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{{#Wiki_filter:Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Chapter 7 Energy Alternatives Rev 3September 19, 2012Prepared for:Exelon Corporation Prepared by:Chuck ConradTetra Tech, Inc.Aiken, South Carolina Braidwood Units I and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageApproval PageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Bralidwood Units I and 2Rev 3September 19, 2012Author/Z)? -Reviewed M :Project Manager:Date:
Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Braidwood Units I and 2This discussion supports the alternatives analysis in Chapter 7.0 of the Environmental Report.The process of burning fossil fuels (i.e., coal and natural gas) in power generation brings aboutemissions that pollute the atmosphere.
Among these, the principle emissions of concern aresulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM) andcarbon dioxide (COA2). If coal is the fuel source, mercury (Hg) emissions are also a concern.The coal combustion process also produces ash, and the flue gas desulfurization equipment produces a slurry of ash, unreacted limestone, and calcium sulfite (i.e. scrubber sludge).
Themanagement of these solid wastes would require additional facilities at the plant site.The analysis described below estimates air emissions and solid waste from the operation ofhypothetical coal- and gas-fired electric generation units that could be built to provide the samenet generating capacity as existing Braidwood Units 1 and 2. Braidwood has an approximate annual average net capacity of 2,360 MWe (Exelon Corporation, 2012c) but for purpose of thisanalysis, Exelon projects that Braidwood will increase its approximate annual net meangeneration capacity by 34 MWe in the future to a total of 2,394 MWe.I. Problem Statement Provide input for evaluation of energy alternatives to the proposed action of the license renewalfor the nuclear generating capacity at Braidwood Units 1 and 2. Specifically, calculate:
" Controlled emissions of the following criteria pollutants:
sulfur oxides as sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), total suspended particulates (TSP)1, particulates smaller than ten microns (PM10) and particulates smaller than 2.5 microns(PM2 .).* Greenhouse gas [e.g. carbon dioxide (C02)] emissions.
* Controlled mercury (Hg) emissions from the coal-fired alternative.
* Solid waste (ash and scrubber sludge) that would be generated by the coal-fired alternative.
II. Analyzed ScenarioFor each of the fossil fuel-fired electric generation technologies, identify the appropriate electrical generation capability, fuel characteristics, firing configurations, and emissions controlIn 1971, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for total suspended particulate (TSP) wereestablished for particulate matter less than 50 microns in diameter.
On July 1, 1987 the particulate standard was revised from TSP to PM1o [52 FR 24634]. The PM10 standard is federally enforceable and applicable nationwide.
The TSP standard is not federally enforceable, but is used by some statesfor industrial monitoring purposes.
Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation Package0devices.
Fuel characteristics were based on fuel quality data originating from the region ofinterest (ROI) which was defined at the states surrounding Braidwood (Illinois,
: Indiana, Iowa,Michigan,
: Missouri, and Wisconsin).
Assumptions are based, in part, on electric power industryexperience, and consist of the following:
Generating Net Generation Units2  Capacit Electricity Un I ConsumedTechnology Capacity' Factory Onsite4Coal-fired boiler 2,400 MWe Four 600 MWe (net) 0.85 6 percentCombined cycle Six 400 MWe (net) CC 0.87 4 percentgas turbine 2,400 MWe 1X1 units 0.87 4_percent 1 The net capacity of the combined cycle gas turbine is based on commercially available units (i.e. GeneralElectric MS7001 H). For equivalency, the coal-fired boilers are assumed to have the same net capacity.
(GE2007)2 International Standards Organization (ISO) rating.3 While higher than typical modern fossil fuel-fired units this provides baseload generation capacity comparable toa typical nuclear plant.4 Based on industry experience.
Input Data:Generating2 Technology Fuel Type1  Firing Configuration Control Devices2SO2 -wet scrubber-limestone NO,, -low NOx burner with overfire airCoal-Fired Pulverized, Ultra-supercritical, tangentially-and selective catalytic reduction Coired Sub-bituminous fired, dry-bottom, NSPS with low TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 -fabric filterBoiler Coal3  NOx burner4  (baghouse)
Hg -activated carbon injection CO and C02-noneCombined Six GE H-class (MS7001H)
SO2 -not applicable' Cycle Gas Natural Gas3  combustion turbines in lx1 NOr and CO -selective catalytic Turbine combined cycle configuration each injection) with a heat recovery steam TSP and PM10 -not applicable 5generator and a steam turbine C02-none12345Determination of the heat content and quality of each fuel is described under Calculation Methodology.
Best available control technology.
Fuel characteristics such as heating value, percent sulfur, and percent ash were determined via a weightedaverage over the fuel consumed in the ROI during the reference year.NSPS = New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR 60)Because of the purity of natural gas, combined-cycle gas units emit only trace amounts of SO2 and particulate matter.02 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageIll. Calculation Methodology Air Emissions:
Annual emission estimates for criteria pollutants are calculated using emission factorsdeveloped by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The emission factors aremultiplied by the relevant "activity level" to determine annual emission estimates for criteriapollutants.
The basic emission estimation equation when using an emission factor is:E = A x EF x (1 -C)Where:E = emission estimateA = activity level, such as throughput EF = emission factorC = control efficiency (expressed in percent);
C equals zero if nocontrol device is in place2The emissions calculations are performed using a series of Excel spreadsheets (Figures Iathrough 4b). To facilitate description of the calculations, these spreadsheets are assignednames as shown below:Figure Label Spreadsheet PurposeNameShows user-specified input and air emissionFigure 1 a Coal estimates for the coal alternative Figure lb Gas Shows user-specified input and air emissionestimates for the gas alternative Figure 2a Coal-calc Illustrates how the coal emissions are calculated Figure 2b Gas-calc Illustrates how the gas emissions are calculated r3 Calculates solid waste produced bycombustion of coalFigure 4a Controls-Coal Provide databases of EPA emission
: factors, andother technical information used in the emissionFigure 4b Controls-Gas cluaincalculations EIA = Energy Information Administration EPA = Environmental Protection AgencyUsing the gas-fired technology as an example, in a work area that runs along the top of the Gasspreadsheet (cells A3:B8) in Figure lb the analyst specifies the plant name, client, plantcapacity, region of interest, and reference year. The analyst then enters into the Input Table,the assumed number of units, unit size, heat rate, fuel characteristics, and capacityfactor as indicated in Section II, Analyzed Scenario.
