RNP-RA/15-0063, Submittal of Ninety Day Inservice Inspection Summary Report - Supplement

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Submittal of Ninety Day Inservice Inspection Summary Report - Supplement
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/2015
From: Glover R M
Duke Energy Progress
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15204A061 (198)


{{#Wiki_filter:Serial: RNP-RA/15-0063 JUL 0 8 2015 ATTN: Document Control Desk United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-000 I H. B. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-261/RENEWED LICENSE NO. DPR-23 R. Michael Glover H B Robinson Steam Elmrrc Plent Unit 2 Site Vrce PreSJdenl Dull* EllflllD' Aogress 3581 W8sl EnJram:e Roao Hartsville, SC 29550 0. 843 8511704 F 843 8571319 1 O CFR 50.55a SUBMITTAL OF NINETY DAY INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT -SUPPLEMENT Ladies and Gentlemen: In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," Duke Energy Progress, Inc., provided, as an enclosure to the letter, dated January 30, 2014 (ADAMS Accession Number ML 1403 7 A230), the Inservice Inspection Summary Report for Class I and Class 2 pressure retaining components and their supports. This report has been prepared in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, 2007 Edition, 2008 Addenda, Article IWA-6000. This report covers inspection activities before and during Refueling Outage 28 at the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2. Although this report is complete and accurate in all material respects, an editorial error was made during its submittal. In particular, a signed copy of the Fonn NIS-1, Owner's Report For Inservice /11spections, had been prepared for inclusion into the report, however, an unsigned copy of the Fonn was inadvertently included in the report during the submittal. This update resubmits the report, which now includes a signed copy of the Fonn NIS-1 (page 3 of the enclosure to this letter) and replaces, in entirety, the report submitted earlier under ADAMS Accession Number MLl4037A230. There are no regulatory commitments made in this submittal. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. R. Hightower at (843) 857-1329. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed On: 9, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial: RNP-RA/15-0063 Page 2 of 2 RMG/am




REPORT cc: Mr. V. M. McCree, NRC, Region II Ms. M. Barillas, NRC Project Manager, NRR NRC Resident Inspector, HBRSE;P Unit No. 2 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Enclosure to Serial: RNP-RA/15-0063 Page 1 of 196 (including cover) H. B. ROBINSON STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT NO. 2 INSERVICE INSPEC'fION





  • Page 1 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II -MANDATORY FORM NIS-1 FORM NIS-1 OWNER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules 1. Owner: CP&L. Inc. Oba Duke Energy-Progress.

Inc .. 526 S. ChUrch Street Charlotte. NC. m21_ . . . (Name and Address of Owner) 2. Plant: H.B. Robinson. 3581 West Entrance Rd .. Hartsville. SC 29550 (Name and Address of Plant) 3. Plant Unit : 4. Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required) NIA 5. Commercial Service Date: 317/1971 6. National Board Number for Unit : 20V2 7. Components Inspected Manufacturer Component or Manufacturer or or Installer State or National Aoourtenance Installer Serial No. Province No. Board No. Reactor Vessel Westinghouse SIN 66109 NIA

  • NB-20772 Pressurizer Westinghouse SIN 16A6208-1 NIA #722 Steam Generator A Westinghouse SIN 93732 NIA NIA ., .. Steam Generator B Westinahouse SIN 93733. NIA NIA Steam Generator C Westinghouse SIN 93734 NIA NIA Southern Boron lnlection Ta.nk. Fabricators S/N0049 NIA #368 Residual Removal Heat Atlas Industries Exchanaer
  • A" Mfa. Co. #881 NIA #731 Piolna Ebasco Services NIA NIA NIA . Pioina
  • Maintenance

'* NIA NIA NIA Page2of195 ) Form NIS*1 SECTION XI -DIVISION 1 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda FORM NIS-1 (Back) 8. Examination Dates 3119/2012 to __ _,_11.:.:./.:.:5/_..2 .... 01_l.___ 9. Inspection Period Identification: Period 1 {7/2012012 / 7119/2015)

10. Inspection Interval from: 7120/2012 to. __ __..7,_.11

.... 9:.:12:::.02=-1,,___

11. Applicable Editions of Section XI: 2007 Edition. thru 2008 Addenda 12. Date I Revision of the Inspection Plan: 8/13/2013 Revision 1 13. Abstract of Examinations and Tests. Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan. See Attached Summaries
12. Abstract of Results of Examination and Tests. See Attached Summaries
13. Abstract of Corrective Measures.

See attached Summaries We certify that a) the statements made in this report are correct, b) the examinations and tests meet

  • the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI, and c) corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.
  • Certificate of Authorization No. (if applicable):

NIA Expiration

  • N/A Date: I fl!JYOl'o/

Signed: Duke Progress, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of South Carolina and employed by HSBCT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 3119/2012 to 11/05(2013 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certification neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Q,t-\Otmfl'.l:- Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 AN!I National Board, State, Province, and Endorsement Date: Of 15


1.1 This report presents the results of the lnservice Inspection of the Fifth Interval, First Period, First Outage, for refueling outage number twenty-eight (R0-28) at the H. B. Robinson Unit 2 Nuclear Station. Examinations of steam generator feedwater nozzles per NRC IE Bulletin No. 79-13, piping welds, piping supports, component welds, component supports, and bolting and were conduded in accordance with ASME Sedion XI, 2007 Edition, thru 2008 Addenda. Repair and replacement efforts included modification and maintenance of component replacements. Pressure testing of ASME Code systems and their components was performed in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section XI, *iwA-5000, IWB-5000, IWC-5000, and IWD-5000.

1.2 Indications

discovered during visual examination of component supports were

  • evaluated and accepted, repafred or restored to the original design configurations.


2.1 This report contains a detailed item-by-item summary of examinations and test results performed by Duke Energy -Progress, Inc., AREVA, and Westinghouse, during R0-28 (9/14/2013 thru 11/05/2013) and from the last NIS-1 Report ending on 3/18/2012. The Fifth Interval, First Period examination percentage requirements are contained in Tab H, "Examination Percentage summary". Examination reports, sketches, examination limitations, consumable testing materials, personnel qualifications and calibration standards are retained by Duke Energy -Progress, Inc. on site. Detailed information for outage activities is contained in the *1nservice lnspedion R0-28 Final Report". These reports may be obtained through the Duke Energy -Progress, Inc. plant document control services. 3.0 EDDY CURRENT EXAMINATION

3.1 Steam

generator eddy-current testing was performed during refueling outage 28. Details of the examinations performed are contained in Tab A, "Steam Generator Eddy Current Summary".


EXAMINATION EVALUATION 4.1 The inservice inspection non-destructive examinations performed during R0-28 at H. B. Robinson, Unit 2 Nudear Station were conduded in accordance with the R0-28 outage plan derived from the Fifth Ten Year lnservice Inspection Program and Plan. This plan meets the requirements of ASME Section XI as defined in the 2007 Edition, thru the 2008 Addenda, H. B. Robinson, Unit 2 and Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.55a(g) including those applicable relief requests approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Fifth Ten-Year Interval. Page4of 195 4.3 Ultrasonic, liquid penetrant and magnetic particle revealed no service-Induced flaws exceeding the acceptance criteria of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition, thru 2008 Addenda.

  • 4.4 Visual examinations of supports, which revealed indications requiring evaluation, were determined to be functional.

All reported indications on supports were evaluated by Civil Engineering under the Corrective Action Program (CAP) to determine if the supports were functional and had no operability concerns. However. in some cases, Duke Energy -Progress, Inc. has elected to restore the supports to their original design via the WO (Work Order) process and re-Inspected to ensure those components have been returned to their design condition. 4.5 The results of examinations performed at the H. B. Robinson Nuclear Station during R0-28 are classified into one of the following categories: Sat -No Rejectable Indications UnSat -Rejectable Indications 4.6 The lnservice Examination Summary (TAB 8) itemize the components examined during R0-28. The percent Code required volume (CRV) or Code required area (CRA) covered during the examination, if less than or equal to 90%, is delineated in the comment section of the examination. The following is a brief explanation of the type of Information included in the NOE Summary: . '

  • Summarv No. -Unique tracking number utilized within the ISi Program/Plan.
  • Component ID -Identification of the component examined or tested
  • Component Description -A description of the component configuration
  • Category -The ASME code category that the examination was performed to.
  • Item -The item number of the applicable code category that the examination was performed to.
  • Procedure

-The procedure utilized to perform examination.

  • Method -The examination or test method -*
  • Report # -The unique examination number assigned to an exam.
  • Results -The results of the examination
  • System -The system on which the component was examined .
  • ISO Number
  • The isometric drawing identifying the location of the component being examined.
  • Exam Date -The date the examination was completed.

' Paga 5 of 195


EXAMINATION PROGRAM 5.1 The Augmented Examination Program included in this report documents the Inspections performed to satisfy regulatory documents or commitments, other than ASME Section XI. These examinations are summarized in the Augmented . Examination Summary, TAB C, of this Report. AUGMENTEIO E-:1 During refueling outage R0-28, ultrasonic examinations were conducted in accordance with NRC commitment ID 92R0362 for the steam generator feed water nozzles (79-13). AUGMENT E-16 (N 722-1) During refueling outage R0-28, the hot leg visual examination was performed to the examination requirements associated with ASME Code Case N-722-1 and N-770-1. In addition, the bottom mounted instrumentation was performed with to the examination requirements associated with ASME Code Case N-722-1 satisfactory results. ' AUGMENT E-17 (N-770-1) During refueling outage R0-28, the cold leg volumetric examination was performed on all three nozzles as required per ASME Code Case N-770-1, as modified by 10CFR50.55a. results are.unchanged from those indications identified in R0-25 and R0-27. In addition, a remote visual examination was performed on the hot leg dissimilar metal welds (3) with satisfactory results. 6.0 PRESERVICE ExAMINA TION 6.1 Preservice examination of ASME Code Class components were CC)nducted at the H.B. Robinson Unit 2 Plant from the close of R0-27 (3/1812012) to the close of R0-28 (November 5, 2013) were performed to the requirements of ASME Section XI 1995 Edition through 1996 Addenda up until July 19, 1012. On July 20, 2012 RNP entered the Fifth Ten Year Interval working to the 2007 Edition, through 2008 Addenda. A summary of these exaniinatlons and the results are listed in the Preservice Examination Summary, TAB D, of this report. 6.2 The detailed examination data sheets recording all of the volumetric, surface and visual results for the preservice examinations are located in the lnservice Inspection RO 28 ISi Final Report and may be obtained through the Duke Energy -Progress, Inc., H.B. Robinson Plant Document Control Services.

Page 6of195




7.1 Pressure

tests and VT-2 examinations are performed in conjunction with ASME Section XI and in accordance with procedure TMM-020 "lnser:vice Inspection Pressure Testing* .. Also included within TMM-020 are the approaches to testing each Code Class system and reference to the respective Engineering Surveillance Test (EST) procedures used In the conduct of the credited pressure test. The summary of completed pressure tests is listed in the Pressure Test Summary,* TAB E, of this Report. 8.0 IWE/IWL PROGRAM 8.1 RQ.;28 scope included items scheduled under the IWE/IWL Program (RNP-PM-006) and the IWEllWL Plan (RNP-PM-007). Examination results are Included in TAB F. Examination results, when required were entered into the corrective action program for disposition and corrective actions as necessary.


RESTORATION PROJECT 9.1 liner Restoration Project was also performed during RQ.;28. A total of 72 sheathingnnsulation panels were removed, visual examinations were performed in accordance with relief request RR-01 end or RR-02, as identified in the IWEllWL Program (RNP-PM-006) and the IWE/IWL Plan (RNP-PM-007).

  • The results of those examinations are delineated in TAB G of this report. 9.2 Containment Metallic Liner -50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A) 50.55a(blf2}(ixUAU1)

The containment liner is generally inaccessible as It is covered with insulation and sheathing panels with caulked joints. During every Refueling Outage, a number* of the insulation and sheathing panels are removed to access and inspect the metallic liner in conformance with approved relief requests (IWE/IWL-RR-01 and RR-02) from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Subsections IWE and IWL requirements for Containment Inspection. During RF0-28 (2013), visual'examination and measurements on the metallic liner showed pit and banded corrosion and/or bulge at some areas. At all the locations where liner bulge was observed, no active corrosion was observed behind (reverse side) the metallic liner. Coating is generally applied to protect the metallic liner from carrosion but the coatings were observed to be less effective at locations where severe corrosion was found. Degradation of the coatings Is partly due to conformance of the insulation/sheathing panel to its original design specification which inferred a system completely impervious to moisture. Presence of moisture behind the Insulation system and long-term leaching of chloride ion from the insulation system are considered to have contributed to degradation of the protective coatings and subsequent corrosion of the metallic liner.

  • Page 7*of 195 50.55af b)(2UlxUAU2)

Given the magnitude of the containment internal surface area which exceeds 57 ,000 ft 2 or 2,200 panels of sheathing/insulated liner from ground level to more than 90 ft above the operating deck, it is Impractical to conduct an immediate inspection of the

  • entire containment metallic liner. A total of 72 insulation and sheathing panels were removed during RF0-28 to provide accessibility for metallic liner examination.

The panels removed were randomly selected, representative, and are located between elevations 228ft (the lowest row of the insulation and sheathing panels) and 2B4ft. The effect of wall thinning due to corrosion and bulge on the ability of the metallic liner to perform its safety-related function were evaluated quantitatively (calculations RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6, "Minimum Allowable Containment Liner Thicknessn and RNP-C/STRU-1130, Rev. 2, "Analysis of Containment Liner Bulgen). The analyses performed in calculations RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6 and RNP-C/STRU-1130, Rev. 2 enveloped the worst case of liner corrosion and bulge observed during RF0-28. The analyses which include induced stresses in the liner under nonnal operating and design accidental conditions, compared with the design code allowable stresses indicate that the metallic liner is fully operable and the presence of corrosion and/or bulge does not impact its integrity or ability to act as leak tight barrier. All areas of the metallic liner where eorrosion was observed have been refurbished and re-install to conform to original design requirements. The severity of corrosion recorded during RF0-28 is similar to the level observed during RF0-26 (2011) and previously evaluated corrosion found during RFC inspections dating back to 1993. Engineering Change (EC72699, "Evaluation of Containment Building Liner, Insulation, Sheathing, and Coatings") which estimated future corrosion rate based on measured cumulative and historical data indicates that the metallic liner corrosion is at a relatively steady state. The largest magnitude of liner observed during RF0-26 Is below the extent observed.dating back to 1976. 50.55a fbU2UixUA}(3) The original liner insulation system specification which inferred a perfect impervious system throughout the service life of the plant is not maintainable. The assumption that the caulking joint will retain its elastic properties and will continue to bond the sheathing panels through multiple operating heat-up and cookk>wn cycles is conservative and impractical. A corrective action through Engineering Change is planned to revise the original insulation and sheathing specification to indicate that the system only serve the function of moisture resistant that is maintainable to the extent required to assure that the containment liner continue to perform its safety-. related function of leak tight membrane under normal and design accidental conditions. A feasibility study Is currently being performed to evaluate the structural and functional adequacy of the containment metallic liner without the insulation and sheathing panels. The result of the study will enhance the accessibility of the metallic liner and Its long-term perfonnance If it is proven that the metallic liner is capable of performing its safety-related function without the insulation and sheathing panels.

  • Page 8 of 195 A Preventative Maintenance (PM) program is also planned to proactively remove insulation and sheathing panels; inspect the insulation system (coatings, insulation . and sheathing panels, and caulking);

refurbish and re-install system to original design

  • specification; and continuously*

monitoring the containment liner to assure that It ls maintained to the original de1:1ign condition.

9.3 Containment

Concrete -50.55.a(b)(2)(viiiUEl 50.55a(b)(2)(viil)(El(1 l Concrete component of the containment building was inspected and evaluated for potential structural distress and conditions that can affect the integrity of the building and its abHity to perform its safety-related function. 50.55a(b)(2)(viii)(E)(2) Areas inspected for concrete degradation during RF0-28 include the exterior surface of the containment cylindrical wall (azimuths 0-90°, 90°-180°, 180°-270°, 270°--0°) and the dome, Boron Injection Tank room, Equipment Hatch area between El. 226ft and 252ft, Cable Vault Room, Pipe Alley, Purge Inlet room, Rod Control room, and the Airlock area. Visual surface examination reports show that there is no major structural distress except some localized chemical leaching which resulted in staining of the concrete surface. Minimal concrete spalling was observed on the exterior of the containment cylindrical wall between azimuths 180° and 270°. Concrete staining and spalling observed will not affect the structural integrity of the containment building and its ability to perform its safety-related functions .. The containment eoncrete areas inspected are fully operable and acceptable as-is. : 50.55a(b)(2lCviiilCEl(3) No corrective action is required or planned. 10.0 EXAMINATION PERCENTAGE


10.1 An examination summary is included In this report under TAB H identifying those examinations complete for the Fifth Ten year Interval first period and the remainder scheduled for the Interval Page9of 195 11.0 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PROGRAM 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The H. B. Robinson Nuclear Station Repair and Replacement Program reporting period from the close of R0-27 (3/1812012) to tlie close of R0-28 (November 5, 2013) were performed to the requirements ofASME Section XI 1995 Edition through 1996 Addenda up until July 1012 ... On July 20, 2012 RNP entered the Fifth Ten Year Interval working to the 2007 Edition, through 2008 Addenda. Repair/replacement activities that occurred during this time frame underwent extensive review by the station personnel involved and the Authorized Nuclear lnservice Inspector (ANll). Work Order package information included within this summary report are those items which have completed all the required reviews, final engineering approval, and the required ANl/ANll NIS-2 certification prior to the close of the reporting period as specified in ASME Section XI, IWA-6230(b). The repair/replacement summaries are listed in the Repair/Replacement Summary, TAB I, of this Report. Work Order.evolutions performed during R0-28 whose document review, approval and certification process was completed after the (Closure of the OCB -Output Circuit Breaker) which occurred on 11/5/2013 and were finalized by the established date of this report (1/1512014) are Included in this NIS-2 Summary Report. The remaining repair/replacement activities whose document review, approval and certification process was not completed by the established date of this report .(111512014) will be incorporated into the next NIS-2 Summary Report at the conclusion of R0-29. The. enclosed repair and replacement summary (TAB I) and the attached ASME Section XI, NIS-2 forms (Attachment) detail the component, system, Work Order document, component description and the description of the Work Order actMty. Complete repair and replacement documentation for the specific component is maintained on site as a permanent record and is retrievable through the WO (Work Order) document package, which is identified on the NIS-2 form. The Owners Report for Repair/Replacement Activities, Form NIS-2 is provided as an attachment to this report. , Page10of195 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT A B c D E F G H REFUELING OUTAGE 28 INDEX OF EXAMINATIONS ACTIVITY STEAM GENERATOR EDDY CURRENT





















.* Page.12of195 ABSTRACT The following summarizes the examination and results of the inspection that was performed by AREVA during the H.B. Robinson Unit 2 RF028 Fall 2013 outage. The eddy current examinations were performed utilizing Bobbin, Array (X-Probe), and MRPC probes. The site specific eddy current detection and sizing techniques used to perform the examinations were based on EPRI Revision 7 qualified techniques.

The following table summarizes inspection scope: SG Scooe Exams A Total All Base Scope Programs 5651 A Total Diaanostic Scooe Proarams 15 A Total Tests All Proarams 5666 B Total All Base Scope Proarams 5785 B Total Diagnostic Scope Programs 32 B Total Tests'All Programs 5817 c Total All Base Scope Programs 5678 c Total Diaanostic Scope Programs 40 c Total Tests All Programs 5718 All Combined Total All Tests All Programs 17201 The following Is a summary of new indications and mitigating actions; SG New Wear Indications Tubes Pluaaed TS limit* SG-A 8 2 0 SG-B 10 2 0 SG-C 8 0 0 Page 13of195 TAB B INSERVICE* EXAMINATION .


  • Page 14 of 195 Summary No. ca. .. 1 31200 Comp.ID Comp. Dnc. Category B-0 105/INLET
  • SIG "A" HOT LEG NOZZLE INNER RADIUS Hem Procedurv Mdlod/Report/Rnulls System DwgllSO EDmDate 83.140 NOEP--0611 VT I VT-13-Q46

/Sal 3005 H8R2-10616 SHOOOOS 10/1112013 Comments: A vlsuat examination was performed on the component Inner radius to the ASME Section XI. 1998 Edition as required by 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(A) with satisfactory results. 31300 . 105/0UTLET SIG "A" COLO LEG NOZZLE INNER RADIUS 83.140 NOEP-0611 VT I VT-13-Q47 I Sat 3005 HBR2-10618 SH00006 101812013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component inner radius lo the ASME Section XI. 1998 Edition as required by 10CFR50.55a(b)(2)(xxl)(A) with saUsfactory results. Class 1 category B-G-2 31000 105/CL-MNY-BL T SIG "A" COLO LEG MANWAY BOLTING 87.30 NOEP-o611 VT I VE-13-003 / Sat 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00006 6/512013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the disassembled component bolted connection to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdiUon tlvu 2008 Addenda with satisfactory 111SL1fts. 31100 10SIHL-MNY-BLT SIG "A" HOT LEG MANWAY BOLTING 87.30 NOEP-0611 VT I VE-13-001 /Sal 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00006 61512013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on !he disassembled component bolted connection to the requirements of ASME Sectlon XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resulls. 73400 1221CVC:-312A(B) VALVE CVC-312A BOLTING 87.70 NOEP--0611 VT t.VT-13-283 /Sat 2060 H8R2-10618 SH00032 101912013 Comments: A 'lllsual examination was performed on the disassembled component bolted connection to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 88100 VALVE CVC-3128 BOLTING 87.70 NDEP.OS11 VT I VT-13-002 I Sat 2060 HBR2-10618 SH00036 10/1112013 Comments: A visual examination Wis performed on the disassembled component batted .connection to the raquif1!ments of ASME Section XI; 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with ailllsfactory resulls. Class 107/06 LOOP "A" CROSSOVER LEG ELBOW TO PIPE 89.11 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-019 /Sat 2005 H8R2-10618 SH00010 1Qnl2013 NOEP-0449 UT I UT-13-009 (Page 1) I Sat 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00010 10/812013 NDEP-0449 UT I UT-13-009 (Page 2)/ Sal 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00010 10/8/2013 NDEP-0449 UT I UT-13-009 (Page 3) I SB! 2005 H8R2-10618 $H00010 10/8/2013 Comments: A volumetric and surface examlnallon was performed on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2007 Edi11on lhru 2008 Addenda with salisfadory results. This examination was limited lo 73.325% code required volume and wl8 be submitted under relief request RR-09 (Mure) at the erid of the fifth Interval. 36600 107112 LOOP "A" COLD LEG PIPE TO PIPE 89.11 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-0211 Sat 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00010 10/812013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-011 /Sat 2005 HBR2-10618 SH00010 101812013 CommenlS: A volumetric and surface examination was perfonned on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resulls. ca... 1

  • Category a-N-1 532500 101/GROUP 2 CORE BARREL . 813.10 NOEP--0613 VT IVT-13-281

/ Eval 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 10/412013

  • Comments:

A remote underwater visual examination was perfonned on the reador vessel interior lo the requlrvments of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with slttsfadmy resub. Evaluation Disposition Examination was pedomled using a deep ocean engineering P150 high nisolutlon color The examlnat10n ldentlll9d a pelce of wile on lop of !he core barrel. AR 633350 was generated for the FME retrieval by the refueling team. ., *

  • AR 633350 -The Indication on the core barrel was not FME. This indication was Identified in R0-27 and determined to be vessel rust indication with no FME. This Indication was verified on 10/1512013 as a RISI Indication with no FME la remove. Page 15of195 Summaiy Na. Class 2 Comp.ID category c.c ltam Procedure MetbadlReportlRllautts System Dwg/ISO EllamDate 185000 204/AWS-1-ATT WELDED ATTACHMENT C3.10 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-0011 Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00060 10/10/2013 Comments:

A surface examination was performed on the componant welded attachment to the requirements of ASME Seclion XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. This examination had limited swfac:e coverage (75%) and wlR be lncOIJIOrBted Into relief request RR-09 (future) at the end of the fifth 172300 2121MS-1A-6017-ATT WELDED ATTACHMENT C3.20 NDEP-0301 MT I MT-13-001 /Sat 3020 HBR2-10618 SH00071 101212013

  • Comments:

A surface examination was performed on the component welded attachment to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edltlon thru 2008 Addenda with salisfactoiy results. This examination had limited surface coverage (88.9%) and will be lncoiporated Into retief request RR-09 at the end of the fifth interval. Cina 2 category C-f-1 224200 **221/165 TEE TO PIPE C5.11 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-002 /Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10IB/2013 .. ** ('IDEP..Q425 UT I UT-13-DO& (Page 1) I Silt 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10/812013 NDEP-D425 UT I UT-13-DO& (Page 2) I Sat 2045 HBR2-10818 SH00082 101812013 NDEP..()425 UT I UT-13-006 (Page 3) I Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 101812013 Comments: A volumetrk: and surface examlnaUon was performed on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resuns. 224300 .221/166 PIPE TO ELBOW C5.11 NOEP-0201 PT I PT-13-0031 Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10/8/2013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-007 (Page 1) I Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10/812013 NDEP-D425 UT I UT-13-007 (Page 2) I Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10/812013 NDEP-D425 UT I UT-13-007 (Page 3) I Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00082 10/812013 Comments: A volumelric and surface examination was performed on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edlllon lhru 2008 Addenda with sausractory results. 247100 229101 TEE TO PIPE CS.11 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-004 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00091 101312013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-004(Page1)/ Sat 2080 . HBR2-10618 SH00091 101312013 NDEP.-0425 UT I UT-13-004 (Page 2) I Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00091 101312013 NDEP-0425 .. UT I UT-13-004 (Page 3) I Sat 2080 HBf'U-10618 SH00091 101312013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-004 (Page 4) I Sat 2080 * . SH00091 101312013 Comments: A volumetric and surface examinaUon was performed on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 294200 240/27 PIPE TO ELBOW C5.21 NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-016 /Sat 2080 HBR2*10618 SH00106 10/312013 .. NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-005(Page1)/ Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00106 10/312013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-D05 (Page 2) /Sat 2080 SH00106 10/3/2013 NDEP-D425 UT I UT-13-005 (Page 3) I Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00106 10/3/2013 NDEP-0425 UT I UT-13-005 (Page 4) I Sal 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00106 101312013 comments: A volumeb1c and surface examlnallon was performed on the componem weld to the requirements of ASME Section Xl,.2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with sallsfactory results. 309400* 244/02 VALVE SI 8888 TO PIPE CS.JO NDEP-0201 PT I PT-13-018 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00110 10fl/2013 Comments: A surface examination wa& performed on the component weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdlUon thru 2008 Addenda with salisfactory results. -era .. 2* Category F-A 184600 202/WS-1 BIT TANK SUPPORT LEG FUO NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-005 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00058 1014/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 176800 212/MS*1A-6017 WELDED SPRING SUPPORT F1 .20C NDEP-D613 VT I /Sat

  • 3020 HBR2-10618 SHT 71 10/2/2013 Comments:

A vtsual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resuns. Page 16of195 Summary No 182700 Comp.ID 213/MS-18-1003 Comp.Dnc. Item WELDED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B Procedure Mathod1Raport/Re1ulta Syatem Dwg/ISO NOEP-0613 VT /VT-13-007 /Sat 3020 HBR2-10618 SH00072 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resuHs. 231500 221A/Sl*20-186 WELDED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT /VT-13-008/ Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SH00083 Comments: A_vlsual examination was ptirformed on Iha component support to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2007 EdlUon thru 2008 Addenda with satisfadory results. 237200 2218/Sl-20-247 WELDED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NOEP-0301 MT I MT-13..Q04 /Sat 2045 HBR2*10618 SH00084 NDEP-0613 VT /VT-13-009 /Sat 2045 HBR2-10618 SHOD084 Exam Date 9123/2013 101312013 10/412013 10/3/2013 CClmments: A visual exll'lllnation was performed on the c;amponent support to of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdiHon thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. A linear Indication In the weld was Initially ldenUfied and a magneUc partlde examination was performed which concluded the andlcatlon was non ralevant. 261100 232/Sl-9-N-21 WELDED SADDLE SUPPORT F1.20A NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-010 I Sal 2080C HBR2-10618 SH00094 9/1612013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resuHs. 270800 233181-20-6086 ROD HANGER F1.20A NDEP--0613 VT I VT-13-011 I Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00096 10/2/2013 Commenls: A examination wa5 perfonned on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda wilh satisfactory rasulls. 270900 233/Sl-:20-935 CLOSED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-012 /Sat 2080 HSR2-10618 SH00096 10/2/2013 . comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sadlon XI, 2007 EdlUon lhru 2ilo8 Addenda with satisfactory results. 271100 233/Sl-20-944 WELDED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-013 /Sal 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00096 10/212013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sedion XI. 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results: 272600 2331Sl-20A-85/1 STRUT RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-014 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00096 10/2/2013 Commenla: A vlaual examination was performed on the comi>onent support to the requirements or ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with saliSfacto!y results. 276300 234/Sl-1 Q-8 WELDED BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP--0613 VT I VT-13-015 /Sat 2080C HBR2-10618 SH00097 9/1612013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on lhe component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda With satisfadory resuHs. 288100 239/Sl-4-6054 ROD HANGER F1.20A NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-016 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00105 101212013 Commel\ll: A visual examination was performed on.the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdHlon lhru 2008 Addenda with salisfadory results. 301400. 241/Sl-4-89 PIPE CLAMP BOX RESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-017 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SHQOt07 10/2/2013 Comments: A vlsual examlnaUon was perfonned on the componerit support to the of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with saUsfadory resufts. 302000 241/Sl-4-6112 WELDED SPRING SUPPORT F1.20C NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-018 /Sat 2080 HBR2-10618 SH00107 10/1212013 Comments:* A vlaual examlnaUon was perfonned on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdlUon lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 529100 --265/FW-2-6014 ANGLE IRON SUPPORT F1.20A NOEP-0613 vr I VT-13-282 I Sat 3065 HBR2-1061B SH00233 10/812013 Comments: A Vtsual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sedion XI, 2007 EdlUon thru 2008 Addenda wttti satlsfadory resulis. Page 17of195 Summary No. Comp.ID Clan 3 C*tagory D-A 338700 303/A*WS-1-ATT Comp.One. WELDED ATTACHMENT Hum Procedure Syatem DwgllSO D1.10 NDEP-0611 VT I VT-13--019 /Sat 4080 HBR2-10618 SH00116 Comments: A visual examination was performed on Iha component welded attachment to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhn.i 2008 Addenda with satlsfadory results. 338700 306/A-WS-1-ATT WELDED ATIACHMENT D1.10. NDEP-0611 VT I VT-13-022 /Sat 4060 HBR2*10618 SH00119 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the component welded attachment to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thn.i 2008 Addenda with sa!lsfadory resuns. 340900 313A/SW*14-825-A TI WELDED ATTACHMENT D1.20 NDEP-0611 VT IVT-13-025 / Eval 4060 HBR2-10618 SH00127 Exam D*bt 10/10/2013 10/1112013 10/14/2013 Comments: A visual examination waa performed on Iha component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhn.i 2008 Addenda wilh unsatisfactory results. Loose anchor boll was identified and AR 513535 evaluated Iha condition as acceptable as is. Evaluation Based on the lack of contillUed degradation from 2006 and th8t any existing rust is localed on one extreme edge of the baseplate outside of !he Mdlof bolts. thlUsl him* support SW-14-825 is Cispos!Uon accaptabla In Its current ccndltlon and can be considered operable. 381000 ... 326/AC-3-6280*ATT WELDED ATTACHMENT 01.20 NDEP-0611 VT I VT-13-032 /Sal 4080 HBR2*10618 SH00140 9123/2013 -. Comm!lflli: A visual examination was performed an the component welded attachment to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition lhN 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. Cina 3 Category F-A 337100 HBR2*10618 SH00116 10/10/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda salisfacto,Y results. 303/A*WS-1 COMPONENT COOLING WATER HTX A F1.40 NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-020 I Sal 4080 337200 303/A-WS-2 COMPONENT COOLING WATER HTXA F1.40 NDEP-0613 VT /VT-13-021 / Eval 4080 HBRZ-10618 SH00116 10/1012013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with results. Small 2.5" chip Hke crack -* -on the wast side of the concrete to base plate. AR 834820 was generated and evalualed as eccepiable as Is. Evaluation The cracJc condition is only In the grout located between the baseplate and the Concrete pedestal. The purpose of the grout pad Is to alow for leveDng of the baseplate and sufficient surface Oispaslllon contact between 1he baseplale and the eonc:R!le p8deatal. The grout Is not accounted for in the structural design of the anchorage. Calculations 52212-C-037 and 52212-c-o48 have been reviewed and airlce the grout Is not accounted for In the structural design the cracked grout has no effect on the anchorage. The crackedichlpped grout is considered to be cosmetic and Is acceptable to be left as Is, no addlllonel corrective actions are required. _ 338900 306/A-\IVS-1 NON REGEN HTX NORTH SUPPORT F1.40 NOEP-0813 VT I VT-13-023/ Sat 4060 HBR2-10618 SH00119 10/10/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdiUon lhnl 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 339000 306/A-WS-2 NON REGEN HTX WEST SUPPORT F1.40 NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-024 /Sat 4060 HBR2-10618 SH00119 10/10/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition lhn.i 2008 Addenda wilh sallsfactory results. ** 341100 313A/SW-13-1001 SADDLE SUPPORT F1.308 NOEP-0813 VT I VT-13-026 /Sat 4060 HBRZ-10618 SH00127 10/12/2013 Coniments: A visual examination was parfolmed on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thn.i 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. -341200 313A/SW-13-1055 SADDLE SUPPORT F1.308 NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-027 /Sat 4060 HBR2*10618 SH00127 10/1212013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sadlon XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 341300 313AISW*13-56 STRUT RESTRAINT F1.30B NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-028 /Sal 4060 HBR2*10618 SH00127 10/1212013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support lo-!he requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with sat1sractory results. . 341900 .. 313A/SW*14*115 CLOSEDBOXRESTRAINT F1.30B NDEP-06.13 VT/VT-13-029/Sat 4060 HBR2*1061BSH00127 10111/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on Iha component suPflort to the requiremems of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edilion thru 2008 Addenda with sallsfadary results. 342000. 313A/SW*14-25 PEDESTAL SUPPORT F1.30A NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-030 I Sat 4060 HBR2-10618 SHD0.127 10/1112013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on !he component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI *. 2001 Edl!lon thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page 18 of 195 Summary No 342700 Comp.ID 313A/SW*14-825 Comp. Dase. llsm WELDED THRUST BLOCK SUPPORT F1.308 Procsdura Method/ReportlRssuha System DwgJISO Exam Date NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-031 I Evsl '4060 HBR2-10618 SH00127 10/1412013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requlraments or ASME Sedion XI. 2007 EdiUon thru 2008 Addenda with unaaUsladory results. Rust and debris preaent between Iha stanchion plate and shim. Rust prasent on west edge embed plate. Rusi present on lower 1.5" of embed plate. Rust In minor and major diameter of lower east hilli and lower west hlltl. Rust present on edges of stanchion plate where angle Iron guides are (appear uncoated). AR 513535 evaluated the condition as acceptable as Is. Evaluation Based on Iha lack of conllooed degradation rrom 2006 and that any existing rust is located on one extreme edge of the baseplate outside of the anchor bolls. thrust block support SW* 14-825 Is Disposition accepl8ble In lls current condition and can be considered operable. 381800 326/AC-3-150/1 WELDED ANCHOR F1.30B NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-033 /Sat 4080 HBR2-10618 SH00140 9/2312013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements ol ASME Sedlon XI, 2007 Edhlon thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 382100 328/AC-3-6260 WELDED ANCHOR . F1.30B NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-034 /Sat 4080 HBR2-10618 SH00140 9/23/2013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the component support to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfadory results. 384700 327/A-WS WELDED STANCHION F1.30B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-035 /Sat 4080 HBR2-10618 SH00141 10/10/2013 Comments: A llilual examination was perfonned on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satlsfadory rasults. 391400 330/AC-15-60 WELDED SADDLE SUPPORT F1,3QB NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-036 / Sat 7110 HBR2-10618 SH00144 9/16/2013 Comment&: A vlsual examination was performed on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory resuhs. 395700 331A/C-1-M WALL RESTRAINT F1.30B NDEP-0613 VT /VT-13-037 /Sat 3065 HBR2-10618 SH00146 10/17/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with saUsfadOry result&. 396900 3318/C-1-795 CLEVIS ROD HANGER F1.30A NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-038 I Sat 3065 HBR2-10618 SH00147 1011712013 Comments: A visual examination wa1 perfonned on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edltlon thru 2008 Addenda with saUsfactory rasuHs. 398900 332/FW-EIA-1007 WELDED SNUBBER 28 F1.30C NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-039 /Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00148 101912013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 399000 332/FW-EIA-9 WELDED STRUT RESTRAINT F1.30B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-040 I Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00148 10/912013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the component support to the requirements ol ASME SecUon XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2006 Addenda with satisfactory result&. 403100 334AIFW-1-1225 HORIZONTAL STRUT RESTRAINT F1.30B NOEP-OS13 VT I VT-13-0'41 I Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00151 10/912013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdHion thru 2008 Addenda with saUsfactory results. 406300 3348/FW-2-218 OPEN BOX RESTRAINT F1.30B NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-042 I Sat 3065 HBR2-10618 SH00152 1019/2013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the component support to the requirements ol ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. 409200 343/A*WS-1 MDAFWPUMPA F1.40 NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-0431 Sal 3065 HBR2-10618 SH00161 10/10/2013 Comments: A visual examlnatlon was performed on the component support to the requirements of. ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with sati&faclory results. 409300 343/A-ws-2 MOAFWPUMPA F1.40 NDEP-0613 VT I VT-13-044 /Sat 3065 HBR2-10618 SH00161 10/10/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2007 Edilion lhru 2008 Addenda with satlsfactOly results. 409800 344/A-WS SFPCPUMPA F1.40 NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-045 /Sat 7110 HBR2-10618 SH00162 911612013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the component support to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2007 Edition lhru 2008 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page 19of195 .:-TAB c AUGMENTED . . *.EXAMINATION


. *:. . . : '. ' . . . . . Page 20of195 * ,J ** .*. *'

Summary No. Clua 1 Comp.ID Comp.Dnc. Category AUGMENT (N-722*1) ltam Procedura Method/Rllport/Resullll System DwgllSO Exam Date 3501 101/PEN 01 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 1 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-048 I Sat 1005 HBRZ-10618 SH00001 912712013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned iin the bottom mOUnled instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(gK6)(11KEl with saU&factory results. 3502 101/PEN 02 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 2 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-049 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SHODOD1 9/2712013 Comments: Avlsual examination was performed on the bottom mounted lnsirumentatlon surface to lhe requinlmenls of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as r11quirild per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6){11){E) with 1111Usfadory result&. 3503 101/PEN 03 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 3 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT*13-050 I Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9/2712013 -Comments: A llisual examination was performed on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to lhe requirements of ASME-Sedlon XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) with satisfactory results. 3504 101/PEN 04 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 4 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT /VT-13-051 /Sal 1005 HBRZ-10618 SH00001 9/27n013 Comments: A visual examination was perforined on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirament& of ASME Section XI Code Case a& reqidred f>er 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) with sadsfadory results. 3505 101/PEN 05 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 5 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT*13-052 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 comment&: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted lnslMnentalkin surface to the requirements of ASME Sadlon XI Code case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)f*")(E) With satisfactory results. 3506 101/PEN 06 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 6 E*16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-053 /Sal 1005 HBRZ-10618 SHOD001 9127/2013 ccimments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(B)(il)(E) with uUsfadory resuHs. 3507 101/PEN 07 BOTIOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 7 E-16 NOEP-<1612 VT I VT*13-o54 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SHODOD1 9127/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ll)(E) with sall&factory results. 3508 101/PEN 08 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 8 E-16 NDEP-0612 vr IVT-13-055 /Sat 1005 HBRZ-10618 SH00001 912712013 Comments: A'vlsual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(B){ll)(E) with salisfadory reauHs. 3509 101/PEN 09 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 9 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-056 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9/27/2013

  • _ Comments:

A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(1l)(E) with satisfactory results. 3510 101/PEN 10 BOTIOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 10 . ' E*16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-057 I Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 9/2712013 Comments: A visual examination was pertOnned on the bottom inciunted Instrumentation surface to the requirements or ASME Section XI Code Casa N-722*1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11KE) with saUafactory 3511 101/PEN 11 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 11 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT*13-058/ Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 912712013 cOmments: A visual examination was perfonned on the. bottom moullled Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(D)(E) wHh saUsfactory results. 3512 101/PEN 12 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 12 E-16 NDEP-0612 vr I VT-13-059 /Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SHODOD1 9127/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to thil requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case lil-722-1 as required-per ' 10CFR50.558(g)(6)6i)(E) with satisfactory resutts. 3513 101/PEN 13 BOTIOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 13 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-0601 Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9/2712013 -Comments: A visual examinatiOn was performed on 1he bottom mounted lmltrumentatton sl.llface to Iha iequlrements or ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as requlied per 10CFR5D.55a(g)(6)(11)(E) with aadsfactory results. Page 21of195 Summary No 3514 Comp.ID 101/PEN 14 Comp.one. Item BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 14 E-16 Procedura Mitlhod/Rllport/Rnults System t>W 9 nso NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-061 I Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001

  • Comments:

A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted lnatrwnen1ation surface to the requl!ements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ll)(E} with satlsfadory results. . 3515 101/PEN 15 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 15 E-16 NDEP..Q612 VT /VT-13-062 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requiremenls of ASME Section XI Code Case as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g}(6}(ii)(E) with satisfactory results. 3518 101/PEN 16 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 18 &16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-0631 Sal 1005 HBR2-10518 SH00001 ', : .. Comments: A visual examination was pertonned ori lhe bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Sec:tlon XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(1i)(E} wHh satisfactory results. 3517 101/PEN 17 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PENH E-16 NDEP-0612 VT /VT-13-064 I Sal 1005 HSR2-10618 SH00001 A visual examination was parfGITllGd on the battom mounted L'lstnimentation surface to the requ!rements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as req!!inid per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(1i)(E) with satisfactory results. 3518 101/PEN 18 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 18 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-065 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 .. Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounled Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as req'*ed per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(il}(E) with satisfactory re5ults. 3519 101/PEN 19 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 19 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-066 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Cilmments: A visual examination was perfonned on lhe bottom mounted lnslNmentallon surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(8)(11)(E) with satisfactory resulls. 3520 101/PEN 20 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 20 E-16 NDEP-0812 VT /VT-13-0671 Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A idsual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted lns1Nmentation surface to the requirements of ASME Sec:tion XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g}{6)(U)(E) with satisfactory results. 3521 101/PEN 21 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 21 E-16 NDEP-OS12 VT /VT-13-068 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001

  • Comments:

A visual examination was perfonned an lhe bottom mounted Instrumentation surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case as required per 10CFR50.55a(g){6}(il)(E) with satisfadOI)' results. 3522 101/PEN22 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 22 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-069 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 cOmments: A visual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted lnstrumentallilll surface to .the requlniments of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as requirecfper 10CFR50.55a(g)(8)(11)(E) with satisfactory results. 3523 101/PEN 23 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 23 E-16 NDEP..Q612 VT I VT*13-070 I Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001

  • Comments:

