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Legal Correspondence Re 3/4/1975 NRC Letter to Michigan Public Service Commission, Advising, Not Received Letter, & Requesting, in the Future, NRC Should Correspondence with All Interested Persons
Person / Time
Site: Palisades, Midland  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1975
From: Cherry M
Law Offices of M M Cherry
To: Anders W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18347B285 (8)


r .. ';, .*-.. ; .' ...


H.LINOIS CUJ.u. ....... <!.

Mr. William A. Anders Chai::::t.3.n*

UmSe Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, De Co 2055S March 12e / 'C\I Oj '* i:tu'umnn

.. (;fl i375 ::

  • i* Si .:.:. \ ..
; .6, \\: \ 11*"1 *' ".': ... :. *1

't' ... / 0 Dear l*ir o Chairman g \ "> .. *

.1 ;

On Mareh 11, 1975 I received (by accident) a -a letter dated March 4u 1975 which you sent to the members of the b!ichigan Public Service Commission, apparently in response *.to the Michigan PS'C us Nqvember 8, 1974 letter to* the Chairman . of the now-defunct*

Atomic Energy Commission

.. . . Your March.4, 1975 letter deals with tw0 cases in *which I am involved, and Midland. I have not been of letterf nor did you or any of your staff send me-a copyo Additionally, your letter information prepared by the Regulatory Staff (one of the parties to the former pro-* ceedings) and certain other documents (OOE-OS-002, May, 1974 and Ja:m1ary /1 197 4} ., I did not receive . any of these dofluments

.. ' . I also find it interesting to note that while your

  • staff sent to the Michigan PSC certain "general studies
  • nuclear power plant availability c.:lpaci ty factors*," the
  • staffgs enclosures indic"ted that those were dated May, 1974 and. January u 1974 *. Ym::,s.":'

staff did not enclose the December 2 fJ study by Dr o Edwin* G.; Triner of Ebe Office of Policy fo"X the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which supports the criticism that has been made about *n.uclear*p6wer .Plant capacity that it is appallingly low a:nd results in increased costs to consumer:;" Dr.. s stt1dy (which :C have not received and herewith request) wasp as usual, recorded in the news media ( New York* Tiri1esv Maxch 9., 1975u Midwest Editionu p., 42) and disclosed as a resu .. 1 t. of efforts of criticism of the Nuclear Regu.lato1cy Corom.issien and not. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commi.ssicin it.self* The question certainly arises as to whether your staff eoirnvie:tdently failed to Slilimi 1:: to the Michigan PSC an !-YRC-in-house to tile nuclear combine..

I trust you correct the record as quickly as possible with the Michigan PS.c** and isuggest that you consider sending the Triner report to*alf PSC's 17 To Gen .. Counsel for preparation of reply for Ch*airman 1 s signaturee Cy to each Exec. Dir. for

& D&SS.


TWO .. . 0 Jl:;) 12fl .1975 throug*hout the United States so that state bodies realize the economic problem which can arise from j*umpirig into* :nuclear power without adequate foundation or economic base .. FinallYo I am making a request for a copy of your March 4, 1975.1 letter together with all of the enclosures .and I am asking *tnat. in the futurev when you with anyone in connection with matters in which I and my clients have-filed an appearancev that I promptly be served with copies. While I. am prepared to regard the failure to send me the March 4, 1975 letter and

  • enclosures as bureaucratic oversight, I do believe that in the future, the Nuclear Regulatory Comr.Ussion

$hould take care to see that all interested.persons receive copies of correspondence in a contested case.

  • Sinc'erely, *-: I / 1/ / ' ;
  • I "l...._--i ',!f Jt:...!_ i 7 I " .....,<
  • . /' * '7 * * . * -Myro_n M .. *
  • Cherry .
  • MMC:KK c.c. Commissioner William R. Ralls Commissioner Lenton Ge. Sculthorp Chairman William Go Rosenberg Michigan Public Service Commission . Enclosure (lqew York a+'imes article referred to on page l)
  • B *u .1. . . R. 1.
  • b .1. f * * * , I.' J iil\'rs1ici**ion


  • .. _f1 1a _1 .. .. -


  • co11slrnction 11nd Opl'r:ilion, Hy DAVm
  • Di1IU! "is more-conrrrned wilh I . qut*sliom1 oY nliahilily than "11***h 1" 0" . mo!;t olhl'r utililirs." WASU!NGTON, Milrch Concerniri;:

