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Enclosure 2 - Meeting Slides Re Shine Overview (Public Version)
Person / Time
Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 12/04/2019
SHINE Medical Technologies
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19339E714 List:
Download: ML19339E716 (43)



SHINE Overview Tracy Radel, Director of Process Engineering

SHINE High Level Overview 1 LEU is dissolved to form 4 Uranium undergoes the liquid target fission in target solution tank, producing Mo-99 2 Accelerator fires ion and other isotopes 2 beam into tritium gas target chamber 5 Mo-99 is captured from the solution via an 3 Ions from accelerator extraction column beam undergo fusion 6 with gas target, freeing 6 The LEU solution is 1 neutrons into target returned to the target solution tank solution tank 5

3 4 SHINE Medical Technologies l 2

Process Overview

1. Periodic solution preparation from LEU
2. Solution chemistry check and staging
3. Irradiation for 5.5 days
4. Extraction, purification, QC & packaging
5. Waste handling SHINE Medical Technologies l 3

Technological Approach Small systems: 125 kW, hundreds of times less power than isotope production reactors being used Low source termhelps ensure safety of public and workforce Decay heat per system < 1 kW within 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> Minimizes waste nuclide generation compared to reactors Low enriched uranium (LEU) reusable target Reduces waste Product compatible with current supply chain Eliminates need for HEU Driven by low-energy electrostatic accelerator Fission essentially terminate shortly after driver turned off Multiple units and trains provide operational scalability and flexibility SHINE Medical Technologies l 4

Safety Philosophy Low decay heat, low pressure, low temperature system Minimal stored energy Independent units limit common cause failures Operator actions are not required for safe response to an accident In the event of an upset condition:

TSV reactivity protection system (TRPS) initiates trip of system Two completely independent safety-related TSV dump valves open Target solution gravity drains to the TSV dump tank (criticality safe at all uranium concentrations)

Hydrogen concentration maintained below lower flammability limit (LFL) by off-gas system blowers Following UPS battery run time, entire plant is passively safe 90 days without cooling: pool temperature rise is not more than 13°F Nitrogen purge system for hydrogen control SHINE Medical Technologies l 5

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Facility Layout - General Arrangement SRI SHINE Medical Technologies l 6

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Facility Layout - Elevation and Section Views SRI SHINE Medical Technologies l 7

Major Processes Target solution preparation Irradiation Subcritical assembly Neutron driver Off-gas system Extraction Purification Waste handling Target solution recycle SHINE Medical Technologies l 8

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Target Solution Preparation Facility designed to receive either uranium metal or uranium oxide Uranium metal would be oxidized in a furnace prior to dissolution Dissolution Process U3O8 is dissolved in sulfuric acid and peroxide Mechanically agitated during process Heated to destroy peroxide, producing clear yellow uranyl sulfate solution

[ ]PROP/ECI catalyst added for peroxide destruction during irradiation Adjusted to correct uranium concentration and pH using water and sulfuric acid SHINE Medical Technologies l 9

Major Processes Target solution preparation Irradiation Subcritical assembly Neutron driver Off-gas system Extraction Purification Waste handling Solution recycle SHINE Medical Technologies l10

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Subcritical Assembly Overview PROP/ECI Hybrid fusion-fission device Accelerator generates fusion neutrons from D-T reaction Subcritical assembly takes fusion neutrons, slows them down, and multiplies them through fission reactions Process Fast neutrons created in center of assembly (neutron spark plug)

Neutrons pass through natural uranium multiplier Multiplied neutrons pass into uranium solution in TSV, where they are absorbed by uranium and cause fission Transfer solution to the processing facility for isotope removal SHINE Medical Technologies l11

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Low Energy, Inherently-Safe System PROP/ECI Key parameters:

Pressure: Below atmospheric Temperature: < 212°F Target solution: Uranyl sulfate Reactivity: Subcritical Stability: Negative temperature and void coefficients of reactivity Cooling: No active cooling required after shutdown Shutdown: Gravity drain to geometrically favorable tank SHINE Medical Technologies l12

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Subcritical Assembly PROP/ECI Key components:

Neutron driver target chamber Neutron multiplier Target solution vessel (TSV)

Subcritical assembly support structure Subcritical multiplication source TSV dump valves (not shown)

