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{{#Wiki_filter:AN BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS Office of Pitblic Affairs US Nuclear Reg~llatory Co~iinlission Washington, DC 20555-0001 732-929-2005 FAX: (732) 505-1918 DOCKETED USNRC March 7, 2006 March 20, 2006 (3:40pm) OFFICE OF SECRETARY RULEMAKINGS AND ADJUDICATIONS STAFF SERVED March 21,2006 Dcar- To Wlio~u It May Concem: Docket No. 50-219-LR On &larch 1, 2006: the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders adopted a resolution calling upon the NRC and the Atomic Safety Licensing Board to address the safety concerns previously raised by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in its resolution of Febri~ary 1 S, 2004 in the upcoming Oyster Creek Re-licensing Hearings.
{{#Wiki_filter:AN BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS 732-929-2005 FAX: (732) 505-1918 DOCKETED USNRC March 7, 2006 March 20, 2006 (3:40pm)
Enclosed please find the resolution adopted on March 1, 2006 aid the resolution previously adopted on February 18, 2003 for your infonnatiou and files. Clerk of the Board P.O. BOX 2191 4 ADMINISTRATION RUILDING, TOMS RIVER, NEW JERSEY 08754-2191 SPECIAL ASSISTANCEIACCOMMODATIONS auaiinble, please call.
OFFICE OF SECRETARY Office of Pitblic Affairs                                                                    RULEMAKINGS AND US Nuclear Reg~llatoryCo~iinlission                                                        ADJUDICATIONS STAFF Washington, DC 20555-0001                                                                  SERVED March 21,2006 Dcar- To Wlio~uIt May Concem:                                                               Docket No. 50-219-LR On &larch 1, 2006: the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders adopted a resolution calling upon the NRC and the Atomic Safety Licensing Board to address the safety concerns previously raised by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in its resolution of Febri~ary1 S , 2004 in the upcoming Oyster Creek Re-licensing Hearings.
RESOLUTION March 1,2006 WHEREAS, by wa,y of a Resolution adopted on February 18, 2004, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders called upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) not tc approve the License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station unless the facility can meet all current NRC operalional ancl sarety slandarcls; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders further called upon the NRC, in its deliberations, to specifically address the conlinued storage of spenl radioactive rue1 on-site; the ability to safely evacuate residents In response to a nuclear accident; and issues related to the plant's structural integrity, including verification that the plant was construcled as designed, and further verification of the quality of workmanship and material used in the plant's construction; and WHEREAS, on Decermber 9, 2005. this matter was referred by the NRC to an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, consisting of three Administrative Law Judges for further review and action; and WHEREAS, on Fetmary 27, 2006 lhe Atomic Safety Licensing Board ruled tihat an adjudicatory hearin~g will be held io address specific safety issues raised by various parties concerning the structural integrity of the Oyster Creek reactor vessel drywell liner; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders supports the determination of the Atorn~c Sarely and Licensing Board lo hold TurHier hearings in this malter. NOW, TIiEREFORIE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, as folllows:  
Enclosed please find the resolution adopted on March 1, 2006 a i d the resolution previously adopted on February 18, 2003 for your infonnatiou and files.
'I . The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders hereby reaffirms its request that the NRC fully and thoroughly address all the issues set forth above and further set for-th in the previous Resolution of the Board, adopted on February 18, 2004, in the ongoing Oyslfr Creek license renewal proceeding.
: 2. The Board of Chosen Fret:holclers further re-affirms its pxiiion that the Nciclear Regulatory Cornrnissio~i rliccrlcl not apprcve a renewal license for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ~rnless the facility can meet all current NRC operational and safety standards.
: 3. A certified copies of this Resolution shall be forwarded to Ocean County's Congressional Rtip-esentaiives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Ncrclear Regulatory Commission, the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Governor John S. Corzine, and the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. ROT,L CALL (~r~oveil by Vi.cari , seconded by Bart3.e t t: ) AYES: Kelly, Bart.let:t, Vicari, Little NAYS: None ABSETTT : Tdcey tws copy d a ResollPtisn by the Board of Chosen RESOLUTION February 18,2004 WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders recognizes the need for safe and reliable electrical generation and transmission capacity to meet the growing needs of residents and businesses in Ocean County as documented in a report to the Board of Chosen Freeholders prepared by the Ocean County Planning Department; and WHEREAS, an adequate supply of electrical energy is crucial for the economic and physical welfare of the citizens of Ocean County; and WHEREAS, AmerGen is currently considering whether or not to submit a Licensing Renewal Request to the NRC, to extend plant operations beyond 2009; and WHEREAS, the Nuclear Regulatory Cornrnission (NRC) IS the federal agency designated to oversee the operation and security of the nuclear plant; and WHEREAS, the ability of the Oyster Creek Generating Station to operate safely beyond the current licensing period is of primary concern to the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders:
