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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML06221010227 June 2006Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS-431 & TS-418 Extended Power Uprate (EPU) - Replacement Cooling TowerLicense Renewal
Power Uprate
ML06240047730 June 2006GENE-0000-0055-2994-R1-NP, Addendum to Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units 1, 2, and 3 Steam Dryer Stress, Dynamic, and Fatigue Analyses for EPU Conditions.
ML06279023231 August 2006Engineering Report, GE-NE-0000-0053-7413-R4-NP, Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3 - Steam Dryer Stress, Dynamic and Fatigue Analyses for EPU Conditions.Finite Element Analysis
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Flow Induced Vibration
Power Uprate
Stretch Power Uprate
ML06292015613 September 2006Rev 1 to Technical Specification, NPSH Transient Study RHR and Core Spray Pumps, E12.5.1296Power Uprate
ML0631802432 November 2006Gnf Additional Information Regarding the Requested Changes to Technical Specification SLMCPR, Cycle 7Anticipated operational occurrence
Minimum Critical Power Ratio
ML0716501681 April 1999NEI Report: RCP Lube Oil Collection System Current Trend Abstract, April 1999 (Revision 1)Safe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML07172018631 March 2006Enclosure 2 Technical Evaluation Report on the Seismic Portion of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Individual Plant Examination for External EventsSafe Shutdown
High winds
Ultimate heat sink
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Emergency Lighting
Aging Management
Design basis earthquake
Weak link
ML07172019731 October 2006Enclosure 3 Technical Evaluation Report on the High Winds, Floods, Transportation and Other (Hfo) External Events Portion of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Individual Plant Examination for External EventsSafe Shutdown
High winds
Tornado Generated Missile
ML07213037531 July 2007CDI Report No. 07-05NP, Revision 0, Finite Element Model for Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Steam Dryer to 250 HzFinite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML07213038231 July 2007CDI Report No. 07-06NP, Revision 0, Finite Element Model for Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry, Unit 2 & 2 Steam Dryer to 250 HzFinite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML07213038631 July 2007CDI Report No. 07-09NP, Revision 0, Methodology to Predict Full Scale Steam Dryer Loads from In-Plant Measurements, with Inclusion of a Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Contribution
ML07213040131 July 2007CDI Report No. 07-10NP, Revision 0, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry, Unit 2, Steam Dryer to 250 Hz
ML07213041531 July 2007CDI Report No. 07-11NP, Revision 0, Dynamics of BWR Steam Dryer ComponentsPower Uprate
ML07213042931 July 2007C.D.I. Technical Memorandum No. 07-26NP, Revision 0, Comparison of Browns Ferry Unit 1 & Unit 2 Main Steam Line Strain Gage / Pressure Readings
ML07236026231 August 200707-30NP, Limit Curve Analysis with ACM Rev. 4 for Power Ascension at Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Revision 0Finite Element Analysis
ML07236026331 August 200707-31NP, Limit Curve Analysis with ACM Rev. 4 for Power Ascension at Browns Ferry, Unit 2 and 3, Revision 0Finite Element Analysis
ML07275004524 September 2007ANP-2631, Revision 0, Browns Ferry Unit 3 Cycle 14 Reload Analysis Report.Shutdown Margin
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Anticipated operational occurrence
Abnormal operational transient
Feedwater Heater
Feedwater Controller Failure
Commercial Grade
Fuel cladding
Power Uprate
ML08094063910 April 2008Preliminary Results of the NRC Staff Review of the Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model to Support Implementation of National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA-805, Performance Based Standard for Fire..Hot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
High Energy Line Break
Large early release frequency
Fire Protection Program
Exclusive Use
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML08101045330 April 2008CDI Report No. 08-07NP, Rev. 1, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer.Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML08101045431 March 2008CDI Report No. 08-05NP, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz with Noise Removed.Finite Element Analysis
ML08170029412 June 2008Technical Specifications Changes TS-431 and TS-418 - Extended Power Uprate - Response to ACRS Conclusions and Recommendations Regarding Containment Overpressure CreditSafe Shutdown
Ultimate heat sink
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
Power Uprate
Manual Operator Action
ML08175008116 June 2008Encl. 6, Calculation Package 0006982.301, Extended Power Uprate Main Steam Line Strain Gage Vibration Monitoring, and Encl. 7, Response to Round 15 Group 4 and Round 17 Request for Additional InformationTime of Discovery
Stress corrosion cracking
Power Uprate
ML08175008330 June 2008Enclosure 8, CDI Report No. 08-15NP, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer and Tie-Bar Modifications, Revision 1Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML08175008430 June 2008Enclosure 9, CDI Report No. 08-04NP, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Revision 1
ML08176025630 June 2008CDI Report No. 08-16NP, Stress Assessments of Brown Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer with Tie Bar and Hood Modifications, Revision 0Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML08176026030 June 2008CDI Report No. 08-05NP, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz with Noise Removed, Revision 2
ML0821900137 August 2008Monthly Operating Reports Second Quarter 2008Reserve Station Service Transformer
Feedwater Heater
Power change
Power Uprate
Overspeed trip
ML08325008314 November 2008(BFN) - Units 1, 2, and 3 - Technical Specifications (TS) Changes TS-418 and TS-431 - Extended Power Uprate (EPU) - Steam Dryer Reports
ML08325008431 October 2008CDI Report No. 08-05NP, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Revision 3.
