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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML0403605443 December 2002Arkansas NuclearE-mail from Karla Smith to Art Howell Et Al, Regarding Backfit Minutes
ML04077015510 February 2004CooperDraft Information Input Relief Request Summary for Telecon - Attachment 7
ML04077027014 January 2004CooperDraft Information Input, E-Mail Teleconference on MSIV Leakage Pathway License Amendment Request - Attachment 2
ML04077061122 December 2003CooperE-Mail MSIV Leakage Pathway RAI & License Amendment Request - Attachment 3
ML05126020827 May 2004CooperRAI Response
ML0601700499 December 2005Fermi
Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group
BWROG, Cover Letter
ML06179011128 September 2004CooperE-mail from S. Unikewicz, NRR, to M. Honcharik, NRR, Cooper: Conference Call to Discuss Monday'S Reg. Conference
ML06179011313 October 2004CooperE-mail from S. Wong, NRR, to M. Honcharik, NRR, Cooper: Regulatory Conference follow-up Call with Region
ML06179011414 October 2004CooperE-mail from R. Palla, NRR, to M. Honcharik, NRR, Fwd: Cooper SW Issue Risk Discussion
ML06213017629 September 2004CooperE-Mail from D. Nelson, HQ-OE, to G. Parry, NRR, Et Al., Call with Region IV to Discuss Cooper'S Reg. Conference -O6B6
ML06229019523 September 2004CooperE-mail from W. Walker, Riv, to M. Honcharik, NRR, Reports for Cooper Regulatory Conference Sept 27, 2004
ML06229021023 September 2004CooperE-mail from R. Azua, Riv, to M. Honcharik, NRR, CNS Reg Conference - Licensee Letter and Attachments
ML0628600998 July 2004CooperE-Mail from Franovich to Doe Et Al., Agenda - July 15 Region IV SERPs and Enforcement Panels Ex. 2,4,5, Outside Scope
ML0628602196 December 2004CooperE-Mail from Gramm to Honcharik, Agenda for Region IV SERP on Thurs. Dec. 9
ML11014000912 January 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail from Brian Mann Providing TSTF-505 Proposed Approach Materials
ML11014004614 January 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail of Industry Presentation from January 12, 2011, Meeting
ML1125900828 September 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail Markup for TSTF-490, Revision 1, Deletion of E Bar Definition and Revision to RCS Specific Activity Tech Specific.
ML14328A41414 November 2014Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail Transmitting Handouts from 11/13/14 Tstf/Nrc Meeting
ML15034A14921 April 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail Transmitting TSTF Handouts from 04/10/2014 Meeting
ML16054A70911 February 2016Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail Regarding Industry Response to NRC Comments on TSTF Draft Letter Regarding TSTF-425, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5b.
ML16298A00721 October 2016Technical Specifications Task ForceDraft Traveler TSTF-564, Revision 0, Safety Limit MCPR, for November 1 Presubmittal Meeting
ML17157B22713 February 2017Technical Specifications Task ForceE-mail Follow-up Action from the November 1, 2016 Presubmittal Meeting on TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR
ML17208A15824 July 2017Technical Specifications Task ForceDiscussion of I&C Related Issues Regarding TSTF-505 for July 25 and Augsut 1, 2017 Teleconferences
ML17289A92916 October 2017Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-542 Issue That Affects BWR5 and BWR6 Plants
ML17297B74524 October 2017Technical Specifications Task ForceInput to Friday'S Call on TSTF-542
ML18262A3737 September 2018Technical Specifications Task ForceIndustry Analysis of Whether Open Phase Condition Equipment Requirements Should Be Included in the Technical Specifications
ML21097A18730 March 2021Technical Specifications Task ForceEmail: TSTF Review of Draft Safety Evaluations for TSTF-577, Rev. 1, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections
ML21109A1416 April 2021Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-585 Rev. 0 Revise LCO 3.0.3