!he -rolr. ot the ff'd!*ral siuoy £01ll'h11lr1!

i "Frob:lbly*

one or the moflt 1

  • slale ulilily the *urnt !.hei mm ti1aa tiie l,nh?n'efi*
  • official said that besides ha\ing American 13 r:t _en!l ft&..lay, 'WB!h good I virtu;1lly no inCluencc on the 1
  • h 1 1 i!Jl' back*

of. rt"aclors, "to . my VI luwe r<':J:C!l!

li'..p i:-1 U1ut nucle;w have 1wil !mow!Nlr,e the nppoinlmenl or only about ;.,..,. l."'f 11r-rrorm1:d with ihi.:. degree or i11divitlw1ls to these commis* of their n*liahilily sions is nnt *nonn:illy b:i!ied not suffim:n!!y

..:cm:ernrdJ from mad1me.i:

hm!t \"'.Ith the . upon ihrir fochnical knowlrd1:e abr1ut the s:ifoly pcrfornt-Uc:irc

!"Intl fiilHt*ntwn lo safl'ly I . t Facto!i' * * *. , of ihc i.lesir.n nnd operalioi1s i;inre *1! their r<:>nclcm, *i3ncl oc!it1h)llty . . * " if>! _ * . , or a p1iwcr plllnt."

  • 111e stucly

'! hNm ria1mc,J ror . .nudr a1

  • He s;nld_ lh<lt ta *.econd

! le nt!drd that *aa\olher prob* t!ial the li1-a11: l)i:mls." Dr.

  • the relucinuce.

of U.llh* . l!.'m was rhut **in ail too many . are :o;u1)po5e.1J to n:gula\c tht

  • 411o!Ni i1s s!lying in on Apnl Uci> to incur extra design costs inst:uu:era the quantity :mil qua!. u1ili1irs h:we or n1) in-rl*porl hy* !he Atomic !.ni.lusfrial I during the early . st11ges a ity or *staff ussii;ned*

to this flurnce'" o:t the Forum, an cmh1stry lohbying.

nurlenr reactor bml.drng prOJCd function [nuclr:ir reactors) rnuld ma!ce. rcncto-rs nwrr. i.:rnur> supported by l'!.'ac* I which.

them to . within the stales Js in:ide-reh:ihlc 1:ffic1cnt.

i: tur !.wldcrs, !he ut1hl11:s and*


quatc. . . 'fhc analy5h; of r'-"aeior CiH!inc1*rs.

I "There is no. for Thr person who publicly bilily anti what sl1.:ps the h1i-Dr. Trincr's five-p:ige analy 0 them to a l<!Lal hfe cycle

!he most ques-. 1C-ral Gu\*trnrnenl sio; of rP:H'lilr reliability, d:tll'd Cll!*t nnalys1s that mclu_dcs hoth lions *11bout tlte rrliolhilily or . io impro\"e it was wrillcll lo\' 1

?, ! !l7*S was m:ide 11v:1iladl design and construction cost n*a1*1ors i!l Oavici Dinsmore f:dwin G. "rrinl!r, director r;f blc h'.-' the Nuclear and l!1e 30 or 40 ..

of Conwy, ll mcmhcr or the Chil'a* the Office of Policy P!nnninr, Commission in n*sponsc to a 01wrat1ng m.11nlenance 1 no-based Uusiness and thr Nuclear Jtcgulatory C1m1* request hy Danid Ford, i:osl," Dr .. Trmer .wrote. I sio11:1I People for the J>uhlic mission. * . din*rtor of the Union of Con-'fhe officrnl sa;d :1noll11:r parll ln!rrc:;I.

In a slnlcment last IJr. Triner the 11lllitirs, irnrncd Sde:nlisls, an

  • problem lhal Se1>lf:Q1hcr, Mr. Comcy said in theory, should ha\'e primr. I !ion that has been nilical *Of * ::irch1lccLure.

I th:tl the averaite capacity of resrionsibilily for makin1: 11urr <W*mic power. are f?r pow*

lar1:c nudear rcartors was thal thc lhcY. buy arti Dr. 'l'riner'.s i;tudy dcsrribed er P.lant c.les1i;n

_h:ivc. hllle [10..t p<:r cL*nt 1luring lhe fin;L both i;afe 11nd dficicnt.

n numliL*r of factc11*s that he r.cnt1ve LO consider mcrenscd.

six monlhs of Jll74 * \" . ' "The n*:ility, however, Uiar fell rnntribtHed lo the reliabili*

rcliahility durii\g the desir.n * '

  • without cxtt.*rn:il suu!;ion th1* 1 ty nr11blcm.


