len I OLBON. O m. Offise et the faecutive Legal Director. 74/09/17. 19 SLACM.A L Office of the Esecutive Lege! Director 74/08/06 2ep l l 7,o,07oSo. r.r..ed s no t u s e, e,, pet.nttg far p. ,artict,.tton in ,or 740 09 teiten re ensig,te ,e.t.. reg.i.tery pre,ese. AtC inconting ac t i on Li et s,e,er,. i where te nettco 7,o504o,27S

s. ,erwar.s meti
                                                                                                  &. LAC.e   t, g. ideo,.co  e, t,e E..cott.. Leg.i Dir.cter                  24/0./i2     2,p esh .uid n L.

Ateeic e enci energ, Come,eelen-De,.t, Direc tor ,or .e.cter

                                                                                                          .RL       of Pro,ects        74/OS/20      to 7909070113 Forwards peit tien to intervene Roguests copy of enveren tept
                                                                                                  & encaren statement Petttleners are all property ownere in 7904710009 Requests anfe needed in order to intervene in plant                                   Sette County.PA licens sng Cer tificate of Bvc enc)                                                          BAOfR.L        Seger & Seger Assoc 64tes            74/0G/14         lp WELLS. R 9      Afflinetten Unanown,         74/05/27     eps
                                                                                                -~7905070117 Pettliens to intervene on behalf of 13 propertg owners in 79042$0473 Wesponds to 740427 lte Potatsens to intervene must to flied                               Serbe Countg.PA Supporting affadavit & Certaincate of Svc eg 740427 Forwarde 740528 FR polic e. Rules of Prac t tce. gsf ety                               onel evelvetten & PES W/o enct                                                                        AGEN.L      Seger & Sager Ageociates             54/08/16          3ep OLSON. D E      Ateels Energy Comesselen (Pee 1975n               74/06/14     2pp 7904210702 Potttien for intervention 6y Cittsene for Safe Enwnren &                          7904240611 Appilcent's answer opposang setttnen to antervene vert Ceoesttee for Saf e Environ Pot a t ten for fanencial &                               of F Hetirsch & O al Certartcete of Bye enct technical es tis tance & Cer tif ac eto of Syc enct                                         TR0wSRIDGE.0 F         Gh ew. Pittman, Pette. & Trowbetege                  74/08/26     Sep ELPFQND. C R       Citaiene for saf e Environment             74/06/18     lapp 7904280212 Reepense to petitten to intervene filed by F & G Henrich 790SO40195 Pe tit len to antervene in proceeding Certigstate of Svc enci                       et al Concludes petitleners should be admitted as partnee PRAbEL.8      Affiliation Untnown          74/06/24     3p p                               Cer'. a f t c e te of Svc enct SLACM.R           Branch I        74/08/27     Spp 7904240607 Forwerse FR notic e of estab16theent of AEL S to rule on petitlene ce facility                                                                      7904210743 In effort to este public participatton eere meaningful.

SENDEN . P C Atomac Energy Coomstolen (Pre 19751 74/06/26 10 estende invitetten to meet informally w/reguletory etaff sarig in licensing rewtow process 7904240412 Notice of estetischeept of AStB to rule en petitlene Board E Ale 86C Ener99 C ome n s e len D6tectorate of L6 censing moetect are SO Kingsleg FJ Couf el & EA Luette FdPre-N IEL '19 7S74/0G/29 1 Pop GOODN ICH. N H Ateelt Safety and Ltcensing seerd Penel 74/05/26 2pp 7904100094 8esolves not to mate itekted appearance et hearing PRADFL.B Affeltetton Unknown 74/16/28 13 7904250479 Nottfteetten thet A SL R te estabitehed to rule on petitlene

     &#er regvetts to intervene in proceedang Certif ac ete of Svc                              7904240014 Cene t res telc on to request for heartng space for preheering encg                                                                                         c onf erenc e on 750S22 COODA ICH. N H      Atomic Safety and 1tcensing Board Pene t.              74/06/26          MASON,k M             Doc t et t og & Serv 6c es Br anch       73/04/29         1p 4pp 79042HO216 Givet net tc e that prehearing conference will be held on 7904250485 AEC 's answe r to petition to intervene filed 6g Cattaent for                         73072J et DOA in Herrashvrg.PA to identify beg tesues & to Befe Enytron & Wort Comenttee f or Befe Enveren Cententtone                                  establish schedule for further action LVTON.E        Atomac Sefety and LtcongEng Board Panel                     75/05/0S    Epp meet requirement of IOCFR2 764 9 TACE.R L         Branch I      74/07/03       epp 7905070522 Preneering conference will te held on 750322 in Harrtetweg.

770S010330 Bupporte petitten to partitteete as state filed ag PA Dept PA to leentifg Leeute & estabilth schedule for further of e nvaeon Desevrces Cer t 6 Fic ate of Svc enc! action SLA'R. # L. Branch I 74/07/05 2pp LUTDN. E Atomer $afety and Ltcentkn0 Board Pene& BTEPHENS. C R Docteting & Services Branch 75/05/05 2pp 740$O2000t Answere 740624 petstaen to intervene f&aed tg 9 Pradel Petitlen should te dented on tests of proceduret 7904240622 Forwards FR nettce of evettetittle of 7SOSQ$ notic e & erder in99ffic6entg & Veguenett el contentlDn1 Corg3pggste of of preRedfing c onf ererst e svc enct CHILk.S J Of fic e of the Secret 4rg of the Cosettsten 75/01/08 BLACK.R L Atoe6c Energy commissten iPro 1975p 74/07/00 3pp 17 7904270602 Amended petition of York Cosettlee for Safe Environ t erreC t tng de flC LenC le9 e6ted in NPC answer to ortgtoel *-7904240624 Notice of 750522 preheartog conference in Harrispurg.PA to politten 8tatement of espeetence & Certtistete of Svc encI perelt identlf tcetaan of key $eswet an proceed 4ng.& to tabe DAVE MPQH f. J H Cittsene for Bef e E nv areneent 74/07/22 3pp stese necessary for further adent if ic at s en of 1seven LUTDN.E Ateelc Gefety and Lteensing Board Panel 75/05/0S 2pp 7904230136 Meme & order granting petittens to intervene tg Citatens for Sefe Environ & Vert Committee for Befe Envaren. & granting 7904240022 Confares telcon ce reserved c onf erenc e rose for 730522 PA regvett to partscapate 8 Pradet's petitlen dented prehearing conference in Harrisburg,PA Daegten C DUF AL. F J. LvE8KE,E A , M INGHLE Y. B G A t om i c Befety and Licenntng allustrattad usual hearing set cp onei W/a enc! toerd Penel 74/07/24 Spp MABON s M Doc a s t ing & Services Branch 75/05/09 1p 79042308J9 Notste of hearing on OL appiscation Certific ate of Syc enct 79042605t8 Confirme 750310 telcon ce cancellation of rene for k lNGSL E Y. B Q Atomac Saf etg and L s c ene tog Goerd Pene! 74/07/24 prehearsng conference planned for 750321 Sep MASON M M Doc t eling & Services Branch 75/05/10 13 I 7904240613 Notteet of appearance of GA TreDg & HJ Mc Gweren en Dohelf of ( , 790Sinoi92 ., he.,tng on .pe iic. tion f.t oL woi contader Na C Certif tc ete of ave enci whe ther CP shegli to c en % 6pued. eed t f g ed or terminated THEBY. 8 A . MCGURREN.H J Branch 1 75/OS/t3 4pp RINGELEY.S G Ateesc Sefety and Licensteg Board P ev.e t . 74/07/24 epp 7904210526 Nottftcetlen nf 750922 prehearing conference to consider DL app l acet ten. whether CP sepuld to Letmanated or mostfted &

 --7903800199 Seets to eate tietted appearence et any heartnq re TMl-2                            estetlishment of echesule for further acttene in proceedteg PR ADEL. B    Affilletten Untnown          74/07/17      la                               EDPECK, J       A t oo t t Safety and Ltcensteg Board Pene1,                75/05/15     1p 7904240615 Perwards FR cottco of hearing en appitcatten for DL                                 7904210330 Forwards announc ement of preneering conference en 750322 in
    $ ENDER, P C      Ateetc gnergy Ceesteegen (Pre 1975p               74/07/25      to          Harr isburg. P A. f or lic ene tng proceedinge on OL esp 1&callen HARRIS.J A         Office of Putits Affears.            75/05/15         lp
 --7904240623 Notice of hearing en application for DL.Date & place of meeting undeteregned                                                                    7905020002 641puletten of contentions per ASLB 750905 notice & order EINOBLEV.S 0       Ateetc saf ety and Lateneing Soerd Penet.              74/07/24        for prehearing c onf erenc e Cer tific ate of Svc enct be p                                                                                      MCQURREN. H J           Drench 1.      MEPFDHD. C R        Citasens for Safe Enytrennent          e Metropoliten Ed tson Ce             75/03/22         9pp 7903100197 Applicants'enswer to 740724 notice of heerang en applicatten for DL AppLicents will present evidence Nettces                                 7905040315 Peepounds interrogetaries & requests production of documents of espearee;e & Certlf tcate of Svc enc!                                                      ce tochteleville transesseson line Certiftcete of Svc enct Tnow3RIDog. e F.       Shaw. Patteen. Potts. & 1rowbratge               74/09/05       3pp. SACER.8        Geger & Seger Assectetes             75/05/28         14pp

1 1 1 l 1 1 1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 49 7 ,042.o6i. Notice e,.,, e, cH Fees on .eh.i, of NRC Certs,icet. 790SiooiS4 RC res,ense .o nettce o, wither...i of r&o He n rich. E&A se Evc enct Ho f f man < J&H Skva ler. Rle Gerhard & W&F 6hviler NRC has no FESS,0 H Office of the Esecutive Legal Directee 7S/06/12 3p, etsectlen to wt thdrewel C ertifica te o f Svc enc ! MCQVPREN.H trench 1 76/08/24 4pp 7904230684 Advases of changes made to proposed egreement end 7$060S Fereerde dref t cover 8tr to *$ttpulatten Concerning 7405150509 Forwards Parts 2,SO & S1 of NRC regulations & 4tFR34707. Intervention Petitton of al.* *Enva ren E f f ec ts of U Fuel Cycle General Statement of MC OURREN, M J 3 ranch ! 2pp 75/06/24 Pe l tc t

  • W/o ent!

MCGURREN,H Branch 1 76/09/24 le 790$lD030S For w ard s e t tpwlat ion te petitlen of intervention filed 4g Hottetsh e4 el 19042506SS Inferes of tecetpt on 760826 of unsigned,vnoworn & undated MCOURREN.H J Branch 1 7S/07/02 2p3 petitlen to notervene in eroceeding Ingvares whether P DR has racetved afridavits & evtherttattens & requests copies TROW 8 RIDGE. Q F S h aw. Patteen. Potte, & Trowbridge 76/09/30 Esp

--7905100308 Stapeletten to interventsen po t a t ten tv Hellric h,et 41 Requests Seard issue parttel te a t tel dec t s ton Cer tific ate of 7905150S98 Ph ilade lphie E l9c trlC Co & PWhlte SVC EleCtetC & Gas re(uest RowsalDGE.0 F         sh ow. P 14 t een, Po t t s, & Trewartdge      SAGER,L              * ***       ** ** *'"          " ' I ' * '#'"' " ' *
  • Seger & Sager As sec &ates MC GUPREN. H J 3r enc h 1 73/06/16 ' '** '
  • MR P se & En eccoment Divtoten 76/03/03 4pp 7904170576 Response te Interrogetories 4 9,7.9 10.12,14 15, 79042300S0 Pe t i t ions f or intervention filed 760823 were docteted 34 37.30 42.44-49,51-53 76082S All factittles are not involved in proceedings,so i BURRER Ts J E. Me trope 16 tan Edison Ce 75/0?/14 SOpp each potteten handled as request for order to show cavec RusCHE, e C Of f sc e of huclear Reacter Regulation 76/09/00 3pp 7904170581 Response to Interrogatortes 1-,32.35 --7904230057 Not4 flee that Environ Coalition on hucteer Power filed j
36. 40, 41, 4 3. S6, 3 7. S9. b0 & 62 -64 760823 petitlen requesting order to show cause why Ltcense WINTER.P E Metropelttan Edtson Co 75/07/14 SOpp DPR - 50 should not be suspended RvSCHO 8 C Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 76/09/09 1p P90SO403J3 Responds to snterveners' interrogatories 39.50 S4.SS & Se Affidavit of support encl --

o to t a nv to ea i non on Nuclear Power filed DAhlEt $. C M Me tr opel a ten Ed t son Co 75/07/14 epp 7ece23 rogvest for order to show cause why CPPR-53 & License DPW-70 shoold not to suspended RV9CHE. 8 C Office of Nuc lear Reac tor Regulation 76/09/00 lp 790S010414 Forwards *Btsputation Concerning Intervention Potation of all." foreditring agreement reached on 750521 yf, ,,,3

                                                                                             --7904230063 Notifies that Environ CoelltLon on Nuclear Power filed 3 Lent,E L       Show, P i t s een. Potts, & Trowersdte          75/07/16     2fp               760823 request for order to show cause why CPPR-101 &

CPPR-102 should not be suspended RVSCGEMS.C. Of fice of Nuc l e a r Reactor Pegulation 76/09/00 1p 790$o40310 Propounds interrogatories to in tervenors F60 Helleic h et al re proposed transmission 46ne CerttitCete af Svc enct OL Ant, E L Metropelttan Edison Co 75/08/18 7pe --7904230064 hotaftes that Environ Coalitten on Nuclear Power file 1 7eOS23 request for order to show cause why CPPR-106 4 CPPR+107 shovid not be suspended 7904240050 Meeo & order denging 7S0125 petition to tolervene subettted RUSCHE. B C Office of Nucleet Reactor Regulation 76/09/0e tp bg verk Comenttee for Sa f e Environ. C a t t a ens for Safe Environ

   & f av tren Coel t a ton on Nuclear Power Certificate of Svc 7904210195 Applicants' response to petitlen for s nterven tion c entsaning UT ON. E    Ateele safety and Lttensing soard Panel                75/09/10     7pp                            ** 9"**4 '       ***''"'#88 *"*I         J"    
                                                                                               * * * * &* ese const      ***    * " ' r e" *t t o n ' o f unts'Skould retteded CP 4t 'e' e' e d t a' y 't e l ' ' "'     i TROW 9R I DGE. C F      Sh ow, Patteen, Potts, & Trownetege           76/09/09          Sep l 1

7904240L56 intervener s F&G Melleic h. et et answer to appitsent's first I set of interrogetories Certificate of Svs enci SAGER,L Seger & Sager Assestates 79/10/03 llop 7904240034 Inferes that enct potetten to intervene was filed by Environ Coalttien on Nuclear Power on 760823. ASLB & parties served on 760907 NRC response wall se filed sofore 760920 7905100160 Motten te c ompel intervonors F&Q Helltich to roepend fully ' te applicants' first set of interrogator tes Certificate of Svc enci T#0wfR 1 DCE. G F Shaw. Patteen. Pot t e. 6 Trownesdge 75/10/15 --7904240039 Enraron Coalttaen on Nucteer Power petstion to antervene 139, in proceeding Two effidavatt e n c 1. KEPFORD. C Cittsene for Saf e f avtronment JDHNSRUD.J H Environmental Coelation on Nuclear Power 76/09/07 7pp 7904270300 Grants petitten to latervene ** G & F Hellrich & accepts contentient asserted by Cattsens for a 6efe Environ /vork 7904270169 Co**ents on deaft suppi to PES belteves rest is noncritical KEPFORD C Cittsens for Gate Enytronment 76/09/12 esp to*ettlee Der a Sef e Eny t ren LUTON f Aloe s c Safety and Licensing Board Penel 75/11/06 lopp

                                                                                            --7904270171 Petttton for intervention Defects ernst in cost /teneint 7904210707 App licants ' r enewed metten to toepel F & G Helleich to                               analysts used by utti to Justifu const 6 operetten of plant e Enyt ronmen tal Coela tion on NucLeer Power              76/09/17        Spp respond to es p l i c an t 's first set of &nterrotetories Certa #1cate of Svc enct TRDWpR IDQL G F         Sk ov. Patteen. Potte, & Trowbendge             '6/02/03     3Pp 7904210201 Applicants suppl response to 760909 petitaon to intervene ASLB should deng petitten or require showsng of good cause 7904270299 Aeonds prevaavelg entered not ic es of app eecanc e to provide                       for late sntervention Certificate of Svc enct fee new address & phone no Certificete of Svc enct                                           TR 3W9R I DGE. C F     Sh ow, P t t teen. Potts. 4 Trowertege         76/09/20          Spp TRowpRIDGE, G F         Shaw. Pittman, Potts, & Trowbraege              76/02/03     3pp 7904210748 Answer to petttson for tetorvention filed by Envtron 7905 t SOS 91 Pa t t ede lphie E lec tric Ce & Pub lic Svc Elec te st & Ces regvest            Coelttson on NucLeer Power ete 760016 asserting allegality of TMI operetton Certificate of Rvc enc!

for addl taas to respond to eight interventaen petitions as FESS,9 preegture Certificate of Svt enc i Office of the Executswe Legal Director 76/09/20 10pp MURR AW, J P Rulemaking & Enforcement Divisten 76/03/03 app 7904240056 Deposttton of wA Verroc h t. V&c e Pre s id en t. OPU Svc Corp 7904240148 No t i f i c a t i on of withdrawal of F & Q Helleich.E & A Hoffeane Discusses current status of const on TM!-2 & effect of ggge,3gtgg of reeetning const acttvities J & H Shyhtere &R & H Gerhard who antervened in proceedint VERRDCHl W A en 795106 Certificate of Svc enct GPU Bervic e Corp 76/09/20 7pp SAOER. L. Sager & Sager Assectates 76/08/20 3pp 7904210758 Matten for licensee to recall order in light of changed 7904200388 NRC Interrogateeles & eegvest for production of docueentse circoastences te reconstdoration order authertatng Indivedval cps & DL on grounds of fuel cycle tesve sensing submitted to $nterveners Cattsens for Befe Envaren & York out of NRDC vs NRC Certificate of Syc anci Comenttee for Bef e Environ Cer t i titshe of Svc each M I TSHER. J A . DIGNAN.7 G Reyes & crag 76/09/27 6pp MCOURREN. H J Branch 1. 76 M3 ,6 Syp 1 7904240030 Forwards roguest for productlen of documents & 7904210733 Intervenors answers to NRC interrogetories & regvest for  ! production of docueents W/o financtal soststance.wt11 he  ! nnterrogatornes dtrected to lateeveners Citirens #se Ee f e unable to tete part in full disclesvre of facts Certificate Enveren & Vert Comen t tee f or Saf e Enygren of Svc enc 1. M(DURREN.H J Branch 1 76/ DG /24 2pp kEPFDRD. C . Cittfens for tTete Envaronment 76/10/02 3pp 1 1


                                                                                                                                                        , rem eemer.nd.e . etd e , dt. 77 79o ,02 05      Net..e of ,re, seed t.ien. ting 6es,e,d.e ito edeption
                                                                          , , . .       of 7,o.,3Oo73 at Noti e of,.,pesie, environ        Co.iitten en          N.. .et Pow.,.2 i e s i i ew. ng setting CNam. . Jr evised  offue
                              ,f th. ,er.wes      te es,tof. tthe Cee. eeien e.,et.r                                  76,io,i3 e.d.e ow.t.l iint t


                                                                                                                             .one e .e p

th tio,n t t i,ene n.gio t tr t..n.

                                                                                                                                                          . e . e,n ette.

ten t i o.n sirown.ide.

                                                                                                                           ..r              .w.

7,/o2/24 ip f ip. prod..t. ,90 7A .h.. f e.n t o s e,v. es 7,0 20o 7, ~.C i g n eA. . ee .i . eJ.,h .v. e n t h,e.ele n s een. n . Ja in t e r , .ge t e, e.teitte. Le intervenere Cit. e.ene e .. . ...,e et s t e, o,re inyt,en .en verte, de..eent.. A L,.00., A. o r ,s sr..eeding Certi C eme t tlee fet Eef e Enyt ren Cer tifie s te of Svc ent! DU FLO.M E Atoste Befety and Lis ent ens Appeal Penel 77/02/ 2$ NC9UN8EN.H J St ens k 1 76/10/18 Sep 3pp 79042304D4 O s ts evo e g othedule provides that leet dog for reguaste to 7904240044 Intervenees' enewere to NRC 's escend oot of interrogatorise eefety isswee will De 30 dog s e f ter &eswense of BAR Forwards & roguest for predes t ten of des weent e Cert tist ete of Svc NM C interrogaleries to be oute64ted to interveners w/o ens) engt htPp(pp. C Cttteene for Befe FnvLrennent 77/02/2H 4pp MCOURN(N.H J tr enc h ! 16/10/1B 2pp 79042.30034 Appistente* responee to metten of vi ventes Ngeleer Power 7904250454 Feewerde pH net tt e re set t eneont ASLAR pene t CHILp. 5 J Ufflee of the Sesretery of the Cemetenten 7//02/20 Cote 444 7609J7 eesting focal 1 of partsene of General Statement of Pelley Certif4sete of $vc ensi jp f #Uwae l DGE . 0 F Uh ow. Pitteen. Po t t e. b feewetadge 74/10/21 9pp

                                                                                                       --7VO42SO451 FR not ic e of seeignment of ASLAS Pene n members A6 Rosenthal, 790$070the Segveste techntaal support an steparelsen of written                                             up Johnson 6 JE Sheffeen testseeng for two c ontent 6 ens te weather med og men-eede                                               DUFL O, M E         Atests Safety and L it ene Eng Appeal Pene!                       77/02/25 covee                                                                                                     lp REGAN.W N                Aegnetent D4 rester det Environmental Projeg t o 76/11/27         3ep 7905080020 Brief an support of espeel to ABtS **ebtag fell                                   4' cept *n's of 411 6seves in sentrovereg fav6reneental Coelltlen en Nuclear Powet                            71/02/29 7904280740 Metten to s eepel C t 4 t rene per gefe Envaren & Vett Cemettlee                              EE Pr up D. C for befe insteen to esepend to 761088 46esevety rogvest fet                                           7pp produc tion er doc uments Cer t t f 6t e te of Eve eas t MC9t#REN.H J              Branc h I        76/l2/83       3pp 190309002J Aepeale 770216 det t e gen of Ant 3 dengang all but one of pensegenote' cententlene A11 gententeens snewld be ellowed                              77/02/29        sp F904J 70 887 p erweed s NUNEG-Cl ~MI wh ic h discussee tec hnical leaves te                             pf;Pp DH D. C       Invironmental Cos t illen en Nut lier Power nucleet toestot seepenents b eve Cencludes present designs provide adeguate preteetten W/o ent!

i MC GUH A1 N. H J stench I 76/L2/27 2pp 7905030Jt6 Weepense to ePf lit ent 's appeel ftem 770234 *e*e & orse' 'e petition for intervention filed by Enviroa Coalitten en ( Nucleet Power Pettthen shewld to denied 77/03/01 lipp f E SG. O Office of the Esec ullve L egal Dir#Eter 1904JOO"ppo $6 vee natite that conf erence will to held en 7f012H te , 46aswee eng outetending mattere for esposted evidentteeg I beselog Cert 486:ete of Sv t enc & 7,o4g3on3g gn re, pen,e to Agite aencerne,forwerde draft effidevil tg l LUTQN. E. Atoc62 be f ety and L ltene ang Seerd Penel 76/12/30 3,3 WL Dreets te protettien etelnet eEngle failure 6n teettivilt centrol discussed In Este-Ot3D 17/03/04 3pp ptmn. D F Age 6 stent Direttet for Resttot Gefety r?Q424004J rarwarde #6neL ewpp! to FES. d td Dec 1976 All pettles soeved MC EAMWEN H J Stengh { 76/12/30 2pp FVO4JRoll2 Forweres resteed ereft testimen, to Cotention 3 tovering cool 6ng towere design edeguety for earthtwetee b tornadoes 7904250682 f atwer d e F A not ic e et 170125 senderence w/o eng g CHILM,5 J Of fic e of the Secretary of the Cemeteeson 77/01/09 Ct.f ARY. D P Cost Denefit Analgeto Breneh 77/03/04 lp 19 7905600LHJ Drief of spelicante to oppsettien to Eny t een Coal s tion en

   -79042SO6ea PR notice of 71012H tenderente in Herrisburg.PA te dietvet                                  Nutleer Power's 77022H espee1 of AGLS 7/02th **ee 4 erder                                             7pp autetending settete la sevence of evident 6ery hearing                                              ingywpq g pog, g F          f3h ow, P 3 t emen, Po t t e.         6 Trewbridge       7//03/04

( UI ON, f Atee6f Safety and lat eneing Board Penel 14/12/30 Lp r904JSOS l 9 NRC 's r e s p on s e t o p e t i t i one r e8 nottte of appeal f r ee ASL 5 7904270446 Fetweede draft test 6eeng to Cententlen 3 teveeing reelan$ 770J14 mese & eedet urges effareetinn of periton telett6ng temato doe 6en relotsog to earth 49etes 6 tornadoes,propered petitlenere tententaene 6 dental of new contentlene tv L Rgese64 W/e enc! P 166. 0 Of f ese of the Leetative Legal Directet 77/03/11 40pp

44 ARV. D P Cast gene f 8 4 Analg e t s granch 71/01/62 3pp 7904270103 Annevntet evidentierg heating an ptetoeding will commente 7905070 eel Forwarde A6t.$ seder edettilng refleen contentione se isevee 770405-06 et US Fedetel Dide. Nar riseweg. PA Certif 6s e te of en sentrovereg Only tententlene est out in Pett Il of order eve eng n ete applicet te Pteheer nog senf eeens a will be held 770629 Lv7DN. E A t ee 6 4 Safety and L4 tenting Beerd Penel 7//03/15 3pp I

6 t HR. 9 Off6te of the Eaetutive Legen Direc tor 77/01/13 to 7904270304 Wevet tes ABLO 770214 order & re*ende w/ ins truc tient to deng 790507D20S Forweed e NMC teetteeng to weather med effects on TM1 flood entleely 6ptervention petstgen of Environ Coellt a en en protestien Nuc l e e t Power CertifLCate of Sv6 e ni l HLA MAN. L 0 hydrelegg Meteorelegg Reent h 77/D1/25 1p Ateest 64fety and L 6t eno 6 ng Appea n Pena l 77/03/22 DU.FLO.M i pp E 1

  --7905070218 festimeng of NNC staff en effetto of weather med on fleed protec tion Conc ludes PNF fee TMl oeste griterne of Seg                                        79Qdtgogdg Forwardo upC preftled teetgeong in preteeding Teetteeng Guide 1 S9. "De s ign Be e l e F leed s der Nucteer P=wer Plante "                                 en Centent aene 1 3 & il & reopeneet to AGL5 tueeltene to JOHNGDN.I L . O!VING.W G                 D6vlesen of Este Refety 6 Envicensental                   f 6nent ial & tec hn as al soevee stil se sent when templeted Ane! gene        77/01/21        Spp                                                               MCQVRREN.H J                Branch a              77/0J/29         2pp NPa42SO472 P etwerde NUREG-0IS 1 te nuc lear reatter aeepenense 6 ogs                                 *-7904 490249 NRC pteflied teetleenu 6 responses to Beerd gusettene twethee discuesten of geouse le set forth in ACRS 7612OJ-04                                                anttudet testseenlee te e(welic Bleiegg.capetseg facter predtetten & redseleg6tet instrueentettun 6 741200 81 trenesettle w/o enc!                                                                           e Camelseten              7 7 /O.3 /2H         200pp MCDUR#gN.H J              B r anc h 4      77/0J/07       2pp 7904270301 Mese b order edettling petitlenere Environ Coalition en                                     7904240043 Metten tg NP C for adoption of order to presentatten of Nogleet Powet es intervenere in proceedseg Certif6gets of                                              testaeong & teopeneet le ARLS ques tions for hearing Svs encl                                                                                               otheeuled for 77040S 77/02/14       6pp        PK9URRTN. H J               8rench 1              77/01/29         4pp LUTDN,1         Ateena Befeng and Licensing Deete Panel 79050705S0 Fetweede sepg of NRC EER 909 TMf=2 per 770129 teggest                                      7904240068 Att reservetten of Courtrose & sn Federal Sidg & Cowetheue.

W/entl. Fuerleburg.PA we 770404-09 fee wee in put!6c hearing 1p S TE PHI Mll. C R Dog geting & Servic es Stent h 77/03/29 15 MC OUNNEN, H J B r ent e 1 77/02/17 790423004S Applitent e ....e an evaport of espeel tv Cititene Cemelttee fee e Saf e Environ 6 Vet t Comen t tee f et e Refe Enytten 90423007p Testimeng of RJ Melley to a tv 61 detenee preparedness of Certifacete of Svr ens i Gauphin County.PA in event of entident 44 facilate FXOWWR I DGg . e p Sh aw. P6tteen. Pet to. 4 Trowte 6dge 77/02/24 9pp nULLOV.K J Dewphtm County. PA 77/03/29 lopp


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MC QVRRE N. H J 8,.nc h I 7*7/OJ/2,... 27pp FESS.G H..,snes Divt.i....t. t.n 77/0S/12 6, , v...iv.. . .n.... ... .4 770129 79042 0032 F.. ,'A nott.. ., r.., 790.SC10208 Di ...... t. .c. . ii 8

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i c il.. i, s ... . th. n....t.,, . th. c. .....n 77/os,12 MC 2 Vile N. H J Br.n.h i 77/03/31 3p p 7 ,or e.s .nt..rg h... sng in 79o.i6 493 ....... i -- 79042 0033 N.,t tAc .n . . ,870,7ei l i , . r . . ,

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McGVHet N, - J B,.n.h i

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                                                                                                                                                         ...t.t.        ant. .
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                                                                                                                      --790 2.oi.6 ~ tu . .. 77o,3i ...., .                                  h... inn, .....nt.... h....n, .n L U10N. f           Ata.i. G.       t.  .n.. Ltr.n.ang U..e. ,.e 1                     77/04/04            Jay            H.rrisbur..PA .n 770 LUTDN.E              Ato.6. S. 606-il  .t, .nd L i s So..d P.n.1               77/01/38      1p 77o.i3 . ..n . ....                      ,.. h....n. ...<.               .n 79 .,,nf....
         .               .,        h..,,n..           770,.02-2..

4 7903i000.o Ann,.n<..


6 >4 NS. c R vni .n D.ct.ttog & Serv 6.e. Sr. nth 77/04/13 is

                                                                                                                          .ontsn.. .ntt! 770eil .t US F..h....n,St...ii            .r.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ...... .h 770606 .

g,,g.PA C.rtificate .f Svc .nct LUf DN. E L.F.t, .n. Ltreneing Caer. P.n.i 77/05/31 3pp 7,o.23006, .... c. .tt.e ,.. . s.,. .n....n . cit... .- .., . ....

     .n..,.o .. .n t. ..... .,pi, .nt L. , , . .

t..t...n, , cont.i s c.rt .... e . ...,.itn...e to

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27 o4 790eiso37 .t Am. ....t..n,.n,.f..770.o .

                                                                                                                                                                  .... ..e of ..... ..

h....n, c..t.,. t..t ..n, . .....n... i. u.t. .f ... .,,1 1 MC QUNRt N. H J Beansh 1 77/03/3 Spp

                                                  .. ..,,.e...t..e t..t,..n,                                              e 790423
     .. .t..o72.      .. ........
                           ...t..n    .h    h              ... in ...           t...t,.

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                      ..., . .,fi..nt         ,i....                                                                                            e.. . ....r d6.e.itn, As<                                      n       ,,...i..t..
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a.< .n.i c..Urs,0.fu.te i . . - 9 At.... ..f.t, .n. Lt.en,ln, .. ..i ,.n.i 77/o.,oi 7905000143 Poe.4ede Board 770414 ord.e of evedenttery h.4rtog 4,,

     ...n                       770 c u m e.ent     J     e,n,u o        e o,02 f t ,e se.,e .., of the c.                   t....n           77,04,,,

i, 7903isos74 ,, . e.,.. ,.iin.., t. 7706 i o 2,.i t e. 0, . R g r e t s ASL B tane helletit approeth to plant tiltag .t to conttfor ,atiure to.pattt Of lett City of Ibie

   -74Q5000349 Or d et for evadenttery heering scheduled for 770502-06 6                                                  ARP4GLD. L E                Affaltellen Unkno.n                 77/06/13        5p p 09- 10 & n Ha r r i a t ur g , F A L V70N, E Sefety end L M ensnng Seged Panel                             77/04/14            Ip 7904J40040 F or.ded s d ec o.en t s relating to .atters discuoted in 770607 6 770608 testi.on, of R Colchg Doc u.en t e no t enct                                                          ,

7904210603 Retpondl to 770411 Itr retweeting it.ited appeareng, at of Syc l Mettcosl6 ten Idteen's DL esp lic at t on heat 4ng Weatten Certificate,fice FESS.O 0 o, enct tne faecutive tegel Detector 77/06/i4 4pp tieteeent t o AGL B 6t nec e s tery for late appearentes ABRAHAM.k Office of Pottic Affears 77<04/19 Ip 790$100202 F e s ad d l doe v.en t e requested on 770613 re 77060H elecovery regwest ./o enct

 --7904210701 Aequeste ti.6ted appearance et 770302 heetent an Har t n e 6 we g                                            FESS.G             Office of the E sec vt we Legal Darerter                           77/06/17      2pp PA Requests info to pub 11c depearences et heering & NkC thert of f unc tione % interrelstgenshipt Of Drenches JAA80L. C J          Affsatation untno.n                  77e04/it          to                               7904230010 Dreer for estdentaar, heartag to reau.e on 770705 4% NRC Hearsng R oo.. Be t he sda, MD Cer t e f a c e ts of Svt oneL 7904200376 Response to intervenore' 7704L5 .otion to co. pal appl 6 cents                                                LufDN.E      Befety and Lacentang Board Panel                            17/06/23      3pp to provide ystnesses to discuss effect of plane s.pect on outleer safety-reisted attuttures T RDWHN ID0f. 3 F            G h a.. Potte. & tro.tt6dge                         77/04/26                7904240141 For.eeds FR netste of 770623 ordet 13pp                                                                                                                   CMILM. B J                Offace of the Secretary of the 0.                      as. son     77/06/27 13 7904200394 Motson re presentation of in response to tententlene % AM.O (Westions et reconvened hee'ang                                                                --7904240149 Not&ce of 770623 orser ochedultng evidentteeg heaesng in MC QUHHEN, H J               Branch 1         77/04/2'            epp                                                      Betheede.MD on 770005 LUTDN.E              Atc.1C 64fety and Licensang Based Panei                          77/06/23       to 7904200397 Response to 770411 .otton tg anteeveners C t tl e ene for Safe Enyteen & Vort Co ittee for Gefe E nv i t on to eo. pol                                                           7905000037 For.ards deco.vnts in responto to disc overy testoesta W/o apsincent to provade .s tnee t to teettfg to Cont.hteen S                                                              enc 1 Cett t f ac ete of Svc enc 1                                                                                           CHANDLFR. L J                     Pranc h 1         77/06/27          4pp FE 58. 0         Office of the f astative Leget Directee                            77/04'2B            Bop 7903140212 Infor.g of changes & eddittene te presentation of NR C                                                    7904:0020S to heelth ,#fects of coal as to. pared to nucieer 4 respantee to ASLS questions et heatsng etheduled                                                  Suppetting deto.entatten 4 Certifstste of Svt enc l te Petonvene 770502 Supporting d oc u.entat i on enc &                                                                 kf PF OR D. C R              Cat 6sens foe 6efe Enyteen.ent                    77/06/29       *pp MCDUkNE'N,H J                Beence 1         77/04/29            23pp 7904230014 All docw. ente requested on 770608 have no. Deen prov6ded 790S100074 Announces evndentiaeg heettag .411 reev.e on 770516 et US                                                      F or.ord s ad d l listed doto.ents as finai response to Federal Sldg.He*ttsburg.PA Certiftsate of Svr enti                                                                     discovery reguests LUTDN.E.  Befety and LL(eneing Boded Penel                              77/0$/16           3ep         FESS. O            Office of the f eecut 6ve Legal Daeec toe                          77/0e/30      Pop


                                                                                                             ,,048 040, D.nlee Inter.ene e                           , ,mlJ , ,e,peet          ,e,                                    e,
 ,,04     n.40. A,,n...le           ,repeeed ,.p4 logo e, f e, 6 . fee.ieelene e, iew                                                                                                                  r e. e,s e i d. . e l l .a la fece of AEL 5 nelllel detteten Certifleele of Gs ens i                                                    seelnet eelaen le tempel produttlen af esinseeet 99 IROWEN f D4%i % @        SL Apt , E L     bh ew, P 6 % leen. Pelle. 4 leowbridge                              leelleeng ienserning Centention 9 Coeltfteele of Eve ena 1 f//DW/04         WNpp                                                                                        L UTIJN. B         Alengt befely and ItEmbeing Seerd Penel                                   ff/D9/14             jp p 7904JO4480 Dantes leterveneet mellen end 77048$ sempeling appletante le                                     1904JtrOlJJ Gleff peellten en pereennel 6eerth r egu l p eeesi t e p redess e ellne s 6e e le g4ve leelleeng selevant le Cententlen                                               e Offite of Hudlese Peenlor Negulation                                   / //h4 / Ml         Spp
     $ CSFlsfitete of hva eng t i d tIPf %

4 Aleelf Oefely end llteneleg Desed Panel 71/DN/6W 6pp ftu48%OJTu Feewerde seem f

  • ue 4 Je t d en la JP Vote die 4weting leble 6 )

of 4thfPS 6 Jerdere's aeteente eag have beefsng en lettierng 1904dOO 900 P r op e t e d f leed i ng e of f aa 4 6 euneleelen af law. filed by of Mt kels by intervenere &este dental of s.enlJnuenee & tenewel of f t hM G l#f f s t e of the t a et ullve L ogel basester 7 t / l l t so Jyp oppIl(ent's l'F Cefllf860%e of Ov( *Wf l e&Pf taMIA L Melt epe l l lees b d l een l'e 7 1/(s0 #145 :ltsp y

                                                                                                             --1V04444J94 D6esseest ettet to temputellen af redteleg6tel effluent 1904J70149 Procesee findinge of f es i ve in t er vener e
  • C en toni t en N d 4 04 her gee in LOtf NSI JO T el l e b ,1 Aaseple & e4eple opp &asents' preposed Pledlhge of fett 4 Je .JOM BAN. W H Alsede befolg end ileentifeg heard Penel II/04/J1 94 EdFtsf6 tete of tws ena 1 hpp (A&fDR,F W Pennegiven69i Biele $f /f/04/19 Ilp e
                                                                                                             /Wis41 TO BJS P kt wa r d s W Pelletd 1/4Dl3 Ilr #9 effelle ele <lreaal powet 7904JuoJ14 P erwee d e MT p r oposed Inllie6 dettelen snoteentog flodinge                                         geestellen & espetel6en sellerie for toester pueleslien 4 of f ee l & 6 en$ S W S l ales of law                                                                         tentfel eye Nel t e levesse le IMS Mt DUMdt N H J            Dr ent h l     71/DH/19     lp                                                      TMl #O S A               St eese h 1      7 # /16 / FJ         Jyp a-7Wu4JOO1JB Peepened letteel destelen,tentela6og fleeinge of f ac t &                                      7404170.lef f Meepende le seepett fee N# C essesteent of welue #f Rn 'afJJ f ond luelene Of law heele evthat&pelle6 le e enllpue G P &n                                                In table D 1 et llMik%l $ffett #f alleged etter 16 eIf ee S 9ehthine % lettliliele of %ed ena l                                                                teeignifl0ent b wnuld nel ellet Lmet benefel h e len6 e MC MsMMI N. H ,)          St one & 4     17/OW/l9      1 JtJpp                                             At Aeg # 4           bai ew. P694*en Pell e- 4 frewbridge                             /#/lJ/OJ            Jap
                                                                                                             /WO 040J M Moves le resetve inte evidente (M Hatteg's offidevil 6 79044?O490 Netlen fee eatenelen of lese unist # f utl M le file reply                                                                                                                                ' **' "
                                                                                                                   ** 0"* '* I* ""*#                  ##"8***        '      '*0* 

findtoga Certaf& sele of Met sees l Hisbog 4 ewppet46h6 d e* wee n t e l l e'" obil 44 Ae l . 3 4 em aw, Falleen Pol be, & frownsgege 17/ON/J) 4pp $dyp f $ 64 4 Of f le e of the t606086ve iegel Ditettet ///lJ/DA F90419VSJW laletvenett' eepig in oppesillen le oppl6 dent's eatten fet * # " * * * # two'deg e c l eet e l en le file respecte la find 4nge of f ea t &

                                                                                                                                        *N       @   "I'**                 I " "'

d ent les e l en e of law Lefllf04 ele of l!v a ene l *' ' "*' ' ' ' * *

  • Ft PPIMD C R (414sent for Wefe tnviteneent /f#4H'J7 sp p Il WL G ' ' # ' ' o' fthe ("'s e + v 4 4leget Uf f 6:e v e lit t er t er 11/lJrQ# l lo p
   =f904190.lYb Molten by 4 plee venest e for r es onelder et t en of 770415 mellen
                                                                                                             '                         *                                             '          I ' '

60 fespen fethfe fat esee l e e l lebety ENhder660g etelo'of'She erl te large elf 4 raft

                                                                                                                      "           N * * *                   '             '

flge gf the iseewhlve legel Davetter ///8J/0# Jpp Di Pil)h D E D f l / 48W / J i (llagene for befe l h v i t' e neo n t lp

   -79041TOJ4J lplerwonote- aottenline of findsoge of f ea t e< Per egr aph                                      '#9"4I&OI N"*" #*' 8' '"Id                                                *##'**#
  • C ' ' I ' 4 0 lee's le 8le supfle*eolleg proputed * * * #fled
                                                                                                                                                                                        * "' " eg *eg#

LOOle r s th ov ld be buebered 504 hubeegwent 6uebofe should De 3,, ,, Int N s. O A Nr ens b l 7f'!J/he Jty o f.PI(Mlh ( $ 1Alllene for befe $nvleeteneet 71/dW/d7 lp

                                                                                                                 - #WO41 Du .seet bwppleaseleeg propused #6Mdleet of f et t & sentlweguo of low I4O45WQl%4 Mul6th by 6ntersonste i e r' t ei nneidef ellMO ef I/04l9 mellen                                            ' *' " '                   *             "

for feopenong of teserd fet ente lentleeng eoneernbeg etelv- IdI UY' h A 'Dr ene h* '8 1/ild/07 llpp of*0he'eFL $e lefgo elli f eel p(PF (ife D- ( ft ( llisene fet 6dfe invigebetet f f / 445/ J 'P lp "F4041U0)14 fmC esteeseent of rovasse 401 (ortsfisele W/7/1104 4ul 7991160476 Cer e es t e Supeerestisel strer le se

  • graph evelating an Cefllfiteleph fr** t ae*****e e l l h of PA l. e t t s f 6 t e t e af 6,s 6
    ?f94Al% flWW4pge of f- W S Lettifleele of Mv6 eP4 i                                                                 effOceWil Of N Hisleg st Pf isPD, (      0684feHe for Safe levatenment                F f / GU / J~f         Jpp                          Hl' #8 V' l M            #' ent h I         ///ld'h6           IJpp f 404170441 Ap p l 4 f ent e ' sepig to p t op o s t e f i reW L ng e o f f et t & retticolone                7404 6 Mu ll e M e ap nod e le 4 ur r espondena e ea eeduo JJJ eestelutio frue Alli of law filed og NHC eleff 4 iniht lett et weener e fettefadele                                                   tell8f         Pub i kt heellh 4 esfolg era est69we&W endangerel by f eden 'ge estee64pe of hv4 sec l 4 tape,3 i         Bh ew, Pelleen       Fellt. 4 Itewtr4dge                 7 // 0 8 ' 80      Jhyp             #R Pf t*D' l        f. l l l 8 s 8 e for hefe in,etenment                 #7/id/tw               ly p
 #104 6 80 $JJ Or m e t grantpng low'edg gelenegen of perted e. i t h i n                           whl(h le   1404Jue ldff lH4684) 485te6e6 ewtherl46eg HHf to 44hlieve LP &n effeel oopig te propeted fladlege 64 NH C. 6 point inletvenete F646cg                                                  4 le *ete odd 6 f6nd6ege en un entented leepee se seg te deadl6he will to 7 70t130 Lertlfatale of het onal                                                               neeest te l e ewena e of f u l l - t e r e (#

Luf tlh e aloeit 16, t e l y and Lisonolog $oded Penel F#iM/04 4pp 6At O 4 0. L int felll hut tt fe A, i t/f tsN l' A t ee 4 lief ol g and 4agenegng Rheed Penel 7//lJ/49 44pp F4H41486 446 ieposto NNC eetegement af "Jereen Meestendue* wl!I be 7T0418018 9 Apeitterst's ee6petse le 6 hle r vettet e

  • helten tu fesope6det eutoilled b) e sid of den 4W/D.tetemeende AHl0 defer eng
    $ f ee l d 4 Dg e llese e t le leellfy te lepeele @f Leige 44tfreft                                              letsnelbg oglien unl44 ell talecent gofo le etalleb le hoeveste beard d ee.g eellan Lor!nferele of Evs e 64 5                                                          MO DUhHt N. H .J             br ens b i         /##1J/JO           #pp tsook.g i          Gh ew. P l t t een, Pult e , 6 Irewbredge                 /f/09/OJ          6pp 140Rivuu40 1.emeente en enelue of steem genereler Subs loweeligendene, 74048/De96 Fefwaree appbliehl"e feepeneet le tweel4Dbg e46eed On                                                   eleae 66fte creed et f, lden t ene l g e e s e hP WI for fee 49ef IIdg Alelled appeseente elelemeMle Coellf6aele of Ov6 enfl                                                          eprog guage 5 g oo t hb le 6 e vliellen of HP l pump 91ePR,3 L          Bh aw, P 8 % lesh. Pelle. & frewbr6dge                    11/09/DV          4pp              Mi 00MHt N H J                pr ens h l        F//LJ/JJ           Se p e-7904670501 Appliadal's teopeneet le tweeldene tatted t #* laealed                                           1904190'J1J ret' hoe reaelved & reviewed Am 3 V/ldlV Int $les estlegen opp e ee ops e stelemente                                                                                   $prept fet gler44ej b lgpagtephlsel t o v i e t one + NHC he e be Gl AFB , f i      Show Pielesh Pelle, 6 Ifewhf8ege                           PI/94/64          49pp         aseepilene le defielen 44el of euggested D ev 6 e behe eht I f i bfJ. 9      Of f 84 e of the Isefunive iegel Di t ed i SIP                          71/lJ/Ji            ffp p FWfl4190o le t oe wa r d e e e r s t e em o e t se stors,el erssee appearing an pfepeted findingg of f et t 4 6ensles6en of law 94ted 710Hl9                                               79041 tejg4 y gngesve,ete* e e s sp li ers e le abit6el det4einne dig 774 Jig
    $4686en 4 ell s e r $ 19 6 8 elleet sendal4ene will be SM lWded in I)6                                         St Pf DHD f          (044 gene foi be f e B Ov i e' eneent                   f f / i d /'80        llp$

FB 44 & Uf flee of its tescullve i.egel D4t et te* #F/D4/DT '8p p 790490009J NitC edepence le Beleevenere 7FOMJ? mensen f es P9048 dol /S lklerveneve' esewest fee oddl 14 deve le file prief to a os emelde* eleen of ff0NOT eellso le toepen regerd for support of eeseglion le IflJIT inillel desleten t.ortif6(ele fufther leel6*eng (e* !lfl6 ele a f bv4 ene l of GM en() fl n4 4 Offile of t he f.a es all ye l eg e l D6reater 77/09/04 7p p kip $ t)MD. C Cllisene for be f e i nv a r osamen t 17/ld/14 Jpp 1

 .. - .      ...                . ~                   --            ..                                                      ..


        - 7904i.0227 in.te,vene,se enome,.te.      . .et t.n f e, s e, in 4,e. ied      i d..en. eien
                                                                                                                               ,90,4200i.4 er .enger   re.MBo-i2rd e.,.,4
                                                                                                                                                                  ..t 2    of ,,ep
                                                                                                                                                                                 .g t,.e the,mai svtting g o g. 4             stee.m ,i,e t.go go.g Re.eene 7,n230         .to,tsisaste .9        e. e..e,t c       ens to .o 9                                                                             ,.en s.f , ed , r.s .i ses. e sd. ,sitiS AEProR.e   . C. C i t i .ene ,or S., . Envir.neemt                    77,i2,2,.         i,
                                                                                                                                  nd e.N iLLi AM. ..d    .ie
                                                                                                                                                       .E Se,v        e s. i n.       77                3, , .

7904i9004: ,or.e,de NRC ,es,anees to ,e,sens w see iioited .,pearen.e e, de. 790.i,0,3 0e.t NR.C,,e.e.een ee to salien en f eo,r C,elegCert .i.niti.i..te of Sv.ioien ,en. ore.

           .e t. t.een e,s ..r in. 770405 770.i0 sees.ene e, evidentierg                                                          e . ng .entinv.t eerin.e sised reievent 4.estiene                                                                                  77.,2i en   i.

MCDURREN. H J S t ent h t. /7/12/ 30 2pp, NC9URRfN.H J Offtse of the Esosettve Legal Diretter. 78/01/25 lopp

        *-7904190043 NRC reopensee to env$ren (seves retted in $$e1*ed ap p ea renc e statemente                                                                                                   7904170941 Based en overwhole&ng statuteeg evidence 6 past ptectice of e       Seent h I.            77/12/30        24pp.                                                              ASLAS in ALA8-237 4 ALAS-2St e retweets intelal decisten in preseedang be resended to ASLB f ee evadent 6 erg rev6ew JAR 30E.C.J          Afftllelsen Untnewn                     78/01/29         3pp 7904170972 Stento roguest tv intervenees f ee estensten until 7D0330 to file treef suppor ting est ep 6 6 ens Have wett! 7D0113 to f6Le swppi eeme evegertiog setten for steg of inillet dettelen Dur LO. M E.       Ateels Saf ety and Licene ang Appeat Pene t. 73/04/03                                        7,04200306 Respones to metten tg Cattaens for Befe Enviten & Vert Of f -                                                                                                              Comeattee fe, Safe Enviten fee eleg of inittel des 8elen Affadevlte & Certifteste of Svs enet.

7905030248 Deales request to stenge date of 6eewense to 790103 einse not pefog to TMI-2 preteedings. LUTDN.E Alesig Safety and Licensing teerd Penet. 78/01/04 'Jp p 7904170 Sol Meme & order denging eleg of Deerd's 778219 escisten ALAS-454 re UL Cert a f tsete of Svs ent! purLO.M E. Ateetc Saf eto end Licenslag' Appeal Penet. 78/01/30 7904170393 E ugef t eene to intis t dec 6 sten rendered 6g ASLB en 770405 6 g 3p p 770610 Cet tl#1t ete of Svs ens t JARS 0E.C.7. Cern J Jert o e 78/08/08 7p p . 7904200308 Intervener s ' brie fing in support of escepttens to 771219 talt tel deslo ten. Swpporting desweentatten & Certif6 tete of 7904170399 Corrects 774259 Entetel desloten Certifieste of Svt & g,g engg esseptions to snittet detteten engt egppop0. C. Cstisene for Safe Env6tenment 78/01/30 69pp LUTDN.E. Ateels Saf ety and Licensing Seate Penel. 78/01/12 7p p . 7904:00331 intervenere* eppeel to Ceestolen for slag of intelet 1904870402 Intervenere ' espelemental oese in support of metten for eteg doclonen due to pestedural errors in hearing Certsfleste of of sat 4 6el desisten Certifisete of Sys engl. Svs eas t KEPF DRD. C. Cittaene for Safe Envarenment 78 /O t / 3 3 9pp stPFURD.C. Citteene fee Saf e Enve reneont 79/02/08 lipp 79041 D04 }9 NRC d oe s no t setend to reopend te pleading entitled 7904170400 NRC foguest for estensten of $6ee wnt$) 790224 te reopenee

            " Estop tions to int tial Dec le tsn' 6es avse CJ Jarbee le not                                                    to C 6t t aene f or Saf e Env6 ten 790130 brief Regweet stanted petty te preseeding                                                                                                790221 Certifisete of Svr enti MCOURREN. M J                  G r anc h 8     78/01/83      app,                                                  MC9URREN. H J                 Sfenst !           78/02/17          Spp
        **7904190444 *Escep t ten to ini g ten Des iesen
  • Delseves doctoien le in 7904500320 NRC tegves t for estenelen of time to 790224 to file reopense vietet6en of 8949 NEPA C et t l f ic a te of Svc end l, le Jelet interveners' brief Cettifisete Of Svt encl JARaut. C. J Cert J Jertoe 78/01/DS 3p p . MCDURREN. M J Grensh 1 76/02/17 2p p -

I 7904200300 rer rde d. .mente res.est.d tg County of Svefeit.Nv. 7904200302 Ree,ense tg applicent to esespisens reseed *g interweaere 771223 n.tise 4. p,.dyce w/. .nci Cati,.no f.e S.f. Env6 ten a vert Ceemities for Sefe Environ l MUR PL R NO. R m Of enes 4 78/01/16 2pp to 771219 lat tien dec 6e ten. Certif ttete of Syr enti


TRDWSRID0f.0 F,. BL AkE. E L. Show, pitteen. Pet t e, & Trowbridge 1 79/02/47 90pp I 79041DD339 Setof an eupport of esseptions to 6mit 6el des 6enen. Concludes essluelen of evndence & vtews eenetitutee violation of 7904170590 Espresses outeego et alleget 6ehav6er by NRC. ASLS & ASL AS en Gestlen 102 of 8969 NEpA JAR $0Ee C J Cert J Jet t es 70/01/18 4pp ,l,e a,v in dOEis&ene

                                                                                                                                      ,,,g    g, ,gg,, ,teg,,g     lit,ene
                                                                                                                                                                     ,, ,,,       p ret,eed ing ,,,,,,J ing,,,,,             Ohg , esg tge ,gg,,,

t o NRC,,, FEPFtme.C. Cittaens der Esfe Enyseensent 78/02/38 7pp. 7904 L7D473 App 4 6sente

  • request for two-dee estenenen of time in whith te f a te roepense to anterveners' supplementet esso Geented 7904t70571 Formerde sepy of appeal free potlic inteteet interveners by A8LAS en 7003 89 Cottaftsste of Svs enel Fe4 vesting Just 3Ce la NRC 's disputed lesensing presedyte SL AnE. 8 L. Show. P t tleen. Pette. 6 Trew&tedge 70/01/89 es p es nogleer reestee $4 censing sese Jpe4HRUD. J H tavarennental Costitlen en Nuclase Power N/02/20 79041705$5 NRC retwest f ee eatension of stee until 79042S to file toepense to suppl mese Reevest granted Certifatete of Svt ent l. 7,04g7090J App 46tente* fesponse oppeeing regvest be intervenere voet MCDURREN.H J Seanch I 70/01/20 4pp Comen t tee f or Saf e tavaren & C a t a sene f e' Saf e Enytten f ar eleg of snettel decleton Cortef &sete of Svt ent!

79044 70392 Af f 6 devil of We Runte TRDWARIDOE 0 F, Show. P 4 4 4*en. Pe t t e. 6 Treutr6dge 70/02/21 30,, GEANHnA Ts V A GPV 6ervic e Ceep. 70/01/23 2pp 79041003t7 NRC enewer opposing Jetnt intervenete ' estion f ee steg Certaticate of Svc enct 7904170399 Appi ts ents ' topig to entervenef e ' esta an for eleg op TRf 9 f. S , MCOOHREN.H J 3 r enc h 8 79/02/24 12pp inttlel detessen 6 suppl etee Affidavit & Certifttete of Svs ens l. BLAEE.E,L. Mettepoliten Edleen Ce 78/01/23 43pp. 79046704e9 Thard tegwest fee tilegally withheld license Intervenere regveet somedlete eleg of operating licene, to prevent , irreparable desege to themselves  ! 7904170362 Daemisses CJ Jettee's appeal free ASLS 771219 enttiel EEPFDHD. C. Cttleens fee Safe Enytteneont 70/G2/22 Ap des la ten S Jethee mee not par ts to ptes eeding but mee sentined to laatted appeetenee eletamentagennet appeel Deerd docleien Certif 4sete of Svt east, 7904170478 App 16t ent e

  • eet t en to entite intervene,e* 7p0238 Str of DUFLO. M C , Atenas Safety and Licensing Appeel Penen. */3/01/23 appeet to coverse silegal initial 6 # sn44 doc te tens 4pp Cetttfasete of Svs ens!.

BLAnE.E.L. Show. Patteen, Pette. 6 Trewnfidge. 78/0J/23 Sp p a 7904200192 inferee AaLAG of t=e setters to Tnt =2 repettlate of enester bide eeertenc y seeling beester peepe & sepetilAtg of 7904200299 Stief la reopense to esseptions & telef of Je6nt Intervenece s empressed e 6e sterling testne for dtesel generatore Citisene fet Safe E nergy & Yeel Cemettlee f or Bef e Envaren. MCOURREN. H J Office of the General Counsel, 79/08/23 2p p Certsfacete of Svs enst MCDURREN. H J e C HANDLER. L J. Drench 8, FESS,0 office of the Esosetive Legal Ottester, 78/02/24 61pp

        **7904200tS7 Reseemende snel Part 28 rept to gevgod pipe speel plete to sent to TMlag hearing toerd Notee defiaienty to bidant of gewges 4 not f ac t that gouges were turned in pipe.                                                           7905040238 permerde NRC 6flef in tempente le estoptsene & brief of vaSBALLO.D 3                   Aesistent Directee fee Lsght Noter Reactete                                        jeant gntervenere.

79/01/19. Sp. MCOURREN. H J Drench 1. 78/02/2d lp.

I 54 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 1 I 790409CJ35 Respense to etere estaen 6, entervener e Dr af t etter dengang 1904170344 Applatente reqveel to evppl entwere of counsel to A9L AB tolervenere' met 6en het d6retting ASLAN to tensider Rn-MWJ questeene Certific ete of Svt ent l lleve enti TN9WBelDGE,G $ Sh aw. Pitteen. Pot t s. & frowbridge 70/03/31 app EEli f V. J L Uffice af the Geeeral Counsel 6fCf=A-78-lO 7H/OJ/24 38pp 7904880 P2 Applatente' retueet fet preneererg conference re reden Isave Cer t t f atete of Eva ent a

              **1994&90241 Oppeeltlen by wtal le /poJO4 request free joint intervenern                           SL Ap r . E L     Sh ew. Pilleen. Pe t t e. 4 frewertege            7H/04/01             See C6ttsent for Eefe Enviton. & Vert Ceeesttee fee Befe Fnviron for eleg of lattlel deCleeen Affleevtt of WG Runtg b Certifttete of Svc ent!                                                                  7904amO318 MeC re6 pense le applic ant s
  • request to supp! (nuneel's ISLsW9N 10Gs . O F bl Ar,E. T L bh ow< P 6 t teen. Pot te. 4 Irembridge enevere to ABL.A8 700331 quee t t ene C er t a d t t ete of Mvc ent !

79/QJ/Jl 15p p MC QUNP$ N, H > 3rench a 70/04/05 3p p F90iJJO4Je Perwards reevestes d oc u*en t e r e th e 6 t een Hendrio's 7VO4 5 70~f9 8 8egveelt date to set for prekeerang tenforence to dascuge ser8658petten in rectew of Sears dettelen 'n*222 tenue 6 estabilen disc overy e<hedule E A#I'E L Wh ew, Pltteen, Pe t t e. 4 feewersdge 7H/D4/OA 2pp BL AQQ ll & L. Offlee of the Generel (evntel 19/OJ/J4 13 7904/ DOI 94 Pel e t t en te review & teet emergency eley of order granting 7904670.164 NHC entwer in support af esplosente' requeat for preheartng QL to Ung4 2 Perwards 6tlef 6n support of petallen Notice '"#" CII'I* E *** of appearant e & Cer t a fic ate of Hvg eng! E' ' *"I* I " l J I"'" I 7N#04#O# If 8 p f Pp uP D. C Cittfens for Rete Envareneent 70/OJ/J/ ipp 1904JOO 32e F o rwar d e eene which dies ut se, info re 6ehavler of ledIne

             *-7904J99dOJ Metten requeetteg hemedtete emergensy nojuttive telief to to                          dwetog postuleted etees generener tune rupture ettidente followed by more pereenent interleewterg anjutlly, reinef                                  MCEUNWE N H J            Breneh 1       7erO4/id        Ip Gupportt 7BOJ27 petitsen to review order granting ut Pf >F DPD C      Citatone for Gefe fnwireneent             7H/0J/27      (1993
                                                                                                               - 7404 2OO 33 L Distvetoe km*fG-0404 *ledine Sehester in P wff Cooling Age ieliteing Peetulated 9tede Genereter fune pupture Astident
  • 79043704'/9 Order dengtog interveners' eetten for steg of 7 7 L J 14 inttsel WM L Mt R. M H AseIstent Diretter for $ste Ansigens 7W/0J/2J ,

det6 sten evtkortaeng inguenc e ei operating i nt en te Dirette EfP q ASL AI le Cone (der environ effetLS on Nn CHILE.8 J Off6te of the Secreteeg of the Coe tes sen 70/01/04 y,, 7904 B SO J )J Intervener e ' oollen to geepel espoorente of T Gerusby Cer t s ficate of Svt ens I W F Pf DH D C Citasene for Gefe fevtronment 70/04/16 App 190SO 3024J Ac t cesalpt of 760106 ter t o w# Johneun'a prior involveeent w/effe(to redletten monstersng eye NHC h et no atJet t ien to 7995040J46 No v i ews A6 AN - 464. 6 e sued Dg 7HO pet for Johnson't tantanued partic6petsen in proceeding ,,,g,,g,,, g,,, ggg,4,,,,,,,,, g,,, AbiA,s

                                                                                                                                                                     ,,     en,,,,,,,3/7 Nng ,,,, , , , ,,i t l a n e McGUNWFN.H J             Br anc h 1      1H/03/04     lp ht LL L V. J L      Offare of the General Counsel                 SI C V. A - 7H- 34          70/04/J1 A8 8 1904 >>00 76 Pereerde nett.e of eveelettitty of nittel decnoten of ASL 9 ROGAN.W H             E nv le eneental Pe e lec t e D renc h a    /G/01/07        lp
                                                                                                               ,7904090J49 Rosends redon Astus la A91D w/daractsons to roepen record for retelpt of new evidence % for further beerings Perthen
               - 7904 300080 Ne t 6 t e of avettetilang of nnittel det t elen of AGLU.                             diesent of WM .Jo h n e en ent!

modifying final tupp4 toff 8 DUf L D. M E Aloelc Sefety and L6teneing Appeel Penel 70/03/27 ptQAN.W H ( nv ironment al Pro jec t s Jr enc h & 14/OJ,27 dpf g,p 1904JuO094 Forweede not ic e of evelletsisty of intttel secleson of Ast k 905 6 907a1 C en t 6 ree telsen e ent e lling 7n9509.gG preneering eenforence

                                                                                                                  " "#        'O' f&ndange of Initial det4tten tenter w/these of final euppi t o f f E. w/edded reggerements                                                          PA I AEAN h'I"M           Dottollng & Bervttet Drench                  7H/04/Ji PM W Pg . V A          Ategegent Diret t er for gnogreneente1 Projette 18/O.1/0/       3e p                                                                        --7901150709 Confleme reserwetten of courtrose for 7eOiov - 10 p r e h e e r i ng tenforente 6n Hereaeturg PA Heguest for reporting o vt ent i PL E ASAN f E M          Dec t e t ing & Gervites Drenth               '/p '04 / JO         dyp 7994870483 Orel ergesent on sclerveners' espeel free 771JL9 initteL decleien te operettog litense/ environ rev tow ptereed ing will te heard 7HOJTJ Cer ti f a t ale of Hvt enst                                                7904490JO9 C eep l e t rie of tedletten senteinns frne fataltig Lett!fitete JU PLO.M 4         Ateest Refety and Lateneang Appeel Penel                7H / 0 3 /041       of hvt enti
                 $pp                                                                                            NHL DWn A. P      Aff816eelen Untpown           '/H / 04 / Ji     Jpp 790419tX)l 4 P erwer e e order of UR Court af Appeele for DC dengeng                            7901100J13 forwarde applirent 700467 Itr se 86w revnted emell treek potettener C kopfordre eetten for in junc t ive t oi s ef                                      4.utA NPC will prevede laterse terrecitwo ettion Metter le IRf BO 9 A           Brent h I      70/01/10      ip                                           not relevent to teatrevereg McevWhf N, H J           Brene4 L      FH/04/Ji         Ipp
             -- 7904 4 V005 6 Or de r of UU Court of Appeels for DC denging petitioner C #epfat4't setten for injunettve relief                                                 /994170 )G J L s c onse e s ' teseense to a n ter venere ' ea t a an to feepet f AHL MC WOWAN MAlklmNUN UG (curt of Apped[e for Dt ety gg t of                             appeetente of f Gerutty Certif4 fete of eye enc [

Colomate Ciervat Fu/OJ/On 7p p Ot A> f . E L %kew P e t t*en < Potte, & f r owb e n d g e /peO4/26 19pp 79v4470104 Reseanse of C ommotiwe a l t h of FA appening a nt es vener s ' motion 1904J70416 forwerde f# netnce of oral argveent to 4espel appearenee of f Gerusag Affteevnt of f Gerushy & CHILE. G J Office of the Betretary of the Comessenen 70 / O.e d ! 3 f er t if ic ate of S es ent i ip C Ap f t' N y W Pennegivense. blate of /H/04/JA 33pp i 1 t 7904190357 kotifies that 6 freeg w6tl present argueent for NHC en 7904370564 Motion in a eneal teele proceedings to receive new evseente ce 7H0 ]J J NkL telteves retets should to reopened for redun rolesees & essegseted beelth effette Affleevnte 4 enterveners' eppeel t e ene t t en effect of U fuel tytte Certiftrete of h vc enc L [ TMF BY. 6 A Brenth 1 1D/0J/11 app GM'MWMAN. M J Offise of the Genere! Couneet 7ts/04 /P F V7pp l 7904470966 Wesponee le outettled snfo en directed tg le (ltifens for Re 4 York (eseittes in.ireneont.i C o.i t u en en No.ip.r Powe,thallenge to N C .b,eing

                                                                                    ,s.,e t le                    e, se 190,439014,H               NHC is respongete pei..p,,e  f Go,..      y se e,fe invite.n l

i.,en.e ,,e eedings et emaiser , ewer piant witnee. eln reviron.ed re..n ,, or es leg Co,iif .. e of svt on i OC HW8. let N. R S Benete /h/01/JO 1p MC GL*RE N, H J He ent h 1 10/05/01 9pp 1 7904090414 t apret ee. e,pr et iet s en for 6nfo upeate ce attivities of 790419009H oe nte intervener.* FuG486 entlen to reopen record ee s.eup f#etren feelellen en Nutleer Power NRC het been sentested of emergency planning Mertte of e#Llen caresed w/eppeel from w/ respect to seewet te16ed by C #epford ASL B 171214 Insttel der t elen C or t s fle ste of hve one i SC HWf LEE R. R S Sonete /M/03/dC le Dus t n, M E At oo s e befety and L 4t ens 6eg Appeel PeneL 'Fu /OS/OS 6 7p p 190417056) Ord er romending pn desue to Mits../directaene to reopen roterd to retelve new evidente A4LS will held hearinge & 790419Q141 Intervenere* re to NMC me t ten did /HO4J7 l to,,iemenisi ini iel . en ,an.eiidate ,re,eedtoge ,openge ey.eei en d..umenis re , eden e .h e

                ,m e,n. or Lo. n i . At.ei. ne,ety e
e. A,,e.i Penei 7./03/,7 sent t. .ii iniervenere ceri.fl .te of ... en.

tOpp kiPf tFD. C C6tesene for Gefe inestonment 70/09/04 app

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ss 7,0.i.oa..>>.o..n...................n....,.o.,,.....,..n...

