ML20148T833 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 11/30/1978 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20148T793 | List: |
References | |
REGGD-05.058, REGGD-5.058, NUDOCS 7812060092 | |
Download: ML20148T833 (9) | |
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OCT 2 1978 l l
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[ MEMDRANDUM FbR: Harold D. Thornburg, Director, DRCI, IE FROM: GIy Ag Arlotto, Director, DES, SD 1
STANDARDS REVIEW REQUESTS I have mytewed your memorandum dated August 23,1978 staung that IE has found a sizeable fraction of standards developed under the aegis of the Amerfcae National Standards Institute (ANSI) tutorial rather than i specific. # u observe that most of the standards in this category are sponsored by the American Nuclear Society (ANS), and you cita two recent examples ANSI N658/ANS-51.7 and ANSI N403/ANS-6.4, suggesting that the NRC not endorse these particuQ staasrds with regulatory guides.
I agree with your observation that a standard lacking specific require-
..g meets'is difficult, if not impossible, to enforce and that, in general, c such standards endorsed by reguTatory guides.- In fact, we 6 continua to amphasfae- this point te. correspondence with ANS as well as
~ with other societies uhe satunft standards lacking sufficient speciffeity. l Furtier#more, I share your observations concerning the two example stan- 1 dards;'neither standard contains a great number of specific require-monts that are faspectable or veriffable, and design adequacy would be i difficult to vertfy without access to more detailed specifications or design docummets. At the same time, we 1e Standards recognize that we
.are a service orgaafzation and serve several customers. For the two staedards you. referenced, one of our customers, NRR, believes the stan-dards have sufficient merit to be endoned. -On this basis, we intend !
to go fomard.
t Concerning your suggestion to better monitor standards work, i agree that we should not spend significant amounts of staff time on standards not meeting NRC needs. To this end, most working groups preparing ANS stan-
- dards include wNRC mesher. In addition to providing technical input,
! the NRC member has the Mspntsibility to assure that a standard under i preparation will be of value to NRC; otherwise the member has a respon-l sibility to withdraw fMm participation.
! CONTACT: M. S. Medeiros, Jr.
l 443-5913 omce > l __f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ I I _ _____=
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NRC Form 318 (2 76) NRCM 02040 f v.s. so V E RNMEN T O FON TIN G C P FIC E: 1976_634 7 g.
i glo&6 con ~~ M
, H ,D. Thornburg 007 - 37^
In sumary, let me assure you that we are comitted to encouraging the development of standards that are specific and e orceable. As evidence of this comitment, Mr. Minogue used your numrandum to emphasize this point in a presentation to the ANSI Nuclear Standards ;
Management Board on September 14, 1978.
- oriz:=1 do ; b 3. ' / Guy A. Arlotto, Director Division of Engineering Standards Office of Standards Development cc: N. C. Moseley R. Vollmer, NRR W. Kreger, DSE l
j bcc: R. B. Minogue R. G. Smith G. A. Ariotto W..M. Morrison -
D..F.-Sullivan _
J.. A.' Nortierg M. R. Fleishman '
M.. S..tiedeiros, Jr. (3)
SD RD RSSB SUBJ RSSB RD RSSB WR Record Note: Memo was revised to emphasize our commitment to development of standards that are specific and enforceable.
! Task No: NA File: ANS-50
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NRC Form 318 (2 76) NHCM 02040 s # U.S. GOV ERNMLN T PRIMTIN G OFFtC Es 1976-684-762
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- N1. Thornburg I, , .
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- 2. Standard N658-lhlits is a design standard which has been prepared by a working group with NRC membership and which has received staff review. On September 14, 1978, an " approve with coments" ballot was issued by the NRC representative on ANS Comittee ANS-52. A copy of the ballot, the forwarding letter and the detailed coments are i attached for your information and use.
In sumary, bot standards delineate design criteria rather than detailed s9ecifications, nd as such, do not easily lend themselves to " cookbook" type use during spection. However, both standards are considered valuable as refer ces for adequate design and therefore I expect both i standards to be e rsedbyRegulatoryGuJd's. e l9ur continued assistance I in reviewing these tandards is appreci ed.
l l
- Guy A. Arlotto, Director i
Division of Engineering Standards Office of Standards Development
Letter from R. .Baer(NRR)to l
- B. G. Schul (S ) forwarding l ballot and ts ANSI.N658
- s.
l cc: N. C. Moseley a -
l R. Yollmer, -
, W. Kruger .
bec: R. B. Minog e R. G. Smit !
G. A. Ar1 to W. M. Mo icon D. F. Su 1iyarL -
M. S. M deiros (3)' e >
[ Task No: NA File: ANS-50 9-25-78Mge>
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