ML16054A428: Difference between revisions

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?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysis and Design Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Revision: 0 2 19   
?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysi s and Desi gn Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Re v is ion: 0 2 19   

Revision: 0 3 19   
Revis ion: 0 3 19   

Revision: 0 4
R ev i sion: 0 4
sections. ARTS Average Po'vV&r Range Monitor, Rod Block Monitor, and Technical Specification #
se cti ons. A RT S Average Po'vV&r R an ge Mo ni t or , Rod Bl ock M onitor, an d Techni cal Specifi cat ion #
Gard-e I OffiCial Core Monitoring System fo*r Monticello MCPR Minimum Critical Po\'VGr Ratio OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor Revision: 0 5 Option A Scram Time representative of the Technical Specification requirements  
G ard-e I OffiCi al Core Mo nit or ing S ystem fo*r M onti ce ll o MCPR M in imu m Crit i cal Po\'VG r Ratio OPRM Os cill ation Powe r Range Mon itor Revi sion: 0 5 Option A Sc r am Time rep r esen tat ive of the Tech nical Specification re qu i reme n ts  

Revision: 0 0 I wlo Revision: 0 7 19 The final core loading pattern analyzed in this report \VaS transmitted to GNF in correspondence 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 133781 26 2-17GZ 141n {41781 27 14" {43381 26 ,_ JYS001 04 ,.,.JYY541 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.
Revi sion: 0 0 I w lo Revi sion: 0 7 19 The fi nal core lo a ding pa ttern an alyzed in th is re port \VaS tr ansmitted to GNF in co rr esponden ce 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 13 3 781 26 2-17GZ 1 41 n {41 781 27 1 4" {4 338 1 26 ,_ JYS 00 1 04 ,.,.JYY 54 1 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.
13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Revision: 0 The minimum shutdovvn margin (SD M) reported bek>w is based on moderator temperature of exposure of11.849 GWDJM'TU corresponds to tlile minimum previous cycle exposure Operations Manual 8.03.04 .. 05 requires that the minimum torus water temperature is greater calculated SDM results bel\wen 68&deg;F and 6S"F is insignificant as compared to the uncertainties was found to be sufficient. A conservative depletion strategy was utilized in the evaluation of standby liquid control shutdown margin. The resuHs presented are cornsorvatively based on an end of tho prevtous reactor, from a full po\A/er and minimum control rod inventory to a sutrcritical condrtion at any time in the cycle under the most reactive free state by the injection of 660 ppm boron.   
13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Rev i sion: 0 T he min i mum sh ut dovvn margin (SD M) r epo rted bek>w is b ased on mode r ator tem pe r ature of expos u re of11.849 GWD J M'TU corre s ponds to tlile min i mum pr evious cycle expos u re Operations Manua l 8.03.04 .. 05 req u ir es tha t t he m inimum torus water tempe r at u re is greater ca l cul ated SDM resu lt s be l\we n 68&deg;F an d 6S"F is insign ificant as co m pa r ed to t he u ncerta inti es was f ou nd to be suff i cie n t. A co n servative deple ti on s tr ategy was u tilized in t he evalua t ion of st an d by l iquid co ntr ol shutdown margin. The r esuHs p resented are cornsorvatively based on an en d of t ho prevtous reactor, f rom a full po\A/er and m inimum con trol r od invento ry to a sutrc ri tica l cond rtion at any t ime in th e cycle u nder t he most reactive fr ee st ate by the i nject i on of 660 pp m boron.   

