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CW-08-2005-Final Outline
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2005
NRC Region 4
Download: ML061560137 (15)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-30 1-1 Facility:

Callaway Date of Exa m ination: 8/22/2005 Exa m ination Level (circle one):

RO Operating Test Number:

NRC Administrative Topic (see Note)

Type Code* Describe act i vity to be performed JPM: Perform a QPTR Calculation.

Conduct of Operations D,R K/A: 2.1.32 (3.4)

Ability to explain and ap ply all system limits and precautions JPM: Calculate blended makeup volume a nd flow to the RWST. Conduct of Operations N,R K/A: 2.1.25 (2.8)

Ability to obtain and inter p ret station r e ference materials su ch as graph s, nomographs, and tables which contain perf o rmance data.

JPM: Determine T agging Boundaries for Containmen t Spray Pu mp. Equipment Control N, R K/A: 2.2.13 (3.6)

Knowledge of tagging a nd clearance procedures JPM: Determine Stay Time.

Radiation Control M, R K/A: 2.3.2 (2.5)

Knowledge of facility AL ARA progra m Emergency Plan NOTE: All items (5 t o tal are req u ired for SROs. RO app licants req u ire only 4 items unless they are retaking only t he administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Code s & Criteria: (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly s e lected) (S)imulator Class(R)oom NURE G-10 21, Revision 9 ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 NUREG-1021, Revision 9 TASK


A1a: Conduct of Operations:

Perform a QPTR Calculation. The task will require the RO and SRO applicants to perform a QPTR Calculation for Mode 1 conditions. The JPM will be a bank JPM A1b: Conduct of Operations:

Calculate blended makeup volume and flow for a makeup to the RWST. The task will require the applicant to determine volume of boric acid required based upon boric acid storage tank concentration, and makeup flow controller settings based upon desired makeup flow. This is a new JPM. A2: Equipment Control:

Determine Boundaries for Containment Spray Pump. The RO applicants will be required to determine the isolation boundaries for a Containment Spray Pump that will be removed from

service. This is a new JPM.

A3 Radiation Control:

Determine Stay Time. Given several Radiation Work Permits to choose from, survey maps of an area where work is required, and alarming dosimetry, the RO and SRO applicants will be required to determine their allowed stay time prior to reaching the dosimetry alarm setpoint.

This task is modified from a task performed on the 2003 NRC examination ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-30 1-1 Facility:

Callaway Date of Exa m ination: 8/22/2005 Exa m ination Level (circle one):

SRO Operating Test Number:

NRC Administrative Topic (see Note)

Type Code* Describe act i vity to be performed JPM: Perform A QPTR Calculation.

Conduct of Operations D,R K/A: 2.1.32 (3.8)

Ability to explain and ap ply all system limits and precautions JPM: Calculate blended makeup volume a nd flow to the RWST. Conduct of Operations N,R K/A: 2.1.25 (3.1)

Ability to obtain and inter p ret station r e ference materials su ch as graph s, nomographs, and tables which contain perf o rmance data.

JPM: Review a Ta gging Order for approval.

Equipment Control N,R K/A: 2.2.13 (3.8)

Knowledge of tagging a nd clearance procedures JPM: Determine Stay Time.

Radiation Control M,R K/A: 2.3.2 (2.9)

Knowledge of facility AL ARA progra m JPM: Upgrade Emergency Classif i cation and make initial Protective Action Recommen dation Emergency Plan N,R,S K/A: 2.4.44 (4.0) Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommend ations NOTE: All items (5 t o tal are req u ired for SROs. RO app licants req u ire only 4 items unless they are retaking only t he administrative topics, when 5 are required.

  • Type Code s & Criteria: (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly s e lected) (S)imulator Class(R)oom NURE G-10 21, Revision 9 ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 NUREG-1021, Revision 9 TASK


A1a: Conduct of Operations:

Perform a QPTR Calculation. The task will require the RO and SRO applicants to perform a QPTR Calculation for Mode 1 conditions with a dropped control rod. The JPM will be a bank JPM A1b: Conduct of Operations:

Calculate blended makeup volume and flow for a makeup to the RWST. The task will require the applicant to determine volume of boric acid required based upon boric acid storage tank concentration, and makeup flow controller settings based upon desired makeup flow. This is a new JPM. A2: Equipment Control:

Review a Tagging Order for approval. The SRO applicants will review a tagging order that contains critical errors. The applicants will be required to determine the errors that exist and recommend correction prior to tagging order approval. This is a new JPM.

