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Limited Appearance Statement of Steven Laifer, Putnam County Legislature, Regarding Approval/Resolution for Public Health & Safety Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2013
Putnam County, NY, Legislature
SECY/RAS # E-1357
Download: ML13233A351 (7)


Steven Laifer 30 Paulding Ave Cold Spring, NY 10516 (845) 809-5431 August 13, 2013 Allison M. Macfarlane, Chair U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0-16G4 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ref: Transmittal of Indian Point Health and Safety Resolutions Ms. Macfarlane, Enclosed please fmd (3) Indian -Point Health and Safety Resolutions that were recently adopted by near unanimous votes in the legislature and governing boards of the following New York government entities:

- County of Putnam

- Town of Philipstown

- Village of Cold Spring Representing the 100,000 residents of these communities, the resolutions call on the NRC and NY State government to extend the emergency evacuation zone from 10 to 50 miles, and to correct specific flaws and deficiencies at this plant that make it more dangerous and a greater threat to our population than necessary.

Please implement the changes and modifications that have been set forth in the enclosed.

PU1NAM COUNTY LEGISLATURE Resolution #73 lntrOdu~ed by Legislator: Sam Oliveriot Jr. on behalf of the Health, Social~ Educational &

  • Environmental Committee at a Regular Meeting held*on April3, 2013..

page 1


  • . WHEREAS, the nuclear disaster at *Fukushima, Japan resulted in widespread dispersal of radioactive ,_.rial In the air, land and water, *nd WHEREAS, the radloioglcal contamination from Fukushima extended 140 miles. to l'okyo reservoirs, and. ..

WHEREAS; the lndlin Point Nuclear Power Piantl are *iocated*withintwenty miles of the New Croton and .Kenstco* R-rvoirs located in W*tcheeter County and the various reservoirt loca.d In P.:.tnain .courity serving various c:ommunltkts as well as New. York City

  • drlriklng water,:ancl .

WHEREAS, the s.pent fuei*I'Ods at.bOth*lndlan Point reactors are stored in warehou~-t;pe bulldlnp.wlth comrnercially*avallable steel*~*, have no in4~pendent etectric1ty:or c:Oollng systems and are not co~~ with~. same confal.nment capabilities a_nd back-up systams used to protect tbe*reactora, now therefore be it * .

  • RESOLVED, that the Putnam* County Leg'-lature for the protection of Its citizens and the County's .surrounding c;ltlzens cali for the-emergency evacuation zone around Indian Poinfbe extended from 10 mil* tO 50. mil** and be*lt further

. RESOLVED, that_ fuR contlilninent, a *an-pendent back*up electricity and cooling for the spent *fuel POOls be *tabllshed and spent fuel rods be moved as.

quickly as* pOMible Into ba~ened 'd,y. cask *stonage which Is more secure than the spent f~el.*poola, and be* it* further RESOLVED, that new seiSmological data be taken into consideration and infrastructure upgraded* accordingly for the continued operation of Indian Point, Including ._ spent fuel storage fac:llltles, and be It further RESOLVED, that copies of this resol~tlon *be eent to Governor An-raw Cuomo of. the State of New York; Commlsaioner Jerome M. Hauser, New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Planning;. and to Commissioner Gregory B. .

Jaczko, Chalnnan, Nuclear Regulatory Commlasion.*





State Of New York kl..1 f lv I lof-c ss:

County of Putnam

~* o..-f+ccki I hereby eertlfy that the above is a.trae aad exact eopy of a resolutioa passed by the Putnam County Legislature whDe in session on April3, 20i3.

Da1Ed: A~13 .


Diane s:hODfeld .

Clerk Of The Legislature OfPutnam County

PUTNAM COUNTY LEGISLATURE Resolution #116 Introduced. by Legislator. Anthony DiCarlo at a Special Meeting held on May 22, 2013.

Seconded by Legislator: Sam Oliverio, Jr.


-RESOLVED, that the County Executive's veto of Resolution #73 of 2013, after is legi-..Jive reconsideration, hereby overridd~n.



State OfNew York n:

County of Putnam I hereby certify that the above is a true and exaet eopy of a resolution passed by the Putnam -County Legislature whlle in session on May 22, 2013.

