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Calculation 32-9222042-000, ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 Rv Bmi Nozzle Repair, (Non-Proprietary), Attachment 1
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Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 04/18/2014
From: Riordan T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14149A349 List:
102-06879-JJC-JHK-DCE 32-9222042-000
Download: ML14149A333 (91)


Enclosure Relief Request 52 Proposed Alternative in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i)

ATTACHMENT 1 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS Unit 3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair

0402-01-FOl (Rev. 018, 01/30/2014)




AREVA Document No. 32 - 9222042 - 000 Safety Related: MYes El No Title ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)




AREVA Inc. proprietary information in the document is indicated by pairs of braces "[I".


Visual inspection of the reactor vessel Bottom Mounted Instrument (BMI) nozzles at Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station, Unit 3 (PVNGS3), in October of 2013 revealed the presence of boric acid crystals on the outside of the lower head at BMI nozzle #3. Boric acid deposits at the gap between the nozzle and head indicate leakage of primary water through cracks in the J-groove weld and the nozzle wall. AREVA performed a half nozzle repair of nozzle #3 that maintained the full incore instrumentation functionality of the nozzle. This repair, described in References [1] and [2], moves the primary pressure boundary nozzle weld from the inside of the vessel to a weld pad on the outside surface.

This calculation evaluates fatigue crack growth of postulated radial-axial flaws in the existing J-Groove weld and buttering of PVNGS BMI nozzle #3 until the plant license expiration in 2047 (Reference [15]). Acceptance of each postulated flaw is determined based on available fracture toughness or ductile tearing resistance using the safety factors outlined in Table 1-1.



A fatigue crack growth and fracture mechanics evaluation of postulated radial-axial flaws in the existing J-Groove weld and buttering of PVNGS BMI nozzle #3 was performed. Based on a combination of linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics the postulated flaws are shown to be acceptable for the remaining life utilizing the safety factors in Table 1-1, and the lower bound J-R Curve from Regulatory Guide 1.161.

This is the Non-Proprietary version of 32-9215090-001.

The following table summarizes the total pages contained in this document.


A 0402-01-FO1 (Rev. 018, 01/30/2014)

AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Review Method: IV Design Review (Detailed Check)

E Alternate Calculation Signature Block PIR/A Name and Title and Pages/Sections (printed or typed) Signature LP/LR Date Prepared/RevlewedlApproved P All Tom Riordan All Engineer Ill Doug Killian R All Technical Consultant *--4 Tim Wiger A _ / All Engineering . .q' Manager L Note: P/R/A designates Preparer (P), Reviewer (R), Approver (A);

LP/LR designates Lead Preparer (LP), Lead Reviewer (LR)

Project Manager Approval of Customer References (N/A if not applicable)

Name Title (printed or typed)

Maya Chandrasheklhar (printed or typed)

Project Manager Signature Date 4t/1 '/,i' j Mentoring Information (not required per 0402-01)

Name Title Mentor to:

(printed or typed) (printed or typed) (PIR) Signature Date N/A Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 2

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Record of Revision Revision Pages/Sections/Paragraphs No. Changed Brief Description / Change Authorization 000 All Original Release Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 3

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table of Contents Page SIG NATURE BLOCK ................................................................................................................................ 2 RECO RD O F REVISIO N .......................................................................................................................... 3 LIST O F TABLES ..................................................................................................................................... 6 LIST O F FIG URES ................................................................................................................................... 8 1.0 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... 9 2.0 ANALYTICAL M ETHODOLO GY ............................................................................................ 10 2.1 Stress Intensity Factor Solution .................................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 Plastic Zone Correction ............................................................................................... 11 2.2 Fatigue Crack Growth ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.3 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics ............................................................................................. 16 2.4 Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics ........................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 Screening Criteria ....................................................................................................... 16 2.4.2 Flaw Stability and Crack Driving Force ........................................................................ 16 3.0 ASSUM PTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Unverified Assumptions ................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Justified Assumptions ...................................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Modeling Simplifications ............................................................................................................ 19 4.0 DESIG N INPUTS ........................................................................................................................ 20 4 .1 G e o m e try ......................................................................................................................................... 20 4 .2 Ma te ria ls .......................................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 Transients ........................................................................................................................................ 25 4.4 Finite Element Model ....................................................................................................................... 26 4.4.1 Boundary Conditions .................................................................................................. 26 4.4.2 Applied Stresses ......................................................................................................... 26 5.0 CO M PUTER FILES ..................................................................................................................... 28 5.1 Software .......................................................................................................................................... 28 5.2 Computer Files ................................................................................................................................ 28 6.0 CALCULATIO NS ........................................................................................................................ 34 6.1 Stress Intensity Factors ................................................................................................................... 34 6.2 Fatigue Crack Growth .................. ........................................ ................................................. 34 6.3 LEFM Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 36 6.4 EPFM Evaluations ........................................................................................................................... 37 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 4

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

List of Tables (continued)

Page 6.5 Primary Stress Evaluation ......................................................................................................... 39 7 .0 C O N CLU S IO NS .......................................................................................................................... 41 8 .0 R E F E R E NC E S ............................................................................................................................ 42 APPENDIX A : UPHILL SIDE FLAW EVALUATIONS ................................................................... A-1 APPENDIX B: DOW NHILL SIDE FLAW EVALUATIONS .............................................................. B-1 Page 5 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 5

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

List of Tables Page Table 1-1: Safety Factors for Flaw Acceptance ................................................................................. 9 Table 4-1: Key Dim ensions .................................................................................................................... 20 Table 4-2: Com ponent Materials ...................................................................................................... 21 Table 4-3: RVBH Material Properties ............................................................................................... 21 Table 4-4: Remnant Nozzle, J-Groove Weld, and Butter Material Properties .................................. 22 Table 4-5: Cladding Material Properties ............................................................................................ 22 Table 4-6: Transients ............................................................................................................................. 25 Table 4-7: Stress Result Files .......................................................................................................... 26 Table 5-1: Com puter Files ..................................................................................................................... 28 Table 6-1: Exam ple Calculation of Uphill LSP Applied SIF at Crack Front 2 ..................................... 35 Table 6-2: Uphill Position 21 LEFM Results ..................................................................................... 36 Table 6-3: Downhill Position 21 LEFM Results ................................................................................. 37 Table 6-4: Uphill Position 21 EPFM Results ..................................................................................... 38 Table 6-5: Dow nhill Position 21 EPFM Results ................................................................................ 38 Table A-i: SIFs for Uphill Side - Welding Residual Stress ........................................................... A-1 Table A-2: SIFs for Uphill Side - Design Condition ............................................................................. A-3 Table A-3: SIFs for Uphill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure ....................................................... A-5 Table A-4: Fatigue Crack Growth for Heatup and Cooldown (Uphill) .................................................. A-7 Table A-5: Fatigue Crack Growth for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill) ....................................... A-8 Table A-6: Fatigue Crack Growth for Reactor Trip (Uphill) .................................................................. A-9 Table A-7: Fatigue Crack Growth for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill) ............. A-10 Table A-8: Fatigue Crack Growth for Leak Test (Uphill) .............................................................. A-1i1 Table A-9: Fatigue Crack Growth for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill) .......................................................... A-12 Table A-10: EPFM Evaluation for Heatup Cooldown (Uphill) ............................................................ A-13 Table A-1 1: EPFM Evaluation for Reactor Trip (Uphill) ................................................................ A-15 Table A-12: EPFM Evaluation for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill) ................................... A-17 Table A-13: EPFM Evaluation for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Uphill) ............................................ A-19 Table A-14: EPFM Evaluation for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill) ........................................... A-21 Table A-15: EPFM Evaluation for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill) ............................................................... A-23 Table B-1: SIFs for Downhill Side - Welding Residual Stress ........................................................ B-1 Table B-2: SIFs for Downhill Side - Design Condition ......................................................................... B-3 Table B-3: SIFs for Downhill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure ................................................... B-5 Table B-4: Fatigue Crack Growth for Heatup and Cooldown (Downhill) .............................................. B-7 Table B-5: Fatigue Crack Growth for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill) ................................... B-8 Table B-6: Fatigue Crack Growth for Reactor Trip (Downhill) ............................................................. B-9 Table B-7: Fatigue Crack Growth for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill) ..................... B-10 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 6

