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 Issue dateTitle
DD-85-07, Notice of Issuance of Director'S Decision DD-85-07,denying M Varricchio & B Garde 840928 Request for Action Re Allegations Concerning Improper Const Practices & Other Improper Plant Worker Conduct at Facility17 May 1985Notice of Issuance of Director'S Decision DD-85-07,denying M Varricchio & B Garde 840928 Request for Action Re Allegations Concerning Improper Const Practices & Other Improper Plant Worker Conduct at Facility
IR 05000483/199301313 September 1993Insp Rept 50-483/93-13.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Security Insp Involving Personnel Access, Vehicle Control,Power Supply,Security Training & Qualification & Planning Preparations for FFD
IR 05000483/202340229 March 2023NRC Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000483/2023402
IR 05000483/20244026 May 2024Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000483/2024402 (Full Report)
Information Notice 1986-27, Access Control at Nuclear Facilities21 April 1986Access Control at Nuclear Facilities
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment Within Designated Vital Areas
Information Notice 1987-11, Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas13 February 1987Enclosure of Vital Equipment within Designated Vital Areas
ML16158A4571 June 20162016-06 Draft Written Examination
ML17270A17220 September 20172017-09-FINAL Op Test
ML20149D50413 September 1993Notice of Violation from Insp on 930816-24.Violation Noted: Security Authorization List & Lock Box Not at Post & Cards Advising Vehicle Drivers of Contraband Restrictions Not Available for Use
ML20205A63911 October 1988Advises That Util Continuing Planning for Family Day Open House for 881022.Intentions Re Subj Listed
ML20205G40725 March 1999Security Event Rept:On 990304,failure to Properly Compensate for Loss of Safeguards Equipment That Could Have Resulted in Undetected Intrusion Into Protected or Vital Area,Was Discovered.Caused by Msk 325 Failure.Replaced Msk 325
ML20237E46324 August 1998Forwards semi-annual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period Beginning 980101 & Ending 980630
ML23341A1907 December 2023Enclosujustification for Exemption Request from Specific Requirements in 2023 Security Rule
NRC Generic Letter 1991-036 March 1991NRC Generic Letter 1991-003: Reporting of Safeguards Events
ULNRC-06844, Request for Exemption from Specific Requirements in 2023 Security Rule, Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notification7 December 2023Request for Exemption from Specific Requirements in 2023 Security Rule, Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notification