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Various Checklists for the Kewaunee Initial Examination - November 2005
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2005
From: Palagi B
Shared Package
ML060060458 List:
50-305/05-301 50-305/05-301
Download: ML060340009 (21)



ES-201 Examination Preparation Checklist Form ES-201-1 Facility: KC~3a u M e e Date of Examination: Nod 200s Examinations Developed by: Facility I NRC (circleone)

Target Chief Date' Task Description (Reference) Examiner's Initials

-180 1. Examination administration date confirmed (C.l .a; C.2.a and b) nP

-120 2. NRC examiners and facility contact assigned (C.l .d; C.2.e) I *


-120 3. Facilitv contact briefed on securitv and other reauirements (C.2.c)



-120 4. Corporate notification letter sent (C.2.d) I 04

[-go1 [5. Reference material due (C.1.e; C.3.c; Attachment 2)]

-75 6. Integrated examination outiine(s) due, including Forms ES-201-2, ES-201-3.

ES-301-1, ES-301-2. ES-301-5, ES-D-l's, ES-401-112, ES-401-3, and ES-401-4. as aoDlicable IC.1.e and f: C.3.d)

-70 7. Examination outline(s) reviewed by NRC and feedback provided to facility licensee (C.2.h; C.3.e)

-45 8. Proposed examinations (Including written. walk-through JPMs, and scenarios, as applicable), supporting documentation (including Forms ES-301-3. ES-301-4. ES-301-5. ES-301.6. an0 ES-401-6). and reference materials due (C.l .e, 1. g and h; C.3.d) of



9. Preliminary license applications (NRC Form 398's) due (C.1.l; C 2.9:


10. Final license applications due and Form ES-201-4 prepared (C.1.l; C.2.i; E-l ES-202)

-14 11. Examination approved by NRC supervisor for facility licensee review (C.2.h; C.3.f) I

-14 12. Examinations reviewed with facility licensee (C.1.j; C.2.f and h; C.3.g)

I fir

-7 13. Written examinations and operating tests approved by NRC supervisor (C.2.i; C.3.h) I of

-7 14. Final applications reviewed examination approval and waiver letters sent (C.2.i; Attachment 4; ES-204)

-7 15. Proctoringlwritten exam administration guidelines reviewed with facility licensee (C.3.k)

-7 16. Approved scenarios, job performance measures, and questions distributed to NRC examiners (C.3.i)

Target dates are keyed to the examination date identified in the corporate notification letter.

They are for planning purposes and may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis in coordination with the facility licensee.

Applies only to examinations prepared by the NRG.

ES-201 Examination Security Agreement F o r m ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of

,fl/ ,{dd 05- as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who hav n t been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations andlor an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.

2. Post-Examination w

To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of I I . From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or pr vide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


m m

m 6i ES-201 Examinntion Sacurlty hruement FOm ES-2OM 3a 3. PEe43ainInafbpp L admmtedgs that1 have acquimd spfsidized knowlwige about Ihe NRC licansing examinallms scheduled for lhe waek(s) 5,5/$5&p$fie date d mysipature. I agme that I wlll not knowinglydkrulge any information about these emninatlms b any persons who hnv n !bsen aulhorized by the NRC fhlaf examiner. I unbrstend that 1am not io insimct evaluate. or prnvids perfmarim faedback to those appkanfsscheduled to be administeredthese licenslng examinationsfrom lhis date until m @ e l l o nof examination adminlskatim. arcept a6 spaclhceltj noted below and I aulhorimd byiheNRC(ag..adinga$ashnvlalOrb D o t h o p e r ~ o r w u m m u n ~ r i s a a e p t e b l e i f ~ ~ d ~ notseledthe idu~ld~~ trainlng


pmvidedlreM or indirect feed back). Fullhemre, Iam aware ofthe physical security rnsawres and requirements(as docurnewed in the facility lioemree's prooedum} and undarsfendthal vidatsan of the mdltims of &isagnrernent may res41in canoel&on of the emhations andbr an mntenlor enforcement actlon against me or Re facllltylicensea. I wiR immediaklyrepnt lo fac4llty managernenlor lhe NRC chielexaminer any indlcationsw suggeslfons'hat examination seourlly may have been compromised.

