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Calculation CA 11-020, Finite Element Analysis of RPV Recirculation Inlet Nozzle, Enclosure 7
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Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/2011
From: Mcgruder W
Xcel Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-MT-12-002, SIA 1000847.301 CA 11-020, QF-0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev 7
Download: ML12033A180 (31)



(30 pages follow)

QF-0549 (FP-E-CAL-01), Rev. 7 Pa~qe 1 of 4 XcelEnergy Calculation Signature Sheet Document Information NSPM Calculation (Doc) No: 11-020 ý Revision: 0


Finite Element Analysis of RPV Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Facility: Z MT E]PI IPUnit: 2 1 E112 Safety Class: Z SR El Aug Q [i Non SR Special Codes: [] Safeguards El Proprietary Type: Calc Sub-Type:

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Doc?+ Type Number Rev INPUT -OUTPUT 1 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Reactor Vessel Integrity N/A NIA X Database, Version 2.0.1 2 GE Stress Report No. 23A1 627, Revision 1, "Recirculation Inlet 23A1627 X Nozzle,"

3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III including N/A N/A X Appendices, 1980 Edition with Addenda through Winter 1980 4 CB&I Drawing No. 7, Revision 9, "12" Nozzle MK. A/K 17'-2" I.D. x x DRAW 63'-2" Ins. Heads Nuclear Reactor, Monticello Drawing NX-8290- 8290-90 9 X 90 5 GE Design Specification No. 25A5744, Revision 1, "Reactor 25A5744 1 X Vessel-Power Rerate" 6 GE Design Specification No. 23A1581, Revision 3, "Reactor 23A1581 3 X Vessel-Recirculation Inlet Safe End" 7 CB&I Stress Report, Section T8, "Thermal Analysis, Recirculation N/A N/A X Inlet Nozzle, Monticello Reactor Pressure Vessel" 8 ANSYS Mechanical and PrepPost, Release 11.0 (w/Service Pack N/A N/A X 1), ANSYS, Inc., August 2007 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Record Retention: Retain this form with the associated calculation for the life of the plant.

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V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc. File No.: 1000720.301 CALCULATION PACKAGE Project No.: 1000720 Quality Program: 0 Nuclear F] Commercial PROJECT NAME:

Evaluation of N2 Nozzle for Monticello P-T Curves CONTRACT NO.:

00001005, Rev. 16 CLIENT: PLANT:

Xcet Energy, Inc. Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant CALCULATION TITLE:

Finite Element Stress Analysis of Monticello RPV Recirculation Inlet Nozzle Document Affected Project Manager Preparer(s) &

Documen afe Revision Description Approval Checker(s)

Revision Pages Signature & Date Signatures & Date 0 1 - 24 Initial Issue A-I Timothy Griesbach Eric Houston TJG 6/17/10 EJH 6/16/10 Chris Lohse CSL 6/16/10 Page 1 of 24 F0306-O1R1

StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table of Contents 1.0 O B JEC T IVE ................................................................................................................. 4 2.0 M ETH O D O LO G Y .... .............................................................................................. 4 3.0 D E SIGN IN P U TS ..................................................................................................... 4 4.0 A SSU MPTIO N S .............................................................................................................. 5 5.0 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL ................................................................................ 5 6.0 LOADS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ......................................................... 6 7.0 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 7 8.0 REFEREN CES ..................................................................................................... 8 APPENDIX A: LIST OF SUPPORTING FILES ........................................................... A-i List of Tables Table 1: RPV Material Properties (SA-533 Gr. B) ............................................................. 9 Table 2: Nozzle Material Properties (SA-508 Class II) ....................................................... 9 Table 3: Cladding Material Properties (Type 304 Stainless Steel) ........................................ 10 Table 4: Polynomial Coefficients for Unit Pressure Load Case .................... 10 Table 5: Polynomial Coefficients for Shutdown Transient Load Case, Path 1 ..... 11...........

