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La CrossLicense TRevisionThe cumdecommiterrestriacumulativPast, prdecommiMississipresourcesactivitiesover timmajor irrdisposal disposal In summ8.7.O8.7.1.FDecommHandWorkPubliLicenWorkLiquiHazaHandCharacteof lead p8.7.1.1.The majoare adminPart 2Part 5Part 5Part 6se Boiling WTerminationn 0 mulative impaissioning. Tal ecology. ve impact. roposed anissioning of ppi river for s listed abos are not proje, exceed thretrievable reof low levand will therary, the cumOverview of Federal Requmissioning acdling, packagker radiationic radiation pnse terminatiker health anid and gaseoardous wastedling and remrization andaint. Nucleority of radionistered by t20 - Radiatio50 - Decomm51 - Environ61 - DisposaWater ReactorPlan acts were ashese includeIrretrievablnd future fcoal-fired pboating. Thove were aljected to sighe minor imesource attrivel radioactivrefore have nmulative impaRegulationuirements ctivities that ging, and shin protection, protection, ion and finalnd safety, ous effluent r generation/moval of asbd removal ofear Regulatorological actithe NRC. Aon protectionmissioning anmental protal of radioacr  sessed by fie surface wle resourcesforeseeablepower planthe individualll determinegnificantly acmpact of the ibutable to Lve waste. Nno cumulativact to site rens Governinare subject tipment of radl site releasereleases, disposition,estos, f Polychlorinry Commissivities fall unApplicable Tin. activities. tection. ctive waste.8-24 rst determinwater and gros were alsoe actions ts and recreal impacts ofed to be miccumulate enindividual aLACBWR dNo future acve effect. esources is prg Decommito federal regdioactive wae, nated Biphenion nder Title 10itle 10 regulaning the resooundwater, o evaluatedinclude coational use f the LACBWinor. The pnvironmentaactivities ondecommissioctivities wilrojected to bissioning Acgulations incaste, nyls (PCBs)0 of the Codations includources affectair quality, d from theonstruction, of the land WR decommpast, presental impacts thn the affecteoning was thll involve rbe minor. ctivities andclude: ), and Handlde of Federade: ted by LACBaquatic ecoe perspectivoperation as access tmissioning ot and futurehat would in ed resourceshe use of lanradioactive wd Site Releasling and remal RegulationBWR ology, ve of and to the on the e site total, . The nd for waste se moval n and La CrossLicense TRevisionPart 7throuPart EnvFederal RPart 6Parts Part 1Part 1Parts Part 2Part 7Part 18.7.2.FPermits aenvironmfall undeWiscWiscEnvirVillaOccuThis infointended 8.8.CAs previodecommi"site-spepotential predicted(NUREGenvironmse Boiling WTerminationn 0 71 - Packagugh 174 also 73 - PhysicaU.S. Evironmental Regulations 61 - Asbesto122 to 125 -141 - Safe D190 - Radiat260 to 272 -280 - Under761 - Toxic 129-132 - CFederal, Statand approvalmental protecr Federal, Stonsin Deparonsin Deparonmental ange of Genoaupational Saformation proto be all-incConclusion ously evaluaissioning LAcific" in NUenvironmend in and wilG-0191, NURmental changWater ReactorPlan ing and tranapply). al ProtectionEnvironmentProtection Aapply as follos Handling - National PDrinking Wation Protecti- Resource Crground StorSubstance CClean Water Ate and Locals from or noction purpostate and locartment of Naartment of nd Occupatioa fety and Heaovided abovclusive. ated in the DACBWR are UREG-0586ntal impacts ll be boundeREG-0586, ages associater  nsportation on of Plants antal ProtectioAgency (EPlows:  and RemovaPollutant Disater Standardion StandardConservatiorage Tanks Control Act (Act al Requiremotifications tses. Decommal jurisdictionatural ResourHealth Seonal Health,alth Adminisve is a geneD-Plan/PSDAtemporary a have been associated wed by the pand D-Plan/Ped with decom8-25 f radioactivend Materialsn Agency PA) regulatioal scharge Elimds ds for Nuclean and Recov(TSCA) for ments to state and lmissioning an include, burces (WDNRervices, Div Radiation Pstration (OSHeral overviewAR, the non-and not signievaluated awith decommreviously isPSDAR). Tmmissioninge waste (reg. ons outlinedmination Systar Power Opvery Act (RCPolychlorinalocal agenciactivities anut are not limR) vision of Protection SeHA) w of the apradiologicalificant. Theand there is missioning Lssued enviroTherefore, thg. gulations in 4d in Title 40tem (NPDESperations CRA) ated Biphenes are requirnd related sitmited to the Public Heaection pplicable regl environmene potential isno significaLACBWR honmental imhere are no n49 CFR Part0 of the CodS) nyls (PCBs)red for safetyte operationsfollowing: alth, Bureagulations andntal impacts sues identifiant impact. have already mpact assessmnew or signifts 171 de of y and s that au of d not from ied as  The been ments ficant La CrossLicense TRevision8.9.R1. UC22. DR3. DS4. UreC5. USN6. DD7. ES8. ES9. A10. H311. Uht12. D13. U14. Uht15. htse Boiling WTerminationn 0 References  U.S. Nuclear Content of Li011. Dairyland PoReactor - SepDairyland Poupplement RU.S. Nuclear elated to OpeCooperative -U.S. Nuclear tatement (GNovember 20Dairyland PoDecommissioEnergySolutiurvey ReporEnergySolutiurvey ReporAtomic PoweHaley & Aldr0, 2012. U.S. Census Bttps://www.cDairyland PoU.S. Fish & WU.S. Army Cttp://www.mttp://www.ciWater ReactorPlan Regulatory icense Termiwer Companptember 1972wer CooperaReport - JunRegulatory eration of th- April 1980Regulatory EIS) on Dec002. wer Cooperaoning Activitons GG-EO-rt for Octobeons LC-RS-rt for June ther Review, "Arich, HydrogBureau, CooperaWildlife Servorps of Engimvp.usace.arity-data.comr  Commissionination Planny, DPC-ED2. ative, Environe 15, 1973. Commissionhe La Crosse . Commissioncommissioniative, LACBties Report (-313196-RSer and NovemPN-164017-hru August 2Atomic Jourgeological C8-2012 Ameprograms-suative - http:/vice - http://ineers - n Regulatorys for NucleaD-3, Environonmental Ren NUREG-0Boiling Wan NUREG-0ing of NucleBWR Decom(D-Plan/PSDS-RP-001, LAmber 2014 F-001, LACB2015 Field Wrnal" - Septeonceptual Sierican Commurveys/acs/ne//www.dairywww.fws.gosions/Navigaa-Wisconsin.y Guide 1.17ar Power Reanmental Repoeport, La Cro0191, Final Eater Reactor 0586, Generiear Facilitiesmmissioning DAR), RevisACBWR RaField Work -BWR RadioloWork - Noveember 24, 20ite Model, Fmunity Surveews/ 79, Standardactors, Revisort - Lacrossosse BoilingEnvironmentby Dairylanic Environm, SupplemenPlan and Posion - Marchadiological C- Novemberogical Charaember 2015.011. File No. 3870ey. (5-year deases.2012.hergy_resourcpper_MissisDams/LockDd Format andsion 1 - Junese Boiling Wg Water Reactal Statemennd Power mental Impactnt 1, Volumeost Shutdownh 2014. Characterizatr 2015. acterization  05-001 - Audata sets) - html. ces/genoa.phssippi_River/Dam8.aspx. d e Water ctor, nt t e 1 - n tion ugust hp.  /.
La CrossLicense TRevisionThe cumdecommiterrestriacumulativPast, prdecommiMississipresourcesactivitiesover timmajor irrdisposal disposal In summ8.7.O8.7.1.FDecommHandWorkPubliLicenWorkLiquiHazaHandCharacteof lead p8.7.1.1.The majoare adminPart 2Part 5Part 5Part 6se Boiling WTerminationn 0 mulative impaissioning. Tal ecology. ve impact. roposed anissioning of ppi river for s listed abos are not proje, exceed thretrievable reof low levand will therary, the cumOverview of Federal Requmissioning acdling, packagker radiationic radiation pnse terminatiker health anid and gaseoardous wastedling and remrization andaint. Nucleority of radionistered by t20 - Radiatio50 - Decomm51 - Environ61 - DisposaWater ReactorPlan acts were ashese includeIrretrievablnd future fcoal-fired pboating. Thove were aljected to sighe minor imesource attrivel radioactivrefore have nmulative impaRegulationuirements ctivities that ging, and shin protection, protection, ion and finalnd safety, ous effluent r generation/moval of asbd removal ofear Regulatorological actithe NRC. Aon protectionmissioning anmental protal of radioacr  sessed by fie surface wle resourcesforeseeablepower planthe individualll determinegnificantly acmpact of the ibutable to Lve waste. Nno cumulativact to site rens Governinare subject tipment of radl site releasereleases, disposition,estos, f Polychlorinry Commissivities fall unApplicable Tin. activities. tection. ctive waste.8-24 rst determinwater and gros were alsoe actions ts and recreal impacts ofed to be miccumulate enindividual aLACBWR dNo future acve effect. esources is prg Decommito federal regdioactive wae, nated Biphenion nder Title 10itle 10 regulaning the resooundwater, o evaluatedinclude coational use f the LACBWinor. The pnvironmentaactivities ondecommissioctivities wilrojected to bissioning Acgulations incaste, nyls (PCBs)0 of the Codations includources affectair quality, d from theonstruction, of the land WR decommpast, presental impacts thn the affecteoning was thll involve rbe minor. ctivities andclude: ), and Handlde of Federade: ted by LACBaquatic ecoe perspectivoperation as access tmissioning ot and futurehat would in ed resourceshe use of lanradioactive wd Site Releasling and remal RegulationBWR ology, ve of and to the on the e site total, . The nd for waste se moval n and La CrossLicense TRevisionPart 7throuPart EnvFederal RPart 6Parts Part 1Part 1Parts Part 2Part 7Part 18.7.2.FPermits aenvironmfall undeWiscWiscEnvirVillaOccuThis infointended 8.8.CAs previodecommi"site-spepotential predicted(NUREGenvironmse Boiling WTerminationn 0 71 - Packagugh 174 also 73 - PhysicaU.S. Evironmental Regulations 61 - Asbesto122 to 125 -141 - Safe D190 - Radiat260 to 272 -280 - Under761 - Toxic 129-132 - CFederal, Statand approvalmental protecr Federal, Stonsin Deparonsin Deparonmental ange of Genoaupational Saformation proto be all-incConclusion ously evaluaissioning LAcific" in NUenvironmend in and wilG-0191, NURmental changWater ReactorPlan ing and tranapply). al ProtectionEnvironmentProtection Aapply as follos Handling - National PDrinking Wation Protecti- Resource Crground StorSubstance CClean Water Ate and Locals from or noction purpostate and locartment of Naartment of nd Occupatioa fety and Heaovided abovclusive. ated in the DACBWR are UREG-0586ntal impacts ll be boundeREG-0586, ages associater  nsportation on of Plants antal ProtectioAgency (EPlows:  and RemovaPollutant Disater Standardion StandardConservatiorage Tanks Control Act (Act al Requiremotifications tses. Decommal jurisdictionatural ResourHealth Seonal Health,alth Adminisve is a geneD-Plan/PSDAtemporary a have been associated wed by the pand D-Plan/Ped with decom8-25 f radioactivend Materialsn Agency PA) regulatioal scharge Elimds ds for Nuclean and Recov(TSCA) for ments to state and lmissioning an include, burces (WDNRervices, Div Radiation Pstration (OSHeral overviewAR, the non-and not signievaluated awith decommreviously isPSDAR). Tmmissioninge waste (reg. ons outlinedmination Systar Power Opvery Act (RCPolychlorinalocal agenciactivities anut are not limR) vision of Protection SeHA) w of the apradiologicalificant. Theand there is missioning Lssued enviroTherefore, thg. gulations in 4d in Title 40tem (NPDESperations CRA) ated Biphenes are requirnd related sitmited to the Public Heaection pplicable regl environmene potential isno significaLACBWR honmental imhere are no n49 CFR Part0 of the CodS) nyls (PCBs)red for safetyte operationsfollowing: alth, Bureagulations andntal impacts sues identifiant impact. have already mpact assessmnew or signifts 171 de of y and s that au of d not from ied as  The been ments ficant La CrossLicense TRevision8.9.R1. UC22. DR3. DS4. UreC5. USN6. DD7. ES8. ES9. A10. H311. Uht12. D13. U14. Uht15. htse Boiling WTerminationn 0 References  U.S. Nuclear Content of Li011. Dairyland PoReactor - SepDairyland Poupplement RU.S. Nuclear elated to OpeCooperative -U.S. Nuclear tatement (GNovember 20Dairyland PoDecommissioEnergySolutiurvey ReporEnergySolutiurvey ReporAtomic PoweHaley & Aldr0, 2012. U.S. Census Bttps://www.cDairyland PoU.S. Fish & WU.S. Army Cttp://www.mttp://www.ciWater ReactorPlan Regulatory icense Termiwer Companptember 1972wer CooperaReport - JunRegulatory eration of th- April 1980Regulatory EIS) on Dec002. wer Cooperaoning Activitons GG-EO-rt for Octobeons LC-RS-rt for June ther Review, "Arich, HydrogBureau, CooperaWildlife Servorps of Engimvp.usace.arity-data.comr  Commissionination Planny, DPC-ED2. ative, Environe 15, 1973. Commissionhe La Crosse . Commissioncommissioniative, LACBties Report (-313196-RSer and NovemPN-164017-hru August 2Atomic Jourgeological C8-2012 Ameprograms-suative - http:/vice - http://ineers - n Regulatorys for NucleaD-3, Environonmental Ren NUREG-0Boiling Wan NUREG-0ing of NucleBWR Decom(D-Plan/PSDS-RP-001, LAmber 2014 F-001, LACB2015 Field Wrnal" - Septeonceptual Sierican Commurveys/acs/ne//www.dairywww.fws.gosions/Navigaa-Wisconsin.y Guide 1.17ar Power Reanmental Repoeport, La Cro0191, Final Eater Reactor 0586, Generiear Facilitiesmmissioning DAR), RevisACBWR RaField Work -BWR RadioloWork - Noveember 24, 20ite Model, Fmunity Surveews/ 79, Standardactors, Revisort - Lacrossosse BoilingEnvironmentby Dairylanic Environm, SupplemenPlan and Posion - Marchadiological C- Novemberogical Charaember 2015.011. File No. 3870ey. (5-year deases.2012.hergy_resourcpper_MissisDams/LockDd Format andsion 1 - Junese Boiling Wg Water Reactal Statemennd Power mental Impactnt 1, Volumeost Shutdownh 2014. Characterizatr 2015. acterization  05-001 - Audata sets) - html. ces/genoa.phssippi_River/Dam8.aspx. d e Water ctor, nt t e 1 - n tion ugust hp.  /.
La CrossLicense TRevision16. DPW17. DD18. V19. MCD20. W- 21. UCht22. WS23. Dht24. Wht25. HL26. Vre27. U28. N29. W30. NS31. D232. Wse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Dame & Moootential, La Wisconsin foDairyland PoDecommissioVernon CounMcInterny, MCooperative'sDecember 19Wisconsin Dehttp://dnr.wU.S. Fish andCandidate Spttp://www.fwWisconsin Depecies HabitDairyland Pottp://www.dWisconsin Dettp://dnr.wi.gHubbuch, ChLa Crosse TriVillage of Census BNational ParkWisconsin HiNational Parkite Ve-502 -Dairyland Po009. Wisconsin HiWater ReactorPlan ore, GeotechCrosse Boilr Gulf Unitewer Cooperaoning Plan, rnty, Land & WMichael. C., Is Genoa Site980. epartment Wildlife Sepecies' oftat Program wer ofgov/eek/critthris, A nucleaibune - Julyenoa, Vernonwisconsin/geBureau, Vernk Service, Naistorical Sock Service, Na- http://nrhp.wer Cooperaistorical Socr  hnical Investiing Water Red Nuclear Fative, LaCrorevised NoveWater ResouImpingemene, Thesis, subf Natural Reinvasives. ervice, Federnty Distributiwest/endangf Agriculture- http://datcpative, Peregr/environmenf Natural Reter/bird/falcoar option: Ay 15, 2012. n County, Wenoa_data.htnon County,ational Regiciety - http://ational Regifocus.nps.goative, Powerciety, Nuclea8-27 igation of GReactor (LACFuels Corporosse Boiling ember 2003.urce Managent and Entraibmitted to Uesources, Aqurally-Listed ion, April 20ered/lists/wie, Trade & Falcon Rntal/falcon_pesources, Peron.htm. fter 25 yearsWI Public Rectm.  , Wisconsin ster of Histo/www.wiscostry of Histoov/natregsear for Generatar Fuel AssemGeology, SeisCBWR) nearration - OctoWater Reac. ement Plan -inment of FiUniversity ofquatic InvasivThreatened,015 - isc-city.htmlConsumer Prarms/EndangRestoration program.phpregrine Falcos, Genoa reacords - http:- http://wwworic Places -onsinhistory.oric Places, Garchresult.dotions, Genoambly - http:/smology andr Genoa, Verober 1973. ctor (LACBW- February 2shes at Dairyf Wisconsin-ve Species -, Endangeredl. rotection, Engered_SpecieProgram - p. on - actor's waste//www.openw.census.govhttp://ww.nporg/. Goose Islando. a Site Updat//www.wiscd Liquefactiornon CountyWR) 2009. yland Power-La Crosse -- Vernon Cod, Proposed ndangered es/index.aspxe gets new hon-public-v/. d Archeologte - Decembonsinhistoryon y, r - ounty and x. ome, gical er
La CrossLicense TRevision16. DPW17. DD18. V19. MCD20. W- 21. UCht22. WS23. Dht24. Wht25. HL26. Vre27. U28. N29. W30. NS31. D232. Wse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Dame & Moootential, La Wisconsin foDairyland PoDecommissioVernon CounMcInterny, MCooperative'sDecember 19Wisconsin Dehttp://dnr.wU.S. Fish andCandidate Spttp://www.fwWisconsin Depecies HabitDairyland Pottp://www.dWisconsin Dettp://dnr.wi.gHubbuch, ChLa Crosse TriVillage of Census BNational ParkWisconsin HiNational Parkite Ve-502 -Dairyland Po009. Wisconsin HiWater ReactorPlan ore, GeotechCrosse Boilr Gulf Unitewer Cooperaoning Plan, rnty, Land & WMichael. C., Is Genoa Site980. epartment Wildlife Sepecies' oftat Program wer ofgov/eek/critthris, A nucleaibune - Julyenoa, Vernonwisconsin/geBureau, Vernk Service, Naistorical Sock Service, Na- http://nrhp.wer Cooperaistorical Socr  hnical Investiing Water Red Nuclear Fative, LaCrorevised NoveWater ResouImpingemene, Thesis, subf Natural Reinvasives. ervice, Federnty Distributiwest/endangf Agriculture- http://datcpative, Peregr/environmenf Natural Reter/bird/falcoar option: Ay 15, 2012. n County, Wenoa_data.htnon County,ational Regiciety - http://ational Regifocus.nps.goative, Powerciety, Nuclea8-27 igation of GReactor (LACFuels Corporosse Boiling ember 2003.urce Managent and Entraibmitted to Uesources, Aqurally-Listed ion, April 20ered/lists/wie, Trade & Falcon Rntal/falcon_pesources, Peron.htm. fter 25 yearsWI Public Rectm.  , Wisconsin ster of Histo/www.wiscostry of Histoov/natregsear for Generatar Fuel AssemGeology, SeisCBWR) nearration - OctoWater Reac. ement Plan -inment of FiUniversity ofquatic InvasivThreatened,015 - isc-city.htmlConsumer Prarms/EndangRestoration program.phpregrine Falcos, Genoa reacords - http:- http://wwworic Places -onsinhistory.oric Places, Garchresult.dotions, Genoambly - http:/smology andr Genoa, Verober 1973. ctor (LACBW- February 2shes at Dairyf Wisconsin-ve Species -, Endangeredl. rotection, Engered_SpecieProgram - p. on - actor's waste//www.openw.census.govhttp://ww.nporg/. Goose Islando. a Site Updat//www.wiscd Liquefactiornon CountyWR) 2009. yland Power-La Crosse -- Vernon Cod, Proposed ndangered es/index.aspxe gets new hon-public-v/. d Archeologte - Decembonsinhistoryon y, r - ounty and x. ome, gical er
La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Figr  ure 8-1 S8-28 Site Regionaal Location La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan r  Figure 8-28-29 2 Site Ovverview LLR La Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or  Figure 8-38-30 LACBWR Buuildings La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Fir  igure 8-48-31 Topographhical Map LLRLa Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or  Figure 8-55 Groundwat8-32 ter Sampling WWells - LACBWWR Site
La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Figr  ure 8-1 S8-28 Site Regionaal Location La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan r  Figure 8-28-29 2 Site Ovverview LLR La Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or  Figure 8-38-30 LACBWR Buuildings La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Fir  igure 8-48-31 Topographhical Map LLRLa Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or  Figure 8-55 Groundwat8-32 ter Sampling WWells - LACBWWR Site}}