A visual examlnatton was perfonned on the bollcim mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(1i)(E) with satisfactory results. 3524. 101/PEN 24 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 24 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-071 /Sal 1005 HBR2-10616 SH00001 -Comments: A visual examination was perfonned. on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g}(6)(U)(E) with satisfactory resulls. 3525 101/PEN25 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 25 E-16 NDEP-OS12 VT I VT-13-072 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A *visual examination was performed on the bi>ttom mounted inslrumenlation sulfate io the requirements ci; ASME Sec:tlon XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g}(6)(11)(E) wtth satisfactory results. 3526 101/PEN 26 BOTIOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 26 E-16 NOEP..()612 VT I VT-13-073 /Sat 1005. HBR2-1D618 SH00001 * **commants: A V!sual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to 111e*requlrements or ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(il)(E} with satisfactory results. Page 22of195 Exam Date 9/27/2013 9/27/2013 9/2712013 9127/2013 912712013 9127/2013 9127/2013 912712013 912712013 912712013 9/2712013 9/2712013 9/27/2013 Summary Na 3527 Comp.ID 101/PEN 27 Camp.Desc. Item BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 27 E-16 ---------- -Proceclurv Malhad/Rapart/ResullB System Dwg/ISO NOEP--0612 VT I VT-13-0741 Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comment&: A visual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted instNmentalion surface lo the requirements of ASME Secllon XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6}(11)(E) wllh satisfactory resuns. 3528 101/PEN 28 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 28 E-16 NDEP--0612 VT I VT*13-075 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted lnstNmentatlon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 DCFR50.55a(g)(6}(11)(E) wilh satisfactory results. 3529 . 1011PEN29 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 29 E-16 NOEP-0612 VT I VT-13-076 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10616 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requiraments of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(fi)(E) with sallsfadory resuhs. 3530 101/PEN 30 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 30 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-077 I Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Commenls: A visual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as requli8d per 1DCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11)(E) with satisfactory results. 3531 101/PEN 31 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 31 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-078 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 DCFR50.55a(g)(B)(il)(E) with satisfactory results. 3532 101/PEN 32 BOTTOM MOUNTED PEN 32 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-079 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surfac:e to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI Code case N-722-1 as required p8r 1DCFR50.55a(g)(6)(a"J(E) wiU1 sallsfadory results. 3533 101/PEN 33 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 33 E*16 NOEP.()612 VT I vr-13-080 I Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Cl!fTlments: A visual examination was perfonned on lhe'bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(1i)(E) with satisfadory results. 3534 101/PEN 34 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 34. E-16 NDEP.()612 VT I VT-13-081 I Sal 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted instMnentation surface lo the requiremerts of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 DCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) with satisfactory results. 3535 . 101/PEN 35 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 35 E-113 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-0821 Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A vlsual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11)(E) with satlsfadory results. 3535. 101/PEN 36 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 36 E-16 NDEP.()612 vr I VT-13-083/ Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual examlnadan was perfcinned on Iha bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to Ille requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as requlnld per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)fu")(E) with satisfactory results. 3537 101/PEN 37 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 37 . E-16 NDEP--0612 VT I VT-13-084 I Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A vlsual examlriatlon was performed on the bottom mounted inslNmentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per '

  • 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11)(E) with satisfactory resufts. * . *
  • 3538-101/PEN 38 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 38 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-085/

Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 Comments: A llisual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted lnst!umentatlon surface to Ille requirements of ASME SecUon XI Code ease N-722-1 as requi111t per 1DCFR50.55a(g)(6)(il")(E) wllh satlslaclory reslils. 3539* 1011PEN39 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 39 E-16 NDEP-0612 VT I Sal 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 Comments: A visual eicamlnatlon was perfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section Xi Code Case N-122-1 as required per 10CFR50.55i(g)(6)(ii)(E) with sa11sladory results. Page 23 of 195 Exam Date 912712013 9127/2013 912712013 9/2712013 9127/2013 9/27/2013 9/2712013 912712013 912712013 9127/2013 9/2712013 912712013 912712013 Summary No Comp.ID Comp. Deac. Item Procedure Method/Report/Results System 0wanso Exam Date 3540 101/PEN 40 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 40 E*16 NDEP-<1612 VT I VT-13-087 I Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 Comments: A \llsual examination was pelfonned on the bottom mDUllted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Sec:lion XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g}(8)(1l)(E) with sallsfadory results. 3541 -101/PEN 41 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 4.1 E-18 NDEP-OS12 VT I VT-13-0881 Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 Comments: A visual examination was pelfonned on-the bottom mounted Instrumentation sulface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722*1 as requlied per *

  • 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(8)(11){E) with sallsfadory results. 3542 -101/PEN 42 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 42 E-16 NDEP:-0812 VT I VT-13-089

/Sat 1005 HBR2*10818 SH00001 912712013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per

  • 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11)(E) with satisfactory resull&. 3543 101/PEN 43 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 43 E-16 NDEP:-0612 VT Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 Comments:

A W;ual exa."Tllm:llon v.-as psrfonned en !he bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requlmments or ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(1Q(E) with satisfactory resuns. 35<< 101/PEN 44 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 44 E*16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13:-091 /Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 Comments: A lllsual examination was performed on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per

  • 10CFR50.55a(g)(8)(1Q(E)

With sallsfadory results. 3546 101/PEN 45 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 45 E*16 NDEP:-0812 VT I VT-13:-0921 Sal 1005 HBR2*10618 SHDOOD1 9/2712013 Comment&: A visual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Seellon XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(E) With satisfactory results. 3548 101/PEN 46 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 46 E*16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-093 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 912712013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME Sedion XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(d)(E) with satisfactory results. 3547 101/PEN 47 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 47 E-16 NDEP:-0612 VT I VT-13-094 /Sal 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 912712013 Comments: A visual examination was pelfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASM.E Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per * -10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(il)(E) Wllh satisfactory results. 3548 101/PEN-48 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 48 E*16 NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13:-095 /Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00001 9127/2013 Comments: A visual examination was pelformed on the bottom mOUnled Instrumentation lllMface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per

  • 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(8)(11)(EJ with satisfactory results. 3549 -101/PEN 49 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 49 E-16 NDEP:-0612 VT I VT-13:-096

/Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SHDOOD1 9/27/2013 Comments: A vlsUal examination was pelfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation BUrface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as requked per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(6)(11)(EJ with satisfactory resuls. 3550 101/PEN 50 BOTTOM MOUNTED INSTRUMENTATION PEN 50 E-16 NDEP:-0612 VT I VT-13-0971 Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00001 9/27/2013 Comments: A vlaual examination was perfonned on the bottom mounted Instrumentation surface to the requirements of ASME SectlOn XI Code Case N-722*1 as required per . ' 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(11J(El with satisfactory results. Page 24of195 summary No. Cius 1 35203 Comp.ID Camp.O.*c. Item Cmgary .AUGMENT (N-770.11 107I01DM LOOP "A" HOT LEG NOZZLE TO SAFE END E-17 Procedure Metflad/Report/Resulls System Dwg/ISO Exam Data NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-098 /Sal 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00010 1012612013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the reactor 1195sel hot leg loop "A" dissimilar metal weld surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1 as required per 1 OCFR50.55a(g)(S)(li)(E) with satisfactory results. 36903 107/140M LOOP "A" COLD LEG SAFE ENO TO NOZZLE E-17 54-9171720 UT I VE-13-006 I Sat 1005 HBR2*10618 SH00010 10/2712013 Comments: An Inside diameter automated volumetric (encoded phased array ultrasonic technique) and inside diameter surface examinaUon (eddy currant) was performed on Iha component dissimilar metal weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N 770-1 as modified by 10CFR50.55a(9)(6)("1i)(F). lndlcaUons idenllfled on the pralllous examinations (MRP-139) perfonned in 2008 (R0-25) and (Code Case N-770-1) performed in 2011 (R0-27) have remained essentially unchanged. 37003 107AI010M LOOP "B" HOT LEG NOZZLE TO SAFE END E-17 --NDEP-0612 VT I VT-13-099 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SHD0011 10/26/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the reactor vessel hot leg loop "B" dissimHar metal weld surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N*722-1 as requlrad per 10CFR50.55a(g)(8)(11)(E) with satisfactory results. 38703 107A/140M LOOP "B" COLD LEG SAFE END TO NOZZLE E-17 54-9171720 UT I VE-13-007 I Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SHD0011 10/2712013 Comments: An inside diameter automated volumetric (encoded phased array ultrasonic technique) and Inside diameter surface examination (eddy current) was perfonned on the component dissimilar metal weld to the requlraments of ASME Section XI Code Case N 770-1 as modified by 1DCFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(F). Indications identified on the previous examinations (MRP-139) performed in 2008 (R0-25) and (Code case N-770-1) performed In 2011 (R0-27) have remained essenUally unchanged. 38803 107B/01DM LOOP "C" HOT LEG NOZZLE TO SAFE END E-17 NDEP--0612 VT I VT-13-100/ Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00012 10126/2013 Convnent&: A visual examination was performed on the reactor vessel hot leg loop *c* dissimilar melBI weld surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-722-1.as required per 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(U)(E) with satlsfadory results. 40503 107B/14DM LOOP "C" COLD LEG SAFE END TO NOZZLE E-17. 54-9171720 UT I VE-13-008 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00012 1012712013 Comments: An inside diameter automated volumetric (encoded phased array ultrasonic technlqUe) and Inside diameter surface examlnaUon (eddy current) was perfonned on the component dissimilar metal weld to the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N 77D-1 as modified by 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(U)(F). Indications klenUlled on the previous examinations (MRP-139) performed In 2008 (R0-25) and (Code case N-770-1) performed 1n2011 (R0-27) have remained essentially unchanged. Cine Z Cat9gory AUGMENT 192300 215n9-13-A SIG A NOZZLE TO ELBOW E-1 NDEP-D437 UT/ l/T-13-003 I Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00074 9130/2013 Comments: A volumetric examination was performed on the component to the requirements of Augment E-1 (NRC Bullelin 79-13) with saUsfactory results. 197200 216179-13-8 SIG B NOZZLE TO ELBOW E-1 NDEP--0437 UT I UT-13-002 /Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00075 9130/2013 Comments: A vohJmetric examlnaUon was perfonned on the component to the requirements of Augment E-1 (NRC Bulletin 79-13) with saUsfadory results. 201000 217n9-13-C s.'G C NOZZLE TO ELBOW E-1 NDEP--0437 UT I UT-13-001 /Sat 3050 HBR2-10618 SH00076 10/2/2013 Comments: A volumeblc examination was performed on the component to the requirements of Augment E-1 (NRC BulleUn 79-13) with satisfactory results. Page 25or195 TAB . D .. PRESERVICE



  • ' . *: ' ' J * ', .* .1 Page 26 of 195 '-.:

SumnwyNo. Comp.ID Clan Cat9gory &G-1 14701 101B/N01 -101B/N50 Comp.one. llBln REACTOR VESSEL NUTS 1-50 86.10 Procedure Mlllhod/Report/Rnults Dwg/ISO Exam Diiie NOEP-0611 VT I VE-13-004 /Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00003 10/1412013 Commenta: A praservlce visual examination was perfonned on the replacement reactor vessel hydra nuts to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda with satlsfadory results. 24701 101BM/01 -REACTOR VESSEL WASHER 1-86.50 NDEP-0611 vr /VE-13..()()5/ Sat 1005 HBR2-10618 SH00003 10/11/2013 1018/WSO 50 Comments: A preseMc:e visual examination was perfonned on the iuac:tor vessel rilplacement hydra washers to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda* with satisfactory results. Class 2 Category F-A 263100 232/Y PEDESTAL SUPPORT F1.20A NOEP-0613 VT I VT-13-280 I Sat 2080C HBR2-10618 SH00094 10/1/2013 Commenta: A pre-5ervice visual examination was performed on the component support lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition thru 2008 Addenda wtth satisfactory results. 276200 234/A U-SOLTRESTRAINT F1.20B NDEP-0613 VT/Vf-13-004/Sat 2080C HSR2-10618SH00097 10/112013 Comments: A pre-seMce visual examination was performed on the component support to the raqulrementa of ASME Section XI, 2007 EdlUon thru 2008 Addenda with sa1isfactory resutta.. Page 27of195 TAB E' PRESSURE:. TEST


Page 28of195 The table below lists the completed pressure tests performed from the start of the Fifth Ten Year Interval (7/20/2012) through the end of Refueling Outage R0-28 (11/5/2013) which are included in the First Period of the Fifth Ten Year Interval. The pressure tests were performed to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2007 Edition through the 2008 Addenda. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION COMPLETION PROCEDURE RESULTS DATE INSERVICE INSPECTION PRESSURE RETAINING VT-2 BOLTING RCS EXAMINATION OF THE REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (REFUELING 9/2912013






Page 30 of 195 Summary No. Class CC 026000 Comments: Evaluation Disposition 027000 Comments: Evaluatlon Disposition 02aooo, comments: Evaluation Disposition 029000 Comments; Evaluation Disposition 030000 Comments: 031000 Comments: 032000 Comments: Evaluation Disposition Comp.ID Component Dncrlptlon ltam No. Proclldlll'8 Method/Report/Results Sptem Dwg/ISO Exam Date Category L-A CONC-01 CONCRETE o* -so* DEGREES L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-101 I Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00190 9/1612013 A visual examination was perfonned on lhe concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory results. Conditions identified were evaluated as acceptable as Is and docl#nented In AR 632078, no fUrther action required. Acceptable: The report forms above indicate either previously accepted items, original c:onstruclion materials left from the lniial concrete placement. unpatched support holes, minor NSting, and some pop outs. AD al8 cosmetic In nature and wiO not affect the structural integrity or leak tightness of the conlalnmenl. No action is required. CONC-02 CONCRETE 90' -180" DEGREES L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-102 / Eval 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00191 911612013 A-visual elllminalion was perfonned on the concrete surface to the _requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory.result&. conditions Identified evaluated as acceptable as Is and documented In AR 632078, no further action requited. Acceptable: The report forms above indicate either previously accepted Items. original construcllon materials left from the Initial conc:reta placement, unpatched support holes, minor rusting, and some pop outs. All are cosmetic in nature and wiU not affect the struclural Integrity or leak tightness of the containment. No aclion is required. CONC-03 CONCRETE 180"

  • 270" DEGREES L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT*13-103

/ Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00192 911612013 A visual examination was performed on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory results. Conditions Identified were evaluated as acceptable as Is and documented In AR 632078, no rurther acllon required. Acceptable: The repol1 forms above Indicate either previously accepted items, original materials left from the initial concrete placement, unpatched support holes, minOr rusting, and some pop outs. AB are cosmetic In nature and wRI not affect the structural Integrity or teak lighlness of the c:on1alnmenl. No action ts requited. CONC-04 CONCRETE 270"

  • O" DEGREES L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-1041 Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00193 911612013 A visual examination was performed on the conCll!le surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition ttvu 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory results. conditions identified were evaluated as acceptable as is and documented In AR 632078, no further action required.

Acceptable: The report forms above Indicate either previously accepted items, original construction materials left from the Initial concrete placement, unpalched support holes, minor rusting, and some pop outs. Al are cosmetic In nalure and wtl not affect the structural integrity or leak tightness of the conlalnmenL No action is required. CO NC-AL CONCRETE AIRLOCK AREA SURFACE L 1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-1051 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00191 9/1812013 A visual examination was performed on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resuHs. CONC-81T CONCRETE BORON INJECTION TANK L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13*1061 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00190 9118/2013 ROOM SURFACE A visual examination was performed on the concrete surface to the reqlilrements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with sallstiictory results. CONC-DOME CONCRETE DOME SURFACE L1.11 . NOEP.()620 VT I VT*13-107 / Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00194 911612013 A visual examination was performed on the concn1te dome surface lo Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiHon thru 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory results. conditions Identified were evaluatad as acceptable as Is and documented in AR 632078, no further action requJred. Acceptable: The repol1 forms above indicate either previously accepted Items. original construction mate_rlals lafl from the Initial concrete placement, 111118tched support holes, minor NSting, and some pop outs. AU are cosmetic In nature and wlU not affecl the sllUCIUral Integrity or leak tightness of the contalrvnent. No action ts required. Page 31 of 195 Sununary No 033000 Comments: 034000 Comments: Evaluation Disposition 035000 Comments: 036000 Comments: EvaluaUon Disposition 037000 Comments: 038000 Comments: 039000 Comments: Comp.ID Component DescrlpUon Item No. Procedure Metllod/Report/Results System DwgllSO Exam Date CONC-EH CONCRETE EQIUPMENT HATCH AREA L 1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-108 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00192 9/16/2013 226' TO 252' SURFACE A visual exarninaliOn was perfonned on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiHon lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. CONC-NCV CONCRETE CABLE VAULT ROOM U.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-109 / Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00191 9121/2013 NORTH SURFACE A visual examination was performed on the concrete* surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition uvu 2003 Addenda with unsatisfadary resutts. Conditions Identified were evaluated as acceptable as is and documented in 632078, no further adlo!1 requlrad .. Acceptable: The report rorms above Indicate either previously accepted Items, original construction materials left from the Initial concrete placement. unpatched support hales, minor rusting, and same pap outs. All are cosmeUc In nature and wfD nol affect lhe structural Integrity or leak lighlness of lhe cantalnmenl. No action Is required. CONC-PA CONCP..ETE PIPE ALLEY SURFACE L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-110 ! Se! 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00190 & 9123/2013 A visual examination was performed on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. CQNc-plR CONCRETE PURGE INLET ROOM L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-111 / Eval 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00192 9/1912013 A visual examination was performed an the cancnite surface to the requWenlents of ASME Section XI, 2001 Ecltlon thru 2003 Addenda with unsalisfactary results. Conditions Identified were evaluated as acceptable as is and documented in AR 632078; l'1o further action required.- Acceptable: The report fonns above indicate either previously accepted items, original construction materials left from the Initial concrete placement, unpatched support holes, minor rusting, and some pap outs. AU are cosmeUc in nature and will not affed the structural integrity or leak tlgh1ness of the containment No action is required. CONC-RCA CONCRETE RCA WALKWAY SURFACE L1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-112 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00191 & 9/18/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results .. CONC-RCR CONCRETE ROD CONTROL ROOM L1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-113 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00191 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the concrete surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with saUsfadory results.. CONC*SCV CONCRETE CABLE VAULT ROOM L 1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-114 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00191 9/21/2013 SOUTH SURFACE A visual emimlnalion was performed an the cancrate surface to the requirements of ASME Sectlan XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. Cl11s *MC

  • Category E-A 001000 AIRLOCK-C AIRLOCK CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0820 VT /VT-13-115/

Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00185 9/21/2013 Comments: A llilual examination was performed on the airfodc c:ylincler surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results.* 004000 AIRLOCK-EBA AIRLOCK EXTERIOR BULKHEAD EU1 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13"118 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00185 & . 9121/2013 ASSEMBLY SURFACE 187 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the airlock exterior bullhead assembly surface to the requirements of ASME Seetlan XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory .. 18SullS.


/Sal 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00185 & 9121/2013 SURFACE 187 Comments: A visual examination Was performed on Iha alrtack exterior door assembly surface to the requiremerU of ASME Section XI. 2001 EdQlon thru 2003 Addenda with saliSfactory resulls . .. Page32of195 summary No 015000 Comments: 021000 comments: 536700 Comments: 043000 Cominants: .. .. 048000 Comments: 053000 Comments: Evaluation Dlapoalllor:i 157000 Comments: 162000 Comments: 167000 Comments: Comp.ID Component DacrlpUon Item No. Procedure U.thod/Report/Rnults System Dwg/ISO Exam Date AIRLOCK-IBA AIRLOCK INTERIOR BULKHEAD E1.11 NDEP..Q820 VT I VT-13-119 /Sat 8010 HBR2-106t8 SH00185 & 912112013 ASSEMBLY SURFACE 188 A visual examination was performed on the airlock cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. AIRLOCK-I DA AIRLOCK INTERIOR DOOR ASSEMBLY E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I VJ:'-13-121 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00185 & 9/2112013 SURFACE 186 A visual examination was perfotmed on Iha alrtoc:k interior door assembly sllffaca *to the requirements of AsME Section XI, 2001 Edition thnJ 2003 Addenda With satisfactory mulls. EQUIP-HATCH-BC EQUIPMENT HATCH BOLTING E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-122 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00199. 912312013 A visual examination was performed on the equipment hatch bolting disassembled to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-123 / Eval 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9123/2013 A visual examination was performed on Iha equipment hatch cyRnder surface to Iha requirements of ASME Seclion XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda with 1r1sallsfactory results. Examiner ldantlfled areas or degradation that were being worked under Iha llner restoraUon and evaluated undar Iha Unar restoration project . EQUIP-HATCH-CO EQUIPMENT HATCH COVER SURFACE* E1 .11 NOEP..(1620 VT I VT-13-124 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9121/2013 A visual examination was performed on Iha equipment hatch cover stmlca lo Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. L-DOME DOME METAL LINER SURFACE (352'-0" E1.11 NDEP..(1620 VT I VT-13-125 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00196 913012013 T041T-O") .. A visual examination was performed on the dome metal liner surface to the requirements of.ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with unsatisfactory results documented In AR 633712 Acceptable: Per AR 633712. most all of the degraded areas observed In the IWE Inspection of R028 h&ve been previously documented by the coatings program. AD degraded coatings on the dome liner must be doamented end Incorporated Into the coatings exempt log RNP-CICONT-1003 to monitor the containment exempt coatings mmgin, and an coatings from Iha IWE inspecllon not already Contained In the coatings exempt log will be added. PENTR-A-01-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-126 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9120/2013 A visual examination was. performed on the Insulated electrical panatratlon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI .* 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda wllh satisfactory results. PENTR-Ml2*1C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-127 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 912012013 A visual examination was perfonned on the lns!Uted alactrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thnl 2003 Addenda with satis!adory results. PENTR-A-03-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-128 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A vlsUal examination was performed on the lnsWated electrical penetration surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition tluu 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resWts. Page 33of195 Summary No. 172000 Comments: 177000 Comments: 182000 Comments: Comp.ID Component Description Item No. Procedure Melhod/Rllport/Results System Dwg/ISO EumDate PENTR*A-04*1C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT*13*129 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated efeclrk:al penetrallon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition tlw 2003 Addenda wilh satisfactory results. PENTR-A-05-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP*0620 VT I VT*1J.130 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition ttvu 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR-A-06-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-131 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A vtsual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition th11.1 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. * * *

  • 187000 *

/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A vlsual examinatio."l was perfonned on tha insulated alactrlcal penetration surface to tha requirements cf ASME Section Xl. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addsm1a -.Wtti results. 192000 PENTR-A-08-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-133 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A vteual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surface to the requil\lments of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition tlw 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 197000 PENTR-A-09-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-134 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A vtsual examination was performed on the Insulated eledrlcal penetraUon surface to the requlrementa of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 202000 PENTR-A-10-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-135 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to Ille requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition th11.1 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. *


/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9120/2013 comments: A vtsual examination was performed on the Insulated eledrlcal penetration surface to the requirement& of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lh11.1 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 212000

  • PENTR-B-o2-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-137 f Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9120/2013 Comments:

A vlaual examination was performed the insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 217000 PENTR-8-03-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-138 /Sal 8010 HBR2-1061B SH00182 9/20/2013 eomnients: A vtsU8J examination was performed on the Insulated electrlcal penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 Edition tlw 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 222000 PENTR-8-04-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-139 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A visual examination was perfonned on the JnSulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of AsME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 227000 PENTR-8-05-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-140 I Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9120/2013 eomments: A visual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory mults. 232000 PENTR-B-06-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURF ACE E 1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-141 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00184 9120/2013 Comments: A visual eX'aminetlon was performed on the lnsUlaled electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition th11.1 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page 34of195 Summ1ry No 235000 Comments: 240000 Comments.: 245000 Comments: 2.50000 Comments: 255000 Comments: 260000 Comments: 265000 Comments: 270000 Comments: 275000 Comments: 280000 Comments: 285000 Comments: 2ssooo*. cOmments: 293000 Comments: Camp.ID CClfllPClnentDeecdption Item No. Procedure llethod/R11port/Rllaul1B System DwgllSO Exam Datll ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-142 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surtace to the requirements al ASME Seetlon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfadory results. PENTR-B-OS-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-143 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements al ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resulls. PENTR-B-D9-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-144 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9120/2013 A visual examlnaUon was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements al ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR-8-10-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-145 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR.C-01-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-146 /Sat. 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00183 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the electrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. , PENTR-C-02-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-147 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00183 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the eledrical penetration surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR-C-03-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT/. VT-13-148 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SHOD183 . 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR-C-04-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-149 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examlnallon was performed on the insulated eledrical penetration surface to the requirements al ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition tlllu 2003 Addenda with sallsfactQIY resulbi. PENTR-C-0&-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-150 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00183 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resuHs. PENTR-C-06-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 . VT I VT-13-151 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on the inslJaled eledrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME 5eclion XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactmy results. PENTR.C-07-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I VT-13-152 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00184 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda with saUsladory resulli. PENTR-C-08-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11

  • NDEP-OS20 VT I VT-13-153

/Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9120/2013 A visual examination Was perfonned on the insulated electrlcal penetration surface to the requlremenlS of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with saUsfactOI)' results. PENTR..c;...o&-OC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.1l NOEP-0620 VT /VT-13-154 /.Sal 8010. HBR2-.10618 SHD0183 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda With satisfactory results. Page 35 of 195 Summary No 298000 Commenls: . 303000 Comments: 308000 Comments: 313000 Comments: 318000 Comments: 323000 Comments: 328000 Comp.ID Component Desc:rlptlon Item No. Proc:edure Method/Report/Results Systam DwgllSO Exam Date PENTR-C-10-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT*13-155 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00183 9120/2013 A visual examlnatlon was performed on the electrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR-0-01-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-156 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was perlonned on the insulated eleclrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda wllh satlsladory .esu11s. PENTR-0-02*1C .ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620

  • VT ( VT-13-157/

Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 912012013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satlsfadory results. PENTR-0-03-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 .VT I VT-13-158 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00182 9/2012013 A lllsual examlnallon was parfo;med on ltlG ln;ulated e'.sctric:l psnetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfedory result&. PENTR*D-04-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-159 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on the insulated eledrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 EdWon thru 2003 Addenda with sati&factory resulll. PENTR*D-05-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-160 I Sal 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the lnsidaled electrical penetration surface to the requlrements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition tlVu 2003 Addenda with satislactory results. PENTR-0-06-IC

  • ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-161 I Sat 8010 HBR2-108t8 SH001B2 9120/2013 Comments:

A visual examination was performed on the ln&lhted electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory . . '18SUlll. . . 333000 PENTR*D-07-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE Et .11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-162 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00182 912012013 A visual examination was perlonned on the lnsW!ed electrical penetration Slllface to the requirements ol ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory

results. 338000* PENTR-0-08-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-163

/Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH001B2 9120/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the Insulated electrical penetration surface to tile requirements or ASME Section XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda with salisfaclory results. 343000* -PENTR.Q-09-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-164 I Sal 8010 HBR2,10618 SH00183 912012013 Comments: Avlsual examination was performed on the electrical penetration SU/face to the requirements or ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 348000 PENTR-0.10-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-165 /Sal 8010 HBR2.10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the insulated eledrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 353000 PENTR-*-01-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE Et.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-166 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00183 9120/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on lhE electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 358000 PENTR-*-03-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-167 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 Comments: A 'visual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfadory results. Page 36 01195 Sumrruiry No 363000 Comments: 383500* Comments: . 368000 COmments: 371000 : Comments: 374000 Comments: 379000. 384000 . Comments: . 387000 COIO!flenls: 390000. Comments: 393000 Comments: 396000. Comments: 399000 Comments: . 402000 Comments: Comp.ID Compo-.t Description 118111 No. Procedure llethod/Report/Resulb System Dwg/ISO Exam Dita PENTR-E.()5.IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP--0620 VT /VT-13-168 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00183 9120/2013 A vtsual examination was performed on the insulated electrical penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda wllh satisfactory results. PENTR-E-05-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0820 VT /VT-13-169 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00183 9/20/2013 A visual examination was pertomied on the eledrical penetration surface to the requirements or ASME Section XI, 2001 Edltlon thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory restJts. PENTR*E--06-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP..Q620 VT I VT-13-170 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00182 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the lnaulated electrical penetration SUlface to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda wHh satisfactory results. PENTR-E-08-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-171 /Sat. 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00184 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated eleclrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Sadlon XI, 2001 Edition thN 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. "PENTR-E* 10-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE El.11 NDEP.Q620 VT I VT-13-172 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00183 912012013 A visual examination was performed on the electrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edl_tion thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results PENTR*F-01-0C ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE El.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-1731 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00183 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the electrical penetration surface to the_ requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. PENTR*F-03-IC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE E1 .11

  • NDEP.Q620 VT I VT*13-174

/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00184 9120/2013 A vlsual examination was performed on the insulated electrlcal penetration surface lo the requirements or ASME Seellon XI. 2001 EdlUon lhru 2003 Addenda with sallsradory results. PENTR*F-08-IC


/Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00184 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated eleclrlcal penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda With satlsfadory results. PENTR-F*1CMC ELECTRICAL PENETRATION SURFACE El .11 NOEP-0620 VT/VT*13-176/Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00184 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated eledrlcal penetration surface to the requirements ol ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-01 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-ln I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda With satisfactory

  • S-02 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (AL) E1.11 NOEP.Q620 VT I VT*13-178 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisractory results. S-03 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (AL) E1.11 NDEP.()620 VT/VT-13-.179/Sat.

8010 HBR2-10618 SH00201 9120/2013 A_ visual examination was performed on the lnslAated piping penetration surface to the requirements or ASME Section xt, 2001 Edlllon thru 2003 Addenda With satlsradory results. 5-04 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618.SH00200

  • 9/2012013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with aallsradory results. Page 37 ol 195 Summ1iy No 405000 Comments:

408000 Comments: 411000 Comments: 414000 Commsnts: 417000 Comments: 420000 Commenl!I: -** .. 423000 Comments:

  • .;_ 426000 . Comments:

429000 Comments: 432000. 435000 .* Comments: 436000 Comments: 441000 Comments: Comp.ID Component Description Hem No. Proc.dure Method/Report/Reeuhs System Dwg/ISO Exam Date S-05 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (AL) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-181 I Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00201 .. 9120/2013 A visual examination was perfonned o_n the Insulated piping penetration surface to Ille requirements of ASME Secllon XI. 2001 Edition lhru Addenda with satlsfactmy results. S-06 . PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE .E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-182 /Sat 8010 . HBR2* 10618 SH00201" 912012013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetrallon surface to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. -* ' S-07 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (AL) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-183 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201. 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sattsfactOI)' results. S-08 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE El.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-184 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9120/2013 A visual examlnellcn W!!S performed on tlie !nsul.!!!ed_ plpl.ng penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with aatlsfactory results. 5-09 PIPING PENETRATION.SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-185./ Sal 8010 HBR2-10616 SH00200 9120/2013 A vlsual examlnaUon wiis performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sallsfadOI)' results. S-10 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I VT*13-186 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examinaUon was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-11 .. PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP*0620 VT I VT-13-187 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00202 9/20l2013 A vlsuat examination was pedormed on the insulated piping surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdHlon thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-12 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) El.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13*186/ Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-13 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-189 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetraUon sufface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satlsfactmy results. 5*14 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-190 I Sat -8010 HBR2*10618 SH00202 -_ 9/20/2013 A *111sual examlnaUon was performed on the insulated piping penetraU_on surface to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sallsfactory results. S-15 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-OS20 VT I VT*13*191 /Sat 8010 HBR2*1D618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-18 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE --E1.11 NDEP-OS20 VT I VT-13-192 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00200 9/20/2013 A visual examination was perfonnedon the lnaulated_plplng penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with aatlsfactory resutts. S-17 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE EU1

  • NDEP-D620 VT /VT-13-193

/Sat 8010 HBR2*10616 SH00202 9120/2013 A vlsull examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetrallon surface to the relluirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sallsfactory results. Page 38 of 195 Summary No 444000 Comments: 447000 Comments: 450000 Comments: 4'53000 Comments: 456000 -Comments: 459000 Comments: 462000 Comments: 465000 Comments: 468000 -. Comments: 471000. Comments: 474000 Comments: 4nOOO Comments: 480000 Comments: Comp. ID Component Dncriptlon Item No. Proeeduni Method/Report/Results System 0w 9 nso Exam Dam -S-18 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-o620 VT I VT-13-194 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9/20/2tl13 A vtsual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satlsfactOIY results. S-19 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP..Q620 VT I VT-13*195 /Sat 801_0 HBR2-10618 SH00200 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration swface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sallsfactOIY results. S-20 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-196 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH0020D 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetraHon surface to the requlrarnents of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resulls. S-21 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-197 /Sat. 8010 HBR2-10618 SH002DO 9120/2013 A visual examlnalion was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with sallsfactory results. S-22 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.U NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-198 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH002DO 9120/2013 A visual examlnaUon was performed on the Insulated pip_ing penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Editlon lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-23 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I VT-13-199 /Set 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 912012013 A visual examina1ion was performed on the insulated piping fll!ll8lnl:llon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with sallsfadOfY resulls. S-24 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NOEP-()620 VT I VT-13-200 I Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00203 9/20/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on the Insulated piping penetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME SecUon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-26 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-2011 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00201 9/20/2013 A visual uamlnallon was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition UVu 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-28 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-OS20 VT I VT*13-202 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00203 9120/2013 A vtsual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-27 .PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (AL) E.1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-203 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 EdiUon thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-28 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-204 /Sal 801,0 HBR2*10618 SH0020D 912012013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. --S-29 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I VT "13-205 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9/20/2013 A visual examinauon was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satlsfactOIY resulls. S-30 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP..Q620 VT I VT* 1 J.,206 I Sal 8010 _ HBR2-10818 SH00203 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetraUon surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page 39 of 195 Summary No 483000 Comments: 486000 Comments: 489000 Comments: 492000 Comments: 495000 Comments: 505000 Comments: 508000.

  • Comments:

.. 511000 Comments: '514000 *Comments: 517000. : Comment&: 520000 Comments: 523000 Comments: 526000 Comments: Comp.ID Component Description Item No. Procedure Method/Raport/Rasults System Dwsnso Exam Date S-31 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-207 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhtu 2003 Addenda wilh sallsfadory results. S-32 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-208 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00201 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S-33 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE E1.11 . NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-2091 Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00201 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda wilh satlsfaclory results. S-34 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP.0620 VT IVT-13-210 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00200 9120/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Add1mda w:th satls:Sctory resul'.s. S-35 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT /VT-13-2111 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00200 9/20/2013 A visual examination was performed on the insulated piping penetration SUfface to the requirements of ASME Secllon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with saUsractory results. S-37 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT IVT-13-2131 Sat 8010

  • HBR2*10618 SH00200 911912013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satlsfactocy results. S-38 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-2151 Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00200 9/1812013 A visual examination was perfonned on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition llvU 2003 Addenda with satlsfactocy resuhs. S-39 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) El.11 NDEP.0620 VT I VT*13-2.16

/Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SHD0200 9/1912013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penelraUon surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satlafactory results. 5-40 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-217 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00202 9123/2013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory resuHs. 5-41 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) El.11 NDEP.0620 VTJVT-13-218 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00202 912312013 A visual examination was_ perfonned on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with saUsfactory result&. 5-42 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) El.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13*219 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00202 912312013 A visual el!Bmtnatlon was performed on the Insulated piping penetration surface lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. 5-43 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) El.11 NOEP.0620 VT.I VT-13-220 I Sal 8010 SH00202 912312013 A visual examination was performed on the Insulated piping penetrallOn surface to the requirement& of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edlllon thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. S""4 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-221 /Sat. 8010 HBR2* 10618 SH00202 . 9/2312013 A visual examlnaUon was perfonned on the insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page 40 of 195 Su11111111ry No. Comp.ID Component Dnca1ptlon Item No. Procedure MethodlReport/Resultll System 0w 8 nso Exam Date 529000 5-45 PIPINGPENETRATIONSURFACE(PI) El.11 NDEP-0620 VT/VT-13-222/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618SH00202 9/2312013 Commenls: A visual examination was perfonned on the Insulated piping penelratlon surface to the requirements of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda wllh sallsfactory resulls. 532000 PIPING PENETRATION SURFACE (Pl) E1.11 NDEP-<l620 VT I VT*13-223 /Sat NDEP-<l620 VT I VT-13-2251 Sat 8010 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00200 HBR2*10618 SH00200 9/1812013 9/20/2013 Comments: A visual examination was peiformed on the Insulated piping penetration surface to the requirements of ASME SecUon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda with satisfactory results. Page41 of195 TAB G LINER RESTORATION


Page 42 of 195 Summary Na. Class MC 065000 Comments: 065000 Comments: 087000 Camp.ID CornponentD .. cripttan 11:9m Na. Procedure llethod/Report/Rnults System Dwg/ISO Exam Date Category E-A 228-CC PANEL ADJACENT TO 228-BB(L) & 228-DO(R) E1.11 NOEP..Q620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00195 10/1012013 A Visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and retlef requut RR--01 With final results saUllfadory. . 228-CC PANEL ADJACENT TO 228-BB(L) & 228-00(R) E1.30 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 911712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Uner panel mol&ture banler surt.ice to the requlrements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-02 wilt! satisfactory resutts: 228-00 PANEL ADJACENT TO 228-BB(L) & 228-00(R) E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/1112013 Comments* A visual examlnaUon was perfonned on the containment llner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief RR-01 with final . . * .. restAts &atisfadory. . .. . 067000 22e:.cio PANEL ADJACENT TO 228-BB(L) & 228-DO(R) E1.30 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SHD0195 911712013 Comments: A vlsual examlnaUon was performed on the *containment Dner panel moisture barrier surface to the requirements of ASME section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR--02 with saUsfactory results. 576500 232*AA PANEL ADJACENT .TO 232-Z(L) & 232-BB(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10/3/2013 Comments: A Visual examlnaUon was periormed on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements. of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda aiid reUef request RR-01 with final results utlsfactory. 576600 232-BB PANEL ADJACENT TO 232-AA(l) & 232-CC(R) E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00195 10/3/2013 Comments: A visual examination was perionned on the containment Oner panel swfece to the requirements of ASME scict1on XI. 2001 Edition ttvu 2003 Adderida and relief request RR-01 with final reSUlts satlsfadory. 576400 232-Z PANEt.AOJACENT TO 232*'.f(l) & 232-AA(R) E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10/4/2013 Comments: A vlaual examination was performed on the containment Mner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results &aUsfactory. 577800 236-AA PANEL ADJACENT TO 238-Z(L) & 238-BB(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 101312013 Comments: A visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to the requlremenis or ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon thru 2003 Addenda anci reBef request RR-01 with final results &all&fadory. _ 577900 238-BB PANEL ADJACENT TO 238-AA(L) & 236-CC(R) E1.11 NDEP--0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/3/2013 Comments: A visual examlnaUon wa& performed on the containment liner panel sooace to the requirement& of ASME Sedlon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief requesl RR--01 Wllith fmal. .. results aatisfactory

  • 578000 236-CC PANEL ADJACENT TO 236-BB(L)

& 236-00(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 801o HBR2*10618 SHl0195 10/3/2013 Comments: A vtsual examlnallon was performed on the c;ontainment Uner panel surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with linal results satisfactory. 577500 236-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 236-W(L) & 236-Y(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10/412013

  • --A visual examination was performed on the containment Hner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edllion thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final Comments:

results satisfaclOfY. 577600 238-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 238-X(L) & 236-Z(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SHD0195 *";,; 10/412013 Commen!!i= A vlaual examination was perfomled on the containment Hner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relef request RR--01 with final results satisfactory. --... Page 43 of 195 Summaiy No. 5moo 238-Z Comp.ID Component Dncrlprlon PANEL ADJACENT TO 236-Y(L) & 236-AA(R) ltam No. Procedure Merhod/Report/Results Sysl8m Dwg/180 Exam Date E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 101412013 A visual examination was perfonned on lhe containment Hner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhN 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. 580000 240-AA PANEL ADJACENT Tp 240-Z(L} & 240-BB(R) E1.11 ND_EP-0620 VT I CM-1641 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 101212013

  • A visual examination was perfonned on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reftef request RR-01 with final* Comm.ants:

results saUsfactory. 580100 240-88 PANELADJACENTT0240-AA(l)&240:-CC(R) E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT/CM-764/Sat 8010 10/3/2013 Commanls: A visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final ntSIAts satisfactory. 580200 240-CC PANEL ADJACENT TO 24D-BB(L) & 240-0D(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-1641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10518 SH00195 101312013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relef request RR-01 with flOal Comments: results &alisfactory, 24D-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 240-W(l) & 24D-Y(R) E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/2/2013 Comments: A vlsuel examination was performed on the containment liner panel surface to lhe requirements or ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results sailsfactory. 579800 PANEL ADJACENT TO 240-X(L) & 240-Z(R) E 1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 101212013 Comme_nts: A visual examination was performed on the containment &ner panel surface lo the requirements of-ASME Section XI; 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results sallsfactory. Evaluation Acceptable: Minimum wall ldentlfied as .250", acceptable per RNP.:C/STRLJ.1128. Rev. 6. Successive examination has been scheduled for lhe 3rd PeriOd. Disposition 579900 240-Z f'ANEL ADJACENT TO 240-Y(l) & 24D-AA(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/212013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wttti final resulta satlsfadory.

  • 582200 2-U-AA PANEL ADJACENT TO 244-Z(L) &

E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/412013 Comments: 582300 Comments: 582400 Comments: 581900 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the coniatnmenl liner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief requesi RR-01 with final resUls satisfactory.

  • 244-88 PANEL ADJACENT TO 244-AA(L)

& 244-CC(R) E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/412013 A visual examlnBllon was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to the requft!menls of ASME Sectlon XI. 2001 Edition lhn.I 2003 Addenda and reuef RR-D1 with final resulls* satisfactory.