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

List of Figures (continued)

Page Table B-8: Fatigue Crack Growth for Leak Test (Downhill) ........................................................... B-1i1 Table B-9: Fatigue Crack Growth for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill) ................................................ B-12 Table B-10: EPFM Evaluation for Heatup Cooldown (Downhill) ........................................................ B-13 Table B-1 1: EPFM Evaluation for Reactor Trip (Downhill) ............................................................ B-1 5 Table B-12: EPFM Evaluation for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill) ............................... B-17 Table B-13: EPFM Evaluation for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Downhill) ....................................... B-19 Table B-14: EPFM Evaluation for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill) ...................................... B-21 Table B-15: EPFM Evaluation for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill) .......................................................... B-23 Page 7 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 7

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

List of Figures Page Figure 2-1: Finite Element Model Isometric View .............................................................................. 12 Figure 2-2: Uphill C rack Fronts ........................................................................................................ . . 13 Figure 2-3: Downhill Crack Fronts ..................................................................................................... 14 Figure 4-1: Sketch of Head and J-Groove Weld Dimensions ........................................................... 20 Figure 4-2: J-R Curves as a Function of Temperature ..................................................................... 24 Figure 4-3: Applied Crack Face Loading for Design Case (psi) ....................................................... 27 Figure 6-1: Initial Postulated Flaw Dimensions ................................................................................. 40 Figure A-1: SIFs for Uphill Side - Welding Residual Stress ................................................................ A-2 Figure A-2: SIFs for Uphill Side - Design Condition ............................................................................ A-4 Figure A-3: SlFs for Uphill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure .......................................................... A-6 Figure A-4: J-T Diagram for Heatup Cooldown (Uphill) ..................................................................... A-14 Figure A-5: J-T Diagram for Reactor Trip (Uphill) .............................................................................. A-16 Figure A-6: J-T Diagram for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill) ............................................ A-18 Figure A-7: J-T Diagram for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Uphill) ..................................................... A-20 Figure A-8: J-T Diagram for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill) .................................................... A-22 Figure A-9: J-T Diagram for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill) ........................................................................ A-24 Figure B-i: SlFs for Downhill Side - Welding Residual Stress ............................................................ B-2 Figure B-2: SlFs for Downhill Side - Design Condition .................................................................. B-4 Figure B-3: SlFs for Downhill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure ...................................................... B-6 Figure B-4: J-T Diagram for Heatup Cooldown (Downhill) ............................................................ 8B-14 Figure B-5: J-T Diagram for Reactor Trip (Downhill) ..................................................................... B-16 Figure B-6: J-T Diagram for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill) ....................................... B-18 Figure B-7: J-T Diagram for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Downhill) ................................................ B-20 Figure B-8: J-T Diagram for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill) ............................................... B-22 Figure B-9: J-T Diagram for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill) ................................................................... B-24 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 8

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 1.0 PURPOSE Visual inspection of the reactor vessel Bottom Mounted Instrument (BMI) nozzles at Palo Verde Nuclear Generation Station, Unit 3 (PVNGS3), in October of 2013 revealed the presence of boric acid crystals on the outside of the lower head at BMI nozzle #3. Boric acid deposits at the gap between the nozzle and head indicate leakage of primary water through cracks in the J-groove weld and the nozzle wall. AREVA performed a half nozzle repair of nozzle #3 that maintained the full incore instrumentation functionality of the nozzle. This repair, described in References [1] and [2], moves the primary pressure boundary nozzle weld from the inside of the vessel to a weld pad on the outside surface. AREVA Document 51-9220420 (latest revision) provides a road map of the AREVA analyses for the Palo Verde BMI Nozzle.

This calculation evaluates fatigue crack growth of postulated radial-axial flaws in the existing J-Groove weld and buttering of PVNGS BMI nozzle #3 until the plant license expiration in 2047 (Reference [15]). Acceptance of each postulated flaw is determined based on available fracture toughness or ductile tearing resistance using the safety factors outlined in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: Safety Factors for Flaw Acceptance Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)*

Operating Condition Evaluation Method Fracture Toughness / K 1 Normal/Upset Kla fracture toughness /10 = 3.16 Emergency/Faulted Kic fracture toughness *42 = 1.41 Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM)**

Operating Condition Evaluation Method Primary Secondary Normal/Upset J/T based flaw stability 3.0 1.5 Normal/Upset J0,1 limited flaw extension 1.5 1.0 Emergency/Faulted J/T based flaw stability 1.5 1.0 Emergency/Faulted J0 ., limited flaw extension 1.5 1.0

  • *EPFM safety factors used in previous flaw evaluations that have been subsequently approved by the NRC staff.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 2.0 ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY The basic analytical methodology is outlined below. Details are provided in the following subsections.

1. Postulate radial-axial flaws in the J-Groove weld and butter. The radial-axial flaws are postulated since the hoop stresses are dominant.
2. Develop explicit three dimensional finite element crack models of the postulated flaws on the uphill and downhill side in order to calculate the stress intensity factors (SIFs). In order to determine SIFs at varying flaw sizes four uphill crack models and four downhill crack models will be generated with increasing flaw sizes.
3. Develop a mapping procedure to transfer stresses from an uncracked finite element stress model to the crack face of each crack model, enabling stress intensity factors to be calculated for arbitrary stress distributions over the crack face utilizing the principle of superposition. This strategy makes it possible to obtain pressure and thermal stresses from independent thermal/structural analyses and transfer these stresses to the crack model to support flaw evaluation. Mapping is used for the present assignment to apply residual stresses from weld residual stress analysis and operating stresses from Section III fatigue analysis to the three-dimensional crack models discussed above.
4. Obtain stress intensity factors for each loading condition at varying positions along the crack front by using the ANSYS KCALC command.
5. Calculate fatigue crack growth for cyclic loading conditions using operational stresses from pressure and thermal loads and crack growth rates from Article A-4300 of Section XI for ferritic material in a primary water environment. Residual stresses are included in the fatigue crack growth calculations as a mean stress, which affects the fatigue crack growth rates through the R ratio (KmiKx).
6. Utilize the screening criteria of ASME Code Section XI, Appendix C (Reference [3]) to determine the failure mode and appropriate method of analysis (LEFM, EPFM, or limit load) for flaws in ferritic materials, considering the applied stress, temperature, and material toughness. For LEFM flaw evaluations, compare the stress intensity factor at the final flaw size to the available fracture toughness, with appropriate safety factors. When the material is more ductile and EPFM is the appropriate analysis method, evaluate flaw stability and the crack driving force. A limit load analysis is implicitly performed by the primary stress check required by IWB-3610(d)(2) (Reference [3]), considering a local reduction of the pressure boundary area equal to the area of the flawed material.

2.1 Stress Intensity Factor Solution The SIF solutions for the postulated flaws evaluated by fracture mechanics analysis are calculated using three-dimensional finite element models with crack tip elements. An isometric view of the overall finite element model developed for this analysis is shown in Figure 2-1.

