ML061000479 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Vogtle |
Issue date: | 01/10/2006 |
From: | Sundaram S Southern Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
35585-C Rev 13.1 | |
Download: ML061000479 (35) | |
Approved By iProcedure Number Rev Shan Sundaramr Vogtle Electrlic Generating Plant A 35585-PC 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THIE SEWVAGE TRIEATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 1 of 35 OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PROCEDURE USAGE REQUIREMENTS- SECTIONS Continuous Use: Procedure must be open and readily available at the work NONE location. Follow procedure step by step unless otherwise directed.
Reference Usc: Procedure or applicable section(s) available at the work ALL location for ready reference by person performing steps.
information Use: Available on plant site for reference as needed. NONE Printed March 16,, 006 at 10:34
Approved By . _ Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram Vogde Electric Generating Plant k I 35585-C 13.1 Datc Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Pa-c NunDer 01/10/2006 _ P 2 of 35 IREFERENCE USE1 1.0 PURPOSE To provide instructions for proper operation, waste water sampling and analysis, chemical addition, routine maintenance and response to malfunctions of the Clow Aer*-O-Flo Sewage'Treatment rPialt.
Approved By Procedure Number Rev SAnpSvnd a y - ootle Electric G ulerating PlTAnt 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THIE SEWVAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Nunfcr 01/10/2006 3 of 35 2.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS' 2.1 Sanuril chlorination system tablets are a tabulated form of calcium hypochlorite. Normal sale chemical handling precatutions and limitations apply.
2.2 Calcium hypochlorite causes severe burns. Avoi(l contact to eyes, skin, or clothing. Do not breathe vapors. V'cate poorly vc-ii'laiec: asreas as soon as possible and do not return until odors have dissipated. Always wear goggles aind nbber gloves when handling calcium hypochlorite.
2.3 \When work is being performed inside the handrails of a sewage treatment plant with grating remrov ed. a life vest should be worn.
2.4 Use good electrical practices and caution when working around electrical hazards or boxes containing exposed circuits and components. Refer to NMP-SH-003, "Electrical Work Practices" for specific guidelines on electrical safety.
3.0 PROCEDURE 3.1 BIOLOGICAL PROCESS OF SEEWVAGE TREATIMENT 3.1.1 Aerobic digestion is the use of aerobic mcroorganisms for biochemical decomposition of organic matter to inorganic or stable solids.
3.1.2 The process works through formation of a brownish floc-like substance principally composed of organic mnatter from sew-age and inhabited by bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
3.1.3 Microorganismsr reduce the amount of solids suspended in wastewater by absorbing colloid and dissolved organic matter and ammonia from the floe.
3.1.4 Nutrients fiom organic matter me absorbed by microorganisms and converted into insoluble non-putrescible solids.
3.1.5 A specific group of microorganisms is involved in each step of sewage processing.
Printed March 16.2006 at 10:34 I
Approved By t * . 4 Procedure Number Rev Shan Sunditarnm~ gI Ic w~~I~tn ~ln 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIlE SEWAGE TREATIMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 4 of 35
AND OPERATIOrN OF THE SYSTEM NOTE Refer to Figure 1, for component locations.
3.2.1 Surge Tank The 24,655 g-dion surge tank is desivned to accomnmodate surges of influent whith can then be evenly distributed to the three treatment units over an extended period of time. The tank is equipped with comminutor, submergible pumps, blowers, air diffuser system, air lift chamber, flow control boxes and air lift pumps which function as listed below.
- a. Solids in the influent are shredded by the comminutor to allow for quicker and more efficient processing of wastes.
- b. float switches start and stop the submergible pumps located on the east side of the surge taifk aplproximatcly 1/3 the ntilih firom the inlet. These pumps transfer influent feed to P3 treatment unit flow control box. Excess flow is returned to the surge tank by an overflow line. The operation of these pumps is controlled by hand-offl auto switches located in the #3 unit electric control box.
- c. Blowers supply compressed air to diffusers to keep the solids suspended and to the air lift pumps for motive air. The two blowers can be automatically alternated by a timer located in the control box at the vest side of Unit I STP. Blowe:-s may also be operated in "Hand" position and altered as needed by STP operator.
- d. Submergible ptumps, located between the blowers and the airlift chamber, transfer intluent into airlift chamber. Excess flow is return to the surge tank. Float switches start and stop these pumps in the automatic mode.
- e. Air lift pumps transfer influent from the surge tank airlift chamber into both or either #1 or V2 unit flow control boxes, with the excess returning to the surge tank over flat plate weirs.
- f. Flow distribution to the three treatment units should be balanced to optimize the operatio;- of each unit . Ar. until train may be taken out of service as flow and surge capacity permit.
Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By AProcedure Number Rev Shan Sundrarn Vogtle Electric Generating Plant A 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TI-IE SENVAGE TREATMENT PLANT PageNumber 01/10/2006 ____ ____I 5 of 35 3.2.2 Treatment Units 1 and 2 Treatment Units I and 2 are 3-zone package aeration plants, which contain an aeration zone, a clarifier zone, a sludge digester tank and associated systems.
- a. The acration compartment is one large undivided compartment. Aeration is provided by a blower f it Air Difflib-r System located on the east side of the compartment.
- b. The Water Spray System, powered by an electric pump, provides froth control by l spraying clarifier supernatent onto the aeration compartment water surface.