Revision as of 06:48, 19 May 2018

La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor License Termination Plan - Chapter 8, - Supplement to the Environmental Report, Rev 0
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/2016
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML16200A091 (37)




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8se Boiling WTerminationn 0 plement to tIntroduction1.Purpos2.BackgrSite Locatio1.Site DeRemaining Impacts to tLa Crosse B1.Geogra.5.1.1.Site.5.1.2.Pop.5.1.3.Site2.Climate3.Topogr.5.3.1.Top.5.3.2.Geo.5.3.3.Sei4.HydrolEnvironmen1.Summa2.Radiolo.6.2.1.Occ.6.2.2.Off.6.2.3.Env.6.2.4.Sto.6.2.5.Rad3.Non-ra.6.3.1.Ons.6.3.2.Off.6.3.3.Wa.6.3.4.Wa.6.3.5.Air.6.3.6.Aqu.6.3.7.Ter.6.3.8.Thr.6.3.9.Occ.6.3.10.Co.6.3.11.So.6.3.12.En.6.3.13.Cu.6.3.14.Ae.6.3.15.NoWater ReactorPlan the Environmn .................e .................round ..........on and Descrescription AfDismantlemthe Post-ShuBoiling Wateaphy and Deme Location anpulation ......e Access, Lae .................raphy, Geolopography ....ology ..........smology .....logy and Hydntal Effects oary ..............ogical Effectcupational Rfsite Radiatiovironmental rage and Disdiological Cradiological Esite Land Usfsite Land Uater Use .......ater Quality .r Quality .....uatic Ecologrrestrial Ecolreatened or Ecupational Isost...............ocioeconominvironmentaultural, Histoesthetics .....oise.............r TABLE Omental Repor............................................................ription .........fter Unrestriment and Decutdown Decoer Reactor Emography ...nd Descripti....................and and Wat....................ogy and Seis............................................................drogeology .of Decommi....................ts of DecomRadiation Expon ExposureEffects of Asposal of Loriteria for LiEffects of Dese (in the .............Endangered ssues/Safety....................ic Impacts Justice ......oric, and Arc........................................8-i OF CONTErt .................................................................................................cted Releasecommissioniommissioninnvironment ....................ion Use .............................smology.......................................................................................issioning .........................mmissioning .posure .........e and MonitoAccidents andow-Level Raicense Termecommission....................icinity) ............................................................................................................Species .......y ...............................................................................cheological R........................................ENTS ....................................................................................................e Activitieng Activities Description........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................oring ............d Decommisadioactive Wmination ........ning .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Resources ................. Report (PSDn ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ssioning EveWaste ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................DAR) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ents ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8-1... 8-1... 8-1... 8-1... 8-2... 8-3... 8-5... 8-5... 8-6... 8-6... 8-6... 8-6... 8-6... 8-7... 8-7... 8-7... 8-8... 8-8... 8-8... 8-9... 8-9. 8-10. 8-10. 8-12. 8-12. 8-13. 8-14. 8-14. 8-14. 8-14. 8-15. 8-16. 8-17. 8-17. 8-18. 8-19. 8-20. 8-20. 8-20. 8-21. 8-21. 8-22. 8-22 La CrossLicense TRevision88 Table 8-1 Figure 8-Figure 8-Figure 8-Figure 8-Figure 8- se Boiling WTerminationn 0 .6.3.16.Irr.6.3.17.Tr.6.3.18.CuOverview o1.Federal.7.1.1.Nuc.7.1.2.U.S2.FederalConclusion References 1SummaNuclea-1Site Re-2Site Ov-3LACBW-4Topogr-5GroundWater ReactorPlan retrievable Rraffic and Trumulative Imof Regulationl Requiremeclear RegulaS. Environmel, State and L...................

...................ary of the Enar Power Facegional Locaverview .......WR Buildingraphical Mapdwater Sampr Resources .....ransportationmpacts ..........ns Governingents ..............atory Commental ProtectLocal Requi........................................LIST nvironmentacilities .........LIST Oation ................p ..................pling Wells ii ....................n ......................................g Decommis....................ission ..........tion Agencyrements ..............................................OF TABLEal Impacts fro....................OF FIGURE................................................................................- LACBWR............................................................ssioning Act........................................y ...............................................................................ES om Decomm....................RES ................................................................................R Site .......................................................................tivities and S........................................................................................................................missioning ....................................................................................................................................................................................Site Release................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8-23. 8-23. 8-238-24. 8-24. 8-24. 8-25. 8-25. 8-25. 8-26. 8-11. 8-28. 8-29. 8-30. 8-31. 8-32 La CrossLicense TRevisionACS AEC AMSL ALARA BGS BMP BWR DOE DOT D-Plan/ PSDAR EPA ER FESW FRS G-1 G-3 GEIS GMU ISFSI LACBWLSE LTP MWe MWt NPDES NRC ODCM OSHA PCB PSDAR RWP se Boiling WTerminationn 0 AmerAtom AboveAs LoBelowBest MBoilinDeparDeparDecomEnviroEnviroFuel EFinal GenoaGenoaGenerGeogrIndepWR La CrLACBLicenMegawMegawNationNucleOff-S OccupPolychPost-SRadiaWater ReactorPlan LIST OF ican Commuic Energy Ce Mean Sea ow As Reasow Ground SuManagementng Water Rertment of Enrtment of Trammissioningonmental Pronmental ReElement StorRadiation Sua No. 1 Statia No. 3 Fossric Environmraphic Manaendent Spenrosse BoilingBWR Site Ense Terminatiwatts Electriwatts Thermnal Pollutantear Regulatorite Dose Calpational Safehlorinated BShutdown Dation Work Pr ACRONYMunity SurveyommissionLevel onably Achieurface t Practices actor nergy ansportationg Plan/Post Srotection Ageeport rage Well urvey ion sil Station mental Impacagement Unint Fuel Storag Water Reacnclosure ion Plan ic mal t Discharge ry Commisslculation Maety and HealBiphenyl ecommissioPermit 8-iii MS AND ABy evable n Shutdown Aency ct Statementit age Installatioctor Elimination ion anual lth Administning ActivitBBREVIATctivities Rept on System tration ties Report TIONS port La CrossLicense TRevisionRCRA REMP RPV SAFSTOSSC TEDE TSCA USACE USEPA VCC WCS WDNR WPDES se Boiling WTerminationn 0 ResouRadioReactOR SAFe StructTotal ToxicUnitedUnitedVerticWasteWiscoWiscoWater ReactorPlan urce Conservological Envior Pressure VSTORage tures, SystemEffective Do Substance Cd States Armd States Envcal Concretee Control Sponsin Departonsin Pollutar vation and Rironmental MVessel ms and Compose EquivaleControl Actmy Corps of vironmental P Cask ecialists tment of Natant Discharg8-iv Recovery ActMonitoring Pponents ent Engineers Protection Atural Resourge Eliminatiot Program Agency rces on System La CrossLicense TRevision8.S8.1.InIn accorRegulatoNuclear describinspecific dReactor (8.1.1.PThis chaReport, Ldescribinspecific Terminatdetailed dbetween activitiesThe supppredictedEnvironm(NUREG(GEIS) oLACBWRPlan/PSDto be peactivities8.1.2.BLACBWWater R U.S. Ato1973, theApril 30,electricalCharacteLimited disposal consistin(FESW)