Radial-axial flaws are postulated and analyzed separately on the uphill and downhill sides of the nozzle and shown in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3. For each postulated flaw four finite element models are generated with increasing flaw sizes in increments of 0.25" in order to capture the variation of SIF with flaw size. For each postulated flaw, SIFs are calculated at a total of 21 positions along the crack front starting with position 1 at the Reactor Vessel Bottom Head (RVBH) ID and going to position 21 at the nozzle bore as shown in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3. Stress intensity factors are calculated using the ANSYS KCALC command (Reference [18]), which determines the stress intensity factors based on displacements in the vicinity of the crack tip.

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A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-.000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Stress intensity factors at flaw sizes between the modeled flaw sizes are linearly interpolated. If the flaw size is larger than the largest flaw in the finite element model, the stress intensity factor is determined using the

- following scaling rule 2.1.1 Plastic Zone Correction The Irwin plastic zone correction is used to account for a moderate amount of yielding. For plane strain conditions the correction is (Reference [4], Eq. 2.63) ry =-y) where Ki(a) is the stress intensity factor at the actual crack size (a), and ay is the material's yield strength. The effective crack size, a., is calculated as


ae = a +ry


The stress intensity factor at the effective flaw size is then calculated using the scaling law derived above as Page 11 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 11

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure 2-1: Finite Element Model Isometric View Page 12 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 12

0t Z

9 E

I a


'I-U I!

U a.


2 IL I I E

ý4 9 En 0


A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

K Figure 2-3: Downhill Crack Fronts Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 14

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 2.2 Fatigue Crack Growth Fatigue crack growth is calculated using the fatigue crack growth rate model from Article A-4300 of Reference

[31 as da

= CO(AKI)"

where AKI is the stress intensity factor range in ksi4in, and da/dN is the crack growth rate in inches/cycle. The crack growth rates for a surface flaw will be utilized since the postulated flaw(s) would result in the low alloy steel head being exposed to the primary water environment.

The detailed equations for calculating the fatigue crack growth rate are presented below.

AKI = KMa. - KM;.

R = KMin/KMax 0 5 R _<0.25, AKt < 17.74 n = 5.95 S= 1.0 Co = 1.02 x 10-12S AKI Ž_ 17.74 n = 1.95 S= 1.0 Co = 1.01 x 10-7S 0.25 < R !5 0.65, AKI < 17.74[(3.75R + 0.06)/(26.9R - 5.725)]°025 n = 5.95 S = 26.9R - 5.725 Co = 1.02 x 10-12S AK1 _Ž17.74[(3.75R + 0.06)/(26.9R - 5.725)]°25 n = 1.95 S = 3.75R + 0.06 Co 1.01 x 10-7S 0.65_5 R _ 1.00, AKI < 12.04 n = 5.95 S = 11.76 Co = 1.02 x 10-1 2 S AK1 _ 12.04 n = 1.95 S =2.5 Co = 1.01 x 10-7S Page 15 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 15

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042--000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 2.3 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics After fatigue crack growth is calculated the flaw is evaluated using Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM).

Article IWB-3612 of Section XI (Reference [3]) requires that the applied stress intensity factor be less than the available fracture toughness at the crack tip temperature, with appropriate safety factor, as outlined below.

Normal/Upset Conditions: K1 < Kia/X/V-Emergency/Faulted Conditions: K1 < K1 c//V2 In the above Kia is the fracture toughness based on crack arrest and Kt, is the fracture toughness based on crack initiation. In the evaluation of the above limits a plastic zone correction is incorporated using the methodology described in Section 2.1.1 2.4 Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) will be used as an alternative acceptance criteria when the flaw related failure mechanism is unstable ductile tearing. LEFM would be used to assess the potential for non-ductile failure, while limit load analysis would be used to check for plastic collapse.

2.4.1 Screening Criteria Screening criteria to determine the failure modes in ferritic materials are found in Appendix C of Section XI (Reference [3]). Although Appendix C, Article C-4221 contains specific rules for evaluating flaws in Class 1 ferritic piping, its screening criteria may be adapted to other ferritic components, as follows:

Kr= Ktapp/Kic where Klapp is the applied stress intensity factor, aMax is the maximum crack face stress, and or is the flow stress defined as af = 0.5(ory + aru). Then the method of analysis is determined based on the following limits:

LEFM Regime Kr/Sr' > 1.8 EPFM Regime 1.8 > Kr'/Sr' > 0.2 Limit Load Regime 0.2 > Kr/Sr' As discussed in Section 2.0, item 6 the limit load is implicitly checked by meeting primary stress limits considering a local reduction in pressure boundary area due to the postulated flaw. As a result, this screening criterion is primarily used to distinguish between the LEFM regime and the EPFM regime. For this evaluation the maximum crack face stress is approximated as the maximum weld residual stress plus the membrane hoop stress due to pressure (pR/2t); this approximation is reasonable since exclusion of the thermal stress will lead to consideration of a lower maximum stress for a given applied K, which increases the Kr/Sr' ratio, moving towards the more restrictive LEFM regime.

2.4.2 Flaw Stability and Crack Driving Force Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis will be performed using a J-integral/tearing modulus (J-T) diagram to evaluate flaw stability under ductile tearing, where J is either the applied (Japp) or the material (Jma,) J-integral, and T is the tearing modulus, defined as (E/arr2) (aJ/aa). The crack driving force, as measured by Japp, is also checked against the J-R curve at a crack extension of 0.1 inch (JO. 1). Consistent with industry practice for the evaluation of flaws, different safety factors will be utilized for primary and secondary loads. Flaw stability and crack driving force assessments will utilize the safety factors outlined in Table 1-1.

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 16

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

The general methodology for performing an EPFM analyses is outlined below.

Let E' = E/(1-v 2)

Final flaw depth = a Total applied K,-- Kiapp KI due to pressure (primary) = Kip K, due to residual plus thermal (secondary) = KI, = Klapp- Kip Safety factor on primary loads = SFp Safety factor on secondary loads = SF.

Total applied KI with safety factors, Kl* = SFP*K1 p + SF,*Kls For small scale yielding at the crack tip, a plastic zone correction (see Section 2.1.1) is used to calculate an effective flaw depth based on I

a. =a + [ 1/(6ft)] [ KI" / Cry]2, r

which is used to update the total applied stress intensity factor based on The applied J-integral is then calculated using the relationship Japp = (K1 ')/E'.

The final parameter needed to construct the J-T diagram is the tearing modulus. The applied tearing modulus, Tapp, is calculated by numerical differentiation for small increments of crack size (da) about the crack size (a),

according to T = E (Japp(a + da) - Japp(a -da).

Tapp =2K[ 2 da Uf The material J-T curve is determined as described in Section 4.2. Constructing the J-T diagram as shown below, Page 17 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 17

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

J flaw stability is demonstrated at an applied J-integral when the applied tearing modulus is less than the material tearing modulus. Alternately, the applied J-integral is less than the J-integral at the point of instability.

To complete the EPFM analysis, it must be shown that the applied J-integral is less than J0.1, demonstrating that the crack driving force falls below the J-R curve at a crack extension of 0. 1 inch.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS 3.1 Unverified Assumptions No unverified assumptions are used in this calculation.

3.2 Justified Assumptions The following justified assumptions are used in this calculation:

1. The recently performed half-nozzle repair weld at the OD surface (Reference [2]) is not modeled; since this area is remote from the as-left J-Groove weld the impact on the stresses and displacement in the area of the as-left J-Groove weld will be negligible.
2. In addition to the J-Groove weld and butter, the postulated radial-axial flaw is considered to extend through the wall thickness of the remnant nozzle over the nozzle's entire height. This is a conservative assumption since it results in less restraint to crack opening.
3. For fatigue crack growth calculations cycles are assumed to accumulate at a linear rate, i.e., in each year the number of cycles utilized is the total number of design cycles divided by the plant life (see Section 4.3 and Table 4-6). This is assumption is reasonable since linear rates envelope the accumulation rates observed for these transients based on plant operating experience (see Table 4.3-3 of Reference [14]).

