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t              of 40 CFR 190.10.      If a petition for a variance is anticipateo the licensee shall                      i 1,            submit the request at least 90 days prior to exceeding the limits specified in 1              40 CFR 190.10.
t              of 40 CFR 190.10.      If a petition for a variance is anticipateo the licensee shall                      i 1,            submit the request at least 90 days prior to exceeding the limits specified in 1              40 CFR 190.10.
L; I
L; I
: 21. The licensee shall maintain and execute the response measures of his Radiological j        Contingency Plan submitted to the Comission by letter dated December 28, 1987. The 1        licensee shall also raintain irplementin 1        Plan as riecessary to implement the Plan.gThe    procedures licenseefor      hismake shall    Radiological Contingency no change  in his 1        Radiological Contingency Plan that would decrease the response effectiveness of the l        Plan without prior Comission approval as evidenced by a license amendment. The                                  ;
: 21. The licensee shall maintain and execute the response measures of his Radiological j        Contingency Plan submitted to the Comission by {{letter dated|date=December 28, 1987|text=letter dated December 28, 1987}}. The 1        licensee shall also raintain irplementin 1        Plan as riecessary to implement the Plan.gThe    procedures licenseefor      hismake shall    Radiological Contingency no change  in his 1        Radiological Contingency Plan that would decrease the response effectiveness of the l        Plan without prior Comission approval as evidenced by a license amendment. The                                  ;
j        licensee may make changes to his Radiolcgical Contingency Plan without prior                                    <
j        licensee may make changes to his Radiolcgical Contingency Plan without prior                                    <
3        Comission approval if the changes do not decrease tha response effectiveress of the 3        Plan. The licensee shall furnish the Chief Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of 1        Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, hMSS, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, 1
3        Comission approval if the changes do not decrease tha response effectiveress of the 3        Plan. The licensee shall furnish the Chief Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of 1        Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, hMSS, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, 1
Line 128: Line 128:
6 months after the change is made.                                                                        . ,
6 months after the change is made.                                                                        . ,
j 22. At the end of the plant life, the licensee shall decontaninate the facilities and                                  -
j 22. At the end of the plant life, the licensee shall decontaninate the facilities and                                  -
3        site ir iccordance witn the general decomissioning plan submitted in the enclosure a        to the letter dated January 12, 1975, so that these facilities and grounds can be 1        released to unrestricted use. 1he financial comitment to assure that funds will be 1
3        site ir iccordance witn the general decomissioning plan submitted in the enclosure a        to the {{letter dated|date=January 12, 1975|text=letter dated January 12, 1975}}, so that these facilities and grounds can be 1        released to unrestricted use. 1he financial comitment to assure that funds will be 1
availab17 for decomissioning in the letter dated March 8,1979, is hereby j        incorporated as a condition of the license.
availab17 for decomissioning in the {{letter dated|date=March 8, 1979|text=letter dated March 8,1979}}, is hereby j        incorporated as a condition of the license.
j 23. The licensee shall certinue the soil sampling progr. for the spent litrestone fill a        areas, as described in the letter dated February 29, 1984, urtil discontinuance is I        authorizeo by the Cctrission.
j 23. The licensee shall certinue the soil sampling progr. for the spent litrestone fill a        areas, as described in the {{letter dated|date=February 29, 1984|text=letter dated February 29, 1984}}, urtil discontinuance is I        authorizeo by the Cctrission.
1 1
1 1
3 lI    . The report or petition should be submitted to the Directcr. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, with a copy to the Regional Administrator.
3 lI    . The report or petition should be submitted to the Directcr. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, with a copy to the Regional Administrator.

Latest revision as of 13:48, 9 December 2021

Amend 10 to License SNM-33,authorizing Use of 8,000 Kg U Enriched to Max 5.0% in U-235 at Listed Address
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 10/31/1988
From: Rouse L
Shared Package
ML20195D724 List:
NUDOCS 8811070129
Download: ML20195D748 (5)


.- ___-- . _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _

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): 8e 5 Form 374 g g

q ]' IS ed) - U,S. NUCLE AR RECULATO3Y Comett$60N '*0E O' ' AGES -

! Pursuant io the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganisation Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -438), and Title 10, l

]) Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 30,31. 32,33,34,35,40 and 70  !


)) heretofore

] source, and specialmade nuclear materialby the licensee, designated below;a to license is hereby use such material issued for the purpose authorizing (s) and at the place (s) the licensee designated below:toto

- re l

{ I, deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to reccive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This 3 I

. heense shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and k i

) f subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effe '

] [l condition: specifled below.



. );

i p I* 3. Ueense aumber

}; Cerbustion Engineering, Inc. SNM-33  :

i ). Ameneent No. 10 i

y j i 2.