  • . -

PANEL ADJACENT TO 244-BB(L) & 244-00(R) E1 .11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/412013 A visual examinaUon was performed on Iha containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reDef request RR--01 with reslilts satisfactory. .. * * *

  • 244-X f'.AN!=L ADJACENT TO 244-W(l) & 244-Y(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 101212013 A visual axamlnalion was performed on lhe containment finer panel surfar.e to the requlrementa of ASME SecUon XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wilh final result& satiafactory.
  • *
  • 244-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 244-X(L} & 244-Z(R} E1 .11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/2/2013 Comments:

A vtsuaJ*examlnatlon was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru-2003 Addenda and reHel request RR-01 with final . _ results satisfactory. . , * . . . _ . . . . Page 44of195 Summary No 582100 244-Z Comp.ID Component Desc:ripllon , PANEL ADJACENT TO 244-Y(Ll & Item No. Procedura MethodJReport/Ruulla Systam DwgllSO Exam Data E1 .11 NOEP..()620 VT I CM-1641 Sat 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00195 10/2/2013 A lliaual examlnaUon was perfmmed on lhe containment liner panel surface to Ille requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thnl 2003 Addenda and reDef request RR-01 wllh final Comments: results &aU&fadOfY. 584400 248-AA PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-Z(L) & 248-88(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10l2/2013 A visual ellllnllnallon was performed on the containment Uner panel surface to Ille requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edlllon lhni 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 with final Comments: raslllts satisfactory. 584500 Comment&: EvaluaUon Disposition 248-88 PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-AA(L) & 248-CC(R), E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /CM-764 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/412013 A vlsual examination was perfonned on lhe containment Oner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhRJ 2003 Addenda and re6ef request RR-01 with final rasutts satisfactory. Acceptable: t.tnimum waH identified as .375". acceptable per RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6. Successive examination has been scheduled for the 3rd Period. 248-CC PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-88(L) & 248-DD(R) E1.11 NDEP..o620 VT /CM-764 I Sal 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00195 10/4/2013 Comments: A visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to the requirement& of ASME Secdon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final resU!ts satisfactory. 584100 248-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-W(L) & 248-Y(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT ICM-764 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/2/2013 Comments: A visual examination was performed on the conlainment liner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thrU 2003 Addenda and ralef request RR-01 with final results saUsfactory. 584200 248*Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-X(L) & 248-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sal 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00195 10/2/2013 A visual examination was performed on Iha containment Uner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Secdon XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda 11nd reDef request RR-01 wilh final Comments: ruU!ia sallsfaclory. 584300 248-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 248-Y(L) & 248-AA(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10l2f.2013 Comments: A lllSuat examinatiOn was parfonned on the containment Iner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edillon lhRJ 2003 Addenda and re&ef request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. 589800 280-A PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-CCC(L) & 280-S(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sal 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00195 101212013 comments: 573500. Comments: 570200 Evalualion DlsposUion A vlaual examlnaUon was perfonned on the containment Hner panel surface lo Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thRJ 2003 Addenda and rettef request RR-01 with final resutta saHsfadory. This was a successive partod examination* as required by ASME Section XI. 281).888 PANEL ADJACENT TO 280:AAA(L) & 280-CCC(R) E1.11 NOEP..()620 VT I CM-764 I Sat ,. 8010 H8R2-10618 SH00195 10f'l/2013 A vlaual examlnadon was performed on the containment Iner panel surtaca to Iha requirements of ASME Seclion XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Adderida and relief request RR-01 with final reaults aatlsfadory. This was a successive period examlnadon as required by ASME Seetion XI. 280-E PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-D(L) & 28D-F(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 101912013 A Visual examination was performed on the containment Uner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with flnal reslllls satisfactory. Acceptable: Min wal calculated@ .1875" and Is evaluated as acceptabllt per RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 8. Successive examinadon has been scheduled for the 3n1 Pefiod. 570300 280-F PANEL ADJACENT TO 28D-E(L) & 280-G(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-1641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 101912013 Comments: A vl$ual examination was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section 2001 Edmon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final . .* resutts satisfactory.

  • Page 45of195 Summary No 570600 Comments:

570700 Corn1T1ents: Evaluation Disposition 633400 Comments: Evaluation DlsposiUon 57o8oo . Comments: Evaluation oi&position 570900 Comments: Evaluation Disposition B3:$o Comment&: Evaluation Disposition 572800 Comments: 572900 Comments: 573000 Comments: Comp.ID Component De1crlptlon Item No. Procedure Mathod/Raporl/Rasultl System DwgllSO EumData 280-K PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-J(L) & 2804.(R) E1.11 NDEP..Q620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/9/2013 A visual examination was perf1J1111ed on Iha conta.lnment liner surface to tne requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edhlon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final rasUl1& satisfactory. 280-L PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-K(L) & 280-M1(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-784 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/912013 A visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. wan calc:ulaied@ 0.1875" and Is eYaluated as acceptable per RNP-cJSTRU-1128. Rev. 6. Successive examlnaliori has beerl scheduled for the 3id Period. 280-LL PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-KK(L) & 280-MM(R) E1.11 NOEP-()620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/9/2013 A visual examination

  • was performed C?" the containment liner jianel sUlfac:e_

to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 EdlHon tliru 2003 Add8nda and retief request RR-01 with final results satlsfadory. Acceptable: Minimum waU calculated @ 0.250" and Is evaluated as acceptable per RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6. SuccesSlw examination has been scheduled for the 3rd Period. 280-M1 PANa ADJACENT TO 280-L(L) & 28D-M2(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBRZ-10618 SH00195 10/912013 A visual examination was performed on the conlainment liner panel surfer.a to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wilh final results saU&fadory. Acceplable: Minimum wan calculated@ 0.250" and Is evaluated as acceptable per RNP-CISTRlJ-1128, Rev. 6. Successive examination has been scheduled for the 3rd Period. 2SO.:M2 PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-M1 (L) & 280-M3(R) E1.11 NDEP--0820 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10/912013 A _visual examination was perfonned on Iha containment Uner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wilh final results sallsfadory. Acceptable: Minimum wall calculated@ 0.250" and is evaluated as acceptable per RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6. Successive examination has been scheduled for the 3n:I Period. 280-MM PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-U.(L) & 280-NN(R) E1.1f NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 1019/2013 A vlsi.ral examlnadon was performed on the containment llner panel surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon lhru 2003 Addenda ind reRef request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. .t Acceptable: Minimum waU calculated@0.250" and is evaluated as acceptable per RNP-C/STRU-1128, Rev. 6. Successive examination has been scheduled for the 3rd Period. 280-SS PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-RR(L) & 280-TT(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 1Q.19/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on the containment Bner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edilion lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results &atisfadory. This was a sueeesalve period examination as required by ASME Section XI. 280-TT PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-SS(L) & 280-UU(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195. 101912013 A vl&ual examination was performed on the containment liner panel swface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 with final results satlsfadory. Thia was a successive perilJll examination as required by AS.ME Section XI. 280-UU PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-TT(L) & 280-W(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 . VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SHD0195 10/912013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. This was a successive period examination as required by ASME Secliori XI. " Page 46 of 195 Summllry No 573100 Comments: 632000 Comments: 632100 Comment&: 632200 . Comments: 635200 Comments: 635000 Comments: 635100 Comments: 640100 Comments: 640200 Com,.,;.,nts: 640300 Comments: 648100 Comments: 645900" Comment&: Comp.ID Component Dncrtpllon Item No. PnKedure MathodlReport/Rnulbl System DwgllSO Exam Data 280-W PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-UU(L) & 280-WW(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/912013 A visual examl_natlon was performed on the containment liner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. This was a successive period examination as required by ASME Section XI. 280-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-W(L) & 280-V(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 11in12013 A visual examination was perfonned on !he containment Hner panel surfac:e to !he requirements of ASME Section Xl, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final resulta satisfactory. 280-V PANELADJACENTT0280-X(L)&280-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/712013 A vbuai examination was perfonned on Iha containment llnet paiel surface to requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reief request RR-01 with final 18Sull& Satisfactory. 280-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 280-Y(l) & 28D-AA(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10012013 A visual examlnaUon was perfonned on the containment liner panel surfac:e to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reDef niquest RR-01 wtlh final results satisfactory. 284-AA PANEL ADJACENT TO 284-Z(L) & 284-BB(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7M I Sat 8010 HBRZ-10818 SH00195 101712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Oner panel surfac:e to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and reHef request RR-01 wilh final results satisfactory. 2e+V PANEL ADJACENT TO 284-X(L) & 284-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Set 6010 HBR2-10818 SH00195 10/712013 A visual was performed on the c:ontalnment liner panel surfac:e lo the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 With final results s8tlsfado,Y. 2114-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 284-Y(L) & 284-AA(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 H8R2-10818 SH00195 10/712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Oner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition ttw 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wtlh final resulls satisfactory. 268-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 28&-W(L) & 288-V(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Oner panel surfac:e to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdlUon thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results sausfactory. 288-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 288-X(l) & 288-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2-1061il SH00195 101712013 A visual examlnalion was performed on the containment liner panel surfac;e to the requirements of ASME Sectlon XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 with final resUlts satisfactory.

  • 268-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 288-Y(l) & 288-AA(R)

E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/712013 A visua! examination was performed on the containment 6ner panel surfac:e lo !he requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and refief request RR-01 wllh final 18Sulll sallsfactory. 292-AA. PANEL ADJACENT TO 292-l(L) & 292-BB(R) E1.f 1 NOEP-0620 VT ICM-764/ Sat S010 H8R2-10818 SH0019S 10l7/2013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Uner panel surface to Iha requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EcllUon thru 2003 Adden<fa and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. 292-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 292-X(L) & 292-Z(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 6010 HBRa-10618 SH00195 10/712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment liner panel surfac:e to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and reffef request RR-01 with final resuHs satisfactory. . . . . Page 47 of 195 Summary No. 848000 comments: 851500 *Comments: 651600 ... Comments: 651700 Comments: 657600 Comments: 657400-Comments: 657500 Comments: 863100 Comments: 863200 Comments: 863300 *' Comments: 669100 ,, Comments: 575660 '* Commenls: Comp.ID Component Dncrlpllon Item No. Proc11dunt MetbodlR9port/Results Sptllm Dwg/ISO EumDabt 292*Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 292*Y{l) & 292-AA(R) E1.11 NDEP*0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/7/2013 A visual examination -performed on the conlainmenl liner.panel surface lo lhe reql*8menls of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 wllh final result& aatisfactory. 296-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 296-W(L) & 296-Y(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT./ CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 101712013 A. visual examination was performed on the containment

  • ner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 EdltJon lhlU 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory.

.296-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 296-X(L) & 296-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/7/2013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edttlon lhru 2003 Addenda and reHef request RR-01 wilh final results satJsfactory.

  • 296-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 298-Y(l) & 296-AA(R)

E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/712013 A Visual examlnaUon was performed on the containment Hner panel surface to lhe .requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EditlOn tllrU 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. . . . . . . 300-M PANEL ADJACENT TO 300-Z(L) & 300-88(R)

  • E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00195 10/7/2013 A vtsuai examination was performed on the containment Oner panel surface 10 the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wilh final results aaUsfactory.

300-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 300-X(L) & 300-Z(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 1017/2013 A visual examlnatJon was performed on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results saUsfactory. 300-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 300-Y(l) & 30o.AA(R) E1.11 NDEP-0820 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00195 1017/2013 A visual examination was performed on the contalnmenl tiner panel surface to the requirement$ of ASME Section Xl, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final resuns aallsfactory. 304-X PANEL ADJACENT TO 304-W(L) & 304-Y(R) E1.11 -NOEP-0620 VT I CM-764 /Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/712013 A visual examlnaUOn was performed on the containment liner panel surface lo lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and reHef request RR-01 With final results &alisfactory. 304-Y

  • PANEL ADJACENT TO 304-X(L) & 304-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sat 8010 HBR2* 10618 SH00195 1Dn12013 A visual was performed on the containment Iner panel surface to Ille requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and 1811ef request RR--01 with final results saliSfactory.

304-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 304-Y(l) & 304-AA(R) E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00195 101712013 A visual examination was performed on the containment Uner panel S\l'face to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdltJon lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. 308-AA -PANEL ADJACENT TO 308-Z(L) & 308-BB(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00195 10/7/2013 A visual examination was performed on the containment liner panel surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wl1h final satisfactory. PANEL ADJACENT TO 308-TT(l) & 308-W(R) E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I CM-7641 Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/8/2013. A visual examination was performed on the conlainmeni liner panel surface tO lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon thru 2003 Addenda and reUef request RR-01 wllh final results 11elisfactory. Paga 48of195 Summary No 671100 Comments: 668900 Comments: EvaluaUon Disposition 889000 Comments: 043100 Comments: 043200 Comments: 043500 Comments: 043700 Comments:

  • -043900 Comments: " .-Comp.ID Component Description Item No. Procedure Method/Report/Results System Dwg/ISO Exam Date *-*w PANEL ADJACENT TO 308-UU(L) 308-WW(R)

E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I CM-764 / Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 101812013 A visual examination was perfomied on lhe containment liner panel surface to the requkemenls of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edllion lhru 2003 Addenda and reHef request RR-01 wilh final results saU&factosy. 308-Y PANEL ADJACENT TO 308-X(L) & 308-Z(R) E1.11 NOEP-D620 VT I CM-764 I Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 1011no13 A visu81 uamlnatlon was perfonned on lhe contamment liner panel siirfiica to the reqlirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-111 wllh llnal results satisfactory. Acceptable: Minimum wall calculated@ 0.28125" and is evaluated as acceptable per RNP-CISTRU-1128, Rev. B. Successive examination has been scheduled for the 3rd Period. 308-Z PANEL ADJACENT TO 308-X(L) & 308-Z(R) E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I CM-764./ Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00195 10/712013 A visual examination was perfonned on Ille containment liner panel surface lo Ille requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wllh final results satlsfactosy. EQUIP-HA TCH-EQ-1A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-228 I Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 w21no13 NDEP-DB20 VT I VT-13-244 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 912712013 NOEP--0620 VT I VT-13-261 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 10/6no13 A visual 8llllmlnaUon was performed on Ille equipment hatch eyRnder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and rellef request RR-01 with final nt&Ulls satlsfactorY. EQUIP-HA TCH-EQ-1 B EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-227 / Unsat 8010 HBR2*1061B SH00198 10/112013 NDEP-D620 VT /VT-13-245/Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH0019B 10/312013 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-262/Unsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/612013 A visual examination was perfarmed on the equipment hatch cylinder surface to lhe requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Adderda and relief request RR-01 with final resulls evaluated satisfactory. EQUIP-HATCH-EQ-2A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I VT *13-228 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9127/2013 NDEP-D620 VT I VT-13-246 / Un!iat 8010 HBR2*1061B SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-263 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00198 10l6/2013 A visual examination was perfonned on lhe equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final result& satisfactory. EQUIP-HATCH-EQ-3A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-229 / Unsal 8010 HBR2-1061B SH00198 9/2712013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-247 I Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9127/2013 NDEP-0620 _VT I VT-13-_264 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00198 101212013 A visual examlilation was perfonned on the equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and rellef request RR-01 with rtnal remts satJsfadory. .. EQUIP-HATCH-EQ-4A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-D620 VT I VT-13-230 I Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9130/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-265 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10818 SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP:-0620 VT I VT-13-279 /Sat 8010 SH00198 101512013 A visual examination was performed on the equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thrU 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final resufts satisfactory. -. -* Page 49of195 Summary No 041000 Comments: 044100 Comments: 044300 Comments: 044500 Comments: 044700 Comments: 044900 Cornments: 045100 Comments: 045300 Comments: . Comp. ID Contp0nent0tlacrlpdon Item No. Procedure Method/Raport/Reaulta System ow 9 nso Exam Data EQUIP-HATCH-EQ.4B EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT /VT-13-231 /Unsal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9/30J2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-248 / Unsal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP-0620 .VT /VT-1.3-266/Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 101512013 A visual examination was perfonned on Iha equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final nisutts satisfactory. EQUIP-HATCH-EQ-SA EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-232 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 913012013 NCEP..()620 VT /VT-13-249 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9130/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-267 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 101512013 -A visual examination was performed on Iha equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Sedion Xt, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final nisult& satisfactory. EQUIP-HA TCH-EQ-6A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-2331 Unsat 8010 HBR2-10616 SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-250 I Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9/2912013 NDEP-0620 vr I VT-13-268 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10818 S.H.00198 10/5/2013 A visual examination was performed on lhe equipment hatch cyllnder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final result& satisfactory. EQUIP-HA TCH-EQ-7A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-234 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-251 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 912812013 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-269/Unsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/512013 A visual examination was performed on the eqlipmant hatch cylinder surface to the iequllements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results evaluated satisfactory. EQUIP-HA TCH*EQ-BA EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-235 /Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9/30/2013 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-252 / Unsat 8010 HBR2*10818 SH00198 9130/2013 VT I VT-13-270 I Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 10/512013 A visual examination was performed on lhe equipment hatch cyllnder surface to the requirements or ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and rellef request RR-01 with final results evaluated satisfactory. EQUIP-HATCH*EQ*9A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT /VT-13-243/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9/30/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-253 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9/2812013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13*271 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/512013 A visual examination was perfonned on Iha equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requlramants of ASME Section XI. 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results &&tis factory. EQUIP-HATCH-EQ-10A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-236 / lJnsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198* 9130/2013 NOEP-0620 VT /VT-13-254 / Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9128/2013 NDEP-0620

  • .VT I VT-13-272

/Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 10/512013 A.visual examination was performed on Iha equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisfactory. EOUIP-HATCH-EQ-11A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-237 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 913Q/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I vT-13-255 /Sat 8010 HBR2*1o618 SH00198 9/2812013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-273 /Sat 8010 l-ER2*10618 SH00198 10/5/2013 A visual examination was performed on the equipment hatch cylinder surface lo the requirements cif ASME Section XI, 2001 fdillon lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wtih final nisults satlsfadory

  • -** ,. Page 50 of 195 Summary No 045500 Comments:

045600 Comments: 045700 Comments: 045900 Comments: 046100 Comments: Comp.ID Component Description Item No. Procedure Malhod/Raport/RuultB Systam DwgllSO EumData EQlJIP-HATCH-EQ..12A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-2381 Sat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9130/2013 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-2561 Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9130/2013 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-2741 Sal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/912013 A visual examination was performed on the equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results salisfadOtY. EQUIP-HATCH.CQ..128 EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NQEP..()620 VT I VT-13-2391 Unsal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9130/2013 NOEP*0620 VT I VT-13-257 I Unsal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/1/2013 NOEP-0620 VT IVT-13-2751 Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SHDD198 10/512013 A viaual examination was performed on Ille equipment hatch cyllnder surface to the requirements of ASME Section XI, 2001 EdiUon lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final resulls salisfadOtY. EQUIP-HA TCH-EQ-13A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-240 I Unsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 sm12013 NDEP--0620 VT I VT-13-2581 Unsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 913012013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT*13-276 I Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10f7/2013 A visual examination was performed on the equipment hatch c:yllniler surface to the requirements or ASME Section XI, 2001 Edition lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 wilh ftnal results satisfactory. EQlJIP-HA TCH-EQ*14A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NOEP--0620 VT I VT-13-2411 Unsal 8010 HBR2-10618 SHDD198 912712013 NOEP-0620 VT I VT-13-259 / Unsat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 912712013 NDEP.()620 VT /VT-13-277 /Sat 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 10/612013 A visual examination was perfonned on the equipment hatch cylinder surface to the requirements ofASME SecUon XI, 2001 EdJUon lhru 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results salisfadory. EQlJIP-HA TCH-EQ-15A EQUIPMENT HATCH CYLINDER SURFACE E1.11 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-2421 Unsat 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 9/27/2013 NDEP-0820 VT I VT-13-260 I Unsal 8010 HBR2*10618 SH00198 9127/2013 NDEP-0620 VT I VT-13-278 /Sal 8010 HBR2-10618 SH00198 10i6/2013 A vl$ual examinaUon was perfonned on the equipment hatch cyllnder surface to the requirements of ASME Sec:tlon XI, 2001 Edilton llll'U 2003 Addenda and relief request RR-01 with final results satisladory. All examination areas associated with the equipment hatch cylinder shealhlng/lnsulalion panels was resolved prior to the reinstallalion of lhe sheathinglinsulalion lnslallatlon. Page 51of195 TAB H EXAMINATION. PERCENTAGE


. Page

    • : .



TABLE TOTAL CATEGORY NUMBER OF COMPONENTS B-A 20 8-B 13 B-D 36 8-F 12 B-G-12 347 B-G-23 44 e..J 736 B*K 50 B-L-22 3 B-M-22* 11 B-N-1 1 B-N-2 1 B*N-3 1 B-0 56 B-P 1 B-Q 3 ...

  • Deferral Permissible t Relief Request INTERVAL INTERVAL NUMBER NUMBER REQUIRED COMPLETE 20 0 5 0 24 2 12 3 248 0 44 4 184 2 6 0 1 0 3 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 6 0 6 1 of6 TECH SPEC N/A 2 EJlamlnatlon only required If component Is disassembled a Only one component per group requires examination INTERVAL PERCENT COMPLETE 0% 0% 8% 25% 0% 9% 1% 00/o D°/o 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 16% N/A Page 53of195 NUMBER SCHEDULED/COMPLETED 1'"' 2'"' 3tw PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD 010 010 20/0 1/0 210 210 3/2 5/0 1610 4/3 410 410 010 010 248/0 4/4 010 010 6212 6210 6010 210 210 210 010 010 010 010 010 010 1/1 1/0 1/0 0/0 010 1/0 010 010 1/0 210 210 210 211 2/0 210 NIA N/A N/A CLASS 2


TABLE TOTAL INTERVAL INTERVAL INTERVAL #SCHEDULED/COMPLETED CATEGORY NUMBER OF NUMBER NUMBER PERCENT 1::01 2NU 3"u COMPONENTS REQUIRED COMPLETE COMPLETE PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD C-A 21 9 0 Oo/o 310 3/0 3/0 C-B 26 10 0 0% 410 210 410 -c-c 179 8 2 33% 3/2 210 3/0 C-D 1 1 0 0% 010 1/0 010 C-F-1 1137 86 5 5% 29/5 28/0 29/0 C-F-2 253 28 0 0% 9/0 10/0 9/0 C-H 11 11 (per period) 6of33 18% 11/6 11/0 11/0 Page 54 of 195 CLASS 1, 2, & 3 SUPPORT


TABLE TOTAL INTERVAL INTERVAL INTERVAL #SCHEDULED/COMPLETED CATEGORY NUMBER OF NUMBER NUMBER PERCENT 111* 2NU 3"" COMPONENTS REQUIRED COMPLETE COMPLETE PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD F-A F1.10 199 50 4 8% 1714 17/0 17/0 F-A, F1.20 533 80 16 20% 26116 27/0 27/0 F-A, F1.30 465 47 16 34% 16/16 16/0 16/0 F-A, F1.40 88 Supports 44 8 18% 12/8 15/0 17/0 on46 components (24Groups) Page 55 of 195 TAB I REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT .


Page 56of195 Refueling Outage 28 -NIS-2 Summary Work Order NIS2#: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 1685621 13-001 SV1-4B Valve Disc 3020 Replaced valw disc. 1618508 13-002 SW.PMP-A Pump 4080 Replaced SW.PMP-A pump with new pump 1933,717-18 13-003 Sl.PMP-B Casing Stud 2080 Replaced casing studs* 2, 4, 6, 10 & 14. 1800340 FCV-498 Studs (3) Nuts (20) 3050 Replace body to bonnet studs (3) and nuts (20) 1990ll68 13-005 SG-A-PM-CVR Manway Bolling 3005 Replaced hot and cold leg manway bolling with spare rotallng set. Replaced hot leg studs 2, 9, 10, 14,& 16 with new. Replaced cold leg Studs 10 & 11 wilh new. 2016550 13-006 SG-8.PM-CVR Manway BolUng 3005 Replaced hot and cold leg manway bolling with &pan1 rotating set. Replaced hot leg studs 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, & 12 wHh new. Replaced cold leg studs 1, 4, 8, & 15wlth new. 13--007 Snubber-RSV*A Hydraulic fluid reservlor 3005 Replaced snubber hydraulic fluid reservoir 2290058 13-008 Sl.a7SN Pipe cap 2080 Replace valve Sl-876N cap. 2057206 13--009 RC-545A Valve 2005 Replaced valve 2148449 13-010 CVc-398A Valve Bonnet 2060 Replaced bomel assembly 2085930-12 13--011 234/A Support 2080 Modified support per EC 85906 .. *..-:1.r .. s-..cr... ......... -, ... .......... ... -***-:*- ,,.__--.,,.;rm:;Q.A:; ._.._,.. ..... Page 57 of 195 Work Order NIS2#: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 1818567 13-012 SW-118 Valve 4060 Replace valve SW*118 1927845 13-013 SW*100 Valve Replace valve SW*100 2098480 13*014 SG-C-IP-CVR Manway Bolling 3005 Replace Steam Generator "C Inspection Port bolting to specs. 2148448 13-015 CVC*335 Val\le Bonnet 2060 Replaced bonnet assembly 2047191 13-016 CPL*134/G Anchor Bolt 2060 Replace anchor bait and LI-boll on support CPL* 134-G 2065882 13-017 IA-525 Valve Disc 6135 Replaced IA-525 Valve Disc. 2148451 13-018 CVC-600 Bonnet Assembly 2060 Replaced valve bonnet assembly. 2098532-09 13-019 232/Y Support 2080 Modified support per EC 85906 2098537 13-020 Sl-8800 Valve 2080 Replaced Valve 2085930 13-021 Sl-880A Valve 2080 Replace valve and piping. 2088073 13-022 CVC-353 Bonnet Assembly 2060 Replace bonnet assembly on valve CVC-353 2274240 13-023 SW-PMP-8 Pump 4060 water pump "8" _____ Page 58of195 Work Order NIS2#: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 2098532 13-024 Sl-880C Vatve 2080 Replaced valve and piping. 774374 13-025 CVC-266 Valve Olsc 2060 Replaced Valve Disc 1927047 13-026 SW-61 Valve 4060 Replace valve SW-61 and boltlng. 1927045 13-027 . SW-54 Valve 4060 Replace valve SW-54 and bolting. 2085933 13-028 CVC-381 Valve 2060 Replace Valve CVC-381 and Piping 2258587 13-029 CVC-312B Bonnet Studs 2060 Replaced Body to Bonnet Botting 2058621 13-030 2-CH-158 Spring Can Support 2060 Restored Hanger CPL-143-T settings to desJgn condition 200689808 13-031 RHR-PMP-8 Casing stud 2045 Replaced Casing Stud on RHR-PMP-B 1842290 01 13-032 Valve Discs Sl-865A 2080 Replai:ed valve dlses 204918912 13-033 Bushing to Bonnel RHR-7598 2045 Tack welded Stem Hole Bushing to Valve Bonnet 204754301 13-034 215\FW-SA-6009 FW-SA-6009 3065 Adjusted and re-positioned spring support 206423401 13-035 Sm.ibber-RSV-C RSV-C 3005 Replaced fluid reservior 'lll'WW *-1-. Page 59 of 195 Work Order NIS2#: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 5589851133051 13-038 MS-2618 Disc 3020 ValYe rebuild Including disc and bolllng replacement and taclc welding bushing to disc. 55881501 13-037 Snubber25 Snubber25 2060 Replaced snubber with new Unit 208342501 13-038 RHR*PMP-8 Mecllanlcal Seal Cartridge 2045 Replaced mechanical seal cartridge and gland stui!s. 2098531 13-039

  • Sl-8808 Valve 2080 Replace valve and p!plng. 209731813 13-040 CH-18A CH-18-RG02 2060 Removed and ralnstalled support CH-1 B-RG02 13301615 01 13-041 Flow Element FE*110 -2060 Replaced now etemeni 225859201

.. 13-042 CVC312A Bonnet SIUds 2060 Replaced Body to Bonnet Bolting 203871!101 13-043 WD-1787 Bonnet Studs 7060 Replaced bonnet studs 206327605 13-044 RC-94 Studs 2005 Replaced bolting 2083273 01 13-045 CVC*203B RellefValve 2080 Replaced valve with rotated spare. Replaced valve felled functional test 2097316

  • CVC*200B Control Velve . 2060 Replace valve 2097314 13-047 *cve-20oc Valve 2060 -Replace valve --..,;..


...:r----* - -Page 60 of 195 Work Order NIS2 #: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 203148908 13-048 4 FW-33/16-FW-10 16" X 4" branch connection 3050 Replace AFW branch connection wilh prefabricated fitting (16"x 4") 203148911 13-049 4 FW-34116-FW-11 16" X 4* branch connection 3050 Replace AFW branch connection wilh prefabricated fitting (16"x 4") 2066053 01 13-050 S8-1A TlnadedRod 4060 Replaeed bolting. WOik performed in with WO 1127879 10 2031489 26 13-051 FW-68-50 Restraint 3050 Remove and replace pipe support 2097318 13-052 CVC*200A Vatw 2060 Replace valve 2133888 13-053 RPV Washers/Nut RPV washers/Nuts 1005 Replaced RPV Washers/Nuts wilh Hydranuts 2049172 13-054 Snubbert18 Snubber 2045 Replaced snubber with new snubber from stores 01902298 13-055 3..CW-178 Backwash Piping 4060 Replace Pipe and associated fittings Including valves 2294388 13-056 CC-7168 Valve ln!emals 4000 Replaced valve Internals and reln5talled. 2121916-14 13-057 FIC-6511 Flow meter 4080 Replace flow meter. 2104385 13-058 CVC-338 Bonnel 2060 Replace bonnet assenllily 558984 13-059 MS-V1*3C . Valve Internals 3020 Rebulh valve Internals. Page 61 of 195 Work Order NIS2#: Component ID R/R Activity System# R/R Description 2291431 13.c60 EXC5-l. TDN-HTX Shell Flange Nut (1) 2060 Shell flange nut (1) replaCed. 1330793308 13-081 SFPC-805A Valve 7110 Replace valve SFPC-805A with new valve and piping/elbows 2098131 13-062 SIG-A Hot Leg RCiw 1, Column 47 2005 .. Plugged SIG "A" tubes &trow f'column 47 and row 20 column 35. 2098132 13-083 SIG-B Cold Leg Row 11, Column 70 2005 Plugged SIG "B" lubea at row 11 column 70 and row 25 column 10. 1800231 13-064 SW*545 Check Valve 4060 Replaced existing SW*545 with spare *refurbished valve from stores 206355501 13-065 CVC-313 Check Valve 2060 Replaced check valve and elbow by welding 2088632 13-066 EQUIP-HATCH Equip-Ha ten .. 8010 Modllied Ole equipment hatch by welding quick closure clamping devices .. -____ Page 62of195 ATTACHMENT OWNERS REPAIR I REPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES FORM NIS-2 Page 83of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name Dale:. ______ ,,.9J9::t:l20=1Llll3:..- ___ _ 411 FAYETTEVILLE $I .. RA!.E!GH NC 27802 Address Planl _ __,H..,_B ... .. Bl...,NS....,ON..._ ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RD: HAffTSV!LlE. SC 29550 Addre$1 Work Perfonned by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 1581 WEST ENJRANCE Bo* H6RISVILLE SC 29550 Address Sheet __ _. ___ of ___ _._ __ Unit..__ ____________ _ EC#;NIA EE*NJA WRJWO:t§6!821 CR:N/A Repair OrganizaUan PO No;Jab No;ele. Type Cade Symbol Stamp: __ Aulhorlzallon No.:. ____ .-N.,.l._,!A.._ __ Expiration Dale: _____ ....... Nl.._A.__ __ ldenlillcalion of System:_C.,,la=ss ... :2 ____ ...... M-.A ... IN .... SI ....... EAM=,_S...,y..,STE""'""'""'M.__ __ ..,30""20_ (a) Applicable Edllion.:..J.m AddendaJH6 Cade Case;!!ta Design Specification: CPL-R2=MV81 (b) AppRcable Edition of Sadlon XI Used for BepalrlBeplacement Activity: 2007 Edj!!Qn 2008 Addenda Code Case: tfi6 ldenlillcation or Comnonenls R,,,,,;iiJtld or Rei lated and Re 1lacement Comaonenls Name of Manufacturer Nallanll Olher Year Corrected, ASME Component Manulaclunrr SerfalNo. Board No. ldenUficaUon Built Removed, Ill' Ccida lnsldld Stamp (Yes or No) Valve Disc Crosby NIA NIA SV1-4B 1992 Removed N Valve Oise Crosby NIA NIA SV1-4B 2012 lnslaOad N 7. Oesctiplion of Wolle Replaced valye disc. 8. Tesl Conducted: Hydruslatic 1:1 Pneumallc [:) Nominal Operating PteSSUr8 l:J Exempt (Xl Other Wl6) PreasW9 lt:l!liJ psig Test Temp. "F 13-001

  • Page 64of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel _J_ of .l... 9 Remarks* See WO 1665§21 tumoyer packaae Appllcable Manulaclurer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify Utat the stalemenls made in Ille report are col'l'ed and this confonns to the requirements of the ASME Cade. Sedion XI. Type Code SymbOI S1amp _____________

__,,N,.,111..._ _______________ _ Certificate of Authori%ation No., ____________ _______________ _ ISi ENQINEEB Dile 9!9/20! 3 Owner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the Nalionat Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspecaors and lhe Stale or Province or Soulb Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD CONNECTICUT have inspected the ccmponenlS described in this Owner's Report during lhe period 2/1312012 and stale lhal lo the best or my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken eottective measures de5Cll"bed hi this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements or the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his. employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measuret desctibed in this Owner's Report Funhennore, neither Ille lnspeClOI' nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh this lnspeclian. _ ... "':-:::,-::E\o:.a.;."l:-'o .... _______ eommitsians Ne m30 sc 264 ANn lnspec:lol's Signature NaUonal Board, Stale, Province, and EndOtHments Dete.91912013 13*001 Page65of195 2007 EdiUon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY f'ormNIS 2 1. 2. 3. 4. s 6. Name or FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRJREPLACEMeNT ACTMTY As Required by lhe Provisions ol the ASME Code Section XI Owner PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 411 fAYEUEyll.LE ST. RALEIGH NC 27602 Address Planl __ ..,H * .,.B,...R..,0,..81 .. N"'S""O'"'N..._ ______ _ Name -3581 WEST Entrance RO HARTSV!llE. SC 29550 Acldres& Work Performed by f.RQGBEss ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE BO* HABISVILLE. SC 29550 Address Dale ______ _,91...,1..,512...,.0.,;13.._ ___ _ Sheet* __ __...._ __ or ______ _ Unit: _____________ _ l;C#,NIA EE NIA Y:fflNi0.1618508 CR NIA Repair OrganlZallon PO No;Job No,etc Type Code Symbol Slamp: __ .....,.Nt ... A..._ __ Authorization Na.: _____ ... N..,1.-A...._ __ Expiration Date _____ ....... N:,IA..,_ _ _,__ . ldenlilicalion of System _..o""a.,.ss.._*,.,J ____ s .. e..,R..,V!....,.C.E,...W..,.A.,.T ... E.,,,B..,.S,..y,_.s ... __ _,4.,Q8.....,0 ________ _ (a) Applicable Construction Code......all.! Edillon;.Jifil Code Design Specification: CPL-R2-MP-12 (b) Applicable Eaitian of Section XI Used lot' RepairlReplacemenl Activity* 2001 Edition 2008 Mdenda COde Case. M{A ldenlilicalion of Comoonents Reoaired or Re* r;iced and Re lacemenl Comoonents Name of Manufadurer Natlorial Olher Year CorreCled. ASME Component Manufadurer Sertal No Board No. ldentirca11on Buill Removed.or Code lnslalled S&amp (Yes or No) Pump Johnston JZ6438 NIA SW-PMP-A 2001 Removed N Pump Sulzer 487812 NIA SW-PMP*A 2012 lnstaUed N 7. Oescriptlon of Woric:Btrnlacec! $W.fMP*A pump wilh new Q1J01R 8. Test Conducted: Hydrontatic D Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure USJ Exempt 1J Other OlI:2) Pressure (fil) psig Test Temp. lAMBI °F 13-002 Page 66of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet -1... or L. 9. Remarks See WO 1618508 turnoyer Pad<aaa ARJI cable Manufacturer's Data Reports IO be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that lh1 statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to !he requirements o! the ASME Code. Section XI Certlficate of Aulhorizalion No .. ____________ Signed 71?&1'./J/e.../ IS! ENGINEER Date 9115120!3 Owner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a val:d commission Issued by ttie Nat1011al Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspeclor11 and the Stale or Province of §outh Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have inspected the components described in lhis Owner's Report during the to 9115/2013 and stale that 10 lhe besl of my knowledge and belief. Ule Owner has performed examinalrons and laken correclive measures described in lh1s Owner's Report In ac:cordance wilh lhe requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certmcate nellher lhe lnspedor or his employer makes any warranly. expl'!ssed or implied, concemlng the examinations and corrective measures described in lhls Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the lnspeclor nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal i11JUIY or praperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or corinecled with !his Inspection . ......... NB 13930 SC 284 AN!I Inspector's Signatur1 Nabonal Board, Stale, Provlnat, and Endorsements Dale 9tt5!2013 13-002 Page 67of195 2007 Eddlon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FarmNIS 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name or FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions ai lhe ASME Code Seelion XI Owner PRQGBESSENERGXCAROUNA8 ING Name 411 FA)'EJTEyJLLE ST. RALEIGH NC 27602 Add11111 Plant _ _.H"""B .... R..,O..,Bl.,,NSQN.....,,_,,, _______ _ Name 3581 W£ST En1r1nce RD* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Addr9sG W()r!( Performed by ffilNRESS ENERGY CAROLINJ\5. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RO HARISV!lLE SC 29550 Address

  • Date* ______ _.91.._1.,.512=0_,.13.._

___ _ Shee1:. ____ ,__ __ ar ___ -=2,_ __ Unlt------------------ ECfN/A EE*N/A WRJW9*1933717-18 CB;N!A Repair OrganlZalion PO Na:Job No:elc Type Cade SymbOI Stamp: __ ... __ _ Aulharizalion No.: _____ __ _ Expiration Dale: ______ N..,fA...._ __ _ ___ (a) Applicable ConslrUclion Code.i.....!U1.J. EdHion;_!in Addenda.N!A Code Case.lll.& Design Specific:alion: NIA (b) Applicable Edition of Sedion XI Used for Repair/Replacement Aclivity: ?007 Edi!ion 2006 Mdeada CodeCasa: ldenttllcalion of Comnonenls Beaaired or Rei laced and Re Components Name of Manulacllftr National Olher Year Corrected, ASME Componeni Manufacturer Serial No. Board No. ldenlilicaUan BuBI Removed.et Code lnst;lled Sl11111p (Yes or No) Casing Stud Nova NIA NIA Sl-PMP*B 1971 Rem.oved N CasmgSlud Nova NIA NIA Sl*PMP-B 2013 Ins I al led N . 7. Description of Wark: RJ?laqtd ca*M s!ulfs ! 2 4 6 10 & 14 8. Test Conducted. Hydrostatic [:l Pneumalic 1:1 Nominal OperaUng Piessure [:) Exempt [J Other M:.1J Pressure W!AI psig Test Temp. UU!J "F 13-003 Page 68or195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet _.2_ of .z... 9. Remafl<s: See WQ 1933717-18 tumgver pac!sage Appllcabltt Manufatturer's Data Reports to ba allathed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that lhe statements made in Iha report are corred and lhls conforms lo lf1e requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. Type Code SymbOI Stamp _____________ .i;zii;t.11.a..._ _____________ _ cenllicale of Authorization No. ____________ _:;N,..ltA.,_ ______________ _ Signed __. !SI ENQINEEft Dale 9!t512Q13 Owner or Owner's Designee, Tiiie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by Iha National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province or South Carpfina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CQNNECTICUT have inspected the componenls described in this Owner's Report during lhe period 111612012 lo 911512013 and stale lhat to the best of my knowledge and belief. the Owner has per1vrmed exainlnalians and taken c:orrec:live measures described in lhis Ownal's Report In accordance with the requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By signing Chis cerlificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concamlng lhe . examinations and c0rraclive measures described in Ownel's Report Furthennore, neither the lnsJJKlor nor.his emplorer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from DI' connected with lhis inspection. N813930SC 261 AN!I lnspedol's Signature Nalional Board. Slale. Province. and EndOISements Date.9115/2013 13.003 Page 69 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX 11 MANDATORY ForrnNISZ 1 2 3 4, 5 6 Name of FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMEl'fT ACTIVITY As Required by the Prov.sions of the ASME Code Section XI . Owner PRQGBESS ENEftGY CAROUNAS. INC Name Date ______ _,_,1Q1..,t-.120 ........ 1.,3 ___ _ 411 FAYETTEy!LLE ST . 8ALEIGH NC 27602 Addnms Planl_..-H,,. . ..,B .... ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RD HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Work Performed by fBOGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 35§1 WEST ENTRANCE RD $RTSV!LLE SC 29550 Address Sheet: __ -..:-..--of ______ _ Unit ______ -::.2 ______ _ EC#*N/A EE*N/A WRNJ();18Q0340 CR.NIA R11911lr Or9anlza1ion PO No.Job No.etc.

  • Type Code Symbol Stamp* __ _...N""IA..__

__ _ Autharilallon No.: ______ N!""'"A __ _ Expiration Date: _____ .. A __ _ ldentiflcahon of Syslem ...... c ... 1a,_s=s .... 3 ____ Fe,..e..,o .... w...-..A.,.!E.-.-R...,s ... v ... s .... IEM=----... m<>,,..:;,._ (a) Appllcable Conslruction Code....JULJ. Addenda;ti!8 Code Case..,li!A Design Specification: (b) Applicable Ed11ion ol Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity. 2007 Editjon 2008 .Addenda Code Case: Mta ldenflfscatloo of Comoonerits R@Daired or Rei laced and Re ComDOnenls Nameol Manufactlln!f Nallanal Olfler Year Carrected. ASME Campanenl, Manufacturer Serial No. Board No ldenlilicattan Bull! Removed.or Code lnslalled Sia mp (Yea or No) Studs (3) Nuts Capes Vulcan NIA NIA FCV-498 1971 Remo11ed N (20) Studs (3) Nuts Copes Vulcan NIA NIA FCV-498 2012 lns1at1ed N C20) 7 Description of WOfk* .Bep!ag: body to b9nnel studs C3l and nuts 1201 8 Test Conducted HydtoslallC ll Pneumalic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt {X) Other II Pressure W!a) psig Tes! Temp. "F Page 70 of 195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheel ,.l_ of i. g Remarks* See WO 1800340 turnover pac;kage App6cabla Manufacturets Oa111 Repons lo be allad'ted CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal Ille slatements made In lhe report are conecl and rhls c:anrorms to the requi11111en1s of the ASME COde, Section XI Type Code Symbol Slamp _____________ ______________ _ Certific:ate or Autf!:riZatien .J:lJf'. Signed -f _ k IS! ENGINEER Qale 10111!21)13 Owner or Owner's Oeslgnee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, tlle undersigned. holding a valid commission IHued by I.he National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspedors and lhe Sla!e or Province or South Carq!ina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD CONNECTICUT have inspected the ccmponenls dncribed in lhis Owner's Report during ll'ICI period 113Q/2012 to 101112013 and slate that lo the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner haS perfonned examinations and taken correclive measures described In lhis Owner's Report in accordance with lhe requirements of the ASME Code, Seclion XI. By signing this certificale neither the 1.nspector or his employer makes any warr:anlY. e>CPtessed or implied, c:onceming the examinalicns and c:orreclive measures described In this OWner's Repor1 Funhennor'e, neilher the lnspeclor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner ror any personal Injury or prapet1y damage or a los$ of any kind arising from or connected w.ith lttls inspection. ___ 8 ... t\-+o ... &'V ..... 1 ..... MA ........... , ___ t\ .... ... .... '1._L_l ________ Commissions NB t3930 sc 264 ANH Inspector's Signature National Board. State. Province, and Endorsemenlli Oale:to11/201J Page 71 oft 95 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI 1. Owner DUJ<E*ENeRGY*PRQGRESS. INC Date: 10129122'-"-13 ___ _ 2. 3. 4. s. 6. Name of* Name 526 S. Cburch S!ree!. Charlo!!e. NC 28201 P1ant __ _________ Name 3581 WEST En!rance RD: HABTSV!l:LE. SC 29550 Address Work Performed by PBOGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENJRANCE RO* HARTSV!l.LE SC 29550 Address Sheet: __ __,.__ __ or ___ ..._ __ EC#,N/A EE:NIA WBJWQ;l9908§8 CB:NfA Repair Organlzalion PO No:Job No:elc. Type Code Symbol Slamp: __ _...,N""IA..._ __ Aulholizalion No.: _____ ....... Nl-.A ___ _ Ellpiralion Date: _____ __,N...,t""A,__ __ ldenUlica\ionofSystem:_..C""l89.,.s,..:..,1 ____ s,.,T .... ... oo:,:R'""""SY.:,;S:.!E:.=M:.:..... __ -=3005::ll'---...,.....-----(a) Applicable Conslructlon Code; ASME Secllon !II Edition: 1965 Addenda:.l.!1§2 Design Specification: (b) Applicable Edition of SecliOn XI Used for RepalrlReplacemenl Aclfvily: 2007 Edition 2008 Ac!denda Code Case: li!! ldenlif1cation or Comnonents Reoaired or Re. laced and RI!! Comnonents Name of Manufacturer National Otl1er Year CorTec1ed. Code Case ...