2 Most emission factors are developed assuming no control devices are in place. Some emission factors,however, were derived from data obtained from facilities with a control device in place. When usingthese "controlled emission factors" the control efficiency is included in the emission factor.3 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageGoing to the Controls-gas spreadsheet (Figure 4b), the analyst specifies the chosen firingconfiguration and control devices as indicated in Section II, Analyzed
: Scenario, by choosing therow number in the tables, which are directly below the selection cell. The selection enters theemission factors and control devices and control efficiencies into the Input Table. The annualfuel consumption and emissions are calculated and displayed in the Gas spreadsheet (cellsA24:D35).
Emissions calculations for the coal-fired alternative are performed in the samemanner.Solid Waste:The estimated amount of solid waste (e.g., ash and scrubber sludge) generated by the coal-fired alternative is calculated using a material balance based on annual fuel consumption.
Thecalculations assume complete combustion and operating life of 40 years3.An excel spreadsheet, SW-Coal (Figure 3) was used to perform the calculations.
Thisspreadsheet uses parameters (e.g., fuel use, sulfur content, ash content, and pollutant controlefficiency) from the air emissions calculations.
The only inputs required are the amounts of ashand scrubber sludge recycled (cell 16 and 17, respectively).
Results are displayed on the right-hand side of the output table (cells K10:K58).
IV. Verification and Validation This documentation assumes that the referenced EIA and EPA data input is valid. Verification, therefore, must demonstrate that the model is functionally equivalent to manual application ofthe emission factor methodology using the actual tables published in AP-42. Verification wouldconsist of confirmation of the input and output files as defined in Section V. This would includeconfirmation of the following:
" The tables in the model are equivalent to the corresponding tables and sections in thereferenced publications.
" The input in the work area maps the correct data from the model tables into the workarea.* The calculated emissions, which are also mapped into the work area, are correct andappear correctly in the summary tables and the calculation display tables (e.g. coal-alt).
" Manual calculations from the calculation display tables equate to the listed values.V. Input and Output FileCoal-Fired Boiler:3 The total amount of solid waste generated during the 40 operating life of an electric generation plant istwice the amount that would be generated during the 20-year license renewal period. The total,however, is representative of the cumulative impact. a4 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageFigure 1 a is the work area for the sheet named Coal, and displays the user defined input (inbold), the source for other input is referenced, and corresponding output from the coalemissions work area in reverse video (white letters on black background).
The equations andthe same output values for coal-fired boiler air emissions are displayed in Figure 2a. Theformulas and output for the coal-fired boiler solid waste generation are provided in Figure 3.Lookup matrices and databases for control devices are shown in Figures 4a and 4b.Each input selects the state or row number for tables that are derived from EIA or EPA data.Section II, Analyzed
: Scenario, defines the appropriate selections and the information isdisplayed in Figure la.The Controls-Coal sheet (Figure 4a) input at A4 (cell value = "2") maps the user-selected SO,control technology (Wet scrubber-Limestone) and its control efficiency (95%) into cells B4:C4.The input at E4 (cell value = "8") places the user-selected NO, control technology (Low NO,burners with over-fire air and selective catalytic reduction) and its control efficiency (95%) intocells F4:G4. Similarly, input in cell 14 (cell value = "2") selects the user-selected TSP, PM10, andPM25 control technology (Baghouse) and their control efficiencies (99.9%) into cells J4:M4. Theassigned value for cell 04 (cell value = "13") maps the SO,, NO,, CO and CO2 emission factorsinto cells Q4:T4 for the firing configuration shown in P4 (cell value = "PC, dry bottom,tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS"). Similarly, less detailed firing configurations haveassociated emission factors for TSP, PM10, and PM2.5. Input at U5 (cell value = "2") for the firingconfiguration placed in cell V5 (cell value = "PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired")
mapsemission factors into cells W5:Y5 (cell values = "10A, 2.3A, and 0.6A").This is all the input required to calculate emissions listed in the problem statement.
Theemissions in tons per year are shown in cells C42:C50 on the Coal worksheet (Figure la).Gas-Fired Combustion Turbine:Input and output for the gas alternative are similar to the input and output for the coal-fired alternative.
Figure lb is the work area for the sheet named Gas, and Figure 2b shows theformulas to calculate emissions.
Lookup matrices and databases are shown in Figure 4b.'On the Controls-gas sheet, input at cell A4 (cell value = "6") retrieves the NO, and CO emissionfactors for the selected control device (see B4:D4). C02, SO2, filterable TSP, and condensable TSP are uncontrolled.
Their emission factors are listed cells C28:C35 in the worksheet Gas(Figure 1b).5 Figure la -Emissions for Coal Fired Alternative 0I A I B I C I DStation:
Braidwood Generation
: Station, Units 1 and 2PlantLicense Expiration DateClientReplaces (MWe)Fuel: Referenced StateFuel Referenced YearBraidwood 2026Exelon Nuclear2,394ROI: IL, IN, IA, MI, MO, WI2010(Year current operating license expires)Coal Fired Worksheet, Section 1.1 AP-42 Supplement EInputsFuel TypeBoiler Technology Number of UnitsPlant Capacity-gross (MWe)Plant Capacity-net (MWe)Heat Rate (BTU/kWh)
Heating Value (BTU/lb)Capacity FactorPercent Sulfur (%)Percent Ash (%)SO, Control DeviceSO, Control Efficiency
(%)NO, Control DeviceNO, Control Efficiency
(%)TSP Control DeviceTSP Control Efficiency
(%)PM10 Control DevicePM10 Control Efficiency
(%)PM2.5 Control DevicePM2 5 Control Efficiency
(%)Hg Control DeviceHg Control Efficiency
(%)Firing Configuration to determine SOx,NOx, CO and CO2emission factorsValueSub-Bituminous, Pulverized CoalUltra-Supercritical 46386008,9378,7300.850.274.93Wet scrubber-Limestone 95Low NOX burners with over-fire air and SCR95Baghouse99.9Baghouse99.9Baghouse99.9Activated carbon injection 90PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPSSourceAssumedAssumedAssumed:
Provides 2,400 MWe -Braidwood net capacity of 2,394 MWeAssume 6% used onsiteTo match gas scenario for comparability S&L 2009, Table 2-2EIA 2011d; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEIA 2011eEIA 201 ld; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEIA 201 ld; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEPA 1998, Table 1.1-1EPA 1998, Table 1.1-1EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2EPA 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 2010ADA 2012EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4SourceEnergy BalanceEIIP 2001, page 2.4-5, equation 2.4-4Firing Configuration to determine TSP, PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially.