2. Post-Fxamln&bn To the best ofmy knowledge. i nd divulge to pay unmlhorlzed personsany infornratlan concerningfhe NRC licensing enaminations ndministered cJurin&Iha ueek(s) of, ' , l ? f l F m IhedaIe that Ient81~d inlo thk semlty agreement untd the ompletion of examinatIan ahlniElrstion. 1 dib not hrstruq evaluate, or provida petfmance bedbackto those appWciints Who ware adminkbred mesa licensing exanhafmns,emept a5 spe~fficany noted bekw andauthorizedby the NRC.


5. R M- EQW l.+



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-4 ES-201~ Page 26 of 27

Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of I 1/7[051kge date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have no been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) of j/,/;/o .G&IC date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who have n t been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g.. acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensee's procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations andlor an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of ] / - / q - d S . From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant N

W W Es-20l Eumlnatkn Securlty Ag mment Form ES5019 .

w m


a a '- JY&sWwm c1 c1 UI w

I sckncMRdgeihat I have acquired speclelhed knoMedgeabout the NRC kamrlng examhalhns sdwpluled for the Waer(8)M d a s d the f:

dshs d my Signeture. I agree (hat IWIN noI knwingly diwlge any lnbrmtlon about Ihese examinatlmsto any pemm who have n been adhwlzed m m

bylhe NRC chiaferemlner. I undastendthat I am not to instnrd,evaluate, or provide pedomance feecbnadc to those applicants scheduledto be admlnistend thesellcansing examlnatlons from this date unW oomplstlon d examination edfnmi&atlcn,excepa ssap&iIce!Iy nnbd belaw and a

z a

I authorized by the NRC (ea.. acting as a slmulubx bodh oparator or wmrnvlicator Is acceptsble I the individuat does misated Ihe frahfngmntenl or p m a a dlred w indirect feedback). Furthmore, f am aware 01 thephyskd securky msasums and reql+ements (as docxlmentedh the fadm Ilcensee's mcedures) and unders!und that viohtbn ot the condRions of lhir agreementm y res& In CanCsllai3on of enfomanlaetbn agalnst m e a l h e facpltylloensee. I wfll imrnadiabdyrepmttofilRymanagm&

cncemlnatlons an&r an wtheNRCchisf swanher anyhdlcations or ID N

m w

m m

m w

0 suggsstbnsthat examhalion seurr4ty may have been comprnmised. m m

a a

z 2. post-Exanlnatbn 0


J a

To the bed of my h

  • d g e , I did ncd diwlge to any unahthovhedP B I S O ~ my lnfmmutlon canceming the NRC licensingexamhationa edministered dudngthewwk(s)o6J/-/~+5. Frmlhe Welhsl I m t e r e d h t o t h i ~ s m r & y ~ u n t i l tohoem p e t ~ d s m s m ~ ~ n s d m l n l s l r e l i o n . I ~ m t 3 hsbwt. ewhate. or provide performancef e e d b d to thars epplkantswho m r e admhletered these licanslng Sxamlrtatlons, emapt as apclfldly k! mted belonand aulhorlzed bytheNRC.


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rl ES-201,Page 28 of 27 N d

Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the w e e k 0 of Jydi.6 as of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who hav no been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensee's procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered during the week(s) of #-/V-d. From the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


I i'I

' Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant 1 I .

N Examlnath SscurJb Ammemnnl Form ES-201.9 Y


1. P W b r aminet&@

Q 0

2 Iacknwvledge lhat I have acqulred spscisllred knowledge abmd lhe NRC Ilmslng emmbm#onsscheduled for h e wk@)

0 a dele of my signalum. i name that L will not knowhgly dlndge eny lnIormelion aboul LhaSee*aminatiDnfi to m y personswho c

by me NRC chlelexaminer. iunderstand that I am not to Insbud. evaluate, or pmvlde performancefeedbadc to h e eppllcanls scheduled to be admlni&md these floendngexaminationshorn !his date uorii wrnpleUon 01 sxamindon edminlshtion, eKC9pt as specmmlly noled bebwand r