111rir in Le rest Is short. *** :._ * * -* liki:lihood C the utility "By and the utilities

-term. Once a vta11t is .construct*

Put way, this ml'nns fndustry.

4 er taking aggrcssi\*e ac1ion,l 11rr not that sophislicaled,

the* 1 rd, the nrchit<:cture

{'ngincers that bi;causc of breakdowns, issued a *second one'.&imoo improve plant rcl.iability i*;, 1 official said. "There is no 1 fade out of the uicturc."*

Inspections, fuel lo. nding n'nd answering

  • some o! the.: .. crWA not great. J1e !'aid. t'\'1dcnce, for example, t!1at . othrr rl'asons, reactors cism. . _ * . . .;*;:* ,. Thi-r!! ere'. 55 nuclear r 1 they have 11n* prnduced t only about. halt the One Industry r!sponse 1s I.hat';' operating in the United Stall's* posl'd rcliab1hly standards amount of power they were Mr. Comi:y's criticism.

of. the

  • that l!encrale about 7.5 per: 1 11non their during lhel reactors for not produciilg mt eent of the country's elcctrk1Ly.

I Very few ot ihe ullht1cs exer* period m question.

least 80 per cent of iheir ae*. nec:rnse Qf various problems ; cise
  • vecy much. influence at A Second An:ilysl!.I.

s.igned capacity is a straw in !he conlinumg suppl" of I nil o\*er the u . . ;. . and thr.t no one t\'er oil :rnd n:itural gas, ihe "Ford tit impacts reliability." I .' Usmg .a s.1ghtly *different ih<:m lo achiC\'C such le\*c!.$.

'Administration is commilte<l to 1 1 1 of reactors, Triner Mr. Coittc)', in a Feb. i4 builcling hundreds or additional in a second 11nnlys1s or 4*1. p:ipt:r, rrplicd to this point by. rca1 tors in the next 10

  • f<"'.und the average noting the !in:il envircinmcn!<l.!

Comment on Rdiab!!ity pacsl.>; durmg lhc 11aine period st11tc*mc111s prepared fpr mere hy .Vir. Comcy was th;in 20 m:ictors liy the Atomic 53.7 per cent

  • Eiu*rgy C1>mmission includw neca111se Mr. Corney'.$

study 1 t(*.q hr.n{*rit cakuli.!!ions a.!i£Uffi*

t pwmpi.ed

  • deh:ile q, ;, 80 pl*r cr*nt capacily.
  • . Nonnan C. T!asmus,en, 11, professor l.lf nucle:ir

.' at Mass::11.:h11sclls of Tcdmulor.y wila is Uic-1faec* tor of n maior Atomic Fneri;y j 5tuJy ou rl'Jrtm I conunl'nll!d.

0:1. the

! . .

.. **-*------*---. -. *'<i<'.


Hearing Courtroom No. 2. U.S. Federal Courthouse.



... I. St., St. Paul. Minnesota 55101 CONTACT: Mrs. Lavonne Gavelek, (612/725-7166)




___ Date of: Prehearing

Hearing 6-9 & 12-16 May 1975 Prehearing Hearing 10:00 a.m. ---------------------,...-

Time of: Service Prehearing Type of Hearing: Board: Chairman __ L_a_z_o ________ Members Joraan, Cole Copies of the transcript may be sold. Date of oral request: 3/20/75 Date of confirmation:

  • ---'3...,/""'2;..;0_..f

.... ______ __ By: K. M *. Mason Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary

  • bee: Mr. Lazo Mr. Scinto ASL BP l!!i* Files . . R. Diggs S. R_eed AS LAB HQS . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

-<:j :'i : . ::} *$ ' , ;_'., ; <<*'l I ' j NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN AEC LICENSING PROCEEDING FOR PALISADES PLANT The ,\fnmic Erwrgy Commission is gi\*ing public notice that it is ('onsid<*ring t*nn\'ersion of pnl\'isiorwl operating license (No. Ol'lt-211) hl'id hy ('onsunll'rs Pow!'r Company for 01wration of the Palisade's Plant. loc;1ted in Van Burc*n County. Mil'higan, lo a full-t<*rm OJH'raling licl'nse at an pow<*r le\'l'I of up Lo w:18 rnPgawalfs th0rmal. The currently aulhurized full-power lt*\'C] is up to :!:!IJll nwg*malfs llll*rmal.

