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{{#Wiki_filter:}} | {{#Wiki_filter:Table 7. Numbers of adult C. puritana and C. d. dorsalis within sections of the shoreline at Calvert County Sites, 2004-2007. Map points correspond to points included on topographics maps in appendix of reportMap2008200720062005200420082007200620052004PointsC.dorC.dorC.dorC.dorC.dor.C.purpurpurC.pur.C.pur.Shoreline Notes// bold is 2007 notesLATLON Randle Cliffs10000070000 public beach area, then cliffs begin; water level very high in 20054282206.00366690.0020000000000 start main area of tall cliffs, very narrow, no beach4282170.00366700.0030000000000 same4282169.00366702.0040000032248 New breakdown area in 20054282063.00366728.0050000023533 same, small sections of sandy beach4281983.00366763.00600000000180 same4281923.00366766.0070000043400 1-2 m wide, poor beach habitat; cliffs ok4281870.00366783.0080000013205 start breakdown with wider beach4281857.00366740.0090000001000 same but no beach; new sandy breakdown, mid height cliffs, dry4281746.00366806.00100000010128 wide, 3-4 m beach patch, then narrow; dry cliffs, small patch of beach4281654.00366832.00110000014123 narrow, no beach, even at mid-tide4281501.00366838.00120000045320 beach ends, no beach accessible to south, all v. narrow; breakdown at end4281333.00366857.00000002321183127 Camp Roosevelt13000000000 Start at north end at stream entry, no cliffs then wood area, then tall dry cliffs14000000000 South end of site 00 00 00 Bayside Forest1500000000 N of BF, at Plum Point, at yellow house with lawn ornaments4274428.23368278.791600000000 start series of white houses and no cliffs, some houses damaged by Isabel ?4274050.32368201.051700000000 few small groins, cliffs fully vegetated, low, then wooded cliffs, trailor park4273717.98368134.071800000000 creek, rock rip-rap, road bed to beach,4273392.07368107.361900000000 start high cliffs, no suitable strata4273246.13368085.872000000000 dry cliffs, most with vegetation4272931.63368026.85210000000000 cliffs end, marsh, creek entry, then woods, then low cliffs4272475.73367933.77220000000000 poor low, vegetated cliffs, breakdown; main survey area here to south+D614272131.05367894.37230000000000 very tall cliffs, thin section of soft strata4271673.71367901.97240000000000 tall cliff section, narrow beach, many C. repanda4271513.65367901.3325000000see000 pier posts in water, then no cliffs, then hard, marl cliffs4271207.36367883.2126000000to 000 cliffs dry, many fallen trees, then veg. cliffs4270886.91367855.8727000000right000 same4270884.91367855.84280000000000 no cliffs, woods, then low cliffs; many C. hirticollis4270696.80367846.63290000000000 low cliffs, field behind, most cliffs bare, 20-25' high4270437.65367844.093000000033*00 start cliffs, lots of trees down, equipment and tracks; many C. hirticollis4270322.93367847.953100000593*20 road access, no cliff section4270138.63367883.34320000001000 low bare cliffs, very wide beach (due to 2004 erosion)4269824.88367927.75330000001000 Bayside Forest: south end access, low cliffs, evidence of severe erosion, cutback4269741.77367925.50000514620*Note that these numbers were incorrectly placed further north in previous reports Warrior Rest N of 33a0003 Cliff section north of Parker Creek mouth426657336770833a0000312 Far N end, start at beginning of cliffs, S edge of beach (no waypoint)426634436768733b017551824266059367729340096483413 Near N. end, no access for last 300 meters of cliffs habitat, severe erosion4266119.45367764.62350013311127544 Good cliffs4265995.33367799.37360034116039447 same; creek entry4265795.36367829.993700131882227 good cliffs, narrow beach4265649.67367873.7138=390024017127531 continue tall cliffs; some vegetated cliff sections,4265544.85367896.40009586331388154 Scientists Cliffs4000022250626 at creek entry and cove; last groin, tall cliffs begin4265331.95367963.694100005023 narrow, no cliff habitat4265159.36367995.994200004020 same, no cliff habitat, beach narrows4264839.36368062.58430009566022 wider beach 6-8 m; old or broken groins, end at creek entry, driveway to beach4264568.17368130.934400025188416 section of rip