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{{#Wiki_filter:APPENDIX CSUPPORTING DOCUMENTS GENERAL NOTESDRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS:55: Split Spoon 3/8" 1.0., 2" O.D., unless otherwise notedST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" 0.0., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedRS: Ring Sampler -2.42" l.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedDB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, BBS: Bulk Sample or Auger SampleHS: Hollow Stem AugerPA: Power Auger (Solid Stem)HA: Hand AugerRB: Rock BitWB Wash Boring or Mud RotaryThe number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inchpenetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or 'N-value".WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS:WL: Water Level WS: While SamplingWCI: Wet Cave in WD: While DrillingDCI: Dry Cave in AB: After BoringBCR:ACR:N/E:Before Casing RemovalAfter Casing RemovalNot EncounteredWater levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at othertimes and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In lowpermeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations.DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Coarse Grained Soilshave more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. FineGrained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic,and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major" constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be addedaccording to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of theirin-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency.CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILSRELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILSUnconfinedCompressiveStrengqth, Qu, psf< 500500 -1,0001,000 -2,0002,000 -4,0004,000 -8,0008,000+Standard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-12-44 1515- 30> 30ConsistencyVery SoftSoftMedium StiffStiffVery StiffHardStandard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-34-910 -2930 -50> 50Relative DensityVery LooseLooseMedium DenseDenseVery DenseRELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVELGRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGYDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierPercent ofDry Weight<1515 -29> 30Maior Componentof SampleBouldersCobblesGravelSandSilt or ClayParticle SizeOver 12 in. (300mm)12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm)3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm)#4 to #200 sieve (4.75 to 0.075mm)Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm)RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINESDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierRev. 4/101lrerracanPercent ofDry Weight<55-12> 12PLASTICITY DESCRIPTIONTerm PlasticityTerm IndexNon-plasticLowMediumHigh01-1011-30> 30Exhibit C-i UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMGravels:More than 50% ofcoarse fraction retainedon No. 4 sieveClean Gravels:Less than 5% fines CCu <4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3EGPIPoorly graded gravel F4 + 4Coarse Grained Soils:More than 50% retainedon No. 200 sieveGravels with Fines:More than 12% fines CFines classify as ML or MHGMSSilty gravel Fines classify as CL or CHGCJClayey gravel F.G.iSands:50% or more of coarsefraction passes No. 4sieveClean Sands:Less than 5% fines DCu 6 and 1 <0c<3ESWSWell-graded sand--I- 4Cu < 6and/or 1 > Cc > 3SPIPoorly graded sandSands with Fines:More than 12% fines0oFines classify as ML or MHSMSSilty sand GH.I+ 4Fines classify as CL or CHSCSClayey sand .....,Inrai:PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line CL Lean clay K.L,MSilts and Clays: Inrai:PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJM Silt K.LMF e-rie Sol: Liquid limit less than 50 Orai:Liquid limit -oven dried <0 OL Organic clay K,LMNFine-GrinedSils:_Oganic:Liquid limit -not dried I < .5Organic silt K,L.M,050% or more passes thePIposooraoe""lnFtcayL'No. 200 sieve Inpltoorogboe"AalnnCiatclyc:,Silts and Clays: Inrai:PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K,L,MLqilii50omoeLiquid limit -oven dried rai lyKLMPLiquid_________ limit____50 ___or more___Organic:__ Liquid limit -not dried l < .5Organic silt K,L,M,OHighly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT PeatA Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieveB If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobblesor boulders, or both" to group name.c Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-gradedgravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorlygraded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay.0 Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-gradedsand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly gradedsand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay(Do2E Cu = 0eDio/0 Cc -= -010 x D6oFIf soil contains > 15% sand, add 'with sand" to group name.G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM.H If fines are organic, add 'with organic fines" to group name.SIf soil contains gravel, add "with gravel" to group name.JIf Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay.K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add 'with sand" or "with gravel,"whichever is predominant.LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" togroup name.M If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add"gravelly" to group name.N PI 4 and plots on or above "A" line.0 PI < 4 or plots below "A" line." PI plots on or above "A" line.o PI plots below "A" line.xw0z0(I,0~60504030201074o0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110LIQUID LIMIT (LL)irerreconExhibit C-2 GENERAL NOTESDescription of Rock PropertiesWEATHERINGFreshVery slightSlightModerateModerately severeSevereVery severeCompleteRock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show thin clay coatings, crystals in broken face showbright. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, and discoloration extends into rock up to 1 in. Joints may contain clay. Ingranitoid rocks some occasional feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer.Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks, most feldspars are dulland discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hammer and shows significant loss of strengthas compared with fresh rock.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars dull and discolored and majorityshow kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric' clear and evident, but reduced in strength to strongsoil. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible, but mass effectively reduced to "soil" withonly fragments of strong rock remaining.Rock reduced to "soil". Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only in small, scattered locations. Quartz maybe present as dikes or stringers.HARDNESS (for engineering description of rock -not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals)Very hard Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows ofgeologist's pick.Hard Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen.Moderately hard Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point ofa geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow.Medium Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in smallchips to pieces about 1-in, maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick.Soft Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches insize by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure.Very soft Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces 1-in, or more in thickness can bebroken with finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by fingernail.30Jinti Bedding, and Foliation Spacing in Rock8aLess than 2 in. Very close Very thin2 in. -1 ft. Close Thin1 ft. -3 ft. Moderately close Medium3 ft. -10 ft. Wide ThickMore than 10 ft. Very wide Very thicka. Spacing refers to the distance normal to the planes, of the described feature, which are parallel to each other or nearly so.RQa pretg Diagnoti descriptionExceeding 90 Excellent90 -75 Good75 -50 Fair50 -25 PoorLess than 25 Very poora. RQD (given as a percentage) = length of core in pieces4 in. and longer/length of run.No Visible Separation TightLess than 1/32 in. Slightly Open1/32 to 1/8 in. Moderately Open1/8 to 3/8 in. Open3/8 in. to 0.1 ft. Moderately WideGreater than 0.1 ft. Wide
American Society of Civil Engineers. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice -No. 56. Subsurface Investigation forDesign and Construction of Foundations of Buildingqs. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1976. U.S.Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Engqineeringq Geology Field Manual.1 rerracon Exhibit C-3 February 21, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for Additional ReviewMDNR SHPO project number: 015-BO-IlSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 12W, Sec 33, NTerracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scientific research park, Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 in the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Section 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phasing plan, and photographs of the on-sitemetal machine shed type buildings located on Lot 17 and the quacent hut building located onLot 5. Additionally, photos have been included of structures located on properties adjacent tothe site. Please review your records and files to determine if historic features are located onthe site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,ir'erraconStaff Environmental ScientistEnclosure
[IQJ] MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESL.JJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FOFRMSubmission of a corvpleted Proect Informnation Form uti adequate information and constitutes a request for a reviewpwrsuant to Secion 108 of tl' e National Histouc Preservation Act of 1968 (as amended). We reserve the right to request morelnfo'matlvn. Please refer to the CHECKLIST on Page 2 to ensure that all baslc Infornmaton relevant to the projec has beenInclUded, For further Informain, refer to our website at: httoff r~n~a/so and follow the links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response time by the NIssouri State Hmstoric Preservation Office from thePROJECT 4AMEDiscovery R;dge Lois 2, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. 11l, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18. 17, and 18AGENCY PROVIDttG RUNDS, OR PERMITADDCtESS; FORt RESPNSTerracon3501 Mojave Cowlt, Swle AColmba MO 85203LOCATION QF PROJECTCOUJNTYBooneSTREET ADDRESS CITDiscovery Dttve and Discovery Ridge Parkway (land associated with UM research farm) ColunctaLEGAL DESORIPTION OF PROJECT AREA (TOWNSHIP, RANGE. SECTION, y,4 SECTION)us3s TOPOGRPHICK MAP OauRANGLE NAA 1S MAP ReQ'JiREMeNtS Oft PAGE 2jColumbia, MissouriYEAR JTieosHIPJ RAsNglE SE.CTION1981 J.~48~1 Not 2 WestJ.3PROJET DESCRFIOTH OV!RA. PROJECT IN ODETAIL IF IT 1S4VOLVES EXCAVATION. WE, I-l. OW DEEP. IETC WF THE PRO JICT INVOLVESDEMdOUTION 1.)x57rlNI BLIJLDINGS, MAI(E CLEAR. IF THE PROJIECT INVOLVES REHNI-IAILATIOf4, DESCRieE TI-iE PIROPOSEDI&#xa3; WORK IN DETAIL,use ACOITI9JL PEs IF .ECESSsR.The sle consist of 15 lots. Eight of the lots (Lots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) are loaed witin Phase I of the research perkdevelopment plan. Of the 1os located within Phase I of the developmental plan, Lots 2, 6, 7, and 8 have been graded to constructvacant Iots suitable for development, edditional, Lot 9 Is ourrently in the process of' being graded to facility a lot suitable fordevelomet Currently lto 5 is the kccatcon of a qraacet hut type building. Seven of the lots that coprs the site (Lots 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, anid 15) arelocated wllhin PhaeN II of the devlpnlentml p~lan a consis of ivacarn grass covered farm land utilizedas grazing pasture for live stock and row crop research. CU'rently Lot 17 Is the locat, on of two small moteal machine sheds and oneiarge machine shed type buildings. Historically a residential strctre, and four small metal sheds were located at lh. sitestartfng between 1939-1968 with the resideno eing remve In 2001 and two of the machine sheds being removed in 2O07.Historically the site has been utilized as farm tand asoiae with a Universt of Missouri research farm (South Farms). Beginningin the early 2000s the area surrounding the site has been utilzed as Discovery Ridge, a screlifi research park. The applicant istrlvestlgetlng the site for expanded use as a scentlflc researchpak ARCHAEOLOGY (ERHMVN ACTIVTIES)I-S TH E RUDIVLEDBE RDD BUILT ON, BORROWED, OR OTHERWISE DISTURBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL(UStE ADDITONAL PAGES. IF NECESR) PHOTOGRAPHS ARIE HELPFUL:The site has hdstorlcally been farmed assoditr a University of Missouri research farm. Duin the early 2000. portions of thetots that coprlise Phase I of the site were graded to construct mu!ltple vacant building lots suiatable for development. Currently lotslocated within Phase II of the devlpetla plan ere vacant griss ox~vered land wit portion uLillized for row crop research.WMIL TI-E PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? r" YtE-S 0 NolIF YES=, INDICATIE PROPSD BORROW AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL ON TOPO(GRAPI MAPARE YOU, AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR ADJACENT TO PROJECT 0 YES 0] NDIF YES8, iDENTIFY THEM ON' THE TOPOGAII MAPSTRUCTURES (REHABILITATION. DEMOLOTIOIIADDITION TO. OR CONTUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTUJRES)TO Ti'E BEST OF YOUR KNOVILEOGE. IS TH STRUCTRE LOCATED PN ANY OF THE FOtLiLW.INGLI] AN AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED Li A NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT LI] A LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTFOR HI-STORiC PROPERTIES.IF YIES, PL.EASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PRO~VIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PROVIDE THE NAMVE OFTHE SURVEY OR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY DR D STRICT: THE SURVEY OR DISTRICT:* PLEASE PROViDE PHOTOGRAPHS; OF ALL STRUCTURES.S SEE PI-OTOGRAPI-Y REQUIREMENTS, NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO DNE MAP OF 11* PROJECT AREA* PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF HISOR OF THE BUILDING(S), INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDIN (USPAGES, IF NECESSARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap Requlrements: Attach a copy of I1m relevant po41cm (8 'i x 11) of Ihe current USGS 7.6 ran.r ltopographic map and ifnhcesasry, a *gscae ojevt map. do not send an ind~ckhi rasp w, th each structu'e or sde. ~hile an origiral map Is preferale, a good capy Iseceflbe For e list of silas from Wh~ch to order, download or Iwlnt the required USGS 7.5 usia tofographkc maps at til at no coal coultbIclp !drii maa oo,/s hoo/sect~onv him,PhotogreuPhy Requlrment.: Clear black and wtue or color pholograplhs (minimum 5" x 5') are accaplmele Polarlods. phtco ,s sine'led ortaxed photogiraphs are not accep:table, Good qutl~ty pheorpha sue Impottani for axpedillous projct review, Phooraphs of or neetby bulkldfr~s are also helpUl At photorah should be labeled and keyed Ia ans ma of the prolso:t a,'ea.CHECKLISTDID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIIONt0] Topo::grapherc map 7.5 mai. (per project, not strncure) 0] Other aupoilng documqs* (II necessary to explain the projet)[] Thorouigh descrpllon (all I] For ntew constucllon, rehabtatsn, etc, work writS-ups,plans, drawInls. etc.1'1 Ptto~ographs 1811 struclures) 0] Is topograli map kIdifted by quadrangle and year?Return this Form and Attachments to:*SS8OUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 86102-0176 Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacentwest portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.hut viewed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park estabili=Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.6 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park established between 1Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.
University ofconstructed !:Missouri Civil Engineering research1956 and 1965.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.
ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2. Building constructed betweenviewed from Discovery Drive,Radii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002viewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constnResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.and 1956.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constru,Barn viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the between 1939 and 1956.II Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructedResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of Lot 11.11 looking viewed from Lot
\~lachine shed strutr located on Lot 17. Machine shed plaoed2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoirning property.JLarge metal machine shed structure located on Lot 17. Mactine shed placedapproximately 2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoining property.on-site in Two small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17. SmafN metal machine sheds constructedbetween 1939 and 1988.Eastern small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17.1939 and 1968.ichine shed constructed between Western small metal ma'1939 and sheds located on Lot 17. Machine shed constructed between CITY OF COLUMBIA, Missoulil W i ..IIIIFID: flIrnAwr~JwwIJanuaryt 28, 2011 ...Terracon3601 Mojave Ct.. Suite AColumnbia.~ MO. 65202Deax: Mark Dierker"The Cit/y of Columbia Fire Mandhal's Division haa found no current records of emergencyresponses to fires, hazardous materal, spills and/or releases, storage tanks, or observations notedduring routine fire inspections at or around the subject site located a 4700 Discovery Drive inColumbia, MO.Please let us know if we can assist you further.S. y201 Ona STREET
* ColxM;LA, MIssoU~i (573) 874-7391
* FAX (373) 874-7446 ,, TTY (573) 874-765 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS C:Terracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A11Columbia, Missouri 65203 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PROJECT:Dfiscover Ridge Lots 2 5, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 &16, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYI .....II
* IilllilAllli. ..ICOUNTY:I i BOONEILUNKN'UWNIII!L, iiIm IIThe State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:53After review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.Adequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.1 1). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.WL An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It hasbeen determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended." -.....2By:Mark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerFebruary 9. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:015-BO-11 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSONIADDRESS C:SAdam J. WhiteTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite AColumbia, Missouri 65203PROJECT:IIDiscovery Rid e Lots 2, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYII UNKNOWNCOUNTY:II II BOONEII" flii .....I" "1The State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:DAfter review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.DAdequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.11). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.~An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It has~ been determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended.-7--; <7~c~7~~wMark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerMarch 7. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:01 5-BO-1 1 From: Dierker, Mark ETo: ""
Information Inquiry.Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:37:00 AMAttachments: Exhiblit1-09 117701.ootxTerracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11l) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you haveon file any records regarding residential wastewater permits, solid and hazardous wastepermits and flammable contents permits, underground storage tank records, investigationreports, violations, and emergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I From: Mate ekTo:Dere.MrE
Re: Fwd: Information RequestDate: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:22:01 PMMark-The Discovery Ridge site, as it is owned by the MU Curators, has an interesting relationship to City Code.MU property doesn't necessarily have to follow our codes, as the property hasn't been subdivided underour code (any land divisions have been by deed, I understand) and hasn't been rezoned since it wasannexed in 1998, leaving the property A-i (Agricultural).I hope this helps,-I-...Matthew Lepke, AIOPPlannerCity of Columbia, Mo. Planning and Development701 E. BroadwayP0 Box 6015Columbia, MO 65205573.874.7239 office573.874.7437 directwww goColumbiaMo com>>> Denise Clark 1/28/2011 11:52 AM >>>>>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:40 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (1 1) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding zoning requests, building permits, or investigation reports for thesubject site? I have contacted the Protective Inspection Division for available records. I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.The lots are located on parcels: 17-704-00-00-003.00 01 and 17-803-00-00-001.00 01.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M 573-239-8496medierker~terracon.conm I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here ( ?tabid=501). If you cannot From: JmsPncTo:Dire.MrE
Re: Information RequestDate: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:22:53 PMMark,The site is primarily owned by the University of Missouri and the City of Columbia, Building and SiteDevelopment Division has none of the requested information.Jim PaneckChief Building InspectorBuilding and Site Development Divisionphone (573) 874-7258E-mail>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:41 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding building permits, solid and hazardous waste permits and flammablecontents permits, underground storage tank records, investigation reports, violations, andemergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I have included a map forreference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here (http://www. terracon, com/defaultaspx ? tabid=50 1). If you cannotaccess hyperlink, please e-mail sender.
RECORD OF CONVERSATIONi reirnnBy: (Terracon Employee) Person(s) Involved PrjdN.FileAdam White _ _____Kurtis Holiman arid Bob 09117701____Date j Time Organization2-23-2011 j 10:40 USDA x Subject El CCMinformation Request El ContractsTeieole No. [] Personal Contact (location) Meeting (lcalion) [] ContractsInltiated by: 573-081-8002 El ProposalMJW HolmanK@ [] Other (specify)_________________mi~Qnhl yli'i ______________Mr. Kurtis Holiman and Bob, employees with the USDA, were interviewed on February 23. 2011 regardingthe site. KurUs Holiman has been associated with the site for approximately 30 years and Bob has beenassociated with the site since approximately 1968, According to Bob, the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 ofthe site was historically utilized as a soil testing laboratory and a shop associated with the fabric.ation ofresearch equipment for erosion control research specifically: rain stimulator, flumes, and foot bridges. Drillpresses, milling machines, lays, and band saw were typical equipment utilized within the Quonset hutduring the fabrication of research equipment. Bob indicated historically a Gamma probe utilized formeasuring soil moisture was stored within the on-site Quonset hut within a lead brick lined compartment.On-site soil laboratory test were associated with total suspended solids from watershed outfall samples.Bob indicated that the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 has been present at the site since at least 1987,According to Bob, major research activities were terminated at the Quonset building in the 1 980s whenoperations were moved to a location on the Business Loop within the city limits of Columbia, MO. Bobindicated that from the 1980s to approximately 2002 minor research activities occurred at the site withapproximately 2 employees minimally working out of the structure. According to Bob, the on-site Quonsethut was mainly utilized as a storage facility from the IlgS0s to present-day. Mr. Holiman and Bob indicatedthat in approximately 2002 the on-site lagoon historically located on the northern portion of Lot 5 was closedin according with MDNR regulations.According to Mr. Holiman and Bob the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as farm land.The farmland located on the eastern portion of the site was the historic location of the University of MissouriDairy Farm research facility. Bob indicated that to his knowledge a honme was historically located just eastof the current-day on-site Quonset hut structure. The home located on the east of the Quonset hut wasdemolished in the 1980s. Additionally a cabin type structure was historically located somewhere on thesouth central portion of the eastern portion of the site. Mr. Holiman and Bob were not aware of anypending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or notices of possible violations ofenvironmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Holiman and Bob were notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials orpetroleum products at the site.FollowupCopies to SignatureRECOIFCOtJ OT RECORD OF CONVERSATIONTrerraconBy: (Terracon Emplye) "Person(s) Involved Project No. FileAdam White _ _____Chris Browne 09117701 _ ______Date Time Organization2-23-2011 10:00 Genetic Farm Manager -Project_____________ __________University of Missouri _____subject [] CCMinformation Request 07 ContractsTelephone Phone No, [J] Personal Contact (location) LI Meeting (location) I] ContractsInitiated by: 573-864-2351 0] ProposalAJWN brownec@misso I] Other (spescify)_______________ Lri~edu___________________________________Mr. Chris Browne, Farm Manager of the University of Missouri Genetics Farm was interviewed on February, 23, 2011regarding the site. Mr. Browne has been associated with the site for approximately 32 years. According to Mr.Browne Lots 16, 17, arid 18 of the site have been utilized as a genetic crop research facility for as long as he couldremember. Mr. Browne indicated that research at the farm consisted of basic genetic, production, and resistanceresearch., According tO Mr. Brownie crop research is performed on small test plots and Is mostly done by hand withhand planting and pollination utilized. Additionally Mr. Browne indicated that tractors and tillage equipment are utilizedin the cultivationl of the test plots. Additionally Mr. Browrne indicated that minor amounts of herbicides and fertilizersare utilized at the site.According to Mr. Browne the currently day on-site large metal structure was moved to the site in approximately 2008from its former location. Mr. Browne indicated that the two small metal machine shed structures located at the GeneticFarm were constructed at the site in the 1950s as part of a demonstration for revitalization efforts following World WarII. According to Mr. Bron the demonstration involved the construction of multiple farm structures with the terracingof the farm land and was completed in approximately I week. Mr. Brownie indicated that a residence was locatedwithin the Genetic Farm for as long as he could remember and were demoslised in approximately, 2001. AdditionallyMr. Browne indicated that multiple sinall metal farm structures associated with the revitalization demonstration weredemolished in the late 2000s prior to placing the current-day large metal structure at the site.According to Mr. Browne the site and its adjoining properties have been utilized as farmland for as long as he couldremember. According to Mr. Browne the southern portion of the site was the historic location of the University ofMissouri Dairy Farm which was moved to a different located prior to his employmient at the site, Most recently Mr.Brown indicated that the southern portion of the site was utilized as hay fields prior to their development as DiscoveryRidge Research Park. To Mr. Browne's knowledge the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as aportion of the University of Missouri's Beef Farm. Mr. Browne indicated that he was unaware of who the previousowner of the site was prior to its purchase by the University of Missouri while compiling the current-day South Farmsresearch farm.According to Mr. Brown the site is currently owned by the University of Missouri. Mr. Browne indicated that all of theequipment utilized at the site Is fueled and serviced north of the site at the South Farms Field Operation facility.According to Mr. Browne minor greasing activities are performed on-site. Mr. Browne indicated that the Genetic Farmfacility is inspection twice a year by the University of Missouri Environmental Health Department with no concernsnoted. Mr. Browne was not aware of any pending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or noticesof possible violations of environmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Browne was notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials or" petroleumproducts at the site.FFollowupCopies to Sigre~are-, .11,(;~4141 (u4&4RE'COFCO#4 DOT Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201Inquiry Number: 2972201.2January 21, 2011--I ~ II ~g *-giEnvironmental Data Resources Inc440 Wheelers Farms RoadMilford, CT Site Name: Client Name:Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, TerraconDiscovery Drive and Discovery 3601 Mojave Court EDR Environmental Data Resources tncColumbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65202EDR Inquiry # 2972201.2 Contact: Adam WhiteThe complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the targetproperty location provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library searchresults in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number.Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps bySanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.CrfedSanborm ResulsSite Name:Address:City, State, Zip:Cross Street:P.O. #Project:Discovery Ridge Lots 2,5, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,13,Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201NA09117701Library search resultsCertification # 3F1o-482C-8C43Certification # 3F10-482C-8C43UNMAPPED PROPERTYThis report certifies that the complete holdings of the SanbornLibrary, LLC collection have been searched based on clientsupplied target property information, and fire insurance mapscovering the target property were not found.The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 millionSanbomn fire insurance maps, which track historicalproperty usage in approximately 12,000 Americancities and towns. Collections searched:iLibrary of CongressV'University Publications of AmericaVEDR Private CollectionThe Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866TM'Limited Permission To Make CopiesTerracon (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanyingthis report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to anEDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned uponcompliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.Disclaimer -Copyright and Trademark noticeThis Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot beconcluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THEMAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALLRISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLYLIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risklevels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providingany facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by anenvironmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to beconstrued as legal advice.Copyright 2011 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map ofEnvironmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.EDR and its logos (including Sanbomn and Sanbom Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein arethe property of their respective owners.2972201 -2 page 2 1IrerraconJanuary 17, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Secio 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for ReviewSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColubia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 2W, Sec 33, N%'Terracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmertal Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scetfc research park., Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 In the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Secto 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phsng plan, and photographs of the on-sitequacent hut building located on Lot 5. Additionall, photos have been included of structureslocated on properties adjacent to the site. Please review your records and files to determine ifhistoric features are located on the site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,TrerracanAdam J. WhiteStaff Environnmental ScientistEnlosuJreTairacoil ,I~o nsiars, Inc. 3'601 Mojave Couit. Suite A Colun'bia, Mlssoiitj 6520J2P 15731 214 26)7 F 15731 2_14 2714 tsrracot'.cont
['"J'J MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEL.LJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FORMSubmisio of a comoletedl Project inforvsiiaon Form with adequate informration and attaotments constitutes a reqest for a reviewpursuant to Section 108 of the Nationui Histocc&#xa2; Preservation Act of 1966 (as amnended). We reserve the right to request morePiease refer to the CHECKLUST on Page 2 to esure that .11 basic Information relevant to the projec has beenIncluded. For furthe' information. refer to our %ebslte at: htltoi/ and follow lie links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response timie by the Mistiord State Hisoi Preservation Offc from thedat of receipt.PROJECT EDicvr Ridge Lois 2.5, 8.9, 10. 11, 12, 13,1t4. 16. and 16FEDERAL AGENCY FUNS, LICE=NSE, OR PERMITADO~E.,8 FOR RESPONSTerracon3601 Mojarve Court. Suite AColiluibl, MO 65203LOCATION OF PROJECTCCXJNTYBooneLEGAL DESCRITO OF PROJECT AREA (TWNHIP, RANGE. SECTION, Y, SECTION)usGS IOPOORA,,HIC 'MP O.UADRNG.e NAMe fSEE MAP R!OtJREEN'S ONt PAGE 2)Colubia, Missouri1981 48 North 12 WestPROJECT DESCRFTrlOKDESCRIB TIE PROJECT 11 DE"AL IF IT WIVOLVES; EKCAVAT#ION. ) WDE, HOW DEEP,, ETC. IF THE PROJECT WO)LVESDEMOLImON OF EXISTnNO PAJLDIP4GS. MAKE THAT CLEAR, re TI PROJECT t4VOLVES RE-IAEILrrATION, DESCRIBe THE PROPOSED WORK t'N DETAIL.USe AOmoTONAL PAGES IF The site consist of 11 lois, Six of the lot (Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, arnd 11) are located wilhin Phase I of tie research park developmentplan, Of the los located within Phase I of the developrnental plan, Lots 2, and 6 have been graded to construct vacant lotS suitablefor devlopent addittonul, Lot 9 is currently in 1he proess of being graed to failt a oto suitable for development. Currently lot51 ts he location of a quaceni hut type bu~irdin Fourof the lots that comri~rse site (Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15) are located withinPhtase I1 of the dsvelolprnerai plan and consist of vacant gras covered farm lend utilizedJ as grazing pasture to' livestock, One ofthe .otshat comprise the site (Lot 16) is located wlthin Phase Ii1 of the developmentai plan arid currentiy conuslstolvacant grasscovered land. l-stoncicsly the site has been utilized as farmn land associated with a University of MissourI researc.h farm (SouthFarms). Beglnivvng in the early 2C000s the area surroixiding the sie has been utilized as Discovery Ridge, a scietific researchp8*. The alplicent is irwestigatihg the site for expende use as a scientific research park.
AICHABOLOGY IFARTHUOVIN4G HAS THE GROUND llNVOLVED BEEN GRADED. BUILT ON. OR DISTUIRBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL4USE PAGES. IF NECESSARY) PHOTOGRAPHS ARE 1IELPFUJL:The site has hluolcly been tarmed associated With a University ofl Missouri research farm. Outing the early 200 portions of thelois that comprise Phase I of the shte were graded to cottrc multiple vaan building lots sublo for devet t.en Currety lotslocated withhi Phase II, and Phase III of the developmental plat are vacant grass covered land.VAILL THE PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? 0"1YES U' NOIF YES, INDICATE PROPOSED BORROW'AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL MATERIAL) ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAPARE YOU AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR TO PROJECT AREA? El1 YES 0Z NOIF YE, IDENTIFY THE ON ThE TOPGRPIC MAPSTRUCGTUREIS tREHASILITATION, DEMOL.TIOO. ADDTINS TO, OR CONTRUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTURES)TO THE 31ST OP YOUR KNOWLEDGE, IS THE STRUCUE LOCATED IP tY OJVF Th AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED [-]A NATII'A REGISTER DISTRICT 0" A LCCAL HItSTORIC DISTRICTFOR HISTORIC PROPERTIES.IF YES. PLEASE PROVIDE TIHI NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OFTHE SUIRVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVY OR *PLEASE PROVIDE PHlOTOGRAPHS OF ALL STRUCTURES, SEE PHOTOGRAPHY REQ.,EMENS*NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO ONE MAP OF TI.E PROJECT ARE* PLEASE PROVIDE A BREF: HISTORY OF THE BUILDINGIS), INCLUJ,*ING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDING USES. (USEADOITONAL PAGES. IF NECESsARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap ftequlrmms: Altadt a copy of the reevn por.ion (S ',4xl) 1) tlhe curent USGS 7.5 tooratc map nhes~sary, a largescale project map Please do notaed anlndividual map wit each sburoior s~te. 'hMilmsanorfiiI apls ppreferable. a good copy Isacceptble, For a hi of sites foro whitch to orcer. dowlod oMr plnt the reqeired USS 7.5 reln topographi ap at ll or no et, cos1hitto'lhkw Photography Reqhuuieutas: Clear black and white or color photorphs 3"x 5') are accep.*Ie. Polar~oti, phctcplOels, Pefnlh Orfaxed Ihotogm0 1 are not mocaptable. Good qualt photographs ire Important for expeditiouls projct review. Photographs 0ofegbonor nerby buI~ldinrgs at als Ielpftl. Alt p!o:oaplhs ee labeled and keyed to one mop of the pnrojeo area.CH4ECKUST-DID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION?07 Topographic ma 7.5 mit.i. (per project, not svucki) [] Other smpporl doo mri (Ifnecessary to the project)[] Thorough dasaiptlon (all projects) 0] For new coeucen rehabllalions, etc. atach work wf'lte-ups,plans, drawIngs etc] Photographs (ii *ucture, 0] Ia Io map Idntiie bY quadrange and year?Return this Formi and Attachments to:MISSOUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 108 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65102-0176 U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPSTTEofMISUR QADAL;EColumbia, Missouri, 1981Nr-' , .,,- -"'- "ii .. 'T ...II-I'4wqwinq~DruumbFMWcback.dbpMWhppmw.dh~,*I UII09ia1177014 J rerracon501 UlmeC~g.&daIA I!USGS MAPIIEdiiIIDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMLOTS 2.5, 8,g, 10,.1t, 12, 13,.14, 15& 16COLUMBIA, MISSOURIA-1lP 517?F ErtFA 11 IIIIN _ _KEY-- Phase I-- Phase !1-- Phase III1. .. S. a. -AJWTI flWOg17701I9 41I770fLANI~rer~con~,rti~ EI1~#~O~S &3191 WU~4WLI~A ~SiE EELPENA PHAS I ING PLAIIExhibitDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMCOL.MBI, MISSOURIA-2P t42fl'F 1Ur14 2714ii II 4 &
Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut'west portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.w/ed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.1955 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.
University ot Missouri (.iv1l Engineering researchconstructed between 1956 and 1968.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.
ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2.viewed from Discovery Drive.*BuildingRadii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002 andviewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between'Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constrResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constrnBarn viewed from US Highway 83, southwest of the structure.and 1956.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of11 looking southwest.Barn from Lot APPENDIX CSUPPORTING DOCUMENTS GENERAL NOTESDRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS:55: Split Spoon 3/8" 1.0., 2" O.D., unless otherwise notedST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" 0.0., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedRS: Ring Sampler -2.42" l.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedDB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, BBS: Bulk Sample or Auger SampleHS: Hollow Stem AugerPA: Power Auger (Solid Stem)HA: Hand AugerRB: Rock BitWB Wash Boring or Mud RotaryThe number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inchpenetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or 'N-value".WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS:WL: Water Level WS: While SamplingWCI: Wet Cave in WD: While DrillingDCI: Dry Cave in AB: After BoringBCR:ACR:N/E:Before Casing RemovalAfter Casing RemovalNot EncounteredWater levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at othertimes and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In lowpermeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations.DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Coarse Grained Soilshave more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. FineGrained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic,and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major" constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be addedaccording to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of theirin-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency.CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILSRELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILSUnconfinedCompressiveStrengqth, Qu, psf< 500500 -1,0001,000 -2,0002,000 -4,0004,000 -8,0008,000+Standard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-12-44 1515- 30> 30ConsistencyVery SoftSoftMedium StiffStiffVery StiffHardStandard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-34-910 -2930 -50> 50Relative DensityVery LooseLooseMedium DenseDenseVery DenseRELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVELGRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGYDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierPercent ofDry Weight<1515 -29> 30Maior Componentof SampleBouldersCobblesGravelSandSilt or ClayParticle SizeOver 12 in. (300mm)12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm)3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm)#4 to #200 sieve (4.75 to 0.075mm)Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm)RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINESDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierRev. 4/101lrerracanPercent ofDry Weight<55-12> 12PLASTICITY DESCRIPTIONTerm PlasticityTerm IndexNon-plasticLowMediumHigh01-1011-30> 30Exhibit C-i UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMGravels:More than 50% ofcoarse fraction retainedon No. 4 sieveClean Gravels:Less than 5% fines CCu <4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3EGPIPoorly graded gravel F4 + 4Coarse Grained Soils:More than 50% retainedon No. 200 sieveGravels with Fines:More than 12% fines CFines classify as ML or MHGMSSilty gravel Fines classify as CL or CHGCJClayey gravel F.G.iSands:50% or more of coarsefraction passes No. 4sieveClean Sands:Less than 5% fines DCu 6 and 1 <0c<3ESWSWell-graded sand--I- 4Cu < 6and/or 1 > Cc > 3SPIPoorly graded sandSands with Fines:More than 12% fines0oFines classify as ML or MHSMSSilty sand GH.I+ 4Fines classify as CL or CHSCSClayey sand .....,Inrai:PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line CL Lean clay K.L,MSilts and Clays: Inrai:PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJM Silt K.LMF e-rie Sol: Liquid limit less than 50 Orai:Liquid limit -oven dried <0 OL Organic clay K,LMNFine-GrinedSils:_Oganic:Liquid limit -not dried I < .5Organic silt K,L.M,050% or more passes thePIposooraoe""lnFtcayL'No. 200 sieve Inpltoorogboe"AalnnCiatclyc:,Silts and Clays: Inrai:PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K,L,MLqilii50omoeLiquid limit -oven dried rai lyKLMPLiquid_________ limit____50 ___or more___Organic:__ Liquid limit -not dried l < .5Organic silt K,L,M,OHighly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT PeatA Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieveB If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobblesor boulders, or both" to group name.c Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-gradedgravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorlygraded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay.0 Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-gradedsand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly gradedsand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay(Do2E Cu = 0eDio/0 Cc -= -010 x D6oFIf soil contains > 15% sand, add 'with sand" to group name.G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM.H If fines are organic, add 'with organic fines" to group name.SIf soil contains gravel, add "with gravel" to group name.JIf Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay.K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add 'with sand" or "with gravel,"whichever is predominant.LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" togroup name.M If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add"gravelly" to group name.N PI 4 and plots on or above "A" line.0 PI < 4 or plots below "A" line." PI plots on or above "A" line.o PI plots below "A" line.xw0z0(I,0~60504030201074o0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110LIQUID LIMIT (LL)irerreconExhibit C-2 GENERAL NOTESDescription of Rock PropertiesWEATHERINGFreshVery slightSlightModerateModerately severeSevereVery severeCompleteRock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show thin clay coatings, crystals in broken face showbright. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, and discoloration extends into rock up to 1 in. Joints may contain clay. Ingranitoid rocks some occasional feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer.Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks, most feldspars are dulland discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hammer and shows significant loss of strengthas compared with fresh rock.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars dull and discolored and majorityshow kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric' clear and evident, but reduced in strength to strongsoil. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible, but mass effectively reduced to "soil" withonly fragments of strong rock remaining.Rock reduced to "soil". Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only in small, scattered locations. Quartz maybe present as dikes or stringers.HARDNESS (for engineering description of rock -not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals)Very hard Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows ofgeologist's pick.Hard Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen.Moderately hard Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point ofa geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow.Medium Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in smallchips to pieces about 1-in, maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick.Soft Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches insize by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure.Very soft Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces 1-in, or more in thickness can bebroken with finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by fingernail.30Jinti Bedding, and Foliation Spacing in Rock8aLess than 2 in. Very close Very thin2 in. -1 ft. Close Thin1 ft. -3 ft. Moderately close Medium3 ft. -10 ft. Wide ThickMore than 10 ft. Very wide Very thicka. Spacing refers to the distance normal to the planes, of the described feature, which are parallel to each other or nearly so.RQa pretg Diagnoti descriptionExceeding 90 Excellent90 -75 Good75 -50 Fair50 -25 PoorLess than 25 Very poora. RQD (given as a percentage) = length of core in pieces4 in. and longer/length of run.No Visible Separation TightLess than 1/32 in. Slightly Open1/32 to 1/8 in. Moderately Open1/8 to 3/8 in. Open3/8 in. to 0.1 ft. Moderately WideGreater than 0.1 ft. Wide
American Society of Civil Engineers. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice -No. 56. Subsurface Investigation forDesign and Construction of Foundations of Buildingqs. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1976. U.S.Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Engqineeringq Geology Field Manual.1 rerracon Exhibit C-3 February 21, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for Additional ReviewMDNR SHPO project number: 015-BO-IlSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 12W, Sec 33, NTerracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scientific research park, Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 in the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Section 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phasing plan, and photographs of the on-sitemetal machine shed type buildings located on Lot 17 and the quacent hut building located onLot 5. Additionally, photos have been included of structures located on properties adjacent tothe site. Please review your records and files to determine if historic features are located onthe site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,ir'erraconStaff Environmental ScientistEnclosure
[IQJ] MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESL.JJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FOFRMSubmission of a corvpleted Proect Informnation Form uti adequate information and constitutes a request for a reviewpwrsuant to Secion 108 of tl' e National Histouc Preservation Act of 1968 (as amended). We reserve the right to request morelnfo'matlvn. Please refer to the CHECKLIST on Page 2 to ensure that all baslc Infornmaton relevant to the projec has beenInclUded, For further Informain, refer to our website at: httoff r~n~a/so and follow the links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response time by the NIssouri State Hmstoric Preservation Office from thePROJECT 4AMEDiscovery R;dge Lois 2, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. 11l, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18. 17, and 18AGENCY PROVIDttG RUNDS, OR PERMITADDCtESS; FORt RESPNSTerracon3501 Mojave Cowlt, Swle AColmba MO 85203LOCATION QF PROJECTCOUJNTYBooneSTREET ADDRESS CITDiscovery Dttve and Discovery Ridge Parkway (land associated with UM research farm) ColunctaLEGAL DESORIPTION OF PROJECT AREA (TOWNSHIP, RANGE. SECTION, y,4 SECTION)us3s TOPOGRPHICK MAP OauRANGLE NAA 1S MAP ReQ'JiREMeNtS Oft PAGE 2jColumbia, MissouriYEAR JTieosHIPJ RAsNglE SE.CTION1981 J.~48~1 Not 2 WestJ.3PROJET DESCRFIOTH OV!RA. PROJECT IN ODETAIL IF IT 1S4VOLVES EXCAVATION. WE, I-l. OW DEEP. IETC WF THE PRO JICT INVOLVESDEMdOUTION 1.)x57rlNI BLIJLDINGS, MAI(E CLEAR. IF THE PROJIECT INVOLVES REHNI-IAILATIOf4, DESCRieE TI-iE PIROPOSEDI&#xa3; WORK IN DETAIL,use ACOITI9JL PEs IF .ECESSsR.The sle consist of 15 lots. Eight of the lots (Lots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) are loaed witin Phase I of the research perkdevelopment plan. Of the 1os located within Phase I of the developmental plan, Lots 2, 6, 7, and 8 have been graded to constructvacant Iots suitable for development, edditional, Lot 9 Is ourrently in the process of' being graded to facility a lot suitable fordevelomet Currently lto 5 is the kccatcon of a qraacet hut type building. Seven of the lots that coprs the site (Lots 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, anid 15) arelocated wllhin PhaeN II of the devlpnlentml p~lan a consis of ivacarn grass covered farm land utilizedas grazing pasture for live stock and row crop research. CU'rently Lot 17 Is the locat, on of two small moteal machine sheds and oneiarge machine shed type buildings. Historically a residential strctre, and four small metal sheds were located at lh. sitestartfng between 1939-1968 with the resideno eing remve In 2001 and two of the machine sheds being removed in 2O07.Historically the site has been utilized as farm tand asoiae with a Universt of Missouri research farm (South Farms). Beginningin the early 2000s the area surrounding the site has been utilzed as Discovery Ridge, a screlifi research park. The applicant istrlvestlgetlng the site for expanded use as a scentlflc researchpak ARCHAEOLOGY (ERHMVN ACTIVTIES)I-S TH E RUDIVLEDBE RDD BUILT ON, BORROWED, OR OTHERWISE DISTURBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL(UStE ADDITONAL PAGES. IF NECESR) PHOTOGRAPHS ARIE HELPFUL:The site has hdstorlcally been farmed assoditr a University of Missouri research farm. Duin the early 2000. portions of thetots that coprlise Phase I of the site were graded to construct mu!ltple vacant building lots suiatable for development. Currently lotslocated within Phase II of the devlpetla plan ere vacant griss ox~vered land wit portion uLillized for row crop research.WMIL TI-E PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? r" YtE-S 0 NolIF YES=, INDICATIE PROPSD BORROW AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL ON TOPO(GRAPI MAPARE YOU, AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR ADJACENT TO PROJECT 0 YES 0] NDIF YES8, iDENTIFY THEM ON' THE TOPOGAII MAPSTRUCTURES (REHABILITATION. DEMOLOTIOIIADDITION TO. OR CONTUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTUJRES)TO Ti'E BEST OF YOUR KNOVILEOGE. IS TH STRUCTRE LOCATED PN ANY OF THE FOtLiLW.INGLI] AN AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED Li A NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT LI] A LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTFOR HI-STORiC PROPERTIES.IF YIES, PL.EASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PRO~VIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PROVIDE THE NAMVE OFTHE SURVEY OR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY DR D STRICT: THE SURVEY OR DISTRICT:* PLEASE PROViDE PHOTOGRAPHS; OF ALL STRUCTURES.S SEE PI-OTOGRAPI-Y REQUIREMENTS, NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO DNE MAP OF 11* PROJECT AREA* PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF HISOR OF THE BUILDING(S), INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDIN (USPAGES, IF NECESSARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap Requlrements: Attach a copy of I1m relevant po41cm (8 'i x 11) of Ihe current USGS 7.6 ran.r ltopographic map and ifnhcesasry, a *gscae ojevt map. do not send an ind~ckhi rasp w, th each structu'e or sde. ~hile an origiral map Is preferale, a good capy Iseceflbe For e list of silas from Wh~ch to order, download or Iwlnt the required USGS 7.5 usia tofographkc maps at til at no coal coultbIclp !drii maa oo,/s hoo/sect~onv him,PhotogreuPhy Requlrment.: Clear black and wtue or color pholograplhs (minimum 5" x 5') are accaplmele Polarlods. phtco ,s sine'led ortaxed photogiraphs are not accep:table, Good qutl~ty pheorpha sue Impottani for axpedillous projct review, Phooraphs of or neetby bulkldfr~s are also helpUl At photorah should be labeled and keyed Ia ans ma of the prolso:t a,'ea.CHECKLISTDID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIIONt0] Topo::grapherc map 7.5 mai. (per project, not strncure) 0] Other aupoilng documqs* (II necessary to explain the projet)[] Thorouigh descrpllon (all I] For ntew constucllon, rehabtatsn, etc, work writS-ups,plans, drawInls. etc.1'1 Ptto~ographs 1811 struclures) 0] Is topograli map kIdifted by quadrangle and year?Return this Form and Attachments to:*SS8OUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 86102-0176 Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacentwest portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.hut viewed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park estabili=Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.6 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park established between 1Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.
