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{{#Wiki_filter:.>.10 Megawatt Standard Operating Procedures Volume 5*licalth Physics Preface These Standard Operating Procedures are issued as
_part of the radiation protection program for al] operations performed at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility (MURR).
Because a single organization, Reactor IIcalth Physics (RilP), is assigned radiation protection respon ibility for all licensed activity at the MURR, these procedures apply to each applicable license as is appropriate.
10 Megawatt
, POLICY It is the policy of the MURR to prevent unwarranted radiation exposure to any person as a result of work performed at the facility.
Standard Operating Procedures
* Volume 5 licalth Physics Preface
These Standard Operating Procedures are issued as part of the radiation protection program for al] operations performed at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility (MURR). Because a single organization, Reactor IIcalth Physics (RilP), is assigned radiation protection respon ibility for all licensed activity at the MURR, these procedures apply to each applicable license as is appropriate.
POLICY It is the policy of the MURR to prevent unwarranted radiation exposure to any person as a result of work performed at the facility.
h'ork procedures are planned to comply with applicab]c license limits for radiation exposure and to promote the concept of "as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) . " The words " reasonably achievable" are emphasi r ad because the re-scarch and development nature of the work at the facility preclude total avoidance of personnel radiation exposure.
h'ork procedures are planned to comply with applicab]c license limits for radiation exposure and to promote the concept of "as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) . " The words " reasonably achievable" are emphasi r ad because the re-scarch and development nature of the work at the facility preclude total avoidance of personnel radiation exposure.
PURPOSE The purpose of these procedures is to provide guidance and to identify situations which require additional planning before work proceeds rather than provide specific protocols.
PURPOSE The purpose of these procedures is to provide guidance and to identify situations which require additional planning before work proceeds rather than provide specific protocols.     The research and development nature of work at the facility pre-cludes the development of specific protocols except for limited situations. These procedures may specify that a specific protocol be provided for certain operations.
The research and development nature of work at the facility pre-cludes the development of specific protocols except for limited situations.
These procedures may specify that a specific protocol be provided for certain operations.
RESPONSIBILITY TO OBSERVE TilESE PROCEDURES It is the responsibility of each person to observe these procedures as is appropriate and it is the responsibility of supervision and management to assure observance of them.
RESPONSIBILITY TO OBSERVE TilESE PROCEDURES It is the responsibility of each person to observe these procedures as is appropriate and it is the responsibility of supervision and management to assure observance of them.
If a situation arises for which necessary work cannot be performed because of conflicting limitations in the SOP, the work should be performed under a Radiation h'ork Permit to assure adequate planning for radiation control.
If a situation arises for which necessary work cannot be performed because of conflicting limitations in the SOP, the work should be performed under a Radiation h'ork Permit to assure adequate planning for radiation control.
~ 9 09170 ('/'
                                                              ~ 9 09170 ('/'f
f<4 3b11303-.  
.'..SOP llP-1 Page 1 of 1 Revised Appv'd(92'(2d W Date 2-/3'f9
4 3b11303         -
-Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation I.Policy Exposure of personnel should always be under con-trolled conditions which assure appropriate reaction to unexpected levels of radiation.
II.Purpose The purpe af the Request for Radiatlan Safety Evaluation is to provide a mechanism for any individual to report to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics, any situation that is believed to have resulted in a loss of radiation control or any situation that has the potential to result in future loss of radiat!on control.
III.Procedure.The person desiring to make Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation can obtain forms for that purpose from Reactor Health Physics.
The report form should be completed and sent to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Phyolcs, as soon as possible.
The Manager, Reactor Health Physics, will investigate the situation reported and provide a written response.
The response will normally be prepared in less than 30 days.
SOP   llP-1 Page   1 of 1 Revised Appv'd(92'(2d W Date 2-/3'f9
Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation I. Policy Exposure of personnel should always be under con-trolled conditions which assure appropriate reaction to unexpected levels of radiation.
II. Purpose The purpe   af the Request for Radiatlan Safety Evaluation is to provide a mechanism for any individual to report to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics, any situation that is believed to have resulted in a loss of radiation control or any situation that has the potential to result in future loss of radiat!on control.
III. Procedure
The person desiring to make Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation can obtain forms for that purpose from Reactor Health Physics. The report form should be completed and sent to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Phyolcs, as soon as possible. The Manager, Reactor Health Physics, will investigate the situation reported and provide a written response. The response will normally be prepared in less than 30 days.
The use of this request is not intended to eliminate immediate, verbal reporting of hazardous situations, in fact, immediate, verbal reporting is often essential for the corrective action to be effective.
The use of this request is not intended to eliminate immediate, verbal reporting of hazardous situations, in fact, immediate, verbal reporting is often essential for the corrective action to be effective.
.6*e=--36 J'004..*e*n G e e e e  
.'..Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation No.Name of Person Making Request Date'Brief description of incident or situation:
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36 J'004       .
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Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation No.
Name of Person Making Request Date
Brief description of incident or situation:
Do you believe anyone received excessive radiation exposure?
Do you believe anyone received excessive radiation exposure?
Yes No Do you believe the situation could lead to_ excessive exposure
Yes                 No Do you believe the situation could lead to_ excessive exposure   .
.in the future?
in the future?
.Yes N.o If answer is yes, explain briefly how excessive exposure did. or could..occ.ur.
..,..e sw 6-..._O
Yes               N.o If answer is yes, explain briefly how excessive exposure did
.'..Please state briefly any actions you recommend.
.Response from Health Physics Date Y..'O Y" S *$ O UN)
        . or could..occ.ur.                 .               .
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4...S0P 11P- 7 Page 1 of 2 Revised Appr'cd b N e 7/ '/[f~f Response to Medi-Physics flot Cell Gamma Alarm
                            -                           .
-I.Policy When an unusual radiation situation is indicated by a radia-tion alarm initial actions should be to prot.t people from any radiation hazard.
II.Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to assure appropriate actions initiated if the gamma alarm system on the Medi-Physics are hot cell sounds.
III.Description of system A.The system is a two detector Area Radiation Monitor.
Please state briefly any actions you recommend.
Response from Health Physics Date                       Y
                                                            '  ,# g *, g '
* O Y" S *$ O UN) 4
4                             9
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S0P     11P- 7 Page   1 of 2 Revised Appr'cd b N e
7/ '/[f f
Response to Medi-Physics flot Cell Gamma Alarm I. Policy When an unusual radiation situation is indicated by a radia-tion alarm initial actions should be to prot         .t people from any radiation hazard.
II. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to assure appropriate actions are initiated if the gamma alarm system on the Medi-Physics hot cell sounds.
III. Description of system A. The system is a two detector Area Radiation Monitor.
One detector is located under the cell on the south or transfer cask side and the other detector is located under the north or 7A cask side of the cell.
One detector is located under the cell on the south or transfer cask side and the other detector is located under the north or 7A cask side of the cell.
1.Located on the operating face of the cell is a mr/hr readout, buzzer alarm, and yellow light alarm for each detet'.or.
: 1. Located on the operating face of the cell is a mr/hr readout, buzzer alarm, and yellow light alarm for each detet'.or.
2.A remote readout under the basement stairway has a yellow alarm light and an mr/hr dial.
: 2. A remote readout under the basement stairway has a yellow alarm light and an mr/hr dial.
3.liigh voltage controls are also located under the stairway.
: 3. liigh voltage controls are also located under the stairway.
IV.Response to alarm A.During normal working hours and other times when IIcalth Physics Personnel are known to be on duty in the facility: 1.The person hearing the alarm should assare immediate evacuation of the basement area.
IV. Response to alarm A. During normal working hours and other times when IIcalth Physics Personnel are known to be on duty in the facility:
: 1. The person hearing the alarm should assare immediate evacuation of the basement area.
...SOP llP- 7 Page 2 of 2 Revised Appr ' Q@?[?/uBate 7/6/[f I If 2.That person shall call llealth Physics.
, a.Ilealth Physics shall post the stairway entrance to the basement.
b.IIcalth Physics shall analyze the situation to determine corrective action.
B.During hours when llcalth Physics Personnel are not on duty in the facility:
1.The person hearing the alarm should assure immediate evacuation of the basement area, post the stairway entrance to the basement and relate the problem to the Operations shift supervisor.
2.The shift supervisor shall determine what actions should be taken to assure that corrective action is performed.
SOP   llP- 7 Page   2 of 2 Revised Appr ' Q@?[?/uBate 7/6/[f I
.%{SOP llP-12 Page 1 of 2 Revised 11-23-78 Appy'd (j Date 11-23-7R Transfer of Radioactive Material Within Reactor Building
~I.Policy Materials transferred within the reactor building must be packaged to prevent radiation hazards to personnel due to radiation fields and/or contamination caused by loss of radioactive material.
: 2. That person shall call llealth Physics.