rap; same low, veg. cliffs4264327.43368210.9545000554121120 same; new gabion in 20054264219.09368244.7546000138106 continue groins, low or vege cliffs4263920.84368332.12470001110900 same, groins4263758.76368380.74Specific locales,"07): 2 at 8450, 2 at 8425, 6 at 8383, 3 at 8359, 1 at 8302, 4 at 8247, 18 at 8235(just S of stream channel); 56 from 8235 to 8200; 1 at 8119, 3 at 8036, 5 from 8018 to 8000, 25 from 7980 to 7964, 7964 to 7946, 12 from 7964 to to 7946, 135 from 7946 to 7896, 88 from 7896 to 7873, 160 from 7883 to 7829, 111 from 7829 to 7800, 48 from 7800 to 7770; quit no access480000001820 6 groins,gabion, creek entry, low vegetated cliffs, ORV tracks4263486.71368474.8349000000000 groins end, beach narrows; ORV tracks4263264.68368571.4950000000000 SC North, S end,public beach rock groin, 10-12 m wide beach; heavy beach use4263137.40368636.5651000000020 Start Scientist Cliffs South, beginning of north end, groins4263127.00368621.005200012405 open face cliffs, groins; 3rd, 4th gabions4262981.00368641.005300020223 semi-vegetative cliffs, groins; most veg. cliffs4262915.00368665.0054000331998 semi-vegetative cliffs, end of groins; wide with breakdown bank4262820.00368708.0055000716181612 open face cliffs(last groin at 8715)4262758.00368723.0056002038562950 open face cliffs near waterline,4262698.00368749.00570003434181212 same4262638.00368776.005800033135671 same, cliffs ending4262564.00368815.0059000026 rock groin and residence, no open cliffs,far south end 4262435.00368892.000020218206213111280 Western Shores/Calvert Beach600001000000 north end of public beach4261318.48369396.39610010000000 narrow beach, ends at creek entry4261219.24369451.6562027631200000 very narrow beach4261067.20369531.54630618183000000 wider beach4260966.85369586.446482769136000000 same, then beach narrows4260854.48369643.59652168632510500000 same4260744.83369690.67664827103204300000 same, but wider beach4260660.75369735.116712812632400000 10-20 m wide beach, Phrag. On back, no cliffs4260545.77369802.17687261035213001000 vehicle tracks on beach, dense Phragmites on back, and at 2 creeks(2nd creek)4260411.18369867.7869=700748425302100 cliffs low, recessed, Phragmites on beach, wide beach, end at first creek4260233.24369964.1071=72510148520039122 cliffs fully vegetated, trees on back beach4260112.20370042.84 733408074425283130 same but cliffs become heavily vegetated and lower4259999.63370105.247405000120261822135 beach narrows then widens, tree rubble, cliffs tall, most bare4259891.53370186.91750100836141664265 vegetated cliffs, become lower, v. wide beach (10-15 m), then narrows4259813.51370255.01760331501684256323115 very tall, excellent cliffs, thick habitat band of soft sand; heavy shrubs at base4259710.25370353.167718138142407015047883595 wide beach,heavy Phragmites cover (60+%), heavy shrub cover at base of cliffs4259618.35370421.75 Subtotals for Western Shores7864433742051433510128122 N end Calvert; lower cliffs, good beach, 10-12 m wide, end at creek entry4259516.99370518.717929983238100515017315 continue good cliff habitat, then lower but good, end at large fallen tree4259432.09370593.618022325101001624711260 excellent high cliffs with wide habitat band, 3-5 m wide beach4259378.77370644.7681236300163268196 start bare cliffs, soft ideal upper strata4259341.01370680.5482717000166025 upper cliffs vegetated and recessed, lower part is marl, 2-4 m wide beach4259297.40370721.0283112900030019 North most groin, then bare cliffs, narrow beach4259252.57370782.25849250002000 groin, cliffs fully vine covered, 5-7 m wide beach, new sand bags?4259032.11370983.6085000000 Calvert Beach and WSE: Start at access, creek, start cliffs4258960.66371022.7786000000 Calvert Beach South, cliffs, residential, groins4258899.00371078.0087000000 cliffs, end of groins4258760.00371228.0088000000 residential, end of cliffs, starts flat back-beach4258650.00371340.0089000000 far south end, residential, at jetty,4258458.00371687.007821457837 Subtotals for Calvert Beach1887166996236278412738862321279 Flag Ponds90126800000 North end, natural area,, avg 15ft back-beach to lagoon, beach narrow to gone4257143.00372756.0091311000000 