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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IA-86-699, Responds to FOIA Request to DOJ for Records Re DOJ Investigation of Util Role in Siting,Licensing & Constructing Diablo Canyon.Forwards App a & B Documents. Documents Also Available in PDR3 December 1986Responds to FOIA Request to DOJ for Records Re DOJ Investigation of Util Role in Siting,Licensing & Constructing Diablo Canyon.Forwards App a & B Documents. Documents Also Available in PDR
IA-88-101, Final Response to FOIA Request Re SECY-82-414.Forwards App B Document.Encl Also Available in PDR29 April 1988Final Response to FOIA Request Re SECY-82-414.Forwards App B Document.Encl Also Available in PDREarthquake
IA-88-102, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)18 October 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)Earthquake
IA-88-104, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re SECY-81-636. Forwards App B Documents Subj to Categories A-E & G of Request.Documents Also Available in PDR2 May 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re SECY-81-636. Forwards App B Documents Subj to Categories A-E & G of Request.Documents Also Available in PDR
IA-88-110, Final Response to FOIA Request Forwarding Two Printouts of Central Files Documents from 1980 to Present.W/O Encl1 March 1988Final Response to FOIA Request Forwarding Two Printouts of Central Files Documents from 1980 to Present.W/O Encl
IA-88-187, Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents.Subj Documents Also Available in Pdr.Addl Records Being Addressed in FOIA-88-156.Instructions for Obtaining Records from PDR Also Encl20 June 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents.Subj Documents Also Available in Pdr.Addl Records Being Addressed in FOIA-88-156.Instructions for Obtaining Records from PDR Also Encl
ML20126K0854 May 1981Responds to to President Reagan Urging Careful Consideration of Safety Issues in Licensing Facilities in Ca.Nrc Conducts Detailed Review of All CP & OL ApplicationsEarthquake
ML20138F91527 November 1985Further Response to FOIA Request for Three Categories of Records Re NUREG-1055 & M Engelman .Apps O & P Documents Available in PDR
ML20150E78120 June 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App a Documents.Subj Documents Also Available in Pdr.Addl Records Being Addressed in FOIA-88-156.Instructions for Obtaining Records from PDR Also Encl
ML20151D8358 April 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App a Document Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20153C8682 May 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re SECY-81-636. Forwards App B Documents Subj to Categories A-E & G of Request.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20153D57529 April 1988Final Response to FOIA Request Re SECY-82-414.Forwards App B Document.Encl Also Available in PDREarthquake
ML20153G93315 August 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App C Document.Documents Available in PDR
ML20196F6301 March 1988Final Response to FOIA Request Forwarding Two Printouts of Central Files Documents from 1980 to Present.W/O Encl
ML20197D84624 April 1986Further Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re NUREG-1055.Forwards App a Documents.Apps a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Availability of Other Documents Listed
ML20205C35223 September 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Plant. Forwards App D Documents.App D Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20205R16418 October 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Informs That App a & B Documents Available in Pdr.Forwards Partially Deleted App B & C Documents (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)Earthquake
ML20211C5256 February 1987Discusses NRC Analysis of Licensing Schedules for Facility, Per Util 870202 Request for NRC Statement to State of Ca. NRC Sept 1981 - Feb 1982 Monthly Repts to Congress Re Licensing Projections for Pending OL Applications Encl
ML20213F01021 September 1984Informs of 841004 Meeting W/Util & USGS in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Proposed Seismic Reevaluation Program Re Geology & Tectonics
ML20214U1623 December 1986Responds to FOIA Request to DOJ for Records Re DOJ Investigation of Util Role in Siting,Licensing & Constructing Diablo Canyon.Forwards App a & B Documents. Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20244B44318 March 1977Responds to 770310 Telegram to Chairman Rowden Re Procedures to Be Followed by NRC in Making Final Determination Concerning Licensing of Facility.Decision to Issue Interim License Could Be Reached by End of Yr Pending JustificationEarthquake