RESOLUTION March 1,2006 WHEREAS, by wa,y of a Resolution adopted on February 18, 2004, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders called upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) not tc approve the License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station unless the facility can meet all current NRC operalional ancl sarety slandarcls; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders further called upon the NRC, in its deliberations, to specifically address the conlinued storage of spenl radioactive rue1 on-site; the ability to safely evacuate residents In response to a nuclear accident; and issues related to the plant's structural integrity, including verification that the plant was construcled as designed, and further verification of the quality of workmanship and material used in the plant's construction; and WHEREAS, on Decermber 9, 2005. this matter was referred by the NRC to an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, consisting of three Administrative Law Judges for further review and action; and WHEREAS, on Fetmary 27, 2006 lhe Atomic Safety Licensing Board ruled tihat an adjudicatory hearin~gwill be held io address specific safety issues raised by various parties concerning the structural integrity of the Oyster Creek reactor vessel drywell liner; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders supports the determination of the Atorn~cSarely and Licensing Board lo hold TurHier hearings in this malter.
and WHEREAS, the Oyster Creek Generating Station is the oldest operating nuclear plant in the Country and will approach its anticipated design life of forty years at the end of the current licensing period in 2009; and WHEREAS, concerns have been expressed regarding the integrity of the Plant's initial construction, the continued storage of spent rad~oactive fuel on-site, and the ability to safely evacuate residents following a nuclear incident; and WHEREAS, the License Renewal Process will take at least thirty months and will include the preparation of a ful! Environmental  
!mpact Statement and multiple opportunities for public meetings and comments prior to a determination by the NRC. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey as follows:
        'I .           The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders hereby reaffirms its request that the NRC fully and thoroughly address all the issues set forth above and further set for-th in the
previous Resolution of the Board, adopted on February 18, 2004,in the ongoing Oyslfr Creek license renewal proceeding.
: 2.               The Board of Chosen Fret:holclers further re-affirms its p x i i i o n that the Nciclear Regulatory Cornrnissio~irliccrlcl not apprcve a renewal license for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ~rnlessthe facility can meet all current NRC operational and safety standards.
: 3.               A certified copies of this Resolution shall be forwarded to Ocean County's Congressional Rtip-esentaiives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Ncrclear Regulatory Commission, the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Governor John S. Corzine, and the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.
ROT,L CALL i l V i . c a r i , s e c o n d e d by B a r t 3 . e t t: )
( ~ r ~ o v eby AYES: K e l l y , B a r t . l e t : t , V i c a r i , L i t t l e N A Y S : None ABSETTT : Tdcey tws copy d a ResollPtisn by the Board of Chosen
RESOLUTION February 18,2004 WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders recognizes the need for safe and reliable electrical generation and transmission capacity to meet the growing needs of residents and businesses in Ocean County as documented in a report to the Board of Chosen Freeholders prepared by the Ocean County Planning Department; and WHEREAS, an adequate supply of electrical energy is crucial for the economic and physical welfare of the citizens of Ocean County; and WHEREAS, AmerGen is currently considering whether or not to submit a Licensing Renewal Request to the NRC, to extend plant operations beyond 2009; and WHEREAS, the Nuclear Regulatory Cornrnission (NRC) IS the federal agency designated to oversee the operation and security of the nuclear plant; and WHEREAS, the ability of the Oyster Creek Generating Station to operate safely beyond the current licensing period is of primary concern to the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders: and WHEREAS, the Oyster Creek Generating Station is the oldest operating nuclear plant in the Country and will approach its anticipated design life of forty years at the end of the current licensing period in 2009; and WHEREAS, concerns have been expressed regarding the integrity of the Plant's initial construction, the continued storage of spent rad~oactivefuel on-site, and the ability to safely evacuate residents following a nuclear incident; and WHEREAS, the License Renewal Process will take at least thirty months and will include the preparation of a ful! Environmental !mpact Statement and multiple opportunities for public meetings and comments prior to a determination by the NRC.