Septembse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Supplemenntroductionrdance withory Guide 1.Power Reacng any new decommissio(LACBWR)Purpose apter supplemLa Crosse Bng any new decommisstion Plan (Ldescription othose activs. plement discd by the Unmental StateG-0191) (4);on DecommR DecommisDAR) (6). Terformed fros. Background WR consists eactor (BWRomic Energye reactor and, 1987, whenl output. Trization Survdismantlemof the Reacng of 333 spto dry cask er 19, 2012. Water ReactorPlan nt to the En h the requi179, Standactors (1), thinformationoning and sisite. ments the 1Boiling Waterinformationsioning andLTP). This of the remaivities and thcusses whethnited States ement related NUREG-05missioning ofssioning PlaThis chapter om time of of a single R) construct Commissiod its fuel wen it was shuThe plant wvey for SAFment activitiector Pressurpent fuel assstorage at th On Marchr Environmerements of ard Format his chapter pn or significite closure a1972 Dairylar Reactor (En or significad license tsupplement,ning decommhe environmher the activNuclear Red to operati586, Supplef Nuclear Fan and Postdiscusses desubmittal oAllis-Chalmted in 1967 on (AEC). Tere transferreut down becwas placed iFSTOR was ces were stare Vessel (Rsemblies, wahe on-site Indh 12, 2014, D8-1 ental Repof10 CFR 50and Conteprovides a scant environmactivities perand Power ER) (2), whiant environmtermination , including rmissioning ament, and thevities and thegulatory Coion of La Cment 1, "GeFacilities", Nt-Shutdown ecommissionf this LTP mers designeas a demonThe plant waed to Dairylause of econin SAFSTOcompleted inarted in 199RPV) in Maas transferredependent SDairyland suort 0.82 (a)(9)(iients for Licsupplement mental chanrformed at tCooperativeich was revimental chanactivities reference toand site close likely envheir impacts ommission (Cross Boilingeneric EnvirNovember 2Decommissining activitiuntil the coed 50 megawnstration reaas commissiland. It wasnomic reasoOR on Augun October 1994, includinay 2007. Aed from the pent Fuel Stubmitted a ri)(A) and tense Terminto the envinge associatthe La Crosse (Dairylandsed on Junenges associatpresented io LTP Chapsure activitievironmental are bounde(NRC) NURg Water Rearonmental I2002 (5); anioning Activies, with a foompletion owatt electricactor in conjioned in Novs operated byons due to itust 7, 1991. 995. ng the remoll of the spFuel Elemetorage Instalevision of ththe guidancnation Planironmental rted with these Boiling Wd) Environm 15, 1973 (3ted with thein this Licpter 3, provies, the interaimpact of d by the imREG-0191, Factor, AprilImpact Statend the Dairyvities Reporocus on activf site restorc (MWe) Bojunction witvember 1969y Dairyland ts small size An initialoval and ofpent nuclear ent Storage llation (ISFShe LACBWce of ns for report site-Water mental 3), by e site-cense des a action those mpacts Final 1980 ement yland rt (D-vities ration oiling th the 9. In d until e and l Site ff-site fuel, Well SI) by WR D-La CrossLicense TRevisionPlan/PSDcharacterconcludinEnergySoSurvey RCharacteAs statedwas docu1987. LAenvironmsupport oLACBWnoted in 1,155 MWknown aLACBWthe genedecommilocated i that this Elk Rivelicense teThe lates"The en dismantlespecificathis Supppotential OffsiAquaTerreThreaSocioEnvir8.2.SLACBWMississipsouth of site locatcoordinatse Boiling WTerminationn 0 DAR to the Nrization wasng on Auguolutions is dReport for Oerization Surd in the D-Plumented in ACBWR demental impaof the AugusWR, dated Apthe ER andWe WNP-2 as ColumbiaWR is a mucheric environmissioning imn Elk Riverdecommissier facility waermination inst D-Plan/PSvironmentalement activially evaluateplement as aenvironmente land use aatic ecology estrial ecologatened and eoeconomic ronmental juite LocationWR is locatedppi River, abthe city of Ltion, includintes for LACWater ReactorPlan NRC that acs performedust 6, 2015. documented iOctober andrvey Report flan/PSDAR,a supplemenecommissionct not prevst 7, 1991, Dpril 21, 1980d NUREG-0BWR opera Generatinh smaller reamental assempact of a smr, Minnesotaioning was cas another An 1974 (9). SDAR documl impact of ities is SMAd in the GEa basis for mntal impacts activities as to activitigy as to activendangered sustice" n and Descrd in southwbout 1 mile La Crosse, Wng nearby pCBWR are lr ccounts for td by EnergThe resultsin two separd November for June thru, "Review ofnt to the Enning and dismviously evaluDecommissio0." This rev0586. The rated by Wang Station, actor comparessment. Nmall 58.2 mea, which wascompleted saAllis-Chalmement (issued fall compleALL as determIS. As statemeeting the renot determinies beyond thvities beyondspecies ription western Wiscsouth of theWI. The Sitrominent fealongitude 98-2 the completigySolutionss of the siterate reports, L2014 Fieldu August 201f post-operatnvironmentalmantlement uated in theoning Order iew includedreference Bashington Puowned and red to WNP-NUREG-0586egawatt thers dismantledafely with liers reactor, ain March 20eted or planmined by thed in the GEequirementsned in the Ghe operationd the operaticonsin, in Ve Village of te Regional atures such 1o, 13', 53.3ion of the spcommencine characterizLACBWR Rd Work (7)15 Field Woating license l Report foractivities hae NRC's Enor NUREGd the evaluaBWR facilitublic Poweroperated b-2, its impac6 also provrmal (MWt) d between 1ittle risk to wa superheate014) concludnned LACBhe GEIS. LAEIS, licensees in 10 CFRGEIS are: nal area ional area Vernon CounfGenoa, WI Location gras highways35" West apent fuel tranng on Octozation surveadiological and LACBWork (8). stage enviror LACBWR ave resulted nvironmentaG-0191 relateation of impaty in NUREr Supply Syby Energy Ncts fall withinvided informBWR demo971 and 197workers andd test BWRded the folloBWR decomACBWR deces can rely o50.83(a)(6)(nty, on the e and approxaphic (Figurs, rivers andand latitude nsfer. Additober 9, 2014eys performeCharacterizWR Radioloonmental imdated Decein no signifal Assessmeed to operatiacts against EG-0586 waystem (plantNorthwest). n the envelomation abouonstration re74. It was nd the public. R, which achowing: mmissioningcommissionion informati(ii). Site-speeast shore oximately 19 mre 8-1) showd lakes. The43o, 33', 3tional 4 and ed by zation ogical mpacts ember ficant ent in ion of those as the t now As ope of ut the eactor noted The ieved g and ing is ion in ecific of the miles ws the e map 6.22" La CrossLicense TRevisionNorth. TThe Reacthe cargo639 feet Mississipfilled witThe licenLACBWthe plant the laformethe lagenerthe Lthe lathe paThe Site The site iMississipCorps of The site HighwayHighwaycurrentlyMississip2.4 milesmussels, 0.75 mile8.2.1.SThis secdecommidefined apiping an10 CFR 2The decobuildingsstructurebe removand floostructurese Boiling WTerminationn 0 The site is actor Buildingo-carrying-onAbove Meppi River. Tth sand matensed site comWR plant comoff of Highwand north ofer Genoa Noand area dirrating stationLACBWR pland area soutarcel of landOverview (Fis bordered oppi River anfEngineers (is borderey 35. A By 35, carries y do not use ppi River Nas from LACbrook troues south of thite Descriptction providissioning andas the confignd open lan20.1402. ommissionins, structures s above a deved from baors in the "s: Water ReactorPlan at mile 678.6g is approxinly rail roadean Sea LevThe covered erial dredgedmprises a tomprising onlyway 35. Othf the LACBWo. 1 Station (rectly south n (Genoa Nant, th of G-3, wd to the east oFigure 8-2) ion the northnd Highway (USACE) Roed on the wBurlington Ncommercialthis rail linational WildCBWR, is tut and sturghe LACBWRtion After Udes a summd site closurguration of tnd areas at ng of the Claand compoepth of 3 feeasements loc"End-State."r 6 on the Mimately 300 d. The Reacvel (AMSLland consistd from the Mtal of 163.5y 1.5 acres.her prominenWR plant, w(G-1) coal (aof LACBWNo. 3 Fossil Swhere the ISFof Highwayillustrates thh by the Miss35. The U.ock Island Dwest by theNorthern-Sal freight aloe. The site dlife & Fishthe Genoa eon. On thR plant, therUnrestrictedmary of the re activities. the remaininthe time oass 1 areas oonents) will et below gradcated below " This app8-3 ssissippi Rivfeet from thctor BuildingL), or 19 feted of the rivMississippi Racres which The site is nt site featurwhich includand later oil)WR, which cStation [G-3FSI is located35, across fre boundary osissippi Rive.S. Lock & District, is loe Mississippanta Fe railong the easteis bordered h Refuge PooNational Fihe southwesre is a publicd Release final cond The "End-Sng below grof license teof the plantinclude the de (designatthe 636 fooproach will ver above thhe Mississippg stands on et above thver edge andRiver. h is owned baccessed byres include: es the site s) fueled powcontains an 3]), located d, and from LACBWof the licenser and a narrDam No. 8,ocated appropi River anl line, locaern portion oto the southol 9 area. Fish Hatcherystern cornerc boat launchdition of theState" for LAound backfilermination m(the on-sitedemolition,ed as 636 foot elevation apply to thhe mouth ofpi River andfilled land ahe normal d low forest aby Dairylandy a road on witchyard awer plant (remoperational approximateWR. sed site. row strip of managed bximately 0.6nd bordered ated betweeof the site. h by a segmFurther souty, which rar of the sitehing ramp we site at thACBWR declled buildingmeeting the e radiologica removal anoot AMSL). leaving onlhe followinf the Ohio Rd 475 feet weat an elevatielevation oareas which d, with the athe south siand the site omoved in 19350 MWe ely 175 feet land betweeby the U.S. A6 miles upstron the easen the sitePassenger tment of the Uth, approximaises endange, approximwith a parkinghe conclusiocommissionigs, structurerequiremenally contaminnd disposal o All systemsly concrete ng buildingsRiver. est of on of f the were actual ide of of the 89), fossil from en the Army ream. st by and trains Upper mately gered mately g lot. on of ing is s and nts of nated of all s will walls s and La CrossLicense TRevisionReactWastVentiPipe WastTurbiLow MainThe debrdisposal.Figure 8-structurewill be dand strucrequire reG-3 Cribstructure potential the LTP The belofilled witDepartmbackfilleThe strudismantleAdmLACBOutfaG-3 Ccoal waterElectPavedplant After all process aand the sse Boiling WTerminationn 0 tor Buildingte Treatmentilation Stackand Ventilatte Gas Tank ine BuildingSpecific Actntenance Eat ris generated -3 shows ths and compodemolished actures assocemedial actib House, wills at depths gremoval. FChapter 3. ow grade struth suitable cent of Naturd, returned tuctures outsed and will rinistration BBWR Crib Hall diffuser dCoal Plant anbarge washir systems antrical Switchd roadways area. demolition as described surrounding Water ReactorPlan g, t Building, k, tion TunnelsVault, g and Turbintivity (LSA)Shack. d from demohe key LAConents, otheand removedciated with Gions; therefol remain intagreater than Further infoructures to reclean soil, saral Resourceto grade, seeide of the remain on siBuilding, inclHouse, includischarge pipnd all associing station tnd piping, hyard, and, and the Burand remediin Chapter open land r s, ne Office Bui) Storage Bulition and reCBWR builder than the Ld to a depth oG-3 are expore, no remedact and func3 foot belowrmation on temain in theand and/or oes (WDNR) eded and app"LACBWRte. These inluding assocuding fire proping, extendiiated buildinto the northrlington Noriation activi5 of this LTareas within8-4 ilding, uilding, and emoval operadings at the LACBWR Aof at least 3pected to bediation is plactional for Gw grade willthe approache "End Stateother suitablregulationspropriate eroR Site Enclnclude: ciated sanitarotection pipiing 110 feet ngs, warehouh of the planrthern-Santa ities are comTP, will be pn its licenseations will bsite. All oAdministratiofeet below ge radiologicaanned and thG-3 power opl be assessedh to the varie" such as ble media, as. The restosion controllosure" (LSry sewer anding systems,into the Misuses and supnt and all asFe rail line mplete, a Fiperformed tod boundariebe segregatedon-site LACon Building grade. Noneally impactehese structurperations. Ad for radioloious buildinbasement fous allowable ored areas ons will be estE) are not d water systessissippi Rivpport structurssociated saand spur ininal Radiatioo demonstrates, with the d for recycliCBWR buildand Crib He of the builed such thatres, includinAny contaminogical impacngs is providundations wunder Wiscn the site wablished. expected tems and pipiver, res, includinanitary sewernto the LACBon Survey (te that LACBexception oing or dings, House, dings t they ng the nated ct and ded in will be onsin will be to be ing, ng the r and BWR (FRS) BWR of the La CrossLicense TRevisionISFSI fa10 CFR 2dry storadry storaIsolation remediatcontrol mcompromequipmenaccess. Ithere is nsurvey arSeveral ssupport tsupportin8.3.RTo date, removal RPV incorFESWVarioRPV,PurifVarioChapter 3remediat achieve t8.4.ImAs previdecommiassociateby the prNURNURChapter 3schedule footprintse Boiling WTerminationn 0 acility, com20.1402. Asage casks ange within thand controion activitiemeasures wmised by thnt. Open laIsolation andno risk of rereas that havservices suchthe ISFSI mng the adjaceRemaining Dseveral key of the followand associare monitor guW stored comous system p, and primarfication, Sealous Turbine 3 of this LTion activitiethe "End-Stampacts to thiously notedissioning oped with decoreviously issuREG-0191, anREG-0586. 3 of the LTd to be com). The identWater ReactorPlan mply with s part of the d transferrede ISFSI untiol measures s. These actwill be implhe potentialand areas, acd control me-contaminatve been releah as sanitarymonitoring aent G-3 fossiDismantlemdismantlemwing componated reactor uide tubes, emponents supiping and cry systems sul Injection anand auxiliarP provides des currently bate" conditiohe Post-Shud, the D-Plperations at tommissioninued environmnd TP identifiempleted priotified activitir the radiolodecommissid to the ISFil it is transfewill be imptivities will lemented to for re-conccess roads aeasures will ion from deased from they sewer serviand security il station whent and Decment and deconents: componentsetc.), uch as fuel shcomponents uch as the Cnd Main Stery systems. detailed descbeing perforon. utdown Decolan/PSDAR,the site and ng the site hamental impaes the dismor to the unies are not s8-5 ogical criterioning proceSI. It is experred to the Dplemented fobe completeo ensure thentamination and boundarremain in ecommissione license. ices and elecoperations. hich will remcommissionommissionins (e.g. fuel hrouds, contrassociated ontrol Rod Dam. criptions ofrmed and thommissionin amended concluded tave already act statementmantlement anrestricted reignificantly ria for unress, all spentpected that tDepartment following thed prior to ste final radias result ries will be ffect throughning. These ctrical servic There aremain in placening Activiting activities shrouds, corol rods, andwith the FoDrive Mechathe dismanthe remainingng Activitiein March 2that the potebeen postulats, specificaland decontaelease of thdifferent frorestricted ut nuclear fuethis spent fuof Energy (De conclusiontarting the Fiological coof access bposted withhout FRS acmeasures arce will remae three potabe. ies have occurrntrol rods, sd start-up souorced Circulaanisms, Declement, decog activities tes Report (P014, describential enviroated in, and lly: amination ache site (exclom those oriuse specifieel was loadeduel will remaDOE). n of radioloFRS process.onditions areby personneh signs restrictivities andre not requirin in operatible wells onred, includinsteam separaurces, and ation systemcay Heat, Priontaminationto be executPSDAR) bed the plaonmental imd will be bouctivities thaluding the Iiginally discued in d into ain in ogical The e not el or icting d until red in ion to n site ng the ators, m, the imary n and ted to anned mpacts unded at are ISFSI ussed La CrossLicense TRevisionin the D-will be didentifiedprovide decommi8.5.L8.5.1.G8.5.1.1.The site Vernon C300 feet by fillingThe site 642 feet Mississipsilts) undsands and8.5.1.2.The U.Sreliable ctotal pop744 for Snear the small tow(populati5 miles s8.5.1.3.The LACof the Mbounded north, anelectric pThis statGenoa, lowithin thThe areaand freshto the G-site, locase Boiling WTerminationn 0 -Plan/PSDAdefined durind in the D-additional issioning. La Crosse BoGeography aSite Llocation andCounty, Wisfrom the easg in river edis relativelyAMSL bouppi River to derlain by find gravels. BPopul. Census Bucensus data fpulation in 2Stoddard, locplant, locatwns west oion 397), loouthwest. Site ACBWR propeMississippi Rby the Misnd a wildlife power stationtion is locateocated approhe town. Thea of the Missh water fishi-3 station loated approximWater ReactorPlan R. Althougng decommi-Plan/PSDARevaluation oiling Wateand DemogrLocation and d descriptionsconsin, in tst bank of thedge and low y flat with thunded by thethe west. Tne to mediumBedrock is enlation ureau, Amerfor nearby W2013 was 25cated 7 milested 17 miles of the plant cated 3 milAccess, Landerty is locateRiver. Althossissippi Rivand fish refn completeded to the sooximately 1 mere are no resissippi Riveing) and comcated south mately 4,000r gh additionalissioning plR have beeand inforer Reactor Eraphy Descriptionn were discuthe Mississipe Mississippforest areashe reactor fe railroad trThe geologym sands withncountered arican CommWisconsin vi8 for the Vis N of the plN; and 30,across the es northwed and Water ed in the farough the sitever to the wfuge to the sd in 1969, wouth, adjacenmile to the nesidences witer adjacent tmmercial barof the LAC0 feet south o8-6 l details regaanning efforen identifiedrmation regEnvironmenn ussed in sectippi River Vpi River. Tws with materfacilities stanacks to the y consists prh some soilsat approximamunity Surveillages and cillage of Gelant; 51,522,329 for VerMississippist, and NewUse r western pore area is 163west, a rail lisouth. The swhich is also nt to the LAnortheast of tthin 2,000 feto the site isrge and shipCBWR plant)of the plant. arding majorts, no signid. Subsequgarding the nt Descriptioion 8.2. Thealley, with twenty-sevenrial dredgednding at eleveast and thrimarily of fs containing ately 130 feeey (ACS) recities and Veenoa, locatedfor La Crosrnon Countyi River, incw Albin, IArtion of Ver3.5 acres, it ine to the esite includes owned andACBWR facthe site. Aneet of any LAs used for rep traffic (e.g.). There is There is a pr decommisificant impauent sectionsenvironmeon e 163.5 acrethe Reactor acres of the d from the Mvations ranghe riprap on fill materialshigher percet below groueport (11) prernon Countyd 1 mile norse, the largey. There arluding RenoA (populatirnon Countyis relativelyeast, USACEs G-3, a coad operated bycilities. Then elementary ACBWR strecreational p. barges of ca public boportion (Poosioning activcts beyond s in this chental effecte site is locatBuilding losite were foMississippi Rging from 6the shore os (fine sandentages of cund surfacerovides the y. The estimrth of LACBst Wisconsinre also numo township,ion 513), loy on the east y isolated asE property tal-fired 379 My Dairylande closest tow school is loructure. purposes (bocoal are delivat landing ool 9) of the Uvities those hapter ts of ted in ocated ormed River. 36 to of the s and coarse (10). most mated BWR; n city erous MN ocated bank s it is to the MWe (12). wn is ocated oating vered on the Upper La CrossLicense TRevisionMississipfor huntiGenoa Nmile 679long lockpublic acthrough HighwayNo. 8. 8.5.2.CThe climcontinentriver vallLock andof the infrom 60 winter mthe averasummer sThe averrange fromonth foThe bluffwinds atmonthly experienctornado oF3 (maxicenter inj8.5.3.T8.5.3.1.The site idissectedvaries beriver leveHighwayPrior to clying wedredged to constrse Boiling WTerminationn 0 ppi River Naing, fishing National Fish.2, is approxk and dam sccess to an oNovember. y 35 approxiClimate mate at the Ltal climate wley location d Dam No. 8nformation fto 90o F dumonths of Deage temperaseason (15).rage annual rom 3 to 5 incor the remainfs of the Mist the site whaverage wiced tornadosoccurred 27imum wind jured one peTopographyTopogis located wd uplands. Fetween 21/2 ael. The LACy 35. Figure constructiontlands. Thesands from truction, the aWater ReactorPlan ational Wildland recreatih Hatchery.ximately 0.6structure owobservation The Stateimately 1/2 mLa Crosse rwith cold wiof the site. 8 site with afor the past uring the moecember 201ture is appr rainfall is 35ches per monnder of the yssissippi Rivhere the vaind speeds s. On April.4 miles awaspeeds 158-erson and cau, Geology angraphy ithin the MiFrom La Croand 41/2 mileCBWR site i8-4 providen of the LACe property grthe Mississiparea was grar life & Fish Ronal activiti. Lock and6 miles northned and opeplatform, ope of Wisconmile north oregion of Winters and ho The USACarchived weayear (May onths of Jun14 to Februaoximately 25.2 inches. Mnth in the spear. ver Valley chlley runs noare typicalll 30, 1954, aay from the 216 mph) toused betweend Seismolossissippi Rivsse to Prairis in width. is located bees a TopograCBWR facilrade was theppi River. Daded to a rel8-7 Refuge just sies (13). Furd Dam No.h of the siteerated by thepen from dansin also mof the LACBWisconsin anot summers CE maintainsather inform2014 to Mane through Aary 2015. C20o F in the Monthly precpring and sumhannel the worth-south ay 6 to 10 ma category F4Genoa villaornado that oen $500,000 ogy ver Valley, we du Chien, The valley etween two vaphy Map of lity, the site en increasedDuring gradelatively flat south of the rther south a8, located e. The dame USACE (awn to duskmaintains a BWR site, and at the LAand extrems an active wmation for theay 2015) indAugust 2014City data comwinter moncipitation avmmer seasonwinds at the Lare from themph. The 4 (maximumage center. occurred 6.6and $5,000,where the vaapproximatewalls rise svalleys on efthe site. location cod through thee manipulatiground surfsite which hare public laon the Mism is a 110 fe14). This fack during the highway wacross fromACBWR sitmes influenceweather state Genoa, Wdicated temp4 and 45 to mpiled for Gnths and reacverages in thens and from LACBWR se north and Genoa, WIm wind speeOn June 5, 6 miles away000 in damaalley is deepely 40 milessharply 500 either side ofonsisted of me depositionion and site face. The rehas limited aand areas ansissippi Rivet wide, 600cility also amonths of wayside off m Lock and te is typical ed because oion at the neI area. A reperatures ran-5o F durinGenoa showsches 72o F ie Genoa, WI1 to 3 incheite. Predomthe south. I area has rds 207-2601980, a catey from the viages. ly cut into hs south, the vto 600 feet f the bluff eamarshes and n of hydraulipreparation esulting gradaccess nd the ver at 0 feet llows April State Dam of a of the earby eview nging ng the s that in the I area es per minant The rarely mph) egory illage highly valley from ast of low-ically prior de for La CrossLicense TRevisionthe LACaccess ro8.5.3.2.LACBWof the Ceof the Wbedrock iGenerallyto 130 feValley. DreshbacPrecambr(BGS). A509 feet river sho8.5.3.3.Many faucapable iconditionin the sitnuclear pany evidTherefor Seismic a2008 all 8.5.4.HHydrologGroundw25 feet BMississipthe Missithe west towards groundwfossil stasome perflooding.Hydraulithe shallostructure se Boiling WTerminationn 0 BWR site isoad along theGeoloWR is locatedentral LowlaWisconsin Doin this regiony, the local get of glacial These uncoch Group (rian crystallAt the subjeAMSL nearreline. Seismults have bein accordancns in the sitete region, bupower plant dence of cape, capable faactivity (maoccurred oveHydrology agy and hydwater beneathBGS and the ppi River. Tissippi Riverand dischargthe west buwater elevatioation, it apperiods where. ic conductiviow sands thaof the shallWater ReactorPlan s generally fe eastern bouogy d on the east and Physiogrme and the n dips less thgeology is doutwash anonsolidated dUpper Camline rocks eect site, the br the Reactormology een mappedce with 10 Ce vicinity thaut investigatisites in the pable faultinaulting does agnitudes raner 180 milesnd Hydrogedrogeologicah the site iswater tableTherefore, chr. Groundwges into the Mut then may on measuremears that thethe gradienity is influenat were hydrlow soils wor flat with graundary of thebank of the raphic Proviwestern flanhan 20 feet pdescribed as ad fluvial depdeposits are mbrian). Thencounteredbedrock surfr Building ad in the site CFR 100, Aat represent ions of all oregion, in adng. Additionot need to nging from 3s from the siteology al informats first encou aquifer is inhanges in theater in the shMississippi turn and floments collecere is a slighnts are revernced by the sraulically dreould not like8-8 ade level at e site to the rMississippiince (16). Tnk of the Wiper mile to thapproximateposits on theunderlain bhe Dreshbacd at approxiface is encouand slopes toregion. NoAppendix A.hazard to thf these faultddition to stonally, the abe considere3.5 to 5.4) thte and did notion was puntered at den strong hyde water tablehallow depoRiver. The ow parallel cted during ht downwarrsed and thisoil structureedged, depoely influenceapproximateriprap alongi River in theThe site is loisconsin Arche southwesely 15 feet oe east flood pby flat lying ch Group iimately 650untered at ano approximatone of these Per the Nhe facility. Nts during thetudies for thearea is one oed in the anahat has beenot impact theprimarily obepths rangindraulic comme elevation asits and fill mdeeper grouto the riverroutine samrd vertical gis is likely de and grain sited, and coe groundwately 639 feet g the river she Wisconsinocated on thech. The sedist. f hydraulic fplain of the Msandstone ais then und0 feet belown elevation tely 501 feee faults are NRC, "ThereNumerous fe course of ve LACBWRof relativelyalysis of thisn recorded be plant site obtained fromng from appmunication ware dependenmaterial likeundwater is ar. Based onmpling in supgradient. Hodue to high size distribuompacted onter flow direAMSL fromhore. n Driftless see southwest imentary strafill overlyingMississippi Rand shales oderlain by dw ground suof approximt AMSL neaconsidered e are no geofaults are mavalidating seR, have not fy low seisms site" (17).etween 1975or operationsm Referencroximately with the adjnt on the staely flows towalso likely ton a review opport of theowever, therriver stagesution. Becaun site, the intection. Howm the ection flank ata or g 100 River of the dense urface mately ar the to be ologic apped everal found micity. 5 and s. ce 10. 15 to acent age of wards o flow of the e G-3 re are s and use of ternal wever, La CrossLicense TRevisionthe nativanisotropthe horizthese layThe velogradient.across ththe grounrange) ev8.6.E8.6.1.SThe evalfollows tincludes considere"Large."

