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Letter from Daniel Saunders (Njhpo) to Jeffrey J. Pantazes (PSEG) with Comments on the Draft Historic Properties Visual Impact Assessment (Mactec 2009) and Phase I Archaelogical Study (Mactec 2009)
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek, 05200043
Issue date: 03/11/2010
From: Saunders D
State of NJ, Dept of Environmental Protection, State of NJ, Historic Preservation Office
To: Pantazes J
Office of New Reactors, PSEG Power, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
HPO C 2010-88, ND-2012-0061, Log# 09-0740-5
Download: ML12290A147 (4)


HPO C 2010 - 88 Log #09-0740-5

~tal£ of ~ eUt Wersel1 DEP ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NATURAL & illSTORIC RESOURCES, HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFfiCE BOB MARTIN CHRIS CHRISTIE P.O. Box 404, Trenton, NJ 08625-0404 Acting Commissioner Governor TEL: (609) 984-0176 FAX: (609) 984-0578 KIM GUADAGNO www.state.nj.usldeplhpo Lt. Governor March 11,2010 Jeffrey J. Pantazes PSE&G Power LLC Nuclear Development 244 Chestnut Street Salem, New Jersey 08079

Dear Mr. Pantazes:

As Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for New Jersey, in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800: Protection of Historic Properties, as published in the Federal Register on December 12,2000 (65 FR 77725-77739) and amended on July 6, 2004 (69 FR 40544-40555),

I am providing continuing consultation comments for the following proposed undertaking:

Salem County, Lower Alloways Creek Township Submerged Cultural Resources Survey Report Early Site Permit Application Proposed Hope Creek/Salem Nuclear Power Station Expansion Federal Energy Regulatory Commission These consultation comments are in response to the following submitted cultural resource reports received allhe Historic Preservation Office (HPO) on January 11,2010:

Brown, J. Emmett and Patrick H. Garrow July 31, 2009 Report of Phase I Archaeological survey for Selected Portions of Two Proposed Access Roads, PSEG Early Site Permit Applications, Salem, New Jersey. Prepared for PSEG Power, LLC. Prepared by MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Knoxville, TN.

Brown, J. Emmett July 31, 2009 Draft, Historic Properties Visual Impact Assessment PSEG Early site Permit application, Salem New Jersey. Prepared for PSEG Power, LLC.

Prepared by MACTEC Engineering and ConSUlting, Inc., Knoxville, TN.

800.4 Identifying Historic Properties Historic Architecture In the Draft Historic Properties Visual Impact Assessment, the Abbott House at 120 Abbott Fann ~

Road and J...olm Mason House at 63 Money Island Road are within the Area of Potential effects "If New Jersey is all Equal Opportunity Employer I I'rinte~ 011 Recycled Paper alld Recyclable 1

HPO C 2010 - 88 Log #09-0740-5 and therefore an Intensive Level Architectural Survey should be completed. Please refer to the BPO's guidelines for an Intensive Level Architectural Survey, hlip:[!\YWw .state.nj. us! dep/hpo/l identifyl survarcht.htm .

The following properties have been determined to be within the visual area of potential effects and havc already been identified as historic properties:

  • Fort Mott and Finns Point National Cemetery, 454 Ft. Mott Road, is listed on the National and New Jersey Registers of Historic Places.
  • Benjamin Holmes House 410Ft. Elfsborg Road (County Road 624), is listed on the National and New Jersey Registers of Historic Places.
  • Abel and Mary Nicholson 12 Ft. Elfsborg Road (County Road 624), is listed on thc National and New Jersey Registers of Historic Places.
  • Joseph Ware House at 134 Poplar Street, is listed on thc National and New Jersey Registers of Historic Places.

In order to continue consultation under Section 106 of the National IIistoric Preservation Act, please submit fonnal assessment of effects and to Sed:.mitigation, ifl,lplicable, should be sent to the Historic}'>reservattonO l¢e{otrevlew:

In the Brown, J. Emmett and Patrick H. Garrow July 31, 2009 Report of Phase J Archaeological survey for Selected Portions of Two Proposed Access Roads, PSEG Early Site Permit Applications, Salem, New Jersey. Prepared for PSEG Power, LLC. Prepared by MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Knoxville, TN.