1 Table 6: Polynomial Coefficients for Shutdown Transient Load Case, Path 2 .................. 13 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 2 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1RI

StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

List of Figures Figure 1: Finite Element Model Geometry ........................................................................ 15 Figure 2: FEM Overview .................................................................................................. 16 F igure 3: FE M D etail .............................................................................................................. 17 Figure 4: Unit Pressure Loading with Cap Loads ........................................................... 18 Figure 5: FEM Boundary Conditions ................................................................................ 19 Figure 6: FEM Convection Film Coefficients (Btu/sec-in2 -OF) ........................................ 20 Figure 7: Path 1 Location .................................................................................................. 21 Figure 8: Path 2 Location .................................................................................................. 22 Figure 9: Temperature Response, Time = 6,567 Seconds ............................................... 23 Figure 10: Temperature Response, Time = 16,164 Seconds ............................................. 24 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 3 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1RI

StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

1.0 OBJECTIVE The objective of this calculation is to perform finite element stress analysis on the recirculation inlet (N2) nozzles, at Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. Pressure-temperature (P-T) curves for the N2 nozzles are to be generated using the results of this analysis.

2.0 METHODOLOGY A three-dimensional finite element model (FEM) is constructed for the recirculation inlet nozzle to be evaluated. The finite element model also includes a portion of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) as well as the internal cladding. The safe end, thermal sleeve and attached piping are not modeled since these components are far from the location of interest, which is the nozzle blend radius. A unit internal pressure load and applicable thermal transients are applied. Multiple paths through the nozzle blend radius are selected at different azimuths based on the maximum hoop stress at the inside surface of the nozzle, excluding the cladding. The hoop stress along these paths is curve fit with a 3 rd order polynomial. For thermal transient loading, the polynomial coefficients are reported for all time steps.

3.0 DESIGN INPUTS The following design inputs are used in this calculation:

  • RPV material = SA-533 Gr. B [1]
  • N2 material = SA-508 C1 I [2]
  • Cladding (or overlay) material = Type 304 stainless steel { 1, §4.0}
  • N2 Design Code of Record [2, Sheet No. 2]= ASME Section III, 1980 Edition with.Addenda through Winter 1980 [3]
  • Temperature dependent material properties are obtained from Reference [3] and are listed in Tables 1 through 3
  • RPV and N2 geometry are taken from Reference [4] and reproduced in Figure 1
  • Maximum temperature under normal operating condition = 549°F [5, Section .c]
  • Normal operating thermal transient applicable to N2 is heatup/cooldown [6, Figure 4; 7] {2,


o Fluid initial steady state condition = 549°F [5]

o Fluid final steady state condition = 100°F o Fluid rate of change = -100°F per hour

  • Heat transfer coefficients (see Figure 6 and Section 6.0 for application areas on the model) o Vessel region -heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2 -°F) 87.8 AT' [7, p. I-T8-12]

o Nozzle region heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr-ft2 -*OF) 11.5 AT"" [7, p. I-T8-1 1]

o Nozzle blend radius heat transfer coefficient = Vessel region heat transfer coefficient {4;

§4.01 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 4 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1R1

StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS The assumptions made in order to define the evaluation approach and perform the analysis are summarized in the following list. The application of these assumptions is indicated throughout the document using a set of braces containing the appropriate assumption number; for example, Assumption

  1. 1 would be indicated as {1, §4.0}.
1. RPV and N2 nozzle cladding material is assumed to be Type 304 stainless steel. Note that Reference [4] refers to the cladding as "overlay."
2. Reference [6] defines both the heatup and cooldown transient. However, the cooldown transient typically produces more severe hoop stress at the inner surface of the nozzle and vessel. Because the analysis will be used in generating pressure-temperature limit curves, the location of interest is near the inner surface of the nozzle blend radius. Therefore, the analysis is run only for the cooldown transient. The cooldown transient has the following characteristics:
a. The maximum temperature under normal operating conditions in [6, Figure 4] is modified by Reference [5] to 549°F.
b. The heat transfer coefficients in [7] for heatup are assumed applicable to cooldown.
3. The effect of the thermal sleeve is conservatively ignored when determining the fluid temperature boundary condition at the nozzle inner surface. That is, the stagnant region is conservatively assumed to have bulk fluid temperature present. This results in more rapid cooling of the nozzle blend radius, which in turn increases the thermal gradient from the outer to the inner surface of the blend radius. The increased thermal gradient increases the hoop stresses in the blend radius.
4. The nozzle blend radius heat transfer coefficient uses the maximum of the vessel and nozzle heat transfer coefficients, which are calculated using guidance from Reference [7]. The full delta T of the transient is used in calculating the heat transfer coefficients. Therefore, the vessel region heat transfer coefficient is the bounding, or maximum, heat transfer coefficient.
5. All external surfaces are conservatively assumed to be insulated. No thermal boundary conditions are specified for these locations, which results in adiabatic boundaries.
6. Density is assumed constant at 0.283 lb/in 3 and Poison's ratio is assumed constant at 0.3.

