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Aquatic Resources (AR) RAI AR-7 Espey, Huston and Associates_1977 316(b) Study
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/2017
Entergy Operations
To: Keegan E
Division of License Renewal
Elaine Keegan, NRR/DLR, 415-8517
Shared Package
ML17018A143 List:
Download: ML17037C948 (46)



I Engineering & Environmental Consultants 3010 s. LAMAR

  • AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 (512) 444*3!51 I EH&A JOB NO. 0177 DOCUMENT NO. 7731 I



I Prepared for I Louisiana Power and Light Company 142 Delaronde Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70174 I


I I 6 May 1977 I



Document No. 7731 I TABLE OF CONTENTS I Section List of Figures iii I 1. 0 List of Tables INTRODUCTION iv 1-1 I 2.0 2.1 METHODS AND MATERIALS Equipment 2-1 2-1 I 2.2 3.0 Data Collection RESULTS 2-2 3-1 I 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 Physical Data Biological Data Biomass and Species Composition 3-1 3-1 3-1

-I 3.2.2 4.0 Observations on the Extent of Physical Injury LITERATURE CITED 3-1 4-1 I




I ii I


I Document No. 7731 I LIST OF FIGURES Figure I 1-1 Mississippi River Stage at Carrollton, Louisiana February 1976 through January 1977 1-3 I 2-1 Location of Screen Sample Sites 2-3 I

  • I I





I iii I


Document No. 7731 I LIST OF TABLES I Table 1-1 Selected Data of Plant Operation During Monitoring Efforts at Waterford Power I Station February 1976 through January 1977 1-2 3-1 Water Chemistry by Biomass Sampling Trip I February 1976 through January 1977 at Waterford Power Station 3-3 I 3-2 Selected Local Climatological Data from New Orleans International Airport February 1976 through January 1977 I 3-3 (U. S. Department of Commerce, 1976, 1977)

Species Collected by Sample Date from 3-14 i 3-4 Screens at Waterford Power Station February 1976 through January 1977 Biomass Sample Summary Data at Waterford 3-16 I 3-5 Power Station February 1976 through January 1977 Fish Species Collected February 1976 3-32 I 3-6 through January 1977 Crustacea Collected February 1976 through January 1977 3-33 I 3-35 I



I iv I


Document No. 7731 I


I The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the I impact of the existing intake structures for Units l and 2 of the Waterford Power Station on the biota of the Mississippi River.

Waterford Power Station is located on the west bank of the I Mississippi River in Killona, Louisiana (approximately River Mile I 130 ARP).

The investigation consisted of one year of semimonthly monitoring at the plant's intake structure after Units 1 and 2 I began commercial operation. This report presents the results of the 24 semimonthly diurnal screen impingement surveys beginning

-I in February 1976 and ending in January 1977. Table 1-1 provides the date of each sampling run, the number of circulators opera-tional, the volume of cooling water pumped through the plant from the river during the 24-hour period, and the river stage. River stage is also graphically displayed in Fig. 1-1 for February 1976 I to January 1977.




I 1-1 I


  • I Date No. of Circulators Oeerationall Vol. of Water Pumped over 24 Hours (l,000 gallons)

River Stage at Carrollton, La. 2 Day 1 (feet)

Day 2 2-3 February 1976 4 617 ,760 5.38 5.45 I 16-17 February 1976 4 617,760 5.65 5.36 2-3 March 1976 4 617,760 10.20 10.30

  • I':'j 15-16 March 1976 7-8 April 1976 21-22 April 1976 5-6 May 1976 3

4 4

4 463 ,320 617,760 617,760 11.20 9.29 6.50 11.42 9.42 5.75 617 ,760 5.41 5.79 18-19 May 1976 3 463,320 5.66 5.55

'I 2-3 June 1976 16-17 June 1976 7-8 July 1976 27-28 July 1976 4 4

4 4

617,760 617 ,760 617,760 617,760 4.48 4.68 4.35 3.30 4.20 4.30 4.44 3 .17 10-11 August 1976 4 I

  • 26-27 August 1976 8-9 September 1976 4

4 617,760 617,760 617,760 2.59 1.95 2.13 2.46 1.99 1.85 22-23 September 1976 3 463,320 2.00 1.87 I

I 7-8 October 1976 21-22 October 1976 3

3 463,320 463,320 2.01 2.01 2.05 1.68 I 3-4 November 1976 18-19 November 1976 3

3 463,320 463,320 1.83 2.11 1.90 1.95 I i 9-10 December 1976 21-22 December 1976 5-6 January 1977 4

3 4

617,760 463,320 617,760 1.46 1.86 1.6 1.65 2.26 1.5 I 20-21 January 1977 3 510,939 1.5 1.4 1

Il Oti11io 1976 2 Bechne 1 1977. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (Daily readings at 8:00 a.m., Gage Zero is at MSL, 1974 Ajd.)

I 1-2 I


I I!

I 12

  • 10
  • I l-w

..."' a z

k 1


l-6 I "'>

a:"' 4 I

I 2 I



I Fig.I.I Mississippi River Stage, Carrollton , Louisiana February 1976 Through January i977 I 1-3 I


Document No. 7731 I Z.O METHODS AND MATERIALS I Z.l Equipment I Dissolved oxygen and water temperature were measured with a YSI Model 51A dissolved oxygen, temperature meter. The I range of the meter is -5 to +45 C and 0-15 mg/l oxygen (Oz).

i These temperature measurements are accurate to better than +0.7 C with the dissolved oxygen measurements being accurate to +/-0.Z mg/l Oz when calibrated to +/-5 C of actual sample temperature.

i Conductivity was measured with a YSI Model 33 S-C-T (Salinity-Conductivity-Temperature) meter. The meter range is I 0-50,000 µmhos/cm for conductivity. The maximum error is +/-Z.5%

at 500, 5,000, and 50,000 µmhos/cm plus probe and +/-3.0% at Z50, I Z,500, and Z5,000 µmhos/cm plus probe. The maximum error intro-duced by the probe is +/-Z.0% of the reading for conductivity.

I Measurements of pH were made with a Fischer Accumet lZO pH meter. The relative accuracy of the meter is +0.1 with repeatability of +/-0.05.

I Biological samples were collected in the sluiceway with three baskets; two constructed of 1/4" expanded metal, framed with I angle iron and the third basket of l/Z" hardware cloth framed with angle iron. Weights were measured on an 0 Haus Dial-0-Gram bal-ance, which is sensitive to +/-0.1 gram. Lengths for all organisms I

were measured to the nearest millimeter. The standard length was measured on all fish, the shrimp were measured from the tip of the, rostrum to the tip of the telson, while the carapace width I of the blue crab is reported.




Document No. 7731 I 2.2 Data Collection I Data collection was designed so as not to interrupt the normal plant operations. A 24-hour time unit was designated with I the screens being run, washed, and cleared at the outset of the period. Baskets were then set in a series in the sluiceway (see I Fig. 2-1). The two 1/4" expanded metal baskets were placed closest to the screens with the 1/2" hardware cloth basket last I as a backup. Collections were made when one or more of the screens operated during the 24-hour sampling period. For the I final 30 minutes all screens were run and washed, and simultane-ously stopped at the end of the twenty-fourth hour.

i Physical and chemical data were collected from the Unit 1 West and the Unit 2 East intake pump screen wells at approxi-I mately six-hour intervals. Dissolved oxygen, water temperature and conductivity were measured in situ. Water samples were pulled from the appropriate wells, and pH was measured within I 30 minutes of sample collection.

All organisms collected during each diurnal were iden-I tified to species, except when precluded by physical condition.

Physical injuries were noted (Section 3.2.2).

I' All fish and crustaceans were individually weighed and measured, with the exception of three samples of the bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) and numerous samples of the river shrimp I (Macrobrachium ohione). These samples were sub-sampled such that all measurements were taken on 25 randomly selected indi-I viduals. Total weight is provided for all species.