- c. The clarifier, comprised of two separate hoppers, acts as a sludge settling compartment for treated sewage.
- d. The Sludge Return System recycles activated sludge from the bottom of the primary clarifier to the aeration chamber via the air lift sludge pump. The return system from the secondary clarifier only recycles sludge to the middle of the aeration chamber.
- e. Sludge return air valves can be adjusted to regulate the amount of sludge returned to the aeration compartrnent.
- f. Floating solids in the clarifier are removed by the Air Lift Skimmer System and returned to the aeration compartment.
- g. Blowers power all systems of the treatment unit except the WVater Spray System.
- h. An aerobic sludge digester tank is provided to allow for storage of excess sludge. Calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, or other disinfecting agents are released into the treated effluent after the effluent cnters the chlorine contact chamber. Treated effluent is discharged to the lift station as combined flow from the treatment plants Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Apprnved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Stndaram Vegte Electric Gc ereatin g iantjA 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SENWAGE TREATIM ENT PLANT Page Number 01__10__2006_ 6 of 35 3.2.3 Treatment Unit 3 NOTE Unit 3 Comminutor may be operated in either the On or Off position as detcrrminculby the STP operator whcn in service. TreatmenT, Unit 3 is designed and operated in the same manner as Units I and 2 except as noted below'. If necessary, the comminutor may be placed in manual.
- a. An influent cominutor and bar screen are located at the inlet of Unit 3 after the flow control box.
3.2.4 Lift Station The lift station is a suinp into which the effluent from the teatment units drains, which punips the comnbincd effluent back up to the WN'WRB. The pumps are mounted above the sump in a weather protective enclosure and draw suctior from the sump near the bottom. The pumps are controlled by handswitches located in a control box on the north side of the lift station. In the automatic mode, sump level control floats start and stop the pump.
These pumps may be alternated to promote pump lift if flow conditions allow. A high level alarm light is activated by the top level float. This alarm light is located along side of the control box on the north side of the lift station. In the event of' pump failure, the lift station sump WE overflow lo the river through the outfall that was in use during the plant construction phase. This is a N\PDI-S breakdown reportable occurrence. The pump environmental shelter is equipped with a heater for freeze protection. The heater control switch is located by the alarm light. Ensure if freezing conditions are indicated the freeze protection heater is turned on. The discharge of the lift station pump(s) is directed to the appropriate WWRB through the 3 way 4 inch valve, A21 19-U4-503), located about 30 feet west of the NW co:ner of the north WWRB.
3.2.5 Sewage Trecatmnent Holding Pond In case of STP system breakdown/outage, the influent raw sewage may be redirected to the Sewage treatmcnt Holding Pond, at the discretion of Chemistry Supervision. The Sewage Treatment Holding Pond is located northeast of the STP and it is gravity fed from the last sewage influent manhole above and to the south of the STP. Refer to Attachment 3 for instructions on purmping down the Sewage Treatment Plant Holding Pond.
Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram rrogtleEleci~ric Generating'PliantA 35585-C 13.1 Datc Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PagcNurn'er 01/10/2006 _7 of 35 3.3 SAMPLING, ANALYSIS, AND CONTROL OF CHEMICAL PARAMETERS 3.3.1 Dissolved Oxyg'ln (DO) DO level 0.5 ppm is essential for supporting aerobic microorganisms which degrade and digest organics and solids in se-wagc vastewater. Analysis shall be performed weekly to maintain these DO 1cvel. If results are not within specified targets, the DO content can be controlled by regulating the amount of air emitted from aeration comnartment diffusers using the methods listed below.
- a. For DO results below 0.5 ppm, increase the compressed air flow rate to diffusers by turning air diffuser drop line valves slightly or adjust blower timer in affected unit control panel to increase aeration time.
3.3.2 pH Detennination Attempts should be made to maintain pH between 6.0 - 9.0 to ensure final effluent meets N.P.D.E.S. limits and to ensure viable populala:ions of microorganisms which are sensitive to extreme pH values. Observe pH- value and measure wastewater temperature. Record both values on Work Sheet 2. For this application the sample temperature is not required to be 25c +/- 30 C.
NOTE The pH on the units may drop low and I or 2 bags of soda ash are added to the affected unit's aeration chamber to raise pH. p-I in each unit has been known to drop as low as 3.1. A low p1-I could indicate lovw sewage input into the Sewage Treatment Plant. If this occurs, digestible matter from the sludge holding iank may be added to reactivate the treatment process.
3.3.3 Settleability (%/ Settleable Solids) The volume of sludge present in the aeration compartment indicates load on the Sewage Treatment Plant. If the amount of suspended solids becomes extremely high or low, the plant will be inetfficient at processing wastes. Settleability shail be deteiminei as per ChJemistry Procedure 32432-C. Obtain seti:leable solids valus: arnd record( results on NWcrf Sheet 2.
Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By I t- Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundarame ogtc enerating Plant 35i5ec5ric 13.1 35585-C Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWVAGEI TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 ._ 8 of 35 If settleability results exceed 80%, divert excess sludge from the clarifier to the sludge holding tank. If settleability results are below 20%, add sludge to the aeration compartment by scraping the clarifier walls and diverting sludge to the aeration compartment.
