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Status Update Regarding the Crystal River Unit 3 Steam Generator Replacement Outage
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/2010
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML101060327 (1)


KX, Status. Update Regarding the CrystalRiver U nit it3Steam Generator Replacement Outage Crystal River Unit 3 ("CR3") enteredi 'a pla nned unit outage obn aspart f the Steaim.Ge-ner*ato~rR Replcmno"G" jc for that unit. CR3 was: scheduled to return to service on Decembeir 19 2009. Duifrin 'thetouirse of the project, however, PEF disco~vere'd:

  • c racking in the section of the~containment:

wall .that was opened for the SGR project. After.investigation, PEF discovered a' "dedam inatio n" of some of the in the section:of the containment wall near the SGR'opening.

PEF informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

("NRC") of this. discovery and root cause evalu ation to thel eof the de-Theco pany and its engineeringctractors are nearing.cornpletion of an. exhaustive*review of the.,root Icause of the de-raination" in ii the unit's ext eior containment structure'..

The analysis tea idntiied ovr 7 difernt~otential, root cause failure modes for the de-lmnto n has narrowed this list to a handfulof remaining failure modes. Although the analysis-is not c6mplete;, th;.e remaining variables appear to point toward the interplay between several factors.We expect to:.have this review comp eted by the end ofJianuary, 2010.The Company has to complete the r 1pairstothe building.structure.

We are mobilizing our effo rts ,to :b.egin therepairs, which we expect to commence once we have further insight from our root cause a~nalysis.

The NRC has-aldesignia'ted team if experts in. place to evalluatea:nd observe our enIt Iire.-approap t hsise.W aerqet etnswt h NRC trepresenta tives to updatethem on ourtwork processes and ire keeping them fully informed':(as to our plans. We.will provide the root:cause analysis to the NRC when it is, completedas:well as our plan- to repair the structure'.

At present; wecdo'not havea firm return'to servicedate forICR3,.nor do we have finalized estimates'on replachemnt power costs, which will'be:in;large part a functionwof schedule.

plans have beeien finalized we Will pr6Ovide'thfose es'tim`atestto you,;pr1 o 1mptly. Based on w~hat we kno.wat this'tim'e, we do e~xpecf. that all repairs will becomplet ed so that C1R3 willreturn to service by mid-year.Our currentO cus is on returning CR3,to service safely and.;quickly.

Once CR3 returns to service, PEF ask the Florida Public Service Commission to opeh a docketed matter regardinglt his outage so that the Commission and all interested parties ýcan:reiviewall the relevant factS and informiation:.regarding the outagie,ý,the' root cause, andt the ~epair process.The Company isCconfidenit

that it will'be able to continue ito meet, peakload and reserve margin requirements througi company-owned generation and tpurchasesif neededa'sit didd'uring
  • ea~kýre~cords ear~liertthisý month.