evaluatioFor thosevaluatio1) TNid2) A3) Pd4) Aesenadavth5) AA concluthe level 0586 evathe formeTable 8-1LACBWscreen thse Boiling WTerminationn 0 ve sands undpy of the aquontal directiers. ocity of grou The gradiehe site it is lindwater veloven though thEnvironmenummary luation of ththe approachidentificatioed to be gen If identifieon in NUREGse environmon, a standardThe issue or NUREG-019dentified in tApplicable reotential impescribed. An evaluatiostimate or dnvironment dditional mivoided, a dehe resource oA conclusionusion is deriv of significaaluation. Noer G-1 coal/o1 was used WR. It is exche issues tWater ReactorPlan derlying the uifer would ion than in thundwater floent of the wakely that theocity acrosshe hydraulicntal Effects ohe environmeh and methodon of environeric, it is aed as genericG-0586 whicmental issud approach iactivity is s1 and D-Plathese documegulations, ppacts from deon is perfordetermine whconsideringitigation meaetermination or attribute. is reached. ved from theance of the ote that the eoil fueled poas the bascerpted fromo identify r hydraulic fibe more perhe vertical dow is directlyater table is e water table the site is c conductivitof Decommiental effectsdology outlinmental issuassigned a sc, the enviroch concludeses or decois followed. summarized,an/PSDAR. ments. ermits, limitecommissionrmed. Thishether the a the availabasures that cis made as e evaluation impacts. Sienvironmentaower plant wsis for the m Table 6.1 osite-specific8-9 fill would likrmeable anddirection. Thy related to influenced be has a very also relativety could suppissioning (or impactsined and desues as eitherignificance onmental ims that the ovommissionin It is summa including aNote that mts or other rening activities includes ctivity is likble informatican be takento whether steps summite-specific ial impacts owas not consisite specificof NUREG-0c issues. Dkely provided have a highhis decreasesboth the hyby the topoglow gradienely slow (i.eport faster fls) of the decscribed in Nr generic or level of eithmpact is consverall impactng activitiesarized as folla summary omany decomegulatory reqes relating toanalysis ankely to makeion. If an imn are evaluathe impact imarized abovissues are nof the operatiidered in thisc environme0586. The fDecommissie sufficient her hydraulis the verticaydraulic congraphy and wnt. Therefore., in the incflow. commissioniNUREG-0586site-specificher "Small,"sidered to bet significances that requlows: of the impacmmissioning quirements ao the environnd professione a noticeabmpact is likated. If an iis likely to sve. The conot bounded ing G-3 coals review. ental impactfirst step in ioning activstructure thaic conductival transport wductivity anwith the flat re, it is likelyches and feeing of LACB6. This apprc. If the iss" "Moderatee bounded be is "Small."uire site-spects as reportactivities arare identifiednmental issunal judgmeble impact okely, existingimpact cannseriously damnclusion idenby the NURl power plant assessmenthis processvities specifat the vity in within nd the areas y that et/day BWR roach sue is e," or by the " ecific ted in re not d. ue are nt to on the g and not be mage ntifies REG-nt and nt for s is to fic to La CrossLicense TRevisionLACBWidentifiedevaluatioOffsi35 yeAquasensitTerreof senThreathreatEnvir35 yeCultuhistor8.6.2.R8.6.2.1.During din accordof the Raexposure2,000 mralso be mprogram RadiationmaterialsIn Augusof the sta1994 witallowed levels at Protectioexposuresignificanremoval (SSCs). se Boiling WTerminationn 0 WR are then d. The screon: te land use aears, since thatic ecology tive areas. estrial Ecolonsitive areasatened and tened and enronmental Jears. ural and Hiric landmarkRadiologicalOccupdecommissiodance with thadiation Proes and maintrem/yr Totalmaintained Aand procedn Work Perms incorporatest 1987, Dairabilized and th the commfor the decathe facility.on Program e during thent contributoand packagWater ReactorPlan reviewed aeening identactivities: chhe FES was iaffected by gy affected bs. endangered ndangered spJustice: chanstoric Resouk designationl Effects of Dpational Radoning, Solutihe license sptection Progtain occupatl Effective DAs Low As Rdures will emits (RWP) e effective raryland placedefueled facmencement oay of most s. This delayand ALARAe decommissors to occupging of rema r and the activtified the fohanges in demissued. activities beby activitiesspecies: chpecies that hnges in demurce impactns and other Decommissidiation Expoions will conpecificationsgram are to tional workeDose EquivaReasonably Aensure that involving poadiological ced LACBWRcility). LACof incrementshort-lived ry, combinedA measures,sioning of Lational doseaining Reac8-10 vities that mollowing pomographics eyond the ops beyond thehanges in lohave occurredmographics ts beyond tcultural resoioning sure ntinue to ims and the reqcontrol radiaer exposuresalent (TEDEAchievable (work speciotential radiacontrols. R in a SAFSCBWR remaital decommiradionuclidesd with the ef, minimized LACBWR t from remaitor Buildingmay requireotential areasand zoning tperational are operationalocal flora and in the pastand socioethe operatioources. mplement a Rquirements oation hazards to less thaE). Dose to (ALARA). ifications, dation exposuSTOR conditined in a fulissioning acts, which subffective implthe actual to date. It ining dismang Structurese site-specifis for additiothat have ocea; changes l area; changnd fauna ant 35 years. economic stonal areas; cRadiation Prof 10 CFR 20ds, avoid accan the adminworkers andThe LACBWdesigns, worure or handlition (a periolly SAFSTOtivities. Thbsequently rlementation and projecteis anticipatentlement actis, Systems, ic evaluationonal site-specurred in thein designatiges in designnd designatiotatus in the changes in otection Pro0. The objeccidental radinistrative limd the public WR work cork packagesing of radioaod of safe stoOR conditionhis period ofreduced radiof the Radied radiation ed that the ivities will band Compon are ecific e past ion of nation on of past local ogram ctives iation mit of must ontrol s and active orage n until f time iation iation dose most be the onents La CrossLicense TRevisionTable 8Sectio8.6.2 se Boiling WTerminationn 0 8-1 SummPoweon RadioloActivitiworkersActivitiRadioloOnsite lOffsite Water UWater QSurfaceGroundAir QuaAquaticActivitiActivitiTerrestrActivitiActivitiThreateOccupa1 Socioec2 Environ3 CulturaActivitiActiviti4 Aesthet5 Noise 6 Irretriev7 Traffic 8 ISFSI c9 VCC coimpacts0 Rail linoffsite) Water ReactorPlan mary of the r Facilities Enviroogical ies resulting is ies resulting iogical Accideland use activland use activUse Quality e water d water ality c Ecology ies within theies beyond thrial Ecology ies within theies beyond thened and Endaational Issues conomic nmental Justical and Historicies within theies beyond thtics vable Resourcand Transporconstruction: lonstruction fos (onsite) ne upgrade andr Environmeonmental Issuin occupationin dose to the ents vities vities e operational ae operational e operational ae operational angered Specce c Resource Ime operational ae operational ces rtation land use impaor the ISFSI: ld extension (o8-11 ental Impactue al dose to public area area area area cies mpacts area area acts (onsite) land use onsite and ts from DecNUREG0586(GEIS) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No commissioniG-) Impac Small Small Small Small Site-speSmall Small Small Small Small Site-spe Small Site-speSite-speSmall Small Site-spe Small Site-speSmall Small Small Small Site-speSite-speSite-speing Nuclearct Significanccific cific cific cific cific cific cific cific cific r ce La CrossLicense TRevisionNUREG-The currestimateddose for bounded environmthe radiodecommiof 10 CFto adherepublic doconsidereThe onlyliquid wapiping" wcollectionthrough tdischargeof the cprotectio LACBWbounded The gasemeteorolnoble gasor exposugaseous r8.6.2.3.