Dated: ~~13 Signed: A:)_:.__ (if~~

Diane Schonfeld Clerk Of The Legislature Of Putnam County

RESOLmON FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY REGARDING INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR PLANT WHEREAS, the nuclear disaster of Fukushima has resulted in widespread dispersal of radioactive material in the air, land and water, and President Obama of the United States and Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner Jaczko called for the evacuation of all Americans within a 50 mile radius of the stricken plants; and WHEREAS, radiological contamination from Fukushima has extended 140 miles to Tokyo reservoirs, and the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants are situated within twenty miles of the New Croton and Kensico Reservoirs in Westchester County and the various reservoirs located in Putnam County serving various communities as well as New York City with drinking water; and WHEREAS, the New York State Emergency Evacuation Plans were thoroughly evaluated by former FEMA director and evacuation expert James Lee Witt and found to be inadequate to protect the public from radiological exposure; and that evacuation plan flaws and deficiencies remain unresolved; and WHEREAS, the spent fuel rods at both Indian Point reactors are stored in warehouse-type buildings with commercially available steel roofs, have no independent electricity or cooling systems and are not constructed with the same containment capabilities and back-up systems used to protect the reactors; and WHEREAS, new techniques and advances in seismology have disclosed additional information about the two fault lines near Indian Point and plant construction standards fall far below potential earthquake magnitude; NOW, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town ofPhilipstown Town Board for the protection of its citizens and the Town's surrounding citizens, calls for the emergency evacuation zone around Indian Point to be extended from 10 to 50 miles; and be it further RESOLVED, that the flaws and deficiencies identified in the James Lee Witt report be remedied; and be it further RESOLVED, that full containment, as well as independent back-up electricity and cooling for the spent fuel pools be established and spent fuel rods be moved as quickly as possible into hardened dry cask storage which is more secure than the spent fuel pools, and be it further RESOLVED, that the new seismological data be taken into consideration and infrastructure upgraded accordingly for the continued operation of Indian Point, including its spent fuel storage facilities; and be it further RESOLVED, that these Resolutions be transmitted to Governor Andrew Cuomo of the State of New York; Commissioner Jerome M. Hauser, New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Planning; and to Commissioner MacFarlane, Chair, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

TOWN OF PHILIPSTOWN TOWN BOARD Date of Approval: June 12,2013 Supervisor Richard Shea AYE Councilwoman Montgomery AYE Councilwoman Budney ABSENT Councilman Van Tassel NAY Councilman Merandy AYE Resolution adopted by majority vote.

VILLAGE OF COI,D SPRING 85 MAIN STREET, COLD SPRING, NY 10516 TEL: (845) 265-3611 FAX: (845) 265-1002 WEB: WWW.COLDSPRINGNY.GOV J. RALPH fALLOON, MAYOR MARY SAARI, CLERIC/TREASURER BRUCE CAMPBELL, TRUSTEE ELL!N MAGIIAN, ACCOUNTANT STEPHEN J. GAIA, ATTORNEY MATT FRANCISCO, TRUSTEE WIWAM ltJJARSKJ, BUILDING INlPECTOR STEPHANIE HAWKINS, TRUSTEE CODE ENFORCEMENT TEL: (845) 265-3964 CHARW HUSTIS Ill, TRUSTEE RESOLUTION FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY REGARDING INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR PLANTS WHEREAS, the nuclear disaster at Fukushima has resulted in widespread dispersal of radioactive material in the air, land and water, and President Obama of the United States and then Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner Jaczko have called for the evacuation of all Americans within a 50 mile radius of the stricken plants; and WHEREAS, radiological contamination from Fukushima has extended 140 miles to Tokyo reservoirs, and the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants are situated within twenty miles of the New Croton and Kensico Reservoirs which supply large parts ofNew York City's drinking water; and WHEREAS, the New York State Emergency Evacuation Plans were thoroughly evaluated by former FEMA director and evacuation expert James Lee Witt and found to be inadequate to protect the public from radiological exposure; and that evacuation plan flaws and deficiencies remain unresolved; and WHEREAS, the spent fuel rods at both Indian Point reactors are stored in warehouse-type buildings with commercially available steel roofs, have no independent electricity or cooling systems and are not constructed with the same containment capabilities and back-up systems used to protect the reactors; and WHEREAS, new techniques and advances in seismology have disclosed additional information about the two fault lines near Indian Point and plant construction standards fall far below potential earthquake magnitude; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to safeguard the health and safety of United States citizens, we the undersigned call for the emergency evacuation zone around Indian Point to be extended from the 10 to 50 miles; and be it further RESOLVED, that the flaws and deficiencies identified in the James Lee Witt report be remedied; and be it further

RESOLVED, that full containment, as well as independent back-up electricity and cooling for the spent fuel pools be established and spent fuel rods be moved as quickly as possible into hardened dry cask storage which is more secure than the spent fuel pools, and be it further RESOLVED, that new seismological data be taken into consideration and infrastructure upgraded according! y for the continued operation of Indian Point, including its spent fuel storage facilities; and be it further RESOLVED, that these Resolutions be transmitted to Governor Andrew Cuomo of the State ofNew York; Commissioner Jerome M. Hauer, New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Planning; and to Commissioner Allison Macfarlane, Chairwoman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The Village of Cold Spring Board ofTrustees voted to support this resolution as follows:

Trustee Matt Francisco voting YES Trustee Bruce Campbell voting YES Trustee Charles Hustis voting YES Trustee Stephanie Hawkins voting YES Mayor J. Ralph Falloon voting NO as he takes issue with expanding the 50 mile radius which would interfere with village evacuation.

Vote to support this resolution: 4 -1.

I hereby certify that this is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted by the Village of Cold Spring Board of Trustees at a public meeting held on May 14,2013.

MaryS , j'Ill~e Clerk Dated: 7tiO ;OW/3

.*;9'-of'. ~~\*.. ,~ ~d~.

' Steven Laifer i' 30. Paulding Ave C9ld Spring, NY 10516 7012 0470 0002 2376 4948 Allison M. Macfarlane, Chair U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0-16G4 Washington, DC 20555-0001

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