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treffic dote

  • A t ee t c Befety and Ltcenenng Boeed Penel 7B/10/10 3p p e Of fic e of the Esecutive L egel Direc tor 76/11/17 45pp 1

7904250397 Farwards FR net s c e of eveslentlity of 781013 order for --7812270052 Forwards teetteong to ettereft creghes covetang a real crash I 1 med of tLesase density at TM1-2 6 off-runway crash probatsllttet CHl(R. 8 J Office of the Secreteeg of the Comelesten l Sp 7s/10/le MOORE.R . ABRAMSON L Office of Manegement and Prosese Analgese i 70/11/30 1.pp I 790S090221 Peevides info re Repford v NRC. DC C irc u i t Nuot er 78-1933 7612130alf Memo 4 erder te AL A9-SO9 Any party who e n segr ees w/ ASLA9 Plaintiff seete jud6cSol rev8ew o f AL AS-4BO insof er og .pproach re reden omisstens should file brief withan 4$ dectaion effects IMI proceeding Not 1stely to te outst.4ned dogs tg courte E lLPER IN. 8 F ks LO. M E Atoest safety end Licensing Appean Pane 1 7D/12/06 Offsce of the General Covosel 78/10/24 2pp  !!pp

   --7905090225 Provideo sofo to #epf ord v NRC.DC Catsuit Noober 79-8933 Pleantiff teens avd6clel revse, of AL AB-490 on ly insofer es                                     91219030 7 8 0 s p ond e to 701121 ASLAS ordet 6 infores th.t NRC will be decasten effects TMI proceed 3ng will toep infereed                                                 represented at forthce*6ng hearing on aircref t c rash tegue EILPERIN 5 F          De f i c e of the General Counsel                76/B0/24         1p          by EA freeg & RL Black C HANDLER . L J         Offace of the E sec utive Legal Ds tec tor.              78/12/01 1P
   --74D5090230 Provideo info te kepford v NPC.DC Cartvst Nu.6ee 79-1933 Pl.intsff seets sudacsal review of AL A8-490 onl y snoefee es dec6 sten effects TMt preceedang Wi!! heep Anformed                                              7904 4 9 032 F orwa r d s c op y of teat toong whic h F AA will be sponeering at gALPERIN B 8 Office of the Genere n Counsel                   78/B0/24         1p          NRC 781211 hearing on operations et Haer n et urg Inti Altport W/o enct SL AC E. R L          Beench I         70/12/01       2pe                                          1
   --79050902J2 Providet info to kepford v NRC,                                        Noeter 70-1933 el. int.ff toe.. ,.dicies review of AL A.-.DC                       C 6 t t u t t e, ao enig                            7904i930Si w i tne. .e s L,.o. v.ete.s conientions in anvseon b..rtng
                                                                                                                                  . person. from Co.t senefit An.ig. . 8,ench .s.igned e.

dects,.n et,ects rMi ,receed,ng ,ii tee, in, s. me.i n,e f e, ) F ILPE RIN. S F Offste of the General Counsel 70/10/24 Sp VDukUBLDOD.8 J Coat Benefit Anelgets Beenc h 1p 70/12/06 j 7904190020 Forwares 7B0929 memo free HR Denton to Coeos es s ener s te fare 790104030S Act A5L AB 78L121 order intervenors will be represented in protecRAen regeerch lett conducted tg WL f** ended proc eed tage by Cheunceg ke ford MC DURREN. H J pranch 2 78/B0/26 to #EPf DRD. C Affittetten Unknown 70/12/03 ip

  --7904190029 Deded nottittetten of vt f                                            r             teste  7904170SB2 Ack Board ordee ete 7H1121 C popford will represent                                         j accommend. reeutt. he sent to all 6.&re protectlenord s sinc e e,             e.t es s.

ear c h intervenors generst  : VAssALLO. D e mEPrDRD.C C6ttsens for Befe Env8tonmen* 78/12/03 lp Assistant Dates ter for Lsght water Reectors 79/10/02 tp 7908020391 Act receipt of ASLAB 791878 order echeavitag ev6dentsorg I heerang on attereft creth probattlety foe 701211 Author will 7 120so090 rer.e,de recent NRC eseo. re ,,otieme setecisie, w/,,,e ,epte.ent PA ) support base plate design which apply to factiety C AN TER. m W Pennegivente. State of 70/12/04 Ip MCOUNRf N. H J Office of the E retwitve Legal Dgrector 70/11/14 9p p 7012220141 Notice of appearance of AJ Weltters on behelf of utt! Certafstate of Svc enct 7912040264 Motaan for patention of time for filing teetjeong until WF ISS AR D. A J Shaw. Patteen. P ot t e. 7 Trowtetage 70/12/05 3pp 7911 R) Certifacete of 6vc ens) CHANDLE R. L J Deface of the Esecutave Legel Dstector 7B/11/15 app 7n42270360 F o r war d s professtonal evalafacettons of NRC wa tnes see 4 7904670368 Motion for estenston of time vntal 79t117 for filteg "Tetje of Effecttve Asrceert lopect Target Arse" snedvertentig coitted from NRC testimong on 70tL30 testteeng Certif&ceto of Svc enct CHANDL.f R. L J Grenc h I 70/11/15 4pf CHANDLFR. L J Office of the Esecwtave Legal 06tector 70/17/03 20pp 78121'J 017S F orwar d s p or t t on of NRC teattoong te date telektng to US Air Certler crethet & creen lofo for heavy ellitery electett 7042270366 forwards sevised page to tettheong of J el on C HANDLER. L J Of fice of the Esecvt sve Legal Diret ter 791130 4 errate theet to lettloong Of R Moore % L Atreeton 7H/11/17 pt aCg, p L 84pp offic, of th, E ec o t o ve t ,ge n Di,ec to, 7eit2/06 4pp 7D12040166 EvidentAe's hearing on marc raf t crash protettisty 1seue w&ll 7Bl2270114. Not 4c es of appearanc e f or RL BlactaSA Treng & JF Scsnts toneente et 9 Mageettg Cowcue Rete of on behelf of NWC Certsfcete of Svc enc ! PA Heges of Reptesentatives.Hetttstwfg PA staCa. R L Office of the Esecwtave Legal Directe* TREBW.S A - [kF LO. M E Atee6e safety and Licensing Appe4J Penel SClNTO.J F Hee'inge Divssten 70/12/08 See 7G/11/21 app 79122003 4 Forwards Totte 4 Revteson E ptoweding anfo re weather candstnons prevellang et tsee of actidont shown on Table 4. 78tJ1300pH Ac t terelet of ASLAB 781126 steer scheduling evidentaety type of reder 4 cowsettve fectore heerhng en electett steeh ptstabiltty tesue et 9 DOes. Monday C HANDLER. L J Of fice of the E secut swe Legen Direc tor 70/62/00 791211. 20pp CHANDL ER, L J Sp Off6ce of the Enscottve Legal Director 78/11/22 7904170419 Nettco of ap p eet enc e of R Blact.S frety 4 J Scinto es counsel Pot NRC Certifstate of Svs enc! 790dL703na Schesvies 793211 ev6dentterg hearing a n Heer s e6vrg PA ce BL Acu. e L Branch 3 7a/12/00 Sep i electest trash precettitty Certef acato of Svc enct o Atomac Befety and Lscenetog Appeel Penel j 7B/11/22 Opp i l i 7901180290 forwarde trenterapte of heerlag held en connection w/ ' proeped6ng to soDJ factitty W/ovt enct 7904240596 Feeweede 701421 eeder setting date for evidentterg heettrg C HANDLER , L J Office of the E ecutive Legal Detector 70/12/10 CbJLA.5 J Of fice of the Secreteeg of the Comet es t en 78/18/27 lp l I 19 l I 790112002B Provstes copses of "Wiet Assesteent Review Group Rept" l Te&22304SA Att recetyt of 781128 erder scheduling evidentaseg hearing to ABLA8 4 to interested perties an proc eedsng NRC to en 791211 en plane gresh preest li s ty Doth fespondent & AJ proc ese o f develop 4ag pelscq statement to rept ketenced will represent sp e l a c en t s MCQURREN.H J Offste of the Esecutive Legal Datectet 70/82/20 TROW 3 RIDGE.0 F Bh ew. P t t teen, Potte. & TrewtPIsge 79/11/29 1p to

58 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 790, iso 43 Con,,,e. 7902,i ten on re conferenc. on 74030S .e..est,  ! 79eio200i. orents testing so., in . , roc.....e e..pted no t i f i c a t i on if 79o4os-o6 3. nei . siente for ev.dentiary in 4.cisi.n AtAa.So9 Diec .see impiteetion, of geeniing hearing Setione en ettgiftet hearing ochedule At ee n c befety and Licensing Appean Penel 79/02/21 is Atomic Safety end Lateneing Appeal Penel 79/12/21 DUFLO. M E. Di)FLO. M B Sep 7901230297 F etwer d e responses to AL AB -309 Thlety-day petnod for 7901580329 flee with6n which Commisenon seg detero6ne to review reopenses to doc ument s shell een from 79030$ Br RVTSd 1, R M Ateetc Sefety and Lic ensing Apped1 Panel 79/01/01 d es t e s on ALAS-S99 to estended until 790112 Spa CHILM. S J Of fice of the be<retary of the Come6seson 70/12/26 3p p 7903160293 Esteeds unt61 790322 tsee within which NR C edy detereine 79012J0367 Intervenees' metten to present es tnesses 4 ef fleavs te ce r ev i ew ALAS-525 CHILM.E J Of fice of the Secretary of the Cometseson 79/03/02 elet ref t flight patterns over alte Urget A$L A8 to inatiate 1p investigetben inte everflight $$swe Certificate of Svc enti e t PF DR O. C A88sisetton Unenowe 78/12/27 10,p 7903160316 Confires 790404 ev6dentserg hearings in cu r r s t h we g. P A BMWVfBME.R M Atokht Befetg and Ltconging Appeal Penel 79/03/OS 7904170404 Intervenors' motion to present witnesset & efftdev116 on 297 e6*cteft flight patterns ovec TML Afftdevat & Certlficate of Sec enc! topp pfP8 DPD. C Cte t sons f ee 6ef e f.nvironment 70/12/27 7903210305 Deders further evadentleey heet ng on eircrest crash protab6lltg iesve en Heer1949tg PA.on 7304t4 Partive shall indste A% LAB gestelseg of somee of representat4 vet 7905000045 frenocrapte sent w/7st218 lte we'e altdirected Foewerge DUFLU.M E Aloete Safety and Lacengang Appeel Penel 79/03/07 sp anotmee copy h/o engt C HANDLER. L J branch 1 79/01/02 ip 7904230398 Foredres FR no66ce et 4,4414s316tg of 790]O7 ordet for further evidentierg hearing on eletreft crash probabtitty 7902G6CLIt Affidavit of fiteing that supp le attacted to testnoong op a#8Ve JM Vellanc e wet e propered et tupervised by B Feelen & are CHlLM.S J Offige of the Secretary of the Caseltston 79/03/00 true & terrect 19

p. APL AN, 6 Bhew, P 6 t t een. Potts. 4 Trowbraege 74/01/09 10 7904090277 Act receipt of ant A3 790307 order scheduling 19Q404
        --7902040184 Ap p lic ant 's motion to coreect JM vallence 701211 teetteong                  c o***nc e**n t of further evseentierg hearing on strcraft et page le W/ enc i certected page IR.effneavlt 48 JM Vallence                       crash protabellig Certificate of Svc enc!

efferaseg eetheeststel correctmens. & Certificate of Svc We lS3 ARD. A J Sh aw, P 6 t teen, Po t t s. 4 feowbridge 79/03/09 2pp TMOWBRIDGE.G F th ew, Patteen. Potte. b frowerlege 79/01/12 Sep 7904030376 Act recetat of 790707 order 6 edreses " " thet NRC will to

                                                                                                    #*'*" ' #               '" ' * "U        '##'*'     '               ## 9 7904170469 Affidedit ettesting that S Feplan ptopeted or supervised                                      '                                              '

preparetten of Appe A 4 9 to supple

  • ental tottasong of JM Vallente F APL AN. 9 Afftltetson Vohnown 19/01/0H ap 79040902J9 Aete for permanent riesing of plante fat safety r***ene C AMP 9E LL. M Affilsetton Unenown 79/03/14 lp 1901190027 Suppl teetienny 6f JM Vollence re ettleeled het fretwency Peevsee, conculetsons for teneoff 6 tendtag ectidents 7904100061 Forweres subpoenas ***ved re hearing into att leeffic Cortsftcete of Svc enci 19/01/09
                                                                                                     ,ettern, og Heert, surg ingt Aleport 79/03/14      7p p f prMDH j DGE. G F      Gn ew. Pitteen. Pet t e. 4 Yeowbetige                           C HANDL ER. L J             Branch   1 7lpp 7904190027 Forweres evbpoenas aseved on D L 6 thgow b DL Uf f ord 7402030JJ1 AppLacent's response to antervenots' 701227 setten to                            CHANDL.fN.L J               Sranch t        79/01/14      4pp present witnegges on e sec raf t fitgnt patterns totue Questsono rele<encg 4 tamelinent of addl testseong TRowpRlDGE , G F        hhow. Petteen. Potts, 6 Yeoweensgo           79/01/10         7904g0004g Foeweres suppt testimong sg R Moore & L Abtesson in tosponte Ilpp                                                                                     to AGL AB commente en AtAG-525 TRi gY. E A            pr enc h 8      79/03/16       1p 7901250J41 NRC en eve r to 84tton by intervenete Vort Committee for e                    --7904100031 Suppl testtoong of R Moore & L Abreesen in response to Ee f e E ny t t on & Catacone for a Saf e E nstron. to present                               AL AB-525 C omeent e c onc e rn a t t p lane c r ash presettlities an watnesses & effadevste on elecraft flaght pattereg                                            *            i8i CHANDL E A. L J      Of fic e of the E secut ave Legal Dseector         79/01/16              MODPf 'R' ' '" Abp AMHON. L        Metropoltten Edisen Co           70/G3/16      S4pp I2pp 7904100044 E spreeses conc ern es use of nuclear power b terommends toner 7902/00444 Anewees app lic ante
  • 790112 setton to correct artore in JM power et ellernative Formerde newspaper article describang vallence*e testtoong. hee no objectaan to oneson cettefacete a nc ident s b t ened an t e.i n oec t i v s t y in este eres of Evc enc i D-L UNR, J . Mi l/pek. M Aff416etten Unknown 79/03/16 2pp CHANDLt R , L J Office of the E secyt swe Legal Directs, 79/08/29 Ilp e 7904100021 Ruppi testseony of JM Ve llenc e & B e sp len t o AL AS- SJS Clortftet details of spettel dtettsbyt!on endel veed to 7902530040 Inferet of forthcoetag hearing en Lending pattern & other descrite airplane hat protettittles in encinity of teactor actues.w/teatteeng free interveners Cattsens for Lefe 'S C*'4188'*'e ## *"83
             'n< tron & York Committee for Gef e Env ar on                                               M A C .J          >    APL A 9'. C    Af   1 etten Unknown         79/03/20     54pp SHARFMAN,J f         cent %efelg end Licens8ag Appeal Pene g DUF    LO. M E ,22pp 79/D2/01                                                                             7904110133 7orwards braaf hg D tec t as setsted free 799301 order Dente, request by C Aspford to eccerpt paget free doc umen t s filed in TMI proceeding far eer to savelved partges 7904170$53 Preitehnerg aseelnetten & enelgate of evtsence weg                                                    Atoose tefolg and Licensing Appeal Panel                  79/03/22 W A L O. M E performed wie tenefat of peopened rendaige 6 ronclustent of                               4pp partnes Hearing on landing pattern tweetton deferred Cattaeng for Befe Environeent           19/02/01     24pp
             #E PFORD. C R 7904tOOSL3 In f ores Board thet NR C he, ugeg effec-ttve target area venue other then 0 I stuere estes an Hertsville.Ptigree.Seabrook, 7903070223 Conftens 790J21 telephone conference to settle 6esves to be                        Hope C ree t . Sur ry. be li e f ont e. De lade ve & Vog t l e p ret eed i ng e evethet heard, timing of heerang & subeataten of propered                                                           Scench 1        79/03/23      1p teetteen, CHANDLf R. L J Atomic Esfety and Licensing Appeal Penel              79/02/06  sp Duf LD M E 7904170567 Urges shotsown of TMI Forwarde newspaper c1spptog on F903850200 Intervenors' response pee AL AD- 5D9 in oppeeltion te                             pesalble heel 44 effects of plent ELJHF. J J         Aff416etsen unknown             79/03/27      Sp ade stateus* theorg #11eget theseg ignores neeve of eign&#tcent & substanttet releases of todon-222 to envaton Certtfttete of $ve enct MTPp DRD. C Affilletten Untnown           79/02/19     37pp                          --79041703 73 f ee le plant should be shutdown peradaently for eefety restent Certificate of Ovc enc i kLUNk. M . kLUNK.J J              Affiliation Untunwn          79/03/27      3p p 7904190'J89 Re epend e to de minimos thesty & ALAS-SO9 Interveners' prevlogs filings have toen ignored NRC c ent 6nwee to                                7901560193 Beerd not t f tc etion teatter Anspector concerne to 06W plents deseeteed teleases of Rn-222 to enetron in vneletion of                                  vAssAtLO.D e               A.sicient Di,ect.r for Lighi w.te, Re.ciert

! NcPA Certifcase of s.c enti 79/03/06 2pp mz Pr oRD, c citiien. for saf e Envie.neent 79/02/19 3 app l

1 i l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 59 7,o ,eiei9. .eerd non ,1.. lion retent t ,,o425o4,4 in t,enet.nt, Moreissue,en,e. ,p en s to

                                                                                                                                   .r e.eter.ener e rn.O    .

e .,pe.ire .een.,,erw.,de eu so.,. co.p ee.,tL e, ell..di.. e se ,s.. e e..iu.t..n. to f rd C.P ..t,r..e.,ete,Co.r e Ase otent for, .efety ,9,03/i. 3,, Ap, oL -ef. D w,e

                                                                                                                              . en,<i..e
o. of th. c.e.vt..e to..i Dire ior 7 2 / ne / O. I, 19o.2iOo.o ..epende to 7 0,22 re,.est 40, ,n,eP. sta r.ies...n, ,904240097 n,eter ,or . ,, .. .e for ,. den in r .-> .l.e e,te, s Prope,Co.rre,te o.h.t le do<,et

                                                                                                                                                                                     .e,.e4 So- se,. r , e. .en,i e, en.! rd,0io p,               to de..eisp w . te sent to ~ C 6, 79o40.e t                  i.                                   ,i ~n te C,.eeeted.e                                                                                                                            en u rr~ v . i..

Co e,seiem oi re < t er.t. e,ti ene n. e...n.e D.. e.en 7,/o2/,. 343, < P r .L. ,.i975,,er,, i2 ip H benefel t err ee p endent e 19Q4tHOOQL F of 740215 lty free util to hkC te QA

 .._.. __.._ .. _ .. _ ...                                                                                       er,en,,et,orwards,topg
                                                                                                                                 ,n or,, ne, itr         w.e no.e, Pete..ed AHbWR D, N C        Metropeltten idleen Co               74/04/24          dy p 79,.27 004                         e                       P ...e e n n,  .A,e .          4dend.
       -p          r e.,we,d
                          .e. e .8 o,n,e,t . .


                                                ,0,t . e i t r ip
                                                                                                              .-7904iooOo2 .ee,en.e ie 7.oi,2 re..est for ,n,e re oA e ,en,,etten Amend 7904270019 forwerde puelac ennevncement of leeuence of CP                                                           45 to FBAP for Un64 I identifses info requested Unit 2 F SAN HAMA 15. J A         Office of Putlac Affeire                 69/10/2]        2p,                                will to outeatted within one ween AHktX D. R C        metropel s ten Es t een Ce           74/02/13          1, 7904lnDOO9 Mequeste all meeounicassene to applacent to sent to un
    # 6 t t er JG Mil le r 4 RW       4. award                                                                1904200162 Netsee of appearance of NL Blace in p ret eed ing Certs#6: ele hilDlo,4 f           Metropellten (4 teen to                69/1L/07       app                                8 '8    '"81 st ACE. R L           5t ent h ' '/ 4 / 06 / 2H       2pp 7904240L66 ,orweede itr troe kw Mettett.Lacog peoster Clut esproteing enjoetiene te plane to install nuclear restter east of ag,                                               TVO4240096 Dettree to know reesene for worn &ng engne postad ereund 9 enetoed of west                                                                                           f enc ed
  • La storage tente neer ette C Abt , C P 9enete 70/04/2n 4pp IICHV L Aff88tetton Uetnown 14/15/04 le 1994210756 Mesponde to /OO1JS Itr te President Namen Diervenes 790423D0 3/ # eque t t e all errespondente re fac616tg to sent to reopene63816tg of utile & AfC in nucleer reerter #C Arnold developeent. tenet.operetten & regulesson L AWYf.R < L L Metropellten Edleon Ce 75/01/)l Ip ROHN IG. P A Ateelt Energy Comosetten iPre 1975t 70/04/2A 7pp TVO42400J1 Confirme t elt en w /E Detthettler re re(ve a for bearing state
 -- 1904 210 7 h2 F o rwe r d e 700'825 ler to Presteent Nisen f ree Lat eg Becoter                             NASUN. M M              Docbettng & Seevsese prenc h                                  dpp Club re environ effeste of for6144g Ltr etence oppeeltton to                                                                                                                   /S/0J 20 location of plent near natural retources e 6ederet Energy Pegulatorg Comeseston                          70/04/21            hop 79042304 7tl F o rwar d s tenetstuent's 790110 Itr ee red s eec t s we get leek for resig f9et& MAN,E D           Howee of #ep         #5/03/04         :19 p
 /904240151 peopende to 700121 Itr free R tuttett to ow4 leet power plant setng t en s t r ut le d Sg Jereog Centrol Power 4 Light f6rwarde aseg of reple Le en earlier 8tr W/o ent i Pe lCC, H L         Ateelt thergy Co ieteeton iPre 19/S)                     70/06/24            1p      p9o4;go4 FS F o rwer d e responses to enc t renettivent lte forwerded Gy ED tehlesen 750704 lte GIAMWuBS4 A           Divnoten of Weetter Llcenelns fMFN-1975 enigi 19/04/25         dop 7904240151 Foewarde lhe from C ( nec ern over nwsleer power plante scheduled for tonet peer Phltedelphie PA WILL I AMU. H A         Genete        71/O.P l 7       2pp                                               1903080402 reewar d o MHC pegulet t ene Perte 2.20 So.St.71./J 6 100.en respen,e go 790381 totten request w/o ent t MCQVR87 N. H J             pr ont h $      79/03/16        lb 7904290115 4o44t6ent neve toen estetilohed eners putint ten aneser 4 desumente re oppiltettene under review for CPe 4 04e Liste P D# eddrettee for 8erilithee                                                                            7,o4240337 re,werde thergte of les eetwenty et plant Aequeste DLVOUNQ.R C           Ateeks inorgg Cneeltelen 48te 19758                                                   investigetton 71/IO/IS           19      gcHW[lat H. N 6           Genate      79/06/06        2pp 790503v001 Conet activsties foe Un64 n effeits portsene eheuld to suspended.tvt one6te port 6ere should est $orwarde portsnent order to show sevee & dlatveeson of fette                                                      /9042/0122 Ask tesempt of /SG606 Itr te elleged eeturity prellese et MUNi j l NG .1 M                                                                                            YNI in,estigenten se seing performed will anfore of A l oe l t fnergy Co elteten (Pro 19 IS O                 'I l # 12 # 01     2pp    flodthge FNVIM. D F        office of ine f es s t een 6 fnferiement                 73/06/27           1p
 -+7909040002 Urder to ehny togee wah y offelle portlone of Valt 2 trene*Lteken lines should to suspenGed pondleg tumplellon af                                          7904210626 Forw4tes investigettwo test 50 209/75'lH le reopense to 64PA environ review Gupporting dosveentellen enci 7So604 regoest to elleged seewe6tg provb*** Sec ur s le enWTlln4G. L M          Alaene Inergg Cuoenetion (Pro l97S1                         71/11/24             e,,regg,ng eg,guage pre,e release oneg Spp ANDE Mil W A       Comettelen           /S/10/31        2pp
 --790,Y6000) O t et w e e i nft 4 findings re tonalderellon of twepenelen of TMI provestonal CPe 98nding MI' P A                      tron review Fereal                             -7904210648 Di st ug ese det411e of therget by two p l eta t soturity personnel deteregnettun to to6ng sent to fW en'r                fo publitellen                                         crititlteng securite precentbene et nusleer plente.telle for e

gny,gtggegien A tomi c E ne r g y Co**4eelen iPro 1915) 71/ll/22 21p p e Affikset&on Untnown 73 /Ofi/04 2pp 1904240140 Mequette te snow statue of ECC5 or if eye felle.what stepe e641 te leben to prelect publ64 Aete who le roepone6ble fee --790421064-) #orweret etetemente by securaty p er gorie e l re e,(urity e'e st us t i ng potlBC % for damage done probleet at butteer p l erit s Hog ue t t e envestigation of M E PF OH D. C Calisent for Defe inviron ent /J/OS/23 2pp prettee t4ADI p, N Affilpetson unknown 13/06/o4 Spp 79442'012e Heepende to 720926 lte Discussea handl6fiq of l' Hovetan teosteeng r e f ore AM B t ene t etenue of $4561644ee 6 -*1904210647 7erweree "fautRfe of Preactee lepos6tlen of (tw6I Pene l t t o o. edfety-related (enet probleme to TMI-2 w/teleted nollt e of v&olation to nonsoegliente in 6L EKH. f J A t eel t energy Coseleelen < Pre 1975: 72/llrO2 4pp destementatten of ette secwe6tg plan W/o ent i mm>TH. D F Offace of inspection 4 I n f or c emen t 73/04/10 29, 7904270529 Weependo to 720926 itr Dnetotees handling of C Havelen teetteeng tepere ASLD,sonst stelve of feclittles 6 7904210912 Ne opend e to hpC 7S10?! ilt to se(vtity Ident6 flee pratlee ce oefetg-related genet protloot ce fMt.1 errees from plant under cenet te operating plant Recoogende BL OCH, E J Ateet6 Energ, Co eletten IPre 19/9p 72/ll/02 4pp es*e seturity reguletsono shewld appig to teth WA0( H. 9 Affstsetten untenwn 75/11/30 2pp 1905860499 rerwarde 6nfe to pereennel shenges States FM Crimenne eesumed dultes of Befeng 4 Licenelop Manager for nPV tvg -7904210956 Perweres lE Inse Rept DO-Ju9//S-18 an responte to Corp 4 forweres ** <leed c orreappadent e di s te seve len 16et 750a06 lte requestens investssetton of o!!, sed servette Mit tJH. J G Metropoliten EdleeA Ce 72/ll/13 Ip pretl**e Concludes seewrity operatsene are edequate ANDt.RG, W A Ceeegegggn 75/10/31 2pp 7904270049 $orwarde prepeted reply to util queetten en etsffing h/a enc! 7904210620 Forwarde [tr free tonethLuont to lop es t of regent TM1 kf##TH. 0 P Ate *6. Energg Commission. Deputy Direc tos for techattel incidente en Peach gottee Rev6ew IPre 1979I 72/12/05 19 BCHWf lpEA R S Lenete 76/03/04 13


 --7,0 210 22 R.gve.t. in.e s t .g.t t.n of withdrawing , .etten i free              I rin.,ctoi soformation evt.5eets metatertos en all cenet & planning 3ROWN.R M         Affilletten unknown.        76/0J/IS      lp.

7904190010 Regveste sedl ante f6e revsom of financial gue 119 s c a t t ene . MDRR IS. P A Ateele Energe Cseelesten (Pro 19793 60/10/21 2p3 7904210539 Responds to 760301 Itr centenning conceens of RM grown es plant ac t ivities F orweed e WASH ~l400 steeg. eeend to Peach Settee lisense & Reg Guide i S6 W/e ens! 7T04210600 Requeste addl inf o re c onst costs in order te complete DOS 81CK. L v. Office of the Esecutive Director for Operettene revsew of financial gvallfscattene info should to forstehod 76/03/24 Se e as amend to app t15 ellen Also requeste ' Annual Rep t 1968

  • MORR IS. P A Ateele Enesgg Cemet e n n en. Ottec torate of Licene nng 790S$60034 Forwerde aesvelty pectagee t o b e c omp l e t ed tg designated sPre-19/SI 60/10/21 See eeplegees f or eccess to cer tegn sectancel repte W/sonel DUPP,d A Dtvielen of Security 76/09/2S Sp 7904190308 " Annual F teanc ts t Rep t 1968
  • KUHNS.W G OPU Gerv&ce Corp 69/02/20 29pp 790S160026 Forwarde estre secuelty packete & fingerprint cards W/o enc t POPP,5 A Davneten of Geturity 76/09/09 1p 7904190447 " Annva l F inanc ia l Nest 1968
  • C01. F Metropoliten Edneon Ce 69/03/24 12pp 7904250679 Provides updated atotettetten last for environ rept supp1s &

emends 7904240863 Forwarde 1968 Annual Repts of Meteepetitan Edteen. Jersey DUNCAN.M Assistent Otrac ter for Enytreneental Projecte Central Power & Light & Generel Petite Uttle es part of 76/14/04 4pp Amene 8 to lic ense applacetten W/e east Tf DE SCO. R L Ateet c Energy Coeotteten (Pre 197$1 69/05/09 to 790h2006 65 " Commonweal t h of PA Disaster Operet6ene Plen *

  • Pennedtvente. Utste of 77/07/12 302pp 7904190390 " annual Financial Rest 1969 3DviER.R F sereeg Central Power & Light to 70/03/24 12p p .

F904190018 Forwarde neweesper art 6cles dieevesing blag of nuclear power p lents Request e Congre as senal investigesten of NR C . 79050B06 BG F o rwa r d s 'Annuel Finenttel Reste 1969" for Metrepellten Renewent correependence encl Edseen Ce & Jersey Centre! Power & Light Ce W/e enci shRguE.C.J Affittatten Untnewn 77/06/29 13pp. MILLER.J G Metropolitan Edteen Ce 70/04/06 1p 7904190325 Regvests c onsideret ten of c ons t n twent Ite requesttag 7904190017 " Annual Financ ial Rept 1970

  • teveettgetten inte fattore to canetier disposal of nuc!ser DODSON. N O GPU Bervice Corp 78/03/18 16pp waste tefere c onst of nuc lear power plants ME j hl. M J Meuse of Rep 77/09/21 3pp 7904150387 "Annva l F inanc ial Rep t 1970 "

BOVIER.R P Jersey Central Power & Lsent Ce 71/03/2S 12pp 790 50904J3 Ne t t f t c e t i on of appointeent of 70 Brhughton og esteng $ Lic eneing Manager. All a orresponeenc e should be d t r ec ted to TO Stoughten rether then TM Cetmean, 7904100410 " Annual Rest 1970

  • SROt/GHTON,T 0 DPU Bervic e Corp 77/09/26 le e Metropellten Edisen Co 71/03/2S 12pp 79042003t9 Respond e to 770926 ingutre to ite of C Jettee en licenstag 790$90010S Forwards *Annwei Financle! Repts 1970" for Metropelaten proc eeding e Describes e a f f erenc es between ACRS meeting 6 NHC E41683 Co. Jersey Centes! Power & Light L PA Electric Ce essdentierg hearing & tesponde to s emple tnts stewt latter W/e enct Offace of the fsecutive Director for Operettens MI LLER. J 0 Metropolitan Ed t son Co 71/03/31 1p D I RC K5. W J 77/10/17. Sep 7905070664 Forwarde " Annual Financ ial Pept 1971' for Metropetaten
 --7904200322 Forwetde ltre of C sortee to Itsenteng preceedtngs                            E4 6 9 en Co. Jer sey Central Power & Light Ce & PA Electric Co HE 1NZ . J     5ena te     7//09/21      Ilpe                                        W/o enct MILLER.J G       Metropelttan Edleen Ce         72/04/06     sp 7904230069 Responde to enci 770927 lte to president Carter weging ellernettve energy strategg Forwards DES & FES re                                    790S1604S3 Forwards Annual F anenc ial Repts.1972 W/o ens t c oe t/tenefit analg ees                                                                MILLER. J 0      Metropelaten Edison Co         73/04/13     1p FOUCHARD. J J         Office of Puelic Affstra           77/10/26      3pp 7904240200
  • Annual FanencieL Rept 1973" for Metropoliten Edtsen Ca.

7904170486 Certtitcate of Syc Jersey Central Power & Light Ce & PA Electric Co W/s ent! WILL I AMG. C M Of fice of the Secretary of the Ceemis sten 78/01/0S MILLER.J 0 Metropoliten Edseen Ce 74/04/10 1p 2pp 7904270670 Roguesto edel inf o re f &nenc ial suelefacettene to operate 7904200348 Wiehes to assure that IR FLnfrect is added te distettution facility & pereenent]g esintain e safe sholdown liet of all HPC c orrespondence ce focalsty PE TERSEN. J C Asetelent Direrter for Quelttg Aeeurance & HER$11N.J G Metropoliten Edteen Ce 79/02/24 1p OperatAene 76/06/24 6pp 79041D044 8 Regvest e perenes ten to one Me scrity Caucwe Rees to conduct 7904200047 Re49es te updated finenegal anfo to complete review of three-to four-day p ut i t t heering to 7MI epplacotten for OL Requests Info te filed es amend to S TEPHF NS. C . R Doc te t a ng & Serv sc es grenc h 70/11/01 10 applicetten VASSALLO.D 0 Light water Reacters Branch 4 76e07/31 6pp 7904190444 Requests into re piens for future operetten et Herriaturg Inti Aleport.Lacteding treendown et stecraf t type 790S070261 Forwards analge t s of appl & cant 's financial quennetcettene to CHANnt ER.L J Offlee et one General Couneal 78/11/07 le opetete & sf necesserv. shut asen & tafelg maintain factlaty SMDY&OL f D J Attistent Director for Qvently Asegrance & Operettens 76/11/20 6pp 7812190182 Bostog has delivered forty 727-200s to TwA fourteen are of 191 000 13 grees t es 6 we ngh t. w/teteef f weight of 190,300 le

    & landnng weight of 154.S00 16                                                        7905070397 Ferward roguest for eddl financten info for ehenge of bAKELER.J R          acetas Co       78/12/06      lp                                    ownerente review NOONAN.7          Anetelent Director for evality Assurance & Operations 77/0$/27      2p p.

7plP120092 Adutsee that Generet ten L tc ene n ng Sec tion IPredvetten Buserv6 stent oaved tac t to the Petteville Ptte necetten 79t213 perwards new telephone nvetets 7904200063 Forwarse ennval rests for Metropoliten Edison Co. Jersey MER$EIN,J G Metropellten Edison Ce 79/l2/12 19 Central Powe & Light Go & PA Electrac Co W/e entle. HERBEIN. J 0 Me tropolitan Ed tsen Ce 77/05/24 2pp P904190013 Confires 790305 6 790308 telcons re request for public 7904200069 Forwardo "Sevec e s of Funde f or Ceepang-Wide Cene t hearing space in Harr istve g.PA Ac t reservetten of Covetrose Espennatures During Perted of Const* in reopense to idRC Me 2 for use og ASt. Ag 770426 regweet for addl financial info STEPit.NG. C A Doc t o t ing & Bervit ee br a nc h 79/03/12 1p He'RNEIN.J G Metrepelsten Edtoen Co 77/06/2B. See a i I l 7+o4t70423 "ouTP Dne a t t e.e t e r iset Psach Fve ten Energy Center.setef f date for ! Deecri, tion .f Pieni - 79010S0130 Forwards i979 to me.t esemples cr iter i. re gof.renieeing esegu4te ca,shrei esp.lew & fececast ctiv. ,reasome I l AaELROD.D M Uni ted E ng 6neere & Cene trvc ters. Inc isons of votes Alternative S of Metropoliten Edisen 770701 ter, Rag tt een Ce ). 76/05/31 21pp HENBElN.J 0 Metreestaten Edtsen Ce 7B/12/29 app

I 1 i PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 61 1 7906120300

  • Annua l F i na nc i al Rept 1979
  • 7904240130 Forweed e Ender eeeent 30 t o MAFLU P o l s c g nr-73 e Metr opoli tan f d a sen Co e CPU Serv 6ce Cotp. 78/12/31 119pp GEPEfv.H F QPV Bervtce Corp 76/03/0H 3pp J lavoranc e 4 Indemn t t, informatten 7e091503S4 Forwardo Amend 7 to indeensty Ageeeeent 9-64 HERREIN.J G Metropsisten Editon Co 7B/09/06 iP 16elt of leettlity en Polic y NF-220 will be rat eed 79042,.10111.C ep cti. o,n
                           , e3f,,B ret                                                                ....e9,,03,.        Am.nd , te ,rdeentt, .treement ..4                                            ,

90A f fROCCHf , J Nuc lear Ener g y L tet t ll ty inevrance Astectatler. SALf gMAN. J Ant 6trygt 4 Indeentty Group 70/08/01 2pp l 73/12/03 1, 790424013S Forwards Eneeroement e 82 6 13 to NEll A Pel s e g NF-220 7911060092 Forwards copy of Ender ***ent i t o NFL I A g a nder EB-6S 44 RE7 V , H H GPU Gervic e Corp 74/03/11 1p MORE AU W N GPU Servtco Corp 78/10/30 2pp 7904J4013e Perwarge tagerseeent 14 to NFL I A Polls g NF-220 7901290227 Forwarde Endereseent i 6 2 to Policy Steder IB 65 secondaeg GE RE TY. H F GPU Berence Corp 74/03/29 233 financtal protectlen MOREAU.w N GPV Ee r v i c e C o r p 79/08/22 6pp 7904210744 Suppt 740409 teleg ree c onf e relag Nt11 A has tound. ef f ec t t we 740410,an ancreese of lists!!td 16est under polic g NF-220 7902130114 Forward s Endereeeent 36 to NELI A NF-220 He#FMAN.J. Nuclear Energy Lleellsty laturance A4enttetten GENE TY, H F General Peelte Utstittes 79/02/09 1, i 74/04/09 ap l l 7902130135 Forwards NLLIA Endorsement 2 for 96nder E8-S6 & E B-65 foe 7994240028 forwards Fndoressenta LS 4 le te NELIA Policy NF-220 calender year l'79 GE NE TV. H F OPU Gervice Corp 74/0S/29 3p p CERETY. H F GPU 6erwace Corp 79/02/09 3pp 7902260300 Forwarde certafted (optes of Endortement 31 to MAELU policy 7904270006 Forwards Endorseeent 17 to Nt'L I A Polic g NV-220 MF -73 For calender gear 1979 OEPE f f. H F GPU Berwice Corp 74/D6/19 kpp GERE T V , H F QPU Service Corp 79/02/20 2pp 1 7904J400 30 F orwar e n MAELV Po li c y MF-71 W/o enct 7903090840 Forwaede Endorsement 35 to Ah! Policy NF-220 UE N E f y . H F GPV Eervic e Corp 14/07/02 lp GEMEfV,H F GPU Gervace Corp 79/03/05 2pp


l 7904J70004 Forwards Endortemente l*ll te NFLIA Peltcy he'-220 W/o enct 1903090190 Forwardo Endorsement JH to ANI Policg NF-220 GERE f V, H F GPU Servic e Corp 74/08/19 1p GINEty,H F GPU Serv &ce Corp 79/03/OS 2pp 7904240120 Forwarde Endorsement 18 t o NEL [ A Peltcq NF-2OO 7903280263 pareaede Endorsement 32 t o MAEL U p e l s e y MF - 73 GFNE f y, H 7 GPU 5ervic e Corp 20p 75/01/13 GERETY.H F GPU Servnce Corp 79/03/23 20p I 7904240119 Forwards Endorsement IS t o MAf t y P d l i c g MF-73 4 Federt emen t s N Utility Final Safett Ana lg s t e Repor t (FLAPi 4 amende 20 & El t o NE.L I A P o l ic y NF-J20 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+---------------** GEPE ty. H F GPU Gervice Corp 79/04/21 4pp 7904270688 Forwards Amend 11 to applicat ion for Reestor Coast Perett b OL.incivding Sween 7 t o FSAR Certiftrete of Gvc enct 7904240104 Forwarae Endoreseents 16 & 17 to MAFLU Policg MF-73 4 MLLLFp, J g Metropelaten (dtton Co 71/01/04 2pp Endoreement 2J to NELIA Policg NF - 220 GENEty,H F UPU Cervice Corp 75/06/13 435

                                                                                                      --7904270609 Amend 11 to const permit appilcetten MILLER.J C           Metropolitan Edison Ce                  70/12/21          1p 7904240092 Forwaedo inderseeents E6,27,20 & 29 t o NFL I A Polic y NF-220 4 Endorsement 21 to MAELU Pollty MF-73                                                        7904)OO40C Forwarde prettennerg verstens of OL application & FSAR QERE TY, H p          GPU Eeevise Corp                   77/04/20    Sp p                        Deelenates RC Arnold se recaptent for f uture c ommunicat t ent from kR C MILLER,J G           Metropolitan Edison Co                  74/02/!S         83 7904240003 F orward s Endorsement 25 to MAELU Polic g MF - 7 3 GIRETY.H F           OPU Service Corp                    77/03/04    2pp 7904170092 Forwards Amend 13 to apatication for CPPR & OL, " Application f or Clete IO4e Utilisatton Fachleig Operettag Licente for 790424007e Forwards Endorsemente 31 6 32 to NELI A Pelleg NF - 220                                   TMI-2 =

GE#f 77. H F QPy Servic e Corp 77/06/84 3pp ARMOLD, R C Metropolitan Edaeen Co 74/04/04 3pp 7904270560 Amend 33 to appl 6 cation for CP & DL , "Appiscatton for Clase 7904240001 Forwards Endeesoment 20 to MAELU Policg MF - 7 J 1046 Uttissetson Factiltg Operating License for TMI-2

  • GENEf f. H F GPU Servic e Corp 17/06/14 2ep e Metropolitan Edison Co e Jer sey Centeel Power 4 Light Co e Philadelphte Electric Co 74/04/04 139, 7904240072 Forweed e E ndernemen t s 26 6 27 to MAFLV Policy MF - 73 GEREfv.H F GPU Gervace Corp 77/06/28 3pp -~7904270S71 "Annval Rest 1973
  • e GPU Gervic e Corp 73/12/31 44pp 7904210730 Farwards insurance binder sniscatang NELIA portion of tecendary finanttal protectson coverage se belag eeletethed -~7904270573 "Annval Fest 1972 "

9f RE TY, H F GPU Serv ic e C orp 77/08/01 tipp

  • GPU Service Corp 72/12/31 3epp 7904240069 perwards #snder a s -56 wh i c h tod6 cates that MAELU por t len of --7904270S77 " Annual Rest 1972
  • 4ecenderg f inanc ia l protes t ion c overage le poing esintenned e Metropelsten Edison Co '/2/12/31 82pp QERffV.H G OPV Service Corp 77/08/0S 6p p
  • Annual Rest 1972 '

79042403414 Aeend 6 to Indeanttg Agreseent B-64 hetween Metropoliten e verset C entral Power & Light Ce e GPU Setvsco Corp Edsoon Co.sersey Central Power & L nght Co Fenn Eles teic Co & 72/12/31 2tpp AEC did 731241 Deletet Itee 3 of attachment to agreement BALT2 MAN, J Antitrust & Indeontly Group 79/02/08 1p

                                                                                                     --7904270501 " Annual Rept 1972 "
  • Philadelphie Elestr6c Co 72/12/31 ISpp 79042 70J 78 f or wa r d s E nd or s eme n t I to Bander f.8-S6 6 Endoceecen t 34 to NELI A Polic y NF-220 f or pgleg includes ginder EB-63 re secondary financ ial prelec tion coverage W/o enct 7904190032 In response to NRC 74042S ter.util will tubest adel FSAR GERETY.H F QPU 6ervice Corp 78/02/14 (p info on seismolegg.geologg % foundetson engineering on 740619 790423033S Forwer ve S t 3 der 33-63 ARNOLD,9 C Metropelsten Edteen Co 74/05,02 to GERETY H p QPU Gervic e Cory 78/03/04 6pp 7904210663 Forwards Amend 14 to CP & DL in response to AEC 740319 addl 79050h0089 F or war d e Amend 6 to Indeently Agreement 5-64 (nfo requiremente Certificate of Svc enc 1, rW.ROEIN.J G Metrepei t ten Edison Ce 78/03/08 2pp ARNOLD.R C. Metropoliten Edleon Ce 74/0S/06 1p 7904240431 Forwards E ndor sement 29 to MAELu Policy MF - /3 --7904210669 Amend 14 to CP & DL incorporet nog revisione to FSAR CEHF.T V. H F GPU 8ervice Corp 79/03/20 2pp ARNOLD.R C Me tropelt ten Edleen Co 74/05/03 epp

63 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ) 7*c? 140S $ 4 F or war d s Amend 33 to F SAR. cl te 1s t ang o f responses to flest & 1 7904180350 Forwardo Amend IS to ess!! cation for CP & UL conesoting of j tevised pages to FBAR eddressing 740319 request for addl s ec ond round safety review questions W/o Cot t a f a cete of Sac ARNOLD. R C Metropoliten Ed soon Co 75/10/09 15 inf o Cert iescote of Bec enct ARNOLD. R C Mettepoliten I dasen Ce 74/06/03 2pp

                                                                                       --7905140S17 Amend 33 to FSAR                                                          e e Metresoliten Estson Co             e Jereeg Central Powee & Light Co
 --79041D03$3 Amend 15 t o F SAR                                                                                                                 375pp ARNULD. R C      Meteopels ten Edison Co       74/04/24    app                         Pennsylvania Elecitic Co            73/10/08 7904210585 Foewards Amend 18 to esp 14 cation for OL.consistle3 of Amend              7903140SS3 Forwarde tette of effective peces for FSAR 18 to FSAR Corts P acete of 5<c enc l .                                               LAWfER.L L. Metropoliten Edtoen Ce                 73/LO/08     2 Der AREDLD. R C      Metropoliten Edesen Co        74/07/15    2pp 7903540542 Forwards Aaend 36 t o F BAR. c ons i s t ing of re,1 sed responses te e sc end found safetg revtes questions W/o Certificate of S<c
 =*79042i3599 Amend 18 to FSAR                                                             ARNOLD.R C,         Metropelsten Edison Co         75/12/17     17 e Metrepstaten Edisen Co           e  seeseg C$ntral Powee & La ga t Co     e Penneg ivenn e E lec te te Ce     74/07/1S    14Spp
                                                                                       --7905640S44 Amend 36 to FBAR e Metropoliten Ed t son Co                os se     .enteel Power & Light Co
  • i 7904270472 Requests addl &nf e te potor t tel addl enoegg release from Penntgiven te Elec tr e c Co 75, '/11 2OOpp stese geneestees efter reflooding of core in eneigtas of postulated feector coolent ogs cold leg pipe treekg-TE DESCO, R L Atomi c Ener g y C ooms s e len. Dstec torate of Licensing 7905140360 Forwarde Amend 38 to FSAR w/respontee to eefste review (Pre-197Si 74/08/02 9pp guestsens ARNOLD. R C Metropoliten Edison Ce 76/02/20 2pp 7905140461 Forweeds Amend 23 to FSAR. c onoisting of toeponses to first eeu*4 safety review ques t ione. acc ep tenc e revtew questient & --790S140366 Amend 30 to FSAR e que ssent re setemolegg,geolegg & foundetten engsneetsag e Metropoltten Edleon Co
  • Jer**v Central Power & Light Ce ARKDLD.R C Mettepei t ten Edisan Co 74/12/19 Ip Pennsgivente Elec te nc Co 76/02/20 Sepp '
 --7901140465 Amend 23 t o F S AR                                                       7904240213 Rogueets notaracetten of rectapt of FSAR Amend 39.dte e Metropoliten Ed s oon to         e  Jersey Central Powee & Liget Ce       s       760409 Pennegivente Elect *sc Co         74/12/19    475pp                                GAMMILL.W P.           Oswieson of Technacel Review (NRR-197S enig) 7&/04/21         le
  /904250503 porwerde input tot staff posit ten on FSAR 8ec tion a 7 I Aloesc Ensegg Ceemsteson, Datectorate of Ltcensing                   790S140432 Feewards Amend 40 t o FEAA. c ons i s t ing e.           responses to edel S TELLO. V IPre-19736       75/01/13      2pp                                                    NRG concerne re round 2 & 3 queettons W/o Co .s' cete of Svc ARNOLD. R C          Metropoliten Edison Co         76/04/30     (p 7903t40331 F orwards Aesad 90 to FSAR.tecluding esspeesee to NRC 730100 I

Itr Certifscate of Swc enct I AR Not D. R C Metropelsten Edtsen Co 75/02/21 2pp --79051404S4 Amend 40 t o F G AR e

  • Metropoliten Edtson Co e Jerseg Central Power & Light Co l

f Pennsgivanas Electric Co 76/04/30 BSpa ! --7905140536 Amend 50 to FSAR Metre,sisi.n Edi.on Co e Jerseg Centrei Powe, & tig.t Co e l Pennegivente Elect *te Ce 75/02/2) 96pp 7904200104 Forwards info is be incorporated snto Aeond 41 to TMI-2 FSARedocumenttog responsee to info requests re GER for ACRS 760006 hearing

                                                                                            .vPNOLD. R C        Metropoliten Edsoon Co         76/06/01     12pp 790424000S Requeste nettistation of recetyt of F SAR Amends 34,15.21.22
     & 24                                                                               7904200096 Forward s noend 45 to FSAR.consteting of responses to addl E AMMILL. W P     Davisten of Techn .c el Peview cNRR-197S only)                       NRC conc eens to round 2 & 3 questson, W/o Certs ficate of 75/04/04      lp Svc ARNOLD.R C          Metropoliten EdLeon Co         76/06/16     ip 7905140436 Amend 26 to FSAR
  • Metropoliten Edison Co
  • sersey Centeel Powee & Lnght Co e Penneglvense Electric Ce 73/04/04 125pp --7904200$00 Amend el t o FS AR e
  • Metropelsten Edasen Co
  • Jersey Central Powee & Light Co Pennsglvente Elec tric Co 76/06/16 430pp 7904230u29 Requests not t f f c at s en of recetyt of Amend 26 t o F SAR dtd 750404 7904240018 Regvests notificetton of receipt of FBAH Amend 41 dad GAMMILL.W P Dtvaston of Tec hna c el fievtew ,NRR-1975 onig) 760616 75/04/14 1, Division of Technical Review ( NRR-197S on t g )

C AMM IL L . W P 76/06/21 2pp 7904290024 7orwarde amend to applicet ton for DL,secteding Amend 27 to FSAR 790514037S Forweeds Amend 42 to FBAR w/ responses to addl NRC c onc e rn e ARNOLD. R C Metroeollten Eatson Co 75/05/16 2pp to found 2& 3 queet tent Certtftcete of Svc enc t ARNOLD.R C Metropoliten Edison Co 76/06/30 2pp

  --7904280033 Amend 27 to FSAR e Mettepoliten Editoe Co           75/0S/16     32pp
                                                                                         --7901140379 Amend 42 to FBAR e Metropstaten Esteen Co              e Jeetog Centeel Power & LIOht Ce
  • Pen 6441 <ent e Elec tels Ce 76/06/25 35p p 790S140445 Forwards Aeend 28 to FSAR c ons a e t ing of responese to first &

tecend round safety review questions ARNOLD. R C Metropoliten Edsoon Ce 75/05/30 13 7904200024 Forweeds Amend 43 to FSAR in response to addl NHC c oncerne

                                                                                             & replaces 760715 outellten Cet t s f aceto of Svc enct ARNOLD. R C         Metropoltten Edtoen Co         76/07/28    2pp
  --790S140443 Amend 28 to FSAN e Mettepellten EdlSee Co           e Jerseg Central Power e Laght Co         e Pennevivenne Electrac Co          75/05/30    240pp
                                                                                         --7904200029 Amend 43 to applicot ten for DL tacorporating tevnted peget i n t o F SAR 7904240023 #equeste notafgretton of receipt of FSAR Ame. d f-9 dte                            o Metropoliten Editen Co              76/07/20      ISopp 790530.

CAMMIL.W P Davision of Tecenic al Review ( NRR-1979 on i g ) 75/06/03 7904200031 Forwards Amend 44 to application for OL in response to NRC 10 concerne. ANNDLD. R C Metropoltten Edison Ce OGL1226 76/09/03 sep 7900240019 Requeste nottfacetten of receipt of FSAR Amend 30 sti 750781 OAMMILL.W P Divisten of Tecapacel Review (MRR-1975 enly) --7904200037 Assad 44 to applicotton for OL anceepoteting fevsted pages 75/07/16 13 i n t o FSAR ARNOLD. R C Metropoliten Edison Ce 76/09/03 1p 790S140467 Forweeds Amend 32 t o F SAR, c ons s e t ing of responses to first & s e c ar.6 tound safety review questions W/o Lettificate of Svg 7904200012 Forwarde Amend 47 to app 1tcetion for DL.subeltted as Amend QRNDLD. R C Metropoliden Edison Ce 7S/09/05 (p 47 to FSAR Certifis te of Svc enc l. ARNDLD. R C Metropoliten Edison Ce 76/09/30 3pp

  ~*79051404F2 Amend 32 to FBAR                                                         --7904200021 Amend to application for OL.eubmitted es Amend 47 to FBAR
  • Mottopoliten Edleen Ce e Jersey Centeel Powee & Light Co e ARMOLD.R C. Metropolitan Edison Co 76/09/30 4pp.

Pennegiven te Elec tric Co 75/09/OS 230p p

l l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 63 1 7904290046 Amend 47 to FBAR 79CS140394 Amend 64 to FSAR

  • Metropolitan Edison to 76/09/30 141pp
  • Metropellten fdason Co e e Jersey Centtet Power & Lsght Co Pennegivan se &lec tric to 70/04/07 80pp 7904200030 Forwards Amend 48 to applicateen fee OL subettted as Amend 48 t o F BAR Coet tf acete of Syc ent i ARNOLD,R C Metrepeitten Edtoen Ce 79041903G7 Forwar d s Amend 65 to FSAR Certificate of Svc enclosed 76/11/15 3pp HER8tik.J G hettopoltten Edison to 70/05/11. 1p
   *-7904200036 Amend 48 to appatcatten for DL subeattad as Amend 48 to              -7904190394 Amend 69 to FSAR f or Lic ense DPR-73 FEAR
  • Netropeit ten Edison Co a Metropolitan Edison Ce e Jersey Centeel Pswer 6 Light Ce e e Jersey Central Powet & Light Co e Pennegivente Electric Co. 78/05/11 120pp Pennsylventa Electets Co 76/11/19 30'pp 788tO90048 Foewerig Amend 66 t o F SAR Coetsficate of evc ene t.

Fe#4200146 Forwards amend to appi scat son fee DL.sutentted as Amend 49 MfR9E!N,d J Metropolitan Edison Co 7B/11/01 3pp to FbAR Certificate of Svc enct ARNOLD.R C Metropellten Id t son Co 76/11/30 3pp

                                                                                   --7811090054 Amend 66 to rSAR e Metropolitan Edison Co                        70/11/D8            175pp
  *- 790420014 7 nd 49 to FSAR ARNOLD.R C      Metropoliten Edtson Ce        76/11/30    Sep 79048 70071 FSAR Vols 1-13 including FSAR A* ends 1-66
  • Metropolt tan Edison Co 78/11/00 3979pp 7904200070 Forwards amend to esplicatsen for OL.subettted as Amend SO to FSAR Cer t s f acete of Svs enct ARNULD. R C Metropolstan Edison Ce 76/12/08 Se p 0 Adv a noeg Commit tee on Reecter Safeguards reports & sectespondence
    -7904200073 Amend to application for DL.9whettled as Amend 50 to FSAR          790S00027% Forward ing                                                           transettling varteus ARNOLD. R C     Mestepe11 tan Edison Co g   ,,,,,g, ,p g,g,,,,gi t g         ',s acpg
                                                                                                                                 / rom 6904}O-75090,9.

g, ,,,g,, , p gagggy wf, 76/12/08 App ,, e e Atomte Energy Cometssion. Directorate of Latensing free-1975l e 7904200086 Amend 58 to appitcatton fo~ DL,seteatted as Amend Si to Ateetc Energy Commise s on (Pre 1975) e Offste of Nuclear Reettpr F EeR Regulation 68/04/30 95p p e Mottopolitan Edleon Ce e Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co e Peanoglventa Electrac Co 77/02/04 IO6pp 7906290046 Forwards 680429 Ite transettling application for CP,DL t PSAR W/o enct MORR IS. P A Atoote Eneegg Comenessen Directecate af Licensing 7904270873 Distribution in ste f oe FSAR 6 environ rest are outdated (Pre-1975) 68/04/30 to Requeste vedated Inst ARNOLD.R C Metropoliten Edseen Co 77/03/17 Ir 7906280049 Forwards rept by Div of Reactee Lscenesng w/peeltesnaag 7904200060 Amend SS t o DL .eplication.subestled es Amend SS t o F BAR kRC comment to app lic at son f or CP W/o enc! ARNOLD. R C Me tropoli tan Ed i son Co 77/04/04 Sep MORRIS P A Atoest Energy Come n s s f on. Detectorate of Licensing (Pre-1975) 60/05/29 Ip

  ?;?"p""'n'ld::on' ' ' "o         . Jers.g C.nse.i ,owee . L,ght Co    a 79aA'=ooso '               d        'i - '                'a'      *         > 'i n '               c'
  • o' "'-

Pennsylvanta Electrat Ce 77/0A/20 t42pp MORRIS.P A Atootc Energy Comeission. Parectorate of Licensing ( P r e- 19 75 ) . 68/06/14 1p 7904290401 Forwares pages to be inc l6ded w/suten ss t en of Amend Se to F6AR Pages address staff o conceen re pre-operational response lame t e s s i ng & NHC response to thess concerns 7906200026 Forwards addl copies of util 680322 Itr transettting 690S22 license appl 6 cation Amend i W/o enct HERBE IN. J G Meteopo14 ten Edleon Ce 77/00/15 28pp MORR I S. P A At oesc Ensegg Comeission, Detec torate of L scenelng (Pre-197Si 68/06/2S 10 7905140353 Amend Se t o F EAR 1

  • Metropolitan Edison to e Jerseg Central Power & Light Ce p Pennsylvsa se Elet tric Co 77/ON/26 1$1pp 7906 2 900S 8 F o rwards AEC 680625 ltr requesting addl hafe to protable hvericane flood height at site W/o encl.

MORRIS,P A Ateet c Enseg g Co**sesion. Directorate of Lacenting (Pr e- t 975 ) . 60/06/28 19 7905140432 Amer.d 59 to FSAR

  • Mettepelaten Edison Co e Joeseg Central Power & L4the Co e PenneyIvan ta Elec tric Co 77/10/07 l eop p . 790 90028 Forwards util 680628 Itr treneestttng 600620 lic ense aps ' atten Astend 2, c on ta in & ng revised pages,epps & eerste she 's encl.

7904270399 Forwarde revened pesee to FSAR to be included an Amend 60 to FGAR WJR A Atomnc Energ y Cemetssion. Directeeste of Licensing 1 (Pro .) 60/07/02 Ip i DWDE!N.J G Metropoliten Edison Co 77/10/28 lopp l l 7906280029 Forwards 680620 license application Aeond 2,providing addl info en grooted tendens for prestressang containment ' 7905140389 Amend 60 t o F sap structure W/o enct e Metropeletan Edison Ce e seesey Central Power & Light Cu o NORRIS.P A Atomic Energ y Cometssion, Directorate of Licensing Pennsgivente Elect *1c Co 77/10/31 102pp (Pre-89753 60'07/09 1p 790419038S in order to espedhte review. forwards revised FEAR pages 7906200032 Forwards utt! 680406 lte transelttleg 680903 license ensch wlil be sebei tted w/FSAN Amend 62 applacetion Amend 3 w/o enet HFDBEIN,J G Metropoliten E.d s son C o 70/01/19 pte, MORRIS P A Atomic Energy Commission. 01 rectorate of Licensing l (Pre-197SI 6B/09/13 Sp 790420014S #esponds to Quest ion 42 22 c onc erning c onta tneent peak tems prof 8le & ev6*tte revised FSAH pages which will be 7906280052 Foewards AEC 680919 lte requesting addl info fees utti re anceeparated tnfo future amend. GA. containment design & steocture W/e enct HERE& lN. J G Mottopsistan Edison Co 78/01/24 13pp MORR I S, P A Atomic Ensegg Comet selen, Directorate of Lscensing (Pre-1975) 68/09/20 1p 790$140396 Amend 62 to FSAR e Metropetlten Ed tsen Ce e Jersey Central Power 6 Ligh t C, . 7906200033 Forwards AEC 601018 Ite to vtsi requesting addl info ee Pennsgivente Elec tr 6c Co 78/01/24 37pp ECCS. c ont a t neen t capattitty, waste esoposal & R&D W/s enc 1 MORRIS.P A Atomic Energy Comes sol on, Dttectorate of Ltcenetng (Pre *197S1 68/10/25 1p P904)OO415 Forwards rev6 sed pages to be tecluded in FGAR emend re c enteinment post temp profile & tieg speau pwep heed curves HERBE!N.J G Metropolitan Es t son Co 79/02/01 23pp 7906290044 Forweeds util 681031 Itr transettling 601030 lic ense application Amend 4. c ons & st ing of PSAR vel 4 790$t40414 Amend 63 to FEAR MORR IS, P A Atoetc Eneegg Cometesson. Diesctotete of Lscensing (Pre-197Si 66/11/0S jp e M4teppstaten Edison Ce e Jerseg Central Powet & Light Co.

  • Pennsq1vante Elect *1c Ca 70/02/10 59pp 7906280034 Forwarde US Fish & Wildit f e 8vc 68110S lte co**enting en l proposed factitty W/o enct j

7904190417 Forweede Amend 64 to FSAR Certificate of Svc enct W/o amend MORRit,P A Ateete Energy Comel se len. Directerete of L6 censing HER$EIN.J 0 Metropolitan Edlesa to 7B/04/07 1p- (Pre-19793 68/11/1B 1p

64 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 79062 00 2 re,w.ede .t.i 6. n ,6 it, t,.neeitling iicense e,pi. cation D6. p. Re.cter .ER re CP .p i . tion 7906,2.OO7. ,e,wer.. Am i MU.e Ri nd.S,W/

             . A a enc.eei c E ne r g, C .e*, s . , e nD,  . rec terete e,              W MD,RIe e.nci
                                                                                                              .P A A,t En.cgg Coe.ies.en. Direc terste of Licensing e,e. c,23 i,
   ,P,e-i975,          A./i2/02 6              is cPre-i97S,      6 o6 79062 0059 ,erw.ede            .t.en M     owe.rt C en.. i t i ng E ng i n.o r .ng   ..c  6.iO2.!

7906290076 Forwarde NM Neweert Consvitang Engineering Bye 690612 rept. Itr ro en epplication W/c enti,.storate ade. acy of sir ciers Craietie for fMi W/o enci

       ,e.i,P    t .mmen
              .751 A

A,t e,e E OL1, Commission. Da t t ag 6 0,t,0,n.,g, of ticonslag W/o enci MORR I S. P A Atomac Energy Cenes se l en. Datec tetete of L6 censing EPte-19751 69/06/23 1p 7906JSOO68 Forweede vtla 690S01 & 22 Atre requesting steeptlen f e ce NRC regulet tens to perme t pese ang conc rete f or 7909160Stu Forwards ACRS egende f or 690710 or il tenden ecceet gallery prBor te g gggenc e of (P W/o engg MDPRie P A Atomic Ener gy C omes ,e len. Direc torate of Lic ensing POWELL.R R Ateetc Energy C ome 6 s e t en IPro 197S) 69/07/04 2,3 EPre-{97$) 69/OS/g9 Ig 790o280078 Fotweeds Uh06 690610 commente re hydrologic & g*e "gic f I8 ' ' 7906290017 Feewarde vill 690210 t he teenoot t e sng CP & DL est!44tlen 8 MO'RRl L P'A IMI*2 Atee'stA I'n"e E r#'gy eme C"8Il s s i on. Direc teeste of L tceneang 6 PSAR Vels 1-4 W/m each 69/07/03 1p A t es t s E ne r g y C eemi s e g en, Dieec tetete of L te epelng (Pre-19758 MOPR I S. P A 4 Pre-1975) 69/03/(1 tp 7906200081 Forwarde utti 690703 Itr ce flood protection at e6te MONR I B. P A Ateesc Energy C eme t e s t en. Directorate of Lacensing 7906290040 Foewetde vill 690317 lie teeneettling 690313 license cPte+19 $# 69/07/09 le epp lic at sen Amend 7. cons t elleg of PBAR Buppl 6 6 reW6eed pages W/o enct MORR I S. P A Atee6C En e

  • g g C ommi s e l on. Ditecterets of L6 censing 790SOBOO62 Sommet, er July ACMS seesing Greuttag of prostreesing tender (Pfe-{975) 69/03/lu Ip fevnd accepteele Cemetttee recommende appiscent coneader elleepete selottene to red s e lgt te hydrogen prettee if 7906290058 Forward e not ic e of receset of CP & DL spplicatten W/o enci purging c onc ep t to found unacceptelle MOHRIS.P A Ateens Energy Comesgegen. DAreggerete of Licensing OR I ME s. 3 Atomac Energy Ceemstaten (Pee l975) 69/07/IS 2pp IPesa197S) 69/04/06 le 1905070879 of ACM6 690626 eeeting w/representetsvee of 7906250060 Poewards for ett! 690486 lte trance: Sting 86 cense f ac i a t ts. NRC 6 coneuttante in Weeh e ng ton. DC re review of App li c e t t en Amend 9. c eno t e llag of tevised PbhR pages & 10 s uanc e of CP Annuel F1penc kel Reelt 8969 W/o enct P DWt:LL.RR Ateels Energy Cenelesion cPro 197SJ 69/07/17 6pp MONR I S. P A Atomac Energy Ce**teston. Directorate of Licensing IPre-{9797 69/04/17 1p 7906290003 Forweeds AEC 690627 lte secoatting v461 to pave concrete for tensen ac c ess gallety prior to s eeuence of CP w/o enc!