University ofconstructed !:Missouri Civil Engineering research1956 and 1965.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.
ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2. Building constructed betweenviewed from Discovery Drive,Radii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002viewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constnResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.and 1956.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constru,Barn viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the between 1939 and 1956.II Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructedResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of Lot 11.11 looking viewed from Lot
\~lachine shed strutr located on Lot 17. Machine shed plaoed2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoirning property.JLarge metal machine shed structure located on Lot 17. Mactine shed placedapproximately 2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoining property.on-site in Two small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17. SmafN metal machine sheds constructedbetween 1939 and 1988.Eastern small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17.1939 and 1968.ichine shed constructed between Western small metal ma'1939 and sheds located on Lot 17. Machine shed constructed between CITY OF COLUMBIA, Missoulil W i ..IIIIFID: flIrnAwr~JwwIJanuaryt 28, 2011 ...Terracon3601 Mojave Ct.. Suite AColumnbia.~ MO. 65202Deax: Mark Dierker"The Cit/y of Columbia Fire Mandhal's Division haa found no current records of emergencyresponses to fires, hazardous materal, spills and/or releases, storage tanks, or observations notedduring routine fire inspections at or around the subject site located a 4700 Discovery Drive inColumbia, MO.Please let us know if we can assist you further.S. y201 Ona STREET
* ColxM;LA, MIssoU~i (573) 874-7391
* FAX (373) 874-7446 ,, TTY (573) 874-765 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS C:Terracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A11Columbia, Missouri 65203 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PROJECT:Dfiscover Ridge Lots 2 5, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 &16, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYI .....II
* IilllilAllli. ..ICOUNTY:I i BOONEILUNKN'UWNIII!L, iiIm IIThe State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:53After review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.Adequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.1 1). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.WL An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It hasbeen determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended." -.....2By:Mark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerFebruary 9. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:015-BO-11 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSONIADDRESS C:SAdam J. WhiteTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite AColumbia, Missouri 65203PROJECT:IIDiscovery Rid e Lots 2, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYII UNKNOWNCOUNTY:II II BOONEII" flii .....I" "1The State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:DAfter review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.DAdequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.11). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.~An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It has~ been determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended.-7--; <7~c~7~~wMark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerMarch 7. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:01 5-BO-1 1 From: Dierker, Mark ETo: ""
Information Inquiry.Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:37:00 AMAttachments: Exhiblit1-09 117701.ootxTerracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11l) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you haveon file any records regarding residential wastewater permits, solid and hazardous wastepermits and flammable contents permits, underground storage tank records, investigationreports, violations, and emergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I From: Mate ekTo:Dere.MrE
Re: Fwd: Information RequestDate: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:22:01 PMMark-The Discovery Ridge site, as it is owned by the MU Curators, has an interesting relationship to City Code.MU property doesn't necessarily have to follow our codes, as the property hasn't been subdivided underour code (any land divisions have been by deed, I understand) and hasn't been rezoned since it wasannexed in 1998, leaving the property A-i (Agricultural).I hope this helps,-I-...Matthew Lepke, AIOPPlannerCity of Columbia, Mo. Planning and Development701 E. BroadwayP0 Box 6015Columbia, MO 65205573.874.7239 office573.874.7437 directwww goColumbiaMo com>>> Denise Clark 1/28/2011 11:52 AM >>>>>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:40 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (1 1) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding zoning requests, building permits, or investigation reports for thesubject site? I have contacted the Protective Inspection Division for available records. I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.The lots are located on parcels: 17-704-00-00-003.00 01 and 17-803-00-00-001.00 01.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M 573-239-8496medierker~terracon.conm I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here ( ?tabid=501). If you cannot From: JmsPncTo:Dire.MrE
Re: Information RequestDate: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:22:53 PMMark,The site is primarily owned by the University of Missouri and the City of Columbia, Building and SiteDevelopment Division has none of the requested information.Jim PaneckChief Building InspectorBuilding and Site Development Divisionphone (573) 874-7258E-mail>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:41 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding building permits, solid and hazardous waste permits and flammablecontents permits, underground storage tank records, investigation reports, violations, andemergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I have included a map forreference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here (http://www. terracon, com/defaultaspx ? tabid=50 1). If you cannotaccess hyperlink, please e-mail sender.
RECORD OF CONVERSATIONi reirnnBy: (Terracon Employee) Person(s) Involved PrjdN.FileAdam White _ _____Kurtis Holiman arid Bob 09117701____Date j Time Organization2-23-2011 j 10:40 USDA x Subject El CCMinformation Request El ContractsTeieole No. [] Personal Contact (location) Meeting (lcalion) [] ContractsInltiated by: 573-081-8002 El ProposalMJW HolmanK@ [] Other (specify)_________________mi~Qnhl yli'i ______________Mr. Kurtis Holiman and Bob, employees with the USDA, were interviewed on February 23. 2011 regardingthe site. KurUs Holiman has been associated with the site for approximately 30 years and Bob has beenassociated with the site since approximately 1968, According to Bob, the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 ofthe site was historically utilized as a soil testing laboratory and a shop associated with the fabric.ation ofresearch equipment for erosion control research specifically: rain stimulator, flumes, and foot bridges. Drillpresses, milling machines, lays, and band saw were typical equipment utilized within the Quonset hutduring the fabrication of research equipment. Bob indicated historically a Gamma probe utilized formeasuring soil moisture was stored within the on-site Quonset hut within a lead brick lined compartment.On-site soil laboratory test were associated with total suspended solids from watershed outfall samples.Bob indicated that the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 has been present at the site since at least 1987,According to Bob, major research activities were terminated at the Quonset building in the 1 980s whenoperations were moved to a location on the Business Loop within the city limits of Columbia, MO. Bobindicated that from the 1980s to approximately 2002 minor research activities occurred at the site withapproximately 2 employees minimally working out of the structure. According to Bob, the on-site Quonsethut was mainly utilized as a storage facility from the IlgS0s to present-day. Mr. Holiman and Bob indicatedthat in approximately 2002 the on-site lagoon historically located on the northern portion of Lot 5 was closedin according with MDNR regulations.According to Mr. Holiman and Bob the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as farm land.The farmland located on the eastern portion of the site was the historic location of the University of MissouriDairy Farm research facility. Bob indicated that to his knowledge a honme was historically located just eastof the current-day on-site Quonset hut structure. The home located on the east of the Quonset hut wasdemolished in the 1980s. Additionally a cabin type structure was historically located somewhere on thesouth central portion of the eastern portion of the site. Mr. Holiman and Bob were not aware of anypending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or notices of possible violations ofenvironmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Holiman and Bob were notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials orpetroleum products at the site.FollowupCopies to SignatureRECOIFCOtJ OT RECORD OF CONVERSATIONTrerraconBy: (Terracon Emplye) "Person(s) Involved Project No. FileAdam White _ _____Chris Browne 09117701 _ ______Date Time Organization2-23-2011 10:00 Genetic Farm Manager -Project_____________ __________University of Missouri _____subject [] CCMinformation Request 07 ContractsTelephone Phone No, [J] Personal Contact (location) LI Meeting (location) I] ContractsInitiated by: 573-864-2351 0] ProposalAJWN brownec@misso I] Other (spescify)_______________ Lri~edu___________________________________Mr. Chris Browne, Farm Manager of the University of Missouri Genetics Farm was interviewed on February, 23, 2011regarding the site. Mr. Browne has been associated with the site for approximately 32 years. According to Mr.Browne Lots 16, 17, arid 18 of the site have been utilized as a genetic crop research facility for as long as he couldremember. Mr. Browne indicated that research at the farm consisted of basic genetic, production, and resistanceresearch., According tO Mr. Brownie crop research is performed on small test plots and Is mostly done by hand withhand planting and pollination utilized. Additionally Mr. Browne indicated that tractors and tillage equipment are utilizedin the cultivationl of the test plots. Additionally Mr. Browrne indicated that minor amounts of herbicides and fertilizersare utilized at the site.According to Mr. Browne the currently day on-site large metal structure was moved to the site in approximately 2008from its former location. Mr. Browne indicated that the two small metal machine shed structures located at the GeneticFarm were constructed at the site in the 1950s as part of a demonstration for revitalization efforts following World WarII. According to Mr. Bron the demonstration involved the construction of multiple farm structures with the terracingof the farm land and was completed in approximately I week. Mr. Brownie indicated that a residence was locatedwithin the Genetic Farm for as long as he could remember and were demoslised in approximately, 2001. AdditionallyMr. Browne indicated that multiple sinall metal farm structures associated with the revitalization demonstration weredemolished in the late 2000s prior to placing the current-day large metal structure at the site.According to Mr. Browne the site and its adjoining properties have been utilized as farmland for as long as he couldremember. According to Mr. Browne the southern portion of the site was the historic location of the University ofMissouri Dairy Farm which was moved to a different located prior to his employmient at the site, Most recently Mr.Brown indicated that the southern portion of the site was utilized as hay fields prior to their development as DiscoveryRidge Research Park. To Mr. Browne's knowledge the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as aportion of the University of Missouri's Beef Farm. Mr. Browne indicated that he was unaware of who the previousowner of the site was prior to its purchase by the University of Missouri while compiling the current-day South Farmsresearch farm.According to Mr. Brown the site is currently owned by the University of Missouri. Mr. Browne indicated that all of theequipment utilized at the site Is fueled and serviced north of the site at the South Farms Field Operation facility.According to Mr. Browne minor greasing activities are performed on-site. Mr. Browne indicated that the Genetic Farmfacility is inspection twice a year by the University of Missouri Environmental Health Department with no concernsnoted. Mr. Browne was not aware of any pending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or noticesof possible violations of environmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Browne was notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials or" petroleumproducts at the site.FFollowupCopies to Sigre~are-, .11,(;~4141 (u4&4RE'COFCO#4 DOT Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201Inquiry Number: 2972201.2January 21, 2011--I ~ II ~g *-giEnvironmental Data Resources Inc440 Wheelers Farms RoadMilford, CT Site Name: Client Name:Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, TerraconDiscovery Drive and Discovery 3601 Mojave Court EDR Environmental Data Resources tncColumbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65202EDR Inquiry # 2972201.2 Contact: Adam WhiteThe complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the targetproperty location provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library searchresults in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number.Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps bySanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.CrfedSanborm ResulsSite Name:Address:City, State, Zip:Cross Street:P.O. #Project:Discovery Ridge Lots 2,5, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,13,Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201NA09117701Library search resultsCertification # 3F1o-482C-8C43Certification # 3F10-482C-8C43UNMAPPED PROPERTYThis report certifies that the complete holdings of the SanbornLibrary, LLC collection have been searched based on clientsupplied target property information, and fire insurance mapscovering the target property were not found.The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 millionSanbomn fire insurance maps, which track historicalproperty usage in approximately 12,000 Americancities and towns. Collections searched:iLibrary of CongressV'University Publications of AmericaVEDR Private CollectionThe Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866TM'Limited Permission To Make CopiesTerracon (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanyingthis report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to anEDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned uponcompliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.Disclaimer -Copyright and Trademark noticeThis Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot beconcluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THEMAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALLRISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLYLIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risklevels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providingany facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by anenvironmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to beconstrued as legal advice.Copyright 2011 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map ofEnvironmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.EDR and its logos (including Sanbomn and Sanbom Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein arethe property of their respective owners.2972201 -2 page 2 1IrerraconJanuary 17, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Secio 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for ReviewSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColubia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 2W, Sec 33, N%'Terracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmertal Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scetfc research park., Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 In the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Secto 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phsng plan, and photographs of the on-sitequacent hut building located on Lot 5. Additionall, photos have been included of structureslocated on properties adjacent to the site. Please review your records and files to determine ifhistoric features are located on the site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,TrerracanAdam J. WhiteStaff Environnmental ScientistEnlosuJreTairacoil ,I~o nsiars, Inc. 3'601 Mojave Couit. Suite A Colun'bia, Mlssoiitj 6520J2P 15731 214 26)7 F 15731 2_14 2714 tsrracot'.cont
['"J'J MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEL.LJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FORMSubmisio of a comoletedl Project inforvsiiaon Form with adequate informration and attaotments constitutes a reqest for a reviewpursuant to Section 108 of the Nationui Histocc&#xa2; Preservation Act of 1966 (as amnended). We reserve the right to request morePiease refer to the CHECKLUST on Page 2 to esure that .11 basic Information relevant to the projec has beenIncluded. For furthe' information. refer to our %ebslte at: htltoi/ and follow lie links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response timie by the Mistiord State Hisoi Preservation Offc from thedat of receipt.PROJECT EDicvr Ridge Lois 2.5, 8.9, 10. 11, 12, 13,1t4. 16. and 16FEDERAL AGENCY FUNS, LICE=NSE, OR PERMITADO~E.,8 FOR RESPONSTerracon3601 Mojarve Court. Suite AColiluibl, MO 65203LOCATION OF PROJECTCCXJNTYBooneLEGAL DESCRITO OF PROJECT AREA (TWNHIP, RANGE. SECTION, Y, SECTION)usGS IOPOORA,,HIC 'MP O.UADRNG.e NAMe fSEE MAP R!OtJREEN'S ONt PAGE 2)Colubia, Missouri1981 48 North 12 WestPROJECT DESCRFTrlOKDESCRIB TIE PROJECT 11 DE"AL IF IT WIVOLVES; EKCAVAT#ION. ) WDE, HOW DEEP,, ETC. IF THE PROJECT WO)LVESDEMOLImON OF EXISTnNO PAJLDIP4GS. MAKE THAT CLEAR, re TI PROJECT t4VOLVES RE-IAEILrrATION, DESCRIBe THE PROPOSED WORK t'N DETAIL.USe AOmoTONAL PAGES IF The site consist of 11 lois, Six of the lot (Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, arnd 11) are located wilhin Phase I of tie research park developmentplan, Of the los located within Phase I of the developrnental plan, Lots 2, and 6 have been graded to construct vacant lotS suitablefor devlopent addittonul, Lot 9 is currently in 1he proess of being graed to failt a oto suitable for development. Currently lot51 ts he location of a quaceni hut type bu~irdin Fourof the lots that comri~rse site (Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15) are located withinPhtase I1 of the dsvelolprnerai plan and consist of vacant gras covered farm lend utilizedJ as grazing pasture to' livestock, One ofthe .otshat comprise the site (Lot 16) is located wlthin Phase Ii1 of the developmentai plan arid currentiy conuslstolvacant grasscovered land. l-stoncicsly the site has been utilized as farmn land associated with a University of MissourI researc.h farm (SouthFarms). Beglnivvng in the early 2C000s the area surroixiding the sie has been utilized as Discovery Ridge, a scietific researchp8*. The alplicent is irwestigatihg the site for expende use as a scientific research park.
AICHABOLOGY IFARTHUOVIN4G HAS THE GROUND llNVOLVED BEEN GRADED. BUILT ON. OR DISTUIRBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL4USE PAGES. IF NECESSARY) PHOTOGRAPHS ARE 1IELPFUJL:The site has hluolcly been tarmed associated With a University ofl Missouri research farm. Outing the early 200 portions of thelois that comprise Phase I of the shte were graded to cottrc multiple vaan building lots sublo for devet t.en Currety lotslocated withhi Phase II, and Phase III of the developmental plat are vacant grass covered land.VAILL THE PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? 0"1YES U' NOIF YES, INDICATE PROPOSED BORROW'AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL MATERIAL) ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAPARE YOU AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR TO PROJECT AREA? El1 YES 0Z NOIF YE, IDENTIFY THE ON ThE TOPGRPIC MAPSTRUCGTUREIS tREHASILITATION, DEMOL.TIOO. ADDTINS TO, OR CONTRUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTURES)TO THE 31ST OP YOUR KNOWLEDGE, IS THE STRUCUE LOCATED IP tY OJVF Th AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED [-]A NATII'A REGISTER DISTRICT 0" A LCCAL HItSTORIC DISTRICTFOR HISTORIC PROPERTIES.IF YES. PLEASE PROVIDE TIHI NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OFTHE SUIRVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVY OR *PLEASE PROVIDE PHlOTOGRAPHS OF ALL STRUCTURES, SEE PHOTOGRAPHY REQ.,EMENS*NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO ONE MAP OF TI.E PROJECT ARE* PLEASE PROVIDE A BREF: HISTORY OF THE BUILDINGIS), INCLUJ,*ING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDING USES. (USEADOITONAL PAGES. IF NECESsARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap ftequlrmms: Altadt a copy of the reevn por.ion (S ',4xl) 1) tlhe curent USGS 7.5 tooratc map nhes~sary, a largescale project map Please do notaed anlndividual map wit each sburoior s~te. 'hMilmsanorfiiI apls ppreferable. a good copy Isacceptble, For a hi of sites foro whitch to orcer. dowlod oMr plnt the reqeired USS 7.5 reln topographi ap at ll or no et, cos1hitto'lhkw Photography Reqhuuieutas: Clear black and white or color photorphs 3"x 5') are accep.*Ie. Polar~oti, phctcplOels, Pefnlh Orfaxed Ihotogm0 1 are not mocaptable. Good qualt photographs ire Important for expeditiouls projct review. Photographs 0ofegbonor nerby buI~ldinrgs at als Ielpftl. Alt p!o:oaplhs ee labeled and keyed to one mop of the pnrojeo area.CH4ECKUST-DID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION?07 Topographic ma 7.5 mit.i. (per project, not svucki) [] Other smpporl doo mri (Ifnecessary to the project)[] Thorough dasaiptlon (all projects) 0] For new coeucen rehabllalions, etc. atach work wf'lte-ups,plans, drawIngs etc] Photographs (ii *ucture, 0] Ia Io map Idntiie bY quadrange and year?Return this Formi and Attachments to:MISSOUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 108 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65102-0176 U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPSTTEofMISUR QADAL;EColumbia, Missouri, 1981Nr-' , .,,- -"'- "ii .. 'T ...II-I'4wqwinq~DruumbFMWcback.dbpMWhppmw.dh~,*I UII09ia1177014 J rerracon501 UlmeC~g.&daIA I!USGS MAPIIEdiiIIDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMLOTS 2.5, 8,g, 10,.1t, 12, 13,.14, 15& 16COLUMBIA, MISSOURIA-1lP 517?F ErtFA 11 IIIIN _ _KEY-- Phase I-- Phase !1-- Phase III1. .. S. a. -AJWTI flWOg17701I9 41I770fLANI~rer~con~,rti~ EI1~#~O~S &3191 WU~4WLI~A ~SiE EELPENA PHAS I ING PLAIIExhibitDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMCOL.MBI, MISSOURIA-2P t42fl'F 1Ur14 2714ii II 4 &
Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut'west portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.w/ed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.1955 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.
University ot Missouri (.iv1l Engineering researchconstructed between 1956 and 1968.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.
ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2.viewed from Discovery Drive.*BuildingRadii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002 andviewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between'Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constrResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constrnBarn viewed from US Highway 83, southwest of the structure.and 1956.
Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of11 looking southwest.Barn from Lot}}