II.Scope This procedure applies to radioactive samples and irradiated materials.
: a. Ilealth Physics shall post the stairway entrance to the basement.
Excluded because they are covered in other procedures are radioactive waste, tools, and equipment.
: b. IIcalth Physics shall analyze the situation to determine corrective action.
Transfer within laboratory raons is also excluded from this procedure, k III.Purpose The purpose is to asstn e that the fligh Radiation Area requirements of 10CFR20.203 are not violated and that exposure to penunnel is mininized when transferring radioactive materials within the facility.
B. During hours when llcalth Physics Personnel are not on duty in the facility:
A.To accomplish the stated purpose a transfer container design should include the following:
: 1. The person hearing the alarm should assure immediate evacuation of the basement area, post the stairway entrance to the basement and relate the problem to the Operations shift supervisor.
1.A lid closure that :an be installed and removed quickly to minimize exposure time.
: 2. The shift supervisor shall determine what actions should be taken to assure that corrective action is performed.
2.Features which assure that the material being transported cannot spill out if the transfer container is dropped and/or tipped on its side or upside down.
B.If a transfer container is to be left unattended, it must be posted as required by 10CFR20.202 (b) (2) .
k 357003  
...(SOP llP-12_Page 2 of 2 Revised 11._23-78 Appy'd b h Date 11-23-78
-IV.Specific Rules A.When transporting material via elevator personnel shall not ride with material if the exposure rate at 24 inches exceeds 10 mrem per hour.
{                                                         SOP Page llP-12 1 of 2 Revised   11-23-78 Appy'd (j Date   11-23-7R
(.357010 (  
.SOP llP-15 Page 1 of 8_Revised Appv'd[[bd N~Date'_Medi-Physics Hot Cell I.Policy Operations using the Medi-Physics (MPI) hot ec11 are p 'rformed under licenses held by the University of Missouri, theref>re, all operations are subject to the radiation program of MURR regaro: css of worker's employer identification.
Transfer of Radioactive Material Within Reactor Building I. Policy Materials transferred within the reactor building must be packaged to prevent radiation hazards to personnel due to radiation fields and/or contamination caused by loss of radioactive material.
II.Scope This procedure applies to all operations at the cell including radioactive materials handling associated with the cell but outside the cell as part of the process.
II. Scope This procedure applies to radioactive samples and irradiated materials. Excluded because they are covered in other procedures are radioactive waste, tools, and equipment.
III.Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide control of potential radiation hazards in more detail thar is used for research operations to assure that a gradual relaxation of control with the attendant increase in probability of error does not cecur.
Transfer within laboratory raons is also excluded from this procedure, k
IV.Protective equipment Surgeons gloves and lab coats are the minimum protective equip-men- required for persons working under the cell.
III. Purpose The purpose is to asstn e that the fligh Radiation Area requirements of 10CFR20.203 are not violated and that exposure to penunnel is mininized when transferring radioactive materials within the facility.
Health physics personnel assigned to monitor the operations will require additional protective equipment as indicated by survey data.V.Procedures When using these procedures to qualify new personnel, a co-ordinator is designated and checks off steps as they are performed.
A. To accomplish the stated purpose a transfer container design should include the following:
To process a normal shipment, the transfer cask and the low
: 1. A lid closure that :an be installed and removed quickly to minimize exposure time.
-level waste are bagged out and the first 7A is bagged in, before the day of the shipment.
: 2. Features which assure that the material being transported cannot spill out if the transfer container is dropped and/or tipped on its side or upside down.
B. If a transfer container is to be left unattended, it must be posted as required by 10CFR20.202 (b) (2) .
k 357003
(                                                       SOP     llP-12    _
Page  2 of 2 Revised     11._23-78 Appy'd b h Date 11-23-78
IV. Specific Rules A. When transporting material via elevator personnel shall not ride with material if the exposure rate at 24 inches exceeds 10 mrem per hour.
(                                   .
SOP   llP-15 Page   1 of 8              _
Revised Appv'd         [[bd
Date        N~
Medi-Physics Hot Cell I. Policy Operations using the Medi-Physics (MPI) hot ec11 are p 'rformed under licenses held by the University of Missouri, theref>re, all operations are subject to the radiation program of MURR regaro: css of worker's employer identification.
II. Scope This procedure applies to all operations at the cell including radioactive materials handling associated with the cell but outside the cell as part of the process.
III. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide control of potential radiation hazards in more detail thar is used for research operations to assure that a gradual relaxation of control with the attendant increase in probability of error does not cecur.
IV. Protective equipment Surgeons gloves and lab coats are the minimum protective equip-men- required for persons working under the cell.
Health physics personnel assigned to monitor the operations will require additional protective equipment as indicated by survey data.
V. Procedures When using these procedures to qualify new personnel, a co-ordinator is designated and checks off steps as they are performed.
To process a normal shipment, the transfer cask and the low level waste are bagged out and the first 7A is bagged in, before the day of the shipment.
The transfer :ask bag-in and the 7A bag-in and bag-out procedures are used to complete the process on the day of the shipment.
The transfer :ask bag-in and the 7A bag-in and bag-out procedures are used to complete the process on the day of the shipment.
Before starting an individual procedure, the hot cell must be checked properly secured unless another evolution has just been completed.- -a < s z;d i \} LA.
Before starting an individual procedure, the hot cell must be checked properly secured unless another evolution has just been completed.
                                                                            - i-a z;d   \} <LA.
*.SOP IIP-15 Page 2 of 8 Revised O#Appv'd$'B ' f Date_1 Each hot cell entry by a person will be covered by a radiation work permit.
s u
SOP     IIP-15 Page       2 of 8 Revised Appv'd           O#
Date          $'B ' f
1 Each hot cell entry by a person will be covered by a radiation work permit.
Any evolution not presently covered by a written procedure requires a radiation work permit.
Any evolution not presently covered by a written procedure requires a radiation work permit.
A.Secure the Hot Cell Verify the Following:
A. Secure the Hot Cell Verify the Following:
1.On each port, either a cask bagged in or a bag and security band in place.2.Transfer jacks blocked up under each port.
: 1. On each port, either a cask bagged in or a bag and security band in place.
3.Transfer jack power off and breaker locked.(llealth Physics retains key).
: 2. Transfer jacks blocked up under each port.
4.Inlet and outlet ventilation valves open and sufficient A P indicated on the magnehelic gauge.
: 3. Transfer jack power off and breaker locked.     (llealth Physics retains key).
.5.Health Prysics warning rope and appropriate signs in place.
: 4. Inlet and outlet ventilation valves open and sufficient A P indicated
on the magnehelic gauge.
: 5. Health Prysics warning rope and appropriate signs in place.
If a Sample has been Processed in the Cell.
If a Sample has been Processed in the Cell.
6.Verify all sample can waste in waste tube.
: 6. Verify all sample can waste in waste tube.
7.If "in use" waste tube is full, put the lid on it and store in waste tube rack.
: 7. If "in use" waste tube is full, put the lid on it and store in waste tube rack. If "in use" waste tube is not full, position in left rear corner of cell.
If "in use" waste tube is not full, position in left rear corner of cell.
.B.Low Level Radioactive Material Bag-out 1.I'f the hot cell has been secured with a cask in the port it must first be removed by the applicabic bag-out procedure.
B. Low Level Radioactive Material Bag-out
2.Measure exposure rate under cell.
: 1. I'f the hot cell has been secured with a cask in the port it must first be removed by the applicabic bag-out procedure.
3.Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.
: 2. Measure exposure rate under cell.
                                                                                  ~    '
...~SOP __llP-15.Page 3 of 8 Revised Appv'd N ff v'Date-4.Place new"0" ring on port.
: 3. Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.
5.Remove security band from casx port.
6.Attach clear bag to port.
7.Re-c.ttach securit y band.
8.Remove hot cell inlet filter.
9.Pull old bag down into new bag.
10.Transfer low level material from cell into clear bag on port.
SOP __    llP-15
11.Triple tie cicar bag.
12.Replace hot cell inlet filter.
Page   3 of 8 Revised Appv'd           N ff v' Date
13.Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
14.Dispose of clear bag and contents rs radwaste, or label as appli-cable.15.Secure hot cell or proceed to next evolution, as necessary.
: 4. Place new   "0" ring on port.
C.Material Bag-In 1.If the hot cell as been secured with a cask in the port, it must first be removed by the applicable bag-out procedure.
: 5. Remove security band from casx port.
2.Measure exposure rate under ceII.
: 6. Attach clear bag to port.
3.Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.
: 7. Re-c.ttach securit y band.
4.Place new "0" ring on port.
: 8. Remove hot cell inlet filter.
5.Remove security band from transfer cask port.
: 9. Pull old bag down into new bag.
6.Place material in clear bag.
: 10. Transfer low level material from cell into clear bag on port.
7.Attach clear bag to port.
: 11. Triple tie cicar bag.
8.Re-attach security band.
: 12. Replace hot cell inlet filter.
o3 7(),- l3
: 13. Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
: 14. Dispose of clear bag and contents rs radwaste, or label as appli-cable.
'.SOP IIP-15 Page 4 of 8 Revised Appv'd /M Date_9.Remove hot cell inlet filter.
: 15. Secure hot cell or proceed to next evolution, as necessary.
10.Pull old bag down into new bag.
C. Material Bag-In
11.Transfer material from new bag to inside of cell.
: 1. If the hot cell as been secured with a cask in the port, it must first be removed by the applicable bag-out procedure.
12.Triple-tie clear bag.
: 2. Measure exposure rate under ceII.
13.Replace hot cell inlet filter.
: 3. Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.
14.Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
: 4. Place new "0" ring on port.
15.Dispose of clear bag as radwaste.
: 5. Remove security band from transfer cask port.
16.Secure hot cell or proceed to next efolutior, as necessary.
: 6. Place material in clear bag.
D.7A Bag-in ABCDEF 1.Place 7A container la MPI clear plastic bag.