I ~ & h o d zby I NRC (e.g-. aclhg as a simulator boolh operator or comrnunlcabr is acceptable if fhe indivMuel does not set& the tratninu content or

~ ~the provide dlreclor hlboctfeedback). FUftkImOre, 18111aware of the pMf& security measuwsand requhmenta [aSdoCurnenled in the facilrty Ilcensee's pmdures) and undersbmdtha[vlolallmollhe mdltions ot(hl0 sgrwment may result in canmliatton of the examinslions endhr an enlorcement d o n ageinat me or the ladlity licensee. I will Immediately report to Cacillly mansgernent or me NRC chfelexuminer any lndlcetfons or suggestions thal examidon sewrlty may have been compmmised.

Q 0

  • 2. Post-Examlnatlon 0

ne TOthe bsslofmy knowledge, I did not divulge to any unauthorizedpersons any infoonationm n c s r n l ~ Ihe NRC Iwnslng examinations sdminlstered


dudnu the week@)dfl-/+d. From the date that Ienlerect into thissoeourity agreement until h e completion of examhation adm[nklretion. IdM not instruct, ovaluale, orpmulde performancefeedbackto lhose applicanlswhowere admlmskmd hew 1 k s i n gexaminalbns. except a8 specifically notad Mow and aufhobd by the NRC.


m m

0 0


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4 0


5 e p L &51 n? L' /0 I ES-204. Pege 28 of 27


Point Beach Nuclear Plant ES-201 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-261-3

1. Pre-Examination I acknowledge that I have acquired specialized knowledge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week@)of ///7/64/,/&& of the date of my signature. I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any information about these examinations to any persons who ha& i o t been authorized by the NRC chief examiner. I understand that I am not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered these licensing examinations from this date until completion of examination administration, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or indirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of the physical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensees procedures) and understand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will immediately report to facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggestions that examination security may have been compromised.
2. Post-Examination To the best of my knowledge, I diq t divulge to any unauthorized persons any information concerning the NRC licensing examinations administered

-F during the week(s) of 1(-7+54/kl! rom the date that I entered into this security agreement until the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants who were administered these licensing examinations, except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NRC.


rn N

W Point Beach Nuclear Plant w

ES-m Examhatton Securify &reenrent Form ES-2013 3 1. Pra-Exacnlnalloq I acknonrledgs that 1 haveacquired specialized knowledgeabout the NRC lcensirtgexaminatform scheduled for the waek(s) of llhkj Id/&& of th e date ofmy signature. I agree thal I will not knowinglydivulge any information about IheW examinations to any perms who h a d 6ot b a h authwized by the NRCchbf examiner. I undersfnnd Ihat I am not to instrUN evaluate,or provide psrlormance fedback tD lhose applicants scheduled to be adminislered thew licendng examinations b r n thisdate UnUlwmplelionofexamination adrnhlsb-ation. excspt as apeclficeily noted b e b and I aidlmfizedby the NRC (e.g.. adlnp a6 a simulator boothoperalor or mmmmicator is aaeptsble If the IndMduaidoes not sei& &a trainingcontent or provide direcf or indired feedback). Furthermore. Iam awme ofthe physicel semity measures and requiraments(as d o c u m M In ahe fecilny Ilcensea'o procedures) and understand fhtvloIalIon ofthe condbns of this agreement may result in cancellation olfhe eramtnatlonsandlor enftxwmeniadion against me 01the facilily lben6eR I MA immediately repnt to hc?lllymanagement or the NRC chief exanher any Indications 0~

suggestions t M examination security may have been compmmised

2. Post-E-Eraminall~

To the best of my knovAedge. Idiq Idivu[ge to m y unaulhotzett persons any information mWrnhg the W C Limeing examinatbs admmiered during the r~eek(s)of&7&d/b' # mm thedete thal I entared into this s d l y agreement una the completion ofexemirration admhistrtdion, I did not instrud. evaluate. or pmvlde perfomam feedback to those appSicants Whowere administered these (ioenhing examlnatbns. except w specifimJly noted betwand a u t b r b d bytheNRC.


w m

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j &r;*A dOCLJ*

,4 4

ES-201, Page 26 of 27

ES-401 Record of Rejected WAS FormES-401-4 1 Tier I Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected KIA 1/1 055A 2.1.14 Could not find or develop a question that is above 1 level of difficulty. Selected WA 2.1.32 to replace this WA.

