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-1.0 18 3 po--Very loose to loose brown clayey and silty fine to medi um SAND 2.5 14 4 -(SC-Sri)
* damp i---113 -5.0 14 5 I-----7.5 14 7 I-9.0 lOS -Finn to dense brown-tan fine to ... .. 0.0 12 ... 11 * .. medium SAND (SP). moist ... --... * .. ... * .. * .. .. -i-.... .. .... .... .... 103 ....
12 .... 19 . ... I--.... .... -.... f-.... .... .... -.... .... ..... .. . ... .... .... .... .... -.... 98 gO.O 12 . ,. : 25 -r--....
.... l--....
.... -: : : : I--... l-... ... ... -., . l-... Sorne 93 coarse sand below 25 feet
... -12 .,. 30 t-... . , . . ,. ... -. , . . ,. -.,. l-... ... ... -... l"-. , . ... .. ., . l-... 8a 10 '" -... 36 I--... . ,. * .. -... l-. , . . ,. -... t-... ... .. ... I--::;r-@
33' , 2-13-89 * .. ... . ,. 34.0 Loose 11ght gray to tan clayey and I-83 -silty fine SAND (SC-SM). moist 5.0 10 9 !--I D
* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 10 N
* Penetratioft in blows per. loot 1).1586) CR .,. core reco .. ry; NX or ax BORING NUMBER. ___ D_E_-.=.l
___ _ DATE DRILLED 1-31-89 desiCftatei bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '-------------------------
88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Dnilftation Calvert C11ffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-78 (I of 2)
*D SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 83 1 35.0 78 40.
0 18 *el)
* 73 68 Very loose dark gray silty and cltayey fine SAND (SC-SM). moist wet 5.0 18 __________________
18 BCJring Tenninated
@ 50.5 Feet 2*-1-89 c @ 44 1 , 2-13-89 D* Sample depth ( Page 2 of 2 10 N
* Penetration in blows pel'. toot (AS"D1 0-1586) CR .,. core recovery:
__ _ DATE
__ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM D-2113j JOB NUMBER "-------------------
88-692 RQO* Rock Quality Oesiln:ation Ca 1 vert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-78 (2 of 2)
ELEV. 106.9 101.9 96.9 91.9 Some 86.9 81.9 76.9 D* Sample depth (F&.) 10 LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS coarse sand N below 20*feet 1.0 15 2.5 16 5.0 18 7.5 18 0.0 16 5.0 12 0.0 12 5.0 14 0.0 18 5.0 18
* Penetration in blows per. loot (ASTM 0.1586) .... . . 19 18 13 2-13-89 Page 1 of 3 BORING NtTMBER.;;....-.*
__ DATE DRILLED 2-8-89 eR .,. CON rKO.ery; NX or ax S8-692 . daicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER .----------------
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7C (I of 3)
LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RDtARKS' DEPTH 76.9' 35.0* 71.9 65.9 51.9 56.9 51.9 45.9 41.9 37. 0 -+-I'L-o-o-se-d-a-r-k -g-r-ay-c-l-a-y-ey-a-n-d-s-i-l-ty--I
'fine SAND (SC-SM) moist Occasional sand seams 49.0 -+--L-o-o-s-e-to-f-i-nn-d-a-r-k-g-r-e-e-n-c-'-a-y-ey---I clnd silty fine SAND (SC-SM). moist 5 9 B 55.0 18 9 60.0 18 c @
2-13-89 65.0 18 70.0 18 D* Samplt depth (Ft .. ) Page 2 of 3 BORING NUMBER. DE-2 10 SYMBOLS: l Undisturbed Sample N * 'enttration in blows ptr. foot (AS"Dt D-1586) Cit
* core reeoytroy; NX or ax .--.....;;..-..;..----
DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_B_-_89
___ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER -----------------
S8-692 RQO* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -.:-Watu It"l. timt or driUine Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7C (2 of 3) 
"I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCR1PT10N o SR K Nor RE.\!ARKS DEPTH 41 9 1 70 O' CR/RQD . . S ----36.9 -75.0 18 7 -----31.9 --80.0 18 12 ----26.9 -85.0 18 19 ------f-21.9 -Trace she 11 s below 90 feet 90.0 18 65 --92.0 Dense green silty fine SAND
* -with shells, moist to wet .. ... -. , .... 16.9 95.0 -18 .... 36 .... ...... ... -... .. ... -.. .. ... .. --.. -.. .. ... 11.9 100.( -14 ... 27 100;5 _ '" Boring Terminated
@ 100.5 feet
--2-9-89 ------D
* Sample depth Page 3 of 3 BORING Nt1MBER DE -2 10 -'--N
* Penetration ift blows per. foot 1).1586) Cit .,. core rKOftry; NX or ax DATE DRILLEO __ 2_-_8_-_89 ___ _,nata bit size (ASTM 0-2113j JOB NUMBER .------------
88-692 aQo* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF leftl. tim. of drillinc Cal vert County. Maryland . FIGURE 2.6 C (:3 of 3) 
.. ,. ... : . !( LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CRlRQD REMARKS DEPTH 126.5 1 0.0' 0.2 3.5 121.5 TOPSOIL : rm to stiff brown C:LAY (el), trace si 1 t, damp L.oose to finn brown sil ty fine to SAND (SH), trace clay, damp 5.0 18 .. 5 10 6 7.5 18 6 .. 116.5 10.0-1--------------
.... 10*0 16 F'i nn 1 ight brown to tan sil ty fine tl:) medium SAND (SP-SM), damp . 9 10.5 111.5 106.5 101.5 96.5 91.5 17
* 0 fine to medium SAND (SP), moist to WE!t Me))'''e coarse sand between 25 feet arid 35 feet .. 13.5 18 15 16.5 14 13 0.5 10 6 6.0 8 :::: 34 9
* 5 18 : : :: 34 :::: 32 :::: 40 12.5 14.0 16.0 @ 23 I, 2-13-89 26.5 28.5 30.0 32.0 D
* Sample depth (Ft.JI Page 1 of 2 10 YMBOLS: ! Undisturbed Sample N
