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.. .. Y* TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 -Preface SECTION 2 -Sampling Program SECTION 3 -Analysis Program SECTION 4 -Results and Discussion SECTION 5 -Data Tables SECTION 6 -Quality Assurance Data Page No
* 1 5 10 23 37 66 
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* I *. SECTION I PREFACE .. 1 ABSTRACT This report presents the data obtained from the analyses of environmental samples collected through the Virginia Electric Power Company Surry Station Environmental Radiological Surveillance Pro_gram for the period 01 January 1980 through 31 December 1980. The activity present above detection limits in the routinely collected sample media was observed to be of natural and atmospheric fallout origin. The results show that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed the technical specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit*during 1980. 2 ,.
'!'he Surry Power Station of Virg.inia Electric and Power Company-consists of two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors each with a generating capacity of 788 MWE. The station is located on a peninsula in the James River mately 25 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. Cooling water is taken in stream of the site and discharged 5.7 miles upstream of the intake. The Surry Power Station has been designed to minimize radioactive releases and insure that radiation doses attributed to the operation of the station will be "as low as reasonably achievable".
Various environmental samples are collected at indicator and controlor background locations and analyzed_
to determine if changes in radioactivity levels may bti attributable to the operation of the station. This environmental radio-:: logical monitoring progrrim provides surveillance to assure compliance with the NRC Regulations and the -Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.
The program outlined in Tables 1 and 2 has in some cases more freqcent collecliun and unalysis of certain samples than called for in the Technical Spccificntions.
The accompanying map shows the plant environs.
Table izes the results of the radiological environmental surveillance measurements during calendar year 1980. 3 
1980 Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed Technical Specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit during 1980. Radionuclides released to the air and water from Surry Station may tribute to the radiation background through both external and internal ex-posure. The mo~t signif~cant environmental dose pathways are direct dose from the gaseous effluent and thyroid dose due to ingestion of milk. The area contains only a very small milk shed which limits general population dose potential from this sour:ce and since James River water is not used for drinking, dose potential from this source is also minimal. Table 4 summarizes the range and average concentrations for measurements at the indicator and,control l~cations, and the location.with the highest* annual mean. Complete information is given in the Sample Data Tables. (Appendix I) Specific findings for various environmental media are discussed in Section 4. 4 ., 
~* SECTION 2 SAMPLING PROGRAM ... 5 All samples are collected by VEPCO Environmental Services Personnel and shipped to the Eberline laboratory in West Chicago, Illinois.
Upon receipt of the samples, the laboratory staff enters the samples in a log book identifying them as to sample type, collection date, and sample code number or location, then verifies the specific analyses to be performed on each sample. The samples are then stored, awaiting analysis; on shelves expressly for this purpose to assure accountability through the laboratory processes.
Table .1 lists the sampling locations and frequencies.
Figure 1 I shows the locations.of the various sampling environs.
6 -!
t -~.TABLE 1 Monitoring or Sampling Locations and Frequencies Surry Station Hog Island Reserve Bacon's Castle Chippokes Creek Alliance Colonial Parkway Williamsburg Jamestown Dow Fort Eustis Newport News Scotland Wharf Lee Hall Routes 10 and 676 Smithfield Guard Booth Station Intake Kings Mill Budweiser Station Discharge Air Particulate w w w w w w w w Ambient . Radiation (a) BW *-Bi-weekly M -Monthly BM -~t-monthly Q -Quarterly SA -Semi-annually A -Annually A(3) -Annually corn, peanuts, and soybeans Precipitation M M . t SM -Sununer Months (two Samplings:
July -September)
Milk M(2 ea.) M M M Well Water SA SA .SA SA Surface Water SA SA SA SA Soil A A A A A A (a) Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are monitored quarterly.
A full listing of the 43 locations is shown on page 63. ..
00 TABLE 1 (continued)
Bacon's Castle Hog Island Reserve Jamestown Newport News Chickahominy Station Discharge Hog Island Point Station Intake La'lo.'lles Creek Deep Water Shoals Point of Shoals BW -Bi-weekly BM -Bi-monthly SA-Semi-annually Crops A(3) James River Fowl Water. SA M -Monthly Q -Quarterly A -Annually BM BM BM BM BM A(3) -Annually corn, peanuts, and soybeans Silt Oyster SA BM SA SA SA SA BM SA BM SM -Summer Months (three Samplings:
July -August -September)
* N JAMES RIVER BRIDGE . P TUNNEL R C08HAMBAY Figure 1: 0. 5 MILEAGE Environs of Surry Power Station. 9 SECTION 3 ANALYSIS PROGRAM 10 ~I Table 2 lists the sample analysis prpgram -sample class, frequency, and the type of analysis required.
Table 3 lists the LLD's (Lower Limits of Detection) for the analytical program. These LLD's are based on Regulatory Guide .4.8. For analyses not required in Regulatory Guide 4.8, Federal EPA, former quirements for similar programs, or other appropriate guides are used. The LLD's are calculated as per RG 4.8 at the 3cr level. The Guide specifically states that the LLD's are a priori NOT a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.
When, however, RG 4.8 or*other LLD's have not been achieved, a footnote giving .* a brief explanation has .been inserted.
11 Sample Class, Air Particulate Airborne Iodine Thermoluminiscent Dosimetry (TLD) Precipitation Milk Soil Crops Surface*Water Well Water Fowl James River Water Oysters and Clams Crabs Silt Fish TABLE 2 Environmental Measurement and Sample Analysis Program Frequency Weekly Quarterly Comp. Weekly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Comp. Monthly Annually Annually Semi-annually Semi-annually Semi-annually Bi-monthly Semi-annual.
Comp *. _ Bi-monthly 3 summer months 5@li-annually Semi-annually 12 Analysis Gross alpha and beta (1) Gamma Isotopic (2) Iodine-131 Radiation Dose Gross beta (3) Tritium Gross beta 1 Tritium Iodine-131 Sr-89/90 Gamma Isotopic Stable Calcium Gamma Isotopic*
Gamma Isotopic Sr-89/90 Gross alpha and beta Tritium Gross alpha and beta Tritium Gamma Isotopic (4) Gamma Isotopic Tritium Gamma Isotopic (4) Gamma Isotopic Gamma Isoto_pic Gamma Isotopic NOTES TO TABLE 2 (1) Gamma isotopic analysis if gross beta exceeds 10 pCi/~3* (2) Quarterly composites of weekly air particulate samples will be analyzed for gamma emitters in three groups as follows: Stations SS and HIR analyzed as one sample. Stations BC, ALL, CP, DOW, and FE analyzed as one sample. Station NN analyzed as one sample. Strontium-90 determined radiochemically if significant amounts of fission products attributable to the Station are detected by the gamma isotopic analysis.
(3) Perform gamma isotopic analysis if gross beta exceeds 15 nCi/m 2* (4) Entire sample analyzed for gamma emitters.
Sr-90 to be determined if a significant amount of fission ~roducts attributable to the Station are noted in the gamma analysis.
--....... _ ... _"-..... *. ---....... ____ ., ... _ .. _ ....... --~ ____ ,.. **-* Table 3 -* Lower Limits of Detection Sample Class Airborne Particulates Background Radiation (TLD) Precipitation Other Waters Milk Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish Silt, Soil Fowl Vegetation
-(LLD'a) Analysis Gross Beta Gross Alpha Gamma Isotopic Iodine-131 Gamma dose Gross Beta LS Tritium Enriched Tritium Gross Beta Gross Alpha LS Tritium .Enriched Tritium Gamma Isotopic Cs'-134/137 La/Ba-140 Co-58/60
* Mn-54. Zr/Nb-95 Fe-59, Zn-65 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Iodine-131 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Cs-137 La/Ba-140 Cs-134/137 Mn-54 Co-58/60 Fe-59, Zn-65 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Cs-134/137 Cs-134/137 Cs-134/137 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 14 -LLD 3a 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.5 5 500 330 2 1 500 330 15 15 15 15 10 30 5 2 1 5 2 15 15* 130 130 130 260 20 10 150 80 80 20 10 Units pCi/m 3. pCi/m 3 pCi/m 3 pCi/m 3 mR/wk nCi/m 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg dry pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet* pCi/kg wet 
/ .: ... ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Samples received at the laboratory are analyzed for the various active components by standard radiochemical methods. These methods are equal (1) to, and in most cases, identical with, those of the U.S.D.O.E.
or those of the Federal E.P.A * (2) Brief descriptions of analytical procedures are available in the atory Procedures Manual available at Surry Station and the radioanalytical contractor's laboratory.
Air Particulate Filters Gross Beta -Exposed air particulate filters are counted in low ground Geiger or proportional flow beta counters using anti-coincidence background suppression after the short-:-lived naturally-occuring radon and thoron daughters have decayed. Filters are counted long enough to ensure that the'required sensitivity (LLD) will be met Gamma Isotopic -Quar.terly composites of air particulate filtecs are counted in high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometers for periods of time loµg enough to ensure that the required program sensitivity (LLD) is met. (See also introduction to data tables, Section 5.) Water Samples (Includes Surface, We~l, Precipitation, James River) Gross Beta -A measured aliquot of sample is digested, "wet-ashed", evaporated, transferred to a tared 47mm stainless steel planchet, dried, and weighed. The planchetted sample is counted long enough in a low background beta counter to ensure that the LLD of the program will be met. (1) HASL Procedures Manual, edited by John H. Harley, Health and Safety Laboratory, US Atomic *Energy Commission, 1972 edition, revised annually.
(2) National Environmental Research Center, Environmental Protection Agency; Handbook of Radiochemical Analytical Methods. Program Element" lHA 325. Office of Research and Development, Las Vegas, Nevada 89114. 15 Gamma Isotopic -a measµred aliquot of the sample is evaporated to a small controlled volume and counted in a standard geometry in a high resolution (Geli) gamma spectrometer long enoungh to ensure meeting the sensitivity requirements of the program. See also the Introduc~ion to Data Tables. Strontium-89 and Strontium-90
-carrier strontium is added to a measured aliquot of sample. The strontium is then separated.and purified by either ion exchange chromatography (EPA method) or straight wet chemistry (HASL method). The chemic 1 al yield for strontium is determined by atomic tion spectrometry or gravimetric methods. After a suitable period (usually 14 days) to allow for ingrowth of Y-90 the sample is counted in a.low background beta counter (equilibrim or tot~l. Sr count). The strontium is -next put-into solution, carrier yttrium added, and the strontium and yttrium fractions separated.*The yttrium is counted and from the Y-90 (sr~9o daughter) count,. th_e sr-.:..90 concentration can be .determined.
The differenc*e between .the* total strontium concentration as determined by the equilibri~m count and the Sr-90 concentration as determined from the Y-90 count is the Sr-89 concentration.
Equations are available to permit calculation of Sr-89 and Sr-90 by counting the purified Sr fraction at two points during ingrowth of the Sr-90 daughter Y-90. While either. \ method is acceptable, we find the former method to provide more consistent results. Tritium -tritium as tritiated water is analyzed by liquid scintillation counting after distillation.
If high sensitivity is not required (ie. LLD ~soo pCi/1) the sample is distilled, mixed with the appropriate counting phosphors and counted with no further treatment.
If higher sensitivity is required (ie. <~300 pCi/1) the sample is isotopically enriched in tritium concentration prior to liquid scintillation counting.
16 **,-*-***
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* Isotopic enrichment is done by the classical method of Ostlund w~ich involves alkaline electrolysis of a purified aliquot of sample under \ controlled conditions of temperature and electrode current density. Milk Samples I-131 -measured amounts of carrier iodide.are added to a known volume of milk and the iodine extracted on anion exchange resin. The iodine is recovered and *ourified by classical iodine chemistry methods which are similar to those given in former Regulatory Guide 4.3. The yield or recovery of iodine is measured gravimetrically and the precipitated sample is mounted and counted in a low level beta detector for a long enough period to ensure that the required LLD is met. Gamma Isotopic -a measured aliquot of 'Sa,mple is evaporated and oven dried to a standard volume and counted in a fixed geometry in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a long enough*period to ensure . . that the requ1red LLD's -are reached (see also Introduction to data Tables). Sr-89 and Sr-90 -Stable strontium carrier is added to an aliquot of the sample which_is then dried and ashed at high temperature
The ash is dissolved and the solution treated from this point on in the same manner as are water.samples (Q.v.). Organic Samples (including Clams, Oysters, Fish, Crabs, Food Crops and Fowl). Gamma Isotopic Analysis -a measured aliquot of sample is oven dried or ashed as appropriate, plnced in a controlled Rcomctry and counted in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a period long enough to ensure that the LLD's of the program will be met (see also intro. to Data Tables). 17
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__ .. . In the case of samples such as fish and fowl, the edible flesh is rated from bones and entrails prior to drying. Sr-89 and Sr-90 -stable strontium carrier is added to a weighed aliquot of the sample and the sample is ashed at high temperature
The ashed sample is then di~solved and processed in the same manner as are water or milk samples. Soil and Silt Samples Gamma Isotopic Analysis -the sample is oven dried to facilitate handling and then sieved to remove pieces of stone and/or other large pieces of material.
An appropriate sized, weighed aliquot of the sample is then transferred into a standard geometry container and counted for a period long enough to ensure that the LLD of the program will be met .* (See also Introduction to Data Tables). Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) Environmental radiation doses are measured using badges comprizing five ,' chips sealed in plastic protective holders having a density of 50 mg/cm 2* The TLD chips are 1/8 11 x l/8 11 x 1/32 LiF (thallium activated) known commc".'cially as Harshaw-100.
The chips are all selected to provide uniform response to in 5% of th~ mean for the batch~ Prior to installation, the chips are annealed by a standard cycle of 60 minutes at 400&deg;c and immediate cooling to ambient temperature by placing the tray containing the annealed chips on an aluminum block 12" x 12 11 x l". After exposure the chips are read on an Eberline Instrument Corporation Model TLR-6 reader. The system employs a preheat cycle which removes Low temperature pea~s and integrates and digitizes only the light output in a selected temperature range. 18 I The dose is calculated from the average light output for the five chips and the statistical uncertainty is the standard deviation of the five readings.
Control badges are used to detect any unusual exposure to the badge.which
! might occur during shipment.
19 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM A. Design of Plan Quality of product or service has always been a primary ke~ to crease is sales, customer satisfaction, and profit. The management of .Eberline Instrument Corporation recognizes the ever increasing demand for higher quality and reliability for services related to protection of workers and the environment.
It is our firm belief that in orde: to judge the worth of a support service, one must know the philosophy behind it. line will provide only those services for which it is qualified and these will be provided in a manner that is reiiable, with a quality assurance
~rogram that maintains a high degree of client confidence.
This quality assurance program has been prepared consistent with the following specifications, per the Technical and Quality Assurance Requirements for Special Purposes.
ANSI-N45.2, American National Standards Institute NRC Branch Technical Position of November 1~79. NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, *Revision 1 of February 1979. n. lntercomparison Program Results of Eberline's Midwestern Facility participation in the USEPA's Crosscheck Program will be included in the monthly reports provided to the client. Other intercomparisons in which we routinely participate include: I Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Measurement Lab DOE Quality Assessment Program Battelle Northwest Laboratories IAEA Analytical Quality Control Service US National BurCUJu of Standard~
Albuquerque Laboratory.
Each of the laboratory managers is responsible for preparing
&Pikes and blanks to be run routinely.
Every tenth sample is a spike, a blank, or a split sample. Regular QC reports are prepared by the laborary.manager on a monthly 20 
------------... schedule and forwarded to each client. Each report routinely includes:
results _from EIC interlaboratory comparison, results from EPA Crosscheck program, and results from other intercomparison programs.
Results are reviewed by the laboratory manager. If a problem is dicated by the data, the nature of the problem is investigated and corrective steps taken immediately.
A copy of each report is also _provided to the Quality Assurance Manager of the Nuclear Services Division.
C. Quality Assurance Plan The Quality Assurance Program follows the requirments of Company and Division Manuals. The discussion below outlines Quality Assurance Programs as conducted in the laboratory and as required in our QA Manual. Procedure Approval Each procedure goes through a vigorous evaluation and review pcocess ... before it is incorporated into the EIC Procedures Manual. Established cedures of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Environmental
* -:Measurements Laboratory of the US Department of Energy (E}.lL) are used unless ;** thorough testing has demonstrated that an alternate procedure is equal to or better than the EPA or EML procedure.
Uniform procedures arc used at both laboratories to the fullest extent possible, except when deviations are necessary to meet the specific requirements of the client. The ma~Jger of each laboratory and the quality assurance manager review and approve icant procedural changes before they arc implemented.
Equipment Calibration and Maintenance Equipment usc<l for <1uulitativc or quantitative 111casurco1<.mls is fu) ly calibrated and maintained with records of each calibration or terancc action kept in appropriate logbooks.
To the extent possible, cettified standards are used for all pri1;Dary calibrations.
The following standards are used for the application indicated:
21 Measurement Gross Beta Tritium Gamma Spectrometry.
Strontium-89 and 90 Gross Alpha Radiation Dose .. *Calibration Standard Solution of Standard 137 cs certified Qy-NBS or Amersham Searle Solution standard of 3 H certified by NBS Solution standards of various gamma emitters certified by NBS or Amersham Searle. Standards are used to calibrate each counting geometry used. Solution standards of 90 sr certified by Amersham Searle or NBS Solution standards of 239 Pu certified by NBS or Amersham Searle. *137 Cs gamma source cross-referenced with NBS using R-meters.
226Ra is used for some special application
* . When suitable standards are not available for a specific gamma emitter, quantitative gamma isotopic analysis is based on an energy calibration .of the gamma spectrometer and the gamma energy and abundance information provided in Table of Isotopes, Sixth Edition by Ledrer., Hollander, and Perlman. The results of the Quality Control Programs are sununarized in Section 6. 22 ..... -. * .* -r: *. i , I I i -I I SECTION 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 23 Table 4 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Annual Sununary Name of Facility:
Surry Power Station Location of Facility:
Surry County Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit Sampled Total Number of (Unit of of Analyses Detection Measurement)
Performed (LLD) Air Particulates
~ross B 423 0.01 (pCi/m 3) Gross a 423 0.01 Zr/Nb-95 12 0.01 Other y 12 0.01 Airborne Iodine t-131 421 0.07 (pCi/m 3) -Background y Dose 181 0.5 Radiation (TLD) (mR/wk) Precipitation Gross B 28
* 5.0 (nCi/m 2) B -(pCi/1) HTO LS HTO 21 500 Enr. HTO 1 330 Milk I-131 58 1.0 (pCi/1) Sr-89 58 5.0 Virginia State . :-'**. All Indicator Locations
*. Mean 1 *: (Ran2.e).
o.*04 (343/370) 0.01-0.30.
0.01 (6/370) 0.01 .. ' . All LLD. All LLD
* All LLD 1.2 (163/169) 0.4-15.8 All LLD 624 (5/9) 400/1100 All LLD All LLD All LLD Docket Number: 50-280, 50-281 Reporting Period: 01 January -31 December 1980 Location with Control Number of Hi2.hest Mean Locations Non-routine Mean Meanl Reported Name (RanRe) (Ran2e) Measurei:ients Surry 0.05 (53/53) 0.05 (52/53) 0 Station 0.01-0.17 0.01-0.14 Bacon*s 0.01 (2/52) 0.01 (2/53) 0 Castle 0.01 0.01 0.01 (1/4) 0 Not Applicable 0.01 Not Applicable All LLD 0 ' Not Applicable All LLD 0 Surry 9.5 (4/4) 0.8 (12/12) 0 Station 6.8-15.8 o. 3-1. 2 Not Applicable All LLD 0 Surry 654 (5/9) 913 (2/12) 0 Station 400-1100 860-966 ' 400 (1/4) 0
* Not Applicable 400 Not Applicable All LLD 0 Not Applicable All LLD 0 l Mean and range based on detectable measure~ents only. Fractions indicated in parentheses
N I V, "'
* I Table 4 (continued)
' Facility:
Surry Power Station Medium or Path\.*ay Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Control Sampled Total Number of Locations Highest Mean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection
* Meanl Mean Mean 1 Measurement)
Performed (LLD) (Range) Name (Range) (RanS?e) Milk (continued)
Sr-90 58 2.0 4.6 (34/46) Bacon's 5.8 (12/12) 4.8 (10/12) Castle (pCi/1) 2-12 * (Judkins) 2-12 3-11 Cs-137 58 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Ba-La-140 58 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD River Water Cs-137 25 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD (pCi/1) -La-Ba-140 Cs-134 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Co-58-60 25 ~n-54 Zr-Nb-95 25 10.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD -Fe-59 25 30.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Zn-65 HTO 5 500 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured HTO 4 .330 310 (2/2) Newport 310 (2/2) 295 (2/2) 280-340 , News 280-340 220-370 Sr-89 5 5 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-90 5 2 All LLD Not Applicable Not Me~sured Clams Cs-134-137
' (pCi/kg) Mn-54 25 130 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Co-58-60 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
Number of Non-routine Reported Measurements
-0 O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 0 . i I i ;* i i I I I I ! ,. ! ,, ....__ ----____ ____j Table 4 (continued)
.': Facility:
Surn* P.:,-i:er Station Mediu::t or Pa ::h,,ay
* Type and LO\,er Limit All.Indicator Location with Control Nur.1bcr of *1 Sa~pled Total Number of ; Locations Hir,hest Hean Locations Non-routine (Unit of of Analyses Detection Hean 1. Mean Mcanl Reported Measurewent)
Performed (LLD) . *(Range) Name (Range) (Range) Measurements
...... Clams (continued)
Fe-59 25 260 All LLO.
* Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/kg) Zn-65 'I! Sr-89 2 20 All. LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 " Sr-90 2 10 20 (1/2)' Station 20 (1/2) Not Measured 0 20 Discharge 20 Oysters Cs-134-137 (pCi/kg) ~tn-54 15 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 .. I -. Fe-59 15 260 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 *zn-65 Fish Cs-134-137 (pCi/kg) ~-54 4 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 Fe-59 '* 260 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Zn-65 Crabs Cs-134-137
.. (pCi/kg) ~-54 1 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 Fe-59 260 All LLD Not Appl:!..:able
?!~t Measured 0 Zn-65 1 Silt Cs-134 12 150 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 ,, . . (pCi/kg) Cs-137 12 150 893 *(7/10) Station 1155 (2/2) 820 (2/2) 0 190-1210 Discharge 1100-1210 690-950 l Mean*and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses. , ' ..
N ...., Table 4 (continued)
Surr\' Po"*er Station Medium or Path\..*ay Type and Lm,er Li~it All Indicator Location with Control Sampled Total .:umber of Locations Highest Mean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection Mean 1 Mean Me.inl Measurer.1ent)
Performed (LLD) (Ran~e) Name (Ran2e) (Ran~e) Silt (continued)
Co-60 12 150 3220 (1/10) Point of 3220 (1/2) All LLD (pCi/kg)
* 3220 Shoals 3220 Soil Cs-134 6 150 All LLD
* Not Ap'plicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 6 150 478 (6/6) Colonial 1040 (1/1) Not Measured 200-1040 Parkway 1040 Fowl Cs-134 2 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 Food Crops Cs-134 6 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 6 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-89 6 20 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-90 6 10 68 (4/6) Slades 70 (2/3) Not Measured 10-120 Farm 20-120 Well Water Gross B 8 2 7.3 (6/6) Surry 9 (2/2) 3 (2/2) (pCi/1) 3-12 Station 9 3 Gross c 8 1 2 (3/6) Bacon's 3 (1/2) All LLD 1-3 Castle 3 HTO 8 330 All LLD Not Applicable All LLu Surface Water Gross B 8 2 3.1 (6/6) Chippokes 4 (2/2) 7 (2/2) (pCi/1) 2-5 Creek 3-5 4-10 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements on~y. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
Nur.1ber of Non-routine Reportec Measurements 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 
"" 00 Table 4 (continued)
Surr~ Po~er Station *-* ... " ; l Mediu:n or Pa~hway Type and lo...-er Lir.iit All Indicator Location with Control Sar:ipled Total Number of * 'Locations Highest Hean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection
*. * :: Meanl *
* Mean Meanl Measure:nent)
Performed (LLD) . :* (Ran~e) Name (Range)* (Range) Surface Water Cross a 8 1 1.4. (5./6) Williamsburg 2 (2/2) 1 (1/2) (continued) 1.:..;3 . '. Reserve 1-3 1 (pCi/1) ;... . .~ . ,' . ' HTO 8 500 808 * . (5/6) Williamsburg 805 (2/2) 690 (2/2) 350~1260 Reserve 350-1260 500-880 .1 Mean and range bas~d on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parenthcs,es.
Number o( Non-routine Reported Measurements 0 0 Results of all the analyses for January through December 1980 are presented in full in Section 5, Data Tables pages 40 through 65. Table 4 summarizes the range and average concentrations for ments at the indicator and control locations wi~h the highest annual mean. Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed Technical Specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit during 1980. Specific findings for the various environmental media are discussed
-AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES Atmospheric particulate matter at a field location is accumulated for a one-week period on a glass fiber filter using a low-volume air sampler at a collection rate of one cubic. foot per minute. This late matter contained on the filter is counted for beta activity in a background counting system after th~ short-lived naturally-occuring radon and thoron daughters have decayed. ' The average gross beta concentration for the year for all indicator stations was 0.04 pCi/m 3 , and for the control location it was 0.05 pCi/m 3* Data for analyses of individual filters are given on pages 40 through 45 in Section 5. Small elevations in the gross beta activity for all locations during December is attributed to atmospheric fallout. The gross alpha concentrations for the indicator and background stations remained at or below the detection limit of 0.02 pCi/m 3* 29 
. _ :-:-,.-.. _ ..... _.-*:.-.. -~:;::...
.... Gamma spectrometry of quarterly composites of air particulate filters , indicated that the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 were below 0.01 pCi/m3 throughout the year. Small amounts (0.01 p<;:i/m 3) of Zr-Nb-9.5 ed in the 4th quarter is attributable to atmospheric fallout *
* ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY Measurements of environmental dose rates were made at 54 locations in the first quarter and at 43 locations in the remaining quarters of 1980. The results are tabulated on pages 62 through 65 of Section 5. As observed in previous years, the Surry Station location displays clearly elevated dose rates throughout-the year. Other on-site locations appear to be only very slightly above nearby locations and the badges located near the station intake and dischai::ges consistently give some of the lowest readings observed.
The.major fraction of the dose at the Surry Station* *1-ocation is undoubtedly.
due to operatiol) of the station. The doses at other* locations may be partially due to the station, but *only by a few tenths of a millirem per week at most. *Doses due to the plant at locations away from the site, if they exist, are masked by doses from the natural environmental sources such as uranium, thorium, and their \ daughters, and possibly worldwide fallout. 30 *' 
-. PRECIPITATION SAMPLES . Precipitation samples collected at the Surry Station and at Newport News are analyzed on a monthly basis and as quarterly composites for gross beta depositions and tritium concentrations.
Data are summarized in page 47 of Section 5. Gross beta measurements, the only measurement other than tritium required on these samples, are not capable of indfcating whether the differences are due to station operations or not. The gross beta levels at the control location were higher in the first and second quarter, compared to the indicator location.
The levels in general were in the range to be expected from measurements of these nuclides in this medium and does not indicate to be attributable to releases from Surry Station. The tritiLtJil levels were comparable at both the indicator and control*location throughout the year, and were generally in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium. MILK SAMPLES Radionuclides Cs-137 and I-131 were below the detection limits (15 pCi/~ for Cs-137 and 1.0 pCi/1 for I-131) for all milk samples collected during the year. Sr-90 was detected in the usual low and variable concentrations to be expected in most of the milk samples collected during the year. Sr-89 and Ba-La-140 were below the detection limits (5 pCi/1 for Sr-89 and 15 pCi/1 for Ba-La-140) in all samples collected.
' Radioactivity attributable to oper~tion of Surry Station was not detected in any milk samples collected during the year. 31 Comparisons of the average concentrations for all nuclides assayed and other statistical information are given in Table 4 and the data aummary on each sample by location are given on pages 48 through 50 of Section 5.
* JAMES RIVER WATER SAMPLES Samples of water from the James River are collected bi-monthly from five locations including the station inlet and discharge and are analyzed for gamma emitters. ,Semi-annual composites of the collections from the Chickahominy and Newport News locations are also ,analyzed for tritium. Samples collected quarterly from the discharge are split with a state agency and are analyzed for tritiup1~
Sr-89, Sr-90~ and gauuna emitters.-
Analytical data are presented in pages 51 through 53 -t:Jf Section 5. Gamma *emitters were below*the detection limits of this program in all samples collected bimonthly.
Sr-89, Sr-90, and tritium were below the detection limits in all of the station discharge (State Split) samples. Tritium levels in the semi-annua~
composites for Chickahominy and Newport News were slightly above the detection limit of 3~0 pCi/1. These levels were in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium. CLAM SAMPLES Clam samples are collected bi-monthly from five locations near the station including the station discharge and are analyzed for gamma emitters.
-' Samples from the station discharge are frequently designated "State Split Samples" and such samples are analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90 as well as gamma emitters.
Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program in all samples collected during the year. Analysis of state split clam samples for radiostrontium revealed the presence of only Sr-90.,at levels attributable to world-wide fallout in one sample (November).
Analytical data are presented in pages 54 and 55 of Section 5. OYSTER SAMPLES Samples of oysters are collected from Deep Water Shoal, Point of Shoal, and Newport News on a bi-monthly basis and analyzed for gamma emitters.
Analytical data are presented in page 56 of Section 5. Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program in all samples collected throughout the year. FISH SAMPLES Fish samples are collected in the vicinity of the station twice a year and analyzed for gamma emitters.
Data are presented in pag~ 57 of Section 5. Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program specifications.
CRAB SAMPLES Samples of crab in the vicinity of Surry Station are collected in September and analyzed for gamma emitters.
The gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program and are listed in page 57 of Section 5. 33 SILT SAMPLES . Silt samples **are ~ollected semi-annually from six locations._{
five indicato,;
and one control location) and analyzed for gamma emitters.
Silt is one of the few environmental media in which radioactive -effluents from nuclear power stations are usually detected.
Most of the samples collected contained measurable concentrations of Cs-137 and one indicator sample contained Co-60 above the detection limit. The levels of activity measured are generally comparable with those encountered in the previous years. Co-60 presence could be due to station operation.
Data are summarized on page 59 of Section 5. SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples are collected annually from six locations and analyzed by gamma spectrometry for gamma emit~ers * . The only nuclide detected at concentrations greater than the detection limit for. the program .was -Cs-137..
The concentrations of Cs-137 have been quite variable th9ughout the years as is illustrated in tile table below. The is probably due to the well recognized difficulty of obtaining truly representative samples of soil. Modified sampling techniques by station personnel appear to have eliminated this problem \ from 1978 to 'the present. There are no clear trends and the origin of the cesium is unclear. Cs-137 Concentrations is Soil Samples 10 2 eci/ks* (Aug) (Sept) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 l2Z2. 1980 Surry Station 35 l 17 <2 4 2 2 Fort Eustis 18 10 -17 18 2 4 Dow 10 2 2 (2 3 <2 2 Bacon's Castle 8 24. 2 23 9 11 10 Alliance 2 3 2 <2 3 3 6 Colonial Parkway ~5 12 22 7 (2 4
* Data rounded to nearest whole unit, statistical errors omitted. 34 *<*
Long and short term worldwide fallout are probably the major factors and contributions to the total by the station cannot be ruled out. If however the major fraction were due to the station, significant amounts of Cs-137 and Co-60 might be expected in the samples, but this was not the case. Detailed analytical data are presented in page 60 of Section 5. FOWL SAMPLES A Mallard duck from the Hog Island Reserve was March and a coot was obtained from the*same location in October. They were analyzed for gamma emitters, specifically for Cs-134 and Cs-137. Concentrations of these nuclides were below the detect.ion limit of 80 pCi/kg for both samples. Data are given in page 60 of Section 5. CROP SAMPLES Samples of food crops (corn, peanuts, and soybeans) are collected from two farms in the area and analyzed for gamma emitters, Sr-89, and Sr-90*. Gamma emitters and Sr-89 were below the detection limits of the program. !ir-90 was detected in most of the samples in low and variable concentrations.
Long and short term worldwide fallout deposits are probably the reason for this. The results are tabulated in page 60 of Section 5. WELL ~'ATER SAMPLES Samples of water were collected from each of four wells (three indicator and one control location) once in April (spring) and once in October (fall). These were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, and tritium. 
....... .... ~* . *--** .*. *-*-*--~-.. -*---~ ......... , .... _,.._,. -* .. -:.-.~** ... Gross alpha and beta activity were detected in most of the samples at the usual low levels encountered in environmental media. There was no statistically significant difference in concentrations, which were similar to those measured previously, between indicator and background stations and the activity is attributable to naturally occuring nuclides.
Tritium concentrations were at or below the detection limits in samples collected during the year. Analytical data are given in page 58 of Section 5. SURFACE WA!ER SAMPLES Surface water samples were collected in April (spring) and October (fall) from each of four locations.
They.were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, and tritium. Gross alpha and .gross beta levels were* all at the low concentrations usually expected *to be'found in environmental
*surface water, with no significant differences between indicator and background stations or concentrations measured in the previous years. Tritium concentrations were above the detection limits of the program both in spring and fall collections.
The fall collections were somewhat higher than the spring collections.
The levels of tritium measured were comparable at both indicator and background locations, and were generally in the.range to be expected from ments of this nuclide in this medium. 36 
-. SECTION 5 DATA TABLES 37 Sample Type Milk AP/CC Precipitation Clams Oyster 9 Crabs James River Water Precipitation Milk Precipitation VEPCO LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES 1980 Location CP FE ss All stations All stations ss All stations ss CP ss I Expected Collection Date January 05/06 June July July July, August July August August December, 4th Quarter 39 Reason-Lost in trans-tt.
Out of order. No rainfall.
Damaged and shipment.
Damaged and shipment.
Damaged and shipment.
Damaged and shipment.
No rainfall.
Missing. lost lost lost lost in UPS in UPS in UPS in UPS Lost in UPS shipment.
,,, ss SURRY STATION HIR Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Date (m3) Al:eha Beta I-131 (ni3) .. 01/02/80 155 <l 3+/-1 <7 i70 01/08/80 130 <l 4+/-1 <7 120* .* 01/15/80 150 (1 6+/-1 <7 170 01/22/80 155 <l 5+/-1 (a) 170 01/29/80 310(a) (1 4+/-1 <7 170 02/05/80 150 <l 2+/-1 <7 170 02/12/80 150 (1 3+/-1 <7 170 02/19/80 165 (l 17+/-2 .. ' <7 165 02/26/80 150 <.l. 3+/-1 (7 160 03/07/80 180 <l 4+/-1 (7 215 03/12/80 125 <l 4+/-1 <7 150 03/18/80 145 (1 2+/-1 ,_ -<7 165 03/25/80 310 <1 1+/-1 (7 150 04/01/80 295 (1 2+/-1 (7 170 04/08/80 305 <l 4+/-1 (7 180 04/16/80 285 -<1 4+/-1 <7 195 04/22/80 330 (1 3+/-1 <7 155 04/29/80 205 .(1 4+/-1 * <7 155 05/06/80 280 (1 3+/-1 <7 170 05/14/80 345 <1 4+/-1 <7 190 05/20/80 250 <1 3+/-1 (7' 145 05/27/80 295 (1 3+/-1 <7 165 06/04/80 275(b) (1 4+/-1 <7 155 06/10/80 265 <1 4+/-1 <7 115 06/17 /80 285 <1 4+/-1 <7 135 06/24/80 280 <1 4:!:l (7 135 (a) Charcoa-r cartridge in field 01/15-29/80. (h) Collected 06/03/80 10-2 J2Cilm3 HOG ISLAND RESERVE Gross Gross Al:eha Beta I-131 <1 3+/-1 <7 <l 4+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7' <l 3+/-1 <7 <1 1+/-1 <7 (l 4+/-1 (7 <l 3+/-1 . <7 <l 5+/-1 <7 <l 4+/-1 <7 <1 2+/-1 <7 <1 2+/-1 (7 " <1 1+/-1 <7 <l 1+/-1 (7 <l <1 <7 <l 3+/-1 <7 <1 '3+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <1 5+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 (1 1+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 <l <1 (7 <1 3+/-1 (7 (1 1+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 BC Volume Gross (m3) Al:eha 160 <1 140 <l 160 <1 160 (1 160 <1 150 <1 165 (l 165 <1 160 <l 175 <1 135 <1 160 <l 165 <l 165 <l 165 (1 190 (1 140 <1 160 (1 165 (1 185 (1 135 (1 160 <1 180 <1 140 1+/-1 160 <1 155 <1 BACON'S CASTLE Gross Beta I-131 3+/-1 . (7 3+/-1 (7 6+/-1 (7 I :*/ 3+/-1 (7 y' 3+/-1 (7, 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 6+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 5+/-1 (7 <1 : (7 3+/-1 (7 '3+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 .. <7 4+/-1 (7 1+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1** <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 (7 *, 
.... VEPCO A!RBOIUIE IODINE-131, GROSS ALPHA and BETA in AIR PAnTICULATE FILTERS ss (I) SURRY STATION Collection -Volu:.:e Gross Gross Date (m3) AlEha Beta 07/01/80 280 <1 4+/-1 07/08/80 290 <1 3+/-1 07/15/80 255 <1 4+/-1 07/22/80 260 <1 3+/-1 07/29/80 270 <1 1+/-1 08/05/80 280 <1 6+/-1 08/12/80 305 <1 4+/-1 08/19/80 265 <1 3+/-1 08/26/80 270 (1 3+/-1 . 09/02/80 250 . <1 5+/-1 09/09/80 275 (1 3+/-r * -09/16/80 250 (1 5+/-1 09/23/80 280 (1 6+/-1 09/30/80 270 1+/-1 5+/-1 10/08/80 285 (1 3+/-1 10/14/80 240 (1 6+/-1 10/21/80 255 (1 6+/-1 10/28/80 255 <l 4+/-1 11/04/80 245 (1 4+/-1 11/12/80 285 <l 6+/-1 11/18/80 380 <1 4+/-1 11/25/80 260 (1 7+/-1 12/03/80 285 (1 8+/-1 12/09/80(c) 235 <1 15+/-1 12/16/80 210 <1 17+/-2 12/23/80 230 <1 11+/-1 12/30/6iJ 230 (1 8+/-1 (a) Read as one sample with FE. (b) HIR collected 10/09/80. (c) SS collected 12/10/80.
I-131 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 (7 <7 (7 (7 (7 <7 (7 (7 <7 o* (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 <7 (7 (7 (Weekly Collections}
10-2. Ci/m 3 HIR (I) HOG ISLAND RESERVE BC (I) Volume Gross Gross Volume Gross (m3) AlEha Beta I-131 (m3) AlEha 130 . <1 4+/-1 <7 155 <1' 130 <1 3+/-1 <7 160 . <1 140 <1 2+/-1 <7 170 <1 130 <1 4+/-1 <7 160 (1 135 <1 9+/-1 <7(a) 150 <1 135 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 140 l:tl 160 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 <1 140 <1 3+/-1 <7 175 <l 285 (1 2+/-1 <7 285 <1 120 <1 3+/-1 <7 175 (1 105 <1 3+/-2 <7 155 <1 110 <1 2+/-1 , (7 155 (1 135 <1 3+/-1 <7 150 <1 135 (1 0+/-1 <7 155 <1 175(b) <1 5+/-1 (7 175 (1 270 (1 2+/-1 <7 135 (1 130 <1 4+/-2 (7 145 (1 135 <1 <1 (7 145 (1 135 <1 4+/-2 (7 150 (1 350 (1 3+/-1 (7 345 (1 405 <l 4+/-1 (7 405 (1 250 <1 4+/-1 (7 285 <l 245 * <1 1+/-1 (7 330 <1 215 <1 13+/-1 (7 240 <1 .245 (1 13+/-1 (7 250 <1 255 <1 12+/-1 <7 255 (1 24.:, <1 H+/-l (7 235 <1 BACON'S CASTLE Gross Beta I-131 3+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 ., 2+/-1 <7 3+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 9+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 5:tl (7 5+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 5+/-1 <7 . 3+/-1 (7 3:tl (7 6+/-2 <7 5+/-2 (7 2+/-1 (7 3+/-1 (7
* I 8+/-1 (7 ; i 5+/-1 -<7 5+/-1 <7 7+/-1 (7 13+/-1 <7 15+/-1 <7 10+/-1 (7 8+/-1 (7 
*. 10-2 Ci/m 3 ALL ALLIANCE CP COLONIAL PARKWAY DOW Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume . Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 01/02/80 180 (1 3+/-1 (7 300 :: ~1 3+/-1 (7 150 (1 (1 (7 01/08/80 155 <1 4+/-1 (7 260.* : (1 1+/-1 (7 130 <l <l (7 01/15/.80 180 <l 5+/-1 (7 300 .. <1
* 9+/-1 (7 150 <l (1 . <7 I
* 01/22/80 180 (1 3+/-1 (7 300 <l 5+/-1 (7 150 (1 (1 (7 01/29/80 180 . <1 6+/-1 (7 300 <l 5+/-1 (7 170 <1 (1. <7-02/05/80 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 280* <1 3+/-1 <7 155 (1 (1 (7* 02/12/80 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 260 <l. 7+/-1 <7 165 (1 3+/-1 (7 02/19/80 200 <l 4+/-1 (7 16~-<l 3+/-1 <7 155 (1 6+/-1 <7 02/26/80 190 (1 2+/-1 <7 150 <1 2+/-1 <7 165 (1 -3+/-1 <7 03/07/80 185(a) <l 3+/-1 (7 185(a) <l 3+/-1 <7 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 03/12/80 *215 <l 4+/-L _ , <7 110 (1 4+/-2 <7 140 (1 3+/-1 <7 03/18/80 285 <l 2+/-1 (7 150 <l 2+/-1 (7 170 <l 2+/-1 <7 .r:,. 03/25/80 160 <l 1+/-1 <7 305 (1 2+/-1 <7 165 (1 <l <7 N 04/01/80 285 <l 1+/-1 <7 150 <l I 1+/-1 <7 150 (1 1+/-1 : (7 04/08/80 280 <l 3+/-1 <7 155 <1 ' 4+/-1 <7 335 <1 1+/-1 <7 04/16/8_0
*305 <l 2+/-1 <7 180 <1 '1+/-1 (7 155 <1 3+/-1 (7 04/22/80 255 <1 4+/-1 <7 135 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 <1 5+/-1 <7 04/29/80 300 (1 2+/-1 <7 . 155 <l 2+/-1 (7 135 <1 2+/-1 . <7 05/06/80 250 <1 2+/-1 (7 150 <1 7+/-1 (7 185 <1 2+/-1 <7 05/14/80 345 <1 -3+/-1 <7 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 195 <1 3+/-1 <7 05/20/80 245 <1 1+/-1 (7 130 <1 <1 <7 160 <1 1+/-1 (7 05/27/80 250 <&deg;I 3+/-1 (7 160 <1-3+/-1 <7 185 <1 2+/-1 (7 06/04/80 340 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 210 <1 <1 <7 06/10/80 255 <1 3+/-1 (7 ., 135 (1 3+/-1 (7 160 <1 <1 <7 06/17/80 150 <1' 7+/-1 <7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 185 <1 2+/-1 (7* -<7 145 <1 3+/-1 <7 180 (1 2+/-1 (7 06/24/80 245 <1 4+/-1 (a) Timer malfunction; calculation based on estimated average volume. 
*TT (I} ALLIANCE CP h.~w Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Date (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) 07/01/80 250 <1 4+/-1 (7 130 07/08/80 245 <1 4+/-1 (7 145 07/15/80 265 <1 3+/-1 (7 140 07/22/80 280 (1 3+/-1 <7 140 07/29/80 280 <1 2+/-1 <7 150 08/05/80 285 <1 6+/-1 (7 150 08/12/80 175 (1 5+/-1 (7 145 08/19/80 240 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 08/26/80 335 <1 2+/-1 (7 135. 09/02/80 270 <1 4+/-1 (7 135 09/09/80 165(b) <1 <1 <7 145 09/16/80 140 <l 2+/-1 ... (7 125 09/23/80 280 <1 4+/-1 <7 145 09/30/80 250 <1 3+/-1 <7 145 10/08/80 280 <l 3+/-1 <7 160 10/14/80 250 <1 5+/-1 <7 135 10/21/80 245 <1 5+/-1 <7 140 10/28/80 240 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 11/04/80 245 (1 5+/-1 <7 145 11/12/80 285 <1 7+/-1 <7 320 11/18/80 385 <l 6+/-1 <7 350 11/25/80 270 (1 4+/-1 <7. 295 12/03/80 290 (1 6+/-1 <7 315 12/09/80 200 (1 14+/-1 <7 235 12/16/80 235 <1 14+/-1 <7 290 12/23/80 240 <1 11+/-1 <7 290 12/30/80 290 <l 7+/-1 (7 285 (a). Lower sensitivy due to low sample volume (b) Calculation based on average volume. (c) Pump found inoperable.
10-2 Ci/i:1 3 {I} COLOiiIAL PARKWAY Gross Gross Alpha Beta I-131 <1 5+/-1 <7 (1 3+/-1 <li(a) <1 4+/-1 (7 (1 3+/-1 (7 (1 2+/-1 (7 <1 6+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 (7 (1 3+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 <1 7+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 <1 t. 7+/-2 <7 <1 5+/-2 <7 <1 <1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <l 7+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 3+/-1 (7 (1 7+/-1 <7 <1 15+/-1 <7 (1 . 12+/-1 (7 <1 12+/-1 (7 <1 12+/-1 <7 DOW {I} Volume Gross (~3) Alpha 165 (1 185 <1 160 <l 160 (1 170 <1 175 <l 175 <1 165 (1 160 <1 175 (1 175 <1 150 <1 175 <1 160 (1 190 <l 110 <1 170 <1 170 <1 175 <1 325 <l 375 (1 305 (1 O(c) <1 245 <1 295 <1 295 <1 295 <1 Gross Beta I-131 2+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 1+/-1 <7 1+/-1 (7 5+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 2+/-1 <7 (1 <7 <1 (7 <1 <1 1+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 3+/-2 <7 <1 <7 <1 (7 <1 <7 2+/-1 <7 4+/-1 (7 3+/-1 (7 <l <7 13+/-1 <7 12+/-1 (7 7+/-1. <7 8+/-1 (7 VEPCO AIRBORNE IODINE-131, GROSS-ALPHA and BETA in AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS (Weekly Collections) . 10-2 pCi{m 3 FE FORT EUSTIS NN NEWPORT NEWS Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) Alpha Beta I::-131 * (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 01/02/80 315 (1 1+/-1 <7 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 01/08/80 125 <1 4+/-1 *<7. 130 <1 4+/-1 <7 01/15/80 165 <1 2tl* . <7 150 <1 6+/-1 *o 01/22/80 170 <1 3+/-i * <7 150 <1 4+/-1 <7 01/29/80 170 <1 6:H* <7 150 <1 4:!:l <7 02/05/80 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 <1 3+/-1 <7 02/12/80 170 <1 3+/-1 : <7 150 <1 4+/-1 <7 02/19/80 155 <1 . 6+/-1 <7 140 (1 5+/-1 <7 02/26/80 165 <l 2+/-1. <7. 165 <1 4+/-1 <7 03/07 /80 . 185 <1 3+/-1 <7' 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 03/12/80 140 <1 2+/-1 <7 110 <1 4+/-2 <7 ,t,. 03/18/80 170 -<l <1 . <7 170 <1 3+/-1 <7 ,t,. 03/25/80 140 <1 7+/-2 <7 170 0.9+/-0.4 4+/-1 <7 04/01/80 165 <l <1 .. (7 175 <1 1+/-1 <7 04/08/80 170 <1 3+/-1* <7 , 170 <l 3+/-1 <7 04/16/80 190 <1 3+/-1 <7 -175 <1 3+/-1 (7 04/22/80 145 <1 2+/-1 <7 130 <1 5+/-1 <7 04/29/80 60 <1 1+/-1 .(7 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 05/06/80 (a) 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 05/14/80
* 115 <1 4+/-1 *(7 165 <1 <1 <7 05/20/80 135 <1 <1 <7 120 <1 4+/-2 <7 05/27/80 155 <1 3+/-1 (7 145 <1 3+/-1 <7 06/04/80 185 <1 2+/-1 *o 175 <1 5+/-1 <7 06/10/80 140 1+/-1 4+/-1 *o 130 <1 3+/-1 (7 06/17/80 150 <1 5+/-1-.. (7 135 <1 6+/-1 <7 06/24/80 145 <1 3+/-1 (7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 . / .. (a) See Listing of Missed Samples page_:*,,
VE~CO " ' , A~RB0ffi1E IODINE-131, GROSS ALPHA and BETA in AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS (Weekly Collections) 10-2 ECi/m 3 FE { I} FORT EUSTIS NN (C) NEWPORT NEWS Collection Volu.":!.e Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) AlEha Beta *1-131 (m3) AlEha Beta. I-131 07/01/80 140 <1 3:!:l <7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 l i '.\ 07/08/80 140 <1 2:!:l <7 170 <1 3+/-1 <7 07/15/80 135 <1 2+/-1 <7 130 <1 2+/-1 <7 07/22/80 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 <l 3+/-1 <7 07/29/80 150 <1 <1 <7(a) 145 <1 3:!:l <7 08/05/80 155 <1 1+/-1 <7 145 <l 6:!:l <7 08/12/80 90 <1 5:!:l <7 155 (1 3+/-1 <7 08/19/80 95 <l 2+/-2 <7 145 <1 4+/-1 <7 08/26/80 130 <1 3+/-1 <7 145 (1 3+/-1 <7 09/02/80 135 --<l 4+/-1 <7 135 (1 5:!:l <7 09/09/80 150. <1 3:!:l <7 150 <1 2:!:l <7 VI 09/16/80 130 <l . 4:!:l <7 125 <1 5:!:l <7 09/23/80 140 <1 4:!:l <7 1:50 <1 5:!:l <7 09/30/80 135 <1 5:!:l <7 140 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 10/08/80 160 <1 2+/-1 <7 175 <1 3+/-1 <7 10/14/80 110 <l 2+/-2 <7 140 <1 4:!:l <7 10/21/80 130 <l 3+/-1 <7 170 (1 6+/-1 <7 10/28/80 130 <l 2+/-1 <7 185 <1 3:!:l <7 11/04/80 135 <l 4:!:l <7 180 <l 4+/-1 <7 11/12/80 285 <1 6+/-1 <7 320 <l 6+/-1 <7 11/18/80 355 <1 2+/-1 <7 220 <1 7+/-1 <7 11/25/80 285 <1 4+/-1 <7 275 <l 5+/-1 <7 12/03/80 245 <l 4+/-1 <7 320 <1 5+/-1 <7 12/09/80 250 (1 30:!:2 <7 215 <l 12+/-1 <7 12/16/80 280 <1 16+/-1 <1 255 (1 14:!:l <7 12/22/80 285 <1 12+/-1 <7 2.'.>U <l 11+/-1 <7 12/30/80 280 <l 7+/-1 <7 260 <1 8+/-1 <7 (a) Read as one sample with HIR. 
,. VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN* AIR PARTICULATE FILTER COMPOSITE. (Quarterly Composites of Bi-Weekly Collections)
Stations in composite:
SS, HIR Collection 10-2 pCi/m 3 Period X Emitters 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter <0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01 Stations in composite:
BC, ALL, CP, DOW, FE Collection 10-2 eCi/m 3 Period* r Emitters
* 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter (0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01 Stations 'in composite:
NN Collection 10-2 pCi/m 3 Period y Emitters 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter (0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01, Zr-Nb-95 a 0.01+/-0.01 46 ; . 
. .. Collection Period January *.February March April May June (a) July August (a) September October November December (a) Collection Period 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quartet{a)
Surrr Station (I) Ne~ort News Gross 8 Gross B Tritium Gross B Gross S pCi/1 nci/ni 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 nCi/m 2 9+/-2 0.14+/-0.02 (500 130+/-10 1.60+/-0.20 4+/-1 0.07+/-0.03 (500 57+/-6
* 0.86+/-0. )5 3+/-1 o. 90+/-0. 30 400+/-340 12+/-2 0.9+/-0.2 3+/-1 0.12+/-0.04 (500 71+/-4 2.2+/-0.2 7+/-2 <0.10 1110+/-350 8+/-2 <0.1 3+/-2 0.04+/-0.03 31+/-3 1.00:t0.10
<500 10+/-2 0.6+/-0.1 3+/-1 0.14+/-0.05 39+/-4 0.22+/-0.02 400+/-400 6+/-2 0.10+/-0.U4 6+/-2 0.23+/-0.07 860+/-340 6+/-2 0.42+/-0.14
<2 <0.76 500+/-400 6+/-2 0.29+/-0.10 11+/-2 0.14+/-0.03
*composites of Monthl_y
* Collections)
Surry Station (I) Newport Ne ;.,s Gross 13 Gross 13 Tritium Gross 13 Gross S pCi/1 nCi/m 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 nCi/m 2 6+/-1 0.7+/-0.1 <330 44+/-4 8.0+/-0.8 2+/-1 0.2+/-0.1*
* 300+/-100 30+/-3 4.1+/-0.4 43+/-4 1.6+/-0.2 <330 21+/-2 2.6+/-0.3 8+/-2 0.1+/-0.l (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 47 (C) Tritium pCi/1 (500 (500 (500 (500 860+/-350
* 966+/-376 <5oo (500 (500 (500 (500 (500 (C) Tritium pCi/1 <330 400+/-100 (330 (330 VEPCO -Surry
* RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES '(Monthly Collections) (I) Bacon's Castle (EPPS) -State Selit Sam2les Collection
:eCi/1 as of collection date g/1 Date. I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca 01/14/80 <l <5 2+/-1 <15 <15 0.9 02/11/80 <l <5 (2 (15 (15 .1. 7 03/10/80 <l . <5 <2 (15 (15 1.6 04/07/80 <1 <5 2+/-2 (15 <15 1.2 05/05/80 <l (5 3+/-2 (15 <15 1.6 06/02/80*
<l <5 <2 (15 (15 1.5 07/08/80 (1 (5 3+/-2 (15 (15 0.9 08/11/80 (1 <5 <2 (15 (15 1.6 09/02/80 (1 <5 <2 <15 (15 0.8 10/14/80 (1 (5 5+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 11/03/80 <l (5 10+/-3 <15 (15 1.3 12/01/80 . (1 <5 4+/-1 (15 (15 1.3 (I) Bacon's Castle (Judkins)
:eCi/1 as of collection date g/1 I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca .OI/08/80 . <l (5 . 6+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 02/12/80 <1* <5 6+/-2 (15 (15 1.4 03/12/80 .<l <5 3+/-2 <15 (15 1.4 04/25/80 <l. (5 5+/-2 <15 (15 1.1 .\ 05/27 /80 * .. <I <5
* 10+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 06/10/80 <l (5 3+/-2 (15 <15 1.2 07/08/80 (1 (5 12+/-3 (15 (15 1.4 08/12/80 (1 (5 6+/-3 (15 . <15 1.4 09/09/80 <l <5 2+/-1 (15 <15 1.4 10/14/80 (1 (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 1.8 11/12/80 <l (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 2.1 12/09/80 (1 \ (15 <5 ;10+/-2 (15 1.4 48 VEPCO -Surry RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES (Monthly Collections) (C) "Smithfield (Gwaltnez)
Collection ECi/1 as of collection date g/1 Date l"'."'131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca 01/16/SO (1 (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 0.9 02/26/80 (1 . (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 1.4 03/19/80 *<1 (5 4+/-2 (15 (15 1. 7 04/25/80 (1 (5 11+/-6 (15 <15 1.4 05/20/80 <3(b) (5 6+/-3 (15 (15 1.4 06/17/80 <l <5 (2 (15 (15 2.2 07/25/80 (1 (5 4:t2 (15 (15 1.0 08/26/80 <l (5 (2 (15 <15 1. 7 09/16/80 <l <5 4+/-1 (15 (15 1.5 10/21/80 <1 <5 5+/-2 (15 (15 2.1 11/18/80 <1 <5 3:tl (15 (15 1.6 12/16/80 <1 <5 5:t2 (15 <15 0.8 ,-. . (I) Colonial Parkwai {Smith} ECi/1 as of collection date g/1 . I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca January(a) 02/12/80 <l <5 4+/-2 <15 <15 1. 7 03/11/80 <1 <5 7+/-2 (15 <15 1.3 04/08/80 <1 <5 O(b) (15 (15 1.3 05/14/80 (1 <5 (2 (15 <15 1.4 06/10/80 <l <5 4+/-3 (15 <15 1.5 07/08/80 (1 (5 <2 (15 <15 2.0 09/09/80 <l <5 5+/-2 <15 (15. 2.0 10/14/80 <l <5 '5+/-2 (15 (15 1.4 11/12/80 <1 (5 '3+/-2 (15 <15 2.2 12/09/80 <1 (5 4+/-2 (15 <15 0.9 (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. (b) Lower sensitivity due to low chemical yield. 49 (I) Collection Date 01/14/80 02/11/80 03/10/80 04/07/80 05/05/80 05/12/80 06/02/80 07/08/80 08/11/80 09/02/80 10/14/80 11/03/80 12/01/80 VEPCO -Surry RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES (Monthly Collections)