TSV dump tank SHINE Medical Technologies l13

Operational Modes Mode 0 - Solution Removed: No target solution in the SCAS Mode 1 - Startup: Filling the TSV Mode 2 - Irradiation: Operating mode (neutron driver active)

Mode 3 - Post-Irradiation: TSV dump valves open Mode 4 - Transfer to RPF: Dump tank drain valves open to permit solution transfer SHINE Medical Technologies l14

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Subcritical Assembly Startup similar to a reactor, except the endpoint is different Operators plot 1/M curve with solution volume Operators stop fill when 5% by volume below predicted critical volume Aspect ratio of the assembly results in high multiplication while still maintaining large volume margin to critical Driven further from critical during operation Keff values:

Nominal core: [ ]PROP/ECI Limiting core: [ ]PROP/ECI SHINE Medical Technologies l15

Subcritical Assembly Analysis Overview Nuclear MCNP5 v1.60 with ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VII.0 (for S(,)) nuclear data libraries used Validations performed to quantify uncertainties in temperature coefficients, void coefficients, and solution worth ORIGEN-S in SCALE 6.1 package used to generate radionuclide inventories following irradiation and decay Thermal hydraulics Correlation-based methodology used for safety-related calculations Based on experimental data applicable to the SHINE system Transient Analysis TRIAD code developed in conjunction with Los Alamos National Laboratory Calculates combined effects of temperature, void, and reactivity feedback SHINE Medical Technologies l16

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Key Nuclear Analysis Calculations Source Strength and Detector Placement Extent and Effects of Nonuniformities on Operation Startup Curves and Limiting Core Configurations Neutron Multiplier Nuclear Design Parameters over Nominal and Limiting Core Configuration Characteristics Lifetime Neutron Lifetime and Effective Neutron Fraction Effects of Uranium Burnup Coefficients of Reactivity Bounding Fission Product Inventories and Source Terms Neutron Flux, Fluence, and Power Distributions Nominal Fission Product Inventories and Source Terms Radiolysis Rates at Steady State and After Shutdown in Neutron Multiplier Radionuclide Inventory the Target Solution Vessel PROP/ECI SHINE Medical Technologies l17

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Transient Analysis Calculations Point Reactor Kinetics TRIAD Target Solution Vessel Fill System Design Target Solution Vessel Transient Analysis Limiting Credible Fill Analysis Target Solution Vessel Transient Stability with Respect to Bubble Velocity PROP/ECI SHINE Medical Technologies l18

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Thermal Hydraulics Calculations Target Solution Vessel Cooling Target Solution Vessel (TSV) Cooldown Target Solution Vessel (TSV) Dump Tank Thermal Neutron Multiplier Nuclear Design Parameters over Hydraulics Lifetime Target Solution Vessel (TSV) Thermal Hydraulics PROP/ECI SHINE Medical Technologies l19

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Neutron Driver PROP/ECI/

Neutron driver is hydrogen particle accelerator SRI Supplied by Phoenix 300 kV constant voltage (static)

Accelerates deuterium ions into a tritium gas target Neutron production rate: [ ]PROP/ECI to 1.5E+14 Neutron source to drive the subcritical chain reactions Operation is not safety function Turning off accelerator is a safety function Safety-related breakers isolate power feed to accelerator high voltage power supply SHINE Medical Technologies l20

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TSV Off-Gas System (TOGS)

PROP/ECI The TOGS sweeps the TSV and TSV dump tank headspaces to maintain bulk hydrogen within the primary system boundary below the lower flammability limit (LFL)

Sweep gas passed over catalytic recombiner beds to form water vapor Water vapor generated by the TSV and the recombiner beds is condensed and returned to the TSV The TOGS absorbs iodine in the sweep gas to limit the dose consequences in the event of a leak SHINE Medical Technologies l21

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TSV Off-Gas System (TOGS)

PROP/ECI TOGS general parameters Sweep gas flowrate: [ ]PROP/ECI Design nominal hydrogen concentration: 2%

Condensate return rate: < 2.7 lbm/hr Recombiner materials: [

]PROP/ECI Safety-related functions to ensure hydrogen concentrations remain acceptable Operates on UPSS power for 5 minutes following loss of off-site power to recombine decay hydrogen SHINE Medical Technologies l22