79062 WOO 3W Forwarde vtti 690507 let trenteatting 6eOSO2 liconee MORRIS.P A Ateetc Energy Cometselen. Direc torate of Licenenne app i nc et ton Amend 9 Amend conelets of tovised pages to PSAR dPre-1975p 69/07/22 ap 6 orgenasettonet chen6es MONR I S. P A Atooe6 Energy Coestesson. Detectorate of Licenskog IPre-19757 69/05/09 13 790SOPOS'JS Forwar d e ACRB 690787 {te to Af C conceretag ACRS review of Jersey Certral Power 6 Lsght 6 Meteopolaten fdleon 7905160473 Forwarde input te reacter internels por tion of ACH6 eypt applttellen for senet evthertsetton DHONGRlCM.A W Ateele (neegg Comettelen (Pro 1975) 69/05/23 4pp PRICE.H L Atomte Energy Cemet seien (Pee 19756 c1/07/20 Ip 7906290063 Forwarde rept en appl 6 cent regveet for esemptten to allow 1906200003 Forweeds notic e of hearing on application for provielenet installation of tendon ecceso $481 erg Peter to a t euence of CP CP W/o encl MORRIS.P A Ateele Energy Comesselen, 06tec terete of L6c ensing MONR IS. P A Atomic Energ y C o*S t e e n en. Direc terete of Licenetng (Pte-1975) 69/08/29 1p (Pre-1979) 69/05/27 ap 7906200087 Forwards DLv of Reetter Licensing SER for TMl-2 W/s ent! 790629019p *rsemption Regve st. fMI Nuc lear Power Plent.Unnt 2, " r e s t to MORRIS.P A Atomic Energy C ome n e s s on. Dsrectorate of L sceneang ACR$ IPre-19793 69/09/95 te e Atee&c Inorgg Comel s e t en. Directorate of L tc enetag IPre-19751 6T/CS/27 Sep 7V06240009 Forwarde nettae of toevence of provisional CPPR-66 6 ASl 8 in64441 decislen W/G enc l 7906JSOO67 Forward e c oseen t e fece Environ Bclences Evcs MOPRIS.P A A t ee s c Energy Cometseien. Direc torat e of L sc ene tag Administret.en te prope**d fectitty Outline of commente IPre-1975) 69/11/04 la enc t MORR ig. P A Atenac Energy Comessenem Direc torate of Liceneang (Pre *197S1 69/05/29 2pp 7906290090 Forweeds ulti 700209 Atr transeitting Svens 6 Ree* rest *Centenneent Stevetwee Post-Teneton6ng Ancherese Sgt MONR il. P A Ateesc Energy Cemenes6en. Dstectorate of Licensses 7905160474 Fo rwa r d e input to Metropoliten iditon ACRG r ep t f o si te iPre-19758 70/C3/24 1p cherectoristics 6 entiren moniterleg Howe., P W Atum.c Energy Comenseten (Pre 19r56 69/06/02 7pp 7904JJOO17 Forwarde At C 700621 Itr regvesting eddl info for review MORR IS. P A Atee6c Energy Com 4esten iPee 197S8 70/07/02 1p 7906290037 forwards atti 690604 lte treneesttleg 690602 ltsence application Amend 10 Amend conenste of revased pages to P GAR 7904230027 Forwerde AEC 7tDU13 Itr regvesting oddL inf o to c omplete MURR IS. P A Atom 6c Enet og Comen te nen. Directorate of Liceneang evaluation of ECCS {Pte-19731 64/06/OS to MOP"lS' P A At ** L e Ener g y C emet s e l en (Pre 197S9 78/09/10 1p 7906290069 Feewarde US Cose t 6 Geodetic 8veveg 690602 lir tvenseitting 7904230024 Forwarde AEC 7 8 0919 Ile requesting addl twee for rowsew of test of faclL6tg site esteeltsty enrherese ego detegn for ptes crossed contenneent b!dg MORRlg.P A MDRR I S. P A Ateels (pergy Comenttien (Pre 1979) 71/09/17 1p Atee6C Ensegg Comesselen. Directorate of Licensing (Pre-19755 69/06/06 1p 7906290096 Forwards stil 710910 ler nr.fecoing AEC of trolleneent 790S160477 Discuseos rest to ACMS re TMI review Disclosee unresolved of enganeersng. design 6 cenet responeletisties for mettere that could De eeclif ted following teovence of CP. TMl & 6 2 W/o enct TE DE BCO,4 L Atenac Energg Ceestoste- IPro 19758 69/06/16 3pp MupRIS.P A Ateenc Eneegg Cemet se l en. Directoeste of Licenetng cPreat9731 71/09/17 lp 790S1604r8 Forwarde rev6 sed sections on prestressing sye 4 etructural eveveellence for eutetitulaen in struc turel review rep t for 7906280099 Forwerde util 7110t9 Ile eteting ressene for not evependink l ACRS CF'R-40 6 CPPR-66 W/e encl DROMERICK.A W Atees Energy Ceemloeien (Pro 1975) 69/D6/19 MORRIS.P.A Ateele Energy Coe*6eelen. Direc te'ete of Lic ensing lipp (Pte-197S1 71/10/21. Ip 7906250078 Forwerds Faen 6 Wildlife Svc 690687 consents en eroposed 7906280034 Forweeds ult i 78102e Itr trenooteting Ameed la to j f ac t i t ty W/o enc t esp!!tetten fee !!cence W/o enct i I PONRIS.P A Atomic Eneegg Cemeission, Directorate of Licensing MORRIS.P A Ateelt Energy Ce*elesson. Directerete er Licensing (Pre-1975) 69/06/19 lp (Pte-19757 71/11/01 le l l

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 65 o 2 ,.,w.... ..ii 71.,,o i., ,. ...ii...... ., 7,o.62 .n. .... ... . , ,, .........i ........ ....... ..d a...............,,t......n..

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                                                                                                                                                                                            33 4. FSAA dt. 7510o0 w/. .nc i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .n          75/10/20           i,
    . A.......,                         ...n.
               ..n ....,c. .....m o .....r... . n.,


                                                                                          . o n.n. .. ..... ,73, 73,0i/2i               i.                                                                                                                                                  .., ,e.                                             .t      73403, wr. en. i .

7,062eo, o ,in.. .0 . ..,.. r . .~.u i . . . . ...w . A.e n e 34. .,. . F7EARii,. i3

                                                                                                                                                                                              .. ....i.                                          1, 7       2 0,o2 F. w.... i... .. .,,in....
      .. .                                ..d .., ..n.                           .. .,
      .....i.. ... ........ ..                             ci. d,....
                                                                                                           . ,i,,,,
                                                                                            ...,,iu.n...,....                         7,062
                                                                                                                                          . oo.,i n..   ,F.,.....              ,.,
                                                                                                                                                                     ...i... ....i.e  ...... .A..n.


                                                                                                                                                                                                   ... .. .a. . ,. A.,

73 i 2,. 7,i i ia, o w,. De vov~a. e c tP,.-i9755 73/o2,noS en.,,,

                                                                           ...n. oi r .. ....i.  .n. t     ., t u.n. ..

oi l 2,, i

                                                                                                                                                               .,w., d . .., ,e.,ew                A..n. 36 t. F E A* dtd 79 2i? W/. .n.i 79062Ro,,ies
                                                                                                                                         . o s.. ,             . k..i... R...t.,

7,062 02e, .. ... ..., ... 73oi,,i.,ti.. ., ....i.ti.n 75/i2/29 ip

                                                                                                                        .,,il..n   .


   .n.,ou~ .. c                 A              c . , , , c . . . . .n.

o,F,..i,73, r 73,io2 ..,n oi......... ., o n.n.I., ... .w A...d 37 .. 76oi2o ,. .n i 22 2,, 7,o.e,on,o n.. ,i ,3 . ..,w., d ....i.., ...... .... ..a ,sA.,,o.. 7 i,27

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ....                                          i, F..w.. d . . . . ..vt.w A..nd 3                                       ..d 760220 W/. .n.i 7,o6290iB4             ...w.... .tii 720tG i & 73                                                            .,          i 7,062902,00
                                                                                                                                         . o s.. , Nu.i... W..ct., R...i. 81.n                                     .. FSAR,03        /02
3. ..... ...i.... 7 ! .0212..te.n.. 76 6,.....I.n .d.. ..i ..... lit.i., ,i.n t, nevou-o. c A... t..r., c.....~o..........,on......

LP,.~i,7S6 73,02,. 23 . i, 7,o,04.,,...,...., A,p i .. i DC, So 6 n.. ., i... .. ..,in .... ,, ... ...n..u .n .,

                                                                                                                                                                                          .t. 7502                           4 760ii9 19,. t .i . r .
                                                                                                                                         .t .no..., i n t . .i o. g.  ~.. i . ., .AC          R S. .. .1.,. . ,i.n.
                                                                                                                                                                                      ... .r ....i....n-20 76,03,2 7 S0909            7,,


   . . ..      .i ., F. . , w. . . ......
                                        .. ii    .. . ..

73o337 .4.i. n, ...

                                                             ..t. i.,.. ..n......n                . .n.i win ... ., .......
      ... .... ., 7>o oi                                                                                                                                                       ...                                                 d A . .. n . . . , c . l . . . .n .

73/oSii7 i, on........ .,on....n, . .. . . i ,73 , 7,06,.0,2,

                                                                                                                                         . o o,2 r.. w. . d .,, ,, ... ......          ..,.... .e
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .... .3,.  .       . F . A.7.,od  i ,. d,7.o.0, i,       e, . .n i
                                                                                                                                                                              ,., ,e.l.w A..n. 40 .. FSAR d. 76o43o W/. .n.i
                        ..w....                                   it, .                                                              7,06290,2,06 o . . .         F.,w.,d N.. ... . , M . . . t . , R . . . . . t e .n             76/05,4oe i, 7,06290i,4.
   ....... .. ... .e .tti.770419                      ...ii., w                din, .. At.c 7207i,
                                           .                                .. ....... ..n ...
  .d . . i g n i,..-i,72,           19062002.0          F . r e. , d . ,.,r,.....w               .... 7606ei it, ...n..atting                          in,. t.
   ,3, A .,. 23 n . i,   ..,c.....~on.........on...n,                                                                                .              .
                                                                                                                                        . . . o. ,o, i . ... .,...
                                                                                                                                                                     . . . e. . , .... sAa w....   ., . .i... o . . 76,o6,2                    ,,

i., .. 4, p.,t.6 n 4 4. 7,o. 42. . 3000 7F..w... ....... . i . . t <,i t t,y 760.i6 W,. .n. i

                . .i               ....... 74oio7                                                                                    7,062Ho2,4.          .:4., F.,w..d4.        ..r ....I.w
                                                                                                                                                                                      ...... .A.en....i...4 FS              76AR,o.s2i,t.

7.,A.. .. Fe.... c. ......

                                                    .6.~ .......... .,ioc,.2         .             7,oi.

o n.n. .. <,..-i ,7., of ~.. .n.. i, oi,29 i. d . ,., A 4 dte 76063o W/. en. i 7,o62802,

                                                                                                                                        . os n.i ,.F..,w.     ~..i.., ....r ev.i .w.....nd...i.2.n.. FSAA,o7,on             76                 i,
                                        ., , n .                                                   iA....

7,o.62 0.17 , c. .... ..n. u.n 6.F o -.......i.v, i, ,3,

                                                                                         . ,.rio                      w. .., o
  .74,D4,. o4 .       ip.                                                                                                                                                 ,.,                                                 .       76072D W/. en.,

7 9062802,23 o n..F ..,w.. . .~.. .....v.i.e A..nd 4 3 . . , $ AR,0.,.

                                                                                                                                                                                      ... .,....i.n.n                       76       do4       i, 7,o. 23oo..i 7

F. w....,i.n Wi.hh.o7 .. vA ,.... . id t2,.i.,, iC*FR2 7 oi, 9.,,i i .. ..d..t...i

  ..... A..

74,o7,.n r o. ,,, c. . . ... o i ... . ... . ., t i . . n. . <,..-i,7s. 7906290229 F. w.,d . .tii 76o7:4 itr .... .hing .n.e... .. .......n.

                                                                                                                                       . .                    ,. .n.i iB        ip                                                                                                            . o,.,1..          .,,            M...t.,                76100,o4           ip

66 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7,04!.075. . of .nviron D.t. .. . ing to seie.ted

                                                                                   ,..l.. ..n.stee - Cent.ine re. ,* for OL                                                            orw.,ede t ew o f espitt.lten       unrece.i.e4 42                               r
                                                                                                       ~ocie r Power     ,0.:7  7 D ec uese i..

e .e, s AC.S.e.M .re.cL., .tr.ctore, f e

                                                                                                                        .on,                                                                      i                             ,iane   v.eet.rt t t epi*                       t E,errestriei       D.vtsien of site .. et, . environment.i An.igeis                               i Mot LLe. . D             .C ng
                                 . -em.rge,.y Adv.eer, on          e..ser oefog..,de                  Nr4 f. M L App 4pp 70/0J/30 76/10/42                                                                                                                                                                                           ,

790.,,o435 m ,.c.tlen e, 7904 ...cessiit.e meeting 7904,700 ,0 Fe,w.ede Amend 63 to .p,i.c.t en ,ar oL Cort .... e of ovc

                           .. te ,04     AC incl.ent ecent    . Pro.ed.ree
            .e e I ng ,
      ,im7LE, n                AC .DC. - Ad. leer, Cneetttee on           e- 4.r s. fog..r.e                ,e< n,c ,i J .

E iN. M.t. o,. i . . .n E f t e en C e 7.,D2,,o 2,p J C 79 /0^3/ 8 4 Foo

                                                                                                     -7V04270033 Amend 63 Le application for OL. W/ rep l ac ement 8petruc tlene for FCAA revseed pages 7906290574 Forwards for rewtee Amend 14 t e P 9 AN sed /40SO4 W/o encl                                                       Metrotellten E d s een Co           70/02/02       3p p e Ateesc Energy C;emitaten. 06tectorate of Liceneang (Pre-lf/S)                                      H098E IN J G 74/0S/07          13 7904270593 LK toeved on 7B02ve to Metropolitan EdLeon Co Jersey Central 7904/90177 Forwar d s for re, sew Amend 13 t o F9 AR ded 740610 W/o enct                              Power 6 Lsght Ce & P A E lec tr ic Ce EDPLCK.J        Office of Pubter Affears               70/02/10      Sp e Ateetg gnergg Ceme t e e s en. Dir ec torate of Lisensing (Pre-1973) 7e/D6/10           Ip 7t044900}0 Forwaree Supp1 2 t o St H 6 License DPN -73. s e ewed 7WO20# to Metropolitan E d i son Co, Ja reeg Centrol Power & Light to 6 PA E lec tric to MCWUMPEN. H J           8eenth i           70/02/(4     Ip 7906280379 Perwarde for rettow Aesod 16 to F SAR dtd 740618 W/o enct e Atomet (Aergy Coasteeton, Direc torate of L sconsing (Prea19738 74/06/24         1, 7904J /QJ9H F o rwar d o F# notice of evettettittg of factlity operetted license DPR-73                                                                79/02/14 CHIL A. 5 J      Uffsce of the Gesreterg of the Com*6eston 7906280193 Ferwarde fot r e view F6AN Amend 17 did 74708 6 FGAR Amend 10                              1p e te 740? L5 W/e enc !

e Atee6e Energy Coeosessen. Direc torate of L teenetag EPre-19793 74/07/26 le 7905030200 P 6 nd e qua l i t y-r e la t ed cheeges descrited tn Amend 63 to Ft1Ap acceptable for operatseomi phase of FMl+2 Gw78ttg Assurente Branch 76/02/16 Ap 79462B08m6 Forwerde for reytew Amend 17 to 75AN dtd F40001 w/o enct HELit MF B. C J e Ateesc Pneegg Commiooton, Dtretterate of Lsrensing 4 Pre-19799 14tGe/08 tp 7904170462 Noncedtological LTH reflect NH C responto to applicent'e telcon of 771284 & initeal dec: sten of AHL8, rendered 7/1219 On 790213,utal andscated Itcente condt* sone would be met 7906280192 forwar*e for review Amend 20 oo F SAN dtd 14&926 W/o enct 8ALLAND.R L invarennental haec ta b let e Aranc h 70/02/17 lp

  • A t ee s t Energy Comenseton. Daretterste of L tceneses cPer-197Si 74/10/07 ap 7904270343 Forwarde tech spec Chenge Nequest I for amend to Apr A of ut.

7909,280195 Forwares F6Ad Amend 24 dtd 741010 W/o e n( 1 se hydreetetsc testsng ptP8E IN. J Q Metrepellten Edtsen Co 79/G2/17 App

  • Atostc Energy Coasteelon. directorate of Licenesag (Pre-19fS) 74/tt/07 Ip 790e290899 Fereerde for rev6ew Amend 22 to FBAR did 7415t9 W/o ent! 7909460519 In toeponse to 790202 lte forwerde addl info re teacter e Ato*bc Energy C o** l e t t en, Directorate of Ltceneleg (Pro-19753 ve,,,1 ce,ltg annulus 2pp 74/11/22 Sp M4RSEIN.J G Me tr op o l i t en E d g e on Co 70/0J/17 7906400024 Forwarde util 600522 LLr trenteltting 6HOS22 lic ente 7905100246 Forwards correspondente demonstratant util c cop liant e w/DL applicatten Amend 5,w/revloed page 3 to general tafo condst6ene re faclittg entry into Mode 4 operetten settion be ppE IN, J G Metropellten feLeon C4 79/Od/23 Ip MOHN is, P A Atoetc E nergy Comesselen, Derectorate of Lncensing (Pre-897SL 68/D6/Ch 13
                                                                                                     --7905100J77 " Spot Detaile.Addl Ftre Hoop Stettone & Wet Pipe Spriekler Gys
  • P Operating license stage doc umente & c arr eependenc e e Metropellten idtson Co 70/02/17 20pp 7904170569 fesn spece App A t o L i c ense DPR - 7J --74o51002:32 Fellows up 7po l l -J rept on de fic ioni reactee tide emergency
  • Cometesten 79/02/o0 400pp cooltag booster pumpe Pump RP-P-la 8elled to *eet required head flow torve interte ade6ntetrative action taten 64RNEIN.J G Metropolitan Edleon Ce 7B/01/ 30 2pp 7904210160 Forwarde Licente DPN-73 A*end 6 to tedeontly Agreement 0-64, 6FP not ic e of t eenanc e & avalleelitty --799510o409 ror ,ards f ec h Spec change reeveet te weitege & frequency BOyD, p 6 Davseton of Project Menagement 7B/02/0N 4pp varteggene for emergencu dsesel generatore Certlescate of Bvs ent!

HfRBEIN.J G Metropoltten Edison Co 7R/02/17 4pp

  -~7904210 8 63 L 6 t en se DP#
  • 7J 90VD,9 9 Divleten of Prosect Menegeeent 7a/02/0H 15pp 7904260517 F orwe r d e fe(h Spec (hange pequest I fot seend to App A of OL te varastione in vollege & frequency for load te sec t iou
  --7904210164 Not ic e of Isovente & avellettlity of Lteense DPR*73                                      DENBEIN.J 0        Metropolitan Tdison Ce              70/02/24      Spp YAAQ A. 8 A           Light Watet' Feec tor e granc h 4             7B/02/00      3pp 7903160469 t'or wa r d e inf o re c entainment poet temp profile & bide 7904250124 F orwarde FR notic e of evetlattlity of Amend I to p'ovi el onal                             ,pesg evey head curvee M(:hBEIN.J C       Metropellten fdison Co              78/02/2B       lope CPPA-66 CHita. 8 J          Defice of the Secretart of the Comes sel en                 70/02/06 l         tp 7405660562 Forwardo Annual Rept for 1977 sentaining teentellon of personnel espoev*e date & lieting of aircraft movemente et
  --7904250129 Nettse of stellett11tg of A**ne I to pro <ietonal CnPN-66                                  g,rfieburg inti Airport Amend reflecto proposed changes se ownerthee                                                  we pue tN. J Q     Metropoliten tdtten Co              70/02/20       Spy VAHGA. 9 A            Laght Water peet tere Branch 4                 1R/02/03     Epp 7904 3001S1 C a t e s addl llee to 78125 Str wh4ch will not be c ompleted                           790 90U0295 F orwa r d e r eq ue s t for addl snfo re bldg sprog pump head surves & net peettive evetten beed prior to evel lead antermedlete tieted coeling water heat                                                              Ace tetant Diretter for Plant Byeleee                 18/03/0t   lp enthangere will not to sempleted for one eocth                                                   FIDf SCOe R L CRF.lfL W M          Metrope)Atan tesean Ce             76/02/08       2pp 790$000315 Forwarde 96W 700224 lle le otti enameessing B&W eefety 7905030187 Flecs quality-related changes deett:Det in Amend el t o F BAe                               enelvete re license emend request HyGr#eLetic test re(veeted will be perforrred et thermal sevsib6tive etseptatie for operatsenal phase of rMi 2                                                        *ERSRIN,J G        Retrepelaten idioen Ce              7H/03/02       3pp Mt.LIL Mt 9. C J           Quellty Assurante Stanch               79/02/09      13 7905110368 Forwarte ettestene 6 4ctivity laat for TMt.etelve dte 7904190417 Forwerd e Amend i Le DPR 73, nat ic e of leevance 4 eefety 790*31.for persed endtog 7boJO r                                                                 evelvetion 2pp                                  VARGA S A           Light Water Neectore Branch 4                78/03/03       le QuMN. W f,       EPU 6ervice Corp          '79 /02 / D9

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 67 A.end i 790$ii0i7 Edison

--7904i.0420.-9-i sees                whichis ,tch Lic e..nse D,R-73 c ing ,e,virements            e, 7ec   h                   M.ti,.g.,oduct    Lice,nse  .ng 27-i72S7-02       for Metrop.iit.n iow    .3-e i  .0 F . ,. essure op     it h,de.ost.

to 22 S ,stetic testing .t te.,s as Co.a.vthoei n.. e s i. ing

                                                                                                                             ,os,ession 3 incius    ve o             gg,o.uct        t> w/.tooit 20VD. R S          Davssion of Project Management                79/03/03         2pp              WR IGHT. E. G       Radtensetopes Licensing Branch (Pre 7905019 7B/03/16      2pe
--/vv4tBU664 Netste of tesvance of Amend i se License DPR-73 VAROA.5 A              Light Water Reactoes Branch 4                 70/03/03        7pp        7904170S2S Memo to be a t tec hed as encl to transfer meeo when environ fevtew responsit119%g changes d& visions withan NRC No uncompleted environ teview test e remain
--7904490424 Safety evaluation supporting Amend I to Lic ense DPR-73                                      DENTON, H R       Dtvssion of Site bafety & Enviteh* ental Analgsts e Offica of Nvelede Reacter Reguletten                      78/03/03         1p                    70/03/15      1p.

7905000178 Forwards safety evaluatten supporting Amend I to License 7904300016 Fetwards Amend I&2 to License DPR-73 DPR- 73 MCOUPREN.H J pranch t. 78/03/15 2pp ENIGHT, J P Assistant D6 rector for Engineering 78/03/03 1p 790S110366 Forwards ellestene 6 activity last for 7M1, status dtd

 -7905080131 Granch SER swepor t ing Amend I to DPR-71 re c omp lianc e w/                                790229.for period ending 7B0307 curve of reacter comlant ogs teservice teet & hgerestatat                                          GUNN.W T      OPU Bervice Cete           70/03/15       2p p.

test beatop & coendown lle14ations of S full power years e Materiets Engsneering Brench 70/03/03 3p p 7905010250 Lists fuel handling test procedures regutted fee Mode 2 7905030032 Discusess Containment Egs Sesach c ommen t s c e Sup p ! 2 t o SER en conta spray ave positive sectiva head &

                                                                                                                             #u i         vape to           es n Mode 2
   ,co,.se.tnment  us. .f contain.s       not,
                                        .nt          e,s                                                  SHIEZEk.J H        Division of Reactor Goerattens Inspections                      78/03/16 TEDEBCO, R L                                                                                             Eff Assistant Directee fee Plant Sgstees-                  70/03/06         la 7028                       nottce of evallatstity of Amend 1                                     04270073 Bessencalig gualified die regulation valves will not be 79042,LA. ,6JForwa,rds 0 fic.PR  of the S.c..terg of the Co             ,es,en. t ,o,D,PR,-

0 /07 73 . > hne herere " ode n ente. ~od t. e. re..e= .sr <t tsat e,H sgs w,ii , 10 starte per diesei gene.. tor HER9E IN. J G Metropelatan Edtson Co 78/03/17 op p.

--7904270296 FR noti                    e                     Am      t c.r re v,         e.c.nts e o fo,vallassitte ofspecs .nt.,endto.ti.toi DPR-73    Wanves                        Forwards FR notice of availability of Amend 2 to License rech                               ce,ticaiit,              790,,4,270,4S1
      ?R:::A'              Lig t   ..te,     Reactors . ranch 4         7.,03,02        ,,,            C;i' . = s off"e of the s <              r. f ta c - n
  • n 7='oa/ i ?-

7904270273 Forwerde FR notice of avallestlity of snatial decision of 790$060244 After partsal revsew.cencludes unit may begin operation ABL O . Requests seel info to environ quattfication of CHILM. 9 J Of fic e of the Secretary of the Commission 7s/03/D9 safetg-related equipment w/o ench to 7EDESCO.R Assastant Date+ toe for Plant Systees 78/03/17 2pp --7904270279 FR notice of evatleetittg of initial decasion of ASLB 7904170464 Retsonse to 790317 memo Does not feel any plant operatang Modifies femal supp! to FEE Itentations would be appropriate.pending sonetttet op adel REGAN,W H. Environmental Projects Branch 2 78/03/07 2pp info or complotton of geneetc test Forwards draft GER suppl VASSALLO. D B Assistent Directee for Light Water Reactors 70/03/21 4p3 790430039S Pseudo rod worth test p r oc edura should not be accepted w/o analgste by Istensee of consequences of possstle ejection eccident 790503022S Forwards SECV-79-99 dts 790216 re amene to Table 6-3 af BE YFR I T. M. V Office of Inspec tion & E nf orc ement 78/03/09 6pp 10CFR S I W/o enti MCOURREN.H J 9eanch 1. 70/03/21 1p 7904300422 Proposed hydrostatic testing of vesert at 180 F & 228S pst is acceptable ce fuel asseetig integrity & safety --790$030229 Forwards constituent coreespondents Regueets response W/o C HE CE. P 8 Core Performance Branch 78/03/09 1p enen BCHwElhER,R S Senate 78/03/20 to 7905070344 pespond s to NRC 700 2S esque st for sofo en plans for addressing c onc erns ce asyneetric loses caused by L OC A 7904210173 Forweeds Amend 3 to Lic en s e DPR-73. no t i c e o f tesvance & SER Resques ts NRC c larif y requireeents BOYD. R S Dtvision of Project Management 78/03/24 Sep HERNEIN.J G Metropolaten Edsson Ce 78/03/09 1p

                                                                                                       --79042l0176 Not6ce of t esuenc e of Amend 3 to License DPR-73 7904190301 Forward s Amend 2 t o L a c ons e DPR-73. f et s t e o f tenuance &

safety evaluatsen V ARGA. 8 A Light heter Reactors Branch 4 70/03/10 4pp

                                                                                                       .,7904210181 Amend 3 to License DPR-73 mod t Pging hvoresen charing line to makeup tant to include redundant safetg geade hydrogen

--7904190305 Amend 2 to Ltcense DPR-73 e e v i s i n g fire hasard analgsts to isoletion valves. esclude assumption that cables lostde conduits will not be BOYD. R S Diviston of PtoJoct Management 78/03/24 2pp d a ma g e d by densgn basis fire 90VD.R S $1visten of Project Management 79/03/10 2pp _ 7904210186 SER supporttag Amend 3 to License DPR-73 YARGA. S A Light watee peacters Branch 4 79/03/24 9pp

~ 7904190307 Notice of t e nwanc e o f Amend 2 to Lscense Dep-73 B1AHLE.C               Light water Reactors Deanch 4                79/03/10         2p,          7905010038 Forwards status of investigetton re allegations of tepropee const prac t eres at TMI-2 BHEUMAFER         Region 1 Philadelphia. Reactor Construction &
-7904190362 6efety evaluation suppetting Amend 2 to DPR-73                                                Engineering Bupport Branch              79/63/24       3pp YARGA. 8 A              Ligh t Wa tee Reac tos s Deanch 4            70/03/10         app 7905010226 Utt! has resolved stees requartng resolvtson prior to

'904250067 F orwards responses to NRC request fee inte on potential for ini t ial c e n t &ca n k tv, Operat ional Mose 2 vapor 64-dsag of teacter 6 Leg spray pump Includes ENIEZEK.J H Davision of Reactor Operations inspections 78/03/24 c herec ic c urves 1p HERSEIN.J G Metropolttan Edison to 78/03/10 Op p . 7904200336 Autheelaation to proceed to opees t t enal Mode 2 totertupp 7904190446 Authoritation to proceed to operational Mode 4, hot shutdown. since Stees identafaed in emended Attachment 2 to DL DPR-73 unless egnetwise constrained tv addl reguttements have been satisfactorily completed 90VD.R S Devasten of Project Management. 78/03/10 2pp. BOYD.R S Davasten of Projece Management 79/03/25 3pp 7904270461 Nettas of 190323 etal argument te environ reytow in 7904200245 Forwards Tech Spec Change Request 4 requesting seend to B e t6 e s s a, MD App A of License DPR-73 Certificate of Svc enc 1 DurLn,M E Atomac Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel. 78/^3/10 1p HERBE!N.J G Metropolitan Eftson to 70/03/29 19 7904270079 Feeweeds revis6on la 790126 description of operation of --7904200246 Certiftes Tech Spect Change Regvest 4 to App A of OL.faled HPl/ eat eus og s Revision mede to conform to Conantton C S of w/NRC & served en chief esecutives of Londonderry Township, Attecheent 1[ ef DL. Davphin County,PA by US me11 DER 5EIN.J G Metropelttan Edison Co 78/03/14 Spy HERSEIN.J G. Metropel s ten Ed i son Co 70/03/29 ap p .

68 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS e, Fnviren Det. re .sie ted N.. e.r ,0wer , 790A2io,o4 79 e st.e. e, intermediete .ieted .seiing w.ter -- 7 9.oS

                    ..e teen .ed...ed to c                    t o s. .se.,                                   . t ei s.
                                                                                                                    ,0.- i . -., ..n.

i .v.i.o t i o n.t.tten e.chenger, ,ENrECo.11. E o . Mv.rAapA.! ,s.te Categerg I requiee. ente Design .e..n,ere, . .n. Argonne N.t.enei L..aratteg HE RSE IN, J G Metrepetiten Edison Ce 76/03/2" ap p . ANL/EIB-4 76/OH/31 12pp 7904250398 Inferee of satent to operate plant venne three teattee --7905150622 Da sc ueses Argence res t centenning receomensettene for toelent pumpe due to failure of enti-retationel eevic e en terrestrAe1 menttertne d6ffering free mentlering pregtee reector feelect twee et IM1-2 weed tg fMT 2 2pp ENNG T. M L Aseistent Daretter for Envirepeental f as hnelegg MEMBE IN, J G Metrepetiten Edison Ce 79/03/29 7B/02/18 2pp 7909090109 , or war d e p R ne t t r e o f e ve n i ss t l i t y of Amend 3 to L at ense DP#-73 7904300062 Megvesse eenestance in metateinang cverent inte ce fv4vre CHILK,5 J Offste of the betreter, of the Comm6esten 70/03/29 eperating esperaeace w/stese generater s Ens 1 questiennente shecid be retvened wattin 60 dags of Itr retetet la VARGA.5 A Laght water poectero Bronch 4 78/04/21 3pp. 7904210379 Formerde rep t providing documentatten & c onf e rsellen of teerett voltage top settsngs required tg Condst6en D 1 ef ~* 7904 3DOOAe We gwe e t s c oep l o t s e n of enel gusettennstre re stese generate Attecheept 2 to OL DPR - 73 info s g e NRC sheeld te notified of subsequent changes GOLLE#.e W D6visten of Project Menegement 77/12/09 12pp Hf PRE IN, J G Retropoliten Ed l een Ce 79/03/30 12pp 7904170459 Regv**4 for edel 6afe en enytten geeltfasetten for 1905110079 Rept en reacher trsp/ engineered og, of 790423 W/NHC reuting steem inne breet snetdo contesnoont slap BEEL TMQFR J L Met.epeliten E d sten Ce 78/04/23 49pp TfDESCO.# Acesetent Director for Plant systeme 7B/04/03 2p p 7905140574 Netsftsetsen that es a result of reacter telp en 190424. 79044003S4 Authertreteen to prece,d go opereggeneg med, g 4,,e,, plant teeldown was initteted Resumptten of plant operettene operettent since itees en amended 4t tet heent 2 to OL DPR - 73 have teen settsfatterlig templeted will not ettur before 790301 HE W9E IN. J 0 Me tropel a ten Ed s een Ce 70/04/24 Ip 50VD, p B Davasten of Project Menagement. 73/04/07 3p p 7904240143 Foewards revisten 40 penredtelegical ETS progree dest e lp t ten 7905010J39 Forwards request for addl info to justafg ulti nonecepliance det weent . ed d i ng new proceevr ee Creel s ur v t y , & toeparleen of w/ ANSI N43 2 9 oththeepleneten seapling gear HFLftHFS.C J Guelity Assurende granch 76/04/0/ ty Metropoliten fdison Ce 70/04/2S 30pp btRBEIN.J G 7903040217 States no feet will be regvered for amends to Lisentee 7904200260 Esseinstaan Nept en senter operator latense noeved for DP8 *73 & DP# + /4 TMI-2 Wellten eseeinstaca dtd 790420 ent! Operetang test MILLER.W O L s t ense Fee Menegement Branc h 79/04/07 2,3 weaved C OL L I NS. P F Operater L 6t ene tag Bronc h 78/04/23 Sepp 7905000049 Netsiteetten of attestable toepletten of Blees necesserg to enter Operessonal Mode i 740$O 70529 Net t f t( e t t en that concern retted og 3&W te 1934 of ground hhif ffE. J H Dtwaslen of Reacter Operetten. Inspections 7a/04/07 within N1/RPS en 7BO JO9 6s not shared tg will Posttbblity of Ip losing ground seuld enig escue by deutle feature DE RBE IN. J G Metropelgten [dggen Ce 79/Q4/g5 lg 7404200001 Not6facetten of 190511-12 evening in Albutverque,NM te dierwee 3epleoentataen of E DCFR 73 SS Agende ent ! C ALE , E O Of fic e of Nogleet Reetter peguletten 79/04/10 Spy 7V04300060 pesponds to 7kOl25 lte & requeste addl info re failure to compig w/ AP45 8 N43 2 9 VAPGA,9 A Lnght Water peacters 9eenth 4 70/05/01 2pp 7904270460 F or wa r d s fech Sp ee e Change pequest 3 reques46ng amend to App 790426D026 AfD 700329 Itr to operetten of fe(Allig w/enly three reactor e a p DL to allow potrelltag fate wetth rather then coolant pumet Forwards request for addl enelvese regusted to tenttavows fire watch Cert 6f4cete of S ec enti decweent long-tere operetten mergine HFeBElk J G Metreeplaten Eds een Ce 70/04/*1 app vanGA s A Lgght Water Reactere Branch 4 79/05/03 2pp

 --79042r0463 Teco Spece Change hequest 3 to App A of DL to all**                                    7904210029 p erward e reewit s of D&W'e meet recent calculations re emell petrolling f ire watc h rather that c ontinvove f ire wa tc h                                   breet L 3C A & eneig elo p'eeented to 9P C tg 96W et 790425 e Metropellten Edleen Ce            79/04/11          8##                                       eest6ng DER 9s t h, J G            Metropellten id leen Co                79/05/0S      3pp I 7904080052 Forwarde eve 6vetten of optimisetten & verafttatten of voltage levele et safety-related twSee                                                                                                                             methods used & resulte entenned TE Df SCO. R      Asstatent Director for Plant Gyeteen                      70/04/15       3p p     790,4230034
                                                                                                              ,,. ggw Feeweed, ,,,,,4 s r ,q,gg,,

ep t de s t ,e,l e,eegg i ng p,,ee, go reacter coolant pump d6etharge piping Requeste eeped6theus review 7904300404 Forwarde NRC info ideelliging e4pects of ac t umu la ter del 6very of ECCB water Draft Itr diesessing ectw*ulater delivery t emper 6 eens & reques ting addl Inf a ent i .-7904230039 " Analysts of Bedit Breene in Deatter Coolant MC @vnRE N. M J Drenth 1 78/04/II Sep Piping For B&W L Owered Loop 177 Fool Aseseely Plante "Pues Ottcharge Operetten up to 2.368 MWt le eccepteele 79042103?S Resp onds to NRC 790414 regvest G&W h e t evaluated revssed seell breet LDC A se reported 790412 # e av i t e e r e h a t e d en lese of effette power 6 worst eengte fe61ure --7904230043 " Ane lv e d e of Seell Sreene In Reettee Ceolant Pump Dietherte HERSE 1N. J G Metropellten EdLeon Ce 79/D4/17 2pp Pip 6ng For S&W L owered L see 177 Fuel Aeteet ly Plant

  • Operetsen up to 2.SbH MWt se e<<epteele 7404270553 Forwards topg of anittel safe sent to H $slver con (eening e.legetten ce cet roter & leproperly spilced senerete enitore et YMl*2 7904200309 Formerds request for addl info re behev&or of (eepenente RE INMUTH. 0 W Division of Restter Constev<tsen Inspottien q,,ang ,e,tylated eatn et,ee line treet 6 interse 78/04/17 Zie eyelventen VARGA,8 A L63ht Water Reac ter s prenc h 4 70/09/0e 12pp 790$010296 Board notifisellen reteneende snel 790417 (tr re 96W rettsed small breet LDC A be prevnded to 7M1 Seard 7904g70403 pospende to NRC 7 bO12S r e qu e s t to provide detailed othedule VASGALL O. D 3 Aeoletant Direfter for Light Water Neectore for eve 19etsen of asynestric LDCA leads en TM1 Plane to 79/04/10 hp evelvete eegemetrar needs en three enotanet phases HERBEIN. J G Met ropel s ten Ed ison Ce 78/0S/00 Se p 7909850606 Forwarde NRC 79012S S tr reques t ing inf o en LDC A leads &

supports,Argonne rest en terrestrial eenstersng especte 7904200089 Forwarde 7 3g h Spece Change Nequest e requesting emend to

     .et veed at TM1-2 6 ML Ernst 1902t3 eene te VA Meere mees                                           App A ef DL DP R- 73 2p,                                                 HFRBEIN.J G               Metrepelsten Edloon Ce                 78/05/10       (p JESV.S A       Drench 1      78/04/18 8909 50612 Formerds bactground & current states of revtes of                                    --7904200092 Cartlftet Tech Specs Change #equest 8 to App A et DL< filed w/NRC & served en ghtop e s ec ut ives of L ondonderry Township, ese**etel LDL A lesde f or PWR fat 686ttee 6 revised request for addl infa en evtl                                                                               Deweh.n Cevnty.PA by US es11 STFLLO,V      Dtvielen of Operating Reesters                   78/01/23         lepp.               HERDE !N. J C              Me t r os e li t e n Edtoen Ce        78/03/26       Dp p l


1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 69 i r904200242 Fe,w.rde Teth .pec Ch.nge Re,uest ,es..esting . mend e, 79042706.. Ros,en.s 4. 7 050. ile e i no .re.t on.. con Ap p A to Lic ense DPR-73 Coe tt f tcete of Svc e ac t guettftcetten Wtil supply info ng 780031. HEz:EIN.J G Metrepels ten Edison Ce 7ero$ 10 ) ip. wtRBE]N.J G Metrope t t ten Ed a son Co 78/OS/25 la l I

  --7904200244 Certifies Tech Spect Change Reevost 7 te App A of QL. filed                       790S070527 Util will not esc alate power beyond 2568 MWt et TMI-2 until W/NRC & served on thlof es ecutt vos of Londonderry Township,                              B&W comple tes enelys t s of seell treet LDC A, and ig e t s has be en Devot an County, PA eg US se t t.

HERBEIN.J 0 Metropoliten Idison Ce 79/05/10 topp toviewed & NRC has ec cep ted validity of S&W enelysis HE'RBEIN, J G Metropolsten Edison Ce 7B/0S/25 1p 7904270400 Forweeds addl inde ce small bredt LDCA analysis in response 7904200250 Forweeds Tech Beers Change Regvest 10 retvesttog amend to to 7D0$10 telten MEA $tlN,4 0 App A op DL DPR-73 Cer tific ate of Svc enc t Metropoliten Edison Ce 7D/05/11 3pp HERBE!N, J Q Metropoliten Edison Ce 7B/0S/26 1p 7905090328 0 6 s c u s s e s va l t t e ly posettility op turnette pensen red --7904200254 Certifies Tech Spect Change Retoest to to App A of OL.ftled essentig incadent ectuering Recommends installation of posit 1We Petention devic es de best cevese Of f* tion w/NRC & seeved on thlef esecutives of Londondeerg Townsh t p. ' Devehin County,PA tg US sett HEREf!N.J.Q Metropoliten Edisen Co 78/05,31 3pp HERBE!N,J G Metropoliten Edison Ce l 79/05/26 4pp l 7904210278 Foeweeds order fore mod of license DPR-73 YARGA,8 A. Laght Water Reactors Branch 4 790$090283 Respends to 700501 {te re "eargins evealette fee longer tore 79/0$/26 3p p . seeeetsen w/three reactee coeient pumps These-pvos l opetet t en c ons a dored unlitely i HERSEIN.J G Metropoliten Edison Ce 79/0S/12 Ip --7904210289 Orde r for med of incense DPR-73 eeguires re-eve'.vetton of ' ECC9 p er f oreenc e. powee reduction to 7568 MWe, & conf ereent e to procedvees in utal 7BOS05 & 790511 Itre 7909090324 Forweede addl inf o te proposed mods foe NaOH injection to BOYD.R 8 Dtvasion of Project Menegement 7B/05/26 9pp I reac ter coolant ogs es ind6cated in 790510 Tech Specs Change Request 7 HERRE!N,J G Mettepeliten Edsoon Ce 79/05/12 Epp 7904260496 Evolvetes 790519 Itcensee ite.Acceptatte Jus tif scat ten has heen propened f ee delettog pseudo ejected red worth test et 40% power 7904190399 Forweeds Tech Spece teenge Regvest 9 requesting emend to " ' ~ App A ef DL DPR-73 Cer t t f tcete of Svc enclosed HERIEIN,J G Metropoliten Edison Co 70/05/19 2e p . l 7904270560 Forweeds responses to questions rotsed by H 981 vet te potent 41 ptotlee essociated w/ases of evcillerg ) i

 --7904190396 Certafios Tech Spec s Change Reques t 9 to App A of DLe#11ed                        treneformet w/NRC & served on chtsf esecutive of Londondetty Township.                                Ht'RBEIN.J 0            Meteopoliten Edison Co         78/05/20      4pp 04vphan County.PA tg US eati HERSEIN. J 0      Metfepoliten Esasen Co          76/05/26        3p p 7904200349 Forweeds Tech Spect Change Regvest 13 request ing amend to App A of DL DPR-73 & Certafleste of Svc 7904190402 Feewards Tech Specs Change Request 6 repvesting emend to                                 E              O      Metropoliten Fdison Co         7B/06/01      1p App A of DL DPR- 73 Ce r t i f s c a t e o f Svc enct FE RTEIN. J 0     Metropoliten Edison Ce           79/05/19       2pp
                                                                                               --79042003S3 C er t s f ses Teca Specs Change                       13 to Asp A of OL. filed w,NRC & ser.ed           on chter e ecutives o,Requast Londonde. g Towns n i a .
--7904190400 Certiftes Tech Specs Change Request 6 to App A of OL f61ed                                 8,"I" I"     *"IV' A 4 d'8           'I    0    #II w/NHC & soeved on chtof esecutives of Londondeerg Towns 96p.                                                                                         79/06/01      Spp Dewphin County.PA %g US me t t .

HERGEIN. J 0 Mett ype16 ten Ed a sen Co 7a/05/26 13pp ' 7904250601 Accepts *NonfedBolog&sel Environ Tech Spect Progree De sc r ip t i on Document." dtd 70042S 7904210471 Forweeds Amend 4 t o Lic en se DPR-73. so f e ty evelvetion & REGAN.W H Env6 eonmental Projec ts Branch 2 70/06/01 2pp nettce of dsevence & evealenttity V ARGA. 8 A Light Water Reactors 9eench 4 7 BIOS /19 epp 79 33 e r Tech Specs Change Request il roguesting seend to App A of DL & Certificate of Svc

--7904210178 Amend 4 to L tc ense DPR-73 to incorporate revised Appe A & B                        FERBEIN.J 0             Metropolaten Eatson Co         70/06/05      le t o NaOH injectlen signal VARGA,8 A           Light Watet Reactors Branch 4            7B/03/24        Epp
                                                                                                --7004200343 Certsiges Tech Specs Change Retvest it to app A of OL.faled w/NRC & seeved on chter esecut4ves of Londonderry Townshsp.

Devehin County.PA tv deposit sc US mest HERBEIN. J 0 Mettopoliten Edison Co 7pp

--79042101 B2 No t i c e o f issuance & evetlability of Amend 4 to License                                                                                  70/06/0S DPR - 73 VAR 04,5 A         Light Water Reac tors 9eenc h 4           78/03/19        2pp 790421021B Forwares Amend S to License DPR-73 Sa f e ty evaluetton &

notice VARGA.S A of tesuance & evellettlite

--7904210187 Safety evelvetion suppertlng Amend 4 to L te ense DPR-73                                                        Light Water Reacters Branch 4         78/06/0S      493 S IL VER. H e VARGA.6 A         Ltghl Water Reacters Branch 4                7B/05/l9 4pp
                                                                                               . 7904210223 Amend 5 to License DPR-73 changing teettre eethods for deteretning operability of fuel handiteg bridges used for 7904290157 Forweede 790309 86W rest documenting postolated 1pos of                                    movement of centeel rods or fuel assentites ground which could cause fatture of nuclear instrumentation /                                      VARGA.S A                Light Wa ter Reac tors Branc h 4       78/06/05      Sep reactor protection ogs SUTLER.W R            Plant Systems Branch         78'05/19       13
                                                                                               -.7904210229 DPR-73 Notice of tesuance & evelletlitte of Amend S to License SILVER,H                Lsght Water Reactors Stanch 4          78/06/0S     2pp 7904}}0047 Requests that NPC ellow util to delete power eJec ted Pod woeth asesweeeent et 40% power et recommendetten of B&W HERSEIN.J 0. Meteepeliten Edsson Ce                78/0$/19       7p p
                                                                                               . 7904210233 Safety evaluation supporting Amend 5 to Lsc ense DPR-73 VARGA,8 A                Light Water Reactors Stench 4          70/06/05      6p p 7904250$20 Foewards withdramel of applicottens for amend of CP Authettses change in ownership interests of Jer seg Central                                 7905130369 Summerg of 780524 eeet ing w/94W & c lien t s to weet Poest & Light Co.Metropoliten Edison Ce & P A Elec tric Ce                                     phenomenen estisteted w/ orifice rod esseetites observed et TROWhM I DOE. 0 F      Sh ow, Patteen. Potts. & TrowtradJe               70/0$/24      2pp     Davis Besse-1 Wear does not appear to te geneetc HERBEINr J G            Me t r opoli ten E d i son CO  7B/06/OS      2pp

--7904250522 Withdrewel of applicetten for amend of CP

  • Jersey Centeel Power & Light Co 76/05/19 2f p 7904270462 Forweeds FR notice of evetlability of Amend S to DPR-73 CHILK. 8 J Off6ce of the Secretary of the Comeissten 78/06/09 1p

--7904250325 withdrawal of applicetten fee amend e Jersey Centeel Powee & Light Cs 79 / C S/19 Se p . 7905070SL2 Forweeds 790158 eeen pertaining to TM1 effluent Tech Spece 79D4270003 feeward s FR notic e of eve t tet tlaig of Amend 4 to License CUNNINGHAM.L J Divisten of Fuel Faciling & Meternels Safett DPR- 73 78/06/09 le CHILE.8 J Offise of the Becestery of the Commission 78/0$/25 1)

                                                                                              -- 790$0 70519 Forweeds tecommendations & suggestions to prettees found in TM1 Effluent Tech Specs & roguests tooediate repig Peoposed

--790427DO)2 FR potice of eve 11stilitt of Amend 4 te Lic ense DPR-73 Tech Stocs enc! NELBOh.P.R Division of Fuel Facility & Meterials Safety VARGA.S A Libet Weter Reacters Granch 4 79/05/19 2p p . 7B/01/18 19pp

1 70 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l l 7904>OOio4 <tr ., 7 0319 ,r. vide, --7904,,0s,., e, 7.O etter iit.n edioen to n te to..e, ,,et ,n etten re

                                                     .eiettee ei rMi .f ,e..e               e, a ,ed worth    te.t at .Ox                          not    e.,d.e.Mo          to die..e. .no esettag w, to                         ..e r                                                                                          .itue . 4             Light ,.e D.r..t ee.ter.      r .n. h 4        ,.,o6,29         i, p .weA.

VAM .A Light ete, .se.ter. .ren,h . ,,,06,,2 2,, 79o,0 0292 ,erwerd, f ,e,t ,ettein6ng te in.ep.n.ent conde,tr..tive e en., 790.,60 4. .tten en eenier e,e,eter i o,i e. e,et6n,

                                                                                                                                   ,,s n t e te,t
e. ,e, ... min.tten too.Nov O. a o et.d , ,.nei o f..e of I n.,e. t i on . rnf e,L eeen. 7.,0 7/o ? 2p, fMl-
                                                     ..e u.oritten n ste,e. 7 0606 e.eeinstien dte 7,0 47.i. en,i CULLIMO.P F                 Operater L tr ensing grenc h      pg/06/13            97ps v e. h .,e   .                     e.,.en.e in ..e,a
79. 4,002 t,,e e 0,

r.,,,r.d A, emed.i in .,ees to e,e.v..e of e.,6peent 7904,,0..i in,orme th.t dos,ri,t.en of e.fety evei..t.en e, .enteinment .deintetr.ii.e re..ireeenis vent 6 purge ogt &e under review Forwerde regvest for eddl VAH6 ALLO. D D Asenatent Diretter for Lteht weler Nesctors inde in order to templete revle, 78/07/10 4pp

                                                     $0H84AF . N J              Methenttel ingtseering Sten (h            79/06/13         2pp 7905070248 D4ocussee stees of interest to fMI hearing esord incivding 7904JOOJJ4 Forwarde fach beese Change Request 12 retvesting emend to                                 purge velve operet a lity. tvenet te po6een red /or1#tse red App A e t (R prR-pl & Carl 4firete of Svc                                                      attemeltes & eve 48tery transformer 6fRDEIN,J G             Metropoliten $dleon Ce                          2pp                    81L Vt R. H            Light Water Reac here Scenth 4                7B/0//11        2pp 70/06/15
                                               ~~7994JOO37n Corsteges vece ge*(4 Change Noguest 12 to App A of DL fileg                          7909070J 43 leferos that review of 700531 request to estond utel's w/NRC & served se qhief ege(utivee of 4endenderrg 7,wno6lp,                                 nonceeplience w/ ANSI N4S 2 9-1974 to 790630 bas te sti Dauph8n Countq<PA og dessett an b6 eell                                                    aeopleted Artepte prosesed piene for achierkng g oep i t ant e td RSilN. J G           Metrepelaten Edieen Co        70/06/13          3pp                 HAAUG.W P               Qwelaty Aseveente Drenct               7H/07/I'         Sp 7904J60166 (seetnetten Nept en opereser 13conee sogged per TMg.y                                  7904300099 Requests (soperstaen w/k6W re centrol red guide tube weer written seeetnetten did 700606 ensi Operating teel                                             date portorde NkC 7U06t3 lte to B6W te integrity of centrol edelnittered 7DO607                                                                            red gwies tube CCLL 140 P F                Uperator f Wenetog Brent 4        78/06/10            4tpp         VA99Att o. D D             Assistent Diretter for Laght water Descters                            I 19/07/14          2pp 790dJ40tG7 Essesnetten Rept en operater litenee steved for fMI-2 written eseelnetten dtd 700606 onc t Userating test                                         ~~ 7904 300100 in roepense te ercessive weer discoveeed an sentrol red edeseietered 790604                                                                               guide tutes et C-E NW4S f ac il 6 t ie s. requette eddl reledent Cuti tM3. P F               Operater Lic ensing #rench        FG/06/la            37pp             info for ett 34W faclistses with6n 60 dage QH [ Mf. H. 5 M        Dtvisten of Op erat ing Reet ter s              79/OA/13        Sep 7904J40218 Isseinsteen Rept en operator iscente leeued for fMI-2 Weetten eseetnetten did 7HO606 ens i Operating test                                         7905070437 #etweet s sa f e t t evalvettens for feta Noet Change Request 14 edeanistered 7WO*OS                                                                            dtd 700709 re re*evel of ori f tte red et**ellies 6 eddatten COLL lNR. P F               Osereter Larenssng Scench         79/06/16            3 Opp        of rete 6aere to turneele poteen red etemal6es VAAGA.6               Llent heter Reet tore Brent h 4              78/07/l7         19 7904J40627 $weeerg of 7mo129 ees ting w/Me tropoliten Ed t sen Ce te current ersegnet6en en TPf-2 stede genereter t ut e e                                       ^/9950 70441 Evelvetes requests for f e4 h Sp o t ihenges ce gtertitaation of S it VEM. H             L6pht water Reacters Branch 4           10/06/ 30           19pp       spec ie i test e sc op tion 4 sleescal errer te elloweele velves of tens telpe6 pts EN!(L. e              Cere Performente ar enc h          70/07/17          2pp 7904JSO329 Forwarda respleted gtsee generator operating ht#ter4 questaenne4rs for fMi's ence-througn eteen generatore PGNRElN.J O             Metropellten Edleen Ce        7p/06/10           Ilpe 7903640gg6 geerd net t f g c en t en reteemends that one 1 700781 meme re lit ene tne eer s ew estivates te forwerded to peerd 79030n0060 Neopende to 7hg108 retwest for date 4 revleton nuster op                                 YASGAtt0,0 8               Aousetent Director for isght water Desclers A#48 [ Btd N44 2 9 6 reesen for f ailure t o c omply w/e td val of                              7H/01/lH          It r ec orde to se stared effente pret t 'ee compliance ey 790630 PG RSE 14 J Q           Metr opoliten $ d 6 een t o   79/G6/30          2pp
                                                                                                                                                   - 7901140&ed F orward e ed d l 6nfo re pwege welve operet t li ng. turneble peleen r ed /or s f g r.e red aggrohlgte 4 ausIIIery trenefermer 7905140101 'fffluent & Wette Booleanuel Wept,bvppt infes* Jan-June                                       Info should be trought to ettention of Heer a r+g Noord g97g                                                                                               B EL VE R. H          L4ght Water Reactere Brench 4                 76/07/L1         dye e Metropoliten (dison Ce                 19<06/JO     2 7p p 7904)OOO35 f orweede NHC gyldence en opent fuel Sud "Neview 4 At t ep t enc e of Speat Fuel Storage & Handling Appler.ettone 790  g 7g,3140409
  • Effluent & Weste Seelennual Nept.9uppl Info." Jan-June VASSALL O. D E Asetetent Diretter for L6the Water ReesLoro e Metropellten Idleen to 79/06/.40 26pp IU/OI/20 488 feO4)yggpg Sweeerg of 790110 eest6ng w/etplatente an Betheede.MD fe TVO3090418 Forward e evaluation of Tech Beet Caenge 14 Appreces use of steee line trees 14ewo proposed helddewn retainere S IL Vt R. H Light water poec t or a Stens n 4 74/07/03 2pp #NE lt . E Core Per f eement e Branc h 70/07/20 3p p 04260503 Oreer for med of 1stense M*-73 lesued per IDctuJ 20 6 not 7904JOOlle Forwards fec6 6p ec Change Request 14.reguesting emend to Ape A et ut Df # - 7J C er t i f ic at e o f Gyg ent !
                                                                                                                                                     **'8I ** #'

6e R85 (N, J G Mettepellten Fdicen Ce 7H/07/0? 1p 6r ente f ee anste*en r enc h /9/07/28 1p

                                                                                                                                                   '                 **#**       $'' C^*"**        '9        '   9" '"' #****         *
                                                 --1904200129 Certifies Tech Spect Change Neguvet 14 to App A ef UL. filed I*       *       *        #    ##       I' eu      in Lau      g.PA tv US se 1 stRg(IN.J G            Metropolitan f.diten Ce        78/07/07          1Hyp
                                                                                                                                                  --7904200004 Certtflee f ec h spee e Change Request LS te App A et ut. f t l ed
                                                                                                                                                        *'           **  "" '  ' " 8i
  • b'"d'*dY *"* I
                                                  -*1904200               Jettende te NPC questibes ce use of retainer for helddown O*"' "" "#" I'             "' Y ** I )'

of modi ed ertf8(e red eteseellet(NWA) Neceemende that # # 8 #" '" ' # # ' eWevetilen(# inops le eede fellowing retainer pee fAfLUR.J H $dtg et t & Waleet Co 78/06/07 Jy p 7904 )OO4 74 F o rwar s e 56W rel(ulettene std 790?tS genterning seeil treet LIK A e t reetter geolent peep diseherge pt,gng for gtw 1,wer

                                                 --7904200442 rJustsfitetten for Reeevet of Orlfite Red Assoabiles in f MI .                         I'"# Plante & retweets order of end 4. eeeeded Cette 6       d 7p/06/01                                   HI NNL sN J G         Metrepe t iten Fo t om a Ce       7e'01/s4           1p e Betcoat & Wttees Ce              GAW-1497                       yOpp 79V4270trOS Rogueste trengh tefety evelbellen 6 thenges se EfB by                              --1904300476 Dequeste review of edel TCCB weJll treeb onelgtet for 7EO717                                                                                            B6W 177 fuel asesetly lowered-leep NB6 VAAOA.S A                L.lght Water peeftere Branch 4            79 / O'7 /C 7     1p            T Avt DH. J H       9etcott & Wilter Ce          7D/07/13           lapp
                                                 ++-7904270623 Net i f 4 4 4 t i en o f 790711 oveting w/AD P9wer % Light (e.FL                   790$0B03OS formerde deettiplien er proposed pereenent solot'en Powee Corp & Meleepetiten E d t een Ce to diseves propeeel for                             espincette to teth vnste per emell treet LOC A prettee pereenent selvtlen to teoll sreet stettee                                                  med le scheduled during nett ref ueltog outete V I BS I NO , 0         Operetang Reedtere Brent.h 4           70/07/06          tp        edROE1N.J G            Metroseliten Edsoon C#            7s/07/24          app l


1 l l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 71 7904270274 poec in NRC 7909070177 Structural antegetty of reactor vessel has not teen 7 o729 it F,o,rwards info re Attcov6 des t stic s since on .e C-SAi,68 c rashee regvee ted compros. sed .g possitie ,,e.ence of .t y,ic.i weid sat i. i HILLMAN.R C Air Forc e. Dep t of. 78/08/02 app. Safe operetton of facility to assured HERSEIN.J Q Mettepe16 ten Edleon Ce 78/08/18 2pp 7904250648 Act tetetet of 790612 Itr. Forwards reopense te guestgens to sevesant of heavy leado ever spent feel 7909150498 Responds to 790814 Itr to possible use of atypical weld HEDGE!N.J.0 Meteepellten Ed1 eon Ce 78/08/03 50pp. #giger were Posettle use of this sati does not affect structural integrate of reac ter vessel HER$EIN.J B Netropelsten Edison Ce 78/08/18 2pp 7904190256 Requests addl info re operettitte of contatneent purge I valvet response ' schedule during within postulated two weets LDCA Regveste of receipt of ant,istealed It 7 09070109 Nottf6 cation of PWR steam generator conferente on 780907-08 VARGA.8 A Ltght Water Reactoes Stanch 4 78/08/04 3pp to e sc heng e ideas for integratang design ines & operating precedures to ensure safe oseretton VASSALLO.D 3 Aestetant Director for Light heter Reacters. 7904270562 Class 115 type request for mod.eseept free fees 78/08/21 6pp MILLER. W O License Fee Management Branch 78/08/07. lp 7904240990 Forwarde FR notate of avattentitty of Amend 6 to DPR-73 7904300409 Forwards staff evalvetton of proposed change to Tech Specs CHILE.8 J Office of the Secretary of the Commission 79/05/21 to reeeval of ortftce rod assenslies & enstallatten of 18 res trainer o en turnab le po t sen red asseetltes


RDSS.D F. Assistant Director der Reactor Safety 78/08/07 3pp

                                                                                               --7904240593                                                                                            I
                                                                                                      ,,oce.orseNo,toric cent.,n.ent e o f sesuance     .trofiact to DPR-73 ie.t          permitting teeiing     6  alternate 7905080309 Responds to 770324 Itr b forwards inf o re reac tor protec tion                                   peretten w                             ma e heat sink
  • sgo 6 engtneered safeguards features trip eetpoint valves { tent nac{easedul g g ng /17 2pp HERBE IN. J Q Metropela ten Edison Ce 70/08/07 esa l Board no BbW reactor vessel weld nasa Poss t a t e 7904180374 Tech 5pec Change Request IS adding 20 single etscheese port 79050300,96
                                                                                                  ,,g., ,,,,, ,, g g ,t i,gn,f i c a ,,

t i,on

                                                                                                                                          , gn ggw_.en,gocgorod ,re, gyre esto stese rettef valves Cer tific a te of Svc enc t                                          vessete shovid be suppiled to Board DERBEIN.J 0        Me tropels ten Edison Co        78/08/08          2pp VAB5 ALLO. D 8          Assistant Director 8er Light Water Reactore 78/08/21       1p 79090iO2i3 p..weste s.fety ev.tveitens tg 7 08 0 of tech s,ec Chenge Regvest 015 re changing main eteem safety valves                                            7909060006 Revsses schedule established in 780525 Itr on etese 16ne VARGA. 6 A          Laght Water Reactere Branch 4                70/08/08      3pp             treat envaren goaltftcation Plans to forward sofo petor to 781031 7904190025 Responds to H Balver's 4 P Hearn's guesttent to Tech 6pec                             >ERBEIN. J G        Netropolttan Edison Co                 78/08/2$        13

' l Change Request la re operation of safety-related sge I MERSEIN.J 0 Metropolitan Edsoon Ce 78/08/09 Sep 7909110124 Forwards pages 2-6.8 2-6 & 3/4 7-3a of Amend 6 to Tech j Spec s. c orr ec t 6 eg typographical errero 1 7 ,342 0163 Confires 7eo8:4 te ic on Re. vents .ddi info 49 7908 e re v^**^ 8 ^ " '" "" ' "*"" " 4 78/08/25 Sep

    ,e.cier vessei .igpicai weid eati s inserie mes.v,e t. ten                                                                                                                                         i to insure vessel sntegetty                                                                                                                                                                         j WE!DsR W           Operating peactere Branch 4             78/08/14        4pp             7909070142 Licensee response on reactor vesseI weld est! ESN-78-9) should to subeatted to NRC Ofc of Esecutive Legal Director VASGALLO.D B          Davaston of Project Management                    70/08/29      13 7905030815 Requests utile to told to use c onservat tie heetup & cceldown curve 9 until It c ensees can perf ore detailed analgens of use of neproper 56W-fahrtceted weld eett                                                       7903140d78 Bear d notification.64W reacter vessel weld matt Enct 780818 itsentee response to NRC re weld mati should be S TELLO. V      Divisten of Oper a t ing Reac tees           78/08/14       Spp forwarded to Scard as followup tafe VASSALLO.D $            Assistant Director for Light Wate* Reactors 790SO900r7 in reopense to NR. 780904 ltr. plans to respond to guesttons                           8/08/29      1p-raised ce contatnment surae valves within 60 days HER8E IN. J G      Metropelatan 4dtoen Co          70/08/84          Ep
                                                                                               ~~7905140293 B4W has analgrad possible apJ1tcations of atypical weld mat!
                                                                                                     & has c onclud ed that reactor vessel sologritV 1s sound 7904200136 Farwards mere detatled description of atlettutes of ste                                    'AI ** #           "I **U I"I          ** **     ##

HFRBEIN. J 0'""Metropo li t eEd n i s o'n'C e 70/08/ L 8 2pp format for estearologscal data en magnetic tape VA9GALLO.D 9 Assestant Director for Light Water Reacters 78/08/15 app 7,04260313 Essegnation sept on senter operator licente issued fee TM1-2 written eseetnatten did 780815 enct Operating testo 7905000067 Forwarde evaluatione per two progesed Tech Spec cheages te wa eed p , g, see ultieste heat sint teep & mann stede safety relief valves TE DE RCO. R L Assistant Director for Plant Sgstees 70/08/15 4pp 7904300174 Ack receapt of NRC 780613 request for adel info te integeitg of control rod guide tube 7905230230 Provides analysts of *Nor. l e s e Power Plant Evac uation Plansa T A fL OR. J H Basc oc k & Walcom Co 70/08/30 1,

    & status of MRC offert in asentting state & local govts an rad ielegical emergenc g response planning RvAN.R 0       Office of State Progrees          BF.C V - 7 9- 4 SO     78/08/16      Ilpp 7909190072 Forward s Nonc omp i t anc e No t i f ic a t i on 70-20 dtschaege free neutralis ed was te tank was 108 S lb/dag onceeding effluent itett of 73 4 lb/dag
  • Nuclear Power Plant E vacuat ten Plans a TROF F ER. 0 J Metropolatan Edison Co 78/08/31 2pp.

CL E AR Y. P G . CDNEY.D D (ttisens for a Better Environment CBE-7865 70/05/31. 32pu 790427058' Forwards addl info concernsbg applic ant 's solution to problem involving eingle availlary transformer operetton et

 -- Fo0SJ30242 F orwe e d s s t a t emen t issued eg D C omeg of Cstisens for Be t t e,           TMI-2 Enyteen ce emergence planning for nuclear accidents                                        HERBE1N. J G        Metropolsten Edtoen Co                78/08/31        20pp FOUCHARD.J J         Office of Pos tic Af f atta         78/03/29        3pp
 --790S23024e Responde to comments of IL Emergency Svc e representative '                      7904250436 FR r eac t ion. i. F.eerei r.dieisgicei emergency response                                                     notice    o,ftomentai avatletility     of Amend     7 to2License      DPR-73               l NoRR i8. J A           Envi                   Pro,eci. 8,anch          78/o9/OS      den.          '

planning eftert COLLINS.M E Office of State Progrees 79/02e21 Spp 7904200299 Forwards Amend 7 to License DPR-73 & FR nottce of & sguanc e & availability 7904300083 Forweeds Amend 6 to Ltc ense DPR-73.FR notic e et assuence & prGAN.W H Environmental Pro jec ts Branc h 2 76/D9/OS 3pp SE R. VARGA. S A Light Water Reac tors Branch 4 70/08/17. 2pp

                                                                                               --7904J90298 Aeond 7 to License DPR-73. deleting environ tendition requiring detailed progree seeceiptsen of creel survey.
 *-7904300087 Eaf ety evaluation support tng Amend 6 to License DPR-73                                aerial reente senstag & NRC nonrovt tne requirements VAmoA,9 A           Light Water peactors Branch 4                78/08/t7-     Opp             MOORE. V A            Assistant Director for Environmental Projects 78/09/05       ese
 --7904300090 Amend 6 to L teense DPR-73. rett e ing Tech Spec s to pote t t ce.steineent att l ec t seal Beat rate teeltne precofure, &                               -7904290300 Notice of toevance & avella6(13tg of Amend 7 Le License reeeva l o f er i f 4 f e red aseeetties                                                       DPR-73 v4RCA.8 A            Ltgne kater Reesters tranch 4               76/08/17.      Dep.            REGAN.W H           Environmental Projects Branch 2                     78/09/05      2pp

72 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l l 7.iO2 0ii, re,we,d. Hence.pii.nce Not fic.t.en 7,042SO4u, , ere. d e ,. e.t .c s e, .v. t i..n 4 g o f end 7 to ticen,e s.. pie with . ,a which 7.-22escoed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,e ind.uet...i         .
       . -73 0,f n e e, th e .ec.e t..           n, the Co .ssten             7./09,06   f.ite,                  ogs discharge tion C ium. . s i,                                                                                              e                ..J         Met ep.iit.n Edisen Ce                                     7.,io,i7          23, 790,0,0 9g               .r . of 7.oo2, .ee.t                                                       ,,0.,,0,,3                                                           e    e,                        i, cense issued ,e, ,Mi-2

f , fe, ,etenti.i p,s ing ie.w/Me t, i.e Ed is sa Cere te

                                                                                                                                               ,,..tnat.en e... n.t        dtdion7,e t,,s..te, enti 0,erati,g te.t p , .p o. s . d                                                                                          Neit,n                      net          7709 .


     .tI<.nVE.f .or.e s     e.g.t N.te,... cts e ...ech 4                   7.,09,06       Sipp               Coct , No. ,e ,e 4                   .          O,e,.te, e,cens,ng r.nch                                          7.,lo,i,      . S, e 71 FR netste of 790984 .eeting te changet in start tise for                                                                                           of 785026 .eetang w/9481 re alrefait crash date 7909150, ee             enin    .nsing precedo,es fe, g ee i sg .c ,e,esitories                            79,110 e, 8 0,,24,6,Ne t t f t c e l l en El.'*;*ic'"',                    e,               is,i.n      7.,09,ii     i,
                                                                                                              v'a "                                   'i'a'w*              a<'            'aa*                                'a'io'i9       if the Co n e,i    90i i.2 No          c a t io.