5.0 FINITE ELEMENT MODEL The three-dimensional (3-D) finite element model is developed for the N2 nozzle using the ANSYS finite element software package [8] using 8-node SOLID45 3-D linear structural elements. The dimensions used for the nozzle and RPV shell are provided in Reference [4]. In order to reduce the complexity of the FEM, some features remote from the area of interest are not modeled. This includes the safe end, safe end-to-nozzle weld (including overlay shown in [2, Section 30.3.2]), thermal sleeve File No.: 1000720.301 Page 5 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

and some radii (which are modeled as points). The dimensions used in the model are presented in Figure 1.

The one-quarter 3D model extends the end of the machined portion of the nozzle a total of 5 inches, while the RPV shell extends 22.20 circumferentially and 40 inches axially from the nozzle axis. These dimensions are large enough such that boundary conditions do not introduce non-representative effects in the FEA solution at the nozzle blend radius region. The finite element model is shown in Figures 2 and3. The ANSYS input files used to generate the FEM are included with the electronic supporting files listed in Appendix A.

6.0 LOADS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Two load conditions, one steady state and one transient, are applied to the FEM. The steady state load is a unit pressure case of 1,000 psig. The transient is normal shutdown {2, §4.0} and is described in Section 3.0.

For the unit pressure case, a uniform pressure of 1,000 psig is applied to the inside surface of the RPV and nozzle bore. Note that the cladding is not included in the unit pressure anfalysis. A cap load, Pcll, is applied to the upper horizontal cut plane in the model, which is calculated as:

p - PuIJRve P - R,,s -IRs where:

Punijt unit pressure, psig IRves = inside radius of RPV excluding cladding, in ORves = outside radius of RPV, in.

A cap load, Pc12, is also applied to the free end of the nozzle, which is calculated as:

P11l2 - o 2 _i 2 where:

IRnoz = inside radius of nozzle excluding cladding, in OMnoz = outside radius of nozzle free end, in.

Symmetry boundary conditions are applied on both of the vertical cut planes. The lower horizontal cut plane in the 3-D model is fixed in the axial degree of freedom. The nodes at the free end of the nozzle are coupled in the axial direction, as are the RPV nodes on the upper horizontal cut plane. The unit pressure loads and boundary conditions are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The ANSYS input file for the unit load is included with the electronic supporting files listed in Appendix A.

For the transient case, heat transfer coefficients for the RPV and nozzle are calculated from the equations in Section 3.0. The full temperature difference of 449°F (maximum under normal operating condition -

ambient) is conservatively used in calculating the heat transfer coefficients {4, §4.0}. Bounding heat File No.: 1000720.301 Page'6 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

transfer coefficients of 265 and 675 Btu/hr-ft2-F for the nozzle and vessel region, respectively, are used in the analysis. The larger of the two values is used for the nozzle blend radius {4, §4.0}. All external surfaces are conservatively assumed to be perfectly insulated {5, §4.0}. The bulk fluid temperature is conservatively assumed to act on all internal surfaces {3, §4.0}. Note that the calculated heat transfer coefficients bound the maximum values for the nozzle [2, Section 4.2.2] and vessel [2, Section]

given in more recent analysis and areconservatively used in the analysis herein. Figure 6 shows the heat transfer coefficients applied to the FEM.

The thermal boundary conditions are applied to the surface of the cladding. However, the stresses due to the thermal gradient are calculated without taking credit for this additional thickness. The ANSYS input files used to generate the thermal stresses are included with the electronic supporting files listed in Appendix A.

7.0 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS After running the unit pressure load case, the nodes along the blend radius at both cut planes are queried for the location of maximum hoop stress. A path is defined for each cut plane that includes this maximum location and the hoop stress is extracted along these paths. Figures 7 and 8 show the path locations. The transient load case is run, and the hoop stress is extracted (along the same paths used for pressure stress extraction) for all time steps. The temperature response is shown in Figures 9 and 10 for selected times.