P. O. Box 107 Hematite, Missouri 63047 4. Ey'estion date Cerember 31,_1986

} j 5. Docket or

] Reference No. 70-36

}, 6. B)produet, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physleal 8. Maximum amount that licensee I, speena.1 nuclear material form may possess at any one time -

under this hcense f

f A. Uranium enriched to A. Any, excluding metal A. 8,000 kilograms f maximum 5.0 weight powder contained U-235 r percent in the U-235 l' isotope I

} 8. Uranium, any U-235 E. Any B. 350 grams

) enrichment 1

j C. Source material C. Any, excluding metal C. 50,000 kilograms 1 (Uranium and Thorium) powder 1,

J D. Cobalt 60 D. Sealed sources D. 40 millicuries, j total


r 9. Authorized Use: For use in accordance with the statements, representations, and _

J' conditions contained in Part ! of the licensee's renewal application dated February 26,:

1 1987, and supplements dated July 21, 1982; February 21, 1983; Pay 31, 1964; I April 29. June 6, and October 11,19tt; and letters dated February 29, 1964, f January 20, 1966, and March 30, 1987.

[' 10. Authorized Place of Use: The licensee's existing facilities in Fematite, Missouri, l as described in the referenced license renewal application.


} lle Quarterly inspections by the Supervisor, bl.S&A or his represt.ntative shall be I preplanned and shall be documented. Such documentation shall be maintained for l 2 years. '

J J.  :

I I,



l 8911070129 8s1031 PDR ADOCK 07000036 I C '

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. ll * "' U.S. NUCLE A3 CE ULATORY commission l - 2 w 5 m [

l< Lxena 6mber i f


! 70-36 I' _ _

l _".

1, li 1l lj ll c I

ll 12. A written report shall be made by the NLS&A Supervisor to the Plant Manager every C 6 months r wiewing employee radiation exposure (internal and external) and effluent l release data to cetermine:

1l l a. if there are any upward trends developing in personnel exposure for identifiable i, categories of workers, types of operations, or in effluent releasest '


I b. if exposures and releases can be lowered in accordance with the ALARA comitment; ;

1 and l

l c. if equipment for effluent and exposure control is being properiy used.  :

i maintained, and inspected.

f13.Thelicenseeshallleaktestsealedsourcesinaccordancewitt.theenclosed"License 3, Condition For Leak Testing Sealed Byproduct Material Sources."


[ 14. Release of equipment and material from the plant site or to clean areas onsite shall  :

be in accordance with the enclosed "Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and i

3 Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for i 1 Byproduct Source, or Special Nuclear Material," dated August 1987.  ;  ;

1 1 15. Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302, the licensee is authorized to treat waste j and scrap naterials containing uranius enriched in U-235 and/or scurce material by 3

incineration. .

1 i 16. Within 60 days of the date of this license renewal, the licensee shall submit to the 1 NRC a description of a prcposed monitoring program to determine the quantity and 1 environmental effects of radioactivity on spent limestone rock used as onsite fill  ;

1 material and to determine the envirerrental effects of outdeer storage of the alpha. -

j contaminated material.


1 1 17. The licensee shall survey spant limestene rock discharge fron each hF scrubber .

for beta contamination. Rock with beta contamination which exceeds five times 1

1 the background of fresh rock shall ret be used for landfill.


] 16. Within 60 days of the date of this license renewal, the licensee shall submit to NHS$ 5 j a plan, including schedule, for the disposal of alpha centamir.ated spent limestone .

1 rock.  ;

1 1

19. The licensee shall decontam% ate the two evaporation pends such that the average  ;

I residual contamination in each pond dees not exceed the appropriate limit of either .

j 250 picccuries of insoluble uranium or 100 picoeuries of soluble uranium per dry gram 3

of soil. The Tc 99 concentrations in a composite sample for each pond shall be  ;

1 cetermined.  ;

1 1

I i -

l 1  :

I Iiissv++ +xr_rxxxx.isLT w!v2r_m.Tfr M3iOK.:rafrjiriv 2.:NWT T.T.%r.z w;w.T x_xhiiiC=W -

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Duket or Reference number


Il l

1l 1 11  :

i it l{

h 20. a. If the radioactivity in plant gaseous effluents exceeds 105 mC1 per calendar i quarter, the liGinsee sFall, within 30 days, prepare and submit to the I Comissicn a report which identifies the cause for exceeding the lifwit and li the corrective acticns to be taken by the licensee to reduce the release rates.

I t If the parameters important to a dose assessment change, a report shall be submitted within 30 days which describes the changes in parameters and includes


' an estimate of the resultant change in dose comitment 3 l

ll b. In the event that the calculate <f dose to any nwaber of the public in any 4 censecutive 12-month period is about to exceed the limits specified in 40 CFR I, 190.10, the licensee shall take immediate steps to reduce emissions so as to

[ comply with 40 CFR 190.10. As provided in 40 CFR 190.11, the Itcensee may i petition the Nuclear Regulatory Comission for a variance from the requirments L .

t of 40 CFR 190.10. If a petition for a variance is anticipateo the licensee shall i 1, submit the request at least 90 days prior to exceeding the limits specified in 1 40 CFR 190.10.