3.3 Modeling Simplifications The following modeling simplifications are used in this calculation:

1. The boat sample geometry (Reference [5]) is approximated, as described in the following sentences. The boat sample removal is simulated by selecting and deleting a set of elements, which results in a "jagged" boundary. This approach is taken in order to maintain a high quality hexahedral mesh for the rest of the simulation. This approach is reasonable since the impact of the resultant geometry on stresses will be local to the elements near this "jagged" boundary and overall equilibrium is maintained in the finite element solution. Additionally, the boat sample is considered to be centered on the symmetry plane on the uphill side in order to maintain a symmetric model.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 4.0 DESIGN INPUTS 4.1 Geometry Details of the geometry are provided in References [6], [7], [8], and [9]. Key dimensions are listed in Table 4-1.

A sketch of the head and existing J-Groove weld prep geometry is shown in Figure 4-1.

Table 4-1: Key Dimensions Description Value Reference/Comments RVBH Inside Radius [ ] Reference [6]

RVBH Thickness [ ] Reference [6]

Cladding Thickness [ ] Reference [6]

Nozzle OD [ ] Reference [7]

Nozzle ID [ ] Reference [7]

Height of J-Groove plus Fillet [ ] Reference [8]

Butter Thickness [ ] Reference [9]

Figure 4-1: Sketch of Head and J-Groove Weld Dimensions Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 20

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 4.2 Materials The materials of each component are listed in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Component Materials Component Material Reference/Comments RVBH SA-533 Grade B Class 1 Reference [1]

BMI Nozzle SB-166 Alloy 600 Reference [1]

Cladding Austenitic Stainless Steel (304) Reference [ 1], 18-24Cr, 8-12Ni per Reference 12], Section 4.7.4 Buttering Alloy 182 (ENiCrFe-3) Reference [1]

J-Groove Weld Alloy 82 (ERNiCr-3) Reference [1]

The materials properties are taken from Reference [ 10]. The material properties for each component are provided in Table 4-3, Table 4-4, and Table 4-5. The SB-166 Alloy 600 properties are also used for the Alloy 82/182 weld filler metals.

Table 4-3: RVBH Material Properties SA-533 Grade B Class 1 (C-Mn-Mo 0.4-0.7Ni)

Temperature (*F) a (1/*F) E (psi) v (-) a, (ksi) a. (ksi) 70 6.07E-06 2.99E+07 0.3 50 80 100 6.13E-06 2.98E+07 0.3 50 80 200 6.38E-06 2.95E+07 0.3 47.1 80 300 6.60E-06 2.90E+07 0.3 45.2 80 400 6.82E-06 2.86E+07 0.3 44.5 80 500 7.02E-06 2.80E+07 0.3 43.2 80 600 7.23E-06 2.74E+07 0.3 42 80 650 7.33E-06 2.70E+07 0.3 41.4 80 700 7.44E-06 2.66E+07 0.3 40.6 80 Reference [10], Table 1-5.0, Coeff. B [10],Table 1-6.0 Typical [10], Table 1-2.1 [10], Table 1-1.1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 21

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table 4-4: Remnant Nozzle, J-Groove Weld, and Butter Material Properties SB-166 Alloy 600 (Ni-Fe-Cr)

Temperature (OF) a (1/°F) E (psi) v (-) o,, (ksi) o, (ksi) 70 7.13E-06 3.17E+07 0.3 35 80 100 7.20E-06 3.15E+07 0.3 35 80 200 7.40E-06 3.09E+07 0.3 32.7 80 300 7.56E-06 3.05E+07 0.3 31 80 400 7.70E-06 3.OOE+07 0.3 29.8 80 500 7.80E-06 2.96E+07 0.3 28.8 80 600 7.90E-06 2.92E+07 0.3 27.9 80 650 7.95E-06 2.89E+07 0.3 27.4 80 700 8.OOE-06 2.86E+07 0.3 27 80 Reference [10], Table 1-5.0, Coeff. B [10], Table 1-6.0 Typical [10], Table 1-2.2 [10], Table 1-1.2 Table 4-5: Cladding Material Properties Austenitic Stainless Steel (304)

Temperature (OF) a (1/°F) E (psi) v (-)

70 9.11E-06 2.83E+07 0.3 100 9.16E-06 2.82E+07 0.3 200 9.34E-06 2.77E+07 0.3 300 9.47E-06 2.71E+07 0.3 400 9.59E-06 2.66E+07 0.3 500 9.70E-06 2.61E+07 0.3 600 9.82E-06 2.54E+07 0.3 650 9.87E-06 2.51E+07 0.3 700 9.93E-06 2.48E+07 0.3 Reference [10], Table 1-5.0, Coeff. B [10], Table 1-6.0 Typical The RVBH has a reference temperature for nil-ductility (RTNDT) of -60*F per Reference [1]. The Charpy V-notch upper-shelf energy is 119 ft-lbs per Reference [1].

From Article A-4200 of Reference [3], the lower bound fracture toughness for crack arrest, Kla, is calculated as Kia = 26.8 + 12.445exp[0.0145(T - RTNDT)]

where T is the crack tip temperature, KI, is in units of ksiin, and T and RTNDT are in units of *F. In the present calculations, K1a is limited to a maximum value of 200 ksi*in (upper-shelf fracture toughness). The crack arrest K18 upper shelf toughness of 200 ksi'iin is achieved at T-RTNDT > 182 OF.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

A higher measure of fracture toughness is provided by the Kjc fracture toughness for crack initiation, approximated in Article A-4200 of Section XI (Reference [3]) by K1c = 33.2 + 20.734exp[O.02(T - RTNDO)]

The crack initiation Kic upper shelf toughness of 200 ksi*in is achieved at T-RTNDT > 105 'F.

The J-integral resistance (J-R) curve, needed for the EPFM method of analysis, is obtained from the following correlation for reactor pressure vessel plate with less than 0.018 weight percent sulfur (Reference [11 ], Section 3.3.1)

]mat = MF{Ci(Aa)c2 exp(C 3 (Aa)c4) }

where MF is a margin factor, and Aa is the crack extension. CQ are constants which depend on the crack tip temperature and the Charpy V-notch upper-shelf energy as defined below C1 = exp(-2.44 + 1.13 ln(CVN) - 0.00277T)

C2 = 0.077 + 0.116 In C1 C3 = -0.0812 - 0.0092 In C1 C4 = -0.409 where CVN is the Charpy V-notch upper-shelf energy in ft-lbs, and T is the crack tip temperature in *F. In this analysis the margin factor, MF, is taken as 0.749 for all cases including faulted where it may be taken as one. The resulting material J-R curve is plotted for several temperatures in Figure 4-2.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure 4-2: J-R Curves as a Function of Temperature The material tearing modulus is calculated using the following equation

( E) Jlmat m-at aa where E is the Elastic Modulus, of is the flow stress defined as 0.5(ay + ou), and the derivative of the J-R curve is aImat = MF{CiC2 (Aa)C2_ 1 + CiC3 C4 (Aa)c2+C4_ 1 }exp(C 3 (Aa)C4) aa Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 24

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 4.3 Transients Fatigue crack growth will be calculated for the Normal and Upset transients listed in Table 4-6. Results from other transient such as Operating Basis Earthquake and other external nozzle loads (Reference [17]) were reviewed and found to be negligible. The transients and corresponding cycles are defined in Reference [ 12],

excluding the 10% step changes and normal plant variation, which are taken from the more detailed transient description in Reference [13]. Reference [12] specifies a 40 year design life, however, the Palo Verde License Renewal application (Reference [14]) accepted by the NRC (Reference [15]) states that the original specified design cycles remain applicable to a 60 year life. Therefore, the cycles per year used to calculate fatigue crack growth in one year increments are calculated by dividing the specified cycles by 60 years.

