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Revision as of 05:00, 13 July 2019

Various Data Sheets 10/16/2000 to 05/14/2001
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/2001
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070670332 (104)


{{#Wiki_filter:Vermont Yankee Work Order No.: 00-5037 Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Containment Surfaces (WE) ProcedureNo/Rev.: &F 88 9'5 /2;7 EU* Visual Aids Illumination Level Check I Mirror W Ihmination Card/No. vy 8 &4GWMH e- I Light Source (Describe) D Other: L/~&S/& ,&~c,g Initial ps /3 ,GC f :05/53fl S-/-O/ ' I I Method Photo Sketch Intermediate 45% 444% I Direct B None B None Intermediate &/e 4/H / / C9J-i- Final "/ 7.4" FC c Attached 5-/e 0 / 9: f5 44 7 Remote Attached <emote Examination ConditiondEquipment Remarks dfi yef'" NreJ -U'* 872'53 993 P Level: LZZ Date: Level: Date: Date: c/>/o t ieviewer: Date: Date:cfl-d/ Evaluation Required? oyes $NO VWP8045.02 NE 8045 Rev. 1 Page 1 of 1 WorkOrderNumber: 00*0ok&7 000 Thickness Calibration Data Sheet Instrument Instrument Make: ?G na 97? P.triC5 Instrument Model: 2 6 DL Phs ' tnstrurnent SRU: .9,3/ 2 7 3 07 Instrument Display: CRT ( ) Digital (4 Horizontal Linearity Performed?: Yes ( } No (/ CafibraGon Block Serial Number. Gk i -! , EA!? 1-2 Calibration Block Material: BtockTemperature: 75 OF Thicknesses: ,800 e 7.001 M&TE Used?: Yes ( } No (& M&TE Description I SIN: fl//A 5/< Product Form: b/,~ q ~k+ , Calibration Times Initial Calibration: os00 Check: 1 3 oc Check: Che& N/A Check th Final: 1630 Sketch and Examination Results: P tx 9 e+ Examiner: Reviewer: Date: 5iro' 0 Form Number: TAS6d Pdl.$Ei\sskr Level: S= Date: 5/8f& I Yes (y , No ( ) ,&p,,&L 4 &5dWb Date: S/J: /bl WNEF8053.01 V Page 1 of 1 Cog. Engineer, Date: &/-@/+ NE 8053 Original AN)I:k@?Y5& tPC#1 . Experience Hours Credit: - . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . - . . . -. - . . - . m c '. . WorkOrder Number. 00 - 065437-00o Thickness Calibration Data Sheet Examiner: v hfdft 6 Level: Date: S- 9-0.1 Examiner7 &&E& c RdM 4. &f-U Level: .Q& Date:g!/Ul

  • ZW~ SWWI CW- E* 5,@.0I Component CornponentID:

Qgy WELL SEAL AP&A System: 0 E't' WE CL Drawing NurnberlRev.: 62 02-2 E*\I 0 Pfant Location: DRY UELt 232'~tVl Material: che6oAd STEEL Product Form: W EO Y 6 HT Nominal Thickness: 1 .O I' t 2 -5 " Evaluation Required: Yes (4 No ( ) ~- Instrument Instrument Make: PA hl A mET c Instrument Model: 2 b 0 L. P L Q 5 Instrument SM:. 9 3 12 9307 Instrument Display: CRT ( ) Digitat (4 Horizontal Linearity Performed?: Yes ( ) No (3( E/C 1-1 Calibration Block Serial Number: Ek 1- 2 Calibration Block Material: CARBrN STEEL Product Form:- W RbU6 )17 Block Temperature: 7 s OF M&TE Used?: Yes ( ) No (4 M&TE Description ISN: Thicknesses: 0.006", 0.099", g15ao", t.000~~, 2.5bi *I, 3,601 Sketch and Examination Results: 5 E E Q A G E , Date: s'do 0 Form Number: /I Reviewer. WN EFB053.01 Page 1 of 1 NE 8053 Original LPC#l '- Experience Hours Credit: 3 3 w cr, Data Sheet No: BWr - or - 0 fq Vermont Yankee Work Order No.: Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Containment Surfaces @WE) Procedure NoRev.: /VE 80 y5 HK vc / Sketch Intermediate f 9TFc ,5-7-0/ Method Photo //;&j ,+z. I Direct 0 None 0 None 1ntermediate/77~~ /:?m p/n 7-9-01 O'Remote Attached $-j?-U/ A'/~#T 4flEX MQ :g//z / 53 ode: 9-/3'bZ Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment Remarks Evaluation Required? c VWk 8045.02 NE 8045 Rev. 1 Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee VYNEF.8045.04 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 LPC #1 Vermont Yankee Reference Data Sheet No: 8oc/- O/ 9 page3 of& ate: 3- 9-a Visual Examination Supplemental Report Form - 3; Component Ed*Fd 338' Component ID: ///W/HP P &??7%??&! L7- 1 System: P%-%??H& y P UX/7LR/d&fF& 7- / Level: &h Date: Nh miner: viewer: Date 4- viewer: 5l4r 1 0 Date: db Date: e-//-&/ VYNEF 8045,04 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 LPC #1 I

  • EVALUATION OF DATA E'ROViDED BY VT-1, CONTAINMENT SURFACE% (IWE) DATA SHEET No: 804541419 During RFO 21 IWE examinations it was discovered that the Joint Seal at the concrete to steel interface on the 238' level of the containment had failed and there was evidence of corrosion in areas of the seal As a resalt a portion of the circumference of the seal interface area was declared as augmented.