A3 Radiation Control:

Determine Stay Time. Given several Radiation Work Permits to choose from, survey maps of an area where work is required, and alarming dosimetry, the RO and SRO applicants will be required to determine their allowed stay time prior to reaching the dosimetry alarm setpoint. This task is modified from a task performed on the 2003 NRC examination A4: Emergency Plan:

Upgrade Emergency Classification and make initial PAR. The SRO applicants will be given plant conditions requiring escalation of an emergency classification to a General Area Emergency. The applicants will then make an initial Protective Action Recommendation based upon the existing conditions. This is a new JPM.

ES-401 PWR Exami nation Outline Form ES-40 1-2 Facility:

Callaway Date of Exam:

8/22/2005 RO K/A Category Points SRO-Only Po ints T i e r G r o u p K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G* Total A 2 G* T o t a l 1 1 1 3 7 4 2 1 8 3 3 6 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 9 2 2 4 1. Emerge ncy & Abnorm a l Plant Evolutions Tier Totals 2 3 5 9 6 2 2 7 5 5 10 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 8 3 2 5 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 2. Plant S y st ems Tier Totals 5 4 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 8 4 4 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3. Generi c Knowl edge a n d Abilities C a te go r i es 2 2 2 4 10 1 2 2 2 7 Note: 1. Ensu re that a t least two topics from eve r y applicable K/A category are sampl ed within ea ch ti er of the RO an d SRO-only outli nes (i.e., except for one ca tegory in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the "Tier T o tals" i n each K/A category shall not be less th an two).

2. The point tota l for each g r o up and tier in the prop osed outline mu st match that sp ecified in the table. The final point total for each gro up and tier m a y deviate by 1 from that spe c ified in th e table ba sed o n NRC revi si ons. The fina l RO ex am m u st total 75 p o ints an d the SRO-only exam must total 25 points. 3. Systems/evol utions within each gro up a r e identified o n t he asso cia t ed outline; systems o r evolution s that do not appl y at the facility should b e d e leted an d ju stified; operationally import ant, site-spe cific systems that a r e not incl ude d on the outli ne sh ould b e adde d. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2

, for guidan ce rega rdin g elim ination of in approp riate K/A statements.

4. Select topics from as m any system s and evolutions a s possible; sa mple every system or evolution in the gro up bef ore sele cting a se con d topi c for any sy stem or evoluti on. 5. Absent a pla n t specifi c prio rity, only those KAs having an importa nce rating (I R) o f 2.5 or highe r shall b e sel e cted. Use the RO an d SRO ratings fo r the RO an d SRO-only po rtio ns, re spe c tively. 6. Select SRO t opics for Tie r s 1 and 2 fr o m the shad ed system s and K/A categori e s. 7.* The gen eri c (G) K/As in Tiers 1 a nd 2 shall be sele cted from Se ction 2 of the K/A Catalog, bu t the topics must b e relevant to the appli c abl e evolution or system.
8. On the followi ng pag es, ent er the K/A numbers, a brief descriptio n o f each topi c, the topics' importa nce ra tings (I R) for t he appli c abl e licen se level, and the point totals (#) fo r each system and catego ry. Enter the group an d tier totals for ea ch catego ry in the table ab ove: if fuel handling equipm ent is sampl ed in ot her than Cate gory A2 or G* on the SRO-Only exam, enter it on the left side of colum n A2 for Tier 2, Grou p 2. Use du plicate page s for RO and SRO-onl y exams. 9. For Tie r 3, se lect topics fro m Section 2 o f the K/A Catalog, and e n ter the K/A numbers, descri p tion s, IRs, and p o in t totals (#) on Form ES-4 0 1-3. Limit SRO sele ction s to K/As that are linke d to 10CFR55.4 3 NURE G-10 21 1 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1 Form ES-40 1-2 E/APE # / Name Safety Function G K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 Number K/A Topic(s)