Table 4-6: Transients Transient ID Service Cycles Cycles/Year Level Heatup Cooldown HUCD Normal [ J [ ]

Hydrostatic Test HYDRO Test [ ] [ ]

Leak Test* LEAK Test [ J [ ]

Plant Loading/Plant Unloading PLPU Normal [ [ ]

10% Step Increase / 10% Step Decrease/ Normal SISD Normal [ J [ ]

Variation Reactor Trip / Loss of RC Flow / Loss of Load RT Upset [ ] C]

Loss of Secondary Pressure LSP Faulted [ I C ]

  • Leak test is considered for fatigue crack growth. For the LEFM and EPFM evaluations the Leak test is bounded by the hydrostatic test.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 4.4 Finite Element Model The finite element model utilized is a three-dimensional half symmetry model. The model is meshed using ANSYS element type SOLID 186, which is a 20-node brick element. The crack tip elements are SOLIDI186 elements collapsed into wedges with the appropriate mid-side nodes moved to the quarter points to simulate the singularity at the crack tip. A base geometry and mesh are generating in the input file "base_crackmodel.inp",

and the eight explicit crack models are then created by replacing the appropriate brick elements with crack tip elements using the files "gen crackmodels.inp" and "CrackFanMesh2.mac".

4.4.1 Boundary Conditions The displacements are constrained normal to the face of the symmetry plane and the additional model cutting planes. The displacements of the nodes on the crack face are not constrained.

4.4.2 Applied Stresses Applied stresses are due to residual stresses and operating stresses. Residual stresses are obtained from the 3-D weld residual stress calculation documented in Reference [ 16]. Stresses are mapped to the crack face from the residual stress model to the crack finite element model through arrays of nodal locations and hoop stresses documented in Appendix B of Reference [16]. Operating stresses are taken from the corresponding ASME Section III calculation (Reference [ 17]) and mapped to the crack face using the same methodology as the residual stresses. The operating pressure is also applied to the crack face to account for the additional loading. The applied crack face stresses for the design case on the first uphill crack profile are illustrated in the contour plot in Figure 4-3 as a representative example.

The files used for stress results from References [16] and [17] are listed in Table 4-7. Note that in Table 4-7 there are both upper and lower bound heatup and cooldown results; this calculation determines SIFs for all cases and uses the enveloping values in subsequent analyses. The Hydrostatic test results are determined by scaling the Design case results by 1.25; the temperature of the hydrostatic test is considered to be the maximum of [ ]

(Reference [12]), which is conservative for the EPFM analyses.

Table 4-7: Stress Result Files Load Stress "*.say" File Weld Residual Stress WRS.sav Design Design.sav Heatup Upper Bound TrHUup st.sav Heatup Lower Bound TrHUlowst.sav Cooldown Upper Bound TrCDup st.sav Cooldown Lower Bound TrCDlow st.sav Leak Test TrLEAK st.sav Loss of Secondary Pressure TrLSPst.sav Plant Loading TrPL st.sav Plant Unloading Tr PU st.sav Reactor Trip Tr RT st.sav 10% Step Load Increase TrSLInc st.sav 10% Step Load Decrease TrSLDec st.sav Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 26

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure 4-3: Applied Crack Face Loading for Design Case (psi)

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 5.0 COMPUTER FILES 5.1 Software ANSYS Version 14.5.7 (Reference [ 18]) was used in this analysis. All modeling and analyses were performed on the following computer:

0 DELL Precision M6600, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2640M CPU @ 2.80GHz, 8GB of RAM 0 Operating System: Windows 7, Service Pack 1, 64 Bit 0 Name of person running tests: Tom Riordan 0 Date of Tests: February 12, 2014 The test problem vm 143 was run and the results were found to be acceptable as documented in output files "vm143.out" and "vm143.vrt" (see Table 5-1).

5.2 Computer Files The computer files are listed in Table 5-1. Files are store in ColdStor at the following path:

\cold\General-Access\32\32-9000000\32-9215090-000\official Table 5-1: Computer Files Size (Bytes) Date Time File Name

./crack models:

6653 Dec 16 2013 8:41:18 CrackFanMesh2.mac 7414 Feb 13 2014 18:00:54 gencrackmodels.inp 1018432 Feb 13 2014 18:02:50 gencrackmodels.out 9917 Dec 112013 16:45:05 materials.inp

./crack models/base model:

34265892 Feb 13 2014 17:49:09 basecrackmodel.inp


1910 Feb 16 2014 9:14:26 Design dhl.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 13:44:53 Design dh2.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 18:31:45 Design dh3.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 23:24:32 Designdh4.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 15:23:40 Design uhl.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 19:43:31 Design uh2.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 0:11:49 Design uh3.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 4:48:09 Design-uh4.KI 4561 Feb 06 2014 15:07:51 GetSIF.mac 2544 Feb 16 2014 9:17:26 RemNozHF dhl.KI Page 28 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 28

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Size (Bytes) Date Time File Name 2544 Feb 16 2014 13:47:59 RemNozHFdh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 18:35:00 RemNozHFdh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 23:27:49 RemNozHFdh4.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 15:26:35 RemNozHFuhl.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 19:46:29 RemNozHFuh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 0:14:53 RemNozHFuh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 4:51:20 RemNozHF uh4.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 9:20:29 RemNoz_OBE_dhl.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 13:51:07 RemNoz_OBE_dh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 18:38:18 RemNoz_OBE_dh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 23:31:08 RemNoz_OBE_dh4.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 15:29:28 RemNozOBEuhl.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 19:49:27 RemNoz_OBE_uh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 0:17:56 RemNoz_OBE_uh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 4:54:32 RemNoz_OBE_uh4.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 9:23:28 RemNoz_PPE_dhl.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 13:54:13 RemNozPPEdh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 18:41:33 RemNoz_PPE_dh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 23:34:28 RemNozPPEdh4.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 15:32:25 RemNoz_PPE_uhl.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 19:52:27 RemNoz_PPE_uh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 0:21:03 RemNoz_PPE_uh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 4:57:44 RemNozPPEuh4.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 9:26:28 RemNozSSEdhl.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 13:57:19 RemNoz_SSE_dh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 18:44:50 RemNoz_SSE_dh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 23:37:48 RemNozSSEdh4.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 15:35:20 RemNoz_SSE_uhl.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 19:55:27 RemNozSSE uh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 0:24:08 RemNozSSE_uh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 5:00:56 RemNoz_SSE_uh4.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 9:29:29 RemNoz_WN_dhl.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 14:00:49 RemNozWN dh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 18:48:06 RemNoz_WN_dh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 23:41:10 RemNozWNdh4.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 15:38:14 RemNoz_WN_uhl.KI 2544 Feb 15 2014 19:58:28 RemNoz_WN_uh2.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 0:27:15 RemNoz_WN_uh3.KI 2544 Feb 16 2014 5:04:10 RemNoz_WN_uh4.KI 48640250 Feb 16 2014 23:41:10 SIFCalc_dh.out 60721528 Feb 16 2014 5:04:14 SIFCalc_uh.out 10271 Feb 06 2014 14:47:05 SIFDriverDH.mac Page 29 Enclosure Attachment 11 Enclosure Attachment Page 29