Thejoht seal itself was also scheduled for replacement during RFO-22. At the start ofRFG22 the examiners performed &e required VT-I examinations ofthe augmented area at the joint seal to determine if any changes had d during the last operating cycle. The results ofthat examinaton reveal no changes identified in the augmented area After the VT-1 exambations were compkte the process began for the joint seal replacement A band of paint was removed from the concrete floor up the steel containment appmximtdy 6" Wide for the full Circumference. The recessed area for the joint seal was As0 cleaned m preparation for the new seal installation. At this point a VT-3 exminations was performed which identified a band of pitting that covd mch ofthe 360-degree circumference. A more detailed VT-1 was ordered by the Responsible Engineer to detail this area prior to paidseal hstdlation. This joint seal area was identified as an issue in the early 1990's. (ER-99-1594 deals with the issues from the 1990's resolution.). In 1993 the joint seal area was cleaned and painted so as to form a paint joint seal at the concrete to seal hkrface. The aresfs identified during the RFO-21 examinations were meas that were experiencing evidence of cornsion and paint loss in this paintedjoint area Some of the paint was stili intact and providing adecpa& protection for the steel it was mering. The new areas of pittingin the area of the joint seal are as a result of the coating removal to white metal in this area This area was not previmly identified duringRF0-21 because it was an oldarea ofpitting that had been covered by the 1993 coating and had not experieaced any furthex degradation, As a result of the coatings being completely removed from this joint am, this VT-1 examination was able to map this regim without the impdance of any obstnaction The areas of pitting are isolated to the general area of the joint seal interface between the concrete and the steel. The pitting subsides as it move up or down out of the joint seal area, This was evident when a portion of the steel sarfkce was exposed as a result of the removal of a conmte chip. Tbe under slnfsce area exposed was appximately 9" wide and 3" deep in a crescent shape. The worst case pitting is isolated to aband in the joint seal area from approximately %" wide to approzdmately 1" wick and is described in the report as areas with general wastage and connecteapittiag. All corrosion identified within this report is bomdedby evaluation WM 991139. Based on this evaluation all areas are well within the required design base metal thicknesses and are acceptable

  • or continued operation as is.

L PC Procedure NolRev.:,HKl&9? .u be Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for VT-3 Moisture Barriers, Gaskets and Seals (1,WE) Page I of / Data: 5*/Y-e/ Evaluation Required? OYes I No I Reviewer: Date */& WNEF 8047.08 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 o/ Data Sheet No: doL/ Vermont Yankee Work Order No.: 60 -6os037aa0 Visual Examination Report Form for VT-3 Procedure NolRev.: Mc8d 97&. 0 Page / of / Date:S-Y-o/ Containment Surfaces [IWE) ComponentsgHL .ZZ~&MK~ #?z+ E&#* ' Other (Describe): A**5-Y4J EvaIuation Required? ~~es @NO bu- WNEF 8047.07 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visua! Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Visual Aids Photo Sketch Cl Binoculars -one 0Tlone 0 Mirror D Attached 0 Attached I Method E6rect 0 Remote __ ~- Component dght Source 0 6" Scate CJ Other ~ Examination Location OescriptionlRemarks Ejlrk;i&iorJ IS fily~ G+Jblk. &%kP*'d F & &A ct Remote Examination CanditionsEquipment Remarks do*& &/+X;&,C 013 avtr &/A Per &men taae,ea L*&&J *%mn :A/ p 4;od af %ab5 a*qs i,a, 3 4 cro- CA .)WAIk fo bel+- GdC. Bd ex f2R;OC 0d-W &&'(Pk > 4 %7cua, 1 I e WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 7 +O'L.r.24 Examiner: &/- Level E\?,duA. Date /dd$& Ex amine r : Level Date Reviewer: Date Reviewer: Date ANII: Wd Date &. q/ao ; )I r Data Sheet No: Zw e - 6u- 3 $c/ Work Order No.: 00 - 0 SO 35 Visual Aids Photo Sketch I 0 Binoculars @%one I mone Procedure NolRev.: A/* go ?h&;9*dd,. Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page- / of. 1 Date: /q/.6/0Q ., Method dect f ~~ Component 0 Mirror dght Source D 6" Scale 0 Other 10 Attached 10 Attached I CI Remote I Examination Results, Details and Comments: CLIs.4 Examiner: L~V~~~~AJ~& Date /fh$h Examiner: Level Date Reviewer: Date Y Date &.?.A Date (of?@ VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 . -___ - . . . . . . . Procedure No/Rev.: Ale $0 7/otUpdd Page / of Date: /9//&./OQ ., Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Component Examiner: Level Date Reviewer: Date Reviewer: Date ~~,+/2 ANN: -4 Date !O-f?d c ." Component 10: %R~C 8.4~~' 9- /2- systern:&+I%4 /lied Drawing NoJRev.: m 42 #/3 Location: A2 skd9 I I Visual Aids I Photo I Sketch 1 Method II VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Originat Page I of 1 Data Sheet No: 6- U-3G Work Order No.: 00 - 0 50 35 Procedure ~olRev,: A& 90 9 ?A+~#AJL Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page / of Date: /4//6./0Q '- -, Visual Aids 0 Binoculars 0 Mirror Component Photo Sketch Method @%one mane 6ect U Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Drawing NolRev.: - 42.. ' 8 /3 Location: 4 8/49 445.'bL( Examiner: Leve-dcL/c Date /f!L,hd Examiner: Level Date VYNEF 8047.06 NE BO47 Original Page 1 of 1 I Visual Aids Photo Sketch 0 Binoculars dE;Sone 4ne 0 Mirror D Attached 0 Attached VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 uMethod B*tijrect 0 Remote -- __ - . . . . . . . . -, -. 04 ight Source 13 6" Scale 0 Other Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Exhination ConditionslEquipment Remarks %+ &jrf2fLt*w .r,n?u e c PLuck&J x;Loq A +D Date,-. Y Level.- Examiner: WNEF 6047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 - I Data Sheet No: zde- 35-7 Work Order No.: 00 - 0 $035 Visual Aids Photo Sketch 0 Binocdars &Zone dne 17 Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached Procedure NolRev.: A& tfd Y7/0a4~4d Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page f of / Date:- h/ib/Og ./ L/ Method direct D Remote Component Gd ight Source 0 6" Scale 0 Other Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks G+&r*oC &C,L 8 4 fL.k~;&J x 2.0 bA*b Remote Examination Conditions/Equiprnent Remarks Yh Examiner: Level Date Reviewer: Date Reviewer: Date /UAi/op ANk- Date r'q4M !i VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 - D/ - m/ - Vermont Yankee Data Sheet No: $?a qL> Work Order No.: Ob - 00 56 3S:CO ProcedureNoRev.: NE efo Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Bolting (IWE) 1 Page of I Date: 4' 19 *O 1 1 II Component Component ID: J lb