Imp. Q# 008 / Pressurizer Vapor Space Ac cident / 3 X AA2.30 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the P r e ssurizer Vapor S pace Accident:

Inadequate Core Cooling 4.7 7 6 011 / Larg e Brea k LOCA / 3 X 2.2.25 Equipment Contr o l Know ledg e of bases in technical specificat ions for limiting co ndit ions for operations and safety limits. 3.7 7 7 022 / Loss of Rx Coolant Makeup

/ 2 X AA2.03 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of Reactor Coo l ant Makeup: Failures of flow cont rol valve or controller 3.6 7 8 038 / Steam Gen. Tube Ru pture / 3 X 2.1.32 Conduct of O perations: Ability to ex plain and appl y all sy stem limits and precautions.

3.8 7 9 054 / Loss of Main Feed water / 4 X 2.4.49 Emergenc y P r oc edures / Plan Ability to p e rfo r m w i t hout reference to proc edures t hose actions that require immediate opera t ion of s y stem components and co ntrols. 4.0 8 0 E04 / LOCA Out s ide Containmen t / 3 X EA2.1 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the (L OCA O u tside Cont ainment) Facilit y conditions and selection of appro p riate procedu re s during abnormal and e m ergenc y operat i ons. 4.3 8 1 007 / Reactor Tri p - Stabilization - Recovery

/ 1 X EA1.02 Ability to ope rate and monitor th e follow i ng as the y appl y to a reactor t r ip: MFW S y stem 3.8 3 9 008 / Pressurizer Vapor Space Ac cident / 3 X AK2.03 Kno w ledge of th e interrelations b e tween the P r es surizer Vapor Space Ac cident and the fol l ow ing: C ontrolle rs and positioners 2.5 4 0 009 / Small Brea k LOCA / 3 X EK3.12 Kno w ledge of th e reasons for th e follow i ng respo n s es as the y ap pl y to the small break LOCA: Letdo w n isolation 3.4 4 1 011 / Larg e Brea k LOCA / 3 X 2.1.23 Conduct of O perations: Ability to perform specific sy stem and integrate d plant procedu res d u ring all modes of plant operation.

3.9 4 2 025 / Loss of RH R S y stem / 4 X 2.1.30 Conduct of O perations: Ability to locate and ope rat e components, including local controls.

3.9 4 3 026 / Loss of Co mponent Cooling Water / 8 X AA2.06 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of Component Cooling Water: T he length of time aft e r the loss of CC W flow to a comp onent before that comp onent ma y be da maged 2.8 4 4 027 / Pressurizer Pressure Cont ro l Sy stem Malfunc tion / 3 X AA2.10 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the P r e ssurizer Pressure Control Malfun ctions: Heater e nergized/de-ene rgized condition 3.3 4 5 029 / ATWS / 1 X EA1.10 Ability to ope rate and monitor th e follow i ng as the y appl y to a ATWS: Rod control function sw itch 3.6 4 6 NURE G-10 21 2 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 1 Form ES-40 1-2 E/APE # / Name Safety Function G K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 Number K/A Topic(s)

Imp. Q# 038 / Steam Gen. Tube Ru pture / 3 X EA1.35 Ability to ope rate and monitor th e follow i ng as the y appl y to a SGTR: Stea m dump condens er 3.5 4 7 040 / Steam Line Rupture - Exces s ive Heat Transf e r / 4 X AA1.05 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the St e a m Line Ruptu r e: Manual and aut omatic RPS tr ip initiation 4.5 4 8 054 / Loss of Main Feed water / 4 X AA2.02 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of Main Feed water (M FW): Differentiation be tw e en loss of all MFW and trip of one MFW pump 4.1 4 9 056 / Loss of Off