Major Processes Target solution preparation Irradiation Subcritical assembly Neutron driver Off-gas system Extraction Purification Waste handling Target solution recycle SHINE Medical Technologies l23

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Overview of Mo-99 Separation Process PROP/ECI Target solution transferred from IU cell to hot cells via vacuum lift system Mo-99 separated from target solution by extraction column Mo-99 eluted from extraction column and pH adjusted with nitric acid




]PROP/ECI Mo-99 solution concentrated by evaporation and transferred to purification SHINE Medical Technologies l24

Overview of Mo-99 Purification Process Purification via the Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Modified Cintichem Process Developed by Argonne National Laboratory for the Department of Energy Cintichem is a long-established process Used at the Cintichem facility in Tuxedo, NY until 1989 Process performed with manipulators in hot cell Precipitation and filtration of contaminants Complexation of molybdenum Adsorption and filtration of contaminants on charcoal columns SHINE Medical Technologies l25

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Supercell PROP/ECI The hot cell (supercell) consists of ten hot cells:

1. Process vessel 6. Extraction #2 vent system
7. Extraction #3 (PVVS)
8. Purification #3
2. Extraction #1
9. Packaging #2
3. Purification #1 10.Iodine and
4. Packaging #1 xenon
5. Purification #2 Each cell type performs specific functions Redundancy is included to handle the 8 irradiation cells and provide flexibility in operations SHINE Medical Technologies l26

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Supercell Design PROP/ECI Safety function to confine radioisotopes upon release Confinement limits release to stack and to Radioisotope Production Facility (RPF) area Provides biological shielding for workers Criticality safety controls incorporated SHINE Medical Technologies l27

Major Processes Target solution preparation Irradiation Subcritical assembly Neutron driver Off-gas system Extraction Purification Waste handling Target solution recycle SHINE Medical Technologies l28

Waste Handling Waste Stream Overview Three types of radioactive waste:

As generated solid radioactive waste, including spent adsorption columns Solidified radioactive waste Gaseous wastes Liquid waste is collected in favorable and non-favorable geometry tanks, depending on liquid waste stream Size and configuration of liquid waste tanks provide for operational flexibility Liquid waste streams are analyzed and blended to allow for solidification and acceptance at a licensed burial facility Waste streams are solidified in a shielded enclosure maintained at a slight negative pressure compared to the surrounding RPF SHINE Medical Technologies l29

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Radioactive Liquid Waste Storage System SRI SHINE Medical Technologies l30

Radioactive Liquid Waste Immobilization System Receives liquid wastes from the liquid waste blending tank Solidifies waste with an immobilization agent in accordance with the process control program Drums are cured and transported to on-site staging building, prior to offsite shipment Radioactive Liquid Waste Immobilization Shielded Enclosure SHINE Medical Technologies l31

Gaseous Waste Handling Gaseous wastes are processed by the process vessel vent system (PVVS)

PVVS contains carbon guard bed to remove iodine Gases then passed through carbon delay beds which hold up krypton and xenon Sized for minimum delay of 40 days for xenon Safety function to reduce radiological dose to the Carbon Delay Beds public SHINE Medical Technologies l32

Major Processes Target solution preparation Irradiation Subcritical assembly Neutron driver Off-gas system Extraction Purification Waste handling Target solution recycle SHINE Medical Technologies l33

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Target Solution Recycle Target solution will be reused cycle-to-cycle Limiting lifetime set by burnup of safety-basis source term


[ ]PROP/ECI Small process losses expected between cycles Solution will be adjusted periodically to compensate for these losses SHINE Medical Technologies l34

Radiological Ventilation Zones Three ventilation systems in the radiologically controlled area (RCA) are used to maintain the temperature and humidity of the RCA and to progress air from areas of least potential for contamination to areas with the most potential for contamination Radiological ventilation zone 3 (RVZ3)

Services areas of entry/egress for RCA Radiological ventilation zone 2 (RVZ2)

Services normally occupied areas within the RCA Radiological ventilation zone 1 (RVZ1)

Services areas with highest potential for contamination Two subsystems interface with the primary confinement boundary RVZ1 exhaust subsystem (RVZ1e): low flowrate pulled from the primary confinement through the PCLS expansion tank to limit hydrogen buildup due to radiolysis in the pool and maintain the IU and TOGS cells at a slightly negative pressure RVZ1 recirculation subsystem (RVZ1r): closed loop that circulates and cools the air within the IU and TOGS cells SHINE Medical Technologies l35

