ML15293A032 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point |
Issue date: | 10/20/2015 |
From: | State of NY, Office of the Attorney General |
To: | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
Shared Package | |
ML15293A030 | List: |
References | |
RAS 28407, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR | |
Download: ML15293A032 (6) | |
E-mail from Lisa S. Kwong to Paul M. Bessette September 17, 2015, 4:39 PM ATTACHMENT 13 to NYS DECLARATION
1Mihir Desai From:Lisa S. Kwong Sent:Thursday, September 17, 2015 4:39 PM Cc:Sutton, Kathryn M. (; Kuyler, Raphael Philip
(; sherwin.turk@nrc.g ov; Harris, Brian (;
Deborah Brancato (;
Lisa M. Burianek; John J. Sipos; Mihir Desai; Brian Lusignan; Teresa Manzi
IP -- Notice of objection to proprietary/confidentiality designation Attachments:
2015 09 17 NYS Notice of Objection to Proprietary Designation FINAL.pdfGoodafternoon,Paul.
AttachedpleasefindtheStateofNewYork'sObjectiontoConfidential/ProprietaryDesignationsforCertainDocumentsRelatingtoContentionsNYS25,NYS26B/RKTC1BandNYS38/RKTC5.Feelfreetocallmeatyourearliestconveniencetodiscuss.Ilookforwardtospeakingwithyou.Thanks, LisaLisaS.KwongAssistantAttorneyGeneralEnvironmentalProtectionBureauNewYorkStateOfficeoftheAttorneyGeneralTheCapitolAlbany, UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD
x In re: Docket Nos. 50
-247-LR; 50-286-LR License Renewal Application Submitted by ASLBP No. 07
-858-03-LR-BD01 Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, DPR-26, DPR-64 Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
September 17, 2015 -----------------------------------------------------------
-25, NYS-26B/RK-TC-1B AND NYS-38/RKTC-5 In accordance with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's September 4, 2009 Protective Order, the State of New York objects to Entergy's designatio n of the documents listed below as containing proprietary information subject to non
. The documents include: Entergy's Statements of Position and Pre
-filed Testimony relating to Contentions NYS
-25, NYS-26B/RK-TC-1B and NYS-38/RK-TC-5, and various documents prepared by Entergy's vendor, Westinghouse
. Based on the State's review, the documents appear to primarily contain information that is not exempt from public inspection pursuant to 10 C.F.R.
§ 2.390. Entergy's request to entirely withhold the information contained in these documents as privileged or confidential trade secrets and/or commercial or financial information is, therefore
, overly broad
. To facilitate further consultation and resolution of this dispute, the State requests that Entergy (or its vendor, Westinghouse
) indicate, with specificity, (1) the portion(s) of the documents it deems proprietary and confidential by page and line or column number; (2) the basis for such claim (s); and (3) the harm that would result fro m public disclosure
The documents that are the subject of the State's Objection are the following:
-25 (Embrittlement), August 10, 2015, 63 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques or confidential trade organization analysis, if any
. ENT000616 Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Robert J.
Dolansky, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Timothy J. Griesbach, Randy G. Lott, and Mark A. Gray Regarding Contention NYS
-25 (Embrittlement)
, August 10, 2015, 158 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodolog ies or techniques, if any. ENT000678 Entergy's Statement of Position Regarding Contention NYS
-26B/RK-TC-1B (Metal Fatigue), August 10, 2015, 70 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques, if any. ENT000679 Revised Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Randy G. Lott, Mark A. Gray, and Barry M. Gordon Regarding Contention NYS
-26B/RK-TC-1B (Metal Fatigue), August 10, 2015, 172 pages
. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques, if any. ENT000698 Entergy's Revised Statement of Position Regarding Contention
NYS-38/RK-TC-5 (Safety Commitments), August 10, 2015, 73 pages
. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000699 Revised Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Robert J. Dolansky, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Timothy J. Griesbach, Barry M.
Gordon, Randy G. Lott, and Mark A. Gray Regarding Contention NYS
-38/RK-TC-5 (Safety Commitments), August 10, 2015, 146 pages.
Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. 2 EXHIBIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION, DATE, PAGES EXTENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY DESIGNATION STATE OF NEW YORK OBJECTION STATE OF NEW YORK PROPOSED RESOLUTION ENT000681 Westinghouse, WCAP
-17199-P, Rev. 1, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 2, Dec. 2014
, 95pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000682 Westinghouse, WCAP
-17200-P, Rev. 1, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 3, Dec. 2014, 89pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000683 Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-13-32, Rev. 3 "Indian Point Unit 2 (IP2) and Unit 3 (IP3) Refined EAF Analyses and EAF Screening Evaluations," June 25, 2015, 104 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000688 Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-13-40, Rev. 1, "Indian Point Unit 2 and Unit 3 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations," Jan. 15, 2015, 138 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000689 Westinghouse, WCAP
-12191, Rev. 4, Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation Report for Indian Point Unit 2, Dec. 2014
, 52 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000690 Westinghouse, WCAP
-16898-P, Rev.1, Indian Point Unit 3 Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation
, May 2015, 72 pages.
Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any.
-17149-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 2 and Westinghouse, WCAP-17162-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 3, July 2010, 111 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000364 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-21, Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Charging Nozzles Environmental Fatigue Evaluation, Jun. 18, 2010
, 85 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000365 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-67, IPECPROP00057917, Pressurizer Surge Nozzle and Lower Head Transfer Functions for Indian Point Units 2 and 3, Jun. 18, 2010
, 86pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000366 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note. CN
-PAFM-09-77, IPECPROP00057881/3, Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Accumulator Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluation, Jun. 18, 2010
, 94 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overl y broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trad e secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000367 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-79, IPECPROP00057559, Indian Point Unit 2 Boron Injection Tank Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations, Jun. 18, 2010
, 76pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. Executed on September 17, 2015 Signed (electronically) by Lisa S. Kwong Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York
The Capitol Albany, New York 12224
(518) 776
-2422 4
E-mail from Lisa S. Kwong to Paul M. Bessette September 17, 2015, 4:39 PM ATTACHMENT 13 to NYS DECLARATION
1Mihir Desai From:Lisa S. Kwong Sent:Thursday, September 17, 2015 4:39 PM Cc:Sutton, Kathryn M. (; Kuyler, Raphael Philip
(; sherwin.turk@nrc.g ov; Harris, Brian (;
Deborah Brancato (;
Lisa M. Burianek; John J. Sipos; Mihir Desai; Brian Lusignan; Teresa Manzi
IP -- Notice of objection to proprietary/confidentiality designation Attachments:
2015 09 17 NYS Notice of Objection to Proprietary Designation FINAL.pdfGoodafternoon,Paul.
AttachedpleasefindtheStateofNewYork'sObjectiontoConfidential/ProprietaryDesignationsforCertainDocumentsRelatingtoContentionsNYS25,NYS26B/RKTC1BandNYS38/RKTC5.Feelfreetocallmeatyourearliestconveniencetodiscuss.Ilookforwardtospeakingwithyou.Thanks, LisaLisaS.KwongAssistantAttorneyGeneralEnvironmentalProtectionBureauNewYorkStateOfficeoftheAttorneyGeneralTheCapitolAlbany, UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD
x In re: Docket Nos. 50
-247-LR; 50-286-LR License Renewal Application Submitted by ASLBP No. 07
-858-03-LR-BD01 Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, DPR-26, DPR-64 Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
September 17, 2015 -----------------------------------------------------------
-25, NYS-26B/RK-TC-1B AND NYS-38/RKTC-5 In accordance with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's September 4, 2009 Protective Order, the State of New York objects to Entergy's designatio n of the documents listed below as containing proprietary information subject to non
. The documents include: Entergy's Statements of Position and Pre
-filed Testimony relating to Contentions NYS
-25, NYS-26B/RK-TC-1B and NYS-38/RK-TC-5, and various documents prepared by Entergy's vendor, Westinghouse
. Based on the State's review, the documents appear to primarily contain information that is not exempt from public inspection pursuant to 10 C.F.R.
§ 2.390. Entergy's request to entirely withhold the information contained in these documents as privileged or confidential trade secrets and/or commercial or financial information is, therefore
, overly broad
. To facilitate further consultation and resolution of this dispute, the State requests that Entergy (or its vendor, Westinghouse
) indicate, with specificity, (1) the portion(s) of the documents it deems proprietary and confidential by page and line or column number; (2) the basis for such claim (s); and (3) the harm that would result fro m public disclosure
The documents that are the subject of the State's Objection are the following:
-25 (Embrittlement), August 10, 2015, 63 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques or confidential trade organization analysis, if any
. ENT000616 Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Robert J.