  • __ N ... 1..,A ASME Component Manulacluret" Serial No Board No. ldenlifccation BuUI Removed.or cocre lnslalfed'.

SI amp (Yes or No) M;inway Weslinghouse N/A NIA SG-A*PM-CVR 1971 Removed N Ballina Manway ATC Nuclear NIA NIA SG*A*PM*CVR 2013 lns1aDed N BolURQ 7. Description or Work: Replaced hot and co!d leg manway bolling with spare rotaling se). Replaced hot tea sluds 2. 9, 10. 14.& 16 wilh new. Rcp!acf!d cold leg sly!fs 10 & 11 will) new. 8. Test Conducted: Hydroslalic: f:l Pneuma!ic l:l Nominal Operaling Pressure l:J Exemp1 (-1 Other M:.1J Pressure lr::llA) pslg Test Temp. lt!!aJ °F 13-005 Page 72 of 195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet.Lor .L 9 Remarks See 1990868 !umoyer package Applieable Marlulacturer's Data Repons 10 be attac.hed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cenil'y Iha\ lhe sta1e111ents made in Iha repon are correct and lhis canlorma lo !he requ!l'ements of Iha ASME Code. Section XI ______________ Cenificate ot Au!horiZalioll No. ____________ _...NJ....,,4--------------- CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the holding a valid cammission issued by the National Board or Bailer and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe State or Province or South C8rofina and employed by HSBCJ ol HARTFORD CONNECTICUT have inspected the componenls descnbed in this Owner's RePOrt dunng lhe period 912512013 lo 1011/2013 and stale that 10 the best or my knowledge and belfer. lhe Owner has perfonn&d examinations and taken conectwe measures d8$cribed in lhis Owner's Repolt In accordance with the requirements or the ASME Code, Seciion XI. By s1gn111g this cer11ficale nellher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concemi119 lhe examinations and correetive measures descnbed in this Owner's Repol\. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propeny damage or a loss or any kind arising from or canneded wilh lhis inspection. ..... .. _______ Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll lnspec!Dt's Signature National Bolfd. Slate. Province, and Endorsements o.te 10/112013 Page 73of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY ForrnNIS2

1. 2. ' 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner OUKE*ENERGV*PROGRESS.

INC *Name 526 S. Church Street. Charlotte. NC 2§201 Address 3581 WEST Entrance RQ; HART§VILLE. SC 29550 Address WOfk Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROL!!AS. INC Name 3581 WES! EN"[RANCE RD: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address oa1e: _______ 1 .. 012912.....,._0..,13_.,... __ Sheet: __ _,,.._ __ ot ___ ..._ __ URl:. ______ ......,._. _______ __ EC# NIA EE*N/A WR/W0:201§550 CR;N/A Repair Organlnllon PO No:Jotl No;etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ _,N/'-="'A..._ __ Authorizalion No.:. _____ _.,.,N:;.,IA._ __ _ E11piration Date: ______ Nl__.A ___ _ ldenlllication of System._: ..,Cl ... ass=:,,,.,1 ___ .... s..,TEAM ........... G .... E..,N.,.E ... ...... S-.V ... ST..,E ... M...__ ___ 3005....,...._ ______ _ (a) Applicable Conslrucllon Code: ASME Section Ill Edilion: 1965 Design Specmcation: (b) Applicable Edilion ol Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Achvily 2007 Edilion 2008 Adde!]da Code Case: t!fa ldenlificalion of Comnnnents Reoalred or Replaced and Re:ilacement Comnonenls Name or Manulacunr Nalional 011\er Year COlrected. Code Case ...

  • _ __.Nl,..A

... .O.SME Component Manufacturer Serial No Board No. ldl!l\lillc.alian Built Remo-ed.or Code Ins la led Sr amp (Yes or No) Manway Weslingtrouse NIA NIA SG-B-PM*CVR 1971 Removed N Bolling Manway ATC Nuclear NIA NIA SG-8-PM-CVR 2013 Installed N Ballina 1. Desc:riptian of l!Ot and cold leg manway boltinQ with spare rotating sel. Replaced hot leg studs 3. 4, 5. 8. 11. & 12 wilh n@w. ReP'acec! po!d leg studs 1. 4 8. & 15 wj!h new, 8. Test Conducted: Hydrostallc 1:1 Pneumalic (:} Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt [-} Olher M::.1J Pressure IW8) pslg Test Temp. "F 13-006 Page 74.of 195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel or L 9 Remarks §ee 2016550 lurnover oac!saqe. Applicable Manufaclurer's Oala Repons lo be allached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 certify Iha! \he stalemenls made in \he repOI\ are coned and lhls conlorm5 to \he 1equifemenls of \he ASME Code, Secllon XI Type Code Symbol 51.amp _____________ -..:N.-IA'""---------------- Cartlflc:ale of Aul11arizalion No __ ..,.... _________ ____ ___ .... 13 Owner or Ownafs Oesignee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, Iha undersigned, hOlding a valid commission issued by Iha National Board of Bailer and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of South C@rglina and employed by HSBCT of HARTfORD. CONNECTICUT have inspecled lhe components described in this Owner's Report during lhe period 91j!5/2013 to 101112013 and stale lhal lo Iha besl of my knowledge and beHef, lhe Owner has perl'onned examinallons and taken correclive measures described In this Owner's Reper! in accordance with tl'le requiremenrs of lhe ASME Code. Setlion XI. By signing this certificale nellher the lnspeclor or his employer makes any warranly, expressed or implied, concerning lhe examinations and c:orredive measures described in \his Owner's Report. Furthemlore, neilher lhe lnspec:lor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with . I this inspection .... (l_0_1._*iL_v ________ :Commissions NB 13930 264 ANI! lnspeetot's Signature National Board. Slale, Pravinca, and El)dorsements Dale 101112013 13-006 Page' 75 ot 195 2007 EditiOn 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDA TORY 1. Owner FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVi As Reqvired by the Pto111slons of the ASME Code Section )(.I PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA§ INC Name 4\1 fAYErts\f\LLE ST RAlE!GH HC 2.7§02 Slleet __ __..._ __ Add1ens Fo1111NIS2 2 Unil*------""'2:i..i------- ECfNIA i EE NIA WBM!0:206423S CR.NIA 3581 weST Entrap RD* HART$V!LlE SC 29550 Address Repair Organitalion PO No.Job No,elc. 3 WOfk by PROGBESS ENERGY CARQUN,0,S INC N<tme TYl)e Cade SymbOI Stmnp: __ .....,,N .... IA,_ __ AulhonzaliOn No.: _____ _.N.1 ...... ..... --3581 '0liSJ EHIRANC£ RQ. HARJSV!llE. SC m50 Address Ewpita1ion Dare -------"N..,IA..._ __ _ 4 ldentflication of Syllem _..c..,1? .. y._2 ___ __,s""Te,_A ... ... S ... r..,E.:.::Mi-..-- ... :i .. 00.,., _______ _ 5 (a) Applicable Construc!IOll Code W£LC-5379{i18 Edd111t1 1971 AddeMlalf!ei Code caw--11{! Desigri Specif1c1n1on. (b) Edil:on of Section XI Used for Rep;Jlr/Raplac:emenl Adiv1ly. 2007 EdiJigt1 2008 AddMdj! Code Case: t!!a 6 ldenliricallon of Conl""""nl& Reoaired or R111 raced and R,. .iacemenl ComDDnents Hamcol Name or Manulu1urer Nat1anal Other YHI Corrected, .ASME Componeftl Manufacturer Serill!No ldl!nftlicalion Bllill Remowel.or Cotlo Slilmp . (Ytl OI' No) Hydlaulic Ouid Enertech NIA NIA Snubber*RSV*A 2007 Removed N reservior Hydraulic ftuid Enertech NIA NIA-Snut>ber-RSV*A 2013 tnslalJed N resel'lior -7. Oescnplion of Worf( Rep!i!jtd snubb@r hvd!i!Jlic lluid 8. Test Conducted Hydrostatic [:] Pnevmalic (:) Nominal Opera1ing Pressure(:] Exempt 1-1 Olller Q!!;1J P1ossu1e IW!J psig Tesl Temp. lW61 "F . Page 76of195 FORM NIS*2 (B Sheel ..L. of ..2... 9. .Remarks: kt WO 2064235 turnover pad!age Appl!Ullle Manulai:turer's Oa cepons lo be allached OF CO JLIANCE I I c:ellily lhoil Ille Slll!Cmenb made in the **JIOll I!'* caneel 31111 Ibis confo lo requiiemenls of Iha ASME Code, Section XI CERTIFICATE OF INSERVlCE INSPECTION I, 1tie undersigned, holding a v:ilid commission Issued by lhe Nalianal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector& and Ille Stale or at South Carolina and employed by of. HARTfORD CONNECTICUT have ln9pecled !he companents dl!$Cl'ibcd in OWnl!r's Report during the perlad and 111ate.lhal ta of my knowledge and btllrel, Che Owner has perfonned e.raminatlons and taken COITeCCive measures described in this Owne(s Repon Jn accordance wilh lhe requiremenlS of the ASME Code, Section XI. By &ign1ng this cenincate neilhef lhe tnspeclor or his employer makes any warran1y, e1presaed or concerning lhe eominalions ano correccive measures described In this Ownel'a Report Funtiermore, neilher lhe Inspector nor his employer shaU be Hable in any manner tor any personal Injury or propeny damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wllh ltlis inspection. _________ ClllMllssians NB 13930sc 264ANll ln1pec;tOl'1 Signature Nlllon31 Board, Slate. Promca. and 13-007 Page 77of195 2007 EdiUon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI 1. Owner PRQGRES$ ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name Da1a: ______ _,1..,w._.1 ... mo'""""1 .. 3,__ __ _

  • 411 FAVETTEVJU.E ST* RALEIGH NC 27602 Address Sheet: __ __. ___ 01 ___ -=2,__ __ 2. Plant _

__________ _,.. . Name EE:NIA W8JW0:229QQ58 CB.NIA 3581 WE§T Entrpnq RD: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Repair Organization PO No;Job No.etc:. 3. Work Perfotmed by PB.OGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA§ INC Narne Type Code Symbol Stamp NIA Authorization No.: __ _ 3581 WES! ENTRANCE RD: tlARTsv!llE. SC 29550 Add Expiration Date: ______ N,../A..._ __ _ 4. ldenlllicallon of System:_,.C,..la..,ss,...: .... 1 _____ S.,.A ... F:...:iETY...._._,l...,N,..JE..,C..,TI,_.O,.,N......,S""Y°"ST_,_.E,..M-..---a2..,08""0,__ ________ _ 5. (a) Appffcabte Construction Ediliorr...1.ft§Z Addencla..lifa Code Case;l:f!a Design Speciflc:ation: Cfb-HBR2-M-0191CPL-H8R2*M-04Z (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacemenl Actilli1y: 2007 Edjtion 2006 Adderlda CodeCase: 6. ldenliRcalion of ComDonenls Recaired or Rei faced and Re >lacement Conmanents NameDf Name of Manuladtnr Nal'-1 Oilier Year Corrected. Compo"ent Manufacturer SertalNo. Board No. ldentmcation Bulll Removed, or lnstallecl .. Pipe cap Ebasco NIA NIA Sl-875N 1911 Removed Pipe tap Ou BOS& NIA NIA Sl-875N 2013 Ins ta Ped 7. Oesc:riplion of Work: Replace valye Sl 0 876N can. 8. Test Conducted: Hydtoslalic 1:J Pneumalic 1:J Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt 1-1 Other l:l Pressure W!AI psig Test Temp. "F Page 78of195 ASME Code Slarnp <Yea or No) N N 13-008 FORM NIS.2 (Back) Sheet ..z.. or .a.. 9. Remarl\&: See wo 319052 turnover pacl!age. Applicable Manufacluler'S Data RepoltS IO be alladled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 certify that the $1atemenl5 made In the report are correct and thiS conforms lo 11111 requlremenls of Uie ASME Code, Section XI.

? -;
./A Datt !0/3;;; !SIENGI R Owner or Own1r's Olslgnee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the Nalional Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspec!ors and lhe Slate or Province of Squib Carptina and employed by HSBCT of HARTEQRD CONNECTICUT have lnspedecl

!he componenls described in !his Owner's Report during !he period 10/212013 lo 10!3/2013 and s1a1e lhal IO lhe best or my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has perfonned examinations and taken correeliVe measures described In lhis Owner's Report in accordance wilh the requlremen!s of lhe ASME Code, Secllon XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty; expressed or implied, conceming the examinallons end corrective measures described In !his Owner's Report. Furtliennore, neilher the tnspedot' nor hls employer shaU be liable in any manner ror any personal Injury or praperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this lnspec!lon. ,,.,;§;:;;L;..ol{oqj.;;.....:....,i164....._ ... NB 13930 SC 264 ANll ln*pector's Slgna!Ul9 National Board. Stale, Provlnca, and EndorsamanlS Date: 1Q1312Q13 13-008 Page 79of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEJ'lo'IENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Seclion XI Owner PRQGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS Name 41 t FAymEV!LLE ST .* RALEIGH NC 27602 Address Plant _ __.H.,. ... a ..... Name 3581 WEST Entrance RO* HARISV!LLE SC 2955Q Address Work Performed by P.BOGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS*

  • we Name 3581 WEST ENiftANCE RD* HARJSVlµE SC 29550
  • Addrns Dale: ______

___ _ Sheet: _______ or ___ ..,2,__ __ Unit. ______ ..:.,. _____ _ ECftN/A EE:N!A WBMIO 2057206 Cft:NIA Repair Organization PO No:Jotl No;etc. Authortzatlon No.:. _____ ... Nl ... li---Expirallon Date: _____ Identification of System:__,.c ... 1a,...H,..*t...._ __ .. EA""""CT""'O""Bu...C.,,OO..,....LA..,N'I ....... SV.,....STE""""""M...._ __ ... 2..,oo,..s...._ ______ _ 5. (a) Applicabla Constn.u:tion Code;.__U1.,1 Edltion;.J.l!§Z AddendaJU.a Code CaseJ!!.!A Design Specification: CPL*HBBW-019 (bl App!ieable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairlReplac:emenl Activity: 2007 Editiqn 20,Qf Mancia Code Case: !ta 6. ldenlilica!ion of Comconents Reoaired or Rei faced and Re lacemenl Cnmnt1nents Name or Nameol Manufadurer Nallonal Other Vear Correcled. component Manutacsurer Serial No. Board No. klenUllcatlon BuBl Removed, ar lns1alllld Valve WHITEY NIA NIA RC-545A 2004 Removed Val'le SWAGELOK NIA NIA RC-545A 2013 tnslalled

7. Oesaipllon of Wo111: Replacec! "a!ye 8. TesC Conducted:

Hydrosla1lc 1::1 Pneumatic[:] Nominal Operating Pressure 1:J Exempl IXI Otllet 1:J Pressure psig Tesl Temp. "F Page ao of 195 ASME Code Slllmp (Yes or No) N N 13"°09 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet -2.. of ..1. t. Remarlls: See WO 2057206 tumqver P*clsaa* Appllable Manufadunn's Data Repc:uts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE t certify lllat l11e slatemenls made In Iha repart are correct and lhis conforms lo lhe requirements or Iha ASME Code, Section XI.

  • Owner or Ownel's Deslgnee, Title CERTiflCATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, Ole uncfenligned, holding a vaHd commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Venal Inspectors and lhe State or Province of South Caroljna and employed by HSBCT of HABTFOBD CONNECTJCUT have inspected Iha components In this Owner's Repat1 during the period lo 1 Oll/2013 and stale lhal lo Iha tasl of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed e11amlnalions and taken correclive measures described In this Ownets Report In accordance with Iha r1qulremeri1S of Ille ASME Coda, Section XI. By signing lhis certilicale neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, &JCP111Ssed or lmpRed, concerning lhe examinations and COIT8Cllve measures desc:ril:Jed in !his OWner's Report. Furlhemlote, nellller Ole Inspector nor his employer .. . shall be riable In anr manner for anr pal'SCllal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh this inspediOn .

........ ... J\l...,..._#_ ...... _______ Commiaalons

  • N813930 SC 264 ANll lnspectol's Signature . Nalianll Board, State, Province, and. Endllrsemenls Date:10l7!2013 13-00!il Paga e1 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY
1. FORM NIS-2 OWNl!R'S Rl!PORT FOR Rl!PAIRIREPLACEMl!NT AC1MTY As Required by lhe PIOVislons ol lhe ASME Code Sec:llon XI DlJ!(§.E!@BGY-PRQGRESS.

INC Name FormNIS2 526 S. Aurcb Sln!!l Cha!lql!1 NC 2!!201 Sheet. _______ a1 _____ _ 2. 3. 3581 W§I En!mnct BP: HABTSWJ.E. SC ill!'i'i9 Address Work Performed by !BOGBEiSS ENERGY CAROLINA§. INC Nam* 3581 WIST ENTRANCE AD; HARTSYIJ.f!. SC 2955!1 Adlt'ess Eg!:HfA EE;N(A WRIW0;214"9 Qt.NIA 4. 5. ldelitincallon cl Systam:_g .. p..,!1..,j3.__ ___ CH:s;.o;EM=*CAL....., .. ANQ.....,. .... V ... O,..L .. UME....,..,CONIROL ........... -...s.,,,v.,,s"":n;u""""_. __ _.2.::9§0::::.---(a) Applicable Conslnn:tlan Code'.....l.W Addenda:.filA Design Speclficaucn: @7!=00101 Coda case;WA (b) Appllcabla Edlllon of Secllon XI Used for RepalrlReplacament Ac:tillily: 2007 E<<filian 2008 Addenda Coda C8!le: !YA 8. ldenlilcaUon al Co Ramirec! or RllDlllald and IC Nn1of Nameal ManuficlutWI' Nlllhlnal Oilier Ynr Coiteclecl. CGmjlonenl Maall'Kllllet BoanlNa. ldentllicallaA Bull fleftloved. or lnslaled Valve Elonnel Malnlenanca KIA KIA CVC.39BA 1997 Removed Valve Bonnet ITT Engineeted 889526-001* NIA CVC-398A 2013 lnslalled 004 1. Oescrtpllon ol'WOlk: RmlF!!f bannat mmrfl!y 8. Tesl Comluelad: Hydroslallc (:l Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Exeqil [-) Other M::;aJ pslg Test Temp. UQD 'F Page 82 of 195 ASME Ccld11 S18n!p (Ynor No) . N N 13-010 FORM NIS.2 (8ack) Sheel ....Lal .L 9. Remarf<s: WO 2148149 tunpyer paclllge. Applcabl8 Manulactulet's Dal.II RepD11S ID be allaCIUld CER11FICA1E OF COMPLIANCE I certify ltiat the statements made In Illa lelClll 111e calftct and INS contarms to Ille 1equirem111ll al the ASME Codo, SeellOn XI. Type COde Symbol Stamp Mia CerdcalealAullottzallanNa. ___________ __...ffA-..------------- Slgned -?l1 k.ad !SI ENGJN!; Rall 10/8Q913 awn. ar °""'81'* Deslgnea. Tiiie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undel1lgnect. holdrng a valid commission bsued by ll'le Nallonal loatd al Boiler and Pressure Veitsel lnspeclars and Ille Slale ar Prv-Anee of Soy!h cnrna and employed by HSBCJ af HARTFORD. CQNNECifCUI have lnspec:led Die campananls dascflbecl In thlS Owrlefs RepOlt durfng the petlod lo tl!l8l201l and state lllat to Ula best al my knowledge and belef, the OWner has plffanned uamlllllllans end taken aomldive measures described In this C>wner's Report n accardanca with lhe requiremelU of."'8 Code, Secllon XI. By signing lhls cer1ifrcata nellher lhe lnspedar ar his makes any warranty, eiipressed or Implied, canrzmlng Ille examlnalions and corrective measun!S desCribed In this Owner's Report. Furll'lermale, nellhet Iha Inspector nor his employer shBIJ ba llallle In any manner for any personal fl'Ol*IY damage ar a lass al any kind arising from or mnnected with this lnspec:llon. ____ ' ________ ea:mm1ss1ons NB ,393osc 281 Ml" lnlpecloi's Slgnalul9

  • NlllOllll Board. Stale, Pravtnce.

and Endarumenls 13-010 Page 83 Of 195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY

1. FORM NIS-Z OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMEHT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Piavisions of Iha ASME C.ode Sedian XI FormNIS2 pl S. Q!utd! Sim!!.. Clw!pt!t NC28291 st1eet...__..._

__ or ___ =-2 __ 2. Plant _ t'amo Eel.NIA E£;N1A 3581 WE§T Entmce RO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addtess Repalt OIJllllllUliGn PO Na;Jall No;elG. 3. Work Pelformed by PROGRESS ENERGY CARQUNAS. INC Name ;\S81 WEST ENTIWIC§RPi HARTSVME i.C'!!!'5!l Address A, ldentlf'IC&llon al System:_..C!..,m:s111;2..__ __ _____ _ &. (a) Appllcable Construclian EditiDn;,,,lHI Addllnda'lifA Coda Design Specl&catlon: CPl.,:)CQQC*M-004 . (b) Appllr:abla Edillon of Sedlon XI Used rw Repalr/Replacemenl ACUvily. 2001 Edl!lqn 2008 Ac!danda Code ease: WA 6. . ldendficaliCln or

  • Is RAOain!d or Ra! lamd aid -Ca fbmeot Nam9ol .. Manulaclurlr

,..llanat Olller v .. *. Cclrn!ald. CGnqlonetll s..fl!IND. 8Gafd NO. ldlnlillcallon BUii! Remcmid. or lnslllled Support Ebnco NJA NIA 234/A 1971 Removed Support Mall'uenance NIA NIA 234/A 2013 lnslalled

7. Daofpllan af Wodc Macfilied

!U!!p!!!l per EC 159Qi 8. Tesl Canclicted: Hydrvslallc Jl PneumaUc: 0 Nominal Operallng Pressure D Exempt 0 Olhtir M:Jl Pressure IHlt!I pslg Test Tamp. °F Page 84 of 195 ASMI! Code SlllnlP eves or NO) N N 1J.G11 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet-Loi L 9. Rammts: Sn WO 2085930 tymover pack!ga Applcabll Manufaduler's Data Reports ta be alladl!d CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I Cllftlfy lllat lhll stalements made In Ill npart are caned and lhfs lo Iha r1!11'*11111ents Df Ille ASME Code. Sedlon XI. Type CClde Srmbai Stamp NI& Certilcalo of AUUlartzallon No. .. , .. Signed. .... l!Wlilll!;t OwnerorOwner's Deslgnee, TIUe . CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION .. Ille underllgned, tlGldlng a vald cammlulDn ilSUed .,, Iha National Board Df Boller and Pnlssure Venel lnspeclar.l Ind Iha Stale or Province of b.1111:1 Cliltlll!r:lll and employed a., 1:1:.rua ol l:!!BIE!2Bl2 CONNEs:;:i:Jg[[ hive Inspected the camp111111111 deScritled In this Owner's Repall di.Iring lhe period Zll.1Qm.l to 1QIBl2013 and slate lhal to Iha best of my knr.Mledge and bellal, lhe Owner hll performed examlnallons and taken co"8dlve measures dllSCrilled in this OMier's Rapolt In accon1anc8 with the raqulrwmenls al the ASME Code, Sedlan XI. By signing llU ceitiflcale 11911har Iha lnapeclor ar his employar makes any warranty, expressed or lmiiUed, concerning lhe 8J181T1inalions. and carrec:llve measures described In lhls Ownef"s Report. Funhermore, nellher Iha lnspectrir llCll' his umployar ltlal1 be llabla In any manner far 111y personal or property damage or a loss d any kind arising fram or cameded wllh ' this inspedlan. ' ' C.amndulons tm J3930 !i!&Zit at!O lnspedol's Slgnalllre Nallanal Eloanl. Slate, Province. and EndlllMlllertl Oale:t018120t3

Page 85 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. Owner FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI pyKE-iNERGY..pRC!GBF;SS.

INC Name Oate: ______ .:.:.11'""812..,0x.li.:::4:..... ___ _ 526 S Churcll Slrggl. Chat!otle NC 28201 Sheel:. _______ or_* _____ _ Address . 2. Plant Name . 3. ... 5. 6. l'lameol EC#: Nf A EE*N/A WB!W0;181§5§7 CR;N/A 3581 WEST Entrance RD: HARTSytLl:.E. SC 29550 Address Repair Organilation PO No;Job No;etc. Wortl Performed by PRQGBES§ ENERGY <(6R0LINAS. INC Name Type Cade Symbol Slamp:. __ AuthotizaliOn No.:. _____ 3581 WEST ENTRANCE BO: HARTSVlµE. SC 29550 Address Expiralion Date: -----.....:;:Nl:.:;A::.--- ldentifte:alion of System: . .....,C!..,a,.,55..,:3.__ ___ s..,EB....,,Vl""C,..E.._W ...... AT...,E:u.R...,S"'V...,S .... T=EM...,__ ___ 4060==......;--------(a) Applicable ConslrucliOn Code: 831.1 Editlon.;_!UZ Addenda;t!t! Code Design Speclficalion: 5379-01797 (b) Applicable Edition of SecUon XI Used for Repair/Replac,ement Aclivily: 20QZ Edition 2008 Addenda Code Case: ti!a ldenlllicalion of Comoonents Repaired or Rl!lllaced and Re llacemenl -Is Name of ManufaClurer Naticinal ouw Vea11 conecled, ASME Componenl

  • Manulachner Seiial No Soard No. ldenllftcallon
  • Bu HI Removed. or Cod& IOSlaDeCI Stamp (Yes or No) Valve Crane. 862163 NIA SW*118 1971 Removed N Valve Crane 14477 NIA SW*118 2013 *installed N 1. Oescnpllon at Wcn:Beolace vaive sw .11 a 8. Tes! Conduded:

Hydroslatlc I:l Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Pcessure QS] Elempl {-) Olher Pressure ltiQfl pslg Tesl Temp. 1!::!Q!J "F 13-012 Page 86 of 195 1., .. FORM NIS.2 (Back) Sheet_Lof L 9 Remarks: See WO 18165§7 tyrnoyer Package Applicable Manulacturer's Data Reports 10 be alhlched CERTIF1CATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 certily Uta! Ilia s1atemen1s made In Iha report are correct and lhis canlonn11 lo lhe requlremenlll or Iha ASME Coda, Seclion XI. CertiflcateolAulharlzalion No._....., __________ ,..l':l!j..,A..._ _____________ _ Slgnt!CI '71/1: ISi ENGINEER Data 118/2014 Ov.ner or Owner's Dtslgnee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF IHSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board ol Boller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Spu!h Carp!!na and employed by HSBCT of t:IARIFORD CQNNECTICUT have inspected 01e components described in lhis Ownttfs Report during the period 4110/2013 io 11812014 and state that lo the best ol my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonnecl examinations and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificale neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty. exoressed or implied. concemlng the eraminalions and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither lhe Inspector nor his employer stiall be liable 11'1 any manner lor any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connecled with this inspection. ELt\o SJ!fA-Q '6::1 u'°'l Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANI! . Boanl *. State. Province. and Endorsements tl-012 Page 87ol195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol Owner FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by \he Provisions ol lhe ASME Code SeCllOn XI DUt(E*ENEBGY*PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Churetl SUU\. Charlolle. NC 28201 Shee\! _______ of ___ ..._ __ Address Plant _ __,H,,,. .... B..,,.R,,,QB.....,INSO=..,N.__ ______ _ Name Mill WEST Entrance RQ: HART$VlllE. SC 29550 Address Wort\ Petfonned by PROGBESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENJRANCE BQ; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Unit=------------- EC#:NfA EE*N/A WB/W0;1927645

  • CR:NIA Repair Otgamallon PO No:Job No:etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp:. __ ......,Nl,._A..._

__ Authorization No.: _____ N""l..,.A __ _ Date: _____ *_.Nl ....... A __ _ tdenlificallon of System: . ......,CJass .........

..,3 ___ ... s..,E,..;Ri,:Vl

..... ... v..,s...,IEM....:,__ __ ..;:4.,.06Q...._ ________ _ . (a) Applicable Cons1rue1ion Code,;..JUL! Edillon,;,J,i§Z Addenda& Design SpeclRClllion: EC 82501 CodeCaseJl![! (b) Applicable Edillon of Section XI Used for RepairlReplmnt Aclivity: 2007 Edition 2008 Addenc!a Code Case: !1!la ldentmcalion of Comoonents Reoaired or Rei laced and Re llacernenl ComnMenls Nameaf Manulsclurer Nallanal Olher Yell corree1ec1. ASME COmponenl Manufaclll'l!f Serial No. BoardNo. ldenlificaliOR 811111 Removlld. ar Code lnslalled Slamp cvesor No) Valve Crane NIA NIA SW-100 1971 Removed N Valve Argo Turbo 271660-01-01 NIA SW-100 2013 lnslalled N Service 7. OescriOlion or Work. Rep!aea ya!Ve SW-100 8. Test Condueled; Hydroslallc (:) Pneumauc 1:J Nominal Operating Exempt (-) Oltier Pressure IHQf) psig Test Temp. IHQl) °F 13-013 Page 88of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheel .J.. of ..L 9. Remarlls: Su WO 1927845 lumpyer Package Applicable Manufaclurer*s Data Reports lo be altael'led CeRTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certlfy lhal the slalemenls made In the report are correct and lhls conforms to Ille requlremen!S of Ille ASME Cede, Section XI. Dale 111!12g14 Owner or Owner's Deslgnee, TiHe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel !nspeclors and lhe Stale or Province ol Soulh Carg!lna and employed by HSBCT 0( ttARTFORD CONNECTICUT have inspecled the componenls described in lhis Ownets Report during Ille period !111712013 and state lhat 10 the best ol my knOwledge and belief, lhe Owner has performed examinations and taken correcllve measures described in lhls Owner's Report In accordance wllh the requiremenls of !he ASME Code, SecclOn XI. By signing this certificate neilhel the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty. eJCPtessed or !mplied. concerning the eJCaminations and corrective measures described in 11\is Owner's Report Furthermore, neilher Iha lnspedor nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh lhis Inspection. g..r\oS'iltfA (i:.\)(a c..<lV\ Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll --...-..,..,n..,.spec ....... t""'o""r's""'s"'1gna..._."rure------------*NaUona1 Board. Stale. Province. and !ndorsamenls Date: 11812014 13-013 Page 89of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS 2 t. 2. 3. 4. FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions or the ASME Code Section XI Owner PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name FA'(ETIEV!LLE ST. RALEIGH NC 27602 Address ...... H ..... ______ __ Name 3581 WesT Enlranca RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Wad\ Performed by f'RQGResS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENTBANCE RO* HABTSV!l.lE SC 295$0 Address Oate: ______ _.1..,.0 ... Sheel: ________ or _____ _ EC#;N/A EE;NIA WR!W0:209848D CR:NfA Repair Organiza!ion PO No;Job No,elc. Type Cada Symbol Stamp:. ___ Nl""'A,_ __ AulhorizatlonNo.: __ &pinllion Oare: _____ __.N,..t.:ull\ __ __ ldenlificatian of System:.,....,c..,ra .. 55 ... * ... 2 ___ _..SIEA.....,"'M..,..G ... .. S. (a) Apphcable CollSlrudion Code; A$ME Sect Ill EdiUon* 1971 Code Design Specilica!ion: 728-208*63 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used ror Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edj!lqn 2008 Addenda Code Case: !:l!e. 6 ldenlilicalion or Camrmnenls RE!ll.lllired or RI" aced and R" bcemenl ComDOnenls Name of Name of Manufadlller National Other Ye11 eorreciec1, Component Manuladurer Serial No. Board No. ldenllDcalion Built Removed. or ln5lalled Manway Nova Machine NIA NIA SG-C*IP-CVR 1971 Removed Bollina Manway Nova Machine NIA NIA SG-C-IP-CVR 2013 lnslalled Ballina 7. Description of Wolk: Replace Steam Generalor "C" tnspectjgn Port bg!Jina lo sp!CS. 8. Test Conducted: Hydrcstalic l:I Pneumalic l:J Nominal Operating Presswe l:J Exempt (XJ Other M:1J Pressure (t!!.6J psig Test Tamp. lllll!) "F Page 90 of 195 ASME Code Stamp (Yes or No) N N 13-014 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel...2,..of .2.... 9. Remarks* See cgmplete!f wo 2098480 Ta$ 01 AppUcable Manufac1Urer'1 Data Reparls lo be allached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certif)r lhat Iha statements made In the repon are conec:t and this conlonns 10 the req11iremenls or the ASME Coda. Section XI. Daft !0!10!2Q13 Owner or Ownel's Deslgnea. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding 1 valld commission issued bir Iha National Board of Boiler and PA!Ssure Vessel lnapeclors and the Stale or Pr01tlnce of Soul1! Carolina and employed by HSSC! of HAR!fORD. CONNECTICUT have inspected Iha componenlS described In this Owner's Report during Ula period 912412013 to 1QiJ0!2013 and stale that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfonned.examinauons and taken alfJedlve measures described in this Owners Report in accordance wilh Iha requin!menls of lhe ASME Code, Section XI .

  • BY signing this cer1illcale neither lhe lnspeCIOr or his emplOyer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied. c:onceming the examinalions and colTl!dive measures described In this OWners Report. Furthermore, neither Iha Inspector nor his employer snal be riat>Je in any manner ror any per&onal injury or p1cpe11y damage or a loss of any kind arising from or conneded with this inspection.

I .. 1L.:;oUA/J.3.:. ___ __.ColM1issions NB 13930 SC 264 AND tn!lflf!dol"s Signahn NallOnal Board. State. Pfo'4ince. and Endclnements oa1e*1011Q1201J 13-414 Page 91 of 195 2007 EdiliOll 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY


ING Name 526 S. Chyn;h StmeJ, C!m!pt!o NC 28201 3581 WEST Entr;mg: BO; tfARISV!aE sc 29S50 Addl'l!SI EC#;NIA EE;N!A WRIWQj2148448 CR;N/A FonnNISZ 3. Walle Perfonned bf PBtQGRESS !iNiRQY r.ARQUNAS PfC Name Type Code Symbol Sl.lmp:. __ ...:Ml;;:,st't;a--- A\llhorizalion No.: NIA 3581 WESJ ENTBANC& BP: HARISylllE. sc 29550 Addnisa

4. s. tdenlific:aJlon of Sylflm:_..0au;"""" .. 3.__ __ ..,ctte .... Ml.....,C!.,.l.,.A

... .. sv .... sreM.....,,...._ __ _,:206!J.,_---(a) Appficable Construdion Cade,;..JUJ.1 Eclllioni.1m Addenda;Nla Design SpealicaUan: 5379-00401 (b) or Sedlan XI Used rar RepairlReplacement AdMly: p11 isf!tian m Add!nda Code Case: .tl!A 6. JdenlificaJlon of -, AAft:tlmd Of h laced and A,. ,lacement C Narneaf Nameot Maiwllcwrw National au-v-Cormled, Compona1I Maniladlnr Sl!llllND. BoanlND. ldenllflcallon BUI Renmect.ar Instilled Valva Bonnet Mmnlenance NIA NIA CVC-335 1994 Remalled Valve Bonnel ITT Engineered 88952&001* NIA C\fC.335 2013 lnslalllld 002 8. Test Collducltd: Hydrastalic [:1 PIESll8lic l:J Nominal Operating Praw19 I!) &empt H Olher D!!:2J Pressure (!fQf) pslg Test Temp. IUQD 9F Page 92of195 .ISME Codi Slalllp (Y11ar No) N N 13:015 FORM NIS-2 (Back) 9. Reml/tla: Sea WQ 211M41 tumgvar Hcl!** Appllclble Uanuflclunll's Dala lo be altlCtled CERTlFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certUY dial Ille statements made In Ille report 11ra CGll'lc:t and !Ills conf<<ml to lhe NqUinlmenla of Iha ASME Cacfa, StcliDn XI. Cerllllcate ofAutllorfallon Ho. ___________ Wl:I ..... ..._ _______ ..._ ____ _ Slgllecl ___ ..... ..._ _____ ___________ OMllr flt Ownac'I Designee, Tiiie CERTIFICATE CF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undelslgned, halding a valid cammi&Slon Issued br the NaUonal Board of Bailer and Pnwure Vessel llllf*lo111 end Ille Slate ar Prowince af South .cam1na and eq)loyed by HSBC! of tfARTfQRD. CQNNECDCUT have lnspec:lld Ille clncribld In tllls Ownel'S RlpClll dullng Ille period !!!mll]J lo 1!!19Q013 and ltBl8 11111 lo tie best or my knowlldga and belfef, lhe Owner has performed examlnallons and taken comictive measures dDscribad In lllis Ownel's Repolt In ICCOrdance willl lhe requln!llM!llls ol lhe ASME Code; Sedlon *XI. By algning lhls canillcate neilhel Ille lnspecfDr ar his emplawer makes any warranty, uprased or lmprll!f, conc:emlng Ille uaminallans and corrective measvru described In this Owner's Report. Furthelmanl, neither the Inspector nor hlS employs 1haD be Usble in any rnaMer for any peruonal inlury or praperty damage ot a IDu ol '"' kind arising l'nlm or connamid wills this lnspedlan. ....... NB 1393(! SC2!!4ANI! lnspeclol'a Slgn*bn Nltlonal 8oinl, Slill, Plavinat, and Endolsemlnls ' Dale:10!9Q0'3 .. 1Ml,5 Page 93 of 195 2007 Edllion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. ,2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTMTY As Required by lhe Provls!ons of lhe ASME Co<le Sec:tian XI Owner DUKE*ENERGY*PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Church Street Q!M1911e NC 28201 Ptan1 _ __,H.,, . ..,.B::.;.R::.OB=IN,..S...,O.,.N..._ _______ _ Name ;\581 WEST Enkanca Ro* HARTSVILLE* SC 29550 Address Work Performed by ffiOGBESS ENERGY CAROt,INAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RQ; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Oale: _____ ....,. ... 11.,.812......,01..,4 ...... ___ _ Sheet. _______ of ______ _ Umt:. ______ ..._ ______ __ EC#:ME 7555 EE:N/A WRIW0;2(!47191 CR;N!A Repair Organization PO No:Job No;elc. Type Code Symbol Stamp:. __ __ Authorization No.:. _____ ..,N"'"/A..._ __ Expiration Dale: ______ _..Nf..,.A,__ __ ldenUflC8llon of __ --:2,,,.Q60._. __ _ (a) ApplicableConstructionCode: p1.11831.1 Edillon: 1988 Addenda,;H!A Design Specificallon: (b) Appllcable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Aclivity: 2007 Ed!ljgn 2008 Addenda CodeCa5e: Identification of Comnnnenls R...,,.;,ed or R.., aced and R .. *lacement Comoonents NanieOI Manulaclurer National Other Year Correcled. Code Case.,_: _ ....... Nl...,.A A5ME Component Manufaeiurer Serial No. BoaidNo. tdentillcallOn Buili Removed.or CaCle lnslalled Stamp (Yes or No) Anchor Soll Maintenance NIA NIA CPL*134/G 1971 Removed N AncharBoh MackSon NIA NIA CPL*134/G 2013 lnstaHed N U*Boll Maintenance NIA NIA CPl*1341G 1971 Removed N U*Bolt Anvil NIA NIA CPl.*134/G 2013 !ns1anec1 N tn1ema1ional

7. DesalpUon of Work: R!!Dlac& anchor boll and U*boll gn support CPl.-134-G
e. Tesl Conduc:ted:

HydrostaHc n PneumaUc D Nominal Operating Pressure D Exempt D OU1er M.:J] Pressure W) psig Test Temp. mJ °F 13-016 . Page 94of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet .L. or L 9. Remarks: See WO 2047191 lumgver oackaae. Appf"rcable Manufaclurer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify Iha! the stalemenls made in lhe report are correct and this conrorms 10 lhe requiremenls of the ASME Code, Section XI. Certilicaleof AulhOrizalion No._...-__________ __.N/_A..,_ ______________ _ Signed __ ......... f4,......<"'"-',._,=----""'s.,,1..,e..,N .. G,..IN.,.E .. E,,_R.._ ______ .;.._ ___ _,o ... a...,1e..._,1,_./8..,!2Qax..&;:14 Owner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by lhe National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe Slale or Province or Soulh Ca1oljna and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have Inspected the componenls described In lhis Owner's Report during lhe period 212712012 lo !lm!4 and slate lhal lo lhe besl of my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has performed examinalions and laken corrective measures described in lhis Owner's Report in accordance with lhe requiremenrs of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the lnspeclor or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, C011cerning the examlnalions and eotredive measures described in lhis Ownefs Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner ror any personal injury or property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected with 1his inspection . ........ _________ c.ommissions Ne 13930 sc 264 ANH Inspector's Signalure Nalional Boaid, Slale, Province. and Endorsernenls Oate:1/812014 13-016 Page 95 of 195 2007 Edi\ion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY ForrnNIS2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPl.ACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions ol lhe ASME Cade Section XI Owner PRQGRESS !EtfERGY CARQUNAS INC Name Dale: ______

...... 13 ___ _ 411 FA)'WEY!LLE SI .. BALE!Qtt NC 27§02 Addresm Planl _ Name 3581 WEST Enlrance Ra* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 wesI ENJRANCE BO: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address

  • Shee1:. __ _... ___ o1 ___ ..._ __

EC!;NIA EE:N/A WBM10:2065682 CR:NIA Repair Oiganizatian PO No:Job No;elc. Type Code Symbol Slamp:, __ -;.iN..,tA:.......-- Aulhanzation No.:. _____ _.fi..,A..._ __ _ EllPiration Date: _____ .....,Nf.,_A....__ __ Identification of System:.-C!ass==o .. :2...._ ____ 1N ... s ... m......,u ... ME=N-T.-Al ... R ____ _,6.,.1..,35 __ (a) Applicable Construction Code;__JU]_J, EdlHon:...!ifil'. Addencla;M!A Code Case;Wa Design Specification: 728-209-21 (bl Applicable Edition or Section XI Used ror Repair/Replacement 2007 Edi!ion 2008 Addenc!a Code Case: Htfi ldentirtc:alion of Cornt101¥nls Reoaired or and Re ilacemenl Comconenls Name of Manufadurer National Oilier Y'ear CGnacled. ASME Manufadun!r Serial No. Board ND. ldenllDc:allon Bull Rtmllll!d.or Cod* ll'llllalled Stamp (Yes or No) Valve Oise Ebasco NIA NIA IA-525 1971 Removed N Valve Oise Ve Ian NIA NIA IA*525 2013 Installed N 7. Descriplion ofWor1<:.&p!acec! IA-525 Valve Oise. 8. Test Conducted: HydnJUlatic 0 Pneumatic U Nominal Operating Pressure 1:J Exempt 0 Other 1:J Pressure !NIA! psig Test Temp. Wt& "F 13-017 Page 96of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet _a_ or .a.. 9. Remarks: See WO 2065§82 Jymaver package. Applicable Manuladurer's Data Reports 10 be attatlled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal the statamants made In Ille report are correcl and this canronns to the requirements of the ASME Code, Sedion XI. Type Code Symbol Slarnp _____________ ..ll..,11a..'*--------------- Certlllc:ale of Signed Dal! !!111212013 OWner or Ownefs Deslgnee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPeCTION t, the undersigned, holding a vaHd commission Issued by the Nallonal Board or Boiler ancl Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe Slate or Pro11ince of South Carolina and employed by HSBC! or l;!ARTFQRD CONNECTICUT have inspected the companenls described In lhis Otolnel's Report during the period 10U!2Q13 la 10l12l2013 and stale lhal la lhe best of my l<nowledge and belief, the Owner has peifonned examinations and laken corrective measures deseribed in this Owner's Report in accordance wilh the requtremenls or the ASME Code, Section XI. BY signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning 111e examuiations and correclive measures described in this Ownel's Report. Furthennore: neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injwy or property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or conMCted with lhis lnspeciion _a._t1ctr ........... 1_fffft. ______ __________ Colll.mlsslons NB 13930 SC 261 ANH lnspedOl'S Slgnatule National Board. Stale, Province, and EndOrsementt Date* 10112/2013 13'°17 Page 97 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. s.. 6. Namtaf Owner FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of Ille ASME Code Sec:lion XI DUKE-ENERGY-PROGRESS. INC Name 526 s Chy!ch Street. Charlo!le. NC 28201 Sheet: __ __.,__ __ or ___ _.._ __ Addres& 3581 WEST Entrance Bo* HARTSVIU,E. SC 29550 Address

  • Work Perfonned by fBPGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA§.

INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD; ttARTSVIUE. SC 29550 Address Unit*-------------- EC# NIA EE:N/A WB/W0:2148451 CR:N/A Repai' Organization PO No:Job No;etc. Type Code SymbOI Slamp:. __ -.:.;:Nl°"'A,__ __ AuthorizaliOn No.:. _____ __ _ E*piralion Date: _____ __,Nl"""'A:.-.-- lden\illcalion ol Syslem:_,.c .... 1as-s:a,2 ___ __ _ (a) Applicable Conslruclion Codeo...JUU Edition.i..JJ.l!l Addenda;ll!6 Code Design Specificalion: 72§-209-21 (b) Applrcable Edilion of Seclion XI Used for Repair/Replacement Ac\lvlly: 2007 Edlllpn 2008 Addenda Code Case: t![A ldenbficaUon of ComDOnents Reoalred or Rei laced and Re llacemenl Comoonents Name of Manufac:lurer N11liorW OUiet Year Corrected. ASME Componenl ManufactUl'er Serial No Board No. ldentllleallon Bulll Removed.or Code lnstaQed Stamp (YHOI' No) 8011net Grinnell NIA NIA CVC-600 1971 Removed N Assemblv Bonnet ITT lncluslrlal 872293-001* NIA CVC-600 2013 Installed N Assernblv 001 7. Desaiptlon of Work; Replaced valve bonnet assembly.

a. Test Conducted:

Hyckcslalic 1:J Pneumatic t:J Nominal Operating Pressure U5] E*empt l*I Other 0£!:2] psig Test Temp. 1tiQIJ 4 F 13-018 Page 98of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..Lor l.... 9. Remarks: See 2148451 01 tumover Pac!sBG** Applicable Manufact111er's Cata Raparts to be allached CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that Iha statements made In the repor! are c:orrect and lhls conforms 10 Ille requirements of lhe ASME Code. Seclion XI. Type C:OdeSymbol Slamp _____________ ,::""11a.' ... ---------------N/A Signed -\ zo__ Jl IS! ENGINEER Dale 1Q!14f2013 Owner or Ov.ner's Oeslgnee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

1. the undersigned, holding a vafid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ot Sooth Caro!jna and employed by HSBC! of HARTFOBQ.

CONNECTICUT have Inspected lhe componenis desetlbed In this Owner's RePort during the period lo 10!14120U and slate lhat to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correcrive measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements ol the ASME Code, Section XI. By slgl1ing this certificate neilhet Ute Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied. concerning the examinations and corrective measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthennore, nel!het the Inspector nor his employer shall be Hable In MY manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss cil any kind arising lrom or connected this Inspection. It ._. ... * ......,,__ ________ c.omm1ss1ons NB 13930 sc 264 ANJI

  • lnspaclor's Signature National Board. Stale, Province, and EnclorsemenlS 0ate;1gm12013 13-018 Page 99 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe ProviSiOns of lhe ASME Code Seclion XI Owner DU!SE*ENERGV*PROGRESS.

INC Name 526 S. Church S!reeJ. Cha!lo!!e NC 28201 Address _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RD: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 . Addrels Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 W§T BfTRANce RO; HARTSVUE. SC 29550 Address Slleet: __ _..._ __ ot ______ _ Unlt:__... _____ _..2 ______ _ EC#:N/A EE*N/A WRIW0:2098532=99 CR:NIA Repair Organization PO No:Job No:etc Type Code Symbol Slamp: __ _...Nl ... A...._ __ Authorization No.:. _____ .... Nl.....,A __ _ Elll)iralion Date: _____ ....... Nl_A __ _ 4. Identification of SY9\em: C!ass:2 CQNIA!NMENT 5PRAV SYSTEM 2060 s. (a) Applicable ConslrucUon Code: B 31.1 Editlon;.11!§! Addenda;H!& Code Design Specificalion: Cpt*XXXX*M*004 (b) Applicable Edition of Seclion XI Used for Repalr/Replacemenl ActiVity: 2007 Edl!lgn 2008 Addenda CodeCase: 6. ldenlification of Comoonents Ri:!Oaired or Re laced and Re lacement Comoonenls Nameol Named Manufaclun!r Nelianal Olller Vur Correcled. Componenl Manufadunlr Serial No. Board No lden1mc:auon Buit Removed. Cl' Installed Suppoit Ebasco N/A NIA 232/Y 1971 Removed Support Maintenance NIA NIA 232/Y 2013 lnslalled

7. DescripUon of Worft:}4odiried supoort per EC 85908 8. Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 0 Other psig Test Temp. W!aJ °F Page 100of195 ASME Code s1amp (Yes or No) N N 13-019 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet ..L. of J... 9. Remarks: See WO 2098532 turnover oackaae Applicable Manulaelurer's Data Reports lo be allathed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that !he sla!eman!S made in !he report are correct and this conlorms to the requirements al the ASME Code. Section XI *. Type Coda Symbol Stamp _____________ ..a;..,llQ,'"-------""-------- Ceruflc::ate of Autllclrizalion No. "" Signed .. Vf/ ,(2 p;r..--..,..) !SI ENGINEER OaJe 1/8/2014 Ov.ner or Owner's Dasignee. Tiiie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board ol Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of South Cam!ina and employed by HSBC! of HARTFOBQ. CONNECTICUT have lnspecled Ute components described in !his Ownef's Report during the period 7/16120J3 lo and slate lhat lo the be91 ol my knowledge and belief. !he Owner has performed examinations and laken corrective measures described in lhis Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements or Iha ASME Code. Seclion XI. By signing this celtlfieate neither the lnspeclDr or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concem!ng the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither !he trispector nor his employer shall be liable in any maMer for any personal injury or property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected wtlh lhis inspection. ""'8J ....... M>>fft->=.-.. ....... ....... uM .........

  • _________

Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll lnspedar's Signature NaUonaf Board. Slate, Province. and EndarsemenlS Date:.ll§!mli 13-019 Page io1 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR ACTIVITY As Required by the P1ovlsions of Iha ASME Code Section XI Owner OUKE*ENERGY*PROGRESS, INC Name 526 S. Church Slree!. Cbarlo!!e. NC 28201 Address Plant _ _______ _ Nam* 3581 WEST Enlrance RO; HARTSVILLE, SC 295SO Address


INC Narne J581 WEST ENJRANCE RO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Oate: ______ ....:1-=01'-=29"'1..,,20,..1'"'3:..---- Shee\:, __ -....:...._ __ of ___ ... 2.__ __ Unit:, ______ _,,_2 ______ _ ec#:85908 EE*N!A WR/W0:2098537 CR:N/A Repair OrgantzaUon PO No:Job No;eic. Type Code Symbol Slamp: __ AuthorizaUon No.:. _____ _.Nt""""'A.._ __ Expiration Date: _____ __.N .... IA..._ __ _ 4. ldentirication of System: Class:2 SAFETY INJECTION SYSTEM 20§0 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code;,,_§lli Edllion;.12§! Addenda: NIA Code Case;!:!!a OEKlgn Specification: . §!§29 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Acllvily: 2007 Edition 2Q08 Addenc!a Code Case: tflA 6. Identification of Comoonents Reoaired 01 Rei aced and Re, Comoonents Nameol Nameaf Manufacturer NaUanal Othar Year Canected. Compo1111n1 Manufacturer Serli1l No. Board No. ldenlificallCll\ Buill Removed, or Valve Anchor Dai1ing NIA NIA Sl-8800 1971 Removed Valve Flowserve 80286 NIA Sl-8800 2013 lnslBUed 7. Description of Work: Realaceq VaJxa 8. Test Conducled: Hydtoslalic (:]Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Pressure (2Sl Eiempl (-) Olher M:2) Pressure ltiQf] psig Tesl Temp. (t!WJ "F Page 102or195 ASME Code scamp (Yes or No) N N 13-020 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..z.. or .a... 9. Remarks: See WO 20G937 lwngyer package Appllcat111 Manufac1urer's Data Reports to be altached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that Ule 11a1ements made in lhe report ;ue CORIC\ and lhis conlcirms lO the requirements ol lhe ASME Cade. Section XI. CertiRc:aleol AulhorJzallon lllD. ____________ .i.as:""i..--------------- Signed ""< IS! !!NQ!N§EB 0318 10115/2013 Owner or Owner's Deslgnee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boller and Prwure Vessel Inspectors and the Slate or Province ol South Carolina and employed by HSBC! of HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have inspected the components ciescrlbed In this Owtilii's Report during Iha period 112812013 10 10!15/2013 and state lhat to Iha best of my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has perfonned examlnalions and taken c:Orrec:llve measures Clescribad in !his Owner's Report in llCCOtdance wilh lhe requirements of Iha ASME Code, Section XI. By signing !his certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or lmpfied, concerning lhe examinations and correcllve measures described In lhis Owner's Report. FurthermOre. neilher lhe Inspector nor hiS employer shall be fiable In any manner for any personal injury or prope11y damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh lhis inspection. __________ eommisslons NB 1393o sc 2§4 AH!! lnspectol's Signature Nallonal Board. Slate, Province, JlllrJ Endor.;ements Oate:1Q/15/2013 13-020 Page 103 ol 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY

1. Owner FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the ProvtSIOns of lhe ASME Code Section XI 0Ut<E-ENEBGV*PROGRE$S INC Name FormNIS2 526 S. Church S!rut Char!olle.

NC 28201 Address Shee1:. ____ , ___ o1 ___ -=2._ __ 2. Plant _ __.H ....... ______ _ Unit:. ______ _.._ _____ __ Name ECll:BS906 EE'N/A WR/W0:2085930 CR:NIA . 3581 WEST Enlrance RO; tfARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Repair OrganlZallan PO No:Job No:ete. 3. Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name Type(:eSymbolSlamp: ___ Authorizalion No.: NIA 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addl1lss Expiration Date:

4. ldanllncation of System: C!ass:2 5AFETY INJECTION SVSTBA 2080 5. la) Appfic:able Conslrudion Code;..Jru,J.

Edlllon.:..!UZ Addenda:N/A Code Case.if!a Design Specilicadon: lb) AppDcable Edlllon of Secllon XI Used lor Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edition 2008 6ddenda COde case: w,a 6. ldenlificalion ol Comoonenls Reoaired or ReJ laced and Re ComDOnenls Named Named Manufacturer Nalionat Other Year Caftected. CoinllOnenl Manufacturer SerlalNo BoardNo. ldenlif'icalion Bui II Removed.or Installed Valve Anchor Darling NIA NIA Sl-880A 1971 Removed Valve Flowserve . 80264 NIA Sl-880A 2013 Installed

1. Description of Work: Rmlace ya!ye and oipino. 8. Test Conducted:

Hydroslalic (:) Pneumalic 1:1 Nomlnal Operating e,empt M Oltler Ptessure !NOP! pslg Test Temp. lliQD "F Paga 104of195 ASME CClde Siamp fYesor No) N N 13-021 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet -1,. of .L 9. Remarks: See WO 2085930 lumover Dackaae Manufacturer's Da!a Reports 10 be anachsd CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 certify Iha! Ille statements made In !he report are correel and this conronns to lhe requirements ol lhe ASME Code. Secdon XI. ___ Cellificateof AutllortzalOn No. ____________ Signed !Sf ENGINEER Dare 1/81201:!( Owner or Owner's Dalgnn, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, !he undersigned, holding a vaDd convnission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vassel Inspectors and Iha State or Province ol South Carp&na and employed by HSBCT ol HARTFORD. CONNECTICt.rr have inspecled !he c;omponen15 described In this Owner's Report during the period 1112812912 to .1!!laW and slate !hat lo lhe best of mt knowledge and belief. the Owner has peiformed examinations and taken corrective measures descnbed in this Owner's Report in accordance wilh the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing lllis certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any wamsnly. expressed Of implied. concerning the examinations and corredlve measures described in !his Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the lnspedor nor his employer shall be liable In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss af any kind arising from or connecled with this inspection

  • ...

...... ________ eomm.1ssians , NB , 3930 sc 264 AN11 Inspector's Signature NaUonal Board, Stale, Provlnca, and.EnC1ars1111en1s 13-021 Page 105of195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions or the ASME Coda Section XI Owner DVKE*ENEBG'(*fROGRESS. INC Name 526 s. Church S!reel. Ct!ado!te. NC 28201 Address Plant _ ______ ....,_ Name Da1e: __ ..,..,.. ___ ""'11..,8l203=.,.4.__ ___ _ ........ Unit:. _______ E Cll *NIA EE;N/A . . 3581 WESI Entrance RO: ttART$V1LLE. SC 29550 Address WMY0:2066Q73 CR;NIA PO No:Job No;etc. 3. Work Performed by PRQGRESS ENERGY CABQL!NAS. INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp:. __ ...:.::Nl:.:;;A,_ __ Aulhorizalion No.: _____ Nl......,A.__ __ 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD; tfARTSV!UI;. SC 29550 Address Explralion Dale: ______ ........,Nl,...A.._ __ 4. 5. Identification or System:._..C..,lay..,.,.j3 ___ __..CH.....,E.,.M.,.,!CA""""l:.:.A.:::oN::D,_v,,.OL....,U:::.M..,E""CO=NTBQl......, .......... s ... vs ... TEM.....,..__ __ _.2,,.960.,...,_,;,,.__ (a) Applleable Construction Code,;,,,,JlllJ Editioni....!m Design Spec:mcallon: 676281 Rey.2 (b) AppOcable Edilion or Section XI Used ror Repair/Replacement Ac:llvlly. 2007 Edition 20Q8 Add8nda Code Case: Ml! 6. ldenlificallon or Comnnnenls R"""ired ar Rm aced and R nt Comoonents Nameof -Name of M1nufBC1U1er Nalional Other Year C011'ec1ed. Compcnenl Manufacturer Serial No. BOiUdNo. ldenUllcalion 81ill Removed.or Installed Bonnet ITT Engineered NIA NIA CVC*353 1971 Removed. Asseml>IY Valves Bonnel ITT Engineered 878033-001* NIA CVC-353 2013 Installed Assembly Valves 001 7. Description of Worll: Replac;e l!C!Met assambfv gn va!ye CVC-353 8. Tesl Conducted: Hydrcstatlc 1:J Pneumatic[:] Nominal Operating Pressure[:] Exempt M Otller M:2) Pressure WJ pslg Test Temp. lt!!J "F Page 108of195 A.SME Code Stamp (Ynor No) N 13.()22 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet ..J.. or ..2.. 9. Remarks: See WO 206§073-06 turnover package Applicable*Manulaclure(s Cala Rap0r1s lo be allached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cer1ify lhal the statements made In the report are correct and lhls conlotrns to Iha requirements of the ASME Code, Seclion XI. Type Code SymbOISlamp _____________ Certificate or Au!horfzalian No. :A s1gned ___ __ _.1 ... s1.,.e..,N ... G..,1N..,e .. ..._ __________ _,0am.i:1e.._.,11 .. B120 ...... 1,..1 Ownll' or OMler's DISignee. TiUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned. holding a valid commission Issued by lhe National Boiird of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspeclors and the Stale or Province of Soulh Cargl!na and employed by HSBCT of !:!ARTFORO. CONNECTICUT 118ve lnspecled Iha components described in this Owner's dwing the period 10/1112()13 to 1!§WW and stale Chat 10 Iha best of my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has performed examinations and taken correc11va measures described in lhis Owner's Report in accordance wilh the requirements of the ASME Code, Seelion XI. By signing !his certiflCBle neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expnJSsed or implied, ooncerning the examinations and couective measures described In !his Owner's Report. Furlhermore, neither Iha lnspec:tor nor his employer shall be tiable in any manner for any personal injury or prcperty damage or a loss or any kind srislng rrom or connected wiUi lhis inspecllon . ... Bt)JS .. * ..._ ... rMA ...... .... fu ...... __________ Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANI! Inspector's Signature National Board. Slate, Pmvince. and EnclOrsemenlS Page 107. of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3 4. 5 6. Name of Owner FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required bl' the PrCIYiSions ol lhe ASME Code Section XI PROGftESS !ENERGY CAROLINA§ ltic Name 411 FAYETTEVILLE ST* BALE!GH NC 27602 Addreu Sheet*__, _ _._ ___ of ___ .... 2.__ __ _ ________ _ Name ECl*NIA EE*NIA W8JW0:22142:f0 CB*N/A 3581 weST Enlrjlnq Ro* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Repair OrganlZalion PO No:Joll Na;etc. Wark Perfonned by PROGBE§S ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ AlllharizaliOn No.: NIA 3581 WE§! EN!BANCE RD* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 e,piralionOate:

  • ---------Nl

...... &.__ ___

  • Address .*Identification ol System:_*

,..C!a.,.s..,s ... :3 ____ s£BVl ...... ..,..C..,E..,W.,..A.,.TE.....,.R.,.S.,.Y.,.SJE..,..M...._ __ _.4.,.Q60 ........ __________ _ (al AppHcilble Construdlan Code:...JU!.1 Edition;,J.i£ Addenda;fil,6 Code Case.tf!A Design Specificalion:

  • ti!a (b) Applicable Edlllon af Section XI Used for Repair1Rept11cement Activity; 2007 Eddjan 2008 Actdencla Cade Case: WA Identification of ComooMnls RAMired or R..,. laced and Re >lacemenl Comnnnents Name of Manulacluler Nalional Oiiier YelU' Corm:i.d.

ASME Component Manuladurer SertalNo. Boanl No. ldenti&catlon Built Removed, or Code Installed Slamp tyes or Ho) Pump Sulzer Pumps JZ-6435 NIA SW-PMP-B 2009 Removed N Pump Johnston Pump JZ-6436 NIA SW-PMP-B 2013 Installed N 7, Descriplion of Worlr .&Places! sgrvjce water pump *e* 8 Test Conducted* Hydnmtallc 0 Pneumatic 0 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt U Other l'.\!I:aJ Pressure 1tQeJ paig Test Temp. lt!Q!] °F 13-023 Page 108of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..l.. or ,2.. 9. Remarks: See WO 2274240 turnover package. Applicable Manufadurer't Dela Repons to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I c:attify Iha! Iha statemenlS made In the reporl are coned and !his canronns 10 the requilwmenls af lhe ASME Codlt, Section XI. TypeCodeSymbalStamp _____ ..... NIA..._ ____________ _ !SI ENGINE: Dtle 10118120] 3 Owner or Ownal"1 Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, !he undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the NaUonat Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of Sou!!! Ctrollna Ind employed by HSBCT of !1ARIFOBP CONNECDCUT have inspected lhe component& described in lhis Owner'& Reporl during !he to 10(1612Ql3 and state that to the best or my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owrier's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Coda, section XI. By signing this certilicale neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warraniy, expressed or concerning Ille examinalions and corrective described In this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neilher the lnspedor nor his employer sflaU be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind .-bing from or connected with this inspection. __,,QJ ..... tt .... Ne 13930 sc 264 6N"

  • lnspedor'a Slgna1u111 Nalionll Bo.ard, State, Provlni:a, and Endorsements Oate:1Q/16l2013 Page 109of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of lhe _ASME Code Secllon XI Owner pUKE*ENERGY-PRQGRESS, IHC Name SZ§ S. Ch11ch S!reeb Qarfo!te NC 28201 Address . P1anl

______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance BQ: HARTSVILLE, SC 29550 Address Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA§. INC Name 3581 WES! ENTRANCE RQ; HAR!SV!!..LE. SC 29550 Adc!req Dale: ______ .:.;10!29J20....,.,..'""t3,.__ __ _ Sheet: __ ....&. ___ or ___ _.._ __ Unit: ______ ...... _____ _ EC#:85906 EE:NIA WRJW0:2Q98532 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No:Job No;etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp; __ ....... tfl,,..A,__ __ Aulhorization No.:. _____ :.:;Nl"'-'A,__ __ Expiration Date: _____ .:..:Nl,,..A,__ __ 4. l<lentilicalion of Sys!em: Oass*2 SAfEIY INJECT1°"1! SYSTEM 2080 s. (a) Applicable Construction Edilloni.J.9.&Z Code CaseJ:H! Design Specllicalian: (b) AppUcable Ed11ion of Seellon XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda CodeCase: 6. Identification of ComPOnents Repaired or Reolaced and Re>lacemenl Comoonents Name of Name of Manuracturer National Other Year Cortecled, Colllpoqent Manufaewrtf SetlalNo Board No ldenliflc:alion Built Removed. or Installed Valve Ancl10r Oalling NIA NIA Sl*880C 1971 Removed Valve FlowseNe 80285 NIA Sl*880C 2013 Installed Pipe Ebasco NIA NIA 6-51-301 R-30 1971 Removed Pipe DuBose National NIA NIA 6-Sf*301 R-30 2013 Installed

7. Description of Wolle: .Bep!acec!

valve and p!plna. 8. Tesl Conducted: Hydroslatlc 1:1 Pn8\J/11atlc l:J Nominal Operallng Pressure (2SJ Exempt 1-1 Other Pressure !NOP! pslg Test Temp 1.!:!QD "F Page of 196 ASME Code Stamp (Yes or Nol N N N N 13-024 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Shee1 .1..... or .2.. 9. Remarks: See WO 2085932 tumover package AppRcable Manufac1urar'1 Data Reports lo be auac:hed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I carlify that lhe sratemenlS made In the rePoit are ccrreel and !tis confonns to the requirenielllS ol the ASME COde. Seellon XL _________________________ ,amN/.11.-._ ________________________ ____ NIA !SI ENQINEEB Dale 1Wl712Q13 Owner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of EIOiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ot South Caro!jna and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CQNNECTICUT have Inspected lhe components descrit)ed in lhis Owner's Report during Iha period 112812013 to 10/1712013 and state thal to lhe bes\ of my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has performed eicamination$ and laken corrective measures described in lhis Owner's Report in accordance wilh the requirements or the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing lhis certmca1e neither the lospeclor or his employer makes any warrenly, expressed ar Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Ownef& Report. Furthermore, neilher lhe Inspector nor his employ.,r shall be Hable In any manner for any personal lnjwy or property damage or a loss of any kind arising lt0m or connected with thls inspection. NB 13930 SC 264 ANI! lnspet1ar'1 Signat11e National Board. Slate. Province. and Endorse1T1enrs Date:1011712013 13-024 Page 111af195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1. Owner PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name cia1e: _______ 1""01:..:1.:.:712"'"0"'"1""3,__ __ _ 4t I FAYETTEVILLE ST .. RALEIGH NC 27602 Sheet:. __ ...... .__ __ of ___ _... __ _ Address 2. Plant _ Name Unil:*-----*---'"-------- EC#:N/A

  • EE NIA WR/WO:n4374 CR*N/A 3581 WEST Entrance RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Repair Organization PO No;Job No;etc. 3. Work Petformed by PROGRESS ENERG'( CAROLINAS INC Name Type Code Symbol Slamp:. __

Authorizalion No.: _____ _.:.;iN:.:;IA,__ __ _ 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Expiration Dale: ______ ..,N,:;;IA,__ __ _ 4 ____ C.,.H..-E,..M=l_.C ... A..,.L.-A __ N ... o .... v ... o ... L.,.U=M .. E .. C"'O"'N .... T .. R..,O..,L ... S""Y . ..,S ... TE..,..M.__ __ _.2..,o .. 60..._ __ 5. (a) Applicable Conslrucllon Code: B 31.1

  • Edition. 1967 Addendal:!!!

Code CaseJ:![A Design Specilicalion; 5379*00685 SH 2 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2D.Q!. Edition 2008 Ad<fenda Code Case: NIA 6 ldenlilicalion of Comnnnents Repaired or Reolaced and Re Comconents Name or Nome of Manufac:lurer Nilllonal Olher Year Correeled, Component Milnufaelurer Serial No. BoanlNo. tdenuncar;on Suitt or lnslalled ValveO.isc Crane Valve NIA NIA CVC*266 1971 Rernoved Valve Disc Crane Valve NIA NIA CVC-266 2013 lnstaUed Bonnel Bolt Maintenance NIA NIA CVC-266 1971 Removed Bonnel Boll Maintenance NIA NIA CVC*266 2013 Installed Bonnet Nut Maintenance NIA NIA CVC-266 1971 Removed Bonnet Nut Maintenance NIA NIA CVC-266 2013 Installed

7. Description of Work: ReQlaced Valve Disc B. Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic[:) Pneumatic (:J Nominal Operating Pressure (:J Exempt(-) Other IN/Al Pressure IN/A) psig Test Temp. lt:!lAJ °F Page 112of195 ASME Cocle Stamp *(Yes or No) N N N N N N 13-025 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet -1._ of i. 9. Remartcs: See WO 774374 lymovet package Applieable Manufacturer's Dilla Repons 10 be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I celtify !hat Ille stalamenls made In Iha repott are correcl and this conforms to tile requirement! of Ille ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp-------------JZi:'*"'"=---------------- C.rtiricate or Signed !SI ENGINE: Date 101!7/2013 Owner or owner's Oesfgnee, Title °CERTIFICA TE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid ccmnussion issued by the National Boant or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lospedors and the State or Province of Squib Carp!!na and employed by HSBCT of HARTfOBD CONNECTICUT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 10110!2013 !o 10/1712013 and stale that 10 lhe best or my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By signing Ibis certificate neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, e)CJ)ressed or implied. concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in Ibis Owner's Report Furtbermont, neither lbe lnspeclor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner ror any personal i,.ury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspecUon. .... ________ _.commissions NB 13930 sc 264 ANI! lnspectos'a Slgna\\lte National Board. Stale, and EndOr$1!menlS. Date: 1011712013 13-025 Page 113 of195 2007 Ec!ilion 2008 A1111encla APPENOIX II MANDATORY FormNIS 2 1. 2. 3. ... FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI Owner QUKE*ENERGY*PRQGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Church Street. Ctiarlo!!a NC 28201 Planl __ H .... ..,B,...R ... oe ...... 1N..,.SQN...,...._ ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RO: HARTSVILLE. SC 29S!SD Address Worlc Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CABOLJNAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Oate: _______ 1_/8!20 ........... 1,_.4 ____ _ Sheet. __ ___. ____ or ____ _.._ __ __ Unit; _____________ _ EC#.92434 EE:N/A WRIWQ:J927Q47 CR;NIA Repair Organi:Zalion PO No;Job No;atc:. Type Code Symbol Stamp:. __ _,Nl=A;,,;:_ __ Authorization No.: _____ _,Nl ....... A.__ __ Expiralion Date: ------...iNJ=A __ _ ldenlilication of Sys1em: . .....,C..,IN.,...:..,3 ____ se,.R ... yt...,..CE_,.W...,A..,IE.....,R.,.S,..Y.,.S,,.TEM.....,.__ ___ 4;::l060=---------

  • s. (a) Applicable Construclion EdiUon.i..!!mZ Addenda:N/A Code Case:li!a Design Specificallon:

CPL-HBR2*M-Q46 & 048 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Ec!ltloQ 2008 Addenda Code Case: WA 6. Identification or Comoanents Rll!Oaired or Rei laced and R l Coml!IMJ>I IS i'lameor Name of Manurae1111er Na lion al Olhtr Vear Conecled. c;ornponent Manulatlurer Serial No. Board No. ldenlillcatlon Buill Remo11ed,or lnsiaUed Valve Crane NIA NIA SW-61 1971 Removed Valve Argo 271660-01*06 NIA SW-61 2013 Installed Service Slud Ebasc:o NIA NIA SW*61 1971 Removed Stud Nova Mad'line NIA NIA SW*61 2013 Installed

1. Descriplion of Work: Replace valve SW*61 and bg!linq. 8. Test Conducted:

Hydrostalic 1:1Pneumalic1:1 Nominal Operating Exempt 1-) OID!er Pressure U:!.Qf) psig Tesl Temp. WQ!] *F Page 114or195 ASME Codtl Stamp IYes t1t No) N N N N 13-026 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel ..1... of .l.. 9. Remarks: See WO 192ZQ47 tumover paclsag* Applieable Mall\Jfacturer's Data ReJ101'\s lo be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal the stalemen\s made In the report are correct and \his r.onforms to the requlremtnts or lhe ASME Cocle. Secllon XI. Cettilicsle or Aulhotlzalion No. : Signed /'/ttl.IL/.l/k;LJ ISi ENGINE Da!g 1/8l2014 Owner or Owner's Oesignee, TiHe CERTIFICATE OF IHSERVICE INSPECTION . 1. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler aricl Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province or SOuth Carol!na and employed by HSBC! of HARTFORD. CONNecTICUI have lnspeded lhe components described in this Owner's Re.,an during the period lo 11812014 and sUlle that IO Iha best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correcllve measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with Iha requirements ol the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing 1hls certificate neilhel Ille Inspector or his employer makes any warranty. expressed or canceming lhe t!IWTlinatlons and cooective measures described in lhis Owner's Report Furthermore. neilher the lnspeclor nor his employer Shall be liable in any maMer for any personal injury Of property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected wllh this inspection . _______ _..Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll lnspeclofs Signature Board, Stale. Province. and Endotsements Dale:l/812014 Page 115of19!! 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS 2 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions ol the ASME Code Section XI Owner DUt<E*ENERGY*PBOGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Church S!ree!. Cbar!ol!e. NC 28201 Rant __ ,_.H.,..B .... Name 3581 WEST Entrance RD; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST !iNTRANCE RO* HARTSYJLLE. SC 29550 Address Dale: _______ 1 .. 1B12=0..,,1""4----- Sheet: ________ of ___ _._ __ Unit. _________ _,,,__ ________ __ EC#;92434 EE:N/A WR/W0*1927045 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No:Job No:etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ __.Nl.-A-.. __ _ Authonzation No.: _____ _.N""l .... A.__ __ Expiration Date; _____ __ ldenUHcatlon of System:-=C""'la,,.s,,,,s:.,.3 ___ -'S""E...,R"'"Vl;:.:.or;C,..E..:.W..,.A'"'T..,,E:.:.;R:..;:S::...Yw:So..:T..:::E""'M'-----'4""060"""'---------(a) Applicable Construction Code;_fill.! Edition: 1987 Addendat:!!a Code Cese;t:HA Design Specllicallon: CfL*HBR2*M..046 & 048 (b) Applicable Edition ol SecUon XI Used for Repair/Replacement Actlvily: 2007 Ecfllion 2008 Addenda CodeCase; Identification or Comconenls ReDaired or aced and R11 "-""emenl Comoonenls Name of Manufacturer National OU\ef Year Corrected. ASME Compon*nl Manulacturer Serial No BoarCINo. ldentlficalion Buill Removed.or Code .. tnstalleCI Stamp (Yes or No) Valve Crane NIA NIA SW-54 1971 Removed N Valve Argo Turbo 271660-01*04 NIA SW-54 2013 Installed N Service Slud Ebasco NIA NIA SW*54 1971 Removed N Stud Nova Machine NIA NIA SW*54 2013 Installed N 1. Description of Work: Replace valve SW-54 and bol!lng. 8. Test ConCSUCted: Hydrostatic l:l Pneumatic[:) Nominal Operating Exempt[*) Other Pressure (t!Qfl psig Test °F 13-027 . Page 116of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet _L of .1... 9. Remarks: See WO 1921045 turnover packaag Appticable Manufacturer's Data Reports 10 be anac:hed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal the stalemeols made In ll'le report are correct alld this conforms lo lhe requlremenls ol lhe ASME Code, Sec:llon XI. Type Code SymbolSlamp _____________ ....... N_,,A..._ ______________ _ Certillcaleof AuthorlzaUon No. _____ ...,... _______ _...N! .... A..._ ______________ _ Signed ___ Owner or Owner's Deslgnee, n1e CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by lhe Nalional Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe Stale 0t Province of Sou!h Cirolina and employed by HSBC! of HARTFORD. CQNNECIICUT have inspected tne components described in this Owner's Report during lhe period 1/28/2013 and slale lhal 10 lhe best ol my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed eicamlnations and laken correclive measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wilh Iha requiremenls of the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing lhis certificate neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expresslid or implied, conc:erning the eicaminalions and corrective measures described in lhls Owner's Report. Furthermore. neilher the lnspeclor nor his emproyer shall be liable in any manner for an)I personal injury or property damage or a loss ol any kind arising from or connected wilh this inspectiOn. ____ -'-____ Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll ln5peclor's Signaluie Nalional Board. State, Ptovinee. and Elldorsemenrs 13-027 Pege 117of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX 11 MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. FORNI NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner QUKE-ENERGY-PRQGRE§S INC Name 526 S. Church S!reet. Char!o!!e, NC 28201 Address Plant _ __,H_, .... e .... R..,Q8_..1N ... s .... ON...._ ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RD; HAFUSVILLE SC 29550 Addreu Work Performed by eBQGBESS ENERGY CAROLINAS, Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD; HART$VILLE. SC 29550 Address Dale: ______ ... 118129...,,..,...1 ..... 4 ____ _ Sheet: __ _.... ___ or ___ ...._ __ EC#:85906 EE:NIA WRIW0:2085933 CR:NIA Repair Organization PO No:Job No;etc. Tyoe Code Syri>OI Stamp: ___ Nl'-=-A.__ __ Aulhorizallon No.:. _____ .,.Nl"""'A,__ __ EJCPir,Jtion Date: ______ ....,Nlo:::;'A,__ __ ldenlilica!lon of System:._g..,as..,s ... ;2.__ ___ c;::Hu.iE...,M.,.l..,CAL......,AN""1:D:1..V::.:Ol.=U::::M,..E_..c .... o...,N,...TBOli.:.==..:S:.YS:.:iw.T=EM:::._ ___ 2""106Q.-. __ _ 5. (a) Applicable Coiistruction cOde;...JU!J. Edi!loni..J.lli! Addenda:NIA Code

  • Design Specltic:atlon:


  • 048 (b) App6cable Edillan of Seciion XI Used for Repair/Replacement Aclivily:

2007 Ecli!ion 2008 Addenda Cade Case: ?:l!6 6. Identification or ComD011ents Reoaired or Ret aced and Rll llacement Cornoonenls Nameal *Name al

  • Manulacturer NaUanll Olhef YW
  • Correded.

Component Mal!Ufactuter SerialNo. Ba*dNo. ldenlificalion Bu81 Removed.or lnslalled Valve Crane Valve NIA NIA CVC*381 1971 Remove_d Valve FloWserve 80292. NIA CVC-381 2013 Installed Pipe Ebasc:o NIA NIA 3-CH-151R*9 1971 Removed Pipe DuBose National NIA NIA 3-CH-151R*9 2013 lnslaDed ElboW Ebasc:o NIA NIA 3-CH-151R-9 1971 Removed Elbow Du9ose Nalional NIA NIA 3-CH-151R-9 2013 Installed

7. Descriplian of Wolle BeQlge Valve CVC-381 and PiDina 8. Tesl Conducted:

Hydroatalic D Pneumallc O Nominal Operating Pressure [2il Exempl O Other M:2) Pressure pslg Tesl Temp. (NIA! '"F Page 118or195 ASME Cade Stamp (Yes or No) N N N N N N 13-028 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet....Lof .L 9. Rema1ks: See WO 2085933 !umoyer package Applicable Manufadurm's Dara Repoos 10 be auschecl CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that lhe 11a1emenls made In !he report are correct and lhis conforms to lhe requirements or lhe ASME Code. Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp _____________ .... N,..1tA.._ ____________ _ Certificate or Au!llOriZatioll No. : Signed '?t1 IS! ENGINE Dale !/812Q14 Owner or Owner's Oeslgnee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION . I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nalional Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of Soulh Carolina and employed by HSBC! of. HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have Inspected the components described in this Ownets Report during the period 1/3Q12013 to 11812014 and state lhal lo lhe best or my 11nowledge and belief. lhe Owner has performed examinations and taken correcllve measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with lhe requirements of the ASME Code, Sec:tion XI. By signing this cemflcale neither the 1.nspedor or his employer makes any warranty. expressed or Implied, concerning Iha ei1amlnalions and corrective measures descn'bed In this Owner's Repost. Furthermore, neither lhe Inspector nor his employer ' shall be fiable In any manner fOf' any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from ar connected wilh lhls inspection. -e.,)'a \B\,t Commissions NB 13930 SC 284 ANll -""......,o.E.-f--1n'"'Sll""ect--or'"'"s....,S""1gna-=tur ...... e...,._ __________

  • Nallonal Board, Stall, Province, and Endorsemenrs Date.118/2014 13-028 Page 119of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANOATORY FOAM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Requilad br' the PIOVilians of Iha ASME Code SecUon XI FonnNIS2 1. Owner DU!SE*ENERG'f*PRQGBESS.

\NC Date* _____ __,1..,012:.li1112_0...,1.,a __ _ 2. Name 52§ S Chu!d\ Sin!!!!. Qp!!p111 NC 28201 358! WES!Enlnmcc BQ; HARTS\IJUE. SC msQ Address Wmtc Performed by PBOGRE$S ENERGY '4BOl.INAS R . Name Type Coda Symbal Slamft:. __ -!Nl0111&a-.-- AUlhOrizsllan No.: NIA 3581 WEU ENTRANC§ RQ; HART§V!LLE. SCi agssg Address EllplralionDale: __ 4. 5. ldenlikallon of Sys1emc._g .. u.,1..,:1,__ __ _,CJ1EM-.... ICA!..,.....,.A,..N..,D ... ___ .....,1B_L- __ (a) AppOcable ConslNdlon Oocle.i.....JU!J, EdiUon;J.9§! Addenda.if:!l!l Design Spec:Ulcallon: (b) Appllc:able Edlllon of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Adillily: 2007 Edjllpn 2008 Add!!nda eoa eas.: t:!!A a. !deilllllcallon of Reaalted or Re1 acedandR11 1acemen1-..am.er Named Manufadurer Nallcmal Olher Ya/I Cailwded, Componl!lll. ManulKlunir Sedar No. BoaldNo. ldenlillclllon Bull RenlcJved, Ot lnslaltd Bonnel Sluds Wetlinghovse NIA NIA CVC*312B 1979 Removed Bonnel SIUds MackSon NIA NIA CVC-3128 2013 Installed Bonnet!lluts Westinghouse NIA NIA CVC-3128 1979 Removed Bonnel Nuts Mackson NIA NIA CVC*312B 2013 Installed

1. Descrlplian of WOik: Rmz!aced Bpdy to Bottn@l Bolling 8. Te&t Condudlld:

1:1 Pnevmallc (;J Nornlnal Operalll'lg Pressure l:J Exeqil (-) Olhs M:!I Pll!SSUnt Tat Tanp. IH!aJ °F

  • Page 120of195 ASM! Codt Slamp (Yesr11 NO) N N N N 13-029 FOAM NIS-2 {Back) Sheel.J._d .a.. 9. Remarks: SH WR 2258!87 llB!!PYIC padcaga. . ApplJGabl*

Mmllactutlt'I Data Reports lo be allached CERTll'lCAlE OF COMPLIANCE 1 C8ft1fV 11111111111 siar1111*1!1 made In lhe repart eni carrect lllld lhls confunns ca Ill! n:quJranents or Ille ASME COiie. Sedlan XI. QM* 1011912913 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, ltlB unclll$lgned. holding a valet commlsslan Issued by Iha Nallonal Board DI Boller and PresSure Yesset tnspeclars and Iha Slate 01 Province of SQUlh Cara!kJa and by HSl(;T af HARTfQRD CONNECTICUT have lnapec:ted Ille ccmponenls described In this Ownel's Report during the period 7J2512013 to 1Dl19J2013 aid Slate lllill lo the best of my knowledge and belief. the Owner ha petformect examination$ and !aken corrective measures described In this Owner's Repart In 1ccordanca v.ilh the requ!remeru af Iha ASME Coda, Sl!Cllon lO. By signing lhls cer1IRcate Ule Inspector or his employer makes any wananly, expressed or Implied, concerning the exarnnauons and canective measures deSCrilled In W! Owner's Report. Furtllermant. neiltler lhll lnspedor nor hb .,..,. Shall be llaillo In anr manner for anv personal rrpy ar propeny damage or a loss of any arising frGln or connecled with Wa limpeclion. __ t\_t\;....:..,.omMtt ......... .... o_v ... OA...__ ________ eomm1ss1ons Na 1n:i 0 sc Ž AN11 lftSpeclal'I Slgnalure Nallanal Boanl. SlalO. Pravlnc:e, nt Endo1umen1S Date:JC!/19!2013 13.Q29 Page 121 of 195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY Form NIS2 1. 2. 3. 4, FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVllY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME Code Seclion XI Owner DUKE*ENERGY*PROGRESS INC Name 526 S. Churd! Street. Charlol!e. NC 28201 Address Plant H.B.RQBINSON Name 3581 WEST Entrance Ro* HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addre55 Work Performed by PRQGBE§S ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENJRANCE RD; HAR!SVILLE. SC 29550 Address Date: ______ --'1..,,0/""30/2=...,01..,3._ __ _ Sheel: __ -'.._ __ of ______ _ Unit: ______ __,.__ ____ _,.._ EC#:N/A

  • EE:N/A WRIW0:205B621 CR:NIA Repair Organization PO No;Job No:etc. Type Code Symbol Slamp: __

__ _ Aulhorization No.:. _____ __,_N""'/A...._ __ _ Expirallon Dale: __ _ Identification of System:.-=c ... 1a,...s,..s: __ 1 ____ c,..H""E=M"'-l"'C""A"'L ... A ... Ni.::D:;.;V:;,:O:;,:L.,,U .... M,,..E .. c,..ON=T.:.:R ... Ol.,._S.,y..,s...,1 ... e::.:M,__ ___ 2..,o.,,50..._ __ _ 5. (a) AppliCable Construction Cocie,;_,,l!ll.! Edilion: 1967 Addenda;Mta Code Case:N/A Design Specification: HBR2*10618 SH 558 (b) Applicable Edilion of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replacement Activity: 2007 Editlgn 2008 Adden!fa Code Case: t!!A 6. ldentlOcaUon or ComQOnenls R"""'ired or Rei aced and Re 1lacemenl Comaonenls Name cf Nameol Manufacrurer National Olher Ve;ir Cotrecled. Ccimponen1 Manufacwrer Serial No. Board No. ldentifii;atlon BuUI lnslalled Spring Can Ebasco CPL-143-T NIA 2*CH-15B 1971 Corrected 5 .. ,,,,...,.