natural area,, practically no back-beach4256999.00372920.009222301700000 natural area,, avg 5-10ft back-beach4256918.00373018.00931026402300000 natural area,, avg 15-20ft back-beach4256860.00373094.00941323181500000 natural area, avg 40-50ft back-beach4256775.00373164.0095900000000 start natural area; new accretion point4256690.00373168.0096563300000 no cliffs, avg 10-15ft back-beach to grass dunes4256595.00373050.009781231400000 no cliffs, avg 10-15ft back-beach to grass dunes4256419.00373057.009800000000 pier4256265.00373114.009900000000 south of pier to boundary fence4256260.00373137.0051611218000000 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant1000No sur.400no0 North beach, wide beach, avg 20ft back-beach, no cliffs4256074.00373233.001010in 2005000surv0 same4255928.00373341.0010200060 cliffs, avg 5ft back-beach4255840.00373426.0010300000 cliffs, no back-beach4255707.00373559.0010400030 same4255538.00373748.0010500002 Start south of pier, main survey area, very rocky beach, no width, good cliffs4254774.00374636.00106000660 same4254697.00374681.00107000000 same4254633.00374786.00108008276 same but wider beach4254597.00374818.001090010431344 wider sandy with shells beach (1-2 m)4254527.00374884.0011000811103 breakdown, rocky point, little habitat4254412.00374979.00111006400 same, all very rock and no beach habitat4254325.00375085.00112004000 same4254288.00375119.001130051206 same but with sandy patches of beach; narrow some rocky, some sand4254240.00375146.00114001136618 arc beach, most sandy, 1-2 m4254151.00375163.001150024233628 same; rock, gravel, sand, medium width big breakdown just to south4254053.00375215.0011600216638 same4253912.00375341.001170042800 point, rocky, no beach; very marginal, most beetles at S end4253859.00375397.00118002145196 start wide sandy beach, low cliffs4253689.00375475.00119000 end just to south, all hirticollis, no puritana habita t 4253617.0 0 375545.0 0 04122276109ns121 Calvert Cliffs State Par k 201002283200 Farthest N that can be accessed, rocky shoreline, no beach, even at low tide 425232 2 37658 4 N end of cliffs 663020200681254130 Here to north, very narrow, little beach habitat, but cliffs good425196137668 7 wider beach sections and good cliffs 6794 start cliffs, no beach, inaccessible 6700203003182390 marsh and beach section, no habitat 425185 5 37679 4 68582040026487168110 tall cliffs, tree rubble , narrow beach, then 4-5 m wide beach with most beetles425171137689 6 6906 beach narrows, little or no width 6968205009702870 trail accessing beach, very narrow beach, dry cliffs, then good top cliff area 425156 9 37698 7 2060046580 marsh area and beach, no cliffs, no habitat 425144 7 37708 7 20700475293011 very narrow beach, excellent cliffs 425133 4 37713 9 20800677810 arc beach, 0-1 m wide beach, then 2-3 m wide 425115 0 37724 4 2090046132611 mid, tall cliffs, good, 2-4 m wide beach, end at Rocky Point 425097 5 37730 0 21000000 south end of site, cliffs no beach001609292338242 Cove Point12000000000 Cove Point: start at north end, N of pier where beach starts; 2-3 m marsh behind4250383.35377646.5812100000000 same4250335.94377706.0512200000000 pier4250264.84377783.59123000000000 narrow arc beach, with water behind4250207.16377810.49124000000000 dense Phragmites behind, coarse sand, narrow beach, 0-2 m4250130.76377907.96125000000000 GPS tube about 8 m offshore, phragmites on beach4250072.66377977.31126000000000 narrow beach4250005.28378036.22127000300000 beach wider, 1-2 m then widens to 5-7 m4249958.70378129.25128000800000 wide beach, 6-10 m wide; still Phragmites behind4249915.53378260.68129000000000 start first trees on back of beach; 8-12 m wide4249879.53378359.20130000000000 same, beach wider4249822.44378523.70131000000000 very wide beach, 20+ m4249762.29378699.79132000000000 same, intertidal sand is soft4249721.56378854.50133000000000 same4249668.66379073.50134000000000 end at north end of lighthouse4249605.74379242.6401100 Cove Point Hollow 13500 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248963.00378822.0013600 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248871.00378750.0013700 