NL-17-1089, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Standard Emergency Plan Proposed Version 4.0 On-Shift Staffing Analysis

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Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Standard Emergency Plan Proposed Version 4.0 On-Shift Staffing Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Hatch, Vogtle, Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/2018
From: Brown J R
Energy Compliance Consultants
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML18226A095 (83)


Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Standard Emergency Plan Proposed Version ~-0 On-Shift Staffing Analysis 04/10/2018 Date Date Prepared for Southern Nuclear by Energy Compliance Consultants, LLC HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Contents Introduction





....... 1 References





I Executive Summary ............


I Conclusion

................................................................................................................................................... 2 Appendix A Phase II Analysis Result s ........................................................


5 Appendix B Phase II Eve nt Analysis Tables ...........................................



............... 7 Event #1 Event #2 Event#4 Event#6 Event #7 Event #8 Design Ba s is Threat. ..........................................





..... 9 Large break LOCA with Relea se and PARs ...........




18 MSL Break outside containment isolation



............................................ 27 " Aircraft Probable Threat" respon se actions in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh)( I) .........

35 ATWS .....................................




..... 44 Station (Unit) Blackout ......................................................




.. 52 Event #9 Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown ...................................

........... 62 Event #12 Event with initial classification of General Emergency


72 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Introduction I OCFR50 Appendix E , effective on December 23 , 2011 , directed that a detailed study be performed by December 24, 2012 , to ensure on-shift staffing was adequate to perform critical functions until relieved by the augmented Emergency Response Organization (ERO). The NRC in the published staff guidance (Reference

2) endorsed NE! 10-05 as an acceptable means of performing the required staffing analysis.

An on-shift staffing analysis was completed in December 2017 , to support implementation of Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF)-258 for the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP). TSTF-258 allows for elimination of the title 'Shift Technical Advisor (STA)' from section 5.2.2.g of the HNP TS with the function being assumed by qualified personnel.

The on-shift staffing analysis was performed with the ST A position being removed as a required on-shift position in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan, Hatch Annex Table 2.2.A. ProRosed Version 4.0 of the on-shift staffing analysis report documents the results of this evaluation.

References I. 1 OCDR50 Appendix E 2. NSIR/DPR-!SG-0 I , Interim Staff Guidance , Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants 3. NEI I 0-05 , Revision 0 , Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities

4. SNC Standard Emergency Plan Annex for HNP Units I and 2 , Version 4.0 , Table 2.2.A 5. HNP UFSAR Chapter 15 , Revision 31 Executive Summary A detailed staffing analysis , performed in accordance with NE! I 0-05 , was conducted to document the adequacy of shift staffing as required by I OCFR50 Appendix E. Tab l e 1 identifies the minimum staff described in the SNC Standard Emergency Plan Annex for HNP Units I and 2 , Version 4.0 , Table 2.2.A , and was used to perform the on-shift staffing analysis. NRC staff guidance directs the scenarios that must be used to demonstrate the adequacy of on-shift staffing to perform required functions for event mitigation , radiation protection response, firefighting , chemistry and Emergency Plan functions.

Those scenarios include specific design basis accidents as described in the UFSAR as well as specific scenarios defined in the Staff Guidance document.

Identification of these scenarios is the first phase of the NEI I 0-05 process. Table 2 identifies the scenarios that were required to be considered for evaluation.

The next phase required of NE! I 0-05 requires a dedicated team , using tabletop techniques , to evaluate the scenarios for conflicts between the functional areas that must be resolved by detailed procedural analysis.

For those scenarios where no conflicts are identified in the specified areas no further action is required.

The results of this analysis determined that conflicts do not exist; therefore , further action is not required.

HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Conclusio n The minimum staff identified in th e SNC Standard E m ergency Plan Annex for HNP Units I and 2 , Table 2.2.A , is adeq uat e to respo nd to the scenar io s identified in the regulations until relieved b y the augmented E RO. The ana l ys i s showed that the number of on-shift personnel is s u fficient to r espo nd to ana l yzed events until a u gmented by the E R O 75 minute s after eve nt d eclaration a nd that no co nfli cts in respon s ibilities exist. Table 1 HNP On-Shift Staffing Position Title On-Shift S hift Manager (SM) I Shift Supervi so r (SRO) 2 Shift Support Supe r v i so r (S RO/FBL) 1':otcl I R eac tor Operators (RO) 4 System Operators (SO) r-o,e 1 7 RP Technician (RP) 3 Chem i stry Techn ici a n (CT) 2 Maintenance S up erv i so r (MS) I E l ectr ical Maintenance (EM) I Mechanical Maintenance (M M) I l&C Maintenance (I C) 1 Total On-Shift Per so nnel 24 Fire Brigade '0 1 e I 5 Re sc u e Operation s/F ir s t Aid " 0 1* 2 2 Secur i ty Sec plan ote I -F ir e Bri ga de i s a collatera l dut y of Op era tion s requirin g 5 p erso nnel without safe s hutdown re spo n s ibiliti es. The F ir e Bri gade cons i sts of I F ir e Bri ga de Leade r (Shift Support Supervisor

-S RO) and 4 Fire Bri gade M e mb ers (Syste m Operators). T h ese ind i v idu a l s are not assigned safe s hutdo wn re s ponsibilities. ote 2 -R escue/F ir st Aid is a co ll ateral du ty of RP per son nel. 2 Event# Event Event Type I. DBT Hostil e Action Based Eve nt 2. DBA Loss of Coo ling Accident (L OCA) 3. OBA Control Rod Drop Accident 4. OBA Main Steamline Break 5. OBA Fuel Handling Accident 6. ISG Aircraft Probable Threat 7. ISG ATWS 8. ISG Station Blackout 9. ISG Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown 10. ISG NFPA-805 Fire I I. ISG Entry Into SAMGs HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 2 NEI 10-05 Appendix A Analyzed Events and Accidents Summary Description of Reactor Event Mode Land based hostile action 1-5 against the Protected Area b y a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the DBT Complete circumferential 1-5 shear of 1 Recirc Line Rod with the highest worth 2 drops from the full y inserted position Complete severance l outside Secondary Containment Irradiated , fully raised fuel 5 bundle is dropped onto the top of the core Verifiab l e informati o n that 1-5 the plant is in the fli g ht path of a track of interest (TOI) with an ET A of 3 0 minutes or less. Failure of Rx to SCRAM 1-2 without operator action A loss of all offsite AC 1 power and Emergency Die se l Generators MCR Evacuation required.

1-5 Operation from Remote Shutdown Panel. NFPA-805 Fire requiring N I A FB Response Directed to the SAMGs N I A from the Emergency Operating Procedure Flow Charts 3 Reference Event EAL Analysis Document s Required ISG IV.C SAE y UFSAR SAE y § 15.3.3 GE Condition IV UFSAR None 0 § 15.3.2 Condition IV Note I UFSAR UE es § I 5.3.4 Condition IV VFSAR ALERT No § 15.3.5 Co ndition IV Note 2 ISG IV.C ALERT Yes lSG !V.C UE Yes I SG IV.C SAE Yes HNP Station Blackout analysis ISGIV.C ALERT Yes !SGIV.C ALERT No Note3 ISG rv.c and GE No the EOP Note 4 Flowcharts Event HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 2 NEI 10-05 Appendix A Analyzed Events and Accidents Summary Description of Reactor Reference Analysis Event# Type Event Event Mode Documents Event EAL Required 12. SfR Fast Breaker Event with an initial I NSfR GE Ye classification of General Note 5 Emergency Note 1 -Per UFSAR Section 15.3.2 , the radiological consequences for the realistic case (NE[ l 0-05 Section 2.8 guidance) do not reach an EAL threshold. Events that do not result in an emergency classification do not require analysis per NEI I 0-05 Section

Note 2 -Refueling accident is not analyzed with the existing on-shift staff per FAQ 2013-008. Note 3 -Event is bounded by the Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown.

No further analysis required. Note 4 -Per NE! l 0-05 , Section 2.11 , no actions other than licensed and non-licensed operators are involved with SAMG implementation , therefore analysis is not required.

Note 5 -Event designated as proceeding non-mechanistically to GE with release exceeding Protective Action Guides (PAGs) and requiring PARs (PARs). 4 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Appendix A Phase II Analysis Results 5 r HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis A multi-disciplined team of subject matter experts from HNP was assembled to provide input into the shift staffing analysis (OSA) of events identified by NSI R/DPR-ISG-0 I , Interim Staff Guidance , Emergency Plannin g for Nuclear Power Plants. This team consisted of: a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO -EOP Coordinator)

an RP Mana ge r; an RP Supervi so r; a Security Captain; a Chemist; a FLEX Eng i neer; FLEX Proc ed ure Writers; and Emergency Plannin g Staff (station , corporate , and consultants).