3.3.4 Free Residual C-lorirc Calcium hypochlorite. sodium hypohliorite, or other disinfecting agents is added to the final effluent to destroy pathogenic microorganisms prior to discharge. To accomplish this. free residual chlorine should be maintained greater than 0.5 ppm. Samples for chlorine analysis shall be taken each day, Monday through Friday except on holidays, from the final effluent at the lift station. Record residual chlorine value in pprn on Work Sheet 2.
3.3.5 Biochemical OxygEIn DCeTmand (B OD) Refer to VEGI' Procedure 36001-C, "NPDFS Penmit Implementation And Control" for instructions on sample bottle preparation and on collection and shipping of BOD samples.
NOTE BOD sample shall be shipped overnight, so that the offsile laboratory should receive thc smnrnplc(s) the foiloviing morning after collection. BOD sample shall be collected at firal effluent lift station chamber after chlorination.
This sample is only taken when there iv a discharge to the Savannah River. Samples shall be packed in ice immediately after collection and taken to the receiving warehouse on the day of collection and shipped overnight. The sample is sent to the GPC Environmental Laboratory. If BOD results are greater than 30 ppm the problem may result from under aeravion or sysiem flooding.
- a. If under aeration occur,. increase the amount of air to the aeration compartment as per Step 3.3. 1.6 of this procedure.
- b. If system flooding occurs, reduce the liquid load on the plant by adjusting the influent regulation valve for the appropriate treatment unit.
3.3.6 Physical Description of Wastewater Printed March 16. 2006 at 1034
Approved By Alogtie Electric Generating P,,.1 4 Procedurc Number Rev Shan Sundatrani iotcIIc'c~~ea~gr~~td5'. 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved iOPEIRATION OF TIlE SENWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Pagc Number 01/10/2006 ___ 9 of 35 Color, odor and amount of foaming provide a quick means of detennining if the treatment plant is operating properly. These characteristics shall be noted daily on Work Sheet 1.
Any deviations from the nomrial operating characteristics shall be brought to the attention of the Laboratory Supervisor or his d-signec.
3.4 CHLORINE A'rJWTI)7'10N AI1D) CON7klTROL 3.4.1 Chemical Addition Chlorine content of the effluent may be controlled by varying the number of slow dissolving calctium hvpochlorite tablets in the unit effluent streams, or by varying the addition rate of sodiurn hypochlorite solution if used. The rate selecte(i. will try to m iintain greater than 0.5 ppm of free residual chlorine in the final effluent as a target value. Ensure that Sariuril System Feed Tubes are filled each day, Monday through Friday except holidays, when in use.
3.5 ROUTINE NU'JOiNTElNANCE 3.5.1 Daily Maintenance Remove any large objects sucn as rocks or blocks of wood from comminutor. IEnsure cormninutor is siA'itced off'pl;r to remnovirg debris. Use a large dip net or equivalent to remove any floating solids from the clarifier. Check to see that clarifier skimmer3 are approximately 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch below the water surface. If noi, adjust the T-itype allan nut located 6 inches from the top of the skiimmer. for Units I and 2; and T-type wrench located above waterline for Unit 3, as needed. Wash down the water spray nozzles with a water hose a:nd check for proper nozzle spray action. If clogging occurs, hit niozzie cap and allow water to flow freely for several seconds. Flush the spray nozzle pump chamber with a water hose to prevent accumulation of dent-ris. Wash down expmosed piping and grating with a water hose. If required gently scrape sludge from the clarifier walls to ensure adequate recycling by the sliudge returr svstem.n Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By .r1 Procedure Number Rev Shani Sundarain ____ ogtie Electric Gener,~tI~1 i A~35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THIE SEWAGE TREATMldENT PLANT PagcNumber 01/10/2006 -__ __ _ 10 of 35 3.5.2 As Needed Maintenance Hydroflushing of sludge return piping and skimmers is only necessary if clogging oxurs. Exposed painted surfaces should be touched up to prevent corrosion.
3.6 SCi-IEDU~t i.EUAINTENANCE 3.6.1 The Maintenance Department is responsible for keeping records of and performing maintenance on the Clow Sewage Treatment Plant equipment.
3.7 MALFUNCTIONS 3.7.1 Refer to Table l, Aer-O-Flow Visual Checklist, if problems occur in sewage plant operation.
3.7.2 If any equipment nalfunctions, no.ify the Ldl Supervision or designee and generate a Condition Report to have a Work Order initiated.
3.7.3 Note any malfunctions and corrective actions taken on the comment section of Work Sheet 1.
13.8 SLUDGE REMUOVAL 3.8.1 Sludge from the Sewage Treatment Plant is removed and transported offsite to an approved disposal area by coitracted vendor. Sludge shall be sampled and counted for Gross Activity before it leaves plant site, per Procedure 3303 1-C. Transfer data package to the Chemistry Supervisor.
3.8.2 Notify the Environmental Specialist when sludge is removed for offsite disposal. Sludge is reported on the quarterly operational monitoring report.
NOTE If tannks can be isolated and influent is stopped, one tank sample may b-analyzed by gamma spec anaYsis. If results meet acceptance criteria, the tank contents can be shipped offsite without additional samples.
3.8. 3 Add soda ash to obtain a pH of between 6-9 in the holding tank.
Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By . I Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram VoatVc Electric Gener~tiiig Pla nt aU 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWVAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _ 11 of 35 3.9 RECEIPT OF WVASTEWATER, SLUDGE, CHEMICALS OR GREASE 3.9.1 Wastewvater and Sludge Transfers of sewage sludge and wastewater can be received on a regular basis. The training centcr scptic tank- is a typrical example of this type of receipt. Wastewater and sludge shipmerAts 'L"!)rm outsiidc Sciilicrri Cn.,'.' shp"' not be received vwithout Chd mistry supervision approval. Small volumes of thin sludge and wastewater (i.e. less than about 500 gallons) can be off loaded directly into the STP surge tank. Smaller volumes of wastewater can be added directly into an operating unit's aeration chamber, if needed. Larger volumes of wastewater and sludge should he added to the STP holding pond so that the sludge can undergo digestion by the pond's facultative process prior to being pumped back to the surge tank. Exceptions to the previous s,eps in this section may be approved by Chemistry supervision on a case by case basis.
3.9.2 Chermicals Chemicals, bulk detergents and othfer compounds can severely degrade the biological health of thc aerobic digestion oroceCS of the S'i'P units. No chemicals, olicr Vlnri aCpjprov ed wslasewvater treatrnent chbmicals, may be added to the seviage treatment plant without specific Chemistry supervision approval.
3.9.3 Grease Grease, like that from the ser,.icc lbuilding's grease trap, can be detrimental to optimum STI' operation. Grease can emulsify in the air diffusers and clog system piping. Grease should not be adided to ihe sewvage treatment plant without careful consideration and specific approval of Chemistry Superzvision.
t~q~1 Printed March 16, 2006 at 10:34
Approved By tiProcedure Number Rev Shan Sunda-ram ogtle Elecfrc Generating rant 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWVAGE TREATATENT PLANT Pagc Numrer 01/10/2006 12 of 35 h 4.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 4.1 Chemical and physical parameters of the final effluent should be maintained within the targets specified below.
4.1.1 pH: 6.0-9.0 Target - 7,.0 4.1.2 Freo Residuai CUiorine: Greater tnan 0.5 ppm NOTE Collect combined BOD sample at Final TEffluent Lift Station.
4.1.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand: 30 ppim or less 4.1.4 T here shall be no discharge of floating solids oi visible foam -n other than trace amounts.
4.2 Chemical and physial pararacters of the ae-:ation compartment wasteivater shall be maintained within the limits specifieA below.
14.2.1 Dissolved Oxygen: Greater than 0.5 ppm 4.2.2 pHl: 6.0-9.0
4.2.3 Settleability
20% - 80% (Target 60- 80%)
4.2.4 No septic odor Printed March 16.2006 at 10:34
Approved By 7 I Procedure Number Rev SlumSundararn ogtle Electric Generating Plat L355C 1.
Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _13 of 35 I
5.1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. GA 0026786. IssueJ June 6, 1999.
5.2 Standard Methods for the Exa-mination of Water and Waste Water. 15th Edition, 1980.
5.3 Clow/Aer-O-Flowv Sewage Treatment Plant Operation and Maintenance Instructions.
Instruction Number 402. Clow Waste Treatment Division. (SCS Document No.
1X2AC13-2) 5.4 PROCEDURES 5.4.1 32438-C, "Determination of Dissolved Oxygen" 5.4.2 32432-C, "Deternination of Settleable Solids in Sewage" 5.4.3 36001-C, "NPDES Permit Implementation And Control" 5.4.4 32014-C, "Determination of pH" 5.4.5 33031-C, "Gamma Analysis Of Sewage" 5.4.6 NMP-SH-003, "Electrical Work Practices" END OF PROCEDURE TEXT Printed March 16,2006 at 10:34
Procedure Nnner Rev ShanSunarai 'JgtieE~etrkGenerating Pl-ant 35585-C 13.1 01/10/2006ATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IPage Number I 14 of 35 TART,.I~'
AFER-0OO1, VISUAL CHECK LIST EQUI FM ENT CLARIFIlER EFFLUENT COMIMENTS AND C JEANI BEF CHAMIBER CORRECTIONS Air -bhbles ri,;ng. Su~rface cleatr to a Clear, sparkling. No All good-continue same operation.
opcrn li ng Choco?ate color. Vittlo- or depth of I 8 or more sol ids. More than I properly. nolfoam. 20%-50% solids. iensc,. ppmn D. 0.
Mlore than I ppmn D. 0.
Ftnv o no air bubllcs Dark and mutky. Murky. Odor. High Cheek for mnajor air leaks. Clean diffusers, Operating rising. Black color. No D. solds and/or air lines. When corrected aerate Properly 0. continuously until brown color and D. 0.
return. Then return. to time clock operation.
- 3. qu~pment not Sar-' bcve Sa.~ As Ab-v Same As Above Check f'or: power outage, fuses oporating (Chieck bNo-wn-replacc. Reset circuit breaker. Motor time clock overload-push reset button. Check overload first-may be cn heaters, if reme docs not start motor. Check "off" cycle. 'V" belt drive.
- 4. Aidl c-quipment Air -ubbYcs" Light %I.urky, no vi-.ible NMurky, high solids. Overacration-plant is running too much.
o~perating muddy color, too much sludgc blanket, Rleduce i unnting time to minim-umn necessary p:o-ivprf. foam. 5-5 ois Floati;ng sludge in to maintain browvn color. Common during Murky supernatant poor some areas. start-uip period. Use commercial defloamer if separation of liquid and necessary.
