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Ro:On 791129,pressure Switch FP-PSL-3963 Shorted Out, Creating Short on Annunciator Card Covering Reactor Bldg Zones 13-15.Cause Not Stated.Short at Pressure Switch Removed for Repair.New Annunciator Card Ordered
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/1979
From: Tollison A
RSEP-79-1253, NUDOCS 7912270556
Download: ML19256G174 (1)






Carolina Power & Light Company


Brunswick Steam Electric Plant


P. O. Box 458


Southport, NC 28461 December 20, 1979 FILE: B3516 SERIAL: BSEP/79-1253 Mr. James P. O'Reilly, Director U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, GA 30303 BRUNSW1CK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 1 LICENSE NO. DPR-71 DOCKET NO. 50-325 SPECIAL REPORT PER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS



Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

As required by Technical Specification, Carolina Power & Light Company is submitting the following special report.

On November 29, 1979, pressttre switch FP-PSL-3963 shorted out, creating a short on the annunciator card covering Reactor Building ::enes 13,14 and 15. The short at the pressure switch was removed, and parts are on order to repair this switch. The annunciator card was determined to be unrepairable, and a new card was ordered on a rush purchase order. The annunciator card should be replaced and the system returned to normal operation by December 31, 1979. A continuous fire watch has been in effect in the required zones since the problem occurred and will remain in effeet until the system is returned to normal operation.

Very truly yours, O .

0&Y A. C. Tollison, Jr., General Manager Brunswick Stean Electric Plant RMP/sgb

. /

cc:l/R. A. Hartfield


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