PM10, and PM25 emission factors firedParameter Annual Coal Consumption (tons/yr)
Hi.ann-_Annual Btu input (MMBTU/yr)
Value9,730,777 169,901,877 4243444546474849525455Emissions SO,NOxCOCO2TSPPM10PM2.0Hguncontrolled (lb/ton)35S = 9.457.20.5481010A = 49.32.3A= 11.30.6A = 2.960.000016controlled (tons/yr) 2,2991,7522,43323,402.520 239.955.1714.390.14SourceEPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-20EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4EPA 1998, Table 1.1-6EPA 1998, Table 1.1-17' Hg emissions are pounds/MMBTU Bold = user defined inputs (e.g.White font = outputs (e.g.2,3940Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmcoal9/1912012 Figure lb -Emissions for Gas Fired Alternative IA IB I C I .DStation:
Braidwood Generation
: Station, Units I and 2PlantLicense Expiration DateClientReplaces (MWe)Fuel: Region of InterestFuel: Referenced YearBraidwood 2026Exelon Nuclear2,394IL, IN, IA, MI, MO, WI2010(Year current license expires)Gas Turbines for Electrical Generation Worksheet, Section 3.1, AP-42 Supplement BInputsNumber of UnitsPlant Capacity-gross (MWe)Plant Capacity-net (MWe)Heat Rate (BTU/kWh)
Heating Value (BTU/ft3)Capacity FactorPercent Sulfur (%)SO, (lb/MMBTU)
NO, / CO control deviceParameter Annual gas consumption (ft3/yr)Annual Btu input (MMBTU/yr)
Emissions Value64174005,6901,0110.870.00070.00066Selective Catalytic Reduction (withwater/steam injection)
SourceAssumed; Provides 2,400 MWe -Braidwood net capacity of 2,394 MWeAssume 4% used onsiteGE H-class (MS7001H) lx1 combined cycle unit (GE 2007)GE 2007EIA 201 1d; typical for natural gas used in ROIEIA 201 leINGAA 2000, page 8EPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aAssumedSourceEnergy BalanceEIIP 2001, pg 2.4-5, eq 2.4-4(tonslyr)
SourceEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aValue107,198,042,714 108,411,570 (IlbMMBTU)
SO, 0.94S = 0.00066NOx 0.0109CO 0.00226CO2  110Filterable TSP 0.0019Filterable PM2.5 a 0.0019Condensable TSP 0.0047Condensable PM2, a 0.0047aAll particulate matter<1.0 micron (EPA 2000a, paqe 3.1-5)5911235,962,636 103103255255EPA 2000b, Table 3.1 DatabaseEPA 2000b, Table 3.1 DatabaseEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aBold = user defined input (e.g. 2,394White font = outouts (eo. *Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmGas9/19/2012 Figure 2a -Calculation of Coal Fired Emissions A BI C IDI E IFI G IHI I JI K ILI M IN]OIPI Q IRI S T I U1 Station:
Braidwood Generation
: Station, Units 1 and 22 COAL4 Parameter Calculation Result67 Annual coal 4 Units x 638 MW 1,000 kW 8937 Btu lb ton 0.85 x (365 x 24) hr 9,730,777 tons of coal per year8 consumption plant MW kWh 8730 Btu 2000 lb yr91011 35x0.27 lb ton (100-95) x 9730777 tons 2299 tons 502 per year12 S2 ton 2000 lb 100 yr131415 NO 7.2 lb ton (100- 95) 9730777 tons 1,752 tons NOx per year16 ton x 2000 lb -10 yr171819" 0.5 lb ton 9730777 tons = 2,433 tons CO per year20 ton 200b x yr212223 CO. 4810 lb ton 9730777 tons 23,402,520 tons CO2 per year24 ton b yr252627 10x 4.93 1b ton (00 -99.9) x 9730777 tons-" TSP ton x 01 x 100 yr 239.9 tons TSP per year293031 PM10 2.3 x 4.93 lb ton (100 -99.9) 9730777 tons 55.17 tons PM10 per year32 ton 20001b x 100 yr333435 25 0.6 x 4.93 lb ton (100-99.9) 9730777 tons 14.39 tons PM25 per year36 ton b 100 -yr373839 0.000016 lb x 8730 Btu x MMBtu x 9730777 tons x (10-90) 0,14 tons Hg peryear4 MMBtu lb 1E6 Btu yr 100Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3 xlsmroal-nnilc 9/19/2012
* 0Figure 2b -Calculation of Gas Fired Emissions A IBI C IDIEIFIGIHIIIJIKILIMINIOIPI Q IRISITI U IVlWI x I Y1 Station:
Braidwood Generation
: Station, Units I and 22 GAS4 Parameter Calculation Result56. Annualgas 417 MW 5690 Btu 1,000 kW Wft3  (365 x 24) hr ft37 consumption 6 Units x Unit kWh MW 1011 Btu yr =89 Annual BTU 107,198,042,714 ft3  1011 Btu MMBtu10 input yr t X 106 Btu 108,411,570 MMBtu per year111213 so 0.94S = 0.00066 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 36 tons S02 per year14 MMBtu 2000 lb yr151617 0.0109 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 591 tons NO, peryear18 NOx MMBtu x 2000 lb x yr192021 0.00226 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu22 CO MMBtu A 2000 lb x yr 123 tons CO per year232425 110 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 5,962,636 tons CO2 per year26 CO2  MMBtu 2000 lb x yr272829 0.0019 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 103 tons filterableTSP per year30 Filterable TSP MMBtu 2000 lb yr =3T3233 Condensable 0.0047 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 255 tons condensable TSP per year34 TSP MMBtu x 000 x yrBraidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmGas-calc9/19/2 012 Figure 3 -Calculation of Solid Waste from Coal Fired Alternative A 10 C IDI E IFI G I H I I I K I M I N1 Station:
Braidwood Generation
: Station, Units I and 22 Coal Solid Wastes4 Basis: SO2 Control Method: Wet scrubber-Limestone 5 Annual coal consumption
= 9,730,777 tons6 Percent of ash recycled
= 85 % Source: Exelon Corporation 201189Percent of scrubber sludge recycled 85 % Source: Exelon Corporation 20119 aaeter Calculation Re-suitSO2 generated SO2 removedAsh generated Ash recycledWaste ashLimestone consumption Calcium sulfitegenerated Scrubber sludgegenerated Scrubber sludgerecycledScrubber wasteTotal volume ofscrubber wasteTotal volume ofash wasteTotal volume ofsolid wasteWaste pile areaWaste pile area(acre)Waste pile area(mil)0.27 64.065 9,730,777 tons coal100 32.066 yr95100 x 52,491 =4.930 99.900 9,730,777 100 100-x yr85479248 tons of ash x 1010052,491 tons SO2 per year49,867 tons SO2 per year479,248 tons ash per year407,360 tons ash recycled per year71,887 tons waste ash per year479248 tons -407360 tons =Wet Scrubbing
CaCO3 + H20 + S02 --> CaSO3 +C02 + H2052,491 ton S02 100.087 ton CaCO3yr 64.065 ton S0249,867 ton S02 120.142 ton CaSO3yr 64.065 ton S0282,006 ton CaSO3 100-95 + 93516 ton CaSO3yr 1008597,616 tons x =10097,616 tons -82,974 tons =14,642 tons 2000 lb ft3yr ton 100 lb71,887 tons x 20yr x 2000 lb ft3yr ton 100 lb5,856,974 ft3 + 28,754,856 ft3 =34,611,830 ft330 ft highft21,153,728 ft2  X 4 043,560 acre26 acre x mile2640 acre82,006 tons CaCO3 per year93,516 tons CaSO3 per year97,616 tons scrubber sludge per year82,974 tons scrubber sludge recycled peryear14,642 tons scrubber waste per year5,856,974 ft3 scrubber waste28,754,856 ft3 ash waste34,611,830 ft3 solid waste1,153,728 ft2 solid waste26.49 acre solid waste0.0414 mi2Solid waste61 Notes: a. Calculations were performed using stoichometric ratios from the chemical equation shown above and molecular weights of the62 compounds.
63 b. Calculations assume 100% combustion of coal.64 c. Limestone consumption is based on total S02 generated.
65 d. Calcium Sulfite generated is based on total S02 removed.66 e. Total sludge generated includes scrubbing media carryover in the waste.67 f. Density of Scrubber Sludge (Ib/ft3): 100 Source: RMRC 200868 g. Density of Coal Bottom Ash (lb/ft3): 100 Source: RMRC 200869 h. Plant life (year): 20 Source: Assumed70 i. Waste pile height (ft): 30 Source: AssumedBraidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmSW-Coal9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative A B C D2S02 Control SO2 Control3 Selection SO2 Control Technology Efficiency 4 2 Wet scrubber-Limestone 95567 Efficiency' 8 Number Technology