: 7. Attach clear bag to port.
2.Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
: 8. Re-attach security band.                                       o3 7(),- l3
3.Position 7A on transfer jack.
4 Remove bolts from lid.
5.Verify shield plug in place.
6.Check exposure rate.
7.Put new"o" ring on 7A port.
SOP     IIP-15 Page   4 of 8 Revised Appv'd /           M Date
8.Remove bag security band from 7A port.
9.Tape old"0" ring to old bag.
: 9. Remove hot cell inlet filter.
10.Position transfer jack under port.
: 10. Pull old bag down into new bag.
11.Power off to the transfer jack.
: 11. Transfer material from new bag to inside of cell.
12.Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
: 12. Triple-tie clear bag.
13.Put new bag on port and position "0" ring.14.Put security band on port.
: 13. Replace hot cell inlet filter.
15.Remove shield plug, place in left rear corner of cell.
: 14. Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
16.Check exposure rate.
: 15. Dispose of clear bag as radwaste.
17.Run crane hook down into 7A port.
: 16. Secure hot cell or proceed to next efolutior, as necessary.
18.Remove old bag.
D. 7A Bag-in ABCDEF       1. Place 7A container la MPI clear plastic bag.
19.Hook"0" ring on crane hook.
: 2. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
20.Pull old bag up into cell.
: 3. Position 7A on transfer jack.
21.Verify transfer 'ack is correctly positioned.
4 Remove bolts from lid.
: 5. Verify shield plug in place.
..SOP llP-15 Page 5 of 8 Revised hf[hd APPV'd k/7 Date_22.Verify cask (7A) is correctly positioned on transfer jack.23.Verify all personnel clear and restore power to 7A transfer jack.
: 6. Check exposure rate.
24.Raise 7A until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt.CAUTION - we care to prevent tearing the bag.25.Power of f to transfer jack.
: 7. Put new "o" ring on 7A port.
26.Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
: 8. Remove bag security band from 7A port.
29.Reposition bag.
: 9. Tape old "0" ring to old bag.
30.Verify transfer jack clear and turn power on.
: 10. Position transfer jack under port.
31.Raise 7A to operating position.
: 11. Power off to the transfer jack.
A B C D E F 32.
: 12. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
: 13. Put new bag on port and position   "0" ring.
E.7A Bag-out ABCDEF 1.Position shield plug above 7A cask.
: 14. Put security band on port.
CAUTION the shield plug must be above the rubber port seal during the next step. To prevent pulling the bag off the port.
: 15. Remove shield plug, place in left rear corner of cell.
2.Lower transfer jack to bottom position.
: 16. Check exposure rate.
3.Power off to transfer jack.
: 17. Run crane hook down into 7A port.
4.Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
: 18. Remove old bag.
5.Squeeze air out of bag and single tie.
: 19. Hook "0" ring on crane hook.
6.Place shield plug on port.
: 20. Pull old bag up into cell.
7.Double tie bag (three ties total).
: 21. Verify transfer 'ack is correctly positioned.
8.Cut bag above lowest tie.
9.Move transfer jack away from cell.
10.Swipe top of bag.
11.Install cleaning skirt-tape just below lip of 7A.
12.Remove tie from 7A bag.
SOP       llP-15 Page   5 of 8 Revised APPV'd    hf[hd Date          k/7
CAUTION - anticipate potential high contamination.
13.Carefully mist inside of bag and 7A top with Decon.
: 22. Verify cask (7A) is correctly positioned on transfer jack.
solution.14.Cut off and remove top of bag.
: 23. Verify all personnel clear and restore power to 7A transfer jack.
15.Decontaminate top of 7A.
: 24. Raise 7A until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt. CAUTION - we care   to prevent tearing the bag.
16.Install bolts in lid.
: 25. Power of f to transfer jack.
17.Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
: 26. Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
18.Lift 7A clear of transfer jack.
: 29. Reposition bag.
19.Decontaminate 7A.
: 30. Verify transfer jack clear and turn power on.
20.Survey 7A for contamination.
: 31. Raise 7A to operating position.
fXjygg 21.Place 7A in fireshield.
A B C D E F 32. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
22.Place pre-bag and cleaning skirt in radwaste.
E. 7A Bag-out ABCDEF       1. Position shield plug above 7A cask. CAUTION the shield plug must be above the rubber port seal during the next step. To prevent pulling the bag off the port.
23.Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.
: 2. Lower transfer jack to bottom position.
A B C D E F 24.
: 3. Power off to transfer jack.
Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.  
: 4. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
..SOP llP-15 Page 6 of 8 Revised Appv'd M dM h'& f Date-F.Transfer Cask Bag-in 1.Measure exposure rate under cell - It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if exposure rates under the trans-fer case are excessive.
: 5. Squeeze air out of bag and single tie.
2.Put new "0" ring on cask port.
: 6. Place shield plug on port.
3.Tape old"0" ring to old bag to facilitate later removel.
: 7. Double tie bag (three ties total).
4.Pre-bag transfer cask. Trim bag sa there is no excess.
: 8. Cut bag above lowest tie.
5.Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
: 9. Move transfer jack away from cell.
6.Position transfer cask on transfer jack.
: 10. Swipe top of bag.
7.Remove cask lid hold down device.
: 11. Install cleaning skirt-tape just below lip of 7A.
8.Remove bag security band f:.?m transfer cask port.
: 12. Remove tie from 7A bag. CAUTION - anticipate potential high contamination.
9.Positi >n transfer jack under cask port.
: 13. Carefully mist inside of bag and 7A top with Decon.
10.Power off to transfer jack.
11.Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
: 14. Cut off and remove top of bag.
12.Secure new transfer bag (containing cask) to port with "0" ring.13.Reattach bag security band.
: 15. Decontaminate top of 7A.
14.Pull old bag and"O" ring into cell.
: 16. Install bolts in lid.
15.Operator verify transfer jack is correctly positioned.
: 17. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
16.Verify position of cask.
: 18. Lift 7A clear of transfer jack.
17.Verify all personnel cicar and restore power to the transfer jack.18.Position second operator at the flot cell window to observe raising of transfer cask.
: 19. Decontaminate 7A.
: 20. Survey 7A for contamination.                         fXjygg
.SOP llP-15.Page 7 of 8 Revised Appy'd[M)I Dcte 19.Raise cask until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt -
: 21. Place 7A in fireshield.
: 22. Place pre-bag and cleaning skirt in radwaste.
: 23. Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.
A B C D E F 24. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
SOP     llP-15 Page   6 of 8 Revised Appv'd         M dM
Date      h'& f F. Transfer Cask Bag-in
: 1. Measure exposure rate under cell - It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if exposure rates under the trans-fer case are excessive.
: 2. Put new "0"   ring on cask port.
: 3. Tape old   "0" ring to old bag to facilitate later removel.
: 4. Pre-bag transfer cask. Trim bag sa there is no excess.
: 5. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
: 6. Position transfer cask on transfer jack.
: 7. Remove cask lid hold down device.
: 8. Remove bag security band f:.?m transfer cask port.
: 9. Positi >n transfer jack under cask port.
: 10. Power off to transfer jack.
: 11. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
: 12. Secure new transfer bag (containing cask) to port with       "0" ring.
: 13. Reattach bag security band.
: 14. Pull old bag and "O"   ring into cell.
: 15. Operator verify transfer jack is correctly positioned.
: 16. Verify position of cask.
: 17. Verify all personnel cicar and restore power to the transfer jack.
: 18. Position second operator at the flot cell window to observe raising of transfer cask.
SOP   llP-15 Page   7 of 8 Revised Appy'd           [ M Dcte          )I
: 19. Raise cask until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt -
CAUTION - use care to prevent tearing the bag.
CAUTION - use care to prevent tearing the bag.
20.Power off to transfer jack.
: 20. Power off to transfer jack.
21.Operator verify power off to tre.sfer jack.
: 21. Operator verify power off to tre.sfer jack.
Reposition bag.
t_. Reposition bag.
t_.23.Remove security band.
: 23. Remove security band.
24.Verify all personnel clear and restor power to transfer jack.
: 24. Verify all personnel clear and restor power to transfer jack.
25.Raise transfer jack to operating position.
: 25. Raise transfer jack to operating position.
26.Verify cask is properly attached, positioned, and ready for sampic processing operation.
: 26. Verify cask is properly attached, positioned, and ready for sampic processing operation.
G.Transfer Cask Bag-out 1.This evolution will normally be started with the cell in the secured status.It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if the exposure rates under the transfer cask port are excessive.
G. Transfer Cask Bag-out
2.Place sample cup in transfer cask.
: 1. This evolution will normally be started with the cell in the secured status. It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if the exposure rates under the transfer cask port are excessive.
3.Replace lid on transfer cask.
: 2. Place sample cup in transfer cask.
4.Verify cask area clear and ready to be lowered.
: 3. Replace lid on transfer cask.
5.Authorize power on to transfer cask.
: 4. Verify cask area clear and ready to be lowered.
6.Simultaneously lower transfer jack full down and check exposure rate.
: 5. Authorize power on to transfer cask.
7.Power off to transfer jack.
: 6. Simultaneously lower transfer jack full down and check exposure rate.
8.Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
: 7. Power off to transfer jack.
9.Install safety band.
: 8. Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
c....ali) ((}jl'?
: 9. Install safety band.
10.Triple tie bag.  
..SOP llP-15 Page 8 of 8 Revised''# -Appv'd Date_11.Cut bag above lowest tie.
: 10. Triple tie bag.
12.Check top of bag for contaminatica.
ali) ((}jl'?
13.Move transfer jack away from cell.
14.Install cleaning skirt.
Insure it is taped to the transfer cask.
15.Remove tie from transfer cask bag - CAUTION - Anticipate potential high contamination.
SOP   llP-15 Page 8 of 8 Revised
16.Carefully mist inside of bag and top of cask with decon solution.
                                                                              ''# -
17.Cut off and remove top of bag.
Appv'd Date
18.Decontaminate top of cask.
19.Attach lic hold down device.
: 11. Cut bag above lowest tie.
20.Remove tape from pre-bag.
: 12. Check top of bag for contaminatica.
21.Swipe floor ahead of fork-lift.
: 13. Move transfer jack away from cell.
22.Lift transfer cask clear of transfer jack.
: 14. Install cleaning skirt. Insure it is taped to the transfer cask.
23.Decontaminate transfer cask.
: 15. Remove tie from transfer cask bag - CAUTION - Anticipate potential high contamination.
24 Survey transfer cask for contamination.
: 16. Carefully mist inside of bag and top of cask with decon solution.
25.Place transfer cask in yellow bag.
: 17. Cut off and remove top of bag.
26.Dispose of cleaning skirt and bags in radioactive waste.
: 18. Decontaminate top of cask.