ES-401, Page 27 of 33

PWR RO Examination Outline Printed: lI/Ol/2005 Facility: Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant 1

ES 401 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions -Tier 1 /Group 1 Form ES-401-2 G K A Topic 000007 Reactor Trip - Stabilization - EKI .04 - Decrease in reactor power  ; ;1 Po;ts following reactor trip (prompt drop and subsequent decay)

AKI .02 - Change in leak rate with change in pressure 000009 Small Break LOCA / 3 system limits and precautions.

EA2.05 - Significance of charging pump 3.3 I operation AK3.03 - Sequence of events for 3.7 I manually tripping reactor and RCP as a result of an RCP malfunction AKI .01 - Consequences of thermal 2.8 1 shock to RCP seals temperature rates of change Malfunction / 3 I I I X 2.4.31 - Knowledge of annunciators 3.3 1 alarms and indications, and use of the response instructions.

ElAPE # I Name I Safety Function K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 G KATopic Imp. Points W/E12 - Steam Line Rupture Excessive

~ X EK3.4 - RO or SRO function within the 3.5 1 Heat Transfer / 4 control room team as appropriate to the assigned position, in such a way that procedures are adhered to and the limitations in the facilities license and amendments are not violated KIA Category Totals: 3 1 4 3 3 4 Group Point Total: 18 2

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline F o ES-301-1


Facility Kewaunee Power Station Date of Examination. 11/07/05 Examination Level: RO SRO 0 Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Describe activity to be performed see Note Code' RO-036-JP03A.Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate Check -

Conduct of Operations SP-36-082 JPM for determining RCS leak rate using PPCS Computer and response.



RO-033-JP05A. Verify SI Lineup N-SI-33-CL An A JPM to check SI At-Power Lineup ( 5 100 psig RCS). Two errors

- one Initial missing from 1st Operator and one valve mispositioned.

KIA 2.1.29 RO value 3.4

~ ~_____

Record Individual Rod Positions with Control Rod Supervision Program (PPCS) Out of Service - A-CP46 Data Sheet 1.

Record rod positions with one exceeding Tech Spec allowed limits.

WA 2.2.12 RO value 3.0 I

Radiation Control Emergency Plan NIA RO-018-JP03A, Perform Actions Pnor To Discharge for a Containment Purge Discharge Permit - SP-326-116 Attachment D.

Record rad monitor values. perform check source. align rad monitor to vent, and get met data.

KIA 2.3.9 RO value 2.5 NIA NOTE. All items (5 total) are required for SROs. R O applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator. or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank p -3 for ROs;

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank p 4)

(P)revious 2 exams p 4 , randomly selected)

ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Kewaunee Power Station Date of Examination: 11/07/05 Examination Level: RO 0 SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic TYPe Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code' RO-036-JP03A,Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate Check -

Conduct of Owrations S.M SP-36-082 JPM for determining RCS leak rate using PPCS Computer and response.

KIA2.1.19SROvalue3.0 Evaluate Crew Staffing for Shift Compliment with Severe Weather Conduct of Omrations Conditions Technical Specification 6.2.b.

JPM for determining if plant Operations can wntibue based on Tech Spec requirements during severe snowstorm.

WA2.1.5SROvalue 3.4 Record Individual Rod Positions with Control Rod Supervision Equipment Control S.N Program (PPCS) Out of Service - A-CP-46 Data Sheet 1 Record rod positions with one exceeding Tech Spec allowed limits.

KIA 2.2.12 SRO value 3.4 SO-I 19-JPOlA, Review and Authorize a Gas Decay Tank S. N Discharge Permit - SP-320-116 Attachment E.

Radiation Control Total Gas activity is >1.OE-2 *Cllcc but only ONE Aux 01dg Fan will be running (marked). [Requires both fans]

KIA 2.3.6 SRO value 3.1 SO-I 19-JPO3J, Classify Emergency Event - Earthquake R, 0 - EPIP-AD-02.