(%)9 1 Wet scrubber-Lime 9510 2 Wet scrubber-Limestone 9511 3 Wet scrubber-Sodium carbonate 9812 4 Wet scrubber-Magnesium oxide/hydroxide 9513 5 Wet scrubber-Dual alkali 9614 6 Spray drying 9015 7 Furnace injection 5016 8 Duct injection 50171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-1, page 1.1-13202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative E F G H2NOx Control NOx Control3 Selection NOx Control Technique Efficiency 4 8 Low NOX burners with over-fire air and SCR 955678 Number Technique Efficiency'
(%)9 1 Overfire air 3010 2 Low NOx burners 5511 3 Low NOx burners with overfire air 6012 4 Reburn 6013 5 Selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) 6014 6 Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) 8515 7 Low NOx burners with selective noncatalytic reduction 8016 8 Low NOx burners with over-fire air and SCR 95171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2, page 1.1-14202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 oFigure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative J K L M N2TSP and PM1o Control Particulate Matter Control TSP Control PM10 Control PM2.5 Control3 Selection Technology Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency 4 2 Baghouse 99.9 99.9 99.9567 TSP control PM10 control PM2.5 control8 Number Technology efficiency 1 (%) efficiency 1 (%) efficiency'
(%)9 1 Electrostatic Precipitator 99 99 9910 2 Baghouse 99.9 99.9 99.911 3 Wet Scrubber 99 99 9912 4 Cyclone collector 95 78 7813141516171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, &sect;, page 1.1-6202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative 0 P Q R S T2-SON, NO., CO, CO2  SO, NO, CO. CO2Firing Configuration Emission Emission Emission Emission3 Selection Firing Configuration Factor Factor Factor Factor4 13 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS 35S 7.2 0.5 4810567 Emission Factors' (lb/ton)8 Number Firing Configration Sox NOx CO CO29 1 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous Pre-NSPS 38S 22 0.5 551010 2 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous Pre-NSPS with low-Nox burner 38S 11 0.5 551011 3 PC, dry bottom wall-fired, sub-bituminous Pre-NSPS 35S 12 0.5 481012 4 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS 38S 15 0.5 551013 5 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS with low-NOx burner 38S 9.7 0.5 551014 6 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, Pre-NSPS 35S 8.4 0.5 481015 7 PC, wet bottom, wall-fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS 38S 31 0.5 551016 8 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous NSPS 38S 12 0.5 551017 9 PC, dry bottom, wall fired, sub-bituminous NSPS 35S 7.4 0.5 481018 10 PC, dry bottom, cell burner fired, bituminous 38S 31 0.5 551019 11 PC, dry bottom, cell burner fired, sub-bituminous 35S 14 0.5 481020 12 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, NSPS 38S 10 0.5 551021 13 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS 35S 7.2 0.5 481022 14 PC, wet bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, NSPS 38S 14 0.5 551023 15 PC, wet bottom, wall-fired sub-bituminous 35S 24 0.5 481024 16 Cyclone Furnace, bituminous 38S 33 0.5 551025 17 Cyclone Furnace, sub-bituminous 35S 17 0.5 481026 18 Spreader Stoker, bituminous 38S 11 5 551027 19 Spreader Stoker, sub-bituminous 35S 8.8 5 481028 20 Overfeed stoker 38S 7.5 6 481029 21 Underfeed stoker 31S 9.5 11 481030 22 Hand-fed units 31S 9.1 275 481039.6S/31 23 FBC, circulating bed (Ca/S)19  5 18 481039.6S/32 24 FBC, bubbling bed (Ca/S)19  15.2 18 48103334 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3 on page 1.1-16 and Table 1.1-20 on page 1.1-42Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 0
oFigure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative U V W x Y z2Particulate Firing TSP PM10  PM2.5Configuration Emission Emission Emission3 Selection Firing Configuration Factor Factor Factor4 2 PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A567 Emission Factors1 (lb/ton)8 Number Firing Configuration TSP PM10  PM2.59 1 PC-fired, dry bottom, wall-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A10 2 PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A11 3 PC-fired, wet bottom 7A 2.6A 1.48A12 4 Cyclone furnace 2A 0.26A 0.11A13 5 Spreader stoker 66 13.2 4.614 6 Spreader stoker, with multiple
: cyclones, and reinjection 17 12 1.415 7 Spreader stoker, with multiple
: cyclones, no reinjection 12 7.8 3.216 8 Overfeed stoker 16 6 2.217 9 Overfeed stoker, with multiple cyclones 9 5 3.818 10 Underfeed stoker 15 6.2 3.819 11 Underfeed stoker, with multiple cyclones 11 6.2 -20 12 Hand-fed units 15 6.2 3.821 13 FBC, bubbling bed 17 12 1.422 14 FBC, circulating bed 17 12 1.4232425 Source: EPA 1998, Tables 1.1-4, 1.1-6, 1.1-7, 1.1-8, 1.1-9, 1.1-10,26 and 1.1-11 on pages 1.1-21 through 1.1-312728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4b -Emission Control Technologies for Gas-Fired Alternative A BC D E2Select # from Table NO. Emission CO Emission3 3.1-1 or 3.1-2 NO, / CO Control (lb /MMBTU) (lb /MMBTU)Selective Catalytic Reduction (with water/steam 4 6 injection) 0.0109 0.0022656 NOx CO7 1 Uncontrolled 0.32 0.082 18 2 Water Injection 0.13 0.039 3 Steam injection 0.13 0.03 110 4 Lean-Premix 0.099 0.01511 5 Selective Catalytic Reduction 0.0128 0.0168 212 6 Selective Catalytic Reduction (with water/steam injectiol 0.0109 0.00226 213 7 Steam/Water Injection with SCR & CO Catalyst 0.00899 0.06 214151617 1 Source: EPA 2000a, Table 3.1-118 2 Source: EPA 2000b, Section 3.1 database19Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-gas 9/19/2012 Fuel
Braid-398 EIA 2011dBraid-384 INGAA 2000Heat Rate
Braid-383 GE 2007Braid-386 S&L 2009Emission Factor
Braid-375 ADA 2012Braid-377 EPA 1998Braid-378 EPA 2000aBraid-374 EPA 2000bBraid-379 EPA 2010Braid-376 EIIP 2001Solid Waste
EIA-923 (Schedule
: 2) -Monthly Utility and Nonutility Fuel Receipts and Fuel Quality Data -2010 (final data), Available at Interstate Natural Gas Association of America.
2000. "Implications of Reduced Gas Use onEmissions From Power Generation".
Available online at (For sulfur content of natural gas.)"Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Products."
May, Available at Sargent & Lundy. "New Coal-Fired Power Plant Performance and Cost Estimates."
SL-009808. Available at
Activated Carbon Injection
: Systems, Available at
Air Pollutant Emission Factors.
Vol. 1, Stationary Point Sources and Area Sources.
Section1.1, "Bituminous and Subbituminous Coal Combustion."
AP-42. September.
Available at
Air Pollutant Emission Factors.
Vol. 1, Stationary Point Sources and Area Sources.
Section3.1, "Stationary Gas Turbines."
AP-42. April. Available at
html.AP-42, Chapter 3, Section 3.1 Emission Factor Query database.
Available at
html.Controlling Power Plant Emissions:
Control Technology, Last updated Oct 2010, Available at
htmEmission Inventory Improvement Program Technical Report Series, Volume 2, PointSources.
Chapter 2, "Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emissions fromBoilers."
January.Recycled Materials Resource Center, User Guidelines for Byproducts and Secondary UseMaterials in Pavement Construction, July, Available at Braid-475 RMRC 2008Braid-380 Exelon Corporation "Maximizing the resources we use", Available at2011 Other
Braid-366 Exelon 2012cBraid-476 EIA 2011eUnited States Securities and Exchange Commission, Form 10-K"Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2011" Available at}}