27.Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.
: 19. Attach lic hold down device.
28.Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
: 20. Remove tape from pre-bag.
# 67010 d.  
: 21. Swipe floor ahead of fork-lift.
-.SDP IIP- 16 Page 1 of 3 Revised Appv'd [f Nd n/'] ~/ $ ~ ff Date" Surveying Containers of Radioactive Material for Transport by Common Carrier.
: 22. Lift transfer cask clear of transfer jack.
I.Policy Radioactive materials shipped from the Research Reactor Facility are to be packaged, labeled, ar.d surveyed in com >1iance with applicable regulations of DOT and NRC.
: 23. Decontaminate transfer cask.
II.Scope This procedure applies to all shipments of radioactive materials except radioactive waste, fuel elements, transfer of materials within the University or other transfer for which another SOP-lip is applicable.
24   Survey transfer cask for contamination.
III.Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide a standard survey method to be used by liealth Physics personnel and other persons trained and approved by the Manager, Reactor Health Physics when surveying containers of radioactive materials for shipment.
: 25. Place transfer cask in yellow bag.
IV.Procedure 1.Surveyor shall inspect container visually for any obvious defects night make it unsuitable for transport of the radioactive material.
: 26. Dispose of cleaning skirt and bags in radioactive waste.
a.The surveyor is vat responsible for determining that the proper packaging has been selected.
: 27. Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.
2.Surveyor shall determine the following a: 1 make appropriate entr7 on the Material Transfer Form (See Exhibit A).
: 28. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
a.Surface contamination as per 49CFR173.397 b.Surface dose rate as per 49CFR173.393(i) c.Transport index as per 49CFR173.389(i)(1) and 49CFR173.393 (i) d.Labels as per 49CFR173.3f9 c.Transferee authorized as per 10CFR30.41 c... . .ca , Ol')3.h' hen the surveyor is satisfied that all of the requirements of procedure 2 comply with the indicated regulations the surveyor shall place his/her signature on the IIEALTil PilYSICS APPROV.\L space and determine that the date of survey is correct.  
                                                                    # 67010 d
..SOP IIP- 16 Page 2 of 3 Revised Appv'd) >[[[)c]^7 f 'f Date._4.All radiation measurements shall be made by procedures approved by the Manager, Reactor ifealth Physics or designee.
5.All equipment used to make radiation measurements for this procedure shall be approved by the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics or designee.
3570;20 llP-16 Page 3 of 3
. -
SDP     IIP- 16 Page   1 of 3 Revised
Appv'd [f Nd           n/
Date    ] ~/ $ ~ ff Surveying Containers of Radioactive Material for Transport by Common Carrier.
I. Policy Radioactive materials shipped from the Research Reactor Facility are to be packaged, labeled, ar.d surveyed in com >1iance with applicable regulations of DOT and NRC.
II. Scope This procedure applies to all shipments of radioactive materials except radioactive waste, fuel elements, transfer of materials within the University or other transfer for which another SOP-lip is applicable.
III. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide a standard survey method to be used by liealth Physics personnel and other persons trained and approved by the Manager, Reactor Health Physics when surveying containers of radioactive materials for shipment.
IV. Procedure
: 1. Surveyor shall inspect container visually for any obvious defects night make it unsuitable for transport of the radioactive material.
: a. The surveyor is vat responsible for determining that the proper packaging has been selected.
: 2. Surveyor shall determine the following a: 1 make appropriate entr7 on the Material Transfer Form (See Exhibit A).
: a. Surface contamination as per 49CFR173.397
: b. Surface dose rate as per 49CFR173.393(i)
: c. Transport index as per 49CFR173.389(i)(1) and 49CFR173.393 (i)
: d. Labels as per 49CFR173.3f9
: c. Transferee authorized as per 10CFR30.41                 c.. ...
ca , Ol')
: 3. h' hen the surveyor is satisfied that all of the requirements of procedure 2 comply with the indicated regulations the surveyor shall place his/her signature on the IIEALTil PilYSICS APPROV.\L space and determine that the date of survey is correct.
SOP     IIP- 16 Page   2 of 3 Revised Appv'd       ) >[[[) c
                              .                      Date            ]^7 f 'f
: 4. All radiation measurements shall be made by procedures approved by the Manager, Reactor ifealth Physics or designee.
: 5. All equipment used to make radiation measurements for this procedure shall be approved by the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics or designee.
llP-16         Page 3 of 3
[K//Z82T                                                               p,        ;;
                                                                                                      '.     A7 M
>?           d
              ,d MATERIAL TRANSFER POR?1                                          g MURit ID SHIP TO COMSIGNEF. BYPRODUCT LICENSE
NUMBER                                  _
n/cm s       TIME OUT FAST FLUX GAMMA DOSE RATE                                   R/hr     TOTAL HOURS _
mR/hr BETA / GAMMA 6Ur VC y'o p' dpm/ LOO cm S u r p'C ;_ J / -
SURFACE CONTAMINATION BETA / GAMMA 6Ur VC y'o p'       dpm/ LOO cm AT SURFACE Su/~ kWO,'                   mR/hr
dpm/ LOO cm AT 3 FEET Su T')'d VST' mR/hr ,RPHA DATE SvR V6 Vcf r HEALTH PHYSICS APPRC7AL 9d/- V<o N/or'"This is to certify that the above named articles are properly classified, described, accordinrJ packaged, marked an'. labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation, to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation." DATE CERTIFIED BY 3:i;'021 k.  
                                                              ,RPHA                            dpm/ LOO cm AT 3 FEET Su T')'d VST'                 mR/hr               S u r p'C ;_ J / -
..SOP llP-17 Page 1 of 3 Revised_, Appr' [ [#D[tc 7 /[11-3 Air Samples
DATE SvR V6 Vcf r HEALTH PHYSICS APPRC7AL 9d/- V<o N/or' "This is to certify that the above named articles are properly classified, described, packaged, marked an'. labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation, accordinrJ to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation."
-I.Policy An air sample measuring tritium levels in the containment building will be taken daily on normal working days or more often as may be deemed necessary.
II.Purpose To insure airborne tritium levels in containment building remain below limits (5 x 10-6 pc/cc of air).
III.Equipment Gelman bubbler system 1 ml pipette Scintillation vials Searle Delta 300 scintillation system or equivalent Sample Bottle (> 25( ml) 250 m1 graduated cylinder Scintillation cocktail 1.64 x 10-3 pc/ml H3 Standard IV.Procedure 1.Place 250 ml distilled water in bubbler, secure top of bubbler with two (2) springs.
2.Turn on air pump noting exact time.
3.Check air flow.
SOP     llP-17 Page   1 of 3 Revised        _,
4.If necessary adjust air flow with black knobs to obtain air flow of three (3) liters per minute (black ball at 5.4 on scale).
Appr' [ [#D[tc     7 /[
5.Allow to run for 60 to 120 minutes.
6.Secure air pump noting exact time.
11-3 Air Samples I. Policy An air sample measuring tritium levels in the containment building will be taken daily on normal working days or more often as may be deemed necessary.
7.Collect 250 m1 tritiated water.
II. Purpose To insure airborne tritium levels in containment building remain below limits (5 x 10-6 pc/cc of air).
III. Equipment Gelman bubbler system 1 ml pipette Scintillation vials Searle Delta 300 scintillation system or equivalent Sample Bottle (> 25( ml) 250 m1 graduated cylinder Scintillation cocktail 1.64 x 10-3 pc/ml H3 Standard IV. Procedure
...SOP HP-17 s Page 2 of 3 Revised Date 7[//!7i Appr'8.Add one (1) m1 sample to 10 m1 liquid scintilla-
: 1. Place 250 ml distilled water in bubbler, secure top of bubbler with two (2) springs.
-tion cocktail in scintillation vial.
: 2. Turn on air pump noting exact time.
9.Swirl to mix until white precipitate dissolves.
: 3. Check air flow.
10.a.Consecutively count sample mixture, prepared standard (1.64 x 10-3 pc/cc), and prepared blank (for background counts) on Searle Delta 300 Liquid Scintillation System, b.Delta 300 settings:
: 4. If necessary adjust air flow with black knobs to obtain air flow of three (3) liters per minute (black ball at 5.4 on scale).
('1" power" - on (2)"all samples" - green (3)" CPM" - white (4)"ESR" - white (5)time knob - 10 minutes (6)2 Sigma knob - .25%
: 5. Allow to run for 60 to 120 minutes.
(7)module 1 inserted (Caution--do not disturb if counting of another sample is in progress.)
: 6. Secure air pump noting exact time.
V.Calculation Sample count - blank count +
: 7. Collect 250 m1 tritiated water.
standard count - blank count X 1.64 x 10-3 (standard activity in pc/cc) X 250 (liquid sample volume in ml)
+air volume (3000 ml/ min X number of minutes sample ran) +
.9 (efficiency) =
pc/cc H in air 3 357023  
.,.S O P__llP-17 Page 3 of 3 l Revised Date 7/7/7 Appr'l'~Example: sample count 130 CPM standard count 1450 CPM blank count 30 CPM time sample run 60 minutes 1 5 (y4)x (1.64 x 10-3) x (250)
+ (1.8 x 10 ) , (,9)
SOP     HP-17 s
-7 1.8 x 10 pc/cc=357021  
Page   2 of 3 Revised Appr'        Date 7[//!7i
..SOP HP-18*Page 1 of 2 Revision f Appr'[/--Nf/
#ate i, Calibration of Geiger
: 8. Add one (1) m1 sample to 10 m1 liquid scintilla-tion cocktail in scintillation vial.
_Mueller Survey Instruments I.Policy Survey meters used for personnel radiation monitoring shall be calibrated traceable to NBS.
: 9. Swirl to mix until white precipitate dissolves.
II.Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish a standard method for calibrating the G.M.
: 10. a. Consecutively count sample mixture, prepared standard (1.64 x 10-3 pc/cc), and prepared blank (for background counts) on Searle Delta 300 Liquid Scintillation System,
Survey Instruments.
: b. Delta 300 settings:
Ill.Procedure Using a known and reliabic source of Cs-137.
('1   " power" - on (2)   "all samples" - green (3)   " CPM" - white (4) "ESR" - white (5) time knob - 10 minutes (6) 2 Sigma knob - .25%
1.Check battery test.
(7) module 1 inserted (Caution--do not disturb if counting of another sample is in progress.)
2.Remove meter from case to make calibration controls accessible.
V. Calculation Sample count - blank count +
Use temporary electrical con.>ction to detector.3.Insure window is closed.
standard count - blank count X 1.64 x 10-3 (standard activity in pc/cc) X 250 (liquid sample volume in ml) +
4.Place instrument to be calibrated specified distance from source.
air volume (3000 ml/ min X number of minutes sample ran) +
5.Calibrate to mia-scale on each scale of the instrument.
                .9 (efficiency) =             pc/cc H 3 in air 357023
6.Use attached form to record results.
7.Affix label to instrument with date and initialt 8.Record date and initials on Routine log in II.P.
Office.9.Instruments which cannot be calibrated satisfacto._1y shall be taken out of service.
The instrument shall be clearly tagged to avoid use by mistake.
3a e'O.SU.e  
S O P__  llP-17 Page   3 of 3 l