7.i0i3 ..eting to .. .c u se ... n o &, of ' "t r .n s , e , ' f e . t v *r .*

                                                                                                         .i o'*o                                                              * * *"- *** '* 4i60 weit .'uses vegr.d.         gv.t,i, 4 ,v.i      f                                                 nning                 e , sed, ,, ,,                             ,ed,,,e,        ,,,,.,n, e e,e ,.ingis., en,en esgvlee. ente fee all teac ter eseeattene                                                                HERBE IN. J G                              Metrepeitten Edtsen Ce                                     70/10/20          2pp VA68AaLO.D B                 neststent Dsretter for Light water peecters 79/09/12          3p p 7910300157 Appoint.ent of new 16 censing .gt for GPU Byc C o r e FD09250te7 Co ent e en IE Ctecvier 70-Os penettetten & velve                                                WALL ACE. E o                              GPu Servic e Core                 78/10/23                           Ip teretnations not ee.sved f re. ter.tne t t iec t s & connec ted ty vesng tvet splices covered by shrint ist .et!                                                      7811090144 Forwerts responses t3 NRC 790500 ite to stoa. line beest &

Mt.R$EIN.J e Meteepei t ten Ed s een Ce 79/09/14 2pp enviten quelgftc,tten of electeical c o.penents FSA# pages & enviren quellfstatsen test ropte enct 7910050264 Responde to Ig gulletin FD-07 ee e a r* 1 & ne supplied HE RSEIN, J G Met

  • ope 16 ten Ed & sen C# 78/10/38 600ps regulatert .ed E4 vip.ent vender advises gestelletten of propened .ed would veld weeranty 7el201D343 Forwarde licensee p er f er.anc e evel for pegson I plant Ne HERREIN.J 0 Metropoliten Eatsen Ce 79/09/19 sp veector tn Regtep I te censidered to have per f or. enc e of either e6ner.d4 et vnesv41 safety concern 7980020099 Challenges NRC c laes titcet ten af CF-V4 A/S. CF-VS A/9 & 9#lER I H # # g l e'.
  • Philadelpese. Of f sce of the Directer DH-V 107 m/t velves es Category A velves pec ABME section ng 78/11/01 4pp gefinition HERSE !N. J E Metterslitan Edtsen Ce 7./09/25 24pp 7841030174 Forwarde data requested for preparation of totta.eng betere ASLAS Info en grees weight of elecesit & active evnway le 7810060181 Feeweede Amend A te fech spec Change Negveet 3. Certificate unevettette NASH. E J At e F orc e, Dep t of 78/11/03 2pp of 8vc & cover letter MERSEIN.J G Metropoliten Edigen Ce 79/09/25 2pp 7981840172 Forweeds Tech Spec Change Sequest 16. C e r t i f ic a t e o f Svc &
  --7910060197 Tech Spec Chenge Regvest 3 retutring continuevs f6te watch                                     affadevit Ht RBE IN. J G                             Metropolitan Edteen Ce                                      70/11/06         Se p when reactor a s celtic al & pattellarg fire watch when reacter to not celtical HER3EIN. J G           Metrepetiten Edasen Co              70/09/25       4pp 7811150361 No.6ts fee der NRC toview of Tech Spec Chenge Negvest it to 7910060358 Presents NHC positten re ellewable op erater ett40ns for                                          avstilary opetetten tEPSEIN.J Q                                Metropelsten Edison Ce                                      79/11/09         Ip which credit .ed be teten after e Condition III event Three op t tens detailed Use of e Lap i t f ted FOAM code oppteved NEID R W                Oeeret sag #sec tore prench 4               73/09/26       Pp p 7H11290343 Nottf6 cation of 781122 .eeting w/uta1 to discuse proposed
                                                                                                               .eds te attennete need fet action in responding to 7904300040 Otscuseea transfer of FMI-2 revlow to Div ef Operstleg                                            s*411 breat LDC A weret single failvee Reactors.per 790919 rogvest bg S Vargs                                                                  IWE FIIG. O O                                    Operet t ag Reac ter e Br anc h 4                                  7B/11/17       2pp BTELLO.V           Divssion of Operating Weactees                    7B/09/26       le 7.i,300037 in,or.s th.t N,C h.s centr.cted                                                                      te unde. tete a             e,
                                                                                                                                                                               .n.i. e sec . eec ene.m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,s,.,es 26             end.                                                    es ev e , n .,,       p.s,t-n.enstagc                            . stud    ies to 1.f.cte .
   ,.i0t,ans 603,e,.,,ecee unit .wsti,.r,  ,nte... co.rrect,.o is. .n., act,ane e,ii     re.e,ntain .ist, de,v.te                     nuc                   ..r p                   ..

E7ou C- D e4,v iee e, .ite s.fet, & En...on.ent.. .n.i,s.s ie.eie in event e, trene,er..r iets NCASElN.J 9            Me ttepell tan Ed i sen Co           7B/09/29       app                          78/11/20                              2pp f-     -        'n > ' 'oc* n                              n<-'     - -     ~"c 'co92'
 , ,0260147          a.r                          4 ant                                                    '* ,c"><*nco                              '.' cn**c
                                                                                                                           ' c*c' .eets N.C re,vice. pts '"


                                                                                       .f.t.#,,,ng                                                           - '- '=o                                                        '   ' "'  -

h ... s . e. t o ..rde,en,4,

                               &          & E, en,A- Ja , e , ,. .7.destre,.d d.n.s                        ,a ,e.,ense  es.ct  NC                          repos.i n
                                                                                                                                                                                 .'          fc #
     '"? . ';           A,,     re.c..De,t .F         ,,/10,02         ,,
                                                                                                               >< " c" c ' c                              "**uc6 c' ' n c-                                             re'#'        sf*
                                                                                                                                                                   .e.ina, en 7.i,Oe en new .edei r.d eieg u.i 13:0100046 Unit 2 =611 install feedwatet sve see prior to staetyp                                         7.i,0,0194,
                                                                                                                , ppg ,, Not,                    f,c ice     of g,,g,      p., ,,,go,e ,g,eg, peg,e.g, , g ,,,c e following plant fatst r ef ueling outage Roguest e opportunity                                            oute6eeten of eastner-specific guestions to meet w/NRC 79L019                                                                                      GR IER. S H                                #egten 1 Ph41adelphia. Office of the Director Ht MBE IN. J 0          Metropela ten Ed t oen Ce           78/10/04        ap'                                                                 Se p 78/11/21 7910150132 Peepend s to NHC 780904 evoettens re operantlity of                                            78120H0244 Buemary of a 791026 eeeting re elecraf t crash data at TMI-2 c en t e i neen t purge valves an the event they see open at the                                          G ILVf A. H                                Light heter Reactere Seanch 4                                           78/11/21       Sep t tee of a LDCA HEMBEIN,J 0             Metropelttan Edloon Ce              79/10/13        2pp 7904240046 Requests etttten confirestion of 791116 telecen,to cen#3ra that TWA 727 flights between Chicege & Harristerg PA ete of 7B11010342 Ferwards order for med of t sc ense wh ic h amend s DPR-73 &                                        seecifted weight es they pees over facility evner eedes er der for med of 16cenes did 799526                                                          READ.J G                                   Accident Analysts Beanch                                         76/Lt/21       13 van 0A.S A               Lseht unter Aesc tore Brance 4                 70/10/13        3pp
 -- 7N B 1010368 De d e r fee med of 16cente amend 6ng DPR-73 & evperseding                                7012270056 Evoluetten of alecraft crash potentsal for nuclear povei 790524 erder Adde prev &olen lletting teatter cote power                                             plants.

level to 2772 MW9 El BE>>A/f. D 0 Aeststent Dstectee for Bystees & Projec ts 90YD. R S Divasson of Project Menege.ent 78/10/13 6pp 78/11/20 2tpp 7810310304 Ne t t f i c a t i on of 781019 eesting w/vtti re details of stese 7812070703 Feewarde aanvies of 781019 meettng on feedwater testatten line treet fle. reds

     $ 3L Vf A. H            Light Water Reactere Stench 4                  70/10/14        1,                 HER9EIN.J G                                Metropoltten Eatson Ce                                       78/12/04        13 7950240097 in respones to 790918 phone callautil will evtatt Tech Speg                                    **1912070204 Minutes of 79t019 meeting in Betheede.MD to teach esteesent change tegvest eequie tng septementation of inter 6.                                                                en feedwater teeletten su s Concep tual design. r ei tgn c e n ter ta corrective octaen for eingle evelltery trenoformee                                                                  & c onf ermance to Condit ten C(3p a HERSE RN. J 9           Me ttepellten Ed t sen Ce           78/10/17        app                                     e Metropels ten Ed t oen ce                                  70/12/04                             20pp i


PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 73 7.i2 30 09 .. mea., e, 7.ici9 eesttag w/ t , . ..en 7,On?Oiei ...w i77 Fvei Asseebig Owner.e o ore.b fi.. Diet s.ed conditions of rMi-2 i.cenet.,se..w.te

                                                                                 . Ree ,en ele.. iine                          ten P o Ae,eee t r i c LOC A Le.. e seeistion .. .e.

SILVER,H. 7 pe C to.t Light Watee Reac tere Granc h 4 E .. i .. t n o se,r .g s,ec,fic dete.. r .e o. ti.. .r i e ne. s . v. .oe,en.n e st..ct... n t,.s e a de t. a s to 79/12/04 Pipp eva lua t s ens. , e Oute Power Ce 78/11/10 9p p l, 1 r9042.Oi.O...q.eets r.openst ti ., inf o to ev.i.a te e.g en ..t t en.i .r..ngeeent ,e site ' met rEMES.C s 0..iite As. r.nce .e.nch 7.,i2,04 2,, 7,022,Oi,i, Conf i rat p s.,.e es t me e t ing sche..ied ,or 790209 to dist..e NRC e.s.ctiity

                                                                                                                 .nRu~~ER.E n.p          J          Region i. Ph i i.d. i,h t..         Re.ctor Ope..tice. N.cie..

Support B r anc h 79/0t/24 13 7904260248 Essegnetten Rept on operater license Issued for TMi-2 Written eteelnatten did 781114 enc! Operating test edeinestered 7B1115 C OLL I NS. 7 F Operater Licenetag Oranch 7901300131 Foewards PA Dept of Envaren Resourceg Indvetetel beste 79/12/09 35pp Discharge Elastnation Sys Perett D009920 Suppeettng l decomentat ten a overs t eed drawing enct HERBEIN,J G Mettepoltten Edisen Ce 79/01/25 29pp 79042602SS E sset ne t t en Rept en operator Ilconse 1stved for TMI-2 Wes tten esaminat ten 4td 791114 encl.0 petaling test ad.&ntetered rattle COLLINO P F. Opeester Ltcensing Branc h 790S140117 *Pe ee Plant E sset net ten Reevitt Sweearg Sheet

  • For wartews 7B/82/0S 36p p . plants for 1977-I979 CDDLEY, R A Op er a t er Licensing Stanch 79/02/13 IDOpp 79042603S2 Eneetnetten Rest on eenlee operator 16 cense assved for TM1-2 Wettten esaetnetten dtd 78 tile-IS enti Operating test 7902270288 Forweeds Tech Spec Change Request 20.tegueettng emend te adeintstered 784116 SAGER,9 H s COLLINS,P F App A er L6cened DPR - 73, r e incere detector ogs W/ Certificate 69pp Operator Licensing Branch 78/12/0S et Svc HERBE!N. J G Me t rop o l i tan Edtgen Co 79/02/26 Spp 7 122 0i.i Ee h.e t ,e e imp or e of s.t.i t t ing .c c... e . c oes ie t e in,o to NRC Info oust .e tutetantiated by date Must nettfg NRC of 1 A nac c ur ac i e s to evead enforceeent actnen 790321025e Forwards Amend 49 & 9 to Lsc*nsen DPR-50 & DPR-73 DAVIS,J G Office of Inspec t nen & Enf etc oment respectivelg & notice of tesvance Secuestg plan evaluellen 70/62/06 2pp test withheld (ref 30CFR2 7908 VANGA. S A Light Water Reactors Branch 4 RETD.R W i Operating Reac tere Branch 4 79/02/23 3p p 7912190107 Forwards Tech Spec Chenge Request 10 retvesting seend re l Poester coolant pumps 6ERBE !N. J G Mo ttopolitan Ed t sen to 79/12/11 esp.
                                                                                                            . 7903210263 Aeend 49 to Lic ense DPR-50 4 Amend 9 t o DPR+73. $ nc or p eedt ing mod 6fied seended phenscal secutit, plan into license 7812290049 Sweeary of 791122 eeeting to incensee's rey proposed med to ellennete relaance en preest operater action fellowing a emell Dreat L OC A NRC staff adVtsed applicant of Petervattent at te acceptatalitg of schedules ZWETZIO,0 8             Operating Resc tor e granc h 4      78/12/12      t op p
                                                                                                            --7903210265 Notice of 1sswanc e of Amene 49 to Lnc ense DPP-50 6 Amend 9 to OPR-73 FAIRTILE.M S                 Operating Reacters Scanch 4                     79/02/23      3pp 7912890096 F orwar d t addl info re TMI-2 fech Spec Change Roguest 18, Amend 1 Changes involve restructorseg fermat sn RCS/ flew                                   7905190240 f ac t Spec changes ce eeergencg feedwater eye reactor posee level entenes MERSEIN.J G                                                                                    e Metrepetitan idteen Ce                    79/03/04         6p p Metrepel s ten Edl een Co       7B/12/13     Se p 78122908 38 P r ev 6 d e s ad e l info ve steem line breet envicen                            7903090232 Ottcwstes dotatis of estensten from 790319 to 790413 for qualtftcattens W/ revised pages sJ'.tsining enveren teet                                       evbetteten of final deart
  • Rad s eleg ic al Ef fluent Tech Spect f ee PWRs* ( NUR EG-04 721 parametere for Anacende Instrueent cable 6 feet Rest F-C2939 MERBEIN.J G Metropoliten Edseen ce 79/03/0$. 2pp MERg(IN.J G Metropolt tan En tsen Co 79/12/14 42pp 7901720t63 Feewerd e Amend a to Lic ente DPR-T3, saf ety evalvtsten & 7903270406 Forwards noncompitance notification 79-03 re inaavettent notice of t esuance No EIS, EI A er nogettve declaration transfer of egl & grease free seduttrial wette treatment retutted see to indestenal wette falter sgs TROFFER,0 J Metropelttan Edteen Co 79/03/15 2cp V ARCA. S A Ligh t Water Reac ter - Srench 4 79/12/1S 2pp 790519D099 Ne t t s t c et a a- of breatdown in c omovn t c a t t en lanes fee TMI
            --7901020167 Amend 9 to License DPR-73 changes f ec h Spect to perett                              safe operateen at r educ ed power levels w/ reduced reactet coolant                              DAV!ES. S          New Vwr t. State of ogs flew                                                                                                                                     79/03/16           2pp VARGA.G A           Light heter Reac ters Branc h 4        79/12/1S       ep s

7903290162 Forwards "Supp1 Staetup Rept ' F ansi test will to sweettled

            +-7901020169 VARGA,6 A Nettco of s t evanc e $$ Amend 8 to License DkR-73                             within 90 daqq (aght Water Reesteeg grangh 4          70/12/15       app               etRBEIN,J 0            Me tropolitan Ed t sen Ce            79/03/23             tr
            --7901020176 Eafety evalutaien et Aeond 8 to L s c onse DPR-73 Changes to                      *-7903290163 "Svept Stortug Rept "

Tech Specs pose no hasardi to puttsc safet, 6 et!! not e Metropolitan Edioen Ce 79/03/23 4 7p p result in eng egentingent environ tapact VAROA. E A . S IL VER. M Light heter Reacters Seancn 4 79/12/15 3p p . 790S100018 Proposes study or feasibility of NRC command 6 control ctr for nuclear reacteeg & teansportetten of SNM PODOLAM.E m Radielegsce! Health 6tandardt Branc h 76/02/17 79042SO7V3 p erward e rR notice ef evallattitty of Aeend 8 to 3pp Licenee DPR-73 CHILE.8 J Office of the Gecesteeg of the Cemetesten. 78/12/19 18 7905090220 "feetteen, of R Meere & L Atreeeen MOORE.R , ASRAMSON.L Office of Management and Prograe Analgst, 79010$0:43 Feeweedg *TM(-2 startyp Rept

  • HERSE]N J G Metrepelstan Edisen Co 76/12/28 2pp
                                                                                                          +-7905090224 Supplemental festiseng of R Meere & L Ahreesen in response
           --7903090544 *TM1-2 Stectup Rept
  • te ALAS-323 MOORE, R Office of Management and Progese Anelvsts e Metropelttan Edison Ce 78/12/29 $9pp 79/03/16 14pp P901090t94 Tech Spec Change Regwee t 17 amending App A to allow mode changes when sene r ei andicat t en is avas telle. but control 7906260478 PND 790329 reactor trip & evDeequent tiewdown w/seetgence red reed switch to not operette ses actuetten caused tv less of vitel aus Power eventualig HER8EIN.J 0 testeted to but Me ttepolt ten Ed 8 een Ce 78/12/29 esp 87ERNBER T,0 M Regten 2 Atlante. Office of the Directer 76/03/30 Lp 790S14012S NRC esse 6 nation ces et te for 1975-1978 powet reacter operater opfattentessentet operater ei pincepts previewsly itsensed & G Inspectlen reporte, IE Bulletins & c orreesendenc e senast operater applicante anilla t espi scat ten. ~ ~ - - - - - -
  • Cemetssten 70/12/38 3p p 7904210796 Forwards IE Inse Res t 50-320/69-01 en 690723-2S No nonc emellenc e noted 7901490061 Responds to 790613 retweet for info re guide tube wear MDSELEY N C. Reglen 1. Phileselphia. Office of the Director TAVL DR. J H Babcest & W11ces Ce 79/01/02 7pp 69/09/11- If


       ~~7904210WJ3 IE lass Rept            50-320/69-01 en 690721-25 N                               --7904270193 Notice of violetten free                                     en 720014-17 Nonc oop !!anc e one s ec tee DC , rec...res . sing .o nonc e.eie,edeme.lienc e                 no                                               or$ n.t y noted.Me,or wert              .re.e
                     ..dit e.c.ed,    ce       .44. pre            en                              ieet        ori  n. t  r c.n he  ve t t.en. . ,r.c 7.d.r . recor, ,r. wing, e, pip.ngr.,,t..esi. iit,. No. lev.N C Region 1. P.. ......t. ei,h . Off.r. e, the Dt,.cter O mE rLLv. s P 9pp Region i. Phu..d. eishi.. of, co of the Director 69/09/D9 6pp 72/10/06 7904230011 IE lasp Rept 50-320/ 70-05 on 700010-12 IE inse Repts 50-320/72-OS b S0-289/72-14 en noted Me,er .reae in.,ecte No aoncompl.iance 790,4210723 7 i F.or wa Oo e d s ee. cts, coei.nt .. ouner, cent.tnee,nt. si, ng concrete . weiding Ho .D0i-04 Ro. E M Region i.,ht.. Re.c ier Con.t r.c t i on . HUhMICVT1.D M . BR DWN, R L., HOWARD,1 M Reglen 1 Philadelphle> Engineering Support Br anc h 72/10/24 19 Offace of the Daracter 70/08/31 op 7904230044 Forwards Insp Rest 50-320/70-0S on 700910-12 No llees of --7904210732 IF Inte Repte 50-320/72-09 50-209/72-14 on 721001-04 6 06 nonc esp ilenc e noted No noncompliance noted Major areet enes eatl receiving kWhWUtD. E M Regton L. Philadelshte, Office of the Dstector ropte. welder queltinsetton retords & cieen6ng peacedure 70/09/03 lp *Emput3. E M , HEISHMAN.R F Region I. Philadelphie. Reactor ConsteWc 4 4 en & Eng aneet a ng Support Branc h 72/10/12 3Jp p

       +- 7904230051 IE Inse Rest 30-320/70-09 on 700010-12 No conreaeltance nJted Ms Jer areas inepected c on ta tnoont. c onc rete 4 we ld ing 4                     7904210126 Forwards if inse Rest $0-320/ 72-07 on 721104-03 & notice of reactor coolent pressure soundeg paping                                                      violetten MuNNICUTT,D M . $NOWN.R L . HOWARD,E M                        Regnen   1,   Philadelphie. HOWARD. E M                Regton 1. Philadelphie. Reactor Con 94*vction &

Of fice of the Director. 70/06/31 4, Engkneering Support Branch 72/11/29 2pp 7905000156 Durtng rea(ter pressure vessel insp on 710824-25.4pperent -- 79042 3012e No t i c e o f vselat6cn free anse on 721101-03 deficiensy noted to c ompitanc e w/Sec tion 3 of ASME Code e Region I. Philadelph6/ Reacter Constructaen b Engsneertng Requette corrective actions within 30 dags Support D r en* h 72/11/22 ap O RE ILL Y. J P Region 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Director --7904230331 IE Iney Rept 50-320/ 72-07 on ?28101-03 Noncompl6ance noted contenneent bLAg accepted cadweld splaces found not to meet acceptance stdo established in precedures 7904270298 Forwards IE Insp Rest 50-320/10-06 on 701006-09 HOWARD.E M TILLUU.J H . VAREL A. A A Region 1 Philadelphie.

                                                                                                            #" '"' ""' I*"                       "8'"##"I#I "'                #'"'"       ##II#

No nonceepinance noted topp HOWARD.E M Regson 8 Philadelphie. Of fice of the Directo, Fl/11/10 1p 7905000079 Act receipt of 721229 Itr informing AEC of steps teten to correct vnoletton noted in IE lasp Rept 50-320/72-07

       --7904270293 IE Inse pest $0-320/70-06 on 701 D00-09 No nonc eas i n enc e                                                     8'       ' ** * * '              #'             ' * * ' ""

noted Ma jor areet inspected performance of 16centee-

  • contractor effort ce piping & weldlag 8 * ' ' "' * "* '

NUNN!CUf f. D M . BROWN.R L . HOWAND.E M Region 8 Philadelphia 70/11/09 4pp Of fic e of the Carector --700S000084 Reasonse t o AE C 721129 itr ce violettone noted in IE Inte Rest S0-320/72-07 Corrective actions GC procedvre for i" a r ri

  • s
                                                                                                            ;;';i;,;frir a n f " o o-790 290693 ,erw.ed,         i                                   i on f Ho   Ro. E M         Reg.E oni n.
                                         . s,.hRa.e,et i,h
                                                       .50-i 320,7
s. Of i -O,4 c e the e , iD,o n o- i9 rector
                                                                                                            , , ,c,, , , O       me,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, c,                        ,,,,,,,, ,,,

7t/02/23 13 904230664 IE Inte Rept 50-320/72-09 on 721229 6 730103-05 No

       --7404250697 lE Inne Rept 30-320/71-01 en 710110-19 No nonc omp l 6 anc e areas ,os,e,ted on. of tw. e-R. .nd.e con.t &

n ac - > n<- nt*M>r e.. ca 8 c c

  • 0* s ac noted,Ma,.e e, pre .e, of , e, f .r e of lu.n...-contract.' .ff.,t.

s "r=' n'c ' ">n* r *r' n " HUwARD.E M . HUNNICUTT.D M Regten I, Phinodelph64 Office of e ""ac t o' r on 8""^ 's t r& uc t i on' E M . HE!R W M173/06/30 Engineering Support Branch Philadelphie. RI'nn " egionc.n-7pp the DLtector 71/02/10 6pp 7904250653 F o eud r e t IE Insp Rept 50-320/73-01 on 730314-16 7904250011 Ac k receipt of 711206 lte anforetag AEC of steps taken to HowARD>E M Region 1 Phaledelphns. Office of the Dstector c orr ec t platestone tient6 fled to AEC 711020 Itr 73/04/19 2pp 0 #EILLY. J P Regnen 1 Philadelphie. Office of t*e Director 11/12/16 lp

                                                                                                      --7904250656 IE lose Rept $0-320/73-01 on 730314-16 No nonc oep i t anc e noted Major areas snspected condensate storage tant
        - 7904230016 C od e Case 1492 andac44.s that post-weld heat treatments of                           & torated wa t e r storage tant procurement d oc ume n t e TMI reactor vessel meet atross tellet tame requirements &                                      VARELA. A A . TILLOU.J H                         Region 1. Philadelphia. Office of t%e are an coepleence w/ ell requireeente of A9ME 5ection III                                       Director          73/04/17           6pp MILLER.J G         Metropoliten Edtson Cs              71/12/06      2pp 7904230192 !E Inse Repts $0-320/13-02 & $0-299/73-02 on 730326-26 7904J70297 Di s c us s e s IE inte on 7JO317 of const actavillee 6                                Nonc omp l 6 enc e not ed delta-ferrste woldang electrodes.

procentract 494 : L No conc omp li anc e s noted rotettag safeguards motor shafts & Instru*ent panent O'#f!LLY.J P Rogson 1 Philadelphte. Of fice of the Director F DLEDM. S A . HowARD. E M . HEISHMAN.R F Regten 1 Ph41edelphle. . 72/03/29 to Of fic e of the Diesctor 73/04/27 327p l 7904230060 Fo* wares IE Inst Rept 30-320/ 73-03 on 730723-24 & notate of 79042300S4 forwarde cover Itr for IE Insp Rept 50-320/72-01 on violetten 790426-27 No nonc omp lianc e noted HOWAR EM Regten , Philadelphie. Reactor C ons t ruc t i on & nginesting Support c anc h 73/09/07 2pp l HOWARD.E M Region 1 Ph3Iedelphne, Reector Conttegetgen & i Engineering sos,e,t pranch 72/04/23 i, l --7994230062 No t ic e of v!Oletlen free anos en 730723-25 e Regten 1 Phstedelphie. Reac tor Construc t ion & Engtoepring

       --7904230038 7orweres IE Ines Rest S0-320//2-01 on 720426-27 No                                       0 78 e' Er nCh              I3'O'#03            288 nonc cop liance noted 0'REELLV,J P             Region 1 Philadelphte. Office of the Dstector
               ' ' 8         #                                                                         --7904230066 It fnte Rett 50-320/73-03 on 730723-25 Noncompliente noted reactor presswee vessel saetallation storage not per ette
       --190423006 L IE loss Rest 50-320/72-01 on 720426-27 No nonc omp i tanc e                             procedures           safety-related swope not persodicalig rotated noted Major eress toepected audit of g&W lsetted GA/QC                                          DEI HMAN.             . M        8 .E C          D ARPE O F F             Reg 6pn 1 Ph614de hhte.

Reactor Const ruc tion & Engineer ing Support B r a nc h 73/09/03 Gpp 8#DWN.R L Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Director.

                                                                                                     7904290219 Responds to NRC 730907 ble ce violations noted in IE Inty on 730723-25 Corrective actions equ6peent has been 7904230068 Forweeds it into Rept 50-320/72-02                                                      lutracated          procedures reflect preventive meant progree MILLER.J S           Metropelsten Edison Co                       73/10/11       app HuwaRD. E M           Region 1 Philadelphme. Reactor Construc tion b Engtneering Support Deanch               72/09/14        1p 7904250487 Forwarde IE Insp post 10-320/73-04 en 770927-29 & 1001-02
       --7904230071 It ines Nept 50-320/72-02 Noncompliance noted weasel damage                          No concompliance noted to reac ter pressure wes6el not peceply reported                                              HE l BHMAN, R F              Region 1.          Philadelphne. Reac tor Cons truc t ion &
            #0LBOM.S A           Regten 1, Philadelphie. Offsce of the Directer                          Engineering Support Drench                         73/10/29           2p3 72/09/13       293 l

l - 79042$0491 IE ines Rept So 320/73-04 on 790927-29 & 1008-02 No 790427olu3 os.e ..e. it lasp Rest on 720ei4-17 & forwarde neties of noncoep h ence noted Maaoc erea. inspected const schedolo. violation GA. c onta i neon t s truc ture & remeter pressure vessel O 'RE ILL v. J P Region 1. Phtiadelphie. Office of the Dttector FOL60M.6 A , HE I SHMAN. R F Regten 1 Philadelphie. Reactor 72/10/06 Pop. Cons truc tion & Engineering Support trench r3/10/23 6pp

PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7s 79042 023s P ne ...the r act.en on ,epig to Region i c.p.t in., 7904230250 Fe,wer.. In., Rept 50-320,74-03 r e steei ..pports Reg ion he. provi ded acknowiedgement s he. not re49e.ted in fool hendisng cenen waii. 1 needtuerters' et s l e tenc e se evaluating reelg HENDERSON. J B At ee t c Energy C ose t t s t on. 01eet totate of Lic ensing HE NDER50N. J G Ateetc Energy Comeletion IPro 19757 { 73/11/06 1p (Pee-19735 74/09/21 Sp 7905070S00 Act recetpt of 740306 lte enf oretng AEC of steps teten to rettett violettens noted in Inspect Rept 50-320/74-01 +-79042302SS Insp Rept S0-320/74*05 on 740709-80 No nonc omplianc e no ted f A4LEDN. R T Region 1 Philadelphse. Reactor Construc t ion & Major areas inspected porttal neDed*ent of te*poreeg potee Engineering Eupport Branc h 74/03rto lp crane in pereenent conte 6nment structure concrete HE ! 5HRAN. R F . FOLSOM.9 A Reg 6en 1. Philadelphaa. Office of the Darector 74/08/01 7pp

   -- 1905070SDJ Resp ond e t o AFC 740227 lte re violatione noted in Inst Rept S0-320/74-01 Corr ec tive ac tions date pec togee teturned to febencelor/etettet fer Sfover tellation                                              7903070309 Act recetyt of 740823 lte infoteang AEC of stopt teten te tortect violettent noted in Inet Rept 90-320/74-04 ARMOLD R C        Metropoli ten Edi son Ce         74/03/06     2p p C ARL SON. R T Engineering Support Branch Reglen 1, Ppiladelphte. Reacter Con g teve t t en 6 74/09/06     1p


   -- 79090 70503 Ac t receipt of 740227 Ile inforetng AE C of steps laten to                                                                                                                I correct violettone noted in 740130 ite C ARL 8DN. R f         Reggen 1. Phliedelphia. Reactor Constructton &               --790$070326 Responds t o AE C 740716 lte te violations noted in Insp Rept                     l Engineering Suppset Granch             14/03/10       1p                                    SO-320/74-04 Corrective act4one review of documentetson regutted to embed poter crane support inttnated ARNOLD. R C        Metropolaten Edteon Co            74/09/23     3pp
   --7905070504 Responds to AEC 740130 Itr te violations noted in 740130 ite Correttave actten Joint were inteacted tg GE & otal on                           79042900/6 Forwards Owlletan 74-t2 "Inceetect Colle an westinghouse 740313 6 instructanal memo see c arcole ted. regutting eenthig                          Type SQ Relege at Trojen '

anspection detweentetton O'RE!LLY.J P Region 1 Philadelph s

  • Of fice of the Detecter 50BOL.A R Pennsylvante Power & Ltcht Co 74/02/27 3pp 74/10/23 Ep 7404JeO200 Docueente 740510 telcon */Wtta re 6neerv6ce testing 4 inop --1904200079 Belletto 74-12, "Inc orr ec t Colls in Weetteghouse Tvee SG of t eac ter coolent age componente Relage et Trojan
  • WASH 9JRN 8 Ateele Enetty C eee t s S t en. Ottectorate of Licensing
  • At#elc I"*rgV Commettten (Pro 1975 74/10/23 Ip d Pr e- 19 FS ) 74/05/t3 np 7904270350 F orwar d e IE Into Rest 50-329/74-06 on 740924-26 & not tco of 790420040s Foewarde pulletta 74-6 " Defective Wettinghouse Type W-2 violet 6en Centeel Gwitch Component " W/o enct CARL 6DN,R T Regaon 1 Philadelphte. Reactor Cons tr uc t s on &

0'REILLv.J P Region le Phaledelphia. Of fic e of the Director Engineering Support Sc enc h 74/10/2S 2pp 74/0$/29 2pe

                                                                                                --79042703S4 Notice of violation free into on 740424-26 7904250400 Feeweede lE ines Rept 50-320/74-03 on 740514-17                                         e     Regten I, Philadelphie. Office of the Director                      74/10/25 No noncompliance noted                                                                           Ip C ARLSON. R Y          Region 1. Ph41edelphie. Of f 6ce of the Director 74/06/06        dep
                                                                                                 -79042703S9 IE inep Rept 50-320/74-06 on 740924-26 Nonc omp l i an c e noted
   --7904230494 IE Inse Rept 30-320/74-03 on 740514-17 No nonc omp lianc e                            ""*' **I' II'" ***I' #***' ''  "'**'8" '"

noted MeJor eteet gnepetted decaq heat r eeeva l. '# '" # '* cle4Gd*co918ng eytteee % containeent 8140 ting garder * ' ' ^ ' ' ' ' ' VAREL A. A A . TILLDU,J H Reglen le PhtledeLphaa. Office of the Office of t'h e Direct'- o 74/10/25 19pp Dttectet 74/06/04 7pp 7904200036 Forwards Bullette 74-63. *! proper F ac terg Wiring on GE 74-6. " Defective Wettsaghouse Type otor Control tre et oct Cathown

  • 1904250490 W-2 Centrolpesponde to Sulletin* We9tanghouse will investtgate Switch Ceeponent LL ' " * ' ' ' ' * ' "# O' ' ' ' #'

evitchgear & teely la espected sq 740009 74/10/25 tp ARNOLD.h C Metropoliten Edleon Ce 74/07/12 (p

                                                                                               --7404260039 Sulletta 74-13 l*9 toper Factory W6 ting on GE Motor Contral 7904210741 Ferwards IE inop Rept S0-320/74-04 on 74062 7-2G 6 not ic e of                          Ctre et Fort Calhoun '

violettee e Atootc Enet gg Comessaton (Pee 19751 74/10/23 2p9 C ARL SON. R T Regnen 1 Philadelphie. Reactee Cenettuction 4 Fnginsering Support Branch 74/07/16 2pp 7904300ll2 Forwardo IF Insp Rest 50-320/74-07 on 741022-23 No noncompliance noted

   --790421074 S No t ic e of violation from enes on 7406J7-29                                              '

i e Regnon L. Philadelphie, Offste of the Director 74/07/16 ""*'"*"' "*"' '"*"* # l 299

   --7904210755 If Inse Rept 50-320/74-04 on 740627-28 Nonecopliance noted
                                                                                              --7904300115 IE Insp Rest 50-320/74 07 on 74 t022-23 he conc ospi nenc e perttong of tempetary poter ctgne support towere were noted M4 Joe stees toepected possiste generte defic s enc y 6n diesel generators e re d prototype tenden grouttog peteenently estedded in c on ta t emen t s t ruc t ur e concrete                           F'OLEDM,6 A     . HElBHMAN.R F              Regten 1 Philadelphse. O# face of the F DL SOM 9 A . HElBHMAN.R F                wegion I, Philedelphie. Reetter                  Director        74/11/09        7pp Construction 6 Engineertne support Branch                 74/07/t6       Spp 7904J00160 Act receipt of 741129 Lir informing NRC of steps toten to 7904290220 poteerde feeder test te IE anop on 740709-80 Concludeo                              careect violettons noted an IE Insp Rest 50-320/74-06 outetending Iseuee retelved                                                                 CAHobON.R T          A tomic Ense gy Comeseston (Pro 1975I Hf NCt R90N. J B                                                                                                                                                   74/12/0S       Lp Atoets Ener ge Coneg et ton. Directorate of Licensing (Pee-1975)         74/07/20      4pp
                                                                                              --7904300161 Reepends to NRC 741025 Itr te vtolettone noted in IE ines 7904300102 Forwarde IE Insp Rept S0-320/74 -05 on 740727-20 No Rept 50-320/74-06 Correstive actions unveed welding electrodes have toen doeteoged & precedures changed noncoepinance noted                                                                            ARNDLD, R C         Metropoltten f.d 3 een Ce        74/11/24      3pp C ARL SON. R T           Reglen is Philadelphle. Reactor ConstrycI(on &

Engineering Support Stens b 74/D9/01 2pp 7904280000 Forwards Bulletin 74-IS. *Mstepplication o f Co n t er-Heneer Three Festtaen Maintesned Bwntch Model 10230T

  • D 'RE !LL Ve J P Reg g en 1, Philadelph5e+ Of fice of the Datector
  --7904100100 IE Inte Rept 50-320/74-03 on 740727-20 No nonc esp i lenc e                        74/12/06       Ip noted MeJoe seeds toepected tec ee ds of wert performance 4 weet in prodress F DLSOM. 9 A . HF ISHMA4 R F             Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Office of the           7904250010 Bulletin 74-15                "Misapplicataon of Cuttee-He**er These Director       74/0G/01.      7pp                                                           Pasation Metntenned 6 itch Mosel 10250T "

e At omic Energy Comeseeten (Pre 19756 74/12/06 2p, 7904230630 Feeweed e se t t et e n 74-9 *Def s c tency an GE Model 4tV Magne-8 test Ciecutt Seestore

  • 7904200077 Forweeds Bulletin 74-16. "lepropet Machtntog oe Pistons in O'RE!LLY.J P Regnon 8 Phaledelphie. Of f t g e of the Daracter Colt industries (Faittente-Morte) Diesel-generatorg -

74/09.06 esp O 'RE ILL Y. J P Region 1. Phaledelphie. Office of the Direc tee 74/12/83 19

  --790425066S Ovtletin 74-9.             "De 8 t c 6 enc y in CE Made i 4tV M4gne-Steet Csecult greatere =                                                                   --7904200094 Solletin 74-16.

e Regson L. Philadelphie, Of fice of the Dsrector. 74/08/06 -f* proper Machtnseg of" Piston, in Colt indvetries cFe6ttenue-Morsel D6esel-Generatore 4pp e Off6ce of Inspec t L on & Enf orc ement 74/12/13 2pp

76 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ) 1 79o.2,022, r..w.... ie in., .... ,o-22o,,4 09 .n 74i2i.-,o . n. n . ., .n. 72-o . ...,... ..

                                                                                                                                     --7,o4,ooo.,7 . ....i.....o,.0,....                              . . Ai .i... . i n        -

c AL.o~. i.n.n .n ....... c.n..... n ., . .....,n,-n.......nin........n...h..........n......,

                                                                                                                                             . 0                ..                ..n        in                          73        ,i,     2, , 7 ........ .. . . . n.i h . , h n75.,o.i. ,io. , h i . .2., w.... it in., ... . So-3/0,79-03 .n 150',24-26 n. . a . .

  --,,04,7        3>9                                              ,,                                                                79.4,210,.759         ,.
                 .....n ~..n .,.,


                                              . .i.n h o ... i,h i .n .. o,.,.
                                                                             .n., .n
                                                                          ... ., ...7 ....      i2nr.2o ..       75,oi,0.

cA.L oi....,n .. . i. ... .. ....... con.... .n . i, nn,, ..........n. ...n.h 75 .,04,i i., h . . 2,,

  --7 ,042/034                                                                        75                                     n....                                                                 ..o.                 on
         ...         S. .I t . .i. n, .. p. . ., 4 w...

S0-320n,74-09 .......o. .n .8... 2 i .-w20,n.n..i....

                                                                                                        .N.ns .., ,1.n t ,           .-79 42 0164 N. tit.                  , . ,          ... .an.p  . c n . . 75o32..n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .. 4 - 2 6. r e i n. . . n.
              ..             .. i. ., . ......
                                                                .eA. . , .. .
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75 o4 .. i, . 0,u.m . A , o

                .. .. h. . . .. m...L..           .

75 m,oi, ... ..... .....nio,,

i. ri. n .. . i , h . .

76 it .e,t n....

                                                                                                                                     -- 19042.0, wi         n,9. i . . .i n . p ..... So-32o,FS-03..n
                                                                                                                                                                                        ..... n.               ..n.15o324-26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .n ... N.n.         ..p l .4.n.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .n .i...      ... .

79 42 sos.. r..w.... it i .. .... So-32o,7S-Oi .n 7Soi22-23 N. , A.

                                                                                                                                                                   . ...3                                            F.                       i.

cA taa,n.. ,is.nC.. n. . # . . FOLSOM.. ... W Fc o.n.. . G.HMAN.,

                                      .. .n i.,bi...i,b...                            0,,..       .,  .h. . . . . . . . . .                                          S.ANDE:.0
                                                                                                                                                                        ......                                               . .e.l.en......

en,in....n, ...n h 75,oi 3i 2,, r h ,, i . , . , h . .n,, 75 o4 i. . 79aSoioi.3 ..<.,,i i., . ., . ... ....n .. 7Soi,2-,3 .. n.n...,n .n.. .. A... n. ,.. 7504 in if. in., .n,...,.n,+.3,.c

  -- 7,o4 2. .,o.m.,.S9o i e, ....
                                          .... So->s
                                   .i n. , , n . . . . . . o ...., , S-0. ., . in...n.
                                                                                   .n                                                   cA ....L.o~.        .,i....n                                                   . ... .o ,., S  -oa. . .< . a .n n... .

n n.n.iin, en,in..,in. ..,,........

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                                 ,                                                       ,h n .. . i , h . . . o,,n. ., ih.


o. .....
                                                                                                                                                                               .. ~.                             ,. ...         ....n.              in it in.,
                                                                                                                                     --740,o.ioi7o                  .....n..So-. 32o,7S.-o2                          c....c.           ..n....
                                                                                                                                            ...                                            ..e          ..n.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ....      . 7So3i        ....,. .i.,

7,oSoioi7 A.. . 6.l........n.t.

                                              .,    7S02 2 i., i                              ~,c ., ..... ....n ..                         .. ..... ...i. . ...i. ... .. ..

M.t.. .it..n E.i.i..n C.


73 4,ni0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,    n.w .........

r.IEn..., 4,, c..eect cA.L on. ., t.n

                                        .     .n sn          in
                                                                                          . . . ., c.n.3J.o , 7 4 -09. . .. . .n .          A.NULo. . C
                           ........ ...n.h i., 13,02,i ,2o h . .i,. 79o4J So"93 F o rw... . if In., ..,t So-3so,75-oS .n 1504i/-i. . 28-23

n. n .n. ... . . n. .
  --7905. 0,.,
                         ....,.n..          .. ~c                                                         n...               in.,

c,A too,~..

                                                                                                                                                            .          .n....
                                                                                                                                                                        ....n      i. rh n ... i,h i..               o.,..e ., .h. oi......
         .... So 3,o, 4-o9 c.... .                                                                                                         S,oS  o            2,,
                                    .......... 7Soio.  .2...    . . . i.. ,..n, . ... ....n.n..
                                                                                              .... . .. . .... .....

APMOLD .C M.... ..p. lit.n f.6..n C. 75/02/i2 Sep --79 4240599 IE Ins, .... 90-320/73-OS .n 7SO4 7-iB . 2i-2J ,.,

                                                                                                                                            ~. n n ...                                m.,.. ..... n.                               .A  .......
                                                                                                                                            ..n. . n..n. ..n..,,...n....                                               .......n 7904J0004. 7o ..... IE B 75-o3.
  • faco,re.. Low., D G,,tn, . VA8EL A. A A . HA NES
                                                                                                                                                                             ... .n, ...


                                                                                                                                                                                                 ..,    ..n .. .

egt.n 1. Phtte..l se, Of,6ce ., the Cle...nce Daa.n.s.n i n S.. . . . H JOO & H ,OJ Auc0 So l e n. g . a .c 15/03/0e io,p v.i... - O 'RL lLLv. J P .egeon i. Phil...ipha.. Office .# the Ds ec..e 73fo3f g g g, 1904230471 P.,w.... In.s ep. 50-320,7S-06 .n 1,0312-i3 N. nn......n,. no ..If

   -79 4, oo,i if                                                 in ...... i.w.,

ca"'ao" " ' i d ia*** a * , c ',

  • a '

o,..n,..n in ..S.. n . ...i n.>7mS -o.s . ma< AaC 0 So iv.i.e. S. , i n

                                                                                                    .n. . .o-. .
                                                                                                                   . c i .. . .n   .
                                                                                                                                        < " " '*                        ,' a' <aa ' , i   *a'$'oza 7                     a
        . 08#tte of In.po.tton & En#. temen.                                             ?S/0 V14          1,
                                                                                                                                       -7904JSO4H0 ,E               in., .ept 50-320/75-06 .n 7S0412-43 N. non.em,lten.e 7,o4,Soo7.         F..w....           i,     in.,       e,. 50-320,,S.o, .n 73022o-si , no t . . .,                                        ;;;;;,a:;;; ;;;;;,;
  • a a, " ai $ *, ii ' '
                                                                                      ....... C.e.t.... .n .
                                                                                                                                            '=*oa *^                 ~^*"ow'         - "<<s"aaa a '                          a**i a i-               *i***

c;*l'54*".n,r ... . .....n

    .n.,ne..                         .. . . . n. h i.


                                                                    ..i.h ui,...      i.,,

ae < ' c e i, ii n <n. . nee . ,s 4 h Pa"oS've 7S/ ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             '             n.        - w-
 --,9o42500., .. t n . e , , e s .n .n .... in.,

e HegLon 1 Phgle.elphie. 0# f ac e of the Directe,

                                                                                       .n 7,022o-2.


                                                                                                                                     ' ;;';o;;;,::; ::::,it,=:" 'ia 7* oa- *oe' O 'NC ILL V. J P                Reglen 1          Phile.eiphie. Office of .he D$,etter 1088                                                                                                                              TS/05/30            Ip
                                                                                                                                     --7904200039 IE Sviletin 75-06                              " Defective Wo..anghov.e Type 07-J Cent.oD
 --1904JSOOG9 f(                         Hept                                 on                                                            Sul t he "

powe, & centIn., el table 40- 320/ 75-02.s

                                                      .40,#.        evt          e, .on 7S0220-21 pe,ttelig   Nontemplia,nce fnlle             note.

e Office of In. pes t s on & Enf ort ement 75/05/30 2pp

        , eel,we,e not               .eele..

F DL HOM. S A . HE 194 MAN. R F - GAGF.L W Region 1 Ph68a.elphla. 08 fate of the Dteetto, /S /0.1/ t 7 86pp 79c4270007 Fe,wer.. It in., kept 30-370/75-o7 on 7S0650-L3 6 no t ic e of violetten C ARL mm. N , Regten i. Phile.etphie. Reacto. Can.t.uction & 7904200019 Fe,wer.. lE Selletin 74-04. *Cet t e F tre et B,own. Fe.,W Enginee, lag Suppe,t granch Upp 75/06/J4

   ,hetlee, Powe, Station "

O 'RE !LL V. J P Region L. Pb t h e.e lph ia. Offsce of the Dbtecto, , 75/03/29 3p -7004J70010 No t s t e o f . f,oe in y en 750610-13

  • Regton 1 Pa l l a.l elpeh t6 ell
e. enOffste of the Directs, 75/06/21
 --7904200044 IE Sulletin 7S 04. "Casle fnte et 8,ewns Fe..g Nuties, Powe, Plant *
  • Office of In.pection L En f o,t **ent 75/03/24 58 --7904270017 If in.p Pept 50- 750610-13 henc esp i lenc e no te.


                                                                                                                                            .1 .lnot tng of        .afelv ,,e.lete.340/75-07 meet ,etwa e             .pec.

piptne 6 en of falle, metal 790420006S,.. II. Bulletin 1S -04 A. "Catte Fire et Brown. Fe.,g gappow, L , pope, J P . reL!BHnUN.R F Reglen 1. Ph 6 t e.elph t e. Hvtle*,P18 t

  • Off64e of the 06,ecte, FS/06/23 13p p 0 hf tLLV. J P #egLon le Phile.elphis. Of fic e of the Di,esto.

75/04/03 1P 7904210 714 F e,wa,.. IE In.p Rest 50-320/ 75-09 6 en 750625-26 6 notice of wieletten

 --7904200068 it Bullet 6n 75-04A.
  • Cat t e F 6,e e. B r own. F e..g Nuc l ee, C ARLGON. R t Region 1. Phsia.elphie. Neec t e, C on.t.ur t e en &

Plant " Eng6peating Suppe,t Granth 75/01/04 2pp e Offite of In.pec t ten & Enf e,s ement 78/04/03 3p p if Syllet *0perabi of Catsee.g 1 . 79o4Jgo749 Natste of violation f.ea sn.p en 75062S-2a 7904J.o0074 Hg .ao! & c Forwa,..

                     $n es t 6 Sway Suppin 75-05.e..e..."                     Regulate.lity    g Ope,ation.
  • Reglen to Phile.019hte. R*act#, Wi t I#n & t nfinee,0 9 tullelen. 73-0] 6 73-04 support 3 ench 75/07/De 1, D 'RE lLL V. J P #egten B. P# t ie.e lph ie. Of f sse of t he D6,et t e, 75/04/14 le
                                                                                                                                     ~~79042LO72S ff in.e Nept                                                 en 7SO625-26 Nonteepl&ende note.

t.entificatten o So-3JO/73 an 09.acetion.

 *-7904700078 IE tulletin 7S-05 " Ope,ettlaty of Celete,y I Hg. eular                                                                       coolant pues .tv.f ,es6al& notlines,             not promptag ,epe,in                 te.toesto.

Shett 6 kweg Supp,e..e.. F DL BUM,8 A . HE IGHMAN. R F. Regten 1, Phila.elphie. R. ecto, e Offace of in.pection 6 Enfeesoment 73/04/14 2pp Cen.4,vellen 6 Enginee ing Buppor t 3,ensh 7S/07/Je ket 7904210 7 t 0 F e,we r . . If in., Rept $0-320/ 75-00 6 en 750616-i7 6 2S-26 &

 ~~7904700086                                                         sullet6n 73-O'3. " Defective Hg.,awlst                            notice of vaatetton Ehest Supp.e. Rego.le,e t e..g         Og e,e t i en. "
                                           & Re.trennt.                                                                                 C anL EuN. R T                  Region 1 Phile.elphie. Reetto, Cen.t.uttien &

a Office of in.pection 6 Enfo,rement 73/07/27 Pop Engsnee, tag 8vppe t 8,anch 75/07/17 2pp I


 --7904210712                          devletten free ines on 740616-17 & 2S-26                      7904230646 Forwards IE fass Rept 50-320/75-13 & on 731020-23 No e              Netite Region        i.
                                  ,of   .d.               Re.cter Cen.tructlen & Engineering   j

So,, ort .. .nc h . h 75n,0 7, ii, p hi,

t. . C M L.e.,

ON. R 7. noted Region i. eh i.. e. R..ctor Constevci.on & i Engineering Support Branch 75/l4/10. Pop l

 --79042iO,i. iE in.p Re,t S+ 320/7vo. on 7906i&-i7 & 2 ,26 onc oe,i e not ed c o..                            te.ttng of g,0 4 U.ed f.
                                                .t re,ng    th                                       -  ,,0             iE in p Re,t                    i3 on 751020-23 No nonc eas i t anc e
       , s. t -t en t.ed.a           pe,    ereed                                                   2506,S4                    50-320OCm ,er in.,ected A s.t en N m E.s      .R not noted                                            eiectric.i envipment.

vMuA. . C. Region i. Ph o e.e i,h i.. Re.ctor record,%for o, areas

                                                                                                                           .i6o voit .v. & dt..ei tener. tor.

C ons truc h t ee & Engineer sag Buppor t granch. 73/07/17 1093 NARROW L . NAVNES.R C . HEISHMAN,R F Region 1, Philadelphle. Reactor Cons truc t 6on & Eng ineer 6ng Suppor t Branc h 75/11/10 19pp 7904"DDOl39 IE Inse Rept S0-320/75-00 en 730616-17 & 25-26 Nonceasitance noted grovt cube compressten teste & groot tests for chier sde & nitrate concentrat tens & altelinite not done VMELA, A A . HAV9ES, R C. 79042106S2 Responds to 7 SOS 24 & 27 lire espleantog why certain Reglen 1, Philadelphie, Office of the process centrol teste were not applicable f or grovt used to Director 75/07/17 topp protect post-tenstoned tendons of sentainment s truc ture 1 O 'RE !LL'r. J P Regten 2 Atlanta. Off6ce of the Director j 7904300139 Notice of deviatten free tone en 750114-17 & 25-26 9 Reglen la Philadelphia, Office of the Direc tor 75/07/87, 19

                                                                                                     --7904210658 Forwardt rest of test on conc rete cg!tedere 6 inches diemeter eg 12 i nc h e s length Rept omitted free 730820 ite 7904300023 Act receipt of 7S0724 itr informing NRC af stopt taken to                                     ARNULD. R C      Metropolsten Edtson to             75/08/27      2pp correct violettens noted an IE Inep Rept 50-320/75-07 C MLSON, R T                  Reglen B. Phaledelphae. fleac t or Construction &

Engtavering Support Branc h 75/08/04 13 - 7904210661 Responds to violettone noted in IE toss Pept 50-320/75-08 Corrective actions forwards resulte of 20-dog compressive strength test for grovt trial als

 ~ 7904 300030 Responde to #deC 73062% lte te violettene noted in IE. Insp                                 ARNULD.R C       Metropolttan Edtson Co             75/09/21      Jap Rept 30-320/7S-07 C orrec t 6 ve ac t l ens ' Je t ot weldtog stopped Covered elec trode destreged & tare metal cleaned ARNULD.R C              Metropoli tan Ed t son Ce           79/08/24      3pp                                                                                                           '

7904200113 Forwards IE 9911ette 79-09. "PwR Pretsure Instrumentation

  • O'REILLY,J P Regaon l> Pelledelphie. Office of the Director 7904200130 Provides addl ande received free B&W re linear estel II#I II 18 andications to reac tor c oolent pump nuts & studs Concludet indications e t tcovered are non-relevant MNOLD, R C Metropetaten Edison Ce 75/09/09 lp --7 2 116 M pullette 75 6 N h et tuu in m uen tation e Office of Inspection & Enforcement 75/12/12 1p 2 4 Fe wards IE Inst Rept 90-320/7'b lO en FSO729-OBOL & notice 7904300477 Forwards 1E Inse Rest 50-320/75+14 on 761215-10 & notic e of CARLBON.R Y Region 1. Pht14delphia. Reactor Cenetruction &

Enganeersag Support trench 75/06/19 2pp C T Re8 ten 1 Philadelphia. Reactor Construction & Engineering Support Branch 76/01/13 2pp

  +- 790421072 e

7 Notice of violetten free inst on 750729-0001 Reglen 1. Ph t ledelph ta. Of fic e of the Director 75/08/19

                                                                                                     --7904300478 Notsce of violation from insp on 751215-10 e      Region 1, Philadelphia. Office of the Dstector                   76/01/13 lp
  ~ 7904280734 IE Ines West 50-320/ 75-10 en 7S0729-0001 Noncompitance noted reactor costent piping weld RC-038 observed to have V-netch at fossen Inne between base metal & weld deposit                                     --7904300402 IE Insp Rept 90-320/7S-14 on 7S121S-19 Noncompliance noted NARROW.L . DURR. J P . HE!SHMAN.R F                           Regten 1, Philadelphie,              I48I 'I *II'I' 08'           **I8%I'" # '8"I 'I 2'O* I 24 b 8 6"*p Reactor Construction & Engsneering bypport Branc h 17p p 75/09/19                    ha]p         t,       , HE !SheiAN. R F        Region 1 Philaeolphie.

Office of the Director 76/01/13 2Spp 7909080499 Act receast of 7S0620 6 27 itrs inferetog NRC of steps taken to correc t vtalattent noted in IE Inst Rept 50-320/75-09 7904 n.n. 440 Forward s IE Insp Rept 50-320/75-15 on 7S1216-ig No CARLiiON R T Region 1 Philadelphta. Office of the Director " * "* 9g,n g, p,gg,,,g,,,,, ,,, g,, g,,,g,,,gg,, g Engte.eering Support Branch 76/01/20 2pp 7904290104 Forwards IE Insp Rept 90-320/7S-11 on 750827-29 6 notic e of vielatton --7904300442 1E Inte Rept 50-320/75-15 on 75L216-19 No penc omp l i cha c e CMLHUN. R T Region 1 Phtladelphie. Reactor Cons trvc k ten & "'I'd "#1'" *"#' '"' 'd '"#' ' * * "* '" Engineering Support Brane n 75/09/L1 2pp I*'I" ' ** '" *## OACE . L W' ' ' '*"R e' n 'a "lPhiladelphie.'R e' ' "1 e actor Construction & Engineering Support Br anc h 75/01/20 Spp

 --7904250107 Notace of violation free sosp on 7 Soft 2 7- 29 a        Regten 1. Philedelphie. Office of the Direc tor                        75/09/11       7904 300093 forwords IE Ints Rept 50-320/76-01 on 760127-30 & notice of violation C ARLSON. R 7            Region 1 Philadelphie. Reactor Constructlen &
 -~7904250111 IE Insa Rept 50-320/75-11 on 790027-29 Nonceepliance noted                                Engineertog Support Branck               76/02/10      2p p storage area for eefety-related espaneten jotate not anspected & eccese to reacter vessel not controlled NARROW.L . SANDERS. W F , HEIS>esAN,9 F                           Region 1. Philadelphte.

Reac ter Cong ttwc tion & Engineersey Support Branch 7904300096 Notace of violation from inse on 760127-30 75/09/11 e Region t. Ph i lad e l p t. t a. Off6ce of the Directee 76/02/10 12p p 1p

                                                                                                     .-7904300099 IE Inst Rest 50-320/76-01 on 760127-30 NonComplianc e noted 7904270077 Based en results of If Insp Rept S0-320/75-00 on 750717.

regvests technical asetetence re devlet6 ens related to eati certifications were not available fe' 'I46'9 *dII E structural bolts for core flood tant S up p or"t structure activittee evereundtog contt of grovted post-tensioning ogs ,gnaggAN,E.F., NARROW. L . FCISHMANrW F Region 1 Philadelphie. For c ontaineont s truc ture Of fice et the Director 76/02/10 10pp ORIER.B H Region 1. Philadelphta. Office of the Director 75/10/23 2pp 79043004S2 Forward s IE Insp Rept 50-320/76-02 on 760209-11 No noncompitance noted

 *-7904270109 Responde to NHC lte re violettent noted in IE Insp sept                                   C ARLSON. R T            Regnen 1. Philadelpnta. Reactor Construction &

S0-320/7S-06 Corrective acttene appeeved installetten Engineering Support geenc h 76/03/09 2pp precedure for comprehensive strength test sutettted ARNDLD.R C. Metropelsten Edtsen Ce 75/00/21 4pp 7904250902 F orward s IE Into Pept S0-320/76-04 on 76022}-2S No noncompliance noted

 - 7904270L16 Based en review of IE Ines Rept SO-320/75-Oe,receemends util                              C ARLSON. R T.           Regten 1. Philadelphte. Reactor Constevetton &

tacorporate specs in aseed to FSAR cover tng const of reactor Engineering Support Branch 76/03/15 2pp bleg SEvF R I T , st. V. Office of Inspectten & Enforcement 75/10/06 2pp

                                                                                                     --7904250507 It inst Rest 50-320/76-04 on 760223-25 No nonc eep i tenc e noted Major areas inspected review status of outstanding 7904290492 Responds to regvest to sortes structural section of inep                                       lleet & GC progree for safety-related instrumentation &

Rest $0-320/73-06 Recommends different choencel tests for paping greeted & wngreeted tendent. NARROW.L . FOLBOM.S . HE!SHMAN.R F. #eggen 1. Philadelphia. MACCARY.R R Ateetc Energy Commission. Deputy Director for Technstal Reac tor Cons truc tion & Engineering Support tr enc h 76/OS/OS Revlem (Pre-1979) 75/11/04 2p p. 13pp

78 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS  ! l in 7,04220i2, ,orw.ed. o. , i9042OOi i9 r.,r.e,e e e g en ,.ei. ii ePht .n 76-02 6 7.-03,f .e e, Oe..e.r.ted Audiater.y A tu. tere for. 6IE e uiisiin 76-0 t e, ,et, 4,h n .deig.... O the Dire te. e e O 76.,.03 iL,L 1 s, J i, O iLLv. J P eg,en i. Ph ie eichie. O,n,e, ,, v. a ,i ve.s t . Di r .. 16/07/28 lp

 --7904200121 it Bulletin 76'02 *Releg Cell fellwees-GE Typ e Hp A. HQA, tela 6 HMA Welege *                                                                         ~~f9042OOl3J 3p 8viletin 76 06. "Dsephrege Fed jures in Air Operated e Office of inspettlen & Enforgseent                      76/03/t7     4pp                  Austliery Actuetere Fee 6efety Relief Velves
  • e Offite of inspettaen 6 &ofotcoment 76/07/28 3p p
 *-7994200124 it Sullet6n 76-01                   *Welag Malfunctiong-GF fype 9f0 pelays *
  • Offsce of Inspectnen & Enfettement 76/0J/17 Syp /904400!?6 F or wet d e l[ Certvter # 6 -01. " Crane Hesst Centr ol C & rtiel t Mude
  • O 'kF ILL Y, J P Meggen B. Phaledelphie. Of f ac e of the Director 7904100490 Atb recespt of 1602(1 Itr in f ere t og NRC of etepe laten to 76/01/2e 4, fortett vielellen noted in IE Inte kept SO- 3JO / 75- 14 C AHL GON. N t Reglen le Philadelphse. Reet ter Cons trut kien 6 IngLaeoring Support Brent h 76/03/17 2pp -- 7904 200 t 30 It Circ ule* 76-01
  • Crone Hotet Centrol Cletutt Mode e Offste of Inspectsen & Enforcement 76/01/2H Jpp
   -7904300494 peepende t o NRC 760213 ltr fe violetten onbod 6n IE Iney
        #ept                       Corres s tve et e tens entende documentary                 7VO42/OJ95 #esponde to NNC 760629 lane of dthe 6 e6 prey repaste 90-3JO/

erldente was en75- 14,11e p r i or to release of esti te genal Ce*pleted Oct 19/S #epette te dthe wall be geseleted 770410 OEMAbA C Metrepellten E d ison Ce 76/02/13 2pp 6 e6te inty acc eptease c riterte w6 t! be developed ANNOL O. R C Metropel s ten Ed i son to 76/07/29 2pp 7904 100443 Forwaree it inep **pt SO* 3JO/ 76-03 en 760224-27 Ne confespitance noted 7VO4PS06HS As 6 receipt of 760730 Itr antereing kHC of Stepe $aten te C ettec t wieletten noted en if inst Rept $0-3JO/76-OH 990HNFP.f J hetten I. PhiladeLphie. Reac tef Operettent Nuclear Eupport Breath 76/03/18 2pp C ANLtW h. M f Reg &en 1, Philadelphle. Reester Cenettut tien & Engineering Support Branch 76/04/90 lp

  --7904300449 ft (na, kept 50-3J0/76 04 en 7602J4-27 No perd esp 14 en( e noted Meset eteet in spec t ed restow of edesn e stret tvo
                                                                                              --7904210695 Wesponde to NR C /606JH lte re violetten noted Bn IL (nep documentation for seteblish*ent 6 sentral of test pregese                                  Nept So "JO/ 76~OH C et r et t i ve et t 6 ens flow tettriettng DAvl4 A 3         Hegnen L. Philadelphne.           er t fit       etes have been Subjetted te vere 4ving into FA4ANO,A Of  f it , ofNthe. C ANil  N.H Diretter     L , 76/OJ/l?      ISpa                                   AR hKM I-           Mettepelsten Edteen Co          76/07/30         'Jp y                    j
  -"79043004S6 IE Insp Nept 50-!J20/16-OJ on 160209-81 No noncespitense                        -7VO4JSO7Cl Ferwe'd, it inop Nept 50-320/76 00 on 7 t,060 7 - I l 6 notace                        i noted Me per erest intes(ted reetter weasel Internelt                                      of violation 48e** dig o'ese 6 5Leenlinett eentrol p ret eduret                                         C6RLS(W.H I               Region 1 Philadelph64, Neefter CenStructlen 6 6ANDf MM M F . HA #tN 3 N C                Heglen 1 Phniedelphie. Offeee of the            f ng i nee r l e.g Support Drench        76/06/2n      2op Director         76r03/03       6pp
                                                                                               -7404230/02 Notice of vieletsun free inte en 760607-11
  • Detson 1 Phkledelphed, Of fic e of the Diretter 16/06/20 I

7904250627 Fotweeds if Ingy Rept SO-;lJQ/76 OS on 7601tH-19 No noncompliente noted BRL)NN( N , f J Nog 6en B. Ph6ledelphle. Weectnf Operet6 ens Nutleer --7YO4PSO704 tr Iney Rept 50-3JO//6-OH en 760607-11 hont ece l 6 enc e no t ed Suppett beents 76/03'26 dyp receiving inop 6 revsew of vende* detw*entellen for eefe14~ feleted equipeent not performed HfObHMAN F N#"EUW OU"N ' d E #8888n l Ph s I848Isbla'

    +790e230631 IF Inse West 30-320/76-03 en 760319- $ 9 No noncemellente                          Reet ter C' Nonsr t' ua t ien 6' lfo'gkneetang Support Rf ens h'           76/06/2H noted Moser erede inepea ted etertup 6 test GA progree                                      l'#p including ogt,turveallense 6 gege eodLte PVHLMAN,W A , MC C ADE . E C                 Noglen 4 Philadelph&ar Reettet Operetsen. Nuclear support Brenc h                  76/03/29      7pp                 y9942nO347 pe,,ard, gt Cgetulee 76-OJ.               "peleg Failures - wastinghewee SF (e< > 6 pf Di d e l Relegt "

015 ILL C J P Regten 1 Ph11edelphte. Offiae nf the D&tector 7V04/00112 Fetwetes !E Solletin 76-04. " Crests in Cold-wetted Pipeng et g gg , 76/OH/lO lp O 'RE lL L V. J P Weglen 1 Philadelphie. Of f l e e of the Ditettae 70'03'30 18 -7904200.151 IL Circular 76 02. *#e lev F ellur es - We s t inghovie DF t ot i 6 BFDf dt l Nelegt

  • Office of Nuclear Hoegter Regggaggen 76 / 06J /10 ppg
   *79042OOLIS tl Bulletin 76 04.                 "Cesche in Cold + worked Peping at g wn , a e Offste of inspectaen & Faferw**ent                      76'03/30     den 7904250692 Ferwarde 10 insp Rept 30-340/76-09 en 760HOJ-06 No nonfo* pliant 8 noted 79042001:Je Feewar ds 16 Swlletin 76-05. *pe leg r ea lgree - westgeghegge BrD palees a                                                                                 C 4HL SON. R T           Re.3 6 en 1 Philadelphie. Reactor Genettuttlen 6 Engineering Suppset Drench               76/0H/18      app 0 'RE lLLY. J P          pegten t. Philadelphie. Offtre of the Dstector 76/04/05         1p
                                                                                              --7V04J10690 IF Inte s e pt S0-3Jo/76"O9 en 160003 06 Nn noncompliante
 --7404200140 If Bulletan 76-03,                                                                    neled Me les erset toepected revsew of etetus of "Relev Failures - bottinghouse Rf D outetendgng g g oes, Oc p rogree f or anetrueentation 6 pape Delays
  • o Ge t 6t e of Inspottien & E.cfoesseent 76/04/05 Sep ,egggn, Naew ow. , pen. J . HE I GHM AN,9 p' Regten 1 Philadelppio Asecter Constewetsen & Engenevesng Eupport Branc h 76/09/18 7904J00122 p,*pende to IE Bullatant 76-04 6 16-03 HnA.HMA 6 SfD GL I 3'8 relege have not eeen used on safety-related equipeent HOA 6 p(A relays inse 6 tentein ettopteele 68ett rett epool 7904200730 worde lf Clervler 76-03 "NedLetten $stoev'es in Reetter l ANNOLD.M C mettepelaten tessen Co 76/09/13 Ip g,,,gg,, F,ue D '9f lLL V. J P Neglen 1. Philadelpkle. Of fice of the Difector 7904290606 Foeward, It loop Mee t 30-3JO/76-07 6 760$11-13 No 6/U9/13 le noncompitence noted --7904200315 IL Clrtwier 76-01 *Redletten Espesures in Reac tor 9MUNhfA.E J Region 4. Phlledelphles Reetter Operetient Nuclear Cevilles Support $rench 76/09/25 app e D##tce of lampectlen & inf orc ement 76/09/63 Jpp
 --?9042906L1 lE leap Rept 90-320/76+07 en 760515-13 Ne pontoeplience                         7904J60049 Forwerde If late Rept SO 320/ 76-12 en 76090H lO noted Meset areas inspected tevlow of safety-related test                                 No nonc omp lianc e noted proceduret.QA for preopetellenet testikt                                                  C ANLhDN. R I            Regeen 1, Pntledelphie. Rest ler Conglevt tlen b C ANit pi ts t . MCC A9f . E G              Reglen 1. Philedelphie. Reac ter              Lngsneetnog Support Branc h             16/09/22      &pp Operatient Nucleet Support Stenth                   76/OS/2S      lOpp
                                                                                              --7904260021 it inep Meet 90- 320/16- 12 on 76090H-!O Ne cont emp lianc e 7904200301 Responde to N#C lte re vielettens noted in if Ints Rest                                 noted Me jor erese inspected etelve of outstanding itees 6
    $0-3Jo/ 76-OS Cor r e c t s we ec t ien FCP-3-2 he t tes4 rev6 sed to                           4A progees fer eletog 6 electrical weet inc lude t e llet of telep6eg teels evetg two eenthe                                           NARROW.L 6      F I N#LL. A        Reglen 1 Phaledelphie. Deschee ARNOLD.R C          Metropelaten Edsten Co             76/06/24      3pp                        Cenetree tien 6 Engineeting Buppsel Drench                  76/09/20          llop 790$OH0064 Iney Pept 50 320/76*03 wet eersneevely nomested 6 thevid be                       79042506S9 Forweede IE 1 pep Rept 50-320/'76-14 en 760V44 17 No 50-320/76-06                                                                                 nent nep l e enc e noted C ARLEON R V             Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Meetter Cenettuttlen 6                      BRUNNE M. E J            Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reacter Opetel6ces Nuclear Engineering support Br anc h                76/07/09      la                                 Support Branch           76/09/20      2pe


 --790423066i a inop Re, t S+-320/76-i. .a 760,i4-i7. No noncomp i t enc e                                                                                 utti,e re. sense to iE posed M.,er etees insp.cted:e. tnt progree.everised                            7904a049S viisiin 7.-02r.rward.e     7 0 30 ite c siectricei         iereinsi ieche inside protec t ten. witeet ten progree & tes t precedure vertencetten.                 containment wh ic h evet functlen in post-accident enstren F ASANO. A N , C ANTER. H. L. , DAVIS.A B           Regten 1, Philadelphie.       HpBBEIN.J G           Metrepetiten En t sen Ce                77/02/83        1p                    l Reester Deere46pne Nuclear Support Branch              76/09/2g,     lopp.
                                                                                      --7904250497 Documents 790128 c omovnicat ten te vee of electrical teretnet P9042003t3 Forwards If Circular 76-05 " Hydraulic Shect 6 Swag                            blects inside containment E4fety-related strcutte have been Suppressere Masst of gleed 4 Lect-up Veleestles en ITT                                   removed free terminal blects & connected using butt splices Grinnell s Medel Noeters, Fit 200 b 209. '                                              HERSE1N.J 0            Metropoliten Edleen Co-                78/01/30        1p C *EEILLY,'J P          Regten le Phtiedelphie, Of fice of the Director, 76/10/00       $p 7904290038 Forwards IE Ctecular 77-03, " Fire Ins tde a Meter Centeel Cte *
 --7904200324 IE Circular 76-03. "Hgdrevile Shoch 6 Sweg Suppressors.                   O'REILLY. J P              Reglen 3, Philadelphia. Office of the Director.