Lee Hall ~Ross) -State SElit Sameles bCi/1 as of collection date 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140
<1 <5 2+/-2 <15 <15 <l (5 2+/-2 (15 (15 <l <5 8+/-5 <15 (15 <l (5 (2 <15 (15 <l <5 <2 <15 <15 <l <5 2+/-2 <15 <15 <l <5 ~:t2 <15 <15 <l <5 (2 <15 <15 <l <5 8+/-3 <15 <15 <1 <5 (2 (15 (15 <1 <5 2:tl <15 <15 <l <s 2+/-2 <15 <15 <1 <5 2:tl <15 <15 50 g/1 Stable Ca 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.6 2.4 1.3 1.8 1.2 1. 9 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.6 I J 
. '' I, ...
Month Ci/1 Collected Ba-La-140 Cs-134 Cs-137 Zr-Nb-95 Co-58 Mn-54 Zn-65 Co-60 Fe-59 CHICKAHOMINY (C) January <15 (15 <15 <10 (15 <IS <30 <15 <30 March (15 (15 (15 <10 (15 <15 <30 (15 <30 May (15 (15 <15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 July (a) -September (15 <15 <15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 November (15 (15 (15 <10 <15 <15 00 (15 00 \J1 HOG ISLAND POINT (I) .... January <15 (15 (15 <10 <15 (15 <30 <15 <30 March (15 <15 (15 (10 t . (15 (15 (30 (15 <30 May <15 <15 (15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 July (a) September (15 (15 <15 <10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 November <15 (15 <15 (10 (15 (15 <30 <15 {30 NEWPORT NEWS (I) January <15 (15 <15 <IO <15 <IS <30 (15 (30 March (15 * (15 <15 <10 (15 <IS <30 (15 (30 May (15 <15 <15 <10 <:!..S (15 (30 (15 <30 July (a) September
<15 (15 (15 <10 (15 <15 <30 (15 <30 November <15 (15 <15 <10 <15 (15 <30 (15 (30 (a) see Listing of Missing Samples page.
' Month Ci/1 Collected Ba-La-140 Cs-134 Cs-137 Zr-Nb-95 Co-58 Mn-54 Zn-65 Co-60 Fe-59 STATICJN INTAKE (I) January (15 (15 (15 ,: <fo (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 March (15 <15 (15 <io * * (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 May (15 (15 <15 (10 <15 <15 (30 (15 (30 July (a) September (15 (15 (15 <io <15 <15 <30 (15 (30 November (15 (15 (15 *: <10 <15 (15 <30 (15 (30 V1 STATION DISCHARGE (I) N January <15 (15 (15 <10 , (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 March <15 (15 (15 <10 (15 (15 <30 <15 (30 May <15 (15 (15 <10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 July (a) ..; -September
<15 (15 <15 (10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30
* November <15 (15 "(15 (10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 (a) See Listing of Hissing Samples page. 
Collection Date: 01/11/80 04/08/80 07/07/80 12/01/80 Nuclide Ci/1 Sr-89 <5 <5 <5 <5 Sr-90 <2 <2 (2 <2 Tritium (500 (500 (500 <500 Ba-La-140
<15 (15 <1.5 <15 Cs-134 <15 <15 <15 <15 Cs-137 (15 (15 <15 <15 Zr-Nb-95 <10 <10 (10 <10 Co-58 <15 <15 (15 . <15 Mn-54 <15 <15 <15 (15 Zn-65 <30 <30 <30 (30 Co-60 (15 <15 <15 (15 Fe-59 <30 <30 <30 (30 TRITIUM IN JAMES RIVER WATER SAMPLES (Semiannual Composites of Bimonthly Samples) Sample Location Chickahominy Newport News pCi/1 1st half 1980 2nd half 1980 220+/-116 370+/-190 340+/-110 280+/-130 . . RADIOACTIVITY IN,JAMES RIVER WATER Collected 12/01/80 from the Lower Chippokes -State Split Sample-pCi/1 Tritium (500 Ba-La-140
<15 Cs-134/137 (15 Zr-Nb-95 (10 Co-58/60 (15 Mn-54 <15 Zn-65 (30 Fe-59 (30 Sr-89 (5 Sr-90 (2 53
* I ! 
__ ..................
___ , .. :* ..... _*.*_... .----~----*:
--* *--. **-* Sample Site CHICKAHOMINY (C) LAWNES CREEK (I) JAMESTOWN (I). HOG ISLAND POINT {I) STATION DISCHARGE (I) Month Collected January March May July (a) September November January March May July (a) September November January March
* May VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN CLAM SAMPLES (Bi-Monthly Collections)
ECi/kg Wet Weight Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (260 <130 (130 <260 <130 <260 (130 (130 (260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (260 <130 (130 <260 (130 (260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 (130 <260 (130 (260 (130 (130 (260 (130 <260 (130 <130 (260 . July (a) . September . -~<130. (260 (130 <130 <260 November.
*, (130 <260 <130 <130 <260 January '(130 (260 (130 <130 (260 March (130 , (260 (130 (130 (260 May <130 (260 (130 (130 (260 July {a) September
<130 (260 (130 (130 (260 November (130 (260 (130 <130 (260 January <130 (260 (130 <130 (260 March (130 (260 <130 (130 (260 May '(130 (260 (130 (130 (260 July (a) September See State Split results next page. November See State Split results next page. (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 54 Cs-134 Cs-137 <130 <130 <130 (130' (130 (130 <130 (130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 <130 <130 * <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 (130 .(130 (130 (130 (130 <130 (130 <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 (110 <130 (130 
., = Month Collected July(a) September November VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN CLAM SAMPLES State Split.Samples from Station Discharge
*Eci/kg Wet Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <130 .<260 <130 Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 in Clams (State Split Samples from Collection Date ~~ly(a) September November Station Discharge) pCi/kg Wet Weight Sr-89 Sr-90 (20 (20 (10 20+/-10 (a) See Listing of Missed Samples page. 55 Cs-1-37 (130 (130 VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN OYSTER SAMPLES (Bi-Monthly Collections)
Month ECi/kg Wet Weight Location Collected Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 .Cs-137
* Deep Wafer January (130 (260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <130 Shoal March (130 <260 (130 (130 (260 <130 <130 *(I) May <130 (260 (130 <130 <260 (130 (130 *.. July (a) September
<130 (260 (130 (130 <260 <130 (130 November (130 (260 (130 (130 <260 (130 <130 Point of January (130 (260 (130 . (130 (260 (130 (130 Shoal March (130 (260 <q_o <136 <260 <130 <130 (I) May <130 <260 (130 <130 (260 (130 . <130 July (a) September
<130 <260 (130 (130 <260 <130* (130 November <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (130 Newport January -<130 (26Q (130 (130 (260 <130 (130 News March (130 <260 (130 (130 (260 (1;0 <130 I (I) May (130 (260 (130 (130 <260 <130 (130 July * (a) September (130 (260 <130 (130 (260 (130 (130 November (130 (260 (130 <1~0 (260 (130 (130 (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 56 
* ; Collection Date 02/80 08/80 Month Collected July (a) August (a) . September Sample Type Catfish Perch Catfish Perch Mn-54 (130 VEPCO -Surry GAM.MA EMITTERS IN FISH SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF SURRY STATION (I) (Semi-Annual Collection)
ECi/kg Wet Weight Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 <130 <260 <130 -<130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 <260 <130 <130 <260, <130 <260 <130 <130 (260 GAMMA EMITTERS IN CRAB SAMPLES Cs-134 ---<130 <130 <130 <130 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF SURRY STATION (I) (July, August, September Collection) pCi/k~ Wet Weight Cs-137 <130 (130 <130 (130 Fe-59 Co-58 . Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <130 (a) See Listing of Hissing Samples page. 57 VEPCO -Surr_y RADIOACTIVITY IN WELL WATER SAMPLES (Semi-Annual Collections) 1st Half Coll~ : April 2nd Half Coll: .October ECi/1 ECi/1 Gross a Gross B Tritium* Gross a Gross e Tritium* (!)Surry Station <1 9+/-2 <330 1+/-1 9+/-2 <330 (I)Hog Island Res. 2+/-1 12+/-3 <330 <1 3+/-1 <330 (!)Bacon's Castle <1 7+/-2 300+/-120 3+/-1 4+/-1 <330 (C)Jamestown
<1 3+/-2 <330 <1 3+/-2 030
* Tritium Analyzed by enrichment method. -RADIOACTIVITY .IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES (Semi-Annual Collections) 1st Half Coll.: April 2nd Half Coll. October ECi/1 ECi/1 Gross a Gross B Tritium* Gross a Gross 8 Tritium* (I)Chippokes Creek l:!:l 3+/-1 <soo 1+/-1 5+/-2 1220+/-370 (!)Williamsburg Reserve 1+/-1 2+/-1 350+/-350 3+/-1 3+/-2 1260+/-370 (!)Newport News Reserve 1+/-1 3+/-1 '730+/-350 <1 3+/-1 480+/-360 (C)Smithfield 1+/-1 4+/-2 500+/-350 <1 10+/-2 880+/-360
* Tritium Analyzed by direct L. S. Counting.
58 VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN SILT SAMPLES (Semiannual Collections)
Collection Period: 03/12-27/80
*collection Site *(C)Chickahominy
(!)Station Discharge
(!)Hog Island Point (!)Station Intake (!)Point of Shoals (!)Newport News Collection Period: 09/19-29/80 Chickahominy Station Discharge Hog Island Point Station Intake Point of Shoals Newport News pCi/kg dry* Cs-134 Cs-137 (150 (150 (150 (150 <150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 <150 ,, 59 ... 950+/-100* 1210+/-120 760+/-80 (150 190+/-40 (150 690+/-160 1100+/-250 (150 1070+/-210 1430+/-410, Co-60 = 3220+/-410 490+/-140 
.... *,--.:..-,., .... ,* .. -***-**--**--**--.
---** --.. VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN SOIL SAMPLES (~nual Collection)
Samples Collected:
08/05/80 pCi/kg Location : *cs.;..f34 Cs-137 (I)SS (I)BC (I)ALL (I)CP (I)OOW (I)FE (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 200+/-50 420+/-50 230+/-30 1040+/-100 600+/-70 380+/-50 GAMMA EMITTERS IN FOWL (Semi-Annual Collections)
Collection Area (I)HIR ... H!R Date Collected 10/21/80 10/21/80 10/21/80 10/21/80 12/03/80 (a) State Month ~ample pCi/kg Collected Type Cs-134 Cs-137 March Mallard Duck .(80 <30 October Coot <BO <BO RADIOACTIVITY IN FOOD.CROPS (Annual Collection)
State Split Samples pCi/k~h Wet Weight Farm Type Cs-134 Cs-137 Sr-89 (I) Slades Peanuts (80 <BO (20 Sl.udcs Corn(a) (80 (80 <20 (!)Brocks Peanuts(a)
(80 <BO (20 Brocks Corn <BO (80 <20 Brocks Soybeans <BO <SO (20 Slades Soybeans <80 <BO (20 split. 60 Sr-90 10+/-10 2C:+/-10 ~10 * <10 120+/-10 120+/-10 I I I I I,,
Date Read: Location Control -00 Training Center -01 . Admin Bldg Entrance-02 Admin Bldg Recep -03 Admin Bldg Kitchen -04 Admin Bldg (Men) -05 Admin Bldg Conf -06 Cafeteria
-07 Haintenance Shop -08 Storeroom East End -09 Storeroom West End -10 Contr~l Room East -11 Control Room West -12 Intrument Shop -13 Clenn Change Room -14 Security Bldg. -15 East Fence -16 North Fence -17 West Fence -18 South Fence -19 Electrical Shop -20 1st Quarter 12/21/79 05/05/80 EmR mR[wk 12. 2+/-1.1 0.6+/-0.1 22.2+/-2.0 1.1+/-0.1 35.9+/-3.2 1,8+/-0.2 47.0+/-2.9 2.4+/-0.1 32.2+/-3.3 1. 7+/-0. 2 40.6+/-4.7 2.1:!:0.2 29.5+/-2.5 1. 5+/-0.1 37.9+/-2.3 2.0+/-0.1 29.5+/-3.9 1. 5+/-0. 2 missing 36.1+/-4.4 1. 9+/-0. 2 21. 2+/-2. 4 1.1+/-0.1 18.8+/-2.7 1.0+/-0.1 432.0+/-75.0 22.3+/-4.1 61. 2+/-0. 4 3.2+/-0.4 74.1+/-3.8 3.8+/-0.2 14.4+/-1. 3 1. 0+/-0.1 14.3+/-1.5 1. 0+/-0.1 14.3+/-1.3 0.7+/-0.1 14.8+/-1.7 0.8+/-0.1 237.7+/-55.7 12.3+/-2.9 (a) Stations 17-20 deleted as of 2nd quarter. 2nd Quarter 03/24/80 08/19/80 .. I:mR *mR/wk 33.3+/-2.3 1. 6+/-0.1 23.6+/-3.9 1.1+/-0. 2 32.1+/-2.2 1. 5+/-0.1 41. 9+/-4 .1 2.8+/-0.2 "28.6+/-5.7
: 1. 4+/-0. 3 31.6+/-3.9 1. 5+/-0. 2 29.0+/-12.3 1.4+/-0.6 34.6+/-6.4 1. 6+/-0. 3 26.2+/-2.3 1. 2+/-0.1 76.0+/-16.8 t 3.6+/-0.8 30.8+/-8.3 '1.5+/-0.4 23.3+/-4.9 1.1+/-0. 2 16.9+/-2.7 0.8+/-0.1 305.6+/-86.6 14.5+/-4.1 49.4+/-3.7 2.3+/-0.2 57.9+/-6.2 2.7+/-0.4 73.3+/-6.4 3.5+/-0.3 Ca> 3rd Quarter 06/20/80 10/24/80 EmR mR/wk 5.3+/-0.8 0.3j!:0.1 11.4+/-1. 4 0.6/!=0.1 18.5+/-5.3 1.1+/-0. 3 I 28.0+/-3.0 1. 6~0. 2 18.2+/-3.5 1. 0+/-0. 2 23.7+/-3.0 1. 3+/-0. 2 18.1+/-2.5 1. 0+/-0.1 21. 5+/-1.6 1. 2+/-0.1 19.5+/-2.9 1.1+/-0. 2 21. 7+/-2.6 1.'2+/-0.1 19.7+/-2.5 1. l+/-0.1 12.0+/-1.8 0.7+/-0.1 8.4+/-0.8 0.5+/-0.1 310.6+/-12.0 17.5+/-0.7 39.9+/-3.3 2.~+/-0.2 47.5+/-9.9 2.7+/-0.5 76.6+/-5.2 4.3+/-0.3 I. ** I *4th* Om\rter . 09/i9/80 01/20/81 , .' I EmR mR/wk* 10. 3+/-1.1 0.6+/-0.1 15.8+/-2.1 0.9+/-0.1 26.1+/-1.5 1.5+/-0.1 37.8+/-8.8 2.1+/-0.5 24.3+/-3.3 1.4+/-0.2 32.7+/-4.2 1. 9+/-0. 2 25.4+/-2.8 1.4+/-0.1 26.7+/-1.4 1.5+/-0.1 21. l:!:9.0 1. 2+/-0.1 27.5+/-4.3 1. 6+/-0. 2 20.6+/-1.5 1. 2+/-0*.1 16.2+/-3:3 0.9+/-0.2 10.7+/-3.5 --0.6+/-0. 2 336.3+/-14.8 19.1+/-0.8 43.1+/-3.5 2.5+/-0.2 37.0+/-3.R 2.1+/-0.2 78.3+/-10.7 4.4+/-0.6 \,
VEPCO -Surry
Tl.D'S 1st Quarter 1980 Date Annealed:
12/10/79, 12/21/791:
Date Read: 05/05/8J Location EmR mR/wk Location EmR mR.'wk ----Vcpc-00
* 12.3+/-1.5 0.6:!:0.1 Vepe-28 10.9+/-2.1 0.5+/-0.1 -01 )': 306+/-33 15. 8+/-1. 7 -29 9. 7+/-1. 7 0.5+/-0.1 -02 13.4+/-2.7 0.7+/-0.1 -30 14. 9+/-1. 5 0.7+/-0.1 -03
* 27.3+/-2.0 1. 4+/-0.1 -31 missing -04
* 15. 0+/-1.1 0.8+/-0.1 -32 14.0+/-2.0 0.7+/-0.1 -05 missing I -33 12. 0+/-1. 7
* 14. 8+/-1. 2 0.8+/-0.1 -34 13.8+/-3.5 0.7+/-0.2 -07 ,.. missing : -35 12.0+/-2.5 0.6+/-0.1 ~oa ', . missing -36 14.9+/-1.5 0.7+/-0.1 .-09 *
* 23.1+/-2.4 -~*1.2+/-0.1
-37 13.7+/-2.3 0.7+/-0.1 -10 ** *1"8.9+/-3.0
: 1. 0+/-0. 2 -38 15. 4+/-1. 8 0.7+/-0.1 -11
* 15.9+/-1.6 1. 0+/-0.1 -39" 13.9+/-2.2 0.7+/-0.1 -12 "I< 16.8+/-3.0 1. 0+/-0. 2 -40 14.6+/-2.3 o. 7~:0.1 -13
* 16.9+/-3.9 1. 0+/-0. 2 -41 13.9+/-2.4 0.7+/-0.1 -14 1: 17.4+/-2.3 1. 0+/-0.1 -42 5.9+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -15 ~; 6.0+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -43 13. 3+/-1. 3 0.6+/-0.1 -16 )': 6.1+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -44 14.7+/-2.3 0.7+/-0.1 -17 )': 10.8+/-1.8 0.6+/-0.1 \ -45 missing -18 )'( 12.3+/-4.9 0.6+/-0.3 -46 12.0+/-2.8 0.6+/-0.1 -19
* 11.0+/-1.5 0.6+/-0.1 -47 15.4+/-2.2 o. 7~.0.1 -20
* 10.3+/-2.5 0.5:!:0.1
-48 15. 8+/-1. 6 0.8+/-0.1 -21
* 6.1+/-0.6 0.3+/-0.1 -49 11. 8+/-1. 3 0.6+/-0.1 -22 .,, 6.2+/-0.7 0.3+/-0.1 -so 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -23
* 11. 9+/-2. 2 0.6+/-0.1 -51 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -24 10.3+/-2.5 0.5+/-0.1 -52 7.4+/-0.9 0.4+/-0.1 -25 13.6+/-1.4 0.6+/-0.1 -53 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -26 13. 0+/-1. 7 0.6+/-0.1 -54 7 .1+/-0.8 o. 3:!.0.1 -27 11.2+/-3.3 0.5+/-0.2 62 ....... -* ,, ... *-.. , ..... -... -*** 
* 08/19/80 Date Read: Location Control (Site) -00 Surry Station -01 WNW -02 Discharge Canal -03 NNW -04 North -OS NNE -06 NE -07 ENE -08 Enst exclusion area -09 WEST -10 WSW -11 SW -12 SSW -13 South -14 SSE -15 SE -16 Ea$L -17 Intake Canal -18
* Hog Island Reserve -19 Bacons Castle -20 Route 633 -21 Alliance -22 Surry -23 Routes 637 & 635 -24 Sc,iL l ,:mc.J Wlwrf *-25 Jwn<.!stown
-26 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 Route 617 & 618 -28 Kingsmill (North) -29 Williamsburg
-30 Kingsmill (NNE) -31 Hurlw<.*is<.*r
-32 W,1t<.!r Pl.ant -33 IJ1Jw Chemical -34 1:c!<.' llall -35 fooia: IslumJ -36 /'urL Eustis -37 lfowport News -38 /;ontrol (J .R. Bridge) -39 ,:onl rul (Benn's Church)-40
-41 Rushmere -42 *Roule 628 -43 2nd 'quarter EmR 14.7+/-2.7 185.6+/-10.4 41.3+/-7.5 24.7+/-6.6 33.3+/-3.3 33.2+/-5.5 31.8+/-8.3 32.4+/-5.6 34.1+/-3.7 35.3+/-3.8 43.6+/-9.3 41.9+/-5.8 51.1+/-~.8 47.4+/-5.3 44.5+/-7.3 48.5+/-4.3 37.8+/-2.1 36.7+/-4.9 29.9+/-2.2 33.1+/-2.5 30.7+/-4.4 31.0+/-1. 7 29.8+/-3.2 31.0+/-4. O 29.3+/-3.1 30.4+/-4.5 28.5+/-2.6 27.3+/-2.1 26.9+/-2.5 26. 8+/-1. 5 34.2+/-2.0 28.8+/-6.7 30.8+/-7.4 29.J+/-J.6 30. 4+/-1. 9 34.9+/-8.2 31.6+/-3.4 27.5+/-5.9 29.3+/-4.3 25.2+/-4.3 22.3+/-2.9 25.4+/-2.7 24.1+/-3.2 23.2+/-2.1 63 mR/wk 0.7+/-0.1 8. 8+/-C. 9 2.0+/-0.4 1. 2+/-0. 3 1.6+/-0.2 1. 6+/-0. 3 1. 5+/-0. 4 1.5+/-0.3 1. 6+/-0. 2 1. 7+/-0.2 2.1+/-0.4 2.0+/-0.2 2. 4+/-0. 3. 2.2+/-0.3 2.1+/-0.3 1. 9+/-0. 2 1.8+/-0.1 1. 7+/-0. 2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 6+/-0.1 1.5+/-0.2 1. 5+/-0 .1 1.4+/-0.2 1.5+/-0.2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 4+/-0. 2 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 6+/-0.1 1. 4+/-0. 3 1.5+/-0.4 l. 4+/-0. 2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 7+/-0. 4 1. 5+/-0. 2 1. 3+/-0. 3 1. 4+/-0. 2 1. 2+/-0. 2 1.1+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 1.1+/-0. 2 1.1+/-0.1 VEPCO -Surry GAMHA RADIATION TOTAL mR/QTR. USING THERMOLUMINISCENT DOSIMETERS VEPCO-ENVIRONMENTAL TLD'S 1980 Date Annealed:
Date Read:. 06/20/80 10/25/80 Location (C) Control (Site) -oo Surry Station -01 WNW -02 Discharge Canal -03 NNW -04 North -05 NNE -06 NE -07 ENE -08 E:1s t exclusion area -09 WEST -10 WSW -11 SW -12 SSW -13 Sc:rnth -14 SSE -15 SE. ~16 East .-17 Intake Canal . .'., -18 Hog Island Reserve. -19 Bacons Castle -20 l{outc 633 -21 Al Hance -22 Surry -23 Rn11tcs 637 E,, 635 -24 Sc11Ll~nu Wharf -25 Jamestown
-26 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 l<ou t c 617 E,, 618 -28 Kini.;smill (North) ' -29 Williamsburg
-30 Kingsmill (NNE) -31 lh,<lwl* iHl'r -32 Wiitl!r P J :mt -)) Uow Chemical -34 LC!l! llall -35 C:ousc h,lunc.J -36 1-'orL Eustis -37 N<.!wport News -38 (C) Control (J .R. Bridge) -39 (C) ConLrol (Benn's Church)-40 Smithfield
-41 Rushmere -42 RouLc 628 -43 3rd quarter EmR 6.1+/-0. 7 123.0+/-22.0 14.1+/-1. 9 7.8:!:0.l 13.8:!::l.0 14.4+/-0.6 14. 7+/-1.5 14. 2+/-1. 6 13.9+/-2.0 14. 5+/-1. 8 15.2+/-1.4, 14. 3:!:1.7 14.0:!:l.6
: 13. 7:!:l. 4 13.6:!:0.4 13.2:!:2.8
* 8.9:!:0.4.
13.1+/-0.8 11. 4:!:2. 4
* 11. 2:!:l. 9 10. 3:!:l. 2 9. 9+/-1. 7 10.4+/-1. 7 '.9. 8+/-2 .1 il.1+/-1.8 11.3+/-1.3 11. 4+/-1.8 8.8+/-1.5 10.5+/-1.0 10. 9+/-1.5 11.8+/-1.4 11. 8+/-2. 6 12.9+/-0.9 13 .* 4+/-3.0 14.5+/-0.8 12.2+/-1.6 13.0+/-1. 7 11. 4+/-0. 6 8.1+/-0.3 9. 8+/-1. 3 11. 6+/-1.6 9. 5+/-1.1 64 missing mR/wk 0.3+/-0.1 6. 8+/-1. 2 0.8+/-0.1 0.4+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 O.R+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8:!:0.J,.
0.8:!:0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.7:!:0.2 0.7+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0~1 0.5+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.2 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.2 0.8+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 ... 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 VEPCO -Surry ... -GAM!>JA RADIATION TOTAL rrul/QTR.
09/19/80 Date Read: 01/19/81 .. Location [mR mR/wk Control (Site) -00 11.1+/-4.4 0.6+/-0.3 Surry Station -01 198.4+/-6.1 6.S+/-C.3 WNW -02 24.5+/-3.6 1.4+/-0.2 Discharge Canal -03 16.1+/-1.9 0.9+/-0.1 Nt-..1'W -04 23. 8+/-1. 6 1. 4+/-0.1 North -OS 23.5+/-1.3 1. 4+/-0.1 NNE -06 24.4+/-4.7 1. 4+/-0. 3 NE -07 25.0+/-3.4 1. 4+/-0. 2 ENE -08 23.8+/-2.0 1. 4+/-('1, 2 East exclusion area -09 28.3+/-3.6 1.6+/-0.2 WEST -10 19.2+/-3.0 1.1+/-0.2 WSW -11 19. 2+/-1. 9 1.1+/-0.1 SH* -12 19. 9!1. 9 . 1.1+/-0.1 SSW -13 20. 2+/-1. 2 1.2+/-0.1 . South -14 21.1+/-2. 2 1. 2+/-(' .1 SSI~ -15 20.1+/-1. 5 1.2+/-0.1 SE -16 21. 9+/-4. 0 1. 3+/-0. 2 , East -17 22.1+/-2.0 1. 3+/-0.1 Intake Canal -18 12. 8+/-1. 5 0.7+/-0.6 Hog Island Reserve -19. 18.8+/-2.1 1.1+/-0.1 Bacons Castle -20 21.5+/-4.1 1. 2+/-0. 2 !{011 l C 633 -21 17.1+/-1.9 1. 8+/-(' .1 A 1 I lance -22 13.9+/-0.5 0.8+/-0.1 Surry -23 20. 8+/-1. 3 1.2+/-0.1 Routes 637 & 635 -24 18. 8+/-1. 8 1.1+/-0.1 Scotland Wharf -25 18. 7+/-1.4 1.1+/-0.l Jamestown
-26 40.6+/-4.3 2.3+/-0.2 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 20.2+/-5.0 1.2+/-0.3 Route 617 & 618 -28 18.5+/-2.9 1.1+/-(. 2 Kingsmill (North) -29 17.7+/-1.8 1. 0+/-0.1 Williamsburg
-30 18.7+/-2.4 1.1+/-0.1 Kingsmill (NNE) -3) 15.7+/-2.2 ' 0.9+/-0.1 g11dwci8l 0 r -32 22.0+/-3.9 1.3+/-0.2 W.i tli r Plant -33 20.4+/-3.1 1.2+/-0.2 IJow Chl!micul
-34 22.7+/-2.4 1. 3+/-0.1 l.1 'I' llall -35 21.6+/-1. 7 l.2+/-(J. l (;oo:;L* ls I.unu -36 24.1+/-3.6 1.4+/-0.2 For L Eustlt.. -37 19.6+/-1.9 1.1+/-0.1 Newport Ne\1s -38 17 .9+/-1.0 1. 0+/-0.1 ' Control (J .R. Bridge) -39 18.9+/-3.6 1.1+/-0. 2 Control (Benn's Church)-40 15.4+/-2.3 0.9+/-0.1 Smithfield
-41 17.4+/-2.3 1.0+/-0.1 Rushmere -42 19.4+/-2.1 1.1+/-0.1 Routt! *628 -43 16 .. 9+/-1. 2 1. 0+/-0.1 65 i:.> ~*-SECTION 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA 66 Llndgc.: A il C D
* E F G H J K TLD Intercomparison Badges Irrodiatcd by Bottelle Northwest Labs 1980 Tofal mR less transEortation control 1st Qtr . 2nd Qtr 3rd gtr Known Measured Known Measured Known Measured 8 5+/-1 10 10.1+/-3.4 100 102.0+/-15.0 16 13:!:2 20 21.0+/-4.1 10 10.2+/-2.6 24 22:!:7 30 29.0+/-5.5 15 15.5+/-3.8 100 103:!:10 60 63.4+/-8.6 30 29.3:!:9.0 80 77:!:6 70 62.8+/-5.9 35 32.5+/-8.8 64 59:!:6 100 91. 8+/-14. 4 45 41.4+/-7.2 28 27:!:3 30 26.6:!:5.3 60 56.9+/-7.1 32 29:!:3 40 37.5:!:3.8 80 74.3:!:10.6 40 36:!:4 60 52.2+/-6.5 10 8. 4:!:l. 3 \ )7 38:!:4 80 10. 4:no. 5 I 100 82.4+/-12.4 67 4th gtr Known Measured 100 94+/-9 50 47+/-6 25 24:!:5 25 23:!:2 50 47:!:6 75 66:!:7 100 97+/-11 75 67+/-7 25 26:!:5 50 48:!:7 
1980 The., tables below summarize results of samples run for process quality c.:onLrol purposes during the subject month. These listings are in ition to such measurements as detector backgrounds, check source values, r.n<lio:netric-gravimetric comparisons, system calibrations, etc. Detailed lb:t:in 6 s of each measurement are maintained at the laboratory and are available for inspection if required.
BLANK SAMPLES ::uc.: l.i<le An<1lyzed Number of Determinations Number of analyses exceeding the LLD for that analysis r.ros:, beta r:ros:5 al*,,ha Strontiun-89 S ::rn:1 tiun-90 l <id i.:H:-J.:n Trlt::.u.':1 G.,r:;l':n emitters Nuc 1.i<lc Number . /\n:i ryzccl Det'ns r::r*oss beta** *. 99 G ~o~: r; al!>ha 25 i; t r.011 L "i.u1:1-89 48 ~; L ron Li u1:1-90 L18 'J' 1" i. l:.~ Ul'.l 134 Iod ! n*~-131 77 C.";11.11:1.1 cmi.ttcn, 121 c.iJ c i.11r.:-:, 5 2 Nuclide No. of Analyzed Det'ns C:rc.,:;1:
been /1/1 !i l run tiu1':'l-fl9 23 ~; t ron::ium-90 7 3 *1:r i l i 1am 52 Co11:1n:1 cmi tlcn; 29 lotlinu-131 29 68 43 49 178 152 87 46 of SPLIT SAMPLES No. agreeing within.20 9,4 23 /18 /18 lJli 77 120 :L SPIKED;SAMPLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. agreeing within 3a 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 No. differing by> 3a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Within 2a Within 3a differing from of known of known known by> 3c, ,,3 l O* 23 2 0 73 4 0 51 1 0 29 0 0 27 2 0 68 r., ._,
* I I I EPA INTERCOMPARISON RESULTS 1980 Control MWF I:* ~ample Agency Limits Measured Txee Anal::z:sis Value (3a 1 n*l2 +/-2a error Units ' I-131 53 15 49+/-5 oCi/1 -Water Air Filter Gross a 10 15 11+/-1 pCi/fi.lter Air Filter Gross B 31 15 34+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 10 5 6+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 12 15 16+/-4 pCi/filter Water Gross u 21 15 26+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross 8 49 15 50+/-5 pCi/1 Water Sr-90 7 5 8+/-1 pCi/1 Water Co-60 33 15 37:!:4 pCi/1 Water Cs-134 5(> 15 58+/-6 pCi/1 Water Cs-137 0 0 <5 pCi/1 Water Gross Cl 12 15 13:!:l pCi/1 Water Gross 8 27 15 29+/-3 pCi/1 Air Filter Gross Cl 24 6 29+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Gross B 28 5 41:!:4 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 8 2 -9+/-1 pCi/ f .i.lter Air Filter Cs-137 12 5 14+/-2 pCi/filter
* Water H-3 2040 1040 2260+/-230 pCi/1 .Air Filter Gross a 10 5 11+/-1 pCi/ filter Air Filter* Gross f3 29 5 33+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 9 1.5 10+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 10 5 12+/-1 pCi/filter Water Gross a 30 8 30+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross 8 45 5 45+/-5 pCi/1 Water Sr-89 10 ; 5 <5 pCi/1 Wat<!r Sr-90 20 1.5 20+/-2 pCi/1 Water H-3 1750 341 1600+/-160 pCi/1 Milk Sr-89 10 5 <5 pCi/1 Milk Sr-90 25 1.5 18+/-3 pCi/1 Milk I-131 0.01 0.1 <5 pCi/1 Milk Cs-137 40 5 43+/-4 pCi/1 Milk Ba-140 0.01 0.1 <10 pCi/1 Milk K 1600 80 2000+/-200 t>Ci/1 Water Gross Cl 13 5 14::U pCi/1 Water Gross B 22 5 23+/-2 pCi/1 Air Filter Cross u 15 5 18+/-2 pCi/filter Air Filter Gro!it. ,~ 41 5 50+/-5 pCi/flltcr Air *Filter Sr-90 10 1.5 10+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 20 5 23+/-2 pCi/Hlter Water I-131 44 5 35+/-4 pCi/1 L Water H-3 3400 360 3030+/-300 pCl/1 { Water Sr-89 5 5 <2 pCi/1 Water Sr-90 12 1.5 12+/-1 pCi/1 \fa tcr H-3 2000 345 2300+/-200 pCi/1 .. Water Gross Cl 36 9 34+/-3 pCi/J Water Gross B 38 5 42+/-4 pCi/1 Water H-3 1210 329 1100+/-100 pCi/1 69 EPA INTERCOMPARISON RESULTS 1980 (continued)
Control MWF s~1rnple Agency Limits Measured i'_, Type Analysis Value (3a,n=l) ::!:2a error Units !~atcr Sr-89 24 8.6 27:::3 pCi/1 ,: Water Sr-90 15 2.6 14!1 pCi/1 Water H-3 3200 625 3400:!:300 pCi/1 Water Cr-51 86 8.6 <100 pCi/l Water Co-60 16 8.6 19+/-5 pCi/l Water Zn-65 25 8.6 40+/-10 pCi/1 Water Ru-106 46 8.6 <SO pCi/1 Hater Cs-134 20 8.6 24+/-5 nCi/1 Water Cs-137 12 8.6 15+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross a 32 8.0 31+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross e 21 5.0 22+/-2 pCi/1 \foter Gross a 16 8.6 21+/-2 pCi/1 \fo t (! .-Gross B 13 8.6 19+/-3 pCi/1 Air filter Gross a 24 10.0 25+/-3 pCi/filter*
Air filter Gross f3 10 8.6 17+/-2 pCi/filter J\ir filter Sr-90 0 0.0 <1 pCi/filter Air filter Cs-137 10 8.6 10+/-1 pCi/filter
*' 70 JJ ... USDOE QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM 1980 Sample Measured I . Tx:ee Nuclide Known :!:2a error __!Inits . , .. Air (80-4) Be-7 0.272 E+o3 0.260+/-0.044 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (~0-4) Mn-54 0.720 E+o2 0.645:!:0.095 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Sr-90 0.199 E+o2 0.143+/-0.094 E+o2 pCi/filter
'Air (80-4) Zr-95 0. 720 E+o2 0.605+/-0.094 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Sb-125 0.258 E+o4 0.180+/-0.026 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Cs-137 0.257 E+o3 0.230:!:0.034 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Ce-144 0.376 E+o4 0.339:!:0.048 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Be-7 0.230 E+o4 0.270+/-0.038 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Co-60 0.200 E+o3 0.225+/-0.032 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Sr-90 0.107 E+o2 0.105:!:0.016 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Cs-134 0.247 E+o4 0.215:!:0.031 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Ce-141 0.404 E+o3 0.475:!:0.068 E+03 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Ce-144 0.346 E+o4 0.280:!:0.040 E+o4 pCi/filter Water (80-4) H-3 0.103 E+02 0.097:!:0.017 E+o2 pCi/ml Water (80-4) Na-22 0.107 E+ol 0.095:!:0.014 E+Ol pCi/nil Water (80-4) Cr-51 0.137 E+ol ... 0.170:!:0.029 E+Ol pCi/ml Water (80-4) Co-57 0.337 E 00 0.600:!:0.140 E 00 pCi/ml Water (80-4) Co-60 0.922 E 00 0.900:!:0.127 E 00 pCi/ml C. Water (80-4) Sr-89 0.240 E-01 0.267:!:0.172 E-01 pCi/ml ... Water (80-4) Cs-137 0.978 E 00 0.850:!:0.127 E 00 pCi/ml
* Water (80-4) u 0.283 E-01 0.200:!:0.173 E-01 &#xb5;g/ml Water (80-10) H-3 0.149 E+o2 0.133:!:0.017 E+o2 pCi/ml Water (80-10) Co-60 0.197 E+ol 0.207:!:0.036 E+ol pCi/ml Water (80-10) Sr-89 0.218 E 00 0.803+/-0.263 E-01 pCi/ml *Water (80-10) Sr-90 0.216 E-01 0.230:!:0.069 E-01 pCi/ml Water (80-10) Cs-134 0.244 E+ol 0.283+/-0.052 E+Ol pCi/ml Water (80-10) Cs-137 0.226 E+ol 0.263:!:0.045 E+ol pCi/ml Soil (80-4) K-40 O. 770 E+ol 1.100+/-0.341 E+ol pC!/g Soil (80-4) Sr-90 0.374 E 00 0.300+/-0.172 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-4) Cs-137 0.680 E+ol 0.507+/-0.087 E+ol pCi/g Soil (80-10) K-40 0.207 E+o2 0.273:!:0.053 E+o2 pCi/g ' Soil (80-10) Co-60 0.100 E 00 0.100+/-0.100 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-10) Sr-90 0.460 E 00 0.333:!:0.172 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-10) Cs-137 0.110 E+o2 0 .110:!:0.
017 E+o2 pCi/g Tissue (80-4)
* K-40 0.143 E+o2 0.207:!:0.036 E+o2 pC:./g Tissue (80-4) Co-60 0.386 E+ol 0.373:!:0.056 E+ol pCi/g '!'issue (80-4) Sr-90 0.182 E+o2 0.180:!:0.034 E+o2 pCi/g .t Tissue (80-4) Cs-137 0.122 E+o2 0.103:!:0.018 E+o2 pCi/g L Tissue (80-10) K-40 0.170 E+ol 0.550:!:0.143 E+ol pCi/g Tissue (80-10) Co-60 0.874 E+ol 0.950:!:0.141 E+ol pC1./g ' Tissue (80-10) Sr-90. 0.387 E+o2 0.250+/-0.042 E+o2 pC:.../g Tissue (80-10) Cs-137 0.275 E+o2 0.270:!:0.044 E+o2 pCi/g 71 I ___J USDOE QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM--continued
.. Sample Measured Type Nuclide Known +/-2a error Units Vegetation (80-4) K-40 0.317 E+o2 0.457:t0.083 E+o2 pCi/g Vegetation (80-4) Sr-90 0.246 E+o2 Q.243+/-0.039 E+o2 . pCi/g *{'.l ! Vegetation (80-4) Cs-137 ** 0.171 E+o2 0.147+/-0.025 E+o2 pC:_/g Vegetation (80-10) K-40 0.225 E+o2 0.303+/-0.053 E+02 pCi/g ( . Vegetation (80-10) Co-60 0. 272 E+o,l 0.297+/-0.052 E+ol pCi/g Vegetation (80-10) Sr-90 0.138 E+o2 0 .133:tO. 030 E+o2 . pCi/g Vegetation (80-10) Cs-137 0.961 E+ol 0.967+/-0.167 E+ol pCi/g /" ... ,' * ,
* 72}}