Revision as of 19:19, 2 June 2018

Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC - Document No. NWMI-2015-RAI-001, Revision 0, Appendix H. Part 6 of 14
Person / Time
Site: Northwest Medical Isotopes
Issue date: 11/20/2015
From: White A J
Northwest Medical Isotopes, Terracon Consultants
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15328A010 List:
NWMI-LTR-2015-005 NWMI-2015-RAI-001, Rev. 0
Download: ML15328A077 (39)


APPENDIX CSUPPORTING DOCUMENTS GENERAL NOTESDRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS:55: Split Spoon 3/8" 1.0., 2" O.D., unless otherwise notedST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" 0.0., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedRS: Ring Sampler -2.42" l.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedDB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, BBS: Bulk Sample or Auger SampleHS: Hollow Stem AugerPA: Power Auger (Solid Stem)HA: Hand AugerRB: Rock BitWB Wash Boring or Mud RotaryThe number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inchpenetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or 'N-value".WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS:WL: Water Level WS: While SamplingWCI: Wet Cave in WD: While DrillingDCI: Dry Cave in AB: After BoringBCR:ACR:N/E:Before Casing RemovalAfter Casing RemovalNot EncounteredWater levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at othertimes and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In lowpermeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations.DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Coarse Grained Soilshave more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. FineGrained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic,and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major" constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be addedaccording to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of theirin-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency.CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILSRELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILSUnconfinedCompressiveStrengqth, Qu, psf< 500500 -1,0001,000 -2,0002,000 -4,0004,000 -8,0008,000+Standard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-12-44 1515- 30> 30ConsistencyVery SoftSoftMedium StiffStiffVery StiffHardStandard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-34-910 -2930 -50> 50Relative DensityVery LooseLooseMedium DenseDenseVery DenseRELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVELGRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGYDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierPercent ofDry Weight<1515 -29> 30Maior Componentof SampleBouldersCobblesGravelSandSilt or ClayParticle SizeOver 12 in. (300mm)12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm)3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm)#4 to #200 sieve (4.75 to 0.075mm)Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm)RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINESDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierRev. 4/101lrerracanPercent ofDry Weight<55-12> 12PLASTICITY DESCRIPTIONTerm PlasticityTerm IndexNon-plasticLowMediumHigh01-1011-30> 30Exhibit C-i UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMGravels:More than 50% ofcoarse fraction retainedon No. 4 sieveClean Gravels:Less than 5% fines CCu <4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3EGPIPoorly graded gravel F4 + 4Coarse Grained Soils:More than 50% retainedon No. 200 sieveGravels with Fines:More than 12% fines CFines classify as ML or MHGMSSilty gravel Fines classify as CL or CHGCJClayey gravel F.G.iSands:50% or more of coarsefraction passes No. 4sieveClean Sands:Less than 5% fines DCu 6 and 1 <0c<3ESWSWell-graded sand--I- 4Cu < 6and/or 1 > Cc > 3SPIPoorly graded sandSands with Fines:More than 12% fines0oFines classify as ML or MHSMSSilty sand GH.I+ 4Fines classify as CL or CHSCSClayey sand .....,Inrai:PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line CL Lean clay K.L,MSilts and Clays: Inrai:PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJM Silt K.LMF e-rie Sol: Liquid limit less than 50 Orai:Liquid limit -oven dried <0 OL Organic clay K,LMNFine-GrinedSils:_Oganic:Liquid limit -not dried I < .5Organic silt K,L.M,050% or more passes thePIposooraoe""lnFtcayL'No. 200 sieve Inpltoorogboe"AalnnCiatclyc:,Silts and Clays: Inrai:PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K,L,MLqilii50omoeLiquid limit -oven dried rai lyKLMPLiquid_________ limit____50 ___or more___Organic:__ Liquid limit -not dried l < .5Organic silt K,L,M,OHighly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT PeatA Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieveB If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobblesor boulders, or both" to group name.c Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-gradedgravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorlygraded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay.0 Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-gradedsand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly gradedsand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay(Do2E Cu = 0eDio/0 Cc -= -010 x D6oFIf soil contains > 15% sand, add 'with sand" to group name.G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM.H If fines are organic, add 'with organic fines" to group name.SIf soil contains gravel, add "with gravel" to group name.JIf Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay.K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add 'with sand" or "with gravel,"whichever is predominant.LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" togroup name.M If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add"gravelly" to group name.N PI 4 and plots on or above "A" line.0 PI < 4 or plots below "A" line." PI plots on or above "A" line.o PI plots below "A" line.xw0z0(I,0~60504030201074o0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110LIQUID LIMIT (LL)irerreconExhibit C-2 GENERAL NOTESDescription of Rock PropertiesWEATHERINGFreshVery slightSlightModerateModerately severeSevereVery severeCompleteRock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show thin clay coatings, crystals in broken face showbright. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, and discoloration extends into rock up to 1 in. Joints may contain clay. Ingranitoid rocks some occasional feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer.Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks, most feldspars are dulland discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hammer and shows significant loss of strengthas compared with fresh rock.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars dull and discolored and majorityshow kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric' clear and evident, but reduced in strength to strongsoil. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible, but mass effectively reduced to "soil" withonly fragments of strong rock remaining.Rock reduced to "soil". Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only in small, scattered locations. Quartz maybe present as dikes or stringers.HARDNESS (for engineering description of rock -not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals)Very hard Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows ofgeologist's pick.Hard Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen.Moderately hard Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point ofa geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow.Medium Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in smallchips to pieces about 1-in, maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick.Soft Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches insize by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure.Very soft Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces 1-in, or more in thickness can bebroken with finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by fingernail.30Jinti Bedding, and Foliation Spacing in Rock8aLess than 2 in. Very close Very thin2 in. -1 ft. Close Thin1 ft. -3 ft. Moderately close Medium3 ft. -10 ft. Wide ThickMore than 10 ft. Very wide Very thicka. Spacing refers to the distance normal to the planes, of the described feature, which are parallel to each other or nearly so.RQa pretg Diagnoti descriptionExceeding 90 Excellent90 -75 Good75 -50 Fair50 -25 PoorLess than 25 Very poora. RQD (given as a percentage) = length of core in pieces4 in. and longer/length of run.No Visible Separation TightLess than 1/32 in. Slightly Open1/32 to 1/8 in. Moderately Open1/8 to 3/8 in. Open3/8 in. to 0.1 ft. Moderately WideGreater than 0.1 ft. Wide