Melnt of Bleed & Lect-up Velecttlee en ITT Grinnell's Medal 77/03/D4 1p Noeter s. Fi g 20e & 201.

  • e Of flee e' innear*len 6 Enforcement. 76/10/08 top *
                                                                                      --7904280040 lE Circular 77-03." Fire Instee Meter Centrol Center Defice of ine,ection 6 Enforces.nt                         77/03/04        Sep              ;

790420034: R.epende te ir Ctecoger 76-01 re , eve 7904270160 Forwards IE Inse Rept So-320/77-04 en 770201-03 No l contrete ARNOLo.R are C, adel.vete Mett f oro.isten Eds.& ne sede en Co. planned 1, 76/ior27 noncee,liance neied

                                                                                         $ RUNNER.E J              Reglen 1. Philadelphie, Reacter Operettens Nuclear espoort 3rench             77/03/07        2p p .                                                   1 7904230604 Forwarde IE Inep Rept 30-320/76-15 en 761013-13                                                                                                                                  I Ne nonc omp i t enc e no ted                                                                                                                                                            1 C ARL BON. R. T-       Reglen la Ptiledelphie, Reacter Construction &             . 7904270162 IE Inny Rept S0-320/77-04 en 77020L-03 No noncespi tence                                  l Engineeting Support Branch.           76/10/29    2pp                                   noted Maser stees inspected factitty precedures &                                                l edoinis traisve c.ntres s for operating iegs                                                    ,

JOHNSON.0 F , ARCMI TlEL. R E Reg 6en 1 Phttedelphie. Office of

 --7904250608 it insp Rept 50-320/76-15 en 7610 83*15 No conceepliance                      the Otrector           ME IM IO. R R            R*ggen 1. Phttadelphia. Reaster noted Maser areas inspected installation of electrical                               operettene Nuclear Rupeert granch                        77/03/03       13pp c omponent e, e l ec tr ic e! quali ty recorde 4 post-tenelentne for demo tendens NARROW.L., RE !M f G. R         Reglen 1, Ph!!adelphie. Reetter                7904270133 Forweeds IE Insp Rept 50-320/77-%6 en 770207-01 6 notice of Construc tion a Eng snseeing Support granch           FUL50M. S       Regten 1    vietation Philadelphie, Office of the Director. 76/10/29.               16pp-               C ARLSON. R T             Regten L. Phaladelphie. Reacter Construction &

Engineering Support Branch 77/03/D0 2PP 7904190415 In response to 7608t8 ltre ne Wes tinghouse type DF(ac k retage are in vee. tut 34 SF(sc) relegs are weed for eefety-related -~7904270639 Notic e of vteletten free insp on 770207-10 circuite in Westinghovee metal 41a4 evitchgear. C ARLSOrl. R T Regten I, Philadelphie. Reac ter Construc tlen & ARNULO.R C Metropolttan Edison Ce 76/la/09 la Engineer 6ag Supp*rt granch 77/03/0e lp , l 4 7904190419 Responde t o it C ir c o t e r 76-05. I T 7 Or t ne l l enuseers are not

                                                                                      --7904270139 IE Insp Rest 50-320/77-06 en 770207-10 Nonc omp i t anc e notes in see et plannet to be weed et TM!                                                                                  to es                 in                            fettere ARNDLD.R L.       Metropolitan Edtsen Ce        76/11/18     1p                         #s g, t,ler e o,,f sa,ta
                                                                                                  ,,,,       ,,     GA,,, g,,, g g y,t a,t t l e h,,,gg,,te,requiremente g,                        &

C ARLSON. R T Regten 1. Philadelphta. Reector Constructnen & 7904270016 Forwarde If less Rept 50-3JO/76-87 en 761810-12 Ne aganeering opport ranch A L, ANDER S. W Resten 1. Phstedelphsa. Of fice of the Otrector 77/03/08 Lepp noncompliance not.d EWUNNER.E J e,ogien 1 Philadelphia. Reacter Operatione Nuclear Support Granch /6/12/22 2pp 7904240106 Responde te violetten noted in IE inse Rept 50-320/77-02 Corrective actions eeergencg feedwater line toepected for Phase t & codicated avdsting of electric eres begun

 --7904270020 it inop Rept 30-320/76-17 en 76t180-12              No noncompliance                           Metropolitan Edison Ce                  77/03/16        Sep ARNDLD. R C noted Maser areae inspected prosperational test            precedures, diesel reees & Fuel storage aree REBELDWSMI,T           Reglen 1, Phileestphie. Office      of the Director. 7904270489 Of 207 eelded case carcuit t*eeters tested.127 da t t ed to MCCASE.E C            Regson 1. Philadelphia. Reac ter    Opera tions Nuc lear    eest i           i                     trip setting spectised tg Support Seanch.        76/12/22     lopp                                          ,,,p ,tsedg,,,,,nstantaneeve
                                                                                                            , gory,,

ARMOLD R C. Mettepelitan Edison Ce /7/03/28 le l 7904270395 Forwarde IE Inse Rest 50-320/76-19 6 notice et violation. 7904290043 Forwards IE Circ u ter 77-02A. "Petential Heavy Spring C AHLDON. R T Reglen 1 Philadelphia. Reactee Cenetraction & Fgeoding " Engineering Support 3 ranch 76/12/27 2pp O 'RE ILLY. J P Regten 1, Philadelphie. Office of the Director. 77/02/18 1p

 --79042703B8 No t i c e O f vio la t s en f r ee toep en 761129-1202 e      Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reacter Cene truc t 6 3n & Engineering           --790429004S IE Circular 77-02A."Petential Heavy Spring Fleeding                                "

o r pport Branch. 76/12/27 Ip e Of fic e of Inspec t 6en & Enf orcement 77/02/10 49p

 ~~7904270391 ft Insp Rest 50-320/ 76-19 en 761129-1202 Noncompliance                  --7904290049 Forweeds IE Circular 77-01                         "Malfunctient of Liettertos noted fattere to contreL epec procedure changes by can't                             Va l ve Op er a t or e " No we i t t e n reopense required dep t & DC.                                                                          O 'RE ILLY. J. P.         Pegten 1, Philadelphia. Of fice of the Director                        i NARROW,L . FINpEL,A . kEIM10.R R               Region 1, Philadelehta.                77/01/06         1p.                                                                           '

Reacter Construc tion & Engineering Support 3rench. 76/12/27 13pp 7904270400 Forwards IE Insp Rept 50-320/77-01 en 770110-ll, No --1904290054 IE Circular 77-01. " Mal f unc tlens of Lten tertue Velve nonc eepitance noted Operators " ORVNNE R, E J Reglen 4 Philadelphie. Reacter Operatione Nuclear e Office of Inspection & Enforcement 77/01/06 2pp Support Branch 77/02/04 2pp. 7904200133 Forwarde IE Circulae 77-OS. "Fivid Entrapment in valve

 --7904270404 1C Inse Rest 50-320/77-01 en 770110-11 No noncoepitence                    Bennete "

noted Ma ser areae inspected.proeperational test ptocedures O 'RE ILLY, J P Regten 1, Philadelphia. Office of sne ptrector

      & training program for test personnel                                              77/03/29        2pp KEMELOWGMI.T.e H I OC ] hS. J         Region 1, Philadelphia. Office of the D4tector        MCC ASE, E C       Regten la Philadelphia, Reac tor Operatione Nocieer Support Branch             77/02/04     9pp                  ~~ 7904200138 IE Circular 77-05. "F19td Entrepsont in Valve Bennets *
  • Office of inspectten & Enforcement 77/03/29 1Sep 7904240126 Act receipt of 770127 lte inferming NRC of elope taken to serrect violatten peted in 18 Ins, Rept 50-320/76-19 7904200023 Forwerde If Ctecutar 77-06 " Effects of Hydraul ts F1old e..

C ARLG3N, A T. Reglen 4 Philadelphie, Reacter Constructten & Elec trical Cetles " Engineering Suppor t Branch. 77/02/07. Ip O'RE ILLY. J P. Regten 1 Philadelphta. Office of the Director. 77/04/OS 19

 --7904240132 Rossends to NRC 761227 ltt ce vsetetten noted in IE loop I      Rept S0-320/76-19 Correc tive ac tions evdit conduc ted be GC                       7904200026 IE Circular 77-06. "Effecte of Hydreulic Fivid on Elec trical l       department & pertedic mvdits of spec s 6nstieted.                                    Catles
  • ARNUL D. R. C Metropolitan Edison Ce 77/01/27. 3pp e Office of Inspection & Enforcement. 77/04/05 1p

80 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l 770405 iniie, ,e vietetsene noted in iE lnep 7904 300137 rer.4,d e it inop Rept 50-320/77-1, en 770522-24 he j

              --7,04200w13 Rest 50-Ree, pend 76 04e is NRC                     ee.. n       e.. ei c.tles                                                                                                       .
                     .ffecto.263, s ie. t.C or r.c t ive .c t ionee h,.r..iic cive.

entrei eye ,ed nonc.eepil.nce

                                                                                                              .Ruf   NER. E J     noted R.gien i. Ph . iede i,h t.. Re.cter u,.r.tiene Nacio.e mALIVIANAals.N           Cemeenweal t h E d 6 een Ce      76/04/01.      See             Espoort Stanch          77/06/07           2pp                                             ;

I 7904270831 Forwe8de if iner Rept S0-320/77+10 en 770314-tB No -- 7904300141 lE Insp Rept $04320/77-19 on 770S23-24 No nonc esp i tenc e noncomplienge noted noted MeJoe areas anspected peeoperettenet testing & SRUhNER.E J Region 1. Philedelphie. Re6c ler Operet tene Nuc lear verification of resulte of completed teete Sweport Branch 7//04/12 2pp RE BEL OWhM t. f A Reglen 5 Philadelphie. Uffice of the Directer C APH7DN. D L Regnen 1. Philseelph44 Reector Oper at ione kuc lear

               ~*7904270157 IE Insp Rept 90- 320/77* LO en 170314 18 No nonceepliance noted Mejor eteos inspected preoperational teet preredere document sentrel & IE bullettng                                                        7904300144 Forwarde IE Ine, Rept 30-3Jo/77-20 en 770321-26 Ni FASANO.A N . RE9FLOWHkl.T A                 Retten    1. Philadelphie. Of f ace of      nont#*pliance noted the Diretter.         DAVIS.A 3          Reglen 1. Philadelonge. Reacter                 C ARL BON. R T          Reglen 4 Phstedelphie. Reetter Cenetructier &

Operettene Nuclear Support grench 77/04/11 19pp Engtpeering Support Branch 77/06/07 2pp 7904250649 Forwarde IE ines Rept S0-3JO/77-13 en 770:131 he --7904 J00lS3 IE Ines Rept $0-120/77-20 en 770523-26 he nonc omp lien. e mentomoliance noted noted Mejor ersee anspested quellte roterde to electrical & CARLSON.R f se glen 1 Palladelphie, Reacher Cenetructlen & instrumentatten tehle toetellation & terminellen Eng6neering Support Branct 77/04/19 2pp NAR"UW' l " ' I N"f L' A ** glen l P48tedelphie. Offlee of the Director MCGAUGHY RW R e g'l en 1, Philadelphis. Reester Construction & Engineering Support Branc h 77/06/07 epp

               ++79042306S2 lE ines Rept 40-320/77*13 en 770 731 No noncomp!Ionce noted MeJoe etees taepetted releg toerdanetten & teleg seithe F INTEL. A e HAVNE S. R C            Regten 1. Phtledelphie. Peetto,                  7V04100156 Forwarde if Eney Rept 50-320/77-23 en 770927 6 770431-0603 Cenetruc t ten & Engineer ing support prench                 77/04/13       Se p         No noncompliance noted SRUNNER. E J            Reglen 1 Philadelphle. Reac ter Operet s ene Nuc lear Support Neenth          77/06/16          2pp 7904270143 perweede IE !ney Rept 30-320/77-12 en 77032W-38 he nonc omp lianc e no t ed BR UNNE R . E J          Reglen I, Phtledelphie. Reacter Operettone Nuttee,              --7904300139 it (nes Rept 50-3sO/77-23 en 770427 4 770531-0603 No Support Branch           77/05/05      app                                                     non84*plience noted Mesee ereae snepected pressurtser code eefety valve testing & cold hydrostatic teet F ABANO. A N , FELLDQQ. R J                 Reglen 1 Philadelphie. Of fice of the
              --7904270149 IE Inte Rest 30-JJo/77-12 en 770328-31 No nonseepitent,                               Director        DAVIS.A B              Region le Philodolphle- Reester noted Maser stees inspected IE evileten followup test                                       Geerattene Nuclear Support Branch                      77/06/14      6pp progree toelemennetten & teet precedvee revise MCCADE.E C           Regten le Philadelphie.      7904200199 Responde to IF Owlletan 77 OL re setpoint drift dettatenes Rf Of 8E  LDW9m f ts        l . TDirecter e of the      , FABONO.A .77/04/04       !!)p                                   of ITE Importal type J2073 pnevoetic thee detag relay Plane to replace telege prior to refve ing in Oct 1977
                                                                                                              *ERSEIN.J 0         Metropoliten Fd6een Ce                 77/06/21      2pp 79042 703 50 At b retelpt of 770422 Itr inf oresng NRC of eteps taken to s ecrec t violettene noted in IE loop Rept 50-320/77-09 0 RFILLf J P             Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Of f ste of the Directer                7904300449 perweede IE Iney Rept 50-3JO/77-24 en 770607-10 No 77/04/ll        13                                                                          nonc eep li anc e noted NtLSON,P R            Reglen 1.        Philadelphte. Fuel Fac814tv & Meterielt Safety Br anc h       77/06/29           2pp
              ~~7904J70lSG Reepende to NHC 7703JJ ltr re violation noted to IE Insp Rest 50-320/77-04 Corrective actione Oc engineers &

inspectore will be quelleted.per ANHI N43 2 S.Revleten 8 --7904300463 If Insp Rept 50-320r77-24 en 770A07-10 Na nonc omp l iant o ARME.D. R C Metropelsten Edleen Ce 77/04/22 3pp noted Me3er ecose toepected eeertensg plan septementsng precedores re trotning et pereennel DONALD *.KW6 D E . S TUHR. J P Regten L. Philadelphne, Office of the 7904J50643 p erwar d s if Insp Rept 30- 320/ 7 7-15 en 77042S-29 No 06 rector 77/06/29 7pp penceepliante noted C ARL SDN. R T. Reglen 1. Philadelphie, Reacter Cene truc t ion & Engineering Supp or t B r anc h 77/05/18 2pp 7904300464 Forwerde it inep Rept 50-320/77-22 en 170602 No

                                                                                                              ,,,,,,,gg,,,, ,,g,g C ARL BUN. R T.         Regten 8 Ph6tedelphte. Reacter Cenetruetien &
              *-7904250645 IE Insp Rept 50-320/77+18 en 770425-2R No pontempitence                            Enginsering Support Branc h                 77/06/29        2pp noted MeJer areat hospected anetrument snetellegeon, e4v6peant meant.eLorage condittene NARROhhL 4 p tLBCWt. 9 i MC G AVQMY. R W               Reg t en 1. Phtledelphie.        ~ 7904 300466 ft Ino, Rept 50-120/77-22 en 770602 No nonc omplianc e noted Reac ter Cenet ruc t s en & Engineering Support granc h                  77/0S/16 See        Mejor erest inepected relay c oord sne t t en study. current teap een pointe & power & vollege enelgets of eefety-related tueee 7904250374 Forwards it ine, Rept 50-3g0/77-16 en 770504-06 No                                      I I N"LL ' A E       R
  • f l e" l- Ph il ad elp h te. Of fice of the Dstector nonc eep i tenc e noted 4:9Nf ff R. 6 D Regtop 1 PhIledelphie. Reacter C enetrac t ten &

p AUNNE P. E J Regnen L. Phttedelphie, Reac ter Operellene Nuc lear Enginesting Support Branc h 77/06/2H 3pp Support Branch 7//09/23 2pp I 7904230142 Ac t retetpt of 770603 Itr tnferetng NRC ei elept telen to

             --7904250576 IE Insp Rept 30-3JO/77-16 en 770504-06 No noncompliance                             correct violation noted in IE loop Rept S0-320/77-Il noted Mejee areas inspected eefety spee14 tee ottivities,                                 CARLEON.R T            Peglen 1. Philegelph63 Reacter Cene trvc t len &

preeferettenal oveveillante & fellowvp entesolved stees E ng ineer ing Suppor t Seanch 77/07/06 le pABA4EbA N . DAVI9.A 3 Regten 1 Phstedelphte. Reactor Operetiene Nucteet Support Branch 77/QS/20 7pp

                                                                                                           --7904230847 Reesonde to NRC 77042R ltt te violetten noted in IE Inte Rept 30-320/77-14 Corrective actten etepe teten to further 7904210760 Forwarde if Insp Rept 90-3Jo/77-19 en 773504 & 11-12 Nc                                  d'#8"* *****" **"8            '" '        'I"8 '        A '*****

noncespitence noted HLRpflN.J O Me t r op o "'l i t en dEi s on Ce'9'7'7/06/03 2pp C ARBON. R T. Regten 1. Philadelphle. Reector Cenetruc4 ten 6 Engineering Support Oranth 77/09/34 1p

                                                                                                          -~ 79042 }0149 Forwarde If Inse Rest SO-320/77-Il en 770321-24 & notice of vteletten C ARL SDN. R f         Reglen 5 Philadelphie, Office of the Director 77/04/2p       2pp
             -~7904280766 lE Inte Rest 90-320/77-18 en 770504 & !!-12 Ne pencompl&ence noted Major erese loopetted est meetinge w/util tepresentatives te d i oc eso pendes truc t s ve eneelmetten of estetted pipe welde                                                                   ~~7904230190          Netite of violetsen free ines en 770321-24
  • Reglen 1. Philedelphie. Meetter Cenettvetten & Engineering NARR DW. L . , WAL TDN. O A . HAVNES.R C Pegten 1. Philadelph64 Support Br anc h 77/04/25 1p Rees ter Cenetruc tlen & Engsneer ang support Se anc h 77/05/27 3pp
                                                                                                          --7904230158 IE Inte Rept 50-320/77-11 en 770321-24 Nenc amp lianc e no tei 7904300130 Forwerde IE fnet Rept 50-320/77-17 en 770512-13 No                                      fetivre to perfere required chette of c on ta i nmen t nonc omp i tence noted                                                                          penettetten tenductere ERUNNER,E J              Regden    is Phgledelphse, Reac ter Cpere t t ene Not t eer            MCGAUGHV.R W . NARROW,L . 9ANDERS W F                            Reglen la Philadelphie.

Support Srench. 77/05/31 pop Rees ter Cons truc tion & Eng tneer s ng Supppet prench 77/04/25 86pp l

             --7904300134 IE Inte Rept 50-3J0/77-17 on 770S12-13 Ne pentempliente noted MeJer stees inspected plant meint progree.819 thing                              7904270100 Act estetet of 770411 770603 & 24 Itre inf ereing NPC of operattens & fellowup en if Sullettne                                                     elope taken to secrec t violettene noted in IE loep Rept MAREDWHIL l. A 6 . REDFLDhtulLI,f A              Regten 1, Philedelphte. Office           50-320/77-06
                   ** the D6retter.            CAPMfDN.D L.         Regten 1. Philadelphie. Reester          C ARLBON. R f.          Reglen 1. Philadelphte. Reacter Construction &

Operettene Nuclear Support Brens h, 77/05/27 Sy p . Engineering Support Branch 77/07/D6 1p


         --7904270103 Reepends to NRC 770300 Itr ce violations noted an IE Insa                       7904270344 F or mer d s IE Insp Rest 50-320/77-30 on 770719-22 No o Re.p
               . ii te.50-2,0,7,7-06.Co ve,6 .ed            rec t . ve acprt io.ns g,h                  iddefectr e.em.o or towec.vit, r
                                                                                    . r   va i          CAPLON. mpii.nce R7      noted Region i. Ph u. dei,h .. Re.ct.e C on,t e.c t en         &

ARNULD.R C Metropell ten Ed ison Ce 77/04/11 3pp Engineerang Swepers Branch 2p3 77/08/17

         --790427010e Addl response to NRC 770300 itt re v6oletions noted in IE                      --7904270338 IE Insp Rept 50-320/77-30 on 770"/19-22 No nonc omp 11 enc e Inst Rest S0-320/77-06 Cerrective acttens sessene                                           noted Major areas inspected worn performance & goalttg quellftcetaan not retutred for operators of seee velves HERSEIN.J G         Metropoliten Edtson Ce           77/06/03        2pp receeds of installation of esectrical & anstrueent caele kARROW.L . f iknEL. A . FCGAJOHv. R W                 Regson 1. Ph 1edelphne.

Reector Cons truc t men & Eng sneering Suppor t 8tanch 77/09/16 7pp

         *-7904270114 Forwards duplicate of 770603 ltr Anf eretog NRC of c orrec tive ac tlens f or violettens noted in IE Inte Rept                           7904250623 Forwards IE Inse Rept 50-320/77-25 on 770614-0701 & 07tl DD-320/ 7 7-OL Detganel 1tr was inadvertentig sent vnsagned                              No noncomp lianc e noted HERREIN. J G        Me tropo!& ten E s t een Co      77/06/24        3pp                 CARLSON.R 7             Reglen 3 Phaledelphie. Reecter Cons t ruc t aen &

Engsneerleg Support Branc6 77/09/24 2pp 7904250540 Foew4rds lE Insp Rept S0-320/ 77-27 en 770621-24 --7904250629 !E inse Rept 50-3J0- 77/23 on 770614-0701 & 0731 No No nonceepliance noted nonc omp i s anc e nosed MaJoe areas inspected piping sys welds to ensure licensee compliance C APLBON. R T Region 4 Philadelphie. Reet ter Constewe tion & WAL 7DN. 0 A Reglen 4 Palladelphie. Office of the Director Eng ineering suppor t Branch 77/07/13 2pp HAYNES, R C Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reacter Construction & Engineering Support B r anc h 7 7 <0B /23 esp

         --7904250932 IE Inse Rept 50-320/77-27 en 770621-24 No noncomplsence noted Masor erees tnspec ted week per f ormanc e & gual a ng                          7904270442 Forwards IE inop Rest 40-320/77- 39 on 770931-0901 No records of instrement equipment installation                                             noncomplience noted kARROW.L , SANDERS. W F . MCGAUGHY.R W                     8egion 8 Ph41edelphie.        C ARL EON, R 7          Region 1, Philadelphia. Reacter Cons tr uc t ion &

Reet ter Cons truc t &on & Engineer tog Guppor t Brench 77/07/18 epp Enganeering Support Branch 77/09/19 2pp 7904200117 Responds to 1E C tecular 77-00 Advises that primary & ~~ 79042704 So IE I nse Rep t 50- 320/77-35 on 770831-0901 No nonc omp li anc e seconderg ogs reviewed Potenttet for fettere of sample noted Major areas inspected quality records ce lastrument probes dess not salst as they are not an ego cable NER$EIN.J Q Metropellten Edison Ce 77/07/15 1p NARROW.L . MAfflA.J C . MCGAv0HY. R W Region 1. Philadelphie. Reetter Construc tion & Eng sneer ang Suppor t Branch 77/09/16 Sep 7904210739 Act recelet of 770603 Itr inf orming NRC of steps taken to aorrect vtaletten noted in IE Inst Rep t 50-320/77-14 D 'RE ELL Y. J P Region l, Philadelphie. Of fice et the Director 7904260077 Ac 6 receipt of 770913 ltr inforetog NHC of steps tenen te 77/07/15 2pp correct violetson noted an IE Inse Rept $0-J20/77-29 BRUNNER. E J Regten 1. Philadelphie. Reactor Operations Nuc lear Support Branch 77/09/2s to

         ~+7904210746 Responds to NRC 770512 ter te steletton noted in IE Inse                      --7904260003 Responds to NR C 770823 ler re violetten noted in IE Inse Rept 50-320/77-14 Corrective acttens diesel generator vender centrerted. generator will De cleaned & tospected                                          Rept 50-230/77-29 Corrective action door leading to new fuel FfRBEth.J G         Metropolitan Edlsen Co           77/06/03        2pp storage eroe now posted c orr ec t ly HER8t f N. J G     Metropoltten Ed tsen Cs           77/09/13     2pp
         --7904210731 Feeweeds IE Insp Rept 50-320/7 7-14 on 770406-00 & notare                     --7904260095 Forwards It inop Rest 50-320/77-29 en 770720-22 & 26-29 &

of violetten BRUNNLR. E J Region 1. Philadelphta. Reactor Operatsens Nuclear notsce of v6 elation Support Bransh 2pp BRONNER.E J Region 1. Philadelphte. Reactor Operettons Nuclear 77/05/12 Support arench 77/09/23 2pp

        ~~79042107S4 Notice of violation from ins, en 770406-08
                                                                                                    --7904260099 Notice of wieletlon free insp on 770720-22 & 26-28 e

Regten 1 Philadelphse, Reac tor Construttlen & Engineering e Regten 1 Phtlasetabte. Ottste of the Directee 77/0B/19 Support Branch 77/03/10 sp 1p

        --7904210761 IE Inte Rept 90-320/77-14 on 770406-06 Nonc osp i tenc e                       --7904260109 IE inse Rest 50-320/77-29 on 770720-22 & 26-29                                  <

noted diesel generators' stator closure covers not tn place Nonc omp lianc e no ted appropesete stens not posted on doors leading to new fuel storage area { en 770407 & estal drilling chtpo to both stators NICHOLAS H l MCC A8E. E C Regten 1. Philadelphie. Reactor Construction & Regnen 1, Philadelphte. Office of the Director i Engine.,,n, co, pori h 7 7/ DB/19 999 77/05/i0 e,p ) i 1 7904270194 Fore tdo lE Inse Rept 30- 320/ 77-28 on 770629-0701 No 7904230040 Forweres IE Inse Rest 50-320/77-34 en 770830-0902 & 0906-09 No nonc omp ! t enc e no t ed nonc omp l ianc e no t e d BRUNNERsEJ Region 1. Phtiedelphie. Reactor Operettons Nuclear SRuNNER E J Regten 1 Phaledelphie. Reacter Operations Nuclear Suppert tranch 77/09/29 2pp Bwpport trench 77/08/04 273

       **7904270197 IE Ins, Rest 50-320/ 77-28 en 770629-0701 No noncompitence                     --7904230053 !E lose R H               f-320/77-34 on 770830-0902 6 0906-09 No noted MeJer areas sospected preoperettonal test results,less                                noncompliance noted HeJoe areas inspected witnessed rettet of electent power test problems & drewdown test                                             ve1we testing.tevice et pape support & restrennt sus nELLOQQ.P , C0t EMAN. W . DAvl6.A 8                  Region 1. Ph&ledelphlei RE8LOWSMI.T A . C APMf DN. D L               Regten 1. Ph6Ledsights. Reetter                Reac her Operet tone Nuc lear Support Branch Operettens Nuclear Support Branch                 77/08/03                                                                                              77/09/29     lopp See 7904290090 Feewards IE Insp Rept 50-320/ 77-26 on 77D620-24 30. 0701 &                      7905000351 Forwards EE Inse Rept 50-320/77-37 en 770913 No OS-0G Ne noncompliance noted                                                                noncompliance noted SRUNNER,E J                                                                                 NELSDN.P R           Rogson 1. Ph11edelphsa. Office of the Director Regten 1 Philadelphte.       Reacter Operet tone Nuc lear           77/09/30       2pp Eupport B r anc h       77/08/11,     2pp
       --7904290102 IE Insp Rest 30-320/77-26 en 770620 24 30.0701 & OS-06 No                        -790SO903S3 IE Insp Rept 50-320/77-37 on 170953 Ne noncompilance noted noncespitence noted Mejor areas inseected factLity                                           Mejor etees inspected environ protection progree BORES,a J            Regten 1 Philadelphie. Fuel Facility & Matettale prec edur es. struc tual integetty test & local test rate testo                              Befety Arench C DNTE . R J . STEThA.T F                                                                                           77/09/29      4pp Region 1. Philadelphie, Office of the Detector.       JOHNSON.D F.           Reglen 1, Philadelphie. Reacter Dperet tens Nuc lear Sueport trench               77/08/10      SSpp                  7904230032 Forwards 1E Insp Rept 50-320/77-39 on 770921-22 No nonceep!&ence noted SRUNhER, E J            Regten L. Philadelphie. Reactor Operattens Nucteer 790423002S Forwards IE lasp Rept S0-320/77-31 en 770729-0801 No                                  Support Drench.         77/10/0S      Epp noncospliance noted NELSON.P R             Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Fuel Facility & Meterle19 Befety Stanch          77/08/15      2pp
                                                                                                   --7904230056 IE Insp Rest 50-320/77-29 on 770921-22 No noncompliance noted MeJer erees inspected containment loat rete testing N10Q 1 NS. J , CAPHTON.D L              Reglen 1, Phliedelphte. Reacter
      -*7904230030 !E Inne Rept 50-320/77-31 on 170729-0801 No noncompliance                              Cons truc t son & Eng aneering Support Branch               77/10/04     app noted Mejor stees inspected radietten protection procedures.

facillttes instruments & eqvipment & geseeve weste treatment ses PLUMLEE. A E. , kNAPP.P J 79042000eo Responds to IE Dulletin 77-02 re Wes tinghovse AR rejst w/ Reglen 1, Philadelphne, Fuel Facils ky lasch attacheent Does not possess this type of *(MP*ent

             & Materials $4fety Stanch             77/09/12        7pp                                 HE RREIN. J 0       metropoliten Edison Co            77/10/10     la


                                                                                                                                                        ,ree in., en 77 9 2-i.                      ,

re. in , . --790.So20$3,Reg enNetite,e,

i. ,teiett.en hti.e.i,h .. of fice of the 0,,0ct.e 77,io/oS 1
 ,90427     227,,e te. ting    R.4,ree te e tech,an fee ec ei    est i,s Atenc iities            e in enc!

notice i 5 7E LLO. V Divselen of Operating Reactere 77/10/13 33pp le 7904240$71 Forwards IE last Rept 30-320/77-4i en 775025-29 Ne 790429012S Ac t rece6pt of 770919 lte inf oceang NRC of steps laten to nonceep lianc e noted certect :encerne ce pereennel staffing noted en IE Ins, Regnen la Philadelphje. Reacter Operet&ene Nuclear BRUNNE R. E J Res t M -320/77-07 Supper t teenc h 77/11/23 2pp GMBER.D H Reglen is Philadelphie. Offsce of the Director 77/60/87 1p

                                                                                                    --7904240$76 IE Inse eest 50-320/77-41 en 771D2S-28 No noncompliance
 *-79042SO1FS Resp ond e te NRC 770302 Itr discussing concerns noted in IE                                 noted M4Je' er*** inspected Instellatsen status of paping inse Rest SD-320/77-07 Cervec tive ac t lene permanent swe p or te. p len t selet & redist6en menttoring ego Philadelphie.

KELLOGO. P e C DLE MAN. W s DAVIG.A 9 Reglen 1. personnel have been appognted to peettiene Reacter Operettens Nuclear Support Bronc h 77/11/23 13pp HER8E!N.J G Metregeliten Ed teen Co 77/09/19 2pp

  -7904250130 Feeward, lE Ines Rest 50-320/77-07 en 770200-80 Ne                                    7905010316 Forwarde lE inop Rept 50-320/ 77-43 en 771100-10 No nonceeeliance noted noncompliance cated                                                                             CARLBON,R f               Reggen 1 PhLladelphie. Reacter Conetevctlen &

NEL6DN. P R R eg L en 1. P h l 'e a d e l p h l e. Fuel Facility b Materiel

  • 77/11/2S 2pp Sefety Sventh 77/80/t7 f)

Enstneering Supseet Branch a-79090lD347 IE Ines Rept 50- 320/77-43 en 771100-10 No nonc eeplianc e

 --7904250132 it Inte Rept SD-3JO/77-07 en 770J00-10 Ne pencompliance                                      noted Majet area sospected OC progree for $nstallation of noted Major areas scopec ted precedwest,kneteuments 6                                                pipe hangers 6 oupports facilittet celated to heelth phgelcs ergealletion                                                   McGAgCNO R w . NARROW.L                     Reglen 1 Philadelphia, Reacter SWE 7hMM. R L . PLUMI EE. R E , F NAPP, P J                    Reglen 1 Phaladelph64                                                                                               7p p Feel Pegtitty & Molectate Sofety tranch                      77/03/08        See                    Cenetruction & Engineering Support trenc h                       77/11/23 7904270244 Ac t eetenet of 771012 lte inf eretag NRC of steps taken to                              7904200093 Feewards IE Circular 77-14 W/o enct                                                 i GRIER.S H            Regten 1. Philadelphie. Of fic e of the Director.                      I serrect violettene noted in           IE Inst Rest SO-320/77-32 Philadelphta. Office of the Director                            77/11/2e        tp i

DRIER.0 H Regten 8. . 77/11/01 1p l to NRC 7 lle in IE Inst IE Ine, Rept 50-320/77-45 en 771123 Ne

                                             .e octien. re     vieta.tions pereenn      i .e noted tow.e               79042    50S,55,,,,,
                                                                                                                      ,F o rwar
 -- 79042702A.S Re,t.S                  R nctionei e sp end  te e320,,7-32,.C c oor d inater t      o.,ec
e. t . 70921 ett rept.
                                                                                                        ,,,,,w c,,,,,,,,                ,,,,,,  ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,   c,,,,,,,,,,,   ,

ne ction .het

         .R.EIN.J              .tre,ent.o ieen   Ce     7 /io,oi2        2pp                    , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,, ,,,


  --79042702 9 f orw. d.           if inop Refi So-320/77-32 en 77oao -i9
  • notic- -- ,90. ,505 5, ,E in,, Re,t S0-320,,,-45 en 7,,,,3 Ne nonce *,i .nce noted
'ut"'" Region i. P h n o. . i,h i.. R. ecto, opereinene Necieer a:,:; ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ''"' " -' '" "'

Regten 1. Philadelphte. Reacter Support Br anc h 77/09/21 2pp WALTDN,G . HA rkES. R. C Cenettuctien 6 Engineer ang Suppor t Branc h 77/12'0? 3pp

   -790427027S Notice of violetten free Inse on 77000H-19 e      Reglen 1. Phtiedelphie. Of fice of the Diretter 77/09/20       7904270497 Sateline inst of stese generater tubes revealed 8 tutes w/

g, geester then 40% tute well reductlen.lO tubes w/20% tube wall t educ t 6en 6 400 tubes w/sechanical dente 2pp SHA4 L C Engineering Stench 77/12/14

    -7*042/0291 it inep Rept SD-320/77-32 en 710000-1e Noncomp lianc e noted fellwre to $n6ttate teet etcepteens er test c* enge not n ee when test precedvree were not follow ed                                                     1904200076 Responds to IE tulletin 77-04 re detten per f ormanc e of sgo Retten 1. Philadelphte. Offi                    fee centrollteg pH et containment soap wetet fellwwtog e Reg 6en 1 Phstadelphia. Reacte,ce of CDLEMAN.W E          HE BELDWiM I. T A the parectet          Davis.A 5                                                                L UU "   P8'         **"8P'I 3"" ' ' I" 'W'                  At" Deeraltens Nucleer Support Be anc h                 77/09/20         12pp                      HERBEIN.J      0 'NMetropol4 tan'E'"isen   d       Ce     d 7 '7'/12 /19 13 7904200093 Forwarde IE Bullette                77-04 W s eng!

ORjfR.5 H Region 1. Ph L ladelph ie. 'Of f ic e of the Dirert e 790420010S Forwarde IE Sulletin 77-07. "Contenneent E lec trical" 77/j4/04 la Penetretsen Ass **414ee at Nucleer Power Plante Under Conet GRIER.B H Regten 1 Philadelphie. Office of the Direc tor 77/12/L9 2pp 7904230040 Feewa*de IE Inse Rept 50-320/77-40 en 771004-06 & 10-14 No noncompitence noted SNUNNE.R.E J pogien 1 Philadelph6e. Reacter Operetsene Nuclear --7904200109 RE Solletln 77-07. " Containment Elec tric al Penet ration Aceeeblies at Nucleer Power Plants Under C ene t ,

  • Support trench 77/11/0# 2pp
  • Office of Inspection & Enforcement 77/12/19 3pp
  --7904230047 IE Ints Rept 30-320/77 40 en 7 7 t D04-OA 6 10-14 No nonceepliance noted Major areas inspec ted p roeperet tenal het                             7904700139 Responde to IE pulletin 77-07 Jvettfase acceptettitty of functlenal testing plant statue & test results vettftcetsen                                     de s s gn p er f ormanc e of age for controlling pH of c ent e 6 neon t Regten 1. Ph6tedelphie. Peacter Operettens Nuclea'                        sump water fellowtag LOCA DAVI$.A 9                                                                                                           Metropelsten Edteen Ce                77/12/19       1p Support trenc h          REBELOWfwl.7 . RELL OGO. P                 Regten 1                    HE R8E IN. J G

[ Phileselphie. F uel r ar * * * * * & Materiale Bef ety Branc h 77/11/04 ( *pp 7904270156 Responde te IE evlietin 77-04 Centeinment heat essevel ege 7904200098 Forwerde if Bullet 6n 77-OS W/o enct **ste design centerne w/oingle active feslure & se feond GRIER.8 H Reglen 1 Philadelphie. Offlee of the Director acceptable 77/11/08 fp HERBE IN, J G Metrepeliten Edteon Co. 77/12/19 is 7905020509 Act rece8p of 771108 Itr infero6pg NRC of steps tenen te 7904250S69 Forwards it loop Rept 50-320/77-46 en 771213 No c orrec t violet tene noted in IE fesp Rept 50-320/77+36 "e"*pliance noted C ARLBON. R . T Rollen 1. Philadelphie. Reactor Cenetruellen b C ARL DON. R 7 Reglen 1. PhiladelphLa. Reacter Cenetruction 6 Engineering Support franch 77/jl/09 fp Engineering Guppett Drench 77/12/23 2pp

   +-7903020S15 Reepende to NRC 771012 lte te vielettens noted in IE Ine,                             -*7904250579 ff ines Rest 50-320/77-46 en 771213 Ne penceepliance noted Rept 50-370'7f-34 Correc t ive ac o gens c ompreesten                                               MeJo* areas toopected preteevtse essee on steme generator t ennec tione en insteveentatten tuttag tested tutes hydrettetstelig                                                                                     HAYNES. R . WALTON 0            N ARdOW. L          Regten 1 Palladelphie. Reacter HER9EIN.J G          Metropoliten E disen Ce             77/11/01        2pp Cenetruction 6 Engineerles Support Breac h.                      77/12/21     3pp
   *-790S020S17 Feeweedt IE inop Rept 50-320/77-36 en 770912-14 6 notic e of                          7904200015 Feewarde IE Sellet6n 77-09 W/o enct violetten                                                                                       GHlER.B H           Regten 1. Philadelphie. Office of the D6 rector-CARLSON.R T              Aegten 1. Ph 11*delph he. Rees ter Construc tlen g                     77/12/29        Ip Engineer 6ng Support Deenth               77/10/12        2p p .

a7905020$2e if Ince Rept 90-320/77-34 en 770912-14 Nenc omplisac e noted. 7904230673 Forwarde it inst Rept 50-320/78-05 en 700101-03 fattore to follow snettw*entatten Instelletten procedures Ne noncompliance noted Philadelphie. Reac ter Operet tens Nuc lear P AULING. R J . EpHETER.6 D Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reacter 3RUNNEN. E J Reglen 1. C en e t t ut t i wn & Engineering 5=ppset Branch 77/10/0S 6pp support stench 7e/01/13 2pp

l t PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 83 77 it In.3 t 7.Oioi-03 N. nonc e.p i t ent . IE 50-320,7.-O. en 7.Oiie-i, No noncoe,i.ence


note M.,er R e s,n ecte. e,,0- 2,0,7. 05 on -- ,904 2SO. .M.,or iS .I ree n s ein

                                                                                                                                           ,R ,ect.d e s .t                                    re,t..ct t.n en f.t   t       & ,.,e..
                          ,e. e.eig identi,centenneent ted             inte,rei.d 1846                     note
                                                                                                                                                   &        non... tine,e.ent,,,e
                                                                                                                                                       . net.iistion         e           ,v,,e.t HIO.e,N.JCtt          Re. ton 1           .. . dei,itee.

h . e. O, f ic e e, the oi,ector ,..Ai iAs tO. a.n sN

                                                                                                                            & .c i,tNo e cEL.

v i eAr ,E . HA < NE .. R C Re...n i. h t i .. . i ,h t .. CAPHfGN,D L kegnen $. ph&ledelphie. Reestet Operat ions Nyc leer Reector Cene truc tion & Engineering Support Branch 79/02/15 Support Seanc h 79/01/62 opp 14pp 7903030010 Responde to IE Swiletin 77+0S re fallute of pin & sec tet 7YO42SO670 Forwards IF Inst Rept 50-320/79-04 on 700105-06 6 26-77 No electensel fennectoes so poet LDC A c ontainment ens &*en soonc omp l ia nc e noted Connectors veed enig so control red drive & neuteen NELSON.P R Region 1. Philadelphte. p wel Fec t i t ty & Meteris t e detestore 64fety trenc h 76/02/87 2pp HERDEIN.J 9 Metropolitan Edison C4 79/Ot/83 290

                                                                                                    --7904250679 RE Inne Rest 30-3JO/78-04 on 790105-06 & 26-27 No 7904400089 Forwarde IE Sulletin 79-01 W/o enc!                                                           nonceepitance noted MeJor seses inspected rad 4etten GR14#.0 H          Regnon 6. Phale(elphie, Of fic e of the Director.                                  protec t ten prec edur ee f ec tla tles, anstroesnte & equspoent 79/01/16        le                                                                                    PLuMMLFE,N E . AMAPP. P J                          Regten 1 Philadelphne. Fwel Fec&laty
                                                                                                           & Matertals &efety Drench                        79/02/16             Ep p 7904270219 Fo* weeds If Insp Rept 50 320/77-42 en 77t212-la & 19-23 No nonceepitence noted                                                                            7904280001 pormords IE Rulletin 70-04. " Environ G.418facetsen of                                                             4 BRL*46R.E J             Retten 2 Atlants, Reertor Operettone Nuclear                               Certain Stee-Mounted Llel t Ew n t t h e s [nende Reactor                                                                 l Bupport teench          78/01/16           2pp                                                     Contenneent "

OplER. B H Regten 1. PhAledelphie, Of fic e of the Director 79/02/26 le 1

 --790427022s IE Rose Rest 10-320/7 7-42 on 761212-14 & 19-21 No                                                                                                                                                                  l nonc omp l a eac e noted Me,or areas sospected preopetettonal                                                                                                                                                             i test reewits & wateatton esseeseent program                                                 -- 7904 2nOOO1 if eviletin 78-04.                       "En<scoe Oveteficetton of Cettein Stee-DAvl 6. A 5          Reg &on 1 Pkstedelphie, Reettoe Operet t one Nuc lear                         Mounted L4ett Swltchet leside Reactor Centeineent "

Support Bronc h nELLUGO P . C ut & MAN w Regten I. Philadelphte.

  • Office of Inspection & Enf orc ement 70/02/21 6pp Office ed the D6tectee 7fJ / Ol /13 16pp 7904230521 Forwaeds IE Inty Rept 50-320/79-08 on 780119-20 No 7904030005 Responds te It Dulletins 77-05 & 7/-OSA Connectors in noncompliance c.eted question are not made tg game fqre og these tested tg NELBON, P R Region 1. Phaledelphie. p vel Fac ility & Metettels Send 6e Safety Dreach 7H/02/27 2pp HE RSE lN, J G Metropelaten Edison Co 70/08/20 2p p
                                                                                                    -- 7904250333 IE Inse Rest 50-320/70-08 on 780118- 20 Na nonc omp lianc e 7909040044 Ceemente en action regvested in IF Bulletan 77-07 re                                          noted Major areas anspected enstron protection progese aosotvre denege to circusteg to coatseneont electttcel                                                 BORES.R s,           s f DHR. J P              Regnon t. Ph414delphie. 6 .e l Facality &

penettetson eteeetitet wedetailed sassents Mateesett 648ety Br anc h 70/01/23 Sep HLR$E IN, J G MeLPepellten Edanon Co 79/01/20 39) 7904300105 /erwarde if inep Rept 50-320i79-07 on 790124-4 7 6 0130-0403 79042rO586 Intervtco ins, pregtee outesteed 790103 compltet No nonc omp l i a nc e noted w/eegeteemente of Bectien in of ABMf Code All appitcable B R ONNE R . E J Regson 1 Phstedelphne. Reactor Operet sone Nuc lear puepe & velvet have been leflyded in progre* Eupport Brench 70/02/27 2pp HERbE IN. J G Metropelsten Edteon Ce 70/05/24 1p l

                                                                                                    +- 7*04 3001 3 IE Insa hept $4-320/7D-07 on 780124-27 6 0130-0J03 No 79042304.e porw.ed. iE             in., Re,i 30- 320 / 7n -O i ea 780803-o6 No                                                                                                                                                  l non .epiience noted M.,or e,ee. in.pected fie. p.e.enison                                                              '

nonc omp j n ent e noted progree.stettup tett progree & test results C ANL BON,2 7 R e g n ett 1- Philadelphie, Rearter Conttrucklen & NicHOL AS H Hegten 1 Phltedelphia. Office of the Engineersng Gaeport 9tenck 70/OL/23 2pp p t LLOOG . P ,DAvlS.A a Director Region 1, Phaledelphte. Doecter Op ere t t one hoc leet Support B r anc h 76/OJ/24 1993

 --7904230470 It inop Rest 50-320/70-0t en 780105-06 No noncoepitence neled Maser etees inspected ecope 6 findinge of NRC fate                                     7905130642 IE het verifled ecceptenle completten of 1gconge condgtiont preventgen evevo, toes                                                                          under porview necesserg for Unit to enter Mode 4 operet6en P AOL I NO. R J. ESNEfER,8 D                     RetIan 1 Philadelphie. Meestor                 BNIElEM, J H                Dnvision of Reactor Operettone inspec tio                                             70/03/10 Consteuc t ion & Engsneerang Support Be enc h                     79/01/23    493                 18 7909040031 Fseds GA Progene meett requirements of IDCFRSO                                          7905030135 peepende to If Sulletta 79-04 to environ guelification of TMOpNBURG.H D           Divinson of Reactor Operettone Inspecttens                                 tefety related itse sounted laell switches insada prieseg 79/Gt/27        123,                                                                               centenneent F ind o no NAMCO Mode l 02400s ce E A- 170 -302 Bnep Loc k llant swi tc he, ar e v t s i t sed or will be utilsted HERBEIN. J G             Metropolaten E d 6 son Co                    70/03/17       2pp 7904200004 perwardo IE Sviloten 79-02.                     *Teresnel Bloch Oueltftcotten -

9#lER.B H Rotten 1. Phaledelphto- Ofstco of the Director 79/01/30 1p 7904210729 Responde to 7H0213 ler & c onc ure w/pl ns so, feesweter noefle antes Requests descrsptten of plan der c lad d ing removal & nnes techniquet wsthan 90 degg of 1979 nney

 --7904200009 IE bolistin 70-02, "foretaal Bloc a Guelif ic e t t on
  • LE AP40 Opeesting peettoes Seench 3 7H/03/22 2pp e Of 8 tco of Inspectten & Enf orc eeent 70/01/30 4pp 7904250032 Forwards IE Inse Rept 50-320/78-11 on 700220-0301 6 7904250699 Fotwerde IE Inte Rept 50-120/78-03 en 780109-12 No 790300-09 No nonc oeplianc e noted nonceesttence noted SRVHNt;R.E J Regteh I. Philadelphie. Reac tec Operettone Nucteer BRUNNE R . E J Regten 1 Pastedelphie. Reac ter Opera t ions Nuc l ose Suppett Branch 7d/03/24 2pp Sveport Stench 75/02/02 2p p
 ~+7904230703 It inet Rept SO"3JO/79-03 en 7&O109-12 No noncompliance                              --7904250040 IE                       Rest 30-320/79-11 on               790228-0301 & 700
                                                                                                          ,,,q ,,,g,, ,, Inst        ,,g,g g, ,, ,,,, ,,, ,                   g,      ,,    gq     ,,,300-09 No noted Mejor erese setpected previous ents findtogt &                                               ,,gg,,,,,,,,,,,,gg,,,g g,,,,,g,,,,,,                                ,,glg ,,, ,,,        g,,, g g peeoperettenal test resulte c omp lianc e w/Ti tle 10 AELLDO9.P . REWELOWSAl 7 . DAVI9.A 8                           Region 1 Phaledelphte, Reacter Operettent Noeleer Rupper t Beenc h                       79/02/01    IDer                 RELLDOO.P J . HAVERa&MP. D . DAv!S.A B                                    Regson 1. PhAledelphie.

Office of the Director 78/03/23 10pp 7905030192 Ac t receipt of inspectise itndtage ite 790202 SN1ElEO J H Divieton of Reacter Operettens inepectione ,/9/02/00 790S010070 Act reestet of 790386 Itr anfeestn0 NHC of steps toten to correct vietettens noted in IE Inte Rept 50-320/77-47

      '8 C AR BON. R J                  Region le Philadelphie. Reacter Construction &

Engineet tag Supper t Branch 78/03/24 lp 790SO40072 Responds to IE 8vitetin 78-01 QE CR$20A releys found in eefety-retened egutpoent & spares inventeeg Replac ement

                                                                                                   --7905010090 Reepende to NRC 780213 lir te vtalettens noted in IE Inte
    ';;;;;* 0:::!;;;'t: '"?' ! Ce 7.,02/iS     2,,                          ;;;;::;22 /;;;',c ;;;;;i;* cil e                                     4 *- i naia f              'i-FER8E !N. J G              Mettepetiten Ed{ gen Co                   7W/03/t6        2pp 7904230994 Forw4ede IE Insp Rest 50-320/79-06 & en 780114-19 No                                   --7909010094 Forweeds IE Inte Rept 50-320/77-47 en 77t226-29 6 not <v of nonc eep i tens e noted                                                                               violetten CARLBO% R f             Reglen 1 Philadelphie. Reactee Cene t ruc t ion &                            C ARL Gi N R 7                  Reglen 1. Phttedelphie. Reacter Construction &

Engineering Support Dreach 70/02/11. 2pp Engineering Support trench 78/02/13 2pp


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1904440666 fveneres 10 Ine, .e,t 50-329,79-14 en 7901J 7-244 No welded ,la.. 6 enthore .. me.ed if RBe lN.,.e.,ser. M... oll.en Odt..n Co

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ... 7H/OS/O,d #p, NNUNNE A           J                egten 1. Pht,adelphia. Weet..t Dt.relse. Nucle.e B.ppet..,.r         ent h         A,$ / D4 /14           29.

l[ fnop Ppp. 50- 170/ ,8 - 8 2 en 7HopO4 6 13 6 n. tite

                                                                                                                                 - + 7,042&Oi Of .6 ale  36.F6 en  ored r d g C A.L BON. N f                   Negten 1, Ph6ladelphie. Neet.or C an.. .wt . a en &
 ~ * ,9042406JO                   Insp Hop. 30'IJO/7H-i4 on 7DO)J,-dH No eenco.pliante noted Maj.BKe erese
          & proc eeures            is wl.inspes..d neet Antitel    tantrol.reosisellInc det                    rumen.e.1.n HUND,         . $fffp Falladel h68-
                                                                                                                                 --7704260641 N.tice of .lete.len free ines                                        790106         19 Reet.Ror Opete.A.T          tant. hut(APHTON.O t .4, 8vppet. L         N.gten Dr anc      h    ,L .8/04/17         epp
  • Rogson 1. Philadelphie. Of fic e of e. nno Da torec.&7 H / O.8 / 24 13 7904260448 Forwarde B. Ciecul., ,W-02 W/o enal -.7904460iSt IE Iner Rep. SO~170/75 12 .n 190106 . IS huhrempliante enige 3 M megion 1 Ph41.delphie. Office of .no Diret..e perfereed w/o approved weld 6ng p r ec 76/04/20 1p ne.e.g to lagwelding of res ae. oppre.ed b, engtaeorses def.ed&re 6 NARROW L GAL lerkA, C D Re. lee 1. Phljadelphia. Of f st e of .be Ditet or MLGAUGHV.R W Regle 1, Phlledelphie. Nee.sef 79042.e,D4 da of fOL l F li nd peepet.d leg e r. t c .

e savens e to sie*, of someereAal .etsthe progtee.opece loo ettep.shle fece Cent... tug.len & fngineering Supper nSf ant h 19/01//9 Opp Regves.e priet ewrvestl.nge be peefetoed 80VD. R # Devienen e7 Pteject Manag.een. 7B/04/WI P Sp a ,904/n0011 it Citeuts* 70 04. "l es e ll e t t en E t r er e the. C ould P' *..". Cleelag of Fire Deort *

 --79047,04/7                                    grenstp6 tellet free AHMF Nection 11, "leter. ice
  • Offste of Ipopee . n en & taf ett ement /O'OS/15 4pp leap (Tes N.o. leg 7igeRegw of VARGA,B & L e th W4.or .lteeeni e ort arent h 4 Nest. 7H/04/Pl 3pp 7904J90001 Forwarde IF Circular 7H-04. "lpe.alle.lon treece .he. Cowld Pee ea C lev 6ne of F a te Deere "

0#t R. 0 H Reglen 1. Philadelphia. Office of .he Oseettet P904JS0509 F oresed o It inep Rest 50-3JO/78+15 en 780310-11 6 0405-06 ha 7e/03/13 13 nentsopilance me.ed Reglen 1 Ph44adelphis. Noac.or Opere.len. Nufleaf sp uhNL Stenst Supper N.. E. J 78/04/J4 2pp 7904J604SF Formerd e IE C irt vlar 75-05 W/o enti GeffR.0 H #egion 4, Phatadelphia. Offise of .he 70/05/24 1p

 ~ 1904750506 menteegliente      M less                    50-320/79-15 en ,90TMF31 & 0405-04 he es.No..Me see erese to                               lis. nee for Mode f opera.ed               sen & i nc enee ec .epec .ed4ene to FCCB                      et .a ondl .s one wetten                   1904300432 It inop pe                        50- 3JO/ /S'17 en 79 HAvimmA-P pA               . C CA                    F      GTERN9f.RQ.D M                  Weglen 4                                                pappt. ed . if $ 6 tt elect. reet .0501 he  emp (90143      Ogs liang e noted Phgladelphta. poet. AMAN, Weelens                          Operd.e Nucle.r 9.pper. Seenc h.                   79/04/20      M.

decenjet.afees aetme (len b ,es vta.ed enall Dc A 7pp HA VF RE W.gten 1, Philadelphis. Seat.or Op er e gensAMP.Ngglegt D N . BT.RNBf.RG,7 Suppet. g M h 79/01/26 16pp 7905600209 Fetweede ,'N no.ite of geen.teg 97 relief f r ee AAKE 6ec. ion II 6nese.tes ano, 7904260479 Fetwards IE Carcwist 10 -07 W/o ent l . CHILL $ J Offete r of eq v.t6e reee n. e So.reisty of .he Cemele t ten 75/D4/23 Op it#. 0 H Region se Philadelph44 Offite of .be Dir#t et 1p. 79/03/31 sp i

1 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ss 7904260459 Forwarde 7904260433 Formerde

      .R i E . n            Regi.nIE,ch.iedel, uler 70-Os  w/o,e,n.ecot. e, the Direct.P                                           IE C hie,   o                                        OR iER. . u          Region  i,t r,eh v.lar ie.e i 78-13 p h i e.W/o,e,nct 0 ,ce of the Director.

79/05/31. 13 7s/07/10 le 79D4290021 Forwerde 1E C trevlar 79-06. " Defective Cutler-Hammer Type M 7904200007 Respones to IL Solletin 78-06 re def ec t a ve Cut ter-Heemer Reless w/ Design Centrac ter Cs11e "

      @RIER,8 H             Regten ja Philadelph6e. Of flee of the Otret ter Twee M estege No such relays were installed in 7e/05/38          1p safety-related sye et eather unit HERBElN,J Q          Metropelsten Edison Co              79/0?/14    Sp
   ~~7904290025 Forward 6 SE Carsv14e 78-06. " Defective Cutler-Hammer Type M                      7905020079 Forweeds intervice inep of Claes I coesonent preeevre Selege w/ Design Centrac ter Colts " Requires ac t ten                                       bounderg ertgtnely treneettled on 790221 Relevant GAIER.5 H            Region is Philudolphie. Of fice of the Director 76/05/31         Sp                                                                          documentation enel HERSEIN.J G         Metropoliten Edteon Ce               70/07/19   S0pp
   +-7904290029 ff Checular 79-06                  "bef ec tive Cutlerheemee. Ygre M Re lege w/Deenga Centractor cette " h/Cutlernommer nottficetton of                               7904190343 Responds to IE Bulletin 79-10 No Sergen-Petterson hydrevils potentiel defect                                                                             shoc t suppressore No prob lem w/ spring c ell c orroeien of hydraulic enutbers
  • Of fice of inspec t s on & Enf orc ement 70/05/3t. 4pp FERBE IN. J G Metropoliten Edison Ce 79/07/24 1p l

7904300410 Forwards IE Insp Rest 90-320/79-17 on 790503-10 No 7904260439 Forwarde IE C erevlar 79-IS W/o enct nonceepliance noted GRIER.B H Regten 8. Philadelphaai Office of the Director SRUNNER.E J Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reac tor Operations Nuclear 79/07/24 to Support Branc h 70/OS/38 2p p . 7904260490 Forwards IE circuler 79-16. Liettorgue Valse Actuatore a 790426D453 Formerde IE Circular 79-09 W/o encI GRIER.9 H Region 1 Ph a ledelphie, "Of fic e of the Director DRIER 9 R Regten 1, Phaledelpete. Of fic e of the Director 70/07/26 1p 79/06/09 1p 7905230382 Responde to IE Bulletin 79-07."Protectson Affeeded eq l 790427019W Forweeds lE Insp Rept 50-320/78-19 en 790503.00-09 No Air-Line Respiratore & Supplsed+ Air Moode " Air-line i nent eepliance noted espelled regulators will be modified CROGRER,H W Regson t. Ph11edelphie. F uel Fac ility & Meteriale *ER BE IN. J. C Metropettten Edison Co Eef a ng Branch 79/08/11. tp 78/06/09 2pp

                                                                                                  --790523038S IE Bullette 78-07," Protection Afforded tv Air-Line
   --7904270200 IE Insp Rept 50-320/79-19 on 790505, D9-09 No nonc omp lianc e                           Respirators & Supplaed-Air Moods "

noted Major erees spepected redletton protection progree. &

  • 8'gson 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Director 76/06/12 i preep.t.iion.i teste on ventiisiton eye see PLUMLEE.M E Regson 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Daractor )

F MAPP , P . J Regten t. Philadelphne. Fuel Fec ti t ty & Mater nels 7910050198 Forwards IE Inse Rest 50-320/78-27 en 7808t0-18 No i Befeld Branc h 78/06/08 7pa "*'I**" "'I'd i C"*RLSON. A fR Regson 3 Philadelphie, Reac tor Construction & Engineering Support Br anc h ) 70/08/29 2pp 7904260429 Forwards IE pulletin 79-08 W/o enst. CRIER.8 H Reglen t. Philadelphie. Of fice of the Director 79/06/12 1p -7010050204 [E Insa sept 50-320/ 70-27 on 700010- 81 No noncomplianc e noted Major areas inspec ted test procedures for modified mein etese reisef valves 79041903S2 Commente free IE requesting Tech Spec changes te detection FEIL.R A Region 8, Philadelphne. Office of the Director eenea retvarements of fable 2 3-2 of Tech E8ME7EE.S D Region 1, Philadelphie. Reetter Constrectten 6 g,,,,ttwite & menatoring Engineering Support Branch 78/08/25 3pp S1DDDART.P G E f fluent freeteent Sgetees Branch 70/06/27 2pp 7809270269 Act recetpt of 780629 Itt inf orming NRC of steps laten to 7904270452 Forwarde IE Insp Rest 50-320/78-23 en 780615 No correct violettone noted an IE Insa septs 50-299/70-15 & 50-320/70-25 BRUNN N E J Region t. Phtledelph14. Reet ter Operet tone Nuc lear CRDC ER H W Reglen 1, Philadelphne, Of fic e of the Director Support tr enc h 78/06/28 2pp g l

  --7904270455 lE Inse Rept 50-320/79-23 en 790etS No noncomplianc e noted.                         -7909270273 Responde to NRC 780811 Itr te violettene in IE Ines Res t Maser areas inspected reacter veteel internels sod.ptpe                                          50-289/79-19 & S0-320/79-25 Coreecttve actions rewte.

restrasnts & support & 10CF R 2 { &aptementetten procedure,echedule. perform & eneigte chect esoplings HERBE1N. J G Metropoliten Edison Co 78/08/29 2pp SJ067 ROM L.C , HAVENkAMP.D R e BTERNBERG.D M Regten 1 Phatedelphte, Reector Operettene Support granch 79/06/27 4pp

                                                                                                  --7909270277 Forwards IE Inst Repts 50-299/78-15 & S0-320/79-25 on 790719-21 & notice of violation.

CROCMER.H W Reg 104 1. Philadelphgo, Fuel FeC116tg & Maternets 7904890347 Responds to IE Sullet te 79-05 re self unc t ten &ng of GE Model Safety Branch 78/08/11 2pp CR 10$ s 100 av a t i sery contact mechentses No prenlees have er a sen Models will he replaced et nest refueling outage MERSEIN J 0 PNtropoliten Edison Ce 70/06/30 13

                                                                                                 -*7909270279           Notice of vietetten free inse on 700789 21 Branch Regten 1.       Philadelphte.        Fuel Facility & Materials Safety 79/08/11       1p 7904260002 Ac t recetat es '80620 Itr inforetag NRC of eteps taken to correct GRIER,5 H violettone noted an IE Inse Rest $0-320/79-20 Reglen 1 Philadelphne. Office of the Director                         --79092702B3 IE Inse Rept 50-2D9/79-15 6 S0-320/79-25 on 780719-21 7p/07/05         ty Noncompl6ence noted. failure to fellow precedure in checking changes in composite ef fluent seeples FOTTAN J J., JACKSON.1 J                  Region 1, Philadelphie. Office of the
 **7904260004 Responds to NRC 780931 Itr ce vseletions noted in IE Insp                                  Director        78/08/11. Op p Rept 50-32C/79-20 Correc tive ac tions notificat sen that "All hutches are Closed & Bealed" added to checkliet.                                          /810040165 Ac h receipt of 190906 Itr inferetng MRC of steps laten to NEKBEIN.J G           Metropoliten Edison Co.           78/06/20       4pp                   correct violettone noted an IE Inst Repts 90-299/79-16 &

S}-320/78-26 Reston 3 Chicago. Fuel Fec a ls ty & Meter ga t e Bef e tt Br anc h

 - 7904260006 Forwardo IE Inst Rept S0-320/79-20 on 790$l0-12 & notice e#                            78/09/15        la violation DAUNNER.E J              Region 8. Philadelphie. Reacter Operettene Nuclear Support Br anc h .        7B/05/31. 2pp                                                  -*7910040174 Reepends to NRC 790816 lte re violettone noted in lE Insp Rest 50-299/79-16 & S0-320/78-26 Correc tive ac t tene evideted precedures removed & replaced with current revistens
 --7904260007 e

Notice of violetten free Anse on 790S10-12 HERpEIN,J 0 Metrop611 ten Edison Ce 78/09/06 2pp Reglen le Philadelphie. Office of the Dstector 78/05/26 2pp.

                                                                                                 ~~7910040179 Forward s IE lasp Res ts 50-299/78-16 6 50-320/79-26 on 790725-27 4 notice of vaaletion
 --7904260013 IE Insp Rept 50-320/79-20 en 790St0-12 Noncompliance noted.                               CADCKER. H W            Region 1. Philadelphie. puel Facility & Materiale fellwee te perfees striect sveve 811 enc es per Tech Specs,                                     Safety granch          78/08/16        2pp fetivre to leptement evevettlance precedures H190 l NS. J. C. . WDNO. H. J           Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Director.        C APHTON. D L           Reglen S. Philadelphie. Reacter                 e-7910040883 Notice of violetten free ine, en 79072S-27.