.S0P llP-18 Page 2 of 2 Revision Date7/M[77 Appr'_Certificate of Calibration
Revised Appr'          Date 7/7/7 l'
-.SOP np_10 Page 1 of 1 Revision App[k)D[te 7 /$f Gr' ~'{l~SELF-READI.':G DCSIMETER CALIBRATION I.Policy It is the policy of Reactor llealth Physics to use dosimeters calibrated with radiation sources traceable to NBS, and which meet specifications of ANSI 13.5 (1972).
sample count             130 CPM standard count         1450 CPM blank count               30 CPM time sample run           60 minutes 1
II.Scope This policy applies to all self-readers in use av. the Reactor Facility for personnel dosimetry.
(y4 )x (1.64 x 10-3) x (250)     + (1.8 x 10 5 ) , (,9)
III.Procedure A.Dosimeters shall be calibrated at intervals not exceeding six months.
        =          -7 pc/cc 1.8 x 10 357021
B.I f necessary, calibrated spares will be issued when personal dosimeters are to be calibrated.
C.Dosimeters will be calibrated in the designated rack with a Cesium-137 source.
D.Dosimeters will be left in the rack for a pre-determined amount of time commensurate with a mid-scale reading (80-120 mR) for maximum accuracy.
E.Exposed dosimeters should show calibration accuracy 10% at mid-scale with Cs-137.
* SOP   HP-18 Page 1 of 2 Revision
E1cetrical leakage of 25 per day max. at room temp.Any dosimeters found to be o;+. side these require-ments will be rejected and the person to whom it was assigned will be issued another.
                                                                        #  f Appr'[/--Nf/ ate i,
&*..E Y p g
_                    Calibration of Geiger Mueller Survey Instruments I. Policy Survey meters used for personnel radiation monitoring shall be calibrated traceable to NBS.
..,., SOP IIP- 20 Page 1 of 4 P.evision Appr[dddate '/-/f'77 Report of Personnel Contamination
II. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish a standard method for calibrating the G.M. Survey Instruments.
_I.Policy It is the policy at MURE to avoid contamination of personnel with radionuclides.
Ill. Procedure Using a known and reliabic source of Cs-137.
II.Purposes The parpose of this procedure is tu provide for proper handling of personnel who have become contaminated either on their person or clothing.
: 1. Check battery test.
A second purpose is to provide a record of all such events "hich can bc used in determining corrective action to avoid future incidents of personnel contamination.
: 2. Remove meter from case to make calibration controls accessible. Use temporary electrical con.>ction to detector.
III.Persons'to Notify When personnel contamination is discovered, alert Reactor Health Physics immed i a t c .' y .
: 3. Insure window is closed.
A.If Reactor Health Physics personnel are not readily available, alert Reactor Operations shift supervisor.
: 4. Place instrument to be calibrated specified distance from source.
1.The shift supervisor will assure that
: 5. Calibrate to mia-scale on each scale of the instrument.
*decontamination and efforts to alert a Health Physics representative are initiated.
: 6. Use attached form to record results.
IV.Actions to be taken A.When personnel contamination is discovered the following steps should be taken:
: 7. Affix label to instrument with date and initialt
1.Determine whether the person is receiving a significant external radiation exposure to determine whether emergency showering is indicated.
: 8. Record date and initials on Routine log in II.P.
2.Determine the extent of the contamination in area and activity par unit area.(For personnel contamination 1 cm2 is normally considered unit area.) , Sii?O,3R'
. . -.....S0P IIP- 20 Page 2 of 4 Revision Appr'dkDateJ//8/[7 3.Evaluate the probability of internal
: 9. Instruments which cannot be calibrated satisfacto._1y shall be taken out of service. The instrument shall be clearly tagged to avoid use by mistake.
~deposition by inhalation, ingestion, or via a wound.
3a e'O.SU
4.If clothing only are contaminated, deter-mining appropriate actions.
B.Af ter evaluating the nature of the contanination , proceed with corrective action.
~1.If external exposure rates in excess of 100 mRads/ hour are indicated an energency shower to quickly reduce the level is in-dicated unless localized washing is con-sidered more appropriate.
2.For localized skin contamination measure the contamination level quickly and as accurately as possible prior to cleaning.
3.Cleaning with soap and water is the preferred method for cleaning.
S0P   llP-18 Page 2 of 2 Revision Appr'        _
Any bath soap or hand soap is satisfactory.
If it is necessary to resort to more rigorous cleaning methods they should be employed under the super-vision of qualified medical personnel.
In some instances the hazard of infec-
Certificate of Calibration INSTRUMENT SERIAL #
'..tion from skin initiated by the cleaning process may be greater than the radiation hazard.
TYPE SOURCE RANGE                   CALIBRATION PT.               READING
V.Status required for release of clothing and personnel.
A.Status of skin contamination for unconditional release.1.No removable contamination.
2.Beta-gamma radiation not to be above 100 c/m with an end-window G-M which has a 1.4-2,0 5 mg/cm window.Background not to exceed 100 c/m for this measurement.
, Sff?O2D  
..-.., SOP llP- 20 Page 3 of 4 Revision Appr'[Datc7/[f/77 3.No alpha contamination.
~4.If the criteria for release above cannot be met the llcalth Physicist-in-charge will decide on further action.
B.Status of clothing for unconditional release.
SiiP02G DATE                   SIGNATURE
1.No alpha contamination.
2.Beta-gamma contamination not to exceed 100 c/m above background, a.Background must not exceed 100 c/m for this measurement.
.-..-. ..*e.SOP llP-20 Page 4 of 4 Revision Appr'd[Date 7/8[7f Report of Personnel Contamination
, Date of incident:
Date of report:
SOP   np_10 Page 1 of 1 Revision App         [k)D[te 7 /$f Gr' ~       '{     l
SELF-READI.':G DCSIMETER CALIBRATION I. Policy It is the policy of Reactor llealth Physics to use dosimeters calibrated with radiation sources traceable to NBS, and which meet specifications of ANSI 13.5 (1972).
II. Scope This policy applies to all self-readers in use av. the Reactor Facility for personnel dosimetry.
III. Procedure A. Dosimeters shall be calibrated at intervals not exceeding six months.
B. I f necessary, calibrated spares will be issued when personal dosimeters are to be calibrated.
C. Dosimeters will be calibrated in the designated rack with a Cesium-137 source.
D. Dosimeters will be left in the rack for a pre-determined amount of time commensurate with a mid-scale reading (80-120 mR) for maximum accuracy.
E. Exposed dosimeters should show calibration accuracy 10% at mid-scale with Cs-137.
E1cetrical leakage of 25 per day max. at room temp.
Any dosimeters found to be o;+. side these require-ments will be rejected and the person to whom it was assigned will be issued another.
                                                                &*   ..
Y p gE
SOP     IIP- 20 Page     1 of 4 P.evision Appr[dddate '/-/f'77 Report of Personnel Contamination
I. Policy It is the policy at MURE to avoid contamination of personnel with radionuclides.
II. Purposes The parpose of this procedure is tu provide for proper handling of personnel who have become contaminated either on their person or clothing. A second purpose is to provide a record of all such events "hich can bc used in determining corrective action to avoid future incidents of personnel contamination.
III. Persons'to Notify When personnel contamination is discovered, alert Reactor Health Physics immed i a t c .' y .
A. If Reactor Health Physics personnel are not readily available, alert Reactor Operations shift supervisor.
: 1. The shift supervisor will assure that
* decontamination and efforts to alert a Health Physics representative are initiated.
IV. Actions to be taken A. When personnel contamination is discovered the following steps should be taken:
: 1. Determine whether the person is receiving a significant external radiation exposure to determine whether emergency showering is indicated.
: 2. Determine the extent of the contamination in area and activity par unit area.   (For personnel contamination 1 cm2 is normally considered unit area.) ,
S0P     IIP- 20 Page   2 of 4 Revision Appr'dkDateJ//8/[7
: 3. Evaluate the probability of internal deposition by inhalation, ingestion, or via a wound.
: 4. If clothing only are contaminated, deter-mining appropriate actions.
B. Af ter evaluating the nature of the contanination ,   ~
proceed with corrective action.
: 1. If external exposure rates in excess of 100 mRads/ hour are indicated an energency shower to quickly reduce the level is in-dicated unless localized washing is con-sidered more appropriate.
: 2. For localized skin contamination measure the contamination level quickly and as accurately as possible prior to cleaning.
: 3. Cleaning with soap and water is the preferred method for cleaning. Any bath soap or hand soap is satisfactory. If it is necessary to resort to more rigorous cleaning methods they should be employed under the super-vision of qualified medical personnel.
                              .. In some instances the hazard of infec-tion from skin initiated by the cleaning process may be greater than the radiation hazard.
V. Status required for release of clothing and personnel.
A. Status of skin contamination for unconditional release.
: 1. No removable contamination.
: 2. Beta-gamma radiation not to be above 100 c/m with an end-window G-M which has a 1.4-2,0 mg/cm 5 window. Background not to exceed
100 c/m for this measurement.
.-     ..
SOP   llP- 20 Page   3 of 4 Revision Appr'[         Datc7/[f/77
: 3. No alpha contamination.
: 4. If the criteria for release above cannot be met the llcalth Physicist-in-charge will decide on further action.
B. Status of clothing for unconditional release.
: 1. No alpha contamination.
: 2. Beta-gamma contamination not to exceed 100 c/m above background,
: a. Background must not exceed 100 c/m for this measurement.
.      .-
        . ..*
SOP       llP-20 Page       4 of 4 Revision Appr'd[           Date 7/8[7f
Report of Personnel Contamination Date of incident:                 Date of report:
Name of person contaminated:
Name of person contaminated:
S.S.R (Use additional sheets as necessary, be specific.)
S.S.R (Use additional sheets as necessary, be specific.)
Description of contaminated area (s) location, size of area, IcVel of activity per cm'.
Description of contaminated area (s) location, size of area, IcVel of activity per cm'.
.Decontamination procedure Status of contaminated area (s' when released by II,P.
Description of how contamination occurred 1 What happened?
Decontamination procedure Status of contaminated area (s' when released by II,P.
2.Where?3.Who was involved even if not contaminated?
Description of how contamination occurred 1     What happened?
4.Who was injured, if any?
: 2. Where?
Evaluation of radiation exposure resulting~from this incident 1.External 2.Internal Oli'/0[li.
: 3. Who was involved even if not contaminated?
'Signature victim li . P . attended II.P. Mgr.}}
: 4. Who was injured, if any?
Evaluation of radiation exposure resulting~from this incident
: 1. External
: 2. Internal                                           Oli'/0[li.
Signature   victim                 li . P . attended II.P. Mgr.}}