Revision: 0 9 19 This soction identifies the transient and accident analyses performed as part of the current cycle the limitations and conditions. These cycle-specific Himitations and are met for Monticello another issue were evaluated. These events are listed below.   
Rev i sion: 0 9 19 This soction ide ntif ies the t ransient and accident an al yses performed as part of the cu rren t cycle the limitations and condi tions. Th ese c ycle-sp ecific H im ita t ions and are me t for Mo nti cello an other i ssue were eva l ua t ed. Th ese eve nt s are listed be l ow.   
: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7)
: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7)
Event Primary System Pressure Increase Generator load Reiection with Bypass Failure Turt:line Trip with Bypass Failure Main Steam Isolation Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Turtine Trip with Bypass Failure w/o Position Scram 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Scram Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vessel Water Temperature Decrease Inadvertent HPCI Actuatron wrth L8 Turbine Tnp Posittve Reactivity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Error Reactor Vessel Coolant Inventory Decrease Core Coolant Flow Decrease Trip ot One Recirculation Pump or Two Rearcu!ation Pumps Recirct.Jation Pump Seizure. Core Coolant Flow Increase-Slow Reci'ctJat!on Control Failure -Increase (MCPRF) Slow Reci'CIAa tion Control Failure -Increase (MAPlHGR,)"
Event Pr i mary System Pressure Increase Generator loa d Reiectio n wit h Bypass Fail ure T urt:line T ri p with Bypass Fail ure Mai n Steam I sola t ion Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Tu rtine T ri p with Bypass Fail ure w/o Positio n Scram 1 Main Steam I solation Valve Closure Sc ra m Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vesse l Water Temperature Decrease I nadvertent HPC I Actuat ron wrth L8 T urbine Tnp Posittve Re activity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Erro r Reactor Vesse l Coolant I nventory Dec r ease Core Coolant Flow Decrease T rip ot One Recirc ula tion Pu mp or Two Rearcu!at ion Pumps Rec i rct.Jation Pump Se i zure. Core Coolant Flow I ncrease-Slow Re ci'ctJa t!on Con t rol Failure -In crease (MCP RF) Slow Reci'CIAa tio n Control Fail ure -I nc rease (MAPlHGR,)" Fas t Recircula No n Contro l Failure -I ncrease Stanup of an I dle Recuculat i on LOop Fuel Loading Errors M isp laced Boodte-Acaclen t 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Com pli ance. Revis ion: 0 Current  
Fast Recircula Non Control Failure -Increase Stanup of an Idle Recuculat ion LOop Fuel Loading Errors Misplaced Boodte-Acaclent 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Compliance. Revision: 0 Current  
./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (il SLO) ./ ./
./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (ilSLO) ./ ./
Revis ion: 0 Reactor fu ll powe r i nitia l cond itions that app ly to th e lim iting transient an al ysis are summarized transio nt an alyses are fisted in Tab le 4.3. Paramete r Value Va l ue Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Ra t ed Thermal Powe r 2004 46.1 Analysis Powe r I Core Flow Ana lysis Reacto r Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 i n-serv i ce in-service two   
Revision: 0 Reactor full power initial conditions that apply to the limiting transient analysis are summarized transiont analyses are fisted in Table 4.3. Parameter Value Value Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Rated Thermal Power 2004 46.1 Analysis Power I Core Flow Analysis Reactor Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 in-service in-service two   

Pslg low Vessel Water Level Scram 1 %open Low low Vessel Water 1 High Pressure Pslg High Reactor Vessel Water Leve11 Psig Revision: 0 125 10915 85 85 *55 1162 1170 ror be times.
Pslg low Vesse l Water L evel Scram 1 %open L ow low Vesse l Water 1 Hig h Pressure Pslg High Reac to r Vesse l Wa ter L eve 1 1 Ps ig Revi sion: 0 1 25 10915 85 85 *55 11 62 11 70 ror be t imes.
Option 1 be be Nollimiting be 2
Op t ion 1 be be Nollimit in g be 2
to 3   
to 3   

Revision: 0 OLMCPR for moasured scram insertion times. 3 5.2 177 1.57 1.62 core monitoring system uses more detailed lirrits for each fuel bundle lattice.
Revi sion: 0 OLMCPR fo r m oasured scram in sertion ti mes. 3 5.2 1 77 1.57 1.62 core monitori ng system use s more de tailed li rrits for e ach f ue l bu nd le latt ice.
Revision: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica tion states that the pressure measured in the reactor steam dome shall not exceed 1332 Psig. The pressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho vessel steam space was derived from the design pressures of the reactor pressure vessel, steam space piping, and water space piping. The pressure safety limit was chosen as the lowor of the pressure 1332 initial conditions:
Rev i sion: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica t ion sta t es that the press ur e measu r ed in the r eactor steam dome sh all no t exceed 1 332 Psig. The p ressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho ves sel st eam space was derived fr om t he design pr ess u res of t he r eactor pressure vesse l, st ea m space pip ing, and water spac e piping. The pressure safety lim it was ch ose n as the lowo r of th e pr ess u re 1 332 i nitial co n ditions:
* 100% (2004 1 105%  
* 100% (2004 1 105%  
(60.5 x1061010.0 1170.0 1320 Technical SpeciflCat ion limit of 1332 Psig. The calculated maximum steam line pressure of 1314 1332 1344 1375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Witoout Position Scram analysis.
(60.5 x10 61010.0 1 170.0 1320 T ec h nical SpeciflCat i on li mi t of 1332 Ps i g. Th e calc ulated maximum st eam line pr essure of 1314 1 332 134 4 1 375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Wi too ut Position Sc r am analysis.
This ana!ysis is rt11 at 100%
Thi s ana!y sis is rt11 at 1 00%
1 (1010 psig) and uncertainty are applied as a pressure adder to the result of the event to obtain the final reported  
1 (1010 psig) and uncerta i nty are applied as a pressure adde r to t he res ul t of the event to obtain the fina l r eported  