L; I

21. The licensee shall maintain and execute the response measures of his Radiological j Contingency Plan submitted to the Comission by letter dated December 28, 1987. The 1 licensee shall also raintain irplementin 1 Plan as riecessary to implement the Plan.gThe procedures licenseefor hismake shall Radiological Contingency no change in his 1 Radiological Contingency Plan that would decrease the response effectiveness of the l Plan without prior Comission approval as evidenced by a license amendment. The  ;

j licensee may make changes to his Radiolcgical Contingency Plan without prior <

3 Comission approval if the changes do not decrease tha response effectiveress of the 3 Plan. The licensee shall furnish the Chief Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of 1 Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, hMSS, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, 1

Washington, DC 20555, a report containing a description of each change within 1

6 months after the change is made. . ,

j 22. At the end of the plant life, the licensee shall decontaninate the facilities and -

3 site ir iccordance witn the general decomissioning plan submitted in the enclosure a to the letter dated January 12, 1975, so that these facilities and grounds can be 1 released to unrestricted use. 1he financial comitment to assure that funds will be 1

availab17 for decomissioning in the letter dated March 8,1979, is hereby j incorporated as a condition of the license.

j 23. The licensee shall certinue the soil sampling progr. for the spent litrestone fill a areas, as described in the letter dated February 29, 1984, urtil discontinuance is I authorizeo by the Cctrission.

1 1

3 lI . The report or petition should be submitted to the Directcr. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, with a copy to the Regional Administrator.

l a Region III, 4


I I I -

I i

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p_w. --.- Ju Jus _a.ut = Jus = aul'uLas_fn = =_= = =..= =_m a = = = = = =&=_m =_=R a_.=_ap_= = = m. = m,=_m. = =hhute e,q l NaC rwm v4A U s. NUCLE AO CtGULAfoRY COMMIS$loN l ,,og 4 o, 5 l 0 88) Lkenne numtwr OActs la sNM-33, Amendment N . 10 I f MATERIALS LICENSE l SUPPLEMENTARY SHE ET I i 70-36 g i I ll I g, I I! I qt I I I I I i, 24. The monitoring program for the spent limestone shall include: I l

ll l


a. Continuous air sampling at the center of, and approximately 1 meter above, the l

l uncovered spent limestone piles for a minimum 2-year period. The weekly sampics l i

maybeccepositedandanalyzedforurgiumactivityonaquarterlybasis. The 1cwer limit of detection shall be 10' eCi/ml, or ilf L b. Measurement of the uranium activity on the surface of the spent limestone.

i I

I l

j i Prior to conducting such a program, the licensee shall submit the sampling and analytical pregram to tie NRC for approval.

j l

i i i 25. Processing cf UF 6 in 10-ton cylinders is not authorized. I I I l i 26. The 10-ton UF6 cylinders shall be equipped with valve protecto'rs. k y' I l

cylinders and the surrounding area shall be l (j 27. the The cor. crete pad for storage of UFslopedorgradedsothatanyspillhdccmbustibleflu storage area, i 1 1 1 St. No combustibles shall be stored on the concrete pad. I 1 1 j 29. A CO2 fire extinguisher shall be readily available near the storage pad. l l 30. In addition to the controls in Section I of the enclosure to the letter dated t i March 30, 1987 UF,. cylinders which are in transport and containing UF6 heels i i shall be either sex 1ed, in sealed overpacks, or in sealed vehicles. I y i 1

31. Notwithstanding the statement in Section 4.2.3 of the application, the l 1

k-effective of a unit or an array of units shall not exceed 0.95 unless g i specifica11) authorized by the license, g i i i 32. Nuclear criticality safety evaluations performed by the licensee in accordance v',th i 1 Section 2.7. Part I of the application, shall be based on assumptiens of optimum i 1

moderation and reflection cf individual safe units and of arrays. l j 33. Nuclear criticality safety evaluations insolving k-effective calculations performed r i by a Nuclear Criticality Sp2cialist shall be independently reviewed and approved by 1 1 an individual having as a minimum, the qualifications of a Nuclear Criticality i 1 Specialist. I,

! I k l l V l

1 I j i l 1 I i s 5 1 I I I l P.

I I l 1 I i I kwr o ....nw s ..u- u o u n n u a n . a uss 1 i u 1c i ,r ,r y,r ,r,c,r u e a a w2 .a o a e u- d

NA Jin = =.=.1 U.S. nucle A3 CE:ULAf omv c0MMIS$10N

,1 cp.m 3744 raor 5 o, 5

,mgll 1, Lianw u:mwr MATERIALS LICENSE

, SNM-33, Arendment No. 10 j

l! SUPPLEMENTARY $HEET I j! 70-36 g l'

lj ll1 l' I I! I lj i

Il 'I I

lll 34. For uranium enriched to more thar. 4.1 w/o U-235, the licensee shall limit the I ll agglomeration /granulatten process, each agglomerated powder storage location, and I i ll the pellet pressing cperating to safe mass units as specified in Tt.ble 4.2.4 I Part I of tie application. l-i Il 35.

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i j . Ongmal Sisned Br. ll l

r i OCT 31 1933 i 1 Date: By: Leland C. Rouse I

I g\)\ g N

f J' d' e

,:\ g /Of(6 DTVTsion of Industrial and Medical Nucletar Safety, NMSS hashingten, DC 20555

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