Revision as of 18:33, 5 September 2019

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Annual Report 1980.
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/23/1981
From: Chandrasekaran E, Kohl K
Eberline Instrument Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Download: ML19093A178 (74)




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.. .. Y* TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 -Preface SECTION 2 -Sampling Program SECTION 3 -Analysis Program SECTION 4 -Results and Discussion SECTION 5 -Data Tables SECTION 6 -Quality Assurance Data Page No

  • 1 5 10 23 37 66

.... *-.. -... . -:-**--i

  • I *. SECTION I PREFACE .. 1 ABSTRACT This report presents the data obtained from the analyses of environmental samples collected through the Virginia Electric Power Company Surry Station Environmental Radiological Surveillance Pro_gram for the period 01 January 1980 through 31 December 1980. The activity present above detection limits in the routinely collected sample media was observed to be of natural and atmospheric fallout origin. The results show that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed the technical specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit*during 1980. 2 ,.


'!'he Surry Power Station of Virg.inia Electric and Power Company-consists of two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors each with a generating capacity of 788 MWE. The station is located on a peninsula in the James River mately 25 miles upstream of the Chesapeake Bay. Cooling water is taken in stream of the site and discharged 5.7 miles upstream of the intake. The Surry Power Station has been designed to minimize radioactive releases and insure that radiation doses attributed to the operation of the station will be "as low as reasonably achievable".

Various environmental samples are collected at indicator and controlor background locations and analyzed_

to determine if changes in radioactivity levels may bti attributable to the operation of the station. This environmental radio-:: logical monitoring progrrim provides surveillance to assure compliance with the NRC Regulations and the -Surry Power Station Technical Specifications.