Revision: 0 rod thermal*mechanica l design and licensing basis, with resped to both steady state operations, and transient and accident events. Thermal overpower limits arc defined to evaluate the potential for fuel centerline metting.
Revi sion: 0 rod th ermal*mechanica l des i gn and l icens i ng basis , wit h resped to both steady state operations, and transien t and accident eve nts. Th ermal overpower lim its arc de fin ed to eva l uate t he pote nti al for fuel ce n te rlin e metting. Mec h anical overpower lim its are deftned to eva l uate the pot entia l for f ue l cladding ove rs train. Fe edwater Cont r oUe r Fa aure e vent mecha ni cal design and li oens i ng basis crite r ia for th e plant.   
Mechanical overpower limits are deftned to evaluate the potential for fuel cladding overstrain. Feedwater ControUer Faaure event mechanical design and lioensing basis criteria for the plant.   

0 To provide Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant -with operating improvemonts, expanded operating domain an:alyses were performed in Reference 1 for maximum extended load line limit reload analyses in Reference 1.   
0 To pr ovide Monticello Nu cl ear Generating Pl ant -with opera t in g im pr ovemonts, expanded operating do main an:a l yses were perfor med in Refere n ce 1 fo r maximum extended l oad line lim it r eload an alyses in Reference 1.   

Revision: 0 A reload DSS.CO evaluation has beon performxt in accordance Volith tho licensing rnGthodolog y 0) trip linear segment.
Revi sion: 0 A reload DSS.CO eva lu ation h as beo n performxt in accorda n ce Volith t ho l icensing rnGthodolog y 0) tr ip l in ear segment.
povver intercopt WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Recirculation Drive F'low   
povve r int ercop t WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Rec i rc u la ti on Drive F'low   

Revision: 0 SECTION 14  
Revi sion: 0 SECTION 14  

SECTION 1414.1
SECTION 1414.1
Line 197: Line 195:

?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysis and Design Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Revision: 0 2 19   
?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysi s and Desi gn Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Re v is ion: 0 2 19   

Revision: 0 3 19   
Revis ion: 0 3 19   

Revision: 0 4
R ev i sion: 0 4
sections. ARTS Average Po'vV&r Range Monitor, Rod Block Monitor, and Technical Specification #
se cti ons. A RT S Average Po'vV&r R an ge Mo ni t or , Rod Bl ock M onitor, an d Techni cal Specifi cat ion #
Gard-e I OffiCial Core Monitoring System fo*r Monticello MCPR Minimum Critical Po\'VGr Ratio OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor Revision: 0 5 Option A Scram Time representative of the Technical Specification requirements  
G ard-e I OffiCi al Core Mo nit or ing S ystem fo*r M onti ce ll o MCPR M in imu m Crit i cal Po\'VG r Ratio OPRM Os cill ation Powe r Range Mon itor Revi sion: 0 5 Option A Sc r am Time rep r esen tat ive of the Tech nical Specification re qu i reme n ts  

Revision: 0 0 I wlo Revision: 0 7 19 The final core loading pattern analyzed in this report \VaS transmitted to GNF in correspondence 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 133781 26 2-17GZ 141n {41781 27 14" {43381 26 ,_ JYS001 04 ,.,.JYY541 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.
Revi sion: 0 0 I w lo Revi sion: 0 7 19 The fi nal core lo a ding pa ttern an alyzed in th is re port \VaS tr ansmitted to GNF in co rr esponden ce 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 13 3 781 26 2-17GZ 1 41 n {41 781 27 1 4" {4 338 1 26 ,_ JYS 00 1 04 ,.,.JYY 54 1 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.
13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Revision: 0 The minimum shutdovvn margin (SD M) reported bek>w is based on moderator temperature of exposure of11.849 GWDJM'TU corresponds to tlile minimum previous cycle exposure Operations Manual 8.03.04 .. 05 requires that the minimum torus water temperature is greater calculated SDM results bel\wen 68&deg;F and 6S"F is insignificant as compared to the uncertainties was found to be sufficient. A conservative depletion strategy was utilized in the evaluation of standby liquid control shutdown margin. The resuHs presented are cornsorvatively based on an end of tho prevtous reactor, from a full po\A/er and minimum control rod inventory to a sutrcritical condrtion at any time in the cycle under the most reactive free state by the injection of 660 ppm boron.   
13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Rev i sion: 0 T he min i mum sh ut dovvn margin (SD M) r epo rted bek>w is b ased on mode r ator tem pe r ature of expos u re of11.849 GWD J M'TU corre s ponds to tlile min i mum pr evious cycle expos u re Operations Manua l 8.03.04 .. 05 req u ir es tha t t he m inimum torus water tempe r at u re is greater ca l cul ated SDM resu lt s be l\we n 68&deg;F an d 6S"F is insign ificant as co m pa r ed to t he u ncerta inti es was f ou nd to be suff i cie n t. A co n servative deple ti on s tr ategy was u tilized in t he evalua t ion of st an d by l iquid co ntr ol shutdown margin. The r esuHs p resented are cornsorvatively based on an en d of t ho prevtous reactor, f rom a full po\A/er and m inimum con trol r od invento ry to a sutrc ri tica l cond rtion at any t ime in th e cycle u nder t he most reactive fr ee st ate by the i nject i on of 660 pp m boron.   