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248652.00378619.0013800 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248399.00378519.00 139 0 0 vegetative cliffs, residential,4248191.00378473.00 00 Little Cove Point- July 6140000320008 cliffs, avg 20ft back-beach to cliffs, end open cliffs at this point4247990.00378548.00141000471421814 cliffs, avg 4ft back-beach4247932.00378543.00142=14300000000 Cove Point Lake/Cove Lake, cliffs; beach end of cliffs4247859.00378548.0014400000000 start revetment4247767.00378578.001450006025000 end revetment4247655.00378624.00146000992922011 Bannister point, arc beach4247591.00378668.00147000161134003 same4247522.00378667.00148000676139537 start point, then arc beach,low but good cliffs, breakdown area4247387.00378696.001490001985241730 same, then high cliffs; good cliffs, wide beach; deck and stream entry4247283.00378706.00150000173240 no cliffs, then low cliffs; wood steps, terrace, rock revetment, set back4247164.00378755.001510008431150 point, then narrow arc beach, cliffs get lower4247096.00378822.001520007352000 another point section, then arc beach, no cliffs4246977.00378853.00153000597324235 same, point; breakdown; 4th, N most pipe on back; breakdown; N end balls4246798.00378792.00154000302224150 start point, no beach, good cliffs, break; drainage pipes on cliff sand bags4246704.00378742.0015500031526416 same, medium cliffs, wide beach; stream channel and steps4246584.00378663.00156000019600 wider beach, low cliffs; hard cliffs4246494.00378601.0015700077271162 same; massive breakdown4246440.00378572.001580002159094 same; breakdown, very high cliffs; massive breakdown4246319.00378518.00159000462333226 mini-point, then recessed arc beach, narrow beach, good cliffs4246233.00378483.001600003424743917 same,very high, good cliffs4246147.00378420.001610008518581833 tree rubble but 1 m beach and good cliffs; breakdown4246082.00378376.00162000829361522 same; N end of balls4246018.00378322.001630001800510 start good cliffs, 2 m beach, cliff terraced at top4245951.00378279.001640002035000 rock groin and rip rap (40 m long); | ||
S end of revetment4245934.00378254.0016500060048 start good cliff habitat; 1 m wide beach4245870.00378196.0016600000000 same4245813.00378153.0016700000000 wide beach, more groins; @ 12 total4245723.00378082.0016800000000 rock groins at south end of beach, then beach4245646.00378012.00169000410090 cliffs low, no habitat4245561.00377925.001700001726286 same, beach slightly wider4245497.00377878.001710005314401413 eroded beach, tree rubble, but good cliffs; N end of balls4245446.00377834.001720001585322036 S. end, start cliffs, 1-2 m beach, good cliff habitat4245383.00377774.000001116740615298251 Cliffs of Calvert17300006000 N end, rock pile, then small pond, no habitat4245303.00377719.0017400000000 no habitat; breakdown and minipoint4245157.00377615.0017500000000 same; jus N of N end of balls4245058.00377552.0017600099000 start creek and marsh with no beach, no habitat4244953.00377484.00177000032146 start good cliff habitat4244878.00377427.001780007261520 same4244838.00377392.001790005251000 lower cliffs, then vegetated cliffs; S end of balls4244759.00377325.0018000018301666 same4244700.00377281.0018100031348018 wider beach, good cliff habitat4244638.00377236.001820001542024113 continue good cliff habitat4244609.00377217.00183000597412 same4244538.00377166.00184000175141315 same4244504.00377146.001850001441022 same4244409.00377075.00186000130000 same; 0-1 m wide beach4244312.00377018.0018700022030 good cliffs with no beach4244241.00376974.0018800000000 end rip rap, start good cliff habitat, no beach4244162.00376920.0018900000000 S. end, start N of beach at large house with rip4244057.00376863.00008291721113042TotalsC. dorsalis2007200620052004200620052004Randle0000183127C. Roosev.000ns00ns Bayside0000620 Warrior00001388155na Sci.Cliffs0020213111280 Wshore/Calv7166996236278862321279 Flag516112180000 CCNPP00ns4109ns121 CCSP0000338242ns Cove00011000 Little Cove0000615298251 Cliffs of Cal00001113042767760746722368411012000}} |
Revision as of 11:39, 14 October 2018
ML091671782 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Calvert Cliffs |