I 2-2 I

-* -* - -* -* - * -*' -* - - _.. - : l -.a -* - - - - -




I w



Document No. 7731 I 3.0 RESULTS I 3.1 Physical Data I The water chemistry data, including water temperature, I!

dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH, are presented by date and time in Table 3-1 along with the number of circulating water pumps operating for each unit.

I Local climatological data from the New Orleans Inter-national Airport are given in Table 3-2. These data are com-I prised of maximum and minimum temperatures, average dew point, average wind speed and resultant wind direction.

I 3.2 Biological Analysis I 3.2.1 Biomass and Species Composition - Listed in Table 3-3 I are the data collected for each species of fish and crustacean from February 1976 through January 1977. In instances where taxonomic identification to the species level was not possible, I generic names are reported. Table 3-4 presents a summary of total biomass impinged during each 24-hour sampling period, fur-I ther divided by fish and crustaceans. Species lists of all fish and crustaceans collected during the survey year are presented in I Tables 3-5 and 3-6, respectively.

I 3.2.2 Observations on the Extent of Physical Injury - Physical injuries were qualitatively noted in situ as well as during labo-ratory measurements. The catfish (Ictaluridae) displayed hematomas I around the mouth and appendages. This damage appeared to be most common in the body areas adjacent caudal and anal fins. Spines I and soft rays were also impacted. Shredding and abrading of the I

3-1 I


Document No. 7731 I soft rays was common. Spines were sometimes broken. Infrequently I there was loss of appendages and severe abrasions. The scaled fish also exhibited hematomas around the head and appendages.

I Scale loss was common. Loss and shredding of soft rays occurred frequently. The crustaceans and eels were essentially uninjured.

The crabs and shrimp sometimes had lost an appendage; however, I their exoskeleton appeared undamaged with the exception of oc-i cational rostral loss in shrimp. Eels were very active and agressive with no external damage apparent.

i I

i I




I 3- 2 I

I I TABLE 3-1 WATER CHEMISTRY BY BIOMASS SAMPLING TRIP AT WATERFORD POWER STATION I February 1976 - January 1977 Dissolved Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I (CST) Unit Circulators (C) (m9/ l) ( l:!m:1os/cm) ~H I 1700 1 2 2-3 February 1976 5.8 11.1 260 6.4

-I i

2 2 5.8 10. 9 260 6.4 2300 1 2 5.8 11.3 305 6.4 2 2 5.8 11.3 301 6.5 0500 1 2 5.7 11.4 286 6.5 i 1100 2

1 2

2 5.6 5.9 11.6

11. 9 272 270 6.5 6.4 i 1700 2

1 2

2 5.9 5.9 12.3 11.7 271 263 6.4 6.5 I 2 2 6.0 11.7 266 6.4 16-17 February 1976 I 1700 1 2 6.5 13. 6 271 7.4 2 2 6.4 13.7 263 7.4 I'!

2300 1 2 6.5 12.7 271 7.4 6.4 12 .8 271 7.4 I 0500 2

1 2

2 5.6 12.3 276 7.4 I 1100 2

1 2

2 5.6 6.9 12.4 13.2 268 268 7.4 7.4 I 1700 2

1 2

2 6.9 6.6 13.1 12.6 268 270 7.4 7.4 2 2 6.7 12.6 269 7.4

  • I i

I 3-3 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Dissolved

' Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I (CST) Unit Ci rcul a tors (C)

. 2-3 March 1976 (mg/ l) (µmhos/cm) pH I i 0500 1 2

2 2

11.1 11.1 7.8 7.8 271 273 7.8 7.8 I 1100 1 2 11.2 6.9 253 7.8 2 2 11.2 7.1 257 7.8 I~,,1 1700 1 2 11.5 9.0 246 7.8 I

'-:71 2300 2

1 2

2 11.2 11.2 9.1 9.2 252 310 7.8 7.8 2 2 11.2 9.2 298 7.8 I 0500 1 2 11.2 9.1 263 7.8 I 2 2 11.2 15-16 March 1976 9.0 264 7.8 I 2300 1 2

2 2

13 .1 13.1 9.0 8.9 279 281 7.8 7.8 I 0500 1 2

2 2

13.1 13.0 8.4 8.4 271 277 7.8 7.8 I 1100 1 2 13.1 8.4 267 8.0 J 2 2 13.0 8.4 264 8.0 I 1700 1 2 13.0 8.9 267 8.2 I i 2300 2

1 2

1 13.0 12.7 8.9 8.0 276 274 8.2 8.3 2 2 12 .7 8.1 271 8.3 I 7-8 April 1976 I 1700 l 2

2 2

15.7 15.8 9.3 9.1 246 230 7.2 7.2 I 2300 1 2

2 2

15.3 15.3 8.8 9.0 253 252 7.2 7.2 I 3-4 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Dissolved Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I (COST) Unit Circulators (C) 5-6 May 1976 (cont'd)

(mg/!) (µmhos/cm) pH I i 1250 2

1 2 2

20.0 20.5 8.5 8.3 348 342 7.3 7.4 I 18-19 May 1976 I 1600 2

1 2 1

19.4 19.6 8.6 8.0 292 292 7.2 7.2 i

'1l 2200 1 2

2 1

19.2 19.3 7.8 7.4 297 289 7.3 7.3 I 0400 1 2

2 1

19.0 19.0 7.4 6.2 299 288 7.4 7.4 I 1000 1 2

2 1

19.2 19.3 8.0 7.2 297 296 7.2 7.2 I 1600 1 2

2 1

19.7 20.5 8.0 7.8 303 302 7.3 7.3 I 2-3 June 1976 1600 l 2 22.9 9.7 353 7.4 I 2 2 22.8 9.7 350 7.4 1

2200 1 2 22.3 8.4 353 7.4 I 2 2 22.4 8.7 356 7.4 I

I 0400 1 2

2 2

21.8 21.8 8.8 8.8 356 352 7.3 7.3 I 1000 1 2

2 2

22.0 22.1 7.3 7.3 360 355 7.2 7.2 I I 1600 1 2

2 2

22.7 22.6 8.6 8.7 371 368 7.2 7.2 I

I 3-6 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I II Time Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity (CDST) Unit Circu1ators (C) (mg/l) (µmhos/cm) pH I 27-28 July 1976 (cont'd)

I 0400 1 2

2 2

29.9 29.8 6.4 6.6 830 890 8.4 8.4 I 1000 1 2

2 2

30.2 6.3 770 780 8.3 8.3 I' 30.6 6.3 I 1600 1 2 30.3 6.4 620 8.7

"'IJ 2 2 30.5 6.7 620 8.7 I 10-11 August 1976 i,, 2200 1 2

2 2

29.4 29.4 7.0 7.0 420 415 8.5 8.5 I 0400 1 2

2 2

29.1 29.1 6.8 6.8 430 453 8.4 8.3 I 1000 1 2

2 2

29.1 29.3 6.6 6.6 426 430 8.2 8.2 I 1600 1 2

2 2

29.3 29.5 7.2 7.2 425 422 8.3 8.3 I 2200 1 2

2 2

29.1 29.2 7.3 7.2 426 432 8.3 8.2 I i 26-27 August 1976 1000 1 2 29.1 6.9 510

  • I 2 2 28.9 6.8 510
  • I I 1600 1 2

2 2

29.8 29.4 7.5 7.6 520 520 7.6 7.5 I I 2200 1 2

2 2

28.8 29.0 7.0 7.0 450 455 7.6 7.6 I 0400 1 2

2 2

28.9 29.0 7.0 6.8 530 640 7.4 7.4 I

  • Meter Not Operating 3-8 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I j Time Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity I (COST) Unit Circulators (C) (mg/£.)

