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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19249E4987 July 1978Confirms Info Contained in Communications Section of Application for Licenses That RB Mcgehee Should Be Substituted for Rc Travis as Recipient for Correspondence Re Facility Proceedings
ML19257B55911 January 1980Discusses Interconnection Agreement Between Util & Gulf States Util to Permit Transaction Between Lafayette,La & Ms Energy Agency Members
ML19259B94529 May 1979Municipal Energy Agency of Ms Requests Commencement of Proceedings to Require Util to Comply W/Cp License Conditions Re Interconnect Agreement.Related Correspondence W/Doj Encl
ML19261E22129 June 1979Reiterates Municipal Energy Agency of Ms Opposition to Allegations Made by Atty for Ms Power & Light Re Util 790110 & 0312 Ltrs.Supporting Documentation
ML19270H02319 June 1979Requests Denial of Intervenor Municipal Energy Agency of Ms 790529 Petition to Show Cause.Util & Affiliate Middle South Energy,Inc Have Complied W/License Conditions of CP
ML19296B04412 February 1980Discusses Util 791210 Ltr of Concurrence W/Wheeling Provision Sought by Municipal Energy Agency of Ms.La Power & Light 800205 Ltr Re Compensation for Use of Transmission Facilities Encl
ML19296C61422 February 1980Responds to Mcdiarmid 800212 Ltr for Municipal Energy Agency of Ms (Meam) Which Implys That Ms Power & Light Must Arrange W/Other Utils to Have Power Wheeled to Meam Members. Forwards 790619 Ltr Denying Charges
ML19309C8944 April 1980Responds to TB Conner 800312 Ltr to NRC Re Interconnection Agreement.Absence of Svc Schedule & Execution of Gulf States Util Co Indicate Agreement Not Intended to Be Operative. Requests Resolution Before OL Stage
ML19325E37130 October 1989Forwards 891027 Ltr to Counsel for NRC for Filing on Appropriate Dockets & Legal Issues Re Antitrust Aspect of NRC Review of Consolidation of License Amend Application
ML19325E37427 October 1989Lists Three Legal Issues Re Antitrust Aspects of NRC Review of Consolidation of License Amend Application for Facilities.Licensee Supplemental Info Filed W/Nrr
ML19332D85130 November 1989Forwards Antitrust Comments W/Exhibits & One Copy of Comments Sans Exhibits of Cities of Benton,Conway,North Little Rock,Osceola,Prescott & West Memphis,Ak & Farmers Electric Cooperative Corp
ML19354E41925 January 1990Comments Re Issuance of OL Amends & Proposed NSHC Determination Re Transfer of Operational Mgt Control of Plants & Views on anti-trust Issues Re Application for Amend for Plants
ML20010J19422 September 1981Responds on Behalf of Municipal Energy Agency of Ms to NRC Request for Info Re Compliance Status of Antitrust License Conditions Cited in 800529 Notice of Violation.Negotiations W/Util Continue
ML20054F4132 June 1982Confirms Increased Limit of Liability of Nelia Policy NF-257,effective 820605 & Advises of Limit of Liability for Maelu Policy MF-106
ML20065A93210 September 1982Forwards Us Court of Appeals,Dc Circuit 820901 Order in NRDC Vs Nrc,Granting Intervenor & Respondents Request for Stay of Mandate.Order Will Stay Effect of Decision Until Final Disposition by Supreme Court.Related Correspondence
ML20069D84920 September 1982Opposes State of La Request for Extension of Time to File Reply to ASLB 820831 Order to Respond to Arguments.Extension Would Delay Issuance of Full Term OL
ML20076N16719 July 1983Forwards Interconnection Agreement Between Util & FERC to Resolve Violations of Antitrust License Conditions. Resolutions to Other Issues Also ProvidedEarthquake
ML20080Q42322 February 1984Forwards Corrected 840221 Answer to Jacksonians United for Livable Energy Policies Request for Hearing & Petition for Leave to Intervene
ML20083C37616 September 1983Forwards Suggested Form of Certificate for Design Control of Water & Atmospheric Pollutants or Contaminants.Claiborne County 830620 Authorization for Filing of Petition for Issuance of Pollution Control Revenue Bonds Encl
ML20084R08417 May 1984Informs of Intent to File Motion for Reconsideration W/Aslb as to 840423 Decision Granting Jacksonians United for Liveable Energy Policies Intervention Admitting Two Contentions & Motion to Certify
ML20093L37630 July 1984Responds to Wj Guste Re Intention to File Petition to Intervene & Request for Hearing.Request for Hearing Opposed as Being Extraordinarily Late.No Justification Shown
ML20094A0251 August 1984Informs That Discovery Requests Not Received from Jacksonians United for Livable Energy Policies,Per ASLB 840423 Order.Intervenor Withdrawing Request for Hearing. Related Correspondence
ML20094A2302 November 1984Requests That NRC Certify That Pollution Control Facilities Being Financed in Furtherance of Abatement or Control of Water Pollution,Atmospheric Pollutants or Contaminants
ML20114E69429 May 1979Forwards Petition by Municipal Energy Agency of Ms Requesting That NRC Commence Proceedings,Per 10CFR2.202,to Require Util to Comply W/Antitrust Conditions of Facility License
ML20125B58810 December 1979Requests That DOJ Be Asked to Reconsider Recommendations to Show Cause for Compliance W/License Conditions,In Light of New Info.Forwards Settlement Agreement Between Intervenors & Other Supporting Documentation
ML20126B61712 March 1980Discusses Issue of Util Compliance W/Conditions of Cps.Util Notified Both Clarksdale & Greenwood on 800311 That Power Would Be Transmitted.Believes Antitrust Hearing Unnecessary
ML20138L52530 October 1985Requests Certification of Pollution Control Facilities Being Financed by Claiborne County,Ms Pollution Control Revenue Bonds in Nov 1985.Facilities Financed by Previous Series of Bonds Certified in 1983 & 1984
ML20197H45714 June 1984Requests That City of New Orleans,La Be Added to Svc List for Substantive Orders & Notices of Opportunity for Hearing for Listed Dockets.Related Correspondence
ML20198C4528 November 1985Requests Issuance of in Furtherance Certification by 851115 in Order to Permit Financing of Ownership Interest of South Mississippi Electric Power Assoc in Pollution Control Facilities.Related Info Encl
ML20236F17329 October 1987Forwards Fee for Settlement Agreement Executed by Sys Energy Resources,Inc & NRC on 871022.Receipt Requested