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NRC-039 - Florida Power & Light Company, Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Combine License Application, Part 3: Environmental Report, Rev. 5 (December 23, 2013) (ADAMS Accession No. ML13357A413) (Excerpt)
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/2013
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-250-LA, 50-251-LA, ASLBP 15-935-02-LA-BD01, RAS 28498
Download: ML15314A572 (2)


NRC-039 Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Submitted Nov. 10, 2015 COL Application Part 3 Environmental Report Figure 2.3-17 Regional Generalized Hydrostratigraphic Column Marker Approximate Geologic Lithology Hydrogeologic unit thickness Series unit units and horizons (feet)

HOLOCENE Undifferentiated Quartz sand; silt; clay; shell; SURFICIAL and various WATER-TABLE /

and Pleistocene-aged limestone; sandy shelly limestone EXPLANATION PLEISTOCENE formations BISCAYNE AQUIFER 20-400 Geologic unit(s)

AQUIFER SYSTEM Silt; sandy clay; sandy, shelly CONFINING BEDS missing in some PLIOCENE TAMIAMI limestone; calcareous sand-FORMATION LOWER TAMIAMI areas stone; and quartz sand AQUIFER APPZ Avon Park permeable zone CONFINING UNIT INTERMEDIATE AQUIFER Interbedded sand, silt, BZ Boulder Zone PEACE SANDSTONE HAWTHORN GROUP RIVER gravel, clay, carbonate, AQUIFER OR PZ1(?) LHMU Lower Hawthorn FORMATION and phosphatic sand marker unit SYSTEM OR MIOCENE CONFINING UNIT 0-900 PZ1, Permeable PZ2, zones in west-AND LATE MID-HAWTHORN PZ3 central Florida CONFINING UNIT OLIGOCENE Sandy micritic limestone; AQUIFER OR ARCADIA PZ2 FORMATION marlstone; shell beds; dolomite; phosphatic sand MAP Middle Avon LHMU and carbonate; sand; silt; CONFINING UNIT Park marker BASAL and clay LOWER HAWTHORN horizon HAWTHORN UNIT PRODUCING ZONE PZ3 0-300 GLAUC Glauconite marker SYSTEM horizon EARLY SUWANNEE Fossiliferous, calcarenitic UPPER 100-800 OLIGOCENE LIMESTONE limestone FLORIDAN PLEISTOCENE-AGED AQUIFER FORMATIONS (UF)

OCALA Chalky to fossiliferous, mud-rich IN SOUTHEASTERN LATE LIMESTONE to calcarenitic limestone FLORIDA:

AQUIFER Satilla Formation (formerly Fine-grained, micritic to MIDDLE 500-1,500 CONFINING UNIT Pamlico Sand) fossiliferous limestone; (MC1) Miami Limestone dolomitic limestone; and Fort Thompson Formation APPZ 0-600 MIDDLE EOCENE AVON PARK MAP dolostone. Also contains in FORMATION Anastasia Formation the lower part anhydrite/ MIDDLE CONFINING UNIT (MC2) Key Largo Limestone gypsum as bedded deposits, or more commonly as pore LOWER FLORIDAN GLAUC filling material. Glauconitic

?  ?  ? FLORIDAN 0-1,800 OLDSMAR limestone near top of Oldsmar EARLY FORMATION Formation in some areas AQUIFER BZ 0-700 Dolomite and dolomitic CEDAR KEYS limestone PALEOCENE FORMATION Massive anhydrite beds SUB-FLORIDAN CONFINING UNIT 1,200?

Source: Reese and Richardson 2008 2.3-202 Revision 5

Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 COL Application Part 3 Environmental Report Figure 2.3-19 Site Hydrostratigraphic Column APPROXIMATE HYDROGEOLOGIC STRATIGRAHIC TOP ELEVATION APPROXIMATE ERATHEM SYSTEM SERIES UNIT UNIT LITHOLOGY (feet NAVD 88) THICKNESS (feet)

HOLOCENE organic muck organic soil and silt 0 3 QUATERNARY Miami Limestone sandy, oolitic limestone -3 25 PLEISTOCENE Surficial aquifer system Biscayne well indurated, vuggy, Key Largo Limestone -28 22 aquifer coralline limestone Fort Thompson poor/well indurated

-50 65 Formation fossiliferous limestone PLIOCENE Semi-confining sand and silt with Tamiami Formation -115 105 unit calcarenite limestone formation contact based on natural gamma signature CENOZOIC Peace River silty calcareous sand Formation and silt Intermediate confining unit TERTIARY

-220 235 Hawthorn Group MIOCENE calcareous wackestone Arcadia with indurated -455 >160 Formation limestones, sandstone, and sand drilling ended at -616.5 feet NAVD 88 Color represents similar composition (carbonates, clastics, and organics).