-site Pow e r / 6 X AK1.01 Kno w ledge of th e operational imp lications of the follow i ng concepts as the y appl y to Loss of Offsite Po w e r: P r inciple of cooling b y nat ural convection 3.7 5 0 057 / Loss of Vital AC Inst. Bus / 6 X AA1.04 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of Vital AC Instrument Bus: RW ST and VCT valves 3.5 5 1 058 / Loss of DC Power / 6 X AA2.01 Ability to dete r mi ne and interp ret t he follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of DC Po w e r: T hat a loss of dc power has occurred; ve rification that substitute pow e r sou r ces have come on line 3.7 5 2 062 / Loss of Nu clear Svc. Water / 4 X AA1.07 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Loss of Nuclear Serv ice Water: Flo w r a tes to the components and s y stems that are serviced b y t he CCWS; interactions among the co mponents 2.9 5 3 E04 / LOCA Out s ide Containmen t / 3 X EK3.2 Kno w ledge of th e reasons for th e follow i ng respo n s es as the y ap pl y to the (LOCA Outside Containment)

No rmal, abnormal and e m ergenc y operat i ng procedures associated w i th (L OCA Outside C ontainment).

3.4 5 4 E11 / Loss of Emergenc y Coolant Recirc. / 4 X EK3.4 Kno w ledge of th e reasons for th e follow i ng respo n s es as the y ap pl y to the (Loss of Emerg enc y Coolant Recirculation) RO or S R O fu nction as a w i thin the control room team as ap propriate to the assigned positio n, in such a w a y that procedures a r e a dhered to and th e limitations in the facilit ies l i cense and amendme n t s are not violated.

3.6 5 5 E12 / Steam Line Rupture - Exces s ive Heat Transf e r / 4 X EA1.3 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the (Unc ontrolled Depr essurization of all S t eam Gene rators) Desired ope rating res u lts during abnor mal and emerg enc y s i tuations.

3.4 5 6 K/A Categor y Poi n t Totals:

2/3 1 1 3 7 4/3 Grou p Point Tota l: 18/6 NURE G-10 21 3 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2 Form ES-40 1-2 E/APE # / Name Safety Function G K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 Number K/A Topic(s)

Imp. Q# 001 / Continuous Rod Withdra w al / 1 X AA2.02 Ability to deter mi ne and inter p r e t the follow i ng as they appl y to the Co ntinuous Rod Withdra w al: Pro per actions to be taken if aut omatic safety fun c tions have not taken place 4.5 8 2 037 / Steam Gen e rator Tube L eak / 3 X 2.2.22 Equipment Contr o l Know ledg e of limiting conditions for operations and s a fet y limits. 4.1 8 3 060 / Accidental Gaseous RadWa s te Rel. / 9 X AA2.06 Ability to deter mi ne and inter p r e t the follow i ng as they appl y to the Accidental Gaseous Rad w aste: Valve lineup for release of rad i oactive gases 3.6 8 4 E14 / Loss of CT MT Integrit y / 5 X 2.4.6 Emergenc y P r oc edures / Plan Kn ow led ge s y mpto m based EOP mitigation strategies.

4.0 8 5 036 / Fuel Ha ndling Accident / 8 X AA1.02 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the Fuel Handling Incidents: ARM s y stem 3.1 5 7 037 / Steam Gen e rator Tube L eak / 3 X AA1.06 Ability to ope rate and / or mo nitor the follow i ng as t h e y appl y to the St e a m Gene rato r Tu be Leak: Main steam line rad monitor meters 3.8 5 8 074 / Inadeq uate Core C ooling / 4 X EK1.01 Kno w ledge of th e operational imp lications of the follow i ng concepts as they appl y to Inade quate Co re Cooli ng: Methods of calculating subcooling margin 4.3 5 9 E01 & E02 Redia gnosis and SI Te rmination / 3 X EK3.2 Kno w ledge of th e reasons for th e follow i ng respo n s es as the y ap pl y to the (Reactor Trip o r Safet y Injection/Rediagnosis) Normal, a b normal, and em ergenc y procedures asso ciated w i th Re actor Trip o r Safet y Injection/Rediagnosis.