Revision as of 00:35, 3 July 2018

Air Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Braidwood Units 1 and 2 - License Renewal Chapter 7 Energy Alternatives, Rev. 3
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Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/19/2012
From: Conrad C
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Exelon Corp, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML14030A308 List:
Braid-632, RS-14-029, Tetratech 2012d
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Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Chapter 7 Energy Alternatives Rev 3September 19, 2012Prepared for:Exelon Corporation Prepared by:Chuck ConradTetra Tech, Inc.Aiken, South Carolina Braidwood Units I and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageApproval PageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Bralidwood Units I and 2Rev 3September 19, 2012Author/Z)? -Reviewed M :Project Manager:Date:

Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageAir Emissions and Solid Waste from Coal- and Gas-Fired Alternatives for Braidwood Units I and 2This discussion supports the alternatives analysis in Chapter 7.0 of the Environmental Report.The process of burning fossil fuels (i.e., coal and natural gas) in power generation brings aboutemissions that pollute the atmosphere.

Among these, the principle emissions of concern aresulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM) andcarbon dioxide (COA2). If coal is the fuel source, mercury (Hg) emissions are also a concern.The coal combustion process also produces ash, and the flue gas desulfurization equipment produces a slurry of ash, unreacted limestone, and calcium sulfite (i.e. scrubber sludge).

Themanagement of these solid wastes would require additional facilities at the plant site.The analysis described below estimates air emissions and solid waste from the operation ofhypothetical coal- and gas-fired electric generation units that could be built to provide the samenet generating capacity as existing Braidwood Units 1 and 2. Braidwood has an approximate annual average net capacity of 2,360 MWe (Exelon Corporation, 2012c) but for purpose of thisanalysis, Exelon projects that Braidwood will increase its approximate annual net meangeneration capacity by 34 MWe in the future to a total of 2,394 MWe.I. Problem Statement Provide input for evaluation of energy alternatives to the proposed action of the license renewalfor the nuclear generating capacity at Braidwood Units 1 and 2. Specifically, calculate:

" Controlled emissions of the following criteria pollutants:

sulfur oxides as sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), total suspended particulates (TSP)1, particulates smaller than ten microns (PM10) and particulates smaller than 2.5 microns(PM2 .).* Greenhouse gas [e.g. carbon dioxide (C02)] emissions.

  • Controlled mercury (Hg) emissions from the coal-fired alternative.
  • Solid waste (ash and scrubber sludge) that would be generated by the coal-fired alternative.

II. Analyzed ScenarioFor each of the fossil fuel-fired electric generation technologies, identify the appropriate electrical generation capability, fuel characteristics, firing configurations, and emissions controlIn 1971, the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for total suspended particulate (TSP) wereestablished for particulate matter less than 50 microns in diameter.

On July 1, 1987 the particulate standard was revised from TSP to PM1o [52 FR 24634]. The PM10 standard is federally enforceable and applicable nationwide.

The TSP standard is not federally enforceable, but is used by some statesfor industrial monitoring purposes.

Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation Package0devices.

Fuel characteristics were based on fuel quality data originating from the region ofinterest (ROI) which was defined at the states surrounding Braidwood (Illinois,

Indiana, Iowa,Michigan,
Missouri, and Wisconsin).

Assumptions are based, in part, on electric power industryexperience, and consist of the following:


Generating Net Generation Units2 Capacit Electricity Un I ConsumedTechnology Capacity' Factory Onsite4Coal-fired boiler 2,400 MWe Four 600 MWe (net) 0.85 6 percentCombined cycle Six 400 MWe (net) CC 0.87 4 percentgas turbine 2,400 MWe 1X1 units 0.87 4_percent 1 The net capacity of the combined cycle gas turbine is based on commercially available units (i.e. GeneralElectric MS7001 H). For equivalency, the coal-fired boilers are assumed to have the same net capacity.

(GE2007)2 International Standards Organization (ISO) rating.3 While higher than typical modern fossil fuel-fired units this provides baseload generation capacity comparable toa typical nuclear plant.4 Based on industry experience.

Input Data:Generating2 Technology Fuel Type1 Firing Configuration Control Devices2SO2 -wet scrubber-limestone NO,, -low NOx burner with overfire airCoal-Fired Pulverized, Ultra-supercritical, tangentially-and selective catalytic reduction Coired Sub-bituminous fired, dry-bottom, NSPS with low TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 -fabric filterBoiler Coal3 NOx burner4 (baghouse)

Hg -activated carbon injection CO and C02-noneCombined Six GE H-class (MS7001H)

SO2 -not applicable' Cycle Gas Natural Gas3 combustion turbines in lx1 NOr and CO -selective catalytic Turbine combined cycle configuration each injection) with a heat recovery steam TSP and PM10 -not applicable 5generator and a steam turbine C02-none12345Determination of the heat content and quality of each fuel is described under Calculation Methodology.

Best available control technology.

Fuel characteristics such as heating value, percent sulfur, and percent ash were determined via a weightedaverage over the fuel consumed in the ROI during the reference year.NSPS = New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR 60)Because of the purity of natural gas, combined-cycle gas units emit only trace amounts of SO2 and particulate matter.02 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageIll. Calculation Methodology Air Emissions:

Annual emission estimates for criteria pollutants are calculated using emission factorsdeveloped by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The emission factors aremultiplied by the relevant "activity level" to determine annual emission estimates for criteriapollutants.

The basic emission estimation equation when using an emission factor is:E = A x EF x (1 -C)Where:E = emission estimateA = activity level, such as throughput EF = emission factorC = control efficiency (expressed in percent);

C equals zero if nocontrol device is in place2The emissions calculations are performed using a series of Excel spreadsheets (Figures Iathrough 4b). To facilitate description of the calculations, these spreadsheets are assignednames as shown below:Figure Label Spreadsheet PurposeNameShows user-specified input and air emissionFigure 1 a Coal estimates for the coal alternative Figure lb Gas Shows user-specified input and air emissionestimates for the gas alternative Figure 2a Coal-calc Illustrates how the coal emissions are calculated Figure 2b Gas-calc Illustrates how the gas emissions are calculated r3 Calculates solid waste produced bycombustion of coalFigure 4a Controls-Coal Provide databases of EPA emission

factors, andother technical information used in the emissionFigure 4b Controls-Gas cluaincalculations EIA = Energy Information Administration EPA = Environmental Protection AgencyUsing the gas-fired technology as an example, in a work area that runs along the top of the Gasspreadsheet (cells A3:B8) in Figure lb the analyst specifies the plant name, client, plantcapacity, region of interest, and reference year. The analyst then enters into the Input Table,the assumed number of units, unit size, heat rate, fuel characteristics, and capacityfactor as indicated in Section II, Analyzed Scenario.