Decommthis analyconducteFuel Accdecommithe miniLACBWotherwiseThe decoand contProtectiose Boiling WTerminationn 0 -0586 estimrent occupatd to be 130.3the decommby NUREGOffsitd implementat LACBWment in and aoactive gaseissioning actFR 50, Appene to these lose from deced as "Smally authorized aste from thwhich is a pan system puthe East Tues to the inlecurrent and n in accorWR to date coby the evalueous pathwalogical condis, the gaseouure pathwayreleases. Enviromissioning acysis has coned and provicident Analyissioning andmal radioacWR site is ine involving aommissioninamination leon and SafetWater ReactorPlan mated that 1,tional expen3 Rem, whicmissioning wG-0586 and thte Radiation ted a regulatWR which paround the eeous (airbortivities do nndix I, or thlimits througcommissionil." effluent relehe LACBWRart of the G-3umps are noturbine buildiet of the liqufuture Raddance with onclude thatuation in NUay (which iitions duringus pathway cy. Routine aonmental Efccident analyntinued durinided in reguysis" have nod with spentctive materinsufficient fa significantng of radioaevels remainty and Healr 874 Rem winded and doch is well belwill meet thehe impact is Exposure antory compliaprovided annvirons of thrne) and liqot exceed the fuel cycle ghout the coing is boundease pathwayR site to the 3 circulatingt operable. Ting sump usuid waste modiation Prot10 CFR 20t the public eUREG-0586,includes nobg the time ofconsists of aair samples affects of Accysis is integng shutdownular updates oted that "wt nuclear fueal resulting for any pott adverse effeactively contning at LACth Programs8-12 ill be needeose expectelow the NURe regulatoryconsidered nd Monitorinant Radiolognnual reporthe site. Thequid effluenhe concentratdose limits ourse of theded by the cry for the disMississippig water dischThe only liqsing an air oonitor, whichtection and0 and 10 CFexposure as which concble gas andf the release.airborne partare collected cidents and Dgral to the lin and decomto the D-Plwith considerel now storedfrom LACential eventfect on publictaminated SCBWR. Wors for LACBed to decomed to complREG-0586 ey standards oas "Small."ng gical Environs with assee REMP prognt releases dation limits oof 40 CFR e decommisriteria in NUcharge of trei River is thrharge systemquid effluentoperated pumh is still operREMP atFR 50, Appa result of dcludes the imd particulate. Due to platiculate only to determinDecommissioicensing desmmissioning.lan/PSDAR,ration for thd in the ISFSCBWR operat to result ic health andSCs will inrker safety iBWR which mmission a slete the decestimate. Asof 10 CFR 2nmental Moessments of gram providduring plantof 10 CFR 20190. Solutiossioning. CUREG-0586 eated and filhrough the "sm. Currentlyt discharges mp. The airable. ContiLACBWR pendix I. REdecommissiompact is minie) analysis iant shutdown and presentne the dose doning Eventsign basis fo. Post-fuel , within sece current staSI, this analyation and rin exceedingd safety." nvolve the his addressedrely on ALsingle unit Bcommissionins the occupat20, it is theronitoring Prothe radiolodes assurancet operations0, the dose lons will conConsequentlyand the impltered radioaseal well/dify, the liquid wat LACBWRir operated pinued applicR ensures pEMP reportoning activitimal. is subject ton and cessatits a minor redue to radioats or LACBWRaccident anation "Plant age of LACBysis confirmemaining ong dose limihighest dose d in the RadiLARA princBWR. ng is tional refore ogram ogical e that s and limits ntinue y, the pact is active ffuser waste R are pump cation public ts for ties is o the ion of elease active R and alysis Post-BWR s that n the its or rates iation iples.