26-27 August 1976 (cont'd)

(µmhos/cm) pH I 1000 1 2

2 2

28.9 28.9 6.8 6.9 458 456 7.5 7.6 I 8-9 September 1976 I 1600 1 2

2 2

29.6 29.1 6.8 7.0 446 442 7.6 7.6 I

'<'.j 2200 1 2

2 2

28.8 28.8 6.6 6.7 448 446 7.8 7.8 I 0400 1 2

2 2

28.1 28.5 6.6 6.5 448 449 7.7 7.7 I 1000 1 2

2 2

28.8 28.7 6.9 6.7 433 435 7.8 7.8 I 1600 1 2

2 2

29.5 29.0 7.0 7.0 448 449 7.8 7.8 I 2 22-23 September 1976 27.0 7.6 440 7.3 1600 1 I j 2 1 27.1 7.7 428 7.3 j

2200 1 2 26.1 8.0 465 7.3 I 2 1 26.2 8.2 458 7.4 0400 1 2 26.0 7.8 580 7.4 I 2 1 26.1 7.8 580 7.4 I 1000 1 2

2 1

26.8 26.6 7.9 7.8 630 620 7.5 7.5 I 1600 1 2

2 1

27.3 26.9 8.5 8.6 460 465 7.6 7.6 I

'I i 3-9

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Dissolved Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I (CDST) Unit Circulators (C) 7-8 October 1976 (mg/!) (µmhos/cm) pH I 1600 1 2 25.6 7.3 427 7.5 2 1 25.2 7.1 432 7.5 I 2200 l 2

2 1

25.3 25.5 8.2 8.4 423 421 7.6 7.6 Il 0400 1 2 23.9 7.2 432 7.6 2 1 24.0 7.6 430 7.6 I 1000 1 2 23.8 7.3 440 7.4 i 1600 2

1 1

2 24.0 23.9 7.1 7.7 438 442 7.4 7.5 I 2 1 23.9 21-22 October 1976 7.8 444 7.5 I 1600 1 2

2 1

19.8 19.6 8.5 8.4 362 357 7.6 7.6 Il 2200 1 2

2 1

17.8 18.2 8.8 8.6 357 353 7.6 7.5 I 0400 1 2 17.0 8.3 339 7.5 2 1 18 .2 7.9 351 7.4 I 1000 1 2 19.7 8.7 362 7.5 20.2 5.6 370 7.5 I 1600 2

1 1

2 20.9 9.3 375 7.6 I (CST) 2 1 19.6 3-4 November 1976 8.9 368 7.6 I 1700 1 2

2 1

16.0 15.7 373 342 7.4 7.4 I 2300 1 2

2 1

15.5 15.2 322 325 7.4 7.4

  • Meter Not Operating I

3-10 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Dissolved Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I (CST) Unit Circulators (C) (mg/!)

3-4 November 1976 (cont'd)

(µIll hos/ cm) pH I

I 0500 1 2 14.5

  • 308 7.4 2 1 14.7
  • 312 7.4 I 1100 1 2 16.0
  • 342 7.4 2 1 15.4
  • 337 7.4 I 1700 1 2 15.0
  • 332 7.4 i

,"1 2 1 14.8 18-19 November 1976

  • 328 7.4 I 1700 1 2

2 1

11.1 11.2 8.6 8.7 248 245 7.4 7.4 I 2300 1 2

2 1

10.8 11.0 8.3 8.1 241 238 7.7 7.6 I 0500 1 2

2 1

10.3 10.2 10.2 9.1 232 235 8.2 8.2 I 1100 1 2

2 1

11.7 11.5 8.3 7.9 258 250 7.5 7.5 I 1700 l 2 11.0 8.6 264 7.6

'j 2 1 11.1 8.4 258 7.6 I 9-10 December 1976 I 2200 1 2

2 2

8.9 8.9 12 .2 12.2 291 292 7.7 7.7 I 0400 1 2

2 2

9.0 9.0 11.2 11.2 281 281 7.7 7.7 I 1000 1 2

2 2

8.9 8.9 11.9 11.9 292 292 7.7 7.8 I 1600 1 2

2 2

8.8 8.8 11.9 11.9 292 292 7.5 7.5 I

  • Meter Not Operating 3-11

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Dissolved Time Temperature Oxygen Conductivity I {CST) Unit Ci rculators (C) (mg/l) 9-10 December 1976 (cont'd)

(;.;mhos/cm) pH I 2200 1 2

2 2

8.7 8.7 12.4 12.1 284 287 7.5 7.5 I  !

21-22 December 1976 0400 1 2 7.2 11.2 263 8.1 I 2 1 6.6 11.7 262 8.1 I


1000 1 2

2 1

7.2 6.8 11.1 10.2 270 267 8.2 8.1 I 1600 1 2

2 1

6.8 6.7 11.6 11.6 262 260 8.1 8.1 I l 2200 1 2

2 1

6.8 7.1 11.4 11.4 262 265 8.1 8.1 I 0400 1 2

2 1

6.5 6.7 11.0 11.2 262 264 8.1 8.1 I 5-6 January 1977 I I 2200 1 2

2 2

6.1 6.3 12.3 12.3 234 242 7.6 7.6 0400 1 2 5.7 10.7 238 7.6 I 2 2 5.9 10.3 240 7.6 I 1000 1 2

2 2

5.9 6.1 10.1 10.3 244 246 7.5 7.5 I l 1600 1 2

2 2

6.7 6.8 11.4 11.1 241 243 7.6 7.6 I l 2200 1 2

2 2

6.2 6.3 11.0 11.3 236 240 7.6 7.6 I

I 3-12 I

I TABLE 3-1 (cont'd)

I Time Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Conductivity i


I Unit Circulators (C) 20-21 January 1977 (mg/l) (µmhos/cm) pH I 1630 l 2

1 2

2.2 2.8 14.8 14.6 201 202 7.6 7.6 I 2200 1 2 2 1 2.2 2.2 12.9 13.0 201 199 7.4 7.4 I 0400 l 1 2.1 12.4 196 7.3 2 2 2.1 12.4 196 7.3 i 1000 1 2 2.3 12.6 202 7.2 i 1600 2

1 2

2 2.3 2.3 12.4 12.8 201 202 7.3 7.4 i i 2 2 2.3 12.3 201 7.4 I


Ii I

Ii I

Ii I 3-13 I

i I

I TABLE 3-2 SELECTED LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA FROM NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT February 1976 through January 1977 I (U. S. Department of Commerce, 1976, 1977)

I Average Wind Resultant Temperature (F) Average Speed Wind I Date 2 February 1976 Maximum 63 Minimum 30 Dew Point 41 (mph) 7.8 Direction 170 I 3 February 1976 16 February 1976 73 78 41 65 53 65 8.3 12.1 210 170 I 17 February 1975 2 March 1976 78 80 67 54 67 67 14.4 10.4 180 160 I 3 March 1976 15 March 1976 16 March 1976 79 81 70 59 51 49 68 56 53 11.1 10.4 14.7 160 190 330

  • I 7 April 1976 8 April 1976 21 April 1976 79 81 86 53 62 60 59 57 63 4.5 7.9 9.4 190 330 270 i 22 April 1976 84 54 58 4.2 150 I 5 May 1976 6 May 1976 82 87 56 71 61 69 10.1
11. 9 150 170

-I 18 May 1976 77 61 54 11.5 10 19 May 1976 77 55 54 8.8 70 l 2 June 1976 88 68 68 6.8 270 3 June 1975 86 66 69 5.5 360

'l 16 June 1976 85 75 73 8.1 180 I 17 June 1976 7 July 1976 90 85 77 71 74 78 7.5 4.9 180 180 I 8 July 1976 27 July 1976 88 93 70 75 72 75 4.2 6.0 220 230 28 July 1976 74 5.5 220 I 10 August 1976 91 90 73 62 64 3.7 30 i

11 August 1976 90 64 70 5.8 30 I 26 August 1976 92 74 73 6.8 70 72 73 260 I 27 August 1976 90 3.3 3-14 I

I I TABLE 3-2 (cont'd)

