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Response Ltr from Dr. Bergeron Regarding Suggestions to risk-inform the Review Tritium Production License Amentdments Requests
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/2002
From: Sheron B
To: Bergeron K
- No Known Affiliation
Padovan L, NRR/DLPM, 415-1423
Shared Package
ml022460227 List:
Download: ML022410310 (9)

See also: RIS 2001-02


September 6, 2002

Dr. Kenneth D. Bergeron

17 Tierra Monte NE

Albuquerque, NM 87122




Dear Dr. Bergeron:

I am responding to your letters of September 13, 2001, and January 16, 2002, requesting that

we risk-inform our process for reviewing Tennessee Valley Authoritys (TVAs) license

amendment requests to produce tritium at Sequoyah and Watts Bar, and expressing other

safety concerns. We reviewed your written requests and evaluated your concerns expressed

during the November 7, 2001, meeting held at One White Flint North.

As you are aware, RIS-2001-002 Guidance on Risk-Informed Decision Making in License

Amendment Reviews, addresses our process for determining when requests for risk

information are justified as part of our review of a license amendment request. We conducted a

technical assessment of the issues you identified following the guidance in RIS-2001-002. We

were not able to substantiate that there would be a significant increase in risk if the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved TVAs amendment requests. However, we

elevated your concerns to the risk informed licensing panel (RILP) even though our staffs

assessment did not identify any issues that would raise questions about TVAs ability to

maintain adequate protection of public health and safety. The RILP convened on July 11, 2002,

and unanimously agreed that gathering additional risk information to evaluate TVAs

amendment requests was not necessary. However, in our July 29, 2002, letter to TVA, we did

ask TVA to send us some risk-informed background information to confirm our decision. In

your email of August 10, 2002, to Mark Padovan of the NRC, you asked for a copy of TVAs

response to the staffs request for information. TVAs August 9, 2002, response is enclosed.

Your letters noted numerous safety concerns. NRC staff considered each of your concerns

against the guidance of RIS-2001-002, but grouped the concerns into the following broad


  • historical safety performance of Sequoyah and Watts Bar
  • postulated increased risk from internal events, external events, and security concerns

stemming from the dual-purpose civilian and military-related uses of the TVA reactors

  • potential ice condenser plant design vulnerabilities to severe accident conditions, in

particular, under station blackout (SBO) scenarios

  • other issues, such as NRC's legal authority to issue the amendments, Advisory Committee

on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) participation in the amendment reviews, and more time for

public comments

K. Bergeron -2-

The staffs assessment of your concerns is provided below.

Regarding your concerns about TVAs performance, the staff does not use overall plant

performance as a criterion for approving amendment requests. The NRCs reactor oversight

process (ROP) continuously monitors licensee performance to provide assurance that licensees

are operating plants safely and in accordance with the regulations and licensing bases. The

ROP allows for a graded, predictable agency response commensurate with licensee

performance. This can result in agency actions up to and including ordering the plant to shut

down should NRC determine performance to be unacceptable.

The ROP relies on objective performance indicators (PIs) along with risk-informed inspections

using 39 inspection procedures to monitor and evaluate plant performance. As discussed in the

most recent Annual Assessment Letters for Watts Bar and Sequoyah, the results of the PIs and

inspections are in the licensee response band of the ROP Action Matrix. This means that

both plants have acceptable performance that does not require additional oversight beyond the

baseline level of inspection. Plant performance results are available for public view on the

NRCs external website at

You also expressed concern that Watts Bar may not be capable of operating with a tritium

production core. The staff notes that TVA has successfully demonstrated its ability to irradiate

and handle tritium producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs). TVA successfully irradiated

32 lead test assemblies for one cycle as part of TPBAR efficacy testing at Watts Bar.

Therefore, the staff does not have any basis to question TVAs capability to manage such a


You postulated several new accident scenarios in your letter of January 16, 2002. In particular,

you were concerned that a TPBAR ejection was not evaluated. Each TPBAR has a threaded

end plug that is connected to a hold-down plate. The TPBAR is also secured in place via a

crimping device as described in TVAs submittal of August 20, 2001. The TPBARs are inserted

into fuel assemblies, similar to traditional burnable poison rod assemblies, and do not contain

fissile material. Immediately above the fuel assemblies containing TPBARs is the upper core

plate and reactor vessel upper internals package. Therefore, the staff does not agree that a

realistic scenario exists for TPBARs to be ejected, or that there is a significant increase in

initiating event transients.

You also noted that you believed it was not an appropriate neutronic practice to offset, by

soluble boron poisoning, additional reactivity from higher fuel enrichment. Changes to the core

design and core reactivity issues will be fully addressed in the staffs safety evaluation.