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey as follows:
: 1. That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission should not approve a License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Generating Station unless it meets all current criteria for operational and safety standards.
: 1. That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission should not approve a License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Generating Station unless it meets all current criteria for operational and safety standards.
: 2. That in its deliberations, the NRC specifically address the continued storage of spent radioactive fuel on-site, the ability to safely evacuate residents in response to a nuclear accident, and issues related to the Plant's structural integrity, including verification that the Plant was constructed as designed, and questions related to the quality of workmanship and materials used in the Plant's construction.
: 2. That in its deliberations, the NRC specifically address the continued storage of spent radioactive fuel on-site, the ability to safely evacuate residents in response to a nuclear accident, and issues related to the Plant's structural integrity, including verification that the Plant was constructed as designed, and questions related to the quality of workmanship and materials used in the Plant's construction.
: 3. Prior to reaching a decision, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission produce a written report documenting its findings which can be submitted for independent review along with all scientific documents and testimony submitted from other parties with respect to this matter.
: 3. Prior to reaching a decision, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission produce a written report documenting its findings which can be submitted for independent review along with all scientific documents and testimony submitted from other parties with respect to this matter.
: 4. Urges the US Government, State of New Jersey and participants on the PJM Grid to continue to research and develop renewable energy sources which can be phased into the nation's and region's electrical generating capacity in the future.
: 4. Urges the US Government, State of New Jersey and participants on the PJM Grid to continue to research and develop renewable energy sources which can be phased into the nation's and region's electrical generating capacity in the future.
: 5. Request that the State  
: 5. Request that the State &New Jersey establish a permanent trust fund for the Township of Lacey to guarantee the availability of revenue replacement funds upon the ultimate decommissioning of the plant.
&New Jersey establish a permanent trust fund for the Township of Lacey to guarantee the availability of revenue replacement funds upon the ultimate decommissioning of the plant.
: 6. Certified copies of this Resolution shall be fonvarded to Ocean County's Congressional Representatives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Governor James E. McGreevey, and the Oyster Creek Generating Station.
: 6. Certified copies of this Resolution shall be fonvarded to Ocean County's Congressional Representatives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Governor James E. McGreevey, and the Oyster Creek Generating Station.
I certify the foregoin true Copy of a Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the ount,' of Oce n or th Daniel J ~onnedv \ Clerk of the Boa P' I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of 1 AMERGEN ENERGY COMPANY, LLC ) ) ) ) (Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station) ) Docket No. 50-21 9-LR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LETTER FROM DANIEL J. HENNESSY TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ENCLOSING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE OCEAN COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, DATED MARCH 1,2006 AND FEBRUARY 18,2004 have been served upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, or through NRC internal distribution.
I certify the foregoin true Copy of a Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the ount,' of Oce n or th Daniel J ~ o n n e d v\
Office of Commission Appellate Administrative Judge Adjudication E. Roy Hawkens, Chair U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, DC 20555-0001 Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Paul B. Abramson Anthony J. Baratta Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq.