3.0 6 0 E03 / LOCA Cool do w n - Depress. / 4 X EK3.2 Kno w ledge of th e reasons for th e follow i ng respo n s es as the y ap pl y to the (LOCA Cooldo wn and Dep r essurization)

Normal, abno rm al and emerge ncy ope rating proc edures associated w i th (L OCA C ooldo w n and Dep r essurization).

3.4 6 1 E07 / Inad. Co re Cooling / 4 X EA2.2 Ability to deter mi ne and inter p r e t the follow i ng as they appl y to the (Sat urated C o re C ooling) Adherence t o approp riate proc edures and o per ation w i thin the limitations in the facility

's license and amendme n t s. 3.3 6 2 E08 / RCS Overcooling - PTS / 4 X EK2.1 Kno w ledge of th e interrelations b e tween the (Pres s urized Thermal Shock) and the follo w i ng: Components, a n d functions of control and safet y s y s t ems, including instrumentation, signals, in terlocks, failure modes, and automatic and m anual features.

3.4 6 3 NURE G-10 21 4 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 Group 2 Form ES-40 1-2 E/APE # / Name Safety Function G K1 K2 K3 A1 A2 Number K/A Topic(s)

Imp. Q# E09 / Natural Circ. / 4 X EA2.2 Ability to deter mi ne and inter p r e t the follow i ng as they appl y to the (Nat ural Circul ation Oper ations) Adh e rence to approp riate pr ocedures and op eration w i thin the limitations in the facility

's license and amendme n t s. 3.4 6 4 E14 / Loss of CT MT Integrit y / 5 X EK2.1 Kno w ledge of th e interrelations b e tween the (High Containment Pre ssure) and the f o llow i ng: Compo n e nts, and functions of control and safet y s y stems, including instrumentation, signals, in terlocks, failure modes, and automatic and m anual features.

3.4 6 5 K/A Categor y Poi n t Total: 0/2 1 2 2 2 2/2 Grou p Point Tota l: 9/4 NURE G-10 21 5 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 Form ES-40 1-2 S y stem #/Nam e G K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 Number K/A T opics Imp. Q# 006 Emergenc y Core Co oling X A2.12 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on the ECCS; and (b) based on those p r edictions , use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or operations:

Conditions requiring actuatio n of ECCS 4.8 8 6 010 Pressurizer Pressure Cont rol X A2.03 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on the PZR PCS; and (b) based on those p r edictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or operations:

PORV failures 4.2 8 7 064 Emergenc y Diesel Generato r X 2.4.30 Emergenc y P r oc edures / Plan Kn ow led ge of w h ich events related to sy stem o peration s/status should be reporte d to outsi de agencies.

3.6 8 8 076 Service Water X A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on the SWS; and (b) based on those p r edictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or oper ations: Service w a te r header p r essure 3.1 8 9 103 Containment X 2.1.14 Conduct of Oper ations: Know ledg e of s y stem statu s criteria which req u ire the notification of plant personnel.