The program outlined in Tables 1 and 2 has in some cases more freqcent collecliun and unalysis of certain samples than called for in the Technical Spccificntions.

The accompanying map shows the plant environs.

Table izes the results of the radiological environmental surveillance measurements during calendar year 1980. 3


1980 Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed Technical Specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit during 1980. Radionuclides released to the air and water from Surry Station may tribute to the radiation background through both external and internal ex-posure. The mo~t signif~cant environmental dose pathways are direct dose from the gaseous effluent and thyroid dose due to ingestion of milk. The area contains only a very small milk shed which limits general population dose potential from this sour:ce and since James River water is not used for drinking, dose potential from this source is also minimal. Table 4 summarizes the range and average concentrations for measurements at the indicator and,control l~cations, and the location.with the highest* annual mean. Complete information is given in the Sample Data Tables. (Appendix I) Specific findings for various environmental media are discussed in Section 4. 4 .,

~* SECTION 2 SAMPLING PROGRAM ... 5 All samples are collected by VEPCO Environmental Services Personnel and shipped to the Eberline laboratory in West Chicago, Illinois.

Upon receipt of the samples, the laboratory staff enters the samples in a log book identifying them as to sample type, collection date, and sample code number or location, then verifies the specific analyses to be performed on each sample. The samples are then stored, awaiting analysis; on shelves expressly for this purpose to assure accountability through the laboratory processes.

Table .1 lists the sampling locations and frequencies.

Figure 1 I shows the locations.of the various sampling environs.

6 -!

t -~.TABLE 1 Monitoring or Sampling Locations and Frequencies Surry Station Hog Island Reserve Bacon's Castle Chippokes Creek Alliance Colonial Parkway Williamsburg Jamestown Dow Fort Eustis Newport News Scotland Wharf Lee Hall Routes 10 and 676 Smithfield Guard Booth Station Intake Kings Mill Budweiser Station Discharge Air Particulate w w w w w w w w Ambient . Radiation (a) BW *-Bi-weekly M -Monthly BM -~t-monthly Q -Quarterly SA -Semi-annually A -Annually A(3) -Annually corn, peanuts, and soybeans Precipitation M M . t SM -Sununer Months (two Samplings:

July -September)

Milk M(2 ea.) M M M Well Water SA SA .SA SA Surface Water SA SA SA SA Soil A A A A A A (a) Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are monitored quarterly.

A full listing of the 43 locations is shown on page 63. ..

00 TABLE 1 (continued)

Bacon's Castle Hog Island Reserve Jamestown Newport News Chickahominy Station Discharge Hog Island Point Station Intake La'lo.'lles Creek Deep Water Shoals Point of Shoals BW -Bi-weekly BM -Bi-monthly SA-Semi-annually Crops A(3) James River Fowl Water. SA M -Monthly Q -Quarterly A -Annually BM BM BM BM BM A(3) -Annually corn, peanuts, and soybeans Silt Oyster SA BM SA SA SA SA BM SA BM SM -Summer Months (three Samplings:

July -August -September)


  • N JAMES RIVER BRIDGE . P TUNNEL R C08HAMBAY Figure 1: 0. 5 MILEAGE Environs of Surry Power Station. 9 SECTION 3 ANALYSIS PROGRAM 10 ~I Table 2 lists the sample analysis prpgram -sample class, frequency, and the type of analysis required.

Table 3 lists the LLD's (Lower Limits of Detection) for the analytical program. These LLD's are based on Regulatory Guide .4.8. For analyses not required in Regulatory Guide 4.8, Federal EPA, former quirements for similar programs, or other appropriate guides are used. The LLD's are calculated as per RG 4.8 at the 3cr level. The Guide specifically states that the LLD's are a priori NOT a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.

When, however, RG 4.8 or*other LLD's have not been achieved, a footnote giving .* a brief explanation has .been inserted.

11 Sample Class, Air Particulate Airborne Iodine Thermoluminiscent Dosimetry (TLD) Precipitation Milk Soil Crops Surface*Water Well Water Fowl James River Water Oysters and Clams Crabs Silt Fish TABLE 2 Environmental Measurement and Sample Analysis Program Frequency Weekly Quarterly Comp. Weekly Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Comp. Monthly Annually Annually Semi-annually Semi-annually Semi-annually Bi-monthly Semi-annual.

Comp *. _ Bi-monthly 3 summer months 5@li-annually Semi-annually 12 Analysis Gross alpha and beta (1) Gamma Isotopic (2) Iodine-131 Radiation Dose Gross beta (3) Tritium Gross beta 1 Tritium Iodine-131 Sr-89/90 Gamma Isotopic Stable Calcium Gamma Isotopic*

Gamma Isotopic Sr-89/90 Gross alpha and beta Tritium Gross alpha and beta Tritium Gamma Isotopic (4) Gamma Isotopic Tritium Gamma Isotopic (4) Gamma Isotopic Gamma Isoto_pic Gamma Isotopic NOTES TO TABLE 2 (1) Gamma isotopic analysis if gross beta exceeds 10 pCi/~3* (2) Quarterly composites of weekly air particulate samples will be analyzed for gamma emitters in three groups as follows: Stations SS and HIR analyzed as one sample. Stations BC, ALL, CP, DOW, and FE analyzed as one sample. Station NN analyzed as one sample. Strontium-90 determined radiochemically if significant amounts of fission products attributable to the Station are detected by the gamma isotopic analysis.

(3) Perform gamma isotopic analysis if gross beta exceeds 15 nCi/m 2* (4) Entire sample analyzed for gamma emitters.

Sr-90 to be determined if a significant amount of fission ~roducts attributable to the Station are noted in the gamma analysis.


--....... _ ... _"-..... *. ---....... ____ ., ... _ .. _ ....... --~ ____ ,.. **-* Table 3 -* Lower Limits of Detection Sample Class Airborne Particulates Background Radiation (TLD) Precipitation Other Waters Milk Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish Silt, Soil Fowl Vegetation

-(LLD'a) Analysis Gross Beta Gross Alpha Gamma Isotopic Iodine-131 Gamma dose Gross Beta LS Tritium Enriched Tritium Gross Beta Gross Alpha LS Tritium .Enriched Tritium Gamma Isotopic Cs'-134/137 La/Ba-140 Co-58/60

  • Mn-54. Zr/Nb-95 Fe-59, Zn-65 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Iodine-131 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Cs-137 La/Ba-140 Cs-134/137 Mn-54 Co-58/60 Fe-59, Zn-65 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 Cs-134/137 Cs-134/137 Cs-134/137 Strontium-89 Strontium-90 14 -LLD 3a 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.5 5 500 330 2 1 500 330 15 15 15 15 10 30 5 2 1 5 2 15 15* 130 130 130 260 20 10 150 80 80 20 10 Units pCi/m 3. pCi/m 3 pCi/m 3 pCi/m 3 mR/wk nCi/m 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/1 pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg dry pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet pCi/kg wet* pCi/kg wet

/ .: ... ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Samples received at the laboratory are analyzed for the various active components by standard radiochemical methods. These methods are equal (1) to, and in most cases, identical with, those of the U.S.D.O.E.

or those of the Federal E.P.A * (2) Brief descriptions of analytical procedures are available in the atory Procedures Manual available at Surry Station and the radioanalytical contractor's laboratory.

Air Particulate Filters Gross Beta -Exposed air particulate filters are counted in low ground Geiger or proportional flow beta counters using anti-coincidence background suppression after the short-:-lived naturally-occuring radon and thoron daughters have decayed. Filters are counted long enough to ensure that the'required sensitivity (LLD) will be met Gamma Isotopic -Quar.terly composites of air particulate filtecs are counted in high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometers for periods of time loµg enough to ensure that the required program sensitivity (LLD) is met. (See also introduction to data tables, Section 5.) Water Samples (Includes Surface, We~l, Precipitation, James River) Gross Beta -A measured aliquot of sample is digested, "wet-ashed", evaporated, transferred to a tared 47mm stainless steel planchet, dried, and weighed. The planchetted sample is counted long enough in a low background beta counter to ensure that the LLD of the program will be met. (1) HASL Procedures Manual, edited by John H. Harley, Health and Safety Laboratory, US Atomic *Energy Commission, 1972 edition, revised annually.

(2) National Environmental Research Center, Environmental Protection Agency; Handbook of Radiochemical Analytical Methods. Program Element" lHA 325. Office of Research and Development, Las Vegas, Nevada 89114. 15 Gamma Isotopic -a measµred aliquot of the sample is evaporated to a small controlled volume and counted in a standard geometry in a high resolution (Geli) gamma spectrometer long enoungh to ensure meeting the sensitivity requirements of the program. See also the Introduc~ion to Data Tables. Strontium-89 and Strontium-90

-carrier strontium is added to a measured aliquot of sample. The strontium is then separated.and purified by either ion exchange chromatography (EPA method) or straight wet chemistry (HASL method). The chemic 1 al yield for strontium is determined by atomic tion spectrometry or gravimetric methods. After a suitable period (usually 14 days) to allow for ingrowth of Y-90 the sample is counted in a.low background beta counter (equilibrim or tot~l. Sr count). The strontium is -next put-into solution, carrier yttrium added, and the strontium and yttrium fractions separated.*The yttrium is counted and from the Y-90 (sr~9o daughter) count,. th_e sr-.:..90 concentration can be .determined.

The differenc*e between .the* total strontium concentration as determined by the equilibri~m count and the Sr-90 concentration as determined from the Y-90 count is the Sr-89 concentration.

Equations are available to permit calculation of Sr-89 and Sr-90 by counting the purified Sr fraction at two points during ingrowth of the Sr-90 daughter Y-90. While either. \ method is acceptable, we find the former method to provide more consistent results. Tritium -tritium as tritiated water is analyzed by liquid scintillation counting after distillation.

If high sensitivity is not required (ie. LLD ~soo pCi/1) the sample is distilled, mixed with the appropriate counting phosphors and counted with no further treatment.

If higher sensitivity is required (ie. <~300 pCi/1) the sample is isotopically enriched in tritium concentration prior to liquid scintillation counting.

16 **,-*-***

"'"' ... ***---*** *---*-**---... -.--*** ----...... .

  • ' ....... ., ..... *'**-*-*...:*,*-*'*

.. -"**;.,..,_~.u-

.. .., .:..:,,;::.


  • Isotopic enrichment is done by the classical method of Ostlund w~ich involves alkaline electrolysis of a purified aliquot of sample under \ controlled conditions of temperature and electrode current density. Milk Samples I-131 -measured amounts of carrier iodide.are added to a known volume of milk and the iodine extracted on anion exchange resin. The iodine is recovered and *ourified by classical iodine chemistry methods which are similar to those given in former Regulatory Guide 4.3. The yield or recovery of iodine is measured gravimetrically and the precipitated sample is mounted and counted in a low level beta detector for a long enough period to ensure that the required LLD is met. Gamma Isotopic -a measured aliquot of 'Sa,mple is evaporated and oven dried to a standard volume and counted in a fixed geometry in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a long enough*period to ensure . . that the requ1red LLD's -are reached (see also Introduction to data Tables). Sr-89 and Sr-90 -Stable strontium carrier is added to an aliquot of the sample which_is then dried and ashed at high temperature


The ash is dissolved and the solution treated from this point on in the same manner as are water.samples (Q.v.). Organic Samples (including Clams, Oysters, Fish, Crabs, Food Crops and Fowl). Gamma Isotopic Analysis -a measured aliquot of sample is oven dried or ashed as appropriate, plnced in a controlled Rcomctry and counted in a high resolution (GeLi) gamma spectrometer for a period long enough to ensure that the LLD's of the program will be met (see also intro. to Data Tables). 17

.,:i-. *-**.* .. -*. ..;. ... : .... .;.:.:-.:


...... :. ........ -~ .. ..........

  • ~ ... :.--.: ...... .:.. ...*. -.............

__ .. . In the case of samples such as fish and fowl, the edible flesh is rated from bones and entrails prior to drying. Sr-89 and Sr-90 -stable strontium carrier is added to a weighed aliquot of the sample and the sample is ashed at high temperature


The ashed sample is then di~solved and processed in the same manner as are water or milk samples. Soil and Silt Samples Gamma Isotopic Analysis -the sample is oven dried to facilitate handling and then sieved to remove pieces of stone and/or other large pieces of material.

An appropriate sized, weighed aliquot of the sample is then transferred into a standard geometry container and counted for a period long enough to ensure that the LLD of the program will be met .* (See also Introduction to Data Tables). Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) Environmental radiation doses are measured using badges comprizing five ,' chips sealed in plastic protective holders having a density of 50 mg/cm 2* The TLD chips are 1/8 11 x l/8 11 x 1/32 LiF (thallium activated) known commc".'cially as Harshaw-100.

The chips are all selected to provide uniform response to in 5% of th~ mean for the batch~ Prior to installation, the chips are annealed by a standard cycle of 60 minutes at 400°c and immediate cooling to ambient temperature by placing the tray containing the annealed chips on an aluminum block 12" x 12 11 x l". After exposure the chips are read on an Eberline Instrument Corporation Model TLR-6 reader. The system employs a preheat cycle which removes Low temperature pea~s and integrates and digitizes only the light output in a selected temperature range. 18 I The dose is calculated from the average light output for the five chips and the statistical uncertainty is the standard deviation of the five readings.

Control badges are used to detect any unusual exposure to the badge.which

! might occur during shipment.

19 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM A. Design of Plan Quality of product or service has always been a primary ke~ to crease is sales, customer satisfaction, and profit. The management of .Eberline Instrument Corporation recognizes the ever increasing demand for higher quality and reliability for services related to protection of workers and the environment.

It is our firm belief that in orde: to judge the worth of a support service, one must know the philosophy behind it. line will provide only those services for which it is qualified and these will be provided in a manner that is reiiable, with a quality assurance

~rogram that maintains a high degree of client confidence.

This quality assurance program has been prepared consistent with the following specifications, per the Technical and Quality Assurance Requirements for Special Purposes.

ANSI-N45.2, American National Standards Institute NRC Branch Technical Position of November 1~79. NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, *Revision 1 of February 1979. n. lntercomparison Program Results of Eberline's Midwestern Facility participation in the USEPA's Crosscheck Program will be included in the monthly reports provided to the client. Other intercomparisons in which we routinely participate include: I Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Measurement Lab DOE Quality Assessment Program Battelle Northwest Laboratories IAEA Analytical Quality Control Service US National BurCUJu of Standard~


Albuquerque Laboratory.

Each of the laboratory managers is responsible for preparing

&Pikes and blanks to be run routinely.

Every tenth sample is a spike, a blank, or a split sample. Regular QC reports are prepared by the laborary.manager on a monthly 20

... schedule and forwarded to each client. Each report routinely includes:

results _from EIC interlaboratory comparison, results from EPA Crosscheck program, and results from other intercomparison programs.

Results are reviewed by the laboratory manager. If a problem is dicated by the data, the nature of the problem is investigated and corrective steps taken immediately.

A copy of each report is also _provided to the Quality Assurance Manager of the Nuclear Services Division.

C. Quality Assurance Plan The Quality Assurance Program follows the requirments of Company and Division Manuals. The discussion below outlines Quality Assurance Programs as conducted in the laboratory and as required in our QA Manual. Procedure Approval Each procedure goes through a vigorous evaluation and review pcocess ... before it is incorporated into the EIC Procedures Manual. Established cedures of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Environmental

  • -:Measurements Laboratory of the US Department of Energy (E}.lL) are used unless ;** thorough testing has demonstrated that an alternate procedure is equal to or better than the EPA or EML procedure.

Uniform procedures arc used at both laboratories to the fullest extent possible, except when deviations are necessary to meet the specific requirements of the client. The ma~Jger of each laboratory and the quality assurance manager review and approve icant procedural changes before they arc implemented.

Equipment Calibration and Maintenance Equipment usc<l for <1uulitativc or quantitative 111casurco1<.mls is fu) ly calibrated and maintained with records of each calibration or terancc action kept in appropriate logbooks.

To the extent possible, cettified standards are used for all pri1;Dary calibrations.

The following standards are used for the application indicated:

21 Measurement Gross Beta Tritium Gamma Spectrometry.

Strontium-89 and 90 Gross Alpha Radiation Dose .. *Calibration Standard Solution of Standard 137 cs certified Qy-NBS or Amersham Searle Solution standard of 3 H certified by NBS Solution standards of various gamma emitters certified by NBS or Amersham Searle. Standards are used to calibrate each counting geometry used. Solution standards of 90 sr certified by Amersham Searle or NBS Solution standards of 239 Pu certified by NBS or Amersham Searle. *137 Cs gamma source cross-referenced with NBS using R-meters.

226Ra is used for some special application

  • . When suitable standards are not available for a specific gamma emitter, quantitative gamma isotopic analysis is based on an energy calibration .of the gamma spectrometer and the gamma energy and abundance information provided in Table of Isotopes, Sixth Edition by Ledrer., Hollander, and Perlman. The results of the Quality Control Programs are sununarized in Section 6. 22 ..... -. * .* -r: *. i , I I i -I I SECTION 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 23 Table 4 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Annual Sununary Name of Facility:

Surry Power Station Location of Facility:

Surry County Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit Sampled Total Number of (Unit of of Analyses Detection Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Air Particulates

~ross B 423 0.01 (pCi/m 3) Gross a 423 0.01 Zr/Nb-95 12 0.01 Other y 12 0.01 Airborne Iodine t-131 421 0.07 (pCi/m 3) -Background y Dose 181 0.5 Radiation (TLD) (mR/wk) Precipitation Gross B 28

  • 5.0 (nCi/m 2) B -(pCi/1) HTO LS HTO 21 500 Enr. HTO 1 330 Milk I-131 58 1.0 (pCi/1) Sr-89 58 5.0 Virginia State . :-'**. All Indicator Locations
  • . Mean 1 *: (Ran2.e).

o.*04 (343/370) 0.01-0.30.

0.01 (6/370) 0.01 .. ' . All LLD. All LLD

  • All LLD 1.2 (163/169) 0.4-15.8 All LLD 624 (5/9) 400/1100 All LLD All LLD All LLD Docket Number: 50-280, 50-281 Reporting Period: 01 January -31 December 1980 Location with Control Number of Hi2.hest Mean Locations Non-routine Mean Meanl Reported Name (RanRe) (Ran2e) Measurei:ients Surry 0.05 (53/53) 0.05 (52/53) 0 Station 0.01-0.17 0.01-0.14 Bacon*s 0.01 (2/52) 0.01 (2/53) 0 Castle 0.01 0.01 0.01 (1/4) 0 Not Applicable 0.01 Not Applicable All LLD 0 ' Not Applicable All LLD 0 Surry 9.5 (4/4) 0.8 (12/12) 0 Station 6.8-15.8 o. 3-1. 2 Not Applicable All LLD 0 Surry 654 (5/9) 913 (2/12) 0 Station 400-1100 860-966 ' 400 (1/4) 0
  • Not Applicable 400 Not Applicable All LLD 0 Not Applicable All LLD 0 l Mean and range based on detectable measure~ents only. Fractions indicated in parentheses


N I V, "'

  • I Table 4 (continued)

' Facility:

Surry Power Station Medium or Path\.*ay Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Control Sampled Total Number of Locations Highest Mean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection

  • Meanl Mean Mean 1 Measurement)

Performed (LLD) (Range) Name (Range) (RanS?e) Milk (continued)

Sr-90 58 2.0 4.6 (34/46) Bacon's 5.8 (12/12) 4.8 (10/12) Castle (pCi/1) 2-12 * (Judkins) 2-12 3-11 Cs-137 58 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Ba-La-140 58 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD River Water Cs-137 25 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD (pCi/1) -La-Ba-140 Cs-134 15.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Co-58-60 25 ~n-54 Zr-Nb-95 25 10.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD -Fe-59 25 30.0 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Zn-65 HTO 5 500 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured HTO 4 .330 310 (2/2) Newport 310 (2/2) 295 (2/2) 280-340 , News 280-340 220-370 Sr-89 5 5 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-90 5 2 All LLD Not Applicable Not Me~sured Clams Cs-134-137

' (pCi/kg) Mn-54 25 130 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD Co-58-60 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.

Number of Non-routine Reported Measurements

-0 O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 0 . i I i ;* i i I I I I ! ,. ! ,, ....__ ----____ ____j Table 4 (continued)

.': Facility:

Surn* P.:,-i:er Station Mediu::t or Pa ::h,,ay

  • Type and LO\,er Limit All.Indicator Location with Control Nur.1bcr of *1 Sa~pled Total Number of ; Locations Hir,hest Hean Locations Non-routine (Unit of of Analyses Detection Hean 1. Mean Mcanl Reported Measurewent)

Performed (LLD) . *(Range) Name (Range) (Range) Measurements

...... Clams (continued)

Fe-59 25 260 All LLO.

  • Not Applicable All LLD 0 (pCi/kg) Zn-65 'I! Sr-89 2 20 All. LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 " Sr-90 2 10 20 (1/2)' Station 20 (1/2) Not Measured 0 20 Discharge 20 Oysters Cs-134-137 (pCi/kg) ~tn-54 15 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 .. I -. Fe-59 15 260 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 *zn-65 Fish Cs-134-137 (pCi/kg) ~-54 4 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 Fe-59 '* 260 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Zn-65 Crabs Cs-134-137

.. (pCi/kg) ~-54 1 130 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured 0 Co-58-60 Fe-59 260 All LLD Not Appl:!..:able

?!~t Measured 0 Zn-65 1 Silt Cs-134 12 150 All LLD Not Applicable All LLD 0 ,, . . (pCi/kg) Cs-137 12 150 893 *(7/10) Station 1155 (2/2) 820 (2/2) 0 190-1210 Discharge 1100-1210 690-950 l Mean*and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses. , ' ..

N ...., Table 4 (continued)


Surr\' Po"*er Station Medium or Path\..*ay Type and Lm,er Li~it All Indicator Location with Control Sampled Total .:umber of Locations Highest Mean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection Mean 1 Mean Me.inl Measurer.1ent)

Performed (LLD) (Ran~e) Name (Ran2e) (Ran~e) Silt (continued)

Co-60 12 150 3220 (1/10) Point of 3220 (1/2) All LLD (pCi/kg)

  • 3220 Shoals 3220 Soil Cs-134 6 150 All LLD
  • Not Ap'plicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 6 150 478 (6/6) Colonial 1040 (1/1) Not Measured 200-1040 Parkway 1040 Fowl Cs-134 2 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 Food Crops Cs-134 6 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured (pCi/kg) Cs-137 6 80 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-89 6 20 All LLD Not Applicable Not Measured Sr-90 6 10 68 (4/6) Slades 70 (2/3) Not Measured 10-120 Farm 20-120 Well Water Gross B 8 2 7.3 (6/6) Surry 9 (2/2) 3 (2/2) (pCi/1) 3-12 Station 9 3 Gross c 8 1 2 (3/6) Bacon's 3 (1/2) All LLD 1-3 Castle 3 HTO 8 330 All LLD Not Applicable All LLu Surface Water Gross B 8 2 3.1 (6/6) Chippokes 4 (2/2) 7 (2/2) (pCi/1) 2-5 Creek 3-5 4-10 1 Mean and range based on detectable measurements on~y. Fractions indicated in parentheses.

Nur.1ber of Non-routine Reportec Measurements 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0

"" 00 Table 4 (continued)


Surr~ Po~er Station *-* ... " ; l Mediu:n or Pa~hway Type and lo...-er Lir.iit All Indicator Location with Control Sar:ipled Total Number of * 'Locations Highest Hean Locations (Unit of of Analyses Detection

  • . * :: Meanl *
  • Mean Meanl Measure:nent)

Performed (LLD) . :* (Ran~e) Name (Range)* (Range) Surface Water Cross a 8 1 1.4. (5./6) Williamsburg 2 (2/2) 1 (1/2) (continued) 1.:..;3 . '. Reserve 1-3 1 (pCi/1) ;... . .~ . ,' . ' HTO 8 500 808 * . (5/6) Williamsburg 805 (2/2) 690 (2/2) 350~1260 Reserve 350-1260 500-880 .1 Mean and range bas~d on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parenthcs,es.

Number o( Non-routine Reported Measurements 0 0 Results of all the analyses for January through December 1980 are presented in full in Section 5, Data Tables pages 40 through 65. Table 4 summarizes the range and average concentrations for ments at the indicator and control locations wi~h the highest annual mean. Environmental monitoring results showed that the radiation dose to a member of the general population did not exceed Technical Specifications of 1% of the 10 CFR 20 limit during 1980. Specific findings for the various environmental media are discussed

-AIR PARTICULATE SAMPLES Atmospheric particulate matter at a field location is accumulated for a one-week period on a glass fiber filter using a low-volume air sampler at a collection rate of one cubic. foot per minute. This late matter contained on the filter is counted for beta activity in a background counting system after th~ short-lived naturally-occuring radon and thoron daughters have decayed. ' The average gross beta concentration for the year for all indicator stations was 0.04 pCi/m 3 , and for the control location it was 0.05 pCi/m 3* Data for analyses of individual filters are given on pages 40 through 45 in Section 5. Small elevations in the gross beta activity for all locations during December is attributed to atmospheric fallout. The gross alpha concentrations for the indicator and background stations remained at or below the detection limit of 0.02 pCi/m 3* 29

. _ :-:-,.-.. _ ..... _.-*:.-.. -~:;::...

