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{{#Wiki_filter:10/26/2015 U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event RevortI Part 21 (PAR) Event# 51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Notification Date/ITime:
{{#Wiki_filter:10/26/2015                   U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event Revort                  Pno* I Part 21 (PAR)                                                                               Event#       51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                                 Notification Date/ITime: 10/23/2015 18:28     (EDT)
10/23/2015 18:28 (EDT)Supplier:
Supplier: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                                       Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015           (CDT)
CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015 (CDT)Last Modification:
Last Modification: 10/23/2015 Region:   3                                               Docket #:
10/23/2015 Region: 3 Docket #: City: BOLINGBROOK Agreement State: Yes County: License #: State: IL NRC Notified by: JASON KLEIN Notifications:
City: BOLINGBROOK                             Agreement State:             Yes County:                                                 License #:
MEL GRAY R1DO HQ Ops Officer: DONG HWA PARK PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 21.21(d)(3)(i)
State: IL NRC Notified by:   JASON KLEIN                         Notifications:   MEL GRAY                         R1DO HQ Ops Officer:   DONG HWA PARK                                       PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS         EMAIL Emergency Class:     NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:
DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT -PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile: "Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs."Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'."A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified."Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone.
21.21(d)(3)(i)       DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT - PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile:
P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed."Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630)226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940" OCT. 23.,20i5 5:18PM N01 765 P. 1..... ....TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. 860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date: October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001  
"Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.
"Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'.
"A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified.
"Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone. P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.
No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed.
"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940"
OCT. 23.,20i5     5:18PM                                                                     N01 765       P. 1
                                .....           ....                                     TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                   860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD                 BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date:     October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001

Line 28: Line 36:

==Dear Sir or Madam:==
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.
This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.
The information required for this notification is provided below: (9 Name and address of the individual or individuals in forming the Commission.
The information required for this notification is provided below:
Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL 60440 ((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potential defect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.
(9Name and addressof the individual or individualsin forming the Commission.
Page 1 of 2 OCT. 23. 2Q15 5:18PM NO. 765 P. 2~CR~ gJ (630)  
Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL60440
' www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion 1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.N90136-D1-Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1, 1986 Ed. F (vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensee's.
((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potentialdefect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.
Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.
Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is createdor could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.
Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".
A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.
Page 1 of 2
OCT. 23. 2Q15     5:18PM                                                                       NO. 765         P.2
                                ~CR~     gJ NUCEARTELEPHONE*                                                    (630) 226-4.90t*
                                          '                                                 www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                 $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD                   BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.
August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilitiesor activities subject to the regulationsin F
this part.
Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.
N90136-D1- Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1,1986 Ed.
(vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organizationresponsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.
Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.
A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.
Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.
Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.
CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.
(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasersor licensee's.
Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.
(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.Regards, Nuclea, inc."Jason Klein of Engineering
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.
;Page 2 of 2 10/26/2015 U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event RevortI Part 21 (PAR) Event# 51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Notification Date/ITime:
Regards, Nuclea,               inc
10/23/2015 18:28 (EDT)Supplier:
        ."Jason Klein
CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015 (CDT)Last Modification:
        *"Manager of Engineering
10/23/2015 Region: 3 Docket #: City: BOLINGBROOK Agreement State: Yes County: License #: State: IL NRC Notified by: JASON KLEIN Notifications:
                                                                                                                ;Page 2 of 2
MEL GRAY R1DO HQ Ops Officer: DONG HWA PARK PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 21.21(d)(3)(i)
DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT -PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile: "Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs."Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'."A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified."Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone.
10/26/2015                   U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event Revort                  Pno* I Part 21 (PAR)                                                                               Event#       51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                                 Notification Date/ITime: 10/23/2015 18:28     (EDT)
P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed."Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630)226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940" OCT. 23.,20i5 5:18PM N01 765 P. 1..... ....TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. 860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date: October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001  
Supplier: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                                       Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015           (CDT)
Last Modification: 10/23/2015 Region:   3                                               Docket #:
City: BOLINGBROOK                             Agreement State:             Yes County:                                                 License #:
State: IL NRC Notified by:   JASON KLEIN                         Notifications:   MEL GRAY                         R1DO HQ Ops Officer:   DONG HWA PARK                                       PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS         EMAIL Emergency Class:     NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:
21.21(d)(3)(i)       DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT - PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile:
"Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.
"Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'.
"A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified.
"Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone. P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.
No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed.
"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940"
OCT. 23.,20i5     5:18PM                                                                     N01 765       P. 1
                                .....           ....                                     TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                   860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD                 BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date:     October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001

