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Operation of Site Solid Waste Landfill (No. 3) and Special Requirements for the Asbestos Trench Procedure Number 36300-C, Rev 1
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/04/2005
From: Sundaram S
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
36300-C, Rev 1
Download: ML061000511 (25)


Approved By ci

  • n ~Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram VogleElectric 'eneratlng 'lanmy - 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 1. of 25 OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH PROCEDURE USAGE REQUIREMENTS- SECTIONS Continuous Use: Procedure must be open and readily available at the work NONE location. Follow procedure step by step unless otherwise directed.

Reference Use: Procedure or applicable section(s) available at the work ALL location for ready reference by person performing steps.

Information Use: Available on plant site for reference as needed. NONE Printed March 17, 2(06 at 7:52

Approved By .jr

  • IProcedure Ntmrber Rev Shan Sundaram VogieElectric GeneraLing lanL - 36309-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 2 of 25 OFERENCE US 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instructions for operating, monitoring, and controlling the plant Site Solid Waste Landfill #3 and the asbestos trench at Site Solid Waste Landfill #2. It also provides instructions for routine inspections by Facilities personnel and for environmental monitoring of the landfills by Chemistry personnel. Landfills #2 and #3 are private industry solid waste disposal facilities and are approved for disposal of Ron-putrescible and non-hazardous wastes. Cells 1 through 7 of Landfill #2 have been closed, and only the asbestos trench is currently in use. Cell #1 of Landfill #3 is currently in use for non-putrescible, non-hazardous, and non-asbestos wastes.

2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1 ASBESTOS-CONTAINING WASTE Any solid waste containing more than 1 percent, by weight, of naturally occurring hydrated mineral silicates separable into commercially used fibers, specifically the asbestiform varieties of serpentine, clhrysotile, cummingtonite-grunerite, amosite, riebeckite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite, using the method specified in Appendix A, Subpart F, 40 CFR Part 763, Section 1. Refer to Procedure 00265-C, "Asbestos Handling, Removal And Disposal" for instructions on handling asbestos waste.

Broken cement-asbestos fill sheets removed from the cooling towers, waste cement asbestos transite board, and waste cement asbestos piping materials are considered to be asbestos - containing waste.

2.2 PUTRESCIBLE WASTE Wastes that is capable of being quickly decomposed by microorganisms. Example s of putrescible wastes include but are not necessary limited to kitchen wastes, animal manure, refuse, dead animals, garbage and wastes which are contaminated by such materials (such as wastes from office areas containing food containers.) At VEGP, wastes such as food, liquids, coffee grounds, and wastes from the site cafeteria and office areas must be disposed in separate dumpsters which are NOT disposed in the site landfills.

2.3 HAZARDOUS WASTE A waste including liquid, semi-solids, solids or combined gaseous materials or combinations of wastes which, because of quantity, concentration, physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, may pose a substantial or potential hazard to human, animal, or environmental health when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. Refer to 00260-C, "Hazardous Substance And Waste Control, " for information and instructions on handling hazardous waste.

Printed March 17, 2(06 at 7:52

rApproved By Shan Sundaram Date Approved 11/04/2005 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH Procedure Number 36300-C Page Number

_ of 25 Rev 1

2.4 ACCEPTABLE SOLID WASTE Non-putrescible, non-liquid waste which is not subject to regulations governing hazardous and asbestos waste disposal. Acceptable solid waste includes paper, cardboard, plastics, and construction and demolition waste debris. Sanitary waste (sewage) is not considered as solid waste in the context of this procedure and is not permitted to be dumped into the landfills.

2.5 INERT WASTE Wastes that will not, or are not likely to cause production of leachate of environmental concern. Such wastes are limited to earth and earth-like products, concrete, cured asphalt, rock, bricks, yard trimmings, stumps, limbs and leaves. This definition excludes industrial and demolition waste not specifically listed above (in this definition).

2.6 CONSTRUCTION/DEMOLITION WASTE Waste building materials and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations on pavements, houses, commercial buildings and other structures.

Such wastes include, but are not limited to, asbestos containing waste, wood, bricks, metal, concrete, wall board, paper, cardboard, inert waste landfill material, and other nonputrescible wastes which have a low potential for groundwater contamination.

2.7 INDUSTRIAL WASTE Solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste subject to regulations governing hazardous waste disposal. This includes wastes resulting from electric power generation. Such wastes include, but are not limited to, expired chemicals and products, spent light bulbs, spent batteries, exhausted desiccant, resin and carbon, oil clean-up debris, chemical spill clean-up debris, and spent oil and hydraulic filters.