Average I Temperature ( F) Average Wind Speed Resultant Wind Date Maximum Minimum Dew Point (mph) Direction I 8 September 1976 91 70 72 4.6 290 I 9 September 1976 22 September 1976 94 84 70 61 71 58 3.9 9.8 340 50 23 September 1976 86 61 69 7.6 80 I 7 October 1976 70 60 59 8.5 10 I

"'A 8 October 1976 21 October 1976 22 October 1976 65 66 74 52 44 39 51 41 45

12. 2 7.1 5.3 330 20 90 I 3 November 1976 4 November 1976 71 68 40 40 46 41 4.8 5.6 320 340 I i 18 November 1976 19 November 1976 63 58 44 53 47 52 5.8 6.6 40 40 I 9 December 1976 10 December 1976 60 61 37 50 39 51 9.9 10.5 100 80 21 December 1976 43 30 15 12.5 360 I 22 December 1976 47 36 29 5.8 70 I 5 January 1977 6 January 1977 20 January 1977 64 73 57 48 46 24 49 49 22 6.3 11.1 9.9 20 80 270 I 21 January 1977 60 25 25 3.2 140 I


I I 3-15 I

~-*-~-'--~-~~*-ci-J-.. -~-*-~- . -

TABLE 3-3 SPECIES COLLECTED BY SAMPLE DATE FROM SCREENS AT WATERFORD POWER STATION February 1976 through January 1977 LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u) x {l-u) ___w 2-3 February 1976 Angui.lCa 11..0.1,bta:ta 1 198 11. 7 11. 7 Alo.1,a dur.y.1,oc.heow 3 167(77-337) 234.0(5.3-688.9) 702.0 Vo11.o-0ma c.epedia>>W11 4 196(63-271) 189.6(4.2-349.8) 758.6 Vo11.o-0oma petenen&e 4 57(46-68) 2.6(1.6-4.5) 10.2 Hybop-0.U. -0;to11.e!Uana 1 82 8.3 8.3 I c.talMM 6Mc.a:t:U-O 13 124(65-420) 128.D(3.2-1229.8) 1664.0 w

I t--'

1c;talMU-0 punctatU-O 4 139(123-163) 39.5(24.4-67.0) 158.0

°' Stizo-0tedio n eanadetl.6 e 1 243 193.8 193.8 Aplo nu g11.Unnien& 1 62 4.0 4.0 MaeMbMefUum ofUone 69 49(29-88) 1.2(0.1-6.8) 82.3 16-17 February 1976 Alo-Oa eh!ty-0oeheo11.U. 3 208(73-283) 152.0(4.5-415.9) 456.1 Vo11.o-0oma eepedlanu.m 16 166(55-273) 134.6(3.6-378.7) 2153.6 Hybo-0.U. -0to11.e!Uana 5 74(66-84) 7.8(4.8-11.1) 39.0 Not/1.op,U, e.m..i.l.iae 1 44 1.9 1.9 I c.talMU-0 6Mea.:t:U-0 27 86(40-190) 11.4(1.3-96.2) 306.8 I c.talMM punctatU-0 15 101 (47-235) 29.3(1.8-169) 439.6 -Oax~ 2 223(122-324) 347.4(28.0-666.9) 694.9

- -" - -' -~ -~ -'"' ~' -" - -""-"_, ____ -


TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (rmn) (g) WEIGHT DATE &SPECIES NUMBER xll-u) xll-u) (g) 16-17 February 1976 (cont'd)

Stizoo6tecUon eanadeMe 1 236 178.0 178.0 Aplodhwtuo6 g1tunn1eM 4 138(50-222) 107 .4(3.6-255. 7} 429.6 MaCAob1tacJuum ohione 59 51(30-90) 2.4(0.5-7.7) 121.4 P1toeamba!tU}.i sp. 1 80 15.1 15.1 2-3 March 1976 Alo6a ch!ty-0ocftlow 3 265(233-324) 357.0(239.8-554.9) 1071.1 VoJtoo6oma cepedianum 14 227 (89-317) 300.0(8.8-670.9) 4200.0 w

,._.I Vo1too6oma peteneMe 1 57 3.3 3.3

-..; 73 Hybo p-01-0 -OtoJie!tiana 1 5.6 5.6 Ca1tp1odu ea1tp1o 1 325 1270.1 1270.1 1ctalufttt}.i 6uJtea;ttt}.i 127 89(39-384) 24.4(1.3-1758.6) 3096.4 I ctalu/rU-O puncta;ttt}.i 17 80(36-204) 18.3(0.8-145.9) 311.0 Pylodicti-0 oUva!ti-0 1 118 21.5 21.5 Aplod1Yio;ttt}.i gJtUnnieM 20 142(56-275) 123.8(4.1-535.5) 2476.4 Mac!t0b1tach,lum ohione 107 55(31-89) 3.1(0.5-8.8) 289.4 15-16 March 1976 Alo-0a ch1tyo6ochlow 6 279(238-326) 411.4(221.8-681.5) 2468.6 VoJtoo6oma cepedianum 15 228(77-319) 259.2(5.4-589.0) 3888.6 Hybop,61-0 o6to1te!tiana 1 72 6.3 6.3

___M ____ "*-~-~~.~-c.J----M- -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(t-u) x(l-u) {g) 15-16 March 1976 (cont'd)

Cyp!UnU6 C111ip,io 1 638 5193.D 5193.0 Ict-i.obU6¢ 1 319 1092. 5 1092. 5 1eta.lWLU6 6Meatu.6 105 99(43-403) 39. 9(2.1-1187 .8) 4195.6 I eta.lUILU6 punc; 10 118.1(48-292) 68.4(2.1-479.6) 683.9 MoMne ¢a~ 1 262 305.2 305.2 Aplodinotu!.i g1iunnieri1> 13 223(189-276) 266.2(124.2-478.4) 3460.1 Mavwb1iaduum ohwne 5 48(33-78) 1.6(0.2-6.5) 8.0 7-8 April 1976 w

I I-' Alo¢a eh1iy¢oehlo~ 1 234 172.8 172.8 CXl VoM6oma eepedianum 2 308(286-331) 542.6(442.4-642.8) 1085.2 Vo1to¢oma peteneri1>e 8 122(64-148) 42.9(4.7-64.9) 343. 3 Hybop6-l6 ¢to1ie!Uana 1 77 7.9 7.9 CMµiode.6 eMp.lo 1 275 709.5 709.5 IwobU6 buba.lU6 1 387 1682.8 1682.8 I eta.lMU6 6UJieatU6 342 85(47-323) 8.4(1.0-652.3) 2869.5 1eta.lllliU6 melM 1 102 26.2 26.2 1eta.lUILU6 nata.l-l6 1 140 43.7 43.7 1eta.lUJia6 punetatU6 42 73(39-224) 15.7(0.8-172.4) 660.1 MoMne ¢axatlU.6 2 347(294-400) 960.2(524.8-1395.5) 1920.3 Lepom-l6 MJrnmetlUeU6 2 48(45-52) 3.0(2.0-4.0) 6.0

~---**-~-*-*~ -c]-**'-*-*--~- -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)


7-8 April 1976 (cont'd)

Aptod.lnotw.. gltllnnlen& 15 167(51-241) 135.2(2.4-327.5) 2027.6 Mac!to bMcfUum ofU.O ne 101 52(35-81) 1.2(0.1-4.9) 166.3 21-22 April 1976 Atof.Ja ch!tyf.Jocitf.ow 2 85(73-97) 22.4(5.7-39.2) 44.9 Vo!tOf.Joma ceped.lanum 2 222(213-231) 194.6(180.4-208.7) 389. l Vo1tof.Joma pe.,tenen&e 18 88(63-197) 18.6(3.7-130.0) 335.0 Vo!tO-Ooma sp. 2 74(72-75) 5.2(4.2-6.2) 10.4