!. A! cquipment Air buhl~es r1-ing. Murky, large chunks of Mourky. High solids. Probablv due to inadequate sludge operating Chocolate oi- gray color. floating sludge. return-scrape: tank more oflen-check return properly. D. 0. l01%o-25% solids. 1-3 ppm pump (should be retumning 1/3 pipe full).
(See Special Maintenanee Section) Also, see Itemn 4 on checklist.
PFrint-ed M-arc.h' -16, 06at 10:34
An pmved By f r Procedure Nuiiiher e j Shtatll S3ut iarani i OPR O'-ctrHE, TIONe GenTraE.ATMEN A Ttt I3558Y5-C 13.1' I Date Ap;r7`vcd jPage Number 101/10/2006 OPERAT'ION O01' T-HE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT 1 15 of 35 TART .TV'1 AMR-O-FLO VISUAL CHECK LIST EQUIPMENT I.RAT ION CLAR.IFIER El'ITLUEN'T COMMN.IENTS AND
- 6. All cq-uipinent Air ll bles rising. 'ecar at surface, visible ,'May bc due to excessive sludge return an(For cp,,crcthly -%I ^:..t color. 20%-30% -1:.'zc bl:nlket 12" or Fx!iei t:so!id sk-mInirig (!cZ Special Maintenance Section).
Propc^ ly. soH;. t - ppm D. 0. :. bclo'v surfacc. parilickTc. D. O. Possibly due to inadequate -rcturn (See Item approximately I 5). Also chcck B.O.D. and flow-plant may ppnm. be overloaded.
. 'All equipment '.uch floating material. C! ar, no solids. D. May be due to clogged or improperly set operating 0. more skhimer-adjust or unclog. (SEE except than properly I ppm. Special Malaintenance Section) skimmer All equipment _ m: ;.~ t 5
_nc u; 'ac3 Samle I.[tcra 5 Probably due to clegged sludge rclurn-check operating air supply linrs (See Special Maintcnance properly except Section) return pump
" itrinpment will C.:,.a-; * ! 2 C_ I.C a; It 'n'. 2 I,Fie az t!em. 2 Possible l liblure of thie vwork on clock-have on manual but electrician chcck. Ovcrload may be not on automatic released!-push! reset button.
I . Adl equipment S ,, as I '1r I1 3,ine as Item I Saute as Item I Possible spray pump not operating-chcck operating except power supply and push reset. Possible pump spray system plugged-remove pump and clean intake.
Possible cloggcd nozzles-clean.
II. All equipmeint Air '1u'.bles rising. Light Murkly. Murky. Excessive Possible excessive amounts of grease coming operating muddy color. Yellow foam, Brownish-yellow solids. into plant. Investigate and locate source of properly grease balls. No D. O. floating greasy sludge. grease. Terminate any disposal of grease via Excessive grease. sewage system Printed March 16,2006 at 10:34
IApproved By Shan Sundaram Date Approved
~71Procedure VOg ElectricGeneratingPlant OPERATION OF TIHE SENVAGE TREATNI ENT PLANT A 35585-C N4umber PagC Number Rev 13.1 01/10/2006 ._ _ _ 1]6 of 35 TABLE 2 Discharge from Triangular Notch Weirs with End Contractions Flowv in Gallons per Min Head (H) 60' Notch in Inches 1 _ _127 1t/4 _ 1 11/2 _ ___ _ .
13/4 5.13 2 7.16 2%/4 9.62 _.
2__2 12.5 23 15.9 i/4 3 I 19.7 j3'/4 i 2A. 1_ i 3./2 29.0
- _
33/4 41/4 47.2 41J'2 5a.4__ _
43/4 4 62-3
_70. _
51/4 so80.9
_5t2 C9.9
_ 1 00 fi 112
' 6% 1,4 Based on formula:
Q = (C) (4/15) (L) (H) JrgIL in which Q = fiow of water in cu. ft. per sec.
L - width of notch in ft. at H distance above apex H = head of water ebove apex of notch in ft.
C = constant vzryinql with conditions, .57 being used for this table a = should be not less than /4 L.
For 90 notch the formula becomEs Q 2.42;81H 5
For 60' notch the formul1a beco:T. Es Q = 1.4076H."
P.X.52..l MA-h If, 90nA At I n1 I
Approved By 4Procedure Number Rev an Sundaa Vogtle EeCtriec Gelnlerating' Pmnt , 35585-;C 13.1 Dite Approved OPERATION OF Tl-IE SE liVAGE TREATM ENT PLANT Fage Number
( 01/10/2006 ______I 1.7 of 35 N ~" FIGURE 1 - Sewva-e Trcanient Plant Layout A A TOERFLVE A /\A A A A AA I > HOLDING E-LS; LIFT < POND z ';TATION i>
< A A A A TO V V V V V V R < A A A A A R <
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K~l iitJ l '
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< { A ,
I NLET (%i-f1g-I IANHOLE -..-
. b<
Prmntel MairhI, IA 'AOal tt I1f)-
Approved By v,,. .cPl Proccdure NJumber Rev I.Shan Sundara__ ogte Electric Gflerating Plant 35585-C Date Approved OPERATION OF TIHE SENVAGE TRE1ATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 . . 218 of 35 FIGUJRE I (C'ONT'D.)
SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT LEGEND A Alarm light B Blower C Cornminutor D Treatment unit digestion/aeration zone E Electric control boX F Flow control box H Treatment unit sludge holding zone I Treatment unit primary clarifier zone J Treatment unit secondary clarifier zone L Air lift pump M Main disconnect/breakers N 600 Vee notch weir R Treatment unit chlorination retention zone S Tablet chlorination unit V Sloped ground X Transformner/power feed Pd.,t-i M.n'h It )OOA 7t In i1
Approved By : Procedure Number Rev Shan Sund2,ram e
.vogtl Elecirn
.K cnerating Piajit 35585-C 13.1 D;te Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWVAGE TREATNI ENT lPLANT Page Numter 01/10/2006 __:!0 of 35 Sheet 1 of I WVORK SHEET 1 DAILY ChlECKS Surge T.n-nk Stp I Stp 2 Stp 3 Flow N/A Blowers Operating Check Comminutor N/A N/A Clean Bar Screens !NT/A N/A N/A Wash Down Remove Trash Check & Adjust Skimmers NIA Remove Solids from Clarifier N/A Check S'ludge Return N/A Aeration Chamber Septic Odor, Yes or No N/A Aeration Chamber Color N/A Aeration Chamber Foaming NiA Check Chlorination Equip N/A Cl 2 Residual at Lift Station Remarks I
PnntoPJ mansh if )onf ot i n-'u
Approved By 4Procedure Number Rev San Sundaram I Vogtlc Electric Gerierating Plant A 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved l OPERATION OF Till: SEWVAGE TREAT;MENT PLANT Page Num-ber 01/10/2006 I 21 of 35 Sheet 1 of I WVORK SIEET 2 WEEKLY ANALYSIS Aeration. Tank Sip I Stp 2 Stp 3 DO 2 pH @ Temp. i
% Settleable Solids Clarifiers Stp I Stp2 Stp3 Scrape Walls km) I. Final Effluent 4
1 pH @ Temp. at Lift Statior Cl2 Residual I
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Approved By .,~ . *4Procedure Number Rev Shaii Sunduram Vogtic Electric Generating Plant : 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATNI ENT PLANT Page Numbcr 01/10/2006 _ 22 of 35 SHEET 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 1 INITIATING FLOW TO THE SURGE TANK 1.0 At CNBJ07C panel, ensure the followving breakcrs are in the "ON" position, if available:
- a. C-2119-R2-0401-MO
- b. C-21 19-R2-001-M02
{C. C-21 19-R2-001 -M03
- d. C-2119-R2-001-M04 2.0 Configure electric lift pump togglc switches (located in lower of panel) by either configuration below:
- a. One pump in "HAND" and the other pump in "OFF" position or
- b. Both pumps in "AUTO" positiol.
3.0 Verify that the electric lift pump(s) configured in step 2 is/are working by observing; that the surge tank air lift trough (located on north end of Surge tank) is filling/overflowing.
4.0 START a surge tank blower by placing either blower toggle switch into the "HAND" position. Only one blower should be in service.
5.0 Verify that blower is supplying air to surge tankiaeration nozzles.
6.0 OPEN OR CHECK OPEN C-2 119-LJ4-51 S.
7.0 Place CHS-0694(Comminutor) in "HAND" position.
8.0 PRESS AND RELEASE "START" button on control panel for C-21 19-001-M05 (Comminutor) 9.0 Monitor unit performance.
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Approved By ~ lcrc~4Proeedure Number Rev Shan SundBram Vogtle Electric Generating Planit A 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THlE SIWVAGE TREATNI ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _ 23 of 35 SHEET 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ISOLATING FLO1 TO SURGE TANK "NOTE Isolating flow to the STP me.) not be neczssa!y under some circumstances.
Sewage flow may continue to the STP for short periods of time (typically less than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />) without electrical power. Always perform attachment I upon restoration of power.
1.0 Verify that the Holding Pond has adequate capacity to receive flow from the plant.
2.0 Place Comminutor hand switch CHS-0694 in "OFF" position.
3.0 CLOSE C-21 19-U4-518.
NOTE Flowv to the holding pond may take up to 20 minutes to appear due to time required to backfill to the diversion pipe following initial line up.
4.0 Periodically monitor flowv to and level of the Holding pond.
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Approved By .N .P Procedurc Number Rev SanudrmVogtle Electric Genlerating<
Shan Sundarain nt
~e~ea~g)-,I~ln 358-c1.1 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIlE SEWAGE TREATMI ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 :24 of 35 SHEET 1.OF 1 ATTACHMENT 3 PUMPING DOWN THE HOLDING POND TO THE SURGE TANK 1.0 Ensure that thc Surge tanlk is in service and adequate room is availablc in the Surge tank to receive flow f.-(, Lolduin .onl.
2.0 START the holding pond pump by placing pump control lever CI-lS-0703 in the "ON" position. (Located locally at pump) 3.0 Periodically monitor holding pond and surge tank levels.
NOTE Some wastevater will back fiow through the holding pond pump when it is secured.
4.0 When desired transfer is complete, switch off CHS-0703.
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Approved By v ,riu t IllS 4 Procedure Number Rev Shani Sundaram voteki5rc~en~LIgral 35585--C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION or THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Nurrber 01/10/2006 - - 25 of 35 SHIEET I:OF 1 ATTA CH M ENT 4 INITIATE IPLOW TO STP #1 1.0 Ensure that a Surge tank blower is in operation and that an electric feed pump(s) is filling the gray air lift t.cugh.