Issue date: | 06/12/2009 |
From: | - No Known Affiliation |
To: | Office of New Reactors |
Quinn, L, NRO/DSER/RAP2, 301-415-2220 | |
References | |
Download: ML091671782 (3) | |
Table 7. Numbers of adult C. puritana and C. d. dorsalis within sections of the shoreline at Calvert County Sites, 2004-2007. Map points correspond to points included on topographics maps in appendix of reportMap2008200720062005200420082007200620052004PointsC.dorC.dorC.dorC.dorC.dor.C.purpurpurC.pur.C.pur.Shoreline Notes// bold is 2007 notesLATLON Randle Cliffs10000070000 public beach area, then cliffs begin; water level very high in 20054282206.00366690.0020000000000 start main area of tall cliffs, very narrow, no beach4282170.00366700.0030000000000 same4282169.00366702.0040000032248 New breakdown area in 20054282063.00366728.0050000023533 same, small sections of sandy beach4281983.00366763.00600000000180 same4281923.00366766.0070000043400 1-2 m wide, poor beach habitat; cliffs ok4281870.00366783.0080000013205 start breakdown with wider beach4281857.00366740.0090000001000 same but no beach; new sandy breakdown, mid height cliffs, dry4281746.00366806.00100000010128 wide, 3-4 m beach patch, then narrow; dry cliffs, small patch of beach4281654.00366832.00110000014123 narrow, no beach, even at mid-tide4281501.00366838.00120000045320 beach ends, no beach accessible to south, all v. narrow; breakdown at end4281333.00366857.00000002321183127 Camp Roosevelt13000000000 Start at north end at stream entry, no cliffs then wood area, then tall dry cliffs14000000000 South end of site 00 00 00 Bayside Forest1500000000 N of BF, at Plum Point, at yellow house with lawn ornaments4274428.23368278.791600000000 start series of white houses and no cliffs, some houses damaged by Isabel ?4274050.32368201.051700000000 few small groins, cliffs fully vegetated, low, then wooded cliffs, trailor park4273717.98368134.071800000000 creek, rock rip-rap, road bed to beach,4273392.07368107.361900000000 start high cliffs, no suitable strata4273246.13368085.872000000000 dry cliffs, most with vegetation4272931.63368026.85210000000000 cliffs end, marsh, creek entry, then woods, then low cliffs4272475.73367933.77220000000000 poor low, vegetated cliffs, breakdown; main survey area here to south+D614272131.05367894.37230000000000 very tall cliffs, thin section of soft strata4271673.71367901.97240000000000 tall cliff section, narrow beach, many C. repanda4271513.65367901.3325000000see000 pier posts in water, then no cliffs, then hard, marl cliffs4271207.36367883.2126000000to 000 cliffs dry, many fallen trees, then veg. cliffs4270886.91367855.8727000000right000 same4270884.91367855.84280000000000 no cliffs, woods, then low cliffs; many C. hirticollis4270696.80367846.63290000000000 low cliffs, field behind, most cliffs bare, 20-25' high4270437.65367844.093000000033*00 start cliffs, lots of trees down, equipment and tracks; many C. hirticollis4270322.93367847.953100000593*20 road access, no cliff section4270138.63367883.34320000001000 low bare cliffs, very wide beach (due to 2004 erosion)4269824.88367927.75330000001000 Bayside Forest: south end access, low cliffs, evidence of severe erosion, cutback4269741.77367925.50000514620*Note that these numbers were incorrectly placed further north in previous reports Warrior Rest N of 33a0003 Cliff section north of Parker Creek mouth426657336770833a0000312 Far N end, start at beginning of cliffs, S edge of beach (no waypoint)426634436768733b017551824266059367729340096483413 Near N. end, no access for last 300 meters of cliffs habitat, severe erosion4266119.45367764.62350013311127544 Good cliffs4265995.33367799.37360034116039447 same; creek entry4265795.36367829.993700131882227 good cliffs, narrow beach4265649.67367873.7138=390024017127531 continue tall cliffs; some vegetated cliff sections,4265544.85367896.40009586331388154 Scientists Cliffs4000022250626 at creek entry and cove; last groin, tall cliffs begin4265331.95367963.694100005023 narrow, no cliff habitat4265159.36367995.994200004020 same, no cliff habitat, beach narrows4264839.36368062.58430009566022 wider beach 