* Penetration in blows per. foot (.AS'nt 0-1586) CR .,. core ftCO.ery; NX or ax BORING Nt1MBER. __ ..;.D..,;;E--..,;;3----
DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_1_-_8_9
__ _ deli, bit lize (AST:.! 0*2113; JOB NUMBER "--------88-692 RQD* Rock Qu.lity Desiln:ation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Haryland FIGURE 2.6-70 (I of 2 )
I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD. ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RDIARKS DEPTH 91.5 1 35.0 t 81.5 76.5 8 moist 5.0 18 8.5 18 lne 52.0 18 55.0 18 Boring Tenminated
@ 55.5 Feet 2-2-89 45.5 C @ 45 t , 2-13-89 47.5 49.0 51.0 3 D
* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 2 of 2 NUMBER. DE-3 10 N
* Penetration in blows per. foot (ASnf 0-1586) CR
* eore rec:o.ery; NX or ax DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_1_-_89
____ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-70 (2 of 2 ) 
-. LAW TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o sa K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 116 7 1 0 0 1 . 0.2 1"'\ TOPS-OIt f -50ft Drown cl ayey SILT (Hl..). damp 1.0 14 4 .... 1.5 _ loose to very loose brown silty 2.5 18 6 I--fine SAND (SM). damp .. I-C @ 3 1 t 2-13-89 . , .. l--. ' 111.7 -5.0 18 .. 41--. , ., .. .. -7.0 ... I-Fi nn brown to tan s11 ty fine to 7.5 18 16 -medium SAND (SP-SM). moist "--106.7 -10.0 15 15 I---* . t--* . * . -* . t-* . ... * . l-... -* . * . I--.. 101 .. 7 -15.0 10 ... 2S ... * . * . * . -* . ...
",' . " , I-Finn brown to tan fine to medium ... ... I-... -SAND (SP). moist to wet .. , ... .. , -.. , ... 96.7 -Some coarse sand below 20'feet 20.0 6 ... 22 f-... .. , ... .. ' l--...
... -... l-.. ' ... ... .. , -... ... -... l-... ... 91.7 -25.0 12 ... 23 ... .. , , .. , .. .... -, .. ... ... ... -... ... -... ... ... 29.0 Firm brown' to tan silty fine to .. 86.7 .' -medium SAND (SP-SM). wet 30.0 18 19 I--. " 32.0 ... l-Very soft light gray silty CLAY -(Cl). with occasional sand seams. I--moist to wet .... 81.7 -35.0 1 !--D* Sample depcb (Ft .* ) Page 1 of 2 N
* Penetration in blows per. root 0-1586) CR .,. core recovery; NX or ax BORINO NUMB£R . .;...._D_E
__ _
____ 1_-_3_1_-8_9
_______ __ desicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER "---------------
88-692 RQD. Rock Quality DesillUtion Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Ca 1 vert County. Maryl and FIGURE 2.6-7E (I of 2)
LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRlPTION D sa K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 81.71 35.0' 76.7 Vtery loose 1 ight gray clayey fine (SC), moist 0.0 18 71.7 r-, ________________________
18 Bc)ring Terminated
@ 45.5 Feet 1**31-89 D
* Sample depch (Fe.) Page 2 of 2 10 N .. Penetration in blows per, root (ASn-t D*1586) CR .,. core recovery:
NX or ax BORING NUMBER.;......;. .
__ desilnacu bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '-----------------
88-692 RQD. Rock Quality Delilft2tion Ca 1 vert C1 iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7E (2 of 2 ) 
,. LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. . VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 sa K Nor " 121.5 1 CRlRQD Soft to very stiff brown sandy CLAY (Cl), little silt, damp 116.5 c @ 5.2'. 2-13-89 7.5 15 111.5 10.0 12 brown to tan sil ty fine to SAND (SP-SH), moist 106.5 15.0 10 -t-"":F:'"'!"i-nn-. 0 6 (SP), moist 96.5 Some coarse sand below 25 feet 25.0 7 91.5 30.0 10 .. :. 86.5 35. 8 12 D
* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 BORING NUMBER DE -5 N -Penetration in blows per. -----------
toot (ASTI-I D-1586) 88-692 DATE DRILLED_-.l-...lII 3"-'11 .... -... 89 __ _ eR
* core recoYelY' NX or ax desicnata bit size (ASTM D*2113; JOB NUMBER "---------------
RQD* Rock Quality DniCft2tion Calvert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF 10 Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7F (I of 2) 
.""\ * .t:: 0 LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD STRATlTM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor REMARKS CR/RQD 86 5' 35 O* . . ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... . . . ... . .. ... .. ... .. . .. ... 81.5 39.5_ Loose dark gray silty and clayey 4"Q..D 14 81-.. fine SAND (SC-SM), moist .. -.. -44.0 1.oose 1, ght (gray to tan c' ayey 76.5 --fine SAND SC)*. moist . 45.0 18 5-45.5 .. .. Boring Terminated
@ 45.5 Feet !--1-31-89 I-.. -.. --.. .. I--I-.. .. .. ---I--po. -po. -po. -.. --.. po.. -D* Sample depth Page 2 of 2 BORING NUMBER DE -5 5 10 N
* Penetration in blows per. foot (ASTM D-1586) CR .!:t core recovery; NX or ax DATE DRILLEO __ 1_-_31_-_8_9 __ _ duicftates bit size (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER 88-592 RQO* Rock Quality OaiCftatioft Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7F (2 of 2)
AUGER PROBE BORING RECORD ELEV. (ft.) DEP'11f (ft.) VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPnON O.CI I 0.1 TOPSOIL I Dark brown sandy CLAY -*  --Dark brown silty CLAY with trace sand Dark red brown silty SAND with trace clay -