The nolil'e pro1*irlcs that within :lO days after publication of notice in tt1c Federal Rl'gistcr on D<'ePmbcr IS, 1974, any member of the puhlie whose inlerl'st may hi' affl*eled hy procc1'<1ing.

may file a rt*qu<'st for a puhlie hearing in Urn form of a petition for leave lu ir1t<*n-.*m*

with n*spcl't to tlw alJoH' nwtll*rs.

1'1*titi11ns for lml'l' to inlc*n*<'nc must he fil"d und<*r oath or affirmation and must sl'l forth lhe interPsl nf lh<* petitioner in the hnw that inll'rl'st

  • ma>* be aff<*<*ted by lhe results of llw prot'<'!*ding.

and the rwtili111wr's contentions with respect lo Liu* proposl'd lil'ensing adion. Such petitions must he filed in a1Tordanrc with lhc ahovc-rdPn*ncC'd Fl'drral Register Notice and must lw fi11'li w*ith the SC'crPLary of tht* Commission, U.S. ,\to111ic E:m*rgy Commission, D.C. 2054'i, i\ltention:

Drn:keting and Sl'r\'il't*

SPclion, by .I an ua ry 17, rn75. i\ copy of the petilion and/or n*qut*sl for hl'aring should be s<'nl to the Chief ll<'aring Counsel, Offil'l' of the .GP111*ral Counsel, U.S. Atomic Enl'rgy Commission.

\\'ashingtnn, D.C. 20545 and to .J.L. Bacon, EsquirP, Consunwrs l'owt*r Cnmpany, West /\lichigan Avi*nue, .Jackson.

'llkhigan 4!1201. attorney fur th<* licensee.

,\ ll<'tition for lt*a1*e to inll'rl'l'nc must be accompanied by a supp<Jrl ing affidm*it, which id<*ntifit*s the spC'<:ific aspe<*t or the asp<*l'ls uf tl1e proct*l'dings as tu whicl1 int1*n*cntion is !ksired and with particularity lhe facts 011 wl1ieh lhe pl'tilioner rl'lks as tu bol11 lib intcrL*st and his eonlentions with regard lo meh aspect 011 which interYent ion is requested.

Pel it ions staling rnnl<'ntions n*luling onl>' to matlern outside the Commission's jurisdil'liun will be rknit*d. All pl'li!iuns will be acted upon b)" lhc Commission or licensing hoard designated by the Chairman of lhc ,\!om ic Safety and Lil'l'nsing IJoard Panl'I. Timely pl'litions will be considerl'd lo dl'l<'rmine whelher a !waring ,hould he nolit*l'd ur another appropriate ordl'r issu<*d n'l:arding the disposition of tl1e pdili1111s.

In llw L'Vl'nl !hal a hearing is .heir! and a rwrson b pl'rinilll'd to i11!1*rn*nt', he bt*cmnl's a party to the prn<'<'<*ding and has a right lo partidpale fully in tlw conduct of lhc hl'aring.

For example, he may present e1*ide11l'e and examine and crm;s-cxaminc witnesses.

i\ l'opy of !he U!'gbtt*r Notice is on file for public inspl'l'lion al till' Kalaniazou Public Library, 315 South Rose Stn*<*l, l\ala111azun.


and the f'o111111ission has arranged for olh<'r and L'OITPSJHJlldl'lll'l' rL*luting lo lhL* lict*nsing of this fal'ilily lo bl' kt*pl al ll1e sallll' lol'ation.

CALI FORNI) D , ( 32 FL OZ. , NON-7 ... RETURNABLE lrifil. BOTTLES ..

  • 1 I 1 J '\' .. South Hc:ven (Mich.l Doily TRIBUNE, Sat., Dec. 21, 1974 10 ForrlfU1en'1 SH M@t1 Is Named\. & Q ll

! A former South Haven man, \taurant.

He will talk about his P; Barry Shanley, is now news di-in televisiQn new.s .* rector and ar:chor:nan for a a.nd television's effect television station m northwest t: Florida. Shanley li.