2.8 BIOMEDICAL WASTE Any waste which contains pathological waste, biological waste, and discarded medical equipment and parts, not including expendable supplies and materials, but does not include such wastes that have been stabilized as required by EPD (Environmental Protection Division) Rules.

2.9 LANDFILL OPERATING RECORD Any filing system, manual or electronic, in which landfill records are stored and are readily retrievable for inspection by EPD when requested. Such records include but are not limited to permit applications, monitoring reports, inspection reports, and other demonstrations of compliance.

Printed March 17, 20)6 at 7:52

Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaramron lcti eea~n ln 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 4 of 25 2.10 PROHIBITED WASTE Solid wastes which are prohibited from disposal in the site landfills by EPD solid waste regulations, landfill operating permit, landfill design and operation plan, and/or by site specific administrative restrictions. These wastes include non-inert construction and demolition wastes, non-inert industrial waste, biomedical waste, putrescible waste, sanitary (sewage) waste, hazardous waste, radioactive waste, free liquid wastes, PCBs and other wastes such as asphalt shingles, electronic circuit boards, scrap tires and television or CRT monitors.

2.11 PRIVATE INDUSTRY SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITY A disposal facility which is operated exclusively by and for a private solid waste generator for the purpose of accepting solid waste generated exclusively by said private solid waste generator. For the purposes of this definition, Southern Nuclear facilities operating in the State of Georgia are a single private industry solid waste generator.

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 CHEMISTRY MANAGER The Chemistry Manager has overall supervision of the landfill to ensure permit compliance with the environmental aspects of its operation. The Chemistry Manager is also responsible for implementation of the methane gas monitoring and groundwater monitoring programs.

3.2 CHEMISTRY SUPPORT SUPERVISOR The Chemistry Support Supervisor is responsible for environmental monitoring of the landfills and completion of the Solid Waste Disposal Site Environmental Monitoring Report (Data Sheet # 2).

3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST The Environmental Specialist is responsible for ensuring that landfill activities are in compliance with the permit, and that the methane gas monitoring and the groundwater monitoring programs are implemented as required by the State of Georgia EPD and as described in the approved Design and Operation Plan.

Printed March 17, 2006 at 7:52

Approved By :T,,. - Procedure Nunber Rev Shan Sundaram Vo~gtle Electric 'GeneratLing Plant - 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 5 of 25 3.5 FACILITIES SUPERVISOR The Facilities supervisor is responsible for overall operation of Site Solid Waste Landfill

  1. 3 and the asbestos trench in Site Solid Waste Landfill #2. This responsibility includes clearing, trenching, waste dumping, backfill-covering, pumping freestanding water to drainage, erosion control and repair, grassing, and eventual closeout. The Facilities Supervisor is also responsible for ensuring the completion of the Prohibited Waste Inspection Checklist (Data Sheet # 1).

4.0 INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 LANDFILL #2 CONDITIONS OF OPERATION 4.1.1 Solid Waste Landfill #2 is located North of the power block as shown in Figure 1. Figure 6 provides a plan view of the landfill. Only the asbestos trench is active in this landfill and is located on the east side of the landfill.

4.1.2 The landfill shall be operated in such a manner to prevent air, land or water pollution, and public health hazards or nuisances.

4.1.3 No disposal, storage or handling of radioactive material is permitted at the disposal site.

4.1.4 Access to the landfill shall be limited to authorized entrances that shall be closed when the site is not in operation. This is best accomplished by locking the entrance immediately upon entering and again upon exiting the landfill.

4.1.5 Soil from the excavated trench will be stockpiled in or adjacent to the active trench.

These soil stockpiles must be of sufficient quantity for the monthly cover and for fire protection needs.

4.1.6 No hazardous waste, biomedical waste or putrescible waste may be disposed in the landfill. Only acceptable solid waste as defined in this procedure may be deposited.

4.1.7 Materials placed in the landfill shall be spread in layers and compacted to the least practical volume. The surface area of exposed waste shall be minimized between cover operations.

4.1.8 Landfill trenches must be excavated at locations designated by the landfill permit. A minimum of 5 feet of separation between the groundwater and the trench bottom shall be maintained.

4.1.9 The disposal site shall be graded and drained to minimize runoff onto the landfill surface, to prevent erosion and to drain water from the surface of the landfill. Erosion and sedimentation shall be controlled on the site.

Printed March 17, 2(106 at 7:52

Approved By .r Plant -Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundara1m Vgl lcrcGnr 36300-C Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 6 of 25 4.1.10 Asbestos containing waste will be covered with 6 inches of earth immediately upon placement in the asbestos trench.

4.1.11 Monthly a uniform compacted layer of soil, a minimum of a 1-foot in depth, shall be placed over the exposed working surface of waste. This monthly cover is only required when waste has been deposited since the last monthly cover.