Line 48: Line 91:

==Dear Sir or Madam:==
==Dear Sir or Madam:==
This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.
This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.
The information required for this notification is provided below: (9 Name and address of the individual or individuals in forming the Commission.
The information required for this notification is provided below:
Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL 60440 ((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potential defect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL 60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is created or could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.
(9Name and addressof the individual or individualsin forming the Commission.
Page 1 of 2 OCT. 23. 2Q15 5:18PM NO. 765 P. 2~CR~ gJ (630)  
Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL60440
' www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilities or activities subject to the regulations in this part.Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion 1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.N90136-D1-Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1, 1986 Ed. F (vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organization responsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasers or licensee's.
((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potentialdefect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.
Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.
Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is createdor could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.
Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".
A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.
Page 1 of 2
OCT. 23. 2Q15     5:18PM                                                                       NO. 765         P.2
                                ~CR~     gJ NUCEARTELEPHONE*                                                    (630) 226-4.90t*
                                          '                                                 www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC.                 $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD                   BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.
August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilitiesor activities subject to the regulationsin F
this part.
Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.
N90136-D1- Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1,1986 Ed.
(vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organizationresponsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.
Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.
A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.
Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.
Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.
CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.
(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasersor licensee's.
Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.
(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.Regards, Nuclea, inc."Jason Klein of Engineering
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.
;Page 2 of 2}}
Regards, Nuclea,               inc
        ."Jason Klein
        *"Manager of Engineering
                                                                                                                ;Page 2 of 2}}

Latest revision as of 05:07, 31 October 2019

Part 21 Report Regarding Pressure Seal Valve Noncompliance, Per Millstone
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/2015
From: Klein J
Crane Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15303A014 (3)


10/26/2015 U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event Revort Pno* I Part 21 (PAR) Event# 51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Notification Date/ITime: 10/23/2015 18:28 (EDT)

Supplier: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015 (CDT)

Last Modification: 10/23/2015 Region: 3 Docket #:

City: BOLINGBROOK Agreement State: Yes County: License #:

State: IL NRC Notified by: JASON KLEIN Notifications: MEL GRAY R1DO HQ Ops Officer: DONG HWA PARK PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:

21.21(d)(3)(i) DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT - PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile:

"Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.

"Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'.

"A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified.

"Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone. P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.

No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed.

"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940"

OCT. 23.,20i5 5:18PM N01 765 P. 1

..... .... TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. 860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date: October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001


10 CFR Part 21 Investigation Report Notification of Pressure Seal Valve Segment Ring Material Compliance

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.

The information required for this notification is provided below:

(9Name and addressof the individual or individualsin forming the Commission.

Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL60440

((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potentialdefect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.

(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.

Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is createdor could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.

Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".

A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.

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OCT. 23. 2Q15 5:18PM NO. 765 P.2

~CR~ gJ NUCEARTELEPHONE* (630) 226-4.90t*

' www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.

August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilitiesor activities subject to the regulationsin F

this part.

Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.

N90136-D1- Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1,1986 Ed.

(vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organizationresponsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.

Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.

A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.

Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.

Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.

CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.

(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasersor licensee's.

Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.

(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.

Not applicable.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.

Regards, Nuclea, inc

."Jason Klein

  • "Manager of Engineering
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10/26/2015 U.S. Nuclear Reeulatorv Commission Overations Center Event Revort Pno* I Part 21 (PAR) Event# 51496 Rep Org: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Notification Date/ITime: 10/23/2015 18:28 (EDT)

Supplier: CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. Event Date / Time: 08/26/2015 (CDT)

Last Modification: 10/23/2015 Region: 3 Docket #:

City: BOLINGBROOK Agreement State: Yes County: License #:

State: IL NRC Notified by: JASON KLEIN Notifications: MEL GRAY R1DO HQ Ops Officer: DONG HWA PARK PART 2 1/50.55 REACTORS EMAIL Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section:

21.21(d)(3)(i) DEFECTS AND NONCOMPLIANCE PART 21 REPORT - PRESSURE SEAL VALVE NONCOMPLIANCE The following is a summary of a submitted facsimile:

"Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.

"Crane Nuclear 'Classification of Valve Parts', Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE [Non Destructive Test] requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. The procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section III, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH 'Rules for Valve Internal and External Items'.

