ML061000477 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 11/14/2003 |
From: | Carter B D Southern Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
35510-C, Rev 57 | |
Download: ML061000477 (5) | |
Kb 0'Approved By '1 EetrcI la tProcedure Number Rev B. D. Cartel, VogtleElectricGeneratingPlant Ad I I_____ 35510-C 57 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIHE DEMINERALIZED WATER MAKEUP Page Numlcr 11/14/2003 SYSTE 1 of 5 OPERATION OF THE DEMINERALIZED WATER MAKEUP SYSTEM PROCEDURE USAGE REQUIREMENTS-SECTIONS Continuous Usc: Procedure must be open and readily available at the Work.0 location.
Follow procedure step by step unless otherwise directed.Reference Use: Proccdure or applicable section(s) available at the work NONE location for ready reference by person perfonning steps.Information Use: Available on plant site for reference as needed. 1.0 to 4.0 and 6.0 I!I I.1 I II i Print-] M.n-h IA MO Anta I n-'ll Approved By ~ , *4Procedure NJumber Rev B. D. Carter i logtde Electric Generating Pralat A 35510-C 57 Date Approved OPERATION OF TILE DEMINERALIZED WATER MAKEUP Page Number 11/14/2003
_ STJi ...M ___ 2 of 5lINFORMATION USE 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure acts as an interface document for the plant and the IONICS Water Treatment Plant. This procedure contains instructions for the operation of the Dernincralizer Booster Pumps and the Chemistry Control Parnmeters for the Dernineralized Watcr Storage Tank (DST) and the I10NICS Water Treatment Plant Effluent.2.0 APPLICABILITY This procedure applies to the operation of the Demineralizer Booster Pumps and the operation of the DST.3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 When handling the regeneration chemicals (acid and caustic soda) follow chemical safety rules per VEGP 30030-C.3.2 The Plant Make-up Water Treatmen:
Svs.tzrn has a maximum capacity of 400 gpnm with both trains operating or a capacity of 200 gpm with either train operating.
3.3 The Plant Make-up Water Trcatment System will not operate when the Make-up Well Water Storage Tank is below 5 feet.3.4 Westronic Conductivity/Silica recorder ACRS-17575/AR-7520 controls the automatic on/off of demineralizer transfer pumps A- 141 8-P4-001, A-141 8-P4-002, and A- 141 8-P4-003. If the Westronic recorder is to be turned off, notify operations to switch demincralizer transfer pumps from the "auto" to "on" position.I P4n.t ancI h i rA a,)f, t ia) If l Approved By : E .Procedure Number Rev B. D. Carter- Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 35510-C 57 Date Approved OPERATION OF TilE DE MINERALIZED WATER MAKEUP Page Nuirncr 11/14/2003 L T 3 of 5 4.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The IONICS Water Treatment Plant wvill consist of two trains each capable of prod c~ing 200 GPM. Well water is supplied to the system from the well water storage tank by three Demineralizer Water Booster Pumps, each with a capacity of 220 GPM. The wvell water is filtered through multi-media filters prior to passing through a cartridge filter. After filtration the water is passed through a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system. Following the Reverse Osmosis system the water is passed through an Electo-deionization system (EI).Following the EDI system the water passes through a series of Primary Polishing Mixed Bed Demineralizers.
From the Primarv Mixed Beds the water is degassed in a Catalytic Hydrogen Oxygen Removal System (CORS). After the Oxygen removal the water is passed through a final set of'virgin resin Polishing Mixed Beds Prior to entering the DST.IONICS personnel are responsible for the operation of the system and the production of high quality demineralized water required for the operation of the plant.CONTINUOUS USE i 5.0 SYSTEM OPERATION NOTE a. These valves and switches may be operated by Ionic personnel.
These valves and hand switches will be included in ION'ICS operating procedure.