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Size (Bytes) Date Time File Name 10267 Feb 06 2014 14:45:57 SIFDriverUH.mac 362 Feb 15 2014 11:10:51 SIFcaic_dh.inp 364 Feb 15 2014 11:10:30 SIF_calc_uh.inp 12688 Feb 16 2014 6:52:03 TrCDlowst dhl.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 11:18:33 TrCDlowst_dh2.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 15:57:24 Tr_CDlow_stdh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 20:47:33 TrCDlowst_dh4.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 13:08:44 Tr_CDlow st_uhl.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 17:22:57 TrCDlowSt uh2.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 21:46:58 TrCDlowst_uh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 2:18:55 Tr CDIowstuh4.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 5:59:08 TrCDupstdhl.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 10:24:42 TrCDup st dh2.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 15:00:10 TrCDupst_dh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 19:48:31 TrCDupstdh4.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 12:16:44 TrCDupstuhl.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 16:31:21 TrCDup_st_uh2.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 20:53:30 TrCDup_st_uh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 1:23:59 Tr CDup_stuh4.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 6:25:34 Tr HUlow st dhl.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 10:51:33 TrHUlow st dh2.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 15:28:45 Tr HUlowstdh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 20:17:52 TrHUlow st dh4.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 12:42:19 Tr_HUlowSt_uhl.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 16:57:04 TrHUlow_st_uh2.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 21:20:05 TrHUlow_stuh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 1:51:21 TrHUlowst uh4.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 5:32:36 TrHUup_st_dhl.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 9:57:57 Tr HUupstdh2.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 14:31:38 TrHUup st_dh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 19:19:12 TrHUupst_dh4.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 11:52:04 Tr HUup_st_uhl.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 16:05:47 TrHUupstuh2.KI 12688 Feb 15 2014 20:26:44 TrHUupstuh3.KI 12688 Feb 16 2014 0:56:21 TrHUup_st_uh4.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 6:53:31 TrLEAK st dhl.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 11:20:05 TrLEAK st dh2.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 15-59:01 TrLEAKst_dh3.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 20:49:10 Tr_LEAK st dh4.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 13:10:14 TrLEAKstuhl.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 17:24:24 Tr_LEAKstuh2.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 21:48:30 TrLEAK_stuh3.KI Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 30

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Size (Bytes) Date Time File Name 1910 Feb 16 2014 2:20:30 Tr_LEAK_st_uh4.KI 22198 Feb 16 2014 7:42:39 TrLSP st dhl.KI 22198 Feb 16 2014 12:10:00 TrLSP st dh2.KI 22198 Feb 16 2014 16:51:57 TrLSPst dh3.KI 22198 Feb 16 2014 21:43:04 Tr LSP st dh4.KI 22198 Feb 15 2014 13:56:21 TrLSPstuhl.KI 22198 Feb 15 2014 18:12:55 TrLSPst uh2.KI 22198 Feb 15 2014 22:38:07 TrLSPstuh3.KI 22198 Feb 16 2014 3:11:36 TrLSPstuh4.KI 17126 Feb 16 2014 8:19:18 TrNVARstdhl.KI 17126 Feb 16 2014 12:47:42 Tr_NVARstdh2.KI 17126 Feb 16 2014 17:31:55 TrNVAR st dh3.KI 17126 Feb 16 2014 22:23:18 TrNVARstdh4.KI 17126 Feb 15 2014 14:30:52 TrNVAR st uhl.KI 17126 Feb 15 2014 18:49:11 TrNVARstuh2.KI 17126 Feb 15 2014 23:15:24 Tr_NVARstuh3.KI 17126 Feb 16 2014 3:50:02 TrNVARstuh4.KI 8884 Feb 16 2014 8:36:34 Tr PL st dhl.KI 8884 Feb 16 2014 13:05:33 Tr PL st dh2.KI 8884 Feb 16 2014 17:50:44 Tr PL st dh3.KI 8884 Feb 16 2014 22:42:51 Tr PL st dh4.KI 8884 Feb 15 2014 14:47:15 Tr PL st uhl.KI 8884 Feb 15 2014 19:06:14 Tr PL st uh2.KI 8884 Feb 15 2014 23:33:11 Tr PL st uh3.KI 8884 Feb 16 2014 4:08:16 Tr PL st uh4.KI 8250 Feb 16 2014 8:52:29 Tr PU st dhl.KI 8250 Feb 16 2014 13:21:57 TrPUst dh2.KI 8250 Feb 16 2014 18:08:00 TrPU st dh3.KI 8250 Feb 16 2014 23:00:26 TrPUstdh4.KI 8250 Feb 15 2014 15:02:23 TrPUst uhl.KI 8250 Feb 15 2014 19:21:54 TrPUst uh2.KI 8250 Feb 15 2014 23:49:29 TrPU st uh3.KI 8250 Feb 16 2014 4:25:03 TrPUstuh4.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 9:12:56 Tr RT st dhl.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 13:43:19 Tr RT st dh2.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 18:30:09 Tr RT st dh3.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 23:22:55 Tr RT st dh4.KI 10152 Feb 15 2014 15:22:16 Tr RT st uhl.KI 10152 Feb 15 2014 19:42:03 Tr RT st uh2.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 0:10:19 Tr RT st uh3.KI 10152 Feb 16 2014 4:46:36 TrRT st uh4.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 5:06:08 WRS_dhl.KI Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 31

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Size (Bytes) Date Time File Name 1910 Feb 16 2014 9:31:10 WRSdh2.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 14:02:53 WRSdh3.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 18:49:53 WRSdh4.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 11:27:14 WRSuhl.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 15:39:49 WRS_uh2.KI 1910 Feb 15 2014 20:00:07 WRS_uh3.KI 1910 Feb 16 2014 0:28:57 WRS_uh4.KI 829 Jan 13 2014 17:23:22 calck.mac


4561 Feb 06 2014 16:07:51 GetSIF.mac 6243616 Mar08 2014 0:16:30 SIFCalc_dh.out 7795854 Mar072014 21:52:10 SIFCalc_uh.out 4436 Mar07 2014 17:04:29 SIFDriverDH.mac 4432 Mar07 2014 17:05:03 SIFDriverUH.mac 362 Feb 15 2014 12:10:51 SIFcalcdh.inp 364 Feb 15 2014 12:10:30 SIFcalc_uh.inp 8250 Mar07 2014 22:08:28 TrSLDecCL_st_dhl.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 22:43:04 Tr_SLDecCLstdh2.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 23:19:19 Tr_SLDecCL_st_dh3.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 23:56:42 Tr_SLDecCLstdh4.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 19:53:38 Tr_SLDecCL_st_uhl.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 20:25:44 TrSLDecCLstuh2.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 20:59:25 Tr_SLDecCLstuh3.KI 8250 Mar07 2014 21:33:53 TrSLDecCLstuh4.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 22:26:08 Tr_SLIncCLstdhl.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 23:01:40 TrSLIncCL_st_dh2.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 23:38:27 Tr_SLIncCL_st_dh3.KI 8884 Mar 08 2014 0:16:28 TrSLIncCL_st_dh4.KI 8884 Mar 07 2014 20:10:08 Tr_SLIncCL_st_uhl.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 20:43:04 Tr_SLIncCLstuh2.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 21:17:04 Tr_SLIncCLstuh3.KI 8884 Mar07 2014 21:52:09 TrSLIncCLstuh4.KI 829 Jan 13 2014 18:23:22 calc k.mac


14331 Mar 13 2014 11:59:37 EPFM_Results_Downhill_21.xlsx 14242 Mar 13 2014 11:16:29 EPFM_Results_Uphill_21.xlsx 258099 Mar 08 2014 11:53:23 PVNGSEPFMDownhill_21-RG1161.xlsm 254972 Mar 13 2014 11:16:43 PVNGSEPFMUphill_21-RG1161.xlsm 326046 Mar 13 2014 11:27:22 PVNGSFMDownhill_21.xlsm 360778 Mar 13 2014 10:56:27 PVNGSFM_Uphill_21.xlsm Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 32

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Size (Bytes) Date lime File Name


14718 Mar 16 2013 17:00:53 vm143.dat 100512 Feb 12 2014 14:20:40 vm143.out 766 Feb 12 2014 14:20:40 vm143.vrt Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 33

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 6.0 CALCULATIONS 6.1 Stress Intensity Factors SIFs are calculated for each postulated crack front using the WRS and Section III stress results from the "*.sav" files listed in Table 4-7. The calculations are run by the ANSYS input files "SIFcalcuh.inp" and "SIF calc dh.inp" for the uphill and downhill crack fronts, respectively. The ANSYS macros "SIF DriverUH.mac" and "SIFDriverDH.mac" set the crack face boundary conditions, read in data from the stress models (WRS or Section 111), and set up data arrays. The file "Get_SIF.mac" is used to perform stress mapping, solve the model with mapped stresses and then calculate the SIFs (using "calc k.mac"). The SIF calculation results are written to the "*.KI" output files (see Table 5-1), which contain the SIFs for each step of a transient as well as a summary of the minimum and maximum SIF for the transient.