"A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section II, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination specified.

"Limited to (1) CNI [Crane Nuclear, INC.] SO# 069000408, Dominion, Millstone. P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req.

No. N90136 Quantity shipped = 1, Crane, 8", Fig. 55009-12CF8M-WE, Class 900, ASME Class 1, 1986 Ed.

"Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Nava, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940"

OCT. 23.,20i5 5:18PM N01 765 P. 1

..... .... TELEPHONE (630) 226-4900 NUCLEAR CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. 860 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINGBROOK, IL. 60440 Date: October 23, 2016 Atln: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20655-001


10 CFR Part 21 Investigation Report Notification of Pressure Seal Valve Segment Ring Material Compliance

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter provides notification of the Crane Nuclear, Inc. investigation into ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section ]II Code design Pressure Seal Valve orders with segment ring material compliance.

The information required for this notification is provided below:

(9Name and addressof the individual or individualsin forming the Commission.

Jason Klein Engineering Manager Rosalie Nava Director Safety and Quality Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolinigbrook, IL60440

((9i)Identification of the basic component supplied for such facility or such activity within the United States which may fail to comply or contains a potentialdefect Pressure Seal Valve orders may potentially have misclassified material and non-destructive examination requirements for segment ring designs.

(iii) Identification of the firm supplying the basic component which fails to comply or contains a defect.

Crane Nuclear 860 Remington Blvd Bolingbrook, IL60440 (iv) Nature of the defect or failure to comply and the safety hazard which is createdor could be created by such defeat or failure to comply.

Crane Nuclear "Classification of Valve Parts", Procedure 03-107, provides guidance for appropriate material and NDE requirements for processing valve and valve part orders. Th~e procedure is based on the ASME Code Case N-62, which is ASME B&PV Section I11, 2015 Edition, Non-Mandatory Appendix HH "Rules for Valve Internal and External Items".

A pressure seal valve segment ring requires the material to be purchased Safety Related, ASME B&PV Section 1i, Part D materials, and required NDE (reference Category 3 valve items per N-62). A segment ring may have been processed to material requirements not as pressure retaining material per NX-2000 of the Code resulting in the incorrect material specification and non-destructive examination speoified.

Page 1 of 2

OCT. 23. 2Q15 5:18PM NO. 765 P.2

~CR~ gJ NUCEARTELEPHONE* (630) 226-4.90t*

' www.oranenuclear,¢orn CRANE NUCLEAR, INC. $60 REMINGTON BOULEVARD BOLINOBROOK, IL. 60440 (v) The date on which the information of such defect or failure to comply was obtained.

August 26" 2015 (vi) In the case of a basic component which contains a defect or fails to comply, the number and location of these components in use at, supplied for, being supplied for, or may be supplied for, manufactured, or being manufactured for one or more fadilitiesor activities subject to the regulationsin F

this part.

Unmited to (1) CNI SO# 069000408, Dominion1 Millstone, P.O. 954282 and Purchase Req. No.

N90136-D1- Quantity shipped = I, Crane, B", Fig. 56009-l2CFBM-WE, Class 900, AS E Class 1,1986 Ed.

(vii) The corrective action which has been, is being, or will be taken; the name of the individua( or organizationresponsible for the action; and the length of time that has been or will be taken to comnp ete the action.

Training was held for engineers involved in classification of components for pressure seal designs (integral yoke, retaining rings, and segment rings) completed 8/1 0/156.

A "where-used" was determined for all pressure seal valve design orders and completed 8/23/'15.

Crane also conducted a dual path search of the CNI drawing database to validate the order search.

Revised Crane Nuclear Procedure 03-107 to add figures reflecting configurations and clarify classifications completed 8/24/16. The segment ring classification was clarified as pressure retaining material with this revision.

CNI Design Report. Reconciliation of the segment ring material for the order identified was completed 10/23/15.

(viii) Any advice related to the defect or failure to comply about the facility, activity, or basic component that has been, is being, or will be given to purchasersor licensee's.

Crane Nuclear has notified the customer of the issue identified.

(ix) In the case of an early site permit, the entities to whom an early site permit was transferred.

Not applicable.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jason Klein, Engineering Manager at (630) 226-4953 or Rosalie Naya, Director of Safety and Quality at (630) 226-4940.

Regards, Nuclea, inc

."Jason Klein

  • "Manager of Engineering
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