4.1.12 Excavation and grading of trenches must conform to the landfill permit design criteria.

4.1.13 Waste is to be dumped in the landfill trenches beginning at the northwest end of the active (open) trench.

4.1.14 Using a 966 caterpillar dozer or equivalent, waste is to be spread and compacted into 15-foot maximum lifts while maintaining a sufficient slope on the working surface.

4.1.15 Soil from the excavated trench will be stockpiled near the active trench. These soil stockpiles must be of sufficient quantity for the monthly cover and for fire protection needs. A minimum of 25 cubic yards of soil must be kept within 200 feet of the working surface of waste at all times for fire extinguishing purposes. Silt fencing will be placed along the lower elevations of the monthly soil stockpiles. Since trenches will be backfilled with only 12% of the original material removed, there should always be a large volume of material for cover and fire protection.

4.1.16 Landfill operations must be conducted in strict compliance with the landfill design and operation plan. Any unplanned deviations from the design and operation plan should be promptly reported to the Environmental Specialist. Also, the Environmental Specialist should be notified prior to commencement of any planned deviation from the design and operation plan.

4.1.17 Fifty-five (55) gallon drums are not to be disposed in the landfill unless they are rendered incapable of holding liquids prior to being placed in the active trench. Solid waste regulations require that containers capable of holding greater than 10 gallons must be rendered incapable of holding liquid prior to landfill disposal.

4.1.18 No waste may be accepted from any facility other than Plants Vogtle and Hatch.

4.1.19 No industrial waste may be disposed in the landfill without prior concurrence -from Environmental Affairs personnel obtained through the Environmental Specialist.

Printed March 17,2(06 at 7:52

Approved By Procedure Number Rev SAnprSvdaram B-  ::- Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 3 C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 7 of 25 4.2 LANDFILL #2 ASBESTOS TRENCH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 4.2.1 Material containing asbestos shall be handled, removed, worked and disposed of in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 and VEGP 00265-C.

4.2.2 The landfill operator and personnel handling and disposing of asbestos and asbestos containing material must follow requirements of 29 CFR 1926.1101 and VEGP 00265-C.

4.2.3 Asbestos containing waste must be disposed only in those landfill cells so designated on the landfill design and operation plan.

4.2.4 A special, separate asbestos trench will be provided at the landfill. The trench must be clearly marked with warning signs and access is to be limited to authorized personnel..

4.2.5 All waste material containing asbestos shall be wet down prior to removal for disposal.

4.2.6 Any pieces of cement asbestos transite board found in the cooling towers during cleanup operations will be removed from the basin and disposed in the asbestos landfill. The mud is not considered to be asbestos containing material and will be disposed of in the lined pond east of the cooling towers. All waste cement asbestos transite board and cement asbestos pipe materials will be covered with 6 inches of earth immediately upon placement in the trench.

4.2.7 Visible emissions to the outside air are prohibited during the collection, processing, packing, transporting or deposition of asbestos containing material.

4.2.8 Small volumes of asbestos, mostly asbestos waste protective clothing, disposable respirators and cleanup residues, will utilize open top 55 gallon drums. The drums should be labeled as directed in VEGP 00265-C. The drums should be sealed when completely filled. The lids should be maintained on the drums at all times. The drums can be maintained in the designated work area until the activity is complete or if the storage space is lacking. Upon completion of the work activity, if the asbestos trench is not operational the drums may remain on a designated work pad until trench is operational.

4.2.9 Asbestos containing waste shall be disposed in such a manner as not to destroy the integrity of the asbestos-containing material containers prior to placement of cover material.

4.2.10 Large volumes of non-containerized asbestos waste, mostly broken fill sheets, must be wetted and covered for transporting to the landfill area. The waste will be wetted again following placement into the asbestos trench prior to covering with earth.

Printed March 17, 2C06 at 7:52

Approved By  ; Generating

. Plant Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaramrn~1 iieij 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 8 of 25 4.2.11 Asbestos waste will be covered with at least 6 inches of earth immediately upon placement in the asbestos trench. Monthly a minimum one-foot layer of intermediate soil cover will be placed over the exposed working surface of the waste in the trench used in that month.

4.2.12 There is to be no runoff water collection sump for the asbestos trench. The perimeter of the asbestos trench will be bermed to prevent stormwater run-on from entering the trench.

Stormwater that directly enters the trench will be allowed to accumulate and percolate within the trench. A minimum of one foot of freeboard will be maintained at all times to allow adequate storage volume for the 25-year 24-hour storm.

4.2.13 The Environmental Specialist should be notified when asbestos materials are being placed in the landfill so that he may periodically observe or monitor the activities as necessary. There is no required frequency or documentation of this observation.