2 Most emission factors are developed assuming no control devices are in place. Some emission factors,however, were derived from data obtained from facilities with a control device in place. When usingthese "controlled emission factors" the control efficiency is included in the emission factor.3 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageGoing to the Controls-gas spreadsheet (Figure 4b), the analyst specifies the chosen firingconfiguration and control devices as indicated in Section II, Analyzed

Scenario, by choosing therow number in the tables, which are directly below the selection cell. The selection enters theemission factors and control devices and control efficiencies into the Input Table. The annualfuel consumption and emissions are calculated and displayed in the Gas spreadsheet (cellsA24:D35).

Emissions calculations for the coal-fired alternative are performed in the samemanner.Solid Waste:The estimated amount of solid waste (e.g., ash and scrubber sludge) generated by the coal-fired alternative is calculated using a material balance based on annual fuel consumption.

Thecalculations assume complete combustion and operating life of 40 years3.An excel spreadsheet, SW-Coal (Figure 3) was used to perform the calculations.

Thisspreadsheet uses parameters (e.g., fuel use, sulfur content, ash content, and pollutant controlefficiency) from the air emissions calculations.

The only inputs required are the amounts of ashand scrubber sludge recycled (cell 16 and 17, respectively).

Results are displayed on the right-hand side of the output table (cells K10:K58).

IV. Verification and Validation This documentation assumes that the referenced EIA and EPA data input is valid. Verification, therefore, must demonstrate that the model is functionally equivalent to manual application ofthe emission factor methodology using the actual tables published in AP-42. Verification wouldconsist of confirmation of the input and output files as defined in Section V. This would includeconfirmation of the following:

" The tables in the model are equivalent to the corresponding tables and sections in thereferenced publications.

" The input in the work area maps the correct data from the model tables into the workarea.* The calculated emissions, which are also mapped into the work area, are correct andappear correctly in the summary tables and the calculation display tables (e.g. coal-alt).

" Manual calculations from the calculation display tables equate to the listed values.V. Input and Output FileCoal-Fired Boiler:3 The total amount of solid waste generated during the 40 operating life of an electric generation plant istwice the amount that would be generated during the 20-year license renewal period. The total,however, is representative of the cumulative impact. a4 Braidwood Units 1 and 2License Renewal Application Air Emissions and Solid Waste Calculation PackageFigure 1 a is the work area for the sheet named Coal, and displays the user defined input (inbold), the source for other input is referenced, and corresponding output from the coalemissions work area in reverse video (white letters on black background).

The equations andthe same output values for coal-fired boiler air emissions are displayed in Figure 2a. Theformulas and output for the coal-fired boiler solid waste generation are provided in Figure 3.Lookup matrices and databases for control devices are shown in Figures 4a and 4b.Each input selects the state or row number for tables that are derived from EIA or EPA data.Section II, Analyzed

Scenario, defines the appropriate selections and the information isdisplayed in Figure la.The Controls-Coal sheet (Figure 4a) input at A4 (cell value = "2") maps the user-selected SO,control technology (Wet scrubber-Limestone) and its control efficiency (95%) into cells B4:C4.The input at E4 (cell value = "8") places the user-selected NO, control technology (Low NO,burners with over-fire air and selective catalytic reduction) and its control efficiency (95%) intocells F4:G4. Similarly, input in cell 14 (cell value = "2") selects the user-selected TSP, PM10, andPM25 control technology (Baghouse) and their control efficiencies (99.9%) into cells J4:M4. Theassigned value for cell 04 (cell value = "13") maps the SO,, NO,, CO and CO2 emission factorsinto cells Q4:T4 for the firing configuration shown in P4 (cell value = "PC, dry bottom,tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS"). Similarly, less detailed firing configurations haveassociated emission factors for TSP, PM10, and PM2.5. Input at U5 (cell value = "2") for the firingconfiguration placed in cell V5 (cell value = "PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired")

mapsemission factors into cells W5:Y5 (cell values = "10A, 2.3A, and 0.6A").This is all the input required to calculate emissions listed in the problem statement.

Theemissions in tons per year are shown in cells C42:C50 on the Coal worksheet (Figure la).Gas-Fired Combustion Turbine:Input and output for the gas alternative are similar to the input and output for the coal-fired alternative.

Figure lb is the work area for the sheet named Gas, and Figure 2b shows theformulas to calculate emissions.

Lookup matrices and databases are shown in Figure 4b.'On the Controls-gas sheet, input at cell A4 (cell value = "6") retrieves the NO, and CO emissionfactors for the selected control device (see B4:D4). C02, SO2, filterable TSP, and condensable TSP are uncontrolled.

Their emission factors are listed cells C28:C35 in the worksheet Gas(Figure 1b).5 Figure la -Emissions for Coal Fired Alternative 0I A I B I C I DStation:

Braidwood Generation

Station, Units 1 and 2PlantLicense Expiration DateClientReplaces (MWe)Fuel: Referenced StateFuel Referenced YearBraidwood 2026Exelon Nuclear2,394ROI: IL, IN, IA, MI, MO, WI2010(Year current operating license expires)Coal Fired Worksheet, Section 1.1 AP-42 Supplement EInputsFuel TypeBoiler Technology Number of UnitsPlant Capacity-gross (MWe)Plant Capacity-net (MWe)Heat Rate (BTU/kWh)

Heating Value (BTU/lb)Capacity FactorPercent Sulfur (%)Percent Ash (%)SO, Control DeviceSO, Control Efficiency

(%)NO, Control DeviceNO, Control Efficiency

(%)TSP Control DeviceTSP Control Efficiency

(%)PM10 Control DevicePM10 Control Efficiency

(%)PM2.5 Control DevicePM2 5 Control Efficiency

(%)Hg Control DeviceHg Control Efficiency

(%)Firing Configuration to determine SOx,NOx, CO and CO2emission factorsValueSub-Bituminous, Pulverized CoalUltra-Supercritical 46386008,9378,7300.850.274.93Wet scrubber-Limestone 95Low NOX burners with over-fire air and SCR95Baghouse99.9Baghouse99.9Baghouse99.9Activated carbon injection 90PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPSSourceAssumedAssumedAssumed:

Provides 2,400 MWe -Braidwood net capacity of 2,394 MWeAssume 6% used onsiteTo match gas scenario for comparability S&L 2009, Table 2-2EIA 2011d; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEIA 2011eEIA 201 ld; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEIA 201 ld; typical for sub-bituminous coal used in ROIEPA 1998, Table 1.1-1EPA 1998, Table 1.1-1EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2EPA 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 1998, § 2010ADA 2012EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4SourceEnergy BalanceEIIP 2001, page 2.4-5, equation 2.4-4Firing Configuration to determine TSP, PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially.