6-8 m; old or broken groins, end at creek entry, driveway to beach4264568.17368130.934400025188416 section of rip rap; same low, veg. cliffs4264327.43368210.9545000554121120 same; new gabion in 20054264219.09368244.7546000138106 continue groins, low or vege cliffs4263920.84368332.12470001110900 same, groins4263758.76368380.74Specific locales,"07): 2 at 8450, 2 at 8425, 6 at 8383, 3 at 8359, 1 at 8302, 4 at 8247, 18 at 8235(just S of stream channel); 56 from 8235 to 8200; 1 at 8119, 3 at 8036, 5 from 8018 to 8000, 25 from 7980 to 7964, 7964 to 7946, 12 from 7964 to to 7946, 135 from 7946 to 7896, 88 from 7896 to 7873, 160 from 7883 to 7829, 111 from 7829 to 7800, 48 from 7800 to 7770; quit no access480000001820 6 groins,gabion, creek entry, low vegetated cliffs, ORV tracks4263486.71368474.8349000000000 groins end, beach narrows; ORV tracks4263264.68368571.4950000000000 SC North, S end,public beach rock groin, 10-12 m wide beach; heavy beach use4263137.40368636.5651000000020 Start Scientist Cliffs South, beginning of north end, groins4263127.00368621.005200012405 open face cliffs, groins; 3rd, 4th gabions4262981.00368641.005300020223 semi-vegetative cliffs, groins; most veg. cliffs4262915.00368665.0054000331998 semi-vegetative cliffs, end of groins; wide with breakdown bank4262820.00368708.0055000716181612 open face cliffs(last groin at 8715)4262758.00368723.0056002038562950 open face cliffs near waterline,4262698.00368749.00570003434181212 same4262638.00368776.005800033135671 same, cliffs ending4262564.00368815.0059000026 rock groin and residence, no open cliffs,far south end 4262435.00368892.000020218206213111280 Western Shores/Calvert Beach600001000000 north end of public beach4261318.48369396.39610010000000 narrow beach, ends at creek entry4261219.24369451.6562027631200000 very narrow beach4261067.20369531.54630618183000000 wider beach4260966.85369586.446482769136000000 same, then beach narrows4260854.48369643.59652168632510500000 same4260744.83369690.67664827103204300000 same, but wider beach4260660.75369735.116712812632400000 10-20 m wide beach, Phrag. On back, no cliffs4260545.77369802.17687261035213001000 vehicle tracks on beach, dense Phragmites on back, and at 2 creeks(2nd creek)4260411.18369867.7869=700748425302100 cliffs low, recessed, Phragmites on beach, wide beach, end at first creek4260233.24369964.1071=72510148520039122 cliffs fully vegetated, trees on back beach4260112.20370042.84 733408074425283130 same but cliffs become heavily vegetated and lower4259999.63370105.247405000120261822135 beach narrows then widens, tree rubble, cliffs tall, most bare4259891.53370186.91750100836141664265 vegetated cliffs, become lower, v. wide beach (10-15 m), then narrows4259813.51370255.01760331501684256323115 very tall, excellent cliffs, thick habitat band of soft sand; heavy shrubs at base4259710.25370353.167718138142407015047883595 wide beach,heavy Phragmites cover (60+%), heavy shrub cover at base of cliffs4259618.35370421.75 Subtotals for Western Shores7864433742051433510128122 N end Calvert; lower cliffs, good beach, 10-12 m wide, end at creek entry4259516.99370518.717929983238100515017315 continue good cliff habitat, then lower but good, end at large fallen tree4259432.09370593.618022325101001624711260 excellent high cliffs with wide habitat band, 3-5 m wide beach4259378.77370644.7681236300163268196 start bare cliffs, soft ideal upper strata4259341.01370680.5482717000166025 upper cliffs vegetated and recessed, lower part is marl, 2-4 m wide beach4259297.40370721.0283112900030019 North most groin, then bare cliffs, narrow beach4259252.57370782.25849250002000 groin, cliffs fully vine covered, 5-7 m wide beach, new sand bags?4259032.11370983.6085000000 Calvert Beach and WSE: Start at access, creek, start cliffs4258960.66371022.7786000000 Calvert Beach South, cliffs, residential, groins4258899.00371078.0087000000 cliffs, end of groins4258760.00371228.0088000000 residential, end of cliffs, starts flat back-beach4258650.00371340.0089000000 far south end, residential, at jetty,4258458.00371687.007821457837 Subtotals for Calvert Beach1887166996236278412738862321279 Flag