The team provided analysis support during the Pha se [I analysis as follows: Table 3 On-Shift Staffing Analysis Team Team Member Subject Matter Expertise EOP Coordinator

-SRO EOP actions Abnormal Procedure (AB) actions Operating Procedure actions Shift Technical Advisor actions Emergency Director (E Plan) actions Fire Brigade re s pon se actions Offsite Communicator actions RP Manager RP response actions RP Supervisor Field Monitorin g Team (FMT) actions First Aid re s pons e action s Chemist Chemistry Response Actions Prompt Dose Assessment actions Securit y Captain Security response actions FLEX E n g ineer Station Black Out (SBO) respon se actions FLEX Procedure Writer Emer ge nc y Plannin g E mer gency Plan re s pon se act ion s The OSA was conducted in three ste ps; identification of events for analysis; minimum on-shift staffing complement determin atio n; and , a tabletop analysis of the on-shift staffing resources required for r es pon se to identified eve nt s. The results and r eco mmendations of the OSA are document ed in thi s report. 6 HNP On-S hift S taffing A nal ys i s Appendix B Phase II Event Analysis Tables 7 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis On-Shift Personnel Assignments Used During OSA On-Shift Operator Assignments Position Designation Assignment Shift Manager SM Shift Manager/Emergenc y Director Unit Supervisor SRO! Unit I Shift Supervisor (SSD) Unit Supervisor SR02 Unit 2 Shift Supervisor (SSD) Shift Support Supervisor SR03/FBL Shift Support/ Fire Bri g ade Leader Reactor Operator ROI Unit I Operator At Controls (SSD) Reactor Operator R02/COM2 Unit I Licensed Operator (SSD) Reactor Operator R03 Unit 2 Operator At Controls (SSD) Reactor Operator R04/COMI Unit 2 Operator At Controls (SSD) System Operator SOI Unit I NLO (SSD) S y stem Operator S02 Unit 2 NLO (SSD) System Operator S03 Unit I Inside SO (SSD) S y stem Operator S04/FBMI Unit 2 Inside SO (FBMI) S y stem Operator S05/FBM2 Unit I Outside SO (FBM2) S y stem Operator S06/FBM3 Maintenance SO (FBM3) S ys tem Operator S07/FBM4 Maintenance SO (FBM4) Other On-Shift Personnel Assignments Position Designation Assignment RP Technician RPI R.P Support RP Technician RP2 RP Support RP Technician RP3/FMT RP Support/ Field Monitoring Chemistr y Technician CTI Chemistry Support Chemistry Technician CT2/DA Chemistry Support/ Dose Asses s ment Maintenance Supervi s or MM2 Maintenance Supervision Mechanical Maintenance MMI Mechanical Maintenance Support Electrical Maintenance EMI Electrical Maintenance Support l&C Maintenance lCI l&C Maintenance Support SAS Operator SEC! Accountability CAS Operator SEC2 Security Interface 8

HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #1 Design Basis Threat Initial Conditions

Time: Saturday @0230 Unit I & 2 @ 100% Power Normal operating temperature Normal operating pressure Sequence of Events: 0235 Adversary force assaults HNP and attempts to breach the protected area fence Security engages adversaries and notifies Shift Manager 0240 Security informs Shift Manager that PA has been breached 0245 Security informs Shift Manager that adversaries have been neutralized No injuries to site personnel No fires or co llat eral damage to plant equipment No adverse consequences to plant safety 9 Eve n t #1: DBT/ISG -Design Basis Threat TABLE 1-On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position I. Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor (S RO!) 3. Shift Supervisor (S R02) 4. Shift Support Supervisor (S R0 3/FBL) 5. Reactor Operator (RO I) 6. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 7. Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) 9. SAS Operator (SEC I) HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis APPENDIX B A u gmentation Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2, Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A 10 ECL: Site Area Emergency Role in Unanalyzed TMS Table#/Line#

Task? Required?

T2/LI No No TS/LI TS/LS T5/L6 T5/L13 T2/L2 No No T2/L3 No No TS/LIO TS/LI I T2/L4 No No T5/L2 T5/L4 T2/L5 No No T5/L3 T2/L6 No No T2/L7 No No T5/L3 T2/L8 No No T5/L3 T5/L8 T5/L12 T2/L9 No No HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) 10. CAS Operator (SEC2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2/LIO No No for HNP U I &2 , Tab l e 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NE I I 0-05 guidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentia ll y without issue. 11 HNP On-Shift Staffi n g Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Mana ge r Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor-Ul (SROl) 3. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor

-U2 (SR02) Event# _I_ Applicable to Unit _ __.,__,1 &=2=----Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training 4. Shift Support Supervisor Shift Support Supervisor (S R03/FBL) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO 1) 6. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 7. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 9. SAS Operator SAS Operator (SECl) 10. CAS Operator CAS Operator (SEC2) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions 12 Operator Tra ining Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Task Performance Validation Security Training Security Training HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 1: Title: Table 2A -Des ign Bas is Threat Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation ProcJStep Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75~0 80~5 85-90 Resource 34AB-Y22-004-0, Intruder Based Security Threat Procedure, Rev 6.4 Step 4.2 NRC Notification SR03/FBL X Step 4.3 Security Notification SM X Step 4.3.2 Implement Security SEC2 X Procedures Step 4.3.3 Merge PA System SEC1 X Step 4.4 Lock CR Doors R02/COM2 X Step 4.7.1 PA Announcement R02/COM2 X (Duck And Cover) Step 4.7.2 Notify Load Dispatcher R04/COM1 X Step 4.7.3 SCRAM Rx SR01 (Both Units & Transition SR02 X to 34AB-C71-001-1/2) 34AB-C71-001-1 , SCRAM Procedure , Rev 12.14; 34AB-C71-001-2, SCRAM Procedure, Rev 13.1 Step 3.1 Manual SCRAM IAW SR01 RC-1 Attachment 3 SR02 R01 X R03 Step 3.2 Perform RC-2 Water R02/COM2 X Level Control R03 Attachment 3 R04/COM1 (p e riodic -R03 relieves R04/COM1 as needed to enable performance of Statenocal notifications)

Step 3.3 Perform RC-3 Pressure R02/COM2 X Control R03 Attachment 3 R04/COM1 (periodic

-R03 relieves R04/COM1 as needed to e nable performance of Statenocal notification s) Step 4.1 PA Announcement R01 X R03 Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR01 (TC-1) SR02 X R01 R03 34AB-Y22-004-0, Intruder Based Security Threat , Rev 6.4 (continued)

Step 4.7.11 Begin Aggress i ve RCS R01 X Cooldown R03

  • Task completion time 13 HNP On-Shift Staffing Anal y sis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event#_!_ Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method I. N I A N I A 2. N I A N I A 3. N I A N I A 4. N I A N I A 5. N I A N I A Notes: . No Fire Bri g ad e response required for thi s event. 14 HNP On-Shift S taffing Anal ys i s TABLE 4-Radiation Protection

& Chemistr y E v ent#_~_ Position Performing Performance Time P e riod After E ve nt Initiation (Minutes)

Line 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-Function/T as k 0-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 I. In-Pl a nt S u rvey On-S h ift P osit i on: 2. O u t of Pl a nt S ur vey On-S h ift Posit i on: 3. P e r so nn e l Mo n itori n g On-S hi ft P osi t io n: 4. Jo b Coverage O n-S hift P os i tio n: 5. Offsite R a d io l ogical Assess m e n t O n-S hi ft P os i tion: 6. Other S i te-Specific RP -D esc r i b e: On-S hi ft P osi t ion: 7. C h e m is t ry fu n ction/task

  1. I -D escribe: O n-S hi ft P osi t ion: 8. C h e mi s t ry func t i on/task #2 -D escribe: On-Shift Po s ition: N ote s: RP/Chemistry personnel in 'D uck and Cover'. 15 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementation Event#_~_

Line F u nction/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Controlling Method I. Declare the Emergency SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notification SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ROI EP/Ops Training and EP (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) R03 Drill Program R04/COMI 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Complete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Offsite PARs N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Perform State/local notifications