La CrossLicense TRevisionThe saferelease oDuring daddition in NUREdecommiLACBWpotential reductionDecoPrior RadioOperationand serviin the ISFRadioExploLoss NaturHumThe publaccidentsdose conPlan/PSDanalysis i8.6.2.4.The decovolumes bulk debare, and implementhe approand liquiThe majoEnergySoand trucktransferrese Boiling WTerminationn 0 ty of the puf radioactivedecommissioto maintenanEG-0586 assissioning ofWR are boundconsequencn of the totalontaminationradioactive oactive decanal accidentice conditionFSI, operatiooactive wastosions and/oof contaminral phenomean caused evlic dose conss during deconsequences fDAR and resis therefore bStoragommissioninof low leveris materialswill continuntation of thopriate segred radioactivority of the olutions dispked to a raed to a rail cWater ReactorPlan ublic is prine materials doning, Solutince, waste msociated witf LACBWRded by the ces associatel radionuclidn efforts madwaste shipmay. s during decns. With theonal accidente transportator fires assocnation controena, and vents externasequences reommissioninfrom accidensulted in dosbounding foge and Dispong of LACBel radioactivs such as conue to be disphe Waste Maegation, clase wastes. Class A lowposal site in ail trans-loadcar. Rail anr cipally relatduring decomons will perfmanagement,th immediatR. Consequaccident evaed with thosde inventory de before decments, and commissionie spent nuclents during detion accidenciated with eol, al to LACBWeported in Nng ranged fronts during Lse ranging frr the decommosal of Low-BWR has, ae waste, incncrete, metapositioned aanagement Pssification, pw level radioClive, Utahd facility innd truck shi8-13 ted to potenmmissioningform decont, and surveilte dismantlinuently, the paluation prese accidents at LACBWRcommissioning could resear fuel remcommissionnts, xplosive andWR. NUREG-0586om 0.02 to 0LACBWR deom 0.027 tomissioning o-Level Radioand will cocluding contaal and asphalas low level rogram and processing, poactive wasteh. Waste wn Winona, Mipments are ntial hazards g operations.tamination anllance activitng would alpotential desented in N would be lR from: ing, sult from equmoved from tning can be cd/or combus6 for onsite, 0.96 rem. Aecommissiono 0.065 rem. of LACBWRoactive Wastontinue to reaminated eqlt. Materialsradioactiveassociated ppackaging, se from LACwill be loadeMN where made in acc associated nd dismantleties. The aclso be appliecommissionNUREG-0586less at LACuipment failuthe LACBWcategorized astible materianon-fuel relAn analysis oning was pr The NURER. te equire the dquipment, tos that cannote waste. Thprocedures, Sshipment andCBWR will bd into approthe waste ccordance witwith an airbement of SScidents discuicable durinning acciden6. HoweverCBWR due ture, human eWR site and sas follows: als, lated radioloof potential provided in thEG-0586 accdisposal of ools, clothingt be free relerough the pSolutions end control ofbe shipped topriate contacontainer with Departmeborne SCs in ussed ng the nts at r, the to the error, stored ogical public he D-cident large g and eased roper nsures solid to the ainers ill be ent of La CrossLicense TRevisionTransporWaste Co8.6.2.5.Followinradiologiremainin(excludinradiologilicense wChapter 6criteria. 8.6.3.N8.6.3.1.The enviwithin seThe LACexisting Lto be conslips are onsite raactivitiesparking ato occur Several sroadwaysincludingremediat636 foot waste strNo signactivitiescomply wregulatorIn accordonsite are8.6.3.2.Only areand licenand demse Boiling WTerminationn 0 rtation (DOTontrol SpeciRadiong the comical surveys ng in backfing the ISFSIical conditiowill be termi6 provide thNon-radiologOnsiteironmental iection 4.3.1 oCBWR decoLACBWR lnducted withbeing constail line will s. Containeand equipmein a manner structures sus and rail lig piping anded, as neceselevation wream. nificant envs are anticipawith applicary requiremedance with te consideredOffsiteas within thnse terminatimolition equipWater ReactorPlan T) regulationalist (WCS) ological Critempletion of will be perfilled structuI) meets the ns are demonated, with he methodogical Effectse Land Use impact assocof NUREG-0ommissioninicensed prophin the LSE tructed. Thebe modifieders will be uent/containesimilar to wuch as the Sines, will red tunnels, bessary. All otwill be remoironmental ated. In addable United ents. the guidanced as "Small."te Land Use he existing sion activitiepment, wastr ns. If Classfacility in Aeria for Licedecontaminformed to dure basemenunrestricted onstrated to bthe exceptioology for des of Decommciated with 0586 to be gng project isperty previoufootprint. Se existing rad and refurbunloaded anr laydown, swhen the faciSwitchyard, emain at licelow the 63ther systemsoved during changes asdition to NRCStates Envire presented " (in the Vicinite licensedes (such as tte container8-14 s B/C wasteAndrews, Texnse Terminanation, dismemonstrate tnts, any remuse criteriabe below theon of the areemonstratingmissioningonsite land generically cs located anusly used foSome onsiteail line suppbished with nd loaded onstorage, stagility was opeAdministratense termin6 foot elevas and compothe decommssociated wC requiremeronmental Prin NUREG-nity) boundary wemporary sts, etc.). Ofe is identifiexas. ation mantlement that the dosmaining pipia specified ine unrestricteea around thg compliancuses has beonsidered asnd executed or power gene roads have ported the opa rail spur nsite. Onsiging and waerational. tion Buildingnation. Subation will beonents as wemissioning pwith the sitents, decommrotection Ag-0586, the pwill be used torage and sf the 163.5 aed, it will band remedse from residing and soin 10 CFR 20ed use criterie ISFSI. LTce with the een determins a "Small" iwithin the neration; all been refurbperation of tto support dite activitiesaste loading g, Crib Housurface basee radiologicaell as all struprocess and te-specific dmissioning agency (USEpotential impto support dstaging areasacre site, abbe shipped tdiation activdual radioacils at LACB0.1402. Afteia, the 10 CFTP Chapter 5unrestrictedned by the Nimpact. boundary owork is expbished. No bthe facility. decommissios such as veare and conuse as well aement structally assesseductures abovdisposed ofdecommissioactivities wilEPA) and Wpacts to landdecommissios for remedibout 1.5 acreto the vities, ctivity BWR er the FR 50 5 and d use NRC, of the pected barge The oning ehicle ntinue as all tures, d and ve the f as a oning l also WDNR d use oning iation es are La CrossLicense TRevisionlocated AppropricontaminThese mimpacts activitiesLand in twithin a Upper MCrosse-BCounty hwater qulocated wbasin lansome of tThe closnorth of with a povalley beDecommthe Refusouthern traffic endecommi8.6.3.3.LACBWSlough tpredominMississipthe reactsystems. Water puto be proFor a di towns anriver watin Lansinriver wa40 miles The LACwell at thPotable wse Boiling WTerminationn 0 within the iate isolationation from measures willassociated ws at LACBWthe vicinity five-mile rMississippi RBad Axe Rivhas establishality and prowithin the Bnd use is agrithe agricultusest municipthe site, acroopulation of elow the eastmissioning acge at the soend of the ntering or leissioning actWaterWR is locatedtributary extnant water uppi River as tor, river wa River wateulled from oncessed onsitstance of 40nd cities alonter for industng, Iowa, abater for indudownstreamCBWR site he site. Thewater use duWater ReactorPlan fence-encloon and conthe LSE arel also be mowith the usWR. of the LACBradius, approRiver Nationver Basin Wahed a Land &otection of tBad Axe Rivicultural andural land to rpality to the oss from the258 consisttern bluff. ctivities are nouthern bounsite will be aving the sitivities and tr Use d on the shortends along usage duringcondensate ater is not cer does suppnsite wells wte and discha0 miles downg the Missistrial purposebout 15 mileustrial purpom. has its owne locations ouring decommr osed LSE, ntrol measurea to the adonitored to ese of offsiteBWR site isoximately onal Wildlifeatershed as a& Water Resthe environmver Watershed over 50% orecreational lLACBWR e north-souths of various not being pendary of theminimally ite. Consequthe potential res of the Mithe LACBWg the operacooling watcurrently beply the Lowwill support arged in accownstream of ssippi River es, excludinges downstreaoses between potable waof all wellsmissioning o8-15 where mostres will bedjacent LACensure their e lands are s predominane third is e & Fish Ra Geographisource Manment within ed. Approxof the land island use, simsite is the h running Hresidences, rformed in a site. Also,impacted duuently, the oimpacts to lississippi RiWR site foration of LACer. With theeing used asw Pressure andecommissiordance withthe site, virare obtainedg the adjacenam of the sien the LACater supply, (active and operations ist work is e instituted CBWR proper effectiveneanticipated antly rural anwater and bRefuge. WDic Managemagement Plathis GMU. imately 36%s forested. Tmilar to othervillage of GHighway 35.farms, and any land are, public acceuring decomoffsite land land use offsiver. The Mr 3,000 feetCBWR wase plant shut ds a cooling nd High Preioning tasksh the site's srtually all md from grounnt G-3 fossilite. There aCBWR site provided thabandoned)s not expectexpected toto preventerty as welless. Thus, nfrom the dnd undevelobottomlandsDNR has dement Unit (GMan (18), addThe commu% of the La There is an inr parts of rurGenoa, appr This small a few retail as adjacent tess to the bmmissioning areas are nosite are consMississippi Rit from norths the use ofdown and fumedium foessure servics and this watate dischargmunicipal wund water. Tl plant, is thare no otherand Prairiehrough a sin)are illustratted to be sigo be condut the spreal as offsite ano environmdecommissioped. Of thes included inesignated thMU) and Vedressing landunity of GenCrosse-Badncreasing shral Wisconsioximately 1rural commbusinesses ito the site oroat launch aby rail and ot affected bsidered "Smaiver and its h to south.f water fromuel removed or reactor orce water sysater will conge permits. water supplieThe nearest uhe coal-fired r known usee du Chien,ngle groundwted in Figurenificantly gructed. ad of areas. mental oning e area n the he La ernon d use, noa is d Axe hift of in. 1 mile munity in the r near at the truck by the all." Thief The m the from r fuel tems. ntinue es for use of plant ers of , WI, water e 8-5. reater La CrossLicense TRevisionthan the solids hoincludes tank thatMississipdiscoloradownspolocated into water u8.6.3.4.This sectrelated toponds, reto the weThe envsection 4a "Small"At LACBits WDNLACBWSystem (and WDNreduced erosion decommidemolitioRadiolog(ODCM)Potentialonsite m per year elevation201 A/BbuildingsLACBWAs the wLACBWNo adverdecommiquality arse Boiling WTerminationn 0 potable watolding tank a sanitary ht services thppi River aation. Roof outs or throunside the LSuse are consWatertion evaluato surface weservoirs andest and the Rvironmental 4.3.3 of NUR" impact. BWR, all noNR permits. WR which m(WPDES) asNR Wastewthrough imand sediissioning, ston will be mgical impact) limits andl onsite grouonitoring wefor radiologns. The plan; MW-202As in appropWR former prwater from WR, the thermrse impacts issioning acre bounded bWater ReactorPlan ter use durinand pumpeolding tank he LSE Turbat outfalls. drains are egh the normSE. Conseqsidered "Smar Quality tes potentialwater and grd lakes. At Refuge wetlanimpact evaREG-0586 han-radiologic Water mameet the Gens well as LAwater Permitmplementatiomentation torm water rmonitored ands are minimd assessed thundwater imells at LACBgical analysnt's networkA/B; MW-20riate locatiorocess areas the Missismal impact toon surface wctivities. Coby NUREG-r ng plant poed off by a that servicesbine BuildinRelease arither discharmal effluent rquently, in acall." l project effroundwater. LACBWR, nds to the soaluation assas been detecal water disanagement pnoa site's WACBWR's W. In addition of appropcontrol drun-off fromd controlled mized throughrough the mpacts are mBWR. Repis purposes k of down gr3A/B; and Mons and quaand potentiassippi is noo the Mississwater and gronsequently,-0586 and co8-16 wer operatiolocal state s the Adminng. Storm reas are perrged to the grelease pathwccordance wfects on tho Surface wthe nearby bouth. ociated withermined to becharges to thprograms anWDNR WiscWDNR Tier Ion, impacts priate Best during decm active impif necessarygh adherencREMP andmonitored byresentative gwhen grounradient wellsMW-204A/Bantity to inal release poio longer usesippi River hroundwater a, the potentionsidered "Sons. Sanitapermitted snistration Buwater runofriodically mground area way after prowith NUREGose portions water generalbodies of wath surface ae generally ahe Mississipnd practicesconsin PolluII Industrial to the MissManagemencommissioninpacted areasy. ce to Off-sitd the groundy the routingroundwaterndwater cons (five paireB) are situatentercept andints. ed to cool has been elimare expectedial impacts Small." ary wastes asanitary wasuilding and aff is divertemonitored fosurroundingocessing thruG-0586, the pof the natully refers toater are the Mand groundwapplicable toppi River ares have beenutant DischStorm Watesissippi Rivent Practicesng operatis undergointe Dose Caldwater monne sampling r samples arnditions are ed wells: MWed around thd detect conoperating pminated. d from the imto surface are collectedste hauler. a sanitary hoed directly tor oil sheeng the facilityu an oil sepapotential imural environo streams, riMississippi Rwater qualio LACBWRe controlled un implementarge Eliminer General Per will be gr (BMP) forions. Dg remediatiolculation Mnitoring progof 10 permre obtained tat low and W-200A/B; he key LACBntamination plant systemmplementatiand groundwd in a This olding to the n and y thru arator mpacts nment ivers, River ty in R with under ted at nation Permit reatly r soil During on or anual gram. anent twice high MW-BWR from ms at on of water La CrossLicense TRevision8.6.3.5.The envi0586 hasLACBWrequiremBMP to msources sfrom the Fugitive demolitiocontrolleRadiationexcessivesuppressiDemolitispecificaAppropriextendedimpactedNo adveractivitiesconsidere8.6.3.6.The envNUREG-impact.

The aquaHouse atapproximdisturbeddecommifauna in removal Various these aquincluded Plans forequipmenSolutionsperformese Boiling WTerminationn 0 Air Qironmental is been determWR complies ments of the Wminimize fusuch as the facility. dust will on of concrd demolitionn Protectione or harmfuion by mistinion equipmeations whichiate Health ad periods of d by exhaust rse impacts s. Consequeed "Small." Aquatvironmental -0586 has batic habitat at the shorelmately 110 fed during theissioning acthe Mississof the diffusfresh water uatic enviro53 species ar the demolnt by barge. s will contined within apWater ReactorPlan uality impact evalumined to be gwith all appWDNR and ugitive dust dplant's diesbe generatete buildingn and disman, Environmeul dust emissng water wilent will be h will prevand Safety aoperation toemissions. on air qualently, the potic Ecology impact evabeen determat LACBWRline to the feet from thee initial cotivities is nosippi River ser structure,fish specienments. A and 19 famillition of stru Consequennue to mainpplicable limr uation assocgenerally applicable Fedthe Wisconduring demosel generatorted from vg structures antlement tecental, and Ssions are noll be used to operated anvent excessissessments ao ensure thality are expetential impaaluation assmined to be R includes thdiffuser strue shoreline. nstruction oot expected and also ne, which shares, macro-in1980 studylies (19). uctures at Lntly, there is ntain WDNRmits. Protect8-17 ciated with plicable to Lderal and Stansin Bureau oolition and drs are no lonvarious decoand the excchniques, wiSafety and Hot generatedmitigate dund maintainive exhaust and controlsat personnelected from tacts to air qusociated witgenerally aphe area fromucture that Habitats asof the facilto disturb eearby River es a line witvertebrate py indicated tLACBWR dno impact toR permits antion of the nair quality iLACBWR wate air qualiof Air Manaecommissionger in servommissionincavation of ith appropriaHealth staff, d. As necesst emissionsned in accoemissionss will also bel and the enthe implemeuality are both aquatic epplicable tom the intake extends outssociated wility. Howeexisting aqutributaries, th the G-3 fopopulations, that the popdo not incluo the shorelinnd decommnearby Refuin section 4with a "Smallity regulatioagement, anning activitivice and havng activitiessoil. Careate assessmewill be conssary, measus. ordance withfrom defece establishednvironment aentation of dounded by Necology in o LACBWRstructure intt into the Mith this areaever, the imuatic habitatsstreams andossil station, and vegetapulation of fude the remone from thismissioning opuge wetlands.3.4 of NURl" impact. ons, includind will impleies. Air emive been rems, includingful planningents by Solunducted to enures such ash manufactuctive equipmd during expare not advedecommissioNUREG-0586section 4.3R with a "Smtegral to theMississippi Ra were previmplementatios, their florad not plannation exist wfish near theoval of wass type of actiperations wis and habitaREG-ng the ement ission moved g the g and utions nsure s dust urer's ment. pected ersely oning 6 and .5 of mall" e Crib River ously on of a and The ned. within e site ste or ivity. ill be ats is, La CrossLicense TRevisionand will operationExotic sreproducWhile thrusty crayones in tconductethe site. A studymacrochiand chan& Fish Rperformesubsequefossil starequire aconstructaquatic aThe pote0586 andThe poteand cons8.6.3.7.The envibeen deteNo knowdecommiappropriaThe landthe formafrom theprevalentoperationonsite haaddition,that the dto the soudemolitioanticipatese Boiling WTerminationn 0 continue tons. species cantion or survhere are somyfish, etc.) ithe vicinity ed at LACBW of the imirus), freshwnnel catfish (Refuge Pool ed in 1980. ent shutdownation, has furany operatiotion, demoliareas beyondential impactd considered ential impactidered to be Terresironmental imermined to bwn terrestriissioning prate BMPs ard around LAation of aboe Mississippt in surroundns associatedabitats for m with the shdirect heavyuth, no direcon activities ed impact toWater ReactorPlan o be a priorin threaten nvival rate, ame known aqn Vernon Cof the LACWR have nompingement water drum ((Ictalurus pu9 navigation It was den of LACBWrther reducedons resultingtion, materiad the site bouts to the aquto be "Smalts to the aqu"Small." strial Ecologmpact evalube generally ial exotic oroject area. re, and will cACBWR wasout 27 acres pi River. Tding areas. d with G-1 many plant anhort-term nat constructionct impacts todo not incluo the shorelinr ity when planative specand diseasesquatic invasiounty, theseBWR site (ot resulted inand entrain(Aplodinotuunctatus), wn areas frometermined thWR and redud this impacg in any imal and wasteundary. uatic ecologyll." uatic ecologygy uation of terrapplicable toor invasive To minimcontinue to bs initially disby filling rivherefore, thGiven the eand G-3 asnd animal spture of the wn and demoo any off-siteude the remone. 8-18 anning onsitcies and ecs or parasiteve species (e have been n20). The opn the introdunment of ts grunniens)within the Upm the operatiohat the impauced intake oct. Decommmpingement e staging or y within they beyond therestrial ecoloo LACBWRspecies hize the introbe followed.sturbed by thver edge andhe site shoreextensive lans well as LApecies, incluwork associalition projece sensitive spoval of wastete dismantlecosystems des they may(e.g. zebra mnoted in slouperation anduction of anythe fishes, ), gizzard shpper Mississon of LACBact was mooperations, lmissioning opand entraintransfer opesite boundae site boundaogy in sectioR with a "Smhave been noduction ofthe constructd low foresteline no lonnd disturbancACBWR, thuding endangated with dect area is seppecies are ane or equipmement or wadue to aggy transmit tomussel, curlyughs and lakd decommisy aquatic insuch as blhad (Dorososippi River NBWR and G-st likely inslimited to superations arenment impaerations willary are bounary have alson 4.3.6 of Nmall" impact.noted to of exotic or ition of the ft areas with nger resembce, construche terrain hgered or invecommissionparated fromnticipated. Sment by bargeaste managegressive groo native spey-leaf pondwkes other thasioning activnvasive speciluegill (Lepoma cepediaNational Wi-3 was previsignificant. upporting thee not expectacts to fish.l be performnded by NURso been evaluNUREG-058. occur withininvasive spefacility, inclumaterial dreles the shorction and yeaas not suppasive speciening and them the RefugeSince the plae, there is alement owth, ecies. weed, an the vities ies to pomis anum) ildlife ously The e G-3 ted to No med in REG-uated 6 has n the ecies, uding edged reline ars of ported es. In e fact e area anned so no La CrossLicense TRevisionBest Manspills resThe pote"Small."