The hoop stress is curve fit with a 3 rd order polynomial. The coefficients are presented in Tables 4 through 6 and are included in the .csv files included with the electronic supporting files listed in Appendix A. The ANSYS stress extraction files are included with the electronic supporting files listed in Appendix A.

File No.: 1000720.301 Page 7 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1R1

StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.


1. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Reactor Vessel Integrity Database, Version 2.0.1.
2. GE Stress Report No. 23A 1627, Revision 1, "Recirculation Inlet Nozzle," SI File No. MONT-14Q-211.
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III including Appendices, 1980 Edition with Addenda through Winter 1980.
4. CB&I Drawing No. 7, Revision 9, "12"0 Nozzle MK. N2 A/K 17'-2" I.D. x 63'-2" Ins. Heads Nuclear Reactor," Monticello Document No. NX-8920-90, SI File No. 1000720.201.
5. GE Certified Design Specification No. 25A5744, Revision 1, "Reactor Vessel - Power Rerate,"

SI File No. XCEL-05Q-212.

6. GE Design Specification No. 23A1581, Revision 3, "Reactor Vessel - Recirculation Inlet Safe End," SI File No. 1000720.202.
7. CB&I Stress Report, Section T8, "Thermal Analysis, Recirculation Inlet Nozzle, Monticello Reactor Pressure Vessel," SI File No. MONT-14Q-202.
8. ANSYS Mechanical and PrepPost, Release 11.0 (w/ Service Pack 1), ANSYS, Inc., August 2007.

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V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

Table 1: RPV Material Properties (SA-533 Gr. B)

Mean Coefficient Thermal Thermal Specific - Elastic (OF) Conductivity' Diffusivityl Heat2 Expansiono 3X 10T6 Modulu (Btu/hr-fi-°F) (ftZ/hr) (Btu/lb-°F) (in/in/xF) (psi)

-100 22.3 0.429 0.1063 7.02 30.4 70 22.3 0.429 0.1063 7.02 29.9 200 23.4 0.420 0.1139 7.25 29.5 300 23.8 0.408 0.1193 7.43 29.0 400 23.8 0.389 0.1251 7.58 28.6 500 23.5 0.366 0.1313 7.70 28.0 600 23.0 0.342 0.1375 7.83 27.4 Notes:

1. Reference [3], Table 1-4.0
2. Calculated assuming constant density of 0.283 lb/in 3 {6, § 4.0)
3. Reference [3], Table 1-5.0, Material Group D. For 70'F and below the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion is used.
4. Reference [3], Table 1-6.0 Table 2: Nozzle Material Properties (SA-508 Class II)

Thermal Thermal Specific Mean Coefficient Elastic (OFu Conductivity' Diffusivity' Heat2 The03 Moduluof

(°F) (Btu/hr-ft-_F) (ft2/hr) (Btu/lb-_F) Expansion X 10.6s (in/in/OF) (psi)

-100 23.6 0.454 0.1063 6.41 30.4 70 23.6 0.454 0.1063 6.41 29.9 200 24.0 0.427 0.1149 6.67 29.5 300) 23.9 0.406 0.1204 6.87 29.0 400 23.6 0.385 0.1253 7.07 28.6 500 23.1 0.362 0.1305 7.25 28.0 600 22.4 0.339 0.1351 7.42 27.4 Notes:

1. Reference [3], Table 1-4.0
2. Calculated assuming constant density of 0.283 lb/in3 {6, § 4.0)
3. Reference [3], Table 1-5.0, Material Group A. For 70'F and below the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion is used.
4. Reference-[3], Table 1-6.0 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 9 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

Table 3: Cladding Material Properties (Type 304 Stainless Steel)

Thermal Thermal Specific Mean Coefficient Elastic Temperature Conductivity' Diffusivityl Heat2 Modulus4 X (OF) (Btu/hr-ft-_F) (ft2/hr) (Btu/Ilb-F) Expansion' X 10 (psi)


-100 8.6 0.151 0.1165 7.93 29.4 70 8.6 0.151 0.1165 7.93 28.3 200 9.3 0.156 0.1219 8.37 27.7 300 9.8 0.160 0.1252 8.70 27.1 400 10.4 0.165 0.1289 8.97 26.6 500 10.9 0.170 0.1311 9.23 26.1 600 11.3 0.174 0.1328 9.42 25.4 Notes:

1. Reference [3], Table 1-4.0
2. Calculated assuming constant density of 0.283 lb/in 3 {6, § 4.0}
3. Reference [3], Table 1-5.0. For 70'F and below the instantaneous coefficient of thermal expansion is used.
4. Reference [3], Table 1-6.0 Table 4: Polynomial Coefficients for Unit Pressure Load Case Path CO C1 - C2 C3 1 49213.37 -10902.90 1312.79 -69.57 2 14173.12 -811.72 -65.35 18.81 FileNo.: 1000720.301 Page 10 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Table 5: Polynomial Coefficients for Shutdown Transient Load Case, Path 1 Time (sec) CO Cl C2 C3 1 -6722.08 8696.04 -1912.93 116.83 254 -5531.75 7947.40 -1793.43 110.78 506 -4346.28 7318.64 -1709.45 107.12 759 -3307.22 6822.85 -1651.66 104.93 1011 -2418.18 6418.89 -1607.81 103.39 1264 -1660.09 6076.91 -1571.06 102.11 1516 -1013.77 5779.70 -1538.20 100.90 1769 -460.83 5515.83 -1507.48 99.71 2021 21.38 5271.41 -1476.63 98.39 2274 462.89 5027.22 -1442.28 96.77 2526 850.85 4800.84 -1408.83 95.13 2779 1191.14 4593.47 -1377.07 93.55 3032 1490.50 4402.57 -1346.67 91.98 3284 1756.12 4222.81 -1316.43 90.36 3537 1994.29 4049.00 -1285.52 88.64 3789 2208.44 3883.19 -1255.06 86.93 4042 2402.20 3724.10 -1224.84 85.19 4294 2578.78 3570.67 -1194.84 83.45 4547 2740.49 3422.22 -1165.03 81.69 4799 2889.54 3278.02 -1135.41 79.93 5052 3027.71 3137.56 -1105.96 78.15 5304 3156.48 3000.29 -1076.66 76.38 5557 3277.22 2865.73 -1047.50 74.60 5810 3396.17 2729.05 -1017.50 72.76 6062 3514.35 2590.69 -987.03 70.88 6315 3626.38 2457.02 -957.63 69.08 6567 3727.94 2331.85 -930.11 67.40 6820 3814.07 2215.50 -904.03 65.80 7072" 3891.92 2099.85 -877.09 64.09 7325 3969.13 1979.51 -848.68 62.29 7577 4043.46 1860.99 -820.78 60.54 7830 4115.59 1743.34 -792.98 58.78 8083 4185.63 1626.56 -765.29 57.04 8335 4253.77 1510.50 -737.70 55.29 8588 4320.05 1395.16 -710.20 53.55 8840 4384.58 1280.47 -682.79 51.82 9093 4447.38 1166.46 -655.49 50.09 9345 4514.89 1047.52 -627.10 48.29 9598 4585.64 924.71 -597.89 46.45 9850 4653.43 802.99 -568.91 44.61 10103 4718.14 682.45 -540.16 42.80 10355 4777.90 563.53 -511.66 41.00 10608 4835.19 446.06 -483.49 39.22 10861 4891.19 330.05 -455.65 37.46 11113 4946.07 215.02 -428.00 35.72 11366 4999.59 101.07 -400.58 33.98 11618 5051.74 -11.92 -373.35 32.26 11871 5102.55 -123.91 -346.34 30.55 12123 5151.88 -234.89 -319.53 28.86 12376 5199.72 -344.84 -292.93 27.18 12628 5246.15 -453.89 -266.52 25.50 12881 5291.13 -561.95 -240.31 23.85 13133 5333.52 -668.39 -214.40 22.20 13386 5374.00 -774.05 -188.59 20.57 13639 5414.28 -880.18 -162.64 18.92 13891 5454.30 -986.08 -136.79 17.28 14144 5493.21 -1090.68 -111.28 15.67 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 11 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-0IRI