American Society of Civil Engineers. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice -No. 56. Subsurface Investigation forDesign and Construction of Foundations of Buildingqs. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1976. U.S.Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Engqineeringq Geology Field Manual.1 rerracon Exhibit C-3 February 21, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for Additional ReviewMDNR SHPO project number: 015-BO-IlSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 12W, Sec 33, NTerracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scientific research park, Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 in the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Section 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phasing plan, and photographs of the on-sitemetal machine shed type buildings located on Lot 17 and the quacent hut building located onLot 5. Additionally, photos have been included of structures located on properties adjacent tothe site. Please review your records and files to determine if historic features are located onthe site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,ir'erraconStaff Environmental ScientistEnclosure

[IQJ] MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESL.JJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FOFRMSubmission of a corvpleted Proect Informnation Form uti adequate information and constitutes a request for a reviewpwrsuant to Secion 108 of tl' e National Histouc Preservation Act of 1968 (as amended). We reserve the right to request morelnfo'matlvn. Please refer to the CHECKLIST on Page 2 to ensure that all baslc Infornmaton relevant to the projec has beenInclUded, For further Informain, refer to our website at: httoff r~n~a/so and follow the links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response time by the NIssouri State Hmstoric Preservation Office from thePROJECT 4AMEDiscovery R;dge Lois 2, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. 11l, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18. 17, and 18AGENCY PROVIDttG RUNDS, OR PERMITADDCtESS; FORt RESPNSTerracon3501 Mojave Cowlt, Swle AColmba MO 85203LOCATION QF PROJECTCOUJNTYBooneSTREET ADDRESS CITDiscovery Dttve and Discovery Ridge Parkway (land associated with UM research farm) ColunctaLEGAL DESORIPTION OF PROJECT AREA (TOWNSHIP, RANGE. SECTION, y,4 SECTION)us3s TOPOGRPHICK MAP OauRANGLE NAA 1S MAP ReQ'JiREMeNtS Oft PAGE 2jColumbia, MissouriYEAR JTieosHIPJ RAsNglE SE.CTION1981 J.~48~1 Not 2 WestJ.3PROJET DESCRFIOTH OV!RA. PROJECT IN ODETAIL IF IT 1S4VOLVES EXCAVATION. WE, I-l. OW DEEP. IETC WF THE PRO JICT INVOLVESDEMdOUTION 1.)x57rlNI BLIJLDINGS, MAI(E CLEAR. IF THE PROJIECT INVOLVES REHNI-IAILATIOf4, DESCRieE TI-iE PIROPOSEDI£ WORK IN DETAIL,use ACOITI9JL PEs IF .ECESSsR.The sle consist of 15 lots. Eight of the lots (Lots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) are loaed witin Phase I of the research perkdevelopment plan. Of the 1os located within Phase I of the developmental plan, Lots 2, 6, 7, and 8 have been graded to constructvacant Iots suitable for development, edditional, Lot 9 Is ourrently in the process of' being graded to facility a lot suitable fordevelomet Currently lto 5 is the kccatcon of a qraacet hut type building. Seven of the lots that coprs the site (Lots 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, anid 15) arelocated wllhin PhaeN II of the devlpnlentml p~lan a consis of ivacarn grass covered farm land utilizedas grazing pasture for live stock and row crop research. CU'rently Lot 17 Is the locat, on of two small moteal machine sheds and oneiarge machine shed type buildings. Historically a residential strctre, and four small metal sheds were located at lh. sitestartfng between 1939-1968 with the resideno eing remve In 2001 and two of the machine sheds being removed in 2O07.Historically the site has been utilized as farm tand asoiae with a Universt of Missouri research farm (South Farms). Beginningin the early 2000s the area surrounding the site has been utilzed as Discovery Ridge, a screlifi research park. The applicant istrlvestlgetlng the site for expanded use as a scentlflc researchpak ARCHAEOLOGY (ERHMVN ACTIVTIES)I-S TH E RUDIVLEDBE RDD BUILT ON, BORROWED, OR OTHERWISE DISTURBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL(UStE ADDITONAL PAGES. IF NECESR) PHOTOGRAPHS ARIE HELPFUL:The site has hdstorlcally been farmed assoditr a University of Missouri research farm. Duin the early 2000. portions of thetots that coprlise Phase I of the site were graded to construct mu!ltple vacant building lots suiatable for development. Currently lotslocated within Phase II of the devlpetla plan ere vacant griss ox~vered land wit portion uLillized for row crop research.WMIL TI-E PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? r" YtE-S 0 NolIF YES=, INDICATIE PROPSD BORROW AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL ON TOPO(GRAPI MAPARE YOU, AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR ADJACENT TO PROJECT 0 YES 0] NDIF YES8, iDENTIFY THEM ON' THE TOPOGAII MAPSTRUCTURES (REHABILITATION. DEMOLOTIOIIADDITION TO. OR CONTUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTUJRES)TO Ti'E BEST OF YOUR KNOVILEOGE. IS TH STRUCTRE LOCATED PN ANY OF THE FOtLiLW.INGLI] AN AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED Li A NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT LI] A LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTFOR HI-STORiC PROPERTIES.IF YIES, PL.EASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PRO~VIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PROVIDE THE NAMVE OFTHE SURVEY OR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY DR D STRICT: THE SURVEY OR DISTRICT:* PLEASE PROViDE PHOTOGRAPHS; OF ALL STRUCTURES.S SEE PI-OTOGRAPI-Y REQUIREMENTS, NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO DNE MAP OF 11* PROJECT AREA* PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF HISOR OF THE BUILDING(S), INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDIN (USPAGES, IF NECESSARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap Requlrements: Attach a copy of I1m relevant po41cm (8 'i x 11) of Ihe current USGS 7.6 ran.r ltopographic map and ifnhcesasry, a *gscae ojevt map. do not send an ind~ckhi rasp w, th each structu'e or sde. ~hile an origiral map Is preferale, a good capy Iseceflbe For e list of silas from Wh~ch to order, download or Iwlnt the required USGS 7.5 usia tofographkc maps at til at no coal coultbIclp !drii maa oo,/s hoo/sect~onv him,PhotogreuPhy Requlrment.: Clear black and wtue or color pholograplhs (minimum 5" x 5') are accaplmele Polarlods. phtco ,s sine'led ortaxed photogiraphs are not accep:table, Good qutl~ty pheorpha sue Impottani for axpedillous projct review, Phooraphs of or neetby bulkldfr~s are also helpUl At photorah should be labeled and keyed Ia ans ma of the prolso:t a,'ea.CHECKLISTDID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIIONt0] Topo::grapherc map 7.5 mai. (per project, not strncure) 0] Other aupoilng documqs* (II necessary to explain the projet)[] Thorouigh descrpllon (all I] For ntew constucllon, rehabtatsn, etc, work writS-ups,plans, drawInls. etc.1'1 Ptto~ographs 1811 struclures) 0] Is topograli map kIdifted by quadrangle and year?Return this Form and Attachments to:*SS8OUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 86102-0176 Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacentwest portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.hut viewed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park estabili=Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.6 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park established between 1Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.

University ofconstructed !:Missouri Civil Engineering research1956 and 1965.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.

ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2. Building constructed betweenviewed from Discovery Drive,Radii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002viewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constnResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.and 1956.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constru,Barn viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the between 1939 and 1956.II Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructedResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of Lot 11.11 looking viewed from Lot

\~lachine shed strutr located on Lot 17. Machine shed plaoed2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoirning property.JLarge metal machine shed structure located on Lot 17. Mactine shed placedapproximately 2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoining property.on-site in Two small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17. SmafN metal machine sheds constructedbetween 1939 and 1988.Eastern small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17.1939 and 1968.ichine shed constructed between Western small metal ma'1939 and sheds located on Lot 17. Machine shed constructed between CITY OF COLUMBIA, Missoulil W i ..IIIIFID: flIrnAwr~JwwIJanuaryt 28, 2011 ...Terracon3601 Mojave Ct.. Suite AColumnbia.~ MO. 65202Deax: Mark Dierker"The Cit/y of Columbia Fire Mandhal's Division haa found no current records of emergencyresponses to fires, hazardous materal, spills and/or releases, storage tanks, or observations notedduring routine fire inspections at or around the subject site located a 4700 Discovery Drive inColumbia, MO.Please let us know if we can assist you further.S. y201 Ona STREET

  • ColxM;LA, MIssoU~i (573) 874-7391
  • FAX (373) 874-7446 ,, TTY (573) 874-765 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS C:Terracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A11Columbia, Missouri 65203 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PROJECT:Dfiscover Ridge Lots 2 5, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 &16, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYI .....II
  • IilllilAllli. ..ICOUNTY:I i BOONEILUNKN'UWNIII!L, iiIm IIThe State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:53After review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.Adequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.1 1). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.WL An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It hasbeen determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended." -.....2By:Mark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerFebruary 9. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:015-BO-11 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSONIADDRESS C:SAdam J. WhiteTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite AColumbia, Missouri 65203PROJECT:IIDiscovery Rid e Lots 2, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYII UNKNOWNCOUNTY:II II BOONEII" flii .....I" "1The State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:DAfter review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.DAdequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.11). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.~An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It has~ been determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended.-7--; <7~c~7~~wMark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerMarch 7. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:01 5-BO-1 1 From: Dierker, Mark ETo: ""


Information Inquiry.Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:37:00 AMAttachments: Exhiblit1-09 117701.ootxTerracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11l) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you haveon file any records regarding residential wastewater permits, solid and hazardous wastepermits and flammable contents permits, underground storage tank records, investigationreports, violations, and emergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I From: Mate ekTo:Dere.MrE


Re: Fwd: Information RequestDate: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:22:01 PMMark-The Discovery Ridge site, as it is owned by the MU Curators, has an interesting relationship to City Code.MU property doesn't necessarily have to follow our codes, as the property hasn't been subdivided underour code (any land divisions have been by deed, I understand) and hasn't been rezoned since it wasannexed in 1998, leaving the property A-i (Agricultural).I hope this helps,-I-...Matthew Lepke, AIOPPlannerCity of Columbia, Mo. Planning and Development701 E. BroadwayP0 Box 6015Columbia, MO 65205573.874.7239 office573.874.7437 directwww goColumbiaMo com>>> Denise Clark 1/28/2011 11:52 AM >>>>>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:40 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (1 1) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding zoning requests, building permits, or investigation reports for thesubject site? I have contacted the Protective Inspection Division for available records. I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.The lots are located on parcels: 17-704-00-00-003.00 01 and 17-803-00-00-001.00 01.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M 573-239-8496medierker~terracon.conm I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here ( ?tabid=501). If you cannot From: JmsPncTo:Dire.MrE


Re: Information RequestDate: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:22:53 PMMark,The site is primarily owned by the University of Missouri and the City of Columbia, Building and SiteDevelopment Division has none of the requested information.Jim PaneckChief Building InspectorBuilding and Site Development Divisionphone (573) 874-7258E-mail>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:41 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding building permits, solid and hazardous waste permits and flammablecontents permits, underground storage tank records, investigation reports, violations, andemergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I have included a map forreference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here (http://www. terracon, com/defaultaspx ? tabid=50 1). If you cannotaccess hyperlink, please e-mail sender.