Anchoa mLtchilli 1 50 1.4 1.4 I

I-' NotJr.opU, f.Jhuma!td.l 9 49(43-58) 2.3(1.0-3.5) 21.1

'° NotJr.opU, texanuf.J 1 61 2.8 2.8 No,tJtopU, sp. 3 49(46-53) 1.7(1.2-2.7) 5.2 Phnephalef.J vig-ltax 1 66 4.4 4.4 IctiobUf.J bubalM 1 369 1522.0 1522.0 I ctalU!tUf, 6uJtcatU6 300 86(38-465) 12.7(1.0-1635.4) 3812.8 I ctaluJtU-O punctatU-O 69 59(35-140) 5.3(0.4-40.1) 369.8 Pytod.lct,,U, ouvMif.J 3 107 (76-236) 20.4(6.1-46.8) 61. l Mo!tO ne mif.Jf.Jif.J-Oippien&if.J 1 198 196 .1 196 .1 Mo1tone f.Jax~ 1 322 528.5 528.5 Lepomif.J hu~ 1 73 13.6 13.6 Aptod.lnotU-O g1tunnlen& 27 151(60-236) 117.9(3.7-406.3) 3183.2

**---~--*-~*-.L:J_J ______ -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE &SPECIES NUMBER i{l-u) x {l-u) (g) 21-22 April 1976 (cont'd)

Mac.JwbM.eruwn oh.lone 2102 50(30-79) 1.3(0.1-6.0) 3144.3 5-6 May 1976 Alo~a ehJty~oehlo~ 1 135 44.2 44.2 Vo!W~om eepeclianum 3 197(100-248) 146.8(15.2-221.3) 440.5 Vo1to4oma pe.t:enel14e 9 72(58-115) 6.3(2.7-15.3) 57.1 Vo1to4oma .sp. 1 72 5.2 5.2 Anelwa 1n.UefUU,£ 1 50 1.5 1.5 w

I Salmo ga,£JtdneJt,£ 1 248 207.2 207.2 0 No .tlto p,U., 4 hwna1tcli. 3 48(44-55) 2.0(1.5-2.6) 6.1 1e:ti.obM bubalM 1 405 1833. 5 1833.5 1ctatUILU4 fiU!tea:tiu. 131 84(44-274) 10.6(1. 7-258. 9) 1386.1 I cta1.UILU4 punctatM 45 86(39-477) 69.8(0.9-1653.5) 3140.9 Lepom,U., mae!LoefWiM 2 66(60-71) 5.6(4.0-7.2) 11.2 Aptocli.notM gfLUnMen4 9 184(52-231) 155.6(2.5-229.3) 1400.0 TJt,£nectu maeutatM 2 34(32-36) 1.4(1.1-1.8) 2.9 MaC!LobM.clUwn ofUone 848 48(31-94) 1.9(0.1-8.4) 1344.5 18-19 May 1976 SeapfU!LhynehU4 albM 1 420 211.8 211.8 Vo!L04oma eepecli.anwn 6 108 (93-117) 22.8(11.2-26.8) 136.8

---~----*-** -µi -c. .J - * -* -** - - -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd}

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm} _(g} WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u) x (l-u) (g) 18-19 May 1976 (cont'd)

VoJio4oma petenen&e 3 90(72-102) 14.2(6.5-19.8} 42.5 NotJwpLI &humaJidi. 1 47 2.3 2.3 Notltop,b., volueel'!l!4 4 48( 43-56} 2.5(1.4-4.2) 9.9 Ie:ta,ewuu. nMeat!t6 250 93( 43-177} 9.3(1.3-72.6} 2333.5 I etal'.MU4 nataLi.& 1 130 51.5 51.5 I etal'.Ml!& puneta:tu& 90 64(36-127) 3.9(0.4-28.6) 350.1 Mo4o ne ml66l6&,i,pp,i.et11>l6 2 85(82-88) 12.0(10.1-14.0) 24.1 w MoJione 4axaW.M 1 85 11.0 11.0 I

Lepomi.6 gulo4M 2 47(46-47) 3.6(3.3-3.8} 7.1


LepomU. maCJtoc.h,LJit14 2 78(36-120) 38.8(1.8-75.9) 77.7 LepomU. punetatit6 2 41(40-42) 2.2(1.9-2.5) 4.4 Lepomi.6 &ymmetJt, 3 54(53-57) 5.3(5.0-5.8) 16.0 Atic.M pte'1ll4 pimetulai:U4 1 38 1.2 1.2 Apf.odlnotM 9 97(63-195) 33.4(5.6-182.4) 301.2 Tuneete.& mac.uR.atM 1 34 1.8 1.8 MaCJtobJiaehlum oh-ione 783 54(29-84) 2.2(0.2-8.5) 1843.2 2-3 June 1976 Anguil.ta Ml> .t.Jiata 2 262(235-289) 22.0(16.8-27.2) 44.0 VoJio&oma eepedlanwn 8 59(33-103) 6.6(1.1-15.4) 52.7 AA<<

Vo4o&oma peter'fe 36 44(31-105) 2.8(0.4-27.4) 101.1 Notltop,U., emil,lae 4 50(48-53) 2.2(1.4-3.0} 8.8

--~--------~-~-~_.,*-'1i-~------ -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)


( llITT1) _{g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(t-u) x(t-u) (g) 2-3 June 1976 (cont'd)

No:tJwp,{J., i>humaJull 3 49(47-51) 1.9(1.3-2.3) 5.7 No:tJwp,{J., votueeUuo 15 48(41-55) 2.0(1.1-2.8) 29.3 I c;t:ai.wuu fiWLeatu.6 114 90(47-227) 14.1(1.5-193.3) 1607. 0 Ic;t:atwuu. punc.tatw. 5 100(52-205) 41.8(2.4-193.5) 208.8 Pytodie,,t.u, olival!M, 1 90 10.1 10.1 Aptodino{!M g.1LU1111i.e111> 11 163(80-290) 128.0(11.5-270.8) 1408.5 w maeutatw. 1 46 4.6 4.6 I

MacJtobJU:teiUum o!Uone 485 51(30-85) 2.2(0.1-9.9) 1382.1 16-17 June 1976 Potyodon l>pa,thufu 2 83(79-87) 2.4(2.0-2.7) 4.7 Atoi>a eh!tyi>oehtoJU.1> 1 210 244.9 244.9 Vo4o1>oma eepei:Uanum 14 72(31-227) 37 .1(0.4-201.2} 519.7 Vo40-0oma pe:l:e11e111>e 78 56(30-150) 2.8(0.3-63.8) 215.1 No:tJwp,{J., a:the.!Uno~du 1 51 1.7 1.7 NotJwp.V., -0hum114di 2 50( 48-52) 1.7(1.6-1.8) 3.4 I c;t:atwuu. fiU4eatu.6 106 70(33-360) 21.4( 0 .8-808. 7) 2268.2 I c;t:alU4u-O punc.ta:tu-0 9 145(56-440) 219.7(2.1-1369.1) 1977.8 Mo4one 4axa:tllU. 2 401(352-450) 1406.9(820.7-1993.1) 2813.8 Aptodino~ g4unvli.en4 184 39(24-230) 6.1(0.2-260.3) 1130. 0

- - - - -* - - - -d -*** -* - - - - - -

.... ... .*. ** -~* ... .... ....* -". .c.: .J .... *.* .... ..... ... ..