Deerat tens Nuclear Support 3rench. 78/0S/26. topp e Region 3 Chicago, Office of the Director. 78/09/06 1p

80 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS i l I ~ /01004019e if inep #epte SG-2H9/78 14 % S/VisO/19 Je en 790/25 21 790 8 0SO'u8 It fnes Sept S0 "J20/ 78- 3J en 7R1016-20 Newcomplsence noted kontemplience noted emergencg monitoring b6te contained fellere to coeply w/edelptstrative seatrele for pumper e 4 owldeted emergency plen leglesenting pretedwege lifted IGode STU*st. J P Reg 6en 2 Chicage. Office of the Otrector 70 / Ot# /14 HAVt RN AMP. D R #egten I. Philadelph64, Meetter Operettene

       &pp                                                                                           Nuclear Rupport Granch                      7H/88/01          IUpp 7911090284 F orweeds it less Res t S0 '3/0/ 75-20 ee 780905-Of Ne                                79010MOJl s P e r wa r d s it inop Wes t e 30- 2U4/19- 21 6 S0-3J0/70-34 n ei nonr oep ilant e no te d                                                                         7U1108 No nint eep i t enc e nelse SNUNr6 A. 6 J             Reglen I, Phaledelphie. Offlee es the Director                         BMtfH.0 H                 #egten 4 Philadelphie, p ool Fec a lity 4 Mater 641s 76/D9/21,        2pp                                                                            Befetg Branch               7H/11/17          2pp

~ 7Bil090J90 f6 Inse flop t 50- 3JO/18-29 on 190905-07 No nonteepliance ~ 7901000J68 EE Inse Repte 30-209/79 28 6 S0-3J0/70 44 en 181408 No noted M4Jer erees inspetted eefety inpectsen ogs reset nontempitense noted Mejor eres loopectos ettervetten of f ee t or e & J.l p e lic ensee Conduc t ed emergencg drill Philadelphle. Off&se of the Director D'JasALD60N D . JAC M GON. f . O f f. Net. J P fi s g t en 1 Phgledelphie, HAVERi4 AMe. D R Noglen 3 Pue! 6ecility 4 Metergene gletelg Br ent h 7H/11/16 3pp 78/09/18 Upp

                                                                                                                     *"**' ' '           **8               '

I '" ' 7930540230 Forwards it tvitente 19 12 "Algettel wete Matt in Meector ^ Pregeves Vessel Wa l d e " L. s t e n s e e e<46en required

          .0H           pegten 1 Philadelphie, Off6te of the Otretter
                                                                                                      !        0H                se U/ll/21
t. gIMelphia, Jp e f ul Fullity & *etu aale (s# %efolg Dr enc h 7g 13,f g9 ,
                                                                                                *-791/2/0011 Notite of wholetten free Apop en 706004.10-12 & 17-19

/880100221 Act recolet of 790418 Itr anpereeng NnC of stepe tenen to e Me len t. Philadelphie, 088 tse er the Ottector 10/11/21 Cerrett violettent noted in I f, inse Rept 3Q-320/79-24 GRIEN. O H Negten 1. Philadelphie. Orf 6c e et the Direethe D8 76/10/03 13

                                                                                                --19822/9037 (C Ine, fe e p t 30-24t9/ 79 + 1H & SO~JJO//M-JI on 7HlOO6.10-12 6

--7010190001 Neopende to NRC PSOHJ4 ltr te violettene noted in le Iney '' " **'"I*'" " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' * " M Nest 30-340//8-24 Corrective estsene holdtog/eterage oren ~ ' '^ ^ ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' * ' res44 red. weld red toturned to even to remove addl hgdec6en

    >S #0f lN. J G         Metropetiten testen Co             18/04/18   2ep the D i r e' c t o r      M/il/IS             149

~ 7910149005 p erwar d e IE Inte pept 10 .1Jo/79 J4 en 1907tG-Ji 6 O f J i -OU0') 4 net ts e of violation 7012150144 Forwarde I t' Outletin 78 t JA. 'Algencel Wold Meti in Reetter BMW#d # . f J Megson 2, Allente. Gescler Operetiene Nuclear Peetoute Vessel 4de l d e " Support Oranch 7p/OH/24 dpa GR IER. B H Reglen 1, Phniedelphie Office of the Directer 70/11/24 1p -*fet019000A Notice of wieletten free insp en 19071W-21 4 07 3I+06603 HAVp WM AMP, D N Retten l' Philadelphie, Reetter Geerallene 190l100924 Forwards if inty pept $9 - )JO/ 70 3) en /H i t O ?- 09 4 1116-17 No Nuc leer hypport G renc h 78/Q46/ d4 1p nongeeplistae noted DNMed R. E J Regsen t. Phaledelphie. Reactor Operatione Nuclear eupport le r enc h 70/11/30 Wye ~1010190007 It inep ###t SG-J20/70"24 en / ho'l l B - 21 4 01:ll-oho:) Nance *#llense noted failure to esintain weld red glerage even at required toep ~ 790tt000 w it ine, West 30-320/79 3) en 701107-09 4 1816417 No HAvfRMAMP.i # #eglen le Philedelphte. Reacter Operettone eient emp i l enc e not e d Mejor eroes anspot ted startup test Necteer Suppeet Branc h 79/0H/23 22pp reevite. power levei plateev date 6 eeergencg safeguaree 4<tuetsen on Full 07 HAVlPp.AMF D # #egten 8 Philadelphie. Offite of the Dererter 791106010A F o r wa r d t if Cleavler 7H-17 lil'. f f t #44AV.6f N. l . EI' l M 14. R R Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Reacter GA lr#. 5 H pegten t. Pheledelphie Of fice of the Dstector Operations Nucteer 6opport De pth /8/11/29 ?pe 19/10/13 la

                                                                                                '912200116 parwards terrected page of feele 01 to 'Inservl<e Inse 790414Vilh Reepende le IE Sulletin 78-OH re accesestilatg of eroe neer                             Peegree Pumps ' W/Justtfacetsen as Attachment A IN888IN J G              Metrocellten Edloon Ce                   16/LJ/13           1p p fuel trenefer tutes Potentlet high tedietsen eroe near fuel tren%for tubee is peeled & doet4 are lethed HpMDilN.J G            Metropoliten Edleon to             78/10/13    2pp 711- 1 4.  -l>e t o r t er e t t en or Dune-N 740B030028 Component, Fin        orwar AGCDd Gotenelds s If Nolteten" P9120102:10 Forwards IE Insp Rest 30-320/79-29 en 760914-19 4 14-22 No                             0#1t#'8 H                Petten 1. Phaledelphie.               Office er the Dir ec t or cons e*pliene e noted                                                                            70/12/19             lp SRUNNE N , [ J              Aeglen 1 Philadelphie. Neotter Op era t ions Nuc lear Support Drench              7B/10/19         2pp 79010rlO7tl Forwar4e if Insp Popt $0-320/70 39 en /61J29-29 No contempliense noted

-- 7912010JHJ 1 p' Iney Pept 30-320/79 29 en 700944*15.19-2J Ne It#UM8E R e f J #egion l Philade lph o e- #eet ter Operettone Nuclear noncespilenge noted Mejor erees 6nspect,d prpoperettenal 4 Bopport Drench 7Y/01/12' 2p p startup test resulte & power estenelen test i4AW DM AMP. D R , Cal. MAN.W E . $L f 1(.PetAVBf N. L. Region (, Philadelphies 0*fice of the Director le/10/lu ISep - Mo MW4 I t. Ines Pept 50 9J0/7n-19 en Fol2J0- 29 No non<uepilence roted Majet erece Ingpected trengtent toet generator grip from 96% power % preliminary review of teet date 7017010336 for. erd, if Ins, nest 90-:179/19030 en /01004-06 N, St i f Ehe4AWR N. L . MC N A f t . T C , CAPHTON.D L peglen 1 Phaledelph64 Neetter Operettens Nurteer support Branch 79/03/10 eent one llent e noted dpp 5#W8Hl.He f J N o g l e*i 1. Philadelphne peetter Operettent Nuclear Support Branch 70/80/20 Jap ~ T e l 2C I O.1:lel IE leep Rept 30-320/70 .FJ on 181004-06 No nong sop !lenc e j99 DOLO 792 F orwar d t II Clef ular 79 -02. "F a i lur e of 120 Volt Vital AC noted Me sse areas (noperted lletting tenditeent for Power Goppites e eserellen % central af deglga thenges Gh ll R. B H Reglen 1, Philadelphie. Offite of L li e D4 rester HAVt HMAMP O P . s pop. , 0 Y Meg 6en 1. Philadelphie. Off!se et th* 19/01/16 Opp Dir et ter 7H/10/19 Srp 7902020249 ttuten t e edd l thenge to intervise e nes pr ogree Jus t ! f ic a t s en 7311290549 perwarde lE Chesular 7 9 - l N. Fire feet " # er ghenge ensi GAIFN. D H k e g l oti 1 Philadelphie "tA Office of the D& ret ter Hg ypl: tes, ; g Metropellten Edgeon to 7e/01/21 6pp 79/11/06 lp 7905300122 p erweed e prop osed it slecular ce intertonnections of 7901030324 Perwarde it inop Rept 90-3J0/19432 en 798016 20 6 Notice of gengeognag,g gyg w/g,c egr gyg use( eg envece of breathing Vseletten air Cletwier destrenes 191004 ledt free redweste age

 $NVNNE R, E J              Peglen le Philadelphie. Seector Oeere t i ene Nuc l ear               op lf.n. 8 H             # e g l ers I, Phaledelphie, Office of the Derester llup p er t Dr e nc h       78/ a l /Odf     Jpp                                                 79/01/25             3pp 7903150467 Forweeds IF Insp s e pte 90-20Y/79 05 4 30-~JJ0/79 01 en

~ 7901050'424 Nntite of Violetten free Intp on 781016-20 79010H-81 He nentemplience noted e ## glen 1. Philadelphie. Peegger Operelloot Nuclear Support RMW836 #i E J heglen 1, Phatedelpbge. Reacter Opetettone Nwsleer Gr ant a 78/11/07 2pp support g r ant > 79/01/29 2pp


            , e03: 504 50 E inst Repte 50-2w9/79-On & 50-320i79-Oi en 79010e-i t No                              79030=o40s rerwerds E rnes Nottca 79-04.                Degradetion of Engineered nonc e.p i e not ed Ma,or .re.s                                                                                                                                                    l safet, Features -

recor inspected:ehaft operett during .iogs.

                                                                                     .ct.hift                        OR                    Region i, Ph i,h ie. Of, ice e, the DLeector.

HAVES,d.e. P D.,ec R ii i t y Regien teve & i.pi.nt,hti. dei,ene hi.. R 79,iER., 02/i.H 2pp 1 Nv v.,er t h. .RR Reg eact.e en i. Ph Oper.tiene i i..e i,. i e. O, ., ice i e e of r the D ,ector nf ,iM i .,2 7. 3, p 7,0i 7904110343 Forwards IE lasp Repts 50-289/79-02 & 50-320/79-03 en 790131-0202 No noncompliance noted 7902130009 Forwards IE Info Netace

  • 79-us.*pergen-Peteeson Hgfrevits MARTIN,W G Region 1. Philadelphia. Safeguardo Branch. 79/02/23 Shoct & Swag Arrestors (HBSA) 2pp Ok !ER,5 H. Reglen L. Philadelphie. Office of the Director 79/02/02 2ee
                                                                                                                 --7904110351 IE Inty Repte 50-299/79-02 & 50-320/79-03 en 790131-0202 No 7901200288 Forwarde IE Inss Rept 50-320/ 79-02 on 790L }0-31. No nonceepitance noted Mejor areas inspected review of factitty organtaetten & operetten noncespliance noted                                                                                          SUMMERS.R . SMITH.0             Region 1. Philadelehta. Office of the 3 RUNNER.E.J                 Reglen 1 Ph61edelphia, Reac tor Operet t ene Nuclear                            Director         JOYNER. J H Bvpport Branch.              79/02/07       2pp                                                                                                  Region 1 PA41edelphie. Saf eg uar,d e Branch       79/02/22.      9p9 79032002sd Forwarde sweeary of coettned ett meeting 50-289/79-04
        ~~7903200293 If tesy Rest 50-320/79-02 en 790130-31 No noncompliance                                        & 50- 320/ 79-05. he l d 790209 in M ing of Prvesia. PA.

noted Major areas inspected action en previeve findinge & CRIER,9 H Region 1 Philadelphia. Office of the Director. coepitance w/lic ense tegolet tens 79/02/26 2pp HAVERKAMP,0 R , ME tMio. R. R Reglen 1. Philadelphie, Reacter Operatione Nuclear Support Sranch 79/02/06 5p p

                                                                                                                --7903200243 Eueeary cp comeseed oge                 estag 50-209/7m-04 &

50+320/79-05 held on 790209 to stecues IE iner prograce & 7902200470 Forwards

  • IE Sulletin 79-04 " Environ Qualificetten of Ctete enjectives & licensee 's orgen t sat ten 4 es t contrate IE Eqviseent W/11st of il egeteestic evelvetion progree HAVERM AMP. D R Region 1 Philadelphte. Office of the Otrector.

plants for which no attien to required 79/02/22 3pp QRIER 5 H Reglen 1. Philadelphia. Office of the Director 79/02/08 2pp 7903090499 Informe recsytents of 16 Sv1*etin 79-05.

  • Environ Ovalification of Cleet IE Equipment,= dtd 790208.that valve ,

7903060643 Forwarde IE Info Notice 79-03."Liettorgue Valve Geareg liest swi tc h MANCO Mo d e l E3C ML should read BL 3C ML l LLett Switch Luhricant e QRIER.9 H Reglen 1. Philadelphia. Office of the Director. i DRIER.5 H Regten 1, Philadelphie. Offste of the Directe, 79/02/27 1p. 79/02/09 1p ' 7904040363 Forwardo IE Bulletin 79-02 "Pape Evspert 9ase Plate Designs 7903090126 Act receips of 790201 thr informing NRC of steps lat en to Ustas Concrete Espansson Anchor Bolte " correct vietettens noted in IE Insp Repts 50-299/79-24 & ORIER.B H Region 1, Philadelphte. Ofpace of the Director. 50-320/79-37 79/03/06 la BRUNNER,E.J Resten t. Philadelphie. Reac tor Operations Nuc lear Support Grench 79/02/13 to 7904040312 Forwarde IE Bulletin 79-03. "Lengitv4tn41 Weld Defects in ASME GA-312 Type 304 Stain! es Steel Pipe Steele

        --7907090143 Responde to NPC 790t05 Ite ce violation noted in IE Insp                                      Manufactured 6g Youngstown Welding & Engtneeetag Ce "

Repte 50-289/78-24 & 50-320/79-37.Correcttve actione GRIER.R H Regton 1. Pelledelphia. Office of the Director. revloed velve teet procedures & intervice inep tegging ese 79/03/12 to HERSEIN. J G Me6**aalitan Edison Co 79/02/01 3ep 7904050075 Forwardo

        +-790309014e F orward e IE Inse Repts 30-299/79-24 & 50-320/73-37 en                                       velve Operators " IE Circular 79-04, " Loose Locking Nut en Lietterque               l l

781212-14 & notice of violetton CHIER.B H Regten 1, Philadelphte. Office of the Oteectee ORUNNER.E.J Region 1, PhiladeLehle. Reacter Operatione Nucleae 19/03/16 1p. Support Branch 2pp

                                          '9/01/01 7904240156 Forwards IE Bulletin 79-129. "Atypice! Weig Matt in Reactor
        --7903090149 Notice of vio                                          781212-14 e          R.g i .n i . Phli.d.letten ip h ie. freeReacter ines en Opereisene   Nuci..e sopperi               Preesure sa rem H Vessel           welde Region i, " ,hiladel, hie O,,,,e e, the Di,ecter l

3 ren c h . 79/01/04 1p. 79/03/19 1p

         ~7903000152 IE tae, nepte 50-299/70-24 & 50-340/70-37 en 781212-14                                     7904050021 Forwards Wsee Conductere " IE Circular 79-05. "Moteture Lessage in 6tranded Noncompliance noted. failure to toplement eveveillence                                                ORIER,5 H precedvee                                                                                                                   Regten 1. Philadelphie, Of fles of the Director.

FDLEY.7., HIGQlN9. J C , CAPHTON.D L Region 1. Philadelph64. 79/03/20 to Reacter Consteuction & Engineersag Support Stanc h 79/01/04 ep p . 7904040235 Forwards IE Inf o No t .c e 79-05. "Use of forreper Matte in Safety-Related Coopenente " 7903000543 Act receipt of 790130 Itr inforslag NRC of steps taken to ggggR,9 H Reglen 1. Philadelphie. Office of the Director correct ytelettens noted in IE Ines Rest 50-320/79-36 7g/03/21, QR IER. S H Regten 1 Pb11edelphae. Office of the Director 13 79/02/13 1p 7905010118 Forwares IE inf o No t ic e 79-06. "Ste ese Anele n t e of

       ~~7903090546 Reepende to NRC 790109 Itr re violation noted in if Inte Befety-Wetened Piping Rept 50-320/79-3e Correc tive ee t t ene. valve verificatt en ORgER.B H.             Region 1." Philadelphie. Office of the Director 79/03/g3         13 portten of precedure 2311-5 was perfereed HER&EIN,J 0            Metropeltten Edison Ce              79/01/30. 3pp 7904200449 Foewards IE Info Notice 79-07, "Reptvee of Radweste tants -

7903080549 Forweeds IE Insp Repts 50-299/78-23 4 50-M/79-36 on GR IER. 9 H. RegLon 1. Philadelphte. Office of the Directer. 781204-04 & 12-14 & notice of violetten. 79/03/26 to BURN'eER. E. J Reglen 1 Phtledelphie. Reacter Operettone Nucleae 8vpport Branch 79/05/09 2pp 7904200027 Forwards new info for transeittal La ABLS Dvetog recent insp. info was etteined indicating that et certain condittene a-7903090356 Notice of vielstion free inse on 791204-08 & 12-14 of reactor coolant vascosity,cere it# ting eag occur

  • Rotten I, Philadelphie, Reacter Operettone kvclear Support CRESWELL. J 8 Reglen 3. Chacege Office od the Director Seanch 79/01/05 10 79/01/08 3p p -
       ~7903000562 IE Inte Repts 50-299/79-23 & 50-320/19-36 on 781204-06 &                                    ~ 1904200034 In response to 781220 toicon,feewards addl safety evaluatten 12-14 Nonceep lience neled fatture tu perfees surveillance of                                            info Analgese transient reewiting from operator not leeletten valves located instde containment. (Unit 2 enig)                                               controlling steam generator l eve t.

KEIM10.R R , NAVERRAMP,0 R . JOHNSON.J R Region 1, ROE.L.E. Tolede Edison Co 78/12/22. 19p p . Pattedelph,4 Reecter Operettene Nuclear Suspect tranch 79/01/05 1f90 R Portedic operating reports & reteted correspondence

       '90314vuoS Ass recolet of 790201 Itr estpending to IE Insp Rese*

50-299/79-22 & 50-320/79-35 Ltr will be withheld s905100873 Forwarde correlation of reevits free tchthgeplankten semples (ref 10CFR2 7901 eellected tv pung w/semples collected tg net ETS require MARTIN.W G Reg son t. Philade. rata. Batesvards Branch F9 /Og / g

  • pues cellec tion, wt il want e het cellec t len

! 2p p . HERef fN. J 0 Metropelsten Edison to 77/11/15 3p p . I 1

l l 88 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS ite. modi,ie, tepingement e...iing --790 o 90iiS Monthis oper. ting ,e,t for oor i97. 790,3 00i6. to

    ,o49ency    in ,twice esp.nse
                           ,e ,to  7,iii.

month LE NOEL. R . A Metro,eilt.n Edison Ce 79/0i/iS S,p HER9E IN. J C Metropolitan (dtoen Ce 77/11/23 39 7902220068 Forwards monthly operating tept for Jan 1979 7905800464 Cemeents en et#ftcut*tes to sepingement esople cellec tion HERBE IN. J 0 Metropoliten Edison Ce 79/02/09 Be euring stater months Cenetdering etternettves to prettee TRQrFER.0 J Metropellten Esteen 4e 7a/02/01 4pp

                                                                                --7902220071 Meethly operating rest for Jan 1979 LEMOEL.R A          Metropoliten Ed i ten Ce             79/02/09        4pp 7904230034 Forwarde monthig operating rept f or Feb 1979 HENBEIN. J G      Metropolitan Edison Co       79/03/13    Ip 7903B60220 Forwaede sonthly operettag rept for Feb 1979.

HER8E IN. J 0 Me tropoliten Edison Ce 79/03/12 1p

 *-7904290037 Monstig operating rest for Feb 1979 LENQE.L.R A     Metropoliten Editon Ce       76/03/01    6p p .
                                                                                --7903160223 Monthly operetseg rept for Feb 1979 LENGEL. R A          Metropolitan Edison Ce               79/03/09        4pp 79042500SG Perwards sonthig operating rest for Mar 1978
   #4N0EIN.J G       Metropoltten Esteen Ce       78/04/13    to 7904160123 "Radiologscal Environ Monitoring Rept,1975
  • e Metropolitan Estoon Ce twL-SS90-443 78/12/31< 94pp
 --7904250061 Monthig operating rept for Mer 1978 7905020139 *Dec es heat Removal During Very Beall Breet LOCA for BkW 20$

STAIN.J R Metropelsten Edison Co 70/04/12 4pp Fue l As e est i g PWR,

  • preitesnary copy MICHELSON,C fennessee Valley Asthority 78/01/31 36pp.

79042500S2 Forwards sonthig operating rest for Apr 1978 MER9ElN.J 0 Metropoliten Edison Ce 79/0$/l3 to 7905000S2e "Hydrevalc Surveg. June 1978

  • e Metropoliten Edseen Ce 7B/08/38 ISep
 --7904250036 Monthly operating regt for Apr 1978 LENGELe R A     Metropolttan Edison Ce       78/OS/18     epp
                                                                                --7905000S31 *Menatoring of Cooling Tower Operettenal Ef f ec ts en vegetation tn Vicinity of TMI-2.1978
  • e Me t rop p 14 tan Edtoon Ce 78/12/31 4tpp 790425C046 Forward e sonthig operating rest for May 1973 HERuglN,J G Metropolitan Ed t son Ce 70/06/13 te 7906290000 *FMI Agust ic Study.
  • eonthly rept for Jan 1979 kg ,
 -*7904230048 Monthly operating rept for May 1973                                  !chthgelogscal Assectates.ine                                                                i Metropolitan Edtoen Ce                   4pp                 e Metropoliten Edison Co                    79/03/31       topp LENGELs R A                                  78/06/15 7904250603 Forwerde monthly operasing rept for June L970                       --7906290010 "TMI Aquatic 54veg," eenthig rest for Feb 1979 by HERBC1N.J G       Metropoliten Edsoon Co       79/07/11    19
                                                                                     .Ic hMetre,ei th y o log it,a tenl As. soc la Co e ,sen     t es. las 79,02/2.      17,p
 --7904250105 Monthig operating rept for June 1978 LENGEL.R A      Metropelllan Edison Co       78/07/11    4pp              a poportento occurrencee, LE.R e & related corressendence 79042$0097 Forwarde monthly operating rest for Jul 1978                        7903000199 Act recetot of 730611 lte forwardans conet defletencg rept PERBEIN. J G      Metropoliten Edtsen Co       78/06/11    1p                  kNi/f H, p r. Aloesc Energy Cees t a tion. Directorate o f Licent Ang IPre-1975)         73/06/22          2pp
 --7904250099 Monthig operating rest for Jul 1978 LENGEL.R A      Metropolitan Edleen Co       79/08/10     See                7903090206 Nottftcation of p os e s t le c onst depictency re water eteerved en pressure vessel feet specimens enelgaed & veteet interter snepected at two weet intervate 7904J40048 Forward s rad ioac t two ef f 8 vent release rest Wie enc!               MILLER,J G          Metropolitan Estson Co                73/06/11        tp HERBE IN. J G     Metropelttan Edieen Co       70/08/30    1p 7905000221 Act receipt of 730719 Ite,forwerding cenet d e f ic i enc y tept 790425008G Forwarde eenth ly speedt&ng rept for Aug 1970                         Davis,J 0         Atoste Energy Comes selen. Directorate of Licensing HE.RSE IN. J 0    Metropoltten ietsen Co       19/09/11    1p                   spre.3973).        73f 07/30         2pp
                                                                                -+790$000226 Nottitcation of pees 4tle reportable entuatten re conc re te
 --79042$0092 Monthly neerstang rest for Aug 197g                                    placemente for factitty eve tidg MILLER,J 0          metropoliten Esteon Ce                /3/07/10        2pp LE NGEL. R A    Metroseliten Edtsen Ce       70/09/16    3pp 7909270012 Monthly Operatang Rest for Aug 197g                                 790$030121 Discussee completion of correctt e actione for occurrence, MI TC HELL. D w    Metropeittan Edison Ce       78/09/13    app                peestlig reportable under 10CpWSO SSf el, involvsag incomplete cheetcal analgsps tg Walworth/Alegco Co MILLER.J C          Metropolitan Edleon Ce                73/18/20       233 7010020333 Forwarde mentely operating rest for Aug 1978 FENBEIN.J 0       Petropelltee Edison Ce       78/09/13    13
                                                                                --790503082S Act receipt of 731011 14e inferetag AE C of stept laten to correct noncespliance noted in lasp on 730723-25 7F10170147 Forwarde senthjg operettng rest for $ept 1979                            HE RSHMAN. R F.         Ateenc Eneegg Comessenen (Pre 19756                    73/10/10 le NLNBLIN.J G       Metropoliten Edison Ce       79/lQ/10    {p 7904250667 Descettee corrective action se storage easntenance of
 --7910170848 Montelu operating rept for Sept 197g                                 stetten hatteeg E'EH-2-2SB Eettested date for completion of LE NGEL. R A    Me ttopeli ten Edisen Ce     7B/10/09    (pp                 freshen 19g charge as 740630 ARNDLD R C         Metropolitan Edgeon Ce                74/06/26       2pp 7811210300 Forwarde monthly operating rept for Oct 1978 & corrected
   ' Unit Bhutdown & Power Reduc tione" page f or Spot rept                  /904270393 Ac t receipt of 740626 lte which perwarded rest per NER3EIN.J G       Metropelsten Edison Ce       78/11/IS    is               IDCFRSO SSt el. re storego maint et endeten batteeg EEM-2-2SB OAVIS.J G         Offsce of Inspectsen & Enforcement                     74/09/01       Ep
 --78112103R4 Mante ly Deerating rest f or Oc t 1979 6 c orrec tes " Unit Shendewn & Power Reductlene" page for Sept r ee t.                     7904290009 Forwarde final deftsiency rept en use of vndpproved wC LENGEL. R A     Metrepetiten Editen Cd       79/11/l5    Spp             precedures,teperteele under 10CFRSO SS t s)

ARNOLD.R C. Metropoliten Edison Ce 74 / D9 / 06 1p 7912190132 Forwards mentnig operating rest for Nov 1978 MERSEIN.J G Metrepeitten Edsson Ce 79/12/15 1p --7904290014 Final deficiency rest on wse of unapproved e vt c on trac t er DC preceduree Unapproved procedutet were reviewed & approved by 74D823

 -+ Pe l 2190134 Monthig operating rept det Ney 1978                              ARNOLD. R C.       Metropellten Edison Ce                74/09/06        1)

HARDING, L N Metrepe16 tan Edteen Ce 79/12/45 Sep 7904270396 Ack receipt of 740906 lte which forwarded rest per 79011t0113 Forwards senthl, operating res t for Dec 1978 10CFRSO SS(el. re vaapproved DC precedures HER9EIN J 0 Mettepe16 ten Edsoen Ce 79/01/12 1p DAvl8 J 0 Offsce 's Inspection & Enforceeent 74/09/13 Sp


 --1904270397 Swteste addl info per 10CFR SO SS t e i n t e ve e of unapproved bC                                    7904200!!! Provides addl tafs to unusual eLtvation reported 750724 re

ARNULD. R C Metropolitan Esteen Ce

                                                                                                                         **chanical damage 6 peer paint adhesten to reacter blog 74/09/06      2pp                   cable 8'ags Trag was repatated ANNOLD. R C      Metrope11 tan Edison Ce         75/06/26       2pp 7904270569 Forwards final test to deftstenty in const at TMI-2 AphKKJ. R C.       Metropolttan Edteen Ce                                   74/10/26      Sp 7904240099 Forweres 30-day followup tafe re 730729 rest Centeel tide wolle ease of concrete tieces not designed for setsett leading ke!Ls have teen temoved & will to replaced
  -- 7904270S72 Cent r a te powr ed fe* Clase I structures netween 740726 &                                              ARNOLD R. C      Metropeltiin Ed tsen Ce         75/09/29      2pp 740904 fatted compresstve strengt4 test Delow 9%d conctete represente only 24 et c oncrete decing period e Metropoliten Edison Ce                                       74/10/24 2pp                                 7954240630 Responds to NRC 7S0021 Ite te reporting reogtrements of 10Cp RSO SSt e n Util believes de fit tenc e repecting prec edure set teth ite & intent of 10CFR SO SS t e )

79042703s4 Ac t receipt of 741026 lte wh8ct forwarded test per ANNOLD. R C Me tropolitan Ed s een Ce 75/11/12 opp 10CFRSO SStepere use ep telow ste conc rete in Clase I type s truc tures bAv!B.J G Deftce of Inspec t ten & Enf orc ement 74/11/25 1, 7904200387 Followup eept en possib le reportab le c ond s t a ,n Wh ile preparing well for placeeent of feel transfer tube e h t e ld.

 -~7904270390 Svtette addl info per 10CFRSO SS(e ), t e wse o f below gtd                                                chtsping hameet esposed veld in fuel handling ws!!

AR NOLD. R C . Metropolitan Edison Ce 75/11/14 2pp concrete in Clase i type struc tures ANNOLD. R C Metrepsitten Edison Ce 74/10/26 3pp 790428003! Thirty lte of deftetency Condvit installed 790S160461 Desweente vertal test of defscsonce an dessen of gn,,,,6 ,nnyonered d et,,t olgl l sgeeve owup Certa 6n coerective actions structurel attacheent of centrol red delve AC treaber planned,sncluding more emphetat en held tags cabinett to fleer Vender wi11 etrengthen support ARNULD,# C Metropellten Edleen Co 75/01/15 Ip ARNOLD. R C Metropellten Edteen Ce 15/12/19 2pp 790427064S Fefwerde esppi to 791029 lte en deftetency in senet 790S070204 Thirty day followup rept During onloadnng of reacter g.,n,g, ,leno, as eeelg & core support ehteld. discovered involving teLew old c onc r o ce Actten de new complete g ARMOLD. R C Mettopeliten Edleen Ce 73,01/31 2pp two shipping shime *tesing 94W will dec6*ent all date ARNCLD R C Metrepellten Ed tsen Ce 76/03/10 2pp 7904270367 Ac t receipt of 750114 lte whtch forwarded root ps A DCp R SO SS t e ) . r e defactency of central red delve AC treate'r 7905070274 During megger testing of reacter bldg e lec tr ic al genetratten cessnets cableg.eglar matt was fevnd under terminal luge causing h 69h DAvi5.J G Of fic e of Inspection & Enfeeceeent 73/02/08 lp toeding between cable connector & ground ARNOLD.R C Metropoltten Edseen Ce 76/03/18 2pp

--79042 70J73 Adv is e s of d e f i c i enc y in design et s truc tural et tscheent e4 c ontrol red desve AC troener cettnote to fleer ARNULD, R C                                                                                                 7904 3004 73 Ac t receipt of 760310 Itr forwarding rest te escenas Metrepellten Edseen Co                                  75/08/15       13                   shipp4ng shtes free reacter internal shipeent THOMPSON.D         NRC Reg iona l Of fices      76/03/87      1p 7904JS0504 Act receipt of 7=013I ltr wh ic h forwarded innel rest ce low cons te te c ylinder test strengthe DAVIS.J G         Office of Inspec tion & En t erc oment                                  7$/03/10    Ip 79041903g1 Desce thes non-repor telle oc cuteenc e holes drilled into estensten well of fuel handling 6163 esposed wend eight anc hes into tube Moles have teen filled ARNOLD,R C       Metropolitan Edison Co           76/03/19     2pp 7904200329 Outtag 750324 este insp.petential genertc efg defect of emell Dere valves evppited tv Crane Ce disrevered Response will to suteatted ty 750302 ARNULD. R C         Metropelsten Edison Ce                                   75/04/2S      13 7904 300032 Ac t reconst of 760318 Itr forwarding rept of Mylar *att veed as separatten between catie & conderter fMDMFBON.D       Of fic e of Inspection & Enforcement            76/03/19   to 7904      300447 Ac t receipt of 750421 itr forwardang rept ce reacter tidg sprog peep metoe mode DAVIS.J G         Off6ce of Inspec tion & Enf orc eeent                                   75/05/06     1p 7904J70290 Fellowup to 760421 reportable oc c urrenc e in whsch faultg welds were found en safety-related substattene Bate deviataen rest teswed 6 weld repair weet inattated AFNOLD. R C      Metropolitan Edison Ce          76/03/20      2pp

--7904 )OO469 De sc r 4 De s topet t aa l e s i tua t ions t e reactor tids sprag peep meters starting time reported 740103 Providee analgste of safety sepitcettene 6 proposed corrective actnens MILLER, J G Metropolitan Edasen Ce 72/02/04 2pp 7904200154 Thtety-deg followup rept of defic tency re votes detected in astoeter well of fuel transfee c anal Es t seate s repair e 7904J003JS Fellowve to 730423 lie te IOCFR$0 SStal occurrence involving shewld to completed tg 760930 An t s c a p e t e s no further prettoes semil bore s ee t steinless steel tec k et weld end glene & AR MDLD, R C Metropoliten Edtsen Ce thect valves Valve testing precedures adequate 76/07/30 2pp ARNULO.R C Metropoliten Edtsen Ce 73/0S/08 2pp 7904290644 Thirty-dog follewup of 760720 nettitcation of reportable 7904300470 Act receipt of 750423 Itr forwarding rept ce s ma ll tere de f ic 6 enc y to tytt splices on QE AMD-S ees tc hteer 18 valve def4(4 undetec ted. spl ac e could have felled under lead ARNOLD,8 C Mettepolttan Edison Ce 76/06/1B 2pp DAv!S.J 0 Office of Inspec t ten & Enf orc eeent 75/05/13 Sp 79043004B0 Act receipt of 750SDP lte fetwardsng rest ce Crane Ce 7904250001 Fellowys !tr to 760903 verbal nettfication of RO re response de f ec tive velves taee Required reopense t eos wit! to tevloed to te censistent DAv!S,J 0 Office of laspec tion & Enf erseeent 73/0$/19 Ip w/tlee requirements der emergency cooling teoster eveps ANNOLp, R C Metrepetitan Edison Ce 76/>9/02 3pp --7904300483 Fellowup to 7SO42S ler.Prevides addl tnfo en repectatie situaten re aefects in emell tore cast stainless steel weld 7905160475 Act eeteipt of 760730 760818 & 760902 Itts descrittog and glete & chec t velves eveplied tg Crane Ce rePef table occuf rences ARNOLD,R C. Metrepelaten Edleen Ce 73/0S/09 2p, C ARs BON, R f 9egion 1 Philadelphla, Reactet Congleuctten & Enginsertng Support Stanch 76/09/22 le 79042OO39S Doc ueent e 750602 verbal tept en B&W generic sefi c ienc y in hydrevils performance of eedsue thiosulfate Ege oests FSAR 7905000072 Act receipt of e nt ! 760916 & 17 ltes which forwarded feste retuttemente per 10CF RSO SS te) ARNULD.R C Me tropelt tan Ed s een Ce 73/06/27 lp C ARL BON. R 7 Region 1, Polladelpela, Reac ter Construc t 6 en & Engineering Supp ort Seanch 16/10/08 13 7*04200392 Descettee event.provievsag repeeted 750624,re peep avte & stude showing linese antal indicettens greater than ene nach in length B&W tegvested to tastituto cetractive actlen --7903000079 Thirty-dag followvp of significant deficiency en 760019.te ARNOL D. R C Metropolitan Edison Co 73/07/24 2pp die sel genef aler lidt ventilatten eye undereised for proper perdereenc e of emergency (tesel electric generetang plant ARNDLD. R C Metropelttan Edteen Ce 76/09/17. 3pp 1904230347 Responds to 750009 lte Precedures for reopending to 10CFR50 SStel retuttemente not applicatie to inc la sat in --79090B0090 In f orms of eeportable altuetten en 760ste,re toets an queetten C ARL90N. R T. Regten 1. PDitadelphle, Reacter Construct 4en & alvelewe-trent e tube shee t te certen steel ehell weld of two Enginesting Suppset trenc h 75/09/21- 2p p Nuclose Svc closed coettng water heet eschengere ARNOLD. R C Metropolitan Edison Co 76/09/16 2pp


                                                                                                                                                                        . inter i gui.e 903,4 ren sos up                         ef RO en 76 i .       t.      teup   ,u.p 7 0.0300                                     itr  t.

7,0,4 ressu ver.ei,r.,4 interiec c ot i e. Desc r i.e s d i.c ennec t ion of ,i.ct.37ives Act receipt M.tter toof 1704i,

                                                                                                                                    .e rev.ewed     , during   .v se, vent ins,
   .wi tt re conte ih,unc t ion .t     ei.e.                                                     C AML.ON. R 1-            Region i. rh i i ... i p. i .. Re.ctor Construct en .

ARNOLD.R C. Metropelsten Edison Ce 76/12/14 2p p . Engineering Bopport Branch 77/05/04 Sp. 79 4290,32 ,,re terted in ter , i402 ,6 Act recei,t e, ,in.i re,t ....s. tonnected t contre str .ontrei.ste r.nch re.t.P wh.n .is...gne. .t.t associ.ted 790.p,d ic at ion Me t ter wiii .e reviewed duringce ,rotec.iton

                                                                                                                                                          .u se, sq.

vent tas, w/pu.p et.,o se.terer Eiecir.c.,i .ec ignited i n... i e t i n, .errier CARL.O .R 1 Region i. rhii.deiphi.. Re.ctor C.n.truct.en . ARNOLD.R C Metropolitan Edison Ce 76/12/22 3p p . Eng ineering Support trench. 77/07/88 tp i Act recei,i .9 ite ,e 76 2 4 re r. of --790,140266 1hirty-d.g f.iiowu, r. ,r.tect .a in 790..,Oi fic o6,.nc yin te-up ,u.,76 i 2,er 4 to . design e inetru.ent e.ct. h..e .sgo,e.dic. enu.iig eted tion r e v i ewed esting .utse uent .ne,s sure switc h M.t ter ere..sure

                                                                                                       . i.t.en s.v.iv.s itcheswhich en p sition indic.t.en C ARL ,1.. R t          Regi.n i. r h i i.d e i g h i.. Re.cter Constru, tion .          rsAR, wiii e ci.rified Engineering Support branc h              77'01/17        1p                                       HERBEIN,J G          Metropoliten Edison Co         17/06/24     2pp
 -- 79050 L D631 Otscharge pressure switch contacts for mete-up pu*Pe                          7904270671 Act receipt of 770506 & 770527 final repts we Seteels I tripptop at pressure is Delow 2200 gress/sguare inch efter                                  blest wells Matter wall be reviewed during subsequent S~s start-up Correctione pump tripped on low suction                                        inep ApNOLD.R C        Metrope14 ten Edtsen C#,           76/12/14        2pp                    C ARLBON. R 1             Region 1. Phatadelphs., Reactor Genetruction &

Engineering Support Branc h 77/07/19 1p 790430013J R e s p ond s 5 . uttl 770114 rept of deficiency in GA progree Matter will be reviewed --7904270674 le teference to 770906 Itr.eddl invest 6tetten revealed k noc CARLBON.R I Regton 1 Philadelphie. Reester Construction & out walle between meter control ctr cubicles & eve bldg Engineersag Support Branch 77/01/21 1p fatled to have ev'ftcient re6nforcement PERRE IN. J G Metropolitan Edison Co 77/03/27. tp

 --7904300136 Locuments 761213 pape hengers Corrective .ctions      telconrevised w/R Gallo  6ns,re  emell bore procedures     6  setsett ...rL4270677 Thirty-day followup tte ce def tc tance in certaan bloc k well espensten of detail drawings                                                                   whnah has been .t e g a g ne t e d Gelsenc j Detailed anvestigetton ARNOLD, R C       Metropoltten Edison Co             77/04/11        2pp                       revealed onig reacter 4 auctitary walle effected ARNOLD. R C         Metropellten Edigen Ce        77/OS/D6      1p 7904 300085 Ac t receipt of 161222 L 770126 ltre form.eding repte to fire in meter centrol c onter CARLSON.R Y             Regien 1. philadelphge. Reacter C ons truc t ion 6                  79050B0866 Act receipt of 770009 I tr f orward ing final rest ce patentiel Enginserang Bupport ev ent h             77/02/11        to                                    fatture of reactor coolant pues seate C ARLBON. R T             Region 1. Philadelphte. Reac ter Cons tr uc ^ 1en &

Eng te.eering Supp or t Star t h 77/08/16 1p

 - s W04 300006 Supplements 761222 itr re noter control crate- fire Vertteel bus eseletton barriers estinguished after reste in terriers was consumed Fabe*glese meettng would not support consuetion                             --79030 dol 6m Yttets-dag followup rept to reacter coolant pump ees!

ARNOLD. R C Metropolitan Edison Ce 77/01/96 1p feature posentsal following lose of offette power.Dessen will be modafted to provide two sources of water HERREIN.J G Metropolitan Ed8sen Ce 77/06/09 2pp. 7904200340 Requeste estensson of completion date for CP from 770501 to 720115 & liste eignificant deleve sinc e Dec 73 ARNOLD.R C Me tropoliten Ed ison Co 77/03/29 2pp 7905070474 Act recotet of 770921 4tr forwarding f6nal rest we tida epreg pump head curves Will re. tow during outsequent teep C ARLSON. R. T. Regson 1. Pbitadelphie. Reactor Construction & 7904300031 fntetg+dag followup Ite of RO re emergenc u e 6ese L generater Engineering Support Branch 77/09/30 1p. components that G&d met have 6ptended sus info Defective parts will te teplaced AMER O. R C Metropoliten f.dteon Ca 77/03/31 ppy --7905070478 Provides final rept to tidg sprag pump head curves considered reporteste Pump retetane elemerte returned to vender for Petesting 7904200044 Def8ctency noted te vital power suppig laverters caused by i>WE IN. J G Metropolitan Edtsen Co 77/D9/21, 2pp vender not supplgang d required co*ponent ARNOLD.R C Metropoliten Edison Co 77/04/11. 2pp 7 05160470 Act receipt of final rept ete 775003 re motor control cer

                                                                                                   'tre Matter will be reviewed durang outsetvent insp.

790503& ole Act recetpf of 770404 lhe re reactor bida ear coolin5 uns?S bLRLSON.R T Region 1. Philadelphie. Reactor Congtruction & Metter to 6e rev6ews during nest inst Engsneering Gupport P* enc h 77/10/13 1p C ARL SDN. N T Region 1 Ph11edelphie, Reecter Construction & Engineering Support Branch 77/04/14 to 7904200273 Ac t recelet of 778021 Itr forwarding final rept ce GE 7gpe SOM 906tches Matter will to revtewed during future

 --7905030021 F. eld eseannetton revealed 6nlet deeper counterweig#ts not                          gn,,

properig oriented er adjueled Dioscussed de*per lecellen & CARLCON.R T Region 1 Philadelphie. Reactor Construc tion & , ortentatton weve*' Engsneering Suppett Branch 77/11/03 to l ARNOLD R C Me ts - len Edison Co 77/04/04 2pp

                                                                                               --7904290276 Forweeds result ce investigation to fattore of DE *gpo i 7905040017 Act recespt of 770333 .I t r ce emergency diesel generato                              SDM switc hes Fellores due to cracts & breets to see

( Mettee le be reetewed during nest anep p e g g o,,,, pee lec ament s ieder C ARL SDN. R T Regaan 1. Ph6tadelph68 Reac ter Construc tion & HENBE IN. J G Metropoliten Edison Co 77/10/21 App Engineersng 6u4* et Branc h 77/04/14 lp 705010059 Ut ti unatie to subest complete response concerntag

 -* 7905040033 Col t industries advised uttl that vertical delve huts.fust hedder croceever c onnec t ton, c ae shaf t & cae followere were                             inadequecg of reecto- tide spteg pump head curves by not providtag antended a sc late                                                             771207 due to e onc e an s f r om further anvestelation HERBE !N. J G         Metropolitan E dison Co       77/12/07      1p ANNOLD,R (         MetrDpoltten Edison Ce             77/03/36        2ee 7905030043 Inep revealed guide 61ecte not having suffstient gap Detween                       7905160467 RO en 770022 S teg sprog ogs pump did not meet pump h e.e d i

Bloc ks & lege.eserting vndue eerce egegnet other bloct, curves supplied by vender.Jost1facettone for operat6ng pump Quide tincts & loge sospected & reposationed w/poseAble operator action will to provided l HER9E!N,J 0 Metropoliten Ed teon Cu 78/06/11. 3p p . l ANhKR.D, R C Metropoliten Edison Ca. 77/04/19 2pp l l 7904190363 Soerd not av stes s on Defic iency Noncomp!6ence Rept 21 re l 79D4250506 Act recettt of 770411 lte ce vital power suppig inverters C ARLSON. R T. Reg s on 1, Ph t nede sph te. Redc o ce Construction & gouged p1pe spoet piece which was bidden by welder,should be l l Engincorang Support Brcnch 75/04/21 1p subetteed to TMt-2 Soard VAGBALLO.D B Aeststant Director for Light Water Reactors l 70/01/18 is

 *-7904J50511 Two dev4et6ene f rom enginese 's spec requiremente 8dentified-vender felled to suppig regp6ted component w/
                                                                                                --7904190369 Forwards De81stency Nonc omp lianc e Rep t 23 inverters. Equipment con be upgraded DW I LL I AM' I     "**'E 'III*" III" C'        77#II#IO      If-ARNDLD. R C. Metropoliten Ed tsen Co             77/ D4/15       2pp.

7904200041 Forwards *Intrus ton Detec tion Bus Heneteet. " 8AND 76-0554. --790< t00379 De f tc le s d hencomplanaco Rest 21 on 771115 thermal gougang M/o es.c l . in stress relieved & normalised N2 sgo steampipes were VAEGALLO. D 3 Aseistent Director for Light Water Reacters welded w/o qualified p r oc e d ur e. 77/OS/04 1p MCL.CKMPA.IN. J Metropellten Edisen Co. 77/11/13 2pp

l I l PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 91 79 430o072 Ac ,ec e.p t e, 7w ... it, ,o, weeding ,6ne, re,t ,e .,dg r rw. d. LER 7.-Co2/oJL-0 se,e, ,.m, eed 79o42o.02oEim

                                                                                                                                   .R                   JMete. petit.n Edison Ce          7./om / ra        ip C A.L oN. R r               Reg          i                de               R  ct.on .

Ensin, ..pp..t . rion anc ,. i 7.i .,O i ,i2, p , ,4 i,eact., 7902

                                                                                                                                --790,420020$   in L,ER i.te 78-002/OJL-0.onin.4,08
                                                                                                                                                                  .ei..                  petor t o t,i t ' t t e ls.. e, refueling. defect
                                   ,                                e         p.m. .e.d            .       d e vi. t en ,,o.          .e.ndesponse .peci.a. of,ecorde c via ca..m.n   sed t.e. tmfg
                                                                                                                                                                                                 . sn
   -- 7 9o4
          . 30 0 7. , , n.,i.A,e .pw,ii en t e. on . i . ge ..vt.o....,                   ..c to. ,.e
                                                                                                     ,                                LE NOEL, R A        Metropei.t.n Edi.on Co            7e/o2/2e orip
                       ,e.c. Me t 0,e n t.n Ed c on tC#o , c o.v,d.,
          ,,e -d e ,R.Ei J                                                                          2,,c a t i on 7 04 ii 7904200029 Forwerde LER 70-006/017-0 79RR-.

4,uoO o .... 46 t.e ,e.. .ed so-de,

                                                                    .,,4.,e,                                   7eOii1              "ra==ia s a          "**>>'*">"c-                    '*'  * 

iA ,p not .ee r e . fios i oCrR ,o e.s ipo.e.

c. v. . , on c.. d net ..ppi, 2.1oo g,. .....e,d to .n t
      >W ARE IN. J G         Mo ttopolt ten Edison Ce                        70/01/31         2pp                               __,,,,,,,,,, LE, ,,_,,,,,,7_,             on ,,,,, , , o r e s i t e . . t , o n e m.d    e wh e n
                                                                                                                                       ,ng,gn.ent got,,,gt ned been ersten & dursng treat an .,,ont.ei            r.o.

1,o42.oa., Ac. ,eces,t of 7.oiiO it, for .. Lag ,in.i rep t. ,e ST AIR. J R Metropoltten Edtoon Co 78/03/02 4pp I reac . .g ,,,  ; CARLtor oN. R t p o s Rt -t en. i oni. t n,gh . ..p,o,egion .,o. e,i p h t e.R..c to C ons t..c t i on . 7.-o,ce t h 7 i 3 i, 7,0.,,o.3., ,o,ws.d e Noncd..,.4 o, wate accidentati, e ,i t encLeto e No,t,i,,

                                                                                                                                                                                      .e.c e.t                   ..o. coo ga i
                                                                                                                                                                                             , i one.e.genc ,.ctop ever
  --79042B0260 C on f i rm e 700109-10 telcons reporttng reacter tidg post-                                                                   '

tensioning ttrand rejection tg PA Dept of Trenoportelsen tesection was ancerrect & not repettetle 7,04200038 Forwards LIR 79-007 / 03L-0 HE NARD. R n GPU Bervate Corp. 70/01/10 39pp HERgEIN.J 0 Metropolitan Edtson Co. 70/03/,6 to 79042OOO8J Confires RO 70-Ot/IP on 790217 telcon te direct --7904200042 LER 7B-001/0 3L-0 on 16 diesel generator DF - I- 19 t,$pped communication w/ control come wet not estatliehed eurtog Caused by n 7902,eweree power releg Relay actuetten of

                                                                                                                                      ,,,,g 4 . ,evrtout sncore detector instellation 6f EL I NQf R. J L       Metropei s t en Ed. ton Ce                       76/02/14          te                                                  y,gggang, g,et on dgesel generatoe terun st AjR, J R      Metro,sitten Edsson Co             79/03/16          1p
  -- 79042000pS Ac e telcon re RU 78-04/IF on 7HO214 two fuel esteetites were 7904200053 Forwards LCR 78 - DO9 / 03L- O leaded into reetter vessel w/O beving source range audille                                                              HER9E IN, J G        Metropolitan Edison Co            70/03/16          to counte in centetament tidg Core alterettons :eseed SE EL I NGTR, J L           Stropoltten Edteon Co                           70/02/14          sp
                                                                                                                               *-7904200056 Lfk 79-DO9/03L -O on 780302 swe es11ance requitements to control tod delve mechantee not met Fested to realtge
 -a79042OOOHG Act telcan re HQ 70-03/1P on 7bO214 centtnuows fire weten                                                              teecifsc sutende had been entered wet not established efter coole room halen sys automatic                                                                    LENGEL.R A          Metropolitan Edtoon Co            7B/03/16          3r p ectostlen wee tagged off GEEL I NOE R J L           Mottopelstan Edison Co                           79/02/14          ap                                                                                                                                  I 7904210407 Forwards 790217 Noncomplier,te Nottfacetton 79-01 $nvelytog                                      I andueletet was te f t i ter age suer tevel, esceedtng alloweele 7904 300066 Ac t recolet of 78013t Str forward is fsnal rept ce reactor                                                         1tatt Also forwarda 7B0217 6gpoos notif acet ton tido emergency *oating teoster pumps                                                                                         FM RBE IN. J G      Metropsliten Edison Co             7H/03/1R         4pp CARLSON.R f                Region 1 Phileselphie. Reactor ons truc t ion 4 Engseeering Gupport Branch                         7B/02/17              1p 7904210678 Forwards LER 79- DOG /03L-O HE RBE IN. J G      Me t ropei s ten Ed t oen Co       79/03/25         lp l
 *-7904300Je2 F orwar d s r ep t te emergency coolleg booster pumps not meeting need flow curve Corrective adonnistrettve senteone will be used untti snetallation of higher head sapellere                                                                     --7904210601 LER 78-OOH /03L-O en 790224 during final tuenever toep these 64N8EIN.J O           Metropolsten Edtson Co                           78/0t/31         2pp                                  Pace penetretton soste found not f vne t tonal Caused tu seals betag treached dur ing c ons t F6re watch was posted DENGEL,R A          Metropoliten Edison to           70/03/25           ip 7904l DotSS Forware s LER 79-020 / 03L - O HER9E IN. J Q         Meltopo!! ten Edtoen Co                         70/02/21          fp 7904200231 Forwards LER 79-013/01f-0 6ERSE IN. J G       Metropols ten Edison Co            79/0J/27         (p
  ~~7904100165 LfR 79-020/0 7L-0 on 790329 during monthly survestlance test.

contatoment agelation velve NM-v52 was found anopeesele On 7eonol,velve NS*VBL eleo wat found inepetelle CeWeed be .-79J4200233 L ER 70-013<017-0 en 900315 dtesel generator was tagged out engaged eenwel aandwheel pans Pino disengaged of eve & redundant generator not demonstreted operable for GI Al#, J # Me tropoltlan Edison Co 79'04/21 2pp 4-h Caused by tnedequate review of Tech 6pece STAIR.J R Nettopolatan Egtson Co 79/03/27 4pr 79031700HS p otward o Lf R 79- 005 /99 f - 0 HE RRE IN. J G Metropongten Edtson to 7B/02/21 18 7905370077 Forweede LER 70-011/017-0 Hl.RBE IN. J G Metropoliten Edison Co 76/03/27 1p

 --7909170091 LER 70-005/99T 0 on 790200 doting surveillerte of dite.noted that need of tet t rip-rep had slid 15 feet down slope Caused                                                        --7909170000 L ER 78-015/017-0 on 700317 posetale dteengagement of not to og rette of incitne Nap-rep reposttsoned                                                                                    stud on onc e-th rough stee* 6enerator opening asseabig noted                                         l S! AI A. J A       Mottopelsten Ednton Ce                          79/02/21         2pp                                     Caused by design error Weld used to prevent dteenSege*ent e me g,,, o g g gen g g a son Co       70/03/27       Pop 7904200236 porweede LER 7E-C04/017-0                                                                                                                                                                                                       l Hb RBE IN. J G         Mottopolaten Edtoon Co 7904200360 Forweeds LER 79-0 4 0/03L-0 70/02/24          1p                                 HERBEIN,J G          Metropoltten Edtoon Co            70/0 04          1p
 --79042D0239 LER 79-004/0tT-0 on 7002L4 eftet initial fweling.two fust                                                      --7904200373 LER 79-010/03L-0 en 780307 t a ver water p vas out let & prelute estee61tes were leaded anto reactor vessel w/o having sourc e                                                               valves & todundant RCP seal injestion valves not range evettle counto in sontainatet bids                                                                                    functionally tested esf ore being elec sd sn avs e Metropelsten Edison Co                          78/02/27            3pp                                                   e Metropoisten Edgeen Co               70/04/04       3pp 79D4 t90410 F oeward s Lt.R 7S-003/017-0                                                                                                       Forwards LER 79-016/017-0 HERkE IN. J G          Metropolitan Edtsen Co                          7B/02/27          lp                             790420030'J HE R B E li4      G  Metropelaten Edison Ce            78/04/05         1p
 --79141904t2 LER 70-003/017-0 on 7D0213 while in Mode 6. c ont inuous #1te                                                  --7904200342 LER 70-016/017-0 on 780322 two nuciose river water pumps in watch not established when cetle reem helen eve automatic                                                                   one loop not operette due to supervisorg light kult burnou actuetton eve was ano0*reble Caused by misunderstanding                                                                     Bulb replaced 4 circuit designs will be reviewed.

e Mettepeitten Edison Co /0/02e27 3pp e Metropolttan Edtoon Co 70/04/05 3pp 7904200022 Fetwerde LER 79-Do t /03L-0 7904200207 F orwe *d e LER 79-011/03L-0 MER8E lm. J G Metropeis ten Es toon to 7B/02/28 1p MERDEIN.J G Metropolitan Edison Co 78/04/07 1p.

 --7*04200025 LER 7D-001/03L-0 en 790208 feettet tido evege suppig dens &                                                    --7904200211 LER 7D-Oll /03L-0 on 790311 -entered Mode 4 w/o establishang eteestated purge teatreulation deepee eye wvre neoperette                                                                   centeineent totegetty & eweveillance en bldg door not Caveed tg inc omplete c onst                                                                                                performed Door f eltete caused hg damaged O ring seals LE NGEL, R A         Mottepelttan Es t een Ce                        70/02/28          2pp.                                 e Metropelstan Edison Co                               3pp 78/04/07


                                                                                                           -~79042003e7 Lt'R 78-0t9/017-0 en 790328 sepitfler failure p r od uc ed 7904190395 Forward e (FR FD-O ! 2 /0 3L -O                                                               erroneove reedirge en e.selvte control red pesstion MFR4EIN.J 0          notreppitten idison Ce              7B/04/10      la                            indicatet for Red S of Oreup u Coweed tv atownderstandang e Melf spela ten E dleen Ce       70/04/09    3pp
         --7904190401 tt.# 79 -012/03L-0 en 750314 Unit 2 entered Nede 4 with only one operette tids sprey ege Caveed tv cleraten error                                      7904200079 Forwardo LERe 7D 073/01T-0 4 79-034/017-0 e    ?*e*epelsten Edison Co            70/04/10         gpp                                                                                 70/OS/00 ME Rfd1N. J G     Metropellten tdteen Ce                    Ip 7904190382 Formerde LER 79-014 /03L-O                                                             --7904200120 Lth FD-033/Olf-O en 780423 eellowing reacter trip.pCB Metropellten Edgeon Ce               70/04/12     1p HFRDF IN, J G                                                                                        reptilg Seeled down & depresserited Meln steen rollef volves did not teteet et terrect pressure Covee unknown e, ele en noth stelores        teRBEIN.J G        Metropoliten 64 teen Ce    70/05/00       Sep
         --7904190390 LtR 79-014/03L-O en 790319 tanee door f elled wh 8 le sweveillant e requirements woes per f ereed Caused tg inner deer not teettog w/cleos enough telecence                                           -7904 200125 L ER 79-034/017-0 en 790424 teatter trip seveed sein steen
  • Metrepeitten gdseen Ce 19/04/12 2pp rettet valves to inft Inadequate design caused esectlen of several steel liners used to protect tellows LEWOFLa R A Metropels ten Ed toen Ce 7B/03/08 2pp 790SO7 Dees F orwards Nencomp lianc e Net t fic at ione 79-06 6 78-07 6eople toten en 7D0410-Il bed #agh tren contentratie temple te6en en 790432 had htte all & greate c oncentrat ten TRCN Fg n,0 J Metropoliten (#1sen Ce 77/04/17 3p p 7904JDOOSO Forwarde Lip 78-033/017-b tdRBEIN,J G Metropoliten Edleen Ce 70/03/09 13 7904100110 F orw4tde LER 78-O l ? /03L-0 /1904200064 LLR 79-0J5/017-0 in 7DOSO3 single ausinteeg treneformer wil MERatlN.J G Mettepelsten Edisen Ce 7H/04/21 lp not provide proper voltage levele during post aus!!6 erg deoend Suggeote un64 steg et esfe level 6( HRf lN. J G Metropoldten td tsen Ce 70/05/09 3pp
            -7904100176 148 79--O l 7 /0 3L -O en 790324 dutsag teep,heLf-snch inlet espete sectet weld Je4nt to DH-vl2tg wee found leeting Coveed et d ama g e d weld Jennt weld repaared e Meleefellten Edtsen 04               79/04/21          lp 7905090251 LE R 7H-029/O:M -O en 7pO41b wentaletten deeper D-4090 sid nel clete es retutted spee receipt of high chlorine signal 7904200314 Forwarde revtsion of Intrusten Deteetten Hendteet.                                        Cavsee by tapropeelt edsusted deeper tantese SAND 76-09S4, *NJclear 64feguarde T ec hno l eg g Handtoet" &
  • Metropoliten Edleon Ce 70103/10 Ip
              ' Entry Centrol Bgs Handbeet "

VABBALLC. D 8 Aeststant Director for Lisnt water poecte*e 78/04/21 2pp 740SISOh33 Forwarde LfR TD 029/03L-0 rER9EIN.J G Metropelaten Edleen Ce 70/05/10 lp 7904200213 Formeres LER 7D~ G23 /0 3L-O HERSEIN.J G Mettepelaten Edleen Ce 7Hs04/24 13 790SOJOO33 Forweede LER 78-OJo / 0 3L -0 HLR8ELN.J 9 Mete politen (dtson Ce 70/03/17 la

          ~+7904200214 LfR FS 073/O lL-O en 7H0329 wh ile in Mode 4.enig one toren espese itew path vertiled operette etter to Mede 4 enttg                                 --7905020250 (TR 70-0 30/03L-O en 7t0467 wh11e an Mode 2.Chennel C tetapo Caused be clericeL ertet in outveillenc e3pp                                                    en high flus.thereby ente.tng actten Statement 2 of Tech e Metropelsten edsten Co               78/04/24                                                 6 pace :ewsed pg deoego locurred duetog antatal instelletten PEP 8EIN.J G       Metrope84 ten Idioen Ce     10/OS/f7      2pp 7904190400 F et wa r e s L F A 70-027/017-0 tM RBf !N. J G       Mottopoliten fdse6n to              7H/05/02      le                     7904200335 Feewardo LIR 78-031/0 3L-O
                                                                                                               *W RBE IN. J G    Metropoliten [dioen to      70/04/10      1p
           --7904 6 90409 ( CR /W-027/Otf-O en 7H0413 u t i l was nettfled by supplier of condatione not ceneidered in GAR te hypelhetncel breet en                                - 79042003SR LA R 70-031/03L-O en 7s0419 contetheent seeletten wel e CA-V d 8 sc herge side of reactef seelent pump                                                        fa& lee to sleos wpen rete 4pt of engineered estegustJe e   Mettepelsten Edasen Ce            7W / 09 / 02     3pp                                      stenal Ceased by socorrect torgue switch setting ST t!R. J R    Metropelsten fdtsen Ce      79/OS/1H      2pp 7404JOO2JS Forwsede LFR 78-02A / 0 3L -O Ht RDE IN, J O       Metrepellten Edison Ce              70/09/02      1p                     7904200364 forweeds LER 75-0.16/047-0 HER8EIN.J G      Mettepolitan (dtson Ce      70/03/1D      Ip
             -7904200230 L.EN 75-026/U3L-O en 790408 RCE wade range pressure trensetteor RC - 3A.-P T -4 fatied Caused t g no t eture-6aduc ed                        -~ 79042003 72 LI R '3-036/017-0 en VuGSOS uncetteinty factees eseectated e stort ateceit en terminet tes                                                                   inc ete de tec tor e were found greater then originally
  • Mntrope16 ten fdseen Ce 70/03/02 3p p c alculated Caused tg toevelwetton perfereed by NG6B vender e Metropoli ten En t sen Ce 7D/DS/tB 2pp 7904800101 Forwardo LIA 70 - 028 / 0 3L- 0

[ HER8EIN.J G Mettepetiten Edison Co 70/05/03 Ir 7904207t74 Forward t LIR 70- 03 7 /0 3L-O i >(Ret :N. J 0 Metre,oisten Edison Ce 7e/OS/23 Ap

           -- 7904 t 00100 L A R 7p-02HIO 3L -O en 790419 during Mode 3 Loeletion & cooling e'ge surve illanc e dec ay best cleted seeling ogs valve DC -V 103 failed to elese Caused 6g felled ester en operatef Meter                                  -- 7904200377 L f!R 70'037/03L-0 on 703425       *B" diesel generator tripped sepLaced & velve returned to e oc                                                               durang mentelj surveil;ence testing Caused by high crenaceae LENGf t, n A       Metropoliten Ldseen Co              70/D5/03      to                          pree,ve,me ennereal perseeters were found L l'NGEL. R A    Mettepelsten Edleen Ce      70/05/25      Sp l           ,904,oel.3 ee.pende              7         re4 pest ..r e...e e, control eg, do. p..e..rt.ort o, e.033, ito , v.ive.tesed en v.i.. fe              .ro in              ,9042oO2..      ,e.   .es ..nd,. ,es.o.,t.e ,pchne,ogg en.neet. .

open peeltsen Addl resvow onwettented "Gy e tees t a s Appesech to Conc ep tual Design af Physacel 45 VF R I T. K V Divi s a ec of peectee Op er a t ione inspectione 70/05/03 Pro:ection Sgs for Nuclear Facillfles " lp MILLER.J R Ansattent Directoe for Reacto, Esteguarde 79/06/12 3pp

           --7904?90193 Inferes of reactor trie 6 tiewdown en 700330 caused by less of watet bvs coveed 6g snverter fetivre Slowdown coveed by                                79042G0101 F orwerde Lisp 79- 0 74 / 03L -O

' preesweiset relief velee opening 6gpDEIN.J 0 metropoliten feteen Ce 7B/06/12 lp ( orsRNatRO. 0 M Regi.e i. R. i i e d e i, h i .. Re.cter o,oretiene Nuclear Suppett beench 70/03/38 1p

                                                                                                             -- 79042003H4 LER 70 03R/0 3L-O f          mM17 settseg of 99-PB 'A260 was g r e a t then ellowable value dveint         eter bidg besletten & teeling j

7904200167 Forwarde LFR 78- D24 /03L -0 anJaction sveveillance Cowses tg enstrueent draft l Metropoliten tekeen Ce 79/CS/04 1p BIAIRi d R Metropelaten Edison Ce 7D/06/12 jp



           ~* F904 2OOl 60 LIR 79-024/03La0 en 780404 while in Mode S.noclear evt                            7904J00390 Forweed e LtRe 79-039/03L-0. 79-040/03L-O 6 70-04 8 /03L-0 StRDF IN. J G     Metropoliten fetese Ce     7H/04/19       Ap cleted teolang velve felled to open Cowsed by self enc t 6en of eelenend opeteted sperater pilot velve e Metropoltten Edteen Ce              78/09/04         20p
                                                                                                             --7404200401 LFR 78-039/03L-O ca 7 DOS 20         *p' diesel genereter fe. led to etert during perternance surveillence precedure Coveed bg terreper mall used in vettical scent eheft 7904200386 Fetweede LfA 79-019/017-0                                                                                    Metropeitten fetoon Ce      7B/06/IS      Gap PE.RBEIN.J 0         metrepelaten tdaeon Co              79/05/05      hp                            ETAIR.J 8


   -790eJOO404 LER 7EF040/OJL-O en 780S20 centeo! reos chalier Art-C - HB             - 7009060024 L f p 70-044/OlL I "A* dtetei generete' placed in eme*gensy felled dutieg reactor bldg a se tet ten & c oolang surveillance                   atendtg while an Mode # Caused by precedure snedeguecy test Caused 6g def ec tsve encre swatch                                           GT A!R. J R    Metrepetiten rdisen Co         79/08/24   2pp 5f AIR. J R     Metrepellten Edgeen Ce         79/06/19      17 7BO90eOO27 Formerd ang LER 79-050/017-0
   --7904200411 Lf R 7&-041/D3L-O en 790523 following replacement of vertical            MLRDFIN.J G       Metrepeitten (dioen Ce         70/08/29   1p theft soup!Ang edentafted in LI R 79-019/03L-0.dassel tespeed en A t en t rentc ase pe essure Cowned tg plugged ertisce piste STAIN J R     Metropelsten Edseen Ce          78/06/15     2pp
                                                                                      --7909060029 LER 79-050/017-0 en 700012 overall earlock leakete rete escoeded Tech Spec e Coveed Sg a 1/4 anch hele in earlock tulthead 7904100lS9 Forwerd e LER 70-021/03L -O                                                   STAIR J R      Metropoliten Edison Co         70/09/2D   2pp MFRRE IN. J G     Metr opell ten E d t sen Ce    79/ D4 / 27   1p 7909 L 90299 F orwa r d s LER e 19-OS I /01 f
  --7904n00162 Lin va-u21/D3L-0 en 7HO3J9 during Mode 2 operetten.vatet ave              HER$g lN. J G     Metropolitan Edtson Ce        76/09/D6    19 2- S V de enoe g i s ed. r ende r ing intervoontatten snoper et le.

deproteoresing RC6 4 cavotng ECCS injectten Caused 6g 8ves blown en PC anput evenne testang Fose replaced LEw,EL.R A Metrepetiten filson Co 7B/OS/01 7pp

                                                                                       - 7909190304 LE R 79-091/017 on 790824 safetuarelated velves did not have cette splices Caused by architect / engines everloottag cetles e Metropelsten Edsoon Ce            70/09/06    2pp 7904190409 Fetwarde L f A 70-043/0 E-0 teRBEIN.J G       Me tropol i ten t'd 6 son C o  78/07/10      Ip 79092200S0 Feewards Lt.R 19-OS2 /0 t i-O 6eRSEtN.J G        Metropoliten Edsson Co        78/09/11    1p
  -- 790419v4 4 3 LE R 79 043/0 1 .. on 7B0609 while in Mode 6, floor fare penettetten seen located between retag & control room found defectent due to impropertg cured foaa meel LENOAL, A A      Metropoliten Edison Co         7p/07/lO      10            -- 7909220052 L E R 79 -052/017-0 on 790941 enelgets i nd i c a ted sein stese lines necepetle of witmetendtog turbine trip from 1 00%

power Properly steed restrennte apetelled 79041 D0179 p erwards LfR 79-042/03 -O Bf alR, J R Metropoliten Edison Co 23p 70/09/11 6fR96 tN. J G Meteeppleten (dison Co 78/0//14 1p 790S020067 Forwarde LfR 70-OS1/01T-1

  --7904100166 LER 7H -04J /01L-0 on 790613 during Mo4e 6 neeration &                   HE RRE IN. J G    Metropoliten Id6 eon Co        70/09/19   1p surve a llenc e. pt et tur e an accumulater for Gemeer 4042t could not to meant wita&n 10 poi of antitet preneurs Caveed og taproper lorgttoh op 3 meg velve for deeper                                 -+ 790$020179 Lf R 79-051/011-1 on 790024 certean velves ead not here caste L E NGTL, R A    Meteepelsten Edison Ce         70/O'//14     Ip         andacetet in F5AR coveed by personnel overenget dursat
  • ode Appropraete cetles splaced STAIR.J R Mo' *opo : l t en Edtoon Ce 70/09/19 2pp 7904100171 Forwardo LER 78 04S/0tf-0 6tRBEIN J G Metropoliter Edgeon Ce 76/07/19 sp 78101000H0 F orward s LER 70-OS3/03t-0 64RREIN.J O Metropeltten Edtsen Co 70/09/26 1p
  --79041 D0l F7 LI R 78-045/01T-0 on IB0719 review of Tech Spect revealed errore in opdeling rod bow pendity L power sendiens e c ur vet Causes 6g use of incorrect e-4el 4 essapplicetton of                         -- 7910100095 L ER 78-053 / 03L on 790G 11 eefety inject.on channel    "C" did stattatical errer equetton To h Epec change oubettted                             not tete when presevre was reduced below 1640 pet Caused Dg B1 AIR,J R     Metropeltten Edhope Co         76/07/99     2pp                    fatture of D1-stette LE N0tl. R A     Metropoliten Edsoon Co         7H/04/26   1p 79042604e8 p of wer d e L t. R 79-044/03LfD Nt.RBEIN.J C      Metropoliten (dtoen Co         7M/07/21     1p 7010100076 Forwards LfR 78-OS4 / 0 }L40 HERREIN-J G       Metropoliten Edhoon Co         7a/09/27   13
  - - 79042604 72 LER 7D-044/03L-0 on 790630 teoster 02-lE2 wee not closed when esetet generater A wee an emergensg stenet, caused by procedure gnadequac y. pr oc ed are rew t e es                               --7H10100000 LER 7B-054 /03L-0 on 7HO907 while an Mode S. determined Rf AI A. J R   Metropointen Edison Ce          7H/07/24     Ap                     contenneent grade swi tc he s. tortue switch & meter Coveed 6g purchsetng error LENGEL,A A       Metropoliten E t' i s o n Cs  7H/09/27   dyp 7904100172 Forwarde essetel rest to ICCS actuetten on 790423
     +4 N BE I N, J Q  Metrayal a ten E di son Co      70/07/24     13 701018016$ Forwards LER 70-057/0A-0 DE R BE IN. J Q   Metropolsten Edsoon Co         7H/09/29   13
  --79044D0179 Spectal rest on 799323 ECCG actuetton During 30% rates thereal power operetton. reactor tripped due to noise opste on NIS power range delester Slowdown occurred in *B- stese                   --7010180160 LER 78-09 7 /03L-0 on 700930 during estat on remote shutdown generator Steam edfet, velves fetoed to resset                                     disp lev patch panel.petch power supple wee grounded, causing e Metropelsten Edteen to             70/07/24     epp                              lose of dasplag 6attrumente a Metropelsten E dleon C o          78/09/29     13 7904240032 p erwardo Nonc esp lianc e Not n f a c e t i one 78-16 4 79417 re total tren elecherge sn estese of 24 lb per dog liest & disc herge pH en eccess of ecceptatie range                                                7B10L 10002 Forweed s LER 7H-OS4/031-0 TRuffER.0 J       Metropolsten Edgeon Co         79i07/24      Rep                 &#SSElN J G       Metropelsten Edston Co         70/10/02   sp 7904190324 perwardo LERe 70-033/017-5 6 78-034/087-1                                --7910110083 LEP 7W-049/03L-0 on 700900 Delginal Bolted connectaans on St RBE IN. J G    Metrv r oltten Edison Ce       78/07/38      le                     containment t iel e t t en val ves P*/-VW4/5 not taped properig caused tg personnel error avring construc tion Lf M' EEL. R A   Metropolitan Edison Co        70/10/02    1p
 --7904190370 L1R 70-O!!J / 017 - 1 on 7bo423 reactor tripped while et 30%

rated therost power Caused by notme epise on NIG power congo detector 1910110130 Forwardo LER 70-OSO/03L-0 LEkOEL R A Metropoltten Edieon Co 78/07/31 Sep *WRDEIN,J G Metropoliten Edison Co 78/10/04 to

 --7904190334 LER 70-034/017-l on 790424 reactor ten, occurest on                    --7010!!0134 LER 78-OSO/0 3t.-0 on 7e0900 gontatnment isoletten velve tecnnderg eide of plant while an Mode 1 Caused be anodequate                       WDL V1125 fested to clete on manuel Anttnetson test signal desagn of steel liners c ove tog retter valves te lift                             De!!sved event caused tg 4tely control relay contact Lf MGEL. R A     Metropelaten fdtsen Ce         70/07/31      2pp                  LENGEL, R A      Metropellten Estgen Co        7B/10/04    1p 7D090S031 Forweeds l FM 79-048 /03L -0                                              7910100171 Forwards L&R 70-0$ S / 03L -0 HE R9E IN. J Q    Metropeltten Edison to         70/06/22. 1p                  HERBEIN.J G       Metropoliten Edtson Co         79/10/OS   1p
 -- 7pC*050133 LER 7p*048/03L-0 lett of fire terrter seal due to c ontrac ter -- 70 l o t D0174 LER 78-OSS/03L-0 en 790913 deeper 4092 C fellet to respond overeight Continuevo fare welch estellished                                        to cloes signalecevoed Sg drawnng statnterpretet&on STAIN. J R     Metropolitan Edteen Ca         79/0G/22      1p                     e Metropoliten fdLeon Co            70/10/OS     1p 73090A0024 p erwards LER 78-044 /03L- l                                             7 BIG 24082S Forwards LER 79-060 /03L-O
     >$NSE I A J. 0    Me tropea sten Est oon Ca      7B/09/24      lp                  HERSE IN. J G     Metropoliten Edican to         7e/10.13   1p

94 PREINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 7 09 . l..p set,en.t e, ,oette,.u. -7,oiio,,m ...t.p ,, et eu,e ,iov i i s 6 ,. d .,.n,

                                         - 7. o m i2, u ,                                                                                                                                      .