Revision as of 15:24, 19 October 2019

SOP Radiation Protection Program,Vol 5, Health Physics.
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Columbia
Issue date: 08/02/1979
Shared Package
ML19208A792 List:
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10 Megawatt


Standard Operating Procedures

  • Volume 5 licalth Physics Preface

_ These Standard Operating Procedures are issued as part of the radiation protection program for al] operations performed at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility (MURR). Because a single organization, Reactor IIcalth Physics (RilP), is assigned radiation protection respon ibility for all licensed activity at the MURR, these procedures apply to each applicable license as is appropriate.


POLICY It is the policy of the MURR to prevent unwarranted radiation exposure to any person as a result of work performed at the facility. h'ork procedures are planned to comply with applicab]c license limits for radiation exposure and to promote the concept of "as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) . " The words " reasonably achievable" are emphasi r ad because the re-scarch and development nature of the work at the facility preclude total avoidance of personnel radiation exposure. PURPOSE The purpose of these procedures is to provide guidance and to identify situations which require additional planning before work proceeds rather than provide specific protocols. The research and development nature of work at the facility pre-cludes the development of specific protocols except for limited situations. These procedures may specify that a specific protocol be provided for certain operations. RESPONSIBILITY TO OBSERVE TilESE PROCEDURES It is the responsibility of each person to observe these procedures as is appropriate and it is the responsibility of supervision and management to assure observance of them. If a situation arises for which necessary work cannot be performed because of conflicting limitations in the SOP, the work should be performed under a Radiation h'ork Permit to assure adequate planning for radiation control.

                                                              ~ 9 09170 ('/'f

4 3b11303 -


SOP llP-1 Page 1 of 1 Revised Appv'd(92'(2d W Date 2-/3'f9


Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation I. Policy Exposure of personnel should always be under con-trolled conditions which assure appropriate reaction to unexpected levels of radiation. II. Purpose The purpe af the Request for Radiatlan Safety Evaluation is to provide a mechanism for any individual to report to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics, any situation that is believed to have resulted in a loss of radiation control or any situation that has the potential to result in future loss of radiat!on control. III. Procedure


The person desiring to make Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation can obtain forms for that purpose from Reactor Health Physics. The report form should be completed and sent to the Manager, Reactor llcalth Phyolcs, as soon as possible. The Manager, Reactor Health Physics, will investigate the situation reported and provide a written response. The response will normally be prepared in less than 30 days. The use of this request is not intended to eliminate immediate, verbal reporting of hazardous situations, in fact, immediate, verbal reporting is often essential for the corrective action to be effective.



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Request for Radiation Safety Evaluation No. Name of Person Making Request Date


Brief description of incident or situation: Do you believe anyone received excessive radiation exposure? Yes No Do you believe the situation could lead to_ excessive exposure . in the future?


Yes N.o If answer is yes, explain briefly how excessive exposure did ,

       . or could..occ.ur.                  .               .
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. Please state briefly any actions you recommend.


Response from Health Physics Date Y

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. S0P 11P- 7 Page 1 of 2 Revised Appr'cd b N e


7/ '/[f f


Response to Medi-Physics flot Cell Gamma Alarm I. Policy When an unusual radiation situation is indicated by a radia-tion alarm initial actions should be to prot .t people from any radiation hazard. II. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to assure appropriate actions are initiated if the gamma alarm system on the Medi-Physics hot cell sounds. III. Description of system A. The system is a two detector Area Radiation Monitor. One detector is located under the cell on the south or transfer cask side and the other detector is located under the north or 7A cask side of the cell.

1. Located on the operating face of the cell is a mr/hr readout, buzzer alarm, and yellow light alarm for each detet'.or.
2. A remote readout under the basement stairway has a yellow alarm light and an mr/hr dial.
3. liigh voltage controls are also located under the stairway.

IV. Response to alarm A. During normal working hours and other times when IIcalth Physics Personnel are known to be on duty in the facility:

1. The person hearing the alarm should assare immediate evacuation of the basement area.




SOP llP- 7 Page 2 of 2 Revised Appr ' Q@?[?/uBate 7/6/[f I If

2. That person shall call llealth Physics.
a. Ilealth Physics shall post the stairway entrance to the basement.
b. IIcalth Physics shall analyze the situation to determine corrective action.

B. During hours when llcalth Physics Personnel are not on duty in the facility:

1. The person hearing the alarm should assure immediate evacuation of the basement area, post the stairway entrance to the basement and relate the problem to the Operations shift supervisor.
2. The shift supervisor shall determine what actions should be taken to assure that corrective action is performed.



{ SOP Page llP-12 1 of 2 Revised 11-23-78 Appy'd (j Date 11-23-7R


Transfer of Radioactive Material Within Reactor Building I. Policy Materials transferred within the reactor building must be packaged to prevent radiation hazards to personnel due to radiation fields and/or contamination caused by loss of radioactive material. II. Scope This procedure applies to radioactive samples and irradiated materials. Excluded because they are covered in other procedures are radioactive waste, tools, and equipment. Transfer within laboratory raons is also excluded from this procedure, k III. Purpose The purpose is to asstn e that the fligh Radiation Area requirements of 10CFR20.203 are not violated and that exposure to penunnel is mininized when transferring radioactive materials within the facility. A. To accomplish the stated purpose a transfer container design should include the following:

1. A lid closure that :an be installed and removed quickly to minimize exposure time.
2. Features which assure that the material being transported cannot spill out if the transfer container is dropped and/or tipped on its side or upside down.