\o~ 1 R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Dose Assessment N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program I I. Perform NRC notifications SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Activate EROS R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 13. Perform other site-specific event notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP (OM) Note2 Drill Program 14. Personnel accountabilit y N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 15. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program Notes
EAL -HS I , Site Area Emergency NMP-EP-141-002, Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basis , Rev 1 NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification , Rev I Note I -R03 relieves R04/COM1 from RC-2 and RC-3 duties to enable R04/COM1 to perform offsite notifications. Note 2 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (DM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. 16

~----~-~------HNP On-Shift Staffing Anal y sis Table 5A -E-Plan Implementation T i mel i ne/Event # ----'----Function/Task On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM HS1 ERO notification SR03/FBL X Notification and direction to on-sh i ft staff R01 X (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , e tc.) R03 X R 04/C OM 1 X X Abbrev i ated NRC noti fi cation for DB T even t SR03/FBL X Complete State/local not i ficat i on form SM X X Approve State/local not i fications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs N/A Perform State/local not i ficat i ons Note 1 R04/COM 1 X Dose Assessment N/A Complete NRC event not i ficat i on form SR02 X Perform NRC notifications SR02 X Act i vate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other s i te-specific event SM X notificat i ons (OM) Note 2 Personnel accountab ili ty N/A Approve extension to a ll owab l e dose l i m i ts N/A Notes: Note 1 -R03 re l ieves R04/COM1 from RC-2 and RC-3 dut i es to e nab l e R 0 4/COM1 to perform offs i te notificat i ons. Note 2 -SM notifies the D u ty M anager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-1 4 2 , Emergency Noti fic at i on. T h i s notificat i on i s co m pleted w ith i n 2-3 m i nu t es and does not affect performance of othe r funct i ons. -Task comp l etion tim e 17 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #2 Large break LOCA with Release and P ARs Initi a l Co ndition s: Time: Tuesday @ 0430 Unit I I 00% Po wer , NOP & NOT Sequence of Eve nt s: 0430 Large Br ea k LOC A occurs Loss of Normal AC power occurs co incid e nt with bre ak 043 5 0505 R eactor Leve l < -1 55 in c h es. D rywe ll pressure> 1.85 p s i g Do se Projection indicates 1.1 R/hr at the s it e boundary Starting Conditions and Assumptions The LOCA is analyzed using th e following assumptions:

A. The reactor i s operating at th e cond iti on that m axi mi zes th e seve rit y o f the aspect of the acc id e nt b e in g considered.

Aspects cons id e r e d a r e co nt a inm e nt r espo n se , fission product r elease , a nd ECCS requir e m ents. B. A comp l ete lo ss of normal po wer (offs it e) occurs s imult a n eous l y w ith the pipe br eak. This additional condition results in the l o n ges t d e l ay time for th e ECCS to b ecome operational.

The s itu at i on in w hich ac po we r avai l a bility i s retained was also investigated.

C. The r eci r c ulation lin e i s c on s idered to b e seve r ed in s tantaneou s l y, with coolant di sc har ged from both ends of the br e ak. T hi s results in th e most rapid coolant lo ss and d e pre ss uri zation. D. When reactor water l eve l reach es -10 I", all 8 MS IV s a ut o m atica ll y c l ose. 18 HNP On-Shift Staffi n g Ana l ysis APPENDIX 8 Eve n t #2: DBA/ISG -Loss of Coo l ant Accident (LOCA) with release and PARs TABLE 1 -On-shift Posit i ons L in e On-shift Position Emergency P l an Reference I. Shift Mana ge r (SM) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 2. Shift Supervisor (SROI) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A 4. Reactor Operator (RO 1) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 5. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 6. Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 7. System Operator (S05/FBM2)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 8. RP Technician (RPI) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 9. RP Technician (RP3/FMT) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 19 ECL: Site Area -t General Emergency A u gmentat i on Ro l e in Unana l yzed TMS Elapsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) 75 TS/LI No No TS/LS T5/L6 T5/L7 TS/LI 3 TS/LIS N I A T2/Ll No No 75 T5/L2 No No TS/LIO TS/Ll 1 N I A T2/L2 No No N I A T2/L3 No No 75 T2/L4 No No T5/L3 T5/L8 T5/Ll2 N I A T2/L5 No No 75 T4/Ll No No 75 T4/L6 No No HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis A u g m entation Role in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) 10. Chemistry Technician (CT2/DA) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2/L6 No No for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A T4/L5 T5/L9 11. SAS Operator (SEC I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T5/L14 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NE! I 0-05 guida nce , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions a re performed sequentially without issue. 20 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Event# __ 2_ Applicable to Unit-~~-Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAM Gs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SROl) 2. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO l) 3. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 4. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R04/COM l) 5. System Operator System Operator (S05/FBM2) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 6. Chemistry Technician Chemistry Technician (CT2/DA) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions 21 Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Task Performance Validation Chemistry Training HNP On-Shift Staffi n g Ana l ysis Event# 2: Title: Table 2A-Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) with release and PARs Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Proc/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 Resource 31EO-EOP-010-1 RC RPV Flowchart , Rev 12.0 Perform RC-1 R01 SCRAM Immediate X Actions Perform RC-2 and R02/COM2 RC-3 X (periodic)

Rx Level and Pressure Control 31EO-EOP-012-1 Primary Conta i nment Flowchart , Rev 7 .1 Initiate TORUS Spray R01 X Initiate Drywell Spray R01 X 34AB-R22-002-1 Loss of 4160v Emergency Buss , Rev 2.0 I Dispatch SO to R01 Locally Monitor EDG S05/FBM2 X I operations 34AB-D 11-001-1 Radioactivity Release Control , Rev 1.11 Step 4.1 Direct Chemistry to R01 perform Prompt X Offsite Dose Assessment Perform Prompt CT2/DA X Offsite Dose (Prompt Dose Assessment initi ated prior to R0 1 d i rection) Assessment 73EP-RAD-001--0 Radiological Event Procedure , Rev 2.3 Step 4.1.1 PA A nnoun cement for R04/COM1 X Poss i ble Release SC Transition to SR01 Flowch a rt 31EO-EOP--014 , Rev X 13.0 -Task completion time 22 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event# __ 2_ Line Performed By Task Ana l ysis Controlling Method I. N I A NIA 2. NIA NIA 3. N I A NIA 4. NIA NIA 5. NIA NIA Notes: No Fire Bri gade respon se required for this event. 23 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 4 -Radiation Protection

& Chemistr y Event#~~~2~~-

Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Init i ation (Minutes)

Line 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-Fu n ction/Task 0-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 I. In-Pl ant S u rvey On-Shift Position: RPI 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: 3. Per so nnel Monitoring On-Shift Po sit ion: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift P osition: 5. Offsite Radiol ogical Assessment On-Shift Position: CT2/D A 6. Other Site-Specific RP -De scr ibe: FMT Support On-Shift Position: RP 3/FMT 7. C h e mi stry f uncti on/task #1 -D escri b e: On-Shift Position: 8. C h e mi stry function/task

  1. 2 -De sc rib e: On-Shift Position: Notes: Post trip chemistry sa mple s are not required until after augmentation (2-4 hours after trip) NMP-EP-147, Off site Dose Assessment, Rev 2.0 -Task Co mpleti on Time 24 45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 X X X 85-90 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5 -Emergency Plan Implementation Line Function/Task On-Shift Position I. Declare the Emergency SM 2. ERO notification SR02 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to R04/COMI assemble , evacuate , etc.) 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event NIA 5. Comp l ete State/local notification form SM 6. Approve State/local notifications SM 7. Approve Offsite PARs SM 8. Perfonn State/local notifications R04/COMI 9. Dose Asse s sment CT2/DA 10. Comp l ete NRC event notification form SR02 I I. Perform NRC notifications SR02 12. Activate EROS R04/COMI 13. Perform other site-specific event notifications SM (DM) "\ote 1 14. Personnel accountability SEC! 1 5. Approve extension to allowable dose lim its SM Notes: EAL -FS I , Site Area Emergency; RGI , General Emergency NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basi s, Rev I NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification , Rev 1 NMP-EP-143 , Protective Actions, Rev 2 NMP-EP-147 , Offsite Dose Assessment , Rev 2 Event#~~~2~~-Task Analysis Controlling Method EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program EP/Ops Training and EP Dri 11 Program ote I -SM notifies the Duty Manager (DM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is comp l eted within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. 25 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 5A-E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. ___ -=2 __ Function/Ta s k On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM X FS1 X ERO notification SR02 X Notification and direction to on-shift R04/COM1 X X staff (e.q., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) Abbreviated NRG notification for DBT NIA event Complete State/local notification form SM X Approve State/local notifications SM X Approve Offsite PARs SM Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Assessment CT2/DA X Complete NRG event notification form SR02 X Perform NRG notifications SR02 X periodic Activate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (DM) Note 1 Personnel accountability SEC1 X Approve extension to allowable dose SM X (as needed) limits Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (DM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