Approach to Commitments to Codes and Standards Commitments to codes and standards were made within chapters as necessary to meet regulatory requirements Summary not provided in Section 3.1 in effort to minimize duplication Additional codes and standards are used throughout design documents to meet design requirements Examples:

Target solution vessel: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,Section VIII, Division 1, 2010 Primary system boundary piping: Code for Pressure Piping, ASME B31.3-2012 Neutron flux detectors: IEEE Standard 384-2008, IEEE Standard Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits, invoked for separation of safety-related and nonsafety-related raceways SHINE Medical Technologies l36

Strategy for FSAR Organization Like the Preliminary Safety Evaluation Report (PSAR), the development of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) followed the format and content guidance of NUREG-1537 and the Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) augmenting NUREG-1537 Development of Chapter 7 (Instrumentation and Control Systems) followed the format and content guidance of the draft Chapter 7 ISG augmenting NUREG-1537 Chapters containing system descriptions are split between IF-located systems (e.g.,

Chapter 9a2) and RPF-located systems (e.g., Chapter 9b), consistent with the format guidance provided in the ISG augmenting NUREG-1537 Systems common to both the IF and the RPF are described in the IF portion of the chapter, and the corresponding RPF portion provides a statement related to the commonality of the system and a reference to the appropriate IF portion of the chapter Examples include Section 5b, which identifies SHINE cooling systems as common to the IF and the RPF, with reference to Section 5a2; and Section 9b.1, which identifies SHINE heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems as common to the IF and RPF, with reference to Section 9a2.1 SHINE Medical Technologies l37

Technical Specification Development SHINE Technical Specifications Technical specifications for the SHINE facility required by 10 CFR 50.36 Formatting of the SHINE technical specifications follows the guidance provided in NUREG-1537, as modified by the Final Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) Augmenting NUREG-1537, and ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007, with the following exception:

ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007, Section 3.0 (Limiting condition of operation) and Section 4.0 (Surveillance Requirements), were combined into a single SHINE Section 3.0, to more clearly relate each Surveillance Requirement to the applicable Limiting Condition of Operation SHINE Medical Technologies l39

Development Strategy Safety Limits Selected to comply with 10 CFR 50.36(c)

Meet the intent of guidance provided by NUREG-1537 and the ISG augmenting NUREG-1537 Final selection limited to those variables directly related to protecting physical barriers Limits on variables that indirectly protect barriers are incorporated into LCOs Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCO)

Derived from controls identified in the Integrated Safety Analysis (ISA) Summary Based on assumptions used in, or limits derived from, safety analysis calculations Surveillance Requirements (SR)

SRs identified for each LCO Selected surveillances and frequencies based on guidance from ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007 whenever parallels existed Industry experience, for example other NPUF technical specifications, or engineering judgement used where parallels did not exist SHINE Medical Technologies l40

Development Strategy LCO Applicability Applicability statements were defined for each LCO individually to clearly define when equipment is required to be Operable SHINE processes follow a batch sequence, where not all LCOs are applicable to all conditions or modes Applicability of LCOs intended to clarify when maintenance and testing is permissible (i.e., when the function is not required)

LCO Actions Actions to be taken when the LCO is not met were defined for each LCO Definition of specific actions is necessary because generic actions (e.g., to shut down an IU) are not applicable to all processes within the facility Provides clarity to operators on required actions SHINE Medical Technologies l41

Development Strategy Design Features Selected based on guidance from ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007, and Based on safety-related controls identified in the ISA that did not clearly map to an LCO (e.g.,

passive engineered controls)

Administrative Controls Section 5.5, Programs, is based on guidance from ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007 and includes the following elements identified in the ISA Summary:

Programmatic administrative controls Select safety-related controls (e.g., specific administrative controls) that did not fit as LCOs or design features Select reliability management measures that did not fit as SRs Other sections (e.g., Organization, Review and Audit, Radiation Safety, Procedures, Required Actions, Reports, and Records) are based on guidance from ANSI/ANS 15.1-2007 with modifications for applicability to SHINE SHINE Medical Technologies l42