PM10, and PM25 emission factors firedParameter Annual Coal Consumption (tons/yr)

Hi.ann-_Annual Btu input (MMBTU/yr)

Value9,730,777 169,901,877 4243444546474849525455Emissions SO,NOxCOCO2TSPPM10PM2.0Hguncontrolled (lb/ton)35S = 9.457.20.5481010A = 49.32.3A= 11.30.6A = 2.960.000016controlled (tons/yr) 2,2991,7522,43323,402.520 239.955.1714.390.14SourceEPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3EPA 1998, Table 1.1-20EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4EPA 1998, Table 1.1-4EPA 1998, Table 1.1-6EPA 1998, Table 1.1-17' Hg emissions are pounds/MMBTU Bold = user defined inputs (e.g.White font = outputs (e.g.2,3940Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmcoal9/1912012 Figure lb -Emissions for Gas Fired Alternative IA IB I C I .DStation:

Braidwood Generation

Station, Units I and 2PlantLicense Expiration DateClientReplaces (MWe)Fuel: Region of InterestFuel: Referenced YearBraidwood 2026Exelon Nuclear2,394IL, IN, IA, MI, MO, WI2010(Year current license expires)Gas Turbines for Electrical Generation Worksheet, Section 3.1, AP-42 Supplement BInputsNumber of UnitsPlant Capacity-gross (MWe)Plant Capacity-net (MWe)Heat Rate (BTU/kWh)

Heating Value (BTU/ft3)Capacity FactorPercent Sulfur (%)SO, (lb/MMBTU)

NO, / CO control deviceParameter Annual gas consumption (ft3/yr)Annual Btu input (MMBTU/yr)

Emissions Value64174005,6901,0110.870.00070.00066Selective Catalytic Reduction (withwater/steam injection)

SourceAssumed; Provides 2,400 MWe -Braidwood net capacity of 2,394 MWeAssume 4% used onsiteGE H-class (MS7001H) lx1 combined cycle unit (GE 2007)GE 2007EIA 201 1d; typical for natural gas used in ROIEIA 201 leINGAA 2000, page 8EPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aAssumedSourceEnergy BalanceEIIP 2001, pg 2.4-5, eq 2.4-4(tonslyr)

SourceEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aValue107,198,042,714 108,411,570 (IlbMMBTU)

SO, 0.94S = 0.00066NOx 0.0109CO 0.00226CO2 110Filterable TSP 0.0019Filterable PM2.5 a 0.0019Condensable TSP 0.0047Condensable PM2, a 0.0047aAll particulate matter<1.0 micron (EPA 2000a, paqe 3.1-5)5911235,962,636 103103255255EPA 2000b, Table 3.1 DatabaseEPA 2000b, Table 3.1 DatabaseEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aEPA 2000a, Table 3.1-2aBold = user defined input (e.g. 2,394White font = outouts (eo. *Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmGas9/19/2012 Figure 2a -Calculation of Coal Fired Emissions A BI C IDI E IFI G IHI I JI K ILI M IN]OIPI Q IRI S T I U1 Station:

Braidwood Generation

Station, Units 1 and 22 COAL4 Parameter Calculation Result67 Annual coal 4 Units x 638 MW 1,000 kW 8937 Btu lb ton 0.85 x (365 x 24) hr 9,730,777 tons of coal per year8 consumption plant MW kWh 8730 Btu 2000 lb yr91011 35x0.27 lb ton (100-95) x 9730777 tons 2299 tons 502 per year12 S2 ton 2000 lb 100 yr131415 NO 7.2 lb ton (100- 95) 9730777 tons 1,752 tons NOx per year16 ton x 2000 lb -10 yr171819" 0.5 lb ton 9730777 tons = 2,433 tons CO per year20 ton 200b x yr212223 CO. 4810 lb ton 9730777 tons 23,402,520 tons CO2 per year24 ton b yr252627 10x 4.93 1b ton (00 -99.9) x 9730777 tons-" TSP ton x 01 x 100 yr 239.9 tons TSP per year293031 PM10 2.3 x 4.93 lb ton (100 -99.9) 9730777 tons 55.17 tons PM10 per year32 ton 20001b x 100 yr333435 25 0.6 x 4.93 lb ton (100-99.9) 9730777 tons 14.39 tons PM25 per year36 ton b 100 -yr373839 0.000016 lb x 8730 Btu x MMBtu x 9730777 tons x (10-90) 0,14 tons Hg peryear4 MMBtu lb 1E6 Btu yr 100Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3 xlsmroal-nnilc 9/19/2012
  • 0Figure 2b -Calculation of Gas Fired Emissions A IBI C IDIEIFIGIHIIIJIKILIMINIOIPI Q IRISITI U IVlWI x I Y1 Station:

Braidwood Generation

Station, Units I and 22 GAS4 Parameter Calculation Result56. Annualgas 417 MW 5690 Btu 1,000 kW Wft3 (365 x 24) hr ft37 consumption 6 Units x Unit kWh MW 1011 Btu yr =89 Annual BTU 107,198,042,714 ft3 1011 Btu MMBtu10 input yr t X 106 Btu 108,411,570 MMBtu per year111213 so 0.94S = 0.00066 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 36 tons S02 per year14 MMBtu 2000 lb yr151617 0.0109 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 591 tons NO, peryear18 NOx MMBtu x 2000 lb x yr192021 0.00226 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu22 CO MMBtu A 2000 lb x yr 123 tons CO per year232425 110 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 5,962,636 tons CO2 per year26 CO2 MMBtu 2000 lb x yr272829 0.0019 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 103 tons filterableTSP per year30 Filterable TSP MMBtu 2000 lb yr =3T3233 Condensable 0.0047 lb ton 108,411,570 MMBtu 255 tons condensable TSP per year34 TSP MMBtu x 000 x yrBraidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmGas-calc9/19/2 012 Figure 3 -Calculation of Solid Waste from Coal Fired Alternative A 10 C IDI E IFI G I H I I I K I M I N1 Station:

Braidwood Generation

Station, Units I and 22 Coal Solid Wastes4 Basis: SO2 Control Method: Wet scrubber-Limestone 5 Annual coal consumption

= 9,730,777 tons6 Percent of ash recycled

= 85 % Source: Exelon Corporation 201189Percent of scrubber sludge recycled 85 % Source: Exelon Corporation 20119 aaeter Calculation Re-suitSO2 generated SO2 removedAsh generated Ash recycledWaste ashLimestone consumption Calcium sulfitegenerated Scrubber sludgegenerated Scrubber sludgerecycledScrubber wasteTotal volume ofscrubber wasteTotal volume ofash wasteTotal volume ofsolid wasteWaste pile areaWaste pile area(acre)Waste pile area(mil)0.27 64.065 9,730,777 tons coal100 32.066 yr95100 x 52,491 =4.930 99.900 9,730,777 100 100-x yr85479248 tons of ash x 1010052,491 tons SO2 per year49,867 tons SO2 per year479,248 tons ash per year407,360 tons ash recycled per year71,887 tons waste ash per year479248 tons -407360 tons =Wet Scrubbing


CaCO3 + H20 + S02 --> CaSO3 +C02 + H2052,491 ton S02 100.087 ton CaCO3yr 64.065 ton S0249,867 ton S02 120.142 ton CaSO3yr 64.065 ton S0282,006 ton CaSO3 100-95 + 93516 ton CaSO3yr 1008597,616 tons x =10097,616 tons -82,974 tons =14,642 tons 2000 lb ft3yr ton 100 lb71,887 tons x 20yr x 2000 lb ft3yr ton 100 lb5,856,974 ft3 + 28,754,856 ft3 =34,611,830 ft330 ft highft21,153,728 ft2 X 4 043,560 acre26 acre x mile2640 acre82,006 tons CaCO3 per year93,516 tons CaSO3 per year97,616 tons scrubber sludge per year82,974 tons scrubber sludge recycled peryear14,642 tons scrubber waste per year5,856,974 ft3 scrubber waste28,754,856 ft3 ash waste34,611,830 ft3 solid waste1,153,728 ft2 solid waste26.49 acre solid waste0.0414 mi2Solid waste61 Notes: a. Calculations were performed using stoichometric ratios from the chemical equation shown above and molecular weights of the62 compounds.