Clerk of the Boa P'I
Richard Webster, Esq. Daniel Hugo Fruchter, Esq. Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic Office of the General Counsel 123 Washington Street Mail Stop 15 D21 Newark, NJ 071 02-5695 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Docket No. 50-21 9-LR LETTER FROM FROM DANIEL J. HENNESSY TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ENCLOSING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE OCEAN COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, DATED MARCH 1,2006 AND FEBRUARY 18,2004 Paul Gunter, Director Reactor Watchdog Project Nuclear Information and Resource Service 1424 1 6th Street, NW, Suite 404 Washington, DC 20036 Bradley M. Campbell, Commissioner New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection P.O. Box 402 Trenton, NJ 08625-0402 Ron Zak New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Nuclear Engineering P.O. Box 41 5 Trenton, NJ 08625-041 5 Suzanne Leta NJPIRG 1 1 N. Willow St.
Trenton, NJ 08608 Donald J. Silverman, Esq.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of                               1
Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq. Alex S. Polonsky, Esq. Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 11 11 Pennsyvlania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20004 Jill Lipoti, Director New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Environmental Safety and Health P.O. Box 424 Trenton. NJ 08625-0424 J. Bradley Fewell, Esq. Exelon Corporation 200 Exelon Way, Suite 200 Kennett Square, PA 19348 John A. Covino, Esq. Deputy Attorney General Environmental Permitting  
& Counseling Section Division of Law Hughes Justice Complex P.O. Box 093 Trenton, NJ 08625 ~472~~ Office of t$ Secretary of the Co mission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 21 st day of March 2006}}
AMERGEN ENERGY COMPANY, LLC                     )           Docket No. 50-21 9-LR
(Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station)       )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LETTER FROM DANIEL J. HENNESSY TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ENCLOSING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE OCEAN COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, DATED MARCH 1,2006 AND FEBRUARY 18,2004 have been served upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, or through NRC internal distribution.
Office of Commission Appellate                   Administrative Judge Adjudication                                   E. Roy Hawkens, Chair U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission               Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, DC 20555-0001                         Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge                             Administrative Judge Paul B. Abramson                                 Anthony J. Baratta Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel           Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23                               Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission               U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001                         Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq.                             Richard Webster, Esq.
Daniel Hugo Fruchter, Esq.                       Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic Office of the General Counsel                     123 Washington Street Mail Stop 1 5 D21                           Newark, NJ 071 02-5695 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Reactor Watchdog Project              Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.
Nuclear Information                  Alex S. Polonsky, Esq.
and Resource Service              Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 1424 16thStreet, NW, Suite 404      1111 Pennsyvlania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036                  Washington, DC 20004 Bradley M. Campbell, Commissioner    Jill Lipoti, Director New Jersey Department of             New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection              Environmental Protection P.O. Box 402                          Division of Environmental Safety and Health Trenton, NJ 08625-0402                P.O. Box 424 Trenton. NJ 08625-0424 Ron Zak                              J. Bradley Fewell, Esq.
New Jersey Department of              Exelon Corporation Environmental Protection          200 Exelon Way, Suite 200 Nuclear Engineering                  Kennett Square, PA 19348 P.O. Box 41 5 Trenton, NJ 08625-0415 Suzanne Leta                          John A. Covino, Esq.
NJPIRG                                Deputy Attorney General 11 N. Willow St.                    Environmental Permitting &
Trenton, NJ 08608                    Counseling Section Division of Law Hughes Justice Complex P.O. Box 093 Trenton, NJ 08625
                                                ~ 4 7 2 ~
Office of t$ Secretary of the Co mission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 21st day of March 2006}}