However, the staff did not identify in its deterministic design basis review any reactivity issues

that would warrant probabilistic treatment of TVAs amendment requests.

You suggested that a potential TPBAR drop accident during the TPBAR consolidation process

was not adequately addressed. You note that the TPBAR drop accident could occur with the

plant at full power. The rod consolidation process is performed in the spent fuel pool and, as

such, does not increase the likelihood of a reactor trip. From a dose perspective, TVA

addressed dropping a TPBAR and NRC staff evaluated it for (1) fuel movement in the reactor

cavity and (2) spent fuel pool operations. All of the fuel rods in an irradiated fuel assembly, and

K. Bergeron -3-

24 TPBARs, are assumed to rupture, releasing the radionuclides within the fuel-clad gap to the

fuel pool or reactor cavity water. TVAs analyses show the offsite consequences of this event

are well within Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Part 100, dose guidelines. A

complete radiological assessment of potentially dropped TPBARs will be addressed in the

staffs safety evaluations.

Previous performance issues with the ice condenser system were also noted in your

January 16, 2002, letter. For example, you noted problems with lower inlet door binding for

both plants. These issues have been corrected, and the staff is not aware of any recent door

failures due to floor upheaval/door binding within the past few years. The lower inlet doors

continue to be tested in accordance with each plants Technical Specifications and are

monitored under several licensee programs, including the regulatory-required 10 CFR 50.65

maintenance rule program. More important, there is no direct nexus between a change in the

core design and any effect on the reliability or availability of the ice condenser system.

Therefore, overall, given no demonstrated significant increase from the baseline core damage

frequency, and no demonstrated significant change in containment systems performance, the

staff could not substantiate that there would be a significant increase in the baseline severe

accident large early release frequency because of tritium production.

In your letters, and during the November 7, 2001, meeting, you noted concerns that safeguards

measures at Sequoyah and Watts Bar may be inadequate once tritium production begins at

these stations, especially in view of the events of September 11, 2001. The NRC and its

licensees have taken a number of actions following the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001,

to increase security at NRC-licensed facilities, including a heightened security stance pursuant

to safeguards advisories. On February 25, 2002, the NRC issued Orders to all commercial

nuclear power plants to implement interim compensatory measures for the current threat

environment. Some of the requirements made mandatory by the Orders formalize the security

measures that NRC licensees had taken in response to NRCs advisory letters. The specific

actions are sensitive, but generally include requirements as follows:

  • increased patrols
  • augmented security forces and capabilities
  • additional security posts
  • installation of additional physical barriers
  • checks at greater stand-off distances
  • enhanced coordination with law enforcement and military authorities
  • restrictive site access for all personnel
  • additional security measures pertaining to waterways and the owner-controlled land outside

the plants protected areas

K. Bergeron -4-

During our meeting of November 7, 2001, you raised a specific terrorist scenario against

Watts Bar. Further, you alluded to this postulated vulnerability in your letter of January 16,

2002. Although the exact scenario you described is not evaluated in the plants Updated Final

Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR), the effects of the scenario had been analyzed for design

basis considerations and are documented in the UFSAR. Under such a scenario, the specific

plant structures and systems of interest to your concern are protected from such a

phenomenon. The analysis used bounding design-basis assumptions and conditions beyond

the nominal conditions that would be present from the scenario that you postulated. This

phenomenon was also evaluated in the licensees individual plant examination (IPE) of external

events submittal. The staff concludes that the outcome of the scenario you postulated during

our meeting and in your letter is not credible.

On the matter of the NUREG/CR-6427, Assessment of the DCH [Direct Containment Heating]

Issue for Plants with Ice Condenser Containments, the staff is in the process of resolving

Generic Safety Issue (GSI)-189, Susceptibility of Ice Condenser Plants and Mark III

Containments to Early Failure from Hydrogen Combustion During a Severe Accident.

Although NUREG/CR-6427 notes a 0.97 conditional containment failure probability (CCFP) for

Sequoyah under SBO conditions, this CCFP value results from assumptions that were

appropriate for resolving the Direct Containment Heating issue and must be used in the correct

context. The NUREG gives no credit for offsite power recovery, and provides no evaluation of

recovery of one of several simultaneously failed emergency diesel generators. The NUREG

also does not reflect plant improvements since the licensees original IPE submittal that reduces

the frequency of SBO and reduces the likelihood of core damage during SBO conditions such

as the following:

  • improved emergency operating procedures

More realistic treatment of SBO scenarios would probably reduce the core damage frequency,

containment failure frequency, and CCFP. Also, the tritium amendment requests would not

result in an increase in core damage frequency or large early release frequency above the

current values. The CCFP value, as it stands today, is appropriate for its intended purpose of

resolving the direct containment heating issue and use as a screening value for GSI-189

regulatory backfit analysis.