  • 14 c 5;4 System: PCAC 11 Attached U Bushings U Flange Surface ]I Initial 1 ~ I I Visual Aids El Magnifying Glass humination cardl~o.:

J V-S dinor Remote Examination ConditiondLimitations: dight Source (Describe): PEuw a &r kher (Explain) v( xaminer: . Level:= Date: q* 1 5 0 - - xaminer: +I Level: $ Date: IA eviewer: Date: </<A, eviewer: Date: Date: p-2 g-01 Y 0 Yes VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 -. c. c DataSheetNo: fiaq3 01 02 Work Order No.: Procedure NolRev.: Ne ea q5 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form 00 - 00 56 35-00 VT-1, Bolting @WE) Page / of I Date: c/'fq*oi Component Component ID: Jrb-f+58 System: PCAC Level: &Date: 4 /A Date: *, Examiner: Reviewer: 0 Yes , VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual. Examination Report Form 9 @vs- o/- a3 Work Order No.: ProcedureNolRev.: mq5 00 - 00 5b 35-00 VT-1, Bolting (WE) Page t of- I Date: 1/*/9*0t Component Component ID: J Ib - 5 System: Pc At Drawing No/Rev.: & -14 1175 .I 463 Bolting Length: @/& I' Bolting Diameter: E1/A ll PhotolSketch Method Examination Bolting Components Examined Ilhmination Level Check done dLct 6 Place d*lting 0 Washers Date ' Attached Initial 12*.20 444a1 Visual Aids 0 Magnifying Glass min nation carc~~o.: J J- s !Erosion / I I Wear / Evidence of Leakage I 4 11 Reviewer: Date: Yes VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1

Work Order No.: ProdureNo/Rev.: NE ~~q5 Page 1 of I Date: 4'/9*0 I Ob - &3 56 3 g-0 O Visual Examination Report Form VT-I, Bolting (IWE) Component ID: J lb e fct - 5E System: Pc AC El Yes VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page I of 1 1 Data Sheet No: -5 +-ai- ob Vermont Yankee Work Order No.: 00 - 00 50 35-00 ProcedureNo/Rev.: Bq5 "0 Visual Examination Report Form VT-I, Bolting @WE) Page f of / Date: 4' /? *d 1 DrawingNo/Rev.: e -19 75 a -I e163 " BoltingLength: " Bolting Diameter 1 I I ci Yes VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 . . . . . . . Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Bolting m) Photo/Sketch Method Examination Bolting Components Examined Illumination Level Check --- B None H Direct R In Place E BoItine 0 Washers &?m?- 0 Attached El Remote E Removed Cl Bushings H Flange Surface Initi 123~ I Visual Aids Intermediate ,,yp e/# I I1 I/ I/ .- I_ 0 Magnifying Glass Illumination CardNo.. i5 Mirror Remote Examination ConditionslLimitations: Light Source @scribe): FhSXb94f / Level: Date: 5-7-0 Level: Date: &.& Reviewer: I/ (1 Reviewer: Date: "/A Evaluation Required? UYes lBNo VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Data Sheet No: gofr- o/- 0 / Work Order No.: ,&? - 0 0 y/@?-U 0 0 Procedure Noaev.: ME- 80 95 Page / of / Date: .$-y-o/ / Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Bolting OWE) II Component PhotoISketch Method Examination I Boiting Components Examined Illumination Level Check Rl None Direct I In Place 1 Boitine LI Washers Date -0, Attached 0 Remote Removed Cl Bushings Flange Surface Initial /37& -3.0 1 5-49 . h Visual Aids Intermediate 0 Magnifying Glass a Ulurninarion carmo.: vyg r Wear , d&*y-+o/ Evidence of Leakage , yf,$-f&& other (Explain) &&* IC Evaluation Required? Examin r: c Level: ZDate: yd yo @/ Dyes #NO I Examiner: '% Level: & Date: &/A Reviewer: Reviewer: Date: VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page I of 1 WNEF 80457.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 . .. I Data Sheet No: 80q71°1

  • 031 Work Order No.: 00 - $0 3'7 Procedure Nomev.: 37 6 0 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (I W E} Page I of 9 Date: xitb/ I Drawing NolRev.: dZo?, - A00 Location:

Q~LI, Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method Direct 0 Binoculars & None 'One spfi985 0 Mirror 0 Attached @ Attached 0 Remote $# Light Source Examination Location DescriptionfRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEqoipment Remarks 0 6" Scale Z*tLP.ZQP ad P 4fiC c. a 4 Examination Results, Details and Comments: Level k? Date f(/d Date &k *c Examiner: DAA & Reviewer: Dt5GLih Revie wet: - Pfl Date lV.4 ANtl: Date VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 t ..