4.2.14 Warning signs must be displayed at the entrance of the asbestos trench and along the perimeter of the trench. The asbestos trench shall have controlled access and a barrier to prevent access of unauthorized personnel and dumping. The signs should be legible, upright 20" x 12" in size and contain the following warning: "Asbestos waste disposal site - Do not create dust - Breathing asbestos is hazardous to your health."

4.2.15 Once the asbestos trench becomes inactive, the barrier and posting requirements will remain in effect.

4.3 LANDFILL # 3 CONDITIONS OF OPERATION 4.3.1 Solid Waste Landfill #3 is located northwest of the power block as shown in Figure 1.

Onsite roads are constructed/relocated as needed to provide access to the active disposal area.

4.3.2 No hazardous waste, biomedical waste or putrescible waste shall be deposited at the landfill. Only solid waste as defined in this procedure may be deposited.

4.3.3 Materials placed in the landfill shall be spread in layers and compacted to the least practical volume.

4.3.4 A uniform compacted layer of clean earth cover not less than one (1) foot in depth shall be placed over all exposed waste material at least monthly.

4.3.5 The disposal site shall be graded and drained to minimize runoff onto the landfill surface, to prevent erosion and to drain water from the surface of the landfill.

Printed March 17, 2006 at 7:52

Approved By ric Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram ~ o~eEeti .eeaigPat36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUTREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 9 of 25 4.3.6 The landfill shall be operated in such manner as to prevent air, land, or water pollution, public health hazards or nuisances. This is accomplished by proper grading and drainage of the site, prevention of fires, adequate dirt cover, and excluding putrescible and hazardous wastes.

4.3.7 Access to the landfill shall be limited to authorized entrances that shall be closed when the site is not in operation. This is best accomplished by locking the entrance immediately upon entering and again upon exiting the landfill.

4.3.8 Suitable means shall be provided to prevent and control fires. Stockpiled soil is considered to be the most satisfactory fire fighting material.

4.3.9 The Design and Operational Plan approved by the EPD is considered by the EPD to be part of this permit and the landfill shall be operated in accordance with it.

4.3.10 A minimum 5-foot vertical separation shall be maintained between groundwater and waste.

4.3.11 All landfill activities will be conducted in accordance with the EPD Rules for solid Waste Management, Chapter 391-3-4 and variances granted by the EPD.

4.3.12 Two piezometers are located within the designated landfill area. Piezometer 179 is open to the unconfined aquifer in a zone 111 to 131 feet below the original ground surface.

Piezometer 851A is open to the confined aquifer in a zone 269 to 279 feet below original ground surface. Trench placement is such that both piezometers will be left undisturbed.

4.3.13 Open burning of solid waste except as specified in the Design and Operation Plan shall not be conducted. Only infrequent burning of land clearing debris such as trees, stumps, and roots resulting from clearing trees within the landfill boundary is allowed.

4.3.14 Landfill operations shall be conducted in daylight hours only. Wet soil conditions may temporarily delay disposal operations.

4.3.15 Landfill trenches must be excavated at locations designated by the landfill permit (See Figure 2). The trench filling sequence corresponds to new trench numbers frorrt the lowest to highest except that the asbestos trench will be filled as needed and will, not necessarily follow the sequence.

4.3.16 Excavation and grading of trenches must conform to the landfill permit design criteria (See Figures 3, 4, &5). Written certification by a licensed professional engineer is required to certify that each major construction phase is constructed in accordance with the approved permit. This certification is required for all major construction including, but not limited to, new cells or trenches, additional monitoring wells, sediment ponds, and final cover.

Printed March 17. 2C06 at 7:52

Approved By . Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Pc NL m:ber Rev Shan Sundaram I36300-C Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Numbei 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 10 of 25 4.3.17 Waste is to be dumped in the landfill trenches beginning at the north end of the active (open) trench except for trench #8 that will be filled from the west end and the asbestos trench that will be filled from the east end. The trench walls will contain the waste until it can be spread, compacted and covered.

4.3.18 Using a bulldozer (966 Caterpillar dozer or equivalent), waste is to be spread and compacted into 15-foot maximum lifts while maintaining a sufficient slope (-30%c) on the waste working surface. If a bulldozer is not operating, the landfill will be shut down until an operable bulldozer is available. If equipment is needed for some other purpose, it will be obtained on a temporary basis.

4.3.19 Soil from the excavated trench will be stockpiled in the cleared area of the next, scheduled-to-be-opened trench. These soil stockpiles must be of sufficient quantity for the monthly cover and for fire protection needs. A minimum of 25 cubic yards of soil must be kept within 200 feet of the working surface of waste at all times for fire extinguishing purposes. Silt fencing will be placed along the lower elevations of the monthly soil stockpiles. Since trenches will be backfilled with only 12% of the original material removed, there should always be a large volume of material for cover and fire protection.

