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Nea Operational Experience Paris 2018
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/26/2018
From: John Lane
lane John 415-2476
Shared Package
ML18123A478 List:
Download: ML18123A479 (29)


U.S. NRC Operational Experience Data Collection Program NEA Workshop on the Use of Operational Experience in PSA April 26-27 2018 John C Lane Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. NRC

Topics of Discussion Recognition of Importance of OpE data Where does U.S. OpE data come from?

How is OpE data gathered, coded, analyzed?

Where is OpE data housed?

Who uses OpE data?


WASH-1400 (1975)


  • 1st computer file of Reportable Occurrences (73)
  • Documented the need for comprehensive OpE
  • Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System (NPRDS)
  • Managed by Southwest Research Institute for Edison Electric Institute (1974)
  • Voluntary industry initiative
  • Engr & failure data on components 3

Late 70s-80s President Jimmy Carter -1977-make mandatory the current voluntary reporting of minor mishaps and component failures at operating reactors, in order to develop the reliable data base needed to improve reactor design and operating practice

  • NUREG-0161-LER Data Entry Guidance for Tech Spec Reportable Occurrences (1977)
  • Originally managed at ORNL via the Sequence Coding Search System (SCSS, 1984)
  • Idaho National Lab has managed since 2000 4

LER Reporting Reportable Events require submission within 60 days:

  • Plant shutdown resulting from a Technical Specification requirement
  • Operations or plant conditions prohibited by Tech Specs
  • Safety barriers degraded
  • A natural phenomena posing a threat to the facility
  • Inadvertent actuation of:
  • Containment Isolation System
  • Containment heat removal system

LER Search 6

1990s Maintenance Rule-1991 (10CFR50.65)

  • Required additional OpE capability to track component failures in safety and non-safety systems
  • Use OpE to help set performance goals PRA Policy STMT--1995 INPO (Institute for Nuclear Power Operations)
  • EPIX-1998 (Equip Performance & Information Exchange)
  • Voluntary Upgrade and expansion of NPRDS (managed by INPO since 1982) 7

2000s MSPI-Mitigating Systems Performance Index (2005)

  • Monitor(s) the performance of 5 systems based on their ability to perform risk-significant functions
  • HP coolant injection/core spray/safety injection
  • Rx Core Isolation Cooling/Emergency Feedwater
  • Emergency AC power
  • Cooling water support system
  • Attempts to balance the need for maintenance (availability) with equipment performance (reliability) 8

2018 9

Publicly Available Data Summaries


Primary Data Source for Reliability Data Equipment failure data captured in the INPO Consolidated Events Database (ICES)

  • Formerly EPIX (prior to 2013)
  • Data from 1998 transition from NPRDS
  • Supports data for:
  • Maintenance Rule
  • Reactor Oversight Process (ROP)
  • Data is proprietary, only accessible by INPO members
  • Data is input by each utility in the U.S.
  • Amount of data provided varies by utility
  • All provide required MSPI data, but some provide significantly more
  • Includes demand and run time data for some systems 11

RADS (Reliability & Availability Data System)

INL Computer Program

  • Uses either plant-specific or generic data
  • Reliability (failures per demand probability/failure rate to operate)
  • Train or component level data on unavailability (planned/unplanned unavailability) due to test and maintenance
  • Used by NRC staff and industry for submission of licensing action requests
  • Provides reliability parameters for SPAR models
  • Helps focus NRC inspections on the most risk significant systems
  • Aids in the review of requests for unit-specific licensing actions
  • Monitors maintenance rule implementation
  • Supports reliability analyses of risk-significant systems/components 12

Primary Data Source for Initiating Events

  • Licensee Event Reports (LERs)
  • Reports required to be submitted to the NRC per LER Rule
  • Significant safety system failures are reported
  • Inspection Reports (IRs)
  • Monthly Operating Reports (MORs)

Primary source of operating time data Required by NRC Generic Letter 97-02 13

Initiating Event Studies

  • Each event is categorized according to the initial plant fault and functional impact
  • The collected data are analyzed for time dependence, reactor-type dependence, and between-plant variance
  • Dependencies and trends are reported, along with the raw counts and the best estimate for initiating event frequencies