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Time (sec) . CO C1 C2 C3 14396 5530.64 -1193.71 -86.15 14.08 14649 5566.23 -1295.23 -61.33 12.51 14901 5600.19 -1395.47 -36.77 10.95 15154 5632.42 -1494.40 -12.49 9.41 15406 5662.90 -1592.05 11.52 7.89 15659 5691.63 -1688.48 35.28 6.38 15911 5718.61 -1783.64 58.77 4.89 16164 5743.72 -1877.50 81.99 3.42 16202 5639.01 -1805.17 68.89 4.15 16241 5492.42 -1708.29 52.31 5.03 16356 4992.41 -1433.42 13.29 6.82 16701 3749.82 -911.66 -36.90 8.20 17085 2714.93 -538.48 -61.41 8.25 17468 1950.48 -281.31 -74.02 7.94 17852 1387.31 -96.61 -81.55 7.58 18235 972.25 38.97 -86.53 7.26 18619 665.99 139.59 -90.03 7.00 19003 439.73 214.67 -92.55 6.79 19386 272.34 270.87 -94.41 6.63 19770 148.33 313.01 -95.78 6.50 20000 86.80 334.10 -96.46 6.44 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 12 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-01RI

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Table 6: Polynomial Coefficients for Shutdown Transient Load Case, Path 2 Time (sec) CO Cl C2 C3 1 -6200.89 10439.62 -2600.90 179.75-254 -5087:74 9760.55 -2490.00 173.62 506 -4060.97 9240.06 -2422.53 170.48 759 -3205.24 8844.50 -2378.54 168.69 1011 -2499.22 8523.97 -2344.30 167.33 1264 -1914.76 8250.25 -2313.73 166.04 1516 -1427.61 8007.39 -2284.12 164.66 1769 -1019.86 7787.39 -2254.62 163.18 2021 -666.29 7574.87 -2222.46 161.42 2274 -337.14 7350.53 -2184.00 159.15 2526 -50.29 7139.61 -2146.07 156.88 2779 200.06 6942.86 -2109.27 154.63 3032 422.32 6755.95 -2072.55 152.33 3284 626.03 6570.24 -2033.77 149.81 3537 811.60 6388.89 -1994.73 147.25 3789 982.60 6211.28 -1955.43 144.64 4042 1140.81 6037.03 -1915.89 141.99 4294 1288.24 5865.67 -1876.17 139.31 4547 1426.65 5696.82 -1836.32 136.61 4799 1557.40 5530.08 -1796.36 133.87 5052 1681.55 5365.32 -1756.35 131.12 5304 1800.04 5202.25 -1716.30 128.36 5557 1913.67 5040.56 -1676.21 125.58 5810 2029.06 4874.51 -1634.78 122.70 6062 2145.02 4707.48 -1593.22 119.82 6315 2254.04 4547.65 -1553.63 117.09 6567 2351.13 4398.12 -1516.46 114.52 6820 2431.66 4253.25 -1479.27 111.90 7072 2510.07 4102.41 -1439.51 109.08 7325 2588.36 3952.02 -1400.20 106.31 7577 2666.64 3801.65 -1360.94 103.54 7830 2743.03 3652.10 -1321.81 100.79 8083 2817.57 3503.30 -1282.79 98.03 8335 2890.25 3355.20 -1243.87 95.29 8588 2961.03 3207.85 -1205.08 92.55 8840 3029.98 3061.12 -1166.38 89.82 9093 3097.02 2915.16 -1127.83 87.09 9345 3169.57 2762.80 -1087.71 84.26 9598 3245.44 2606.21 -1046.60 81.36 9850 3318.00 2451.15 -1005.85 78.48 10103 3386.15 2297.91 -965.50 75.63 10355 3445.77 2147.25 -925.60 72.81 10608 3501.87 1998.65 -886.19 70.04 10861 3556.69 1851.41 -847.08 67.28 11113 3610.05 1705.41 -808.25 64.54 11366 3661.94 1560.66 -769.71 61.82 11618 3712.23 1417.13 -731.45 59.12 11871 3760.90 1274.78 -693.47 56.44 12123 3807.78 1133.72 -655.78 53.77 12376 3852.89 993.89 -618.37 51.13 12628 3896.12 855.37 -581.26 48.51 12881 3937.75 717.85 -544.38 45.90 13133 3976.47 582.16 -507.87 43.32 13386 4013.29 446.86 -471.33 40.73 13639 4049.87 311.16 -434.69 38.14 13891 4085.75 176.35 -398.36 35.57 14144 4119.86 43.67 -362.63 33.05 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 13 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1R1