- b. The use of these pumps and valves may be used during flushing and testing of permanent water treatrnent system.5.1 OP3NN/VERIFY 0?1"i-N Demineralizer Booster pump mini-flow valve (i) A-1408-U4-525 for Demineralizer Booster pump A-1408-P4-006.
(2) A-1408-U4-524 for Demincralizer Booster pump A-1408-P4-007.
(3) A- 1 408-U4-523 for Demincralizer Booster pump A- 1 408-P4-008.
5.2 OPEN/VERIFY OPEN Demineralizer Booster pump Suction valve to 100%.(1) A-H V-17457 for Demi neralizer Booster pump A-I408-P4-006.
(2) A-H V- 17455 for Demineralizer Booster pumnp A- I 408-P4-007.
(3) A-HV17453 for Demineralizci Booster pllInp A-1408-94-)008.
P'iml M'wh IA , AAA nt I A-I)
Approved By AProcedure Number Rev B. D. Carter' Vogtle Electric Generating Plant A ._5 _ ___re 57 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIHE )EMINE1RALIZED WVATER MAKEUP Page Number 11/14/2003
_ I aM. 4 of 5 5.3 OPEN /VERIFY OPEN Demineralizer Booster pump discharge valve to 100%.(I) A-HV-17458 for Demineralizer Booster pump A-1408-P4-006.
(2) A-HV- 17456 for Demineralizer Booster pump A-I 408-P4-007.
(3) A-HV- 1 '7454 for Demrnne: alizer Botc: punmp A-I 40S-P4-008.
Demineralizer Booster pumps as needed to provide required pressure and flow by placing hand switches in the ON position.NOTE These hand Switches will be relocated to panel A-1409-P5-ADP.
These panels arc located in the Water l reatment Plant Control Room.(1) START Demin booster pump #1 -A-1408-P4-006 -by placing Hand Switch HIS-17407 in the ON position.(2) START Demin booster pump #2 -A-1408-P4-007
-by placing Hand Switch HS-17408 in the ON position.(3) START Dcmin booster pump #3 -A-1408-P4-008
-by placing Hand Switch HS- 17409 in the ON position.5.5 When the Demineralizer Booster Pumps are no longer needed to provide water to the Ionics Water treatment facility: (1) STOP Demin booster pump #1 -A -1408-P4-006 -by placing Hand Switch HS- 1 7407 in the OFF position.(2) STOP D[emin booster pump #2 -A- I408-P4-007
-Switch by placing Hand HS- 17408 in the OFF position.(3) STOP Demin booster pump #3 -A-1408-P4-008 -by placing Hand Switch HS-17409 in the OFF position.5.6 Operation of the Ionics water treatment facility will be governed by Ionics procedure# ION-0002.Prn~tm Mnrrh It, "AOf .I 0l1 Approved By .Procedure Number Rev B. D. Carter Vogtlc Electric Geeneratfitg Plant A 35510-C 57 Date Approved OPERIATION OF THE DEMINERALIZED WATER MlAKE:UP Page Number Q. 11/14/2003
__YTE -- I_5 of 5 INFORMATION USE 6.0 CHEMISTRY CONTROL OF THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 6.1 IONICS will verify on a Daily basis the effluent of the water treatment plant.7.0 CH EM ISTRY CONT'RGL 0 f T1 E DJST 7.1 Chemistry wvill monitor the DST as soccified in VEGP Chemistry procedure 30025-C.Sodium 5 3 ppb Specific Conductivity
< 0.2 xrnhos Silica < 10 ppb Dissolved Oxygen < 100 ppb ChlorideN I < 150 I)pb__l__ lUi('.1 < 1-50 ppb T.O.CN. I < 100 pI)b N These analyses are analyzecd on an as needed basis, mainly for troubleshooting and system upsets.8.0 REFERENC TS 8.1 IONICS PRO)CEDUlRE t -0002.O ENID OI PROCEDIURE, TEX.T Pnntfzl M.noh IA MO ennc at I)JX I