Revision: 0 9 19 This soction identifies the transient and accident analyses performed as part of the current cycle the limitations and conditions. These cycle-specific Himitations and are met for Monticello another issue were evaluated. These events are listed below.   
Rev i sion: 0 9 19 This soction ide ntif ies the t ransient and accident an al yses performed as part of the cu rren t cycle the limitations and condi tions. Th ese c ycle-sp ecific H im ita t ions and are me t for Mo nti cello an other i ssue were eva l ua t ed. Th ese eve nt s are listed be l ow.   
: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7)
: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7)
Event Primary System Pressure Increase Generator load Reiection with Bypass Failure Turt:line Trip with Bypass Failure Main Steam Isolation Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Turtine Trip with Bypass Failure w/o Position Scram 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure Scram Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vessel Water Temperature Decrease Inadvertent HPCI Actuatron wrth L8 Turbine Tnp Posittve Reactivity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Error Reactor Vessel Coolant Inventory Decrease Core Coolant Flow Decrease Trip ot One Recirculation Pump or Two Rearcu!ation Pumps Recirct.Jation Pump Seizure. Core Coolant Flow Increase-Slow Reci'ctJat!on Control Failure -Increase (MCPRF) Slow Reci'CIAa tion Control Failure -Increase (MAPlHGR,)"
Event Pr i mary System Pressure Increase Generator loa d Reiectio n wit h Bypass Fail ure T urt:line T ri p with Bypass Fail ure Mai n Steam I sola t ion Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Tu rtine T ri p with Bypass Fail ure w/o Positio n Scram 1 Main Steam I solation Valve Closure Sc ra m Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vesse l Water Temperature Decrease I nadvertent HPC I Actuat ron wrth L8 T urbine Tnp Posittve Re activity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Erro r Reactor Vesse l Coolant I nventory Dec r ease Core Coolant Flow Decrease T rip ot One Recirc ula tion Pu mp or Two Rearcu!at ion Pumps Rec i rct.Jation Pump Se i zure. Core Coolant Flow I ncrease-Slow Re ci'ctJa t!on Con t rol Failure -In crease (MCP RF) Slow Reci'CIAa tio n Control Fail ure -I nc rease (MAPlHGR,)" Fas t Recircula No n Contro l Failure -I ncrease Stanup of an I dle Recuculat i on LOop Fuel Loading Errors M isp laced Boodte-Acaclen t 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Com pli ance. Revis ion: 0 Current  
Fast Recircula Non Control Failure -Increase Stanup of an Idle Recuculat ion LOop Fuel Loading Errors Misplaced Boodte-Acaclent 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Compliance. Revision: 0 Current  
./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (il SLO) ./ ./
./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (ilSLO) ./ ./
Revis ion: 0 Reactor fu ll powe r i nitia l cond itions that app ly to th e lim iting transient an al ysis are summarized transio nt an alyses are fisted in Tab le 4.3. Paramete r Value Va l ue Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Ra t ed Thermal Powe r 2004 46.1 Analysis Powe r I Core Flow Ana lysis Reacto r Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 i n-serv i ce in-service two   
Revision: 0 Reactor full power initial conditions that apply to the limiting transient analysis are summarized transiont analyses are fisted in Table 4.3. Parameter Value Value Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Rated Thermal Power 2004 46.1 Analysis Power I Core Flow Analysis Reactor Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 in-service in-service two   

Pslg low Vessel Water Level Scram 1 %open Low low Vessel Water 1 High Pressure Pslg High Reactor Vessel Water Leve11 Psig Revision: 0 125 10915 85 85 *55 1162 1170 ror be times.
Pslg low Vesse l Water L evel Scram 1 %open L ow low Vesse l Water 1 Hig h Pressure Pslg High Reac to r Vesse l Wa ter L eve 1 1 Ps ig Revi sion: 0 1 25 10915 85 85 *55 11 62 11 70 ror be t imes.
Option 1 be be Nollimiting be 2
Op t ion 1 be be Nollimit in g be 2
to 3   
to 3   