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lime (sec) CO Cl C2 C3 14396 4151.84 -86.95 -327.39 30.56 14649 4181.70 -215.98 -292.50 28.09 14901 4209.47 -343.33 -258.00 25.65 15154 4235.17 -469.15 -223.85 23.24 15406 4258.58 -593.29 -190.08 20.85 15659 4279.86 -715.89 -156.67 18.48 15911 4298.91 -836.90 -123.62 16.14 16164 4315.68 -956.29 -90.95 13.83 16202 4203.65 -882.83 -104.76 14.66 16241 4055.95 -792.80 -120.19 15.54 16356 3594.44 -570.25 -148.47 16.79 16701- 2552.53 -205.01 -169.10 16.61 17085 1742.38 30.75 -169.71 15.41 17468 1178.12 180.79 -164.84 14.17 17852 785.17 281.50 -159.27 13.12 18235 511.57 350.98 -154.27 12.27 18619 321.23 399.56 -150.11 11.60 19003 188.95 433.77 -146.73 11.08 19386 97.16 457.94 -144.02 10.67 19770 33.57 475.05 -141.87 10.35 20000 3.47 483.29 -140.76 10.19 File No.: 1000720.301 Page 14 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

(To Base Metal)

- 5.4375 "

. .1875 R103.1875 (To Base Meta-,""

R3.5" 5.625 5.0 (To 18.25 14.125 R7.0625 (To Base Metal)

-L Notes:

1. Dimensions from Reference [4].
2. Units in inches.

Figure 1: Finite Element Model Geometry II File No.: 1000720.301 Page 15 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1R1

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.


,-TZTC"llO N2 Figure 2: FEM Overview File No.: 1000720.301 Page 16 of 24 Revision' 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

Figure 3: FEM Detail File No.: 1000720.301 Page 17 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1RI

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.


-9245 -6968 -4692 -2415 -138.325

-8107 -5830 -3553 -1277 1000 MINTICKLIQ N2 Figure 4: Unit Pressure Loading with Cap Loads File No.: 1000720.301 Page 18 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIRI

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

ELE=ENS HAT NUM MC*£TICeEL=O N2 Figure 5: FEM Boundary Conditions File No.: 1000720.301 Page 19 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1RI

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.



.001302 MONTICELLO N2 Figure 6: FEM Convection Film Coefficients (Btu/sec-in 2-IF)

File No.: 1000720.301 Page 20 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

1 MAT NUM MWTICET*O N2 Figure 7: Path 1 Location File No.: 1000720.301 Page 21 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

Figure 8: Path 2 Location File No.: 1000720.301 Page 22 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-OIR1

V StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

1 NODAL SOLUTICN STEP=2 SUB =26 TIME=6567 TEMP SHN =368.517 SMX =422.659 Figure 9: Temperature Response, Time = 6,567 Seconds.

File No.: 1000720.301 Page 23 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-01R1

V StructuralIntegrityAssociates, Inc.

1 NCDAL SOLUTICM STEP=2 SUB =64 TIME=16164 SW =101.717 SMX =150.617 107.15 118.017 128.884 139.751 150.617 MaqTTCF=1 N2 =ERPEA=TP RESPCSE Figure 10: Temperature Response, Time = 16,164 Seconds File No.: 1000720.301 Page 24 of 24 Revision: 0 F0306-O1RI

StructuralIntegrity Associates, Inc.

APPENDIX A: LIST OF SUPPORTING FILES ANSYS File Description Finite element model geometry input MONTN2.JNP file, including temperature dependent material properties STRMONTN2.INP Unit pressure input file THMMONTN2.1NP Thermal transient input file THMSTRMONTN2.INP Thermal transient stress extraction file THM MONT N2-mntr.lNP Thermal transient file containing T Nr LDREAD and SOLVE commands PRSTRPATH#.OUT Hoop stress output file for unit pressure

- where #=1 for path land #=2 for path2 Comma Separated Value file containing PRSTR PATH#.CSV polynomial stress coefficients due to T A S unit pressure for path #, where #=1 for path 1 and #=2 for path 2 Hoop stress output file for thermal THMSTRPATH#.OUT transient where #=1 for path 1 and #=2 for path 2 Comma Separated Value file containing THMSTR PATH#.CSV polynomial stress coefficients due to

- thermal transient for path #, where #=1 for path 1 and #=2 for path 2 File No.: 1000720.301 Page A- I of A- I Revision: 0 F0306-OIRI