Categories of Initiating Events

  • Loss of offsite power
  • Loss of vital AC bus
  • BWR loss of heat sink
  • Loss of vital DC bus
  • PWR loss of instrument air
  • Loss of Component Cooling Water
  • PWR loss of heat sink
  • BWR loss of instrument air

Fire Events Data Base NRC/EPRI developed Fire Events Database in 2011 from:

  • Event Notifications and LERs from 1990 to present
  • New fire events added to the INPO ICES database Supports:
  • Development of Fire PRA Initiating Event Frequencies
  • Industry compliance with NFPA 805 (National Fire Protection Assoc)
  • NRR Fire Metrics 16

Component Studies Tasks:

  • Risk analysis of operating data
  • Engineering analysis of trends Provides insights into the performance of components on an industry-wide basis
  • Turbine-Driven Pumps (TDP)
  • Motor-Driven Pumps (MDP)
  • Air-Operated Valves (AOV)
  • Motor-Operated Valves (MOV) 17

System Reliability Studies Boiling Water Reactor Systems:

  • Isolation Condenser (IC) System
  • High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) System Common System:
  • Emergency Power System 18

Common Cause Failure Studies Common-Cause Failure Database includes:

  • method for identifying CCF events
  • coding and classification of events for use in CCF studies
  • computer system for storing and analyzing the data CCF events are component failures that satisfy four criteria:
  • Two or more individual components fail, are degraded or have deficiencies that would result in component failures if a demand signal had been received
  • Components fail within a selected period of time such that success of the mission would be uncertain
  • Components fail because of a single shared cause and coupling mechanism
  • Components fail within the established component boundary 19

CCF (continued)


  • motor-operated valves
  • motor-driven pumps
  • circuit breakers


"Common-Cause Failure Event Insights" (NUREG/CR-6819), Volumes 1 through 4 (2003) 20

21 Data Quality Controls

  • A users guide describes each study and provides guidance for completing each field in the IDCCS
  • The IDCCS program utilizes numerous lookup tables and automated checks to ensure data consistency
  • Records are entered by qualified coding engineers
  • Each record is independently checked by a second qualified coding engineer
  • The IDCCS software randomly selects a sample of records for an independent quality review semi-annually 22

NRC Equipment Reliability Database Sample Input 23

NRC/Industry Uses for OpE Data NRC/RES

  • Accident Sequence Precursor Program NRC/NRR
  • Mitigating System Performance Index
  • Operating Experience Clearinghouse
  • Regional Inspectors
  • Significance Determination Process/SRAs Industry/Public
  • Reference material for plant-specific PRA models
  • LERSearch 24

25 NRC OpE Clearinghouse Inputs OpE Program Products Domestic OpE: Industry Influencing Agency programs Daily Event Reports

  • Plant Status Reports
  • Inspection
  • Licensee Event Reports
  • Licensing
  • Part 21 Reports
  • INPO Reports OpE Clearinghouse Informing Stakeholders Domestic OpE: NRC Screening Generic Communications
  • Inspection Findings
  • OpE Briefings Preliminary Notifications
  • Communication COMMunications Regional Project Calls Periodic OpE Newsletter Construction Experience Evaluation OpE Notes Studies/Trends Notable OpE Tech Review Group Report International OpE Application Incident Reporting System (IRS) Taking Regulatory Actions International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) Storage Rulemaking
  • Bilateral Exchanges Information Request *
  • Available on the public NRC Web Page 26

Screening Follows NRC Directive LIC-401 NRR-NRO Reactor Operating Experience Program Tiered response/disposition

  • Formal screen in Issue for Resolution
  • Staff follow-up and summary OpE COMMunication
  • Email issue Technical Review Group Note
  • Information only No Action 27

Communications Generic and Safety Significant issues may warrant notice Examples:

  • Information Notice
  • Generic Letter
  • Regulatory Issues Summary
  • Publication of OpE study 28

Coordinated International Activities Relationship focused

  • NEAs Working Group on Operating Experience (WGOE)
  • IAEAs International Reporting System
  • International Common Cause Database (ICDE) 29