Site Area Emergency declaration actions completion time General Emergency declaration actions completion time Task completion time 26 90 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #4 MSL Break outside containment isolation Initial Conditions:

Time: Tuesday @ 0430 Unit 1 100% Power, NOP, NOT, NOL Sequence of Events: 0430 Double-ended guillotine MSLB occurs outside secondary containment Loss of Off Site Power , EDGs load to Emergency Buses Scram occurs MSIVs close in< 5.0 seconds 27 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis APPENDIXB Event #4: DBA/ISG -Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) TABLE 1 -On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference I. Shift Manager (SM) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A 2. Shift Supervisor (SROI) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A 4. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul &2 , Table 2.2.A 5. Reactor Operator (RO 1) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 6. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U l &2, Table 2.2.A 7. Reactor Operator (R04/COM l) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A 8. System Operator (SOS/FBM2)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A Augmentation Elapsed Time (min) 75 N I A N I A 75 N I A NIA 75 NIA ECL: Unusual Event Role in Unanalyzed TMS Table#/Line#

Task? Required?

TS/LI No No TS/LS T5/L6 TS/LI 3 T2/LI No No TS/LlO No No TS/Ll 1 No No T2/L2 No No T2/L3 No No TS/L2 No No TS/L3 TS/L8 T2/L4 No No Notes: Alt hou gh multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions b y the identified positions is either acceptable by NE! 10-05 g uidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentially without issue. 28 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SRO 1) 2. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO I) Event# _4_ Applicable to Unit __ ~--Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training 3. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) Operator Training 4. System Operator System Operator (S05/FBM2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions 29 1--HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 4: Title: Table 2A -Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) Procedure Step/Actions Perfonnance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Pree/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 Resource 34AB-C71-001-1 , SCRAM Procedure , Rev 12.14; 31EO-EOP-010-1, RC RPV Control Flowchart , Rev 12.0 Perfonn RC-1 SR01 (Rx Trip Verification and R01 X Immediate Actions) Perfonn RC-2 and RC-3 SR01 (Le vel and Pressure R02/COM2 X Control) Step 4.1 PA Announcement R01 X Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR01 X (TC-1) R01 34AB-R22-002-1, Loss of 4160 Emergency Buss , Rev 2.0 Monitor EDG Operation S05/FMB2 X (periodic) 34SO-E11-010-1 , Res i dual Heat Removal System Procedure , Rev 44.13 Step 7.2.5 Suppression Pool SR01 X Cooling R01 34GO-OPS-O 13-1 , Normal Plant Shutdown Procedure , Rev 31.4 4.6.2 Plot Cool down R01 X (periodic)

-Task completion time 30 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event# __ 4_ Line Performed By Task Ana l ysis Controlling Method I. NIA N I A 2. NIA N I A 3. NIA N I A 4. NIA N I A 5. NIA NIA Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event. 31 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 4-Radiation Protection

& Chemistry Event# ------4 Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Minutes)

Line 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-Function/Task 0-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 I. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Po sitio n: 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position:

3. P erso nnel Monitoring On-Shift Po sition: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Po s ition: 5. Offsite Radiolo g ical Assessment On-Shift Po sit ion: 6. Other Site-Specific RP -Describe:

On-Shift Position: 7. Chemist r y function/task

  1. I -De scr ib e: On-Shift Po sitio n: 8. Chemistry f unction/t ask #2 -Describe: On-Shift Position:

Notes: Post trip samp lin g not required until 2-4 hours after reactor trip. 32 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementat i on Event# ------4 Line F u nction/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Cont r olling Method I. Dec l are the Emergency SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notification R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 11 Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP assemble , evacuate , etc.) Ori 11 Program 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Complete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 1 1 Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 1 1 Program 7. Approve Off s ite PARs N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Dose Asses s ment N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Dri ll Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program I I. Perform NRC notifications SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Activate EROS N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 13. Perform other s ite-s pecific event notification s (OM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP Note I Drill Program 14. Personnel accountability NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 1 1 Program 15. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program Notes: EAL -SUI , Unusual E v ent NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basis , Rev I NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification , Re v I ote I -SM notifies the Dut y Manager (OM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emer g ency Notification. This notification is comp l eted within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

33 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table SA -E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. __ ~4 __ _ Function/Task On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emerqencv SM SU1 ERO notification R04/COM1 X Notification and direction to on-shift staff R04/COM1 X X (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) Abbreviated NRG notification for DBT event N/A Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/local notifications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs N/A Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Assessment N/A Complete NRG event notification form SR02 X Perform NRG notifications SR03/FBL X Activate EROS N/A Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (OM) Note 1 Personnel accountability N/A Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. -Task completion time 34 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #6 "Aircraft Probable Threat" response actions in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(hh )(1) Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday@2100 Unit 1&2 100% Power , NOP & NOT Sequence of Events: 2100 Aircraft probable threat call received from NRC Headquarters. Call verified.

Aircraft is 25 minutes from site. 35 Event #6: ISG -Aircraft Probable Threat TABLE 1 -On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position 1. Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor (SRO I) 3. Shift Supervi s or (SR02) 4. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) 5. Reactor Operator (RO I) 6. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 7. Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) 9. System Operator (SO 1) HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis APPENDIX B Augmentation Emergency Plan Reference E l apsed Time (min) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 36 ECL: Alert Role in Unanalyzed TMS Table#/Line#

Task? Required?

T2/L1 No No T5/L1 T5/L2 TS/LS T5/L6 T5/L10 T5/L13 T2/L2 No No TS/LI 1 T2/L3 No No T2/L4 No No T3/L1 T2/L5 No No T2/L6 No No T2/L7 No No T2/L8 No No T5/L3 T5/L8 T5/L12 T2/L9 No No HNP On-Shift Staffing Ana l ysis Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required?

_(min) 10. System Operator (S02) SNC Sta nd ard E Plan Annex N I A T2IL10 No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A 11. System Operator (S04/F BM I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2 1 Ll I No No for HNP U I &2, Table 2.2.A T3IL2 12. System Operator (S05 I FBM2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2 I Ll2 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T3/L3 13. System Operator (S06IFBM3)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2 I L13 No No for HNP U I &2, Table 2.2.A T3IL4 14. System Operator (S07IFBM4)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2 I L14 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T3 I L5 15. SAS Operator (SEC I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T21Ll 5 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 16. CAS Operator (SEC2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2ILl6 No No for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NEI I 0-05 guidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequent iall y without issue. 37 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Manager Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SRO!) 3. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SR02) Event# __ 6_ Applicable to Unit_~l&=2~_

Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training 4. Shift Support Supervisor Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO I) 6. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 7. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) 9. System Op e rator System Operator (SOI) 10. System Operator System Operator (S02) I I. System Operator System Operator (S04/FBM I) 1 2. System Operator System Operator (S05/FBM2) 1 3. System Op e rator System Operator (S06/FBM3) 14. System Op e rator System Operator (S07/FBM4)

Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response action s Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 15. SAS Operator SAS Operator (SEC I) 16. CAS Operator CAS Operator (SEC2) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/E OP response actions 38 Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Task Performance Validation Security Training Security Training HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 6: Title: Table 2A -Aircraft Probable Threat Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins} After Procedure Implementation Proc/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-aO so-as 85-90 Resource 34AB-Y22-005-0 , Airborne Security Threat. Rev 5.0 Step 4.1 Establish Continuous SR01 Communications with X (periodic)

NRC Step 4.2 Notify Security SM X Step Merge PA & Maintain SEC1 Communications w/ SEC2 X CR/Security Step 5.2.1 PA Announcement R04/COM1 X Step 5.2.1 Fire B rigade SR03/FBL Assem b le S04/FBM1 (SO's respond to FB S05/FBM2 X initially, but will be re-S06/FBM3 directed based on S07/FBM4 plant needs} Step Fast Rx Shutdown SR01 (hol d@50%} SR02 R01 X R02/COM2 R03 R04/COM1 Step 5.2.6 Trip and Isol ate R01 X RWCU Systems R03 Step 5.2.8 Secure Lighting S01 X S02 -Task completion time 39 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event#_6_ Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method I. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) Fire Brigade Training 2. System Operator (S04/FBM I) Fire Brigade Training 3. System Operator (S05/FBM2)

Fire Brigade Training 4. System Operator (S06/FBM3) Fire Brigade Training 5. System Operator (S07/FBM4) Fire Brigade Training Notes: Fire Brigade assembled per 34AB-Y22-005-0. 40 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 4-Rad i ation Protection

& Chemistry Event#~~~6~~-

Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Minutes)

Line 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-Function/Task 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1. In-Plant Survey On-Shift Position:

2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position: 3. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Po s ition: 4. Job Coverage On-Shift Po s ition: 5. Offsite Radiolo g ical Assessment On-Shift Po s ition: 6. Other Site-Specific RP -Describe: On-Shift Position: 7. Chemistry function/task
  1. 1 -Describ e: On-Shift Po sition: 8. Chemistry function/task
  1. 2 -Describe:

On-Shift Position:

Notes: RP/Chemistry personnel in 'Duck and Cover' per PA Announcement.