Dolansky, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Timothy J. Griesbach, Randy G. Lott, and Mark A. Gray Regarding Contention NYS
-25 (Embrittlement)
, August 10, 2015, 158 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodolog ies or techniques, if any. ENT000678 Entergy's Statement of Position Regarding Contention NYS
-26B/RK-TC-1B (Metal Fatigue), August 10, 2015, 70 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques, if any. ENT000679 Revised Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Randy G. Lott, Mark A. Gray, and Barry M. Gordon Regarding Contention NYS
-26B/RK-TC-1B (Metal Fatigue), August 10, 2015, 172 pages
. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information that reveals vendor's secret methodologies or techniques, if any. ENT000698 Entergy's Revised Statement of Position Regarding Contention
NYS-38/RK-TC-5 (Safety Commitments), August 10, 2015, 73 pages
. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000699 Revised Testimony of Entergy Witnesses Nelson F. Azevedo, Robert J. Dolansky, Alan B. Cox, Jack R. Strosnider, Timothy J. Griesbach, Barry M.
Gordon, Randy G. Lott, and Mark A. Gray Regarding Contention NYS
-38/RK-TC-5 (Safety Commitments), August 10, 2015, 146 pages.
Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. 2 EXHIBIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION, DATE, PAGES EXTENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY DESIGNATION STATE OF NEW YORK OBJECTION STATE OF NEW YORK PROPOSED RESOLUTION ENT000681 Westinghouse, WCAP
-17199-P, Rev. 1, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 2, Dec. 2014
, 95pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000682 Westinghouse, WCAP
-17200-P, Rev. 1, Environmental Fatigue Evaluation for Indian Point Unit 3, Dec. 2014, 89pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000683 Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-13-32, Rev. 3 "Indian Point Unit 2 (IP2) and Unit 3 (IP3) Refined EAF Analyses and EAF Screening Evaluations," June 25, 2015, 104 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000688 Westinghouse, Calculation Note CN-PAFM-13-40, Rev. 1, "Indian Point Unit 2 and Unit 3 Pressurizer Spray Nozzle Transfer Function Database Development and Environmental Fatigue Evaluations," Jan. 15, 2015, 138 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000689 Westinghouse, WCAP
-12191, Rev. 4, Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation Report for Indian Point Unit 2, Dec. 2014
, 52 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. ENT000690 Westinghouse, WCAP
-16898-P, Rev.1, Indian Point Unit 3 Transient and Fatigue Cycle Monitoring Program Transient History Evaluation
, May 2015, 72 pages.
Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any.
-17149-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 2 and Westinghouse, WCAP-17162-P, Rev. 1, Evaluation of Pressurizer Insurge/Outsurge Transients for Indian Point Unit 3, July 2010, 111 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000364 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-21, Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Charging Nozzles Environmental Fatigue Evaluation, Jun. 18, 2010
, 85 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000365 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-67, IPECPROP00057917, Pressurizer Surge Nozzle and Lower Head Transfer Functions for Indian Point Units 2 and 3, Jun. 18, 2010
, 86pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000366 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note. CN
-PAFM-09-77, IPECPROP00057881/3, Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Accumulator Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluation, Jun. 18, 2010
, 94 pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overl y broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trad e secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. NYS000367 Westinghouse (W)
- Calculation Note, CN
-PAFM-09-79, IPECPROP00057559, Indian Point Unit 2 Boron Injection Tank Nozzle Environmental Fatigue Evaluations, Jun. 18, 2010
, 76pages. Entire document withheld from public disclosure
. Proprietary designation is overly broad and seeks to exempt from disclosure information unrelated to trade secrets or confidential commercial/financial information.
Document should be disclosed for public inspection subject to limited redaction of information specifically related to trade secrets or confidential commercial/ financial information, if any. Executed on September 17, 2015 Signed (electronically) by Lisa S. Kwong Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General of the State of New York
The Capitol Albany, New York 12224
(518) 776
-2422 4