.... Gamma spectrometry of quarterly composites of air particulate filters , indicated that the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 were below 0.01 pCi/m3 throughout the year. Small amounts (0.01 p<;:i/m 3) of Zr-Nb-9.5 ed in the 4th quarter is attributable to atmospheric fallout *

  • ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY Measurements of environmental dose rates were made at 54 locations in the first quarter and at 43 locations in the remaining quarters of 1980. The results are tabulated on pages 62 through 65 of Section 5. As observed in previous years, the Surry Station location displays clearly elevated dose rates throughout-the year. Other on-site locations appear to be only very slightly above nearby locations and the badges located near the station intake and dischai::ges consistently give some of the lowest readings observed.

The.major fraction of the dose at the Surry Station* *1-ocation is undoubtedly.

due to operatiol) of the station. The doses at other* locations may be partially due to the station, but *only by a few tenths of a millirem per week at most. *Doses due to the plant at locations away from the site, if they exist, are masked by doses from the natural environmental sources such as uranium, thorium, and their \ daughters, and possibly worldwide fallout. 30 *'

-. PRECIPITATION SAMPLES . Precipitation samples collected at the Surry Station and at Newport News are analyzed on a monthly basis and as quarterly composites for gross beta depositions and tritium concentrations.

Data are summarized in page 47 of Section 5. Gross beta measurements, the only measurement other than tritium required on these samples, are not capable of indfcating whether the differences are due to station operations or not. The gross beta levels at the control location were higher in the first and second quarter, compared to the indicator location.

The levels in general were in the range to be expected from measurements of these nuclides in this medium and does not indicate to be attributable to releases from Surry Station. The tritiLtJil levels were comparable at both the indicator and control*location throughout the year, and were generally in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium. MILK SAMPLES Radionuclides Cs-137 and I-131 were below the detection limits (15 pCi/~ for Cs-137 and 1.0 pCi/1 for I-131) for all milk samples collected during the year. Sr-90 was detected in the usual low and variable concentrations to be expected in most of the milk samples collected during the year. Sr-89 and Ba-La-140 were below the detection limits (5 pCi/1 for Sr-89 and 15 pCi/1 for Ba-La-140) in all samples collected.

' Radioactivity attributable to oper~tion of Surry Station was not detected in any milk samples collected during the year. 31 Comparisons of the average concentrations for all nuclides assayed and other statistical information are given in Table 4 and the data aummary on each sample by location are given on pages 48 through 50 of Section 5.

  • JAMES RIVER WATER SAMPLES Samples of water from the James River are collected bi-monthly from five locations including the station inlet and discharge and are analyzed for gamma emitters. ,Semi-annual composites of the collections from the Chickahominy and Newport News locations are also ,analyzed for tritium. Samples collected quarterly from the discharge are split with a state agency and are analyzed for tritiup1~

Sr-89, Sr-90~ and gauuna emitters.-

Analytical data are presented in pages 51 through 53 -t:Jf Section 5. Gamma *emitters were below*the detection limits of this program in all samples collected bimonthly.

Sr-89, Sr-90, and tritium were below the detection limits in all of the station discharge (State Split) samples. Tritium levels in the semi-annua~

composites for Chickahominy and Newport News were slightly above the detection limit of 3~0 pCi/1. These levels were in the range to be expected from measurements of this nuclide in this medium. CLAM SAMPLES Clam samples are collected bi-monthly from five locations near the station including the station discharge and are analyzed for gamma emitters.


-' Samples from the station discharge are frequently designated "State Split Samples" and such samples are analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90 as well as gamma emitters.

Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program in all samples collected during the year. Analysis of state split clam samples for radiostrontium revealed the presence of only Sr-90.,at levels attributable to world-wide fallout in one sample (November).

Analytical data are presented in pages 54 and 55 of Section 5. OYSTER SAMPLES Samples of oysters are collected from Deep Water Shoal, Point of Shoal, and Newport News on a bi-monthly basis and analyzed for gamma emitters.

Analytical data are presented in page 56 of Section 5. Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program in all samples collected throughout the year. FISH SAMPLES Fish samples are collected in the vicinity of the station twice a year and analyzed for gamma emitters.

Data are presented in pag~ 57 of Section 5. Gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program specifications.

CRAB SAMPLES Samples of crab in the vicinity of Surry Station are collected in September and analyzed for gamma emitters.

The gamma emitters were below the detection limits of the program and are listed in page 57 of Section 5. 33 SILT SAMPLES . Silt samples **are ~ollected semi-annually from six locations._{

five indicato,;

and one control location) and analyzed for gamma emitters.

Silt is one of the few environmental media in which radioactive -effluents from nuclear power stations are usually detected.

Most of the samples collected contained measurable concentrations of Cs-137 and one indicator sample contained Co-60 above the detection limit. The levels of activity measured are generally comparable with those encountered in the previous years. Co-60 presence could be due to station operation.

Data are summarized on page 59 of Section 5. SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples are collected annually from six locations and analyzed by gamma spectrometry for gamma emit~ers * . The only nuclide detected at concentrations greater than the detection limit for. the program .was -Cs-137..

The concentrations of Cs-137 have been quite variable th9ughout the years as is illustrated in tile table below. The is probably due to the well recognized difficulty of obtaining truly representative samples of soil. Modified sampling techniques by station personnel appear to have eliminated this problem \ from 1978 to 'the present. There are no clear trends and the origin of the cesium is unclear. Cs-137 Concentrations is Soil Samples 10 2 eci/ks* (Aug) (Sept) 1975 1976 1977 1978 1978 l2Z2. 1980 Surry Station 35 l 17 <2 4 2 2 Fort Eustis 18 10 -17 18 2 4 Dow 10 2 2 (2 3 <2 2 Bacon's Castle 8 24. 2 23 9 11 10 Alliance 2 3 2 <2 3 3 6 Colonial Parkway ~5 12 22 7 (2 4

  • Data rounded to nearest whole unit, statistical errors omitted. 34 *<*

Long and short term worldwide fallout are probably the major factors and contributions to the total by the station cannot be ruled out. If however the major fraction were due to the station, significant amounts of Cs-137 and Co-60 might be expected in the samples, but this was not the case. Detailed analytical data are presented in page 60 of Section 5. FOWL SAMPLES A Mallard duck from the Hog Island Reserve was March and a coot was obtained from the*same location in October. They were analyzed for gamma emitters, specifically for Cs-134 and Cs-137. Concentrations of these nuclides were below the detect.ion limit of 80 pCi/kg for both samples. Data are given in page 60 of Section 5. CROP SAMPLES Samples of food crops (corn, peanuts, and soybeans) are collected from two farms in the area and analyzed for gamma emitters, Sr-89, and Sr-90*. Gamma emitters and Sr-89 were below the detection limits of the program. !ir-90 was detected in most of the samples in low and variable concentrations.

Long and short term worldwide fallout deposits are probably the reason for this. The results are tabulated in page 60 of Section 5. WELL ~'ATER SAMPLES Samples of water were collected from each of four wells (three indicator and one control location) once in April (spring) and once in October (fall). These were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, and tritium.

....... .... ~* . *--** .*. *-*-*--~-.. -*---~ ......... , .... _,.._,. -* .. -:.-.~** ... Gross alpha and beta activity were detected in most of the samples at the usual low levels encountered in environmental media. There was no statistically significant difference in concentrations, which were similar to those measured previously, between indicator and background stations and the activity is attributable to naturally occuring nuclides.

Tritium concentrations were at or below the detection limits in samples collected during the year. Analytical data are given in page 58 of Section 5. SURFACE WA!ER SAMPLES Surface water samples were collected in April (spring) and October (fall) from each of four locations.

They.were analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, and tritium. Gross alpha and .gross beta levels were* all at the low concentrations usually expected *to be'found in environmental

  • surface water, with no significant differences between indicator and background stations or concentrations measured in the previous years. Tritium concentrations were above the detection limits of the program both in spring and fall collections.

The fall collections were somewhat higher than the spring collections.

The levels of tritium measured were comparable at both indicator and background locations, and were generally in the.range to be expected from ments of this nuclide in this medium. 36

-. SECTION 5 DATA TABLES 37 Sample Type Milk AP/CC Precipitation Clams Oyster 9 Crabs James River Water Precipitation Milk Precipitation VEPCO LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES 1980 Location CP FE ss All stations All stations ss All stations ss CP ss I Expected Collection Date January 05/06 June July July July, August July August August December, 4th Quarter 39 Reason-Lost in trans-tt.

Out of order. No rainfall.

Damaged and shipment.

Damaged and shipment.

Damaged and shipment.

Damaged and shipment.

No rainfall.

Missing. lost lost lost lost in UPS in UPS in UPS in UPS Lost in UPS shipment.


,,, ss SURRY STATION HIR Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Date (m3) Al:eha Beta I-131 (ni3) .. 01/02/80 155 <l 3+/-1 <7 i70 01/08/80 130 <l 4+/-1 <7 120* .* 01/15/80 150 (1 6+/-1 <7 170 01/22/80 155 <l 5+/-1 (a) 170 01/29/80 310(a) (1 4+/-1 <7 170 02/05/80 150 <l 2+/-1 <7 170 02/12/80 150 (1 3+/-1 <7 170 02/19/80 165 (l 17+/-2 .. ' <7 165 02/26/80 150 <.l. 3+/-1 (7 160 03/07/80 180 <l 4+/-1 (7 215 03/12/80 125 <l 4+/-1 <7 150 03/18/80 145 (1 2+/-1 ,_ -<7 165 03/25/80 310 <1 1+/-1 (7 150 04/01/80 295 (1 2+/-1 (7 170 04/08/80 305 <l 4+/-1 (7 180 04/16/80 285 -<1 4+/-1 <7 195 04/22/80 330 (1 3+/-1 <7 155 04/29/80 205 .(1 4+/-1 * <7 155 05/06/80 280 (1 3+/-1 <7 170 05/14/80 345 <1 4+/-1 <7 190 05/20/80 250 <1 3+/-1 (7' 145 05/27/80 295 (1 3+/-1 <7 165 06/04/80 275(b) (1 4+/-1 <7 155 06/10/80 265 <1 4+/-1 <7 115 06/17 /80 285 <1 4+/-1 <7 135 06/24/80 280 <1 4:!:l (7 135 (a) Charcoa-r cartridge in field 01/15-29/80. (h) Collected 06/03/80 10-2 J2Cilm3 HOG ISLAND RESERVE Gross Gross Al:eha Beta I-131 <1 3+/-1 <7 <l 4+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7' <l 3+/-1 <7 <1 1+/-1 <7 (l 4+/-1 (7 <l 3+/-1 . <7 <l 5+/-1 <7 <l 4+/-1 <7 <1 2+/-1 <7 <1 2+/-1 (7 " <1 1+/-1 <7 <l 1+/-1 (7 <l <1 <7 <l 3+/-1 <7 <1 '3+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <1 5+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 (1 1+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 <l <1 (7 <1 3+/-1 (7 (1 1+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 BC Volume Gross (m3) Al:eha 160 <1 140 <l 160 <1 160 (1 160 <1 150 <1 165 (l 165 <1 160 <l 175 <1 135 <1 160 <l 165 <l 165 <l 165 (1 190 (1 140 <1 160 (1 165 (1 185 (1 135 (1 160 <1 180 <1 140 1+/-1 160 <1 155 <1 BACON'S CASTLE Gross Beta I-131 3+/-1 . (7 3+/-1 (7 6+/-1 (7 I :*/ 3+/-1 (7 y' 3+/-1 (7, 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 6+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 5+/-1 (7 <1 : (7 3+/-1 (7 '3+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 .. <7 4+/-1 (7 1+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1** <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 (7 *,

.... VEPCO A!RBOIUIE IODINE-131, GROSS ALPHA and BETA in AIR PAnTICULATE FILTERS ss (I) SURRY STATION Collection -Volu:.:e Gross Gross Date (m3) AlEha Beta 07/01/80 280 <1 4+/-1 07/08/80 290 <1 3+/-1 07/15/80 255 <1 4+/-1 07/22/80 260 <1 3+/-1 07/29/80 270 <1 1+/-1 08/05/80 280 <1 6+/-1 08/12/80 305 <1 4+/-1 08/19/80 265 <1 3+/-1 08/26/80 270 (1 3+/-1 . 09/02/80 250 . <1 5+/-1 09/09/80 275 (1 3+/-r * -09/16/80 250 (1 5+/-1 09/23/80 280 (1 6+/-1 09/30/80 270 1+/-1 5+/-1 10/08/80 285 (1 3+/-1 10/14/80 240 (1 6+/-1 10/21/80 255 (1 6+/-1 10/28/80 255 <l 4+/-1 11/04/80 245 (1 4+/-1 11/12/80 285 <l 6+/-1 11/18/80 380 <1 4+/-1 11/25/80 260 (1 7+/-1 12/03/80 285 (1 8+/-1 12/09/80(c) 235 <1 15+/-1 12/16/80 210 <1 17+/-2 12/23/80 230 <1 11+/-1 12/30/6iJ 230 (1 8+/-1 (a) Read as one sample with FE. (b) HIR collected 10/09/80. (c) SS collected 12/10/80.

I-131 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 <7 (7 <7 (7 (7 (7 <7 (7 (7 <7 o* (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 (7 <7 (7 (7 (Weekly Collections}

10-2. Ci/m 3 HIR (I) HOG ISLAND RESERVE BC (I) Volume Gross Gross Volume Gross (m3) AlEha Beta I-131 (m3) AlEha 130 . <1 4+/-1 <7 155 <1' 130 <1 3+/-1 <7 160 . <1 140 <1 2+/-1 <7 170 <1 130 <1 4+/-1 <7 160 (1 135 <1 9+/-1 <7(a) 150 <1 135 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 140 l:tl 160 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 <1 140 <1 3+/-1 <7 175 <l 285 (1 2+/-1 <7 285 <1 120 <1 3+/-1 <7 175 (1 105 <1 3+/-2 <7 155 <1 110 <1 2+/-1 , (7 155 (1 135 <1 3+/-1 <7 150 <1 135 (1 0+/-1 <7 155 <1 175(b) <1 5+/-1 (7 175 (1 270 (1 2+/-1 <7 135 (1 130 <1 4+/-2 (7 145 (1 135 <1 <1 (7 145 (1 135 <1 4+/-2 (7 150 (1 350 (1 3+/-1 (7 345 (1 405 <l 4+/-1 (7 405 (1 250 <1 4+/-1 (7 285 <l 245 * <1 1+/-1 (7 330 <1 215 <1 13+/-1 (7 240 <1 .245 (1 13+/-1 (7 250 <1 255 <1 12+/-1 <7 255 (1 24.:, <1 H+/-l (7 235 <1 BACON'S CASTLE Gross Beta I-131 3+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 ., 2+/-1 <7 3+/-1 (7 3+/-1 <7 9+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 3+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 5:tl (7 5+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 5+/-1 <7 . 3+/-1 (7 3:tl (7 6+/-2 <7 5+/-2 (7 2+/-1 (7 3+/-1 (7

  • I 8+/-1 (7 ; i 5+/-1 -<7 5+/-1 <7 7+/-1 (7 13+/-1 <7 15+/-1 <7 10+/-1 (7 8+/-1 (7


  • . 10-2 Ci/m 3 ALL ALLIANCE CP COLONIAL PARKWAY DOW Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume . Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 01/02/80 180 (1 3+/-1 (7 300 :: ~1 3+/-1 (7 150 (1 (1 (7 01/08/80 155 <1 4+/-1 (7 260.* : (1 1+/-1 (7 130 <l <l (7 01/15/.80 180 <l 5+/-1 (7 300 .. <1
  • 9+/-1 (7 150 <l (1 . <7 I
  • 01/22/80 180 (1 3+/-1 (7 300 <l 5+/-1 (7 150 (1 (1 (7 01/29/80 180 . <1 6+/-1 (7 300 <l 5+/-1 (7 170 <1 (1. <7-02/05/80 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 280* <1 3+/-1 <7 155 (1 (1 (7* 02/12/80 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 260 <l. 7+/-1 <7 165 (1 3+/-1 (7 02/19/80 200 <l 4+/-1 (7 16~-<l 3+/-1 <7 155 (1 6+/-1 <7 02/26/80 190 (1 2+/-1 <7 150 <1 2+/-1 <7 165 (1 -3+/-1 <7 03/07/80 185(a) <l 3+/-1 (7 185(a) <l 3+/-1 <7 180 <l 2+/-1 (7 03/12/80 *215 <l 4+/-L _ , <7 110 (1 4+/-2 <7 140 (1 3+/-1 <7 03/18/80 285 <l 2+/-1 (7 150 <l 2+/-1 (7 170 <l 2+/-1 <7 .r:,. 03/25/80 160 <l 1+/-1 <7 305 (1 2+/-1 <7 165 (1 <l <7 N 04/01/80 285 <l 1+/-1 <7 150 <l I 1+/-1 <7 150 (1 1+/-1 : (7 04/08/80 280 <l 3+/-1 <7 155 <1 ' 4+/-1 <7 335 <1 1+/-1 <7 04/16/8_0
  • 305 <l 2+/-1 <7 180 <1 '1+/-1 (7 155 <1 3+/-1 (7 04/22/80 255 <1 4+/-1 <7 135 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 <1 5+/-1 <7 04/29/80 300 (1 2+/-1 <7 . 155 <l 2+/-1 (7 135 <1 2+/-1 . <7 05/06/80 250 <1 2+/-1 (7 150 <1 7+/-1 (7 185 <1 2+/-1 <7 05/14/80 345 <1 -3+/-1 <7 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 195 <1 3+/-1 <7 05/20/80 245 <1 1+/-1 (7 130 <1 <1 <7 160 <1 1+/-1 (7 05/27/80 250 <°I 3+/-1 (7 160 <1-3+/-1 <7 185 <1 2+/-1 (7 06/04/80 340 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 210 <1 <1 <7 06/10/80 255 <1 3+/-1 (7 ., 135 (1 3+/-1 (7 160 <1 <1 <7 06/17/80 150 <1' 7+/-1 <7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 185 <1 2+/-1 (7* -<7 145 <1 3+/-1 <7 180 (1 2+/-1 (7 06/24/80 245 <1 4+/-1 (a) Timer malfunction; calculation based on estimated average volume.


  • TT (I} ALLIANCE CP h.~w Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Date (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 (m3) 07/01/80 250 <1 4+/-1 (7 130 07/08/80 245 <1 4+/-1 (7 145 07/15/80 265 <1 3+/-1 (7 140 07/22/80 280 (1 3+/-1 <7 140 07/29/80 280 <1 2+/-1 <7 150 08/05/80 285 <1 6+/-1 (7 150 08/12/80 175 (1 5+/-1 (7 145 08/19/80 240 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 08/26/80 335 <1 2+/-1 (7 135. 09/02/80 270 <1 4+/-1 (7 135 09/09/80 165(b) <1 <1 <7 145 09/16/80 140 <l 2+/-1 ... (7 125 09/23/80 280 <1 4+/-1 <7 145 09/30/80 250 <1 3+/-1 <7 145 10/08/80 280 <l 3+/-1 <7 160 10/14/80 250 <1 5+/-1 <7 135 10/21/80 245 <1 5+/-1 <7 140 10/28/80 240 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 11/04/80 245 (1 5+/-1 <7 145 11/12/80 285 <1 7+/-1 <7 320 11/18/80 385 <l 6+/-1 <7 350 11/25/80 270 (1 4+/-1 <7. 295 12/03/80 290 (1 6+/-1 <7 315 12/09/80 200 (1 14+/-1 <7 235 12/16/80 235 <1 14+/-1 <7 290 12/23/80 240 <1 11+/-1 <7 290 12/30/80 290 <l 7+/-1 (7 285 (a). Lower sensitivy due to low sample volume (b) Calculation based on average volume. (c) Pump found inoperable.

10-2 Ci/i:1 3 {I} COLOiiIAL PARKWAY Gross Gross Alpha Beta I-131 <1 5+/-1 <7 (1 3+/-1 <li(a) <1 4+/-1 (7 (1 3+/-1 (7 (1 2+/-1 (7 <1 6+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 (7 (1 3+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 <1 7+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 4+/-1 <7 <1 3+/-1 <7 <1 t. 7+/-2 <7 <1 5+/-2 <7 <1 <1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 <l 7+/-1 <7 <1 4+/-1 <7 (1 3+/-1 (7 (1 7+/-1 <7 <1 15+/-1 <7 (1 . 12+/-1 (7 <1 12+/-1 (7 <1 12+/-1 <7 DOW {I} Volume Gross (~3) Alpha 165 (1 185 <1 160 <l 160 (1 170 <1 175 <l 175 <1 165 (1 160 <1 175 (1 175 <1 150 <1 175 <1 160 (1 190 <l 110 <1 170 <1 170 <1 175 <1 325 <l 375 (1 305 (1 O(c) <1 245 <1 295 <1 295 <1 295 <1 Gross Beta I-131 2+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 1+/-1 <7 1+/-1 (7 5+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 4+/-1 <7 2+/-1 (7 2+/-1 <7 (1 <7 <1 (7 <1 <1 1+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 2+/-1 <7 3+/-2 <7 <1 <7 <1 (7 <1 <7 2+/-1 <7 4+/-1 (7 3+/-1 (7 <l <7 13+/-1 <7 12+/-1 (7 7+/-1. <7 8+/-1 (7 VEPCO AIRBORNE IODINE-131, GROSS-ALPHA and BETA in AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS (Weekly Collections) . 10-2 pCi{m 3 FE FORT EUSTIS NN NEWPORT NEWS Collection Volume Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) Alpha Beta I::-131 * (m3) Alpha Beta I-131 01/02/80 315 (1 1+/-1 <7 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 01/08/80 125 <1 4+/-1 *<7. 130 <1 4+/-1 <7 01/15/80 165 <1 2tl* . <7 150 <1 6+/-1 *o 01/22/80 170 <1 3+/-i * <7 150 <1 4+/-1 <7 01/29/80 170 <1 6:H* <7 150 <1 4:!:l <7 02/05/80 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 140 <1 3+/-1 <7 02/12/80 170 <1 3+/-1 : <7 150 <1 4+/-1 <7 02/19/80 155 <1 . 6+/-1 <7 140 (1 5+/-1 <7 02/26/80 165 <l 2+/-1. <7. 165 <1 4+/-1 <7 03/07 /80 . 185 <1 3+/-1 <7' 180 <1 4+/-1 <7 03/12/80 140 <1 2+/-1 <7 110 <1 4+/-2 <7 ,t,. 03/18/80 170 -<l <1 . <7 170 <1 3+/-1 <7 ,t,. 03/25/80 140 <1 7+/-2 <7 170 0.9+/-0.4 4+/-1 <7 04/01/80 165 <l <1 .. (7 175 <1 1+/-1 <7 04/08/80 170 <1 3+/-1* <7 , 170 <l 3+/-1 <7 04/16/80 190 <1 3+/-1 <7 -175 <1 3+/-1 (7 04/22/80 145 <1 2+/-1 <7 130 <1 5+/-1 <7 04/29/80 60 <1 1+/-1 .(7 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 05/06/80 (a) 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 05/14/80

  • 115 <1 4+/-1 *(7 165 <1 <1 <7 05/20/80 135 <1 <1 <7 120 <1 4+/-2 <7 05/27/80 155 <1 3+/-1 (7 145 <1 3+/-1 <7 06/04/80 185 <1 2+/-1 *o 175 <1 5+/-1 <7 06/10/80 140 1+/-1 4+/-1 *o 130 <1 3+/-1 (7 06/17/80 150 <1 5+/-1-.. (7 135 <1 6+/-1 <7 06/24/80 145 <1 3+/-1 (7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 . / .. (a) See Listing of Missed Samples page_:*,,

VE~CO " ' , A~RB0ffi1E IODINE-131, GROSS ALPHA and BETA in AIR PARTICULATE FILTERS (Weekly Collections) 10-2 ECi/m 3 FE { I} FORT EUSTIS NN (C) NEWPORT NEWS Collection Volu.":!.e Gross Gross Volume Gross Gross Date (m3) AlEha Beta *1-131 (m3) AlEha Beta. I-131 07/01/80 140 <1 3:!:l <7 140 <1 4+/-1 <7 l i '.\ 07/08/80 140 <1 2:!:l <7 170 <1 3+/-1 <7 07/15/80 135 <1 2+/-1 <7 130 <1 2+/-1 <7 07/22/80 150 <1 3+/-1 <7 140 <l 3+/-1 <7 07/29/80 150 <1 <1 <7(a) 145 <1 3:!:l <7 08/05/80 155 <1 1+/-1 <7 145 <l 6:!:l <7 08/12/80 90 <1 5:!:l <7 155 (1 3+/-1 <7 08/19/80 95 <l 2+/-2 <7 145 <1 4+/-1 <7 08/26/80 130 <1 3+/-1 <7 145 (1 3+/-1 <7 09/02/80 135 --<l 4+/-1 <7 135 (1 5:!:l <7 09/09/80 150. <1 3:!:l <7 150 <1 2:!:l <7 VI 09/16/80 130 <l . 4:!:l <7 125 <1 5:!:l <7 09/23/80 140 <1 4:!:l <7 1:50 <1 5:!:l <7 09/30/80 135 <1 5:!:l <7 140 1+/-1 5+/-1 <7 10/08/80 160 <1 2+/-1 <7 175 <1 3+/-1 <7 10/14/80 110 <l 2+/-2 <7 140 <1 4:!:l <7 10/21/80 130 <l 3+/-1 <7 170 (1 6+/-1 <7 10/28/80 130 <l 2+/-1 <7 185 <1 3:!:l <7 11/04/80 135 <l 4:!:l <7 180 <l 4+/-1 <7 11/12/80 285 <1 6+/-1 <7 320 <l 6+/-1 <7 11/18/80 355 <1 2+/-1 <7 220 <1 7+/-1 <7 11/25/80 285 <1 4+/-1 <7 275 <l 5+/-1 <7 12/03/80 245 <l 4+/-1 <7 320 <1 5+/-1 <7 12/09/80 250 (1 30:!:2 <7 215 <l 12+/-1 <7 12/16/80 280 <1 16+/-1 <1 255 (1 14:!:l <7 12/22/80 285 <1 12+/-1 <7 2.'.>U <l 11+/-1 <7 12/30/80 280 <l 7+/-1 <7 260 <1 8+/-1 <7 (a) Read as one sample with HIR.

,. VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN* AIR PARTICULATE FILTER COMPOSITE. (Quarterly Composites of Bi-Weekly Collections)

Stations in composite:

SS, HIR Collection 10-2 pCi/m 3 Period X Emitters 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter <0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01 Stations in composite:

BC, ALL, CP, DOW, FE Collection 10-2 eCi/m 3 Period* r Emitters

  • 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter (0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01 Stations 'in composite:

NN Collection 10-2 pCi/m 3 Period y Emitters 1st Quarter <0.01 2nd Quarter (0.01 3rd Quarter <0.01 4th Quarter <0.01, Zr-Nb-95 a 0.01+/-0.01 46 ; .

. .. Collection Period January *.February March April May June (a) July August (a) September October November December (a) Collection Period 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quartet{a)



Surrr Station (I) Ne~ort News Gross 8 Gross B Tritium Gross B Gross S pCi/1 nci/ni 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 nCi/m 2 9+/-2 0.14+/-0.02 (500 130+/-10 1.60+/-0.20 4+/-1 0.07+/-0.03 (500 57+/-6

  • 0.86+/-0. )5 3+/-1 o. 90+/-0. 30 400+/-340 12+/-2 0.9+/-0.2 3+/-1 0.12+/-0.04 (500 71+/-4 2.2+/-0.2 7+/-2 <0.10 1110+/-350 8+/-2 <0.1 3+/-2 0.04+/-0.03 31+/-3 1.00:t0.10

<500 10+/-2 0.6+/-0.1 3+/-1 0.14+/-0.05 39+/-4 0.22+/-0.02 400+/-400 6+/-2 0.10+/-0.U4 6+/-2 0.23+/-0.07 860+/-340 6+/-2 0.42+/-0.14

<2 <0.76 500+/-400 6+/-2 0.29+/-0.10 11+/-2 0.14+/-0.03


  • composites of Monthl_y
  • Collections)

Surry Station (I) Newport Ne ;.,s Gross 13 Gross 13 Tritium Gross 13 Gross S pCi/1 nCi/m 2 pCi/1 pCi/1 nCi/m 2 6+/-1 0.7+/-0.1 <330 44+/-4 8.0+/-0.8 2+/-1 0.2+/-0.1*

  • 300+/-100 30+/-3 4.1+/-0.4 43+/-4 1.6+/-0.2 <330 21+/-2 2.6+/-0.3 8+/-2 0.1+/-0.l (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 47 (C) Tritium pCi/1 (500 (500 (500 (500 860+/-350
  • 966+/-376 <5oo (500 (500 (500 (500 (500 (C) Tritium pCi/1 <330 400+/-100 (330 (330 VEPCO -Surry
  • RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES '(Monthly Collections) (I) Bacon's Castle (EPPS) -State Selit Sam2les Collection
eCi/1 as of collection date g/1 Date. I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca 01/14/80 <l <5 2+/-1 <15 <15 0.9 02/11/80 <l <5 (2 (15 (15 .1. 7 03/10/80 <l . <5 <2 (15 (15 1.6 04/07/80 <1 <5 2+/-2 (15 <15 1.2 05/05/80 <l (5 3+/-2 (15 <15 1.6 06/02/80*

<l <5 <2 (15 (15 1.5 07/08/80 (1 (5 3+/-2 (15 (15 0.9 08/11/80 (1 <5 <2 (15 (15 1.6 09/02/80 (1 <5 <2 <15 (15 0.8 10/14/80 (1 (5 5+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 11/03/80 <l (5 10+/-3 <15 (15 1.3 12/01/80 . (1 <5 4+/-1 (15 (15 1.3 (I) Bacon's Castle (Judkins)

eCi/1 as of collection date g/1 I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca .OI/08/80 . <l (5 . 6+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 02/12/80 <1* <5 6+/-2 (15 (15 1.4 03/12/80 .<l <5 3+/-2 <15 (15 1.4 04/25/80 <l. (5 5+/-2 <15 (15 1.1 .\ 05/27 /80 * .. <I <5
  • 10+/-2 (15 (15 1.6 06/10/80 <l (5 3+/-2 (15 <15 1.2 07/08/80 (1 (5 12+/-3 (15 (15 1.4 08/12/80 (1 (5 6+/-3 (15 . <15 1.4 09/09/80 <l <5 2+/-1 (15 <15 1.4 10/14/80 (1 (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 1.8 11/12/80 <l (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 2.1 12/09/80 (1 \ (15 <5 ;10+/-2 (15 1.4 48 VEPCO -Surry RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES (Monthly Collections) (C) "Smithfield (Gwaltnez)

Collection ECi/1 as of collection date g/1 Date l"'."'131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca 01/16/SO (1 (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 0.9 02/26/80 (1 . (5 3+/-1 (15 (15 1.4 03/19/80 *<1 (5 4+/-2 (15 (15 1. 7 04/25/80 (1 (5 11+/-6 (15 <15 1.4 05/20/80 <3(b) (5 6+/-3 (15 (15 1.4 06/17/80 <l <5 (2 (15 (15 2.2 07/25/80 (1 (5 4:t2 (15 (15 1.0 08/26/80 <l (5 (2 (15 <15 1. 7 09/16/80 <l <5 4+/-1 (15 (15 1.5 10/21/80 <1 <5 5+/-2 (15 (15 2.1 11/18/80 <1 <5 3:tl (15 (15 1.6 12/16/80 <1 <5 5:t2 (15 <15 0.8 ,-. . (I) Colonial Parkwai {Smith} ECi/1 as of collection date g/1 . I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 Stable Ca January(a) 02/12/80 <l <5 4+/-2 <15 <15 1. 7 03/11/80 <1 <5 7+/-2 (15 <15 1.3 04/08/80 <1 <5 O(b) (15 (15 1.3 05/14/80 (1 <5 (2 (15 <15 1.4 06/10/80 <l <5 4+/-3 (15 <15 1.5 07/08/80 (1 (5 <2 (15 <15 2.0 09/09/80 <l <5 5+/-2 <15 (15. 2.0 10/14/80 <l <5 '5+/-2 (15 (15 1.4 11/12/80 <1 (5 '3+/-2 (15 <15 2.2 12/09/80 <1 (5 4+/-2 (15 <15 0.9 (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. (b) Lower sensitivity due to low chemical yield. 49 (I) Collection Date 01/14/80 02/11/80 03/10/80 04/07/80 05/05/80 05/12/80 06/02/80 07/08/80 08/11/80 09/02/80 10/14/80 11/03/80 12/01/80 VEPCO -Surry RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK SAMPLES (Monthly Collections)

Lee Hall ~Ross) -State SElit Sameles bCi/1 as of collection date 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-137 Ba-La-140

<1 <5 2+/-2 <15 <15 <l (5 2+/-2 (15 (15 <l <5 8+/-5 <15 (15 <l (5 (2 <15 (15 <l <5 <2 <15 <15 <l <5 2+/-2 <15 <15 <l <5 ~:t2 <15 <15 <l <5 (2 <15 <15 <l <5 8+/-3 <15 <15 <1 <5 (2 (15 (15 <1 <5 2:tl <15 <15 <l <s 2+/-2 <15 <15 <1 <5 2:tl <15 <15 50 g/1 Stable Ca 1.2 1.5 1.1 1.6 2.4 1.3 1.8 1.2 1. 9 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.6 I J

. I, ...


Month Ci/1 Collected Ba-La-140 Cs-134 Cs-137 Zr-Nb-95 Co-58 Mn-54 Zn-65 Co-60 Fe-59 CHICKAHOMINY (C) January <15 (15 <15 <10 (15 <IS <30 <15 <30 March (15 (15 (15 <10 (15 <15 <30 (15 <30 May (15 (15 <15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 July (a) -September (15 <15 <15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 November (15 (15 (15 <10 <15 <15 00 (15 00 \J1 HOG ISLAND POINT (I) .... January <15 (15 (15 <10 <15 (15 <30 <15 <30 March (15 <15 (15 (10 t . (15 (15 (30 (15 <30 May <15 <15 (15 <10 <15 <15 <30 (15 <30 July (a) September (15 (15 <15 <10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 November <15 (15 <15 (10 (15 (15 <30 <15 {30 NEWPORT NEWS (I) January <15 (15 <15 <IO <15 <IS <30 (15 (30 March (15 * (15 <15 <10 (15 <IS <30 (15 (30 May (15 <15 <15 <10 <:!..S (15 (30 (15 <30 July (a) September

<15 (15 (15 <10 (15 <15 <30 (15 <30 November <15 (15 <15 <10 <15 (15 <30 (15 (30 (a) see Listing of Missing Samples page.


' Month Ci/1 Collected Ba-La-140 Cs-134 Cs-137 Zr-Nb-95 Co-58 Mn-54 Zn-65 Co-60 Fe-59 STATICJN INTAKE (I) January (15 (15 (15 ,: <fo (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 March (15 <15 (15 <io * * (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 May (15 (15 <15 (10 <15 <15 (30 (15 (30 July (a) September (15 (15 (15 <io <15 <15 <30 (15 (30 November (15 (15 (15 *: <10 <15 (15 <30 (15 (30 V1 STATION DISCHARGE (I) N January <15 (15 (15 <10 , (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 March <15 (15 (15 <10 (15 (15 <30 <15 (30 May <15 (15 (15 <10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 July (a) ..; -September

<15 (15 <15 (10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30

  • November <15 (15 "(15 (10 (15 (15 (30 (15 (30 (a) See Listing of Hissing Samples page.

Collection Date: 01/11/80 04/08/80 07/07/80 12/01/80 Nuclide Ci/1 Sr-89 <5 <5 <5 <5 Sr-90 <2 <2 (2 <2 Tritium (500 (500 (500 <500 Ba-La-140

<15 (15 <1.5 <15 Cs-134 <15 <15 <15 <15 Cs-137 (15 (15 <15 <15 Zr-Nb-95 <10 <10 (10 <10 Co-58 <15 <15 (15 . <15 Mn-54 <15 <15 <15 (15 Zn-65 <30 <30 <30 (30 Co-60 (15 <15 <15 (15 Fe-59 <30 <30 <30 (30 TRITIUM IN JAMES RIVER WATER SAMPLES (Semiannual Composites of Bimonthly Samples) Sample Location Chickahominy Newport News pCi/1 1st half 1980 2nd half 1980 220+/-116 370+/-190 340+/-110 280+/-130 . . RADIOACTIVITY IN,JAMES RIVER WATER Collected 12/01/80 from the Lower Chippokes -State Split Sample-pCi/1 Tritium (500 Ba-La-140

<15 Cs-134/137 (15 Zr-Nb-95 (10 Co-58/60 (15 Mn-54 <15 Zn-65 (30 Fe-59 (30 Sr-89 (5 Sr-90 (2 53

  • I !
  • -*~--------

__ ..................

___ , .. :* ..... _*.*_... .----~----*:

--* *--. **-* Sample Site CHICKAHOMINY (C) LAWNES CREEK (I) JAMESTOWN (I). HOG ISLAND POINT {I) STATION DISCHARGE (I) Month Collected January March May July (a) September November January March May July (a) September November January March

  • May VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN CLAM SAMPLES (Bi-Monthly Collections)

ECi/kg Wet Weight Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (260 <130 (130 <260 <130 <260 (130 (130 (260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (260 <130 (130 <260 (130 (260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <260 <130 (130 <260 (130 (260 (130 (130 (260 (130 <260 (130 <130 (260 . July (a) . September . -~<130. (260 (130 <130 <260 November.

  • , (130 <260 <130 <130 <260 January '(130 (260 (130 <130 (260 March (130 , (260 (130 (130 (260 May <130 (260 (130 (130 (260 July {a) September

<130 (260 (130 (130 (260 November (130 (260 (130 <130 (260 January <130 (260 (130 <130 (260 March (130 (260 <130 (130 (260 May '(130 (260 (130 (130 (260 July (a) September See State Split results next page. November See State Split results next page. (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 54 Cs-134 Cs-137 <130 <130 <130 (130' (130 (130 <130 (130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 <130 <130 * <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 (130 .(130 (130 (130 (130 <130 (130 <130 <130 (130 (130 (130 (110 <130 (130

., = Month Collected July(a) September November VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN CLAM SAMPLES State Split.Samples from Station Discharge

  • Eci/kg Wet Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <130 <260 <130 <130 .<260 <130 Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 in Clams (State Split Samples from Collection Date ~~ly(a) September November Station Discharge) pCi/kg Wet Weight Sr-89 Sr-90 (20 (20 (10 20+/-10 (a) See Listing of Missed Samples page. 55 Cs-1-37 (130 (130 VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN OYSTER SAMPLES (Bi-Monthly Collections)

Month ECi/kg Wet Weight Location Collected Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 .Cs-137

  • Deep Wafer January (130 (260 <130 <130 <260 <130 <130 Shoal March (130 <260 (130 (130 (260 <130 <130 *(I) May <130 (260 (130 <130 <260 (130 (130 *.. July (a) September

<130 (260 (130 (130 <260 <130 (130 November (130 (260 (130 (130 <260 (130 <130 Point of January (130 (260 (130 . (130 (260 (130 (130 Shoal March (130 (260 <q_o <136 <260 <130 <130 (I) May <130 <260 (130 <130 (260 (130 . <130 July (a) September

<130 <260 (130 (130 <260 <130* (130 November <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 (130 Newport January -<130 (26Q (130 (130 (260 <130 (130 News March (130 <260 (130 (130 (260 (1;0 <130 I (I) May (130 (260 (130 (130 <260 <130 (130 July * (a) September (130 (260 <130 (130 (260 (130 (130 November (130 (260 (130 <1~0 (260 (130 (130 (a) See Listing of Missing Samples page. 56

  • ; Collection Date 02/80 08/80 Month Collected July (a) August (a) . September Sample Type Catfish Perch Catfish Perch Mn-54 (130 VEPCO -Surry GAM.MA EMITTERS IN FISH SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF SURRY STATION (I) (Semi-Annual Collection)

ECi/kg Wet Weight Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 <130 <260 <130 -<130 <260 <130 <260 <130 <130 <260 (130 <260 <130 <130 <260, <130 <260 <130 <130 (260 GAMMA EMITTERS IN CRAB SAMPLES Cs-134 ---<130 <130 <130 <130 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF SURRY STATION (I) (July, August, September Collection) pCi/k~ Wet Weight Cs-137 <130 (130 <130 (130 Fe-59 Co-58 . Co-60 Zn-65 Cs-134 Cs-137 <260 (130 <130 <260 (130 <130 (a) See Listing of Hissing Samples page. 57 VEPCO -Surr_y RADIOACTIVITY IN WELL WATER SAMPLES (Semi-Annual Collections) 1st Half Coll~ : April 2nd Half Coll: .October ECi/1 ECi/1 Gross a Gross B Tritium* Gross a Gross e Tritium* (!)Surry Station <1 9+/-2 <330 1+/-1 9+/-2 <330 (I)Hog Island Res. 2+/-1 12+/-3 <330 <1 3+/-1 <330 (!)Bacon's Castle <1 7+/-2 300+/-120 3+/-1 4+/-1 <330 (C)Jamestown

<1 3+/-2 <330 <1 3+/-2 030

  • Tritium Analyzed by enrichment method. -RADIOACTIVITY .IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES (Semi-Annual Collections) 1st Half Coll.: April 2nd Half Coll. October ECi/1 ECi/1 Gross a Gross B Tritium* Gross a Gross 8 Tritium* (I)Chippokes Creek l:!:l 3+/-1 <soo 1+/-1 5+/-2 1220+/-370 (!)Williamsburg Reserve 1+/-1 2+/-1 350+/-350 3+/-1 3+/-2 1260+/-370 (!)Newport News Reserve 1+/-1 3+/-1 '730+/-350 <1 3+/-1 480+/-360 (C)Smithfield 1+/-1 4+/-2 500+/-350 <1 10+/-2 880+/-360
  • Tritium Analyzed by direct L. S. Counting.

58 VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN SILT SAMPLES (Semiannual Collections)

Collection Period: 03/12-27/80

  • collection Site *(C)Chickahominy

(!)Station Discharge

(!)Hog Island Point (!)Station Intake (!)Point of Shoals (!)Newport News Collection Period: 09/19-29/80 Chickahominy Station Discharge Hog Island Point Station Intake Point of Shoals Newport News pCi/kg dry* Cs-134 Cs-137 (150 (150 (150 (150 <150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 <150 ,, 59 ... 950+/-100* 1210+/-120 760+/-80 (150 190+/-40 (150 690+/-160 1100+/-250 (150 1070+/-210 1430+/-410, Co-60 = 3220+/-410 490+/-140

.... *,--.:..-,., .... ,* .. -***-**--**--**--.


  • -~-------

---** --.. VEPCO -Surry GAMMA EMITTERS IN SOIL SAMPLES (~nual Collection)

Samples Collected:

08/05/80 pCi/kg Location : *cs.;..f34 Cs-137 (I)SS (I)BC (I)ALL (I)CP (I)OOW (I)FE (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 (150 200+/-50 420+/-50 230+/-30 1040+/-100 600+/-70 380+/-50 GAMMA EMITTERS IN FOWL (Semi-Annual Collections)

Collection Area (I)HIR ... H!R Date Collected 10/21/80 10/21/80 10/21/80 10/21/80 12/03/80 (a) State Month ~ample pCi/kg Collected Type Cs-134 Cs-137 March Mallard Duck .(80 <30 October Coot <BO <BO RADIOACTIVITY IN FOOD.CROPS (Annual Collection)

State Split Samples pCi/k~h Wet Weight Farm Type Cs-134 Cs-137 Sr-89 (I) Slades Peanuts (80 <BO (20 Sl.udcs Corn(a) (80 (80 <20 (!)Brocks Peanuts(a)

(80 <BO (20 Brocks Corn <BO (80 <20 Brocks Soybeans <BO <SO (20 Slades Soybeans <80 <BO (20 split. 60 Sr-90 10+/-10 2C:+/-10 ~10 * <10 120+/-10 120+/-10 I I I I I,,


Date Read: Location Control -00 Training Center -01 . Admin Bldg Entrance-02 Admin Bldg Recep -03 Admin Bldg Kitchen -04 Admin Bldg (Men) -05 Admin Bldg Conf -06 Cafeteria

-07 Haintenance Shop -08 Storeroom East End -09 Storeroom West End -10 Contr~l Room East -11 Control Room West -12 Intrument Shop -13 Clenn Change Room -14 Security Bldg. -15 East Fence -16 North Fence -17 West Fence -18 South Fence -19 Electrical Shop -20 1st Quarter 12/21/79 05/05/80 EmR mR[wk 12. 2+/-1.1 0.6+/-0.1 22.2+/-2.0 1.1+/-0.1 35.9+/-3.2 1,8+/-0.2 47.0+/-2.9 2.4+/-0.1 32.2+/-3.3 1. 7+/-0. 2 40.6+/-4.7 2.1:!:0.2 29.5+/-2.5 1. 5+/-0.1 37.9+/-2.3 2.0+/-0.1 29.5+/-3.9 1. 5+/-0. 2 missing 36.1+/-4.4 1. 9+/-0. 2 21. 2+/-2. 4 1.1+/-0.1 18.8+/-2.7 1.0+/-0.1 432.0+/-75.0 22.3+/-4.1 61. 2+/-0. 4 3.2+/-0.4 74.1+/-3.8 3.8+/-0.2 14.4+/-1. 3 1. 0+/-0.1 14.3+/-1.5 1. 0+/-0.1 14.3+/-1.3 0.7+/-0.1 14.8+/-1.7 0.8+/-0.1 237.7+/-55.7 12.3+/-2.9 (a) Stations 17-20 deleted as of 2nd quarter. 2nd Quarter 03/24/80 08/19/80 .. I:mR *mR/wk 33.3+/-2.3 1. 6+/-0.1 23.6+/-3.9 1.1+/-0. 2 32.1+/-2.2 1. 5+/-0.1 41. 9+/-4 .1 2.8+/-0.2 "28.6+/-5.7

1. 4+/-0. 3 31.6+/-3.9 1. 5+/-0. 2 29.0+/-12.3 1.4+/-0.6 34.6+/-6.4 1. 6+/-0. 3 26.2+/-2.3 1. 2+/-0.1 76.0+/-16.8 t 3.6+/-0.8 30.8+/-8.3 '1.5+/-0.4 23.3+/-4.9 1.1+/-0. 2 16.9+/-2.7 0.8+/-0.1 305.6+/-86.6 14.5+/-4.1 49.4+/-3.7 2.3+/-0.2 57.9+/-6.2 2.7+/-0.4 73.3+/-6.4 3.5+/-0.3 Ca> 3rd Quarter 06/20/80 10/24/80 EmR mR/wk 5.3+/-0.8 0.3j!:0.1 11.4+/-1. 4 0.6/!=0.1 18.5+/-5.3 1.1+/-0. 3 I 28.0+/-3.0 1. 6~0. 2 18.2+/-3.5 1. 0+/-0. 2 23.7+/-3.0 1. 3+/-0. 2 18.1+/-2.5 1. 0+/-0.1 21. 5+/-1.6 1. 2+/-0.1 19.5+/-2.9 1.1+/-0. 2 21. 7+/-2.6 1.'2+/-0.1 19.7+/-2.5 1. l+/-0.1 12.0+/-1.8 0.7+/-0.1 8.4+/-0.8 0.5+/-0.1 310.6+/-12.0 17.5+/-0.7 39.9+/-3.3 2.~+/-0.2 47.5+/-9.9 2.7+/-0.5 76.6+/-5.2 4.3+/-0.3 I. ** I *4th* Om\rter . 09/i9/80 01/20/81 , .' I EmR mR/wk* 10. 3+/-1.1 0.6+/-0.1 15.8+/-2.1 0.9+/-0.1 26.1+/-1.5 1.5+/-0.1 37.8+/-8.8 2.1+/-0.5 24.3+/-3.3 1.4+/-0.2 32.7+/-4.2 1. 9+/-0. 2 25.4+/-2.8 1.4+/-0.1 26.7+/-1.4 1.5+/-0.1 21. l:!:9.0 1. 2+/-0.1 27.5+/-4.3 1. 6+/-0. 2 20.6+/-1.5 1. 2+/-0*.1 16.2+/-3:3 0.9+/-0.2 10.7+/-3.5 --0.6+/-0. 2 336.3+/-14.8 19.1+/-0.8 43.1+/-3.5 2.5+/-0.2 37.0+/-3.R 2.1+/-0.2 78.3+/-10.7 4.4+/-0.6 \,

VEPCO -Surry


Tl.D'S 1st Quarter 1980 Date Annealed:

12/10/79, 12/21/791:

Date Read: 05/05/8J Location EmR mR/wk Location EmR mR.'wk ----Vcpc-00

  • 12.3+/-1.5 0.6:!:0.1 Vepe-28 10.9+/-2.1 0.5+/-0.1 -01 )': 306+/-33 15. 8+/-1. 7 -29 9. 7+/-1. 7 0.5+/-0.1 -02 13.4+/-2.7 0.7+/-0.1 -30 14. 9+/-1. 5 0.7+/-0.1 -03
  • 27.3+/-2.0 1. 4+/-0.1 -31 missing -04
  • 15. 0+/-1.1 0.8+/-0.1 -32 14.0+/-2.0 0.7+/-0.1 -05 missing I -33 12. 0+/-1. 7


  • 14. 8+/-1. 2 0.8+/-0.1 -34 13.8+/-3.5 0.7+/-0.2 -07 ,.. missing : -35 12.0+/-2.5 0.6+/-0.1 ~oa ', . missing -36 14.9+/-1.5 0.7+/-0.1 .-09 *
  • 23.1+/-2.4 -~*1.2+/-0.1

-37 13.7+/-2.3 0.7+/-0.1 -10 ** *1"8.9+/-3.0

1. 0+/-0. 2 -38 15. 4+/-1. 8 0.7+/-0.1 -11
  • 15.9+/-1.6 1. 0+/-0.1 -39" 13.9+/-2.2 0.7+/-0.1 -12 "I< 16.8+/-3.0 1. 0+/-0. 2 -40 14.6+/-2.3 o. 7~:0.1 -13
  • 16.9+/-3.9 1. 0+/-0. 2 -41 13.9+/-2.4 0.7+/-0.1 -14 1: 17.4+/-2.3 1. 0+/-0.1 -42 5.9+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -15 ~; 6.0+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -43 13. 3+/-1. 3 0.6+/-0.1 -16 )': 6.1+/-0.9 0.3+/-0.1 -44 14.7+/-2.3 0.7+/-0.1 -17 )': 10.8+/-1.8 0.6+/-0.1 \ -45 missing -18 )'( 12.3+/-4.9 0.6+/-0.3 -46 12.0+/-2.8 0.6+/-0.1 -19
  • 11.0+/-1.5 0.6+/-0.1 -47 15.4+/-2.2 o. 7~.0.1 -20
  • 10.3+/-2.5 0.5:!:0.1

-48 15. 8+/-1. 6 0.8+/-0.1 -21

  • 6.1+/-0.6 0.3+/-0.1 -49 11. 8+/-1. 3 0.6+/-0.1 -22 .,, 6.2+/-0.7 0.3+/-0.1 -so 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -23
  • 11. 9+/-2. 2 0.6+/-0.1 -51 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -24 10.3+/-2.5 0.5+/-0.1 -52 7.4+/-0.9 0.4+/-0.1 -25 13.6+/-1.4 0.6+/-0.1 -53 7.4+/-0.7 0.4+/-0.1 -26 13. 0+/-1. 7 0.6+/-0.1 -54 7 .1+/-0.8 o. 3:!.0.1 -27 11.2+/-3.3 0.5+/-0.2 62 ....... -* ,, ... *-.. , ..... -... -***



  • 08/19/80 Date Read: Location Control (Site) -00 Surry Station -01 WNW -02 Discharge Canal -03 NNW -04 North -OS NNE -06 NE -07 ENE -08 Enst exclusion area -09 WEST -10 WSW -11 SW -12 SSW -13 South -14 SSE -15 SE -16 Ea$L -17 Intake Canal -18
  • Hog Island Reserve -19 Bacons Castle -20 Route 633 -21 Alliance -22 Surry -23 Routes 637 & 635 -24 Sc,iL l ,:mc.J Wlwrf *-25 Jwn<.!stown

-26 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 Route 617 & 618 -28 Kingsmill (North) -29 Williamsburg

-30 Kingsmill (NNE) -31 Hurlw<.*is<.*r

-32 W,1t<.!r Pl.ant -33 IJ1Jw Chemical -34 1:c!<.' llall -35 fooia: IslumJ -36 /'urL Eustis -37 lfowport News -38 /;ontrol (J .R. Bridge) -39 ,:onl rul (Benn's Church)-40


-41 Rushmere -42 *Roule 628 -43 2nd 'quarter EmR 14.7+/-2.7 185.6+/-10.4 41.3+/-7.5 24.7+/-6.6 33.3+/-3.3 33.2+/-5.5 31.8+/-8.3 32.4+/-5.6 34.1+/-3.7 35.3+/-3.8 43.6+/-9.3 41.9+/-5.8 51.1+/-~.8 47.4+/-5.3 44.5+/-7.3 48.5+/-4.3 37.8+/-2.1 36.7+/-4.9 29.9+/-2.2 33.1+/-2.5 30.7+/-4.4 31.0+/-1. 7 29.8+/-3.2 31.0+/-4. O 29.3+/-3.1 30.4+/-4.5 28.5+/-2.6 27.3+/-2.1 26.9+/-2.5 26. 8+/-1. 5 34.2+/-2.0 28.8+/-6.7 30.8+/-7.4 29.J+/-J.6 30. 4+/-1. 9 34.9+/-8.2 31.6+/-3.4 27.5+/-5.9 29.3+/-4.3 25.2+/-4.3 22.3+/-2.9 25.4+/-2.7 24.1+/-3.2 23.2+/-2.1 63 mR/wk 0.7+/-0.1 8. 8+/-C. 9 2.0+/-0.4 1. 2+/-0. 3 1.6+/-0.2 1. 6+/-0. 3 1. 5+/-0. 4 1.5+/-0.3 1. 6+/-0. 2 1. 7+/-0.2 2.1+/-0.4 2.0+/-0.2 2. 4+/-0. 3. 2.2+/-0.3 2.1+/-0.3 1. 9+/-0. 2 1.8+/-0.1 1. 7+/-0. 2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 6+/-0.1 1.5+/-0.2 1. 5+/-0 .1 1.4+/-0.2 1.5+/-0.2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 4+/-0. 2 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 3+/-0.1 1. 6+/-0.1 1. 4+/-0. 3 1.5+/-0.4 l. 4+/-0. 2 1. 4+/-0.1 1. 7+/-0. 4 1. 5+/-0. 2 1. 3+/-0. 3 1. 4+/-0. 2 1. 2+/-0. 2 1.1+/-0.1 1.2+/-0.1 1.1+/-0. 2 1.1+/-0.1 VEPCO -Surry GAMHA RADIATION TOTAL mR/QTR. USING THERMOLUMINISCENT DOSIMETERS VEPCO-ENVIRONMENTAL TLD'S 1980 Date Annealed:

Date Read:. 06/20/80 10/25/80 Location (C) Control (Site) -oo Surry Station -01 WNW -02 Discharge Canal -03 NNW -04 North -05 NNE -06 NE -07 ENE -08 E:1s t exclusion area -09 WEST -10 WSW -11 SW -12 SSW -13 Sc:rnth -14 SSE -15 SE. ~16 East .-17 Intake Canal . .'., -18 Hog Island Reserve. -19 Bacons Castle -20 l{outc 633 -21 Al Hance -22 Surry -23 Rn11tcs 637 E,, 635 -24 Sc11Ll~nu Wharf -25 Jamestown

-26 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 l<ou t c 617 E,, 618 -28 Kini.;smill (North) ' -29 Williamsburg

-30 Kingsmill (NNE) -31 lh,<lwl* iHl'r -32 Wiitl!r P J :mt -)) Uow Chemical -34 LC!l! llall -35 C:ousc h,lunc.J -36 1-'orL Eustis -37 N<.!wport News -38 (C) Control (J .R. Bridge) -39 (C) ConLrol (Benn's Church)-40 Smithfield

-41 Rushmere -42 RouLc 628 -43 3rd quarter EmR 6.1+/-0. 7 123.0+/-22.0 14.1+/-1. 9 7.8:!:0.l 13.8:!::l.0 14.4+/-0.6 14. 7+/-1.5 14. 2+/-1. 6 13.9+/-2.0 14. 5+/-1. 8 15.2+/-1.4, 14. 3:!:1.7 14.0:!:l.6

13. 7:!:l. 4 13.6:!:0.4 13.2:!:2.8
  • 13.3:!:l.6
  • 8.9:!:0.4.

13.1+/-0.8 11. 4:!:2. 4

  • 11. 2:!:l. 9 10. 3:!:l. 2 9. 9+/-1. 7 10.4+/-1. 7 '.9. 8+/-2 .1 il.1+/-1.8 11.3+/-1.3 11. 4+/-1.8 8.8+/-1.5 10.5+/-1.0 10. 9+/-1.5 11.8+/-1.4 11. 8+/-2. 6 12.9+/-0.9 13 .* 4+/-3.0 14.5+/-0.8 12.2+/-1.6 13.0+/-1. 7 11. 4+/-0. 6 8.1+/-0.3 9. 8+/-1. 3 11. 6+/-1.6 9. 5+/-1.1 64 missing mR/wk 0.3+/-0.1 6. 8+/-1. 2 0.8+/-0.1 0.4+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 O.R+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.8:!:0.J,.

0.8:!:0.1 0.8+/-0.1 0.7:!:0.2 0.7+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0~1 0.5+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.2 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.2 0.8+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.7+/-0.1 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 ... 0.6+/-0.1 0.5+/-0.1 VEPCO -Surry ... -GAM!>JA RADIATION TOTAL rrul/QTR.


09/19/80 Date Read: 01/19/81 .. Location [mR mR/wk Control (Site) -00 11.1+/-4.4 0.6+/-0.3 Surry Station -01 198.4+/-6.1 6.S+/-C.3 WNW -02 24.5+/-3.6 1.4+/-0.2 Discharge Canal -03 16.1+/-1.9 0.9+/-0.1 Nt-..1'W -04 23. 8+/-1. 6 1. 4+/-0.1 North -OS 23.5+/-1.3 1. 4+/-0.1 NNE -06 24.4+/-4.7 1. 4+/-0. 3 NE -07 25.0+/-3.4 1. 4+/-0. 2 ENE -08 23.8+/-2.0 1. 4+/-('1, 2 East exclusion area -09 28.3+/-3.6 1.6+/-0.2 WEST -10 19.2+/-3.0 1.1+/-0.2 WSW -11 19. 2+/-1. 9 1.1+/-0.1 SH* -12 19. 9!1. 9 . 1.1+/-0.1 SSW -13 20. 2+/-1. 2 1.2+/-0.1 . South -14 21.1+/-2. 2 1. 2+/-(' .1 SSI~ -15 20.1+/-1. 5 1.2+/-0.1 SE -16 21. 9+/-4. 0 1. 3+/-0. 2 , East -17 22.1+/-2.0 1. 3+/-0.1 Intake Canal -18 12. 8+/-1. 5 0.7+/-0.6 Hog Island Reserve -19. 18.8+/-2.1 1.1+/-0.1 Bacons Castle -20 21.5+/-4.1 1. 2+/-0. 2 !{011 l C 633 -21 17.1+/-1.9 1. 8+/-(' .1 A 1 I lance -22 13.9+/-0.5 0.8+/-0.1 Surry -23 20. 8+/-1. 3 1.2+/-0.1 Routes 637 & 635 -24 18. 8+/-1. 8 1.1+/-0.1 Scotland Wharf -25 18. 7+/-1.4 1.1+/-0.l Jamestown

-26 40.6+/-4.3 2.3+/-0.2 Colonial Parkway (NW) -27 20.2+/-5.0 1.2+/-0.3 Route 617 & 618 -28 18.5+/-2.9 1.1+/-(. 2 Kingsmill (North) -29 17.7+/-1.8 1. 0+/-0.1 Williamsburg

-30 18.7+/-2.4 1.1+/-0.1 Kingsmill (NNE) -3) 15.7+/-2.2 ' 0.9+/-0.1 g11dwci8l 0 r -32 22.0+/-3.9 1.3+/-0.2 W.i tli r Plant -33 20.4+/-3.1 1.2+/-0.2 IJow Chl!micul

-34 22.7+/-2.4 1. 3+/-0.1 l.1 'I' llall -35 21.6+/-1. 7 l.2+/-(J. l (;oo:;L* ls I.unu -36 24.1+/-3.6 1.4+/-0.2 For L Eustlt.. -37 19.6+/-1.9 1.1+/-0.1 Newport Ne\1s -38 17 .9+/-1.0 1. 0+/-0.1 ' Control (J .R. Bridge) -39 18.9+/-3.6 1.1+/-0. 2 Control (Benn's Church)-40 15.4+/-2.3 0.9+/-0.1 Smithfield

-41 17.4+/-2.3 1.0+/-0.1 Rushmere -42 19.4+/-2.1 1.1+/-0.1 Routt! *628 -43 16 .. 9+/-1. 2 1. 0+/-0.1 65 i:.> ~*-SECTION 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA 66 Llndgc.: A il C D

  • E F G H J K TLD Intercomparison Badges Irrodiatcd by Bottelle Northwest Labs 1980 Tofal mR less transEortation control 1st Qtr . 2nd Qtr 3rd gtr Known Measured Known Measured Known Measured 8 5+/-1 10 10.1+/-3.4 100 102.0+/-15.0 16 13:!:2 20 21.0+/-4.1 10 10.2+/-2.6 24 22:!:7 30 29.0+/-5.5 15 15.5+/-3.8 100 103:!:10 60 63.4+/-8.6 30 29.3:!:9.0 80 77:!:6 70 62.8+/-5.9 35 32.5+/-8.8 64 59:!:6 100 91. 8+/-14. 4 45 41.4+/-7.2 28 27:!:3 30 26.6:!:5.3 60 56.9+/-7.1 32 29:!:3 40 37.5:!:3.8 80 74.3:!:10.6 40 36:!:4 60 52.2+/-6.5 10 8. 4:!:l. 3 \ )7 38:!:4 80 10. 4:no. 5 I 100 82.4+/-12.4 67 4th gtr Known Measured 100 94+/-9 50 47+/-6 25 24:!:5 25 23:!:2 50 47:!:6 75 66:!:7 100 97+/-11 75 67+/-7 25 26:!:5 50 48:!:7


1980 The., tables below summarize results of samples run for process quality c.:onLrol purposes during the subject month. These listings are in ition to such measurements as detector backgrounds, check source values, r.n<lio:netric-gravimetric comparisons, system calibrations, etc. Detailed lb:t:in 6 s of each measurement are maintained at the laboratory and are available for inspection if required.

BLANK SAMPLES ::uc.: l.i<le An<1lyzed Number of Determinations Number of analyses exceeding the LLD for that analysis r.ros:, beta r:ros:5 al*,,ha Strontiun-89 S ::rn:1 tiun-90 l <id i.:H:-J.:n Trlt::.u.':1 G.,r:;l':n emitters Nuc 1.i<lc Number . /\n:i ryzccl Det'ns r::r*oss beta** *. 99 G ~o~: r; al!>ha 25 i; t r.011 L "i.u1:1-89 48 ~; L ron Li u1:1-90 L18 'J' 1" i. l:.~ Ul'.l 134 Iod ! n*~-131 77 C.";11.11:1.1 cmi.ttcn, 121 c.iJ c i.11r.:-:, 5 2 Nuclide No. of Analyzed Det'ns C:rc.,:;1:

been /1/1 !i l run tiu1':'l-fl9 23 ~; t ron::ium-90 7 3 *1:r i l i 1am 52 Co11:1n:1 cmi tlcn; 29 lotlinu-131 29 68 43 49 178 152 87 46 of SPLIT SAMPLES No. agreeing within.20 9,4 23 /18 /18 lJli 77 120 :L SPIKED;SAMPLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No. agreeing within 3a 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 No. differing by> 3a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Within 2a Within 3a differing from of known of known known by> 3c, ,,3 l O* 23 2 0 73 4 0 51 1 0 29 0 0 27 2 0 68 r., ._,

  • I I I EPA INTERCOMPARISON RESULTS 1980 Control MWF I:* ~ample Agency Limits Measured Txee Anal::z:sis Value (3a 1 n*l2 +/-2a error Units ' I-131 53 15 49+/-5 oCi/1 -Water Air Filter Gross a 10 15 11+/-1 pCi/fi.lter Air Filter Gross B 31 15 34+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 10 5 6+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 12 15 16+/-4 pCi/filter Water Gross u 21 15 26+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross 8 49 15 50+/-5 pCi/1 Water Sr-90 7 5 8+/-1 pCi/1 Water Co-60 33 15 37:!:4 pCi/1 Water Cs-134 5(> 15 58+/-6 pCi/1 Water Cs-137 0 0 <5 pCi/1 Water Gross Cl 12 15 13:!:l pCi/1 Water Gross 8 27 15 29+/-3 pCi/1 Air Filter Gross Cl 24 6 29+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Gross B 28 5 41:!:4 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 8 2 -9+/-1 pCi/ f .i.lter Air Filter Cs-137 12 5 14+/-2 pCi/filter
  • Water H-3 2040 1040 2260+/-230 pCi/1 .Air Filter Gross a 10 5 11+/-1 pCi/ filter Air Filter* Gross f3 29 5 33+/-3 pCi/filter Air Filter Sr-90 9 1.5 10+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 10 5 12+/-1 pCi/filter Water Gross a 30 8 30+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross 8 45 5 45+/-5 pCi/1 Water Sr-89 10 ; 5 <5 pCi/1 Wat<!r Sr-90 20 1.5 20+/-2 pCi/1 Water H-3 1750 341 1600+/-160 pCi/1 Milk Sr-89 10 5 <5 pCi/1 Milk Sr-90 25 1.5 18+/-3 pCi/1 Milk I-131 0.01 0.1 <5 pCi/1 Milk Cs-137 40 5 43+/-4 pCi/1 Milk Ba-140 0.01 0.1 <10 pCi/1 Milk K 1600 80 2000+/-200 t>Ci/1 Water Gross Cl 13 5 14::U pCi/1 Water Gross B 22 5 23+/-2 pCi/1 Air Filter Cross u 15 5 18+/-2 pCi/filter Air Filter Gro!it. ,~ 41 5 50+/-5 pCi/flltcr Air *Filter Sr-90 10 1.5 10+/-1 pCi/filter Air Filter Cs-137 20 5 23+/-2 pCi/Hlter Water I-131 44 5 35+/-4 pCi/1 L Water H-3 3400 360 3030+/-300 pCl/1 { Water Sr-89 5 5 <2 pCi/1 Water Sr-90 12 1.5 12+/-1 pCi/1 \fa tcr H-3 2000 345 2300+/-200 pCi/1 .. Water Gross Cl 36 9 34+/-3 pCi/J Water Gross B 38 5 42+/-4 pCi/1 Water H-3 1210 329 1100+/-100 pCi/1 69 EPA INTERCOMPARISON RESULTS 1980 (continued)

Control MWF s~1rnple Agency Limits Measured i'_, Type Analysis Value (3a,n=l) ::!:2a error Units !~atcr Sr-89 24 8.6 27:::3 pCi/1 ,: Water Sr-90 15 2.6 14!1 pCi/1 Water H-3 3200 625 3400:!:300 pCi/1 Water Cr-51 86 8.6 <100 pCi/l Water Co-60 16 8.6 19+/-5 pCi/l Water Zn-65 25 8.6 40+/-10 pCi/1 Water Ru-106 46 8.6 <SO pCi/1 Hater Cs-134 20 8.6 24+/-5 nCi/1 Water Cs-137 12 8.6 15+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross a 32 8.0 31+/-3 pCi/1 Water Gross e 21 5.0 22+/-2 pCi/1 \foter Gross a 16 8.6 21+/-2 pCi/1 \fo t (! .-Gross B 13 8.6 19+/-3 pCi/1 Air filter Gross a 24 10.0 25+/-3 pCi/filter*

Air filter Gross f3 10 8.6 17+/-2 pCi/filter J\ir filter Sr-90 0 0.0 <1 pCi/filter Air filter Cs-137 10 8.6 10+/-1 pCi/filter

  • ' 70 JJ ... USDOE QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM 1980 Sample Measured I . Tx:ee Nuclide Known :!:2a error __!Inits . , .. Air (80-4) Be-7 0.272 E+o3 0.260+/-0.044 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (~0-4) Mn-54 0.720 E+o2 0.645:!:0.095 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Sr-90 0.199 E+o2 0.143+/-0.094 E+o2 pCi/filter

'Air (80-4) Zr-95 0. 720 E+o2 0.605+/-0.094 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Sb-125 0.258 E+o4 0.180+/-0.026 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Cs-137 0.257 E+o3 0.230:!:0.034 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (80-4) Ce-144 0.376 E+o4 0.339:!:0.048 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Be-7 0.230 E+o4 0.270+/-0.038 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Co-60 0.200 E+o3 0.225+/-0.032 E+o3 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Sr-90 0.107 E+o2 0.105:!:0.016 E+o2 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Cs-134 0.247 E+o4 0.215:!:0.031 E+o4 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Ce-141 0.404 E+o3 0.475:!:0.068 E+03 pCi/filter Air (80-10) Ce-144 0.346 E+o4 0.280:!:0.040 E+o4 pCi/filter Water (80-4) H-3 0.103 E+02 0.097:!:0.017 E+o2 pCi/ml Water (80-4) Na-22 0.107 E+ol 0.095:!:0.014 E+Ol pCi/nil Water (80-4) Cr-51 0.137 E+ol ... 0.170:!:0.029 E+Ol pCi/ml Water (80-4) Co-57 0.337 E 00 0.600:!:0.140 E 00 pCi/ml Water (80-4) Co-60 0.922 E 00 0.900:!:0.127 E 00 pCi/ml C. Water (80-4) Sr-89 0.240 E-01 0.267:!:0.172 E-01 pCi/ml ... Water (80-4) Cs-137 0.978 E 00 0.850:!:0.127 E 00 pCi/ml

  • Water (80-4) u 0.283 E-01 0.200:!:0.173 E-01 µg/ml Water (80-10) H-3 0.149 E+o2 0.133:!:0.017 E+o2 pCi/ml Water (80-10) Co-60 0.197 E+ol 0.207:!:0.036 E+ol pCi/ml Water (80-10) Sr-89 0.218 E 00 0.803+/-0.263 E-01 pCi/ml *Water (80-10) Sr-90 0.216 E-01 0.230:!:0.069 E-01 pCi/ml Water (80-10) Cs-134 0.244 E+ol 0.283+/-0.052 E+Ol pCi/ml Water (80-10) Cs-137 0.226 E+ol 0.263:!:0.045 E+ol pCi/ml Soil (80-4) K-40 O. 770 E+ol 1.100+/-0.341 E+ol pC!/g Soil (80-4) Sr-90 0.374 E 00 0.300+/-0.172 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-4) Cs-137 0.680 E+ol 0.507+/-0.087 E+ol pCi/g Soil (80-10) K-40 0.207 E+o2 0.273:!:0.053 E+o2 pCi/g ' Soil (80-10) Co-60 0.100 E 00 0.100+/-0.100 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-10) Sr-90 0.460 E 00 0.333:!:0.172 E 00 pCi/g Soil (80-10) Cs-137 0.110 E+o2 0 .110:!:0.

017 E+o2 pCi/g Tissue (80-4)

  • K-40 0.143 E+o2 0.207:!:0.036 E+o2 pC:./g Tissue (80-4) Co-60 0.386 E+ol 0.373:!:0.056 E+ol pCi/g '!'issue (80-4) Sr-90 0.182 E+o2 0.180:!:0.034 E+o2 pCi/g .t Tissue (80-4) Cs-137 0.122 E+o2 0.103:!:0.018 E+o2 pCi/g L Tissue (80-10) K-40 0.170 E+ol 0.550:!:0.143 E+ol pCi/g Tissue (80-10) Co-60 0.874 E+ol 0.950:!:0.141 E+ol pC1./g ' Tissue (80-10) Sr-90. 0.387 E+o2 0.250+/-0.042 E+o2 pC:.../g Tissue (80-10) Cs-137 0.275 E+o2 0.270:!:0.044 E+o2 pCi/g 71 I ___J USDOE QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM--continued

.. Sample Measured Type Nuclide Known +/-2a error Units Vegetation (80-4) K-40 0.317 E+o2 0.457:t0.083 E+o2 pCi/g Vegetation (80-4) Sr-90 0.246 E+o2 Q.243+/-0.039 E+o2 . pCi/g *{'.l ! Vegetation (80-4) Cs-137 ** 0.171 E+o2 0.147+/-0.025 E+o2 pC:_/g Vegetation (80-10) K-40 0.225 E+o2 0.303+/-0.053 E+02 pCi/g ( . Vegetation (80-10) Co-60 0. 272 E+o,l 0.297+/-0.052 E+ol pCi/g Vegetation (80-10) Sr-90 0.138 E+o2 0 .133:tO. 030 E+o2 . pCi/g Vegetation (80-10) Cs-137 0.961 E+ol 0.967+/-0.167 E+ol pCi/g /" ... ,' * ,

  • 72