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONi reirnnBy: (Terracon Employee) Person(s) Involved PrjdN.FileAdam White _ _____Kurtis Holiman arid Bob 09117701____Date j Time Organization2-23-2011 j 10:40 USDA x Subject El CCMinformation Request El ContractsTeieole No. [] Personal Contact (location) Meeting (lcalion) [] ContractsInltiated by: 573-081-8002 El ProposalMJW HolmanK@ [] Other (specify)_________________mi~Qnhl yli'i ______________Mr. Kurtis Holiman and Bob, employees with the USDA, were interviewed on February 23. 2011 regardingthe site. KurUs Holiman has been associated with the site for approximately 30 years and Bob has beenassociated with the site since approximately 1968, According to Bob, the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 ofthe site was historically utilized as a soil testing laboratory and a shop associated with the fabric.ation ofresearch equipment for erosion control research specifically: rain stimulator, flumes, and foot bridges. Drillpresses, milling machines, lays, and band saw were typical equipment utilized within the Quonset hutduring the fabrication of research equipment. Bob indicated historically a Gamma probe utilized formeasuring soil moisture was stored within the on-site Quonset hut within a lead brick lined compartment.On-site soil laboratory test were associated with total suspended solids from watershed outfall samples.Bob indicated that the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 has been present at the site since at least 1987,According to Bob, major research activities were terminated at the Quonset building in the 1 980s whenoperations were moved to a location on the Business Loop within the city limits of Columbia, MO. Bobindicated that from the 1980s to approximately 2002 minor research activities occurred at the site withapproximately 2 employees minimally working out of the structure. According to Bob, the on-site Quonsethut was mainly utilized as a storage facility from the IlgS0s to present-day. Mr. Holiman and Bob indicatedthat in approximately 2002 the on-site lagoon historically located on the northern portion of Lot 5 was closedin according with MDNR regulations.According to Mr. Holiman and Bob the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as farm land.The farmland located on the eastern portion of the site was the historic location of the University of MissouriDairy Farm research facility. Bob indicated that to his knowledge a honme was historically located just eastof the current-day on-site Quonset hut structure. The home located on the east of the Quonset hut wasdemolished in the 1980s. Additionally a cabin type structure was historically located somewhere on thesouth central portion of the eastern portion of the site. Mr. Holiman and Bob were not aware of anypending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or notices of possible violations ofenvironmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Holiman and Bob were notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials orpetroleum products at the site.FollowupCopies to SignatureRECOIFCOtJ OT RECORD OF CONVERSATIONTrerraconBy: (Terracon Emplye) "Person(s) Involved Project No. FileAdam White _ _____Chris Browne 09117701 _ ______Date Time Organization2-23-2011 10:00 Genetic Farm Manager -Project_____________ __________University of Missouri _____subject [] CCMinformation Request 07 ContractsTelephone Phone No, [J] Personal Contact (location) LI Meeting (location) I] ContractsInitiated by: 573-864-2351 0] ProposalAJWN brownec@misso I] Other (spescify)_______________ Lri~edu___________________________________Mr. Chris Browne, Farm Manager of the University of Missouri Genetics Farm was interviewed on February, 23, 2011regarding the site. Mr. Browne has been associated with the site for approximately 32 years. According to Mr.Browne Lots 16, 17, arid 18 of the site have been utilized as a genetic crop research facility for as long as he couldremember. Mr. Browne indicated that research at the farm consisted of basic genetic, production, and resistanceresearch., According tO Mr. Brownie crop research is performed on small test plots and Is mostly done by hand withhand planting and pollination utilized. Additionally Mr. Browne indicated that tractors and tillage equipment are utilizedin the cultivationl of the test plots. Additionally Mr. Browrne indicated that minor amounts of herbicides and fertilizersare utilized at the site.According to Mr. Browne the currently day on-site large metal structure was moved to the site in approximately 2008from its former location. Mr. Browne indicated that the two small metal machine shed structures located at the GeneticFarm were constructed at the site in the 1950s as part of a demonstration for revitalization efforts following World WarII. According to Mr. Bron the demonstration involved the construction of multiple farm structures with the terracingof the farm land and was completed in approximately I week. Mr. Brownie indicated that a residence was locatedwithin the Genetic Farm for as long as he could remember and were demoslised in approximately, 2001. AdditionallyMr. Browne indicated that multiple sinall metal farm structures associated with the revitalization demonstration weredemolished in the late 2000s prior to placing the current-day large metal structure at the site.According to Mr. Browne the site and its adjoining properties have been utilized as farmland for as long as he couldremember. According to Mr. Browne the southern portion of the site was the historic location of the University ofMissouri Dairy Farm which was moved to a different located prior to his employmient at the site, Most recently Mr.Brown indicated that the southern portion of the site was utilized as hay fields prior to their development as DiscoveryRidge Research Park. To Mr. Browne's knowledge the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as aportion of the University of Missouri's Beef Farm. Mr. Browne indicated that he was unaware of who the previousowner of the site was prior to its purchase by the University of Missouri while compiling the current-day South Farmsresearch farm.According to Mr. Brown the site is currently owned by the University of Missouri. Mr. Browne indicated that all of theequipment utilized at the site Is fueled and serviced north of the site at the South Farms Field Operation facility.According to Mr. Browne minor greasing activities are performed on-site. Mr. Browne indicated that the Genetic Farmfacility is inspection twice a year by the University of Missouri Environmental Health Department with no concernsnoted. Mr. Browne was not aware of any pending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or noticesof possible violations of environmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Browne was notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials or" petroleumproducts at the site.FFollowupCopies to Sigre~are-, .11,(;~4141 (u4&4RE'COFCO#4 DOT Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201Inquiry Number: 2972201.2January 21, 2011--I ~ II ~g *-giEnvironmental Data Resources Inc440 Wheelers Farms RoadMilford, CT Site Name: Client Name:Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, TerraconDiscovery Drive and Discovery 3601 Mojave Court EDR Environmental Data Resources tncColumbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65202EDR Inquiry # 2972201.2 Contact: Adam WhiteThe complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the targetproperty location provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library searchresults in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number.Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps bySanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.CrfedSanborm ResulsSite Name:Address:City, State, Zip:Cross Street:P.O. #Project:Discovery Ridge Lots 2,5, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,13,Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201NA09117701Library search resultsCertification # 3F1o-482C-8C43Certification # 3F10-482C-8C43UNMAPPED PROPERTYThis report certifies that the complete holdings of the SanbornLibrary, LLC collection have been searched based on clientsupplied target property information, and fire insurance mapscovering the target property were not found.The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 millionSanbomn fire insurance maps, which track historicalproperty usage in approximately 12,000 Americancities and towns. Collections searched:iLibrary of CongressV'University Publications of AmericaVEDR Private CollectionThe Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866TM'Limited Permission To Make CopiesTerracon (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanyingthis report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to anEDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned uponcompliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.Disclaimer -Copyright and Trademark noticeThis Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot beconcluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THEMAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALLRISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLYLIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risklevels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providingany facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by anenvironmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to beconstrued as legal advice.Copyright 2011 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map ofEnvironmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.EDR and its logos (including Sanbomn and Sanbom Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein arethe property of their respective owners.2972201 -2 page 2 1IrerraconJanuary 17, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Secio 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for ReviewSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColubia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 2W, Sec 33, N%'Terracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmertal Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scetfc research park., Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 In the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Secto 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phsng plan, and photographs of the on-sitequacent hut building located on Lot 5. Additionall, photos have been included of structureslocated on properties adjacent to the site. Please review your records and files to determine ifhistoric features are located on the site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,TrerracanAdam J. WhiteStaff Environnmental ScientistEnlosuJreTairacoil ,I~o nsiars, Inc. 3'601 Mojave Couit. Suite A Colun'bia, Mlssoiitj 6520J2P 15731 214 26)7 F 15731 2_14 2714 tsrracot'.cont

['"J'J MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEL.LJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FORMSubmisio of a comoletedl Project inforvsiiaon Form with adequate informration and attaotments constitutes a reqest for a reviewpursuant to Section 108 of the Nationui Histocc¢ Preservation Act of 1966 (as amnended). We reserve the right to request morePiease refer to the CHECKLUST on Page 2 to esure that .11 basic Information relevant to the projec has beenIncluded. For furthe' information. refer to our %ebslte at: htltoi/ and follow lie links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response timie by the Mistiord State Hisoi Preservation Offc from thedat of receipt.PROJECT EDicvr Ridge Lois 2.5, 8.9, 10. 11, 12, 13,1t4. 16. and 16FEDERAL AGENCY FUNS, LICE=NSE, OR PERMITADO~E.,8 FOR RESPONSTerracon3601 Mojarve Court. Suite AColiluibl, MO 65203LOCATION OF PROJECTCCXJNTYBooneLEGAL DESCRITO OF PROJECT AREA (TWNHIP, RANGE. SECTION, Y, SECTION)usGS IOPOORA,,HIC 'MP O.UADRNG.e NAMe fSEE MAP R!OtJREEN'S ONt PAGE 2)Colubia, Missouri1981 48 North 12 WestPROJECT DESCRFTrlOKDESCRIB TIE PROJECT 11 DE"AL IF IT WIVOLVES; EKCAVAT#ION. ) WDE, HOW DEEP,, ETC. IF THE PROJECT WO)LVESDEMOLImON OF EXISTnNO PAJLDIP4GS. MAKE THAT CLEAR, re TI PROJECT t4VOLVES RE-IAEILrrATION, DESCRIBe THE PROPOSED WORK t'N DETAIL.USe AOmoTONAL PAGES IF The site consist of 11 lois, Six of the lot (Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, arnd 11) are located wilhin Phase I of tie research park developmentplan, Of the los located within Phase I of the developrnental plan, Lots 2, and 6 have been graded to construct vacant lotS suitablefor devlopent addittonul, Lot 9 is currently in 1he proess of being graed to failt a oto suitable for development. Currently lot51 ts he location of a quaceni hut type bu~irdin Fourof the lots that comri~rse site (Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15) are located withinPhtase I1 of the dsvelolprnerai plan and consist of vacant gras covered farm lend utilizedJ as grazing pasture to' livestock, One ofthe .otshat comprise the site (Lot 16) is located wlthin Phase Ii1 of the developmentai plan arid currentiy conuslstolvacant grasscovered land. l-stoncicsly the site has been utilized as farmn land associated with a University of MissourI researc.h farm (SouthFarms). Beglnivvng in the early 2C000s the area surroixiding the sie has been utilized as Discovery Ridge, a scietific researchp8*. The alplicent is irwestigatihg the site for expende use as a scientific research park.

AICHABOLOGY IFARTHUOVIN4G HAS THE GROUND llNVOLVED BEEN GRADED. BUILT ON. OR DISTUIRBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL4USE PAGES. IF NECESSARY) PHOTOGRAPHS ARE 1IELPFUJL:The site has hluolcly been tarmed associated With a University ofl Missouri research farm. Outing the early 200 portions of thelois that comprise Phase I of the shte were graded to cottrc multiple vaan building lots sublo for devet t.en Currety lotslocated withhi Phase II, and Phase III of the developmental plat are vacant grass covered land.VAILL THE PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? 0"1YES U' NOIF YES, INDICATE PROPOSED BORROW'AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL MATERIAL) ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAPARE YOU AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR TO PROJECT AREA? El1 YES 0Z NOIF YE, IDENTIFY THE ON ThE TOPGRPIC MAPSTRUCGTUREIS tREHASILITATION, DEMOL.TIOO. ADDTINS TO, OR CONTRUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTURES)TO THE 31ST OP YOUR KNOWLEDGE, IS THE STRUCUE LOCATED IP tY OJVF Th AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED [-]A NATII'A REGISTER DISTRICT 0" A LCCAL HItSTORIC DISTRICTFOR HISTORIC PROPERTIES.IF YES. PLEASE PROVIDE TIHI NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OFTHE SUIRVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVY OR *PLEASE PROVIDE PHlOTOGRAPHS OF ALL STRUCTURES, SEE PHOTOGRAPHY REQ.,EMENS*NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO ONE MAP OF TI.E PROJECT ARE* PLEASE PROVIDE A BREF: HISTORY OF THE BUILDINGIS), INCLUJ,*ING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDING USES. (USEADOITONAL PAGES. IF NECESsARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap ftequlrmms: Altadt a copy of the reevn por.ion (S ',4xl) 1) tlhe curent USGS 7.5 tooratc map nhes~sary, a largescale project map Please do notaed anlndividual map wit each sburoior s~te. 'hMilmsanorfiiI apls ppreferable. a good copy Isacceptble, For a hi of sites foro whitch to orcer. dowlod oMr plnt the reqeired USS 7.5 reln topographi ap at ll or no et, cos1hitto'lhkw Photography Reqhuuieutas: Clear black and white or color photorphs 3"x 5') are accep.*Ie. Polar~oti, phctcplOels, Pefnlh Orfaxed Ihotogm0 1 are not mocaptable. Good qualt photographs ire Important for expeditiouls projct review. Photographs 0ofegbonor nerby buI~ldinrgs at als Ielpftl. Alt p!o:oaplhs ee labeled and keyed to one mop of the pnrojeo area.CH4ECKUST-DID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION?07 Topographic ma 7.5 mit.i. (per project, not svucki) [] Other smpporl doo mri (Ifnecessary to the project)[] Thorough dasaiptlon (all projects) 0] For new coeucen rehabllalions, etc. atach work wf'lte-ups,plans, drawIngs etc] Photographs (ii *ucture, 0] Ia Io map Idntiie bY quadrange and year?Return this Formi and Attachments to:MISSOUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 108 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65102-0176 U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPSTTEofMISUR QADAL;EColumbia, Missouri, 1981Nr-' , .,,- -"'- "ii .. 'T ...II-I'4wqwinq~DruumbFMWcback.dbpMWhppmw.dh~,*I UII09ia1177014 J rerracon501 UlmeC~g.&daIA I!USGS MAPIIEdiiIIDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMLOTS 2.5, 8,g, 10,.1t, 12, 13,.14, 15& 16COLUMBIA, MISSOURIA-1lP 517?F ErtFA 11 IIIIN _ _KEY-- Phase I-- Phase !1-- Phase III1. .. S. a. -AJWTI flWOg17701I9 41I770fLANI~rer~con~,rti~ EI1~#~O~S &3191 WU~4WLI~A ~SiE EELPENA PHAS I ING PLAIIExhibitDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMCOL.MBI, MISSOURIA-2P t42fl'F 1Ur14 2714ii II 4 &

Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut'west portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.w/ed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.1955 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.

University ot Missouri (.iv1l Engineering researchconstructed between 1956 and 1968.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.

ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2.viewed from Discovery Drive.*BuildingRadii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002 andviewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between'Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constrResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constrnBarn viewed from US Highway 83, southwest of the structure.and 1956.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of11 looking southwest.Barn from Lot APPENDIX CSUPPORTING DOCUMENTS GENERAL NOTESDRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS:55: Split Spoon 3/8" 1.0., 2" O.D., unless otherwise notedST: Thin-Walled Tube -2" 0.0., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedRS: Ring Sampler -2.42" l.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise notedDB: Diamond Bit Coring -4", N, BBS: Bulk Sample or Auger SampleHS: Hollow Stem AugerPA: Power Auger (Solid Stem)HA: Hand AugerRB: Rock BitWB Wash Boring or Mud RotaryThe number of blows required to advance a standard 2-inch 0.0. split-spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18-inchpenetration with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or 'N-value".WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS:WL: Water Level WS: While SamplingWCI: Wet Cave in WD: While DrillingDCI: Dry Cave in AB: After BoringBCR:ACR:N/E:Before Casing RemovalAfter Casing RemovalNot EncounteredWater levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times indicated. Groundwater levels at othertimes and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In lowpermeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible with only short-term observations.DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Coarse Grained Soilshave more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. FineGrained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic,and silts if they are slightly plastic or non-plastic. Major" constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be addedaccording to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse-grained soils are defined on the basis of theirin-place relative density and fine-grained soils on the basis of their consistency.CONSISTENCY OF FINE-GRAINED SOILSRELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE-GRAINED SOILSUnconfinedCompressiveStrengqth, Qu, psf< 500500 -1,0001,000 -2,0002,000 -4,0004,000 -8,0008,000+Standard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-12-44 1515- 30> 30ConsistencyVery SoftSoftMedium StiffStiffVery StiffHardStandard Penetrationor N-value (SS)Blows/Ft.0-34-910 -2930 -50> 50Relative DensityVery LooseLooseMedium DenseDenseVery DenseRELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND AND GRAVELGRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGYDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierPercent ofDry Weight<1515 -29> 30Maior Componentof SampleBouldersCobblesGravelSandSilt or ClayParticle SizeOver 12 in. (300mm)12 in. to 3 in. (300mm to 75mm)3 in. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75mm)#4 to #200 sieve (4.75 to 0.075mm)Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm)RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FINESDescriptive Term(s)of other constituentsTraceWithModifierRev. 4/101lrerracanPercent ofDry Weight<55-12> 12PLASTICITY DESCRIPTIONTerm PlasticityTerm IndexNon-plasticLowMediumHigh01-1011-30> 30Exhibit C-i UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMGravels:More than 50% ofcoarse fraction retainedon No. 4 sieveClean Gravels:Less than 5% fines CCu <4 and/or 1 > Cc> 3EGPIPoorly graded gravel F4 + 4Coarse Grained Soils:More than 50% retainedon No. 200 sieveGravels with Fines:More than 12% fines CFines classify as ML or MHGMSSilty gravel Fines classify as CL or CHGCJClayey gravel F.G.iSands:50% or more of coarsefraction passes No. 4sieveClean Sands:Less than 5% fines DCu 6 and 1 <0c<3ESWSWell-graded sand--I- 4Cu < 6and/or 1 > Cc > 3SPIPoorly graded sandSands with Fines:More than 12% fines0oFines classify as ML or MHSMSSilty sand GH.I+ 4Fines classify as CL or CHSCSClayey sand .....,Inrai:PI > 7 and plots on or above "A" line CL Lean clay K.L,MSilts and Clays: Inrai:PI < 4 or plots below "A" lineJM Silt K.LMF e-rie Sol: Liquid limit less than 50 Orai:Liquid limit -oven dried <0 OL Organic clay K,LMNFine-GrinedSils:_Oganic:Liquid limit -not dried I < .5Organic silt K,L.M,050% or more passes thePIposooraoe""lnFtcayL'No. 200 sieve Inpltoorogboe"AalnnCiatclyc:,Silts and Clays: Inrai:PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic Silt K,L,MLqilii50omoeLiquid limit -oven dried rai lyKLMPLiquid_________ limit____50 ___or more___Organic:__ Liquid limit -not dried l < .5Organic silt K,L,M,OHighly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT PeatA Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieveB If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add "with cobblesor boulders, or both" to group name.c Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well-gradedgravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM poorlygraded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay.0 Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well-gradedsand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM poorly gradedsand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay(Do2E Cu = 0eDio/0 Cc -= -010 x D6oFIf soil contains > 15% sand, add 'with sand" to group name.G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM.H If fines are organic, add 'with organic fines" to group name.SIf soil contains gravel, add "with gravel" to group name.JIf Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay.K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add 'with sand" or "with gravel,"whichever is predominant.LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" togroup name.M If soil contains 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add"gravelly" to group name.N PI 4 and plots on or above "A" line.0 PI < 4 or plots below "A" line." PI plots on or above "A" line.o PI plots below "A" line.xw0z0(I,0~60504030201074o0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110LIQUID LIMIT (LL)irerreconExhibit C-2 GENERAL NOTESDescription of Rock PropertiesWEATHERINGFreshVery slightSlightModerateModerately severeSevereVery severeCompleteRock fresh, crystals bright, few joints may show slight staining. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, some joints may show thin clay coatings, crystals in broken face showbright. Rock rings under hammer if crystalline.Rock generally fresh, joints stained, and discoloration extends into rock up to 1 in. Joints may contain clay. Ingranitoid rocks some occasional feldspar crystals are dull and discolored. Crystalline rocks ring under hammer.Significant portions of rock show discoloration and weathering effects. In granitoid rocks, most feldspars are dulland discolored; some show clayey. Rock has dull sound under hammer and shows significant loss of strengthas compared with fresh rock.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars dull and discolored and majorityshow kaolinization. Rock shows severe loss of strength and can be excavated with geologist's pick.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric' clear and evident, but reduced in strength to strongsoil. In granitoid rocks, all feldspars kaolinized to some extent. Some fragments of strong rock usually left.All rock except quartz discolored or stained. Rock "fabric" discernible, but mass effectively reduced to "soil" withonly fragments of strong rock remaining.Rock reduced to "soil". Rock "fabric" not discernible or discernible only in small, scattered locations. Quartz maybe present as dikes or stringers.HARDNESS (for engineering description of rock -not to be confused with Moh's scale for minerals)Very hard Cannot be scratched with knife or sharp pick. Breaking of hand specimens requires several hard blows ofgeologist's pick.Hard Can be scratched with knife or pick only with difficulty. Hard blow of hammer required to detach hand specimen.Moderately hard Can be scratched with knife or pick. Gouges or grooves to 1/4 in. deep can be excavated by hard blow of point ofa geologist's pick. Hand specimens can be detached by moderate blow.Medium Can be grooved or gouged 1/16 in. deep by firm pressure on knife or pick point. Can be excavated in smallchips to pieces about 1-in, maximum size by hard blows of the point of a geologist's pick.Soft Can be gouged or grooved readily with knife or pick point. Can be excavated in chips to pieces several inches insize by moderate blows of a pick point. Small thin pieces can be broken by finger pressure.Very soft Can be carved with knife. Can be excavated readily with point of pick. Pieces 1-in, or more in thickness can bebroken with finger pressure. Can be scratched readily by fingernail.30Jinti Bedding, and Foliation Spacing in Rock8aLess than 2 in. Very close Very thin2 in. -1 ft. Close Thin1 ft. -3 ft. Moderately close Medium3 ft. -10 ft. Wide ThickMore than 10 ft. Very wide Very thicka. Spacing refers to the distance normal to the planes, of the described feature, which are parallel to each other or nearly so.RQa pretg Diagnoti descriptionExceeding 90 Excellent90 -75 Good75 -50 Fair50 -25 PoorLess than 25 Very poora. RQD (given as a percentage) = length of core in pieces4 in. and longer/length of run.No Visible Separation TightLess than 1/32 in. Slightly Open1/32 to 1/8 in. Moderately Open1/8 to 3/8 in. Open3/8 in. to 0.1 ft. Moderately WideGreater than 0.1 ft. Wide