\ate ti Shanley, 28, the son of Mr. in 1972 as a news editor. Pre-o* and Mrs. Richard Shanley, 751 viously, he had worked for a i'I Monroe Blvd., assumes his du-small, south Florida radio sta-11 tires for WDTB, a National tion. o Broadcasting Company affiliate . * . ll in Panama City, The 5 tat i 0 11 As director; he w.111 r 1 0 tri* -state area of responsible for the news 1ma 0 e serves a ar,,e d t * "11 b h *nan rth t Florida southw e s t an con

v. i e anc on : no wes
  • for th" six and 10 o'clock news k Georgia, and southeast Ala-progr;ms, and will write and bama. host a series of news specials.

1 Shanley will speak Monday at He has written and boradcast the Kiwanis Club lunche o n commentaries and will now do u meeting at the Red Carpet Res-station editorials.

[ WZZM-TV 8:00 Aesop's Fables 8:30 GE Thsatre Channel 13 Wf...7.0-TV Channel 3 SATURDAY l 0:00 CBS Reports 11 :00 Newswatch 3 d SATURDAY 11 :30 Late Movie li '* Notk:e 0 1 f* Opporhn"llity for Public Peirticipai'non In 1 l.ieen!Sing Proceeding

!For The Atomic Energy Commission ls giving public notice thot ll is considering conversiori of the provisiono*I operating

!kens(' (No. DPR-20) held by Consumers Power Compary¥ for qperoti¢n of the Pai'isades Plant located in Van Buren County) Michigan, to a full-term op£raNng license at an increased power level cf up to 2638 megawatts thermal. The currently full< power le'lel is up to 2200 megawatts thermal. The riotice provides that within 30 days ofte<r pubticatron el .. notice iri the Register on December 18, 1974, any member of the public whose interest may be affected by the proceeding may file a request for o public hear*ing in the fomo of o petition for leave to intervene with respeot to the obow matters. Peti-tions for leave to intervene must be filed undel' o.:Jtn c:* *affirmation o'nd _must set forth tbe interest of the petitioner i -the proceedirig, how that interest may be affected by the resul-. of .the proceeding, and the petitioner's contentioris

  • with i:espeG to the proposed lkensing action. Such petitions must be filed i* accordance with the above-referenced Federal Register Notic and must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, U.: Atomic Energy Commission,*

Washington, D.C. 20545, Atte:-, tion: Docketing ond Service Section, by January 17, 1975. : copy of the petition and/or request for hearing should be se .. to the Chief Hearing Counsel, Office of the General CounSE

  • U.S. Atomic Eriergy Commission, Washington, D.C. 20545 an to J. L Bacon, Esquire, Consumers Power Company, 212 We* Michigan Averiue, Jackson, Michigari 49201, attorney for ti-. l'ic:ensee.
  • 2:00 Greet Ones 4:30 NFL Series 5:00 W.W. Sports 6:30 Mc>Vie Greats 8:00 Special 4:00 Animal World 4:30 Death Volley 5:00.Green Volley 6:00 Mich. Report 6:30 All American 7:00 Lawrence Welk 8:00 All in Family 8:30 Frnds. & Lvrs. 9:00 M. Tyl. Moore 9:30 Bob Newhart 10:00 Carol Burnett WOTV-TV Channel 8 SATURDAY 1 :00 AFC Footboil p 4:00 Porter Wagon 4:30 Survival A petit}on for.

to _lnter:vene.

must be accompanied by supporting o.ff1dav1t which 1dent1f1es the specific aspect r aspects of the proceedings as to which interverition is desire specifies with particularity the facts on which the petitio1,*'.

relies as to both his interes_t arid his contentions with regard t each aspect 011 which intervention is requested.

Petitions stoti; contentions relating only to matters outside the Commission ju*risc!ic1'ion will be denied. l 0:00 Nokia l 1 :00 i'lews 1 l :30 Hee How 12:30 Touch of Evil 1 ;00 News Sign Off 11 :00 Newswctch 3 11 :30 Late Movie