7. Oescriplion or Work: Reslored Hanaer CPb-14H sailings lo desion condition
8. Test Conducted:

Hydro.slalic l:l Pneumatic(:) Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt[*) Other M:aJ Pressure (t:!laJ psig Test Temp. l!::!laJ °F Page 122or195 ASME Coa* SI amp IYesor No) N 13-030 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..1-ar .L 9. Remarks: See WO 2058§21 rurnover Dacl!aa* Applicable Manulac:huer's Dara Reports to be allached CERllfllCATE OF COMPLIANCE r c:ertify !hat lhe sra1emen1S made In the repgr1 are correct and !his confonns lo Iha requirements of the ASME Code, Sec:lion XI. NfA !SI ENGINEER Pala 10/30/2013 O\wler or Ownel's Deslgnee, TiUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by !he National Board or and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe Slate or Province of South Carolina end employed by HSBC! of HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have Inspected the components described In this Owner'5 Report during the paiod 10/3Ql2013 !o 1Ql30J2013 and state that to the best al my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tilken correcllve measur'es described In this Owner's Report In accordance with Iha requirements al the ASME Code, Section XI. By slgnilg !his certificate neither the Inspector or his.employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examlnaUons and corrective measures descnlled In this Owner's Report. Furthell'l'lore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner lor any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh this Inspection. &tlo1P\fA-v.OA..' Commissions N8 13930 SC 2§4 ANll .,;;Slgna:;;.-..,,...,.-------------Nallonal Board, Stale, Province, and Endorsements Date:10/30/2Q13 13-030 Page 123of195 2007 Editlon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by Che Provisions or lhe ASME Code Section XI Owner OUKE*ENERGY*PROGRESS. INC Name Oale:,,..... ______ 1"'0""'12.,.8/ ... 2 ... 0.-13...._ __ _ 526 S. Church Slreel. Char!p!!e. NC 28201 Address Pram ___ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29SSQ Address Work Performed by PRQGBESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Sheet: __ __.--__ or ___ _... __ _ Unit: ___________ _,. ___________ _ EC#:N/A EE:N/A WRIW0.2006898 08 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No:Job No:etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp,, ____ Nl ... A---. ____ _ AUlhorizalion No.: _____ __ _ Expiralion Date: ______ ._N/=-A._ __ _ Identification ol System:.....,g..,a .. s ... s .. :2,,__ __ __.R.:::H...,R"""S"'ys .. 1..,em..._ __ __,2.,.04.....,5 ___ _ (a) Applicable Construclion Code: 831.1 Edition; 1967 Code Case NIA Design Specification: (b) Applicable Edilion of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity. 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda Code Case: t:!!ti ldentilicalion of Comnonenls Reoaired 01 Rei aced and Re 1lacement Cnmnnnents Name or Ma'"'lacturer National Olhet Yeat Corrected. ASME Component Manulac1urer Serial No. Board No. ldenlificalion Buill Removed.or Code 1ns1aUed Stamp (Yes or No) Casing Stud Maintenance NIA NIA RHR-PMP-B 1971 Removed N casing Slud Mackson NIA NIA RHR*PMP-B 1992 Replaced N 7. Description or WOfk:,&!placed Casing Slue! on RHR*PMP*B

8. Test Conducted:

Hydrostalic (:l PneumaUc [:] Nominal OperaUng Pressure l:I Exempl (XI Other O Pressure D psig Tesl Temp. D °F 13-031 f'age 124 of 195 FORM NIS*2 (Baell) Sheet ..l. of L 9. Remarks: See WO 2006898 turnaver packaae Applicable Manulacturets Data Repons 10 be alladled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 c:erlify lhal the lllalements made in !he report are carrecl and lllls c:onfonns to the requirements ot lhe ASME Code. Sec:lion XI. Type Code Symbol SlamP--------------"111,.....1.a. ______________ _ Certlllcare nUrullutu.. IT,.-NIA r . ....... -- Slgned_-\ ______________ ....... .... Owner or OIM!er's Designee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a vahd commission issued by the NaUonat Board ol Bailer and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Spy\h camima and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CONNECIICUl have inspected the components described in this Owner's Repgn during the period 912112013 to 10!23!2013 and state that to the beSt ot mv knowledge and belief, the Owner has pedonned examinations and taken corrective measures described In lhis Owner's Report In accordance with lhe requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing llus ce1t1ficate neilher lhe Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or lmpRed, concerning the examinations and correcUve measures described In lhis Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shalt be Hable In any manner ror any personal injury or pcQ1>91ty damage or a loss or any kind ariSing from or connected with tnls lnspecllon

  • _______ Commlsslal\$

NB 139JOSC 264 ANff lnspectllf's SlgnalUrl National Board. State. Pnivlnce, and Endarsemenls Date:10f23l2013 13-031 Page 125 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner DUKE*ENERGY-PROGBESS. INC Name 526 S. Church S!ree!. Charlptle. NC 28201 Plant ...,.----'H"""'B""'R_.,,OB;=l:.;;:N:SO=N _______ _ Name 3581 WEST En!rance RO: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Work Perlonned by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST E!l!TRANCE RD: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Date: _______ 1..,o..,12..,e ... 12.,,0""13._ __ _ Sheet:._* __ _,_ ___ or ___ _,,._ __ Unit: ______ _._ ______ _ EC#:NIA EE:NfA WRIW0:1842290 01 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No:Jab No:elc. Type Code Symbol S!amp:. __ __,,N...,IA..._ __ _ Aulhorizalion No.: _____ _.N..,1 .... A..__ __ Expiralion Dale. __ .;.._ __ __ _ ldenlllica!ion or Syslem:_..C.,.las..,s,..:2...._ __ __..s.,.a ... re,..1y ...... 1n .. ject ...... io ... n..__ __ _,2 .. o .... eo...._ __ _ (a) Applicable Construclion Code;__,!U!.1 Edilion;,,,,lBZ Addenda;l::!!6 Code Ci1$e:.t:!la Design Speclficallon: 5379-01748 (b) Applicable Ed1lii:ln of Sec!ion XI Used for RepalrfReplacemen! Adlvily: 2007 Edi!ion 2008 Addenda CodeCase: 6. . ldenURca!ion of Comoonen!S Reoaired or Rei and Re 1lacement Comoonents Name or Nameol Manufaccurer Nalional Olller Year COnec:led,

  • ASME Componenl Manufacturer Serial No. Board No. ld*ntilicullon eua1 Removed. or Code tnslalled Stamp (Yes or NOi Sl*865A Anchor/Darling NIA NIA Valve Discs 1971 Replaced N Sl*865A Flowserve 1&2 NIA Valve Discs 2011 Replacement N 7. Oesaip!ion or Work:J3eplaced valve discs 6. Tesl Conduded:

Hydrostalic 1:1 Pneumatic(:] Nominal Operallng Pressure 1:J Exempt pq Other 1:1 Pressure psig Test Temp. "F 13.032 Page 126of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet ..1. of l.. 9. Remarks: Sea WO 1842290 OJ turnover package Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be auached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cet1ify !hat Ille statements made Ill the repott are correct and lhls confonns to lhe requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. Type Code Symbol Starnp _____________ _...,,....._.a. ______________ _ NIA Cerlillcate of Signed 4 ,.c___. \,.\ '-JL-ISi ENGINEER Date 10/24/2013 Owner or Owner's Oesignee, TiUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Bocrd or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspeclors and lhe Slate or Province ol South Carolina and employed by HSBCT ol HARTFORD. CONNECTICVT have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report durir.g lhe period 10/23/2013 to 191?4/2013 and slate Iha! to the best of iny knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correclive measures described In this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Seclion XI. By signing this certificale neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied; concerning the 8J!aminalions and corrective measures described in lhis Owner's Report. Furthermore. neilher lhe Inspector nor his employer shaU be liable In any manner for any personal injtlry or property damage or a loss of art/ kind arislllg rrom or connecled with !his inspection.

  • ....;e::;;*
.;.Ma.=:;..rfMt\..:.:1 NB 1393g sc 264 AN!! lnspectDl's Signature National Board, State, Province.

B.nd Endorsements Date: 10/24/2013 . .: 13-032 Page 127of195 2007 EcliUon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORNI NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provlsians of the ASME Code SecUon XI Owner OUKE 0 ENERGV-PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Ct!un;h S!rJel Q!ar!olle. NC 28201 Address ...... _______ __ Name 3581 WEST Enance RD; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Wor1< Performed f!BCIGRESS ENERGY CAR0t..!NA$ INC Name 3581 WEST ENJBANCE RO; HARISV!UE. SC 29550 Address Dale: _______ __ _ Sheel:. _____ or __ _...._...__ Unl: ____________ __ EC#:NfA EE:NfA WR/W0.2049189 12 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No:Job No:elc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ _....,N/i'".A.__ __ Aulhorizallon No.:. _____ .;.;:Nl""&'---- Expiralion Dale: _____ .....,..M..,,..A,__ __ ldenllllcaUon of Systern:_c ... 1as ... s.,..:2.__ _____ RE.....,S..,!OU ....... A.,.L ... ... s...,TE=M,__ __ .. 2,..04 ... s.._ ____ _ (a) Appficable Con&truction Code;.,_iill Edition.i..lUZ. Addenda;,t:lla Code Design SpecmcaliOn: HBB2*09381 (bl Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edition 2008 Astdendi Code Case: tflA ldenlilication of Comaonents Reoaired or Reulaced and R& llacarnenl Cnmlll'lnenls Name of Mtmufac:lurer NatiCINll Other Year Correcled. ASME Component Manufat:lvrer Setlal No BoardNo ldenllrrcalion Built Removed. 0t Cade lnStalled Siami> eves or No) RHR-7598 Crane NIA NIA Bushing to 1971 Removed N Bonnet Weld RHR-7598 Maintenance NIA NIA Bushing to 2013 Corrected N Bonnet Weld 7. Description of Wotk:,!ilcls weld!N Siem Hole Bushing to Valve Bonnet 8. Test Conduc1ed: Hydro11tatic (:) Pneumatic l:J Nominal Operating Pressure(:) (XI Otl'ler 1:1 Pressure psig Test Temp. IHl.a) "F 13-033 Page 128of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet ..Lor ..L 9. Remarks: See WO 2049189 12 lurngver oackage Applicable Manufacturer's Dala Reports to be all1c:hed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal lhe s1a1ements made In lhe report are correct and lhis conlorms to lhe requirements ol lhe ASME Code. Section XI. Type CocteSymbolSlamp _____________ _,,111:1:C\.1a ______________ _ NIA 1§1 ENGINEER Dalt 1Q!2412CU3 OWner or Own1r's Daslgnee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l,_lhe undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lns_pectors and the State or Province ol Soulh Carolina and emp!oyed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CONNECJICVT have inspecled the components described in this Owner's Report during the pericxl 1Ql10!2013 lo 10124/2013 and state thal to the be&t of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examlnations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance wllh the requlremenlS of Che ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certil'icate neither lhe Inspector or his employer makes any warranly, expressed or lmpBed, concerning Che examinations and conective measures described In this Owner's Repolt. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any maMer for any per.;onal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connecled wilh this inspeclion . .... BH ......... _________ Commissions Ne 13930 sc 264 ANn lnspectOl"s Signature NaUonal Board. Slale, Province, and Endorsemenls Oale:10/2412013 1:Ml33 Page 129of195 2007 Edilion 2ooe Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2.' 3. A. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Requited bV lhe Provisions ol the ASME Code Section XI Owner OUKE*ENERGY*PRQGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Chyrcb Street. Chadotte. NC 28201 Address Plan1 __ ..... _______ __ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RIO: HAR'TSVILLE. SC 29550 Address W01k Peiformed by PRQGRESS ENERGX CAROLINA$, INC Name 3581 W§ST EN!RANCE RO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Da1e: ______ ... 1 ... 012=8/20....,..:..:13,.__ __ _ Sheet: __ __, ____ or ______ _ Unit: ________ ..... _____ _ EC#.NIA EE:NfA WRfW0.2047543 01 CA:517976 R.,,alt OrganiZaUon PO No;Job No;elc. Type Code Symbal Slamp:. __ -"N!,..A,.._ __ _ Authorization No.:. _____ ,:.;N!:.,.A,_ __ Expiration Date* _____ __,N,.;l'-'A __ _ ldenllficallon or System:._.,c .. 1a1=*:=2 ___ _..FE.,EO....,,..w ... A.,.JER.-.. ... s .. v .... s ... r.eM--.. __ __.305...,.s_

5. (a) Applicable Conslruclion Edition: 1967 Addenda;ti!A Code Casel!!A Design Speciftcalion:

CPL-HBRz.5*001 (b) Apl)licable Edition ol Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda Code Case: WA 6. ldeolilicalion of Comoanenls Reoaired or Resilaced and Re Jlacemenl Comoone Is Name of Name al Manulaaurer NatloPal Oth1r Year Camicled, Campanenl Man!'laelurer Serial No. Board No ldentif'&Callan Removed. ar lnslalftd FW*SA-6009 Ebasco NIA NIA 21 S\FW*SA-60D9 1971 Corrected

z. Description of Work: Ad!usled and re-posiliQQ@d spring suum 8. Test Conducted:

HydrostaUc 1:1 Pneumatic l:l Nominal Operating Pressure I:) Exempt l*l Other Q!I:ID Pressure It:!!!) psig Test Temp IM!A) "F Page130of195 ASME Code $lamp (Yesar No> N 13-034 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ...1. or .a... 9. Remarks: See WO 2047543 01 lumover package Appfu:able Manufacturer's Da\a Reports lo be alladled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certily that the slalemenls made in Iha repor1 are correct and this conlonns lo the requirements of the ASME Cede. Section XI. Type Coda Symbol Stamp _____________ ... N....,_1.a ______________ _ c:: N/A 'i:.....c. tStENGINEEB Qll1e 1m1112Q1 J Owner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspect019 and Iha Slate or Provtnce of South Cirolina and employed by HSBCT ol HABTFORQ CONNECTICUI have inspected the components described in lhis Owner's Report during the period 1012112013 ao 10!28f2013 and slale that lo the beSI or my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has pelfonned examinalions and taken corrective measures described In this Owner's Report In act0rdance wilh the requlremenl8 of ttle ASME Code. SediOn XI. Sy signing this cel1ificale neiChet the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty. e*pressed or lmpfied. concierning Ille examlnalions and corrective measures described In lhls Owner's Report. Fur1hennore, neither the Inspector nor his employer ,. shall be liable in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected with lllis lnspeclion. ......... !\-o .... s .... 'IltM ......... ________ Commls.sions NB 13930 SC 264 ANH Inspector's Signature Nallanal Board. Stile, Province, and Endorsements oa1e:10!28/2013 13-034 Page 131 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME Code SecUon XI Owner DUKE*ENERGY-PROGRESS. INC Name Dale. ______ .... 1:.::0::.:12:.:::Bl;.::2.,.D.:.::13..._ __ _ 526 s. Church Street. Cnarloue. NC 28201 Address Plant _ _..H..,.,..B..,.R"'°O..,B...,l ... N .. Name 3581 Wl:ST Entrance RD: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Work Perlormed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Shee1: __ _,_1 _* __ or ___ ......_ __ Unit: ______ .... 2 ______ _ EC#:NtA EE:N/A WBJW0:2064234 01 CR:N/A Repair Orgamzalioo PO No:Job No:elc Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ __..N .... IA.._ __ _ Aulhorization No.: _____ .... Nl:..=.;A ____ _ E1<piralion Dale: __ _ Identification of ........... G..,E .... N'""E'"'RA .... I .... o,..R.._S,_Y .... S._.T.,.E.._M...__ __ _.3=00=5.__ ______ _ (a) AppHcable Construction Code: 831.1 Edilion;,.,.1fil!I Addenda;Ji/6 Code Case. NIA. Design Specification: 5379-02951 (b) Applicable Edition ol Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity; 2007 i:dilion 2008 Addencla Code Case: NIA Identification of COfMOnents Reoalred or Ril!l llaced and Re Coinnnnenls ' NillllBOI Manulaclurer National 01her Year Coirec:ted. ASME Componenl Manulaaurer Serial No. BOilld No. ldenllllcalion Bum Removed.or Code Installed Stamp CYHor No) RSV*C Ankor*Hollh NIA NIA Snubber* RSV*C 1971 Removed N RSV*C Enertech NIA NIA Snubber*RSV*C 2005 Installed N 7. Description of Work: Replaced Rujd reseivior

8. Tesl Conducted:

Hydroslalic 1:1Pneumatic1:1 Nominal OperaUng Pressure 1:1 Exempt f-1 Pressure(:) psig Test Temp. (:J °F 13-035 Page 132 01195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheel ..L of .L 9. Remams: See W02064234 lumover oackage Applicable Manurac1urer*s Dala Repcl'ls lo be al!adied CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the slatements made In Ille report are corred and this conforms le the requirements of the ASME Cede. Sedlon XI. N/A !SI ENGINEER Qate . Owner or Owner's Deslgnee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of South Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORQ CONNt:CTICllT have il'l$peeted the components deScribed In lhis Owner's RBPQlt during lhe period 10l27/2013 to and Slate lhal to the besl of my knowledge and belief, lhe OWner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Repor1 in acc;ordance wilh the requirements of lhe ASME Code, SecUon XI. Sy signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, e11Pressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermonil, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner tor any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ........ __ .. ________ Commlssions NB 13930 SC 264 ANH tnspeclol's Signature National BoanS. Stale, Province. and Endorsements Date: 13-035 Page 133cf195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Owner FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Requited by the Provisions ol the ASME Code Section XI DUKE-ENERGY-PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Church Slr8!!. Charlo!!e. NC 28201 Sheet. __ __,, ___ of ___ ....._ __ Planl _ ______ __ Name EC#.N/A EE:NIA WR/WQ;S58985113305122 CR:NIA 3581 WEST En!ranct BP: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 AddreSI Repair Organization PO No:Job No;etc. Work Perfonned by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp: ___ __ 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RQ; HARJSVlblE. SC 29550 Address Authorization No.:, _____ __ Elqliration Dale: _____ __,Nl.....,'A __ _ Identification of System:_C!as....,s..,:2 ___ -'"M""A=IN"'"ST""'"'EA=M""S""YS-=-TE=M,__ __ _.3020.,......._ (a) Applicable Construction Code;__!ULl, Edilion:..li§! Code Casel:!!a Design SpeclRcation: 5379.§432 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used lor Repair/Replacement AcUvlty; 2007 Edition 20Q8 Acldenda CodeCase: Identification or Comoonents Reaaired or Rei laced and Re lacement Camoanents Nanleof Manulac1urer Naflanal Oilier Year Correaed. ASME Component Manufadurer Serial Na BoardNo ldenlificallon Buit Removed.or Code 1ns1atted Slamp (Yes Of' NDI Oise Schutte and NIA NIA MS-2618 1971 Removed N Koertino Disc Tura NIA NIA MS-2618 1986 Installed N Stud Schutte and NIA NIA MS*2618 1971 Removed N Koerting Stud Madison NIA NIA MS*2618 1996 Installed N NU\ Sctiutte and NIA NIA MS-2618 1971 Removed N Koerting Nut Mackson NIA NIA MS-2618 2008 Installed N 7. Description or Work: Valve rebyRd inclyding disc and bolling reP'acement and lack wek!!ng b!lshina to disc. 8. Tesl Conducted. Hyd/O!llalic 1:1 Pneumatic 1:J Nominal Operating Pressure(:) Exempt [XJ Other (:] psig Test Temp. "F 13-036 Page 134of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet .l.. of .L 9. Remarks: See WQ558985 lurnover Package. Bushing to Disc weld Installed per WO 133Q5122. Appffcable Manufacturer's Dala RepOrts 10 be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certlf'y that Ute s1a1emen1s made In lhe report ere coirect and this conforms to lhe requlramenls al the ASME Code, Section XI. NIA !SI ENGINEER Dale 10127/2013 Owrier or Owner's Designee. TiHe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by Ille National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspedars and the State or Province al Sauth Ctrp!jna and emploYed by HSBC!' or HABJFORQ. CONNECJ!CUT have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Repart during the period 1Qlt9/2013 to 10!2712013 and stale that to the best ol my knowledge and belier, the Owner has performed ellaminallons and taken corrective measures described In this Ownel"s Report Jn accordance with the requirements or the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing this certilicale neither the Inspector or .his employer makes any warranly. expressed or implied, concerning the eJlilminalions and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Flllthermore. neilher the lnspeclor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injuly or property damage or a loss ol any kind arising from or COMectecl with this Inspection. _6._. ... __

  • _______ Commissions NB 13930 sc 264 ANll Inspector's Signature NaUanal Board. Slate, Province, and Endorsements Oate:10l27120t3 13-036 Page 135 af195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, Nilmeol Owner FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTMTY As Requited by the Ptovislons of lhe ASME Code Section XI D!JKE*ENEBGY-PROGRESS.

INC Name s2& s. Churcb s1ree1. 0iar1o11e. NC 2&201 Shee1:._* __ ..__ __ a1 ___ ... Addr9S$ Plant _ __.H,..B,.. . ..,R'!'!O.,.Bl ... N..,S...,.o ... N,__ ______ _ Unit: ______________ _ Name 3581 WES! enlrance RO* HABTSVIUE. SC 29550 Address EC#;N/A EE:NIA WBJW0:558815 01 CB:NJA Repair Organizalian PO No:Job No:etc Work Performed by PBOGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name Type Code Symbol Slamp: ___ N!=-Ai---- 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RQ; HARJSV!llE. SC 29550 Address Aulhorizalion No.: _____ Nl'"""A...._ __ Expiraion Date: _____ _,Nl=A __ _ ldentmc:atlon rA System:_..C..,1as ... s..,,:1..__ __ __,,CH....,.EM.,...,!C .. AL._.AN"""""O._V...,Ol=UM:.:.::nE..,,CO_.NT""""'B..,Ol...._..S.,,.y:SI..,EM...._ ___ "'12g60=---(a) Applicable Constructian Code;,.,.JUlJ, Ed!Uon.i..l.UZ Code Design Speclficalion: CH-4*SN*25 (b) Applicable Eclitlon of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Attivily: 2007 Elfrtjon 2008 Adslen<la COCle case: t11.a lc!enlilicalion of IPOnents tepair or tepl Com R ed R aced and Re 1lacemen! c omoonents Name of ManufaclUJer Nallonal Oilier Vear Conected. ASME Component Manufllduret 5erial No Board No. klentif'Gllon 8ulll Removed.or Code

  • 1nstaaec1 Slainp (Yesar No) Snubber25 Grinnell 30085 NIA Snubber25 1992 Removed N Snubber25 Anvil 37964 NIA Snubbet25 2010 Installed N 7. Description of Work: Reelpd &11ubber with new uni! 8. Tes\ Conducted:

Hydros\allc 1.:1 Pneumatic 1.:1 Nominal OperaUng Pressure 1.:J Exemp! t*I Other Pressure !NIAi psig Test Temp. (t!taJ °F 13-037 Page 138or195 FORM NIS-2 (Baek) Sheet ..Lor .L 9. Remartis: §!:.&WO 558815 !urnover paclsage App!ic:able Manulacturer's Da!a Reports 10 be allached CERTIFICATE Of COMPLIANCE I certify lhal !he s1a1emen1s made in !he repor1 are conec! and lhis conrorms lo the requiremenls of !he ASME Code. Section XI. !SI ENGINE: Owner or Owner's Oesignee. TiUa CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by !he National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Slate or Province or South Caroljna and employed by HSBCT or HARTFORQ. CONNECJ!CUT have inspecled the components described In this Owner's Repatt during lhe period lo and state Iha! lo the best of my knowledge and belief, lhe Owner has perfonned e1C8111inallons and !aken correctNe measures described In lhis Owner's Report In accordance wl!h the requiremenls of the ASME Code, Seellon XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any watran!y, expressed or imp.lied, concerning the examinations and measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthennore. neither lhe Inspector nor his employer shan be liable in any manner ror any personal injury or property damage or a toss or any kind arising from or COMected with this inspection . NB 13930 sc 264 ANll Inspector's Signature NaUonal Board. Sla!e. Province, and Endorsements Date: 13*037 Page 137of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY


IN£ Nilnlll 526 S. C!!urch NC 28291 FormNIS2 2. Pienl _-.aH.lll.l111o.Rw:OllllB 111 1NYi!i11.:10f:!-.. ______ _ Unlt:. ___ Nlmtl EC#:WA EE;NIA WBJW0j208342101 CR:NfA 3581 WESI Entrance RD: HAR!SVllJ.E* SC 2955Q Adctus Repair Organlall1111 PO ND;Jab No:etc. 4. 5. Work Padarmed bv PROGRESS ENERQYCARQLINA§. INC *Name 3581 WEST ENTBANR! RD; HARTSyllLE. sc 29550 AddrlSI ldenlifn:atian or System: 0m:2 RES!OIJAL HiAT REMQV& SYSTEM (a) Ailldlc:atllo Ccnstrudlon CodeLllill.l, !dlUon;JE Addanda;JUA Design Spedflc:allon: 72§.251*51 211§ (b) Applicable EdiHDn ol 5edlan XI Used far RepalrlReplacemenl Aclivity: 2007 EdilJan 20!!8 Ad!fenda Code Casa: ty.A 6. 11--i.ec1 at""' ......,. and l Nlmeol Nilmed Ml!UadllS'llf Niltlonal OltlV Yell' Cmncld. fcompanenl MMUfacluraf SalalNG. 8oan1No. ldinlncedan Suh RemDVed,ot !ftslilllcO Mechanlcal Ingersol RlflCI H/A NIA RHR*PMP*B 1911 Romovacl sea1-Mecllanieal FloWllSerYe NIA NIA RHR*PMP-8 2010 lnslllled Sal Cmtrtdae Glandstudl lngersall Rand NIA NIA RHR*PMP-8 1971 RemOlled Gland studs Cui1iss Wrigtll H/A NIA RHR.flMP-8 2011 lllslalled

1. Descripuon or Work: Rap!aced mechanlc3!

seal C!!1ri!lqa and a!and slyds. 8. Test Condudect HydllKtlllc 1:1 Pneisrnallc (:J Nominal Operating Ptessure (!) Eiiempl l-1 Clher M::i1 Pressure UZI pslg Tes& Temp. lml!J "F Page 138of195 ASME Code Stamp (Yuor 1'111) N N N H 13-03& FORM NJS.2 (Back) 9. Remarks: Set WO 2083425 tumpver paclg!gl ll#lk:able Mlnufaclurel's Daia Repans to lie att.achad CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I Cl!lfil'y tllal !hi slalmnenls made In lhe report are c:onact and this c:onfarms la Ille reqUremtnls al Ille ASMe Code, Sectian XI

  • T""8 Cade S,mbal Stlmp .. , .. Celllfic:ate Na. .. , ... Signed 1§1 ENli!tlliiB 9111 Own1ror Ownefs Dlllgn11.

'lllle Cl!RTIFICATE OF INSERVICB IHSPECTION I, the undersigned. holding a valid cammlsslon Issued by lhe Nallonal Boad of BaBer and Pressure Vessel lnspecton; and Iha Slate or Provlnc9 of South and by l:§gg: or CONNE'1JCUI have Inspected die carnponen1s desulbed In lhls OWnefs Report durtng !he peifod 9113/2013 ro 10!2812f1!3 and slale lhal IO Iha best ol my knowledge and bellel, Ille Owner has pelfonned examinations 8lld laken corrl!Cliva measures described In INs Ownefs Report In accordance wllh lhe requlremllltl of Ille ASME Code, Section XI. By s9'fng lhla cstiflca1a nellher the lnspedor or his emplayar makes any waminty, 8JlPf81Sad or Implied, concenmg Vie axamlnallaM and c:am!diva measures described In lhls Ownm's Repart. Furthermore, neither Iha lnspec:tDr nor his employer shall be rlllllle In any manner lor any Injury or piopatty daina;e or a loss or any hind arising flvm 0t connected wllll !his lnspeclion. tMosrl\'M

  • \tovM ConudnJons t!l lnlJllCW*

Slgnatul* Nallon1I Board. Slalt, Pravlllca. il1fi eru D11e:1ggB1201a 13-038 Paga 139 of 195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY ForrnNIS2


INC Name 526 S. Ct!urd! SI!!!!* Chmlo!!e. NC 28201 Plant _ ______ _ Name 358fweST Entrance RQ: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Work Pedonned by PROGRESS ENERGY CARQLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD; HAR!SV!l.LE. SC 29550 Address oa1e: ______ ..,1oa ...... 912......,,0'""13...._ __ _ Sheet:. ______ or ______ _ Unit _____________ _ EC#:85906 EE;NIA WRJW0:2098531 CR:NIA Repair Organzallon PO No;Job No:ete. Type Code Symbol Slamp: ___ __ Aulhorizallan No.:. _____ __ Expiration Date: _____ _..,J1l""A.__ __ 4. ldenlillcalion of Sys!em: C1as5*2 SAFETY INJECTION SVSTEM 2980 5. (a) Applicable Construction Coda&..JllL! Editloni..li§l Addenda: NIA Code Casa;N{A Design SpeclDcalion: fil§25! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Replacemenl Activity: 2007 Edmqn 2008 Addenda

  • Coda Case: 6, Identification ol Comnnnenls Reoalred or Rei aced and Re 1lacemenl ComDOnents Named Name of M11nulaclurer National Olher Year CClrrected.

ASME Componenl Manuf aclur9r Serial No. Board No. ldentilicallan Buill Reninecl. 0t Code hlslalled SI amp (Yes or No) Valve Ancnot Darling NIA NIA Sl-8808 1971 Removed N Valve Flowserve 80273 NIA Sl*BSOB 2013 lnslalled N Pipe Ebasco NIA NIA 6-Sl*301R*31 1971 Removed N Pipe DuBose NaUonel NIA NIA 6-Sl*301R*31 2013 Installed N 7. Desc:riplion or WcJTlc Bec!ace vatva and DiPinq, 8. Tesl Conducted: Hydlos\allc l:1 Pneumatic l:l Nominal Operating Pressure 00 Exampl 1-J Other M:l) Pressure IHQfl pslg Test Temp, °F 13-039 Paga 140 af.19!1 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..Lor .a.. 9. Remarks: Seg WO 208593Q turnover pacl!age Applicable ManufaCl\lrel's Data Reports to be allaehed CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cenily lhal !he slatements made In the report aie conect and this conforms to the requlremenls of Iha ASME Code. Section XI. ______________ _ Signed ___ _________ ,.1Da 111111 ttL-Llt0t!f!..ILllS/2:t<W.Dlw3 Owner°' Owner'& Oesignee, TiUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a valid canvnlssion issued by the National Board or Soffer and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ol Sguth CW!ina and employed by HSBCI of t!ARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have Inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 10/15/2013 lo tOl1512013 and state that lo lhe best of my knowledge and befief, the Owner has petformed examlnaUons and taken corredlve measures described in this Ownel's Report In accordance with the requirements or the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neilhel Iha Inspector or his. employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, canceming lhe examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither Iha Inspector nor Ills employer shall be liable in any manner for any pe1sonal injuly or p1operty damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. a\:\ot11rfA Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 AN!I -=.._.._,,...nspect.---., .... _________ ..,N1Uonal 8oar11. s1111. Province. and Endorsements Dale:1011512013 13-039 , Page 141or195 2007 EdiUon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. Namarl FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPlACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by Iha Pnwlsions at lhe ASME Code Sedlon XI Owner PU!SE*ENERGV*PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Chu!d! Slf!9l. Chlrlo!le. NC 28201 Sheet: __ _,1--. __ or _____ _ Acldress 35111 WEST En!rarg RO; HARTSy!LLE. SC 29550 Address WOik Perfamed by PROGBEss ENERG'! CAROLINAS* INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RD: HARTSyn.LE. se 29550 Address Unll*------2=-------- EC#:NIA EE:N/A WB/WQ;209731813 CR;NIA Repair Organl1..1tion PO No;Job No;elc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ -;.N;':'JA!---- Aulharlzallan No.:. __ ___, __ Nt.....,.A.._ __ Eirplrallonllal<< ____ ldllflllficaUan or Sysl8m:._,.C!as,,_s..,;2..._ ___ ... M..,l,..CA,..L .... ... Y.,.P,.,L..,U,,,,ME::.0C.,,Og;NTB,,.,.,.Ol.:ir::,,S=.YS:.:r.>JeM.= ___ ...,2060=---(a) Applicable Consll\ldfon Coda;,,_U!J, Edillon;,J,21! Addenda: NIA Dnlgn Specilleatlon: 8303ff1.0S.F (b) Appllc:able Edldon ol Section XI Used for RepaldReplacemanl Activity: 2007 Edlllon 2008 Addenda Code Case: M!A ldenlificallon of -!I RMMllred 01 Rei aced and R* """""'ent eo ........... n!S Nlmtol Manufacturer NIUDllll Otter Year ASME Corlipcnen1 Mlnul'ICIUl'lll Seflall No. 8oan1No lldenllllcallon Bulb Removmd,Df c* tnslaled Slamp (VHClf Nol CtHll*RG02 Ebasco NIA NIA Ot-18A 1971 Removed H CH*18-RG02 Maintenance NIA NIA CH-1BA 2013 lnslalJed N 7. Oesaipllon ol Work: Remoyecl and ralnstal!ed syppm1 CH*1HGQ2 8. Test Conducted: HydmslaOc 1:1 Pneurnallc (:J Nori'lal Operadng Pressure (:J Ellempt (*] Other ll!l:3) Pressure o:!!] pslg Tesl Temp. IH!aJ "F 13-040 Page 142 of 195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) 9. Remarks: §ee WO 2097318 13 !umgver MSlrs'i Applll:allle Manutmchnl's Daill Flepmts 1o btl alllduld CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cer1lfy Dial IM 11atam11111S lllld1In!he1epart are coned and lhls canl'DC1111 lo Ille reqvlremenll DI 1l1e ASME Coda, Secllon XI. TypeCClde Symbol Slamfl------------.a:i:"*L....-------------- Cel1Jllcafa '"""""........_ --.... . .-. <---_, cr:1i_ --'"\ M i.:,.. _ IS! QiG!Nl!IB Pet* '!l/29!2013 Owner or Or.TM!t's Deslgnee. Tille CERTIFICAT! OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, Ille undenlgnld, haldlng a valid comnsslon Issued by the National Board of Bo!lvr and Pressure V8111ill lnlpectors and Ille Slale or Province af Soulh CaroBna and employed by HSBCT of HABTFQRQ. CQNNECTICUT have lnspeded Iha dlscrilled In !his Ownefs Repnt dlftlg Iha p8riDd 10f6l2013IO1Ql29!2013 and &lala lhal ta the best of my Mawledga and 181el, the Owner has petfonned axarninaliana and tall.en com:c1lve measlires desaibed In lhls Owner's Report In acconlanca wllll Illa requtremenls ar Iha ASME Cade, Section XI. By filgnlng Ulla certlllcale nelUler Iha lllSll<<tClt ar tlis employer malles alfl/ warrallly, 911P'eued ar iqllied, concerning Ille examlnallOflll and corrective measures desalbed In lhls Owner's Report. Furthetmorv, neilhlf Iha lnspedar nor his employer shall be Hable In any manner far any p1111anal lnlUIY or property damage or a loss of any kind anslng fiom or connected wilh lhis lnspac:tian. ..... ... u¢6 __________ ColMl.IS$lcns sn*sc*AN!! lnspedat's S!gnatul9 Nallanat Boan:I, Siiia, PIOv!nce, lfld Endarll!M!lll Oate:10/2912Q13 Page 143 of 195 2007 Edillon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANOATORV FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. Nameal FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITV As Requited by the Provisions ol the ASME Code Section XI Owner QU)(E*ENEBGV-PRQGRESS. INC Name 526 S. Churd! Street. Cb&r!olte. NC 28201

  • Address Plant H.B.RQBINSQN Name 3581 WEST Entrance BQ; HARTSVILLE SC 295!!Q Address Work Performed by PRQGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS.

INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RO* HART$VIU.E. SC 29550 Address Date: _______ 1 ... 01291.....,.,.2 .. __ _ Sheet. __ __....._ __ of ______ _ EC# NIA . EE:N/A WRJW0:1330161501 CR.NIA Repair OrganlzaUon PO No:Jab No;elc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ -;o:Nt::.,'A:.--- Aulhofizallon No.: _____ __ ______ __.Nl ....... A ___ ldenlificaUOn or Syslem: ...... o ... as=s:_2 ___ _..M,...,.M,....ICA...,.L...,A .. N .. Q._V ... Ol......,U...,M,..E.....,CQN=.. ... TR ... Ol......,,..S ... VS..,T...,E.,.M.._ __ -=2060=----(a) Applicable Construction Code: 831. 1 EcllUon;J.l!i! AddendaJ!!a Code Case.NIA Design Speciftcallon: 728-012-10 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Ac:livily. 2007 Edition 2008 Adclenda CodeCasa* Identification of Comoonenls Renaired or R"' aced and Ra lacemenl Comnnnenls Name of Manufacturer National Olhet' Year Colrected. ASME Component Serial No. BoatdNo. ldefl1mcah0n Buill Code lnSlalled Slamp CYesor . No) FE-110 Rosemount NIA NIA Flow Elemenl 1971 Removed N FE-110 Rosemounl 1484820 NIA Flaw Elemenl 2013 Installed N 7. Description of Work:,Beplaced flow element 8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic[:] Pneumatic[:) Ncminal Operating Pressure QSJ Exempl [*) Other O!!:ll PresslB'a lt:!.QfJ pslg Tesl °F 13-041 Page 144of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel...2..,ol .L 9. Remarks: See 13301615 turnover package. Applicable Manulaclurer's Dala Reports IO be allache.vner has performed examinations and taken eotreclive measures described in lhis Owner's Report In accordance wilh lhe requirements or lhe ASME Code. Section XI. By signing lhis cettmcale neilher the lnspeclof or his employer make5 any warranty. expressed or Implied. concerning lhe examinallons and correciive measures described in lhls Ownef's Report. Furthermore, neither lhe inspector nor his employer . shall be liable in any maMer lor any personal injury or property damage or a loss or any kind atising from or connected wilh lhis lnspeclion. BtloJfhM f<<o<dJ Commissions NB 13930§C264AN!I .-.u.o.....-.:;;1n"'s""'pec....,.1o""'r"'s-:!s'°'1gna""-'1._1n_...._.._ _________ ...,Natianal Board. Stale. Province. and Endorsements Date:t0/29/2013 13-041 Paoe 145 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY A6 Required by lhe Provl$1on9 of lhe ASME Code Sec.lion XI

  • FormNIS2 1. Q.Y'5£-ENERGY-PRQGRESS INC Name Dale: _______

526 S. Churcb SJreet. Char!ol!e NC 28201 ...... __ _ 2. Plant _ _________ Urut _______________________ __ Name EC#:N/A EE.NIA WBMI0*2258592 01 CR.NIA 3581 WEST Eolrance BQ:HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Repair Otganazallon PO No;Job No.etc. 3. Work Perronned by PRQGRESS ENERGY CARQLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE BP: HARISV!UE SC 295so Address Type Code Symbol Slamp: __ _...Nl_.&.._ __ Authonzalion No. *-------N""f.""A.._ __ Expiralion Dale: _____ _,N{,..;A.__ __ 4. 5. ldenbfrcalion of (a) Applicable Construction Code:...J!.MJ. EdlUon;..l,i§! Addenda..Nfa Code Case,!YA Design Speclftcalion: HBB2-1 t058 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RapalrlAeplacemenl Aclivity: 2007 Edition 2008 Amanda Code Case: t:lla 6. ldentillcallon or Camoonents Reoaired or Rec laced and Re ""cement Comoonent& Nameol Name al Manufadvrer National Other Vear Corrected. Component MaltUfaduret Sella! No. BoanlNo. ldenllficallan Bum Flllll10Yed. Of ' Installed Bonnel Studs We sling house NIA NIA CVC-312A 1993 Removed Bonnel Studs Mackson NIA NIA CVC-312A 2013 Installed Bonnet Nuts Weslinghause NIA NIA CVC*312A 1993 Removed Bonnel Nuts MaekSon NIA NIA CVC-312A 2013 ln91alled

7. Description or Work:..R@p!aced Body lo Bonnet Bolling 8. Test Conducted:

HydlOstalic [:J Pneumabc [:)Nominal Operating Pressure {:J Exempt 1-1 Other M:1J Pressure !NIAi psig Test Temp. l.t:!!!J "F Page 148 of 195 ASME COde Sia mp (Vesar No) N N N N 13-042 .,. FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet _L of .1.... 9. Remarks: Ste WR 2258S92 tumpver oacl!ag* . .Applicable Manufadurefs Dala Repol\S lo be alladled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify lhal Iha slalemenls made In 1118 report are corrKI and this conronns lo lhe requirements of Ille ASME Code, Section XI Type Code SymbolS11mp _____________ CeltiDcate olAulholizallon No . .._ ___________ .u11:w1a.L--------------- Signed ?'Jt ISi ENGIN&EB Owner or Ownef's Deaignee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holdlng a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe State or Province of Soulh Cam!lna and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD CONNECTICUT have Inspected lhe componenls described in this Owner's Ref)ort during Ille period 7f25120J3 to 10129/2013 and stale lhat co lhe best of my knowledge and belief, the has pelfonned examinations and taken eotrec:liva measures desc:ribed In this Ownel's Report in accordance witll lhe requiremenls of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing lhl$ certlfrc:ate neither Ille Inspector or his employer makes any wlll'anty, e11pressed or fmplled, concerning the examinallons and corrective measures described in !his Owner's Report. Futlhermore, neither Iha lnspe(:tor nor his employer shall be liable in anr manner ror anr personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising rrom or conneclect with this inspection. ' e.rtosrAf'\ vA,. Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 ANH ________ Board, Slate, Province. and Endol'Mmenls Date: 10/2912013 Page 147*of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol FORM INIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by Ille Provisions or lhe ASME Code SecliOn XI Owner DUKE-ENERGX*PROGRESS. INC Name 526 s. Church S!reet. Cha!!olle. NC 28201 Address _ Name 3581 WEST Enlrance RD: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Work Peiformed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE RO* HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Oale:, ______ -'1..,o ... 13=0..=12 .. 0...,13..._ __ _ Sheet: _____ ...._ __ or ___ _,2..__ __ ____ _.. ______ _ EC#:N/A EE:NIA WRIW0:2038715 01 CR:N/A Repair Organization PO No;Job No;elc. Type Code Symbol Stamp: __ __.N,..IA ....... __ _ AuthOriza!ion No.: ______ Nl'-=-A.__ __ _ Expiralion Dale: __ ..;.... __ _....,Nl,..A;:.,_ __ _ !denlificalion of Sys1em:_g,,,35"""s:..,2 ____ W......_AS=...T.E..,P .. IS,.,POS:.=,,.AL.:a..;:S.,.YS ...... !EM_,.:..-.---'7""D..,6Q=---------(a) Applicable ConslructiOn Edillon:.!l!§Z Addenda:N/A Code Case;til[6 Design Specllica!ion: 53]9=04786 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Aclivity: 2007 Edition 2qoe Addenda CodeCase; ldenlilication of Comaonenls Renaired or Rllf aced and ComDOnenls Name of M11nutae1urer NaUonal Olher Year corrected. ASME Componenl Manufacturer Serial No. BoanlNo. ldentiricalion Bum Removed, or Code ln$1aned Slamp (Yes or No) Bonnet Sluds Grinnell NIA NIA W0.1787 1971 Removed N Bonnet Studs Nova NIA NIA W0.1787 2013 Installed N 1. OescripUon of Worlc Replaced b9rmel stud§ 8. Test Conducted: Hydrosla!ic I';} Pneumatic f:I Nominal Operating P1essure 1:1 Exempt (XJ Other (:] Pressure pslg Test Temp. lli!aJ "F lJ.043 Page 148of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ...2... of .l.. 9. Remarks: See WO 2038715 01 turnover package Applicable Manuramwer's Data Reports to be aUathed CERTlflCATEOF COMPUANC! I certily lhat the slalements mada In lhe rapGlt are CGl1'8ct and lhiS conrorms IO the requlremenls or Ille ASME CGde, Sectlan XI. NIA !SI §NGINEJiB

  • Date 10/2912013 Owner or Owner's Destgnee.