Auger Probe Terminated
@ 10.0 Ft 2-1-89 No Encountered
-:;;:-Water le.el as noted --:--Water le.11 at time or ezc:ancion REMARKS Cave @ 8.0', 2-1-89 PROBE BORING NO. DE -6 DATE EXCAVATED:
2-1-89 JOB NUMBER: 88-692 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Haryland FIGURE 2.6-7G 
" LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQO RE..\lARKS DEPTH 113.9' 0.0' 108.9 103.9 98.9 93.9 88.9 83.9 78.9 Finn brown to tan SAND (SP), moist Wet below 20 feet (Cl) J Some coarse sand below 22 feet Very loose 1 ight gray to tan silty fine SAND (SM), little clay, Iwet 'Very loose tan silty fine SAND (SM), wet 5.0 14 7.5 18 10.0 14 15.0 12 18.5 12 22.0 6 27.0 8 32 .. ... .. 31.0 18 3 ... 35.0 18 .. 6 15.5 17.5 19.0 21.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 --=-@ 24.5', 2-6-89 34. 0 c @ 34.3', 2-6-89 o . Sample depth (F't.) Page 1 of 2 BORING Nl7MBER . DE-7 10 -,--N
* Penetration in blows per. foot (.AS'n1 D-1586) eR
* core reeo.ery; NX Of ax .:..-..;;;;.;;;..-...;..----
DATE ORtLLED __ 2_-_2_-8_9
___ _ daicnata bit size (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER ----------
88-692 RQO* RockQu.lityOnicn=ation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -:.-Water .eftl. time o( drillinc Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7H (I of 2}
f.i ,tt LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING REC,ORD ELEV. STRATUM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D SR K. Nor RE.\tARKS 78.9' 35.0' CR/RQD , , .. .. .. 73.9 0.0 18 .. 2 .. 43.0 *1nn l1ght gray to tan (:lAY (Cl). moist 68.9 5.0 18 6 46.0 L.oose dark gray cl ayey fine SAND 46.0 (SC), moist 48.0 9 63.9 51.0 Finm to very stiff dark gray clayey and sandy SILT (Ml). moist 54.0 18 5 58.9 58.0 18 22 58.5 53.9 Boring Terminated
@ 58.5 Feet 2-3-89 O* Sample depth (Ft .. ) Page 2 of 2 10 N
* Penetration in blows per. loot (AST.\f D-1586) CR
* eore neo"".; NX or ax BORING NUMBER ___ D .... E_-.... 7 ___ _ DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_2_-8_9_-
__ desicnaca bit lize (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER '----------------
88-692 RQO* Rock Quality Desilution Cal vert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7H (2 of 2)
AUGER PROBE BORING RECORD ELEV. STltA TUM (ft.) DElM'H (ft.) VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPnON o O* .. 0 .* 2 i\ TOPSOIL f Dark brawn sandy CLAY -----3 .. 5 -Tan brown silty SAND ----9.0 Fine to medium tan SAND and medium to coarse GRAVEL 10.u-Auger Probe Terminated
@ 10.0 Ft 2-1-89 No Groundwater Encountered
-=;::-Water 14t." as noted -----Water 14tnl at time or excafttion REMARKS Cave @ 7.0', 2-1-89 Page 1 of 1 PROBE BORING NO. _0_E-_8 __ _ DATE EXCAVATED:
2-1-89 JOB NUMBER: 88-692 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-71 
( ELEV. . .118.2
* 113.2 108.2 103.2 98.2 93.2 88.2 83.2 LAW ENGINEERING TEST STRATUM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION 0.0' 0.2 TOPSOIL $oft to stiff brown sil ty CLAY i(CL). damp 6.0 I-inn damp :y 15.0 Finn to dense brown to tan fine medium SAND (SP). moist to wet below 28 feet Firm light gray silty CLAY (Cl), damp ...... . ........ BORING RECORD 0 SR K Nor RE.\IARKS CK/RQD 4 9 13 17 0.0 18 8 .. ... ... .. . . .. 5.0 0 24 0.0 12 : : :: 18 5.0 10 : :: 39 @ 28". 2-13-89 0.0 12 : :. 39' 35.0 18 7 D* Sample depth (Ft.)1 Page 1 of 3 / .. 10 YMBOLS: Unduturbed Sample N
* Penetration in blows per. loot D-1586) CR
* COte reco.ery; NX or ax BORING
---:;..9 ___ _ DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_6_-8_9
___ _ desi,natn bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '----------------
88-692 RQD* Rock Quality DesiCft2tion Ca 1 vert Cl iffs Nuel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Cal vert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7J (I of 3) l LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRlP'T10N D SR K Nor CR/RQD RE.\IARKS 8 78.2 73.2 68.2 63.2 58.2 54.2 48.2 DEPTH 36. 0 9.0 18 V*ery loose 1 i ght gray to tan c 1 aye 5. a 18 fine SAND CSC). moist Lloose dark gray cl ayey fine SAND (SC). moist S1:iff dark gray clayey' and silty fiine SAND moist 0.0 18 0.0 18 0.0 18 36.0 38.0 *,C @ 54 I, 2-13-89 61.0 16 D* Sample depth (Ft.]1 Page 2 of 3 10' N
* Penetntion in blows per, foot (ASnI 0-1586) Cit
* core Aeonry; NX or ax BOaINe NUMBER __ , -.O..;;;,E_-
...:9 ____ _ DATE DRILLED _--.;;2;..,.-,;;..5-,...;8;;..;;9
__ _ dnicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD. Rock Quality Desicnation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7J (2 of 3)
LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD EL£V. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH I 70.0' 43.2 3S.2 80.0 18 81.0 83.0 84.0 IS 33.2 2S.2 90. 18 Trace shells below 94 feet 94. 23.2 97.0 lrm green S1 .y shell s, wet 18.2 100.5 lOa. 16 :30 Boring Terminated