4.3.20 Monthly a minimum of a 1-foot layer of soil will be placed over the exposed woiking surface of waste to form "monthly waste cells" (See Figure 3) if anything has been added to the trench.

4.3.21 Diversions around the perimeter of the active trench will be created as needed to minimize stormwater run-on to the site. Runoff water from active trenches will flow down the 1% trench-grade slope, through a filter fence or hay bales, into a collection sump (See Figure 4). Freestanding water in the collection sump will be pumped as needed into the adjacent storm drainage ditch and flow to Sediment Pond LF3-01 or :LF3-

02. (See Figure 2.) Filled trenches and disturbed areas shall be grassed except for roads and active trenches.

4.3.22 When the first lift of an active trench reaches within 5 feet of the runoff collection sump, the active monthly waste cell will be closed (1-foot minimum layer of cover) and the collection sump, along with the remaining portion of the trench, will be backfilled with earth up to the elevation of the top of the first lift. To accommodate runoff from the second lift of the trench, a new runoff collection sump must be excavated out of this fill material according to the dimensions indicated in Figure 4.

4.3.23 No disposal, storage or handling of radioactive material is permitted at the disposal site.

4.3.24 The landfill will be policed on a regular basis. If waste is discovered outside of trenches, it will be placed in a trench. Dust control will be provided as needed by a water truck, portable water tank, or other appropriate watering equipment.

Printed March 17, 2(06 at 7:52

Approved By . . G P Procedure Number Rev Shan Sndar~m Shan Sundaram Ii  ; Vogtle Electric Generatifg Plant:A lcrcI36300-C .360-1 I Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 11 of 25 4.3.25 No waste may be accepted from any facility other than Plants Vogtle and Hatch.

4.3.26 Asbestos containing waste must be disposed only in those landfill cells so designated on the landfill Design and Operational Plan.

4.3.27 No on-site solid waste processing such as shredding will be performed.

4.3.28 Landfill operations must be conducted in strict compliance with the landfill design and operation plan. Any unplanned deviations from the design and operation plan should be promptly reported to the Environmental Specialist. Also, the Environmental Specialist should be notified prior to commencement of any planned deviation from the design and operation plan.

4.3.29 Fifty-five (55) gallon drums are not to be disposed in the landfill unless they are rendcred incapable of holding liquids prior to being placed in the active trench. Solid waste regulations require that containers capable of holding greater than 10 gallons must be rendered incapable of holding liquid prior to landfill disposal.

4.3.30 Facilities personnel will respond as soon as possible to requests from Chemistry personnel when environmental monitoring problems are identified.

4.3.31 Standard surveying practice will be utilized to establish or verify coordinates and elevations. A suitable benchmark is provided near the landfill.

4.3.32 Communication at the landfill will be by two-way radio or cellular phones. First aid will be available at the VEGP Administration Building.

4.3.33 A sign shall be posted at the landfill entrance to indicate the direction to the asbestos disposal area or the active construction debris trench. A sign and flagging will also be utilized at each active trench opening to insure proper waste placement.

4.3.34 The following wastes are acceptable for disposal in the landfill:

- Inert Waste

- Construction and Demolition wastes limited to untreated lumber, brick, concrete, wallboard, insulation, metal siding, plumbing fixtures and other inert-like building materials

- Inert Industrial Wastes limited to earth-like material such as unusable sacks of concrete mix

- Asbestos-Containing wastes such as insulation, transite board, and gasket material provided the material is disposed in a trench specifically designated to accept asbestos.

- Packing material such as wood, cardboard, paper and pallets

- Other material check with the Environmental Specialist on a case by case basis

- Typically, only asbestos waste will be disposed in the asbestos trench.

Printed March 17,2(06 at 7:52

Approved By ~". Gniaiafu ~Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram i VogtleI1ectric U I l36300-C I Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 12 of 25 4.3.35 The Environmental Specialist should be contacted for directions for disposal of solids removed from the waste water retention basins or from the cooling tower basins.

4.4 LANDFILL #3 ASBESTOS TRENCH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS NOTE While the asbestos trench at landfill #2 has adequate capacity, all asbestos containing-waste will be taken to that landfill. Currently, the asbestos trench at landfill #3 has not been excavated. The applicable requirements are included in the procedure at this time to resolve commitments.

4.4.1 A special, separate asbestos trench will be provided at the landfill. The trench must be clearly marked with warning signs and access is to be limited to authorized personnel. A sign shall be posted at the landfill entrance to indicate the direction to the asbestos disposal area or the active trench. A sign and flagging (or rope) will also be utilized at each active trench opening to ensure proper waste placement.