1. the undetsigned, holding a valid commission by Iha National Board of Boilel and.Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe State or Province of sou1n Cmollna and employed by HSBCT or HARTFQRD.

CONNECTICUT have inspected the componenls described In lhls Ownet's Report during Iha period 10/29/2013 to 10Q912013 and stare !hat ID the best or my knawledge and belief, lhe Owner has perronned examinations and taken conective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wllh the requirements ot rne ASME Code. Seclion XI. By signing this certificate neither the tnspeclor or his employer makes any warranty, or implied, concerning Iha 1 examinations and corrective measures described In lhls Owner's Report. Ftuthermore. neither Iha lnspedor nor his employer shall be liable 111 any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariSing rrom or connected wilh this Inspection. __ __ __ c_'<'M ___ ...._ ________ Com.missions NB 13930 SC 264 ANll Inspector's Slgnal11111 Nallonal Board, Slala, Province. and Endorsements Date:l0/2912013 13-043 Paga 149of195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3, 4, FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of Iha ASME Code Section XI Owner OU!SE*ENEBGY:fBOGBESS. INC Name 526 S. Church Street, Ct!ar1gt1e. NC 28201 Planl _ _...H ...... a .... R..,,O@=!NS--0.,.N...._ ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Enlrance RP: HAR!SVILLE. SC 29550 Addreu Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WE§T ENJRANCE RD; HARTSVIL.LE. SC 29550 Address Dale: ______ .... 1..,01 .. 30!20......,""""13.,_ __ _ Shee!: __ ....... ._ __ ot_* __ __.2.__ __ EC#:NIA EE:N/A WR/W0:2063276 05 CR:N/A Repair OrganlZalion PO No;Job No;e!c. Type Code Symbof Slamp: __ __ ...... __ __ Data: _____ __.Nf ....... A----ldenlificalion of Syslem:_..C!as_,s..,: ___ ...

5. (a) Applicable Conslrucllon Code;__!ll!,!

Edillon;,J,SIZ Addenda: NIA Code Design Specificalion: CPL-xxxx*M*001 Cb) Appficable Edillon of Sedlon XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edition 2008 A!fdenda Code Case: t!f6 6. ldenti6catlon of Comoonenls RArlaired or Rei laced and Re lacemenl Comnnnenls Nameal Name of Manufacture; Nalfonal Oilier YUi Corl8ded. ComJJ0118nl Manulacluret SerialND. Board No. ldentlficallon Buill Remcwed. or lnslalled Studs Maintenance NIA NIA RC-94 2001 Removed Studs MackSon NIA NIA RC-94 2013 Installed Nuts Maiolenance NIA NIA RC-94 20D1 Removed Nul$ Mackson NIA NIA RC-94 2013 Installed

7. DescripUcn ol Wor1\: Replaced bolting 8. Test Conduded:

Hydro&latic 1:J Pnewnatlc 1:J Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt(:] Othflr M:!J Pressure pslg Test Temp. !HlAI °F Page 150of195 ASME Code Stamp (Yes DI Nol N N N N FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel -1. or i. 8. Remarks: see WO 20§3276 turnover package AppRcable Manufaclr.rer's Dal.ii Repor1s lo be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cenJJy lhat lhe statements 111ade in lhe report are correct and lhls conlonns ID lhe requlremenb of Ille ASME Cede, Section XI. L-{ c:a=c:ISI ENG!NE:A Qa!e 1 D/3012913 Owner or Ov.ner's Deslgnee. TIUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a vaid cornmlSsion issued by the Nallonat Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of South Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD. CONt:fECTICUJ have inspected !he componenls described in this Ownefs Report during the penod 1011412013 to 10/30!2013 and state lhal lo the best or my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed e*aminatlons and taken corr11clive meas11tes described In this Owner's Report In accordance wilh the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing lhls certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed er Implied, the examinations and correctille mea5ures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer shaft be liable in any manner for any personal lnjwy or ptQPel1y damage or a loss of any kind arising rrom or connected wllh !his Inspection. NB 13930 SC 264 AND lnspeclor's Slgnah1te National Board, Sla!e. Province, 1nd Endorsemenls Date: 1QJ30/2013 13*044 Paga 151 of 195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX 11 MANDATORY Form NIS 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 .. Name or Owner FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions or the ASME Code Section XI QUKE-ENERGY.PBOGRESS INC Hame 526 S C!lurd! Street Char!ollo. NC 28201 Nama 'Unit:. _____________ _ EC#:N/A EE*N/A WRMf0*2063273 01 CR.635231 3581 WEST Entr;ince RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Aclclress Repllll' Organlza!IM PO No;Job No.ere. Work Performed by PRQGRESS ENERGY CARQl.INAS INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp: ___ Authorization ___ __ 3581 weSI ENIRANCE RO* HARJSVILLE SC 29SSQ Adcbess i>q>lralion Dale: _____ __ _ ldenlificalian of Syslem:__.,.c.,.1a ... u ... * ... 2 ___ .... c..,H ... E..,M.,.l.,,CA.,....L""AN.....,p..,y ... __ _,2Q6.,...D.._ __ (a) Applicable ConstNction Codo.....Jm.1 Edilon:..UllZ AddendaJU6 Code Case:.WA Design Specification: 729-458-27 (b) Applicable Edilion of Seelion XI Used for Repeir/Replacemant Activity; 2007 Ed1!1on 2008 Addenc!a Code Case: NtA Identification of ComD011enls Reoaired or R"" laced and Re 1lacemenl Cnmnonents Nimeal Manulacrurer Nll!lonal Othef Vear Carrectad. ASME Component Manufadurer Serial No. Board ND. ld11ntlftcalfan Buill Removed.or Cod* fnslalled Slamp , (Vea or Na) Refiel Valve Crosby N68374-0P.. NIA CVC-2038 2012 Removed .N 0001 Relief Valve Crosby N6B37 4-0P.. NIA CVC-2038 2013 lnslalled N 0003 7. Description of Work: ReDlaQ!d valve wj!h rotaled spare Rep!acecl uJva failed furn;t!pnal test ... ....... . 8. Test Conducted: Hydroslallc [:J Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Pressure I!] ExemPt (-1 OUter M:2J Pressure U:il2eJ psig Tesl !NOD 'F 13-045 Page 152of195 FORM NIS-2 (Bad<) Sheel .L of ..L 9. Remarks: See WO 2063273 !umoyer padcaqe Appbcable Manuladul'l!f's Datl Reports to be a1t1checl CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify Dial lhe &latemenls made In Ille report are corrad and \his conforms to the requirements ot the ASME CD!le. Section XI. Type Cade Symbol ______________ _ Certiliealeof Aulhal'IZallonNo._.....,. __________

A.._ _____________

_ s-19 nec1 "'2tf w4/.i: __., 151 eNG1NEe 0a1e C>.mer or Owner'& Deslgnee, TIUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by Ille National Bciard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspedors and lhe State or Province of South Carolina and employed by HSBCT 01 HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT have Inspected lhe components described in this Ownefs Report clt.riflg ll'le period J0/30!2013 to and stale lhat to the bell of my knowledge and belief. Ille Owner has perfonned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owrier's Report In accordance wiUl lhe requirements of the ASME Code, Sedion XI. By signing lhis certificate neither Ille Inspector or his employer makes eny warranty. eicpressed or implied, c:oneeming the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Repon. Furthermore, neilher the lnsp9ctar nor his employer shall be liable ln any manner for any personal Injury or pr0,:>erty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspedlon. .... _________ Commlsslo:ns Ne 13930sc 264.ANI! ln111H1Ctor's Signature Ntllklnal Board, Slate, ProYlnce, and Endor11men1S 13-049 Page 153 of HIS 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY Fomi NIS 2 1. z. 3. 4. 5. a. Name of FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACT1VITV As Required by Ute Provisions or lhe ASME Cade Section XI DUISE*ENERGY*PRQGRESS. INC Name 526 S Churcl! Sin:et Cb@dette NC 2Q201

  • l58t WEST Ent@!!!j!!!

RQ* HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address Wolk Performed by PROGBESS ENERGV CAROL!NaS. INC Name 3581 WEST EN!RANCE RO: HARTSVlµE SC 29550 Address oaie* _____ __,1.,.00.......,112 .. 0,...1..,J __ _ Sheet:. ______ or _____ _ EC!;NIA EE;89§§4 WRMI0:2Q97Jt6 CB;NIA Repair Crganlz:allon PO Ne:Jab No;elc:. Typo coc1e Symbol Slamp: __ _...w .... a..._ __ ,

  • Aulharizallon Na.: _____

__ Exp1ra11on Date: _____ _.m,..,..._ __ ldenlilk:alion or Sys1em:_C!m;_...,*2 ___ _,CHE..,...,MQl, __ ... W:----(a) ApJllic:iibht Ccinstruc.tlan Code;_ill,,! Editlta\:...11§! Addatlda;!!! Design Speciric:atlan: Gf781144 (b) Appr.c:able Edition or Section XI USed ror Repair/Replacement Adlvily. 2007 Edi!lon 2008 Addcndi!J Code Case: t:!l! ldentific:alioft or -"-ired << R., l:lcod and-.mi-"" Name al Manuladlnt Nallanml Olh9t Yaar Call1ICfed, ASME Serial !'lo. 8oanl Na. ldenlificalian Bull RlllllOVltl. ar Qldl lns1alled s1aa11 (VcSOt No) Conlral Valve Ccpes VUican NIA NfA 197\ Remawed N ContllllVme SPX Vllhres & t000C028058 NIA CVC.20G9 20t3 lnslillld N ConUalT. m 7. Oe$crfpUon al WOik: Replp ya!ve B. Test Canducll!d: H,clrostatic (:l Pneumatic f:I Nominal Operating Pnmura 1!J Exempt 1-J Other Piessure UQfl psig Test Temp 1tt!!1J "F 13-046 Page 154of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheal ..!. of ..L CERTIFICATI! OF COMPUAHa! I czctify 11111: Iha slllmnents made In the lllMIR ace canec:t and lhis conlorms to Ute of the ASME Coda, Ser.tlal\ XI. Cedlllcala al AlltllmlDllon Na !!{! Slgnad __ =a..,,._ ... ... -....'L/2.

  • ..,-...

_._ ___ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- .. -P.:1..,1- _.-1 .. Qll-,..-1:12-:0 .. 13 Owner or Ownet1 DetlgnH, TrUe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. Ille undersigned. holding a valid c.ommillion Issued by the National BoanS al Bolar and Pr1IUU!I Vessel lnspeclllfS 1111d the Siiia ar Province of Spy!b Cim&na and employed by HSBCJ of HARTFORD CQNNECT!C!l[ hllV9 lnspecled lhe components described In Ills C>Mlaf's Report clulfng tile period IO 10131/2013 and stare Ital to tile besl of my knuwllldge and belief, the Owner hu perfarmed awninatlllns and laken c:amiclive measures dllCribed In this Ownefs Repo11 In m:ordanc:e with lhe requinlmeta of Iha ASME Codt, Section XI. By signing 11111 Clltilii::ala naiher Ille fnspedor or Ills employer makes any wananly, uprenld or Implied, conc:aming 1111 enmlnalians and camrctive measures described In this Ownei's Report FurthlrmD18, nallhel' Ille Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In any manner ror any personal lnJury °' pniperty damaga or a loss ol any kind arising rrom or cameclad with Ibis lnspec:Uon. ... NB 13930SC264ANff t111pec:toi'1 Signature Nationll BDanl. Slate, Prawlnce. and Endorlmlenls oa1e:1001Q013 13-046. Page 155*of 195 2007 Edition :ZOOB Addenda APPENDIX 11 MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. N11111eal FORM NIS*l OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlfflREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY ASJ Required by Iha Provisions of Iha ASft4E Code Secllan XI Owner DUKE=ENERGX:fBOGRESS. INC Name Oate* ___ ..;.... __ Si16 S C!nmjh Sqee! cnaagnc NC 282Ql Addl'M!I Plant _ __.H""'.9"".,,,.RO'!'!iB...,1._.N.,.SO.,.N,,._ ____ _..........._ Name 3581 W§ST EnJranct BQ: HARTSy!LLE. 5C 2955Q Addnlss Wodl Pelfonned lly PROGRESS ENERGY CARQl!NAS !NC . Nmrie 3581 wgsl.ENJRANCE! RO: HABTSy!LLE. SC 29550 Addren Slleat __ EC!*N/A EE*89664 WBJWO 2097314 CR.NIA Repalt Olpdzalloll PO No.Job ND,elc. Trpe Code Symbol S!amp __ __ Aulhorizalion No.:. _____ ..,,Nlu;;&i-----(a) Appfic:able Canst.rutlian . Edilion;.J.fl§! AddeadaJ![A Dllslgn Spedllcallan. (b) Applicable Ed'itlan af Section XI Uaed lor Repair/Replacement Acli'4ity: 2Q07 Edi!!cm 2Q08 Addenda Code Case* Ht! li!enlifiCalion of eannonenaa A-alled or Rm lac:ed and 811 laC11t'11811\

nts Hn1al Manu!IC!llnlr Halloilal Other Year Conwcc.o.

ASME CCllnp-m Manufadlll9r Sllf1IHo. BoaldNo. 1*'1tific:aUon 8111"1 Retftlllled. °' COcll lnslallld . Sim.,. (Vesar No) Valve capes Vuk;an NIA NIA CVC-200C 1971 Removed N ConlrDI Valve SPXVllva& 1000DD2ll05B NIA CVC-200C 2013 lns1al!ed N CanlRlls 96 7. Oescripllan afWatt: Bea!aoe m!ve 8. Tesl Concluded: Hydroslallc f:I Pneumatic Iii Naminal Ope.rating Pressure ml Exempt O Other M.:21 Piessura lfQfl psig Test Temp. l!l!QIJ "F 1:Ml47 Page 156 of 195 FORM NIS-2 (Sack) Sheet .L of ..L 9. Rematks: Sn wo 20tn1c !Ymoyer pac!caqe *

  • Applicable Manufaelurer's Data Rec!Drts lo be attadled CERTIACATEOFCOMPUANCE I canify 111a1 ct11 st.lemenll ma In Ille repat are coned and Ills canrorrns 10 11111 ftlqUilemenls ol lhe ASME Code. Sedian XI.

Clfllllc:lleofAuthorlzltlanNo.__,,..... _________ ... ..... ------------- S9iecl !SI ENQlNEE; Qt!c tl!l3112Q13 Olmer ar Ownal's Deslgnee, Telle C!RTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, 11111 undi!rsigned, llolcling I Nlid commission lsSued br Ille Nallonal Boald Df Boler and Pn111Uf8 Vessel lnsflector.s and die Slate or Pravince or stvlh Cwp!jna and eJlllllOYed by HSDCT of HABJ!!ORP CQNNECTICUf have inspeded Iha components describtd In this Ownel's Repcalt during the perlOcl mL2Q.d lo 10/3112013 end state thal lo lhe besl of my knowledge and belier, the Owner has performed examinaliorla and '8ken c:anedive meas111"111 described In lhis Owner's Report In ac:confllnc:a willl lhe requirements of the ASME COcle, Sedlcn XI. By signing Ulla ceitillcala nellher lhe lnspect111 ar llis emplo1er makes any wan'llnly, exprased ot irqJlad. c:onceming lhe eraminations and ClllmlCliva measures dasc:ribad In 11111 Owner's Repoit. FUllhermimt, neither Die Inspector nor Iii employer ihall be liable in any manner rot any pemonal lnjllry at plllfMlflJ damage at a loss of any kmd artslng fram or connacled with Ull9 lnspoclion. __________

comm1ss10ns Na 1a30 sc 214 eNn lnspec:tar'I Slg1t1l11111 Nallanal Boald.

Pramc.. lftd Endlllllmelltl Dale:1Ql;S10013 13-CM7 Page 157of195 2007 Edman 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II f.W.IDATORV FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR ftEPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTMTY As RequiJed by lhe Provisions or Ille ASME Code Sedlan XI 1. Owner O!J!CESHERGY-PRQGRf§S INC Name FonnNIS2 528 S Church S!me!. C!l.'!!fo!!a NC 282Q1 Sheet-. __ _., ___ or _____ _ 2. _____ N11111 ECf:N/A fiii*NIA 3581 W§ST Enl!Jret HARTSV!U.E. SC 29550 Addrlst WRIW0;20314QP6 CR NIA 3. ... W°"' Patfannad br PROGF!ESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WES'[ ENTRANCE BQ: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addnlsa ldenlilicallan of Sptem: _ _.c ... 1a ... a ... *3..._ ____ F§ .. E,..D"""W...,._AT...,E,...B ... sy......,sr .... EM ..... ----'3050""""-

5. (a) Appllcablit Conl!rur;tlon Code.:..JW...1 Edlllcln.i..lZIZ.

COde caes Design Specllicalion: CPL*Huz.+Y>4B (b) Applicable Edllon or Secllon XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity:

moz Ed!!lqn 20Q8 Adfeada CodeCase: 6. ldentific.alfon of Cnmn.iinl!llb Rl!ftalnld or R1111lacad and Rt! 1acement C-1111111 Namerlf Na!Mllf Mlnuladuav NalfDnal OOler Yew Qmiaed, eampancm Mallufacturcr SedalHcl.

Bolnf* ldllllllllaflon 81111 R.tmoved. or lnllllled 16"X 4" &basco NIA NIA 4 FW*33M6-FW-1971 Removed branch 10 mnnecllon assemblv 16" X4" Mailllenance NIA NIA 4 FW*33116rFW* 2m1 lft!!laUld branch 10 conneclian nsembht 7. Desc:riplfan of Wotlc RE!plp Al:w l!tanch PP"pecllan w!lb pllfabricaf!!Sf fll!lftq 116"1141 a. Ta11 Conducted: Hydnl$laliC l:J PneunaUc 1:1 Nominal 0pera&ng Pressun! rm ewr.,a c-a Olhet M:iJ Pressurel!!.l!)pslg TllSITemp. BllJ"F Page 158of195 A5ME COde &limp (Yasar Ha) N N FORM NIS*2 (BICkl Sheel ...2.. af ..L 9. Remaitw: SH 203148998 ll!l'llOV!!fpadcaae Appicable Minulachnl's Dara Rllpolls la be anachl!d csmFICATI! OF COMPUANCE I cadlfr lhlt 1111 ulllmenll made In Ille ftPGlt n comtct Mt tllil COllfclnns lo die requll8IMlllS af Die ASMe Code. SlcliDn XI. Type Coele Symbcll Slamp .,,,. Clltillcale of AlllllOd&lllan Signed IJllN;; OwlletOI Ownll's Duigneo. CERTIRCATE OF IHSERVICE INSPl!CTION I, lhe undenigned. holding *valid commission issulld bJ the NaUDNll Board of 8aillr and Pfaslura Vessel tnsper:tin and lie sraca DI' PnMllce or Sagth Cam!!na and emp!Drad by HSBC! or HARIFQf!D. CQHNECI!CU! ha¥e lnspeeled Ule i;ampanentl described In 111/s OWner'* Report during lhe period V12J2013 lo 11110013 and slate lllat lo lhe besl of my knowledge 11nd beief, Ula Owner has performed examinations and taken conectiva me8SU!eS descril>ed In this Clwnei's Repoct In llCCORlance willl lhe requlremellls of the ASME Coda, Section XI. By signing this C8l1llic:ale nei1ber lhe lnapedCIJ' ar his empoy1r makes any warranty. pPreued or lmplled. c:ancemlna lhe uamlnatlons and conK1lve ma1S11nss described in lhis Ot.illlt'a Repaci. FurthermGre, 111111ter Ille flllPIC(Dr 11ar hlS empfover shaD be liable in any manner ror any peisanal iliuiY or plOJleltJ dllnage ar a lass of My kind ariMlg hm ar Clllllllldid with Oils inspectlan. Dala:1111/2013 Paga 159of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY Aa Required bf Ille Pravlslons ol lhe ASME Coda Sec:lien XI FonnNIS2 1. Owner DIJXE*ENERG'f.PBQGRES§ INC Da1e* _____ __,1 ... 11 .... 1ao.....,1,..l,__ __ _ Nmne 516 S. Qvc!! 51!1!1! Cllar!a!!e NC 282()1 Sheet:. __ ....... ___ ar __ _. __ _ 2. Plant _ Name Unit. _________ EC#:N/A EE'NIA WRMIQ-.2!)31489 11 R!*NfA 3581 WES! Entnanco RD; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addrns Rap:iir OrganlUllon PO No;Joll No.ell:. 3. Wen Performed by PRQGREss ENERG'f CARQl!NAI INC Hime Type Code Symllol 5'amp: __ o+itff,,,.l'r--- Aulhorlzallan ND.:. ________ 3581 WEST &H!RANCE RQ; HARJSYlllE sc 2955Q Addllla EllplradGn Date: ______ ... NIA ....... __ _ 4. ldelltilicalian ol Sys1em: . .....,oa.....,ss:..,*a.__ ___ fE......,ED....,W..,A ... TEA...., .. s..,v.,.STEM..._:.:.- __ _.30SO ....... ._ 5. (a) Apptlcatl!e ConslNdian Coda;,,JW.J. Edll1on.;.JHI Addanda,;jgA Cede ease.a Design Specillcallon: epkHBft2.M.04B (b) Applicable Edilion or SICClon XI Used for Repalt/Replac:ement Activity: 200? Edillan ZQOI Adlfepda Code Case: N/A 8. ldenliffcallan ar ... nts Rmaired or R., aced and Re 11acemanl c-nts Name of Nameol Manullclurw Nallonat OIMr Yar Comlcll!d. Camponan& Manuflclurer S.WNo. 80ll'll NII, hfllnllfirallrm Bult flllnollld, "' lllltalll!ld 16'" x 4" EbaSco NIA NIA 4 FW-34116-FW-1971 Removed Inn ch 1f connecllan asse"""" 16'" X-49 Maintenance NIA NIA 4 FW-3411&-FW-2013 lnslalled brandl 11 Cllllllledian _.._ ... 7. Description of wartc:J!eplags AFW brand! c:aimesffon !!!lit!! mafabrica!ecl &Hipp no ., a. Hydrostatic (:J Pneurnalicl:J Nominal OperaUng Pressure Ill EJrerftpt (-) Oller M:Z1 Piessunt pslg Test Temp. l!fml "F Page 160of195 ASME Code Slmnp (Y.,ar No) N N *' 13-049 FORM NIS*2 (Back) 9. Renwks: §le 2931489 11 !pmover packagl Appllcable Manufaauntl's Dall Rapoits to bt 1ttadled CERTIFICATE OP COllPUANc& t cenify lhal Ille llalemenls made In Ille repon .mi mnm and this ccmranns 10 the requftmlnb of lhll ASMe Code. SedlOn XI. Qt!e 111112013 Own11rar0wnet1 Deslgnee, Tdle CERTIRCATE OF INSERVIC! INSPECTION I, lhe undersigned, holding a valid c:ammissilm issued by Iha National Boan:! of Boller and Prusure VIUlll lnepec:tors and Iha SlaleorProvincecl S!!Ul!!CNQ!IM and emplDyed by HSecT or HARifQRD. CONN!CTJCUT llave in1pec;1etf Ille campanenls dasclilled In llli9 Dwnet'& Report duMg lhe period 711212013 lo t1n12913 and l1ale that IO ht best of my knowledge and bellaf, Iha Owner has performed examlnaUons and taken carredive measures dascribed In 11111 Ownet's Report In accordance with Iha nsqvlram1nt1 ar the ASME Code, Section XI. By sigMlg lhlt c:mtificate neiltlef \he insl>KtDr Of 111$ emplclJer makes. any watl'ill\r, expressed er lrnlllied, cancemlng Ute examinaUon1 and com=dive measures clescr1bed In 11119 Owner's Repott. Furthermora, neither lhe Inspector nar his emplayir shall be Hable in any manner far any ptl&Onill Injury or pnipmty damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connected wiltl this illspedlan. ______ ___;camrntu1ons Ne 13930 sc2!H ANn lnsptdaf 1 Slgnal&lra Nallmtal Soard, S1111, Pftlvlnce, lllld ElldOllo"'81111. Date:111tl2013 Page 161 of 195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY A& Required by lhe Provisions of the .ASME Code Section XI QUKE-ENERGY.fRQGRESS INC Name 526 S. Church Sl!ffl Char19!te. NC 2§201 Plant _ __.H.:.Bi=.*.i.iR,..OBl.,....NuoSQN .... ,__ ______ _ Name 3581 W£ST Enlranc;e BO: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address WOlt Performed by PROGREsS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC Namu 3581 weST ENTRANCE Bo* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Da1e: _______ 1...,1 ... 12..,12.,.o""t3,.__ ___ _ Sheet:. ___ ..... __ af ______ _ Unit* ____________ _ ECl*N/A EE:NIA WRJWQ*206§Q53 01 CR*NIA Repair Organlzallon PO No;Job No,etc. Type Code Symbol Stamp*---..:Nl:.:,:'A....._ __ Aulhorizahon No.:. ______ __ _ Expiration Date: _____ ___,Nl=-A-- __ ldentlllcalion of System*_* ,..Ct ... ass_.*3 ___ __..s..,e..,B..,VIC,....E...,W"'A ...... T..,E ... R.,.S,...Y...,ST...,.EM...._ ____ 4()60_.. ________ _

  • 5. (a} Applieable Construction*

Code. 831.1 Edilion...lE Addenda.t.f.16 Code Case!!!!! [)Qign Specilicalion: CP!.-XXXX-M.QQ1 (b) Applk:able Edition of Sedlon XI Used for RepairtReplacemenl Aciivity. 2007 Edition 2008 A<fc1enda Code Case. WA 6. ldenlification of Cornoonen1a Reaalred or RA! aced and Re -nts Name of Name or Manufacturer Na Clonal Oltler Year Corrected. Componanl Manufacturer Serial No .. Board No. ldentilication Buill Removed, Of' Installed Threaded ROd Zurn NIA NIA S6-1A 1971 Removed Threaded Rod Nova NIA NIA S6-1A 2013 lnstaDed NulS Zurn NIA NIA 56-1A 1971 Removed Nuts Nova NIA NIA SS.IA 2013 lnstaUed 7. Description ofWOft* Replaced bolling Work performed

n conjunction wilh wo 1127879 10 8 Test Canctuc1ed

Hydrostatic (:J Pneumatic (:J Nominal Operating Pressure (:J Exempt (XI Other IN/Al Pressure l!:!!aJ psig Test Temp. IN/Al "F Page 162of195 ASME Coda Slamp (Yes or ND) N N N N 13-050 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheel_Lof ..2... 9. Remarks* See WO 20§§053 01 and 11127879 10 lyrnoyjr pael!ages Applicable Man11fadurer'1 Dal.a Repor1s lo be auached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I celtify Iha\ lhe stalemtnls made In lhe report are correct and lhis conforms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Sedlon XI Type Code SymbolStamp _____________ eertmca1e 9dh 0*i7?:.* Signed \ \...:.JL-. ISi ENGINEER NIA Date , 111/2013 Owner or Ownlf'1 Designee. Tiiie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, hOlding a valid commission issued by Ille National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and tlle Stale ar Province of Sgylh Cito!ina and employed by HSBG,T of HARTFORD CONNECTICUT have inspecled the components described in this Owner's Report during lhe period 111112013 lo and state that to the bes! af my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exarninaUons and taken c:orrecliY& measures described in this Ownel's Repor1 in accordance lhe requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector or his employer makes_ any warranly, expressed or implied, canceming the examinations and corrective measures desaibed in lhls Ownet's Report Furthennore, neilher the lnspeclOf nor his employer shall be Hable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or canneded wilh this inspection . ..... __

  • __________

Commissions NB 1393Q SC 264 ANll lnspectol's Signature Nallonal Board, Slate, Province, and Endorsements Date. 111112013 13-050 Page 183af195 2007 Ed1bon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 Name of FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY A5 Required by lhe Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI OU!SE-ENERGY-PROGRESS INC Name Dale: ______ .. ___ _ 526 S Chl!!Ch St[!!!. C!!ar!O!le. NC 28201 ___ Na ma 3581 WEST Entrance RP" HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 AddretB Work Performed by PR9GRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 wesT EHTRANce a0: HARJSVJue sc 29550 Address Sheel:. __ ......, ___ of _____ _ Unil ______ _. ______ _ EC#:N/A EE NIA WRJWO 2031489 26 CR*N/A Repair 01g1nlzation PO No;Jab No.etc. ___ Aulholization No.:. _____ .. m..,..:s,__ __ Expiration Dale* _____ _....Nl.,.:A.__ __ Identification of System*....,C ... lass-.. ... 3 ____ F,_,E,..E .. D._W...._!6, ... T,..ER.....,s ... Y,..STE-=M=------3""0"'50._ (a) Applicable Conslrudion Code;_fil,U Edition...Ji§.! Addenda* NIA Code Design Specification CPL-Hem=c:o11 (b) Appticable Ed1lt0n or Section XI Used for Repair/Replacemanl Activity: 2007 Edilion 2008 Adder!da Code Case. tllA ldent11icalion of Comoonenls Reoaired or Realaced and R@ llacement Cornnnnenls Nam*ol Manulaclu'er Nadonal Other Year Caireded. ASME Component Manufacturer Serial No Board"'° ldenllficalion BulR Removed. at Code lflslalled SI amp (Yes or No) Res Ira int Ebasco NIA NIA FW-68-50 197J Removed N Restraint Maintenance NIA NIA FW-68-50 2013 lnstaDed N 7. DescripUon of Work: Bempye anc:t replace pipe suppgrt 8. Test Conducted* Hydrost11t1c 1:1 Pneumatic (:J Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt 1-J Other psig Test Temp. (t!!AI "F 13-051 Page 164of195 FORM NIS*2 (Back) Sheet..Z...of _a.. 9. Remarks* See 2Q314§9 26 lumover package Applic:allle Manufacl111et11 Data Reiiorts lo be atlaehed C!RTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I arltify that the statements made In the report are coriect and lflis conforms to the require_ments of Iha ASME Code. Sedian XI. Certlllcate of Au!horiptlon No. c:::;:;; : Si;ned ._{ £.....__ L{ . !SI ENGINE Dalt 1111/2013 Owner 01 Owner's Designee, Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, Iha undefSlgned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of BOiler and Pre5$Ul'e Inspectors and the State or Province or Sou\!! Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARifORD. CONNECTICUT have inspected the components described in tllis Owner's Repolt during Iha period 10!2312013 lo 111112013 and stale Iha! lo the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corredive measures descnbed in this Owner's Report in ac:c:ordance with the requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificale neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impriect, concerning the eJCaminalions and corrective measures described In !his Owner's Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner tor any personal Injury or propet1y damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with lhi& Inspection . ..... ..... ..... Ml' __ .......... _______ cammlssians NB 13930 SC 264 ANll lnapeclor's Signature Nahonal Baald. Stale, Province. and Endorsaments Oate:1111120n 13-051 Page 165 or 195 2007 EdUlon 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY

1. 3. 4. 5. 8. FORM HIS*Z OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Requm blf' the Prvvlsions of lhe ASME Code Section XI Owner PlJKE-EllEflG)'..pRQGRESS.

INC Name 52& S ClnGb SVeet Ch!dg!!!z NC 212Ql Name 3581 WEST EntraW RQ: HARTSVILLE SC 295§0 Addnns ECf;N/A EE*B9664 WRNJ0;209?311 CR:NIA Work Petfomled by fROGRESS ENERGY CARQLINAS. INC

  • Name 3581 WES!MRANC§ RD: HARISW.LE.

sc 29550 Addnlls ldenlillcallon of System: aau:2 CHEMICAL AND V0t.UME CONTBOL SVSTJM 2!l60 (a) Appricable Conslrucllon Cade,;...!WJ. Edillaw...1111Z Addenda1fa Coda CaseJHtl Design Spec:iiblion: G..§711814 (b) Applicable EdiUon of Seclian XI Used for Repair/Replacement Acllvily: 2007 EsJj!lpn 2QQ8 Addet!da Code case: fil6 Jdaftfill '211tin or-Allnaltad or R11 laced and Re ibrament Cnmnnnenls Name of Nallon;d Other Ye11 Candid. CClmpanent Manufadlnt Sellilf ND. BCll!dNo. ldedl5caUan WI Removed.or lllllllltd Valve Copes Vulcan NIA NIA CVC.20QA 1971 Removed Valve Copes Vulcan NIA NIA CVC*2DOA 2013 Installed

7. DesalptianofWoik:J'GllH;t yatve 8. Test Conducted:

Hyd/OSlallc 1:1Pneumatic1:1 Naminal Opmting Pl'HSUnl f:I Eampt II Oltlar D£!:ZI Pr85sunt l!iQ.f!I psig Test Temp. W2!J 0F Page 166of195 FormNIS2 ASME Cadll Slamp (Yaar No) N N FOAM NIS-2 (Bllck) Sheet ..a. of .L 9. Remadcr. SH WO 20973J8 !umqver pad!* . . AllPlcalllll Mlnufac:Uafs Data RIPORS la be llllldld Cl!RTIFICATI: CF COMPUANCE I canlfy INll Iha 1t111meiils made In the repcrt 11111 COITec:l lft:l lhls confolms la lhe niqullamerds al Ille ASME Cade, s.ctfon XI. Signed ISi ENG!;; Pait 11/1!!ml13 owner or Olmet's OetlgMe, Title CERTIFICATE OF IHSERW:& INSPl!CTION I. Ille Wllfer!ignlld, llold1ng a valld commission issued by Unt Nallonal Board of Bailer and Preuure Vessel lnspedors and Ille SIBie err Pm!nCI or Scndb Catp!!na and employwd by HSBC! of tfAmORO. COM:IECJ1'1JI have inlpeded lhe c:ampanenls dHalbed In Olis OWnets Report dwfng Ille perlacl ID 111191Z013 and 111819 lhal 10 Ole best of mr knawlecfge and belief, lhe Owner "81 perfanned examlnaUans and taken c:omtClive measures deselibed In Ills OWner's Report In accardanca with thll ll!qUlremenls of Vie ASME Code, Sectlan XI, By signing UriS certa'ficale nellllet I.lie lnspedar or Na 8ft111oyar makes any warrana,. mprassed ar lmp&ed. c:ancemlng lhe eiramlnalions ll1d c:arrectlve measunis describfld in lhis Ownei'a Repart. Furlhennant, neither the n111 his empla,er allall be Uable In any manner f111 any personal fniury or propetty damage or a lass of lclnd arising fnllll er cann1ded wilh 11\is l/tSpecllan.. Ollle!1111QQQ13 Page 167 of195 2007 EdiliOn 2008 Addenda APPENDIX U MANDATORY FDRU NJS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Pluvlsians ol lhe ASME Code Sedian XI FmmNIS2 1. DY!(ffNfRGy.eBQGR§ss INC Name Da111:. _____ __.1..,2J.0::::!"2,,_01:.;3:.....--- 52§ S. Church S!rul Cha!!ott<< NC 28201 Sheet __ _._ ___ ot ___ ..._2 __ 2. Unit:. ______ __. ______ _ ECH§1Q4 EE.NIA WRIWQ:2133888 CR NIA 3581 WEST Enlljlnqt BP: HARTSy!LLE SC 29550 Addl8SS Repllr Olganlzalion PO No;Job No,1111:. 1 Wod! Perfonned by fBPGBEM B!£BGY C!BOLINAS INC Nam* Type Code s,m1>o1 siamp: __ AulhDrimlian No.:. ____ __.N..,tA,._ __ ji581 WEST ENTRANCE RO: HARTSVILLE sc 29550. Expinllion 0a111: _____ _.m ... a __ _ 4. 5. AlfdleSI ldentificaUon orsrs1em:....,,.C!.:o:ass,.,...:1.._ __ _,R.,..ev....._ __ __.1 ... 005_ (a) Applicabl!I Construdion Code: ASME Sec, Ill Edition: 19§5 Addemla;!lla Design Speclftcatlan: (b) Applicable Edillon or Sedlan XI Used For Repalt/Replacemenl Activity: 2007 Edi!lon 2098 Adcleflda Code Case: UZ::1 6.

  • ldentitk:atian al Canmanenls Renall2d or Replaced and R11 r.IVIVlonents Nllmtaf
  • Name of Manut.CIUlllr Nalllll'lll Oilier Year Colrld!d, Code Case,._* __ N._r..,.a ASME Component Matufac:hnt' SIMI No. Board No. ICIGDU&callon Bua Removed.or Cade rnl!lllld Slamp (Vaor Ha) RPV Nova NIA NIA RPV 1971 Removed N WasllerllNutS Wllhers/Nuts RPVHydra Nova NIA NIA RPVHydra 2013 Installed N washlll'llNuts Wasllets/Nuts
7. Description ol Wn: RIQ!aa!d RPV Wphem!N!!I!

wjlh Hydm!!4!1s

8. Test Conduded:

Hydnlslalic 1:1 Pneumatic (:J Nominal Operatiflg Pressure f::J Exempt 1-J Other 00'::1J Pressure It!!!) psig Test Temp. [!f!al "F Page 168of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheel...Lol ..2.. 9. Rem.ts: 2133888 l!!mov!r l!idc8Q8 AppliWllG Mnlfaclul8fs Dlla Alports Ill be atlached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I cel1ly that ltlB statemeflls made la Iha ll9Cllt

  • coned llld Ills canfol'llll IO Ille iequilemenls of tlle ASME Codi. Slldlan XI. Type Cude StalllP .., .. IS! ENGINEER Date !TJ191Z01!

Owner ar Ownels Designee. Tille CPllFICATI! OF INSEJMCE INSPl!CTION I, 1111! under.signed, lloldlng a valld commission Issued by Ille Nalfonal Board of Boller and Preuln Vessel Inspectors and Illa S!ale or PRMICll or Sovlh Clm!!na Md ernplored lly HSBCT af HARifDRD CONNECTICUT llaYa Inspected Ille componenla desaibed In ltds Owner's Report during Ole period 6/13/2013 to 1111912013 and stale lhat lo Iha best ol my knowledge and belief, the OWner has petfonned examnt1an1 and laken c:mac:llve measures descriled In this Owner's Report In aceotdance wilh the raqulremenls of the ASME Code. Section XI. By signlng Ilia ceflilicllte neilher !he Inspector at Ills emJ)IDJer makes an11 warranty, eiqnased or implied, cont.emlng Ille examlnalians and camictiva measures descnbed In Diis Ownefs Report. Furthennont. neifler die lnspec:ICll nar his eqilo,et ahall be liable In any manner for any per.;ana1...,.,. or pl'Clpe"1 damage ot a loss of any lclnd arising from or connected will'! lttls lnspecllan. Dlle:t1/t912Q13 13-053 Page 189 of 195 2007 Ecfitian 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ntmeor FORM MIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions or tlle ASME Cede Section XI Owner QUKE-ENERG'f-PBOGREss INC Nallltl 526 S. Cburd! Slret!I. Ct!ar!pHe NC 29201 Sheet, __ __.. ___ o1 _____ _ Addreu Unit* ______ ..._ _____ _ EC!.NIA §!i:NIA WRMf0'20fi172 CR*NIA 3581 WEST Entranoe RD* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Repair OrpdDl!on PO No;Jcb No,elc. Work Perfonnttd by PBQGREss ENERGY CARQl.INAS INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp:, __ _,N,_IA...__ __ 3581 WES! ENJBANCE RO* HARTsyllLE SC 29550 Addre!ls Aulhorliallon No.:. _____ El&plmtiort Dale: -----.&lN:.:;IA..__ __ ldenUllcaUon or Syttem: C!mi2 RESIDUA!, Hf.AT REMQVAL SYSTEM , (a) Applicable Canstn.idiOA Cocle.:...JUU. . Edilion:..19§! Addenda.t!fA Design Speci&catlan: .ttl6 2045 (b) Applialbla Edition of Sadlon XI Used for RepalrlReplac:emenl Activity: 2007 Edj!!on 2008 Ad!l!:flda COde Case: I':!!! klelllillcatlon of Cam11rJ11ents R-lted or Ali< !Aced and Ibo hc:emenl

  • Nameol Mlmlladlnr Ndanal Cllwr Year Caneded, ASME CGmponenl Sl!llalNa.

8a1rdNo. ldentlllc:allan Bulll Aemaftd.ar Code lmlllled 5'llllp (Ya or No) Snubber Anvil 30079 NIA Snubberl18 1971 Removed N lntematlonal Snubber Anvil 38744 NIA SrUlberf 18 2013 lnslded N lntematlonal

7. Description of Wortc:J!tw!aqc:t snubber wilh new snubber rmm sloras 8. Test Ccnduded:

Hydmtallc O Pneumatic D Nominal Operating Pressure U Exempt O 01her Pressuni lalaJ psig T851 Teqi. U!1!aJ °F Page 170 of 195 FORM NIS.2 tBack) Sheet ..z... of .L 9. Remarfls: see WO 2049172 !u!1!9V!!!'oackage.

  • AppliQblll Manulac:lunl(s Data R11pons to be alJaclllld CERTIFICATE OF COMPUAHCE I certiry lhal lhe llllemellll made In Ille repClll are convct and lhis mnrmm& ID Iha 111qu1ntmenas DI Ille ASME cede. Section XI. Cenif'Gle of A11lhDlizallon Na._..,,..

__________ ... 1p11111i1nDllmllllDll-.,....,..., __ ...,. __ Owner or Ownel's Deslgnee;Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holdlng a valid commission Issued by the National Board al Baiklr end Ptassure Vassel lnspedlHS and Ille Slale or Province of SSIS!!h Carq&na and e1111lo,ed by HS8C! or trARTfOAD. CONNECDCU! llava lnspeded the compon1111ls descrl>ed 1n Ills Ownefs Report during Illa period 1!!R4Q013 lD 11119121113 and &U11e Ulat to lhe best of my knawleclge and belief, Ille Owner has performed aaminalions and taken corrective measures descnbed in this Owner'll Report In accordance with lhe requinlmeftts or the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing IJlls ceitillcale neither Die Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, l!llpnlS&ed or Implied, concemlng 11\e examinations and c:aredlve measura desc:ribad In this Ownel's Report. Furthennat9, neither the lll!P&dor new his employer shall be labla In any manner fat any per&0111l lnl111Y or propeny damage or a loss of any kind arising from or c:onneded wilh this lnspadion. ... _______ NB 1;mosc 264 ANH lnspeaal's Signature Nalilmal Boald, Stale, Pnlvinca, and Endanemetl1s Dille:1 tt19!2Qt3 Page 171of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Pmislons al lhe ASME Code Section XI Form NIS2 1. Owner QUKE*ENEBGY*PftOGRESS INC Name Oate: ______ .... 1 ... 1 ... 11.,9!20.,....l.,.3,__ __ _ 526 S. Church Sln!et. Cbadolte. NC 28201 Shee1: __ __,,__ __ 01 ___ ... 2..__ __ ..... ___ Unit. _____________________ __ Harne EC!;82SQ2 EE*N/A WRMI0.01902298 CR NIA 3581 WEST En1ranee RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Repalt Orgllllizalton PO No,Job

3. Wodt Pedormed by f!ROC..RESS ENERGY CAROLINAS.

INC Name Authorization No.*._ --------!Nl ... ___ _ 3581 wsST ENTRANCE RD; HARTSVILLE SC 295!50 Address Expiration Date: _____ __.,Nl..,A..._ __ _ 4. ldenliricalion or Sptem:_..C! .. a,..u,..:""3 ____ ..... --=4:.060----------

s. (a) App&cable Construction EdiUon,;,,J.S§Z AddendaJ:llA Code Case;.H!A Specification*

CP!.=H8R2-fd=04B (b) Applicable EdiliDl'I al Seetlon XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Ec!tt!on 2008 Addenda Code Case: tflA 6. ldenlilicallon of ConmMents Reoaired or Rei laced and R" *lacement COIT!ftllnenls Nam1or Name or Manvracturer Nallonal Other Yea Correded. Component Manuladurer 'Serial No. BoardND.