Emergency Plan Determine event Classification for given conditions.

WA 2.4.41 SRO value 4.1 NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator. or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (- -3 for ROs; * -4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (- -1)

(P)revious 2 exams (- -1; randomly selected)

ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 1

~ ~ ~ i lKewaunee

~ t y , Power Station Date of Examination: 11/14/05 Exam Level. R O U SRO-I SRO-U u Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems" (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U. including 1 ESF)

~~~~ ~ ~

System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function

a. Rod Control / Perform a dropped rod recovery (WA 003A1.02 3.6) D, s 1
b. NISI LOIS of lntemedlale Range Instrumentation with Failure of Reactor Trip (KIA 033AA2.07 4 2) A, L, N, S 7 C. DG / Start and Load the Diesel Generator (WA 064A4.06 3.9) A, D, S 6
d. RHW Operate the RHR System In Split Train Mode (WA E03EA1.3 4.1) D, 4
e. SIlEs~biishRCSMakeupC~n~olwllhaFlreinaDedicstedZ~ne~KIAOB7U\2.164.0 067A2.1.23 4.0) A, D, S 2
f. CVCS I Respond to High Reactor Coolant Activity (KIA 076AA2.02 3.4) N, s 9 9.P m Pressure I Transfer from Manual to Automatic Pressure Control (WA 010A4.01 3.5) D, s 3 h.
i. ATWS / Locally Isolate Dilution Flowpaths (KIA 029A 2.4.35 3.5) D, E, R 1
j. AFW I t o c ~ l l yControl Feed Flow lo Minimize RCS C m l d w n with both SG3 Faulted (KIA E12EA1.1 3 81 IA,N,E 14
k. CR wacipSdomi &clansN-SSW Flml (KIA OBLVU~ 06 4 2 0 8 8 ~ 1(3 4 zi

~ v a ~ u s l b(chsr~bg forcaniroi ~ o a m n D, E 0

  • TvDe Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-l / SRO-U (A)lternatepath 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank ..-19 /. .8 /. 4

/ * .I/ *I (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant *

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown * -1 / * .I/ * *I (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including I(A) * .2 / * .2 / * *I (P)revious 2 exams (WCA (S)imulator

  • I -

a3 / * -3/

  • e2 (randomly selected)

/ * *I / *I ES-301, Page 23 of 27

ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 I Fac,l,ty Kewaunee Power Station Date of Examination 11/07/05 Exam Level R O U SRO-I u SRO-U Operating Test No 1 Control Room Systems" (8 for RO), (7 for SRO-I), (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

System / JPM Title Type Code' Safety Function a.



e. SlIEsBblirhRCSMakeuPCOnVolwilhaFiremaOedicatedZonslKIAO67U\2164.0 067A2.1 23 4.01 A, D, s 2 f.
i. ATWS / Locally Isolate Dilution Flowpaths (KIA 029A 2.4.35 3.5) D, E, R 1
i. AFW I Locally Control Feed Flow to Minimize RCS Cooldown wim both SGI Faulted (WA E12EAl.l 3.8)

I A, N, E

k. CR Evacl P&om Actions N e c e s q lor Contml Rmm Evacvalbn {Chsminp Flw)[KJA CUM1 C6 4 2 0 6 W 1 13 4 2) D, E 8
  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternatepath 4-6/ 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank * -9 /. .8 /. 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant * -1 / * *I /* .I (L)ow-Power / Shutdown * -1 / a .I/ .I (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including l(A) * .2 / .2 / *I (P)revious 2 exams * *3/ * .3 / * *2 (randomly selected)

(RICA * *I / .1 /*.I ES-301, Page 23 of 27

ES-403 Written Examination Grading Form ES-403-1 Quality Checklist

b. Facility Reviewer(')
c. NRC Chief Examiner Y)
d. NRC Supervisor (*)


(*) The facility reviewer's signature is not applicable for examinations graded by the NRC, two independent NRC reviews are required ES-403, Page 5 of 5