Revision: 0 OLMCPR for moasured scram insertion times. 3 5.2 177 1.57 1.62 core monitoring system uses more detailed lirrits for each fuel bundle lattice.
Revi sion: 0 OLMCPR fo r m oasured scram in sertion ti mes. 3 5.2 1 77 1.57 1.62 core monitori ng system use s more de tailed li rrits for e ach f ue l bu nd le latt ice.
Revision: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica tion states that the pressure measured in the reactor steam dome shall not exceed 1332 Psig. The pressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho vessel steam space was derived from the design pressures of the reactor pressure vessel, steam space piping, and water space piping. The pressure safety limit was chosen as the lowor of the pressure 1332 initial conditions:
Rev i sion: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica t ion sta t es that the press ur e measu r ed in the r eactor steam dome sh all no t exceed 1 332 Psig. The p ressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho ves sel st eam space was derived fr om t he design pr ess u res of t he r eactor pressure vesse l, st ea m space pip ing, and water spac e piping. The pressure safety lim it was ch ose n as the lowo r of th e pr ess u re 1 332 i nitial co n ditions:
* 100% (2004 1 105%  
* 100% (2004 1 105%  
(60.5 x1061010.0 1170.0 1320 Technical SpeciflCat ion limit of 1332 Psig. The calculated maximum steam line pressure of 1314 1332 1344 1375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Witoout Position Scram analysis.
(60.5 x10 61010.0 1 170.0 1320 T ec h nical SpeciflCat i on li mi t of 1332 Ps i g. Th e calc ulated maximum st eam line pr essure of 1314 1 332 134 4 1 375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Wi too ut Position Sc r am analysis.
This ana!ysis is rt11 at 100%
Thi s ana!y sis is rt11 at 1 00%
1 (1010 psig) and uncertainty are applied as a pressure adder to the result of the event to obtain the final reported  
1 (1010 psig) and uncerta i nty are applied as a pressure adde r to t he res ul t of the event to obtain the fina l r eported  

Revision: 0 rod thermal*mechanica l design and licensing basis, with resped to both steady state operations, and transient and accident events. Thermal overpower limits arc defined to evaluate the potential for fuel centerline metting.
Revi sion: 0 rod th ermal*mechanica l des i gn and l icens i ng basis , wit h resped to both steady state operations, and transien t and accident eve nts. Th ermal overpower lim its arc de fin ed to eva l uate t he pote nti al for fuel ce n te rlin e metting. Mec h anical overpower lim its are deftned to eva l uate the pot entia l for f ue l cladding ove rs train. Fe edwater Cont r oUe r Fa aure e vent mecha ni cal design and li oens i ng basis crite r ia for th e plant.   
Mechanical overpower limits are deftned to evaluate the potential for fuel cladding overstrain. Feedwater ControUer Faaure event mechanical design and lioensing basis criteria for the plant.   

0 To provide Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant -with operating improvemonts, expanded operating domain an:alyses were performed in Reference 1 for maximum extended load line limit reload analyses in Reference 1.   
0 To pr ovide Monticello Nu cl ear Generating Pl ant -with opera t in g im pr ovemonts, expanded operating do main an:a l yses were perfor med in Refere n ce 1 fo r maximum extended l oad line lim it r eload an alyses in Reference 1.   

Revision: 0 A reload DSS.CO evaluation has beon performxt in accordance Volith tho licensing rnGthodolog y 0) trip linear segment.
Revi sion: 0 A reload DSS.CO eva lu ation h as beo n performxt in accorda n ce Volith t ho l icensing rnGthodolog y 0) tr ip l in ear segment.
povver intercopt WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Recirculation Drive F'low   
povve r int ercop t WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Rec i rc u la ti on Drive F'low   

Revision: 0}}
Revi sion: 0}}

Revision as of 15:27, 8 July 2018

Monticello - Revision 33 to the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 14, Plant Safety Analysis
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/2016
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16054A376 List:
Download: ML16054A428 (177)



SECTION 1414.1

14.1.1 14.1.2



14.1.5 SECTION 1414.2

SECTION 1414.314.3.1




SECTION 1414.4






SECTION 1414.5


14.5.2 14.5.3

SECTION 1414.6

14.6.1 14.6.2 14.6.314.6.414.6.5

SECTION 1414.7









SECTION 1414.814.8.1


SECTION 1414.1014.10.1

SECTION 1414.11



?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysi s and Desi gn Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Re v is ion: 0 2 19