6.2 Fatigue Crack Growth Utilizing the SIF solutions described in Section 6. 1, fatigue crack growth is calculated. The initial flaw size is considered to be the height of the J-Groove weld plus fillet plus butter, [ ] (see Table 4-1 for dimensions).

Review of the detailed SIF calculation results indicates that the largest SIF and SIF ranges are typically at the nozzle bore (position 21) on both the uphill and downhill side. In some cases, such as Loss of Secondary Pressure (see Table A-3 and Table B-3) there are larger SIFs near the head ID at position 3 where thermal stresses can be large due to thermal shock; the detailed output in the "TrLSPst*.KI" files (see Table 5-1) indicates that these maximums occur at step 11 or 12. Steps 11 and 12 of the LSP transient have pressures of around I I psig and the temperature is about [ ] *F. Maximums for position 21 typically occur near the beginning or end of the transient where the pressure and temperature are near the normal operating values of approximately [ I psig and [ ] *F. The EPFM analyses apply higher safety factors to the primary pressure stresses than the secondary thermal and residual stresses (see Table 1-1) and the materials J-Resistance decreases with increasing temperature (see Section 4.2). To determine which location is more significant, an example calculation of applied SIF including EPFM safety factors (following Section 2.4.2 methodology) is shown in Table 6-1, using the SIF solutions for uphill crack front 2 [ ] at positions 3 and 21. As can be seen from Table 6-1, after applying the safety factors the applied K* (and therefore J) are approximately equal, and reviewing Figure 4-2 shows that the material J-Resistance decreases significantly at higher temperature. Also, in each case the temperature is high enough that the upper shelf fracture toughness for crack arrest (Kia = 200 ksi!in) is reached. [


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Table 6-1: Example Calculation of Uphill LSP Applied SIF at Crack Front 2 The fatigue crack growth rule in Section 2.2 is integrated numerically using, da Aa TdN ý Z-;

AN Co(AKt)I, or Aa ýA NCo(AK 1)'

The impact of the cycle increment (AN) was investigated, and it was found that utilizing the number of cycles per year was a sufficiently small increment to accurately integrate the crack growth. Therefore, crack growth presented in this report has been calculated on a per year basis.

[ I Page 35 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 35

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 6.3 LEFM Evaluation Review of the fatigue crack growth results (see Appendix A and Appendix B) and SIF results in Table A-i, Table A-3, Table B- 1, and Table B-3 indicates that the largest applied K is at the final flaw size; therefore, LEFM evaluations are performed for the final flaw size from the fatigue crack growth evaluation. The applied SIF is evaluated accounting for the plastic zone correction described in Section 2.1.1 and its acceptability is evaluated based on the rules outlined in Section 2.3. The results for uphill position 21 and downhill position 21 are shown in Table 6-2 and Table 6-3, respectively.

Table 6-2: Uphill Position 21 LEFM Results Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 36

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table 6-3: Downhill Position 21 LEFM Results 6.4 EPFM Evaluations As noted in the previous section, the largest applied K is at the final flaw size; therefore, the EPFM evaluations will be performed for the final flaw size in accordance with the methodology described in Section 2.4 using the spreadsheets "PVNGS EPFM Uphill 21-RGl 161.xlsm" and "PVNGS EPFMDownhill_21 -RG 161 .xlsm" (see Table 5-1). Application of the screening procedure in Section 2.4.1 indicates that all evaluated cases fall in the EPFM regime. The results of the calculations are summarized in Table 6-4 and Table 6-5. Details of the calculations are provided in Appendix A and Appendix B. As shown in Table 6-4 and Table 6-5, all cases meet the EPFM acceptance criteria.

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A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table 6-4: Uphill Position 21 EPFM Results Table 6-5: Downhill Position 21 EPFM Results Page 38 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 38

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 6.6 Primary Stress Evaluation The acceptance criterion of IWB-3610(d)(2) (Reference [3]) requires that the primary stress limits of NB-3000 (Reference [ 19]) are met assuming a local area reduction of the pressure retaining membrane that is equal to the area of the flaw. This primary stress check can be met by satisfying the reinforcement requirements of NB-3332 for openings in shells and formed heads since these requirements provide for adequate compensation for material removed from the pressure boundary, in a similar fashion to the area of degraded material associated with a postulated or detected flaw.

Reference [20] performs an area replacement calculation which does not take credit for the repair weld pad (Reference [2]). The repair weld pad metal meets the requirements of NB-3335 and may be considered as metal available for reinforcing; therefore, here we verify that the repair weld area provides sufficient compensation for any area removed by the postulated flaw(s).

A conservative estimate of the repair weld pad area using dimensions from Reference [2], neglecting the fillets on the half nozzle repair J-groove weld is Pad Thickness (Min) = [

Pad Diameter (Min) - [

Bore Diameter (Max) = [

RVBH Outside Radius [

Penetration Centerline to Vessel Centerline =

Angle Penetration Centerline to Vessel =

Centerline Bore Area Removed [

Pad Fillet Angle =

Pad Fillet Area Available =

Area Available [

The areas removed by the uphill and downhill postulated flaws are calculated by determining the dimensions of the rectangle bounding the original weld and butter profile as indicated schematically in Figure 6-1. Dimensions of the original weld profiles are based on Reference [9], with tolerances conservatively applied. The area of the final flaw is calculated by increasing both linear dimensions by the crack growth.

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 39

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

PROFILE PROFILE DEPTH DEPTH Figure 6-1: Initial Postulated Flaw Dimensions For the downhill side the area removed is calculated as Original Profile Depth (Max DIM "C") =

I Original Profile Width =

I Conservatively Consider Crack Growth =

Area Removed =

Note: DIM "C" from Reference [9] is the height from the bottom of buttering to a work point which is at the intersection of the clad and a [ ] diameter circle entered on the nozzle centerline. At the bore diameter on the downhill side the height decreases slightly, but DIM "C" is conservatively used.

For the uphill side the area removed is calculated as RVBH Inside Radius = [

Penetration Centerline to Vessel = [

Centerline Penetration Centerline to Work Point = [

Penetration Centerline to Butter Profile = [

OD Original Profile Width = [

Original Profile Depth (Max DIM "D" = [

plus additional height to outside of weld profile)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 40

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section X1 End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Conservatively Consider Crack Growth = [ ]

Area Removed = [ ]

The design stress intensity, Sm., of the original J-Groove weld and the replacement weld pad are equal; therefore the area removed may be compared directly to the area available for reinforcement (NB-3336). Considering the area removed by both postulated flaws and comparing the conservative replacement area,

] in'2+ [ ] in'-- [ ] in'< [ ] in', OK The conservative area replacement calculations above show that the primary stress limits are met.