@ 100.5 Feet D* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 3 of 3 10 N
* Penetration in blows per_ loot (ASTM D-1586) CR .,. core ftCoyery; NX or ax BORING NUMBER ____ D.._E;...-__.9----
DATE DRILLEO __ 2_-6_-_8_9 __ _ duicftates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER ---------------
88-692 RQD*
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Ca 1 vert County, Maryl and FIGURE 2.6-7J (3 of 3)
* STRATUM DEPTH " VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D sa K Nor REMARKS 'CR/RQD 119.2' 0 O' . 0.2 .. i\ TOPSOIL r .. to finn brown silty 1.0 15 .. loose fine SAND .. .. (SM)," trace clay, dry to damp 2.S 12 19 .. * .. 114.2 -S.O 16 24 I--* .. 7.S 16 11 "
* Finn brown to tan silty fine to medium SAND (SP:-SM), J!lOist .. 109.2 --10.0 14 .. , 13 !--.. .. .. .. .. l-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ," .. .. .. 104.2 15.0 Dense bro\*m to tan tlne to mediUm lS.0 18 28 ....
* SAND (SP). damp to moist .... ... .... .... * .... .... .... Wet below 16 feet,
* some coarse .... .... .... sand below 16 feet * .... .... ..... ..... 99.2 -20.0 8 .... 22 -.... ..... .... .... * .... .... * ..... .... .... .... .... -.. .... .... .. .... -=-@ 24 1 , 2-13-89 .... .... 94.2 -25.0 10 .... 22 I--.... .... .... . ... -.. .... .... .. . .. .. , ... .. , * .... l-.. ' .. , ' .. "-.. ... ... 89.2 -30.0 10 ... 48 -.. , .. , ...
... * '.0 ** 0 32.0 V'ery loose light {ray to tan --.. clayey fine SAND SC), wet 12 84.2 -35.0 3 D* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 N
* Penetration in blows per,. foot (AS'DI D-1586) CR
* core recoyery:
NX or ax BORiNO NUMBER, DE-10 DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_6_-_89
___ _ desicnatu bit size (ASTM JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Dnicnation Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Powel"'" Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7K ( I of 2')
* VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RE!\lARKS DEPTH 84.2' 35.0' '1--:1-I-Finn tan silty fine SAND (SM), . .. "--.. -moist .. .. ... --.. .. 79.2 -40.0 10 ... 13 -.. .. 41.0 ... .... -V'ery loose to loose light gray to -tan silty fine SAND (SM), little ---clay, wet --74.2 --45.0 18 4 --46.0 -c @ 47', -48.0 2-13-89 -.-.. .. 69.2 -50.0 18 .. 6 .. .. -.. .. 52.0 Finn tan t1ne SAND (5M),
I--.. .. .. -64.2 -55.0 18 16 --55.5_ 0.;,. -
ng T em; na ted @ 55.5 Feet
-------------------....-O* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 2 of 2 10 N
* Penetration in blows per. loot (Asn.t 0*1586) CR -,. cor. recovery; NX or ax BORING
___ _ DATE DRILLED 2-6-89 desicn41tes bit size (ASTM D-2113j JOB NUMBER -----------------
88-592 RQO* Rock Quality Desiln4ltion Calvert C1 iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -:.:-Water lewel. time or drillinc Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7K (2 of 2)
clay, trace organics, damp 1 I:ILl -sampl ed as brown to gray -1fine sand, damp -118.5 ------113.6 -----14.0* FILL sampled as very loose gray l08.S -l;ilty fine sand, moist -17.0 I:'inn brown fine to medium clayey -iind si1.ty SAND -
20.0 I:'irm tan si1 ty fine to medium SAND --sr*,). damp --93.6 -----93.6 -30.5 _
@ 30.5 Feet -
--aB.t -D -Sample depth (F't.) D SR K Nor CR/RQD
). 1.e 15 )I I-2.S 12 18 I-S.C 18 S.D 24 8.0 9.e 14 I---=-@ 11.5', 2-13-39 12.' 14 .. -15. 14 18 ... .. 18.0 19.0 16 : 11) -:: '" -..
12 21 --25. 10 21 10-... ,.. @ 27', 2-13-89 30.0 10 ::8 10--i-N * 'eneuation in blows per. Page 1 of I NUMBER DE-I1 I loot (.unl D-1586) CR
* CON NCo.ery; NX or ax DATE DRILLED _-=2:...-..;1_0
__ S8-592 desicnata bit size (ASTM D*2113; JOB NU)lBER -----------------------
.10 SYMBOLS: :s::J Undisturbed Sample RQD -Rock Quality Calvert Cliffs Nucl ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7L t ,<I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATt1!\,f DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTtON 0 SR K Nor RDtARKS CR/RQD 130.
* 0.0' FIll -sampled as loose brown 1.0 14 5 silty sand. trace shells below 5 feet. some clay encountered at 2.5 14 9 8 feet. damp 125.9 5.0 14 9 7.5 18 10 9.0 t. 120.9 0.0 15 7 11.0 12.0 0 ...... , 12', 2-13-89 Firm gray silty fine SAND (SM). 13.0 trace shells. little organics.
4.0 18 13 damp 115.9 15.0 Firm brown clayey and silty SAND 15.0 (SC-SM). damp 24 17.0 8.0 18 : 21 110.9 24.0 1:35.9 24 26.0 26.0 C ,5',
to dense tan medium to 7.0 18 ... "'0 2-13-89 .. l:oarse SAND (SP). damp 100.9 3:3.5 0.0 12 "'0 Terminate t..,
95.9 D
* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 1 N
* Penetration in blows per 100& (AS"DI ]).1516) CR.
* CON ncowery; NX or 3X BORING NUMBER DE-12 DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_10_-_8_9
__ _ dni,natu bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER ':-_------
88-692 aQD. Rock Quality Desi,ution Calvert Cl iffs Nucl ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.S-7M}}