4.4.2 Large volumes of non-containerized asbestos waste, mostly broken fill sheets from the cooling towers, must be wetted and covered for transporting to the landfill area. The waste will be wetted again following placement into the asbestos trench and prior to covering with at least 6 inches of earth to maintain compliance with OSHA airborne concentration limitations.

4.4.3 Asbestos waste will be covered with at least 6 inches of earth immediately upon placement into the asbestos trench. Monthly a minimum one-foot layer of intermediate soil cover will be placed over the exposed working surface of the waste in the trench used in that month. Asbestos-containing waste shall be disposed in such a manner as not to destroy the integrity of the asbestos-containing material containers prior to placement of cover material.

4.4.4 There is to be no runoff water collection sump for the asbestos trench. The perimeter of the asbestos trench will be bermed to prevent stormwater run-on from entering the trench.

Stormwater that directly enters the trench will be allowed to accumulate and percolate within the trench. A minimum of one foot of freeboard will be maintained at all times to allow adequate storage volume for the 25-year 24-hour storm.

4.4.5 Material containing asbestos shall be handled, removed, worked and disposed of in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 and 00265-C.

4.4.6 The landfill operator and personnel handling and disposing of asbestos and asbestos containing material must follow requirements of 29 CFR 1926.1101 and 00265-C.

4.4.7 Visible emissions to the outside air are prohibited during the collection, processing, packing, transporting or deposition of asbestos containing material.

Printed March 17, 2C06 at 7:52

Approved By .tlE Generating Plant Procedure Nt rber Rev Shan Sundaram YJL.Elcrc36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Numbei 11/04/2005 REOUTREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 13 of 25 4.4.8 Small volumes of asbestos, mostly asbestos waste protective clothing, disposable respirators and cleanup residues will utilize open top 55-gallon drums. Label the drums as directed in Administrative procedure 00265-C. Ensure that the lids are maintained on the drums at all times and that the drums are sealed when completely filled. Drums can be maintained in designated work areas until activity is complete and/or storage space is lacking. Upon completion of the work activity, if the asbestos trench is not operational the drums may remain on a designated work pad until trench is operational.

4.5 CHEMISTRY ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OF LANDFILLS 4.5.1 Chemistry personnel will monitor operation of the landfills to ensure compliance with the environmental aspects of the permits.

4.5.2 Once per month, a designated individual should physically inspect the active trench-s of both landfills to ensure that the criteria in Data Sheet # 2 are being met. Additionally, the Environmental Specialist should use Data Sheet #2 to document quarterly inspections.

4.5.3 Any unacceptable conditions discovered must be immediately brought to the attention of the Environmental Specialist who ensures that proper inter-departmental notifications are made to correct the problems found. In the absence of the Environmental Specialist, Chemistry Supervision should be notified.

NOTE When inspecting the landfills do not use words such as "garbage" and "trash" to describe waste on Data Sheet 2.

4.5.4 The original Data Sheet 2 should be transmitted to Document Control for retention.

4.6 FACILITIES INSPECTION OF WASTE MATERIALS 4.6.1 Cafeteria and office wastes, which may contain putrescible waste, are not to be deposited in the landfills. These wastes should be sent to the Burke County Landfill for disposal.

4.6.2 Facilities personnel should inspect each load of waste prior to taking to the landfill, and after the load is dumped into the landfill, to ensure that prohibited wastes are not present in the load or disposed in the landfill. Use a copy of the Data Sheet 1 to document the inspection.

a. If prohibited waste material (listed on Data Sheet 1) is noted in the load prior to dumping in the landfill, remove the material and notify the Environmental Specialist.

PrintedMarch 17, 2006 at 7:52

Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan ram Yogtle Electric Generating PlantA 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Numbet 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 14 of 25

b. If prohibited waste material (listed on Data Sheet 1) is observed in the landfill trench after dumping the load, remove the waste from the landfill cell and immediately notify the Environmental Specialist (prohibited waste in the lardfill may require notification to EPD).
c. If there is any question whether material observed in the load is a prohibited material, contact the Environmental Specialist.

4.6.3 Facilities personnel are responsible for completing the Prohibited Waste Inspection Checklist (Data Sheet 1) for each truck load taken to either landfill and for forwarding the completed Data Sheet I to Document Control.

4.7 METHANE GAS MONITORING 4.7.1 Due to the presence of landfill gases generated in landfills #2 and #3, long-term methane gas monitoring programs have been implemented at the landfills. This monitoring may be performed or coordinated by a consultant to SNC and will be conducted in accordance with the EPD approved (10/11/00) Methane Gas Monitoring Program dated September 2000 and any updates as applicable.