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)


( llB1l) - ( g) WEIGHT DATE &SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u) x(l-u) (g) 16-17 June 1976 (cont'd)

Atieho4aJtgW.. 1 290 771.2 771.2 MacJwbJta.ehlum ohlane 540 51(31-91) 2.6(0.1-12.4) 1325.5 7-8 July 1976 Palyodan 4pathu.ta 2 105( 100-110} 3.5(3.0-3.9) 6.9 Aeo4a eh!ty4oehlow 1 187 96.3 96.3 V0Jto4oma eepecUanwn 22 170(37-270) 168.9(0.7-408.4) 3716 .1

\;J VoJta4oma petenel14e 233 44(27-87) 1.6(0.2-13.3) 377 .3 I


\;J Notem.<-gonw.. eJiy4oleueM 1 97 14. 5 14.5 NatJwp.U.. athe)L.{,no.£de4 3 59(47-75) 2.5(1.5-4.5) 7.6 NotJtop.U.. 4hwnaJtd.£ 4 50(46-57) l.8(1.1-2.1) 7.0 NotJtopa sp. 2 42(42-42) 1.1(1.0-1.1) 2.1 Phenaeob~ m.{,Jtab~ 1 48 1.5 1.5 Cyprinidae 4 63(31-96) 5.8(1.1-15.1) 23.2 I etal'.uJLW.. 6Wieatw.. 70 97(32-390) 32.4(0~7-1217.5) 2264.7 1etal'.uJtw.. nata.U4 1 240 355.3 355.3 I etai'.Mw.. punetatw.. 14 68-(35-98) 5.4(0.6-12.7) 75.0 MoMne m.U..4.U..4ipp.£en4.U.. 1 30 0.5 0.5 Mokane 4ax~ 2 178(35-320) 301.6(0 .8-602. 5) 603.3 Lepom.U.. ~ 1 46 2.7 2.7 Aplod.£notw.. gJtunn.{,en4 177 42(23-290) 15.4(0.1-672.1) 2726.1

-~ ----- -~ -~ - -~ ~ -'"' - - - - - -


TABLE 3-3 {cont'd)


_( llllTI) _{g) WEIGHT DATE &SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u] x(l-u) (g) 7-8 July 1976{cont'd)

MaCJtob1taehiwn o!Uone 1223 57(28-85) 2.6(0.2-8.7) 2933.2 27-28 July 1976 Seap!Utthynehu;., albuo 1 283 66.4 66.4 ll.O.t.btata 1 575 399. 7 399.7 Voll.o.t.oma eepecli.anum 2 112(47-60) 39.9(3.5-76.2) 79. 7 Voiw.t. oma pe:tenen.t. e 5 41(37-45) 2.8(1.1-4.6) 13.9 VJ Cyll.pinU6 ea!Lpio 32 32(27-42) 0.7(0.1-2.6) 22.8 I

N Hybop.t.i-6 .t.toll.ell.iana 2 54(47-60) 2.6(1.2-3.9) 5.1


No:tJw pi-6 -6 huma.Ju:U 1 55 2.2 2.2 I cta.twuv.. 6Ull.eattv.. 44 53(34-170) 5.3(0.2-91. 7) 234.9 I cta.eU!LU-6 punetat1L6 17 46(27-192) 6.9(0.2-106.2) 116.7 Pylocli.eti-6 olivall.i-6 1 50 2.3 2.3 Moll.One 1 297 432.7 432.7 Aplo .tLv.. gll.unnien.t. 55 57(28-233) 26.9(0.4-352.5) 1481. 7 CalUneetu .t.apiduo 1 150 198.1 198.1 MaeMb1taehlum ohio ne 438 46(30-80) 1. 5(0. 2-6 .1) 686.1 10-11 August 1976 Ef.op.t. .t.aU!LU-6 1 155 32.4 32.4 Voll.0-t.oma pe:tenen.t.e 16 58(37-100) 4.5(0.9-18.6) 71.9

- - - - - - - - - -__; -d - - - --* - --~ ~

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x l.l-u) xl.l-u) (g) 10-11 August 1976 (cont'd)

Anc.lwa mUc.hULi 6 47(42-50) 1.3(0.9-1.7) 7.7 1c..ta..luluu. 6Wtc.atu;., 89 54(32-420) 15.9(0.4-1292.3) 1410.8 I c..t, punctatw. 14 37(33-42) 0.8(0.6-1.1) 11. l Pylod.ic.,t.U, oUvcvU.& 1 68 4 .1 4.1 Apfoclino.tM gJtumuenJ> 42 51-(27-286) 28.1(0.4-578.9) 1179.0 Pa.1talLc.hthyli .letholi.tlgma 1 340 768.7 768.7 T!Unectu mac.ufatw. 1 58 7.2 7.2 w Ca.l.'Unectu liap..idw. 1 158 230.1 230 .1 I

N> 239 56(33-87) 1.2(0.4-9.0) 297.0 IJl Mac.1tob1tac.hum1 oh.lone 26-27 August 1976 B1tevooll:Ua. patltonw. 1 105 24.7 24.7 VoJtoli oma pe.tenenJ> e 7 42(34-67) 1.9(0.3-6.0) 13.2 Anc.hoa 7 48(40-56) 1. 4(0. 4-2. 7) 10.0 1c..tafultllli 6tJJtc.atw. 317 45(30-118) 1.2(0.2-18.9) 378.8 1c.talivuu 12 45(28-83) 2.2(0.5-10.7) 26.7 Po.lyclic..U& l 90 1.1 1.1 Apf.oclino:tu& g1tw1.UeM 106 58(25-265) 25.6(0.4-429.5) 2711. 2 Pa! le:tho&.tlgma 2 272(205-338) 382.3(139.6-625.0) 764.6 Cat'.Unec..tu liap,i,dw. 6 172( 155-197) 293.6(205.5-466.8) 1761. 5 Mac.1tob.1tac.hwm oh.lone 355 40(23-82) 0.7(0.2-6.9) 260.3

- -* - -* -** -*' -* - -.J -;.: -* - -* - -

-~ ~* ~ --~

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE &SPECIES NUMBER x(.t-u) x (.t-u) (g) 8-9 September 1976 Lep-U.o.1ite!Lb>tom!Lb 1 376 226.4 226.4 Vo1W.6oma pet:eneiue 35 55(42-68) 3.0(1.1-6.1) 105.2 Anehoa mUeWU 22 54(42-59) 2.2(1.2-3.2) 48.7 1etalwuu. 6Wteat:u.6 353 76(26-98) 1.6(0.2-11.1) 558.5 1etalWt!Lb punc.ta.tu6 26 41(31-53) 1.1(0.4-2.4) 28.l Py.tocLLctu.. o.Uva!Wi 1 53 4.3 4.3 Ap.tocLLnot!Lb g4unn.ien.1i 109 67(29-282) 35.3(0.3-500.3) 3843.8 w PaMUckthy.1> .tetho.1>.tigma 3 229(182-263) 219.5(109.2-291.2) 658.5 I

N Ca.l'.Uneetu .1iapid!Lb 7 153 ( 106-195) 211.6(66.9-370.8) 1481.4

"' MaMob4aehlum ofwme 512 38(27-68) 0.6(0.4-4.1) 329.8 22-23 September 1976 Btievoo!L:ti.a pat!Wn!Lb 2 110( 106-114) 32.9(30-35.9) 65.9 Vo1W.1>oma eepecLLanum 1 233 293.0 293.0 Anefwa mUeh,Uti, 11 50(42-114) 2.4(1.3-3.8) 26.6 1e,ta£.U!UL6 6Wteat!Lb 204 60(33-173) 4.1(0.2-120.8) 831.6 1etalwuu. punc.ta,t!Lb 25 42(29-56) 1.4(0.4-2.8) 34.9 Ap.toclLnot!Lb g4Unn.ien.1i 52 88(35-277) 51.9(0.4-298.1) 2701.3 T!Unectu maeu.l'.a-t!Lb 1 33 2.8 2.8 Ca.l'.Unectu .1>!Lb 5 169(145-186) 330.6(185.4-399.7) 1653 .1

-c - - - - - -'"" - - -c- -"" _,, -,, -* - -- - - ~

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)


( ITl11) (g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(t-u) x(l-u) (g}

7-8 October 1976 Btr.e.voo!Ltia paVwrw.6 3 114(108-118) 35.4(29.9-40.0) 106.2 Vo~ohoma 1 260 244.9 244.9 VoM.1>oma>e. 2 61(38-83) 6.3(1.1-11.4) 12.5 Anehoa mU:ehUU 19 53(40-62) 1.5(0.4-1.7) 27.7 Nobwp{/., at:he!Uno.ldu 1 35 0.7 0.7 1etalll!l.U6 6Mc.a:tu6 89 70(42-270) 7 .9(1.1-238.7) 708.9 I c.:t{:ttll!l.U6 puneta:tU-6 5 37(30-45) o. 9(0. 5-1. 5) 4.5 w Potydle:ti.-0 oUvll!Li,& 1 119 21.3 21.3 I