ML08325008531 October 2008CDI Report No. 08-14NP, Flow-Induced Vibration in the Main Steam Lines at Browns Ferry Nuclear Units 1 and 2, with and Without Acoustic Side Branches, and Resulting Steam Dryer Loads Revision 0.Finite Element Analysis
Flow Induced Vibration
ML08325008631 October 2008CDI Report No. 08-15NP Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer with Tie-Bar Modifications Revision 2, Cover Page - Page 37Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML08325009031 October 2008CDI Report No. 08-15NP Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer with Tie-Bar Modifications Revision 2, Page 38 - EndPower Uprate
ML08325011530 November 2008CDI Report No. 08-20NP, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer with Outer Hood and Tie-Bar Reinforcements Revision 0, Cover Page - Page 38Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML08325011630 November 2008CDI Report No. 08-20NP, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer with Outer Hood and Tie-Bar Reinforcements Revision 0, Page 39 - EndPower Uprate
ML08326003431 October 2008CDI Report No. 08-04NP, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Revision 2.
ML09076063128 February 2009CDI Report No. 08-04P, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Revision 3 (Non-proprietary Version)
ML09076063231 March 2009CDI Technical Note No. 07-30NP, Limit Curve Analysis with ACM Rev. 4 for Power Ascension at Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1, Revision 2 (Non-proprietary Version)Finite Element Analysis
ML09100029231 March 2009CDI Technical Note No. 07-30NP, Limit Curve Analysis with ACM Rev. 4 for Power Ascension at Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1, Revision 3Finite Element Analysis
ML09100029331 March 2009CDI Report No. 08-04P, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Revision 4
ML0910503323 April 2009Encl. 5 to Supplemental Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request for Reactor Protective System/Engineered Safeguards Protective System Digital Upgrade, Technical Specification Change Number 2007-09
ML09107022731 January 2008Guidance for Post Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit AnalysisHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Multiple Spurious Operation
Emergency Lighting
Exemption Request
Power-Operated Valves
Fire Protection Program
ML09107022831 December 2008Guidance for Post Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit AnalysisHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Shutdown Margin
Fire Barrier
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operator Manual Action
Multiple Spurious Operation
Emergency Lighting
Significance Determination Process
Large early release frequency
Exemption Request
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML09202022330 April 2009CDI Report No. 08-05NP, Rev. 4, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Enclosure 5
ML09202022431 May 2009CDI Technical Note No. 08-13NP, Rev. 1, Limit Curve Analysis with ACM Rev. 4 for Power Ascension at Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2, Enclosure 6Finite Element Analysis
ML09202022930 June 2009CDI Report No. 09-13NP, Rev. 0, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer with Steam Dam, Outer Hood and Tie-Bar Reinforcements, Introduction Through Page 62, Enclosure 4Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML09202023130 June 2009CDI Report No. 09-13NP, Rev. 0, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 2 Steam Dryer with Steam Dam, Outer Hood and Tie-Bar Reinforcements, Page 63 Through 128, Enclosure 4Power Uprate
ML09244037331 August 2009CDI Report No. 09-24NP, Rev. 0, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 110% OLTP Power Level, Cover Through Chapter 4 (Non-proprietary Version)Finite Element Analysis
Liquid penetrant
Power Uprate
ML09244037431 August 2009CDI Report No. 09-24NP, Rev. 0, Stress Assessment of Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 110% OLTP Power Level, Chapter 5 Through End (Non-proprietary Version)Power Uprate
ML09244037531 August 2009C.D.I. Report No. 09-22NP, Rev. 0, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level to 110% OLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz (Non-proprietary Version)Finite Element Analysis
ML09246049531 August 2009CDI Report No. 09-23NP, Rev. 0, Acoustic and Low Frequency Hydrodynamic Loads at CLTP Power Level to 120% OLTP Power Level on Browns Ferry Nuclear Unit 1 Steam Dryer to 250 Hz, Enclosure 6