  • 1 :00 Late Late Show 5:00 Missiori Imp. 6:00 Movie 8:00 Emergency 9:00 Movie 11:00 News 11 :30 Coll. Basketball SUNDAY 7:00 The Story SUNDAY -7:00 Faith for Today P 7:30 Chaplairi 7:45 Sacred Heart 7:30 Consultation P 8:00 Rev. Humbard 8:00 Morn. Service 8:00 Cartoon Carn. b: SUNDAY 9:00 Oral Roberts 8: 15 With This Ring 8:30 Day w*1 9:30 Dwayne Friend 8:30 Petticoat June. 9:00 Surr."7v'lorning 10:00 Hour of Power 9:00 Fvrite Martiari 9:30 15 with Father i 11 :00 Gospel Hour 9:26 In the News 9:45 Ounce Preven. 12:00 Diredtions . 9:30 Bailey's Comets 10:00 Nm. Vin. Peale 12:30 Ricus 9:56 In the News l 0:30 This ls The Life l 1 :00 Xmas in Wales 10:00 Lamp 11 :00 Catholic Mass &00 Great Ones 10:30 Look Up 12:00 Bowling 4:0') Wildlife 11 :00 Camera ;hree 12:30 Meet Press 4:30 Police Surgeon 11 :30 Face.Na.ion 1 :00 World Oil 5:00 Mstrpc. Thea. 12:00 Mog1c Carpet 2:00 Judy Garland All petit*ions will be acted upon by the Commission or lkero?:* b'?°rd .desigriated by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety o' L1cens1ng Boord Panel. Timely petitions will be considered de*termine whether a hearing should be noticed or another c* propriote order issu.ed regarding the disposition of the petitio1*. the event that a hearing is held and a person Is permitted intervene, he becomes a party to the proceeding and has a ric to participate folly in. the conduct of the hearing. For exomp! he may present ev1derice and examine and cross-exomi, wit*nesses.
  • A copy of the Federal Register N'otice is on file for public : spectiori

_at the Kalamazoo Public Libror.y.r 315 South Re Street, Kalamazoo, Micru&ian, 49006, and the Commission 1 7 orr<mged for other docurmmts and corresponderice relotinq the licensirig of this facility to be kept at the same location -... **-*-"" -7:00 Commanders 12:30 NFL Football 3:00 Mission Imp. ____ _.,r ,,,_ A*<Q"DL.Sbm'it1me A*fl.i'LAE.r l'n .,,.,.. i*7 '1iJHrM

<<lJI 'i@lb S,It!ClP I *"

Docket No. 50-255 Myron M. Cherry, Esq. Law Offices One IBM Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60611

Dear Mr. Cherry:

February 27, 1975 We are in receipt of your letter of February 17, 197 5, concerning the financial qualifications of Consumers Power Company. Although you quested a response by March 1975, you stated "in your letter that, if necessary, you i-muld be amenable to accommodating a reasonable quest for a delay. Since the matters raised in your require revim*J by a number of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff personnel who are currently totally occupied for the short term by other equally pressing matters, I am questing your forbearance until March 17, 1975. Thank you in advance for your graciousness in this matter. cc: Michael Miller, Esq. Mr. t-Jilliam R. Ralls Mrs. Mary Sinclair Mr. David Corney Distribution:

NRC Central Files OELD Reading Files OELD Formal Files (2) H. Shapar T. Engelhardt Sfocerely.

Joseph Gallo Chief Hearing Counsel Office of the Executive Legal Director !--} -y "":::*:::

DATEl)>-.27/7.5 ........................................................................................................................................................

., .................................................................................. .

  • U. s; GOVERNMENT PRINTINGS OFFICEI 1974-328-'166 I : . ,f ' ' ,/ .'.I' ' '


--February 4, 1975 Laurence M. Scoville, Jr., Esq. Clark, Klein, Winter, Parsons & Prewitt .1600 !=irst Federal Building 1001 t*Joodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48226 In the Matter of Di stri butfon OGC Files Gmtwn Fil es Reg Cen Files PDR/LPDR Sha par Engelhardt Gallo Kartalia Brenner D. Crutchfiedl, RL M.Oestmann, EP S.Teets, RL Formal Files Chron Gitner . Consumers Power Company * {Pal 1sades .. Plant) Docket No. 50-255)

Dear.Mr. Scoville:

I have your letter of January 1975, which correctly records the substance of our telephone conversation on January 29, 1975. Sincerely9 David* E. Karta 1 ia

  • Assistant Chief Hearing Counsel ct: Michael I. Mi11er9 Esq. Isham, Lincoln & Beale One First National Plaza 42nd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60670 ............


....................................................................... ................................................................................ , ..................................................................................... . Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9*53) .AECM 0240



.. uu'