Ponds90126800000 North end, natural area,, avg 15ft back-beach to lagoon, beach narrow to gone4257143.00372756.0091311000000 natural area,, practically no back-beach4256999.00372920.009222301700000 natural area,, avg 5-10ft back-beach4256918.00373018.00931026402300000 natural area,, avg 15-20ft back-beach4256860.00373094.00941323181500000 natural area, avg 40-50ft back-beach4256775.00373164.0095900000000 start natural area; new accretion point4256690.00373168.0096563300000 no cliffs, avg 10-15ft back-beach to grass dunes4256595.00373050.009781231400000 no cliffs, avg 10-15ft back-beach to grass dunes4256419.00373057.009800000000 pier4256265.00373114.009900000000 south of pier to boundary fence4256260.00373137.0051611218000000 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant1000No sur.400no0 North beach, wide beach, avg 20ft back-beach, no cliffs4256074.00373233.001010in 2005000surv0 same4255928.00373341.0010200060 cliffs, avg 5ft back-beach4255840.00373426.0010300000 cliffs, no back-beach4255707.00373559.0010400030 same4255538.00373748.0010500002 Start south of pier, main survey area, very rocky beach, no width, good cliffs4254774.00374636.00106000660 same4254697.00374681.00107000000 same4254633.00374786.00108008276 same but wider beach4254597.00374818.001090010431344 wider sandy with shells beach (1-2 m)4254527.00374884.0011000811103 breakdown, rocky point, little habitat4254412.00374979.00111006400 same, all very rock and no beach habitat4254325.00375085.00112004000 same4254288.00375119.001130051206 same but with sandy patches of beach; narrow some rocky, some sand4254240.00375146.00114001136618 arc beach, most sandy, 1-2 m4254151.00375163.001150024233628 same; rock, gravel, sand, medium width big breakdown just to south4254053.00375215.0011600216638 same4253912.00375341.001170042800 point, rocky, no beach; very marginal, most beetles at S end4253859.00375397.00118002145196 start wide sandy beach, low cliffs4253689.00375475.00119000 end just to south, all hirticollis, no puritana habita t 4253617.0 0 375545.0 0 04122276109ns121 Calvert Cliffs State Par k 201002283200 Farthest N that can be accessed, rocky shoreline, no beach, even at low tide 425232 2 37658 4 N end of cliffs 663020200681254130 Here to north, very narrow, little beach habitat, but cliffs good425196137668 7 wider beach sections and good cliffs 6794 start cliffs, no beach, inaccessible 6700203003182390 marsh and beach section, no habitat 425185 5 37679 4 68582040026487168110 tall cliffs, tree rubble , narrow beach, then 4-5 m wide beach with most beetles425171137689 6 6906 beach narrows, little or no width 6968205009702870 trail accessing beach, very narrow beach, dry cliffs, then good top cliff area 425156 9 37698 7 2060046580 marsh area and beach, no cliffs, no habitat 425144 7 37708 7 20700475293011 very narrow beach, excellent cliffs 425133 4 37713 9 20800677810 arc beach, 0-1 m wide beach, then 2-3 m wide 425115 0 37724 4 2090046132611 mid, tall cliffs, good, 2-4 m wide beach, end at Rocky Point 425097 5 37730 0 21000000 south end of site, cliffs no beach001609292338242 Cove Point12000000000 Cove Point: start at north end, N of pier where beach starts; 2-3 m marsh behind4250383.35377646.5812100000000 same4250335.94377706.0512200000000 pier4250264.84377783.59123000000000 narrow arc beach, with water behind4250207.16377810.49124000000000 dense Phragmites behind, coarse sand, narrow beach, 0-2 m4250130.76377907.96125000000000 GPS tube about 8 m offshore, phragmites on beach4250072.66377977.31126000000000 narrow beach4250005.28378036.22127000300000 beach wider, 1-2 m then widens to 5-7 m4249958.70378129.25128000800000 wide beach, 6-10 m wide; still Phragmites behind4249915.53378260.68129000000000 start first trees on back of beach; 8-12 m wide4249879.53378359.20130000000000 same, beach wider4249822.44378523.70131000000000 very wide beach, 20+ m4249762.29378699.79132000000000 same, intertidal sand is soft4249721.56378854.50133000000000 same4249668.66379073.50134000000000 end at north end of lighthouse4249605.74379242.6401100 Cove Point Hollow 13500 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248963.00378822.0013600 