3.3 9 0 003 Reactor Coo l ant Pump X K1.01 Kno w ledge of th e ph y s ical connections and/or cause-effect relat i onships betw e e n the RCPS an d the follow i ng s y st ems: RCP lube o il 2.6 1 003 Reactor Coo l ant Pump X A1.01 Ability to predict and/or monito r changes in paramete r s (to p r event exceeding design limits) associated w i th o perating the RCP S controls including: RCP vibration 2.9 2 004 Chemical an d Volume Control X K3.06 Kno w ledge of th e effect that a loss or malfunction of the CVCS w ill have on the follow i ng: RCS temperatu r e and pressure 3.4 3 004 Chemical an d Volume Control X K4.15 Kno w ledge of C V CS design feat ure(s) a nd/or inter l ock(s) w h ic h pr ovide for the follow i ng: Inter l ocks associated w i th o peration of o r ifice isolation valves 3.0 1 6 005 Residual He at Removal X K5.03 Kno w ledge of th e operational imp lications of the follow i ng concept s as the y appl y t he RHRS: Reactivity effects of RHR fill water 2.9 4 006 Emergenc y Core Co oling X K4.10 Kno w ledge of E CCS design feat ure(s) a nd/or interlock(s) w h ic h provide for th e follow i ng: Redundant pressure mete rs 2.9 5 NURE G-10 21 6 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 Form ES-40 1-2 S y stem #/Nam e G K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 Number K/A T opics Imp. Q# 007 Pressurizer Relief/Quench Tank X A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on the PRTS; and (b) based on those p r edictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or operat ions: Abnormal press u re in the PRT 2.6 6 008 Compon ent Cooling Water X A3.08 Ability to monito r automatic operati on of the C C WS, including: Automatic actions associated w i th the CCWS that occur as a result of a safet y injection signal 3.6 7 008 Compon ent Cooling Water X K2.02 Kno w ledge of bu s pow e r supplies to the follo w i ng: CCW pump, including emergenc y backup 3.0 8 010 Pressurizer Pressure Cont rol X A1.08 Ability to predict and/or monito r changes in paramete r s (to p r event exceeding design limits) associated w i th o perating the P Z R PCS controls including: Spra y nozzle DT 3.2 9 010 Pressurizer Pressure Cont rol X K1.01 Kno w ledge of th e ph y s ical connections and/or cause-effect rela tionships betw e e n the PZR PCS and the follo w i ng sy stems: RPS 3.9 1 0 012 Reactor P r ot ection X K2.01 Kno w ledge of bu s pow e r supplies to the follo w i ng: RPS channels, components, and i n terconnections 3.3 1 1 012 Reactor P r ot ection X A3.06 Ability to monito r automatic operati on of the RPS, including: Trip logic 3.7 1 2 013 Engineered Safet y F eatur es Actuation X K1.14 Kno w ledge of th e ph y s ical connections and/or cause effect relationships between the ESFAS and the follow i ng s y stem s: IAS 3.1 1 3 013 Engineered Safet y F eatur es Actuation X K5.01 Kno w ledge of th e operational imp lications of the follow i ng concept s as the y appl y t o the ESFAS:

Definitions of safet y train a nd ES F channel 2.8 1 4 022 Containment Cooling X A2.04 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on th e CCS; and (b) based on those p r edictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or oper ations: Loss of service wa t e r 2.9 1 5 026 Containment Spra y X 2.1.2 Conduct of Oper ations: Know ledg e of operat or responsibilitie s during all modes of plant operation.

3.0 1 7 039 Main and Re heat Steam X K3.05 Kno w ledge of th e effect that a loss or malfunction of the MRSS w ill have on the follow i ng: RCS 3.6 1 8 NURE G-10 21 7 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 1 Form ES-40 1-2 S y stem #/Nam e G K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 Number K/A T opics Imp. Q# 059 Main Feed w a ter X A2.07 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on th e MFW; and (b) based on those p r edictions , use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or oper ations: Tripping of M F W pump turbine 3.0 1 9 061 Aux illary/Em e rgenc y Feed w a t e r X K6.02 Kno w ledge of th e effect of a loss or malfunction of the follow i ng w ill have on the AFW components:

Pumps 2.6 2 0 062 AC Electrical Distribution X A1.01 Ability to predict and/or monito r changes in paramete r s (to p r event exceeding design limits) associated w i th o perating the ac di stribution sy stem controls includin g: Signi ficance of D/G load limits 3.4 2 1 063 DC Electrical Distribution X K4.02 Kno w ledge of dc electrical sy stem design feature(s) and/or interlock(s

) w h ich provide f o r the follo w i ng: Breaker interlocks, permissives, b y passes and cr oss-ties. 2.9 2 2 063 DC Electrical Distribution X A4.01 Ability to manu ally ope rate and/or monitor in the control room: Ma jor breakers and control po w e r fuses 2.8 2 3 064 Emergenc y Diesel Generato r X K6.07 Kno w ledge of th e effect of a loss or malfunction of the follow i ng w ill have on the ED/G s y stem: Air Receiver s 2.7 2 4 073 Process Rad i ation Monitoring X A4.01 Ability to manu ally ope rate and/or monitor in the control room: Effl uent release 3.9 2 5 076 Service Water X K1.19 Kno w ledge of th e ph y s ical connections and/or cause- effect rela tionships betw e e n the SWS and t h e follow i ng s y stem s: SWS emergen cy heat loads 3.6 2 6 078 Instrument A i r X K4.01 Kno w ledge of IA S design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) w h ic h provide for th e follow i ng: Manual/automati c transfers of con t rol 2.7 2 7 103 Containment X A4 04 Ability to manu ally ope rate and/or monitor in the control room: Ph ase A and phase B resets 3.5 2 8 K/A Categor y Poi n t Totals:

1/2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 3/3 2 3 Grou p Point Tota l: 28/5 NURE G-10 21 8 ES-401 Callaway PWR BOTH Written Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2 Group 2 Form ES-40 1-2 S y stem #/Nam e G K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 Number K/A T opics Imp. Q# 001 Cont rol Rod Drive X 2.4.4 Emergenc y P r oc edures / Plan Ability to recognize abnormal indications for s y stem o perating paramete r s w h ich are ent r y-level conditions for emergenc y and abnormal ope rati ng procedu res. 4.3 9 1 002 Reactor Coo l ant X 2.1.28 Conduct of Oper ations: Know ledg e of the pu rpose and function of m a jor s y stem com ponents and controls.

3.3 9 2 011 Pressurizer Level Control X A2.03 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the follow i ng malfunctions or operations on the PZR LCS; an d (b) based on those p r edictions , use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the co nsequences of those malfunctions or operations:

Loss of PZR level 3.9 9 3 001 Cont rol Rod Drive X K2.02 Kno w ledge of bu s pow e r supplies to the follo w i ng: One-line diagr a m of po w e r sup p l y to trip breake r s 3.6 2 9 011 Pressurizer Level Control X K6.04 Kno w ledge of th e effect of a loss or malfunction on the follow i ng w ill have on the PZR LCS: O p er ation of PZ R level contr o ller s 3.1 3 0 014 Rod Position Indication X 2.1.27 Conduct of Oper ations: Know ledg e of s y stem purpose and or f unction. 2.8 3 1 015 Nuclear Instr u mentation X K2.01 Kno w ledge of bu s pow e r supplies to the follo w i ng: NIS channels, components, and in terconnections 3.3 3 2 017 In-core Tem peratur e Monitor X 2.1.28 Conduct of Oper ations: Know ledg e of the pu rpose and function of m a jor s y stem com p onents and controls.

3.1 3 3 029 Containment Purge X A3.01 Ability to monito r automatic operati on of the Containment Pur ge S y stem including: CPS isolatio n 3.8 3 4 041 Steam Dum p/Turbine B y pas s Control X A3.05 Ability to monito r automatic operati on of the SDS, including: Main steam pressure 2.9 3 5 045 Main Tu rbine Gene rator X K1.19 Kno w ledge of th e ph y s ical connections and/or cause-effect relat i onships betw e e n the MT/G s y ste m and the follo w i ng sy stems: ESFA S 3.4 3 6 071 Waste Gas Disposal X K3.05 Kno w ledge of th e effect that a loss or malfunction of the Waste G a s Disposal Sy stem w ill have on the follow i ng: ARM a nd PRM s y stems 3.2 3 7 079 Station Air X A4.01 Ability to manu ally ope rate and/or monitor in the control room: C r oss-tie valves w i th IAS 2.7 3 8 K/A Categor y Poi n t Totals:

2/2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0/1 2 1 Grou p Point Tota l: 10/3 NURE G-10 21 9 ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outl ine (Tier3)

Form ES-40 1-3 Facility:

Callaway Date of Exam:

8/22/2005 RO S R O-Onl y Categor y K/A # T o p i c I R Q# I R Q# 2.1.33 Ability to r e cognize indicati ons for sy stem oper ating paramete r s w h ich are ent r y-level conditions for technical specif ications.

