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Intervenor Contention 47.Applicant Main Generator Turbine Is Not Designed Sufficiently to Prevent Turbine Missiles from Damaging Critical Components of Sys.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Allens Creek File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1980
From: Doherty J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8004110551
Download: ML19305D015 (2)









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3EFOR2 EC iTC::IC SAFETY & LICEUSIUG 3CA2D _. . . . . . . .

In the Matter of HOU3TCH LIG:ITI:!G MiD PO'.fER CCM?r!Y ) Docket No. 50 a66

( Allens Creek :!uclear Generating Station, Unit 1) )


John F. Doherty, Intervenor in the chove Constructica LfcenseProceedingsfilesthisContention#47,oursuantto  %

10 CFR 2.714 of the Commissions Rules of Practice, and sup- d porting statement to support the filing after the deadline jf

  • for contentions for this proceed, ,

7 gR 21 @ g Contention 547

$'cM D Intervenor contends Applicant's main generator turbine is not designed sufficiently to prevent turbine missiles O  %

(bl l 125 from damaging critical components of the system. Further,


( that stoppage or vibration of the turbine following missile thrust will create. dangerous halting and" damage to the tur-bine5and main steam power train of the plant.

That one turbine has indeed e:cpelled a portion oft alttirbine disic is shown by Board Motification SN 80-8, which sites a ore-liminary report of a portion of a disc hurled during;turbi'ne synch-ronization at (800 rpm on Feb. 14, 1980, at the Yankee Ryge, nuclear plant in Massachusetsa. Crac'cing of turbine disks is the subject of Board IIotification BU 80-4, which indicates "the cracking may be core widesfWdad than previously reported" and that one manufacturer, Westinghouse,is, " (ij n the process of elevating some of their previously estimated turbine missile onergies". ( BU 80-4; Janury '6,1980). The largest cracks d.e-tected to date were found at Zion Station. Unit 1 , and re7arted _

b7 the Inspection & Enforcement Division of the URC on :Mvember 20, 1979 Further, on March 1', 1980, special insoections were ordett'or "O nuclear reactors of their turbines. Because


of uncertainty of these calcuations of sissile energy and the dangers of missiles, to the functioning of the ACUGS and conse-i guent risk to t'cas Intervenor's health and environmental inter-l ests, he urges ;n4;ss on tys .

.tention to the proce dg gg. y 9 % [

Jm  % A , over





Suo'orting Statenent for Contention #47


This Intervanor believes, the above Contention should be admitted to the proceedings because

a. There was far less basis to argue the Contrations admissibility at the original deadline, because the Yankee Rowe incident had not occured. In~short the Contention is currently based on new evidence.
b. No other party has raised the issue. There are no current plans to consider the issue at this moment within the NRC.
c. Consideration of the issue in regard to the large turbine to be used at ACNGS will develope an important part of the record. At this moment, it appears most of the turbines involved in the ordered inspections and incidents such as Shioningoort, 1974, are much smaller than AC:!GS.
d. No e::isting '2rty has indicated an interest in this issue to date.



e. It does not appear the issue will unreasonably delay thes e oroceedings. The issue is a well focused one which is


unlikel7 to broaden the proceedings greatly.

Respectfully Submitted,


val hw0 -

uohn F. Dohert Copies of "JOIEi F. DORERTf' ', COHTE'ITION #47" were served on the partias_'below via first class U. S. Postal Service, this 42.

of March, 4930.


$bJh ohn F. Doherty

  • l l Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq. (ERC) l Gustave A. Linenberger (NRC)

Dr. E. Leonard Cheatum (:iRC)

Richard A. Lowerre, Esc. (Texas) l R. Gordon Gooch, Esq. (A'olicant)


J. Gre7ory Copeland, Esc. (.'.p"licant)

James M. Scott, Jr. Esc. (TexFI2G)

Brenda McCortcle, Esq.

Wa7ne Rentfro ,

, Dr. David Marrack

- Carro Hinderstein, Esq.

T D D'

  • D w a A[ nf b l