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248871.00378750.0013700 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248652.00378619.0013800 no cliffs, residential cresent beach4248399.00378519.00 139 0 0 vegetative cliffs, residential,4248191.00378473.00 00 Little Cove Point- July 6140000320008 cliffs, avg 20ft back-beach to cliffs, end open cliffs at this point4247990.00378548.00141000471421814 cliffs, avg 4ft back-beach4247932.00378543.00142=14300000000 Cove Point Lake/Cove Lake, cliffs; beach end of cliffs4247859.00378548.0014400000000 start revetment4247767.00378578.001450006025000 end revetment4247655.00378624.00146000992922011 Bannister point, arc beach4247591.00378668.00147000161134003 same4247522.00378667.00148000676139537 start point, then arc beach,low but good cliffs, breakdown area4247387.00378696.001490001985241730 same, then high cliffs; good cliffs, wide beach; deck and stream entry4247283.00378706.00150000173240 no cliffs, then low cliffs; wood steps, terrace, rock revetment, set back4247164.00378755.001510008431150 point, then narrow arc beach, cliffs get lower4247096.00378822.001520007352000 another point section, then arc beach, no cliffs4246977.00378853.00153000597324235 same, point; breakdown; 4th, N most pipe on back; breakdown; N end balls4246798.00378792.00154000302224150 start point, no beach, good cliffs, break; drainage pipes on cliff sand bags4246704.00378742.0015500031526416 same, medium cliffs, wide beach; stream channel and steps4246584.00378663.00156000019600 wider beach, low cliffs; hard cliffs4246494.00378601.0015700077271162 same; massive breakdown4246440.00378572.001580002159094 same; breakdown, very high cliffs; massive breakdown4246319.00378518.00159000462333226 mini-point, then recessed arc beach, narrow beach, good cliffs4246233.00378483.001600003424743917 same,very high, good cliffs4246147.00378420.001610008518581833 tree rubble but 1 m beach and good cliffs; breakdown4246082.00378376.00162000829361522 same; N end of balls4246018.00378322.001630001800510 start good cliffs, 2 m beach, cliff terraced at top4245951.00378279.001640002035000 rock groin and rip rap (40 m long);
S end of revetment4245934.00378254.0016500060048 start good cliff habitat; 1 m wide beach4245870.00378196.0016600000000 same4245813.00378153.0016700000000 wide beach, more groins; @ 12 total4245723.00378082.0016800000000 rock groins at south end of beach, then beach4245646.00378012.00169000410090 cliffs low, no habitat4245561.00377925.001700001726286 same, beach slightly wider4245497.00377878.001710005314401413 eroded beach, tree rubble, but good cliffs; N end of balls4245446.00377834.001720001585322036 S. end, start cliffs, 1-2 m beach, good cliff habitat4245383.00377774.000001116740615298251 Cliffs of Calvert17300006000 N end, rock pile, then small pond, no habitat4245303.00377719.0017400000000 no habitat; breakdown and minipoint4245157.00377615.0017500000000 same; jus N of N end of balls4245058.00377552.0017600099000 start creek and marsh with no beach, no habitat4244953.00377484.00177000032146 start good cliff habitat4244878.00377427.001780007261520 same4244838.00377392.001790005251000 lower cliffs, then vegetated cliffs; S end of balls4244759.00377325.0018000018301666 same4244700.00377281.0018100031348018 wider beach, good cliff habitat4244638.00377236.001820001542024113 continue good cliff habitat4244609.00377217.00183000597412 same4244538.00377166.00184000175141315 same4244504.00377146.001850001441022 same4244409.00377075.00186000130000 same; 0-1 m wide beach4244312.00377018.0018700022030 good cliffs with no beach4244241.00376974.0018800000000 end rip rap, start good cliff habitat, no beach4244162.00376920.0018900000000 S. end, start N of beach at large house with rip4244057.00376863.00008291721113042TotalsC. dorsalis2007200620052004200620052004Randle0000183127C. Roosev.000ns00ns Bayside0000620 Warrior00001388155na Sci.Cliffs0020213111280 Wshore/Calv7166996236278862321279 Flag516112180000 CCNPP00ns4109ns121 CCSP0000338242ns Cove00011000 Little Cove0000615298251 Cliffs of Cal00001113042767760746722368411012000