7.-060,, e . m49 o7en w.e ei ,s.. ...eter t . inte,mediste ,s 7. o7o,0x

                                                                                                                                                                                                       .e ,,e a,0     en,i..7.i2m               un.u    .n.i                          1 f.eee..e owtte.
                                                                                          ., se..         drift                                                                   .e,n          .e we,e    not ,,,en,..e.d d.o to ,e.eennoi e ht                                  i
                                                                 . n ewed
                                                                 .Ai..J               Mete..,s. ,e i n,t eteen ce
                                                                                 .C o.4                                 7.,io m i,                                           .om.. J           ~ t.e,ei.t.., edie.              . > H, i 2 y.             ip 7810240111 P e r we e d e P, t hi 74 096/Oll-O                                                                                79011002J1 Peewardo LIM 79- 0 /2 / O A -0 HIPREIN.J G                      Me tropel s t en E d ison Ce       7H/10/16            1p                           Hil43f lN. J G          Mgtropoliten Edloon Ce                  74/Ot/OJ           is 79-034/03L -O en                          n ei Med                            &                                                             1.1 c on te 6 eseesst i s o l e t s ers wolves
                                       " 79tOJ40tJ4.LfR         ,ede to ,, c ,                              700917 . wh i,lewas ett,eted      e P 6Co.,pellsng sed Group   ~ 190,1,5
                                                                                                                                                                             ,      00J40.L 2A. .

t p 7,0-0

                                                                                                                                                                                                    . -i72.e /o n.

6 -o- ov,i 4 1812, fe i e d to o peo e.. tic

                                                               ., .op,          ee. e.o.   ,ew...eogeset,,
                                                                                     . e,,     reed tow. t t .                                                        t..
                                                                                                                                                                             ,.e, A i ..J t i o.n test   e..  .i C...dsed.e.,

iet it ..ieg i n e, e 7. e.,o ,e ,o2

                                                               ..Ai..J-              Met.opeilt., tdisen Ce             7., .,,6            i,                                                    M.tre,ci t.n               en Ce                           i, 7AllorOJ4F Cepfstee RD 78-62/ip                                        791019 Actlen 8 fee 7 p 3 e 6 2 we e                                                     tfp 7 en,ui aoi r            e, owed      ,,, l d e., n , l e d 790,L H . J.J026S
m. J oF or wa r d sMe ten t. ..e dison i .te-0 73/

Ce0 A -0 79,o v i S i, mei io. .t,-eted,w .. .en,,.e...e m e.n., c..o.4 g , oe . e ,e, tut iNot .e.e at ~ t,e,#i,is., ,s, . e e ., to 7.,io,,9 l9

                                                                                                                                                                       -- 79012 J0269 L4 H 70 -0 7'.1/ 03L -O en 701245 setsed ett pwep le f t HP 4H 4J 7 inepetenne betsore eevoed by ettveutetten of wetoe in edeple 7911090171 P etwer d e lift /H4es.J/Off O                                                                                             lines to ele pump Mr.W8EIN.J G                      Metrepeliten Fdteen to             79/15/01            lp                                e Metrepeliten Edleen to                      ?4d01/19          2pp
                                       -- 786110905 74 L TM Pl#406J/011-0 en 7H10lv eleinterptetetten of T ot h (Jp et s                                               7902010104 Fotweedo LIN 749- 0 7 4 / 0 .14 --O led te inessesed frequency of p e r f orment e of surveillante                                            6g kpi [N, J G          Mottopoliten Idison Ce                 79/01/2.8           Ip p e tit edut e. t ec t i ng leetoge llette to appeak escocesve Uf Alp.J p            Metropoliten fdseen (,             70'11/01            3pp                                                                                                                                       i
                                                                                                                                                                         - 790VO101 OH L I N 7e1 -014 / 036.- O en 7913281 dsesel generetee DF - d . t ll foiled i 791 t O904 F4 Feeweeds(EP 7N 041/O M "O                                                                                               le clart due6ng survesalshce due to partseing tiegted fuel                                              ]

an aillf IN. J G Mete #pellten f d t ten f o 7H/11/01 13 ett filter Falter feeleced e Metropol6 ten fdsten Ce 79/Ol/JJ 3p i 79 061/Oh -O en 7H I OO'] tele t net vettFled within

                                       -      7B.ilO90J,78                        Lt# s,co.i e.te,elen u..n,S e, st ee n.. i n,ed,e,,ed ve.n9                                                                                   ,90,0-               o. wo- . n e 79- m 4
                                                                         .. e red test Cowsed by defttient toes prevedve,                                                               H1'P9E IN. J G          Metreggleten t e a t eri t's           79/01//'l           Sp 11I AIN, J D         Melfmeeliten i44 con Le            70/1I/01            ppy
                                                                                                                                                                         - /90517004 3 L f vi 79 -00J/ O 'A. - O en 7812e/6 Bnedequete detueentatten of e we v e i l l 86' s of rolsbestete Caused by perennnel peror 19 8 8J10 337 F orwee d e 4 6 R 70-066/0 31. O hurvestlance perFeve,d 6 propee d oc umen te t t en eb t e a rie d HEMBEIN J G                       Mottapellten Edleen Ce             70/41/t5             ip L F P*GE L . P A       Metropoliten Edleen fe                   79/01/29          Ip
                                             -7 ell 210 h6 L.fR 79-066/0.14 -0 on /H1084 centrol red delve tely beestees siesed w/enig one sou*te range d e l e t. t e r operable Ceused by                                     7902120134 P'e**e'de (fM 78t 'f>69 / *9 E O eneperette power suppig for one sowete tange enennel                                                     HID8flN J G             Metropeltlen Edleen Ce                  19/01/"10          to L INOlb fl A            Metrepelsten idecen to             TH/ll/li            kyp
                                                                                                                                                                         -790JIPOl l ? L E R /H-06S/99d-O en 7161101 nn Mede 1 *eduttaen in feedwater flow led te roerter trip i suneequent eefety injectaen FHlJO60171 Fo*wer de L f R 70-064/Oll-0                                                                                             actweiten Hf RDF lhf J G                   Me t repe i t t ee. Estoon Ce      78/tt/Vg            lp UfAlp.J k            Nottopeliten i dloon Co                 79/01/30          Tip p
                                               * /U l 206017 / L E P 10-061/O'L-0                 J      ovi 701079 during shu tdown, r a tc h e t trip of 190PO40JYJ P'erwards tip 79-Uf e6 /O'tL -O Ge o.,p S tentrol rede ets urred Caused by ins errec t                                                    HiphtlN.J O            Metropeltten Edtoen Co                  79/04/.11          la instellelsee of field thenJe an three tete dr6ve modolee L I N4t L ,9 A        Metropeliten ideoco Ce             /B / l l / /tl       lp
                                                                                                                                                                       --79020602J# LfR 19-006/034.-0 en 740101 eueve illant e p e ns ed ur e ? Jo4 -ig) 7917:30149 Fetweede Lip 74F o64 /O'JL -0                                                                                             h*d "el been performed an ockedule                      s>,, s enn e t ,eepon,thle tettructed to agence event does not secur 64 R981N J G                      Metropeitten Ednoon Co             19/12/04            le ETAIP. J M           ho t r ap., l i t en fdaeen Co          79/01/Ji            ip
                                               ~7Hlf'3Gl97 Lip 711 064 / 01-0 o n 7 pilo 7 beteted wetet statege lent level                                            790d l 20 s ti l p orwar d o Li u 19 ~ 00 L /0.M -O ewt tc hes s er eeded leth tip e s liest Caused by owatches out af teIL4r                                                                                                    HIR9 FIN.J G           Metrasolsten f.d n eon Ce               14/02/01            Ip (FNVEL,P A             Mettepellten E ti t t e n Ce       70/l,7/04            gp
                                                                                                                                                                       -- /902 t dol HJ L f H 74-dol /U 1L-D en 740104 toester 0149 presouge ha-he 7H12JonJ73 parwards tip pH Oe F/O h -O                                                                                               Channel A funettenal test not performed eue to technitten til A gi f N. J P                 Mettepetiten pesson ce             7ps12/lg             gp                               ##e'e69ht Peteennel advloed of p r et edut os Bf AIN. J R         Mettbyellten iditon Co                  79/02/01            lp
                                        - - 7tr i ddOOd 79 1.E # 7H D6F/O'M -O on ' Dill 2 eu s e .e blew to betterg charger, 24A 6 #"28 Caused hg detesteve geting falter *edule in eeen                                             790J120161 F orwee d , L i f4 79-00'l/011. O tettery skergee                                                                                           HE RSI IN. J G          Mettepoliten (dason           f. o     79IO2/OW            Ip GTAIR JR              Metrepuliten Seigen Co             7H/12/LI            ppp
                                                                                                                                                                       - 790J 670 8 65 L E W 79 f.sO3 /O:st -O on 790109 s en t t eil end 6-12 dr opped ante 79 8 F#9009') Confitee RC /sh 71/IP en /qll20ft sentret legte daoceepenry                                                              Peo4ter tete gued'ent s w* ' till steedy elete laett &

erseted for See, mp ( 6e' l p eveys teenstant liebt eeceeded Caused by blown fete en "Is" pheee 6f AIR. J #


F t>*EDL R OA Mettepeitten Edison Ce 711/14/l1 ap Metropol6 ten $dison to 79/OJ/02 Jpp 1't712/60259 Forwards ifM 7p- osH/0.JL -o 790412 Ole'l F eewar d s L & R '19 DOS /O JL -O 6tHDtIN J G Mottopeliten f o s sen Ce 79/12/13 1p H' #BE IN. J G Metropolitan I' d i s on Ce 79 /t)2 /02 Ep

                                       *- 70 8 226026 5 i t'W 79 Des /O'R -p en 7f#1819 n9ted that LP diesel generator                                                 **790212OlH4 LAP 79-003/Olt~0 ee 740100 during Mnee                                   I. lestege t eperled inad esquent, steere setpeants were outside Tech Fpeg                                                        steund DH h-99 Causes, hg emell statt an piping weld urettese laette Caused by espoint dragg                                                                               et volve.due le webtetsen ll1 Al81. J H         Metropol6 ten Edgeon to            /g/12/lj            gp                               L ENC EL. R A          Metippellten f6lson Ce                  79/02/OJ           1p 790 60 s05 00 Forwe e d e Lg p 7p.071/017 -0                                                                                    7902 L20195 P e rwee d e L t p 79-004/034.-0 HE'RNE IN. J O                     Mettepoliten Idtsen Ce            79/12/21             lp                            6eDBEjN,J Q             Metropoliten Edimen CD                 79/02/02            lp
                                      ~+ 790 3 D10109 LDM 7H-071/Ol f-O en 7fil2On terrected defielentg in rentrol                                                     ~ ?vadl20 nh LFP 79-DO4/ OIL-o en 79010$ centrol roes s edic ation &

legit which eOuld have ellowed eletting of 2 mete-up pumps rporetse eteer vet t on disagreed te posLison of De-V 18.dwe le free ene diesel generater do,ang lose of effette power tent ualvo elee ST Al# r J R Metropoliten t'd i son t o 7H/li/71 2pp Lt.NGf:L. R A Metrepelaten E.d 6 een Ce 79/02/02 1p 790l100Je>D Forwards LfA 78-070e01 "O 790/JRO24J Fot ward o L.8 8 79-OOH /OJL-0 DNPH 4N.J G Mettepoliten Fdison Ce 7H/lk/WR 1p HFPDilN. J G Metrepelsten 8dteon Ce 79/0J/09 Sp l


   --7902212243 LER 79-doe /03L-0 en 79018 7 setpointo to toe feedwate. line                 7904 $ 70307 Transcript of 770S16 heeting an Hereistv's.PA Pp 1D00-8831.                      I roptete detectten preseurs switches feved estelde Tect Spec                          LUTON. E , LlNEh3ERGER.0             Ateetc 8efety and Lit.ensing Deerd Pene!.              I limite Caused bg either instrument drift er stese t es tege.                          77/OS/16        13199 STAIR. J R      Ret **petiten Edison Ce        79/02/D9      2pp                                                                                                                1 79w 170310 Trene.rsst of 770917 toering in Mer' 6 eewe g. P A Pa 18 3d-1J15 7902260450 Confitee 790214 telcon reperling RO 79-10/IP Liet ting                           LUTDN. E . Atomac Safety and Licensing Board Panel                 78'^*'17        I B3p p coudAtten not inveted when date obtained en 190206 showed escese Ave c oncentrat ten fee terle actd ele tent LDQhM J 8       Metregellten Edgeon Ce         79/02/15     Sp                       7904370294 Tfenscript of 770919 heering in PWeristweg.Pn Pp EJ8e-LSS3 LUTON.E.. LINENBER9ER.0              Atests Sefeld er.d Licensing Seerd Penei.

77/05/19 F37p p 7903060200 Forwardo LER 79-009/03L-0 MEKSEIN. J e Metrepetiten E.d t oen Ce 19/02/26 Sp. 7904170300 Transcelpt of 770319 neer6ng in kWeristutg.PA Pp 1534-8716 LUTON.E. Ateelt Refste and Licensing Beefd Penel 77/On/19 163pp

  ~ 7903060204 Lg2 79-009/03L-0 en 790130 survetllence regetred 80 Test beece fet Mode S not perfereed efter compo lessed evt Covsed by last of clartly in sheteewn prec edvee Pessedvee revis,d                         7904170303 trenocries of 770920 heersne in Mar,se6ves.PA Pp 1sa,-1879 LENWE.LeR A        Mategpe)(gen (gleon Ce         79/02/26      ip                     LUTDPL E       Ateelt $4f e ty and Lic ene tog Seerd Panel         77/09/20        19999 7903060451 Perwards LER 79-040/05T-0                                                      7904670311 Treasselpt of 770521 heating er Hertte6veg.PA Pp 1876-l977
      >E2[E jN. J 0      PWttepell ten Ed t sen Ce      79/02/26      1p                       LUTUN.E        Ateels Bef ety end Licensing Seerd Pene t.          77/05/21        102p p
  ~ 7903060462 LER 79-0 80/01 T-0 en 790214 during Moes 1. 8 c oncenteet ten in             7904170.305 Transcespe av r/0606 hearing in Heerleeweg,PA Pp 1979-2087 beres acid sie tant escoeded Test 6pos llen t Caveed *y                               LVTON.E.. LINENBERDER.0 . EALO.E.0                Ateetc Bef ety and Lice
  • sing personnel erte, Seard Penel 77/06/06 Blopp LihWEL.R A Metropolitan Edseen Cs 79/02/26 2pp 7903070:379 Forwe*de LKR 79-007 /03L-0 7904170316 Transcript of 770607 hearing in Herr a sburg. PA Pp 2009-22S7 PERTERN.J G Mettepoliten Ed1sen Ce 79/02/26 (p LUTDN- E , LINEN 9LRDER,0 , EALO.E O Ateant Befety and Licenetag geert Penel 77/06/07 170pp
  ~ 7903070334 LER 79-007/0JL-0 en 790126 while in Made S. travelling welee screens Aneperette due to tellder of detete causing nigh                           790437031$ Trenectlpi se 773606 hearing in Harristerg.PA Pp 2239- 2 4C4 diffetentien level screes idle screen eye                                            LUTDN. E , LINENBERGER.0 . BALO.E.O               Ateels Saf ety end L icenn tng LINUEL,R A         MetPepellten Ed$sen Ce         7T/d2/26      230                    Seefd Penet.         77/06/08     249pp 1

F9031202 E l Fetweed e Lf R 79-D69/993-0 7904270625 Suggeste correctioni to tren$ctlpt of 770St7 proceedtnge FEREg lN. J 0 Me trapei t ten Edison Ce 79/02/20 la IWETito,0 B Operating Reac tere Beeste n 4 77/D6/0e lp

  -- 7903120224 LER 71>-069/99E-0 en 781202 reme ter trip escurred fellowed by 7904170324 Treneceipt of 770609 hearing in Harrio6veg.PA Pp 2407-2SGS safety anjec tion ac tuet ten. dve to everf ecting of stees                          LUTDN.E , LINENBER0fR.0 . SALO.E O                Ateetc Bef e ty end Ltc ene sne generatete Caveed 6g open mein feedester tegoleting velve                             Board Penel          77/06/09     17pp, Lf NGEL. R A       PWtfopoliten Edison Ce        79/02/2B       2pp
                                                                                            /904173.'96 Trenec'.st of 770610 hearing in Metelotveg.PA Pp 2586-27S8 F903200313 Feewords Lip 79-O l l /03L-0                                                    LUTta . '~- edERDER. 0 . SALO. E. Atmeic gefety and Liceno tag seerd LAWYER.L.L.       PWarepoliten Edison Co.         i/03/20     8,                        Penet       // rwa /10      173p p
  -- 7903Js03 8 9 L a'R 79-O t t /0JL-0 en 190217 diesel generater DF-R-lp outpug           7905000203 Forwards corrected pages of trenocript ce Centeettene it &

power fluc t ua ted watal toversed power coveed it to telp 6 Transceipt pages 379-47S 4 1059-1073 Unatte to determine deftalte covee DBLUND. J M Dgytsten of ggte gepggy g (nygrgnmental Angggggg STAER.J R Meteepe t iten Ed tsen Ce 79/03/86 Sp 77/06/20 Se t F. Hearing $Penscripto en non-entitreet mattets 7904280004 Coer ec t ice.e to hearing transcripts in areas in whice evther was involved B E LVEN. H Ligh t be ter Reac tors Branc h 4 11/ph/.7 2pp 7904 6 70W93 7tensc r a p t of 690919 eesting in Wa sh &ng ton, DC Pp 1-62 SE10. J D . WIK. MAN. A . W Ateetc Befety end Liceneing Appeel Penel 69/09/19 63p,ILL I AMG. C 1904170290 Transcript of 770703 hearing in H+ettaturg.PA Pp 2759-2958 Lt/ TON, E . LINENBERGER.0 . BALO. E Ateetc Safety end Licenelng geerd Penen. 77/07/05 194pp 7904170293 Treneceset of 691006 neeting in Midd le town. P A Pp 65-209 SL'.ND. J D . WLE. MAN.A . WILL l AMB. C Ateetc Sefety and L is on. ting Appee 8 Pene ' . 69/10/De 3 t 9p p 1904170570 Caerection to teenartipt of 7 SOS 22 4 770120 prehearing c onf erenc e & 77040S-08. 770502 770516-21 4 770606-10 bearings.Durristveg.PA. 6 770705 hearing in Betheede,MD 7904670302 Transceset if 750322 hear tt.g in Herr t ebvr g. PA Pp 1-g SL A8E. E L Bses, Pitteen. Pot t s, b Trew6tigge 77/De/26 lopp LUTCH. E . L int HRFROl p.0 e BALD.E O Ateele Befety and t scensing Goerd Penst 7S/05/22 9pp 7904370790 frenectlpt of 770128 homeleg in Her e d etweg. PA Pp b3-ISS 7904670299 Trenocript of 790323 seeting in Bethesse.MD Pe 1-t24 LUTON. E , L itG Net kOCR. 0 , BALO.E D Ateetc Befety end Laconsany RMENM. A 6 . SHARFMAN.J . JOH 6 W R Ateelt Befety and geste Panel 77/04/29 92p p bI"'"'I"I '"I ***I 0# # I 7904170308 frenectlpt of 770405 hearing in He*Plebweg.PA Pp 156-39, 7904190044 Forwarde page 2796/s Jer insertion takand pege J/93 gn L Vf 0N. E 4 L l Nf MSERDE R O , SALD. E D Ateetc Ref ety and Lic ensing tteneceipt of 790600 Portsse vescoeding.depeeltlen of C toerd Penet. 77/04/03 192pp 8'f8 SIMPSON. M A ACE poderal pepef ters. Inc 78/09/20 2pp 7904170322 Tr anec e le t of 770406 heating in >Wrtleburg.PA Pp 313-937 LUTDN.E . L I NE NBERQt'R 0 . baud. E O Ateetc Befety and Licensing 7912290331 Treneceipt of 7sts12 evidentlegg hoursag before AstA3 Eseed Penel 77/D4/06 8Depp Bacledes queellens en teteeff 6 lendteg speeds Po 224-520 e Ateetc Gefety end L4censin Appeal Penel 70/12/12 450pp 7404170312 Transcript of 770407 heating in Hertio6 peg.PA Pp S39-719 LUTON.E e LINENMfRGER.0 . EALO.E O Ateste Esf o ty and Liceneing 79050 $ 0133 Fetweeds transcrip te of esc ent NRC hearings ce circraft Seard Penel 77/04/07 IB2pp hasards Regveste rev&ow of peetten 9u FAA teetteerg to detereine af out s tative c orrec t ione e *s ist W/e enc ! DLACK, A L. Deence 1 79#C1/&9 7904170297 frenecytet of 770409 6 earing in Herrienveg.PA Pp 720-919 LUT11N. E. , LINE'NBf'RDE R,0 , SALD.P G Ateetc Safety and Licensing Seevd Penel 77/04/D0 19Spp U Congrese tenet /Esec utive Corteependenc e 7904170G96 Teenscftet ed 770502 meetand in Harristveg PA Pp 916-999 790623014L Draft *Decog Heat Removal Problee As eec tated w/ Rec over. LUTUN. E. . BALD. E . 0 Ateens Bef e ty and L ic ene &ng Seerd Penel Free vec Baell Seest LOCA for Coenvetten Fnglooertog Bye 77/08/02 R0 PWR

  • 3 tiff e 3stc ot t % Wlicon Ce 77/OS/31 $ 7p p

POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS E NMC f e ty E... t ion Re,er t . .E R , . e.,,,e . ,e,,ee,end.n.e 7,0530013. N.t,,..e .e.t. e,R, th.t NRC h., not ,e.e,ve. e... t..l.

                                                                         ~ ~ ~ - - - - * - - + - - - - - -                emergency plan Offers eeststente in retelving prettem 790.J20 32 4,.,9 .n,.6 to .,A se. t ion ,. ees,.dat ion te .or.
      *ent$swn 7905300[26                               NC that NRC bee het rete &ved eC6eptelle C uNN i NouaM. M         Oeesee of No ie., R.gvi.tery Rese.,it                             79/04/i2                .se gen <, Notifles
                                                                                                                                      ,len Offer Sta.te     of
                                                                                                                                                       .seistence     in eseetving ,,eties Sep.

HENDR IE. J M Comelesten 79/05/09 2pp 790Sf60091 Outline fee BF R 790930017e Ne t t f i e s 6 te t e o f N Y thee NRC has pet retelved acteetette 1 MArtune,R.J oi e. ten of ageie.s safet, 79/Os/s. 2, , a.a gen.g ,ien Offere e,ststence in res.sving pr..i.e t HENDR IE. J M C eme t s e lon 79/05/09 2pt l F. Retut8tv. medt 41. seergency 6 fire pre tes tien plane 7905300131 Netlfses State of WI that NRC hee not tece6ved ecceptable emer g enc y eten Offers essastense in tesolving pret tee 79018 60h 07 Notes te emergent e planning & eve (wet ten HENDR IE, J M C eme t t e l en 79/05/09 2pp e Coewiselen 79/D3/35 9pp Nettfles State of D that NNC hee not fe e(toptelle j 7903:40o4. e.e gen.g .re.. dor.e es, fellowsmg less of forced tirtsletten of RCS m.,. ....en.e of e,enis 790530013,4 eeer.en y ,i.n Offers ses.. H en.e in receiving pr..telved iem HINDRIE,J M Ceemissten 79/05/09 2re e Of fle e eP Nuc teer Reetter Regoletten. 79/04/01. 2Spp 7,03a204:6 re. /905300:35 of vt th recesved ecceptette 1

                              ,4e tev.a. of ..iient           e..... ien point. f ee. r sAR $                            em.rgency Notafies, pien Of    inNRC  see notpreties ressiving H[NDR IE, J M                                                                           1 P  A Da                                                                                                                              Cometesten          79/05/09     2pp C seto,  t e,r ..

Operofe t.t

                                     . en9.. Plan                                                                                                                                                               '

0 0. , Ev.i..t.ene 79/04,0i i9,3 790S300 37 Net.,ise .t.t. e, on that NR C h.e not re.e..ed ...ept.bie

  ,,05220.,7                          b.e. gen.g      er.<ed..e , .. ... e, ,.td..n                                          -

n* *n n of8 n c nt- cn ' 'n. *' >> -

      .,,ee.t.,        o,...,e..e.

ae. nt.p ..nn,ng "c~o~sc ' ~ c --s s - n '9'os'o9 ' *** f t:DESCD. R L Aos6etant D&retter for Plant Systeme 79/04/07 7905300i39 Net F e, ME th.t NRC has not .e..ive. e .. teli. e..rg.n., ,i.n Of..,.4440 o r s . s s , . t .n. e in ,eesiving , reties n i ,Mr " tao ir. s a c --> > a 79'os' *9 a*. r,0.n090,52

          ...ent v.ges  ....estes..e.rgen,ye, ese gn..nt ,      .eedet.te ,n       i.e .t..*
      ""li'R"' *s,;':,';*:t's.'.':'**";";.',:'"p, e                                                                                   79as>ooia* a 'ifi
                                                                                                                                                ,ai i r , s, f *a i ei       l n 9   eten      t       a   e*

HF NDR IE, J M Camelesien 79/05/09 2pp 79Q5300076 Nettfies State of MA that NRC hee net resetved astoptatte emergensg plen Offees sessetence in resolving steelee MENon IE, J M Commission 79/0$/09 2PP 7,06220t9J F orward e snfo re emergent, planntag inops grunn.J P Reglen 3 Philadelph64 Office t" the Diretter 79/05/09 2pp 790S300094 Netsfies State of M1 that NRC bas het ret elved etteptellt emergency plan Offers assistence in tesolvint "*ntle* 790S300429 Commente on fire protection 6 sesventy defsetentist at 7MI HENDR IE. J M C eme t t o i en 79/05/D9 2pp NOTLFy D P Eegsneering Methotelegg Blenderes Branch 79/0S/11 2pp 7909300806 Nettfaes State of GA that NHC het net received attoptable snee genc y plan Dffere esstatense an teesivang p'entes 79062204e5 Diesussee removal of mall fene w6than TMI-protected eroe HS:NDHIE.J M Comminosen 79/05/09 2pp Matt een only to removed under heenth phgeese personnel ettert LIMHOTH.O F. Me tropoli tan f.d i son Ce 79/0$/I7 4pp 7903300103 ko t i f 6 e s S t a t e o f IL that NRC has not receAved e<<eptette emergency plan Offete eselstence in resolving prettee MENDR IE, J M Ceemissten 79/OS/D9 2pp 7905190097 Befety evolvetten outline to base plan 6 faciling mode e Of fig e of Nucleet ReesteF Regulat6en 79/05/1B 1p 7905300607 Nets #see State of VA that NRC has not received ecceptette eastgent g plan Of f er e assielent e in resolv6ng problee 790626D204 Responds to 790$18 lte to e n tre pres set t enery measurse f ee KENDA IE, J M Cemetee6en 79/05/09 2pp etoe teenemission og .Adeg.ete seurges of power are eve 41stle for operetten of unit VOLLMIR. R N AseLetent Diretter fee Site Analysis 79/05/19 sp 7903300139 Nellfgee $4ete of NE that NRC has pet tet elved ett ep tetle ensegency plan OdPets assistente in resolvang pestlee MENDplE,J M Cesemi te t en 79/0$/09 2pp =*7906260206 Re(pects end ef tatte preceutlenerg eteegree taken te etspre adeguate power to plante ARNOLD.R C Denotel Pubits Utilities. 79/05/1B 1p 1903300!!9 Nottfles State of CD that NRC See net Pet elved ett ep telI9 emeegency plan OfPers eselstance 6n tesolving problem KINDelE J M Ceentesten 79/05/09 2pp. --7906260211 Nettfies that precauttecary measures toten to meantain powee supply ete ne longet en stand 6g et ewatchsng stetten are .secesseeg Personnel,werde neeeed elowhere Fe outline of 7105300t20 Netifies Blete e# MN that NRC has met received acteetable electratel egg omeegoncy eten Offere esenstance an resolvlag prettee MERrs,R N General Pvelse utgittsee 79/09/03 3pp PCNDRgE,J M. Commissten 79/05/09 2p p . 7906790432 Forwarde mese to fire protet tien 6 eec ur tig defitlentlee et 790930081Q Notifies State of MD they NRC has not fet elved actop table TMI pegyestl etheevlang of notesserg inse effett seergency plan Offere assistance sa tonesving probles paltp, a H Reggen 1, Philedolph6e. Office of the Otrer ter-HENDRIE.J M Commaesten 79/09/09 299 79/05/21 89 i 1 l l 97


    ~7906390440 Forwarde esse redelag gusettens re fire protection 6                                      799$0 0189 For wa r d s regwest for Board netsfacetten to nonsafety-grade                      ,

sec ur a tg deficiencies 44 TM1-2 Regweete actlen equipment le mit6gete l'enetents 1 MuuEt ry. N C Davisten of Reacter Operettene inspectione %C INTO, J F Hearings D&vnesen 79/04/02 3Bap 79/05/46 1p l J

                                                                                                          -- 0 OtolSe Sesed nettfacetten eleff essessment re nonosfety-grade 7t06JJDO9S Spectal eserating prec eduree & eeergenc y p rec edures. f or                                      ogvipee*t to ottegate trenese to 799 40-0604                                                                                                                         Aeststant Director for Laght Water Wesctore e Office of Muclear Reester Wegulesson                            79/06,04       9003 p                   VABEALLO,.D 7,fp3fy         3 ,

y, 9 c ert eependenc e Ad ud i t e t e r y.............. 790S J000 79 For wa r d s dreft prder to eesume & c onfire direc t .MC

 . .....J                               .....-

regulater, autherstg ov emergency attuellen et fMt-2 oouB,Co. L v o,, c e e ,ethe r D.,.cler for op.r.liene lic co IMI ygfosfog 333 790417DO37 e Afflit.tPut.en un.eeente newn en,o3/2,insident 79 i 3p , n 'i> 79oaii

  • ar f - tf- '-

19eS te sue,end o< e , en . e 79:';ir;;7M*in f

  • t L2C o.e.02..,et,t..n.nvir.n..nte,
r. . A Ceei,or tten en ~.cieet , ewer 79,03,,9
                                                                                                            ,C,,,,.,,            ,es,,.,,, D,,,,,e,           ,,,,,,,, ,,,

2p, 904,,600,2 to e....enas ,0

                                                                                                                                                                       ,C.M.ngoid.t.     .euerista.D<
 -.,9,S,oo.e. that oft                     e, ..ecult..       teg.i Dt,           w,ii      of erd.DMov,.ss C3      he.n .c on D<t i n, o.

thgow .nt,i 79 o4 sering is

         ,n   deveispong                      t o 790329 , e t i t i on .g en..ecter ren                       ro
                               ,e  s,en e,e                                                       ,ed Co.i.e en en ..cie.r               0.,                                                                 ~m e .,ed L J        , rent h ,       79,o.,0,       Jp, MuRN Ay, J P         Rule *ating & Entsetement Divisten                    79/04/04       Sep 790417DOld Put!8c commente on inr6 dent et TMI 790S160163 Forwerde Seard het47&cetten 79-10 en reacter inspector                                          e Affilielse. Untnewn                 79/04/O:1      20pp concerne re pbw plente Cette86448, of Syc enc &
     $C INfG. J F         Hearingt Divleben                79/03/79        14pp 790SO90J45 Deeft of order to eseuse 6 conftre dgrect NHC regulaterg autaersty user emergency satuetson at TMI-2
 -- 7905160JO I f orwards two Moseley-to-Theepsen seees for Beerd                                           CHILE.S J         Of fice of the Sec reteeg of the Cemetesten                  79/04/01     i nottfacetion enfe                                                                                  g,,

t woMe mw+ D offo e of i 6 e c ec tive officer for n,eresien. j Bueport 19/O'.3/29 Lp ,

                                                                                                          '90S140166 Neteneende postponing deteretnetten of estreerdanerg nefleer                        l
                                                                                                            * '* * *                   "       *"              *       ********"
  • I
 --7904160209 informs that peellennerW evivetten of itse 3 tentenned to                                     c on"s eq" u enc e P r i c e"- And e r e en queettens"should to relayed                        i 7903JS meme es il 6e revaewed in light of TMl transtant Addl                                      G BCFWit, L       Off6ce of the Generel Counses                 /9/04/03      19             l 6pfe may ceves thenge in presteus acessement MOGELE Y. N C           Divi 6 den of Meacter Operettens inspections 79/01/79        le                                                                               790S140100 Diseveses NHC reopenes le C ongressmen Pteger 790402 lte All pesettle meetings well to open to publ4c Transcrtple of
 ~~7905160216 f orwards final evaluet t en of steet discwesed &n 79022u see.                                cleted meetings will be released w/o proprieterg safe re 46w-de s s ened nuc lear plante segveete eddl ante to                                           SICmWIT.L. Of fice of the General Counsel                       79/04/03      19 forwarded to licensing boards MOGf LEY. N C          Davesten of Reector Operettens Inspectaene 79/03/2p        10,3                                                                             7904160011 08ecueses effects of TM1 en pending stench IV hostings                             j 06 MBTE AD. W J          Br anc h 4       79/04/03       2pp 7904130009 Discussee RAND 77-1927. *fransport of Redgenoc1gdes en Ureen Enytrans Wortang Draft Aenesteent.' to embetage of opent                                             790$160039 Discweses ef f ec te of TMI en hearing asheduletelatts fvel teste & rensequences of actadents in vrben areas                                                 proceedinge scheduled from Apr threogh June F orwardo MCOURRE N. H J              Re ene h i       79/01/30         dyp                                      questtene to se enevered et 790404 hearteg NElB.E J           Branch 3         79/04/03       2pp 7904130146 Confires orel edvice re 790.I40 ac c i den t F orwerde Nec press teleases                                                                                             --7904160045 6 tots questeens to be answered et 790404 heering to legate C HANDL g R , L J           $rench I         79/03/30         1p                                          pathweg generse studg 6 f ts HAM FE. B      Ateesc Befety and L4cenelng Deerd Penel                   79/03/24    2pp
 -* ?904 t 3016 7 P r e v 6 d e s info es of 10 30 AM re emergency estuetsen at plant he led 6cetten fe red!Oest6valg roleses effeate Plant                                      7905860612 Board not6ficetten nuc lear Anc4 dent et TMI Rec eemends toerde tetyped ciseing off etese flow feem seector to tortane                                             on cases tevelyseg 96W reactere to prevaded w/IE 8 lletin Ceese undeterenned                                                                                 79-05 4 PNO 67 6 67 A, D. C. D. E. F. G & H I NQR AM, F L      Of fice of Posits Affaara                  79/03/28       1p                    VAGhALLO. D B            Assistent Director for Leght water Reesters 79/04/03         2pp
 -*7*04130869 Provides info et of S PM re accident et factittg No injurles reported Lew red 6et s en levels measured effette Turbane                                        7905L60227 Revlees aspect of IMI en wpcesing hear 6nge<ltete bear 6nge shutdow* esperently caused by redvetten in feedwater flew to                                       scheduled for Apr 6 Meg stese generatore Sese NHC personnel present et site                                                CUNNINQhAM, O H              3 ranch 2       79/04/03      2p p INuo AM. F L       Of fic e of Put lic Affeare                79/03/2a       ip 790417043J PO!A request for all doc umen t e 6 s eemun 6 c et t ene since 790327
 - 7904l30178 Provides info es of 82 IS AM re occident et facility feep in                                  to IMI reacter continwee to drop medsetten levels en c entesneent                                         ROIBMAN.A I          katural Researcee Defense Councs!                  79/04/04    sp very h6gh Nedleective geses setng released inte steeephere Some wereere esposed to up to one ree resage INGMAN.p       Office of Putl&c Affears                     79/01/29      Ip                     7WOSO9021H Dele t t e me jor leswee 6 poteltte ierpreaches te legal aspeeto of NR C enguteg ints TM] incident G TDibE p. C      Off6ce of the Generet Counsel                 79/04/04      4pp 7904 B 308 79 F orwar d s C ome l s e 6 en policy statement en WASH-1400 & sts revsee tg L ewi s C eme t t lee MLOURNtN,H J               Drenc h i         79/03/30         3pp                                    7905 6 40018 Seard net tf s cen s en semisc ale e s per seent G- A7-6 Unent s t s pe ted resulta re cladding temp requite further study to determine safety significanc e Cer tific ate of Svc enct 79042S0043 Ast receipt of 790307 erder schedonang 790404 hearing to                                        e    Hearings D8violen              79/04/0S       54pp earcraft cr..h protettlity Ceemenwealth of PA wt!! be represented tg *W Carter C AN TIR. R W      Pennegavante. Utete of                   79/03/30       2,3                       7904160l91 Reviews delay in p roc ess 8ng requests for keerd nettftcallone.Provides generet techground & evtline of f ac ts re 790306 no t a t e 7909560050 Commente on celag in proces.$ng 790306 geard net s f tcat t en                                  SCINTO.J F           Hear 6nes Divisten          79/04/05        6p p .

regvest SC ]NTO. J F . Hearinge D4vielen 79/O'J/ 30 2pp 7905t602OH Formerde latest motion to reopen oefety heerings tg T Dettile en behelf of Beve the Welley - Beve Marb le Ha ll 77241D05:2 Postpense evidentteeg hearing in starristweg,PA erheduled for Forwerde revis&ene le draft settene etteched to 790402 790404 ABLAJ will c onf er w/portles by telephone teFore eece feecheduging MuPRAY.J P pulemet ang & inf orc ement Divisten 79/04/OS 2pp DUFLO.M E Ateste Esfety and Lorensing Appee. rene t . 79/04/02 lp

                                                                                                          -*?905160212 Metaen to evepend & revote CP for proposed facility because

, 790447D279 Rogueste that #44tlity to closed in v6ew of incident et TMI af TMI tacedent ALOFRTSON.H Affilletten Unenown 79/04/02 1p DA f f !L O. T M Metterd & Dettile 79/04/04 2pp. 1 l l l

POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 99 enders adopt , rttens of 7,,en. P rwards re T., .ccident 790.i900.S 7M. i..,p rtefi i.tddressing

                                       .a t e .. i i gde . n .e.& s w,iiissve Certi,e,s.teof               790,52902 n e. .5 einst .tn                  .ction coe,ie.          int L.r
       .Ae vsp inc
               .n .n ti s in C R. ert             s en. e t . n ,
                                                                                                              .s -e t, ope n ten E.etsen     & ven,er Co.etssi TROWBR IDGE. 0 F           Bh aw. Pattman. Pot t s. & T r ewt e n d g e.        79/04/09     3pp      C ARRIER W C          Aeertten Nuclear I n e vr e e s                 79/05/22         9pp 79oSO90223 ... g e s t s e,p r e,r , e t e                               t.sti.on9 re ciese.           790 060 42 order                                                            rec r.sponse t,e m.rt                                                                                                                                  r i ., sii e.tles .eives                              fee.weter           s
       .rO1.ER.C          Ofo.cs n o.s,inerg e the .ener.i Co nsei    .         79,0./09 parties directig invei e. w tii tai.                  r e.. . r ,. ng      , r.,.se r ve,t ieon               .,e .,i  iecords . e ,te .ord
                                                                                                                                                                                                 , reserved i,                                       r                 ~P                                  der C   il.c4..nt.,0,
                                                                                                                      . J       e, i e.
                                                                                                                                     ,ce seofd t h e .C ec.,.et.rg t h.,i t ofi e stheo r Comeissioe          7,/05/22 5,p 790S8 00         Disc.stes ieg.i ..therity to sh.4 down Ranc h. .ec                        sister
       *;**,'"' ,'"'.e ' '"'.enerei                  Co.nsei       79,04,iO       6,,               '9o6,2*o29'       a --*       of estia        -'aac esiic'*** te =ie< se                      't'ea e' cit' e Lanc as t er. PA.

ENIGHTON.O E Engineerted Stench 79/0S/22 297 7903110418 Response to ALAS-SO9 re reden emies&ons & de eintaus theory from Pert tas record Certiescate of Svc enct 7906260304 Answere to interrogatories sute18ted by City of Lanc as ter. SC INTO. J F Hearings Division DDRDENICK. B M Branch 4 LEW18.5 H B r a nc h 2 79/04/11 4 5p p PA,gnc1gdgng activ6ty level b isotop Lc c ontent of water. kNIGHTON,0 Eng ineer ing trenc h 79/OS/24 33pp. 799S140S89 Nesponse to 790404 trief of Philadelph ne Elec tric Co.Public Svc Electric & Ges.& Atlantic City (NJ) Elec tr1c Ce re de ._7906260309 Interrogatoraes for NRC Affadevtte are requested to answer etnieve theorg Certificate of Svc enel ques t gens on ac tivt ty level & isotopic centent of MIPF ORD. C . C a t & cens for Befe Envaronment 79/04/11 Sep quanttttes are estat1&shed.monntering ogs & history of dEscharges e Lancaster. PA 79/05/22 2pp 79062407H4 Requests dentet of utt! 781229 request for early site review TMI shovid be shut down until westes are removed & ett safety tesues resolved 7906290206 Affteevet ce TrtI-2 heelth & safety tepect Ust! not prepared AHLF ELD. J R Affiliation Untnown 79/04/12 tp to resPend proeptly to accident.espeswee info to inc ons i s tent & espesure increases w/distence from plant mEPf0RD.C C&tasons for Safe Environment 79/05/24 6po 790$090213 Forwards list of es t tens underweg to TMI-2 BHAP AR, H k Office of the feecutive Legel Directer 79/04/13 2pp 790e210095 NHC motion for summary dasposttlen re reden issue was an errorsALAB-540 censolidated ople 5 of 16 cases Dentes NPC 7904870499 MNC reopenses to env6Pon &hoves reised &n limited appearance motion re partnes in other profeedings W/ Certificate of Svc s tatement e NRC assessment of tevised 404 Certification & DUFLO. m E Ateesc safety and L te ens ano APPeel Pene L 79/OS/25 other supporting documentatten enci 3,9 e office of the Esecutive L.egel Director 79/04/17 3Sep 7906230107 Request tg vtile thet ASL AB g r ea t summerg dtspeettson of all 7905t40~192 Notefios of consolidetton of ftve intervenor groups re reden issues 6n consolidated redsn proceeding Vttis seet docteten eetssions tesve Parties have untti 790525 in wh6ch to file es metter of law no genuine issue es to met) facts 6ft9 ERG,J A for sumeseg dispostisen Shaw. Pittmen. Po t t s. & Trower6dge VO]GHT.H H Duf LO. M E Atonas Gefety and L s c ensing Appeel Penel 79/04/2S LeBoeuf. Leeb. Le Lby & MacRae CONNER.T B Conner. Moore & Cortee 13pp 79/05/2S opp 7905020274 Li st s c omp te ant s filed against several wStas & coepentes --7906230110 statement of east facts re redon proceedings.for wh4ch there essesacted w/TMI Formal comeLeint enc 1 is no genuine issue to be heard Discusses elleged MAR A DNE . J Amertgen NocLeer Insurers 79/04/27 10pp Deftcaensles t -7. 9- 19. 20-24 & 26 Affleevtt of M1 Goldman & supporting doc umentet ton eng l. SILDERO.J A Sh aw. P a t teen. Po t t s. & Trowergege VOIOMT.H H l 7903850942 Postpones 790404 evndent6 erg hearing re altcre#4 crash LeBoeuf. Le*6 Lesby & MacPee CONNER. T B Conner. Moore & l prGheb8384g leepe Assessment of sitwellon wj!! bo made by Cerber 79/05/2S 36p p l 791004 l DUFLD.M E Atomic Gif ety and Licensing Appeel Penel 79/05/02 2p 790S25 e l

                                                                                                                 ,, ,, , ,,,,,  Supp ,,,l e, men
                                                                                                                                              ,, ,t,s,,,,

P.! Oo,,l doen ,,,,,,,,f,fsdevit

                                                                                                                                                                                      ,,,,,,,,    & u, t,,,

t,,i s ,790409 memo l Deficiencies 2.9.ia & 2 seets motion for som..rg  ! 79040BOS3C f^erward s c lass ac tion complaint CA 79+S40. filed in UB 4asposition Corts#ttete of Svc east D$stric t Court.Maddle Dnstric t of PA.brevght aseinst entle E!LBERG.J A $n e w. Patteen. Potte. & Trowbridge V0tGHT.H H esseclated w/TMI Logosof. Lamb. Leibg & MacRae CDNNER.T.B Conneri Moore k C ARR IE.R. W C American Nuclear Insurers 79/05/04 14pp Cetter 79/05/25 19pp 7906230181 Ac t s receipt of 790504 ltr Me*6ers of A9 TAB of per t ic ule' 7906200432 Forwards case of FSB Perher v Me tropell ten Ed ison, US pro < .., consider enig itpos in formai record of th.i Distric t Cowe t.Mned le Distr ac t of PA Plaintttfs seet 310.000

     ..rtic.ier proceeding                                                                                   com,ensa                      s C ARR 1ER. ,tC e r,dA.e.

oes, e, cne&N.cieer g io. oOOins.

                                                                                                                                                              ,,n i,t i ers
                                                                                                                                                                        .e G ame     g e.s ,i S 79,0             .p, DUrt o. M E        Atee.c se,ety and Licensing A,,esi P.nei                       79/OS/iO      ip 790down2f ec oO,nR o ityf &orward
                            .ogifs aoper.proposed ting porder    opfirming roc edor    e s    otii commite.nt to s.      t

DE NTON. H R Office of Nuclear Reector Regusetton 79/OS/14 Opp 7904170427 Request for inf. re TM1 State of IA public anutous DE YD. R fnerg, Research & Inf ormat ten Foundet t on 79/03/2B 1p 7,062,o097 wriaensee to ev.i.. e emergene, feedw.ier ogs ih e, ieres7,03o,, e TMi.eeting inc eent ENGLE.L 8 Ligh t water Reac ter e Branc h 1 ,,,4 , ,,30 , ,,,,,,,,,, ,,C ,,, ,,,,e,,,,,,,, ,,e,,,,,g, ,e ,,, 79/0S/15 13pp BMI Tm E Affilaetten unknown 79/03/29 2pp 790S220JS2 F orward s c la ss ac t i on c omp le s nt 6mith vs ObW.79Civ2233.US Dsstege. Court for Southern D of NY 7904070136 Regveste immed1ste closing of nuclear power plants. CARRIER.w C A.eric.n Nvcie.,4 street ins.rers iv/OS/iS iip, SCHULEK.U A8 811&ett en Untnown 79/03/29 1p 7t0h260114 le strongig opp to 7,OSiio2o. test of Co issioner .itinsig.. teicons ce TMi for discharg. Grevgn Counc.t! of River Elttebethtown PAredwes tes e c .t.osed 03 int sos. e enn. of s 79, L , ,20,,29

                                                                                                             ,          sy       C,,e,,,,,,

authertted by NHC ,,,o3,,, 3, , . BaERLO M E11astethtown. PA 79/05/15 1p 7,05 &003. Re .ests estim.te or ,co... iity of TMr accident 7,042700,3 Orders sh.edown e, ,i.nt , o,ge..e. testing & .ee.,s.s  ;; ;;* a a * ' ' 'a

  • i * '" ' ** - 'u
      , '** *
  • J* "' 'o'; * ' ;' t ;;'.e c e ,1. r , e, the Co .s.ien 79,oS / i 7. aaaoroao P ^ c ' 'i - 7'/oo'a' i.

7pp 7904100022 Reevests #wil & 1meediate investiget ton into c irc ums tanc es 7906220068 Pleantif f 's first set af seterrogatories in Ctwat Action everovnetag accident et TMI Comm6ssten should c ompere 79-1895.U4 Distetst Court far fastern District.PA designs of TM! & Diable Congon JOHNDRUD.J H Affilletten unknown 79/05/19 17p p P ANE TT A. L. E House of Rep- 79/03/30 ip 7906290098 Compleant for injunctive relief in City of Lancaster y NRC 7sO4170113 JM Her.dr ie states there is no 6mnanent danger of core seit j f.ied in DC us D enjoineent of et ,ient Addi technscei espects no.ded og HR Denton have i radioactive disc.isirsst erge Court reec&cd site Efterts to reduce of reactor f.ei L& FEVER. D E , MATTSDN.C W 9erleg. Snydet. Cooper & 9erter continue. I WILMAR TH. A E. Ar en t. pos. Etatner, Plethan & Aehn 79/05/20 Bopp e Office of Public Affetre 79/03/30 2pp l

100 POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 1 t iee, ,ew., ,ient. .e .to,,ed 7904 704,0 e.. die .,eett.,s... fe.nded on l

79. 4cot702.,p.4.,e.tei T. C Af i i . t .a
                                       . h.Up 4. .n -.een. t. e, n,..,o3,30 7                i,                                 .n              r en,we g o r., et e v d e en,c werte re
                                                                                                                                                                   . ,en.,or o..dReMA  . .N.t .nd
                                                                                                                                      . Af,li.ow  etion   Untnewn     en ,i79 /,,e.D,,ting de..eents          I 1
                                     ,e.. nt of ..t                      in    e.-De,,      .efety 7904i,0,.

edge ine. ,o ,e,w.rd Med i . & 6egel leeii einene .e of Lerge Reneese .f I

                                                                                                                 ,,,,,,oe,, ,,,,e t, ,,,,,,nd,n, ,e,,,ette, t ,,, ,e not,,,e4 e, medieio<ine.- Sted9 of eest ieied es.ident                                                                 ,              e, . ente.n.ent & ,edies.t.o.e e.le...e                                 1 Mt ifL ER. F. A      New Mosess. Unty                   of,     79/03/30         10po ME SSING. M           Enviteneental Felity footitute                     19/04/0!      1p
      ,9       o,77        it    ,eemente en TMi . n. . d e n t. 790xfo-0.o9 e Af,liiet ,.t.en. Untnown                re /e3/ 30          . opp                                     ,,o, ,,t d i ,04 use e, ie... .e.e en ,es.ter                 e.e to . nevi.te or34 ,ed..., e.,tive
                                                                                                                                         . e n t , om,,elene .4 1Mi RICHARDSON.D               West Cellege, Cov6pe              7T/04/01          10
      **190$040299 In
            .en e,n     fe,tlett
                              ,u will het p lat ed,s,erpera in eoen.eten 4,t er ts for above eee s, e no ion.e, doei,e.....gge.te  . wei,e.o             Utii eve.oetion
                                                                                                                 ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,e.e,,,,,,e,,. ,, ,                              ,es,,n, ,, ,,,,e,4,ener, Mft RS. J A       Custerland County, PA                       19/04/03         2pp                      h*[p**  , '*"   ,4 L       Cemetesten         19/04/01         app
     ~+7909040299 U43es stettening of permanent eneste federal inopostere et nucleet power plante an operet ten & under genet in USA                                              7904timDel Rogueste info re sequence of events et FMI & whether steller OLICRMAN,D         Hegge of Pep                   79/04/04         Sp events seuld ectue et bleble Congen plant Seele info re eve <watten plan et Diette Congen LAGOMAR6(No.R               House of Rep          79/04/02          Ip 7905110202 *,enftres 790329 toquest for telephone lege re YMi siteetten HUDGDON.A         Commeesten             79/03/JO             1p 7904160006 Ispressee aldre ever evento et TMt & requeelt status rept to security & elleged wests teledoes et Ocones factitle EUDGt.R. L          Howee of Nea           79/04/02         1p 790S B 10231 C on f 6 ree talten w/E F ev retwee ting neese of Congreeseen who were informed of TMl esteetten & at what time HDDQDON.A         CeemiseLen              19/01/30             lp                                        7904thol02 Ceemende NRC Congressional lleason staff fee suporter j et dueang setese ettvetten TbONGA6.P E              Genate        79/04/02       13 190114D097 Buggette neetng oute64e individuals & NHC moeters to estident revees heard AHE ANNE, J F        C eme t o s t en          79/03/30           lp                                    7904l70233 taggente ansectten of CD2 ges into toscler te reest w/ hydrogen to form sothene & weger w/daeleviten of vel Monfloemet te produc t o ten safely be removed free reacter 7909300101 Requeste templete 6nvestigetten of TMI 2 &nc6 dent Regvests                                         VLH.0 C           Affil6etten Unknown              79/04/02          2pp eseeerieen of structueel 4 eperettonal deelgne fee TMI &

Diette Congen P ANE T T A. L E House of Rep 79/03/30 1p. 7904170313 Finds plant breetoewn te evidence of unpreparedness to deel w/nuclose power genetetten Urges ehwtdown of fMi P AN AD IS. C , P ARAD 15. 0 Affiltatten Unknown 79/04'02 ap 7906060237 Dies we s e s 1903J9 te k e en free ledeyedwel who wet in TMt eroe en 790328 & wente to to tested fee radietsen Info paettetty

        =6thheld nese/ phone of (pdividual (tef 7'DIA feemptjen el VUUNG. F       Office of State Prog rees                        79/03/30         sp                     790417040S Forward e reeelut ten oppos ing early ogto reyte, of Fulton Plant since reactor ecc6 dent would sett 417 btitlen in desages & no solutten has been reacFed te nuclede mette 7904170033 Putile s eamente re TMt gncggent                                                                   GAL DNL A f H. P         Fulton Gesage e66            79/04/02           app e Affligenten Untnewn                     79/03/31             lien 79041704l1 Regwoste all conste en the Waterford Plant te halted until 7904170403 Roguests investteet6en of pesettle satelage to TMI insident                                        seuses & effecte of TMI ecctdent have teen evolueted
        & *The Chine Egnorene " Selieves i nc i d en t mes planned et                                              MONil.J M              Affilsetten untnown            79/04/02           2pp pwelatity stunt fer sev4e SAMutL, A H        Affisietsen Unknown                       79/03/31         lp 7904170414 Roguest info to peejected etsident genoeguences & redjetten disperosen patterne fee NV City area if meltdown osswee 7904470417 Suggest e NRC ac tions r e as s ident proseeee more ecsveete &                                     MCC AL L' C - R ANGEL. C D . DHHENG TE RN. M                   how Vert, State of           79/04/02 complete detebate to support dettetenmating & offets medle                                                    If re tellene sw 6 dent e Buggest fuston te replete flesien ARELROD.D M         Aselred.D M                  79/03/34          6pp 7V04170425 Urgse NRC to teos G6nne nuclose pLent cleoed until safety of plant eye can be steered States nuclee? energy le e threat 7904170410 Svegeste eersteraue en new nusteer power plent const &                                             to bueen safety gradual glesang of all nucleer plants                                                                      JDHNilON. E k            Af filiet t er. Unknown          79/04/02          2pp VACCAMRO.E         Affettetten unenewn                       19/0*l/31       1p 7904170429 Suggests sentidorellen of burntag hydrogen at pressurtser vent pe&nt te obviele espleelve accumuletten in c on t e l neon t 790SJOO207 heet teleese en redsetten levele sanitor ed et sale Actgen                                          Supressten speeg een ettert ancident heet presently undetweg to prevent gas DWbble (M feettet free                                                    HAML IN. D           Affilletten Untnewn             79/04/02           1p latteesteg in sise
  • Me t e op o li t en Ed t sen Ce 79/03/31 23, 7904170438 Suggeste 6njection of CO2 gas in.e reactee to teac t w/

hydfegen to fore mothene & watee w/d&minutten of vel wh4th 7903300244 E sp r essee conc ern to d s ee her ge of heseedews meet free TMt 2 le ef ectically 6Pteverentle belev 300 C Regveelt e g o i n teng e VE H. 0 Aff6Laetten Untnewn 79/04/02 lp MATHIAS.Cnot M & Senate fig en ten 19/03/3L of NRC ec tivit,ies 4) & ef f ect 7905070143 Regvestt NR C honor governer grown's regyest to envgdown 7904170180 Pequeste regneteg of all facility emplegees for health 88ac he Gec e menttering Desteeters er s(le hedget ehecid te issued to all STE I NE R, R Affiliation Untnewn 79/04/02 Ap pereennel C At tf ANO. J A He e l l h. Educat aen & Wolf ere, Dept of 79/04/06 sp 7905860078 $chedule for 790404 meet ing w/ACP9 tubc omen tles. NHC & ot t i septetentet svee in Weeh ang ton. DC to d6etoes thronelegg of 79041P22S2 Ceepleine steel dangere of nuc leer power plants Demande no TMt incident. current plant status.geneelt 4 health aspecte more federen esppect for flecton-Desed nuclear power. ACRG = Adviserg Committee en Reacter Befsguardt MCM 79fg4fggINLp:V Jg C,, MELtif, A Af f l16etion Untnewn 79/04/01 le 7994170235 Forweede proposed selvtion te venting hydrogen httble fece 7909160072 Buggeste no mete cps or DLe eheuld be issued until TMt l Poec t or , events have been snelgrad , DOLDG TE IN. M P. Affilletten Untnewn 79/04/06 Sp. p#ADr DRD. P A Comesselon 79/04/02 le 1 79o417mi92 Cenive s w/uCs re anotdown ee ele teen ,tente f ee .-790si&o077 Prese coneoene 9,.m H D.nten e 79o402 prei. caneerenc e en testing of toepenente 6n sefety eys TMI sendittene f DOF FE. W L. Af fillet ten Untnewn 79/04/03, Ip. C AMPDELL. M Cemeteelen 79/04/03 1p. r,o4i7 3i9 0,,eees e,e . en of .ng no.ios, faciiity ontii ,seeistion 7,03 40i34 va,e of a Denten e ..ess . ente,en,e ehe id errive 3 PM en of invest 6get6 ens & pee 466ve resolvtlen of YMI Anc6 dent 790402 E spec to PNQ templet ten esse deg SAEN. 8 L. , SNOW. C R Affeltetten Untnewn 79/04/01, le 019 BON. T Comoteslen 79/04/02  !) .


 ,90 20000. ,covidee info e.         tesettere. .te,te e,,ect en ,Mi incident                7904i60002 Diecostes ,cocedores ,er ins, et n.cieer power desten 4 tructing in Hertisaveg,PA eree Inde perttelig withneld                                     6 const lequites whether inspectets at fac(lity were toes telephone awetets trof p01 A E sees tion 66                                             cont'act personnel Roguests names of contrec tee fires SIR 0.P f         Dayselen of Degentsetten and Poesonnel                 79/04/02     2pp    00NEALfl.H $           House of Rep         79/04/05      Pop 7904860792 Discusses 16cenotag           se es ts of preJet t in light et possible genet 14 design prettees in nu.8ese powe* plants kogvents                                 79041600$0 Forwards meee sent to togtonal effaces te state radiological neeedtete review of plante en progress to determine safeng                                   emergency plans 8 etates have none.9 contain cratace!

00N#4LEl,H S Hovse of Rep 79/04/03 3pp deficiencies & 41 are adequete WILCOL W H Howsing 4 Urban Development. Dept of 79/04/OS 2pp 7904170304 Crit ec t aes # t tepent ettstvee of NRC puelle retetsons ef fic ots dveing ac c iden t Cle tes at see Lopeestble to receive 7904160096 Forwetde guertes to effect of TM! incident on Lleertch & eng selad info other nucteer plants currently under conet DONAR.5 0 79/04/03 2pp EC HULIE. R T House of Rep 79/04/05 lp Aff41Aetsen Untnown 7904870103 Descrites 14RC actsene to eve,t shutdown of Rancho sec o 7904170443 Subeste date te neutre11 etion of redtoective water oc clouds by wenng ergone W/o encl full-ttee inspectste essigned ts 54W reactors.If Bulletto INTEL l 6ANE. J Aff118 ellen Unknown 19/04/03 79-OS b bellette w/spect Sc Operating ins truc tione prepared L3 FE NDR if. J M C e me t s e s on 79/04/05 Sep edstorsel e,tici. Re.,eet,free,.Hereasturg 7904 8 804 02,F o r wa r d s.790403 .til Pettnat News 7904i70iiS i. re see c oncern e se efet. #c tit enie 'i in. se-Ag.ees le.vtese centent,nc.f

                      .       ,s.t act,on. are t, , r .4.. .n. ,cbo,.ns i d e r                 n~cnear fac 1 tse. 0 Sn no. .se en-fe nt fnon f.c                       fen *cn.