The poteevaluated8.6.3.8.

The poteand cons A reviewEndangetwo specwhich LAA mMissiA plafacinNo noteddue to ththe existiRiver to terrestriapresence been notHiggins eLikewiseWisconsiHabitat Plimestonetownshipfor this pThe PereSpecies lof falconprotectiodelisted hatching decommifalcon rese Boiling WTerminationn 0 nagement Prulting from ential impacential impacd and considThreaential impactidered "Smaw of the Uered, Proposcies are desigACBWR resmussel specieissippi Riverant species, g slopes: Thd adverse imhe siting and ing G-3 fossthe west andal or aquatic of the Higgted. A museye pearlyme, the Northein DepartmeProgram (22e cliffs overps within Veplant species egrine Falconlist in 1975 n nesting boxn (23). Ovein 1999 (24efforts. Sissioning wicovery efforWater ReactorPlan ractices andequipment octs to terrescts to the tdered to be "atened or Endts to "Threaall." U.S. Fish ansed, and Cagnated as "Tsides in: es, Higgins r: EndangerNorthern mhreatened. mpacts to aquoperation ofsil station, thd the rail linhabitats whgins eye peassel survey omussels were ern monkshoent of Agri2) has noted r creeks andernon Countyto be impacn (Falco perand startingxes at its facerall, Peregr4); however,Since the Gill not interfrt and popular d site procedoperation. strial ecologterrestrial ecSmall." dangered Spatened" or "End Wildlife ndidate SpeThreatened" eye pearlyred. monkshood uatic species f the LACBWhe majority oe and Highwhich may be arlymussel iof the Thieffound. ood has not culture, Trathat the Nord streams any. This habcted by decomregrinus) weg in 1993, Dcilities, incluine Falcon r DairylandG-3 facility fere with G-ation. 8-19 dures requiregy are bouncology beyopecies Endangered"Service lisecies' Countyor "Endangymussel (La(Aconitum nhave been nWR facility,of the licensway 35 to theinhabited byn mussel bef Slough rivbeen noted ade & Consrthern monknd the plant bitat is not pmmissioningere put on theairyland supuding at the Grestoration phas continuewill still c-3 operatione prompt clended by NUond the site" species aresting, the Fty Distributiered" withinampsilis hignoveborancenoted during , as well as tsed site, situe east, is devy threatenededs in the viver area wason or in thesumer Protekshood's habis present ipresent withig operationse Wisconsinpported recoG-3 stack, toprogram effoed to maintcontinue opens or its staceanup and reUREG-0586e boundary e bounded bFederally-Lision (21) conn Vernon Cogginsii), withense), with plant operatthe previousuated betweeveloped and d or endangeicinity of LAs conductede vicinity of ection's Endbitat is leachin the Whitein or near th. n Endangeredovery effortso support chorts resulted tain the G-3erations andck, there is emediation o6 and considhave also by NUREG-sted Threatncluded thatounty, the coh habitat inhabitat in ntions. In gen G-1 facilityen the Missisdoes not suered species. ACBWR had in 1978 anLACBWR. dangered Sphed sandstonestown and he LACBWRd and Threats with installhick hatchingin the bird b nesting sited the LACBno impact tof oil dered been -0586 tened, only ounty n the north-neral, y, and ssippi upport The as not nd no The pecies e and Stark R site tened lation g and being e and BWR to the La CrossLicense TRevision8.6.3.9.OccupaticonsidereThe enviNUREG-impact. programsalso duriare thoseergonomSolutionscontractoprevent owith fedStates OcTypical followingSafetSafetProviWorkspecisuch ObtaiInvolpackaIssuinlessonHoldreinfo8.6.3.10.A detaileLTP. with somse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Occupional issues/ed "Small." ironmental i-0586 has bWhile decoms addressinging repair ane related tomic, and biolos is commior health andoccupationaleral and staccupational Hcontractor g: ty training asty emphasis iding all worker training ific worker qas heavy equining and revlving Healthages and parng periodic ns learned. ing safety sorce safety eCost ed discussionSocioWR was shut to operate. me projects Water ReactorPlan pational Issusafety has bimpact evalubeen determmmissioningg worker safnd refueling o human heogical hazarditted to decd safety progl injuries anate regulatioHealth and Ssafety practs a part of thas the first torkers with a and requirequalificationuipment demviewing Safeh and Safetrticipating insafety messstand-downsevents and len of the site economic Imdown in 19By 1994, soassociated r ues/Safety een evaluateuation assocmined to be g involves infety were imoutages. Tealth and sads. Radiologcommissionigrams to effed illnesses. ons includingSafety Admitices and che site accessopic of discuHealth and Sed certificatins. Certain smolition firmfety Data Shety staff in n pre-job walages to coms whenever essons learnedecommissimpacts 987 as the smome incremewith the r8-20 ed to be bounciated with generally apncreased indumplemented The occupatiafety, includgical impacting LACBWectively contContractor g Wisconsininistration (Ocommunicatis program foussion at meSafety booklions reviewspecialty subms. eets for chemreviewing lkdowns, wommunicate awserious safed site-wide.ioning projemall size ofental decommremoval of nded by NUoccupationapplicable toustrial actividuring the ional issues ding impactts were discuWR safelytrol hazards health and sn DepartmeOSHA) requions will inor all employeetings. let. w prior to asbcontractors micals boughand approvork conditionwareness of fety events . ect costs is pf the plant dmissioning pthe RPV iUREG-0586 al issues in o LACBWRities and safeoperation ofand safety ts from phyussed in sectthrough thein the work safety progrent of Laboruirements. nclude actioyees and subssignment to are mobilizht onsite. ving decommn assessmenfsignificant occur to cpresented in did not makeplanning andin 2007 anand the impsection 4.3.R with a "Smfety focus, sif the facilityimpacts assysical, chemtion 8.6.2. e applicatioenvironmenrams will cor and the Uons such asb-contractorso tasks requzed, as necesmissioning nts and reviewsafety issueommunicateChapter 7 oe it economid activities bd other mepact is 10 of mall" imilar y and essed mical, on of nt and omply United s the s. uiring ssary, work ws. s and e and of this ically began etallic La CrossLicense TRevisionradioactivcompleteperiodic the ISFSIMore actimeframobtained personneactivitiesincreasedproject anTherefor impact is8.6.3.12.The percVernon CCrosse) aimpact toDecommtransportHighwayrelative tThere is impactedsite speci8.6.3.13.A reviewMay 201historicalthe plantArcheolowhich waAlso, as along Hi the USAUpper MAxe. Thfirst nuclmarker aconcernsse Boiling WTerminationn 0 ve componeed by 2012. spikes in wI project) (2ctive decomme. Some ofrom outsidel from the los will have ad use of the nd workers we, the socios considered Envirocentages of County are qand more poo the greater missioning act equipment y 35 traversino rail and truno reason d by the decoific impact iCulturw of the N5 and the Wl sites in Vet. The closeogical Site neas certified bindicated inghway 35 inCE Lock anMississippi. The third waslear generatit the waysid associated wWater ReactorPlan ents over thStaff size atorkforce hir5). mmissioning of the labor de Wisconsiocal and rega short-termlocal craft wwith supplieoeconomic i"Small." onmental Julow-incomequite low, aopulated Wipopulation, ctivities will and debris. ng north-souuck transporto believe ommissionins consideredral, Historic,National ParkWisconsin Hernon Countyest historicalear Stoddardby the Nationn NUREG-0n Vernon Cond Dam No. The second,s adjacent toing plant. Inde across Higwith having r he past 7 yet the plant haring to suppoand structtasks requiin; however,gional areas m positive ecworkforce aes and servicimpact is evustice e and minorapproximatelsconsin counincluding spcause slight The truck tuth by the sirtation as a rethat low-inng project. d "Small." , and Archeok Service NHistorical Soy and no strl site with prd, WI. locatenal Park Ser191, the Staounty. One i8. It descri, about 7.5 mo LACBWRn 2009, crewghway 35 froa public-acc8-21 ears. A smas graduallyort specific tural demoliire specializ, some of thsurroundingconomic impand opportunes. valuated to ity groups wly 3%, and nties furtherpecial groupt increases itraffic will uite. There esult of deconcome and mPer NUREGological ResNational Regociety (29) thructures in thre-historicaled approximarvice in 1980ate of Wiscois about a haibes the origmiles south oR and commews erected a om the site (cess marker omall ISFSI fy been reduceproject needition is antzed skills anhe workforcg the site. Opact on the nities for locbe boundedwithin the Vlower than r from the Lps, is expectein truck traffuse existing will be no eommissioninminority poG-0586 and ources gister of Hthrough Mayhe village ol structural rately 7 miles0 (30). onsin has plaalf mile nortgin of the prof the plant,emorates tha new, updat(31). This neon Dairylanfacility holded as operatds (e.g. 40 pticipated innd equipmene will be coOverall, the dlocal commcal businessd by NUREVillage of Gthose in largLACBWR sied. fic to and fromain street environmentng. opulations wthis evaluatHistoric Placy 2015 identf Genoa or wremnants is s north of thaced three hth of LACBWresent system, highlights te plant itselted Wisconsiew location d property. ding 5 caskstions ceased,personnel stan the 2016-nt which wiomprised of decommissiomunity due tses to supporEG-0586 andGenoa as wege cities (e.ite (26) (27)om LACBWroutes, primtal justice imwill be advetion, the poteces (28) thrtified only awithin 5 milthe Goose Ihe LACBWRhistorical maWR, overloom of locks othe Battle oflf as Wisconin state historesolved secs was , with affing -2017 ill be fcraft oning to the rt the d the ell as g. La . No WR to marily mpact ersely ential rough a few les of Island R site, arkers oking on the f Bad nsin's orical curity La CrossLicense TRevisionDairylanpresents or catego Land diprimarilyLand thathe conststation) werosion cBased ontransportimpact on0586 anArchaeol8.6.3.14.The envi0586 hasThe impadisturbancompleteremovedRiver. TcompletiThereforNUREG- envihas been LACBW475 feet north sidsouth sidhospitalsapproximNoise geequipmentemporarcompleteexperiencse Boiling WTerminationn 0 d sent an unthe control rorize any paristurbance foy shipped viaat was disturtruction andwere performcontrols and n the historictation of sysn cultural, hnd based ulogical ResoAesthironmental is been determact of decomnce and duraed. Once all, the aesthetThe final deon of the dece, the enviro-0586 and thNoiseironmental idetermined WR is locatedwest of the de and a portde. There ar within 1 mmately 1 mileeneration wint. Noise ry and will e, noise levelced during thWater ReactorPlan nused controlrod and a rert of the LACor the remova rail. rbed for projd demolition med in accostormwater cal informatstem componistoric, and aupon this eources are cohetics impact evalumined to be gmmissioning ation. Thesel of the majotics will impetermination commissiononmental imhe impact is impact evaluto be generad on the shorail road lintion of the Ure no residenmile. The ne to the northill primarily associated woccur primls in the vicihe operationr l rod to the Weplica fuel asCBWR plantval of large jects beyondof the G-1ordance witpollution prion presentenents and warcheologicavaluation, tonsidered "Smuation assocgenerally apon site aesth impacts areor plant strucprove slightlyon usage oing. mpact associconsidered "uation assocally applicabore of the Mne. USACEUpper Missisnces within 1earest commh of the planresult fromwith decommmarily durininity of the Ln of the facili8-22 Wisconsin Hssembly (32t as a historicomponentsd the nucleafossil statioth applicableevention plaed in NUREGwaste, the deal resources.the potentiamall." ciated with aplicable to Lhetics (e.g. ve temporary ctures and buy by providiof the decomiated with ae"Small." ciated with nble to LACBMississippi RE land and Lssippi River 1,000 feet ofmunity, the nt. m demolitionmissioning ang daylight LACBWR sity. Historical Mu2); however, ical site. s will be minar operationaon and the ce permits anans. G-0191 andecommission. Consequenal impacts aesthetics inLACBWR wvisual skylinand will ceauildings easting a more ommissioned esthetics is noise in sectBWR with a "River, 300 feLock and DNational Wf the station village of Gn activities iand shipmenthours. Onsite will be ruseum in Mathere is no nimized as tal areas (e.gonstruction nd includedd the current ning will hantly, as bounto Culturan section 4.3with a "Smallne) is limitedase when dect of the Missopen view oproperty wievaluated totion 4.3.16 o"Small" impfeet from theDam No. 8 arWildlife & Fi structures aGenoa, Wiscnvolving het of waste isnce the decreduced to leadison, WI wobjective tothe waste wg. associatedof the G-3 d appropriateapproach foave no signifnded by NURal, Historic,3.15 of NURl" impact. d in terms ofcommissionisissippi Riveof the Missisill be made o be boundeof NUREG-pact. e river bankre located osh Refuge oand no schooconsin is loeavy construs intermittencommissioninevels below which o save will be d with fossil e soil or the ficant REG- and REG-f land ing is er are ssippi upon ed by -0586 k, and on the on the ols or ocated uction nt and ng is those La CrossLicense TRevisionDue to timpacts decommiimposed ThereforNUREG- enviNUREG-impact.