Revision as of 21:53, 23 November 2019

2006/03/07-Letter from Daniel J. Hennessy to Public Affairs Enclosing Resolutions Adopted by the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Dated March 1, 2006 and February 18, 2004
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 03/07/2006
From: Hennessy D
Ocean County, NJ, Board of Chosen Freeholders
Office of Public Affairs
Byrdsong A T
50-219-LR, ASLBP-06-844-01-LR, RAS 11381
Download: ML060800528 (7)


AN BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS 732-929-2005 FAX: (732) 505-1918 DOCKETED USNRC March 7, 2006 March 20, 2006 (3:40pm)

OFFICE OF SECRETARY Office of Pitblic Affairs RULEMAKINGS AND US Nuclear Reg~llatoryCo~iinlission ADJUDICATIONS STAFF Washington, DC 20555-0001 SERVED March 21,2006 Dcar- To Wlio~uIt May Concem: Docket No. 50-219-LR On &larch 1, 2006: the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders adopted a resolution calling upon the NRC and the Atomic Safety Licensing Board to address the safety concerns previously raised by the Board of Chosen Freeholders in its resolution of Febri~ary1 S , 2004 in the upcoming Oyster Creek Re-licensing Hearings.

Enclosed please find the resolution adopted on March 1, 2006 a i d the resolution previously adopted on February 18, 2003 for your infonnatiou and files.


RESOLUTION March 1,2006 WHEREAS, by wa,y of a Resolution adopted on February 18, 2004, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders called upon the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) not tc approve the License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station unless the facility can meet all current NRC operalional ancl sarety slandarcls; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders further called upon the NRC, in its deliberations, to specifically address the conlinued storage of spenl radioactive rue1 on-site; the ability to safely evacuate residents In response to a nuclear accident; and issues related to the plant's structural integrity, including verification that the plant was construcled as designed, and further verification of the quality of workmanship and material used in the plant's construction; and WHEREAS, on Decermber 9, 2005. this matter was referred by the NRC to an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, consisting of three Administrative Law Judges for further review and action; and WHEREAS, on Fetmary 27, 2006 lhe Atomic Safety Licensing Board ruled tihat an adjudicatory hearin~gwill be held io address specific safety issues raised by various parties concerning the structural integrity of the Oyster Creek reactor vessel drywell liner; and WHEREAS, the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders supports the determination of the Atorn~cSarely and Licensing Board lo hold TurHier hearings in this malter.


'I . The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders hereby reaffirms its request that the NRC fully and thoroughly address all the issues set forth above and further set for-th in the

previous Resolution of the Board, adopted on February 18, 2004,in the ongoing Oyslfr Creek license renewal proceeding.

2. The Board of Chosen Fret:holclers further re-affirms its p x i i i o n that the Nciclear Regulatory Cornrnissio~irliccrlcl not apprcve a renewal license for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ~rnlessthe facility can meet all current NRC operational and safety standards.
3. A certified copies of this Resolution shall be forwarded to Ocean County's Congressional Rtip-esentaiives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Ncrclear Regulatory Commission, the NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Governor John S. Corzine, and the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.

ROT,L CALL i l V i . c a r i , s e c o n d e d by B a r t 3 . e t t: )

( ~ r ~ o v eby AYES: K e l l y , B a r t . l e t : t , V i c a r i , L i t t l e N A Y S : None ABSETTT : Tdcey tws copy d a ResollPtisn by the Board of Chosen