1. Money Island Road Access Alternative alignment The project site is adjacent to the 1701 John Mason House (63 Money Island Road) identified in a 2004 survey as potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria C. The above-referenced report recommends consultation to assess any direct or indirect project impacts on the John Mason House and/or associated property (p. 33). The BPO concurs with this assessment. In consequence, the HPO recommends an Intensive Level Architectural Survey!s\j0.archt.htm .
2. Alloway Creek Neck Road Access Alternative The project site is adjacent to the brick pattern 1730 Nathaniel ChalllPless}fouse (277 Alloway Creek Neck R,.ili!d) identified in a 2004 survey as potcntiully!.'!HgibJefor iisdngon tfi~Natiol1al RegIster of Historic Places under Criteria A, B, and C. The above-referenced report recommends consultation to assess any direct or indirect project impacts on the Chambless House and/or associated property,(p. 59). The HPO concurs with this assessment. In consequence, the HPO recommends an Intensive Level Architectural Survey http .


HPO C 2010 - 88 Log #09-0740-5 The individual(s) conducting the work will need to meet the relevant Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications StandardsJor Architectural History.

Archaeology The above referenced report is acceptable as prepared. The report identified archaeological sites 28-SA-179, 28-SA-180, 28-SA-182, 28-SA-183, and 28-SA-186 within the proposed Money Island Road Access Alternative alignment area of potential effects (APE). The five multi-component sites contain Woodland period Native American (except 28-SA-186) and mid-eighteenth- through nineteenth century historic period archaeological deposits. However, the survey of the "Large Field" south of Field A contains a cluster of historic and Native American period artifacts (cluster approximately defined by tests m432-m450-m458-m389 on Figure 11) that appears to meet the New Jersey State Museum's criteria for an archaeological site (p. 30) identified through shovel testing yet was not included as a site or part of the adjacent site 28-SA-183. This cluster should be assessed as a continuation of Site 28-SA-183. The report recommends all five sites are potentially eligible for listing on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places (SRINR). The HPO concurs with this assessment. In consequence, Phase II archaeological survey is necessary within the APE for the Money Island Road access alternative alignment for the above-referenced archaeological sites to evaluate their SRlNR eligibility and provide assessment of project impacts as needed.

The Phase I survey for the Alloway Creek Neck Road Access Alternative APE states no archaeological sites were identified within the project site. The HPO concurs with this assessment. However, the report states a large concentration of historic artifacts and brick rubble was identified beyond the APE to the west in the vicinity of a structure on the 1842 coastal map (p.66). While not recorded within the submitted report, this historic archaeological site needs to be identified in project documents and with the New Jersey State Museum (NJSM) so that this resource can be avoided or addressed by any unforeseen, future project impacts. Please submit a copy of the NJSM site fonn to the HPO when completed.

For the identified archaeological sites 28-SA-179, 28-SA-180, 28-SA-182, 28-SA-183, and 28-SA-186, Phase II survey will provide for evaluation of the SRlNR eligibility of the site(s) and assessment of project impacts. For properties on or eligible for SRfNR inclusion, recommendations must be provided for avoidance of impacts. {fimpacts Call1ot be avoided, analyses must be provided exploring alternatives to minimize andlor mitigate impacts. Means to avoid, minimize andlor mitigate impacts to SRlNR eligible properties will need to be developed and undertaken prior to project implementation.

All phases ohhe archaeological survey and reporting will need to be in keeping with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and GUidelinesfor Archeology and Historic Preservation, and the HPO's Guidelines for Phase I Archaeological Investigations: Identification of Archaeological Resources and Guidelines for Preparing Cultural Resources Management Archaeological Reports Submitted to the Historic Preservation Office. These guidelines can be obtained through the HPO's web page (

Reasoning and documentation for arcas excluded from testing must be included in the technical report. Evaluations to detennine the National Register eligibility of archaeological sites must be in keeping with the National Park Service's 2000 National Register Bulletin, Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Archeological Properties. The individual(s) conducting the work 3

HPO C 2010 - 88 Log #09-0740-5 will need to meet the relevant Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeological survey (48 FR 44738-9).

If potential human burials or human skeletal remains are encOlmtered, all ground disturbing activities in the vicinity shall cease immediately and the Historic Preservation Office should be contacted, as well as any appropriate legal officials. The potential burials shall be left in place unless imminently threatened by hunlan or natural displacement.

Additional Comments Thank you again for providing this opportunity for rcview and comment on the potential for the above-referenced undertaking to affect historic properties. We look forward to receiving the surveys discussed above. In future submissions, please include photographs of the project slte(s) so that we can better understand your project and provide full guidance on the undertaking. Please also submit any public comments that you may have received in regard to this project.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vincent Maresca of my staff at (609) 633-2395 with questions regarding archaeology or Meghan Baratta (609-292-1253) with questions regarding historic architecture, historic districts, or historic landscapes.



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Daniel D. Saunders, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer c: Molly McDonald, AKRF Jim Schulte, Preservation Salem County, Inc., P.O. Box 693, Salem, NJ 08079 4