Revision as of 21:50, 1 August 2018

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision 21, Figure 2.6-7B, Law Engineering Test Boring Record
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2012
Calvert Cliffs, Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, EDF Group
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML12275A251 (22)



-1.0 18 3 po--Very loose to loose brown clayey and silty fine to medi um SAND 2.5 14 4 -(SC-Sri)

  • damp i---113 -5.0 14 5 I-----7.5 14 7 I-9.0 lOS -Finn to dense brown-tan fine to ... .. 0.0 12 ... 11 * .. medium SAND (SP). moist ... --... * .. ... * .. * .. .. -i-.... .. .... .... .... 103 ....

12 .... 19 . ... I--.... .... -.... f-.... .... .... -.... .... ..... .. . ... .... .... .... .... -.... 98 gO.O 12 . ,. : 25 -r--....

.... l--....

.... -: : : : I--... l-... ... ... -., . l-... Sorne 93 coarse sand below 25 feet

... -12 .,. 30 t-... . , . . ,. ... -. , . . ,. -.,. l-... ... ... -... l"-. , . ... .. ., . l-... 8a 10 '" -... 36 I--... . ,. * .. -... l-. , . . ,. -... t-... ... .. ... I--::;r-@

33' , 2-13-89 * .. ... . ,. 34.0 Loose 11ght gray to tan clayey and I-83 -silty fine SAND (SC-SM). moist 5.0 10 9 !--I D

  • Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 10 N
  • Penetratioft in blows per. loot 1).1586) CR .,. core reco .. ry; NX or ax BORING NUMBER. ___ D_E_-.=.l

___ _ DATE DRILLED 1-31-89 desiCftatei bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '-------------------------

88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Dnilftation Calvert C11ffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-78 (I of 2)


  • D SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 83 1 35.0 78 40.

0 18 *el)

  • 73 68 Very loose dark gray silty and cltayey fine SAND (SC-SM). moist wet 5.0 18 __________________

18 BCJring Tenninated

@ 50.5 Feet 2*-1-89 c @ 44 1 , 2-13-89 D* Sample depth ( Page 2 of 2 10 N

  • Penetration in blows pel'. toot (AS"D1 0-1586) CR .,. core recovery:


__ _ DATE

__ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM D-2113j JOB NUMBER "-------------------

88-692 RQO* Rock Quality Oesiln:ation Ca 1 vert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-78 (2 of 2)

ELEV. 106.9 101.9 96.9 91.9 Some 86.9 81.9 76.9 D* Sample depth (F&.) 10 LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS coarse sand N below 20*feet 1.0 15 2.5 16 5.0 18 7.5 18 0.0 16 5.0 12 0.0 12 5.0 14 0.0 18 5.0 18

  • Penetration in blows per. loot (ASTM 0.1586) .... . . 19 18 13 2-13-89 Page 1 of 3 BORING NtTMBER.;;....-.*


__ DATE DRILLED 2-8-89 eR .,. CON rKO.ery; NX or ax S8-692 . daicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER .----------------


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7C (I of 3)

LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RDtARKS' DEPTH 76.9' 35.0* 71.9 65.9 51.9 56.9 51.9 45.9 41.9 37. 0 -+-I'L-o-o-se-d-a-r-k -g-r-ay-c-l-a-y-ey-a-n-d-s-i-l-ty--I

'fine SAND (SC-SM) moist Occasional sand seams 49.0 -+--L-o-o-s-e-to-f-i-nn-d-a-r-k-g-r-e-e-n-c-'-a-y-ey---I clnd silty fine SAND (SC-SM). moist 5 9 B 55.0 18 9 60.0 18 c @

2-13-89 65.0 18 70.0 18 D* Samplt depth (Ft .. ) Page 2 of 3 BORING NUMBER. DE-2 10 SYMBOLS: l Undisturbed Sample N * 'enttration in blows ptr. foot (AS"Dt D-1586) Cit

  • core reeoytroy; NX or ax .--.....;;..-..;..----

DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_B_-_89

___ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER -----------------

S8-692 RQO* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -.:-Watu It"l. timt or driUine Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7C (2 of 3)

"I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCR1PT10N o SR K Nor RE.\!ARKS DEPTH 41 9 1 70 O' CR/RQD . . S ----36.9 -75.0 18 7 -----31.9 --80.0 18 12 ----26.9 -85.0 18 19 ------f-21.9 -Trace she 11 s below 90 feet 90.0 18 65 --92.0 Dense green silty fine SAND

  • -with shells, moist to wet .. ... -. , .... 16.9 95.0 -18 .... 36 .... ...... ... -... .. ... -.. .. ... .. --.. -.. .. ... 11.9 100.( -14 ... 27 100;5 _ '" Boring Terminated

@ 100.5 feet

--2-9-89 ------D

  • Sample depth Page 3 of 3 BORING Nt1MBER DE -2 10 -'--N
  • Penetration ift blows per. foot 1).1586) Cit .,. core rKOftry; NX or ax DATE DRILLEO __ 2_-_8_-_89 ___ _,nata bit size (ASTM 0-2113j JOB NUMBER .------------

88-692 aQo* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF leftl. tim. of drillinc Cal vert County. Maryland . FIGURE 2.6 C (:3 of 3)

.. ,. ... : . !( LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CRlRQD REMARKS DEPTH 126.5 1 0.0' 0.2 3.5 121.5 TOPSOIL : rm to stiff brown C:LAY (el), trace si 1 t, damp L.oose to finn brown sil ty fine to SAND (SH), trace clay, damp 5.0 18 .. 5 10 6 7.5 18 6 .. 116.5 10.0-1--------------

.... 10*0 16 F'i nn 1 ight brown to tan sil ty fine tl:) medium SAND (SP-SM), damp . 9 10.5 111.5 106.5 101.5 96.5 91.5 17

  • 0 fine to medium SAND (SP), moist to WE!t Me))e coarse sand between 25 feet arid 35 feet .. 13.5 18 15 16.5 14 13 0.5 10 6 6.0 8 :::: 34 9
  • 5 18 : : :: 34 :::: 32 :::: 40 12.5 14.0 16.0 @ 23 I, 2-13-89 26.5 28.5 30.0 32.0 D
  • Sample depth (Ft.JI Page 1 of 2 10 YMBOLS: ! Undisturbed Sample N
  • Penetration in blows per. foot (.AS'nt 0-1586) CR .,. core ftCO.ery; NX or ax BORING Nt1MBER. __ ..;.D..,;;E--..,;;3----

DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_1_-_8_9

__ _ deli, bit lize (AST:.! 0*2113; JOB NUMBER "--------88-692 RQD* Rock Qu.lity Desiln:ation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Haryland FIGURE 2.6-70 (I of 2 )

I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD. ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RDIARKS DEPTH 91.5 1 35.0 t 81.5 76.5 8 moist 5.0 18 8.5 18 lne 52.0 18 55.0 18 Boring Tenminated

@ 55.5 Feet 2-2-89 45.5 C @ 45 t , 2-13-89 47.5 49.0 51.0 3 D

  • Sample depth (Ft.) Page 2 of 2 NUMBER. DE-3 10 N
  • Penetration in blows per. foot (ASnf 0-1586) CR
  • eore rec:o.ery; NX or ax DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_1_-_89

____ _ desicnates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-70 (2 of 2 )

-. LAW TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o sa K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 116 7 1 0 0 1 . 0.2 1"'\ TOPS-OIt f -50ft Drown cl ayey SILT (Hl..). damp 1.0 14 4 .... 1.5 _ loose to very loose brown silty 2.5 18 6 I--fine SAND (SM). damp .. I-C @ 3 1 t 2-13-89 . , .. l--. ' 111.7 -5.0 18 .. 41--. , ., .. .. -7.0 ... I-Fi nn brown to tan s11 ty fine to 7.5 18 16 -medium SAND (SP-SM). moist "--106.7 -10.0 15 15 I---* . t--* . * . -* . t-* . ... * . l-... -* . * . I--.. 101 .. 7 -15.0 10 ... 2S ... * . * . * . -* . ...

",' . " , I-Finn brown to tan fine to medium ... ... I-... -SAND (SP). moist to wet .. , ... .. , -.. , ... 96.7 -Some coarse sand below 20'feet 20.0 6 ... 22 f-... .. , ... .. ' l--...

... -... l-.. ' ... ... .. , -... ... -... l-... ... 91.7 -25.0 12 ... 23 ... .. , , .. , .. .... -, .. ... ... ... -... ... -... ... ... 29.0 Firm brown' to tan silty fine to .. 86.7 .' -medium SAND (SP-SM). wet 30.0 18 19 I--. " 32.0 ... l-Very soft light gray silty CLAY -(Cl). with occasional sand seams. I--moist to wet .... 81.7 -35.0 1 !--D* Sample depcb (Ft .* ) Page 1 of 2 N

  • Penetration in blows per. root 0-1586) CR .,. core recovery; NX or ax BORINO NUMB£R . .;...._D_E


__ _

____ 1_-_3_1_-8_9

_______ __ desicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER "---------------

88-692 RQD. Rock Quality DesillUtion Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Ca 1 vert County. Maryl and FIGURE 2.6-7E (I of 2)

LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRlPTION D sa K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH 81.71 35.0' 76.7 Vtery loose 1 ight gray clayey fine (SC), moist 0.0 18 71.7 r-, ________________________

18 Bc)ring Terminated

@ 45.5 Feet 1**31-89 D

  • Sample depch (Fe.) Page 2 of 2 10 N .. Penetration in blows per, root (ASn-t D*1586) CR .,. core recovery:

NX or ax BORING NUMBER.;......;. .


__ desilnacu bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '-----------------

88-692 RQD. Rock Quality Delilft2tion Ca 1 vert C1 iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7E (2 of 2 )

,. LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. . VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 sa K Nor " 121.5 1 CRlRQD Soft to very stiff brown sandy CLAY (Cl), little silt, damp 116.5 c @ 5.2'. 2-13-89 7.5 15 111.5 10.0 12 brown to tan sil ty fine to SAND (SP-SH), moist 106.5 15.0 10 -t-"":F:'"'!"i-nn-. 0 6 (SP), moist 96.5 Some coarse sand below 25 feet 25.0 7 91.5 30.0 10 .. :. 86.5 35. 8 12 D

  • Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 BORING NUMBER DE -5 N -Penetration in blows per. -----------

toot (ASTI-I D-1586)88-692 DATE DRILLED_-.l-...lII 3"-'11 .... -... 89 __ _ eR

  • core recoYelY' NX or ax desicnata bit size (ASTM D*2113; JOB NUMBER "---------------

RQD* Rock Quality DniCft2tion Calvert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF 10 Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7F (I of 2)

.""\ * .t:: 0 LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD STRATlTM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor REMARKS CR/RQD 86 5' 35 O* . . ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... . . . ... . .. ... .. ... .. . .. ... 81.5 39.5_ Loose dark gray silty and clayey 4"Q..D 14 81-.. fine SAND (SC-SM), moist .. -.. -44.0 1.oose 1, ght (gray to tan c' ayey 76.5 --fine SAND SC)*. moist . 45.0 18 5-45.5 .. .. Boring Terminated

@ 45.5 Feet !--1-31-89 I-.. -.. --.. .. I--I-.. .. .. ---I--po. -po. -po. -.. --.. po.. -D* Sample depth Page 2 of 2 BORING NUMBER DE -5 5 10 N

  • Penetration in blows per. foot (ASTM D-1586) CR .!:t core recovery; NX or ax DATE DRILLEO __ 1_-_31_-_8_9 __ _ duicftates bit size (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER 88-592 RQO* Rock Quality OaiCftatioft Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7F (2 of 2)

AUGER PROBE BORING RECORD ELEV. (ft.) DEP'11f (ft.) VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPnON O.CI I 0.1 TOPSOIL I Dark brown sandy CLAY -* --Dark brown silty CLAY with trace sand Dark red brown silty SAND with trace clay -

Auger Probe Terminated

@ 10.0 Ft 2-1-89 No Encountered

-:;;:-Water le.el as noted --:--Water le.11 at time or ezc:ancion REMARKS Cave @ 8.0', 2-1-89 PROBE BORING NO. DE -6 DATE EXCAVATED:

2-1-89 JOB NUMBER: 88-692 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Haryland FIGURE 2.6-7G

" LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQO RE..\lARKS DEPTH 113.9' 0.0' 108.9 103.9 98.9 93.9 88.9 83.9 78.9 Finn brown to tan SAND (SP), moist Wet below 20 feet (Cl) J Some coarse sand below 22 feet Very loose 1 ight gray to tan silty fine SAND (SM), little clay, Iwet 'Very loose tan silty fine SAND (SM), wet 5.0 14 7.5 18 10.0 14 15.0 12 18.5 12 22.0 6 27.0 8 32 .. ... .. 31.0 18 3 ... 35.0 18 .. 6 15.5 17.5 19.0 21.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 --=-@ 24.5', 2-6-89 34. 0 c @ 34.3', 2-6-89 o . Sample depth (F't.) Page 1 of 2 BORING Nl7MBER . DE-7 10 -,--N

  • Penetration in blows per. foot (.AS'n1 D-1586) eR
  • core reeo.ery; NX Of ax .:..-..;;;;.;;;..-...;..----

DATE ORtLLED __ 2_-_2_-8_9

___ _ daicnata bit size (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER ----------

88-692 RQO* RockQu.lityOnicn=ation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -:.-Water .eftl. time o( drillinc Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7H (I of 2}

f.i ,tt LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING REC,ORD ELEV. STRATUM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D SR K. Nor RE.\tARKS 78.9' 35.0' CR/RQD , , .. .. .. 73.9 0.0 18 .. 2 .. 43.0 *1nn l1ght gray to tan (:lAY (Cl). moist 68.9 5.0 18 6 46.0 L.oose dark gray cl ayey fine SAND 46.0 (SC), moist 48.0 9 63.9 51.0 Finm to very stiff dark gray clayey and sandy SILT (Ml). moist 54.0 18 5 58.9 58.0 18 22 58.5 53.9 Boring Terminated

@ 58.5 Feet 2-3-89 O* Sample depth (Ft .. ) Page 2 of 2 10 N

  • Penetration in blows per. loot (AST.\f D-1586) CR
  • eore neo"".; NX or ax BORING NUMBER ___ D .... E_-.... 7 ___ _ DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_2_-8_9_-

__ desicnaca bit lize (ASTM 0-2113; JOB NUMBER '----------------

88-692 RQO* Rock Quality Desilution Cal vert Cl iffs Huel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7H (2 of 2)

AUGER PROBE BORING RECORD ELEV. STltA TUM (ft.) DElM'H (ft.) VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPnON o O* .. 0 .* 2 i\ TOPSOIL f Dark brawn sandy CLAY -----3 .. 5 -Tan brown silty SAND ----9.0 Fine to medium tan SAND and medium to coarse GRAVEL 10.u-Auger Probe Terminated

@ 10.0 Ft 2-1-89 No Groundwater Encountered

-=;::-Water 14t." as noted -----Water 14tnl at time or excafttion REMARKS Cave @ 7.0', 2-1-89 Page 1 of 1 PROBE BORING NO. _0_E-_8 __ _ DATE EXCAVATED:

2-1-89 JOB NUMBER: 88-692 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-71

( ELEV. . .118.2

  • 113.2 108.2 103.2 98.2 93.2 88.2 83.2 LAW ENGINEERING TEST STRATUM DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION 0.0' 0.2 TOPSOIL $oft to stiff brown sil ty CLAY i(CL). damp 6.0 I-inn damp :y 15.0 Finn to dense brown to tan fine medium SAND (SP). moist to wet below 28 feet Firm light gray silty CLAY (Cl), damp ...... . ........ BORING RECORD 0 SR K Nor RE.\IARKS CK/RQD 4 9 13 17 0.0 18 8 .. ... ... .. . . .. 5.0 0 24 0.0 12 : : :: 18 5.0 10 : :: 39 @ 28". 2-13-89 0.0 12 : :. 39' 35.0 18 7 D* Sample depth (Ft.)1 Page 1 of 3 / .. 10 YMBOLS: Unduturbed Sample N
  • Penetration in blows per. loot D-1586) CR
  • COte reco.ery; NX or ax BORING

---:;..9 ___ _ DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_6_-8_9

___ _ desi,natn bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER '----------------

88-692 RQD* Rock Quality DesiCft2tion Ca 1 vert Cl iffs Nuel ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Cal vert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7J (I of 3) l LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRlP'T10N D SR K Nor CR/RQD RE.\IARKS 8 78.2 73.2 68.2 63.2 58.2 54.2 48.2 DEPTH 36. 0 9.0 18 V*ery loose 1 i ght gray to tan c 1 aye 5. a 18 fine SAND CSC). moist Lloose dark gray cl ayey fine SAND (SC). moist S1:iff dark gray clayey' and silty fiine SAND moist 0.0 18 0.0 18 0.0 18 36.0 38.0 *,C @ 54 I, 2-13-89 61.0 16 D* Sample depth (Ft.]1 Page 2 of 3 10' N

  • Penetntion in blows per, foot (ASnI 0-1586) Cit
  • core Aeonry; NX or ax BOaINe NUMBER __ , -.O..;;;,E_-

...:9 ____ _ DATE DRILLED _--.;;2;..,.-,;;..5-,...;8;;..;;9

__ _ dnicnates bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD. Rock Quality Desicnation Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7J (2 of 3)

LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD EL£V. STRATUM VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD REMARKS DEPTH I 70.0' 43.2 3S.2 80.0 18 81.0 83.0 84.0 IS 33.2 2S.2 90. 18 Trace shells below 94 feet 94. 23.2 97.0 lrm green S1 .y shell s, wet 18.2 100.5 lOa. 16 :30 Boring Terminated

@ 100.5 Feet D* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 3 of 3 10 N

  • Penetration in blows per_ loot (ASTM D-1586) CR .,. core ftCoyery; NX or ax BORING NUMBER ____ D.._E;...-__.9----

DATE DRILLEO __ 2_-6_-_8_9 __ _ duicftates bit size (ASTM 0*2113; JOB NUMBER ---------------

88-692 RQD*

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Ca 1 vert County, Maryl and FIGURE 2.6-7J (3 of 3)