S A fatigue crack growth and fracture mechanics evaluation of postulated radial-axial flaws in the existing J-Groove weld and buttering of PVNGS BMI nozzle #3 was performed. Based on a combination of linear elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics the postulated flaws are shown to be acceptable for the remaining life utilizing the safety factors in Table 1-1, and the lower bound J-R Curve from Regulatory Guide 1.161.

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 41

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)


References identified with a (*)are maintained within Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Records System and are not retrievable from AREVA Records Management. These are acceptable references per AREVA Administrative Procedure 0402-01, Attachment 8. See page 2 for Project Manager Approval of customer references.

1. AREVA Document 08-9212780-001, "Palo Verde Unit 3 Reactor Vessel Bottom Mounted Instrument Nozzle Modification".
2. AREVA Document 02-9212754E-00 1, "Palo Verde Unit 3 Bottom Mounted Instrument Nozzle Repair (Penetration 3)".
3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", 2001 Edition including Addenda through 2003.
4. T.L. Anderson, "Fracture Mechanics - Fundamentals and Applications", CRC Press, 1991.
5. *PVNGS Document NOO1-0301-00633, Revision 0, "Boat Sample Extraction General Layout Drawing".
6. *PVNGS Document N001-0301-00054, Revision 2, "General Arrangement Arizona Public Service III 182.25 ID Reactor Vessel".
7. *PVNGS Document NOO1-0603-00208, Revision 3, "Bottom Head Instrument Tubes".
8. *PVNGS Document NOO 1-0301-00527, Revision 0, "Lower Vessel Final Assembly - Arizona Public Service III, 182.25 ID PWR".
9. *PVNGS Document NOO 1-0301-00530, Revision 0, "Bottom Head Penetrations - Arizona Public Service III, 182.25 ID PWR".
10. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, "Nuclear Power Plant Components", Division 1, 1971 Edition including Addenda through Winter 1973.
11. Regulatory Guide 1.161, "Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessels with Charpy Upper-Shelf Energy Less than 50 ft-lb", June 1995.
12. *PVNGS Document NOO1-0301-00006, Revision 6, "General Specification for Reactor Vessel Assembly".
13. *PVNGS Document NOO1-0101-00060, Revision 4, "Compilation of NSSS Responses to Design Bases Dynamic Events for the System 80 Standard Design".
14. Palo Verde, Units 1, 2, and 3 - License Renewal Application (ADAMS No. ML083510627).
15. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3 Renewed Facility Operating License (ADAMS No.


16. AREVA Document 32-9215089-001, "Weld Residual Stress Analysis for PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair".
17. AREVA Document 32-9215084-001, "ASME Section III End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair".
18. ANSYS Finite Element Computer Code, Version 14.5, ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, PA.
19. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, "Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components", Division 1, 1998 Edition including Addenda through 2000.
20. AREVA Document 32-9212915-001, "Palo Verde Unit 3 - Instrument Nozzle Repair Section III One Cycle Justification".

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 42

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

APPENDIX A: UPHILL SIDE FLAW EVALUATIONS This appendix presents the fatigue crack growth and flaw evaluations for the uphill side flaw.

Table A-I: SlFs for Uphill Side - Welding Residual Stress r -I Page A-i Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-1

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 0-Figure A-I: SIFs for Uphill Side - Welding Residual Stress Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-2

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-2: SIFs for Uphill Side - Design Condition Page A-3 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-3

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-2: SIFs for Uphill Side - Design Condition I

Page A-4 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-4

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-3: SIFs for Uphill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure F 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-5

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-3: SIFs for Uphill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure Page A-6 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-6

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-4: Fatigue Crack Growth for Heatup and Cooldown (Uphill) 1 Page A-7 Enclosure Attachment Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-7

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-5: Fatigue Crack Growth for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill)

Enclosure Atta~chment Attachment 1 Page A-B Page A-8

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Propfietary)

Table A-6: Fatigue Crack Growth for Reactor Trip (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-9

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-7: Fatigue Crack Growth for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-1 0

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-8: Fatigue Crack Growth for Leak Test (Uphill)

Page A-lI Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-I I

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-9: Fatigue Crack Growth for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill)

Page A-12 Attachment Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-1 2

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-10: EPFM Evaluation for Heatup Cooldown (Uphill)

Page A-I 3 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A.-13

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-4: J-T Diagram for Heatup Cooldown (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A..14

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042--000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-1l: EPFM Evaluation for Reactor Trip (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-.15

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-5: J-T Diagram for Reactor Trip (Uphill)

Page A-i 6 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page AA-16

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-12: EPFM Evaluation for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-1 7

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-6: J-T Diagram for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A,-18

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-13: EPFM Evaluation for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-1 9

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-7: J-T Diagram for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A-20

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-14: EPFM Evaluation for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill)

Page A-21 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A--211

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End. of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-8: J-T Diagram for Plant Loading and Unloading (Uphill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page A..22

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-.000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table A-15: EPFM Evaluation for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill)

Page A-23 Attachment 11 Enclosure Attachment Page A-23

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure A-9: J-T Diagram for Hydrostatic Test (Uphill)

Page A-24 Enclosure Attachment 11 Enclosure Attachment Page A-24

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

APPENDIX B: DOWNHILL SIDE FLAW EVALUATIONS This appendix presents the fatigue crack growth and flaw evaluations for the downhill side flaw.

Table B-1: SlFs for Downhill Side - Welding Residual Stress Page B-i Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-1

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary) 0=-

Figure B-I: SIFs for Downhill Side - Welding Residual Stress Page B-2 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-2

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-2: SIFs for Downhill Side - Design Condition 8 -M Page B-3 Attachment Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-3

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-2: SIFs for Downhill Side - Design Condition Page BA Attachment 11 Enclosure Attachment Page B-4

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-3: SIFs for Downhill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure Page 13-5 Attachment Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 13-5

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-3: SIFs for Downhill Side - Loss of Secondary Pressure Page 13-6 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 13-6

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-4: Fatigue Crack Growth for Heatup and Cooldown (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-7

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-6: Fatigue Crack Growth for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-8

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-6: Fatigue Crack Growth for Reactor Trip (Downhill)

Attachment Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 9-9 Page B-9

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-7: Fatigue Crack Growth for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill) 1 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment Page 8-10 Enclosure Page B- 10

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Propnetary)

Table B-8: Fatigue Crack Growth for Leak Test (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 11 Page 8-11 Enclosure Attachment Page B-11I

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-9: Fatigue Crack Growth for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-12

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-10: EPFM Evaluation for Heatup Cooldown (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-1 3

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-4: J-T Diagram for Heatup Cooldown (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-14

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI .Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-11: EPFM Evaluation for Reactor Trip (Downhill)

Page B-i 5 Enclosure Attachment Attachment 1 1 Page B.-1 5

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-5: J-T Diagram for Reactor Trip (Downhill)

Page B-16 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page 13-16

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-12: EPFM Evaluation for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill)

Page B-17 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-1 7

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section XI End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-6: J-T Diagram for 10% Step Increase and Decrease (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-1 8

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-13: EPFM Evaluation for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Downhill)

Page B-19 Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-1 9

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-7: J-T Diagram for Loss of Secondary Pressure (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-20

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042--000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-14: EPFM Evaluation for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-.21

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-8: J-T Diagram for Plant Loading and Unloading (Downhill)

Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-22

A AR EVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Table B-15: EPFM Evaluation for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill) 7 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-23

A AREVA Document No. 32-9222042-000 ASME Section Xl End of Life Analysis of PVNGS3 RV BMI Nozzle Repair (Non-Proprietary)

Figure B-9: J-T Diagram for Hydrostatic Test (Downhill)

Page B-24 Enclosure Attachment 1 Enclosure Attachment 1 Page B-24