Revis ion: 0 3 19

R ev i sion: 0 4

se cti ons. A RT S Average Po'vV&r R an ge Mo ni t or , Rod Bl ock M onitor, an d Techni cal Specifi cat ion #

G ard-e I OffiCi al Core Mo nit or ing S ystem fo*r M onti ce ll o MCPR M in imu m Crit i cal Po\'VG r Ratio OPRM Os cill ation Powe r Range Mon itor Revi sion: 0 5 Option A Sc r am Time rep r esen tat ive of the Tech nical Specification re qu i reme n ts

Revi sion: 0 0 I w lo Revi sion: 0 7 19 The fi nal core lo a ding pa ttern an alyzed in th is re port \VaS tr ansmitted to GNF in co rr esponden ce 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 13 3 781 26 2-17GZ 1 41 n {41 781 27 1 4" {4 338 1 26 ,_ JYS 00 1 04 ,.,.JYY 54 1 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.

13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Rev i sion: 0 T he min i mum sh ut dovvn margin (SD M) r epo rted bek>w is b ased on mode r ator tem pe r ature of expos u re of11.849 GWD J M'TU corre s ponds to tlile min i mum pr evious cycle expos u re Operations Manua l 8.03.04 .. 05 req u ir es tha t t he m inimum torus water tempe r at u re is greater ca l cul ated SDM resu lt s be l\we n 68°F an d 6S"F is insign ificant as co m pa r ed to t he u ncerta inti es was f ou nd to be suff i cie n t. A co n servative deple ti on s tr ategy was u tilized in t he evalua t ion of st an d by l iquid co ntr ol shutdown margin. The r esuHs p resented are cornsorvatively based on an en d of t ho prevtous reactor, f rom a full po\A/er and m inimum con trol r od invento ry to a sutrc ri tica l cond rtion at any t ime in th e cycle u nder t he most reactive fr ee st ate by the i nject i on of 660 pp m boron.

Rev i sion: 0 9 19 This soction ide ntif ies the t ransient and accident an al yses performed as part of the cu rren t cycle the limitations and condi tions. Th ese c ycle-sp ecific H im ita t ions and are me t for Mo nti cello an other i ssue were eva l ua t ed. Th ese eve nt s are listed be l ow.

1) 2) 3) 4) 7)

Event Pr i mary System Pressure Increase Generator loa d Reiectio n wit h Bypass Fail ure T urt:line T ri p with Bypass Fail ure Mai n Steam I sola t ion Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Tu rtine T ri p with Bypass Fail ure w/o Positio n Scram 1 Main Steam I solation Valve Closure Sc ra m Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vesse l Water Temperature Decrease I nadvertent HPC I Actuat ron wrth L8 T urbine Tnp Posittve Re activity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Erro r Reactor Vesse l Coolant I nventory Dec r ease Core Coolant Flow Decrease T rip ot One Recirc ula tion Pu mp or Two Rearcu!at ion Pumps Rec i rct.Jation Pump Se i zure. Core Coolant Flow I ncrease-Slow Re ci'ctJa t!on Con t rol Failure -In crease (MCP RF) Slow Reci'CIAa tio n Control Fail ure -I nc rease (MAPlHGR,)" Fas t Recircula No n Contro l Failure -I ncrease Stanup of an I dle Recuculat i on LOop Fuel Loading Errors M isp laced Boodte-Acaclen t 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Com pli ance. Revis ion: 0 Current

./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (il SLO) ./ ./

Revis ion: 0 Reactor fu ll powe r i nitia l cond itions that app ly to th e lim iting transient an al ysis are summarized transio nt an alyses are fisted in Tab le 4.3. Paramete r Value Va l ue Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Ra t ed Thermal Powe r 2004 46.1 Analysis Powe r I Core Flow Ana lysis Reacto r Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 i n-serv i ce in-service two

Pslg low Vesse l Water L evel Scram 1 %open L ow low Vesse l Water 1 Hig h Pressure Pslg High Reac to r Vesse l Wa ter L eve 1 1 Ps ig Revi sion: 0 1 25 10915 85 85 *55 11 62 11 70 ror be t imes.

Op t ion 1 be be Nollimit in g be 2

to 3

Revi sion: 0 OLMCPR fo r m oasured scram in sertion ti mes. 3 5.2 1 77 1.57 1.62 core monitori ng system use s more de tailed li rrits for e ach f ue l bu nd le latt ice.