In summary, the staff evaluated your suggestions and concerns against the special

circumstances criteria noted in RIS-2001-002 and against standards defined in NRC Regulatory

Guide 1.174. The staff was not able to substantiate that there would be a significant increase in

risk of internal or external events because of tritium production. The staff concluded this

primarily because a tritium production core in itself does not:

  • increase the likelihood of an initiating event

K. Bergeron -5-

  • affect the functionality, availability, or reliability of equipment and structures necessary to

prevent core damage (Level I PRA) or mitigate core damage effects (Level II PRA)

The staff determined that the only salient issue relevant to Sequoyah and Watts Bar is

GSI-189, which is unaffected by TVAs amendment requests. The Office of Nuclear Regulatory

Research is completing GSI-189 regulatory analysis, and will forward it to Office of Nuclear

Reactor Regulation for final resolution. However, the staff does not believe that approving the

amendment requests depends on resolving GSI-189 for reasons previously noted.

You commented on the NRC's legal authority to issue the amendments in light of 42 USC 7272.

This very issue was analyzed by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in the recent

consolidated tritium license amendment proceedings. In a decision issued on July 2, 2002

(LBP-02-14), the Board concluded that Public Law 106-65, section 3134(a), which provides that

the Secretary of Energy shall produce tritium at Watts Bar or Sequoyah, and its legislative

history "clearly show that Congress intended for the NRC to entertain" TVAs tritium license

amendment applications, notwithstanding 42 USC 7272. Thus, there should be no doubt that

the NRC has the legal authority to issue the amendments.

The ACRS determines what involvement it will have reviewing licensing actions. It received

your letter of October 18, 2001, on the subject of allowing tritium production at Watts Bar. The

ACRS has not asked to participate in the review of TVAs amendment requests, but wanted to

be informed of our response to you. Accordingly, we are forwarding a copy of this letter to the


You also suggested that the NRC should allow more than 30 days for public comment on the

staffs proposed no significant hazards consideration determinations. On January 15, 2002,

Mr. David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists sent us a letter requesting a 60-day

extension of the public comment period. The letter of January 17, 2002, from the Secretary of

the Commission, denied that request. However, the Secretarys letter said that the NRC staff

would consider additional comments as it received them while reviewing other comments.

Likewise, we continued to assess the information in your letters of September 13, 2001, and

January 16, 2002, and are now responding to your concerns.

K. Bergeron -6-

We appreciate your comments and suggestions regarding the amendment requests for tritium

production and we hope that our response addresses your concerns. Please feel free to

contact L. Mark Padovan at (301) 415-1423 or me should you have any questions.



Brian W. Sheron, Associate Director

for Project Licensing and Technical Analysis

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Enclosure: TVA letter to NRC dated 8/9/02

cc: Donald J. Moniak

Community Organizer and SRS Project Coordinator

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

PO Box 3487

Aiken, South Carolina 29802

Ms. Ann P. Harris

341 Swing Loop Road

Rockwood, Tennessee 37854

Dr. Gary Drinkard

340 Drinkard Dr.

Spring City, TN 37381

Ms. Vickie G. Davis

TDEC-DOE Oversight Division

761 Emory Valley Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7072

K. Bergeron -6-

We appreciate your comments and suggestions regarding the amendment requests for tritium

production and we hope that our response addresses your concerns. Please feel free to contact

L. Mark Padovan at (301) 415-1423 or me should you have any questions.



Brian W. Sheron, Associate Director

for Project Licensing and Technical Analysis

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Enclosure: TVA letter to NRC dated 8/9/02

cc: Donald J. Moniak

Community Organizer and SRS Project Coordinator

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

PO Box 3487

Aiken, South Carolina 29802

Ms. Ann P. Harris

341 Swing Loop Road

Rockwood, Tennessee 37854

Dr. Gary Drinkard

340 Drinkard Dr.

Spring City, TN 37381

Ms. Vickie G. Davis

TDEC-DOE Oversight Division

761 Emory Valley Road

Oak Ridge, TN 37830-7072


PUBLIC P. Fredrickson M. Rubin OGC

PDII-2 r/f R. Hernan M. Padovan B. Clayton (Hard Copy)

K. Jabbour J. Zwolinski H. Berkow M. Franovich

B. Sheron D. Harrison S. Rosenberg

Package: ML022460227 Incoming Ltr dated 09/13/01 ML021210210

Enclosure: ML022261052 Incoming Ltr dated 01/16/02 ML020250010

ADAMS Accession Number: ML022410310 *see prior concurrence


Name MPadovan BClayton input dated KJabbour HBerkow

Date 9/03/02 9/03/02 8/19/02 9/03/02 9/03/02


Name SHom JZwolinski BSheron

Date 8/29/02 9/05/02 9/05/02