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Amend 22 to License SNM-33 for Combustion Engineering,Inc
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 01/27/1999
From: Emeigh C
Shared Package
ML20203B302 List:
NUDOCS 9902100277
Download: ML20203B328 (4)


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, h ATERIALS LICENSE Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, Code orl'ederal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,3 i,32,33. 34,35,36,39,40, and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or traasfer such material to persons authoriicd to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). His license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.


1. Combustion Engineering, Inc. 3. Licens Number SNM-33, Amendment 22
2. 3300 State Road P ,

'( 4. . Expiration Date July 31,2004

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Hematite, Missouri 63047 ~5. Docket No. 70-36 Reference No.

6. Byproduct Source, and'or 7. Chemical and/or Physical 8. Maximum amount that Licensee Special Nuclear Material Form . May Possess at Any One Time l UnderThis License A. Uranium enriched to ' ' A. Any (excluding metal A. 20,000 kilograms ,

maximum 5.0 weight powders) U-235 l percent in the U-235 isotope l

B. Uranium, enriched to B. Any;(excluding rata B. 350 grams U-235 i any enrichment in the ~ powders): ,

U-235 isotope C. Source material I;, C. Any (excluding metal Cd 50,000 kilograms l v -

powders) l (uranium and thorium)

D. Cobalt-60 'D. Sealed sources - D. 40 millicuries E. Cesium-137 E. Sealed sources E. 500 millicuries F. Mixed activation and F. Solid sources F. 200 microcuries fissier product i calib ation sources

! including Am-241 l l i G. Califorr.ium-252 G. Sealed sources G. 4 milligrams 4

9. Authorized place of use: The licensee's existing facilities in Hematite, Missouri, as described in the license renewal application.

9902100277 990127 I '

ADOCK 07000036 PDR C PDR i

NRC FORM 374A LLS. NL' CLEAR REGt'LATORY COMMIS$10N PAGE 2 of 4 PAGES L.icense Number SNM-33 D cket or Reference Number MATERIALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-36 Amendment No. 22 1

10. The license shall be deemed to contain two sections: Safety Conditions and Safeguards Conditions. These sections are part of the license, and the licensee is subject to compliance with all listed conditions in each section.

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.- , yli n FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Ya+u N& h Date: M.2 7/f7 By: Charles W. Emeich. Actina Chief Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS i Washington, DC 20555 i

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NRC FOR%i 574A U.S. NUCLEAR REGl'LATORY CO%l%IISSION PAGE 3 or 4 PAGES License Number SNM-33 MATERIALS LICENSE Meur Reference Number SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 0-36 Amendment No. 22 SAFETY CONDITIONS S-1. Authorized use: For use in accordance with the statements, representations, and conditions in Chapters 1 through 8 of the application dated October 29,1993, and supplements dated November 24, 1993; January 14. January 28, March 21, April 20, June 14, October 24, and October 26,1994; January 28, February 27, March 10, April 24, July 27, October 31, and December 15,1995; January 26, May 29, and October 23,1996;May 30, August 8, August 11, August 12, October 22, 1998.

December 8, and e \,,Y December 19p997 and JUl(10[N . ,

l S-2. Deleted - Determination of the source of contamination arid jdentification of the contaminants in

. burial site well # 4 approved by Amendment 18 dated January 1998.

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l S-3. Deleted - Hematite Evaporation Ponds Decommissioning Plan'apgroved by Amendment 4 dated May 1995. s.g c . -, ,, .

'i , ,.J .s S-4. The licensee is hereby granted the spepi 1 auth6riz'atidns in Chap'ter 1, Section 1.6(a) through 1.6(h) of the renewal applicatiori./

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S-5. Deleted - The 4-month dela' Amendment'i3 ddate' Sune.y 1996.[ in ebmpletion. Y,,i date*.bof bienniai emergincy exercise l8*IfY I){;" hh ' f l (*)s$h$TM="t![hi?ag T * ' " cd l

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NRC FORM 374A U.S. Nt' CLEAR REGL*LATORY COMMISSION PAGE 4 of 4 PAGES License Number SNM-33 Docket or Reference Number MATERI ALS LICENSE SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 70-36 Amendment No. 22 SAFEGUARDS CONDITIONS S*ction 1.0 - Material Control & Accountina SG-1.1 The licensee shall follow Sections 1.0,6.0,7.0, and 9.0 with all pages dated April 28,1995, and Sections 2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0, and 8.0 with all pages dated December 8,1997, of its Fundamental l Nuclear Material Control Plan. This Plan may be further revised in accordance with, and pursuant i to, the provisions of either 10 CER Part 70.32(c) or 70.34. e p. ' td h b G / SG-1.2 Deleted - This was deleted by Amendment 16 date'd February 1997. Q SG-1.3 Deleted - This veas deleted by Amendment 16 dated February 1997.

                                                                             '$ y Deleted - Y b

SG-1.4 This was deleted by Amendmentry 16 1997. dated Februa.h 1, 7 -j}. .;y

                                                                      ~                       4 SG-1.5 Deleted ,This was deleted by Amendment           , '

1,6 dated February,19,97.

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( Il . SG-1.6 Deleted -qhis was deleted by' Amendment 14 dated July 1996O

t. (, -Qch=Af/? , y SG-1.7 Notwithstanding the requirements of. Condition SG-1.1,(and in accordance with a letter dated October 10,' 1996;the licensee isMoPreq*uired, per S5ction 4.3.lof the Plan, to provide for
             " witnessed samplinPof.the UFj cylihdersYe~ceived under work' order GES 3102. As an alternate safeguards measureithe liceTn,seelwill snalyze two sa'mples o[UO2 F2 produced from each cylinder during its conversion process to confirm theNendor's measurement of U-235.

1 f,~ uh, LG $ i SG-1.8 Notwithstanding.the commitmen'tslin Section 4.3.1 of the;FNMC Plan identified in Condition SG-1.1, to perforf6 r^eceipt measurements and distributiDOE/NRC Form 741 within 30 days of receiving shipments'of nuclear material, the licensee'shall have until April 1,1999, to fulfill the above stated commitments relative to the'sev'en UF cylinders identified in its letter dated


January 8,1999. This Conditfon shall auto'matically expire on April 2,1999. l Section 2.0 - Physical Protection for SNM of Low Strateoic Sionificance SG-2.1 The licensee shall follow the security plan entitled "Physica! Security Plan for Protection l ' cf Nuclear Material of Low Strategic Significance" dated May 1980, as revised by Revision 3 dated November 1992 (letter dated November 12,1992), and as revised in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 70.32(e). SG-2.2 The licensee shall ensure that the surveillance tour, conducted by the guards or , authorized person in accordance with Section 3.1.1, includes surveillance over the UF. j - outdoor storage area.

Section 3.0 - International Safeauards l SG-3.1 The licensee shall follow all sub-codes within Codes 1 through 6 of the Transitional Facility i Attachment No.14A, with the date of entry into force of December 4,1995, to the US/lAEA Safeguards Agreement.