41 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementation Event#~~~6~~-

Line Function/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Con trolling Method l. Declare the Emergency SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notification SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., to R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP assemble , evacuate , etc.) Drill Program 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Complete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Off s ite PARs N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Ori II Program 8. Perform State/local notifications R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Dose Asses s ment N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Perform NRC notification s SROI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 12. Activate EROS R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 13. Perform other site-specific event notifications (OM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP ',ot e I Ori II Program 14. Personnel accountability N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 15. Approve extension to allowable dose limits N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program Notes: EAL -HA I , Alert NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basis , Rev I NMP-EP-142 , Emergenc y Notifications , Rev I Note I -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and doe s not affect performance of other functions.

42 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 5A -E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. ___ 6;..._ __ Function/Task On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55. 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM HA1 ERO notification SM X Notification and direction to on-shift staff R04/COM1 X X (e.q., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/local notifications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs N/A Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Assessment N/A Complete NRC event notification form SM X Perform NRC notifications SR01 X Activate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other site-specific event SM X notificat i ons (OM) Note 1 Personnel accountability N/A Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

-Task completion time 43 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #7 ATWS Initial Conditions:

Time: Tuesday @ 0430 Unit 1 100% Power , NOP & NOT Sequence of Events: 0430 Inadvertent Closure of all MSIVs. Reactor does not trip. Supplemental and/or manual trip occurs. 15.4.5 ATWS For postulated ATWS events , the following assumptions apply: A. The plant is operating in a planned operating mode. B. A transient

-Closure of all MS IVs -requiring a scram occurs. C. The control rods fail to insert. 44 Event #7: DBA/ISG -ATWS TABLE 1 -On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position I. Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor (SRO I) 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) 4. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03 I FBL) 5. Reactor Operator (RO 1) 6. Reactor Operator (R02 I COM2) 7. Reactor Operator (R04 I COMJ) HNP On-Shift Staffing Ana l ysis APPENDIXB Augmentation Emergency P l an Reference Elapsed Time (min) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP UJ &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A ECL: Unusual Event Role in Unanalyzed TMS Table#ILine#

Task? Required?

TS/Ll No No TS/LS TS I L6 TS I L13 T2 1 Ll No No TS I LlO No No TS/L 11 No No T2 I L2 No No TS I L3 T2 I L3 No No TS I L2 No No T5/L3 T5/L8 Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NEI I 0-05 guidance, OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentially without issue. 45 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAM Gs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SRO I) 2. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO 1) Event# __ 7_ Applicable to Unit ___ _ Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training 3. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) Operator Training Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions 46 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 7: Title: Table 2A-ATWS Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Proc/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 Resource 34AB-C71-001-1 , SCRAM Procedure , Rev 12.14; 31EO-EOP-010-1 , RC RPV Control Flowchart , Rev 12.0 Perform RC-1 (Rx Trip SR01 Verification and R01 X Immediate Actions) Perform RC-2 and SR01 RC-3 R02/COM2 X (periodic) (Level and Pressure Control) Step 4.1 PA Announcement R01 X Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR01 X {TC-1) R01 34SO-E11-010-1, Residual Heat Removal , Rev 44.13 Step 7.2.5 Suppression Pool SR01 X Cooling R01 34GO-OPS-013-1 , Normal Plant Shutdown Procedure , Rev 31.4 Plot Cool down R01 X (periodic)

-Task completion time 47 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event#_7_ Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method I. N I A N I A 2. N I A NIA 3. N I A N I A 4. NIA N I A 5. N I A N I A Notes: No Fire Brigade response required for this event. 48 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 4 -Rad i ation Protection

& Chemistry Event#~~~?~~-Lin Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Minutes) 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-e Function/Task 0-5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 I. Out of Plant Surve y On-Shift Position:

2. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position:
3. Job Coverage On-Shift Position:
4. Offsite Radiolo g ical Assessment On-Shift Position:CT2

/DA 5. Other Site-Specific RP -Describe: FMT On-Shift Position:

RP3/FMT 6. Chemistry function/task

  1. 1 -Describe:

On-Shift Position:

7. Chemistry function/ta s k #2 -Describe: On-Shift Position:

Notes: Post trip chemistry s amples are not required until after au g mentation (2-4 hours after trip). -Task completion time 49 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementation Event#~~~7~~-

Line Function/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Controlling Method I. Declare the Emerge nc y SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notifi cation R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Pro gram 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to ROI EP/Ops Training and EP assemble , evacuate, etc.) R04/COMI Drill Program 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Complete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Offsite PARs N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Perform State/local notifications R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Pro gram 9. Dose Assessment N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC eve nt notific ation form SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Perform NRC notifications SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 2. Activate EROS N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 13. Perform other site-specific event notifications (OM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP Note I Drill Program 14. Personnel accountability NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 15. Approve extension to allowable dose limit s NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program Notes: EAL -SUS , Unusual Event NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basis , Rev 1 NMP-EP-142 , E m ergency Notification , Rev 1 Note I -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed wit hin 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

50 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 5A -E-Plan Implementation Timeline l Event # ---'7'-----

FunctionfTask On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM SU5 ERO notification R04ICOM1 X Notification and direction to on-shift staff R01 X (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) R04ICOM1 X Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NIA Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/local notifications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs NIA Perform State/local not i fications R04ICOM1 X Dose Assessment NIA Complete NRC event notification form SR02 X Perform NRC notifications SR03IFBL X Activate EROS NIA Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (DM) Note 1 Personnel accountability NIA Approve extension to allowable dose limits NIA Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (DM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. Task completion time 51 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #8 Station (Unit) Blackout Initial Conditions

Time: Monday @ 0330 Unit I I 00% Power , NOP & NOT Unit 2 I 00% Power , NOP & NOT Sequence of Events: 0330 Total LOOP Unit I DGs (A , B , & C) fail to start Unit 2 DGs (A & C) start and load to emergency buse s 0415 Power is restored to Unit I using the 1B EOG 52 Event #8: ISG -Station Blackout (SBO) TABLE 1 -On-shift Positions Line On-shift Position I. Shift M a na g er (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor (SRO I) 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) 4. Shift Support Supervi s or (SR03 I FBL) 5. Reactor Operator (RO I) 6. Reactor Operator (R02 I COM2) 7. Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator (R04 I COM 1) 9. System Operator (S03) 10. System Operator (S04IFBM I) 11. System Operator (S05 I FBM2) HNP On-Shift Sta ffing Analysis APPENDIXB A u gmentatio n Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Anne x N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP Ul &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC St a ndard E Plan A nn ex N I A for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC St a ndard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Anne x 75 for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A for HNP U I &2 , Tabl e 2.2.A SNC St a ndard E Plan Anne x NIA for HNP U 1 &2 , Tab l e 2.2.A SNC Standard E Plan Anne x N I A for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 53 ECL: Site Area E mergenc y Role in Unanalyzed TMS Table#ILine#

Task? Requir ed? T5 1 Ll No No T5 I L2 T5 I L5 T5 I L6 T5IL10 T5 I L13 T2 I LI No No T2 I L2 No No T5 1 Ll I No No T2IL3 No No T5 I L3 T2 I L4 No No T2 I L5 No No T5 I L3 T2 I L6 No No T5 I L3 T5 I L8 T5IL12 T2IL7 No No T2 I L8 No No T2 I L9 No No HNP On-Sh i ft Staffing Analysis Augmentation Ro l e i n Unanalyzed TMS Li n e On-s hi ft Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time (min) Ta b l e#ILine# Task? Requ i red? 12. System Operator (S06 I FBM3) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2 I L10 No No for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 13. System Operator (S07IFBM4)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2 1 Ll 1 No No for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A 14. RP Technician (RPl) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2 I L12 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T4 I L3 15. RP Technician (RP3IFMT}

SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4 I L5 No No for HNP U 1 &2, Table 2.2.A 16. Chemistry Technician (CT2 I DA) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4 I L4 No No for HNP U 1 &2 , Table 2.2.A T5 I L9 17. SAS Operator (SEC 1) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T5 I L14 No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified position s is either acceptable by NEI 10-05 guidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentially without issue. 54 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, FSG, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SRO 1) 2. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SR02) 3. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO 1) 4. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 5. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R03) 6. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R04/COM 1) 7. System Operator System Operator (S03) 8. System Operator System Operator (S04/FBM 1) 9. System Operator System Operator (S05/FBM2) 10. System Operator System Operator (S06/FBM3) 1 I. System Operator System Operator (S07/FBM4) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Imp l ement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 12. RP Technician RP Technician (RP I) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions 55 Event# _8_ Applicable to Unit __ 1~&=2~_ Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Task Performance Validation RP Training HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 8: Title: Table 2A -Station (Unit) Blackout (SBO) Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Proc'Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75.aO 80-85 85-90 Resource 34AB-C71-001-1 , SCRAM Procedure, Rev 12.14; 31EO-EOP-010-1, RC RPV Control Flowchart , Rev 12.0 Perform RC-1 (Rx Trip SR01 Verification and R01 X Immediate Actions) Perform RC-2 and SR01 RC-3 (Level and R02/COM2 X (periodic)

Pressure Control) Step4.1 PA Announcement R01 X Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR01 X (TC-1) R01 34AB-R22-003-1-100 , Station Blackout Flow Chart , Rev 1.0 Investigate EOG and R01 attempt re-start IAW S05/FBM2 X 34AB-R43-001-1 Operate RCIC & SR01 X Secure HPCI R02/COM2 Remove Main Turbine R01 EBOP and RFPT Emergency Oil Pumps X (Occur s after coast down of Main Turbine) Direct RO to secure DC SR01 X Loads (U1) Secure DC Loads (U1) R01 X S03 34AB-G41-001-1 , Loss of SFP Cooling , Rev 6.6; 34AB-G41-001-2 , Loss of SFP Cooling , Rev 6.2 Step 4.10 Install Portable S04/FBM1 Temperature Monitors RP1 X in SFP 34SO-R23-001

-1 , 600v/400v AC System , Rev 14.1 Step 7.3.5 Energize 600v AC Buss R01 1C from Alternate S03 X Supply 34SO-E 11-010-1 , Residual Heat Removal , Rev 44.13 Step 7.2.5 Suppression Pool R02/COM2 Cooling (U1) X 56 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 8: Title: Table 2A -Station (U nit) Blackout (S BO) Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Proc/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 Resource 34AB-C71-001

-2, SCRAM Procedure , Rev 13.1; 31EO-EOP-010-2, RC RPV Control Flowchart , Rev 11.0 Perform RC-1 (Rx Trip SR02 Verification and R03 X Immediate Actions) Perform RC-2 and RC-SR02 3 (L evel and Pressure R03 X Control) R04/COM1 (periodic

-R03 relieves R04/COM1 as needed to enable performance of State/local notifications)

Step4.1 PA Announcement R03 X Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR02 X (TC-1) R03 Monitor Operating S07/FBM4 X EDG's (U2) 34AB-R23-001-2, Loss of600v Emergency Buses , Rev 4.0 Attachment 1 Recovery of 600v R03 X Essential Loads (U2) Recovery of 600v S05/FBM2 X Essential Loads (U2) S06/FBM3 34SO-E11-010-2 , Residual Heat Removal , Rev 42.10 Step 7.2.5 Suppression Pool R03 X Cooling (U2) -Task completion time 57

HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event#_8_

Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method I. N I A NIA 2. NIA NIA 3. N I A N I A 4. N I A N I A 5. NIA NIA Notes: No Fire Bri ga de r es ponse required for this event. 58 HNP O n-Shi f t Staffing Analysis TA B LE 4-Ra di ation Protect i on & C h em i stry Event#~~~8~~-Lin Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Min u tes) 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-e F u nction/Task 10 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 I. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift Position:

2. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Po s ition: 3. Job Coverage -Remote SFP Temp Monitorin g X On-Shift Position:

RPI 4. Offsite Radiologic al Assessment X On-Shift Position:

CT2/DA 5. Other Site-Specific RP -De scri be: FMT X On-Shift Position: RP3/FMT 6. Chemistry function/task #1 -Describe:

On-Shift Position:

7. Chemistry function/task
  1. 2 -Describe:

On-Shift Position:

Notes: Post trip chemistry samp l es are not requ i red until after aug m entation (2-4 hours after trip). NM P-E P-14 7, Off site Do se Assessment , Re v 2 1111 Task comp l etion time 59 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementation Event#~~--=8'--~-Line Function/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Controlling Method I. Declare the Emerge nc y SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Progr am 2. ERO notification Nnte a SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to ROI EP/Ops Training and EP assemb le , evacuate , etc.) R03 Ori 11 Program R04/COM1 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 5. Comp lete State/loca l notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 11 Program 6. Approve State/local notific ations SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Offsite PARs N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Perform State/local notification s R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Ori II Progr am 9. Dose Assessment CT2/DA EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 11 Progr am 10. Comp l ete NRC event notifi catio n form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Pro gram 11. Perform NRC notifications SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Pro gram 12. Activate EROS R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Ori II Pro gram 13. Perform other site-specific event notifications (OM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP ",ote 2 Drill Program 14. Personnel accountab ilit y SEC! EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Progr am 1 5. Approve extension to allowable dose limit s N I A EP/Ops Training a nd EP Drill Program Notes: EAL -SS 1 , Site Area Emergency NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Actio n Levels and Basis , Rev I NMP-EP-142 , E mergenc y Notification , Rev l NMP-EP-143 , Protective Actions , Re v 2 NMP-EP-147 , Offsite Dose Assessment , Rev 2 Note I -SM notifies ERO using NXT Communicator (a uto-dialer syste m). This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and do es not affect performance of other functions.

Note 2 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emerge ncy Notification.

This notification is completed w ithin 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

60 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table SA -E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. __ ...: 8 __ _ Func t i o nrrask On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM SS1 ERO notification Note 1 SM X Notification and d irection to on-shift staff R01 X (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) R03 X R04/COM1 X Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/loc a l notifications SM X X Approve Offs i te PARs N/A Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Ass e ssment CT2/DA X Complete NRC event n o t i fication form SM X Perform NRC notific a tions SR03/FBL X Activate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (OM) Note 2 Personn e l accountability SEC1 X Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies ERO using NXT Communicator (auto-dialer system). This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. Note 2 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification. This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. -Task completion time 61 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #9 Control room fire leading to evacuation and remote shutdown Initial Conditions:

Time: Monday @ 0330 Unit 1 &2 100% Power , NOP & NOT Sequence of Events: 0330 Smoke, sparks and flames observed coming from back of control board 0337 CR personnel attempt to extinguish flames without success Decision made to evacuate Control Room 62 HNP On-S h ift Staffing Ana l ysis A P PENDIX B Eve n t #9: ISG -Contro l Room Fire with Evac u ation and Remote Shutdown TA B LE 1 -On-shift Positions L in e O n-s h ift Position Emergency Plan Reference

1. Shift Manager (S M) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 2. Shift Supervisor (SRO I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2, Table 2.2.A 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 4. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul &2 , Table 2.2.A 5. Reactor Operator (ROI) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 6. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul &2 , Table 2.2.A 7. Reactor Operator (R03) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 8. Reactor Operator (R04/COM l) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A 9. System Operator (SO 1) SNC Standard E Plan Annex for HNP Ul &2 , Table 2.2.A 63 A u g m e n tation E l apsed Ti m e (min) 75 N IA NIA N I A NIA NIA NIA 75 N I A ECL: A l ert Ro l e i n Una n a l yzed TMS Table#/Line#

Task? Required?