2.0 OPElN C-2119-U4-526.
3.0 THROTTLE OPEN C-21 19-U4-527 to achieve desired flow rate (see table 2).
NOTE Air flowv to air lift pump may also be adjusted by throttling C-21 19-U4-547.
4.0 At panel CNBJ07D;
- a. Ensure all necessary breakers are in the "ON" position.
C) i
- b. Place one blower toggle switch, located in lower right area of panel, in the "AUTO" or "HAND" position as desired.
(1) C-21 19-R2-001 -M07 (Blower "A")
(2) C-21 19-R2-001-M08 (Blower "B")
5.0 Monitor unit perfortnaTIce.
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Approved By I1 * ) Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundirani Vogtle ElAectric Gcnerating Plant 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATAI ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 ___ _____ 26 of 35 SHEET I OF 1 ATTACHMENT 5 IPN1TIATE FLOW TO STP #2 1.0 Ensure that a Surge tank blowcr is in opcration and that an electric feed pump(s) is :llling the gray air lift trcug31h.
2.0 OPEN C-21 19-U4-524.
3.0 THROTTLE OPEN C-2 11 9-U4-525 to achieve desired flow rate (see table 2).
NOTE Air flow to air lift pumps may also be adjusted by throttling C-21 19-U4-546'.
4.0 Remove access covers on STP #2's blower "A" and "B";
- a. Ensure all necessary breakers are in the "ON" position.
- b. Place one blower toggle switch, located in lower right area of blower A's panel, in the
(,)"AUTO" or "HAND" position as desired.
NOTE Blower "B" is controlled from l3lower "A." panel.
5.0 Monitor unit performance.
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Approved By AProcedure Nurnbcr Rev Shan Sundaram Electric l5:85g-l i"" 35585-CC 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THlE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 27 of 35 SHEET I OF 1 ATTACHMENT 6 INITIATE FLOW TO STP #3 1.0 Ensure that the surge tank has sufficient level to support STP #3 feed pump operation.
(Feed pumps are loIcatd east w~all hear the co.mi:utor.)
2.0 OPE1N OR CHECK OPE N C-2 11 9-U4-540.
3.0 OPEN OR CHECK OPEN C-21 19-U4-520.
4.0 OPEN OR CHECK OPEN C-21 19-U4-522.
NOTE The blower to be started in the following step will normally be ran in "AUTO" but may be ran in "HAND" if necessary.
5.0 At STP #3 control panel CNBJ03, START one of the following blowers;
- a. C-21 19-R2-003-C01
- b. C-21 19-R2-003-C02 NOTE The feed pump to be started in the following step will not workl in "AUTO" and must be ran in "HAND" position.
6.0 At STP #3 control panel CNBJ03, START one of the following pumps in "HAND';
- a. C-21 19-R2-P02
- b. C-21 19-R2-P03 7.0 Throttle C-21 19-U4-523 as dc. ired to change, e.d rate to STP#3.
8.0 Monitor unit performance.
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Approved By * . Procedure Number Rev SltalS~ld~lrm i Shian Sundairamrngu \Vogtle'Electric Genteratinlg Plan~t steti.ei~tn Prai - A - rcdeumrRv 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF Tl'lE SlWNVAGE TREATM ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 Nu.e28 of 35 SHEET ]. OF 1 ATTACHMENT 7 SECURING FLOWV TO STP#1 NcCT E Step 1.0 may be skipped if intent is to only secure blowers to suppoit maintenance or PM (generally for less than one shift).
1.0 CLOSE C-21 19-U4-526 and C-21 19-U4-527.
NOTE Normally, blowers are left in service at ail times to provide aeration.
2.0 If required, secure blower by positioning the appropriate toggle switch to "Off' position.
- a. C-2 119-R2-00 1-M07 (Blower "A")
- b. C-2 11 9-R2-00 1-N108 (131 owver "B")
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~Procedure Approved By ApprovedBy Shan Sundaram
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- 8 fVogtic Electric Geher ating Pla^nt -A riCNme 35585-C Number Rev e
13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIIE SEWVAGE TREATMI ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _ :29 of 35 SHEET ]1OF 1 ATTACHMENT 8 SECURING FLOW TO STP #2 Step 1.0 may be skipped if intent is to only secure blowers to suppolt maintenance or PMA (generally for less than one shift).
1.0 CLOSE C-21 19-U4-524 and C-21 19-U4-525.
NOTE Normally, blowers are left in service at all times to provide aeration.
2.0 If required, secure blower by positioning the appropriate toggle switch to "Off position.
- a. C-2119-R2-002-MOI (Blower "A")
- b. C-21 19-R2-002-M102 (Blower "B")
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Approved By . . Prcedure Number Rev Shan Sundrara Vogtde Electric Generating Plant m 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SENVNAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 :30 of 35 SHEET 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 9 SECURING FLOWN'TO STP#3 1.0 Secure flow by sczurirng the opeMrating fccd pur.p. At STP#3 ;ontrol panel CNBJ03, place the appropriate toggk swvitch in "'FF" position.
- a. C-2119-R2-001-P02 (Feed pump "A")
- b. C-21 19-R2-001-P03 (Feed pump "B")
'NOTE Normally, blowers arc left in service at all times to provide aeration.