.- - . . ... . . . -

00 b

. INSERVICE DISCREPANCY REPORT (IDR) IDR #: 01-01 Date: 5/2/2003. el 1 Component: Y.He_ader Location: pnrw 9 - Performed By: Date : Disposition/Repair: ~~ IS1 Program Coordinator: Date: Repair Effort: Reference Document: Repair Completion Date: BY: Date: Service Induced: YES - NO - Sample Expansion Required: YES NO BY: Date: - Sample Expansion: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date

Reinspection Required:

YES - NO BY : Subsequent Inspection Required: YES .- NO - BY : IS1 Supervisor Notified: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date : Reinspection Completed Satisfactorily: IS1 Supervisor: Date: IDR Closed: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date : VYAPF 4027.01 AP 4027 Rev. 4 - Page 1 of 1 - . ._ Vermont Yankee I Visual Examination Report Form for L Visual Aids Pllota Sketch Method Binoculars Fa None @I None ,t~ Direct U Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Procedure Nomev.: flp 702 4 / 0 General Visuaf -{IWE) page I of / Date: !I/~,/O/ t Component 1 Examination Results, Details and Comments: MNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Originat Page 1 of 1 : VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i Work Order No.: 00- 56 3 6 Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: a 0

  • Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual: (IWE) Page / of / Date:-.@&&/

Component Component ID: 7 A i system: Ddq c A Drawing NolRev.: .59&0- v/ Location: SAW 7L~b I I Method @ Direct &/toe El Remote a Binoculars 0 Minor I$ tight Source Exa ..,...___ _. I-- 0 6" Scale **:dI;rd *i*krmr( Level Level Date Examiner: Examiner: Reviewer: VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Procedure NotRev.: PP 7°29/0 . Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page / of / Date: 1//6/0/ I D Minor U 6" Scale Examiner: d/A Level d/A Date &(A Reviewer: EflA Date d/A Reviewer:' EJ/A Date d/A ANII: Date i-ffaf VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 7 - . .. Work Order No.: 00 50 3 6 Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: 86q7 48 1 Date: vhd/OJ Visual Examination Report Form for / Page of General Visual (IWE) Component 1 Metnoa Sketch I Photo Viual Aids 0 other I Examination Results, Details a'nd Comments: n WNEF 8047.0.6 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Work Order No.: t30 -<03 b e x- /o System: 3fi~ dc & Component ID: Drawing No/Rev.: sqao 5 Photo Sketch MeInw Visual Aids 0 Binoculars p None p None )?$ Direct &I& MiwM 0 Attached 0 Attached U Remote Light Source Examhation Location DescriptionlRernarks Remote Examhation ConditionsEquipmant Remarks 0 6" Scale h WNEF 8047.0.6 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Work Order No.: Oa .. sa 3 G ' Procedure Nomev.: por(7 5 Page / of I Date: V+/O/ Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) WNEF 8047.0.6 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Data Sheet No: mE- 4 work Order NO.; 80 - 00 5' 3s 38 3

  • Visual Aids Photo Sketch 0 Binoculars

%None #b None Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Method @ Direct ~fi C Procedure NolRev.: PP 7d a fh Page ! of / Date: !hJ$ f t bq hkcLc fLkAr* r NfA -~ -~ Component 0 Mirror Light Source El 6" Scale I D Attached 1 D Attached 1 o Remote 0 Other 1 X 1 Examination Results, Details and Comments: Y Examiner: IJ/A Reviewer: t//A Date 4 Reviewer: - .'/R Date 49 V VYNEF 80447.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i Procedure NofRev.: // 76 2<h Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page of 1 Date: ~/l\~/~~ t Component Visual Aids Photo Sketch I 0 Binoculars g3 None None Method In Direct 6*r~r&L 0 Mirror Light Source 0 6" Scale 0 Attached (3 Attached 0 Remote Examination Location Description/Rernarks Remote' Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i C Data stwet NO: Work Order No.: go c/ 7 - 0 I -ow 00- 5-0 37 Vermont Yankee 'isual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Procdwe Nopev.: g 047 Ro I Date: ~/!/d 1 Page of Component mponent ID: X rcf system: L~L.I 1 awing Nomev.: Location:-& Bld.4 Sketch Method Visual Aids Phot0 @ None None Direct bo&-& Examination Location Descn'ptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquiPment Remark. Binoculars Minor c1 Attached Light Source 0 Attached n Remote 6" Scale 3"&&c-cc hJ I4 VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE} 1 Visual Aids Photo 0 Binoculars None 0 Mirror 0 Attached Procedure No/Rev.: 80q7 . Page 1 of 1 Date: .5/9/&J Y Sketch Method W None fi Direct 6-4 0 Attached 0 Remote ~ - -- ~ Component Light Source 0 6" Scale Other Zornponent ID: -x - Lq System: 3 r*y id4 ~ - ~ ~ Examination Location Oescn'ption/Remarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks 6-k ~rcpQ~"rtCpCc .%fqwciC PUG Jrawing NolRev.: F 5s;"- 4 Me Examiner: Level -. Date dy/d/ Examiner: Level ri/A Date . Reviewer: Date* U Reviewer: +A Date Nb ANII: Date G S-d/ VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Origina! Page 1 of 1 1 1 t Data Sheet NO: 4J- 38 1 9 Page 1 of 1 Date: ?h6 !6 f t General Visual -(IWE) Component Component ID: X - 14 A System: LS+ I Work Order No.: 00- 00 SO 3s Photo None U Attached Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: -, 1 Visual Examination Report Form for Sketch Method Q None Direct 6~1.faC D Attached 0 Remote Drawing Nomev.: ,<? Visual Aids 0 Binoculars 0 Mirror @ Light Source 0 6" Scale Ci Other ~_~_ ~~ Examination Results, Details and Comments: VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Procedure NolRev.: 80 L/7 RU Page I of 4 Date: 5///0/ Component Component ID: System: 344 4 L/d Drawing NofRev.: 39- - qi Location: R, A,+- -- - Wsual Aids I Photo Y Sketch I Method C3 Binoculars 0 Mirror p Light Source Cf 6" Scale la None 0 Attached t3 Attached 10 Remote Examination Location Desaiption/Remarks Remote Examination ConditionsEquiprnent Remarks Examiner: -4 & Level @ Date ixaminer: Level 13/A 3eviewer: 3eview er: - IJfh Date /"/A 4Nlt: Date&-=- O/ VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Visual Aids Photo Sketch J Binoculars 491 None Q None 3 Mirror p tight Source 3 6" Scale Method Direct trd*~~ 0 Attached 0 Attached 1 o Remote Examination Location 0escription)Remarks Remote. Examination ConditiondEquipment Remarks c id AJ "/A Examiner: dh Level t?. Date p//A Reviewer: ~h Date kl/A VYNEF 8047.06 NE 6047 Original Page 1 of 1 I I , Data Sheet No: cr"w 6- 6V- 377 Visual Aids Photo Sketch I3 Binoculars @None ' None 1 Work Order No.:+- Method (rs21 Direct Gd F *L Procedure NoIRev.: f?p 74 a /o Page 1 of I Date: ~/~6fb/ r Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) 0 Mirror @ Light Source 13 6" Scale U Other t Component El Attached 0 Attached Remote Examination Location DescK@ionfRernarks Remote' Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks bB7kl)sM 44dakd;bd fy4 x- Date i- s/.o( V VYNEF 6047.06 NE 8047 Original Page I of 1 i < Data Sheet No: m6- 1J- 378 Work Order No.: 60 - 490 so 3s Visual Aids Photo Sketch CI Binoculars @ None E3 None procedure No/Rev.:, fp 702V/O ' Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page I of- I Date: ?i&j~f Method Direct &*a* faC Examination Location Descn'ption/Remarks ba7 a dA PAA).Ld, &q f3 Mirror @ Light Source D 6" Scale Remote' Examination CondjtionslEquiprnent Remarks IJ/A I Examination Results, Details and Comments: V Examiner: Ahh Level Mi4 Date &h Reviewer: h(lR Date d/A Reviewer: - A&? Date &/A VYNEF 80.47.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 ! Procedure No/Rev.:-@ $ 7 Ro Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual {IWE) __ ~ Component Component ID: x- r9 System: 3~44 c-tl Drawing NolRev.: -9 2Q- v'/ /! / Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method I c1 Binoculars None None FDirect 6a~d 0 Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached I3 Remote Light Source 0 6" Scale ~~ f Examnation Location DeswiptionlRernarks I Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment Remarks Examiner: Level Date &/A Reviewer: Date 1 Reviewer: VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Originat Page 1 of 1 Work Order No.: - 00 so 35: procedure NotRev.: PP /o , Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for / Date: [//6/0i 1 General Visual (IWE) Page 1 of Component VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 '.