During thefforts wLow levedisposal addition, Texas. As statedprocess aand fuel These redestabilizThereforbounded enviNUREG-impact.

The numthan durincreasedeffect onbarge trasupport toperationTherefor by NURE8.6.3.18.Cumulatiimpact ofse Boiling WTerminationn 0 the distanceon noise lissioning, Sby the Villae, the envir-0586 and thIrretriironmental im-0586 has bhe demolitiowill be madeel radioactivsite in Clive any Class Bd in NUREGare the materused for conesource comzing. e, the enviroby NUREGTraffiironmental i-0586 has bmber of shipming the oped traffic and n traffic flowaffic. The ethe operatingns. e, the enviroEG-0586 andCumuive impact isf the action wWater ReactorPlan e of the statlevels durinSolutions agrage of Genoaronmental ihe impact is ievable Resompact evalubeen determon and struce. Some meve waste hase, Utah. ThB/C waste thG-0586, irretrrials used to nstruction mmmitments onmental imG-0586 and thc and Transpimpact evalubeen determments and thration of thwear and tew or road wexisting bargg G-3 fossil onmental imd the impactulative Impacs defined thewhen added r tion from seng decommrees to coma. mpact assocconsidered "ources uation associmined to be tural dismanetals from ths been and his facility hhat is generarievable resodecontaminmachinery andare considempact associhe impact is portation uation assocmined to be he volume ofhe facility. ar on roadwear. There wge traffic on station and mpact associt is considerects e impact on to other pas8-23 ensitive receissioning anmply with aciated with "Small." iated with irrgenerally apntlement of he site are anwill continuhas sufficientated will be sources that wnate the facilid for transpoered to be iated with irconsidered ciated with tgenerally apf waste shipNon-radioloways. It is anwill be no rathe Thief Sare not assoated with tred as "Smallthe environst, present, aeptors, therend demolitiany noise linoise is evretrievable rpplicable tothe station, anticipated toue to be shipt space for tshipped to thwould occur ity (e.g., ragortation of mminor and rretrievable "Small." transportatiopplicable topped are greaogical impacnticipated thaadioactive wSlough brancociated with ransportationl." nment which and reasonabe will be liion activitieimitations (evaluated to resources in o LACBWRrecycling ano be releasepped to the the disposal he WCS facduring the dgs, solvents, materials to aare neitherresources ison issues in o LACBWRater during dcts of transpat there will waste shipmech and the MLACBWR dn is evaluateh results frombly foreseeabimited tempes. Duringe.g. quiet hbe boundesection 4.3.R with a "Smnd asset recod as clean sEnergySoluof this wastcility in Anddecommissiogases, and toand from ther detectables evaluated section 4.3.R with a "Smdecommissioportation inbe no signifents executeMississippi Rdecommissioed to be boum the incremble future actorary g the hours) ed by 18 of mall" overy scrap. utions te. In drews, oning ools), e site. e nor to be 17 of mall" oning clude ficant ed via River oning unded mental tions.

La CrossLicense TRevisionThe cumdecommiterrestriacumulativPast, prdecommiMississipresourcesactivitiesover timmajor irrdisposal disposal In summ8.7.O8.7.1.FDecommHandWorkPubliLicenWorkLiquiHazaHandCharacteof lead p8.7.1.1.The majoare adminPart 2Part 5Part 5Part 6se Boiling WTerminationn 0 mulative impaissioning. Tal ecology. ve impact. roposed anissioning of ppi river for s listed abos are not proje, exceed thretrievable reof low levand will therary, the cumOverview of Federal Requmissioning acdling, packagker radiationic radiation pnse terminatiker health anid and gaseoardous wastedling and remrization andaint. Nucleority of radionistered by t20 - Radiatio50 - Decomm51 - Environ61 - DisposaWater ReactorPlan acts were ashese includeIrretrievablnd future fcoal-fired pboating. Thove were aljected to sighe minor imesource attrivel radioactivrefore have nmulative impaRegulationuirements ctivities that ging, and shin protection, protection, ion and finalnd safety, ous effluent r generation/moval of asbd removal ofear Regulatorological actithe NRC. Aon protectionmissioning anmental protal of radioacr sessed by fie surface wle resourcesforeseeablepower planthe individualll determinegnificantly acmpact of the ibutable to Lve waste. Nno cumulativact to site rens Governinare subject tipment of radl site releasereleases, disposition,estos, f Polychlorinry Commissivities fall unApplicable Tin. activities. tection. ctive waste.8-24 rst determinwater and gros were alsoe actions ts and recreal impacts ofed to be miccumulate enindividual aLACBWR dNo future acve effect. esources is prg Decommito federal regdioactive wae, nated Biphenion nder Title 10itle 10 regulaning the resooundwater, o evaluatedinclude coational use f the LACBWinor. The pnvironmentaactivities ondecommissioctivities wilrojected to bissioning Acgulations incaste, nyls (PCBs)0 of the Codations includources affectair quality, d from theonstruction, of the land WR decommpast, presental impacts thn the affecteoning was thll involve rbe minor. ctivities andclude: ), and Handlde of Federade: ted by LACBaquatic ecoe perspectivoperation as access tmissioning ot and futurehat would in ed resourceshe use of lanradioactive wd Site Releasling and remal RegulationBWR ology, ve of and to the on the e site total, . The nd for waste se moval n and La CrossLicense TRevisionPart 7throuPart EnvFederal RPart 6Parts Part 1Part 1Parts Part 2Part 7Part 18.7.2.FPermits aenvironmfall undeWiscWiscEnvirVillaOccuThis infointended 8.8.CAs previodecommi"site-spepotential predicted(NUREGenvironmse Boiling WTerminationn 0 71 - Packagugh 174 also 73 - PhysicaU.S. Evironmental Regulations 61 - Asbesto122 to 125 -141 - Safe D190 - Radiat260 to 272 -280 - Under761 - Toxic 129-132 - CFederal, Statand approvalmental protecr Federal, Stonsin Deparonsin Deparonmental ange of Genoaupational Saformation proto be all-incConclusion ously evaluaissioning LAcific" in NUenvironmend in and wilG-0191, NURmental changWater ReactorPlan ing and tranapply). al ProtectionEnvironmentProtection Aapply as follos Handling - National PDrinking Wation Protecti- Resource Crground StorSubstance CClean Water Ate and Locals from or noction purpostate and locartment of Naartment of nd Occupatioa fety and Heaovided abovclusive. ated in the DACBWR are UREG-0586ntal impacts ll be boundeREG-0586, ages associater nsportation on of Plants antal ProtectioAgency (EPlows: and RemovaPollutant Disater Standardion StandardConservatiorage Tanks Control Act (Act al Requiremotifications tses. Decommal jurisdictionatural ResourHealth Seonal Health,alth Adminisve is a geneD-Plan/PSDAtemporary a have been associated wed by the pand D-Plan/Ped with decom8-25 f radioactivend Materialsn Agency PA) regulatioal scharge Elimds ds for Nuclean and Recov(TSCA) for ments to state and lmissioning an include, burces (WDNRervices, Div Radiation Pstration (OSHeral overviewAR, the non-and not signievaluated awith decommreviously isPSDAR). Tmmissioninge waste (reg. ons outlinedmination Systar Power Opvery Act (RCPolychlorinalocal agenciactivities anut are not limR) vision of Protection SeHA) w of the apradiologicalificant. Theand there is missioning Lssued enviroTherefore, thg. gulations in 4d in Title 40tem (NPDESperations CRA) ated Biphenes are requirnd related sitmited to the Public Heaection pplicable regl environmene potential isno significaLACBWR honmental imhere are no n49 CFR Part0 of the CodS) nyls (PCBs)red for safetyte operationsfollowing: alth, Bureagulations andntal impacts sues identifiant impact. have already mpact assessmnew or signifts 171 de of y and s that au of d not from ied as The been ments ficant La CrossLicense TRevision8.9.R1. UC22. DR3. DS4. UreC5. USN6. DD7. ES8. ES9. A10. H311. Uht12. D13. U14. Uht15. htse Boiling WTerminationn 0 References U.S. Nuclear Content of Li011. Dairyland PoReactor - SepDairyland Poupplement RU.S. Nuclear elated to OpeCooperative -U.S. Nuclear tatement (GNovember 20Dairyland PoDecommissioEnergySolutiurvey ReporEnergySolutiurvey ReporAtomic PoweHaley & Aldr0, 2012. U.S. Census Bttps://www.cDairyland PoU.S. Fish & WU.S. Army Cttp://www.mttp://www.ciWater ReactorPlan Regulatory icense Termiwer Companptember 1972wer CooperaReport - JunRegulatory eration of th- April 1980Regulatory EIS) on Dec002. wer Cooperaoning Activitons GG-EO-rt for Octobeons LC-RS-rt for June ther Review, "Arich, HydrogBureau, CooperaWildlife Servorps of Engimvp.usace.arity-data.comr Commissionination Planny, DPC-ED2. ative, Environe 15, 1973. Commissionhe La Crosse . Commissioncommissioniative, LACBties Report (-313196-RSer and NovemPN-164017-hru August 2Atomic Jourgeological C8-2012 Ameprograms-suative - http:/vice - http://ineers - n Regulatorys for NucleaD-3, Environonmental Ren NUREG-0Boiling Wan NUREG-0ing of NucleBWR Decom(D-Plan/PSDS-RP-001, LAmber 2014 F-001, LACB2015 Field Wrnal" - Septeonceptual Sierican Commurveys/acs/ne//www.dairywww.fws.gosions/Navigaa-Wisconsin.y Guide 1.17ar Power Reanmental Repoeport, La Cro0191, Final Eater Reactor 0586, Generiear Facilitiesmmissioning DAR), RevisACBWR RaField Work -BWR RadioloWork - Noveember 24, 20ite Model, Fmunity Surveews/ 79, Standardactors, Revisort - Lacrossosse BoilingEnvironmentby Dairylanic Environm, SupplemenPlan and Posion - Marchadiological C- Novemberogical Charaember 2015.011. File No. 3870ey. (5-year deases.2012.hergy_resourcpper_MissisDams/LockDd Format andsion 1 - Junese Boiling Wg Water Reactal Statemennd Power mental Impactnt 1, Volumeost Shutdownh 2014. Characterizatr 2015. acterization 05-001 - Audata sets) - html. ces/genoa.phssippi_River/Dam8.aspx. d e Water ctor, nt t e 1 - n tion ugust hp. /.

La CrossLicense TRevision16. DPW17. DD18. V19. MCD20. W- 21. UCht22. WS23. Dht24. Wht25. HL26. Vre27. U28. N29. W30. NS31. D232. Wse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Dame & Moootential, La Wisconsin foDairyland PoDecommissioVernon CounMcInterny, MCooperative'sDecember 19Wisconsin Dehttp://dnr.wU.S. Fish andCandidate Spttp://www.fwWisconsin Depecies HabitDairyland Pottp://www.dWisconsin Dettp://dnr.wi.gHubbuch, ChLa Crosse TriVillage of Census BNational ParkWisconsin HiNational Parkite Ve-502 -Dairyland Po009. Wisconsin HiWater ReactorPlan ore, GeotechCrosse Boilr Gulf Unitewer Cooperaoning Plan, rnty, Land & WMichael. C., Is Genoa Site980. epartment Wildlife Sepecies' oftat Program wer ofgov/eek/critthris, A nucleaibune - Julyenoa, Vernonwisconsin/geBureau, Vernk Service, Naistorical Sock Service, Na- http://nrhp.wer Cooperaistorical Socr hnical Investiing Water Red Nuclear Fative, LaCrorevised NoveWater ResouImpingemene, Thesis, subf Natural Reinvasives. ervice, Federnty Distributiwest/endangf Agriculture- http://datcpative, Peregr/environmenf Natural Reter/bird/falcoar option: Ay 15, 2012. n County, Wenoa_data.htnon County,ational Regiciety - http://ational Regifocus.nps.goative, Powerciety, Nuclea8-27 igation of GReactor (LACFuels Corporosse Boiling ember 2003.urce Managent and Entraibmitted to Uesources, Aqurally-Listed ion, April 20ered/lists/wie, Trade & Falcon Rntal/falcon_pesources, Peron.htm. fter 25 yearsWI Public Rectm. , Wisconsin ster of Histo/www.wiscostry of Histoov/natregsear for Generatar Fuel AssemGeology, SeisCBWR) nearration - OctoWater Reac. ement Plan -inment of FiUniversity ofquatic InvasivThreatened,015 - isc-city.htmlConsumer Prarms/EndangRestoration program.phpregrine Falcos, Genoa reacords - http:- http://wwworic Places -onsinhistory.oric Places, Garchresult.dotions, Genoambly - http:/smology andr Genoa, Verober 1973. ctor (LACBW- February 2shes at Dairyf Wisconsin-ve Species -, Endangeredl. rotection, Engered_SpecieProgram - p. on - actor's waste//www.openw.census.govhttp://ww.nporg/. Goose Islando. a Site Updat//www.wiscd Liquefactiornon CountyWR) 2009. yland Power-La Crosse -- Vernon Cod, Proposed ndangered es/index.aspxe gets new hon-public-v/. d Archeologte - Decembonsinhistoryon y, r - ounty and x. ome, gical er

La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Figr ure 8-1 S8-28 Site Regionaal Location La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan r Figure 8-28-29 2 Site Ovverview LLR La Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or Figure 8-38-30 LACBWR Buuildings La CrossLicense TRevisionse Boiling WTerminationn 0 Water ReactorPlan Fir igure 8-48-31 Topographhical Map LLRLa Crosse BoilinLicense TerminRevision 0 ng Water Reactation Plan or Figure 8-55 Groundwat8-32 ter Sampling WWells - LACBWWR Site