2.0 If required, secure biower by positioning the apprepriate toggle switch to "Off' position.
- a. C-21 19-R2-003-CO I (Blower "A")
- b. C-2119-R2-003-C02 (Blower"B")
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Approved By - Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundfiram 'Vogte Electric Genfer'ating PlantZ 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIHE SEWVAGE TREATM ENT PLANT Page Numrcr 01/10/2006 31 of 35 SHEET I OF 1 ATTACIHMENT 10 REDIRECTING SLUDGE TO THE HOLDING TANK NOTE When settahle solids ore high, sludge may be redirected to that units holding tank. These valves are not numbered locally or on the P & ID. This attachment applies to all three sewage plants.
1.0 OPEN the sludge return valve that feeds 1ile holding tank. This valve can be found by tracing baci the 4" pipe from the holdi rig tank to the southernmost valve on the sludge return line.
N0 TE It is nornally unnecessary to shut the sludge return valves that feed th; aerator. The sludge will largely follow the "path of least resistance" and flow to the holding tank.
2.0 Monitor holding tank level.
3.0 When desired volume has been transferred, close the sludge return valve that feeds the holding tank.
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Approved By ; Procedure Number Rev ShanSundaram ogtle Electric Generating Plant ~355C 1.
Date Approved OPERATION OF THE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 .32 of 35 SHEET I OF 1 ATTACHMENT 11 DECANTING HOLDING TANKS 1.0 Secure air flow to the holding l k to eCdccaanted. Th- air isolation valve is not tagged kan_
locally nor does it -fak c a F&.I!' -luntetbut a. tEasily locad as the southemrnost air isolation valve.
2.0 Let sludge settle for at least one hour.
3.0 Lower a portable sump pump into the holding tank until submerged.
4.0 Direct sump pump discharge hose to either the surge tank or an aeration chamber.
5.0 Start the portable sump pump.
6.0 Slowly lower the sump pump noting when the discharge turns from clear to dark.
7.0 Raise the sump pump to the point that the discharge flow is clear.
8.0 Monitor pumping until all supernatant is decanted. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as needed.
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Approved By 4Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundfiram Vogtle Electric Genecrating Plalit 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF THlE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _33 of 35 SHEET I OF 1 ATTACHMENT 12 ADDING SODA ASH TO THE, SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS NOTE Soda Ash comes in 50 lb bagis stored in the STP shed.
1.0 Ensure that the unit's blowers are running during the addition.
NOTE Add (1) 50 lb bag for ph-1 between 5.0- 6.5. Add (2) 50 lb bags for pHi below 5.0 2.0 Add soda ash to the aeration chamber or holding pond.
3.0 Rinse down any dry soda ash that may be on grating or pipes.
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Approved By 4IProcedure Number Rev Shan Sundurani Vogtle Electric Generating Plant A 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF TIHE SEWVAGE TREATMENT PLANT Page Numrber 01/10/2006 __ _ 34 of 35 ATTACHM ENT 13 PLACING LIFT PUMP(S) IN SERVICE NOTE
- a. During plno(d; in which the lift station i, cut jf service and wastewater effluent is being discharged directly to the river, sample effluent daily for BOD.
- b. The panel disconnect swvi-Lch is lccatcd on the north side of the lift station.
1.0 PLACE the panel disconnect switch in OFF.
- a. Normally both pumps arc run simultaneously.
- b. Pumps will not operate while panel door is open due to a door closure safety mechanism.
2.0 OPEN panel door.
3.0 Place desired pump(s) in the ON position as follows:
- a. POSITION breaker C21191R2501M01 to ON for PUMP C21191R2501 '01.
- b. POSITION breaker C21 19R2501M02 to ON for PUIMP C21 19R12 50I P02.
4.0 CLOSE panel door.
NOTE After pumps have been started. lift pump(s) should automatically turn on and off based on lift station sump level.
5.0 To START pump, place PANEL DISCONNECT SWITCH to the ON position.
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Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram Vogfle Elec0trc Gerierating PlaKt 5 35585-C 13.1 Date Approved OPERATION OF Till: SErWAGE TREATM ENT PLANT Page Number 01/10/2006 _ ;35 of 35 ATTACHMENT 14 REMOVING lIFT PUMVIP(S) FRONM SERVICE NOTE
- a. During pe:-od in which thn e I.:ff slatioli iS;ut of serv: -: and wastewater effluent is being Oisebargcd directiv to the river, sample effluent daily for BOD.
- b. The panel disconnect swi.-ch is located en the north side of the lift station.
1.0 PLACE panel disconnect swvitch in OFF.
NOTE Pumps will niwt cprratc wxk pmcl C' i' opl~n lde tC a door closure safety rnechauisin.
2.0 OPEN panel door.
3.0 Position desired pump(s) in the OFF position as follows:
- a. POSITION breaker C2 I19R2501M01 to OFF to STOP pump C2119R11254PO1.
- b. POSITION breaker C2119R2501.M02 to OFF to STOP pump C2 i . 911U2501P02.
4.0 CLOSE panel door.
N OTii Bv Ieavir.g pancwi disconn2ct in ON, tite heater and fan will continue to wo-lrk. Liift oump(-s) should automatically turn on ard off based on lift station sump level if associated breaker is in ON position.
5.0 PLACE panel diszonnect switch to the ON position.
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