  • Data Sheet No: 6 de 3 7 b Visual Aids Photo Sketch @Binoculars

@None Q None 0 Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached Procedure NotRev.: /?/ pac//0 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page 1 of 1 Date: ///6/0/ I Method p Direct &a *) L 0 Remote %tight Source 0 6" Scale 0 Other Reviewer:' M/U Date A//# Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Examination CanditionslEquipment Remarks -llrJu+Q p. hlbLA4.m qb x- &dl WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 t I Data Sheet NO: 2 Work Order NO.: od-00 5035 procedure NolRev.: P

  • 0 Page of 1 Date:.*. 1 -6U- 37Cj Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (\WE) Component Component ID: X LX Drawing NolRev.: L<? FEiinoculars None pone /e Direct &4eeL D Mirror E3 Attached System: B &9 4 743 " 4// Location:

gK+LNaQ smgw Sketch Method Visual Aids Photo 0 Attached D Remote Light Source Examination Location DesciptionlRemarks \ Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment ema arks 6" Scale "ry4 P~dckd1b.M 13 Other x- LL Examination Results, Details and Comments: Examiner: A,A 1, &*)e@ Level f- 4 Jd Date t/tG/6 1 Examiner:. d/A Level dh Datek & ~aMs4-k Reviewer: d/A DateL Reviewer: - d//q Date& Date /-- slw WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 ! C Data Sheet No: 8W7 - 0 / 037 Work Order No.:

  • 00 - 5037 Procedure Nomev.: BOJ~ LCJ Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page / of / Date: &/6/ Component

~ Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method 7 Binoculars $ None None 91 Direct 3 Minor a Attached C3 Attached Remote iiiht Source Examination Location Descriptionlffematks Remote Examination ConditionslEquiprnent Remarks 3 6" Scale *k/clucPSf.rK.. n/fA c kaminer: Level -e: Date fl//OI kminer:% Level Date 3eview er : Date fll/6/ Date VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 VYNG 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 c Data Sheet No: go47 036 00 -5a 3'7 Work Order No.: Vermont Yankee Visuaf Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Procedure NofRev.: 7 0 Page / of Date:+//, I I-- - ~ Component Drawing No/Rev.: fla - s// Location: Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method I 6 D Binoculars p None Qp None $Direct 6w&fz& 0 Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote YUght Source Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment Remarks N/h 0 6" Scafe s+ar4 Sw+- 0 Other- ,bq G bL ge- Examination Resuk, Details and Comments: Level Date &/A Reviewer: Date r///6 I Reviewer: - e/A Date -/A AM: c Date c-J-o/ WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Procediire ~ol~ev.: PP 7~1 A L//o Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) 1 I Date: j,t/o i - I Page b__ of ,- Component Zornponent 10: X-A4 System: ftq LJ .+4 Zawing NoIRev.: 59 3 Yf tocation: EZC~~~A sudd Method ~inoctdars W None @ None PDirect Gad -aL 0 Attached 0 Remote 3 Minor 0 Attached Light Source Exdmhdon Location DescriptionfRemarks Remote Examination ConditionsfEquipmeot Remarks 6" SCd8 Bqa4 P*A..Ad'k fib 3 Other K-ZY Examination Results, Details and Comments: MNff 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of t i VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 . . . -. . .. -. i I Reviewer: fl/A 1 - Date ANII: I/L$W - Date Reviewer: - IJ/A i / WNE~ 804+7.06 NE 8047 Orig'Wl Page 1 of 1 . --- i Procedure NolRev.: 847 Ro ' Page / of I Date: S/~L t Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) 1 Component

  • Component ID: Drawing NoiRev.: s72.d -41 Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method I/ Cl Binocutars

@ None @I None p~irect Lud 0 Mirror Attached 0 Attached c1 Remote @ Light Source Examination Location Description[Remarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks 0 6" Scale rfi4iiO.t @@-Q

  • A . -- 0 Other hS,d4 e-- Examination Results, Details ayd Comments:

& Level 87 Date,-. Level dh Date VYNEP 8047.06 NE 8047 On'ghal Page 1 of 1 i Work Order No.: 0 0 - **SO 3 s Procedure Nomev.: Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for Visual Xis Photo Sketch Method 2 Binoculars @None pone p Direct 61 4-

  • L 3 Minor Q Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote page I of / Date: <//* 1 @ Light Source 7 6" Scaie %amination Results, Details and Comments:

1 . VYN& 8047.06 Page 1 of ? i NE a047 original 8 e-&#- 369 Data Sheet No: Zb3 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Reowt Form for r, Page i of t Date: ./h, General Visual -(IWE) Camporient - 2oomponent ID: 3rawing Nomev.: L<q 20 .c L(/ Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method 0 Binoculars @J None @ None Direct 6&3r*~aL ' 0 Attached 0 Remote 9 Mirror 0 Attached fl light Source Examination Location Oescriptionlflemarks Remote' Examinatbn ConditionslEquipment Remarks I 3 6" Scale "'"I a4 P4,,.ccd rrv\ Nth c3 Other , x-a9 Examination Results, Details and Comments: VYNG 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 I VYNEF 8041.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Component Component ID: c system: %(t~.l ~*lcY Drawing NalFlev.: -57 20- Lt( Location:, &e H& -5M&4A&&% Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method c 0 Binoculars Qp None gR None #SD Direct 6 erJcrcoC 0 Mirror @ Light Source 0 6" Scate 0 Attached 0 Attached D Remote Examination Location Desctip$ion]Remarks 1 Remote Examination CanditionsEquipmeot Remarks 3fquIa P&&ckcJ1;~ Examiner: 'h bate Reviewer: -Date % Date /"//4 Reviewer: - Nh VYNG 8047.06 NE 8047 Origind Page 1 of 1 i Procedure NolXev.: kjfl7 6 1//0. Page/of f Date: /_//6 10 f t Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Component Component 10: x-2 L System: ~r) -4 Drawing NolRev.: 59 20 - Location: dun ./A 4 Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method 0 Binoculars @None rS, None Direct -t f3 Mirror t$%LLight Source Cl 6" Scale MNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of I i Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Visual Aids Binoculars Work Order No.: 00 Procedure NoiRev.: pp 70 sLe//o Page of / Date: !//,/a/ I Photo Sketch Method p9 None BE: None Direct 4 Component Com p onent ID: .x- 33 .I System: hb: 0 Mirror p Light Source 0 6" Scale 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Examination Location DescriotionlRernarks I Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks 0 Other 1 X- 3 3 I ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~- - Examination Results, Details and Comments: VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page t of 1 \ Procedure NolRev.: -pp ?OAL//o Component VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Ofiginal Page 1 of 1 ? - - _._ Work Order No.: 4% Procedwe NolRev.: roq? 43 56 3 7 Vermont Yankee I Visual Examination Report Form for Genera! Visual (!WE) Page ' oi ' Date: S~/U ( i Component ,- Cornpmenr IV. Drawing NofRev.: cc 41 Location: I Method I e-..: -... A.. Date II VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Procedure NolRev.: Page / of / Date: 1//6/0/ t Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Examiner:

  1. /A Level Nh Data Reviewer:

NIA Date Reviewer: ru/p Date Nh VYNEF 6047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i Work Order No.: ob 50 3 b Wocedure NolRev.: db q? 3 ( Date: </{/o I Page 1 of -. Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Component Component ID: x-y/ .: Drawing NolRev.: 59w 41 uc Id,*A - Photo Sketch Method Visual Aids Cl Binoculars @ None None %Direct &,~d.-- 0 Minor 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Light Source Examination Location Description/Rernarks Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment Remark: , 0 6" Scale Date Y Examiner: Reviewer: Date.- Y - */A Date )3/A Reviewer: AN[!: Date WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual {IWE) Visual Aids 0 Binoculars U Mirror ~ ~ Component Photo Sketch Method Izp None 'BNNone fs Direct 64~4~4 c1 Attached 0 Attached D Remob VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 drK-1 Page 1 of 1 \ -. . . Procedure NofRev.: 9097 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual {WE) Page f of f Date: Qjjh) / Visual Aids 0 Binoculars 0 Mirror Light Source 0 6" Scale I Component Photo Sketch Method None fl None Direct 0 Attached 0 Attached tl Remote Examination Location Description/Rernarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks +L-eS-&-?- 44 1 Component ID: x+ q3 System: ,e & Date JZZ~I Examiner: Level. Examiner: 44 Lever J/A Date dh- Reviewer: Date*&- Reviewer: &!A VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Qriginal Page 1 of 1 i Procedure NolRev.:- PP 70 A?{/O Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for Visual Aids Photo Sketch %None 3 Mirror D Attached 0 Attached D Binoculars $FNm Method $[ Direct 0 Remote VYNV 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i $tight Source ;J 6" Scale J Other Examinetion Location Description/Rernarks Remote Examination CanditionslEquipment Remarks tBFyiJ4 P<,.,.cca;c;olJ %A x- 56 Work Order No.: 00 sa 3 & Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: d6 47 Ro Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (WE) Page of / Date: </<Id L Component Component ID: arzs u) &a Drawing NoIRev.: xFw I Location: 4A f 8Lll ld &'li Method rJ Photo Sketch Visual Aids 0 Binacdars $ None @ None 9 Direct 6*d+d, 0 Mirror D Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Examination Location Oescription/Remarks Remote Examination ConditianslEquipment Remark - Light Source 13 6' Scale &+4rwJeQ Sd&&.A.. */A WNEF 8047.06 Page 1 of 1 NE 8047 Original Work Order No.: 00 00 60 35 Procedure No/Rev.: PP 7&+3 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page I of I ate: #//bh I c Component hmponent ID: x- 443 J Irawing No/Rev.: 'T9 LO - 4i Lo cation:_Er-k fAJLQ 5dAiL-c Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method Binocuiars None pC None Direct P 6 3 Mirror 9 Light Source 3 6" Scale 0 Attached Attached 0 Remote Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks a6ybCu A x.'I Y ixaminer: fl&~ Level II/R Date ///A 3eviewer: 44 Date ~th 3eviewer: - gh Date IJ/A VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 i Work Order No.: 00- 00 56 35 Procedure Nomev.: pp 76 2 ./ ./o Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report form for General Visual (IW*) page 1 of 1 Date:. !//</Ol- r Component Component ID: x-49 System: 3 ~7 Ad Drawing NolRev.: 57 W-4 Location: ~~-kt+--d \5ua4A- . Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method 0 Binoculars None p None Direct 6*&1rat I3 Mirror 'f3 tight Source Q 6" Scale CJ Attached 0 Attached 10 Remote Examination Location Oescn'ptionlRemarks Rernoti Examination ConditiondEquipment Remarks Examiner: Reviewer: d,+4 Date r3/A Reviewer:' dh Date dh MNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 ! I Visual Aids Photo Sketch D Binoculars None None 0 Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Method Direct &&4Pt%L 0 Remote )$ Light Source D 6" Scale 0 Other 3 t Examination Location Description/Remarks Remote Examination CanditiooslEquipment Remarks "F3 a& P?-b+44* ).'/A x- s-a bL5ptC-i; q Examiner: Examiner: IJ/A Level IJ/A Date #/A Level %**I- Date yldu f Reviewer: MIA ' Date NA Reviewer:. dt!! Date &/A ANII: Date !wVC+'/ VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 f . -- Work Order No.: 00 - 00 5035 Visual Aids 3 Binoculars Ll Minor Light Source 3 6" Scale 0 Other Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Photo Sketch Method None None PDirect 6*d6-~ , 0 Attached 0 Attached U Remote Examination Location DescdptionlRernarks Remote' Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks 3ec;tLsuce eAJ-kJ4JC1 VA 8- $I Component hmponent ID: x-s1 : System: 3 ts CU n Examiner: ~/i Level /.'/lo Date dh Reviewer: Nh Date dh Reviewer:' 'h Date Nh VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of I . . . . . - . . . - . - . . . r Data Sheet No: -6. 64fc 396 Work Order No.: t 00 -00 5035 Visual Aids Binoculars Procedure NofRev.: Page I of / Date:af I pp 7OLf /o . Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Photo Sketch Method @ None None Direct Go44 r-C Component Component ID: { System: 32~h~t d4- Examjnation Location Description/Remarks aflr a4 t*h.wr unl Remote' Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks HlA 0 Mirror i$ tight Source 0 6" Scate Examiner: dh Level IVIA Date dh Reviewer: NA Date Ah Reviewer: - #I4 Date *h VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 L C I Data Sheet No: zk) 6