B. If a transfer container is to be left unattended, it must be posted as required by 10CFR20.202 (b) (2) . k 357003


( SOP llP-12 _ Page 2 of 2 Revised 11._23-78 Appy'd b h Date 11-23-78


IV. Specific Rules A. When transporting material via elevator personnel shall not ride with material if the exposure rate at 24 inches exceeds 10 mrem per hour. ( . 357010 (


SOP llP-15 Page 1 of 8 _ Revised Appv'd [[bd


Date N~ _ Medi-Physics Hot Cell I. Policy Operations using the Medi-Physics (MPI) hot ec11 are p 'rformed under licenses held by the University of Missouri, theref>re, all operations are subject to the radiation program of MURR regaro: css of worker's employer identification. II. Scope This procedure applies to all operations at the cell including radioactive materials handling associated with the cell but outside the cell as part of the process. III. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide control of potential radiation hazards in more detail thar is used for research operations to assure that a gradual relaxation of control with the attendant increase in probability of error does not cecur. IV. Protective equipment Surgeons gloves and lab coats are the minimum protective equip-men- required for persons working under the cell. Health physics personnel assigned to monitor the operations will require additional protective equipment as indicated by survey data. V. Procedures When using these procedures to qualify new personnel, a co-ordinator is designated and checks off steps as they are performed. - To process a normal shipment, the transfer cask and the low level waste are bagged out and the first 7A is bagged in, before the day of the shipment. The transfer :ask bag-in and the 7A bag-in and bag-out procedures are used to complete the process on the day of the shipment. Before starting an individual procedure, the hot cell must be checked properly secured unless another evolution has just been completed.

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SOP IIP-15 Page 2 of 8 Revised Appv'd O# Date $'B ' f _ 1 Each hot cell entry by a person will be covered by a radiation work permit. Any evolution not presently covered by a written procedure requires a radiation work permit. A. Secure the Hot Cell Verify the Following:

1. On each port, either a cask bagged in or a bag and security band in place.
2. Transfer jacks blocked up under each port.
3. Transfer jack power off and breaker locked. (llealth Physics retains key).
4. Inlet and outlet ventilation valves open and sufficient A P indicated

. on the magnehelic gauge.

5. Health Prysics warning rope and appropriate signs in place.

If a Sample has been Processed in the Cell.

6. Verify all sample can waste in waste tube.
7. If "in use" waste tube is full, put the lid on it and store in waste tube rack. If "in use" waste tube is not full, position in left rear corner of cell.

B. Low Level Radioactive Material Bag-out

1. I'f the hot cell has been secured with a cask in the port it must first be removed by the applicabic bag-out procedure.
2. Measure exposure rate under cell.
                                                                                 ~    '
3. Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.



~ SOP __ llP-15


Page 3 of 8 Revised Appv'd N ff v' Date

4. Place new "0" ring on port.
5. Remove security band from casx port.
6. Attach clear bag to port.
7. Re-c.ttach securit y band.
8. Remove hot cell inlet filter.
9. Pull old bag down into new bag.
10. Transfer low level material from cell into clear bag on port.
11. Triple tie cicar bag.
12. Replace hot cell inlet filter.
13. Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
14. Dispose of clear bag and contents rs radwaste, or label as appli-cable.
15. Secure hot cell or proceed to next evolution, as necessary.

C. Material Bag-In

1. If the hot cell as been secured with a cask in the port, it must first be removed by the applicable bag-out procedure.
2. Measure exposure rate under ceII.
3. Lower and move transfer jack away from cell, if necessary.
4. Place new "0" ring on port.
5. Remove security band from transfer cask port.
6. Place material in clear bag.
7. Attach clear bag to port.
8. Re-attach security band. o3 7(),- l3

. SOP IIP-15 Page 4 of 8 Revised Appv'd / M Date _

9. Remove hot cell inlet filter.
10. Pull old bag down into new bag.
11. Transfer material from new bag to inside of cell.
12. Triple-tie clear bag.
13. Replace hot cell inlet filter.
14. Cut clear bag above lowest tie.
15. Dispose of clear bag as radwaste.
16. Secure hot cell or proceed to next efolutior, as necessary.

D. 7A Bag-in ABCDEF 1. Place 7A container la MPI clear plastic bag.

2. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
3. Position 7A on transfer jack.

4 Remove bolts from lid.

5. Verify shield plug in place.
6. Check exposure rate.
7. Put new "o" ring on 7A port.
8. Remove bag security band from 7A port.
9. Tape old "0" ring to old bag.
10. Position transfer jack under port.
11. Power off to the transfer jack.
12. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
13. Put new bag on port and position "0" ring.
14. Put security band on port.
15. Remove shield plug, place in left rear corner of cell.
16. Check exposure rate.
17. Run crane hook down into 7A port.
18. Remove old bag.
19. Hook "0" ring on crane hook.
20. Pull old bag up into cell.
21. Verify transfer 'ack is correctly positioned.



. SOP llP-15 Page 5 of 8 Revised APPV'd hf[hd Date k/7 _

22. Verify cask (7A) is correctly positioned on transfer jack.
23. Verify all personnel clear and restore power to 7A transfer jack.
24. Raise 7A until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt. CAUTION - we care to prevent tearing the bag.
25. Power of f to transfer jack.
26. Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
29. Reposition bag.
30. Verify transfer jack clear and turn power on.
31. Raise 7A to operating position.

A B C D E F 32. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary. E. 7A Bag-out ABCDEF 1. Position shield plug above 7A cask. CAUTION the shield plug must be above the rubber port seal during the next step. To prevent pulling the bag off the port.

2. Lower transfer jack to bottom position.
3. Power off to transfer jack.
4. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
5. Squeeze air out of bag and single tie.
6. Place shield plug on port.
7. Double tie bag (three ties total).
8. Cut bag above lowest tie.
9. Move transfer jack away from cell.
10. Swipe top of bag.
11. Install cleaning skirt-tape just below lip of 7A.
12. Remove tie from 7A bag. CAUTION - anticipate potential high contamination.
13. Carefully mist inside of bag and 7A top with Decon.


14. Cut off and remove top of bag.
15. Decontaminate top of 7A.
16. Install bolts in lid.
17. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
18. Lift 7A clear of transfer jack.
19. Decontaminate 7A.
20. Survey 7A for contamination. fXjygg
21. Place 7A in fireshield.
22. Place pre-bag and cleaning skirt in radwaste.
23. Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.

A B C D E F 24. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.


. SOP llP-15 Page 6 of 8 Revised Appv'd M dM


Date h'& f F. Transfer Cask Bag-in

1. Measure exposure rate under cell - It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if exposure rates under the trans-fer case are excessive.
2. Put new "0" ring on cask port.
3. Tape old "0" ring to old bag to facilitate later removel.
4. Pre-bag transfer cask. Trim bag sa there is no excess.
5. Swipe floor ahead of forklift.
6. Position transfer cask on transfer jack.
7. Remove cask lid hold down device.
8. Remove bag security band f:.?m transfer cask port.
9. Positi >n transfer jack under cask port.
10. Power off to transfer jack.
11. Operator verify power off to the transfer jack.
12. Secure new transfer bag (containing cask) to port with "0" ring.
13. Reattach bag security band.
14. Pull old bag and "O" ring into cell.
15. Operator verify transfer jack is correctly positioned.
16. Verify position of cask.
17. Verify all personnel cicar and restore power to the transfer jack.
18. Position second operator at the flot cell window to observe raising of transfer cask.



. SOP llP-15 Page 7 of 8 Revised Appy'd [ M Dcte )I

19. Raise cask until top of cask is even with bottom of skirt -

CAUTION - use care to prevent tearing the bag.

20. Power off to transfer jack.
21. Operator verify power off to tre.sfer jack.

t_. Reposition bag.

23. Remove security band.
24. Verify all personnel clear and restor power to transfer jack.
25. Raise transfer jack to operating position.
26. Verify cask is properly attached, positioned, and ready for sampic processing operation.

G. Transfer Cask Bag-out

1. This evolution will normally be started with the cell in the secured status. It may be necessary to re-arrange waste tubes in the storage rack if the exposure rates under the transfer cask port are excessive.
2. Place sample cup in transfer cask.
3. Replace lid on transfer cask.
4. Verify cask area clear and ready to be lowered.
5. Authorize power on to transfer cask.
6. Simultaneously lower transfer jack full down and check exposure rate.
7. Power off to transfer jack.
8. Operator verify power off to transfer jack.
9. Install safety band.


10. Triple tie bag.

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SOP llP-15 Page 8 of 8 Revised

                                                                              # -

Appv'd Date _

11. Cut bag above lowest tie.
12. Check top of bag for contaminatica.
13. Move transfer jack away from cell.
14. Install cleaning skirt. Insure it is taped to the transfer cask.
15. Remove tie from transfer cask bag - CAUTION - Anticipate potential high contamination.
16. Carefully mist inside of bag and top of cask with decon solution.
17. Cut off and remove top of bag.
18. Decontaminate top of cask.
19. Attach lic hold down device.
20. Remove tape from pre-bag.
21. Swipe floor ahead of fork-lift.
22. Lift transfer cask clear of transfer jack.
23. Decontaminate transfer cask.

24 Survey transfer cask for contamination.

25. Place transfer cask in yellow bag.
26. Dispose of cleaning skirt and bags in radioactive waste.
27. Survey transfer jack and floor for contamination.
28. Proceed to next evolution or secure hot cell as necessary.
                                                                    # 67010 d

. - SDP IIP- 16 Page 1 of 3 Revised


Appv'd [f Nd n/


Date ] ~/ $ ~ ff Surveying Containers of Radioactive Material for Transport by Common Carrier. I. Policy Radioactive materials shipped from the Research Reactor Facility are to be packaged, labeled, ar.d surveyed in com >1iance with applicable regulations of DOT and NRC. II. Scope This procedure applies to all shipments of radioactive materials except radioactive waste, fuel elements, transfer of materials within the University or other transfer for which another SOP-lip is applicable. III. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide a standard survey method to be used by liealth Physics personnel and other persons trained and approved by the Manager, Reactor Health Physics when surveying containers of radioactive materials for shipment. IV. Procedure

1. Surveyor shall inspect container visually for any obvious defects night make it unsuitable for transport of the radioactive material.
a. The surveyor is vat responsible for determining that the proper packaging has been selected.
2. Surveyor shall determine the following a: 1 make appropriate entr7 on the Material Transfer Form (See Exhibit A).
a. Surface contamination as per 49CFR173.397
b. Surface dose rate as per 49CFR173.393(i)
c. Transport index as per 49CFR173.389(i)(1) and 49CFR173.393 (i)
d. Labels as per 49CFR173.3f9
c. Transferee authorized as per 10CFR30.41 c.. ...

ca , Ol')

3. h' hen the surveyor is satisfied that all of the requirements of procedure 2 comply with the indicated regulations the surveyor shall place his/her signature on the IIEALTil PilYSICS APPROV.\L space and determine that the date of survey is correct.