MYTRS. J A Custerland Counte. PA 79/04/03 2pp fD v Rep 79/04/05 3e p 7904270013 Resolutten et Meeta County.CA toerd of supervisorseveges closing of nuclear powet plants to State of CA watti safety 7904170299 Roguests tapes or trees rapt of Cometaston meetings held can be deteregned from 79032B to present on TMI Retveste response within one RICE.D f Affiliation Untnown 79/04/03 1p f*4 6h e l d on. Heroon & Rosseen 79/04/0S Pop P9031600lS 8vemeeg of telc on w/s Cus te ce dec omes se 6 ening coste for TMg 7904170407 Empresses concern re TML & toquest EY seek stringent C ALKING. 0 D Fuel Proc ese Eg eless Glenderd e Stanc h 79/04/DJ essurance of safetg Urges appropetete sessures to talen by 1, state MC C ON'4EL L. M Jef f erson Cevnty. MY 79/04/05 2pp 790$160031 Destettee telcon between J Celt 6n of NRC & J Cut ie of 7904170419 E mpt esses c onc ern for personal eefety re comended effect of denneeg evtc omes t tee to cast of decometssioning TMt senser redtetten treeteente b radiation falleet Regveste pf N T. S Comeession 79/04/03 le info re chance of feitout in Wereenster.PA EN10H1.J Affilletten Unknown 79/04/OS 1p 7905860081 Outlines action plan for developing regutetery options on easter 96W operating teactore e Camelesten 79/04/03 2pp 7904t70439 Proposeg NRC shut down 4 insp nuc leet plants w/ sees degagn at TMl, create Ofc of Nuc lear Detudseen 6 require posting of 790S160004 Cnemente on etees which will to covered by NR C tevnewe & &ndeently bond tg utile ausgests a blue tatton panel to estehtashed WILT.D D 6tewart & DeChant Co 79/04/05 2pp AHL ARNr . J F Comeleston 79/04/03 app 7904260030 Urges shutdown of all nucleet power plants in CA untsL 7905170270 06 ecue ses NRC en-house review plans re TM1 tecident 69ggette tafety be concluetwely estetlished , preendent estettish tive ritten papel to study technical GILLEBPIE.V Marin County. CA 79/04/05 ap j issues HENDRILJ M Coseletion 79/04/03 2pp ) factittles 6 anstrueent fatteres as they telete to TM! 7906060240 forweres info re TMI Info partselig withheld one 16pe of inctient note (ref F0t A E seep tion Sg 3R I NkER, W F Affiltellon Unknown 79/04/05 4pp Art ARNE. J F Cemeleston 79/04/03 to 7903110294 Erpresses thanke for egenstance re gesue of osygen sources % 7904860001 Notes c S t a sens ' c onc ern over acc& dent at f ac 116 tg Requests sinks withan ago thorough evaluetten of chances for esellet occurrence et DVDN!fl.R J Of fice of Nuclear Regulatorg Research 79/04/03 1p ether plants & suggeottone on how to atenense hveen error WHI T T AMER. R Mouse of Rep 79/04/04 app 7903110293 Easteesse thents for suggest6ons te hgdeegen overpeesture dereng inc s cent P*04160040 Forweede 790404 lte t o President Car ter. orging him to DVDN I T Z. R J Office of Nuclose Regulaterg Research 79/04/05 1p resecure US that nocieer enetag s e saf e & that LWR progree must move forwerd aggreselweig MCC ORMACM. M Howte of Rep 79/04/04 3pp 7905850299 Espresset thents for suggestions to stelstence doenne TML incident SUDN lil . R J Of flCe of Nuc l04r Regula tory Reneerc h 79/04/05 1p 7904160076 Rogueste anvestigetten of Rancho Sec e fec &laty i= wiew of TMI anc id ent EHUMWAY.N O House of Rep 79/04/04 1p 7905110301 Espresses thanks f or assistenc e re hydrogen tobb te pret tee duftng Ancieent DVDNIT!.R J Of fic e of Nuc leet Regulataeg Research 79/04/0S la l 79o4:60606 #seves t s re,t. on c on t inu ing nesis ce planning a eroscese oe j teeevel trenep et t 6 disposal of TMI nutteer weste i FLORIO.J J House of Rep In terstate & For eign Coomer c e 79/04/04 7905110302 Espeesses thente for assistance dueing TMI inc 6 dent l 1p 90DNI Tl. R J Of fic e of NuC tr sf Regulatory Research 79/04/05. lp 79041603R9 Urges President to oeder NRC pereennel to estve et oneite l pereenent to.p.cist. 4 sii p ients ,r.eentig e, erat ing or 790Siso073 Rec ese.ade fo,ession of eccident revi e.e c ommi s s ion R.,ve s i. l vnder const meeting  ! Ot. IChMAN. D Howse of Rep 79/04/04 1p AHE ARNE. J F Coseletion 79/04/0S 1p 7905160111 Forweets Chapter S. "Reac t or Coolant Sy s" 6 C h ap t er 6. 790S1604S2 Espresses thents for assistence dvrtog TMt ancident  ! l

   *Contingenc g Befety features
  • f r ee FS AR BUDN I Tl. R J. Of fic e of Nuc teer Regulatory Research 79/04/05 Ip WE 14BBERG. 8 Df fice of State Progreeg 79/04/04 1p 79048 6019B Retoest e s tatus rept en plant in home distric t in light of 190S160126 Forweeds IE pulletin 79-05 6 PNos en TMt through 790404 event et dettitty W/s onc i FASCELL.D 9 House et Rep 79/04/06 le WE ISSpERO. B Of fice of State Progesee 79/04/04 1p 7904250003 Reeffares 790329 comments Requitee NRC eesurance of 7904 t30364 Respond s to 790330 TWE to entwetten at facility & forwarde centinutng ersvrete 4 otraightf orward repts on TMl PMO-79-67J 4 PMO-79-67K salvation HENDRit. J M Ceseleeten 79/04/0S 14pp GOODL I NO, 9 House of Rep 79/04/06 Sp


                                                     ,rei.. n.r, oes                    Centeineent to      79aSie0ito Nei., en of ahenge for 7,0.iO                        R Denten
   ,e.4J.,oor, wt et.nd Co,e,e,      i,77 ..,e,130o Mw nie tr..ity 4 ,ign.of Meit ,er                                            R   ,e    -

weii not ettend BftVtMGON.J D Wee d wa r d -C i g d e Geneuttente F9/04/06 ityp G l D80N. T Ceestselen 79/04/09 1p 7 ,oSt. oo. re,we,dt ,.i TM, ,e ene i .d. tten to sM men.rie.e 4Mi,

      .o Aov. R J            olvision . of eee ...

n i ..,48, t ien e ..,0.,o. 79 ins , d, ep n t 790.,,.oi34 e ore enete, ,orwe,de ,,eposed mort ,e eveco. lien ,iene OR ADF ORD. P A Cemeleelen 79/04/09 Rap toestiene . entwere te ,eector 790.s, e en 0io4 re...,de .. do.te,eved 7905,00307 , oct<,6,t.en e,. TMi-, n.,eemissi.ning to eu,,ert eesting .. tween e..,e,.e no.nd, ie t .e.ine t . en.ene t e, r 4 1 93R.. o or 6.e o f .t.nd ., d e D.veio,eent 79,04,o. is,p

                                                                                                               ,... tg in., dent- .e
                                                                                                                              .c            ,re.i, min.,gGene .e,et.iene e,.ent,s,.t
                                                                                                                                  . dent- . - ene. .
                                                                                                                                    ..<lg,s.pd info fe, 79o4io TM
                                                                                                                                                                          .n.te heerin.

R AMMt.R f R . C Offite of Congresslenal Af f elte 79/04/09 15pp 790St60625 Draft tatenelegg of c ente < te ne twoon teems s e lener e.NRC eleff 6 hoverner ed FA to TML scsadont 190330 31 790ao/v001 Regveste ercengemente se sede fee medical e vc e required 91990N.f Ceme14eten 79/04/06 2pp during TMI Info pert 6elig withheld sectal soturity numeer of tndgusevel trof FOJA Esemptten 4) btARD. J T Plant Systeme Srench DfNTON.H R Off6te of Nuc l ea r 790S3002/9 Sc t ent t e t e 4 S e s t reneent e n t e t s C i te

  • Nuc l os e Whiteweeh* ef peester Regoletten 79/04/09 1p Hearings M VAREl. B e WAL f F RS. E Enviteneontal Pellty Center 79/04/06 1p 1906/10428 Incident Response At tion Coord inet t en fede les for
                                                                                                               #90:138 0409 Info partielly withheld hues telephone evesers (ref FOIA Eresetion 66 7906 8904e2 Confiree verhet regwest fee PA Snergy Dept to cont 6nue to                                       e Of fle e of inspec tlen & E nf orc ement               79/04/09     2 3p p sellect 6 collate all TMI entiren sempling dele free all federal agencles & PA Dept of inviten Resources GE RUrgg y, 7 M        Pennegivente. Blete of                79/04/04         le                      7904240934 Atk f ec ele t of 190404 lte re oefety of nuclear enerad Agrees inveettgetten should gone6 der geneels leplit ellens F orwards teettaeng of JM Hend r ie W/o enti 7904460079 Requette t e enec e ip t s of all NR C t! cees meet 6ngs to plant                                EAMME RER. C         Office of Congr e es t end! Af f elt e       79/04/10       19 incident, including 790331 eeetten et which doctsten wee eeds to close meetings NW p it f. T        House of Rep          Covernment Operet6 ens                79/04/07        1p    7994g53po$ p ,P,e,4,           y,94og ggr grew ig pedeen questioning NH C & util actione prior le latident & vtging ef f eellion %e fenol 88 new nucleet plente Requeste toepense 7904tH07W Requeste Steneceipts of NR C 79040S closed estelone ce                                            watpta.R 9           House of Rep       79/04/10        3pp detnoten to centtnve seeratten of Renthe here CLARm,w         California. State of                 79/04/07        Sp 7904J50007 Feewarde 790403 lte free mL Penneester to fMI neeve.oegIng 7995300DO2 Forwaree d' eft lett to Berreteeg Schleeinter espressing                                         that nucleet pLent liconegng protese not be etteleedled eeptoctation fee              epeert growseee eg DOE ee TMI tac 6 dent &                                 WALPER.R S           Howes of Rep       79/04/10        3pp tequesting son'anued owpoort EOE81CR.L V            Office er the Erecutive Dates.or fee Operettene 79/94/00           4pp                                                                                79044500J 1 Ot oc ve ces otoffang of Ceestetten anguleg inte TMt incident 6tteeses 6*pertente of emplegang outeadere,eopettelig so Director & Deputy Director of inqusry 7eO6290240 Disc ussee problema ent eunter ed w/everheating of low & high precaute 6n,ectlen peeps wnen sesitserg feedwater eye se eterted MARTIN,R E             D8vesten of Gyeteet Gefeng                                                     7904J50025 Conf 6ree ageoesent reatned during 790440 teleone NHC w6th 79/04/00          1, del 6 vet all trenstetste of fMi ese46nge to Bobsomelttee un E nvi r on. E ner g y 6 Netotal Reseueces he evapsene needed 7904240963 Roopend e to 7YO406 Itr Desettee, sporit.c atl6ene setng                                                  f.          ovee e      op            /10    app tesen et Rentbe Sete b ether plents w/94W Pwpe M AcM6 Rt R. C       Of f ac e of Congeees tenal Affaire                  79/04/09        app 7903100061 In esepense to 7e0330 lie re eefety of nuslose power plante in C T in a4tht of YMI. forwards JM Heng e l o 's              teettaeng 7904J40SW.6 Regvette info re patentist det nuclost sce ndente to occur an                                   bofere Genete Evbconeittee en Nuc lear Regeletten W/o ens!

MI 6 whethoc any action eight effect eeellebliity of nuclear RAMMFRER.C Office of Ce"g'essional Affaire 7'/04/10 20f plente operating there DINEDW.D M s t h t g en. State of 79/04/09 19 -- 7V091000 73 Requests gnfo re TMI sechanical Selfunctione 6 pose 16614tg of ensalee icsurrences et Cf evitser plente DUDO. C J House of Rep 79/01/30 lp 7903100012 Ac t receipt of 79040d ler ce IM{ tacsdent Comp le t e Feep ensee will &# forwarded es toen se pesettle Perwards NRC press rolessee $ grellatnerg nellfl(ellene te intident 79031f0040 Forwarde congrosetecal ltre which NRC hee enowered w/interne g RAMMIRfR.C Off4te of Congeeesione) Affekte 79/04/09 Ip feepe se L4ete erlefittes W/O enth FAMMERER,C Of fic e of Congreselonel Affette 79/04/LO Ip

   -79031000t3 Reeveets safe to hypothetical Pedletten disperaten patterne pseulttog free peselbie espletten %/Or eeltdown et IMI WE ltlB.1        RANGEL.C         Heves of Rep          79/04/02         3pp                       79D5160041 Co**ene, en taf et*tes Congrees about TN1 estaat6en mAMME RE N, C        Of fic e of Centreestenal Affelte            79/04.'10     2pp 79031000e0 Forweree 790401 let from T F r ena e sp'ese tn1 c ont een to sieteef t flight pelho evee fMl 6pring sn(&dont                                                        7903160137 Regveste that Tdt ("fo be sent to J 9ewtet.MA 6ecretary for E nvaren . f ielte ME T 4ENDAUM. H M           Senate       79/D4/09          4ef                                            AHE ARNI:. J F         Comelseten     79/04/10        le 19Q5100217 Att tetetyt of 7903}0 Itt to FMI ins ident Complete regpense wl4 L to f**werded es seen se petelble Forwardo MRC prese                                              1904170112 At present 4 4 *e. NHC h e , not required operatore of other rolessee % preltelnery nettf6telsene re inC6 dent                                                         nV4 Leet power plente le tote 404 new e(ilene MNC 6e not
    > AMME Rf R. C        Off6te of Congreetbenen Affstre                     79/04/04         3p p           eenteepletang re<eemending eng new teacter ehutdowne e Offite of PubbtE Affstre                  7V/Q4/11       1p 790816002S Forweede bactup quentlene n entwere te use in peepetetten fer ##ering en TMl oefers Dendte SpD4eentetse en Nuc l eer                                             7904234004 Requeste info espleining TMi ingldent in Leg betee Regoletten                                                                                                Jt FD DHDS. J M         Heute of Rep        79/04/11       le MAMMEHER.C            Office of Cengtese6pnel Affelee                     79/44/09         Sp 7905160031 Last of sedsviduele thosen to toepttee Preeldenttei
 --790S160027 8es t op questsene 4 enevere to use 6n prsparetsen for hosesng                                  Cemetee6en to Snveenagete TM!

on TM1 be8ere Senate Hubseee449ee en Nutlear Reguistion M A9 MERE R. C Offico of Congreenienal Affaire 79/04/1L< Upp. RAMMERCR,C Office of congeetetenen Afeeste 79/04/09 Sup o 790SL902S4 Responde te evegestiene to help leprove genettlene et 7909460076 Adv6e** that JM Hende t s te int e it unnecessary to setettien fec14ttg Auggeettene cone 6dered b eepretLeted peettien en leswing intentes ytlet to hearing DgNTON.H R Office of Nutleet Reerter Reesletten 79/04/11 5939 919 pON. T Ceemiesten 79/04/09 ap 7903300241 Forwerde Patteturgh Press 79040W erticle ce TMI emplegee 7905440096 Distueeet eetesteent of f adielee teel desee f ree TMl se e 6 dent fossente en plant esfot4 6, ed tec group, , BMITH.R H Regten 1 Philadelphie. Offite of the Deretter PETERSON.H t Of f 6te si Standerde Development 79/04/04 Opp. 79/04/18 app I

POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 103 F906060637 Responde te att to 7M1 Info partselig withheld neee & 79053LG249 Desgrates status of TM1 trenocr tets pecorde of 790330-31 & eddress of rec 6ptent tref FOI A Essep tion el. 0408-05 ere in PDR franscripts of 790406.09.10 & 13 will be SRADfDRO P.A Cneotee6na 79/04/11 Ap evettette to Commissionare tg 790417 ADDGDON.A Commission 79/04/16 13 7904240570 In response to 790406 ite reafferee comenteent to keep recipient fully infereed on TM1-2 Reeveets for careful Snee 790S160044 Forwards recons truc tion tg E Feg of circumstances of TM1-1 h Poect Bottee teve been forwerded to IE- evereunding transe6ttel of transcripts of closed Commissaan KAMME RER. C . Office of Congreselenal Affette 79/04/12 sp eestings en YMI M AMME RER. C . Office of Congreestenal Affetts 79/04/16 Ap.

 --7904240574 in addition to close monstering of fMI-2, requests cerefcf insa of TMI-L b Peach Bettee                                                                 --7905160046 Responde to request for chronology of evente to release of 9000LIN015          House of Rep           79/04/06      sp                                           transcripts of closed meetinge of Coseiss t en during TMI emergence 7904260300 Forwards TMI-2 near-tere action i tems,1 tse due da te.                                                            **         ''*                                      #'

respons&tle individuet & respoestble manager CAEE,E.9 Df f ic e of Nuc lear Reester Reguletten 79/04/12 2pp 790530017S Conf ires 7 >O40S telc on re willingness to ettend eng meeting to fMI, Includes tec4 of teles sent to Generet Put11e Utile 7905100181 Ac t recetat of 790410 ite formarsing correspondence free re familiarity w/ reverse eseoste 4 ten eschenge NL Penneteter ce TMI Response will to forwarded as seen as llLBE.H R Londe'. Nuc lear Dec enteen net t on. L td 79/04/16 13 pesettle KAMMERER.C. Office of Congreestonal Affears 79/04/12 2pp 790417029S Reques ts nee 841ste helt to nuclear development 9ANMAN T Affilletton Unknown 79/04/17 13 7905440396 mesponde to 790412 meno re acetons en fMt Lists contac t persons en Ofc of Adetnistretton for FO!A request processing 7904170344 Hopes NRC het learned dengere of nuclear power plant cenet FELTON.J M Divielen of Rulee and Records 79/04/12. 330 Ashe all plants to closed , NOBLE.J D l Affilaatton unknown 79/04/17. to i 790S160047 Comment s en converset ten w/H Myer s, special coneuttent to Heute Sutcometttee on Energy & Envareners trenecr&pt op 7904170428 Requests temedlate nuclear moretortue & urges development of Ceemtssten cleted seettog en TMI solar energy KENT.S Office of Congressionel Affetts 79/04/12 1p TEIREIRA.D Aff!!setton Unknown 79/04/17 13 7906010109 FO!A request for transcripts of invrettgetery interviews 7903110190 Espresses apprectetton for contratution t o NRC e f f o r t s e t TMt w/contpel room personnel involved in TMI incident MINARCIN.P. Penoegivente !!!ustrated. Inc.. 79/04/12 lp HENDR IE. J M Cometssion 79/04/17 Sp 7906060i.3 Rese.nde 4. ite ,e rM, in,e ,ariteiig withheid n... . -- 79os n oi'

  • t r - eaf* ie'i n ei or M - ri rina 'Mi "1;*Lo*'"':"is!';'/;'72 ' " ' " ' '


                                                                                                            !"!;^'a       o*f"e      f ~ <i er Re4<* - R i ie' ion           79/o4'23        i-l 7,06060ie7                                      ir re  tMi                                     neee  790Si t030s rotw.eds tv Geesic i 7904tv eseo d irec ting NRC personne t                   t.

6 addr..eRe.,ond

                  .f r.c e      to 790ase
                              ,s.nt    s po, .tsen          info p.rtteing
                                                    .F    unrenoted wL.t*heid 4                       n
  • rs n rec r*
  • e<<s n- rcennine c. r"c R 4~ .<-


   ;"!O!;;'.'lC'::l::"             o     79,04,i2       2p, I'I'r '" ~;7It e e< auc teer ae.uietary ae earch                   79/04/i7 i.

l Responde to 7903th 790S160120 Teleehone logs for PA Bred f eed.790329-0417. 1 7906,130469 46 ,n in te,ta, to .ht. ice .n toin,o Rya,n. ehtch espressed R r. concern for

                                                                                                        =aaoro $ a a        com-i.eien       79/o4/i?

R iER. ,u iNn g Regten i. eh i s.d e i,h t.. of,ciiity shutdown

                                                               ,c. e, the o,r.ctor i9..

79/04/i2 app. 7904,40S7,Re,pon,.s operet..n . s. ety r. to sug,.stions provide,. to NRC on ,eector search as resuit e inctdent Re.uests destg~ 790425067S Responds to 790412 eeen free LV Gossick Neees JD Lefleur es Comeseston to informed temedlately of any urgent setters contac t pereen f or TMI info trensettlel to foreign govte & GILINSkV.V Commisejen 79/04/18 13 inti ergentaatsene BHEA.J.R Off6ce of internettonal Progress 79/04/13 to 7905100206 Act receipt of 790411 Itr ce TMI spradent Complete resoenses will be sede es econ as poss&tle FormerJs D Essenhut's j 790$110253 Requests statement of beels for provsdLng transcripts of Senate testimong svenettaing significent events W/o encl. closed TM1 eestings to Congrese en 790412 MAMMERER.C Of fice of Congreselonel Af f aire 79/04/18 3pp. GILINGFY,V Comatoston 79/04/13 is ' 7905110199 Confires understan/ing of 790416 eest6ng to coordinetton of 790511028S Requests lists tg 790420 of all TM1 work NRC response to IMI ancident Actigne n Coenell es focal LEVINE.B Office of Nuclear Reguletorg Research 79/04/13 1p 1"% 6"'- GIL I Nf* V . VComeleston 79/04/18 1p 7905210763 Summerg of questions rensed on Leservice insp at TM1 durseg tverent shutdown Resulte of weld testing perfereed by 790S140020 Act recetst of 7903J1 Itr.will consider suggestions an Nucteer Eherty Sycs were queettened 6g utal re credatality analystng TMt ancident e Of f ac e of Nuc lear Reac tor Regulatoon 79/04/13. 3p p . HENDRlf. J M Cemetesten 79/04/10 1p 7906060202 Ceamente en test for redtetten espesure performed at request 790S140171 Fotweeds transertets rolessed 790419 6 preceding meet More of tnetysdual who traveled by train poet TMI en 790328 info

  • sit to sent es they are reisesed w/o ensi parttellu withheld nees & edecese of person traf FotA G IL IN9K Y. V Comeission 79/04/L8 1p Esemption el GuA!FE.M A he t t e s t e. Univ of. Radiation Health Center 79/04/13 2pp 7tv5140175 Forweeds transcripte released 790418 & procesing weet More on!! 6e sent es they are released W/o ens!

7904200439 Prevndes inte re activittee while et TMI-2,for 790330-0407 * ** ' # Crtlical of lett of coordinetton telween procedure writees, thw h util suppeet personne1 VER DERV. E. H Roll en 2, Atlente, Reacter Operetions Nuclear 7905140178 Forweeds transcripts released 7904 tH pe* V 3 6 3 ins ky 't Eupport Branch 79/04/13 2pp directions W/o enct BICKWIT.L Office of the Oeneral Counsel. 79/04/18 Ap 790Si t 0246 R ec oneend s ed i t or n a l review precedure for IMI treneceipte O tLI NHMV. V Comessaton 79/04/14 1p 7905160023 Forweeds proposed witnese list for second Hart hearing on TM L . KAMMERER C Of fice of Congrees tonal Af tetes 79/04/1B 2pp 790606022S Ferwardd heave to te added te 790413 Illt for redletlen wort perett train &ng list of andtwiduals guellfled for unescorted bedges. Info partially withheld Social servetty nueters trof 7905210241 Discaseet lepect of incieent en future et nuclear power. FDIA Esemption 6L Environ b ocenom6c costs 6 lose of public confidence an BMITH.0 H. Office of inspection 6 Fnforcement safety of nucteer plante pose largest threat 79/04/14 3p p . HARP 9TER.T L Comenseion 79/D4/19 39p N>t 170424 Regvests that 96nne plant not be reopened until Herrastveg 7905230435 Lists addl personnel to be authertred for access to accident to fully onelysed. tuttine b!dg. WKNM64RD. A L. Affilletten Unknown. 79/04/16 ip STELLO.V. Division of Operating Reacters. 79/04/10 1p.

104 POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS . 1 1 m0 y e f em A. ro u n te J C -te, vei.ntee. ug i no..nn.t,.. .in,e..e 6 e.le 6..,,n,.e t n f ,n ,n,,.e.e e .e. nes ied 4 . .p- n, . m.tAm 002i o,e.e t ./ r,

                                                                                                                                        ,es,u,enno,i   mCo. m n.,ns,        ion en me ...n   n eene,u u,,      ,2.


w. e.t wo.geC o o,. .

utet. n.n.i.. e . i n/u/i ee e te i.,3 e un

                                                                                  . 2,,
                                                                                          ,.                                 . . C.         0 ue e Cong,es            si.-i AH
                                                                                                                                                                                ,e, ,et in 7m.n,oio,.....e..s          e .e. .e.

tnng t . e 4..nt e d mm. 4 . s . te , m.0=4. .. o,e.e e, ., e,, , i.nt.e .o.e.a s i .. 4. e is e ed .m t n As e n t.nt ma te, ,, .no . .ig e e n/D.In i, . e, v .6 ,e ,e e.ed e.e,.e e.elg ..e...nen e m ate ne m t .e e...u tA,ending

                             ,i n.n   on unene.n.            n,     , . . ne ip..e.

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                                  -                g Co ntee en     .t n,e.a e- t ein

r. d.. m -a i- a n..u

                                                                                                                        ==v+                u-non  - a.n          n/a /=* +

n /~, .,, r . 2,, mocin C. en t e en m-2 C e.e.u e,de, e n e,e.e n.,e - 3 e e, d a i e~ a - i- " n "' a ** a- "ame m"""" mo n,s.s..u..n m42m.. A n. uen e, r , b es e.s,04 onano.n n ie. 4,u.e. i ,en.n en .e.e,4 = = ; ~ = e, ,,, ,,,,, , ,,_

       .i m .

n C ,e,,eee. on. tie to ===.. < . . a e a ., , ,- u n ~ ,- -. i n .n a w i = "- 4 .- m.,M,ond. u..sp.nodeu le e.e.n .m. n..o in.n

                                         . n.e.e-                  e n.n in oe...,g           to dies
                                                                                                                        ..ndi.d PffeEN. K. L Af,illetten Unene.n                     79'04/96.      lp 68HDW it. J. M           Cemetest.n.          79/04/20       1p.
  - "==%"n'" '*,c,' a ' ; "a " " a " "-n,on.                                          " " a =~ ' a'                  m,m00n     "e.ou nes        e t..t if ..~ .e .o e .o e..t
                                                                                                                                                     -- - u - d uu---annnn-d..n.... n en nte e,
        .u ,<U. , .. .           u ,e,..n ,,- ie., Conf..e- o                                          i,             .
                                                                                                                        .MAc m ,o    a.n .n.t.e in ese
0. st. e ..... ente ~ nin..i ot u ns ..e4, .t. n,m,u n..en ,en en of - 2, ,
m. ~um m.n. .. N.u ns. nen 4..t oo . n sendo t ,
    -m. e w n.. e,,.e. .n.L                                A,,,,,e             n,u/20             ,,.

m . 00.. ,-.,. e 4.e.e.g. en. ,, e . e 6.,e.e d - , s i on t. e..t d e.n n i ne i u m . e e..en ro . L.,unte u. int . .e u u ng C..entees. .44...

  ,~0mm .s . . ., .,4             n- i.,. m.m     -nn,, s e        ent,,eng .n ,, n.. n e.m t .                         n/-/u            ...


m. . . nc n4, ..egi.n .... ned.n. .e.n.,eu. m us. m.f 2..
                                          .                                            6
                                                                                             , u, , .s t. . .
   ' n/04/20            Sp.

mmoi .2 Cm fv n. . ng e n to . .t o. t o.

  - ,                                n n.~ ..         ..e,entn.intg            ... , +2          ,,,o d on t t e        C..e,0,e n e,......d Oen,,,.20..n,, ,. , A0 .

e, g

        ..  en.0.,.,..e..eie et .. nt.n u .a.n .             .tese e ue,e                                                   ,s e,.,A ,,C. e .e,ene, e,,n              e,0nse e,e,,o een,e,.e,,e,un, Cen, se,,ene,                      ,,,0,,,         , , ,,,. den,,,n  n It l T4. iN. H       A H 816.lten Untne.n.             79/04/83            2, p .

6es 7904430099 Ac t s ,eseip t of 7904te ilt sessenting en inadeguate eve,lg 790,0,3008,12

                                                                                                                          , s , e,       D,se,weses,mennede,of
                                                                                                                                            , op eggegge geese gmesentement                fee pote.nne,n gaggeggen g,,oge        p ge te,dietsen
    .oNYDIA,0 f 54 6. L. ..         mag ten 1. P441edelphle. OHise of the Di,este,                                            geon,MIge, e        $nsident e, gne,estl.a      6 Enfeesoment.             79/04/24      Sp p .

79/04/20 lp. 790S020447 Cemeente en av,,ent nesleet powee plant problems in UH and

  ~79061300V9 SALDAasARI.J     Ceemente A. A falt  e,n pltaennl lisensing untnown 6 in.deguate 79/04/16 wetop      app       supply            e.f ets tese,d .e Canedlen plante SIMON. H R.       Aff6tletten Untnewn.              79/04/27. lp 7900100D0 Forwarde vedete te pa,ttel poepense le Cong,eeseen Ptol 6 Seeditet*e 790209 lte to JM hendete U,sete includes enutdown                                                     nOS320414 Diesusses two treneportetten fee 790s0* Constese tenet voelt.

of TMI-2 from *dependstle sesatiling" prevised be vseleve Reglen le Ph8ledelph6a. CH8se of the Dites tee. Relistility Councils- #t,tuacap. y fq4/37 J. J go, VUUMoeLonth B J Cos t Benen t Analge te B,a-h 79/04/23 Se p . 790 Sal 0JS4 Llete NRC TMI telephone sirecteeg n09160679 *ipeete someentsation eye te vegeaded to tendle two evente o C ame 6 e s t en. 79/04/30 app. enowltanes & U 6 esatelse interfose between insident reseenee M '! somattelen during wavegel evente. Ms#40Y. M . d Ceesteelen 79/04/23 $p y,09020034 Putats sessente re insident et fM8 6 nusteer powee in gemeten. 7906230694 Retweets add 696en of us Pluelee 6 #F Flet le NHC Assese List 44d 790443 MCueCAp.J J Reg g en le Philodelpnae. DHise of the 06 rester i M/M/23 3pp y,0$l40027 Responde to east 79040A lbf desweenlang ee Iler suggeetten senseentag wee et esygen to reesse hydrogen bubble Adding 7905230863 pe(veel add (tten of AH Engelten te NHC A-eae Llet did 880I 889988 888II I8#8 Od OHise of Nwe'8'er 88I9 888 7904t3 CENTON.H A le flees ta,I8d FI88I 88'800'09/01 seguletten 79/ lp j MCOuCAlt.J J nes ten 4, Philadelphle. OH4 e e# the 04, ester 79/04/33 la ~7900140GJ9 Suggeste additlen of esygen to todwce hydrogen bottle ANDENSON. L. AHllietleh Unknown. 79/04/06. lp 79010200!! Resomeende temps,are shutdown of Ranske Sese wollt etesent I vnsertelattes to TM8-U insident are slettfled. MAT 8ul4R T. Hewse of Nep. 79/04/34 ap p . 790Sl40073 Po, wards toepense to tweettene seted hg Benene Hart *e beeC's FYWO autherisation ef ter FMI insident. HAL.Lin. N Office of Management and Progtee Ansage4e /vs pe/04. 790$0kO401 Regveste NRC eeslotense fet sellage eveveg te ovatete 8899' sit t een *e Pee 8 6nge stout nucleet p owef. MIL.LER. 9 Affiliation Untnewn. 79/04/24 2pp 7906220129 Assepte ptoposal of perledia 6ege m g seestone 6etween involved few toutene egenslee 6 emergensg Steve envt evet,first an es 4 6v8designete 4 tee. coopensittl6tg 190$t00344 Requests tempsters envedown of Ransh Sete in view op Ans6 dent of fMI

  • 2 MENDa!E. J M Cemeteelen. 79/05/02. Ip.

OInndN. E . e Collternia. . tete af. 79/04/24 Sp. 7906220049 Confirme toquest per PA Mattenal Guetd heliseptoe 4 pilot 7905L40090 Newspaper etliste etd 790424. *Chel,e.n of Noeleet Util fet IMI es,6el monitefing Feeee Sneep # 6 ee in inwee teent Cnerges.

  • SMl fH. S H Reeten is Philadelphie, Office of the Dateatet.

OMANO.J. Wethingtee, Poet. 79/04/24 lp. 79/01/03 19 79041200US 6,tre feem sit t eene e steeselag op entens to nuclear posse. 7908160042 Advises that Jelat Calede of stef f assigned mistneee *$weeg 90510834, 0.- Affilletten uneneen. 79/04/24 2Spp. Purpose

  • to opetettene se evtport of 7MI $ne a d ent .

0088 BCE. L. V. Of fise of the tessutive Derestet for Opeesttene. 79/09/80 19 l. , 7909030ses seneves thet s net weinns pened on..le se enfened nni j nwetter seet 6 weste pte4 Leme are selves Aequeste inf o te l nestser esfetg. 7908160087 Foresatdo entinvalese flyets. l MunnE.D Affiliatten untnown 7T/04/29 le e C esels e t en. 79/05/80 6p e l l l

J POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS 105 7,06220:51 .. NRC ..gsice etsf,.ng u,in,e f. 7.S Come.nts .a JM o. net .e w.tet

      .MI ,x.                                                                               --7,062,0.S.

TMi. i i.r t.wns t..a n.,ti s.i c te s t imengvte c ev i d e no t .f ete . w.e in t s eemi t t e e to

                 .. i i ng Regien
                               .eii i, w s.te    .. ..e.nts
                                       , liedei,      ie, of, ice .f t e oitecto,.                       ene .evt.

e..c.ated 79/05/11. 3pp R ANDALL. W. 5 Affiliation Untnewn. 79 /04 /i2 2pp, 7906060254 Ea,tesses appreclet ten fet suggestseas to help improve 7905250395 Offets help in comevating studies to emergency condit6 ens et TRI. Svacuat ten plane Discottee pt 6et espectence in criels DENTON.H R Office of Nucleat Reettet Regvletten. 79/05/20 Ip. telecellen field Forwarde ptef guellficatiehe of staf f. 0Zumin A A Centiagencg Planntag Associates. 79/0$/14- 7pp-

                                                                                                  --7906060262 Df f ers evegestions to tetenee gas twen te presevre Inf o partially witteeld.hese telephone nuater tret FO!A Esemption 7906260120 Annevntes intention of A8 Wenleen.Maget of Lancastet.PA,te                                  el ove Metropoliten Edison to helt eveping of f adgeactive                                            ALLEN. R         Af fit tation Urtnown           79/03/31.       19 weste water into Svequehenne River, INF IELD. T.      Intelligencer Jevenel Lancastet.PA.             79/OS/87. 6pp 7906120419 Espresses conceen to satetage of nucteet powet plants JUNF.8. Y.      Affiliation Unknown             79/06/OS         1p 790626012S Annevntes NRC fuling against dumping radioactive waste water inte Susquehanna River ROEEAT8.R.        fbe Patriot Her r i et we g . P A. 79/0S/17,    3pp                    I'   II"***I8I I*#**II**

7906010:07 Dealee FDIA regveel f ee treneceipts of saterviews w/TMI 7904100193 Fatweeds 788229 su6etttel by Mettepe16 ten Edison te control toes personnel (tef FOI A Esemption 7L escendet, financial protection FEL TON, J. M Otvision of Avies and Receede 79/05/28 DERETY.H.F. OPU Service Corp. 79/04/02 ip 13 7906220112 Trellet City News 7906120372 Feewards " Annual Financ ie t Rept 1979

  • AD31 DOUR.H L ' GPU Beevice Cetp. 79/05/21 2pp NERSEIN.J G Mottopolitan Edison Co. 79/06/07. 10 7906220072 Forward e neee of centrac ter free whom trattet was tented J Insurance 6 indeontly infoteetten Aete whether NRC intende to pay tental f et location of trailer F A3l AN. 9 F. Mettepetiten Edison Co. 79/05/23 lp 7906290368 Discusses ef f ec t of closelfving TMI-2 incident se estrasedinety nuclear occuttence.which would trigger waivec 7906260492 Responde to cititen Itte espressing views en nucleet 8' 8'#'""' 'P I powet b cleeing of 96W reacters Desce6 bee NRC actions te . "O"8'f f ic e'o'f'*

theA"8'" Esecutive"'I' Leg a l Di r e c t ot 79/03/28 sp. plant seds.pveceivre revisions & addl personnel tedining DENTON.H R Of fice of Nucleat Reactet Reguletten 79/0S/29 24p p . 790629017? 'Mscusses receed of TMI-Feleted action to inoveance for 790329-0401 7906260522 Responde te C6tt een ltre espressing views en nuclear SALTZMAN.J. Antettvet & Indemnity Oteep 79/04/27. lipp. power & cleeing of 96W teacuers Deecettes NRC actions te

   - p tent mode.ptoceduto tovielene & eddl personnel teelning DENTON.H,R          Office of Nuclear Reacter Reguletten              79/05/25    81pp      7905140486 Forwards Amend 8 to Indeently Alfeement B-64 per 10CFR140 stenges,te inctesee in liatility insurance free el40 etilsen to e160 stilien. affective 790501.

enel BALTIMAN.J. Antitrust & Indemnity 9,999 TC WS/01, epp 7906260S29 R e s p ond s t o c i t t a en Itte to JM Hendete espressing views en nuciose powet 6 cleeing of thW teetters Describes NRC actions te pretedyre revietone & eddl personnel training 7905220362 Retvene uneigned Amend 8 to indemnity Agressent 5-64 Nucleat DfMT1N. H M. Office of Nucleet Reectet Regulation 79/05/29 57pp Liability Insurance Peele will not provide edes coverage OERETY.H F OPU Service Coty 79/0S/16 3pp. 7906270006 Responds to citeten ltre to JM Hendrie re nuclear powet & Clee6pg of 86W reactere. Descrites NRC estions to 7906010193 Discusses f ac t i t ty elic ies NF+220 6 MFa73. Secondary Financ tel Binders EB-65 & ER-65 rellebility liette es teeult revising opeteting precedutee. plant Seds b addl petsennel of TMI incident trekntng CnRRIER,W C. DENTDN. H R. American Nucleat ineuters. 79/05/29 2pp Office of Nucleet Reactet Reguletten. 79/05/29 29pp. 790627D009 Responds te sitigen telegrees espressing opinion en 7906150250 Peevides updated inip te wage less cletes & evacuation nucleet power b closing et #6W teattete.Destites NRC estions cletes from 790521 - 06CL Fetwards fate " Final settlement Resume

  • Fee vos in connection w/wege lese evaluetten te revising speteting precedures.plent mods b addl petsennel C ARR IER, W C. Asetigen Nuclear Insutets. 79/06/12 2p p .

training DENTDN. H R Offise of Nuclear Reactet Regunstion 79/0S/25 12pp 7906210204 Forwards Endorsement 34 to MAELU Pollct MF-73 7906270059 Responds te cittaen postcaese espressing opintens en GERETY.H.F. GPU Beevtce Coty 79/06/15. 2pp nucleet powet 6 cleeing of $bw teactete Describes NRC actions to revne tag opeteting precedutos & plant seds DENTON.N.R Of fice of Nuc lear Rees ter Regulet ten 79/09/25 14pp. 7906290126 Addresses *e tnotetement of Peels' listility policy for Mettepetiten Edisen Co Matter still under consideretten w/cetriet to supply cuttent clate esponse figetes 7906290016 Responde te sitteen life espressing views so nesleet powet PRDOM.B C. Amer 8can Nucleet insurers 79/06/22. Ip,

    & TMI incident Results of NRC investigetten will De disseminated to public when completed.

DENTDN.H R. Office of Nucleet Reactet Reguletten 79/0S/25 7Gp p . O Adviesty Cemettles en Reac tet Befogwarde reports 6 settesponsence F906290638 Responde to citisen itts to Presteent Cettet to nutteer 7904270419 Natification that 790404 ACR8 Precedvf es Subcometttee , powet & closing of B&W reaclete. Describes NRC estions to meeting to te held in Washington.DC is postponed { povising opetetine precedures. plant Seds & eddl personnel indefinitely. DENTON. H. R Offste of Nucteet Reecter Regulation 79/OS/2S alpp. CHILE.S.J. Of84ce of the Besteterg of the comesseien. 79/03/20 3p d 7906290029 Annevnces NRC rullag against dveping tagseective weste weset into Susgvenanne Rivet. 7904270429 Notification that ACRS Subcommittee en Consideretten of a Washington Post 79/0S/27 Ip, Class-9 Acc idents meeting scheduled f or 790404 in Wa s h i ng t en. DC postponed $ndefinitely. CHILK.S.J. Off6ce of the B*eteteeg of the Commission. 79/03/28 1p 7906260900 Supports continued spetetten of nucleet plants in epite of TMI-2 incident.Peet reseed et eefe opetetten does not weetant nee 4tive actlens. 7904270432 Notification of 790404 ACRS TMi Subcomen ttee meectne in 1 Washington.DC en discues recent theident l LAl2ARI.A. Affilletten Untnewn. 79/0S/29 2pp. CHILE.S.J. Office of the Secretaeg of the Ceemassion. 79/03/29 l 2p p . 7906290770 Act receipt of 7e0412 let to JM Hendete suppetting nucleet p owet plent eeeration.As toevat of TMI.eestgence planning 790Sl40022 Setette sueeeft of NRC 790329 telefing on TMI incident will take en greatet emphaste. LISARRIN.M.W. AfRS

  • Advisety Ceesittee en Reactet Safeguards.

RY AN. R. 9 Office of State Prestems. 79/05/29. Spp 79/03/29 Sep


'406220434 Requests ev615 cat ten. 4g 790403.e f ent ! FR no t a t e c e ACRS        79041900S9 Forwatde interte rest dtd 790407 re ACRS review of 790409-09 eeeting                                                                   strevostances ce accident et TMI.

VAROA. B. A Light Water peacters Drench 4 79/04/12 2pp FR ALEY. R F. Office of the Esecutive D6tector for Deerations 79/03/29 1p, 790S140026 Seemary of ACRS 790409-14 ette visit ce plant status. --79062204 39 No t i f 6 c e t i on o f 790405-09 seeting w/ ACRS in Washington. DC rec overg piene & core eseosoment Forwar ds 86W 790410 rept en te diocese TMI inc id en t natural circulation cooltag CHILA. E J. Of fic e e# the Secretary of the Cemeteston 79/03/29 PCCRELIES.T 9 ACNS

  • Advisory Committee en Reac ter Gefeguarde 79/04/IS 42pp 19 7906220237 Farwarde list of tocastents of 790328 FR notic e to ACR9 *-7905140028 "Summerg of Naturel Circulotton Alternatives for Long-Tere subcomettlee 790404 meeting en TME Core Coeling at TMI-2
  • 2pp. FARRA6CH.S A Babcest 6 Wtlton Co 79/04/10 33p p
  • 04visten of Operating Reacters 79/03/30

--7906220274 Forwarde *BAR Chap t er S.Reet tee Coolant Sys. 6 Chap ter 6 7906180646 Butette draft trip rept of RF Freleg 790412 vteit to TMi-2 Contingenc y saf etg Featuree W/o encl. Pretteinerg primarg coolant analgens for 790411 semple & WE lB68E.RO. S Of fice of state Programe 79/04/04 le pre t iennerg desc rip t ten of events et TMI enct FRALEY.R F ACR9 - Adviserg Cometttee en Reactor Esfogwerde 79/04/85 36pp 7903140021 Forwards portion of Se11ef onte Subcomen t te meeting t ran sc r ip t questioning whetkee operater could diagnose accident 6 estees core statue 7904270232 Summary of 790404 TMI Subcoesittee eseting in Washington.DC EENDER. M ACRS - Advisory Comesttee en Reacter Bef eguards to togte review of incident FR not6ce.deletted schedule & 79/04/03 13p p . 16et of attendees enc ! E THER I NGTON, H . CAMBON,M W ACRB - Advitorg Commis see en Reetter safeguarde 79/04/17 ISep, 7904170042 Interse rept en recent accident et TM1 Fende operater has difficulty an understand tag & properig controlling c ovr ee of small treek oc c ident P rov 6 des tec hnic al reconsentations 7903110274 "Second Interim Rest on Rec ent lecident at YMI.* draft rest C AR90N. M W ACRS - Advisorg Come6 4 tes en Reac tor Safeguards to se eempleted during 790510 meeting 79/04/07 2pp e ACpg . Advisory Cometttee on Reactor Befeguards 79/04/17 4pp 790316u049 Te lc on w/s Lawre st i ce reactor operators.raeletten Levels & 7904270445 Forwards.for info.ACRB recon *endations to recent secedene media coverage of TML wh ic h were erelig presented on 790417 F R ALE Y. R ACAR - Advisorg Committee en Reacter Befogwerdo FR ALEY. R F ACRS - Adytoorg Comenttee en Reactor Safeguards 79/04/07 4pp 79/04/18 3pp 790S30J178 01scusses ACRB c oncerns to YMi-2 incadent 790S140012 Mates receeeendettons te NRC re TMI Rec ommends oisetnation e ACR8 - Advisorg Comesttee on Reester Safogwarde 79/04/08 20pp of operater testn 6ag NRC Weak in cheelcel espertise SHEwMON.P G ACRS - Advtsary Committee en Reactor Safeguates 79/04/1B 2pp 790613029$ t ests prelle6 nary thoughts on lessons learned from TM1-2 P ALLADINO. N J ACR6 - Ad wiserg Comelltee en Rees ter Befeguards 79/04/09 1p 790$30030L Forwarde tuomary of highlights of special ACNS meeting held on 790416-17 to discuse YMI tacadent. CRDCEER. L P 01vielen of Project Management. 79/04/10 tips 7906130452 Forwares questions & enowers for hearing bactup test to be provided for cheArman W/ACRS concerne te TMI MIRAGLI A, F. J Of f &ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 79/04/09 --7903300398 Statement by vice president of Nuclear Power Generation Div 22pp to ACRS re 96W es tivit 6 es se r esult cf TM1 incident Documentainen enct NACMILLAN.J H Bascoct & W14ces to 79/04/16 30p p 7906250050 Request s poblat ation. tv 790412,of enct FR net ace te ACRS Ad Hoc Subcometttee 790423-24 eeeting FR ALEY, R F ACR8 - Advisory Coset tlee en Reec tor Gefegverde --7905300396 Details topice to be covered et special ACRS meeting on 79/04/09 1p 790416 Topscs include emell treate & trenenents in 96W plante in light of YM1 incident CRDCEER, L P. Olvieton of Project Management 79/04/12 (p ~ *790625006e No t i f i c e t t on o f 790423-24 meeting w/ACRS Ad Hoc Subcommittee in Les Angeles.CA to discuss TM1 accident CHILE. 8 J Of fice of the Secretart of the Come6ss6on 79/04/10 i 90SO40057 Respond e to 790419 Itr.ACRS 790417 retemmendettons are 3,, generic & apply to all PWRs Precedural chantee shavid be made enig after studg of effect en everall safety 7904290020 hattftsellen of 790416-87 meeting w/ ACRB sn Wa sh ing t on. DC to C ARBON. M W ACRS

  • Adviserg Comentlee on Reester Safeguards discuse incident which feevited sn release of primerg 79/04/20 2pp coolant to sentekneent & apparent desege to coes CHILE,6 J of fice et the Secreterg of the comeinston 79/04/10 r906270001 Disc usses ACRB rec ommendations s entained in 790407,18 & 20 5, ,

ites to TMI investigatten HELTEME8.C J 6tandard&est6en Branch 79/04/20 app 79061304St Forwerde hsghttshts of 790405-07 229th ACRS meeting re TMI

  & other facilettee CRDCEER, L. P        Davis son of Pro jec t Menegement      79/04/10    4pp        790S140013 99telte current prellennery chronelegg.pactage of operettonal charts 4 results of interviews w/eperaters 6 othere to TMt incident 7906250071 Requests putancetten,6g 790412,of ench FR not6ce re ACRS                     LIgARFIN.M W        ACR6 - Advisory Comettlee on Reactor Gefeguarde 790416-17 meettag                                                                    79/04/25       49pp FR ALEY. R F      Off6ce of the E#ecutive 04 rector for Operettens 79/04/10.      lp 790$14001S Forwards TE Mor log 79041'3 memo re research progree changes reeviting free TMt occadent

--790629000$ No t a # 1r a t ion o f 790416-87 ACCRS resting i n Wa sh ing t on. DC MCCRELE80. T 0 ACRS - Adi t e ,rg Canet ttes on Reac ter Bef egeerde to discues TM1 incident 79/04/2A 18 CHILE,8 J Ufface of the Secretary of the Cometss ten 79/04/10 Sf p

                                                                                     ~~790314D017 Detells changes in saf ety research program as result of YMI inc6 dent 7905140011 Summary of 790410 hearing by Senate Subcomenttee on Nuclear                     MURLEY.T E        Divisten of Reacter Befety Research         79/04/13 Reguletten re YMI acc6 dent Inveetagation will test e6s                                 b6pp monthe & rest issued after one voor SESaETTE.D E         ACRS - Advisory Comen t tee en Reac ter Befogwards.

79/04/t1 3pp 7e06130262 Confires 790403 telcon re receucce lopect assessment an light of TMI incleent Detalle FY79 tenedtete & followup ef f or t & FYBO f ollowup effort 7906220429 Natificetten of ACRB 790416-17 eeeting th Washing ton. DC MCK I NNEY. R. E ACRB - Advisory Cemettlee on Reacter Safeguards to diosves 1Mt 79/04/26 1p. ECPECE.J ACRS - Advisorg Comen ttee en Reac ter 94f eguards 79/04/11. 2p p . 7906130270 Requeste copy of normel shutdown ptocedures, including going to nature! circulation & chronolegg of events re TMS 7906250127 Forwarde FR notite of ACRS seetinge on 790416-17 & ancident 790423-24 meetings to discuss TMI incident. PECRELCBS.T.0 ACR8 - Advisory Committee en Reactor Safeguards e ACR8 Advisory Come!thee on Reecter Sefeguards 79/04/11 3p p 79/04/26 tp,


                                                                                                              --790.i.063              .vmee.g of 7 ,04i. seeting w/.6. in re n.tvrai to .ee het d   i,f Levei ieg   e, enci,e,stag    in e.,,i,in, e,r,angement
c. vee , e c onnec t ing ci sis . rM r . RO.r.c u.i.
                                                                                                                             . F. t i on tvieten
                                                                                                                                               .in ... r eec, e t,e,e,ec e     t nenag em.n t     7,,04/24       i3,,

, PLE.t.i.e ET. Mto.4.atACR.t - Advisory ces.ittee en Reec tor .a egv.,ds. 79/04/26 13

                                                                                                              --7906 0637 .cor s.e.t-term            vees,.g ectiv. e,actions 7,0.ii eesti,ng
                                                                                                                                                                    ,e          w/
                                                                                                                                                                              .eetinghovee   NS       . ethos...M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,i.nts         ,e 7,06 30                                                             . A.v sorg ..ev, e necover, O,er.2  t. 3 etifi.e that    . rest.e.6,e
                                         .v.          ,n.,v,et.

i e ef.

                                                                                                                     .s R08.r.swit
                                                                                                                             ..F. e, TMi.tvie en i

nciden,t. of ,o,ec t M.n.sement 79,0./i2 .. MCCRELE.e.ns .r. a.t

                                        - Advice., Cee.i t t ee           en Re.c ter .4,.go.Pe s 79/04/24,           ip 7906260103                                                            continuatten of 790430-0501 TMi-2 Ac          Forwards,iicationetentative . schedule for    meetingS.en,790509 7,0ei 22 060,0e inc  For w.,d s p.e    i te.e s.r,ln tri.vtten e.cri             . .ee v.nce of    e, e. ente et TMi ,or ,irst Met,e,eisten                          MA,;oR.

79 05,03 . R 3, ,

                                                                                                                                                  - Advies.,
                                                                                                                                           .c ident ACR               .ie Commit    tee en Reacter       .gv.d..

Edison Co ..ident. rCCRELES.. T. .videon ACR.,-rec ede,e. Ceemittee en Reac to, Advisorg a esve,de 79/04/26 lp. 79062700 4 Forwarde final agenda 8er ACRS 229th meeting on 790510-12. LROCKER.L.P. Division of Pre Jec t Management 79/0S/04 is

  -~7906190608 Forweede preliennarg setvence of events et TMI per first 22-h of inc ident, Sequence reconstruc ted f ree available                                          --7906270144 Final agenda f or ACR8 229th caseting en 790S10+12 data soveces                                                                                              e        Ogvisten of Project Management                        79/05/02    4p p .

LDNG.R L. DPU .ervice Corp 79/04/16 1999 790S140014 invitetten for 790S11 appearance bef oes ACR. te discuse 79041302S9 Forwards two NRC reste re ACRS activittee teleted te TMt W/o enc l. cavees. ies sons & c ertec tive ac tione of TMI accident 6 VORESS. M ( ACR$ = Advisory Cementsee en Reacter Gef eguards whether to shut FRALEY.R F. ACR.down etterCemet 36W tlee reacters. 79/05/07. If

                                   - Advisory                     en Reac     ter Bef oguards 79/04/27.           lp
                                                                                                            -7906190006 Forwarde presentatten glides shown at NRC 790503 triering                                          I re personnet espeevree Reading of i,200 millitee/h repefted                                                I 7905140154 Forwards 790413 meme re TMI core desage asseeement.vedettet                                        600 feet over ette Adjacent taland had 900 entlarees.

790404 rest tened en ea.rly data Mees anse forwarded 4. ACNS mesters attending 79050 seeting en reactee # vel-MULLER. R. ACRS - Ad v i s or y Ceesittee en Reac ter Bef ogwerde 79/0S/07 Lepp. SOEHNER T. P. Ache - Adyteerg Committee en Reac ter Saf eguseds 79/04/27 13 7906100649 Ferwards H Etherington's prelleinerg appraisal of TMI ' incident. 7905140023 Formerde Meteepetiten Edioen 790424 lte w/seorgenst shundewn ETHFR T NOTON. H ACRS

  • Advisory Ceemit tee en Reac ter Saf eguarde precedvees & ptelsonnerg seguenc e of TMI-2 accident evente- 79/0S/07. 9pp, PCCRELEB8.T.0 ACRS - Adviseeg Ceemittee en Reec tor Safeguarde 79/04/28 1p.

7906130266 Buemerg of 229th ACRS aset teg on 790509 re TMI-2

  --7905140029 Sweette seersency precedures 2202-4.1.reacter trapa22021.3                                       MAJOR. R R               ACRS - Adviseeg Cemet tlee on Reac ter Saf eguarde lees of reac tor c oolant/eys pressures 2202-2 1. station 79/05/09.             2pp.

Blackest & preliminerg sequence of evente tept ARNOLD.R C. OPU Service Corp 79/04/24 S Sp p . 7906220096 Forwerde notice of meeting for publicatten in FR tv 790S16 CHILk.8 J Offsce of the Secretary of the Cemetselen. 79/05/10  ; 7906t30219 Fermoede WPPBS presentat ten pec hage. *TMI Intident & Its Impact en SPPSG PreJette

  • Advisory Ceemittet en Reacter Safeggaede --790622010S Not&#tcetten of 790531-0608 meeting w/ACRS in Wash ing ton. DC 79/0S/04 lp.

to discues tepiteettens of TMI . HOYLE, J C ACR8 - Advisory Cosettles on Reacter Saf eguards

  --7906                                                                                                           oa               apr inc 6 dent 6 its is,act en wrP.30220
               . Pro,ects   .PP.S- ,resentation ,.ctoge..YMi CDCKRELL.R 9.            Washington Pv64tc Power Supptg Bgetem                        79/04/,13 7906220322 Liste preposed ateignmente & priorittee re implicattene of TMI incident, e ACRS - Advisorg Ceesittee on Reester Safeguarde                                  79/05/10     23 9 ,

7906130254 Ceepares Cannese teet test 1-131 Walleet in PA te that free TMI-2 Highest tal31 an eith f ree TMI-2 was 42 pacecuties MULLER.R ACR8 - Advisory Ceesittee en Reac ter Saf eguards 79/05/Og 7906220329 8vematises ressmeendettens 6 comments of ACR8 evecomenttee ip te long-tere effects of TMI presented by Ohrent en 79058S e ACRS

  • Advisory Committee en Reacter Safeguarde. 79/05/10 2pp 7906130199 Forwards PJ Pets 6ent 790$0L sees ce TMt. presenting model f or eetteeting fuel aseestly damage LIPINSKl.W C. Argonne Na t ,enal Labetaterg 7e/OS/02 lp 7906270044 Discussee 790514 meeting w/D Major of ACRB to review of B&W eperating plants HELTEMES.C.J. StandardIsation Branch 79/05/14 Sp
 +-7906130205 Sweearises views en seguence of events ce feet element behavier & consequent core cond s tiene to be espected Presente sedet of probatie core desage Teetteeng enc 1                                                 7906220165 Summary of 790S10 meeting w/ Oft of Esecutive Director fee PER91ANI.P J             Aegence National Leberateeg                    79/05/01        4pp               Dyeesttens 6 Director of NRC Progree Ofst to TMI-2 activattee DATES.A.             ACRS - Advleerg Coenittee en Reacter Safegverde                        79/0S/15     1
   -1906:302ii fes t ameng .e,ere senate v.commi ttee en Nvc ie.r Requistion                                         26,r i

en 790430 re PA Pv6 4 8c Util Cemenes ten ac tione f ollowing TM1 i inc8 dent j 000DE.W W ' Pennegivenia. state of. 79/04/30 23pp --7906220174 Indicates that R Pellard w!Ll not attend 229th ACRS seeting. I but will respond to 790427 ite. i FR ALEO R F. ACRS - Advisorg Committee en Reacter Bef eguards  ; 7904190S92 Nighlight of Senate Sutteneittee en Nuclear Reguletten 79/05/15 1p. 790430 third heaetag en TRI-2 Witness niet encl. ALDERMAN. H. ACRS - Advisety Committee en Reac her Saf eggerde. 7906050070 Intetto Rept 3 en TMI-2.subetts recommendations to teacter i 79/05/02 20pp, p'esevee vesset level indicetten.eperatet tratning.LER  ! evolvetten.epeesting procedures & eletete power supply C ARBON. M. W ACR$ - Advisorg Ceselttee en Reacter Saf eguseds 7T06150417 Bummerg af 790501 eeeting w/C-E in Betheede.MD f e ef f ec t op 79/0S/16 6pp TMt trans tonto en C-E plants vugtephs enc 3. GUITTBCHREIDER ACAS - Adyteerg Committes en Reac ter Safeguards. 79/06/02 1Spp 790607013e Interte Rept 2 en TMt.eupplemente essponse to V Ollinety 790410 request ce netvfe t circulat ten procedures, pressut t a er heaters.seturation conditiens & cote esit theemecevoles C ARDON. M, W ACRS - Advisory Comeittee en Reac ter Saf eguards 7906190622 perwarde addl lnfo itsee received defing Ad Het Sv4ceae ttee App. en TMI Incident 790430-0301 seeting. 79/05/16 MAJOR. R K. . ACR$

  • Adviseeg Comen t tee en Reactee Bef oguarde 7T/OS/02 19 7906270078 Formaeds esmeerg of ACRB 229th meeting en 790540-12 re TM1.

THUMAS.C 0 Light water Reec tete 9f anch 1, 79/05/16 2pp

 ~ 7906180627 Svammary eF 790411-12' meeting w/C-E in Sethessa.MD re correc tive ac e tone f or C-E NESS plants es reevlt of TM1                                               -F906270104 Summary of ACRS 229th meeting on 790S10-59 ee testicatione incident                                                                                                      of TMI act& dent 13BS D F,            Divis ten et Pesaect Management. 79/04/12                         See                    e            Lsgan Water Reactees Stanch 1                     79/0S/12     4ep.

1 1 I 1'os POSTINCIDENT DOCUMENTS l P. Oper.4,ng i,s ense s t.g. doc ument e 6 c.Pr.e,en. enc e 1 7906070053 Regveste seements to ACRS 790407.15 6 20 Stes centeinnns recommendeltens en TMI incident. Response requested hg 7904050,93 Describes accident states No injuries reperted Lew levels e0

     - 790S23                                                                                                                      radiatten measured effeite Tertine shutdown apparentig R0es D F,        Division of Project Management.           79/0S/17. 3p p .                                                 88d #9         8 88 'd t             #i      ** #         t n h" LAFLELA. J. D.Offic "e of8"*     In * "t e r na'*t iP'**o ona r     gl r e'ss 79/03/29       3p p .

79060700S$ Reeveste cessente ACR8 790407-18 6 20 itrs containtas 790S.10361 Updates ennevncement re 790328 incident:na lnJuries reported recessendations en TMI incident. Response requested 6g 790S23 6 tuttine shutdown coveed by reduc tion in flew of f eedwater Ross. D. F. Davielen of PreJect Menegement. 79/06/87. 3p p , to steem generators, e Office of inspection 6 Enf orcement. 79/03/29 Ep p . 7906070056 Regveets coseente ce ACRS 790407.18 6 20 Stes centelning 790S190195 Chronelegg of 790329 accident ftpe 4 as to core cooling recommendatione en TMI-2 incident. Response requested by restored at 8 pe 790523 CASE.E.0 Region 4. Philadelphia. Office of the Director ADB8.D F. Dtvillen ## PreJect Menegement, 79/OSti? 3p p . 79/03/28 3p p - 7906070061 Regveste comeents te ACRS 790407,19 6 20 Itre centeining 790S190249 Sveveillences required by Tech Specs being perfereed as of receemendations en TMI-2 incident Reepense regvested by 790329 790523 e Metropoliten Edioen Ce 79/03/28 2p p . R006 0 F. Divisten of Project Management. 79/05/17. 3e p . 7905190249 Sveveillances required by Tech Specs not 6eing perfereed es : 7906130 97 Sweeerg of NRC 7905t7 eeeting to pretteiners chronelegg of 790328 ef TMt event.Chronelegg ene t , e Metrepe16 tan Edison Co. 79/03/?e. 4pp. T AM. P ACR5

  • Adviserg Committee en peac ter saf eguards- 79/05/17, 49pp.

7903210004 Chroneiegg of events until core cooling eestored S TELLD. V Office of Nuclear Reacter Regvietten 79/03/28 2p p. i 7906 90702 hetice of ACRS 790606-07 eeeting in Middletown.PA to discuss technical details of TMI incident Wuytt, J C. ACRS - Advisorg Ceesit tee en Reac ter Bef ogverds 790S210255 Lists seguence of events f or 790328 79/05/17, 3pp. BRUNhER E J. Region 1 Philadelphia, Office of the Director. 79/03/28. 2pp 7906270022 Discusses Michelsen 7909 0 6 11 comments et ACRS seeting to **T9052102S7 Perf orment e date evtput. 8egeent 2 of intere thermecevole I treet snelgets 6 trenetent seguences. readinge for 790319 MELTLMES. C. J 8tandardisetten Branch. 79/05/17. 13pp. KEIMio.R.R Region le Philadelpata. Office of the Director 19/04/0e 3p p . 7905250393 Responde to ACMS tecensendatiene re TMI accident as I"E 0 * "' '*' '** ANDERSON I M We eghe se El-te tric Corp. 79/05/31 2193 'f', ,E,"['"*,I 'l Y ,{ 7 h#'"I'"3p f 7906200024 Forwarde three ACRS repts to TMI-2 190523019 Analyste of natural caravtalian at TMI-2 following esin E DP ECR, J Of fice of Pvtlle Af fears 79/05/21 it. reac ter ce*18at pump trip.

  • Of fice of Nuclear Reac tor Reguistian 79/03/29 4Sep
   ~ 7906200029 Seemary of ACRS 790910-12 eseting re cirs ves tanc es relating to accident et TMI.                                                                                                  79052'0199 Sumoarv of preteevisitee.procevtsene 6 instructions for CARBON.M W        ACRS = Advisory Ceeesttee en Reacher Esfeguarde.                                                      shutdown free het stand 4g to cold shutdown 79/05/l6       4pp.                                                                                                     e Of fice of Nuclear Reac tor Reguistion.                    79/03/28. 7pp-790530048 Press releasee free 10.20 AM 6 11: 20 PM 790328.12 10 AM
  **7906200035 Svanerg of ACRS 7905 0-12 eeeting to review of accident et                                                         790329 6 2. OS PM 790330 to TMt incident.

TM t . s. Comel e s ien 79/03/28 7p p . C ARs0N. M W Office of Pvtlic Affairs 79/05/$6 693 7906060244 Noteg te cheelcel use et TMI-2. Info partiallg withheld'home

  **7906200050 ACMS recommendetion thel NRC consleer establishing                                                                 telephone aveeers tref p0IA Essertion 68
tvantitettve safety goals for everell safety of nuclear e Office of hoclear Reacter Reguistion. 79/03/28 1p.

reacters Constess 6 pvalic shavid comment en plan C ARDON. M. h Of fice of Pv4114 Af f aire 79/05/16. to 7906130483 Telcon tog for 790329-0331 DDRES. R Reglen te Philadelphie. Of fice of the Direc tor 79/03/28 32p p ce ACR8 790407 38 6 790607D042 rec emend. Requests tion, en 1M comm,ent-2 inc ident. Ree,eneeveste re,20 g ontaining

      ;'  r.        Division of Pro,ec t M.negement.          79/0,/22        3, ,

79aAmooo,.ie inf eti a eviaes iist of f h ne n here (re f aDiA c, ,** ' *ii f senn i E . e .oetion266 .iig ..i,thheid teie,heno nueter.

e. enti .edi ACMS 7905 6 - Of f ue f avci e a etier aetvieiie- 79/as'aa ir 7,06i.iD01. R..wes re rec t s cTMi.

ons,ent .g 790S29 incident. , RDE8. D F. Divie nen of Projec t Manageeent 79/05/23 13pp evenseg info. including chronelegg of NRC l 79062:0106 YMI-2i .enevent per s.nnoi .cri. s i te. ,ed i.t ion ieveis 6 .heie .edg t c.unting 790611002S Reques to comment by 790529 en encl addL ACRS 790S16 ' , tecommendettens to TMI-2 incident. RDn8 0 F. Divleien of Pro sec t Management. 79/05/23 13p p ' 790,6210123 7 032e Draft press release re TMI incident threven l' 30 PM en

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bg 790529 en enc t addl ACNS 790$16 l 611002a Retwe 790,eceneendation,e t re s comment TMi-2 incident RDHS. D F. Division of PreJac t Menegement. 79/09/73 13pp 7906210179 TMi-2 este operatione ser shift assigneents l e Office of Nuclear Reacter Reguietten. 79/03/29 - Ip-7906110035 Retweets comment to 790529 en enst addl ACRS 790586 recommendettone to TMt-2 incident. 79062101E3 Piens for etaf fing emergency tease et TMI-2

  ' RDES. D F.         Dorision of PreJoc t Management.          79/05/23        13pp.                                            e Of fice of Nucleet Reacter Reguletten                      79/03/29         to 79061100S2 Retwee ts c omeent 6g 7T0529 en enst eden ACR9 790S16                                                             79)6220330 Partial seguence of events based on info evettabie in field receemendations te TMI-2 insident.                                                                                           s eenunication notes et IE incident e tc.

2D98. D F. Div44&en of Project Manageeent. 79/05/33 4pp. e Metropoliten Edison Co. 79/03/28. 7pp. 7905300526 Diesweete inttlel review of test force to evolvete safetg 7906F70039 Chtenoiseg of TMI-2 incident events.telcon trapeceipts 6

     $eplications f or                                                                                                            someeries Of agency support to state 6 f eder41 agencies ac c ident. Ind ivid A.   .'. tuc lear plant de5ign 6 speration of YMI SC ERER.A E.        e-E Power  SeRS    recommenda,t,ione,23will esotes,. 7 09     .. 2 . t,,o  evaluated                                              prepare,d e Ene g,.t 00,g DOE.
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