RESOLUTION February 18,2004 WHEREAS, the Board of Chosen Freeholders recognizes the need for safe and reliable electrical generation and transmission capacity to meet the growing needs of residents and businesses in Ocean County as documented in a report to the Board of Chosen Freeholders prepared by the Ocean County Planning Department; and WHEREAS, an adequate supply of electrical energy is crucial for the economic and physical welfare of the citizens of Ocean County; and WHEREAS, AmerGen is currently considering whether or not to submit a Licensing Renewal Request to the NRC, to extend plant operations beyond 2009; and WHEREAS, the Nuclear Regulatory Cornrnission (NRC) IS the federal agency designated to oversee the operation and security of the nuclear plant; and WHEREAS, the ability of the Oyster Creek Generating Station to operate safely beyond the current licensing period is of primary concern to the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders: and WHEREAS, the Oyster Creek Generating Station is the oldest operating nuclear plant in the Country and will approach its anticipated design life of forty years at the end of the current licensing period in 2009; and WHEREAS, concerns have been expressed regarding the integrity of the Plant's initial construction, the continued storage of spent rad~oactivefuel on-site, and the ability to safely evacuate residents following a nuclear incident; and WHEREAS, the License Renewal Process will take at least thirty months and will include the preparation of a ful! Environmental !mpact Statement and multiple opportunities for public meetings and comments prior to a determination by the NRC.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey as follows:

1. That the Nuclear Regulatory Commission should not approve a License Renewal Request for the Oyster Creek Generating Station unless it meets all current criteria for operational and safety standards.
2. That in its deliberations, the NRC specifically address the continued storage of spent radioactive fuel on-site, the ability to safely evacuate residents in response to a nuclear accident, and issues related to the Plant's structural integrity, including verification that the Plant was constructed as designed, and questions related to the quality of workmanship and materials used in the Plant's construction.
3. Prior to reaching a decision, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission produce a written report documenting its findings which can be submitted for independent review along with all scientific documents and testimony submitted from other parties with respect to this matter.
4. Urges the US Government, State of New Jersey and participants on the PJM Grid to continue to research and develop renewable energy sources which can be phased into the nation's and region's electrical generating capacity in the future.
5. Request that the State &New Jersey establish a permanent trust fund for the Township of Lacey to guarantee the availability of revenue replacement funds upon the ultimate decommissioning of the plant.
6. Certified copies of this Resolution shall be fonvarded to Ocean County's Congressional Representatives, Ocean County's State Legislators, Ocean County Municipal Clerks, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Governor James E. McGreevey, and the Oyster Creek Generating Station.

I certify the foregoin true Copy of a Resolution by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the ount,' of Oce n or th Daniel J ~ o n n e d v\

Clerk of the Boa P'I






(Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing LETTER FROM DANIEL J. HENNESSY TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ENCLOSING RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE OCEAN COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, DATED MARCH 1,2006 AND FEBRUARY 18,2004 have been served upon the following persons by U.S. mail, first class, or through NRC internal distribution.

Office of Commission Appellate Administrative Judge Adjudication E. Roy Hawkens, Chair U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, DC 20555-0001 Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Paul B. Abramson Anthony J. Baratta Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Ann P. Hodgdon, Esq. Richard Webster, Esq.

Daniel Hugo Fruchter, Esq. Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic Office of the General Counsel 123 Washington Street Mail Stop 1 5 D21 Newark, NJ 071 02-5695 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Reactor Watchdog Project Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq.

Nuclear Information Alex S. Polonsky, Esq.

and Resource Service Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 1424 16thStreet, NW, Suite 404 1111 Pennsyvlania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 Washington, DC 20004 Bradley M. Campbell, Commissioner Jill Lipoti, Director New Jersey Department of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Environmental Protection P.O. Box 402 Division of Environmental Safety and Health Trenton, NJ 08625-0402 P.O. Box 424 Trenton. NJ 08625-0424 Ron Zak J. Bradley Fewell, Esq.

New Jersey Department of Exelon Corporation Environmental Protection 200 Exelon Way, Suite 200 Nuclear Engineering Kennett Square, PA 19348 P.O. Box 41 5 Trenton, NJ 08625-0415 Suzanne Leta John A. Covino, Esq.

NJPIRG Deputy Attorney General 11 N. Willow St. Environmental Permitting &

Trenton, NJ 08608 Counseling Section Division of Law Hughes Justice Complex P.O. Box 093 Trenton, NJ 08625

~ 4 7 2 ~

Office of t$ Secretary of the Co mission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 21st day of March 2006