4.0 9 4 2.1.18 Ability to make accur a te, clear and concise logs, records, status b oards, and r eport s. 2.9 6 6 2.1.16 Ability to ope rate plant phone, pa ging sy stem, and tw o-w a y r adio. 2.9 6 7 1. Conduct of Oper ations S u b t o t a l 2 1 2.2.33 Kno w ledge of co ntrol rod p r ogr am ming. 2.9 9 5 2.2.10 Kno w ledge of th e process for det ermining if the m a rgin of safet y , as defi ned in the basis of an y technical specificat ion is reduced b y a prop osed change, tes t or expe riment. 3.3 9 6 2.2.25 Kno w ledge of ba ses in technical specifications for limiting condit i ons for operations and safet y limits. 2.5 6 8 2.2.2 Ability to manipul ate the cons ole controls as required to operate the fa cility bet w een sh utdo w n and designated po w e r levels.

4.0 6 9 2. Equipment Contr o l S u b t o t a l 2 2 2.3.8 Kno w ledge of th e process for per forming a planne d gaseous radioactive release.

3.2 9 7 2.3.10 Ability to pe rform procedures to re duce ex cessive levels of radiatio n and gua rd agai nst personnel exposure. 3.3 9 8 2.3.9 Kno w ledge of th e process for per forming a containment pur ge. 2.5 7 0 2.3.11 Ability to contr o l radiation r e leases. 2.7 71 3. Radiation Contr o l S u b t o t a l 2 2 2.4.4 Ability to recog n ize abnormal indications for sy ste m operating pa ram e ters w h ich are e n tr y-level conditions for emer genc y a nd abnorm a l ope rating procedu re s. 4.3 9 9 2.4.38 Ability to take actions called for in the facility emergenc y plan, including (if required) suppo rting o r acting as emerge ncy coordinato

r. 4.0 1 0 0 2.4.31 Kno w ledge of an nunciators, alarm s and indications, and use of the re sponse instructio ns. 3.3 7 2 2.4.3 Ability to identif y post-accident ins t rumentation.

3.5 73 2.4.12 Kno w ledge of ge neral operating cre w respo n sibiliti e s during emer genc y ope rations. 3.4 7 4 2.4.29 Kno w ledge of th e emergenc y pla n. 2.6 75 4. Emergenc y P r oc edures / Plan S u b t o t a l 4 2 Tier 3 Point Tot a l 10 7 NURE G-10 21 10 ES-401 Record of Rejected K/As Form ES-40 1-4 Tier / Group Randomly Selected K/A Reason for Rejection 2 / 1 008 / A2.07 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit

y. No pump auto start o n flow rate 2 / 1 008 / A3.02 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit
y. Facility does not have booster pumps.

2 / 1 012 / A1.01 It isn't possible to prepa re a psychometrically sound questio n related to t he subject K/A.

Not a task performed by operations 2 / 1 061 / A1.03 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit

y. Not multi

-unit. 2 / 1 103 / A4.06 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit

y. No ability to monitor this system and component from the control room.

2 / 2 027 / 2.1.27 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit

y. Syste m is retired in p l ace. 2 / 2 017 / A2.01 It isn't possible to prepa re a psychometrically sound questio n related to t he subject K/A.

Operating the system controls would not result in the effects stated. 2 / 1 006 / A2.07 The subject K/A isn't rele vant at the subject facilit

y. No heat tracing on thi s sy stem. 2 / 1 022 K4.03 The function required by the topic do es not exist at this facilit y 1 / 2 001 AA2.02 There is no relationship between these components for this e v ent at this f a cility 1 / 2 060 AA2.04 Could not develop a psychometrically sound SRO level test item for this topic 1 / 1 008 AA2.10 Could not develop a psychometrically sound SRO level test item for this topic 1 / 1 027 AA2.04 Could not develop a psychometrically sound ite m for the subject KA.

Replaced with 027 AA2.10 1 / 2 059 AK1.02 Could not develop a psychometrically sound ite m for the subject KA.

Replaced with 074 EK1.01 2 / 1 064 K6.08 Event would have no effect on the fa cility. Repla c ed with 06 4 K6.07 1 / 2 E01 EK3.1 Could not develop a psychometrically sound ite m for the subject KA.

Replaced with E01 EK3.2 NURE G-10 21 11