--.J Aplocllno.:tu.6 gJutnrU:e.n-1> 22 76(28-288) 48. 7(0.1-448. 7) 1071.2 TM.nee.tu maeula.tu.6 5 25(24-34) 0.6(0.1-1.4) 3.0 CalUne.etu .1>ap.ldM 2 204(189-218) 370.4(330.8-410.0) 740.8 Ma~obMcJuum 1112 41(19-68) 0.8(0.1-1.1) 911. l 21-22 October 1976 Alo.6a eMy.1>oehlow 1 145 31.1 31. l B4e.voo!Ltia pa;t:JionM 22 118(108-138) 43.4(32.2-59.7) 955.6 Vono.1>oma 3 174(70-212) 186.4(11.0-301.0) 559.3 Vono.1>oma>e. 23 68(53-104) 6.9(3.3-20.4) 159.9 Anclwa mU:ehUU 1124 44(28-83) 1.8(0.3-7 .1) 2054.9 IetalMM 6Mea.tu.6 212 77(32-250) 8.1(0.6-187 .3) 1716 .3 1etall1Jl.U6 puneta.tu.6 6 51(36-68) 2.0(8.5-4.0) 11. 9

- - - - - --- - __ _.., -j -j---~,*--

TABLE 3-3 {cont'd)


_{mm) _{g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u) x (l-u) (9) 21-22 October 1976 (cont'd) glUlnnie.n& 58 48(20-215) 7.0{0.2-207.0) 407.0 Pevta.Llehthy-6 le..tho..stigma. 1 322 650.7 650.7 T!U..rteeteo macuiativ~ 18 30(28-43) o. 9(0.4-2. 7) 16.8 .6api.dU.6 11 161 ( 113-205) 196.4(45.8-407.3) 2159.9 MacJ1.obJzaclUum olUone. 932 44(28-83) 1.1(0.3-7 .1) 1019.7 3-4 November 1976 w Alo.6a clvty.6oc~toliU. 1 132 28.3 28.3 I

N Vo!L0-6 ama 56 83(47-302) 30.5(1.7-596. 7} 1706.7 00 Va!L0-6 oma pe, e. 140 67(37-108) 6.3(0.6-31.6) 887.1 Anchaa mi:tcWU 57 52(38-67) 1. 7{O. 5-3. 5} 96.7 IetaluJr.LL6 nWLc~ 405 77(40-302) 9,8(1.0-523.6} 3968.1 1etalU!LU-6 pun~ 4 50(32-93) 3.2(0.4-11.0) 13.0 Pylod.i.c:ti.6 o.Uva.JiU. 1 90 10. 7 10.7 Le.pamU. maCILOchiJuui 3 43(37-50) 2.3(1.3-3.4} 6.9 Aplodwo~U-6 giumnie.n& 37 67(28-240) 26.7(0.3-379.2) 986.6 PCVtaLlc~y-6 ldho-6.tigma 1 320 692.2 692.2 T!Une.etu macaula.tu.6 6 29(25-32) 1.0(0.4-1.4) 5.7 Ca.l'.Une.etu .6api.dl.1.6 4 160 ( 145-210) 215.2(77.9-457.7) 860.7 Mae.JtobJzaclUum olUone. 649 42(32-66) 1.7(0.6-6.5) 776.6

- - - ...... -- -~"" -~ --,~ -~ - --,,c_"_"-~-- -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(i-u) xli-u) ( g) 18-19 November 1976 Anguilla IW4tAaJ:a 3 688(670-699) 790.4(741.0-822.5) 2371.1 Atol>a elvty4ochlo!UA 49 91(65-119) 9.5(2.1-22.3) 466.0 VoJw;,oma cepedlo.ttwn 226 85(48-290) 25.4(1.5-341.2) 5734.6 Vo!t04 oma petenen4 e 539 67(42-125) 5.8(0.6-28.8) 3148.4 Anchoa m<-tchi££1. 79 57(46-64) 2.3(1.1-3.4) 152.4 1c;tatwuv.. 6WU>.atu4 231 90(36-530) 44.6(1.1-2894. 0) 10299.9 1ctatwuv.. pun~ 6 118(53-231) 58. 8( 1.4-244 .8) 352.6 w

I Aplociino:tLv.. 91tttnl'Uen4 13 100(33-350) 128.7(0.7-944.2) 1672.9 NJ 65 128(105-148) 39.9(25.0-69.3) 2595.5 MugU. eephaiM

"' TMnec.:te;, maculatu4 1 31 1.2 1.2 MaCJwbJW.cfUum ohlone 194 48(27-71) 1. 3(0. 2-4. 2) 276.3 9-10 December 1976 Anguftla IW4tA.aJ:a 6 569(182-880) 644.9(5.5-1616.0) 3869.5 Alo;,a clvty;,ochlo!UA 242 85(68-103) 6.8(3.1-12.2) 1651. 2 Vo!W;,oma cepedianum 91 78(47-310) 23.4(1.3-540.9) 2126.6 Vo1to;,oma peteneft4e 465 60(37-104) 3.6(0.7-17 .3) 1668 .6 Anchoa mLtehi££1. 1 48 1.1 1.1 1etaf.WLU4 6WU>.atu4 469 88(40-560) 44.8(1.2-3355.6) 21011. 9 1ctalWLU4 punc.:tatu4 6 96(45-224) 33.0(1.6-164.2) 198.1 Mo!Wne 4axa,t;il,lo 1 392 1068.8 1068.8

-- -*~ - - -*" -* -* -~ -~ ~ -~--2-.---~- -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)

LENGTH WEIGHT TOTAL (mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER x(l-u) x(l-u) (g) 9-10 December 1976 Lepom.U.. maCJLoclWtu!i 1 32 0.6 0.6 Aplodlnot:w. gnamuen!i 7 209(63-279) 266.7(4.5-503.9) 1867.2 MacJwbJtachium ohione 66 48(30-72) 1.5(0.2-4.9) 96.8 21-22 December 1976 AngiUUa Jto!i:tJuua 3 27(175-843) 535.5(8.0-1263.8) 1606.6 Alolia ch!ty!iochlo!t.l6 82 81(66-99) 6.3(3.2-11.6) 516.3 w VoJtO!ioma cepedlanam 44 87(47-308) 37 .4(1.4-579.0) 1647.3 I

w VoJto!ioma petenen!ie 195 61(40-116) 3.8(0.3-27.8) 747.2 0

Anc.lwa mi..tclUU.i. 1 51 1.8 1.8 No:tJwp.U.. !ihama!tdl 1 44 1.7 1.7 I 6aJtca:tuli 236 113(42-374) 48.9(0.8-841.5) 11539. 6 I panetlltU!i 4 124(78-174) 41.7(7.1-90.8) 166.8 Monone eh!tyliop!i 1 242 441.3 441.3 Monone ./>axatil.u.. 2 304( 180-427) 595.8(53.4-1138.2) 1191.6 Lepom.L6 maeJt~chiJtali 4 37(31-46) 1.6(0.6-2.9) 6.4 Ap.todbwtU!i gtwnn.i.en!i 15 112 (39-288) 126.7(0.4-547.0 1899.9 CaW.nee;tu liap.i.dU!i 1 123 84.7 84.7 MaCJLobJtaelilwll olilone 70 49(28-71) 1.1(0.1-4.8) 79. 9 5-6 January 1977 AngtUUa Jto./>tJtata 1 185 12.5 12.5

- - - - - -~ - - .... ~- * --~.... ll!J9,J - - - - - -

TABLE 3-3 (cont'd)