T2/Ll No No TS/LI T5/L2 TS/LS T5/L6 TS/LlO TS/L 11 T5/LI3 T2/L2 No No T2/L3 No No T2/L4 No No T3/Ll T2/L5 No No T2/L6 No No T2/L7 No No T2/L8 No No T5/L3 T5/L8 T5/Ll2 T2/L9 No No HNP On-Shift Staffing Ana l ysis A ugmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference E l apsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) 10. System Operator (S02) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2 1 Ll0 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 11. System Operator (S03) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2ILl 1 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 12. System Operator (S04 I FBM I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2 I L12 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T3IL2 13. System Operator (S05IFBM2)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2IL13 No No for HNP U I &2, Table 2.2.A T3 I L3 14. System Operator (S06 I FBM3) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2 I L14 No No for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A T3IL4 15. System Operator (S07IFBM4)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2IL15 No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A T3IL5 16. RP Technician (RP I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2 I L17 No No for HNP U I &2, Table 2.2.A T4IL4 17. RP Technician (RP2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2 I L18 No No for HNP U1&2, Table 2.2.A T4IL5 18. RP Technician (RP3 I FMT) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4IL7 No No for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A 19. Chemistry Technician (CT2 I DA) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4IL6 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T5 I L9 20. SAS Operator (SEC!) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T2 I L16 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no conflict exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NEI I 0-05 guidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentially without issue. 64 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Manager Shift Manager (SM) 2. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SRO I) 3. Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor (SR02) Event# _9_ Applicable to Unit __ 1"""&=2:c.___ Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training 4. Shift Support Supervisor Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) Operator Training 5. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (RO 1) 6. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) 7. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R03) 8. Reactor Operator Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) 9. System Operator System Operator (SO I) 10. System Operator System Operator (S02) I I. System Operator System Operator (S03) 1 2. System Operator System Operator (S04/FBM I) 1 3. System Operator System Operator (S05/FBM2) 14. System Operator System Operator (S06/FBM3) 15. System Operator System Operator (S07/FBM4) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP response actions Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 16. SAS Operator SAS Operator (SEC 1) 17. RP Technician RP Technician (RP I) 18. RP Technician RP Technician (RP2) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP respon se actions 65 Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Training Operator Tra ining Operator Training Operator Training Task Performance Validation Security Training RP Training RP Training Event# 9: HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Title: Table 2A-Control Room Fire with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Proc/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 Resource 34AB-X43-001-1, Fire Procedure , Rev 15.0: 34AB-X43-001-2, Fire Procedure , Rev 18.1 Step 4.3 Direct Security to Merge R02/COM2 X PA Merge PA SEC1 X Step 4.4 PA Announcement (Fire R04/COM1 X Brigade Response)

FB Assemble and SR0 3/FBL Respond {tied to PA S04/FBM1 announcement)

S05/FBM2 X S06/FBM3 S07/FBM4 Step 4.8 SCRAM Rx IAW RC-1 SR01 SR02 X R01 R03 Step 5.15.1 Stop Cable Spreading R02/COM2 X Room HVAC 31RS-OPS-001-1 , Shutdown From Outside the Control Room , Rev 6.1; 31RS-OPS-001-2 , Shutdown From Outside the Control Room, Rev 7.1 Step 3.1.2 Trip Main Turbine R01 X R03 Step 3.1.3 Place l evel control in R01 X single element R03 Step 3.3 PA Announcement R04/COM1 (Direct Ops to Remote X Shutdown/CR Evacuation) Assemble@

U1 SR01 Remote Shutdown R01 Panel R02/CO M2 S01 X S03 RP1 Assemble@

U2 SR02 Remote Shutdown R03 Panel S02 X RP2 Step 3.4 SM & communicator SM X report to TSC R04/COM1 66 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 9: Title: Table 2A -Control Room F i re with Evacuation and Remote Shutdown Pr ocedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation Pree/Step Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 115-20 120-25 125-30 I 30-35 I 35-40 I 40-45 I 45-50 I 50-55 155-60 160-65 165-70 170-75 175-80 I 80-85 I 85-90 Resource 31RS-OPS-001

-1 Shutdown from Outside of the Control Room , Rev 6.1 4.7 -4.12 Verify Plant Parameters SR01 R01 R02/COM 2 X (periodic)

S01 S03 34AB-X 43-001-1 , F i re Procedure , Rev 15.0 (co ntinued) Attachment 1 Safe Shutdown Actions S01 I I I I X S03 31RS-OPS-001-2 , 1 Shutdown from Outside of the Control Room, Rev 7.1 4.7 -4.12 Verify Plant Parameters SR02 R03 X (peri odic) S02 34AB-X43-001-2 , Fire Procedure , Rev 18.1 (continued)

Attachment 1 Safe Shutdown Actions S02 I I I I X -Task completion time 67 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Event#_9_

Line Performed By Task Analysis Controlling Method I. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL)

Fire Brigade Training 2. System Operator (S04/FBM l) Fire Brigade Training 3. System Operator (S05/FBM2)

Fire Brigade Training 4. System Operator (S06/FBM3)

Fire Brigade Training 5. System Operator (S07/FBM4)

Fire Brigade Training Notes: Fire Brigade response required for this event. 68 HNP On-Shift Staffing Anal ys is TABLE 4-Radiation Protection

& Chemistry Event#~~~9~~-Lin Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Minutes) 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-e Function/Task 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 I. In-Pl a nt Survey On-Shift Po s iti on: 2. Out of Plant Survey On-Shift P os iti o n: 3. Per so nn e l Monitoring On-Shift Po s ition: 4. J ob Coverage X On-Shift Po s iti o n: RPI No t e I 5. Job Coverage X On-Shift Position: RP2 ota I 6. Offsite R adio lo gica l Assessme nt " 01* 2 X On-Shift P osition: CT2/DA 7. Other Site-Specific RP -De scr ib e: FMT X On-Shift Position:

RP3/FMT 8. Chemistry function/task#

I -D esc rib e: On-Shift Position: Notes: Note I -RP I and RP 2 provide s upp ort to Unit I a nd 2 R emote S hu tdown Panels I A W 31 R S-OPS-00 1-1 /2 and provide job coverage as needed. -Note 2 -Initial D ose Assess ment performed o n ce , no radiological release in progress; however , CT2/DA is avai l ab l e to perform additiona l dose assessments until a ugm e nt ed resources assume r esponsibility.

Post trip c h emistry samples are not requi r ed until after augmentation (2-4 hours after trip). NMP-EP-147 , Off s ite Dose Assess m e nt , R ev 2 Task completion time 69 85-90 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5 -Emergency Plan Implementation Event#~~-9~~-Line Function/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Controlling Method I. Declare the Emerge nc y SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notification SM EP/Ops Training and E P Ori 11 Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP assemble , evacuate , etc.) Dri 11 Program 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Dri 11 Pro gram 5. Comp lete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Dri 11 Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Off s ite PARs NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 8. Perform State/local notifications R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Dose Assessment CT2/DA EP/Ops Training and EP Ori 11 Program 10. Complete NRC eve nt notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Dri 11 Pro gram I I. Perform NRC notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 2. Activate ERDS R04/COMI EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 3. Perform other s ite-specific event notification s (DM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP '-ote2 Drill Program 14. Personnel accountabi lit y NIA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 5. Approve extension to allowable dose limit s N I A EP/Ops Training and EP Dri 11 Program Notes: EAL-HA6 , Alert Emergency Plan functions performed in the Technical Support Center (TSC) NMP-EP-141-002 , Hatch Emergency Action Levels and Basis , Rev I NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification , Rev I NMP-EP-147 , Offsite Dose Assessment , Rev 2 ote I -SM notifies ERO using NXT Communicator (auto-di aler system). This notification is comp l eted w ithin 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. Note 2 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (DM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

70 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table SA -E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. ___ 9 __ _ FunctionfTask On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM HA6 ERO notification Note 1 SM X Notification and direction to on-shift staff R04/COM1 X X X (e.g., to assemble, evacuate , etc.) Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/local notifications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs N/A Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Assessment CT2/DA X Complete NRC event notification form SM X Perform NRC notifications SM X periodic)

Activate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (OM) Note 2 Personnel accountability N/A Approve extension to allowable dose limits N/A Notes: Emergency Plan functions are performed in the Technical Support Center (TSC) for this event. Note 1 -SM notifies ERO using NXT Communicator (auto-dialer system). This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. Note 2 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This not i fication is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions. -Task completion time 71 90 X HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event #12 Event with initial classification of General Emergency Initial Conditions

Unit 1 and 2 @ I 00% Power Time: Tuesday @ 0500 An undetermined event results in fuel clad damage , primary and secondary containment failures and a release greater than PAGs at the site boundary. Sequence of Events: 0500 Earthquake Occurs , felt in MCR Assumptions:

I. Reactor scrammed , single unit event 2. MSIVs failed open 3. MCR indications of Steam Tunnel and Turbine Bldg High Temps 4. MCR indications of Turbine Bldg High Rad 5. Drywell Rads> I 400 R/hr 72 1---HNP On-Sh i ft Staffing Ana l ysis APPENDIX B Eve n t #12: NSI R -Initia l General Emergency Classification with release exceedi n g PAGs (Fast Breaker) ECL: General Emergency TA B LE 1 -On-shift Positions A u gmentatio n Ro l e in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-sh i ft Position Emergency Plan Reference E l apsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) I. Shift Manager (SM) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 TS/LI No No for HNP U l &2, Table 2.2.A T5/L5 T5/L6 T5/L7 T5/Ll3 T5/L15 2. Shift Supervisor (SROl) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2/Ll No No for HNP U 1 &2 , Tab l e 2.2.A 3. Shift Supervisor (SR02) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T5/L2 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A TS/LIO 4. Shift Support Supervisor (SR03/FBL) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T5/Ll l No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A 5. Reactor Operator (RO I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2/L2 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T5/L3 6. Reactor Operator (R02/COM2) SNC Standard E Plan Annex N I A T2/L3 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 7. Reactor Operator (R04/COM I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2/L4 No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A T5/L3 T5/L8 T5/L12 8. RP Technician (RPI) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4/Ll No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A 9. RP Technician (RP3/FMT)

SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T4/L5 No No for HNP U1&2 , Table 2.2.A 73 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Augmentation Role in Unanalyzed TMS Line On-shift Position Emergency Plan Reference Elapsed Time Table#/Line#

Task? Required? (min) 10. Chemistry Technician (CT2/DA) SNC Standard E Plan Annex 75 T2/L5 No No for HNP U I &2 , Table 2.2.A T4/L4 T5/L9 11. SAS Operator (SEC I) SNC Standard E Plan Annex NIA T5/L14 No No for HNP Ul&2 , Table 2.2.A Notes: Although multiple functions have been identified for some positions , no confl ic t exists requiring further action. Performance of these functions by the identified positions is either acceptable by NE! I 0-05 guidance , OR the functions are the same , OR the functions are performed sequentia ll y without issue. 74 HNP On-Shift Staffing Anal ys is Eve nt# _1_2_ TABLE 2 -Plant Operations

& Safe Shutdown Two Units -One Control Room (Shared) Applicable to Unit-----'--

-Minimum Operations Crew Necessar y to Implement ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position I. Shift Supervisor S hi ft Supervisor (S RO I) 2. Reactor Operator R eactor Op e rator (RO I) 3. R eacto r Op e rator R eactor Operator (R02/COM2) 4. R eac tor Operator R eac tor Operator (R0 4/COM I) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/E OP r espo n se actions Other (non-Operations)

Personnel Necessary to Impl e ment ABs and EOPs, or SAMGs if applicable Line Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position 5. Che mi stry Technician C h emistry Tec hnici an (CT2/D A) Notes: See Table 2A for AB/EOP re s ponse actions 75 Task Performance Validation Operator Training Operator Trai nin g Operator Tra inin g Operator Train in g Task Performance Validation Chemistry Trai nin g HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Event# 12: Title: Table 2A-Initial General Emergency classificat ion with release requiring PARs (Fast Breaker) Procedure Step/Actions Performance Time (mins) After Procedure Implementation ProdStep Task Assigned 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75~0 80~5 85-90 Resource 31EO-EOP-010-1, RC RPV Control FIO'Nchart , Rev 12.0 Perfonm RC-1 (Rx Trip SR01 Verification and R01 X immediate actions) Perfonm RC-2 and RC-3 SR01 (Level and Pressure R02/COM2 X (periodic)

Control} Step 4.1 PA Announcement R01 X Step 4.2 Trip Main Turbine SR01 X (TC-1) R01 31EO-EOP-014-1 , SC-Secondary Containment Control Flowchart , Rev 13.0 Emergency SR01 X Depressurization R01 73EP-RAD-001-0 , Radiological Event , Rev 2.3 Evacuate Rx and R04/COM1 Turbine Buildings X (P lant Page) 3 4AB-D11-001-1, Radioactivity Release Control. Rev 1.11 Step 4.1 Direct Chemistry R01 Technician to perform X Prompt Offsite Dose Assessment Perfonm Prompt Offsite CT2/DA X Dose Assessment

-Task completion time 76 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 3 -Firefighting Line Perform ed By l. N I A 2. NI A 3. NI A 4. NI A 5. NI A Notes: No Fire Bdgade response required for this event. 77 Event# _1_2_ Task Analysis Controlling Method NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA

--' HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 4 -Radiation Protection

& Chemistry Event#~~~l~2~~

Lin Position Performing Performance Time Period After Event Initiation (Minutes) 0-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-e Function/Task 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 35 45 55 65 70 75 85 90 I. In Plant Survey X On-Shift Position:

RPl 2. Personnel Monitoring On-Shift Position:

3. Job Coverage On-Shift Po sition: 4. Offsite Radiological Assessment X On-Shift Position: CT2/DA 5. Other Site-Specific RP -Describe: FMT X On-Shift Position:

RP3/FMT 6. Chemistry function/task#

I -Describe: On-Shift Po sit ion: 7. Chemistry function/task

  1. 2 -Describe:

On-Shift Position:

Notes: Post trip chemistry sa mpl es are not required until after augmentation (2-4 hours after trip). NMP-EP-147 , Offsite Dose Assessment , Rev 2 -Task completion time 78 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis TABLE 5-Emergency Plan Implementation Event#~~~1=2~~

Line Function/Task On-Shift Task Analysis Position Controlling Method 1. Declare the Emergency SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 2. ERO notification SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 3. Notification and direction to on-shift staff ( e.g., to ROI EP/Ops Training and EP assemble , evacuate, etc.) R04/COM1 Drill Program 4. Abbreviated NRC Notification for DBT event N IA EP/Ops Training and EP .Drill Program 5. Comp l ete State/local notification form SM EP/Ops Training and EP Dril l Program 6. Approve State/local notifications SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 7. Approve Offsite PAR s SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Pro gram 8. Perform State/local notification s R04/COM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 9. Dose Assessment CT2/DA EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 10. Complete NRC event notification form SR02 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 11. Perform NRC notifications SR03/FBL EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 2. Activate EROS R04/C OM1 EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program 1 3. Perform other s ite-s pecific event notifications (OM) SM EP/Ops Training and EP Note I Drill Program 14. Personnel accountability SEC! E P/Op s Training and EP Ori II Program 15. Approve extension to allowable dose limit s SM EP/Ops Training and EP Drill Program Notes: EAL-FG 1 , General Emergency NMP-EP-141-002, Hatch Emergency Action Level s and Basis , Re v I NMP-EP-142, Emergency Notification , Re v I NMP-EP-143 , Protective Actions, Rev 2 NMP-EP-147 , Offsite Do se Assessment , Rev 2 Not e I -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IA W NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and doe s not affect performance of other functions. 79 HNP On-Shift Staffing Analysis Table 5A -E-Plan Implementation Timeline/Event

  1. __ ...a.1=-2

__ FunctionfTask On-shift Time from Event Initiation (minutes)

Position 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Declare the Emergency SM FG1 ERO notification SR02 X Notification and direction to on-shift staff R01 X (e.g., to assemble , evacuate , etc.) R04/COM1 X Abbreviated NRG notification for DBT event NIA Complete State/local notification form SM X X Approve State/local notifications SM X X Approve Offsite PARs SM X X Perform State/local notifications R04/COM1 X Dose Assessment CT2/DA X Complete NRG event notification form SR02 X Perform NRG notifications SR03/FBL X Activate EROS R04/COM1 X Perform other site-specific event SM X notifications (DM) Note 1 Personnel accountability SEC1 X Approve extension to allowable dose limits SM X (as needed) Notes: Note 1 -SM notifies the Duty Manager (OM) IAW NMP-EP-142 , Emergency Notification.

This notification is completed within 2-3 minutes and does not affect performance of other functions.

-Task completion time 80 90 X Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant -Units 1 and 2 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant -Units 1 and 2 Vogtle Electric Generating Plant -Units 1 and 2 License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 5.2.2.g and Update Emergency Plan Minimum On-shift Staff Tables Attachment 5 Farley Nuclear Plant Revised Emergency Plan On-Shift Staffing Analysis