  • d0 1 Date: / J Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page .& of - - Component Vermont Yankee r-/o/ /I,&, .L, 3 b system: 3~ Component 10: ,- I . &&p, El Binoculars None 'zp Mirror 0 6" Scale 0 Attached 0 Attached '3% r~ 4 PA,uc +c+m-5 Light Source Examination Location DescriptionlRemarb - Drawing NolRev.: 55 b- vt Locarwrt. - r- - -u,olc I I Method Visual Aids Photo Sketch pb None p Direct 64~~*r*L 0 Remote .. >te' Examination ConditionsEquipment Remark WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 brigins1 Page 1 of 1 f
  1. Data Sheet No: zae- 6J-35'9
  • Work Order No.: 90 9050 35 Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: /p 70 2 f /O Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page / of / Date: !//<IO/ Component 1 $ Mirror WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 briginal . Page 1 of 1 '.

1 Data Sheet NO: ZaE- 390 Work Order NO.: t3d -0 0 3s

  • Procedure NolRev.: /p 7 e>A+/O Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Page i of / Date: !/.AydL t Component Component ID: X 10% - I 0 Binoculars Mirror @f tight Source 0 6" Scale Photo Sketch Method pT None p None t& Direct G~*u~*o.C U Attached D Attached I3 Remote Examination Location Description/Remarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks bp"U #?.a 4-+&4*-- fQ/A D Other and Comments:


  1. /A Level IJ/A Reviewer:

NIA Date Reviewer:' N/A Date d3/A ANfl: Date /-3/d/ VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 I - -_ . . . - . . . -. . L Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Work Order No.: B 0 - 00 $0 3r Procedure No/Rev.: /p 7U E </a Page / of t Date: @~,h/ t System:

  • Drawing NolRev.: 49 A4- (/I Location:

~+~~~d Visual Aids Photo Sketch Method I I 0 Binoculars Pp None 1 01: Direct e.,-*& $ Mirror p Light Source tl 6" Scale 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Examination Location Des~~pt7on/Ramarkb Remote' Examination ConditianslEquipment Remarks WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 brigbal Page 1 of 1 i . ... -. Work Order No.: 00 Procedure NolRev.: f?, 70 Zc//U 50 3s Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) page 1 of / Date: !h~h/ Component Y .. Examiner: &I Level d/n Date-L VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Origilraf Page 1 of 1 i Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual {WE) Visual Aids 3 Binoculars Component Zomponent ID: %- I o (p System: "x/rv uG~J I Phbto Sketch I Method @ None )Z!- None Direct &A r fib $Mirror 3 Light Source 3 6" Scale a Attached 0 Attached D Remote Examination Location DescriptionlRernarks Remote Examination ConditionsIEquipment Remarks Examiner: Nh Level lu/A Date Reviewer:- dc? Date-&. 3eviewer:

  • ~h DateAI/A>

WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Originaf Page I of 1 L, -. - . . . . . - . . . . . -. Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Visual Aids 0 Binoculars @ Mirror %Light Source D 6" Scale 0 Other Work Order No.: 00- 00 50 $s Procedure NolRev.: Page 1 of 1 Date: J!tc-;LeL r"p 74 Ls/ /a . Photo Sketch Method )B None b None 9 Direct &ED*c*C D Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Examination Location Descr$tipn/Rernafks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks aqL.34 9-4JGkAid h) 44 %-lo7 Component Component ID: y-107 System: b&9 hj4/iA VYNEF 8097.06 NE 8047 original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Work Order NO.: 04- OU ild il~ DO Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Containment Surfaces (IWE) ProceciureNo/Rev.: 4~ go& / kd / , Page / of 2 Date: s-3-b/ Drawing NolRev.: 6-/9//67 !N- D rrA- Remote Examination ConditionsEquipment Remarks I Examiner: Level: 4 Date: Examiner: 4 Level: &h Date: Reviewer: Date: </f?6/ Reviewer: A4 Date: "/A Date: s- v-01 Evaluation Required? ayes do VYNEF 8045.02 NE 8045 Rev. 1 Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Reference Data Sheet NO: Bo4s-of -a// page - 2 of2 Date: </<h 1 Supplemental Report Form i: Component Zomponent ID: )/-2064 System: 5hY3 ;miner: Level: Date: kviewer: Date: sykd/ teviewer: 44 Date: 4 Date: rd v*/ VYNEF. 8045.04 NE 8045 Original Page I of 1 LPC #1 Vermont Yankee Data Sheet No: Work Order No.: fio -00 46 i7-.600 Procedure No/Rev.: jv Egoi/T / REK / Visual Examination Report Form V"-1, Bolting WE) Page I of / Date: s-3-0/ 0 Magnifying GIass umination CXWO.: y Y$ Examiner: Level: 4 ate: &+ Reviewer: Date: Reviewer: 444 Date: &?% AMI: #F& Date: fi 9- e/ Evaluation Required? UY~S do WNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1. of 1 II Data Sheet No: gLyy-o/*o/s Vermont Yankee Work OrderNo.: 00 - t7U Y'd /r.-oo 0 Procedure NoIRev.: fd 95 ,+&e@.. 0 Page / of / Date: 5-5-0/ Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Bolting (IWE) IlIurnination Level Check - t PhotolSketch Method Examination Bolting Components Examined H None Direct 0 In Place H Bolting 0 Washers Date Evidence of Leakage 'f~~~~/ Other (Explain) Ad 3-5-0 / Leve1:ZDate: fi s0 @ LeveI: &Date: dh Reviewer: Date: 1 Evaluation Required? ayes )$NO VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Work Order No.: c7d -6d 961fd, D 0 0 Procedure No/Rev.: MF$o 9,5 /pF LA 1 Page /+ of / Date: S-3-0 / Visual Examination Report Form VT-1, Bolting @WE) II Component Other (Explain} LZL534 I Level: ZDate: 39- 0 Level: &Date: dh Date: df/d / L Reviewer: Date: Evahation Required? OYes WNo VYNEF 8045.03 NE 8045 Original Page 1 of 1 Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Visual Aids i3 Binoculars R Mirror $if Light Source CI 6" Scale 0 Other __ - Component Photo Sketch Method I Qa None None @ Direct &A 0 PO-C. 0 Attached 0 Attached a Remote Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks TatlLd,4 Pcr43ctr&i4rr,s x - ab1 fi I 4 c, o, &, 6 t, A -~ - ~ ~. ~ -~ - Examination Results, Details and Comments: Examiner: d/h Level dh Date HALA . Reviewer: AdA Date @/A Reviewer:

  • Date A ANII: Date /-3/-o I WNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 7 of 1 Vermont Yankee Procedure NolRev.: pp 70*r//b . Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) vag0 I of I Date: J/IG/o/ Photo a3 None Attached -~ ~ Component 1 Method Sketch @? None Direct 6*#4~et 0 Attached 0 Remote Visual Aids 0 BinocuIars 0 Mirror I@ Light Source 6" Scale 0 Other Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks 1 Remot6 Examination ConditionsEquipment Remarks I ~4 Examination Results, Details and Comments:

Reviewer:. Nh Pate d& VYNEF 80.47.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 I e Data Sheet No: xA e- 3?b- Visual Aids Photo Sketch CJ Binoculars Pp None @ None D Mirror 0 Attached 0 Attached Vermont Yankee Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (IWE) Method 8 Direct &#JPo-C 0 Remote Work Order No.: 90- 00 *0 3s Light Source 0 6" Scale 0 Other Examination Location DescriptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks Tanus Pa.uekA:b~~ v4 kh3 64-B \ Examiner: d/A Level d/A Date &d Reviewer: A) /A Date #/.A Reviewer:- A!A Date d/, h VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 On'ginal Page 1 of 1 ! C Data Sheet No: yo 47e 32- Work Order No.: 06 50 3 7 I 40 Vermont Yankee procedure Nomev.: %f7 Visual Examination Report Form for General Visual (1WE) Page - / of 1 Date: 5/jthi Component Component ID: x-2~ 7 A 4,. &?#A, & I 6 6 , d hc system: -teas /n&+ LJL 11 Drawing Nomev.: 59N- ScS 0 Binocutars None @ None Direct Gr~lrrOR, !J Mirror - 0 Attached 0 Attached 0 Remote Location: ~a-.? ~a5sR > Sketch Method Visual Aids Photo tight Sowce Examination Location DwcriptionlRemarks Remote Examination ConditionslEquipment Remarks EJIA 0 6" Scale >**fAkyhM fidq I VYNEF 8047.06 NE 8047 Original Page 1 of 1 INSERVICE DISCREPANCY REPORT (IDR) IDR #: 01-08 Date : 5/2/2002 Component: X-207A - H Location: Drvwell

  • Mechanical Design Engineering Evaluation:

~~ Performed By: Date: Disposition/Repair: Repair Effort: Reference Document: Repair Completion Date: Service Induced: YES - NO - BY: Date: BY: Date: Sample Expansion Required: YES NO - Sample Expansion: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date : Reinspection Required: YES - MQ - BY: Subsequent Inspection Required: YES NO - BY : IS1 Supervisor Notified: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date : Reinspection Completed Satisfactorily: IS1 Supervisor: Date : IDR Closed: IS1 Program Coordinator: Date : VYAPF 4027.01 AP 4027 Rev, 4 ' Page 1 of 1 .}}