_(mm) _(g) WEIGHT DATE & SPECIES NUMBER xll-u) xll-u) (g) 5-6 January 1977 (cont'd)

AloJ..a chlr.yJ..oc.hlow 115 83(70-96) 6.9(4.0-10.3) 790.1 Vo!WJ..oma c.epedlanum 34 74(52-270) 45.4(22-334.8) 1542.7 Vo!WJ..oma e 476 73(39-120) 6.9(0.7-31.6) 3291.0 I eta.e.wuv.. 6UIU!a.tuo 181 77 (36-207) 10.6(0.7-106.6) 1912.0 I c.ta.e.wuu, puneta.tUJ.. 8 119(63-232) 50.4(3.4-193.9) 403.2 Monone 1 117 32.3 32.3 Lepom.U., mae!Wc.IWr.u.6 4 58(31-112) 11.8(0.7-40.8) 47.0

\;) Aplocilno:l:UJ.. gnunn.leno 6 81(39-231) 43.8(1.8-247 .8) 263.0 I



MugU c.ephalw. 2 144(120-168) 56. 8(31. 7-82 .0) 113. 7 Mae!Wbnac.hlum o! 74 53(38-77) 1.4(0.3-3.4) 105.4 20-21 January 1977 AloJ..a chlr.yJ..oc.hloW 11 91(66-122) 13.3(6.7-33.3) 146.1 Vo!WJ..oma eepecU.anum 72 175(52-310) 153.1(2.5-612.3) 11025.1 Vo!WJ..oma pe:t:enenoe 24 89(64-117) 13.5(4.0-27.6) 323.2 1c.ta.e.wuu 6Mc.a:l:UJ.. 69 179(52-428) 252.1(1.1-1602.5) 17396. 3 I c.ta.e.MM punc..ta.tu.6 3 193(45-379) 408.3(1.3-1153.9 1224.9 Mo!W ne mi6J..i6J...lpp.lenoi4 1 171 133.6 133.6 Mo!W ne J.. ax.a:t.lti6 6 272(128-343) 465.0(42.1-762.1} 2790.2 AplocUno.tUJ.. gnunn.leno 5 49(34-74) 4.7(1.2-12.4) 23.3 Mae!Wbnac.hlum o! 22 48(32-63) 1.8(0.8-4.6) 39.0

i I



DATA AT WATERFORD POWER STATION I i February 1976 through January 1977 Total Total Total I Sample Fish Weight Crustacea Weight Sample Weight Date (9) {sl Isl I 2-3 February 1976 16-17 February 1976 3510.6 4699.5 82.3 136.5 3592.9 4836.0 I

' "1 2-3 March 1976 15-16 March 1976 12455.4 21293.8 289.4 8.0 12744.8 21301.8 I 7-8 April 1976 21-22 April 1976 11554. 9 10501.4 166.3 3144.3 11721.2 13645.7 j 5-6 May 1976 18-19 May 1976 8536.4 3582.9 1344. 5 1843.2 9880.9 5426.1 t I 2-3 June 1976 16-17 June 1976 7-8 July 1976 3480.6 9950.5 10280.1 1382.1 1325.5 2933.2 4862.7 11276.0 13213.3 I 27-28 July 1976 10-11 August 1976 2858.1 3492.9 884.2 527.1 3742.3 4028.0 I 26-27 August 1976 8-9 September 1976 5691.8 5473.5 260.3 1811.2 5952.1 7284. 7 I 22-23 September 1976 7-8 October 1976 3956.1 2200.9 1653.1 1651. 9 5609.2 3852.8 I 21-22 October 1976 3-4 November 1976 18-19 November 1976 6563.5 8402.0 26794.6 3179.6 1637.3 276.3 9743.1 10039.3 27070.9 I 9-10 December 1976 33463.6 96.8 33560.4 21-22 December 1976 19766.5 164.6 19931.1 I 5-6 January 1977 20-21 January 1977 8407.5 33062.7 105.4 39.0 8512. 9 33101. 7 I

I I 3-32 I


Sc.ap!Wz.hync}uu, a.lbcu, - pallid sturgeon I Sc.ap!Wz.hynchcu, p£a,to4ynchcu, - shovelnose sturgeon Polydon <>pa.thula. - paddlefish I Lep.i<>o<>ZeuJ.i p£a,to-0£omCL6 - alligator gar Et.op<> 4au!UL6 - ladyfish I Angu.,lfJ_a 40-0~ - American eel Alo<>a c~y<>ochlo.!U. skipjack herring I B4evoo~ ~ncu, - gulf menhaden Vo4o<>oma - shad I VoM-0oma ceped< - gizzard shad Vo40-0oma pe£enen-0e - threadfin shad i Anchoa m.ltch..llli. - bay anchovy Sa.lmo ga<.4dne4i - rainbow trout t Cyprinidae - carp or minnow Cyptl).ncu, ca4p.£o - carp Hybop-0.lo -OZo4e4lana - silver chub I Nozem<.goncu, C4y-0oleuca golden shiner NoZ4opi-O sp. - minnow I NoZ4opi-O a£he4<.noicle emerald shiner NoZ4opi-O em-<-Ua.e - pugnose minnow 2

I NoZ4op.lo -0hwnaJtd,i. - silverband shiner NoZ4op.lo zexanCL6 - weed shiner No~pi-0 voluce.Le.u mimic shiner

  • I Phena.cob.UU. m.Vutb~ - suckermouth minnow P-Unepha.le-0 - bullhead minnow CMp.lode-0 ca4p.£o - river carpsucker IcZ.<.obu-0 bubai.CL6 - smallmouth buffalo Ictal.utr.u-0 6U4c.aZCLO - blue catfish
  • I dai.U4u-O ye 11 ow bu 11 head I 1dai.Mu-O pun~ - channel catfish Pylocll~ o.t<.vM.lo - flathead catfish I MoMne c~y-0op. white bass MoM ne m.lo-0.i-0-0,i.pp.ien-0.lo - ye 11 ow bass I 3-33 I

I TABLE 3-5 (cont'd)

I MoJtOne .6axa.:tiLi.l> - striped bass Lepomio gulo-0u.o - warrnouth I Lepom-U. h.u.muLUi - orangespotted sunfish Lepomio maCJWch.Vw..6 - bluegil 1 I Lepomio pu_nc;ta.:tu,o - spotted sunfish Lepomio -0ymmctM..c.U.6 - bantam sunfish i /.ti.CJtopteJU,t,O pu_nc.;t::ula;tu..6 - spotted bass S:tizo,itecUon canadel!.6e - sauger I A!tc.ho,iaJtgu.o p~oba-tocepfu:Le.Lu, - sheepshead AplocUnotu.o gtw.nni.eru, - freshwater drum i Mug.le. cepfu:Le.Lu, - striped mullet PaJtaLlchthy-0 letho,i:ti.gma - southern flounder I Tl!i.l!ec.te.6 macula,tu.o- hogchoker I 1 Bailey 1970 2 Formerly reported as Op.oopoeodu.o e.m<.Uae I




I I 3-34 I

I I TABLE 3-6 CRUSTACEA COLLECTED FEBRUARY 1976 THROUGH JANUARY 1977 I Cal.Une.c.t:u .oap,i.du.; - blue crab o!Uone. - river shrimp I PJi.Oeambaltuo sp. - crayfish I

I i

':J I





I I 3-35 I

I e I


I 4.0 LITERATURE CITED I Bailey, R. M. (ed.). 1970. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada, 3rd Edition.

I American Fisheries Society, Special Publication No. 6, Washington, D. C., 150 p.

I Bechnel, P.A., Jr. 1977. Personal communication. Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana.

I Otillio, H. W. 1976. Personal communication. Louisiana Power and Light, New Orleans, Louisiana.

i U. S. Department of Commerce. 1976, 1977. Local climatological data, monthly summary. National Climatic Center, I Asheville, North Carolina.





I 4-1