  • 1llenliflcallD11 8ulll RelllCIVed, er Installed

Backwash Mainte11ance NIA NIA 3-CW*17B 1971 Removed Pinino Blowoff Piping

  • M!linlenance N/A N/A 3-CW*179 1971 Removed Backwash Maintenance NIA NIA 3-CW-178 2013 Installed Piaina Blowoff Piping Maintemmce NIA NIA 3-CW-179 2013 lnslal!ed
7. Oesaiplion of Work: Replace PjRI and associated li!!inas l!!c!ydlng yalves B. Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic[:) Pneumatic[:] Nominal Operaling Pressure (& Exempt {*J Other Pressure lt:jQfJ pslg Test Temp. 1NQ!J °F Page 112or1es ASME COd* SI amp eves er Na) N N N N 13-055 FORM NIS..2 (Back) Sheet ...l.. of L 9. Remarks: Ser WO 19Q229B tyrngver packag1 ' Applicable Manufacturers Data Re.ports to be auached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report a*e correel and this conforms to the requirements or the ASME Code. Section XI. Type Code SymbCll Starnp _____________ ..,Nt...,'A.._ _____________ _ C11tif1C1le of Aultlarizallon

  • JjJJI. Signed I !SI ENGINEER Date 11119/2013 Owner or Ownel's Designee.

Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVIC.E INSPECTION I, Iha undersigned, holding a valid commiSsion Issued by the National Soard of Boiler and Pressure vessel Inspectors and the Slate or Province of South Carolina Ind employed by HSBCI or HARJ'FORQ CQNNECTICUT have inspected the components described In this Owner's Report dulfng Ole period 3116/2013 lo 11/1912013 and stale that to lhe best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perlonned einuninatlons and taken correcbve measures described In ltlis Owners Report In accordance with the requiremenls of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By si9'11ng this c:ertificale neither the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, upressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and correelive measures desaibed in this Ownel's Report. Furthermore, neither lhe Inspector nor his employer shall be 6abla In any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of iny kind arising from or connected with ll!ls Commissions NB 13930 SC 264 AN!! _.......,o;;.:::..t.:..:ns""pec1--._01'1.,....,Slg,,...118CUn11--"-'"'------------,NJtlonal Board. Slate, Province, and Endorsements Dale:11/19QQ13 13.(155 -Pap 173 of 195 2007 Edillon 2008 Addlll'lda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORNI NIS*Z OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIAIREPLACEMENT ACTMTY Aa Required by llle Provisions of lhe ASME Cade Seclion XI FonnNIS2 1. Owner llu!SE-ENEBG\'*PAQGBESS. INC Dale: _____ ... 01..,,3 ___ _ Name 528 S CburFb Sim!!. QmlD!!t NC Z82Q1 S11eet __ _...1 ___ ar _____ _ 2. ECf'NIA El,NIA 3581 WEST Efll!j!nco RP; MNmM! t 'i sc 215!9 WRM/0;22943&1 CR;N/A Address Woltt Performed pBOGBiss EiNERGy CABQUNA$. INC l. TypeCodeSymbalSl;nql:. __ ___ Aulhllrizallon No.:. ______ __ _ 3581 WEST ENIBANCE RD* WUSYJLLE SC 2Wo Expiration Date: _____ ,..N ... IA.__ __ Addrass *. ldenlification of SJS!em: C!m:Z COMPONfiN't CgoyNG WAJER 1Q60 5. (a) ApplicableConsUudfallCode* 831.1 Edlllorr..J&I Addendait!/a CodeCase.tUa Design Specllir:allon: f:!la (b) Appbble Edillon of Set:llon XI Used fat RepalrlReplacemanl Activity: 2QOI EdJ!Jgn 2008 Addl!nda Code case: t!(A 6. ldenlificatian ol - l&amd illld Rs lllcemenl Cmnnarrents NllMDr NamlDf .... llfaclul.I Nlllollll Oilier Year Comlcted, AIMUrtcN'lr Slflll NG. BoanlN11. ldanlllc:IUan Bull Remaved,ar blslllld Valve AndlorlDalllng NIA NIA CC-71Ge 1971 RemOV8d lnutmalS vaiv. Anchar1Daring NTA NIA CC-7168 2013 Installed lrdemall 7. ufWollc:..!!§l!gd va!vt l!Up!a!s and ""9J!!l!ed

8. Test Conducted:

Hydruseallc 0 Pneumallc D Nominal Operating Pressure U Exernp10 Oller l!:!!!I Pressure l!U6) pslg Test Tamp. -'F Page 174of195 ASMe Code SW. (Y** No) N N 13-058 FORM NIS.2 (Back) Sheet .i. or ..L CE!RTlFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I c:artify lhal Ille llllamGlllS made "' Iha l'OPO!t ilJ1I CIOll1ICl and lllis COllfOllllS lo Illa l'9Qllftn11nll or Ille ASME Code, Section XI. Slgned .?!(w#.L-./ !SI ENGINEER P*!t !!QQ/2013 Owner or Ownlts Daslgnee, Tille CERTFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, Iha under.llgned, riordlng a valid c:ammlsslon Issued by !he Nallonal Boanl of Boller and Preeure Vesul lftspedol'!I and Ille State or Pmince af Squth Cf!'!!l!n! and emplovad by HSBCT al HARTfOBQ CONN§CDCllT have Inspected the components dasctlblld In uils Owner's Rlpart during the pelfocf to 11'2Q12D13 nl Slate lhat CO hi best of my knlM1edgtt and belill, the Owner ha perfonned uaminallons and !aken conwc:tlva measura described In 1n11 Ownefs Report In accordance wilh lhe requlremenia of the ASME COiie, Sedlon XI. By signing lhls Cll1ilicale neHhet the lnspeclar at his ampla,er mallea any wananly, 81pr91111d ar impled. c:ancamlng Pie examlnalianl and awrective measuu descrilled In lhls Ownefs Repolt. Fuithennota, neaJler Iha lnspeclGr nor his employer lllall be fiabll In 1ny manner fflr any peisonal lr*1ry ar property c1ar111ge or a loss of any kind arising &cm or connected wtlh this lnspllctloll. _________ Commlss'.lons NB nm sc 214 AN!! lftllllctol'I Slgnlkml Nlllanll Bolld, Slate, Pmfnce. and Endlllltftllllls Dllle:1112C!12!Jt3 Page 175of195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FDR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As by 11\e Provisions of Iha ASMe Cade SctUon XI FonnNlS2 t. Owner DUKE*ENERGY:fRQGRESS INC N;ima . Date: __ ,__ __ ___.1_m""'""S12Q,.....t..,3 __ _ 528 S. Cbureh S!l'l!ftl Charlotte. NC 2!!20! Sheet..__ _ _.. ___ or _____ _ Address 2. Uni!* __ --.,, ___ ._ ____ _ EQ!!;79124 EE.NIA WBJWQ:2121916-14 CR*NIA 3581 WE§'T Enlranca RD: HMTSV!LLE SC 2955Q Addre!IS Repair OqianlzaUon PO No:Jab No,llc. Wotfc Perfannad by eRQGREss ENEBGX CABQL!NAS INC Name Type Code Symbol siamp; __ _,Nf..;o&o;a--- Aullmrlzalian No.:. ____ _..Nl ... A.._ __ 3. 3581 WEST ENTBAfllCE RD; t4ARISVJLl.E SC 29519 Expirallon Date: _____ _.Nl,;iA....._ __ Addml -4. ldenlilicadon or Class:3 COMfONENT CQOl.ING WAIER SYSTEM 4080 5. (a) Appllcabla Construction Cade;..JWJ. Edillon;,,J,E Code caseJ:lfA Design Specification: Ht! (b) Applicable Edition or Section XI Used ror RepalrlReplar.ement Adivily: 2027 l:dl!!on 2008 Ac!dcnda CodaCase: 6 tdenuricauon of com-e 11 R,.,,..1nw4 or Be* laced and Re dacernent -Nlnl=o! NOlmeol Manulld&nr Nallonll 01ll*r Yt:ir COlraded. ComponMl Manufad&ier Selblflo. Bun:IHD. ldenllfiallan Bull flell1avtd. DI lns!aled Ftowmalllr ABB NIA NIA FIC-658 2012 Remowd Flow Meler ABB NIA NIA FIC-059 2013 Installed

7. Description of Wotlc:Rcplpce

!low maier. 8. Test Conducted: H)'dlostalic D Pne\mallc D Nominal Operating Pressure D Exempt O Olhar M:2J Pressura l!':!Qel pslg Tesl Temp. IHQ!J 'F Page 176 of 195 AsrJE COiie Stamp (Yeur No) N N FORM NIS*2 (Back) 9. Rem1rks: Sn WQ 2121918 !Umgver PlcklQ! Repon!l IDllll.aadmd CERllFICATI! OF' COMPLIANCE I cellily lhat Ille slllements macla In Ille 11part 818 called arid Dils confonn1 to lhe requlremlllllS at Ille ASME C<<le, Soe!lon XI. Ceitillcal9v1AulttarlallaaNo

  • . __ .,... ________ :-.--------------

Sl;necl ___ "?"J...__.. __ Pr/--.......i4....._,,.L-..'C""/a:o----'IS!-.,,E.,.N..,G!,..N&..,.a----------D181a1m.1_,1':.1112..,.s""t201&111;:l Owner°' Ownel'1 Dalgnee, 11lle CERTIFICATI! OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, lhe unde1$1gned, holding a valid commission iSS118d by Ole NalioNll Board of Boiler and Pressure V8S$1l h\stleclors and tne Stale or Promce of SPY!h Carg!i"' llld br HSBCI or HARTFORD, CQNNEc;nc;ur 1tav11 lnspeded UwJ components desaibld In lhis Owner's Repoit cMlftg Iha period 311512Q13 to and slate lhilt lo the bnl of mr kllawledge end belief, lhe Owner has perfanned enmlr11*ions and talren c:orrecfve measures descnbed In this Owner's Report In ac:conlance -MUI the requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By lfgnlng this a111illc:a1e neither Die lnspedar Ot tlis en;doyer makes any warranty, expr&sSl!d ar inlplied, cancaming lhe examinallons and c:arrtCllve measures described In 11111 Owner's Bepoll. FLll1hennara. neiher Iha lnspedor nor his employer atian be Uabte In any manner far any personal lnJ!llY ot propef1y damage or a loss of any kind Irising from or c:onnec:ted willl 11115 lnspad]an. ______ --'CommlsaiOns . NB 13930 SC 281 AN!I lnsplCIDr'1 Slgnllure "'1ianll Board. Sllle, Province. and l!ndcllllmanla Page 1n of 195 2001 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 *. 6. Nameol FORU NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVJTY Aa Requited by the Pravislons of the ASME Code Section XI OWner DU!SE*EN§BGY.fBOGBEss ' Name 528 S . C!!un;b SIM!. Ctla!!otte. NC 28201 Sheel: __ ....., ___ ot _____ _ Pmm ___ _____ Name 3!!81 wesr Etitranpe.BO; HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addieu WOii!. Pelformed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA$ INC Name 3S81 WEST ENDWICE RD: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address ..... ----------- EC#;NIA EE:NIA WRIWQ:21Q4385 CR*NIA Repair Organlzallon PO Ncr.Joll No:lllC. Type Code SJlllbol Stamp:. __ Aulhoriza!klll No.: _____ __ exp1ra11an 0a1e: _____ .... ru ... a.__ __ ldenliRcalion of Syslem: . ..J:ICIM:=ii!:?.!::*a11...- ___ ... (a) Applfc:abla Canslrudlon Cocle;..JWJ, EdlllOn;,JiGZ Addenda;?Ha Design Spedliealian: fl§Z§1 Coda Case;.Wa (b) Applirable Edillon of Sedian XI Used for Repair/Replacement Actlvilr. 2007 Edg!on 2008 Acldenda Code case: t!!6 ldenlirlcalitln of c-nents Relihd or R,... laced and R" hicement r-............ 1115 Nlmellf Manuf.aaurer Nallllllal Clller Carre ct ed. ASME CampoNnt ManuflC!untr Sedaltfo. Board No. ldentllclllnn Bull Removed, or Codi lnslaled Sllmp (Yes* NG) Bonnet m HIA NIA CVC-336 1971 Removld N Bonnel m NIA NIA CVC.336 2013 Installed N 7. DescripUOn ofWark:JWplp bonnet nMfllhht a. Te&l Conduded: Hydraslalic (:) Plwumatlc (:) Nominal Operating Pressuns BJ Exempt O Other w::z] Pnlssunt lliQfJ psig Test Temp. l!illl) "F 13-o58 Page 178of195 FORM NIS.2 (Bick) Sheet ..Lor .L 9. Remartcs: Sn WO 2J04385 bnnom pac!caql Appllc:abla t.bnul'actunlt1 Did.I Rtparts to be anadllcl CERTIFlCATE 0, COMPLIANCE I cectilf lhal 1111 GlalemllnlS made in die rlPGlt BIO ODnect Ind lllis Cllllfonns to Of 1118 ASME CDfe, Seclllln XI. C1rtilic:ate of Autharialllln ... ____ Ownlt Dt Owntt'I De11gnff, THla CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICe INSPECTION L Iha undenlgnad. hddlnQ I valld mnrlllsslan Issued by Ille Ha1ional BoaRI of Boi8r and Pl9aln Vessel lnspedam and Ole Stale ar PnMncl or Say!! Carp!!na and ""11ayed by HSBCJ al HAR!fORQ. CQNNECDglT haw: lnspecled Iha c.ompCllllllll dasc:rlied In this OWnel's Report during Iha period 1w1112g1210 11/2'112Qt;a and slata lhal 10 the bat or mr knowledge and beller, lhe Owner has palfcmlecl namfnallDll& and laken comidivll measures descnbed In this OWnef's Report In accardlnce with Iha iequtrements of lhe. ASMe Cade, Section XI. By signing Ulls c:mtificale l'llllher Ille 1nspec1ar ar 1111 einplover ma1ces any wananar. expruMd or Implied, CiGt'IClllling the 8llamlnallons and c:onecllve measures desCrlbed in this Ownefs Repart. Ftlrthennma, neither Iha lnspeclar nor his empla,er 1haa be liable rn any manner ror any ,lllnlOlllll llljury or PRll*tr c1arnaae or

  • loss or any kind mislng fnlfn or canneded wilh !his inspedlon. ....

.... _______ :cammissians NI !WDSC2§4ANJ! !napecta1'1 SlgnalulB Naliaul lloanl. State, Pravlnee, llld Encla11emen1S Data:U/2112013 13-058 . Page 179 DI 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEM!NT ACTIVITY As Required bJ Iha Provisions of Iha ASME Code Section XI 1. Owner DU!<E:ENERGY.f RQGREss lllame

  • FormNISZ 526 S Cburch Sln!e!. Cbarfolta.

NC 28291 Shnt. __ ...._ ___ or _____ _ Addnll& Plant _ ___ Unit ...... .....,,..__ _________ Name EC#*NIA EE*NIA WB!WO:SS8984 CB;NIA 3581 WEST E!!!ranct RQ' H.ARTSy!UE, sc 29550 Address Repail" Otganizatlgn PO No;Job No;etc. 3. W0111 Perfolml!d by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROUNA§ INC Name TypeCodeSymbclSlamp:, ___ Aulhoriz:atlon No.:. _____ __ 3581 wgsr EN!RANC§ RD' HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Expiration Date: _____ ... m ... a..___..__ 4, 5. Jdenllllcallon of System:.,,,,,,Jicras:lljljsi&;,1:2._ ___ (a) Applicable Ccnslruclion Edill1111,;,JBZ Addenda;?:!!,A Desigri Speciflcaliort (b) ApplJcable E'dlllon of Sedlon XI Used 1'or RIPUIReplacement Adivily: 2007 Edj!!on 2008 Adde!!da Coda Case: tMA 6. ldentillcallon er Rl>Nllred er Rf!!I llClld and A.! lacemenl Cnmannenls Nallled Mlnufaclnr Nadonal Oilier Y11r Corr'lded, Comilallllld Manufaclusv Serial Na. BolftlNo. ldlnllllcallon Buil Removed, or lnslllled Valve Tura Machine NIA NIA MS-V1-3C 1971 Removed Internals r.mn I Valve NIA NIA MS-V1-3C 2013 lnstaled lnlemals Cam 7. Description of WOl1cBelmjlt valye lnfema!s.

8. Test Canduded:

Hydra111allc [:I Pneumatic(:) Nominal Operating Pie&swe U5J Exempt(-) Other 1:1 Pressura U::!fAI psig Test Tamp. tt:Y!) "F Page 180of195 ASME Code SUmp (Yes or Nol N N FORM NIS.2 (Back) Sheel .l.. of .Z... 9. Remarks: See WO ff8984 h!mOyer paj:!saqa AclpUcatlle Mlnullldllllf'I Data R1par1S ID be allached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I Cllltify,.. Chi llllemlnts made In " ft!PClll 819 c:amicl llld Uds mNOllllS ID Ille requllamlllftls af Ille ASME Code, Section XI. CERTIFICAlE OF INSERVICE INSPEC110N I. lhe underlligned, hDlding 1 Vlllid cammlS1kln Issued by Illa Na1ionlll Board of Baller Vessel lnspedocs and Iha Slale Cit' Province or Saul!! Caa!ln! and 8111*1yed by HSBCT of HARifQRD CONNEGI!CUI l'llM b\Spedacl Illa """'°"111111 desc::ribed In Ibis Otmel'a Report dulfng Ult perlad 1Ql1912Q!3 la 1 !JZ012CU3 and stale 11\al lo Die ' beSt er my knowledge 11!d belier. Iha owner has ptlfonned examlnaUans and taken corrective measures described In lhis Ownel's Report in accordance with lhe requh'lllMnlS al Iha ASME Code, SKlion XI. By aigning lhis ce11ilicate neilhet Iha Inspector at his enwilayer makeS any wananly, ltJIPl.ued or lmplled, cancemlng Ille oJl8minallons and cilnedlve measuin described In Ills Owne/s Repmt. Fulhnnaiw. neiU1er "8 lrapldor nor his eJnPlarer

  • ih8I be liable In any manner fat an, personal irM or PfOPlltY damage or a lass of any lllnd arising fl1lm er canneded wllh lhls lnllpec1ion.

...;a;:;:...i!\!;;\Mtri..:;;.1.;.:.r.:.;..,...," ....... NB tmp SC 284 AMI lnsplldcll'I Slgnllure Nallollll Board. Sllte, Pnrvlnce, llld EndalMmltllS Paga f8f of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENOIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Namaat FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Provisions of the ASME COde Section XI Owner PYKE-ENERGY-PROGRES§. INC Dale. _______ 1...,1.,..12512....., .. 0,..,13..._ __ _ Name 526 s Church saraea Chartg11e NC 28201 Addren Plant _ __.H......,B.,.R,..OB,....!N..,S..,O..,N...._ ______ _ Name 3581 WEST Entrance RP: HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 AddreH Wolk Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS. INC Name 3581 WEST EN!RANCE RQ: HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Addrns snee1 __ _...__ __ of ___ ...,2,__ __ EC#.NIA EE.N/A WRJW0:2291431 CR NIA Repair OrganlzatlOI\ PO No;Job No.etc. Type COde Symbol S1amp. __ _...Nl..,.A..__ __ Authorizalion No.: _____ .. N..,l...,CI\.__ __ Expiration Dale _____ ._.N...,l""A......, __ ldentilicalion of Syslern*....:.:C:.::!as=.s:o.*..,3 ___ .. .. E,_,CO>QO:N:.:.TR:=Oal..,S'"'y...,Sr.iJE:.iir.::M ____ 2Q60..,.,....._ __ _ (a) Applicable Constl\llClion Code--'!Al.1 Ed1lloni....1UZ Addenda:t{!8 Code Case.t!!a Design Spec:ilication: (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity. 2007 Ednioo 2008 AddeQSfa Code case: !f!6 ldenlifica!ion of ComDOnents Reoairecl or Ret laced and Re Co"""""""IS Hameof Manufadurer National Olher Vear Cone tied. ASME Canpooent Manufacturer Selia!No Bo111dNo. ldenlificallon 8uill Remcwed,or Cade lnslalled Slarap (Yes or No) Shell Flange Ebasco NIA NIA EXCS-LTDN* 2010 Removed N Nu111l HTX Shell Flange Nova N/A NIA E.XCS-L TON-2013 Installed N Nu! l1l HTX 7. Oesmpllon or Work: S!Je!! Range nut (11 raolaced.

8. Test Conducted:

Hydrostatic ll Pneumatic U Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt U Olher U Pressure lr::l!ru psig Test Temp. IH!a) °F 1J.-060 Page 182of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet _a_ of ..L 9. Rema111s Su WO 2291431 turnover oac1saoe Applicable Manufacturer's Dala Reports lo be allaclled CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certil'y that the s1a1ements made in the report are conect and flus conlonns lo lhe requirements of 1'1e ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code SymbolStamp _____ "--------..1;""r'.c."------...;..-------- Certificate of Aulhariulion No-.,,.------------....i:.,111:1.'"------,...--------- __ __________ Owner or Owner'& Deslgnee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holcling a valid commission issued by lhe National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspeclors and lhe State or Province or South Carolina and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT have inspecled the components described In this Owner's Report during the period 912212013 to 11125!2013 and slate that lo the besl of my knowledge and belief, tile Owner has performed examinations and laken corredive measures described in this Owner's Repott in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Coda, Seclion XI. By signing this certificate neilher the Inspector or his employer makes any wairanty, expressed or implied. concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in lhia Ownets Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any petSonal injury or property damage or a loss or any kind arising from or connecle<I with thi$ int.pecllon . .... a ... t1t'.J?fl@- ......... -.;;....;. __ e\ ___ ___________ Co.mmlssions NB 13930 SC 264 AN!! Inspector's Slgna\ute Nalionat Board, Stale, Province, and Endorsements Date 1112512013 13*060 Page 183of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of Owner FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTMlY As Requl11!d by the Provisions of Iha ASME Code Section XI DU!(UNEBGY.PRQGRE$S, INC Name 52§ S Qmb SlrHt, Cl!!lrlq!tt, NC 28201 Sheet:. __ __,_ ___ or ______ _ Planl _ _...H .... B.-..i.:R'l'!OBlNSQ.....,....,...,N.__ ______ _ Name ECIJ:NIA EE*NtA WRtW0:133079!;J QA CB:NIA 3581 WEST Entranca RQ* HABJSV!LLE. SC 29550 Addre88 Repair Organization PO No;Jab No;etc. Work Performed by PROGRESS ENERGY CAROllffAS, INC Name Type Code Symbol Stamp: NIA Authortzatlon No.: __ 3581 WEST ENTRANCE BP: HARJSV!Ll.E SC 29550 Expiration Date: _____ _...tu ... "._ __ AddresB . ldenlificaUon of System: Qay:3 SPENT fUEL PQ.QL COOLING SYSTEM 7110 (a) .Applicable Cons!rUCtlon Code.;..JUU Editlon.i...ll§I Addenda.;Jl!JA Code CaseJ!ifA Design Speclllcalion: t!!A (b) Appllcable Edition of Section XI Used far RepalrlReplacamant Adlvily: 2007 Edl!ipn 2008 Addenda Code Case: WA Identification of Comrxmenls Reoalred or and Re Canmnnents Namaof Manufaclunlr National Olh81 Year Corniclld. ASME Component Manufadlnr sGllalNo. Burd No. ldenllftcatlon BUOi Removed.or Code Installed Slalllp (Vnor No) Valve Edward Valves NIA NIA SFPC-SOSA 1971 Removed N Valve EclWal'ds Valve 78BHR NIA SFPC-805A Installed N Elbow Ebasca NIA NIA NIA 1971 Removed N Elbow Mainlenance NIA NIA NIA 2013 Installed N Pipe Ebasco

  • NIA NIA NIA 1971 Removed N Pipe Maintenance NfA NIA NIA 2013 lnstanad N 7. Description ofWortc Raptace wive SfPC-805A with new ya!ve and pip!ngtelbows
8. Test Conducted:

Hydraslotic 0 Pneumatic U Nomlnal Operalln9 Eliempt 0 Other &r::1] Pressure ltmfJ pslg Test Temp. (HQD "F 13-061 Page 184of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..L. of i. 9. Remarks: SnWO 13307933.os turnoverpackage. Apptic:abla Manulaclurer's Dala Rel)Ons to be ellsched CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE I certify that the Sliltaments made in the report are correct and this conlonns lo the requirements ol lhe ASME Cade, Section XI. Type Code SymbolSlamp _____________ _..N""'"1A ______________ _ .. ____ Signed -n(U/ !Sf ENGINEER Ql!t 1/912014 Qwner or Owner's Designee. Tille CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by \he National Board of Boiler and Pressure Ve5sel lnspedors and lhe State or Province of Sgy!h Carq!loa and emPJoyed by HSBCT of HARTfOBp CONNECTICUT have inspecled the components described In this Owner's Report during Iha pertoCI 10/29/2013 and state that to the best of my knowledge and berief, Ille Owner has performed examlnatiOns and taken corredive measures described In this Owrler's Report In accordance with lhe requirements of lhe ASME Code, Sec.lion XI. By signing this cel1ificate neither lhe Inspector or his employer makes any wananty. expressed or implied, concerning the ex.ernlnaUons and corredive measurn described in lhls Owner's Report Furthennore, neilhsr the lnspedor nor his employer shaD be liable In manner for anr personal injury or propertr damage or a loss of any kine! arising from or connected wdh lh_is lnspecllon ......... NB 13930 SC 264 ANH *li\SPGd(lr's SlgnalUrll National Boarcl, Stale, Provinai, and Endorsements 13-061 Page 1 BS of 195 2007 Ed"ition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FORM Nls-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT AcnvrrY As Required by Ille Provislonl or lhe ASME Code Section XI 1. Owner DIJKE*ENEBGY*PRQGR§ss INC Nlllle FonnNIS2 526 S Cl!urcb S1!nt Ch!ldg!tc NC 28201 Sheet. __ _. ___ or _____ _ 2. Plant _ _.H_...B,_ .... R..,QB.,.l..,NS..,.O.,.N.._ ______ _ Nalllll EC#;N!A li§:NIA W8lWQ;20!IB131 CB:NIA 358t WE§T Ea!rance RD* HARTSVILLE SC 29!j5Q Adlhsl Repair Organization PO No;Jab No:el"- Aulhanzalion No.:. _____ __ &p1ra11an0era: _______ 4'. 5. (a) Applicable CGnslAldlan Code: ASME !II Ediliana.111Q Cade CW.Jf!! Design Specificallon: t!!A (b) Appficabla Edition of Section XI Used for RepalrtRaplacement Adivlly: 2007 Ed!!lpn 2008 Adclcnd!t Code Case: tfl6 6. ldenlificalicm cl C0mllllf1Bnls Reoalred er ar.edandRe laoemenlCc Nan!e af N-af Mlnufminr Nallanll °"" Yell' c:an.:tmd, Cornp1111e111 .. 6eJlll Na. 8olftlf4o. ldtnlilcaUCft BulU lllSbllld Rcw1, AREVA 0701 NIA SIG-A Hot leg 2013 Conected Cclumn47 Row1, AREVA 0702 NIA SIG A Ccld Leg 2013 Corrected Column47 ROW20. AREVA 2299 NIA SIG-A Hot Leg 2013 Correded Column3S Row20, AREVA 2300 NIA SIG A Cold leg 2013 Coneded Cclumn35 7. DescrlpliDn of Work:.fll!gged SIG "A" tubes at rpw 1 column 47 *mt row 20 eqlumn 35. 8. Test Conducled; O Pneumatic O Nominal Opeiallng Pressure D Exempt O Olhor 0 Pressure uaJ pslg Test Temp. "f Page 186of195 ASUE Code Stamp IYHOt No) N N N N FORM NIS-2 (Back) CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANC! I mtify lhat the llalements mad11 In Ille 1111 conec1 and lldl canlanns so Ille of Iha ASMe Coda, SedJon XI. __________ ..... __ ...... ________________________ Signed ISIE?1QJN&E; Pal* !?!*;;; ownerorOwnors Dcstgnee, Tiiie CERTFICATE OF INSERVIC& INSPECTION I, Iha undersigned, ltolding a vaid commission Issued by lhe Natian.11 Boant of Boiler and PlaSUre V111sel Inspectors and Ille Stale or Promce of Wb Camf1!!1 and employed by H§BCT al HABTEOBD. CONNECJIC'Lt have lnspecled II* CDll1'111Wls desc:rilled in tills Ownel"a Report dUrlng Ille perlad 1112112013 to 12f4!'2QU and 5111* that lo Ille best of my knoWledga and belief, Iha Owner has perfonned examinations and taken CDm!ctiv9 measures described In 11111 Owner's Repott In accmdance wilh lhe niqulremenll al Ille ASME Code, Secllan XI. 8y signing lhis cefliicale neilher Iha lnSpector or his emp(ayer makes any Wlllr.llllJ, pPl9SS8d or Implied, ccncemlng 11)8 ;, 8Jlaminatfons and canadlve measures desatbed In lhls Ownets Report. Fwtltannore, nellher the lnspedor nor his employer lhaU be liatll1 In anr manner fat any personal injwy or propetty damage or a loss of any kind arising tram or conneaecr wflh lhis lnspediDft. Date:12/4/2013 Page 187of195 2007 Edilion 2008 Addenda APPENDIX H MANDATORY

1. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEM!HT ACTIVITY As Required by Ute Provisions of lfle ASME Code Sedlon XI Owrler PUKE=&NERGY:flAOGBESS INC ..... FannNIS2 m s. au!!d! s1tnt..Q!w!pne.

NC 28201 Sheet. __ _._ __ . 01 _____ _ 2. Plari!. _ . Nlnl8 EC#:NfA E§*N/A WesT Entnmt RQ* HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Address W&W0:.299B132

3. Wolle Perfanned bit PBOOBEss EftEBGX f.AROL!HAS INC Name m1 wesr ENTBA!l!CE ao: HARTSVM.Li.;

sc mm Address 4. ldellllficallon of sysiem: c;1ap:1 REACIQR CQQlANT sysTEM 2DOS 5. . (a) Appficable Cotlllnlc:tiOn Code: ASME Ill Edillon-...JiU Code CaseaMA Design Speclllcallon; N!! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repalr/Rapl1cament Activity. 2007 E41t!pn 2008 Ads!!Ulda Code Case: Hl6 6. lde111ification of ,..__,,nents R'""21nwt or Rei aced and Re i!Kement Cnmnonenls Nllll8af tklMof Manutaaurwr Na&Jonal Olllllr ,,_ COneded. Mlnufacllnr SelfllNll. Bo1rdNo. lldenllllcatlall Bu* Removed. Cir' ' lnllalled Row11, AREVA 0704 NIA SIG-8 Cold Leg 2013 Com!Cted Col\11111170 Rcw11, AREVA 0703 NIA S/GBHotLeg 2013 Correc:led Col&Jmn70 Row25, ARENA 0706 NIA SIG-B Cold Leg

  • 2013 Corrected Column 10 Row25, ARWA 0705 NIA SIGBHolLag 2013 Canaded Coklmn 10 1. DesCripllon or Wodl:Zf!mld SIG.,. tytms at mw 1 t ca1ymn 10 and rpw 25 co!Umn 10. 8. Te51 Canducll!CI:

Hy$Ollalic 0 Pneumadc 0 Nominal Oper11Ung Pressure 0 Eilempt 0 Olller D Pressure lt!tal psig Tesl Teqi. "F Page 188ol195 llSllE Code Slamp fmrll Niii N N N N FORM NIS-2 (BIClcl Sheet ..l.. af .L CERTlflCATE OP COMPUANCE I cartlfy 11111 lhll slelemellls made In Ifie nipoit at11 correct and tllls conforms to Ille requirements of Illa ASM! COiia, 5eclfon itl TypeCCldeS)lftllolS\amp _______________________ umwa ...... ______________________ ______________________ Slgnecl ?tf&!A.a-el !SJ &Ntj!Nll!B 0Wnlf or Ownen Dulgnee, Tille CERTIFICAT& OF INSERVICE INSPl!CTION I, lhe undenllgned, holding a valid commission issued bJ lhe National Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel lnspec:Con and Iha &tale or Province of Saul!! Cfrpl!na and employed bJ HSBCT of HABifORD COHNECTICU! hava IMpected 118 companencs dascribed In this Owner's Report during the period 1112112013 to 1211l20131nd Slate that lo Iha best or my knowledge and belief, lhe OWner has pelformed axammuons and taken conediva menures desc:riled In this Ownel's Report In accanfanc:e with Iha ruquilemenls ol Iha ASME Code, Section XI. By signing lhla Cllltilicate nellher 11111 lnspedar ar his ernpk!Jer makes 1111'1'1 wamlllly, 9llpl9SS8d ar lmpl1ld, r.oncemlng Che and mtedive meuwes described in lhjs Ownet's Report. Furthennanr, 1111ther lhe lnspedor nor his employer shaQ be Bable In any maMer tor 11f1f ptrsonal injuiy or praperty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or cormeded wllh lhls Inspection. _!!J,..J<i .... _______ Com:mlssians NB 1393QSC284ANI! ln'1**11'S S1Qna1un1 Nallallll Soard, Slala. Pravlncl. and Endol'lllllat\IS Dale:1214129J3 Page 189 af195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by lhe Pnwisions or Ille ASME Code Section XI Owner PUl<EENERGY-fBOGRESS INC Name 526 S. Church St* Char!o\!e. NC 282Q1 Address __ Name 3581 WEST Entrance Ro* HARTSVILLE. SC 29550 Addrua Work Performed by PRQGRE$S ENERGY CAROLINA$ INC Name 3581 WE§T ENTRANCE RQ* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address oa1e _______ 1..,1 ... 14...,12Q ...... 1 ... 1 ___ _ Shee1. __ _.._ __ or ___ _._ __ Unit: _______ _.. ______ _ ECt*NIA Et NIA WBM!018QD231 CR:NIA Repair Organization PO Ho.Job Type COde Symbol Stamp: __ ........ N!"°---- AulhorizatiOn No.: ______ Nu.1:,::;;!.__ __ El!piralion Date: _____ __,N .... 1...,A ___ _ ldenlilicalion at System:_,.Clas...,.s,..*..,3 ____ se..,,..JM.....,,,.C .. E..::W..,;Q,""':r ... e.,.R .. s,..v ... my,,.,..M.__ ___ 4..,Q60 ..... _________ _ (a) Applicable COnslrudion Cocle:...JU.U. Edilion.i...ll!§Z Addenda.Jf!A Code Case1!{A Design Specification: (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Acl1vity: 2007 Edition 20Q8 Addtndi! CodeCase: ldentilica lion or c s Reoaired or Re laced and RA*lacement Cmnnt1N>ots Name of Manufacturer Nali111111! Oilier Vear Conected, ASME Component Manulaclurer Serial No. Board No. ldenliDr:allan Built Removed.or Code Installed SIBlllJI (Ynor Nol Check Valve Ctane NIA NIA SW-545 2002 Removed N Check Valve Crane NIA NIA SW-545 2013 Installed N 7. Description al WOik: Be placed existing sw-545 with :spare refurbished Valve from slores 8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic [:I Pneumatic [:J Nominal Operalln; Pressure (!I Exempt 1-1 Other l!!!.:2J Pressure lH9f!J psig Test Temp. WQIJ "F Page 190of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet ..l. ol ..2... 9 Remarks; See WO 18QQ231 01 lumover package. Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports lo be_aHached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certily lhal the statements made In the repall are cotted and lhl1 conform to Iha niqulrements ol lhe ASME Codo, Sedion Xt Type Code SymbOI Stamp _____________ .1.111:t.11.a-. _____ ........ ______ _ C1rlificale or Authorization Signed ISIF,tfGI::. Owner or Owner's Deslgnee. Tille CERTFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. lhe undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by lhe National Board of and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stale or Province of Sou!h Ci!ro!!na and employed by HSBCT of HAR!fORD CONNECTICUT have Inspected the components descnbed in this Owner's Report duririg lhe period 7113/2013 10 1ll412Q14 and &tale that 10 lhe bell of my knowledge and belief, Iha Owner has performed elCSl'llinallons and taken Corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wilh lhe requirements of lhe ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certlllcale netlher the Inspector or his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correc:Uve measures described In this Owner's Report. Furthennol'9, neither lhe Inspector nor his e_mployer shall be liable In any mamer for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of atty kind artSing from or connecled with this Inspection. ________ eommtssions NS 13930 SC 2§4 ANA lnspedafs Signature National Boafd, State. Province, lllld Endorsements Dale 1114/2014 tl-064 Page 191 of 195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FormNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Namsaf FORM NIS*2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITY At Required by Iha Provisions of the ASME Code Sedlofl XI Owner QUKE-ENEBG'l:fBOGBESS INC Date: ______ _..112 .. 12.,...01 .... Name 52§ S Cbyrd! Skeet ctJar!ollt. NC 28201 3581 WEST Entrance Ro* HAffTSVJLLE SC 29550 Address Wor1c Performed bf PRQGRESS EN£BGY CAROLINAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENTRANCE BP* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Sheet __ __... ___ or ___ _.2._ __ EC#:N(A Ee*NJA WRJWQ:20835§S 01 CR*NIA Repair Organizatloll PO No:Job Ncr.etc. Type Code SfmbDI Slamp: __ __ AulhoriZation No.:. _____ Expirallon Data: _____ .....,.N"'IA __ _ ldenlificaUon of Sys1em:_..c..,1ns_..*2...._ __ ... .. vS111.TEMU:&11t1---..,j2060.-1e.- __ (a) Applicable Conslrudlon Cocle...J!ll.1 Edltton:_im AddendaJf!A Code Case;Hta Design Specmcallon: (b) Applleabla Edilion or Section XI Used for Repair/Replacement Activity: 2007 Edl!iqn 2008 Alfdanda CodeCase: klentificallon ol ComoonP.nts R....aired or 5.., aced and 5,. 11acernen1 Cnmnonents Name of M1nufac:1Urer

  • Niltlonal Olhtr Year Comtdlld, ASME Component ManulacluD!I' Serial No. eoaid Na. ldenlillcallon Su DI Ramovad,or Cod* lnslalled Stamp (Yea or No) Checl( Valve Edwards NIA NIA CVC-313 1971 Removed N Check Valve FloseJVEI 4SBMM NIA CVC-313 2013 Installed N Elbow Ebasc:o NIA NIA NIA 1971 Removed N Elbow DubOSe NIA NIA NIA 2013 Installed N 7. Description ol W0111:.8m}lac&d ch!c!s ya!ye !Ind dxJw by weldjog 8. Tesl Conducted:

Hydrostatic (:I Pneumatic[:] Nominal Operating Pressure (2g Exempt(*) 13-065 Page 192of195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheel .l.. of ...z.. 9. Remarks: See WO 2063555 01 turnover package Applicable Manufacturer's Dela Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I ctr11fy !hat the sla!emants made in Iha repor1 are corred and this confDllTls to lhe requirements of the ASME Code, Secllon XI. _____________ Certilieal* of Authorization No._..,... __________ _,.,&,..'A.._ ______________ _ Signed ./ IS! ENGINEER Dale 1/2/2D14 Owner or OWnel's Designea, Tdle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, 11\e undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by lhe Nallonal Board or Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Slate or Province of South Carolina and employed by HSBC! of HARTFORD. CONNEC!ICUT !lave lnspecled lhe components described in this Ownaf'1 Repost during the period 10125/2013 lo 1Ž and stale that lo the best or my knowledge and belief, tl)e Owner has performed examinaUons and taken corrective measures described in lhls Ownel's Repor1 in accordance wilh the requirements of lhe ASME Coda, Section XI. By signing this certincale neitner the Inspector or his employer makes any warranly, expressed or conceming the examinalions and corrective measures described In lhbl Ownel's Report. Fur1hermore, neither the lnspeclor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with lhis Inspection. Cammlsslons NB 13930 SC 2§4 ANll .. re--------------N:atillnal laanl, St1ta, Province, and Endorsements 13-065 Page 193of195 2007 Edition 2008 Addenda APPENDIX II MANDATORY FonnNIS2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Nameol FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of lhe ASME Code Section XI Owner DUKE ENERGY-PROGRESS. INC Name 526 S Church SI.. Chatlattt NC 282Q1 3581 WEST Entrance RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address

  • Work Pefformed by PBQGREsS ENERGY CARQL!NAS INC Name 3581 WEST ENIBANCE RO* HARTSVILLE SC 29550 Address Date* _______ t..,l..,13/2......,0:..:1;:,4

___ _ Sheet: _________ or ___ _.._ __ Unit: ____________ _ EC#:77J83 EE*NIA WRJW0:2086§32 CR NIA Repair Organization pQ No:Job No.etc. Type Code Symbol Slamp* __ _...N""fA:......-- Aulhorization No.: _____ __,Nl:.:..'A..._ __ _ Expiration Dale: _____ __,N"'l"'A __ _ ldenlilicalion of System:__..c .... 1a .... ss,.,,..MC..._ __ ... __ _.8Q....,10_. ________ _ (a) Appticable Construiclion Code. ASME Ill Acldenda;,19§§ CodeCase.!!fa Design Specilicallon: G*19Q559 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Used for RepairtReplacement 2007 Edjtjon 2008 Ad!fenda Code Case: H{6 ldenlilicallon of ReDaired or Reolac:ed and Re lacement Comoonents Nameol Menulac:sunu National Other Veer Corrected, ASME Component Manufocturer Serial No. Bo11rd No. ldanllllcallon Bu ill Removed, or Code lnslalled SI amp (YHor No) Equip.Hatch Chicago Bridge NIA NIA EQUIP-HATCH 1971 lnslallecl N & Iron 7. Descnplion of Wolfd!ocli!ied ma eauioment hft!Ch by welding auick closure damplna deyjces 8. Test Conducted: Hydrostatic l:J Pneumauc l:l Nominal Operating Pressure l:J Exempt [*I Other r:!!} Pressure (:) psig Tesl Temp 1:1 °F Page 194 of 195 FORM NIS-2 (Back) Sheet...2...of ..L 9 Remarks* See WO 2086§32 01 turnover package. Applicable Manurac1ur11r's Data ReportJ lo be altached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certily that the 1tatements made in the report are catrect ;ml this ccnrorms to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. TypeCocteSymbolSt;mp _____________ __,N,..1/A.._ ______________ _ CertlllcateofAuthorizatlon No. ____________ ... Signed ............................ .......... Owner or OWner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by lhe Nalional Bo;rd of Soller and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and lhe Slate or PnMnce of Squlh Caro!joa and employed by HSBCT of HARTFORQ. CONNECTICUT have inspettecl the components described ill lhis Owner's Report during the period 911412013 to t/1312014 and stale that lo the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures desalbed in this Owner's Report In accordance wilh the requfremenls of !he ASME Code, Sec:lion XI. By signing this certiric:ate neHher the Inspector or his employer makes any wam1nty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furlhennora, neither !he lnspec:tor nor his employer shaP be liable In any maMer for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any hind arising from or connected wrlh this inspection. _______ Cornmlsslons NB 139JQ SC 264AN!I illlP8dOl's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Oste:l/13l2014 13.(166 Page 195of195}}