  • STRATUM DEPTH " VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION D sa K Nor REMARKS 'CR/RQD 119.2' 0 O' . 0.2 .. i\ TOPSOIL r .. to finn brown silty 1.0 15 .. loose fine SAND .. .. (SM)," trace clay, dry to damp 2.S 12 19 .. * .. 114.2 -S.O 16 24 I--* .. 7.S 16 11 "
  • Finn brown to tan silty fine to medium SAND (SP:-SM), J!lOist .. 109.2 --10.0 14 .. , 13 !--.. .. .. .. .. l-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ," .. .. .. 104.2 15.0 Dense bro\*m to tan tlne to mediUm lS.0 18 28 ....
  • SAND (SP). damp to moist .... ... .... .... * .... .... .... Wet below 16 feet,
  • some coarse .... .... .... sand below 16 feet * .... .... ..... ..... 99.2 -20.0 8 .... 22 -.... ..... .... .... * .... .... * ..... .... .... .... .... -.. .... .... .. .... -=-@ 24 1 , 2-13-89 .... .... 94.2 -25.0 10 .... 22 I--.... .... .... . ... -.. .... .... .. . .. .. , ... .. , * .... l-.. ' .. , ' .. "-.. ... ... 89.2 -30.0 10 ... 48 -.. , .. , ...

... * '.0 ** 0 32.0 V'ery loose light {ray to tan --.. clayey fine SAND SC), wet 12 84.2 -35.0 3 D* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 2 N

  • Penetration in blows per,. foot (AS'DI D-1586) CR
  • core recoyery:

NX or ax BORiNO NUMBER, DE-10 DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_6_-_89

___ _ desicnatu bit size (ASTM JOB NUMBER 88-692 RQD* Rock Quality Dnicnation Calvert Cl iffs Nuclear Powel"'" Plant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7K ( I of 2')


  • VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTION o SR K Nor CR/RQD RE!\lARKS DEPTH 84.2' 35.0' '1--:1-I-Finn tan silty fine SAND (SM), . .. "--.. -moist .. .. ... --.. .. 79.2 -40.0 10 ... 13 -.. .. 41.0 ... .... -V'ery loose to loose light gray to -tan silty fine SAND (SM), little ---clay, wet --74.2 --45.0 18 4 --46.0 -c @ 47', -48.0 2-13-89 -.-.. .. 69.2 -50.0 18 .. 6 .. .. -.. .. 52.0 Finn tan t1ne SAND (5M),

I--.. .. .. -64.2 -55.0 18 16 --55.5_ 0.;,. -

ng T em; na ted @ 55.5 Feet

....-O* Sample depth (Ft.) Page 2 of 2 10 N

  • Penetration in blows per. loot (Asn.t 0*1586) CR -,. cor. recovery; NX or ax BORING


___ _ DATE DRILLED 2-6-89 desicn41tes bit size (ASTM D-2113j JOB NUMBER -----------------

88-592 RQO* Rock Quality Desiln4ltion Calvert C1 iffs Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF -:.:-Water lewel. time or drillinc Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.6-7K (2 of 2)


clay, trace organics, damp 1 I:ILl -sampl ed as brown to gray -1fine sand, damp -118.5 ------113.6 -----14.0* FILL sampled as very loose gray l08.S -l;ilty fine sand, moist -17.0 I:'inn brown fine to medium clayey -iind si1.ty SAND -

20.0 I:'irm tan si1 ty fine to medium SAND --sr*,). damp --93.6 -----93.6 -30.5 _


@ 30.5 Feet -

--aB.t -D -Sample depth (F't.) D SR K Nor CR/RQD

). 1.e 15 )I I-2.S 12 18 I-S.C 18 S.D 24 8.0 9.e 14 I---=-@ 11.5', 2-13-39 12.' 14 .. -15. 14 18 ... .. 18.0 19.0 16 : 11) -:: '" -..

12 21 --25. 10 21 10-... ,.. @ 27', 2-13-89 30.0 10 ::8 10--i-N * 'eneuation in blows per. Page 1 of I NUMBER DE-I1 I loot (.unl D-1586) CR

  • CON NCo.ery; NX or ax DATE DRILLED _-=2:...-..;1_0


__ S8-592 desicnata bit size (ASTM D*2113; JOB NU)lBER -----------------------

.10 SYMBOLS: :s::J Undisturbed Sample RQD -Rock Quality Calvert Cliffs Nucl ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County, Maryland FIGURE 2.6 -7L t ,<I LAW ENGINEERING TEST BORING RECORD ELEV. STRATt1!\,f DEPTH VISUAL SOIL DESCRIPTtON 0 SR K Nor RDtARKS CR/RQD 130.

  • 0.0' FIll -sampled as loose brown 1.0 14 5 silty sand. trace shells below 5 feet. some clay encountered at 2.5 14 9 8 feet. damp 125.9 5.0 14 9 7.5 18 10 9.0 t. 120.9 0.0 15 7 11.0 12.0 0 ...... , 12', 2-13-89 Firm gray silty fine SAND (SM). 13.0 trace shells. little organics.

4.0 18 13 damp 115.9 15.0 Firm brown clayey and silty SAND 15.0 (SC-SM). damp 24 17.0 8.0 18 : 21 110.9 24.0 1:35.9 24 26.0 26.0 C ,5',

to dense tan medium to 7.0 18 ... "'0 2-13-89 .. l:oarse SAND (SP). damp 100.9 3:3.5 0.0 12 "'0 Terminate t..,

95.9 D

  • Sample depth (Ft.) Page 1 of 1 N
  • Penetration in blows per 100& (AS"DI ]).1516) CR.
  • CON ncowery; NX or 3X BORING NUMBER DE-12 DATE DRILLED __ 2_-_10_-_8_9

__ _ dni,natu bit size (ASTM D*2113j JOB NUMBER ':-_------

88-692 aQD. Rock Quality Desi,ution Calvert Cl iffs Nucl ear Power Pl ant ISFSF Calvert County. Maryland FIGURE 2.S-7M