2.3-204 Revision 5

NRC-039 Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 Submitted Nov. 10, 2015 COL Application Part 3 Environmental Report Figure 2.3-17 Regional Generalized Hydrostratigraphic Column Marker Approximate Geologic Lithology Hydrogeologic unit thickness Series unit units and horizons (feet)

HOLOCENE Undifferentiated Quartz sand; silt; clay; shell; SURFICIAL and various WATER-TABLE /

and Pleistocene-aged limestone; sandy shelly limestone EXPLANATION PLEISTOCENE formations BISCAYNE AQUIFER 20-400 Geologic unit(s)

AQUIFER SYSTEM Silt; sandy clay; sandy, shelly CONFINING BEDS missing in some PLIOCENE TAMIAMI limestone; calcareous sand-FORMATION LOWER TAMIAMI areas stone; and quartz sand AQUIFER APPZ Avon Park permeable zone CONFINING UNIT INTERMEDIATE AQUIFER Interbedded sand, silt, BZ Boulder Zone PEACE SANDSTONE HAWTHORN GROUP RIVER gravel, clay, carbonate, AQUIFER OR PZ1(?) LHMU Lower Hawthorn FORMATION and phosphatic sand marker unit SYSTEM OR MIOCENE CONFINING UNIT 0-900 PZ1, Permeable PZ2, zones in west-AND LATE MID-HAWTHORN PZ3 central Florida CONFINING UNIT OLIGOCENE Sandy micritic limestone; AQUIFER OR ARCADIA PZ2 FORMATION marlstone; shell beds; dolomite; phosphatic sand MAP Middle Avon LHMU and carbonate; sand; silt; CONFINING UNIT Park marker BASAL and clay LOWER HAWTHORN horizon HAWTHORN UNIT PRODUCING ZONE PZ3 0-300 GLAUC Glauconite marker SYSTEM horizon EARLY SUWANNEE Fossiliferous, calcarenitic UPPER 100-800 OLIGOCENE LIMESTONE limestone FLORIDAN PLEISTOCENE-AGED AQUIFER FORMATIONS (UF)

OCALA Chalky to fossiliferous, mud-rich IN SOUTHEASTERN LATE LIMESTONE to calcarenitic limestone FLORIDA:

AQUIFER Satilla Formation (formerly Fine-grained, micritic to MIDDLE 500-1,500 CONFINING UNIT Pamlico Sand) fossiliferous limestone; (MC1) Miami Limestone dolomitic limestone; and Fort Thompson Formation APPZ 0-600 MIDDLE EOCENE AVON PARK MAP dolostone. Also contains in FORMATION Anastasia Formation the lower part anhydrite/ MIDDLE CONFINING UNIT (MC2) Key Largo Limestone gypsum as bedded deposits, or more commonly as pore LOWER FLORIDAN GLAUC filling material. Glauconitic

?  ?  ? FLORIDAN 0-1,800 OLDSMAR limestone near top of Oldsmar EARLY FORMATION Formation in some areas AQUIFER BZ 0-700 Dolomite and dolomitic CEDAR KEYS limestone PALEOCENE FORMATION Massive anhydrite beds SUB-FLORIDAN CONFINING UNIT 1,200?

Source: Reese and Richardson 2008 2.3-202 Revision 5

Turkey Point Units 6 & 7 COL Application Part 3 Environmental Report Figure 2.3-19 Site Hydrostratigraphic Column APPROXIMATE HYDROGEOLOGIC STRATIGRAHIC TOP ELEVATION APPROXIMATE ERATHEM SYSTEM SERIES UNIT UNIT LITHOLOGY (feet NAVD 88) THICKNESS (feet)

HOLOCENE organic muck organic soil and silt 0 3 QUATERNARY Miami Limestone sandy, oolitic limestone -3 25 PLEISTOCENE Surficial aquifer system Biscayne well indurated, vuggy, Key Largo Limestone -28 22 aquifer coralline limestone Fort Thompson poor/well indurated

-50 65 Formation fossiliferous limestone PLIOCENE Semi-confining sand and silt with Tamiami Formation -115 105 unit calcarenite limestone formation contact based on natural gamma signature CENOZOIC Peace River silty calcareous sand Formation and silt Intermediate confining unit TERTIARY

-220 235 Hawthorn Group MIOCENE calcareous wackestone Arcadia with indurated -455 >160 Formation limestones, sandstone, and sand drilling ended at -616.5 feet NAVD 88 Color represents similar composition (carbonates, clastics, and organics).

2.3-204 Revision 5