4.8 GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER MONITORING 4.8.1 Groundwater and surface water monitoring (from the landfill sediment ponds) will be performed as described in the EPD approved Design and Operational Plan. Sampling, analysis and reporting may be performed by a consultant to Southern Nuclear Company.

4.8.2 Samples will be collected semi-annually unless the EPD specifies an alternate sampling schedule.

4.9 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Erosion and sediment control will be performed as described in the EPD approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.

4.10 TRENCH CLOSE-OUT 4.10.1 Trench closeout requires a minimum of 1 foot of compacted earth overlain with at least 18 inches of compacted, low permeability soil and a minimum of 6 inches of vegetative topsoil be placed over the trench within one month after it is filled with waste.

Permanent vegetation cover shall be established as soon as possible on completed portions of the site. Planting will occur within two weeks of final grading of the tiench and cover, or in disturbed areas that will remain exposed for more than three months.

Printed March 17, 2006 at 7:52

Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram - Vogtle Electric Generating Plant 36300- C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Numbe 2 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 15 of 25 4.10.2 Ground surfaces must be shaped to provide smooth gradual contours. No slopes will be steeper than 3 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) grading. Minimum slopes will maintain a rate of grade greater than 3%. All roots and loose rocks, which would interfere with grass planting and maintenance, are to be removed prior to seeding.

4.10.3 Finely ground agricultural limestone (lime) will be spread evenly on the ground at a rate of 2000 pounds per acre prior to scarifying the ground in preparation for seeding.

4.10.4 A 10-10-10 formula of fertilizer will be applied at the rate of 1200 pounds per acre.

4.10.5 Fertilizer and seed should be spread with an agricultural seed spreader, culti-packer, or other appropriate equipment.

4.10.6 Grass seed packets, which will be used for grass cover, must be labeled in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture rules and regulations contained in the current Federal Seed Act.

4.10.7 Grass seed planting will take place within two weeks of final grading of the trench ground cover.

a. Areas closed-out between April 1 and August 31 must be seeded with a minimum per acre of 80 pounds of Sericea Lespedeza, 20 pounds of Pensacola Bahia grass, 20 pounds of Bermuda grass, and 50 pounds of brown-top Millet.
b. Areas closed-out between September 1 and March 31 must be seeded with a minimum per acre of 80 pounds of Sericea Lespedeza, 50 pounds of annual rye and 112 pounds of Abuzzie Rye.

4.10.8 Non-seed bearing hay mulch shall be spread at a rate of 2 tons per acre and shall be secured with 400 gallon of emulsified asphalt per acre. Mulch shall be applied within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after seeding. Mulch shall be applied with blower mulching equipment designed for this purpose and spread simultaneously with asphalt.

4.10.9 Following mulching, 3 inches of water will be applied, slowly, over a period of three weeks.

4.10.10 Ammonium nitrate will be spread, at a rate of 2000 pounds per acre, 60 days after seeding and mulching.

4.10.11 Alternate grassing specifications may be used upon the EPD's approval.

4.11 LANDFILL CLOSURE 4.11.1 Landfill closure and post closure care will be in accordance with the approved Design and Operational Plan.

Printed March 17, 2)06 at 7:52

Approved By Electric . Generating Plant Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundam ~oLe36300-C Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 16 of 25 4.12 DOCUMENTATION 4.12.1 Documentation included in the landfill operating record should be provided to the GA EPD for review upon request.

4.12.2 The following landfill documents should be sent to Document Control to be included in the landfill operating record: Location restriction (included in the Site Suitability Study), landfill drawings, design and operation plans, methane monitoring plans, groundwater monitoring plans, closure plans, and post-closure care plans. Methane monitoring test results. Groundwater monitoring test results Notifications and plans as required for methane monitoring or groundwater monitoring Facilities inspection records generated from this procedure (Data Sheet # 1) Environmental Monitoring Data Sheets (Data Sheet # 2) Cost estimates and financial assurance documentation Documentation attached to correspondence from SNC Environmental Affairs that may be recommended to be included in the landfill operating record.

Printed March 17, 2 )06 at 7:52

Approved By  : .  : E Procedure Nu -nber Rev Shan Sundaram Date Approved i Genera tng lant -



5.1 PROCEDURES 5.1.1 00260-C, "Hazardous Substances And Waste Control" 5.1.2 00265-C, "Asbestos Handling, Removal And Disposal" 5.2 Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Permit For Solid Waste Handling, No. 017-007D(L)(I) 5.3 Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Permit For Solid Waste Handling, No. 017-006D (L)(l) 5.4 Rules of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Chapter 391-3-4, Solid Waste Management 5.5 Plant Vogtle Landfill #2 Design and Operational Plan approved by Georgia EPI) on 12/18/02 5.6 Plant Vogtle Landfill #3 Design and Operational Plan approved by Georgia EPI) on 12/18/02 END OF PROCEDURE TEXT Printed March 17, 2306 at 7:52

Approved By 4jProcedure Number Rev Shan Sundaraim Vot63Eecri0GneatngPln Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMNENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 18 of 25


Approved By i'.£1S* Procedure Ntmrber Rev Shan Sundaram . VogtleElectric GYeneraLing laliL 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Numbei 11/04/2005 REOUTREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 19 of 25 X--- Approx imate location of Sediment pond LF3-01 0 11'K.