. SOP IIP- 16 Page 2 of 3 Revised Appv'd ) >[[[) c

                              .                      Date             ]^7 f 'f


4. All radiation measurements shall be made by procedures approved by the Manager, Reactor ifealth Physics or designee.
5. All equipment used to make radiation measurements for this procedure shall be approved by the Manager, Reactor llcalth Physics or designee.


llP-16 Page 3 of 3 [K//Z82T p,  ;;



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              ,d MATERIAL TRANSFER POR?1                                           g MURit ID SHIP TO COMSIGNEF. BYPRODUCT LICENSE




                                                             ,RPHA                             dpm/ LOO cm AT 3 FEET Su T')'d VST'                 mR/hr                S u r p'C ;_ J / -

DATE SvR V6 Vcf r HEALTH PHYSICS APPRC7AL 9d/- V<o N/or' "This is to certify that the above named articles are properly classified, described, packaged, marked an'. labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation, accordinrJ to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation." DATE CERTIFIED BY 3:i;'021 k.


. SOP llP-17 Page 1 of 3 Revised _, Appr' [ [#D[tc 7 /[


11-3 Air Samples I. Policy An air sample measuring tritium levels in the containment building will be taken daily on normal working days or more often as may be deemed necessary. II. Purpose To insure airborne tritium levels in containment building remain below limits (5 x 10-6 pc/cc of air). III. Equipment Gelman bubbler system 1 ml pipette Scintillation vials Searle Delta 300 scintillation system or equivalent Sample Bottle (> 25( ml) 250 m1 graduated cylinder Scintillation cocktail 1.64 x 10-3 pc/ml H3 Standard IV. Procedure

1. Place 250 ml distilled water in bubbler, secure top of bubbler with two (2) springs.
2. Turn on air pump noting exact time.
3. Check air flow.
4. If necessary adjust air flow with black knobs to obtain air flow of three (3) liters per minute (black ball at 5.4 on scale).
5. Allow to run for 60 to 120 minutes.
6. Secure air pump noting exact time.
7. Collect 250 m1 tritiated water.



. SOP HP-17 s Page 2 of 3 Revised Appr' Date 7[//!7i

8. Add one (1) m1 sample to 10 m1 liquid scintilla-tion cocktail in scintillation vial.
9. Swirl to mix until white precipitate dissolves.
10. a. Consecutively count sample mixture, prepared standard (1.64 x 10-3 pc/cc), and prepared blank (for background counts) on Searle Delta 300 Liquid Scintillation System,
b. Delta 300 settings:

('1 " power" - on (2) "all samples" - green (3) " CPM" - white (4) "ESR" - white (5) time knob - 10 minutes (6) 2 Sigma knob - .25% (7) module 1 inserted (Caution--do not disturb if counting of another sample is in progress.) V. Calculation Sample count - blank count + standard count - blank count X 1.64 x 10-3 (standard activity in pc/cc) X 250 (liquid sample volume in ml) + air volume (3000 ml/ min X number of minutes sample ran) +

                .9 (efficiency) =              pc/cc H 3 in air 357023

. S O P__ llP-17 Page 3 of 3 l Revised Appr' Date 7/7/7 l'


Example: sample count 130 CPM standard count 1450 CPM blank count 30 CPM time sample run 60 minutes 1 (y4 )x (1.64 x 10-3) x (250) + (1.8 x 10 5 ) , (,9)

       =           -7 pc/cc 1.8 x 10 357021
  • SOP HP-18 Page 1 of 2 Revision
                                                                       #   f Appr'[/--Nf/  ate i,

_ Calibration of Geiger Mueller Survey Instruments I. Policy Survey meters used for personnel radiation monitoring shall be calibrated traceable to NBS. II. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to establish a standard method for calibrating the G.M. Survey Instruments. Ill. Procedure Using a known and reliabic source of Cs-137.

1. Check battery test.
2. Remove meter from case to make calibration controls accessible. Use temporary electrical con.>ction to detector.
3. Insure window is closed.
4. Place instrument to be calibrated specified distance from source.
5. Calibrate to mia-scale on each scale of the instrument.
6. Use attached form to record results.
7. Affix label to instrument with date and initialt
8. Record date and initials on Routine log in II.P.


9. Instruments which cannot be calibrated satisfacto._1y shall be taken out of service. The instrument shall be clearly tagged to avoid use by mistake.

3a e'O.SU



. S0P llP-18 Page 2 of 2 Revision Appr' _ Date7/M[77










. SOP np_10 Page 1 of 1 Revision App [k)D[te 7 /$f Gr' ~ '{ l


SELF-READI.':G DCSIMETER CALIBRATION I. Policy It is the policy of Reactor llealth Physics to use dosimeters calibrated with radiation sources traceable to NBS, and which meet specifications of ANSI 13.5 (1972). II. Scope This policy applies to all self-readers in use av. the Reactor Facility for personnel dosimetry. III. Procedure A. Dosimeters shall be calibrated at intervals not exceeding six months. B. I f necessary, calibrated spares will be issued when personal dosimeters are to be calibrated. C. Dosimeters will be calibrated in the designated rack with a Cesium-137 source. D. Dosimeters will be left in the rack for a pre-determined amount of time commensurate with a mid-scale reading (80-120 mR) for maximum accuracy. E. Exposed dosimeters should show calibration accuracy 10% at mid-scale with Cs-137. E1cetrical leakage of 25 per day max. at room temp. Any dosimeters found to be o;+. side these require-ments will be rejected and the person to whom it was assigned will be issued another.

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SOP IIP- 20 Page 1 of 4 P.evision Appr[dddate '/-/f'77 Report of Personnel Contamination _ I. Policy It is the policy at MURE to avoid contamination of personnel with radionuclides. II. Purposes The parpose of this procedure is tu provide for proper handling of personnel who have become contaminated either on their person or clothing. A second purpose is to provide a record of all such events "hich can bc used in determining corrective action to avoid future incidents of personnel contamination. III. Persons'to Notify When personnel contamination is discovered, alert Reactor Health Physics immed i a t c .' y . A. If Reactor Health Physics personnel are not readily available, alert Reactor Operations shift supervisor.

1. The shift supervisor will assure that
  • decontamination and efforts to alert a Health Physics representative are initiated.

IV. Actions to be taken A. When personnel contamination is discovered the following steps should be taken:

1. Determine whether the person is receiving a significant external radiation exposure to determine whether emergency showering is indicated.
2. Determine the extent of the contamination in area and activity par unit area. (For personnel contamination 1 cm2 is normally considered unit area.) ,





S0P IIP- 20 Page 2 of 4 Revision Appr'dkDateJ//8/[7

3. Evaluate the probability of internal deposition by inhalation, ingestion, or via a wound.
4. If clothing only are contaminated, deter-mining appropriate actions.

B. Af ter evaluating the nature of the contanination , ~ proceed with corrective action.

1. If external exposure rates in excess of 100 mRads/ hour are indicated an energency shower to quickly reduce the level is in-dicated unless localized washing is con-sidered more appropriate.
2. For localized skin contamination measure the contamination level quickly and as accurately as possible prior to cleaning.
3. Cleaning with soap and water is the preferred method for cleaning. Any bath soap or hand soap is satisfactory. If it is necessary to resort to more rigorous cleaning methods they should be employed under the super-vision of qualified medical personnel.
                             .. In some instances the hazard of infec-tion from skin initiated by the cleaning process may be greater than the radiation hazard.

V. Status required for release of clothing and personnel. A. Status of skin contamination for unconditional release.

1. No removable contamination.
2. Beta-gamma radiation not to be above 100 c/m with an end-window G-M which has a 1.4-2,0 mg/cm 5 window. Background not to exceed

100 c/m for this measurement. Sff?O2D


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SOP llP- 20 Page 3 of 4 Revision Appr'[ Datc7/[f/77

3. No alpha contamination.
4. If the criteria for release above cannot be met the llcalth Physicist-in-charge will decide on further action.

B. Status of clothing for unconditional release.

1. No alpha contamination.
2. Beta-gamma contamination not to exceed 100 c/m above background,
a. Background must not exceed 100 c/m for this measurement.


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SOP llP-20 Page 4 of 4 Revision Appr'd[ Date 7/8[7f


Report of Personnel Contamination Date of incident: Date of report: Name of person contaminated: S.S.R (Use additional sheets as necessary, be specific.) Description of contaminated area (s) location, size of area, IcVel of activity per cm'.


Decontamination procedure Status of contaminated area (s' when released by II,P. Description of how contamination occurred 1 What happened?

2. Where?
3. Who was involved even if not contaminated?
4. Who was injured, if any?

Evaluation of radiation exposure resulting~from this incident

1. External
2. Internal Oli'/0[li.

Signature victim li . P . attended II.P. Mgr.}}