American Society of Civil Engineers. Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice -No. 56. Subsurface Investigation forDesign and Construction of Foundations of Buildingqs. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1976. U.S.Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Engqineeringq Geology Field Manual.1 rerracon Exhibit C-3 February 21, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for Additional ReviewMDNR SHPO project number: 015-BO-IlSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 12W, Sec 33, NTerracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scientific research park, Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 in the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Section 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phasing plan, and photographs of the on-sitemetal machine shed type buildings located on Lot 17 and the quacent hut building located onLot 5. Additionally, photos have been included of structures located on properties adjacent tothe site. Please review your records and files to determine if historic features are located onthe site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,ir'erraconStaff Environmental ScientistEnclosure

[IQJ] MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESL.JJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FOFRMSubmission of a corvpleted Proect Informnation Form uti adequate information and constitutes a request for a reviewpwrsuant to Secion 108 of tl' e National Histouc Preservation Act of 1968 (as amended). We reserve the right to request morelnfo'matlvn. Please refer to the CHECKLIST on Page 2 to ensure that all baslc Infornmaton relevant to the projec has beenInclUded, For further Informain, refer to our website at: httoff r~n~a/so and follow the links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response time by the NIssouri State Hmstoric Preservation Office from thePROJECT 4AMEDiscovery R;dge Lois 2, 5. 6. 7, 8, 9. 10. 11l, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18. 17, and 18AGENCY PROVIDttG RUNDS, OR PERMITADDCtESS; FORt RESPNSTerracon3501 Mojave Cowlt, Swle AColmba MO 85203LOCATION QF PROJECTCOUJNTYBooneSTREET ADDRESS CITDiscovery Dttve and Discovery Ridge Parkway (land associated with UM research farm) ColunctaLEGAL DESORIPTION OF PROJECT AREA (TOWNSHIP, RANGE. SECTION, y,4 SECTION)us3s TOPOGRPHICK MAP OauRANGLE NAA 1S MAP ReQ'JiREMeNtS Oft PAGE 2jColumbia, MissouriYEAR JTieosHIPJ RAsNglE SE.CTION1981 J.~48~1 Not 2 WestJ.3PROJET DESCRFIOTH OV!RA. PROJECT IN ODETAIL IF IT 1S4VOLVES EXCAVATION. WE, I-l. OW DEEP. IETC WF THE PRO JICT INVOLVESDEMdOUTION 1.)x57rlNI BLIJLDINGS, MAI(E CLEAR. IF THE PROJIECT INVOLVES REHNI-IAILATIOf4, DESCRieE TI-iE PIROPOSEDI£ WORK IN DETAIL,use ACOITI9JL PEs IF .ECESSsR.The sle consist of 15 lots. Eight of the lots (Lots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) are loaed witin Phase I of the research perkdevelopment plan. Of the 1os located within Phase I of the developmental plan, Lots 2, 6, 7, and 8 have been graded to constructvacant Iots suitable for development, edditional, Lot 9 Is ourrently in the process of' being graded to facility a lot suitable fordevelomet Currently lto 5 is the kccatcon of a qraacet hut type building. Seven of the lots that coprs the site (Lots 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, anid 15) arelocated wllhin PhaeN II of the devlpnlentml p~lan a consis of ivacarn grass covered farm land utilizedas grazing pasture for live stock and row crop research. CU'rently Lot 17 Is the locat, on of two small moteal machine sheds and oneiarge machine shed type buildings. Historically a residential strctre, and four small metal sheds were located at lh. sitestartfng between 1939-1968 with the resideno eing remve In 2001 and two of the machine sheds being removed in 2O07.Historically the site has been utilized as farm tand asoiae with a Universt of Missouri research farm (South Farms). Beginningin the early 2000s the area surrounding the site has been utilzed as Discovery Ridge, a screlifi research park. The applicant istrlvestlgetlng the site for expanded use as a scentlflc researchpak ARCHAEOLOGY (ERHMVN ACTIVTIES)I-S TH E RUDIVLEDBE RDD BUILT ON, BORROWED, OR OTHERWISE DISTURBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL(UStE ADDITONAL PAGES. IF NECESR) PHOTOGRAPHS ARIE HELPFUL:The site has hdstorlcally been farmed assoditr a University of Missouri research farm. Duin the early 2000. portions of thetots that coprlise Phase I of the site were graded to construct mu!ltple vacant building lots suiatable for development. Currently lotslocated within Phase II of the devlpetla plan ere vacant griss ox~vered land wit portion uLillized for row crop research.WMIL TI-E PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? r" YtE-S 0 NolIF YES=, INDICATIE PROPSD BORROW AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL ON TOPO(GRAPI MAPARE YOU, AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR ADJACENT TO PROJECT 0 YES 0] NDIF YES8, iDENTIFY THEM ON' THE TOPOGAII MAPSTRUCTURES (REHABILITATION. DEMOLOTIOIIADDITION TO. OR CONTUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTUJRES)TO Ti'E BEST OF YOUR KNOVILEOGE. IS TH STRUCTRE LOCATED PN ANY OF THE FOtLiLW.INGLI] AN AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED Li A NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT LI] A LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICTFOR HI-STORiC PROPERTIES.IF YIES, PL.EASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PRO~VIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PROVIDE THE NAMVE OFTHE SURVEY OR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY DR D STRICT: THE SURVEY OR DISTRICT:* PLEASE PROViDE PHOTOGRAPHS; OF ALL STRUCTURES.S SEE PI-OTOGRAPI-Y REQUIREMENTS, NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO DNE MAP OF 11* PROJECT AREA* PLEASE PROVIDE A BRIEF HISOR OF THE BUILDING(S), INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDIN (USPAGES, IF NECESSARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap Requlrements: Attach a copy of I1m relevant po41cm (8 'i x 11) of Ihe current USGS 7.6 ran.r ltopographic map and ifnhcesasry, a *gscae ojevt map. do not send an ind~ckhi rasp w, th each structu'e or sde. ~hile an origiral map Is preferale, a good capy Iseceflbe For e list of silas from Wh~ch to order, download or Iwlnt the required USGS 7.5 usia tofographkc maps at til at no coal coultbIclp !drii maa oo,/s hoo/sect~onv him,PhotogreuPhy Requlrment.: Clear black and wtue or color pholograplhs (minimum 5" x 5') are accaplmele Polarlods. phtco ,s sine'led ortaxed photogiraphs are not accep:table, Good qutl~ty pheorpha sue Impottani for axpedillous projct review, Phooraphs of or neetby bulkldfr~s are also helpUl At photorah should be labeled and keyed Ia ans ma of the prolso:t a,'ea.CHECKLISTDID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIIONt0] Topo::grapherc map 7.5 mai. (per project, not strncure) 0] Other aupoilng documqs* (II necessary to explain the projet)[] Thorouigh descrpllon (all I] For ntew constucllon, rehabtatsn, etc, work writS-ups,plans, drawInls. etc.1'1 Ptto~ographs 1811 struclures) 0] Is topograli map kIdifted by quadrangle and year?Return this Form and Attachments to:*SS8OUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 106 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 86102-0176 Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacentwest portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.hut viewed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park estabili=Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.6 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer park established between 1Trailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.

University ofconstructed !:Missouri Civil Engineering research1956 and 1965.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.

ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2. Building constructed betweenviewed from Discovery Drive,Radii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002viewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constnResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.and 1956.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constru,Barn viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the between 1939 and 1956.II Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructedResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of Lot 11.11 looking viewed from Lot

\~lachine shed strutr located on Lot 17. Machine shed plaoed2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoirning property.JLarge metal machine shed structure located on Lot 17. Mactine shed placedapproximately 2007. Machine shed viewed from the north adjoining property.on-site in Two small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17. SmafN metal machine sheds constructedbetween 1939 and 1988.Eastern small metal machine sheds located on Lot 17.1939 and 1968.ichine shed constructed between Western small metal ma'1939 and sheds located on Lot 17. Machine shed constructed between CITY OF COLUMBIA, Missoulil W i ..IIIIFID: flIrnAwr~JwwIJanuaryt 28, 2011 ...Terracon3601 Mojave Ct.. Suite AColumnbia.~ MO. 65202Deax: Mark Dierker"The Cit/y of Columbia Fire Mandhal's Division haa found no current records of emergencyresponses to fires, hazardous materal, spills and/or releases, storage tanks, or observations notedduring routine fire inspections at or around the subject site located a 4700 Discovery Drive inColumbia, MO.Please let us know if we can assist you further.S. y201 Ona STREET

  • ColxM;LA, MIssoU~i (573) 874-7391
  • FAX (373) 874-7446 ,, TTY (573) 874-765 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSON/ADDRESS C:Terracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A11Columbia, Missouri 65203 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _PROJECT:Dfiscover Ridge Lots 2 5, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 &16, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYI .....II
  • IilllilAllli. ..ICOUNTY:I i BOONEILUNKN'UWNIII!L, iiIm IIThe State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:53After review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.Adequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.1 1). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.WL An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It hasbeen determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended." -.....2By:Mark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerFebruary 9. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:015-BO-11 CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTSection 106 ReviewCONTACT PERSONIADDRESS C:SAdam J. WhiteTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite AColumbia, Missouri 65203PROJECT:IIDiscovery Rid e Lots 2, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, Columbia !FEDERAL AGENCYII UNKNOWNCOUNTY:II II BOONEII" flii .....I" "1The State Historic Preservation Office has reviewed the information submitted on the above referencedproject. Based on this review, we have made the following determination:DAfter review of initial submission, the project area has a low potential for the occurrence of culturalresources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.DAdequate documentation has been provided (36 CFR Section 800.11). There will be "no historicproperties affected" by the current project.~An adequate cultural resource survey of the project area has been previously conducted. It has~ been determined that for the proposed undertaking there will be "no historic properties affected".For the above checked reason, the State Historic Preservation Office has no objection to the initiation of projectactivities. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, IF THE CURRENT PROJECT AREA OR SCOPE OF WORK ARECHANGED, A BORROW AREA IS INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT, OR CULTURAL MATERIALS AREENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, APPROPRIATE INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO THISOFFICE FOR FURTHER REVIEW AND COMMENT. Please retain this documentation as evidence of compliancewith Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended.-7--; <7~c~7~~wMark A. Miles, Deputy State Historic Preservation OfficerMarch 7. 2011DateMISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEP.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102For additional information, please contact Judith Deel, (573) 751-7862. Please be sure to refer to the project number:01 5-BO-1 1 From: Dierker, Mark ETo: ""


Information Inquiry.Date: Friday, January 28, 2011 11:37:00 AMAttachments: Exhiblit1-09 117701.ootxTerracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11l) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you haveon file any records regarding residential wastewater permits, solid and hazardous wastepermits and flammable contents permits, underground storage tank records, investigationreports, violations, and emergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I From: Mate ekTo:Dere.MrE


Re: Fwd: Information RequestDate: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:22:01 PMMark-The Discovery Ridge site, as it is owned by the MU Curators, has an interesting relationship to City Code.MU property doesn't necessarily have to follow our codes, as the property hasn't been subdivided underour code (any land divisions have been by deed, I understand) and hasn't been rezoned since it wasannexed in 1998, leaving the property A-i (Agricultural).I hope this helps,-I-...Matthew Lepke, AIOPPlannerCity of Columbia, Mo. Planning and Development701 E. BroadwayP0 Box 6015Columbia, MO 65205573.874.7239 office573.874.7437 directwww goColumbiaMo com>>> Denise Clark 1/28/2011 11:52 AM >>>>>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:40 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (1 1) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding zoning requests, building permits, or investigation reports for thesubject site? I have contacted the Protective Inspection Division for available records. I haveincluded a map for reference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.The lots are located on parcels: 17-704-00-00-003.00 01 and 17-803-00-00-001.00 01.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M 573-239-8496medierker~terracon.conm I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here ( ?tabid=501). If you cannot From: JmsPncTo:Dire.MrE


Re: Information RequestDate: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:22:53 PMMark,The site is primarily owned by the University of Missouri and the City of Columbia, Building and SiteDevelopment Division has none of the requested information.Jim PaneckChief Building InspectorBuilding and Site Development Divisionphone (573) 874-7258E-mail>>> "Dierker, Mark E" <> 1/28/2011 11:41 AM >>>>Terracon is performing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on eleven (11) lots locatedwithin the property addressed at 4700 Discovery Drive Columbia, Missouri. Do you have onfile any records regarding building permits, solid and hazardous waste permits and flammablecontents permits, underground storage tank records, investigation reports, violations, andemergency response incidents/reports for the subject site? I have included a map forreference.Please call, Email, or fax with any information. Thank you for your time.Mark E. DierkerField GeologistTerracon3601 Mojave Court, Suite A I Columbia, Missouri 65202P 573-214-2677 I F 573-214-2714 I M I www.terracon.comTerracon provides geotechnical, environmental, construction materials, and facilities consulting engineering servicesdelivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability.Private and confidential as detailed here (http://www. terracon, com/defaultaspx ? tabid=50 1). If you cannotaccess hyperlink, please e-mail sender.