63 b. Calculations assume 100% combustion of coal.64 c. Limestone consumption is based on total S02 generated.

65 d. Calcium Sulfite generated is based on total S02 removed.66 e. Total sludge generated includes scrubbing media carryover in the waste.67 f. Density of Scrubber Sludge (Ib/ft3): 100 Source: RMRC 200868 g. Density of Coal Bottom Ash (lb/ft3): 100 Source: RMRC 200869 h. Plant life (year): 20 Source: Assumed70 i. Waste pile height (ft): 30 Source: AssumedBraidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmSW-Coal9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative A B C D2S02 Control SO2 Control3 Selection SO2 Control Technology Efficiency 4 2 Wet scrubber-Limestone 95567 Efficiency' 8 Number Technology

(%)9 1 Wet scrubber-Lime 9510 2 Wet scrubber-Limestone 9511 3 Wet scrubber-Sodium carbonate 9812 4 Wet scrubber-Magnesium oxide/hydroxide 9513 5 Wet scrubber-Dual alkali 9614 6 Spray drying 9015 7 Furnace injection 5016 8 Duct injection 50171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-1, page 1.1-13202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative E F G H2NOx Control NOx Control3 Selection NOx Control Technique Efficiency 4 8 Low NOX burners with over-fire air and SCR 955678 Number Technique Efficiency'

(%)9 1 Overfire air 3010 2 Low NOx burners 5511 3 Low NOx burners with overfire air 6012 4 Reburn 6013 5 Selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) 6014 6 Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) 8515 7 Low NOx burners with selective noncatalytic reduction 8016 8 Low NOx burners with over-fire air and SCR 95171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-2, page 1.1-14202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 oFigure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative J K L M N2TSP and PM1o Control Particulate Matter Control TSP Control PM10 Control PM2.5 Control3 Selection Technology Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency 4 2 Baghouse 99.9 99.9 99.9567 TSP control PM10 control PM2.5 control8 Number Technology efficiency 1 (%) efficiency 1 (%) efficiency'

(%)9 1 Electrostatic Precipitator 99 99 9910 2 Baghouse 99.9 99.9 99.911 3 Wet Scrubber 99 99 9912 4 Cyclone collector 95 78 7813141516171819 1 Source: EPA 1998, §, page 1.1-6202122232425262728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative 0 P Q R S T2-SON, NO., CO, CO2 SO, NO, CO. CO2Firing Configuration Emission Emission Emission Emission3 Selection Firing Configuration Factor Factor Factor Factor4 13 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS 35S 7.2 0.5 4810567 Emission Factors' (lb/ton)8 Number Firing Configration Sox NOx CO CO29 1 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous Pre-NSPS 38S 22 0.5 551010 2 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous Pre-NSPS with low-Nox burner 38S 11 0.5 551011 3 PC, dry bottom wall-fired, sub-bituminous Pre-NSPS 35S 12 0.5 481012 4 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS 38S 15 0.5 551013 5 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS with low-NOx burner 38S 9.7 0.5 551014 6 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, Pre-NSPS 35S 8.4 0.5 481015 7 PC, wet bottom, wall-fired, bituminous, Pre-NSPS 38S 31 0.5 551016 8 PC, dry bottom, wall-fired, bituminous NSPS 38S 12 0.5 551017 9 PC, dry bottom, wall fired, sub-bituminous NSPS 35S 7.4 0.5 481018 10 PC, dry bottom, cell burner fired, bituminous 38S 31 0.5 551019 11 PC, dry bottom, cell burner fired, sub-bituminous 35S 14 0.5 481020 12 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, NSPS 38S 10 0.5 551021 13 PC, dry bottom, tangentially fired, sub-bituminous, NSPS 35S 7.2 0.5 481022 14 PC, wet bottom, tangentially fired, bituminous, NSPS 38S 14 0.5 551023 15 PC, wet bottom, wall-fired sub-bituminous 35S 24 0.5 481024 16 Cyclone Furnace, bituminous 38S 33 0.5 551025 17 Cyclone Furnace, sub-bituminous 35S 17 0.5 481026 18 Spreader Stoker, bituminous 38S 11 5 551027 19 Spreader Stoker, sub-bituminous 35S 8.8 5 481028 20 Overfeed stoker 38S 7.5 6 481029 21 Underfeed stoker 31S 9.5 11 481030 22 Hand-fed units 31S 9.1 275 481039.6S/31 23 FBC, circulating bed (Ca/S)19 5 18 481039.6S/32 24 FBC, bubbling bed (Ca/S)19 15.2 18 48103334 1 Source: EPA 1998, Table 1.1-3 on page 1.1-16 and Table 1.1-20 on page 1.1-42Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 0

oFigure 4a -Emission Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Alternative U V W x Y z2Particulate Firing TSP PM10 PM2.5Configuration Emission Emission Emission3 Selection Firing Configuration Factor Factor Factor4 2 PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A567 Emission Factors1 (lb/ton)8 Number Firing Configuration TSP PM10 PM2.59 1 PC-fired, dry bottom, wall-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A10 2 PC-fired, dry bottom, tangentially-fired 10A 2.3A 0.6A11 3 PC-fired, wet bottom 7A 2.6A 1.48A12 4 Cyclone furnace 2A 0.26A 0.11A13 5 Spreader stoker 66 13.2 4.614 6 Spreader stoker, with multiple

cyclones, and reinjection 17 12 1.415 7 Spreader stoker, with multiple
cyclones, no reinjection 12 7.8 3.216 8 Overfeed stoker 16 6 2.217 9 Overfeed stoker, with multiple cyclones 9 5 3.818 10 Underfeed stoker 15 6.2 3.819 11 Underfeed stoker, with multiple cyclones 11 6.2 -20 12 Hand-fed units 15 6.2 3.821 13 FBC, bubbling bed 17 12 1.422 14 FBC, circulating bed 17 12 1.4232425 Source: EPA 1998, Tables 1.1-4, 1.1-6, 1.1-7, 1.1-8, 1.1-9, 1.1-10,26 and 1.1-11 on pages 1.1-21 through 1.1-312728293031323334Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-coal 9/19/2012 Figure 4b -Emission Control Technologies for Gas-Fired Alternative A BC D E2Select # from Table NO. Emission CO Emission3 3.1-1 or 3.1-2 NO, / CO Control (lb /MMBTU) (lb /MMBTU)Selective Catalytic Reduction (with water/steam 4 6 injection) 0.0109 0.0022656 NOx CO7 1 Uncontrolled 0.32 0.082 18 2 Water Injection 0.13 0.039 3 Steam injection 0.13 0.03 110 4 Lean-Premix 0.099 0.01511 5 Selective Catalytic Reduction 0.0128 0.0168 212 6 Selective Catalytic Reduction (with water/steam injectiol 0.0109 0.00226 213 7 Steam/Water Injection with SCR & CO Catalyst 0.00899 0.06 214151617 1 Source: EPA 2000a, Table 3.1-118 2 Source: EPA 2000b, Section 3.1 database19Braidwood Emissions Calc Rev 3.xlsmControl-gas 9/19/2012 Fuel


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