Rev i sion: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica t ion sta t es that the press ur e measu r ed in the r eactor steam dome sh all no t exceed 1 332 Psig. The p ressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho ves sel st eam space was derived fr om t he design pr ess u res of t he r eactor pressure vesse l, st ea m space pip ing, and water spac e piping. The pressure safety lim it was ch ose n as the lowo r of th e pr ess u re 1 332 i nitial co n ditions:

  • 100% (2004 1 105%

(60.5 x10 61010.0 1 170.0 1320 T ec h nical SpeciflCat i on li mi t of 1332 Ps i g. Th e calc ulated maximum st eam line pr essure of 1314 1 332 134 4 1 375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Wi too ut Position Sc r am analysis.

Thi s ana!y sis is rt11 at 1 00%

1 (1010 psig) and uncerta i nty are applied as a pressure adde r to t he res ul t of the event to obtain the fina l r eported

Revi sion: 0 rod th ermal*mechanica l des i gn and l icens i ng basis , wit h resped to both steady state operations, and transien t and accident eve nts. Th ermal overpower lim its arc de fin ed to eva l uate t he pote nti al for fuel ce n te rlin e metting. Mec h anical overpower lim its are deftned to eva l uate the pot entia l for f ue l cladding ove rs train. Fe edwater Cont r oUe r Fa aure e vent mecha ni cal design and li oens i ng basis crite r ia for th e plant.


0 To pr ovide Monticello Nu cl ear Generating Pl ant -with opera t in g im pr ovemonts, expanded operating do main an:a l yses were perfor med in Refere n ce 1 fo r maximum extended l oad line lim it r eload an alyses in Reference 1.

Revi sion: 0 A reload DSS.CO eva lu ation h as beo n performxt in accorda n ce Volith t ho l icensing rnGthodolog y 0) tr ip l in ear segment.

povve r int ercop t WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Rec i rc u la ti on Drive F'low

Revi sion: 0 SECTION 14

SECTION 1414.1

14.1.1 14.1.2



14.1.5 SECTION 1414.2

SECTION 1414.314.3.1




SECTION 1414.4






SECTION 1414.5


14.5.2 14.5.3

SECTION 1414.6

14.6.1 14.6.2 14.6.314.6.414.6.5

SECTION 1414.7









SECTION 1414.814.8.1


SECTION 1414.1014.10.1

SECTION 1414.11



?l 0 Xcel Energy* 2015 Xcol Enorgy Nuclear Analysi s and Desi gn Page 1 of 19 July 2015 Section Re v is ion: 0 2 19

Revis ion: 0 3 19

R ev i sion: 0 4

se cti ons. A RT S Average Po'vV&r R an ge Mo ni t or , Rod Bl ock M onitor, an d Techni cal Specifi cat ion #

G ard-e I OffiCi al Core Mo nit or ing S ystem fo*r M onti ce ll o MCPR M in imu m Crit i cal Po\'VG r Ratio OPRM Os cill ation Powe r Range Mon itor Revi sion: 0 5 Option A Sc r am Time rep r esen tat ive of the Tech nical Specification re qu i reme n ts

Revi sion: 0 0 I w lo Revi sion: 0 7 19 The fi nal core lo a ding pa ttern an alyzed in th is re port \VaS tr ansmitted to GNF in co rr esponden ce 3). described in Cycle GE14*P1 < < 13 3 781 26 2-17GZ 1 41 n {41 781 27 1 4" {4 338 1 26 ,_ JYS 00 1 04 ,.,.JYY 54 1 Number Of Bundles 0 44 56 24 24 6 Initial Avg.

13 11 l1 3.91 3. 3. 3, 3.89 3.89 Rev i sion: 0 T he min i mum sh ut dovvn margin (SD M) r epo rted bek>w is b ased on mode r ator tem pe r ature of expos u re of11.849 GWD J M'TU corre s ponds to tlile min i mum pr evious cycle expos u re Operations Manua l 8.03.04 .. 05 req u ir es tha t t he m inimum torus water tempe r at u re is greater ca l cul ated SDM resu lt s be l\we n 68°F an d 6S"F is insign ificant as co m pa r ed to t he u ncerta inti es was f ou nd to be suff i cie n t. A co n servative deple ti on s tr ategy was u tilized in t he evalua t ion of st an d by l iquid co ntr ol shutdown margin. The r esuHs p resented are cornsorvatively based on an en d of t ho prevtous reactor, f rom a full po\A/er and m inimum con trol r od invento ry to a sutrc ri tica l cond rtion at any t ime in th e cycle u nder t he most reactive fr ee st ate by the i nject i on of 660 pp m boron.

Rev i sion: 0 9 19 This soction ide ntif ies the t ransient and accident an al yses performed as part of the cu rren t cycle the limitations and condi tions. Th ese c ycle-sp ecific H im ita t ions and are me t for Mo nti cello an other i ssue were eva l ua t ed. Th ese eve nt s are listed be l ow.