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Approved By  : Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram  : V ogtoe Electric Generating Plant 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 2.3 of 25 I

N; 117+3292 e 84 a379 N: t09+f44A1 D 89+99.35 LANDFILL #2 PLAN VIEW FIGURE 6 Printed March 17, 2(06 at 7:52

Approved By Approed By:  : 0Vogdle Electric.Generating i's Plant u


,me Procedure dw Number Rev e

Shan Sundaram Vote~e~~ eeaigraL~I36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 24 of 25 DATA SHEET 1 PROHIBITED WASTE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Date of load and dump inspection Landfill Number #2 or #3 (Circle one)

Waste Trench Number General description of waste to be taken to the landfill Prohibited Wastes Observed Prior to dumping After dumping Radioactive Waste [ ]yes [ ] no [ ]yes [ ] no Hazardous Waste (solvents, paints, [] yes [] no [] yes [] no etc.)

Biomedical Waste [ yes [ ] no [ ]yes [ ] no Non-Inert Industrial Waste (light bulbs, [ ]yes [ ] no [ ]yes [ ] no batteries, chemicals, etc)

Asphalt Roofing Shingles [ ]yes []no [ ]yes [ ] no Putrescible Waste (food, food [] yes []no [] yes [] no containers, refuse, etc)

Oil Filters or Oily Debris [ ]yes []no [ ]yes [ ] no Wastes containing free liquids [ ]yes [no [ ]yes [ ] no PCB Waste (capacitors, fluorescent [] yes []no [] yes [] no light ballast, etc)

Prohibited C&D Waste (treated wood, [ ]yes [no [ ]yes [ ] no lead sheets, ctc)

Describe in detail any prohibited waste checked above observed prior to dumping at the landfill Describe in detail any prohibited waste checked above observed in the landfill cell after dumping If prohibited waste observed in the landfill, enter date of notification to Environmental Specialist:

Additional Information Inspection completed by:

Printed March 17, 2006 at 7:52

Approved By Procedure Number Rev Shan Sundaram Vogtle Electric Greneating Plant  : 36300-C 1 Date Approved OPERATION OF SITE SOLID WASTE LANDFILL (NO. 3) AND SPECIAL Page Number 11/04/2005 RFOUIREMENTS FOR THE ASBESTOS TRENCH 25 of 25 6



2.) Trench #

3.) Date of Environmental Monitoring Activity.

4.) Do you see any evidence that the following prohibited waste have been disposed in the landfill since the last environmental monitoring monthly activity?

Radicactive Waste (evidence would be bags with [ ] yes [ ] no radiological hazard symbol)

Hazardous Waste (solvents, paints, etc.) [ ] yes [ ] no Biomrdical Waste (evidence would be bags with the [ ] yes [ ] no biohazard warning symbol or syringes/needles)

Non-Inert Industrial Waste (light bulbs, batteries, [ ] yes [ ] no chemicals, etc)

Asphalt Roofing Shingles [ ] yes [ ] no Putrescible Waste (food, food containers, refuse, etc) [ ] yes [ ] no Oil Filters or Oily Debris [ ] yes [ ] no Wastes containing free liquids [ ] yes [ ] no PCB Waste (capacitors, fluorescent light ballast, etc) [ ] yes [ ] no Prohibited C&D Waste (treated wood, lead sheets, etc) [ ] yes [ ] no 5.) Do you see any drums (larger than 10 gallons) that were not rendered incapable of holding liquids before being placed in the landfill? []yes [Ino 6.) Is the soil stockpile of sufficient quantity for monthly cover and for fire protection needs?

[]yes []no 7.) Is the disposal site graded and drained to minimize runoff onto the landfill surface, to prevent erosion, and to drain water from the surface of the landfill? [ ] yes [ ] no 8.) Are the gates to the landfills closed when the landfills are not being used? [ ] yes [ ] no 9.) Do you see any evidence that asbestos waste is being placed in trenches other than the approved asbestos trench? [ ] yes [ ] no 10.) Remarks:

11.) Performed By: Date:

The Environmental Specialist/Chemistry Support Supervisor should be notified of any discrepancies.

Printed March 17. 20)6 at 7:52