RECORD OF CONVERSATIONi reirnnBy: (Terracon Employee) Person(s) Involved PrjdN.FileAdam White _ _____Kurtis Holiman arid Bob 09117701____Date j Time Organization2-23-2011 j 10:40 USDA x Subject El CCMinformation Request El ContractsTeieole No. [] Personal Contact (location) Meeting (lcalion) [] ContractsInltiated by: 573-081-8002 El ProposalMJW HolmanK@ [] Other (specify)_________________mi~Qnhl yli'i ______________Mr. Kurtis Holiman and Bob, employees with the USDA, were interviewed on February 23. 2011 regardingthe site. KurUs Holiman has been associated with the site for approximately 30 years and Bob has beenassociated with the site since approximately 1968, According to Bob, the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 ofthe site was historically utilized as a soil testing laboratory and a shop associated with the fabric.ation ofresearch equipment for erosion control research specifically: rain stimulator, flumes, and foot bridges. Drillpresses, milling machines, lays, and band saw were typical equipment utilized within the Quonset hutduring the fabrication of research equipment. Bob indicated historically a Gamma probe utilized formeasuring soil moisture was stored within the on-site Quonset hut within a lead brick lined compartment.On-site soil laboratory test were associated with total suspended solids from watershed outfall samples.Bob indicated that the Quonset hut located on Lot 5 has been present at the site since at least 1987,According to Bob, major research activities were terminated at the Quonset building in the 1 980s whenoperations were moved to a location on the Business Loop within the city limits of Columbia, MO. Bobindicated that from the 1980s to approximately 2002 minor research activities occurred at the site withapproximately 2 employees minimally working out of the structure. According to Bob, the on-site Quonsethut was mainly utilized as a storage facility from the IlgS0s to present-day. Mr. Holiman and Bob indicatedthat in approximately 2002 the on-site lagoon historically located on the northern portion of Lot 5 was closedin according with MDNR regulations.According to Mr. Holiman and Bob the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as farm land.The farmland located on the eastern portion of the site was the historic location of the University of MissouriDairy Farm research facility. Bob indicated that to his knowledge a honme was historically located just eastof the current-day on-site Quonset hut structure. The home located on the east of the Quonset hut wasdemolished in the 1980s. Additionally a cabin type structure was historically located somewhere on thesouth central portion of the eastern portion of the site. Mr. Holiman and Bob were not aware of anypending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or notices of possible violations ofenvironmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Holiman and Bob were notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials orpetroleum products at the site.FollowupCopies to SignatureRECOIFCOtJ OT RECORD OF CONVERSATIONTrerraconBy: (Terracon Emplye) "Person(s) Involved Project No. FileAdam White _ _____Chris Browne 09117701 _ ______Date Time Organization2-23-2011 10:00 Genetic Farm Manager -Project_____________ __________University of Missouri _____subject [] CCMinformation Request 07 ContractsTelephone Phone No, [J] Personal Contact (location) LI Meeting (location) I] ContractsInitiated by: 573-864-2351 0] ProposalAJWN brownec@misso I] Other (spescify)_______________ Lri~edu___________________________________Mr. Chris Browne, Farm Manager of the University of Missouri Genetics Farm was interviewed on February, 23, 2011regarding the site. Mr. Browne has been associated with the site for approximately 32 years. According to Mr.Browne Lots 16, 17, arid 18 of the site have been utilized as a genetic crop research facility for as long as he couldremember. Mr. Browne indicated that research at the farm consisted of basic genetic, production, and resistanceresearch., According tO Mr. Brownie crop research is performed on small test plots and Is mostly done by hand withhand planting and pollination utilized. Additionally Mr. Browne indicated that tractors and tillage equipment are utilizedin the cultivationl of the test plots. Additionally Mr. Browrne indicated that minor amounts of herbicides and fertilizersare utilized at the site.According to Mr. Browne the currently day on-site large metal structure was moved to the site in approximately 2008from its former location. Mr. Browne indicated that the two small metal machine shed structures located at the GeneticFarm were constructed at the site in the 1950s as part of a demonstration for revitalization efforts following World WarII. According to Mr. Bron the demonstration involved the construction of multiple farm structures with the terracingof the farm land and was completed in approximately I week. Mr. Brownie indicated that a residence was locatedwithin the Genetic Farm for as long as he could remember and were demoslised in approximately, 2001. AdditionallyMr. Browne indicated that multiple sinall metal farm structures associated with the revitalization demonstration weredemolished in the late 2000s prior to placing the current-day large metal structure at the site.According to Mr. Browne the site and its adjoining properties have been utilized as farmland for as long as he couldremember. According to Mr. Browne the southern portion of the site was the historic location of the University ofMissouri Dairy Farm which was moved to a different located prior to his employmient at the site, Most recently Mr.Brown indicated that the southern portion of the site was utilized as hay fields prior to their development as DiscoveryRidge Research Park. To Mr. Browne's knowledge the eastern portion of the site has always been utilized as aportion of the University of Missouri's Beef Farm. Mr. Browne indicated that he was unaware of who the previousowner of the site was prior to its purchase by the University of Missouri while compiling the current-day South Farmsresearch farm.According to Mr. Brown the site is currently owned by the University of Missouri. Mr. Browne indicated that all of theequipment utilized at the site Is fueled and serviced north of the site at the South Farms Field Operation facility.According to Mr. Browne minor greasing activities are performed on-site. Mr. Browne indicated that the Genetic Farmfacility is inspection twice a year by the University of Missouri Environmental Health Department with no concernsnoted. Mr. Browne was not aware of any pending, threatened or past environmental litigation, proceedings or noticesof possible violations of environmental laws or liability in connection with the site. Additionally, Mr. Browne was notaware of the past or present storage, use, generation, or release of potential hazardous materials or" petroleumproducts at the site.FFollowupCopies to Sigre~are-, .11,(;~4141 (u4&4RE'COFCO#4 DOT Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201Inquiry Number: 2972201.2January 21, 2011--I ~ II ~g *-giEnvironmental Data Resources Inc440 Wheelers Farms RoadMilford, CT Site Name: Client Name:Discovery Ridge Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, TerraconDiscovery Drive and Discovery 3601 Mojave Court EDR Environmental Data Resources tncColumbia, MO 65201 Columbia, MO 65202EDR Inquiry # 2972201.2 Contact: Adam WhiteThe complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the targetproperty location provided by Terracon were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library searchresults in this report can be authenticated by visiting and entering the certification number.Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps bySanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.CrfedSanborm ResulsSite Name:Address:City, State, Zip:Cross Street:P.O. #Project:Discovery Ridge Lots 2,5, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,13,Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColumbia, MO 65201NA09117701Library search resultsCertification # 3F1o-482C-8C43Certification # 3F10-482C-8C43UNMAPPED PROPERTYThis report certifies that the complete holdings of the SanbornLibrary, LLC collection have been searched based on clientsupplied target property information, and fire insurance mapscovering the target property were not found.The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 millionSanbomn fire insurance maps, which track historicalproperty usage in approximately 12,000 Americancities and towns. Collections searched:iLibrary of CongressV'University Publications of AmericaVEDR Private CollectionThe Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866TM'Limited Permission To Make CopiesTerracon (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanyingthis report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to anEDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned uponcompliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.Disclaimer -Copyright and Trademark noticeThis Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot beconcluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED. IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THEMAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALLRISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OFERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLYLIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risklevels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providingany facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by anenvironmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to beconstrued as legal advice.Copyright 2011 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map ofEnvironmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.EDR and its logos (including Sanbomn and Sanbom Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein arethe property of their respective owners.2972201 -2 page 2 1IrerraconJanuary 17, 2011MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Secio 106 ReviewP.O. Box 176Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-0176RE: Request for ReviewSection 106 ReviewDiscovery RidgeLots 2, 5, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge ParkwayColubia, Boone County, MissouriT 48N N, R 2W, Sec 33, N%'Terracon Project No.: 09117701Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), on behalf of the Trabue, Hansen & Hinshaw, Inc and theUniversity of Missouri Research Parks -University of Missouri Systems, is assisting with apreconstruction Phase 1 Environmertal Site Assessment for a proposed expansion of thecurrent scetfc research park., Discovery Ridge, located on a portion of a historic University ofMissouri research farm at Discovery Drive and Discovery Ridge Parkway, east of U.S. Highway63 In the vicinity of the southern limits of Columbia, Missouri.We are enclosing a Secto 106 Project Information Form, A section of the topographic mapwhich includes the subject site, a developmental phsng plan, and photographs of the on-sitequacent hut building located on Lot 5. Additionall, photos have been included of structureslocated on properties adjacent to the site. Please review your records and files to determine ifhistoric features are located on the site.The site has historically been agricultural land associated with a University of Missouriresearch farm. Portions of the site, which are located within Phase I of the project, have beengraded to construct vacant lots suitable for development. We would appreciate a responsewithin 30 days following receipt of this information. If you have any questions or wish todiscuss this submittal, please contact me.Sincerely,TrerracanAdam J. WhiteStaff Environnmental ScientistEnlosuJreTairacoil ,I~o nsiars, Inc. 3'601 Mojave Couit. Suite A Colun'bia, Mlssoiitj 6520J2P 15731 214 26)7 F 15731 2_14 2714 tsrracot'.cont

['"J'J MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEL.LJSECTION 106 PROJECT INFORMATION FORMSubmisio of a comoletedl Project inforvsiiaon Form with adequate informration and attaotments constitutes a reqest for a reviewpursuant to Section 108 of the Nationui Histocc¢ Preservation Act of 1966 (as amnended). We reserve the right to request morePiease refer to the CHECKLUST on Page 2 to esure that .11 basic Information relevant to the projec has beenIncluded. For furthe' information. refer to our %ebslte at: htltoi/ and follow lie links to Section 106 Review.NOTE: Section 106 regulations provide for a 30-day response timie by the Mistiord State Hisoi Preservation Offc from thedat of receipt.PROJECT EDicvr Ridge Lois 2.5, 8.9, 10. 11, 12, 13,1t4. 16. and 16FEDERAL AGENCY FUNS, LICE=NSE, OR PERMITADO~E.,8 FOR RESPONSTerracon3601 Mojarve Court. Suite AColiluibl, MO 65203LOCATION OF PROJECTCCXJNTYBooneLEGAL DESCRITO OF PROJECT AREA (TWNHIP, RANGE. SECTION, Y, SECTION)usGS IOPOORA,,HIC 'MP O.UADRNG.e NAMe fSEE MAP R!OtJREEN'S ONt PAGE 2)Colubia, Missouri1981 48 North 12 WestPROJECT DESCRFTrlOKDESCRIB TIE PROJECT 11 DE"AL IF IT WIVOLVES; EKCAVAT#ION. ) WDE, HOW DEEP,, ETC. IF THE PROJECT WO)LVESDEMOLImON OF EXISTnNO PAJLDIP4GS. MAKE THAT CLEAR, re TI PROJECT t4VOLVES RE-IAEILrrATION, DESCRIBe THE PROPOSED WORK t'N DETAIL.USe AOmoTONAL PAGES IF The site consist of 11 lois, Six of the lot (Lots 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, arnd 11) are located wilhin Phase I of tie research park developmentplan, Of the los located within Phase I of the developrnental plan, Lots 2, and 6 have been graded to construct vacant lotS suitablefor devlopent addittonul, Lot 9 is currently in 1he proess of being graed to failt a oto suitable for development. Currently lot51 ts he location of a quaceni hut type bu~irdin Fourof the lots that comri~rse site (Lots 12, 13, 14, and 15) are located withinPhtase I1 of the dsvelolprnerai plan and consist of vacant gras covered farm lend utilizedJ as grazing pasture to' livestock, One ofthe .otshat comprise the site (Lot 16) is located wlthin Phase Ii1 of the developmentai plan arid currentiy conuslstolvacant grasscovered land. l-stoncicsly the site has been utilized as farmn land associated with a University of MissourI researc.h farm (SouthFarms). Beglnivvng in the early 2C000s the area surroixiding the sie has been utilized as Discovery Ridge, a scietific researchp8*. The alplicent is irwestigatihg the site for expende use as a scientific research park.

AICHABOLOGY IFARTHUOVIN4G HAS THE GROUND llNVOLVED BEEN GRADED. BUILT ON. OR DISTUIRBED? PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL4USE PAGES. IF NECESSARY) PHOTOGRAPHS ARE 1IELPFUJL:The site has hluolcly been tarmed associated With a University ofl Missouri research farm. Outing the early 200 portions of thelois that comprise Phase I of the shte were graded to cottrc multiple vaan building lots sublo for devet t.en Currety lotslocated withhi Phase II, and Phase III of the developmental plat are vacant grass covered land.VAILL THE PROJECT REQUIRE FILL MATERIAL? 0"1YES U' NOIF YES, INDICATE PROPOSED BORROW'AREAS (SOURCE OF FILL MATERIAL) ON TOPOGRAPHIC MAPARE YOU AWARE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ON OR TO PROJECT AREA? El1 YES 0Z NOIF YE, IDENTIFY THE ON ThE TOPGRPIC MAPSTRUCGTUREIS tREHASILITATION, DEMOL.TIOO. ADDTINS TO, OR CONTRUCTION NEAR EXISTING STRUCTURES)TO THE 31ST OP YOUR KNOWLEDGE, IS THE STRUCUE LOCATED IP tY OJVF Th AREA PREVIOUSLY SURVEYED [-]A NATII'A REGISTER DISTRICT 0" A LCCAL HItSTORIC DISTRICTFOR HISTORIC PROPERTIES.IF YES. PLEASE PROVIDE TIHI NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OF IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAME OFTHE SUIRVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVEY CR DISTRICT: THE SURVY OR *PLEASE PROVIDE PHlOTOGRAPHS OF ALL STRUCTURES, SEE PHOTOGRAPHY REQ.,EMENS*NOTE: ALL PHOTOGRAPHS SHOULD BE LABELED AND KEYED TO ONE MAP OF TI.E PROJECT ARE* PLEASE PROVIDE A BREF: HISTORY OF THE BUILDINGIS), INCLUJ,*ING CONSTRUCTION DATES AND BUILDING USES. (USEADOITONAL PAGES. IF NECESsARY.)ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSMap ftequlrmms: Altadt a copy of the reevn por.ion (S ',4xl) 1) tlhe curent USGS 7.5 tooratc map nhes~sary, a largescale project map Please do notaed anlndividual map wit each sburoior s~te. 'hMilmsanorfiiI apls ppreferable. a good copy Isacceptble, For a hi of sites foro whitch to orcer. dowlod oMr plnt the reqeired USS 7.5 reln topographi ap at ll or no et, cos1hitto'lhkw Photography Reqhuuieutas: Clear black and white or color photorphs 3"x 5') are accep.*Ie. Polar~oti, phctcplOels, Pefnlh Orfaxed Ihotogm0 1 are not mocaptable. Good qualt photographs ire Important for expeditiouls projct review. Photographs 0ofegbonor nerby buI~ldinrgs at als Ielpftl. Alt p!o:oaplhs ee labeled and keyed to one mop of the pnrojeo area.CH4ECKUST-DID YOU PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION?07 Topographic ma 7.5 mit.i. (per project, not svucki) [] Other smpporl doo mri (Ifnecessary to the project)[] Thorough dasaiptlon (all projects) 0] For new coeucen rehabllalions, etc. atach work wf'lte-ups,plans, drawIngs etc] Photographs (ii *ucture, 0] Ia Io map Idntiie bY quadrange and year?Return this Formi and Attachments to:MISSOUR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICEAttn: Section 108 ReviewP.O. BOX 176JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI 65102-0176 U.S.G.S. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPSTTEofMISUR QADAL;EColumbia, Missouri, 1981Nr-' , .,,- -"'- "ii .. 'T ...II-I'4wqwinq~DruumbFMWcback.dbpMWhppmw.dh~,*I UII09ia1177014 J rerracon501 UlmeC~g.&daIA I!USGS MAPIIEdiiIIDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMLOTS 2.5, 8,g, 10,.1t, 12, 13,.14, 15& 16COLUMBIA, MISSOURIA-1lP 517?F ErtFA 11 IIIIN _ _KEY-- Phase I-- Phase !1-- Phase III1. .. S. a. -AJWTI flWOg17701I9 41I770fLANI~rer~con~,rti~ EI1~#~O~S &3191 WU~4WLI~A ~SiE EELPENA PHAS I ING PLAIIExhibitDISCOVERY RIDGE CERTIFIED SITE PROGRAMCOL.MBI, MISSOURIA-2P t42fl'F 1Ur14 2714ii II 4 &

Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut viewed from thesouth adjoining property. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.Quacent hut building located on the southern portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut'west portion of Lot 5. Quacent hut constructed between 1980 and 1992.w/ed from the Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.1955 and 1968.Trailer park located west of Lots 5, and 16. Trailer parkTrailer park viewed from the western portion of Lot 5.and 1968.

University ot Missouri (.iv1l Engineering researchconstructed between 1956 and 1968.Metal sided USDA building located within the vicinity of the University of Missouri CivilEngineering research building and east of Lot 5. Building constructed between 1995 and 2002.

ABC Lab building located west of Lot 2.viewed from Discovery Drive.*BuildingRadii building located east of Lot 2. Building constructed between 2002 andviewed from the intersection of Discovery Drive and Discovery Parkway.Building Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between'Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed between 19Residence viewed from US Highway 63, southwest of the structure.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constrResidence viewed from Lot 11, north of the structure.Barn located south of the residence south of Lot 11. Barn constrnBarn viewed from US Highway 83, southwest of the structure.and 1956.

Residence located south of Lot 11. Residence constructed betweenResidence viewed from Lot 11 looking southwest.Barn located south of11 looking southwest.Barn from Lot