1) 2) 3) 4) 7)

Event Pr i mary System Pressure Increase Generator loa d Reiectio n wit h Bypass Fail ure T urt:line T ri p with Bypass Fail ure Mai n Steam I sola t ion Valve CloStxe (One I All Vatves) Tu rtine T ri p with Bypass Fail ure w/o Positio n Scram 1 Main Steam I solation Valve Closure Sc ra m Loss of Condenser Vacuum Reactor Vesse l Water Temperature Decrease I nadvertent HPC I Actuat ron wrth L8 T urbine Tnp Posittve Re activity Insertion Rod Wlthdrawa J Erro r Reactor Vesse l Coolant I nventory Dec r ease Core Coolant Flow Decrease T rip ot One Recirc ula tion Pu mp or Two Rearcu!at ion Pumps Rec i rct.Jation Pump Se i zure. Core Coolant Flow I ncrease-Slow Re ci'ctJa t!on Con t rol Failure -In crease (MCP RF) Slow Reci'CIAa tio n Control Fail ure -I nc rease (MAPlHGR,)" Fas t Recircula No n Contro l Failure -I ncrease Stanup of an I dle Recuculat i on LOop Fuel Loading Errors M isp laced Boodte-Acaclen t 1 Performed ror ASME Vessel Overpressure Com pli ance. Revis ion: 0 Current

./ ./ ./ ./ ./ (il SLO) ./ ./

Revis ion: 0 Reactor fu ll powe r i nitia l cond itions that app ly to th e lim iting transient an al ysis are summarized transio nt an alyses are fisted in Tab le 4.3. Paramete r Value Va l ue Increased Core Low COfe Fklw Flow Ra t ed Thermal Powe r 2004 46.1 Analysis Powe r I Core Flow Ana lysis Reacto r Pressure Time in Cycle Number of*SIRVs for Analysis 5 i n-serv i ce in-service two

Pslg low Vesse l Water L evel Scram 1 %open L ow low Vesse l Water 1 Hig h Pressure Pslg High Reac to r Vesse l Wa ter L eve 1 1 Ps ig Revi sion: 0 1 25 10915 85 85 *55 11 62 11 70 ror be t imes.

Op t ion 1 be be Nollimit in g be 2

to 3

Revi sion: 0 OLMCPR fo r m oasured scram in sertion ti mes. 3 5.2 1 77 1.57 1.62 core monitori ng system use s more de tailed li rrits for e ach f ue l bu nd le latt ice.

Rev i sion: 0 15 111 2.1.2 specifica t ion sta t es that the press ur e measu r ed in the r eactor steam dome sh all no t exceed 1 332 Psig. The p ressure safety limit of 1332 Psig as measured in tho ves sel st eam space was derived fr om t he design pr ess u res of t he r eactor pressure vesse l, st ea m space pip ing, and water spac e piping. The pressure safety lim it was ch ose n as the lowo r of th e pr ess u re 1 332 i nitial co n ditions:

  • 100% (2004 1 105%

(60.5 x10 61010.0 1 170.0 1320 T ec h nical SpeciflCat i on li mi t of 1332 Ps i g. Th e calc ulated maximum st eam line pr essure of 1314 1 332 134 4 1 375 Monticello uses TRACG for the MSIV cmure-Wi too ut Position Sc r am analysis.

Thi s ana!y sis is rt11 at 1 00%

1 (1010 psig) and uncerta i nty are applied as a pressure adde r to t he res ul t of the event to obtain the fina l r eported

Revi sion: 0 rod th ermal*mechanica l des i gn and l icens i ng basis , wit h resped to both steady state operations, and transien t and accident eve nts. Th ermal overpower lim its arc de fin ed to eva l uate t he pote nti al for fuel ce n te rlin e metting. Mec h anical overpower lim its are deftned to eva l uate the pot entia l for f ue l cladding ove rs train. Fe edwater Cont r oUe r Fa aure e vent mecha ni cal design and li oens i ng basis crite r ia for th e plant.


0 To pr ovide Monticello Nu cl ear Generating Pl ant -with opera t in g im pr ovemonts, expanded operating do main an:a l yses were perfor med in Refere n ce 1 fo r maximum extended l oad line lim it r eload an alyses in Reference 1.

Revi sion: 0 A reload DSS.CO eva lu ation h as beo n performxt in accorda n ce Volith t ho l icensing rnGthodolog y 0) tr ip l in ear segment.

povve r int ercop t WasP.. TRIP Was.p.sREAK RDF-Rec i rc u la ti on Drive F'low

Revi sion: 0